Report of Factual Findings XYZ Company (Address of The Company)
Report of Factual Findings XYZ Company (Address of The Company)
Report of Factual Findings XYZ Company (Address of The Company)
XYZ Company
[Address of the Company]
We have performed the procedures agreed upon with you and enumerated below with
respect to the Schedule of Financial Information of [XYZ Company] as of ______ and for
the year ended _______. Our engagement was undertaken in accordance with Philippine
Standard on Related Services (PSRS) 4400, Engagements to Perform Agreed-Upon
Procedures Regarding Financial Information. The procedures were performed solely to
assist management in complying with the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
(PCAB’s) requirements in relation to the Company’s application for renewal of its license
with PCAB.
The financial statements of the Company as of and for the years ended
December 31, 20x9 and 20x8 were audited by [ABC Auditing Firm] and signed
on [Date of Audit Report] by [Name of Signing Partner], with SEC/BOA
Accreditation No. ________ valid until ____________. The Audited Financial
Statements were stamped received by the BIR on _____.
Because the above procedures do not constitute either an audit or a review made in
accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSA) or Philippine Standards on Review
Engagements (PSRE), respectively, we do not express any assurance on the individual
accounts indicated in the Schedule of Financial Information.
Our report is intended solely for submission to the PCAB in connection with [XYZ
Company’s] application for renewal of its license with PCAB and is not to be used for any
other purpose or to be distributed to any other parties. This report relates only to the
Schedule of Financial Information specified above and does not extend to any financial
statements of [XYZ Company], taken as a whole.
[Name of Partner]
CPA Certificate No. ____
SEC Accreditation No. _____ (Group A)2,
______, valid until ________
Tax Identification No. _________
BIR Accreditation No. _________
__________, valid until _________
PTR No. ______, ________, Makati City
If the Agreed Upon Procedures is being reported on by the external auditor who signed
the Audited Financial Statements, then this paragraph should be deleted.
Indicate also the Board of Accountancy (BOA) Accreditation Number for individual
practitioner and firm/partnership if report letterhead does not bear the BOA Accreditation