The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Part - Ii (Formulations) Volume - I First Edition Monographs Ebook V.1.0

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First Edition

e-BOOK V.1.0

General Description:

Avaleha or Lehya is a semi-solid preparation of drugs, prepared with addition of jaggery, sugar or sugar-candy and boiled with
prescribed juices or decoction.

These preparations generally have

(1) KaÀ¡ya or other liquids,
(2) Jaggery, sugar or sugar-candy,
(3) Powders or pulps of certain drugs,
(4) Ghee or oil and
(5) Honey.

Jaggery, sugar or sugar-candy is dissolved in the liquid and strained to remove the foreign particles. This solution is boiled over a
moderate fire. When pressed between two fingers if P¡ka
becomes thready ( Tantuvat
), or when it sinks in water without getting easily dissolved,
it should be removed from the fire. Fine powders of drugs are then added in small quantities and stirred continuously to form a homogenous
mixture. Ghee or oil, if mentioned, is added while the preparation is still hot and mixed well. Honey, if mentioned is added when the preparation
becomes cool and mixed well.

The Lehya should neither be hard nor a thick fluid. When pulp of the drugs is added and ghee or oil is present in the preparation, this can
be rolled between the fingers. When metals are mentioned, the Bhasmas of the metals are used. In case of drugs like Bhall¡taka, purification
process is to be followed.

The Lehya should be kept in glass or porcelain jars. It can also be kept in a metal container which does not react with it. Normally,
Lehyas should be used within one year.
1. Astangavaleha
AFI, Part-II, 3:1
AâÙË×GËVALEHA is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation Composition:
1. Ka¶phala Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don. (API-Vol:3/92) (St.Bk) 1 part
2. PuÀkaram£la (PuÀkara) Inula racemosa Hook.f (API-Vol:4/102) (Rt.) 1 part
3. ᤴg¢ (Karka¶a¿¤´g¢) Pistacia chinensis Burgo (API-Vol:1/66) (Gl.) 1 part
4. Yam¡n¢ (Yav¡n¢) Trachyspermum ammi (Linn.) Sprague ex Turril. (API-Vol:1/129) (Fr.) 1 part
5. K¡rav¢ (K¤À¸aj¢raka) Carum carvi Linn (API-Vol:1/73) (Fr.) 1 part
6. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 1 part
7. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 1 part
8. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 part
9. Madhu Honey 12 parts
10. Ërdraka (Svarasa) Zingiber officinale Rosc (API-Vol:2/12) (Rz.) Fresh Juice of Rz. Q.S.
for Bh¡van¡
Method of preparation:

Wash, dry and powder the ingredients 1 to 8 separately and pass through sieve number 85.
Wash and peelËrdraka, grind it, squeeze the juice and filter it through a muslin cloth to collect svarasa.
Mix the powdered ingredients 1 to 8 thoroughly, levigate with Ërdraka svarasa and later dry the mixture.
Add honey and stir thoroughly to form an Avaleha.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


A blackish brown coloured semisolid sticky paste, odour pleasant, and taste bitter, astringent and spicy.



Take about 5 g, wash thoroughly with water. Pour out the water without loss of material; repeat the process, each time rejecting the supernatant
and keeping the sediment. Take a few mg of the sediment, stain with iodine solution and mount in 50 per cent glycerin; clarify a few mg with
chloral hydrate wash in water and mount in 50 percent glycerin. Observe the following characters in different mounts.

Various types of stone cells solitary or in a group of 12 to 15, with narrow and broad lumen some filled with prismatic crystals of calcium
oxalate, pitted fibre sclereids, pitted parenchyma, oil cells, group of parenchymatous cells with prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, fragments
of fibres ( Ka¶phala ); several collapsed epidermal cells, tissue fragments with yellowish brown contents, and large tannin-filled sacs associated
with vascular bundles ( Karka¶a¿¤´g¢
); elongated or spindle shaped stone cells with broad lumen isolated or in groups of 2 to 8 ( Pippal¢
fragments of hypodermis in surface view, stone cells varying in sizes, shapes and thickness, mostly present in groups, interspersed among
parenchyma cells (Marica); groups of parenchymatous cells, densely packed with starch grains, isolated starch grains, simple, oval to rod
shaped, measuring 15 to 70 µ in length, hilum eccentric, lamellae distinct, yellow coloured oleo resin cells, non-lignified septate fibres, some of
them bearing marks of adjacent cells pressing against them, 30 to 50 µ broad, ( áu¸¶h¢
); striated epidermal debris, fragments of vittae in surface
view showing honey comb like epithelial layers, groups of mesocarpic stone cell layer with polygonal cells not much longer than broad;
transversely much elongated thin walled parenchymatous cell layer, with cells interlocked in a regular V joint with neighbouring cell ( K¤À¸aj
¢raka); prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, measuring 70 to 100 µ in dia and septate fibres (PuÀkara); papillose epidermal cells in surface view
with puckered radially striated cuticle, epidermal cells with broken trichome bases, unicellular, small club shaped simple trichomes (Yav¡n¢).
Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of Avaleha in 75 ml n-hexane under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter and concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (9 : 1) as
mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.14,
0.22, 0.26, 0.34.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 32.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 2.70 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.50 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 51.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 47.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 6.3 to 6.6, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber coloured containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: V¡takaphajvara (Fever due to V¡ta doÀa and Kapha doÀa), K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Dyspnoea), Aruc¢ (Tastelessness),
Chardi (Emesis)
Dose: 3 to 5 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water.
2. Bhallataka modaka
AFI, Part-I, 3:21
BHALLËTAKËDI MODAKA is a solid preparation made in the form of lumps, with the ingredients given in the Formulation composition.
Formulation composition:
1. Bhall¡taka (áuddha) Semecarpus anacardium Linn (API-Vol:2/19) (Fr.) 1 part
2. Tila Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Sd.) 1 part
3. Pathy¡ (Har¢tak¢) Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 1 part
4. Gu·a Jaggery 6 parts
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

TreatBhall¡taka to prepare áuddha Bhall¡taka (Appendix
Powder áuddha Bhall¡taka and Har¢tak¢ and pass through sieve no. 85.
Pound Gu·a in an iron mortar and add other ingredients. Pound well until it becomes a fine homogeneous blend. Roll the above mixture into
Modaka of approximately 2 g each.Weigh and store in suitable containers, protecting from light and moisture.


Black coloured roughly spherical lumps, firm, but crushing under pressure, with the characteristic odour of Bhall¡taka and bitter, astringent


Weigh 5 g of the sample, and mix with 50 ml of water in a beaker with gentle warming, till the sample gets completely dispersed in water.
Centrifuge the mixture and decant supernatant. Wash the sediment with distilled water and centrifuge again. Decant the supernatant. Collect the
sediment. Mount a few mg in 50 per cent glycerine and observe the following characters.
Pathy¡); fragments
Fragments of crisscross fibres, epidermal tissue of cells with slightly beaded walls, and occasionally divided by a thin septa (
of epidermis in surface view with elongated cells having lignified walls and mesocarp tissue showing oil cavities, (Bhall¡taka); cells of
endosperm filled with oil globules and aluerone grains, occasionally sectional view of epidermal debris, with palisade like cells (Tila).

Thin layer Chromatography:

a) Extract 10 g of crushed Modaka with 75 ml of methanol under reflux for 30 min. Filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid :
methanol (3 : 3 : 0.8 : 0.2 ) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid reagent
followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows major spots at Rf 0.12 (blue), 0.32 (blue), 0.34 (light brown, gallic acid), 0.45 (blue), 0.52
(light brown), 0.67 (violet), 0.82 (violet) and 0.90 (violet) under visible light.
b) Extract 10 g of crushed Modaka with 75 ml of n-hexane on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (7 : 3) as mobile phase.
After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating 1100 for about 10 min.
It shows major spots at Rf 0.47 (purple), 0.69 (dark blue) and 0.7 (purple) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:

Total Ash: Not more than 2.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than, 0.25 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 65.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 75.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
Reducing sugars: 23 to 24 per cent, Appendix
Non reducing sugars: 56 to 58 per cent, Appendix
pH (5% aqueous solution): 4 to 4.5, Appendix 3.3.
Total tannins: Not less than 5 per cent, Appendix 5.1.2.

The formulation contains not less than 5 per cent gallic acid when assayed by the following method.

Estimation of gallic acid: Dissolve 10 mg of gallic acid in 100 ml of methanol in a volumetric flask. From this stock solution, prepare standard
solutions of 15 to 75 µµg / ml by transferring aliquots (1.5 to 7.5 ml) of stock solution to 10 ml volumetric flasks and adjusting the volume to 10
ml with methanol.

Apply 10 µµl of each standard solution corresponding to 150 ng to 750 ng of gallic acid on a TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm
using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid : methanol (3 : 3 : 0.8 : 0.2 ) as mobile phase. After development, dry the plate and scan in TLC
scanner at wavelength of 280 nm. Note the area under the curve for peak corresponding to gallic acid and prepare the calibration curve by
plotting peak area vs amount of gallic acid.

Hydrolyze accurately weighed about 5 g of crushed Modaka by refluxing with 50 ml of 2N hydrochloric acid on a water-bath. Filter, add equal
amount of water, transfer to a separating funnel and extract with diethyl ether (20 ml x 4). Collect the diethyl ether layer and dry. Dissolve the
residue in 25 ml of methanol. Apply 10 µµl on a TLC plate and develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the preceding paragraph for
calibration curve of gallic acid. Note area under the curve for a peak corresponding to gallic acid. Calculate the amount of gallic acid in the test
solution from the calibration curve of gallic acid.

Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: Pitt¡r¿a (Anorectal growth due to Pitta DoÀa)
Dose: 2 to 5 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Milk, Water

¡ ¤
Caution: In some cases, patients may develop rashes over skin. In such cases, apply N rikela Taila or Gh ta over the affected part and advise to
N rikela internally.
3. Bilvadi leha
AFI, Part-I, 3:18

BILVËDI LEHA is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation Composition:
1. Bilva - m£la Aegle marmelos Corr. (API-Vol:3/29) (Rt.) 1536 g
2. Water for decoction 12.28 l
reduced to 3.072 l
3. J¢r¸a Gu·a (Pur¡¸a Gu·a) Old jaggery 768 g
4. Ghana (Must¡) Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt. Tr.) 12 g
5. Dh¡nya (Dh¡nyaka) Coriandrum sativum Linn (API-Vol:1/30) (Fr.) 12 g
6. J¢raka (áveta j¢raka) Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.) 12 g
7. T¤¶¢ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 12 g
8. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St. Bk.) 12 g
9. Ke¿ara (N¡gak®¿ara) Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) (Stmn.) 12 g
10. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 12 g
11. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 12 g
12. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn. (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 12 g
Method of Preparation:
Take raw material of pharmacopoeial quality.
Wash, dry, powder ingredient number 1 ( Kv¡tha Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain coarse
Clean, dry, powder the ingredients number 4 to 12 ( PrakÀepa Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 85 to
obtain fine powder.
Add specified amounts of water to the Kv¡tha Dravya, heat, reduce to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth.
Add jaggery to the Kv¡tha, boil to dissolve and filter through muslin cloth.
Reduce the Kv¡tha to thicker consistency by gentle boiling and stirring continuously during the process.
Continue heating till the preparation attains the consistency of leha confirmed by the formation of a soft ball that doesn't disperse in water.
Remove from heat source and allow to cool to room temperature.
Add fine powders of PrakÀepa Dravya , mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous mass.
Pack it in tight closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Dark brown semisolid paste with a spicy pleasant odour and sweet, astringent taste.



Take about 5 g of Avaleha and wash twice or thrice with about 20 ml of water, each time rejecting the supernatant; take a few mg of the
sedimented material, stain with iodine solution and mount in 50 per cent glycerin; clarify a few mg with chloral hydrate and mount in 50 per
cent glycerin. Observe the following characters in different mounts.
Multicellular, multiseriate trichomes, fragments of vittae in surface view showing epithelial tissue elongated along the long axis of the vittae, and
mesocarpic stone cell layer with cells much longer than broad ( áveta J¢raka); groups of slightly wavy parenchymatous cells, each cell contains 1
to 3 rosette crystal of calcium oxalate, groups of bulbous perisperm cells packed with starch grains which also shows in the middle tiny prismatic
crystal of calcium oxalate, epidermal and hypodermal cells crossing each other at right angle ( S£kÀmail¡); fragments of fibres with very narrow
lumen, not over 600 μ long and not over 45 μ broad, parenchyma cells containing minute acicular crystals of calcium oxalate, stone cells of
varying shapes and sizes with thickened walls on three sides, oil cells ( Tvak ); crushed pieces of anther lobes containing pollen grains, pollen
grains tricolporate, measuring 25 to 55 μ in dia, unicellular and multicellular uniseriate trichomes several showing a funneling tip or branching,
groups of endothecial cells of anther lobe ( N¡gak®sara
); group of parenchymatous cells, densely packed with starch grains, isolated starch
grains, simple, oval to rod shaped, measuring 15 to 70 μ in length, hilum eccentric, lamellae distinct, yellow coloured oleo resin cells, non-
lignified, septate fibres some of them bearing marks of adjacent cells pressing against them, 30 to 50 μ broad, (áu¸¶h¢
); tissue debris consisting
of packed regular rows of fibre-sclereids of fairly uniform size, and narrow scalariformed vessel showing laterally placed simple perforation
( Must¡
); lignified cells, isolated or in small groups measuring 130 to 190 µ in dia with broad lumen, in groups of 2 to 8 (Pippal¢
); fragments of
hypodermis in surface view with stone cells varying in sizes, shapes and thickness, present in groups, interspersed among parenchymatous cells
(Marica); group of sclerenchymatous cells, crisscrossing each other, epidermal tissue with fairly large cells showing stomata and octahedrons of
calcium oxalate crystals, large, pentagonal, sclerenchymatous cell layer (Dh¡ny¡).

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of Avaleha with 75 ml of n-hexane under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter and concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin
layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (8 : 2) as
mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (366 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.23, 0.30
(both blue), 0.53 (fluorescent blue) 0.65 and 0.73 (both blue).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 20.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 2.30 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.22 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 6.8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 66.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 5.8 to 6.7, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:

Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.

Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.

Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Aruc¢ (Aversion to food), Agnim¡ndya (Digestive impairment), Praseka (Excessive salivation), Chardi (Emesis)
Dose: 6 g to be licked up 2 to 3 times in small quantities each time.
4. Citraka haritaki
AFI, Part-I, 3:10AFI, Part-I, 3:10

CITRAKA HARÌTAKÌ is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:
Formulation Composition:
1. Citraka - Kv¡tha Plumbago zeylanica Linn. (API-Vol:1/29) (Rt. ) 4.800 l
2. Ëmalak¢ - Kv¡tha Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (API-Vol:1/4) (P. ) 4.800 l
3. Gu·£c¢ - Kv¡tha Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) (St.) 4.800 l
4. Da¿am£la - Kv¡tha 4.800 l
a. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr (API-Vol:4/10) (Rt./St. Bk.)
b. Agnimantha Premna mucronata (Official substitute) (API-Vol:3/3) (Rt./St. Bk.)
c. áyon¡ka Oroxylum indicum Vent. (API-Vol:3/209) (Rt./St. Bk.)
d. K¡¿mar¢ (Gambh¡r¢) Gmelina arborea Linn (API-Vol:4/31) (Rt./St. Bk.)
e. P¡¶al¡ Stereospermum suaveolens (L.F) DC (API-Vol:4/87) (Rt./St. Bk.)
f. á¡lapar¸¢ Desmodium gangeticum DC. (API-Vol:3/178) (Pl.)
g. P¤¿nipar¸¢ Uraria picta Desv. (API-Vol:4/99) (Pl.)
h. ávadaÆÀ¶r¡ (GokÀura) Tribulus terrestris Linn (API-Vol:1/38) (Pl.)
i. B¤hat¢ Solanum indicum Linn (API-Vol:2/27) (Pl.)
j. K¡¸¶ak¡r¢ Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) (Pl.)
5. Pathy¡ (Har¢tak¢) c£r¸a Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 3.07 kg
6. Gu·a Jaggery 4.80 kg
7. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) Rz. 96 g
8. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) Fr. 96 g
9. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 96 g
10. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) St. Bk. 96 g
11. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) Sd. 96 g
12. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham)Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) Lf. 96 g
13. KÀ¡ra (Yava) Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:5/146) Water soluble Ash of Pl. 24 g
14. Madhu Honey 384 g
Note: Stem bark of the ingredient number 4 [(a) to (e)] has been used.

Method of Preparation:

Wash, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 1 to 4 ( Kv¡tha Dravya) of the Formulation composition separately and pass through sieve no.
44 to obtain a coarse powder.
Dry and powder the ingredient number 5 separately and ingredients number 7 to 13 ( PrakÀepa Dravyas) of the Formulation composition to a fine
powder and pass through sieve no. 85.
Add required amount of water to the Kv¡tha Dravya, heat, reduce to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth.
Mix all theKv¡thas together. Add Jaggery, boil to dissolve and filter through a muslin cloth.
Reduce the Kv¡tha to a thicker consistency by gentle boiling; add cūrņa of Pathy¡ and stir thoroughly during the process.
Add the powdered PrakÀepa Dravya no. 7 to 13 while hot at 50 , mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous mass.

Allow to cool to room temperature. Add honey, mix thoroughly.

Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Blackish brown, semisolid paste with spicy, pleasant odour and bitter-astringent taste.



Take about 5 g of the sample, wash thoroughly and repeatedly in warm water to remove Gu a and Madhu, each time rejecting the supernatant,
and saving the residue without loss. Take the sediment in distilled water, mix thoroughly, allow to settle, and throw off supernatant. Take a few
mg of the sediment, stain with iodine solution, mount in glycerin (50 per cent); take a few mg of sediment, clear in chloral hydrate, wash, and
mount in glycerine (50 per cent). Observe the following characters in different mounts.
Large parenchyma cells containing elliptical, elongated starch grains, up to 50 μ in length, with hilum at one end; broad, short vessel debris,
resin cells, fragments of non-lignified septate fibres that show dentation on one wall ( ); fragments from hypodermis with groups of stone
cells interspersed among parenchyma tissue from hypodermis, dark coloured groups of very thick walled polygonal stone cells from testa
(Marica); long uniseriate multicellular fragile trichomes, spindle shaped, large lumened sclerenchyma cells, isolated or in small groups (Pippal
¢); perisperm cells with bulbous projections, packed with minute starch grains aggregates, carrying tiny prisms or clusters of calcium oxalate;
large, elongated cells of aril tissue
(S£kÀmail¡); fragments of fibres with narrow lumen not over 600 μ long or over 45 μ midwidth, stone cells lignified on three sides only,
parenchyma cells containing minute acicular crystals of calcium oxalate (Tvak); pieces of leaf epidermis with thick cuticle and sunken stomata,
showing stomata and a few unicellular or bicellular short stout trichomes (Tejapatra); crisscross layers of fibres, polygonal cells of epidermis
showing slight beading and transverse septa, large stone cells with pits (Har¢tak¢).

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of Avaleha with 75 ml (25 ml x 3) of n-hexane under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Reflux hexane-extracted marc with 75 ml of
chloroform (25 ml x 3), filter and concentrate the combined chloroform extract to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10
µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid (9.8 : 0.2 : 0.04) as mobile
phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (366 nm). It shows major spots at Rf 0.36, 0.46 (both
blue) and 0.27 (yellow). Spray the plate with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid reagent and heat it at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows major spots at R f
0.12, 0.18 (both green), 0.36 (blue) and 0.40 (greenish blue) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:

Loss on drying: Not more than 36.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 4.7 per cent Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcoholic-soluble extractive: Not less than 21.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 67.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution) : 6.4 to 6.6 Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Gulma (Abdominal lump), Ud¡varta (Upward movement of gases), P¢nasa (Chronic Rhinitis/Sinusitis), K¡sa (Cough),
áv¡sa (Dyspnoea), Ar¿a (Piles), Agnim¡ndya (Loss of appetite), KÀaya (Pthisis), K¤mi (Helminthiasis / Worm infestation)
Dose: 6 to 12 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Warm water.

5. Cyavanprash
AFI, Part-I, 3:11
CYAVANAPRËáA is a semisolid Avaleha preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:
Formulation composition:
1. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr (API-Vol:4/10) (Rt./St.Bk.) 48g
2. Agnimantha Premna integrifolia (Rt./St.Bk.) 48g
3. áyon¡ka Oroxylum indicum Vent. (API-Vol:3/209) (Rt./St.Bk.) 48g
4. K¡¿mar¢ (Gambh¡r¢) Gmelina arborea Linn (API-Vol:4/31) (Rt./St.Bk.) 48g
5. P¡¶al¢ (P¡¶al¡) Stereospermum suaveolens (L.F) DC (API-Vol:4/87) (Rt./St.Bk.) 48g
6. Bal¡ Sida cordifolia (Rt.) 48g
7. á¡lapar¸¢ Desmodium gangeticum DC. (API-Vol:3/178) (Pl.) 48g
8. P¤¿nipar¸¢ Uraria picta Desv. (API-Vol:4/99) (Pl.) 48g
9. Mudgapar¸¢ Phaseolus trilobus (Rt. /Pl) 48g
10. M¡Àapar¸¢ Teramnus labialis Spreng. (API-Vol:3/118) (Rt. /Pl) 48g
11. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 48g
12. ávadaÆÀ¶r¡ (GokÀura) Tribulus terrestris Linn (API-Vol:1/38) (Pl.) 48g
13. B¤hat¢ Solanum indicum Linn (API-Vol:2/27) (Pl.) 48g
14. Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) (Pl.) 48g
15. ᤴg¢ (Karka¶a¿¤´g¢) Pistacia chinensis Burgo (API-Vol:1/66) (Gl.) 48g
16. T¡malak¢ (Bh£my¡malak¢) Phyllanthus fraternus Webst. (API-Vol:1/111) (Pl.0 48g
17. Dr¡kÀ¡ Vitis vinifera Linn. (API-Vol:3/45) (Dr. Fr.) 48g
18. J¢vant¢ Leptadenia reticulata (API-Vol:3/) (Rt. ) 48g
19. PuÀkara Inula racemosa Hook.f (API-Vol:4/102) (Rt.) 48g
20. Agaru Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. (API-Vol:4/4) (Ht.Wd) 48g
21. Abhay¡ (Har¢tak¢) Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 48g
22. Am¤t¡ (Gu·£c¢) Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) (St.) 48g
23. Îddhi Habenaria intermedia D.Don (API-Vol:5/157) (Sub. Rt. Tr.) 48g
24. J¢vaka Malaxis acuminata D.Don (API-Vol:5/52) (Pseudo-bulb) 48g
25. ÎÀabhaka Malaxis muscifera (Rt. Tr.) 48g
26. áa¶¢ Hedychium spicatum Ham . Ex.Smith (API-Vol:1/99) (Rz.) 48g
27. Must¡ Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt. Tr.) 48g
28. Punarnav¡ (Raktapunarnav¡) Boerhavia diffusa Linn (API-Vol:1/95) (Pl.) 48g
29. Med¡ Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle (API-Vol:5/102) (Rt.Tr.) 48g
30. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 48g
31. Candana (áveta Candana) Santalum album Linn. (API-Vol:3/207) (Ht. Wd.) 48g
32. Utpala Nymphaea stellata Willd. (API-Vol:3/221) (Fl.) 48g
33. Vid¡r¢ (Kanda) Pueraria tuberosa DC (API-Vol:2/173) (Rt. Tr.) 48g
34. V¤Àam£la (V¡s¡) Adhatoda zeylanica Medic (API-Vol:4/138) (Rt.) 48g
35. K¡kol¢ Lilium polyphyllum D.Don. (API-Vol:3/79) (Sub. Rt.) 48g
36. K¡kan¡sik¡ Martynia annua Linn. (API-Vol:3/77) (Fr.) 48g
37. Ëmlaka (Ëmalak¢) Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) (P.) 5 kg
38. Water for decoction 12.29 l
reduced to - 3.07 l
39. Gh¤ta Clarified butter from cow's milk 288 g
40. Taila (Tila) Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) oil. 288 g
41. Matsy¡¸·ik¡ (áarkar¡) Sugar 2.4 kg
42. Madhu Honey 288 g
43. Tug¡kÀ¢r¢ (VaÆ¿a) Bambusa bambos (Siliceous deposit) 192 g
44. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 96 g
45. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St. Bk.) 48g
46. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 48g
47. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham) Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf.) 48g
48. Ke¿ara (N¡gake¿ara) Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) (Stmn.) 48g
Note: Stem bark of the ingredients number 1 to 5 of the formulation composition has been used in place of root.

Method of preparation:

Take all the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Kv¡tha Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 44.
Wash, dry, powder the ingredients numbered 1 to 36 (
Wash, dry, powder the ingredients numbered 43 to 48 (PrakÀepa Dravya) and pass through sieve number 85. Add sufficient amount of water to
the Kv¡tha Dravya.
Ëmalak¢, wash and tie them into a bundle using muslin cloth. Immerse the bundle into the Kv¡tha vessel, heat and
Take 5 kg fresh fruits of
remove the bundle from the vessel when Ëmalak¢ becomes soft. Continue to boiling till water reduces to one fourth and filter the decoction
through a muslin cloth. Keep the filtrate safe for use in the formulation.
Prepare Ëmalak¢ PiÀ¶i by removing the fibres and seeds by rubbing through a piece of cloth.
Fry the piÀ¶¢ with Gh¤ta and Taila mixed in equal proportions. Properly fried piÀ¶¢ would release the Gh¤ta and Taila.
Add Śarkarā to the filtred Kv¡tha, also add fried PiÀ¶i and boil to Leha P¡ka. Final stage of Leha P¡ka is assessed by putting 2 to 3 g in a glass
of water at room temperature. It will settle down in the water and will not disperse at least for 5 to 10 min. Then remove the vessel from fire and
allow to cool at 500.
Add PrakÀepa Dravya and mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous blend. On cooling at room temperature add Madhu.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Semisolid, chocolate brown colored sticky paste, taste sweet with non-specific pleasant odour.



Take about 5 g of the sample, add a defatting solvent to remove Gh¤ta

and Taila
, repeat the process till sample is free from greasiness. Wash the
defatted sample in warm water twice. Reject the warm water, add distilled water and stir. Allow to stand and throw off the supernatant. Take a
few mg of the sediment in iodine solution and mount in glycerine (50 per cent); clear a few mg in chloral hydrate solution, wash in water, and
mount in glycerine. Observe the following characters in the mounts:
Fragments of fibres with very narrow lumen, not over 600 µ long and not over 45 µ broad; parenchyma cells containing minute acicular crystal
of calcium oxalate, stone cells of varying shape and size with thick internal walls, smaller ones somewhat rectangular, 40-60 µ in length and
larger one upto 300 µ in length and 25 to 40 µ in width, oil cells, 30-50 µ in dia ( Tvak); groups of slightly wavy parenchymatous cells, each cell
contains 1 to 3 rosette crystal of calcium oxalate, groups of perisperm cells bulbous in shape, packed with starch grains, also showing in the
middle tiny prismatic crystal of calcium oxalate, epidermal and hypodermal cells crossing each other at right angle ( ); crushed pieces of
anther lobes containing pollen grains, pollen grains tricolporate measuring 25 to 55 µ in dia, groups of beaded epidermal cells of anther lobe,
beaded cells of endothecial layer, unicellular and multicellular uniseriate trichomes, several showing funnel tip or slight branching
( ); leaf epidermal debris, with thick cuticle, sunken stomata, and uni-or bicellular short stout trichomes ( Tam¡la patra
); large
polygonal perisperm cells, isolated or in groups of 2 or 3, packed with simple and compound starch grains measuring 2 to 5 µ in dia, stone cells
measuring 130 to 190 µ in dia, with broad lumen in groups of 2 to 8 (Pippal¢); angular, sharp edged sandy particles, not affected by conc.
sulphuric or hydrochloric acids and do not polarize light ( Tug¡kÀ¢r¢).
Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of Cyavanaprāśa successively with 75 ml each of n-hexane, chloroform and methanol under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min drying
the marc after each extraction. Filter each extract and discard the chloroform extract. Concentrate the other two extracts to 10 ml and carry out
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl each of hexane and methanol extracts separately on two TLC plates and develop the plates to a distance
of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (8.5 : 1.5) as mobile phase for hexane extract and ethyl acetate : methanol : water (15 : 1 : 1) for methanol
extract. After development, allow the plates to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). The hexane extract shows major spots at
Rf 0.10, 0.16, 0.23 and 0.30; and methanol extract shows major spots at Rf 0.10, 0.47 and 0.81.
Physico-chemical parameters:

Loss on drying: Not more than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.

Total Ash: Not more than 2.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble Ash: Not more than 1.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 50.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 50.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 3.82 to 4.23, Appendix 3.3.
The formulation contains not less than 0.5 per cent of gallic acid when assayed by the following method.
Estimation of gallic acid: Dissolve, accurately weighed, about 25 mg of gallic acid in 20 ml of methanol and make up the volume with methanol
to 25 ml in a volumetric flask. From this stock solution, prepare standard solutions containing between 1 to 5 µg of gallic acid per 10 µl. Apply
10 µl each of the standard solutions on TLC plates. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid (5 : 5 : 1)
as mobile phase. After development dry the plate in a current of hot air and scan in TLC scanner at a wavelength of 280 nm. Record the area
under the curve for a peak corresponding to gallic acid and prepare the calibration curve by plotting area under the curve vs amount of gallic
Extract, accurately weighed, about 20 mg of Cyavanaprāśa with 2 ml of 50 per cent aqueous methanol. Apply 13 µl of the test solution and 8 µl
of gallic acid standard solution on TLC plate. Develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the preceding paragraph for calibration curve of
gallic acid. Record area under the curve for a peak corresponding to gallic acid in track of test solution. Calculate the amount of gallic acid in the
test solution using mean area under the curve and the calibration curve of gallic acid.

Other requirements:

Microbial limit: Appendix 2.4.

Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber colured containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Dyspnoea), KÀata kÀ¢¸a (Debility due to chest injury), Svarabheda (Hoarseness of voice), KÀaya
(Pthisis), H¤droga (Heart disease), Agnim¡ndya (Loss of appetite), Uroroga (Disease of thorax), V¡tarakta (Gout), Pip¡s¡ (Thirst), M
£traroga (Urinary diseases), áukra DoÀa (Abnormalities in semen), Jar¡ (Senility/progeriasis). Used as a Ras¡yana (Rejuvenating agents),
Medhya (Brain tonic/ Nootropic), Sm¤tiprada (Memory provider)
Dose: 25 g daily in divided doses .
Anupana: Water, Milk.
6. Kalyanavaleha
AFI, Part-II, 3:4

KALYËÛËVALEHA is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients of the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Haridr¡ Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) (Rz.)1 part
2. Vac¡ Acorus calamus Linn (API-Vol:2/168) (Rz.)1 part
3. Ku˦ha Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) (Rt.)1 part
4. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.)1 part
5. Vi¿vabheÀaja (áu¸¶h¢) Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.)1 part
6. Aj¡j¢ (áveta J¢raka) Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.)1 part
7. Ajamod¡ Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F.V.M.ex Benth (API-Vol:1/2) (Fr.)1 part
8. YaÀ¶imadhuka (YaÀ¶¢) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) (Rt. )
1 part
9. Saindhava Lava¸a Rock salt 1 part
10. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk Q.S. 6 parts
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Clean, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 1 to 9 separately and pass through sieve number 85. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
Add Sarpi (Gogh¤ta)
to the mixture, stir thoroughly to form a semisolid mass.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Semisolid paste, yellowish-brown in color with pungent odour, astringent and salty taste.



Take about 5 g of Avaleha, wash thoroughly with n-hexane; repeat twice; take the sediment and wash with hot water to remove salt. Clarify a
few mg with chloral hydrate and mount in 50 per cent glycerine; boil a few mg in 2 per cent potassium hydroxide solution , wash, and mount in
glycerine; mount a few mg in iodine solution; observe the following characters in different mounts.

Groups of yellow coloured, suberized, angular parenchymatous cells, patches of pitted parenchyma with beaded cell walls, pits simple, patches
of thick walled, angular cells filled with very small simple and compound, starch grains, multicellular, multiseriate trichomes, fragments of vittae
(áveta J¢raka); patches of thick walled angular or slightly wavy parenchyma, pitted parenchyma, parenchymatous cells with reticulate
thickenings, oil cells, unicellular, simple and glandular trichomes and fragments of vittae showing large polygonal epitheial cells (Ajamod¡);
groups of parenchymatous cells, densely packed with starch grains, isolated starch grains, simple, oval to rod shaped, measuring 15 to 70 μ in
length, hilum eccentric, lamellae distinct; yellow coloured oleo resin cells, non-lignified, septate fibres some of them bearing marks of adjacent
(áu¸¶h¢); groups of large perisperm cells packed with minute starch grains, elongated stone cells
cells pressing against them, 30 to 50 μ broad,
measuring 130 to 190 µ in dia with broad lumen isolated or in groups (Pippal¢); groups of polygonal and elongated parenchymatous cells,
orange or brownish resin cells, branched tracheids, inulin crystals (Ku˦ha) groups of large parenchymatous tissues with cells filled with
spheroidal starch grains which are mostly single, rarely in 2 or 3 groups, 2 to 10 µ in dia, interrupted by aerenchymatous space, oil cells with
suberized walls (Vac¡); crystal fibres and pitted vessels showing honeycomb structure (YaÀ¶imadhu); cells with yellow pigment turning red in
sulphuric acid 50 per cent, and cells with large starch grains, partially gelatinised (Haridr¡).

Thin layer chromatography:

Defat 5 g of Kaly¡¸¡valeha with 75 ml of n-hexane under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter and discard the hexane extract. Extract the
defatted marc with 75 ml of chloroform under reflux for 30 min. Filter and concentrate the extract to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the chloroform extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene: ethyl acetate:
methanol (9 : 1 : 1) as mobile phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (366 nm). It shows major
spots at Rf 0.22 (blue), 0.29, 0.45 (both yellow), 0.60, 0.68 (both blue).

Chemical tests:
a) Treat the Avaleha with concentrated sulphuric acid; orange red colour develops indicating the presence of curcuminoids (Haridr¡).
b) Treat the Avaleha with 10% solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide; red to violet colour develops indicating the presence of
curcuminoids (Haridr¡)
Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 5.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 12.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid- insoluble ash: Not more than 2.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol- soluble extractive: Not less than 46.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water- soluble extractive: Not less than 11.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 5.1 and 5.3, Appendix 3.3.
Starch: Not less than 42.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.14.
Other requirements:
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: Svarabheda (Hoarseness of voice), M£kat¡ (Aphasia)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water.
7. Kushmanda Rasayana
7. KÍâMËÛÚAKA RASËYANA (Synonym: KuÀm¡¸·a Kha¸·a)
AFI, Part-I, 3:7

KÍâMËÛÚAKA RASËYANA is a semisolid avaleha preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below
Formulation composition:
1. K£Àm¡¸·a Benincasa hispida (Thunb)Cogn. (API-Vol:4/55) (Fresh Fr.) 4.8kg
2. Gh¤ta Clarified butter from cow's milk 768g
3. Kha¸·a Sugar candy 4.8kg
4. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 96g
5. ᤴgavera (áu¸¶h¢) Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz. ) 96g
6. J¢raka (áveta J¢raka) Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.) 96g
7. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St.Bk. ) 24g
8. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd. ) 24g
9. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham) Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf. ) 24g
10. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 24g
11. Dh¡nya (Dh¡nyaka) Coriandrum sativum Linn (API-Vol:1/30) (Fr.) 24g
12. KÀaudra (Madhu ) Honey 384g
13. Jala Water Q.S.
Method of preparation:
Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
Wash, dry, powder the ingredients number 4 to 11 ( PrakÀepa) separately and pass through sieve number 85.
Take fresh mature fruit of K£Àm¡¸·a, remove skin and seeds and cut in to small pieces of 2.5 to 5 cm. Add double the quantity of water. Heat
K£Àm¡¸·a pieces become soft to make PiÀ¶i maintaining temperature between 90 to 100 . Strain the liquid through muslin cloth.
0 0

Keep the strained liquid separately and crush the boiled pieces of K£Àm¡¸·a in an end runner mill to make a fine paste, fry in Gh¤ta with
constant stirring maintaining temperature between 800 to 900 till the mixture turns brown. Take due care to avoid over roasting or under roasting
Add sugar to the strained liquid and heat to make "two-thread sugar syrup".
Add the fried paste of K£Àm¡¸·a to the syrup, heat with constant stirring maintaining temperature between 900to 1000 and observe the mixture
for formation of soft bolus, which does not disperse in water. Stop heating and allow to cool to 500.
Add fine powders of ingredients ( PrakÀepa) numbered 4 to 11. Mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous blend, allow to cool it to room
temperature and add Madhu .
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Semi solid, malleable, sticky preparation, dark brown in color with spicy odour and pungent, sweet taste.



Weigh about 5 g of the sample, stir with 50 ml of a defatting solvent in a beaker. Pour off the solvent without loss of material and repeat the
process till free fromGh¤ta . Wash the sediment in warm water similarly, pour out water. Wash the sediment with distilled water and centrifuge
at medium speed. Decant the supernatant. Take a few mg of the sediment, warm in chloral hydrate and mount in glycerine (50 per cent). Mount
a few mg in iodine solution. Observe the following characters in different mounts.
áu¸¶h¢); multicellular,
Sac-shaped starch grains with eccentric hilum, non-lignified xylem fibres and xylem vessels with reticulate thickenings (
multiseriate trichomes and sclereid layer from mesocarp (J¢raka); U-shaped stone cells with thickenings on three sides (Tvak); bulbous
perisperm cells containing starch grains and small prisms of calcium oxalate within (El¡); fragments of multicellular uniseriate, short, stout
trichomes and leaf epidermal fragments with sunken paracytic stomata (Tejapatra); highly thickened stone cells with narrow lumen from testa
and groups of stone cells interspersed among parenchyma tissue from hypodermis (Marica); groups of fusiform fibres of sclerenchyma
crisscrossing with each other (Dh¡nyaka).

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of sample with 75 ml of ethyl acetate under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter, concentrate the filtrate to 10 ml and carry out
the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on two separate TLC plates and develop the plates to a distance of 8 cm using
toluene : ethyl acetate (7 : 3) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plates to dry in air and examine one plate under ultraviolet light at
254 nm. It shows major spots at Rf 0.11, 0.24 (piperine), 0.42 and 0.47, when observed at 366 nm it shows major spots at Rf 0.10 (blue), 0.20
(green), 0.24 (blue, piperine), 0.33 (green), 0.37 (blue), 0.48 (blue) and 0.59 (blue). Derivatize the plate with modified Dragendorff's reagent and
observe under visible light. It shows orange-coloured spots at R f 0.24 (piperine), 0.27 and 0.83. Spray the second plate with anisaldehyde-
sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and examine under visible and ultraviolet light. Under visible light, it shows
major spots at Rf 0.24 (green, piperine), 0.37 (violet), 0.47 (violet), 0.51 (violet) and 0.59 (violet). Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), it shows
major spots at Rf 0.24, (fluorescent yellow, piperine), 0.26 (red), 0.36 (red), 0.46 (pink), 0.60 (red) and 0.70 (red).

Physico-chemical parameters:

Total Ash: Not more than 1.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 45 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 75 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8
Reducing sugars: 67 to 70 per cent, Appendix
Non-reducing sugars: 5.6 to 5.8 per cent, Appendix
pH (5% aqueous solution): 4.0 to 4.5, Appendix 3.3.

The formulation contains not less than 0.008 per cent of piperine when assayed by the following method.
Estimation of piperine: Dissolve 5 mg of piperine in methanol and make up the volume to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. Pipette out aliquots of
0.8 to 4.8 ml into 10 ml volumetric flasks and adjust the volume in each flask with methanol to prepare standard solutions of 4 to 24 µg / ml.
Apply 10 µµl of each standard solution on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 10 cm using dichloromethane : ethyl acetate (7.5 : 1) as
mobile phase. After development, dry the plate in air and scan in the TLC scanner at a wavelength of 337 nm. Note the area under the curve for a
peak corresponding to piperine and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs concentration of piperine.
Extract, accurately weighed, about 5 g of K£Àm¡¸·aka Ras¡yana in 25 ml portions of ethyl acetate (4 to 5 times), until it tests negative to
modified Dragendorff's reagent. Filter, concentrate the combined extract and adjust the volume to 25 ml in a volumetric flask. Apply 10 µµl of
the test solution on TLC plate. Develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the preceding paragraph for calibration curve of piperine. Record
area under the curve for a peak corresponding to piperine. Calculate the amount of piperine in the test solution from the calibration curve of

Other requirements:

Microbial limit Appendix 2.4.

Aflatoxin Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Dyspnoea), UrakÀata (Chest wound), KÀaya (Pthisis), Pur¡¸ajvara (Chronic fever), Raktapitta
(Bleeding disorders), Chardi (Emesis), T¤À¸¡(Thirst), Jvara (Fever), áukra KÀaya (Deficiency of semen), Daurbalya (Weakness), K¡r¿ya
(Emaciation), Svarabheda (Hoarseness of voice), Vaivar¸ya (Discoloration)
Dose: 20 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water, Milk.

8. Mrudvikadi Leha
AFI, Part-I, 3:24
MÎDVÌKËDI LEHA is a semisolid avaleha preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition
1. M¤dv¢k¡ (Dr¡kÀ¡) Vitis vinifera Linn. (API-Vol:3/45) (Dr. Fr.) 50 in number
2. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 30 in number
3. áarkar¡ Sugar 48 g
4. Madhu Honey Q.S.
Method of Preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash the M¤dv¢k¡ two or three times with fresh water, till it becomes clean, and drain the water completely. Remove the seeds and crush to a
fine paste.
Powder dried Pippal¢and áarkar¡ separately and pass through sieve No. 85.
Triturate all the ingredients of the composition to a homogeneous mixture by adding required amount of Madhu, to form a semisolid mass.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Dark brown coloured, semi solid, malleable, sticky preparation with a pungent, slightly sweet and sour taste.


Take about 5 g of sample, wash in two or three increments of hot water and centrifuge. Decant the supernatant and mount a small portion of the
sediment in 50 per cent glycerine; observe the following characters. Prisms and raphides of calcium oxalate, cells filled with pinkish pigment ( M
¤dv¢k¡); simple starch grains with concentric hilum and polygonal perisperm cells filled with starch grains (Pippal¢).
Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 20 g of the Avaleha with a combination of 50 ml of a mixture of diethyl ether : chloroform (2 : 1) and 5 ml methanol. Filter, concentrate
to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extracts on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using
toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid (4 : 2.5 : 0.7 ) as mobile phase. Allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm).
The plate shows major spots at Rf 0.41, 0.58, 0.64 (piperine), 0.74. Under ultraviolet light (366 nm) the plate shows major spots at Rf 0.45
(blue), 0.55 (brown), 0.64 (Blue, piperine), 0.84 (red), 0.88 (red) and 0.93 (blue). Spray the plate with anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid reagent
followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows major spots at R f 0.40 (brown), 0.52 (purple), 0.58 (yellow), 0.64 (blue, piperine), 0.68
(purple) and 0.75 (violet) under visible light.
Physico-chemical parameters:
Total Ash: Not more than 1.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 30.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 90.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
Total tannins: 0.4 to 0.56 per cent, Appendix 5.1.2.
Total phenolics: 0.7 to 0.8 per cent, Appendix 5.1.1.
Total sugar: 70 to 73 per cent, Appendix
Reducing sugars: 50 to 51 per cent, Appendix
Non-reducing sugars: 20 to 23 per cent, Appendix
pH (5% aqueous solution): 4.0 to 4.3, Appendix 3.3.


The formulation contains not less than 2.0 per cent gallic acid when assayed by the following method.

Estimation of gallic acid: Dissolve 10 mg of gallic acid in 100 ml of methanol in a volumetric flask. From this stock solution, prepare standard
solutions of 15 to 75 µµg / ml by transferring aliquots (1.5 to 7.5 ml) of stock solution to 10 ml volumetric flasks and adjusting the volume to 10
ml with methanol.
Apply 10 µµl each of standard solution corresponding to 150 ng to 750 ng of gallic acid on a TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8
cm using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid : methanol (3 : 3 : 0.8 : 0.2 ) as mobile phase. After development, dry the plate and scan in TLC
scanner at a wavelength of 337 nm. Note the area under the curve for a peak corresponding to gallic acid and prepare the calibration curve by
plotting peak area vs amount of gallic acid.
Hydrolyze accurately weighed about 5 g avaleha by refluxing with 50 ml of 2N hydrochloric acid on a water-bath. Filter, add equal amount of
water, transfer to a separating funnel and extract with diethyl ether (20 ml x 4). Collect the diethyl ether layer and dry. Dissolve the residue in
methanol and make up the volume to 25 ml in a volumetric flask.
Apply 10 µµl on TLC plate and develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the preceding paragraph for calibration curve of gallic acid. Note
area under the curve for a peak corresponding to gallic acid in each track of test solution. Calculate the amount of gallic acid in the test solution
from the calibration curve of gallic acid.

Other requirements:
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough)
Dose: 25 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water, Milk.

9. Pugakhanda
AFI, Part-I, 3:17
PÍGAKHAÛÚA is a granular preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. P£gaphala (P£ga) Areca catechu Linn. (API-Vol:1/94) (Sd.) 384g
2. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk 192g
3. Var¢ rasa (áat¡var¢) Asparagus racemosus Willd (API-Vol:4/108) (Rt.) 384ml
4. Dh¡tr¢ rasa (Ëmalak¢) Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis) (Fr.) 384ml
5. Payasa (Godugdha) Cow's milk 1.5l
6. Sit¡ Sugar candy 2.4kg
7. Hema (N¡gake¿ara) Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) (Stmn.) 24g
8. Ambhodhara (Must¡) Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt. Tr.) 24g
9. Candana (áveta Candana) Santalum album Linn. (API-Vol:3/207) (Ht. Wd.) 24g
10. áu¸¶h¢ (áu¸¶h¢) Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 24g
11. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 24g
12. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 24g
13. Dh¡tr¢ Asthimajj¡ (Ëmalak¢) Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) (Enm.) 24g
14. Priy¡la Asthimajj¡ (Priy¡la) Buchnania lanzan Spreng. (API-Vol:2/143) (Enm.) 24g
15. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St. Bk.) 24g
16. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 24g
17. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham)Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf.) 24g
18. áveta J¢raka Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.) 24g
19. K¤À¸a J¢raka Carum carvi Linn (API-Vol:1/73) (Fr.) 24g
20. ᤴg¡¶aka Trapa natans var. bispinosa (API-Vol:4/116) (Enm.) 24g
21. Vaƿaja (Vaƿalocana) Bambusa bambose (S.C.) 24g
22. J¡t¢phala Myristica fragrans Houtt. (API-Vol:1/53) (Sd.) 24g
23. J¡t¢k°Àa (J¡t¢phala) Myristica fragrans Houtt. (API-Vol:1/53) (Ar.) 24g
24. Lava´ga Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr M.Perry. (API-Vol:1/80) (Fl.) 24g
25. Dh¡nyaka Coriandrum sativum Linn (API-Vol:1/30) (Fr.) 24g
26. Kakkola (Ka´kola) Piper cubeba Linn. f. (API-Vol:1/58) (Fr.) 24g
27. N¡kul¢ (Ì¿var¢) Aristolochia indica Linn. (API-Vol:3/69) (Rt.) 24g
28. Tagara Valeriana wallichii (API-Vol:1/109) (Rz.) 24g
29. Ambu (Hr¢v®ra) Coleus vettiveroides (Rt.) 24g
30. V¢ra¸a¿iph¡ (U¿¢ra) Vetiveria zizaniodes (Linn.) Nash. (API-Vol:3/219) (Rt.) 24g
31. Bh¤´ga (Bh¤´gar¡ja) Eclipta alba Hassk (API-Vol:2/21) (Pl. ) 24g
32. A¿vagandh¡ Withania somnifera Dunal (API-Vol:1/15) (Rt.) 24g

Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Weigh the ingredients of PrakÀepa Dravya numbered 7 to 32 of the Formulation composition, clean dry, powder separately and pass through
sieve number 85.
Take fully mature and dry P£ga phala (Areca nuts) and break it into small pieces of about 0.5 - 1.0 cm in diameter, tie them in a muslin cloth to
form a bundle (Po¶¶al¢) and immerse into milk in a stainless steel vessel (Dol¡yantra vidhi) and boil for 3 h. Wash the bundle with warm water
(500 to 550) and repeat washing for three times (To maintain the shelf life, cow's milk is washed off after boiling the Pūga phala. To meet the
milk component of the formulation, Pūga kha ¸·a should be essentially taken with milk). Dry these processed P£ga phala in a tray-dryer at a
temperature not exceeding 60 . Grind the dried pieces and sieve through 85 mesh. Fry the powder in Gh¤ta at low temperature between 60 -70 .
0 0 0

Crush the fresh Ëmalak¢, strain through a muslin cloth to obtain juice.
Take fresh áat¡var¢ roots and wash. Remove the outer layer (epiblema) and express the juice with the help of juicer. Add sugar ( Sit¡) to the
mixture of above juices, heat till syrup forms. Add áodhita P£ga phala powder with continuous stirring till it becomes a thick paste. Remove the
utensil from the fire and stir continuously while adding PrakÀepa Dravya. Allow to cool down into granules. Spread the granules in a stainless
steel tray and allow to dry.
Pack the granules in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Light brown granules with pleasant odour and spicy, sweet, acrid and astringent taste.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of P£ga Kha¸·a successively with 75 ml each of n-hexane and chloroform under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min; drying the marc
between two extractions. Filter, concentrate each extract to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of each extract
separately on two TLC plates and develop the plates to a distance of 8 cm using hexane : ethyl acetate (9 : 1) as mobile phase for hexane
extract and toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid (5 : 5 : 1) for chloroform extract. After development, allow the plates to dry in air and examine
under ultraviolet light. The hexane extract shows major spots at Rf 0.20, 0.29, 0.48 and 0.61 under ultraviolet light (254 nm). The chloroform
extract shows major spots at Rf 0.28, 0.33, 0.56 and 0.62 under ultraviolet light (254 nm) and at 366 nm it shows major spots at R f 0.27, 0.42
(both blue), 0.49, 0.52 (both red) and 0.73 (green).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 2.40 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1.00 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 17.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 69.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 5.0 to 5.5, Appendix 3.3.

Other requirements:

Microbial Limit: Appendix 2.4.

Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses:
Chardi (Emesis), á£la (Pain / colic), Amlapitta (Hyperacidity), M£rcch¡(Syncope), Vandhy¡roga (Infertility), Pradara (Excessive vaginal
discharge), P¡¸·u (Anaemia), Rakt¡r¿a (Bleeding piles), GarbhadoÀa (Foetal anomaly), Jar¡ (Senility), áukra KÀaya (Oligospermia),
Agnim¡ndya (Loss of appetite), T¤¶ (Thirst), Daurbalya (Weakness), Aj¢r¸a (Dyspepsia), Vi¶sanga (Constipation), M£trasa´ga (Obstruction
in urinary tract), YakÀm¡ (Tuberculosis), Balya (Improves strength / immunity), Var¸ya (Improve complexion), D¤À¶i (Improves vision.)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Essentially to be taken with Milk.

10. Surana Leha
AFI, Part I, 3:29
SÍRAÛËVALEHA is a semisolid avaleha preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:
Formulation composition:
1. S£ra¸a Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb.) Blume. (API-Vol:3/205) (St.Tr. ) 4.8kg
2. Water for decoction Water 9.6 g
reduced to 4.8 l
3. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow milk 384g
4. Kha¸·a Sugar candy 4.8kg
5. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:2/133) (Fr.) 96g
6. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 96g
7. J¢raka (áveta J¢raka) Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.) 96g
8. Dh¡nyaka Coriandrum sativum Linn (API-Vol:1/30) (Fr.) 24g
9. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham)Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf.) 24g
10. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 24g
11. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 24g
12. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St.Bk.) 24g
13. KÀaudra (Madhu) Honey 192g
Method of preparation:
Take all material of pharmacopoeial quality.
Wash, dry, powder ingredients numbered 5 to 12 ( PrakÀepa Dravya) separately and pass through sieve number 85.
Remove the skin of S£ra¸a, wash and cut into pieces. Add water in a quantity sufficient to boil the S£ra¸a which could be mashed easily to
make a paste maintaining temperature between 900 to 1000 for boiling. Strain the liquid through the muslin cloth.
Crush the boiled pieces of S£ra¸a to make a fine paste, fry the paste in Gh¤ta
with constant stirring maintaining temperature between 800 to 900
till the mixture turns brown. Take all the precautions to avoid over-roasting or under roasting the paste. Add sugar and water to the strained
liquid, heat to make two-thread sugar syrup.
Add the fried paste of S£ra¸a , to the above syrup, heat with constant stirring maintaining temperature between 900 to 1000 and observe the
mixture till the formation of a soft bolus, which does not disperse in water. Stop heating and allow to cool to 500.
Add powders of PrakÀepa Dravya mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous blend.
On cooling to room temperature, add Madhu.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Semi solid, malleable, dark brown, sticky preparation with spicy odour and pungent, sweet taste



Weigh about 5 g of the sample, stir with 50 ml of a defatting solvent in a beaker. Pour out the solvent without loss of material and repeat the
process till removal of theGh¤ta.Wash the sediment in warm water similarly, and pour out the water. Wash the sediment with distilled water and
centrifuge at medium speed. Decant the supernatant. Take a few mg of the sediment, warm in chloral hydrate and mount in glycerine (50 per
cent). Mount a few mg in iodine solution. Observe the following characters in different mounts.
Sac-shaped starch grains with eccentric hilum, non-lignified xylem fibres and xylem vessels with reticulate thickenings (áu¸¶h¢); multicellular,
multiseriate trichomes and sclereid layer from mesocarp (J¢raka); U-shaped stone cells with thickening on three sides (Tvak); bulbous perisperm
cells containing starch grains and small prisms of calcium oxalate within (El¡); fragments of multicellular uniseriate short stout trichomes and
leaf epidermal fragments with sunken paracytic stomata (Tejapatra); highly thickened stone cells with narrow lumen from testa, and groups of
stone cells interspersed among parenchyma tissue from hypodermis (Marica); groups of fusiform fibres of sclerenchyma crisscrossing with each
other (Dh¡nyaka).

Thin layer Chromatography:

Extract 5 g ofS£ra¸¡valeha with 75 ml of n-hexane under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter and concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using n-hexane : ethyl acetate
(7: 3) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating
at 1100 for about 10 min and examine under visible light. It shows major spots at Rf 0.19 (violet), 0.32 (pink), 0.47 (violet), 0.59 (pink) and
0.95 (violet).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Total Ash: Not more than 0.1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.05 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 25 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 50 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
Starch content: Not less than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.14.
Total sugars: 80 to 90 per cent, Appendix
Reducing sugars: 62 to 65 per cent, Appendix
Non-reducing sugars: 18 to 20 per cent, Appendix
pH (10% aqueous solution): 4.0 to 4.3, Appendix 3.3.

The formulation contains not less than 0.003 per cent of piperine, when assayed by the following method.
Estimation of piperine: Dissolve 5 mg of piperine in methanol and make up the volume to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. From this stock solution,
pipette out aliquots of 0.8 to 4.8 ml into 10 ml volumetric flask and make up the volume with methanol to prepare standard solutions of 4 to 24
µg / ml. Apply 10 µµl of each standard solution (corresponding to 40 to 240 ng of piperine) on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8
cm using dichloromethane : ethyl acetate (7.5 : 1). After development, dry the plate and scan in a TLC scanner at a wavelength of 337 nm.
Record the area under the curve for a peak corresponding to piperine and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs amount of
Extract accurately weighed about 5 g S£ra¸¡valeha in ethyl acetate (25 ml x 5). Filter the extracts, pool, concentrate and adjust the volume to 25
ml in a volumetric flask. Apply 10 mml of test solution on TLC plate and develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the proceeding
paragraph for calibration curve of piperine. Calculate the amount of piperine in the test solution from the calibration curve of piperine.

Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Mand¡gni (Dyspepsia), M£·hav¡ta (Obstructed movement of V¡ta doÀa), Ar¿a (Piles etc.)
Dose: 20 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water, Milk

11. Vasavaleha
AFI, Part-I; 3:26
VËSËVALEHA is a semisolid avaleha preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. V¡saka Svarasa (V¡s¡ ) Adhatoda vasica Nees (API-Vol:1/122) Lf. (Fresh) 768 g
3. Sit¡ Sugar candy 384 g
4. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta ) Clarified butter from cow's milk 96 g
5. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 96 g
6. Madhu Honey 384 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Take fresh leaves of V¡s¡, wash with water. Chop the leaves to about 2.5 cm, grind into a paste and prepare V¡s¡ Svarasa through Pu¶a p¡ka
vidhi (Annexure 6.1.4)
Pippal¢ into fine powder and pass through sieve no. 85.
Clean, dry, grind
Add powdered áarkar¡ to V¡s¡ Svarasa, heat mildly and filter through muslin cloth, after complete dissolution of áarkar¡. Stir continuously
while heating on mild fire.
Concentrate the above mixture by continuous stirring on low fire.
Add Gh¤ta and Pippal¢
to the above mixture and mix well. Continue heating till the preparation reaches the required consistency confirmed by
the formation of a soft ball that does not disperse in water and cool to room temperature. Add honey and again mix well by continuous agitation
with stirrer to make a homogeneous mixture.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Dark brown coloured, semi solid, malleable, sticky preparation with odour of ghee; taste bitter and pungent.



Take about 5 g of sample dissolve in sufficient quantity of n-hexane for removal of ghee. Repeat the procedure with two further increments of
solvent pouring out solvent each time, wash the sediment with warm water, followed by cold water repeatedly till a clear sediment is obtained.
Take a few mg of the sediment, mount in 50 per cent glycerine and observe the following characters. Simple starch grains with concentric hilum,
abundant polygonal perisperm cells packed with starch grains ( Pippal¢); multicellular, uniseriate, warty covering trichomes, sessile glandular
trichomes with quadricellular head, fragments of lower epidermis showing the presence of diacytic stomata, cigar-shaped crystoliths (V¡s¡).

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of Avaleha with 100 ml of methanol under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter, concentrate to 25 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using ethyl acetate : methanol : ammonia
(8 : 2 : 0.2) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light. It shows major spots at R f 0.34
(vasicine), 0.74, 0.96 (piperine) under ultraviolet light (254 nm) and at Rf 0.77 (fluorescent blue), 0.89 (blue), 0.96 (fluorescent blue - piperine)
under ultraviolet light (366 nm). Derivatise the plate with modified Dragendorff's reagent and observe under visible light. It shows two orange
coloured spots at Rf 0.34 and 0.96.
Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 12.16 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total Ash: Not more than 2.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 60 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
Total sugar: 83 to 88 per cent, Appendix
Reducing sugars: 44 to 45 per cent, Appendix
Non-reducing sugars: 38 to 43 per cent, Appendix
pH (10% aqueous solution): 4.35 to 4.9, Appendix 3.3.


The formulation contains not less than 0.2 per cent of vasicine and not less than 0.2 per cent of piperine when assayed by the following methods.

Estimation of vasicine: Dissolve 2 mg of vasicine in 25 ml of methanol in a volumetric flask. From this stock solution pipette out aliquots of 2 to
6 ml and make up the volume to 5 ml in volumetric flasks with methanol. Apply 10 mml of each standard solution (corresponding to 320 to 960
ng of vasicine) on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using ethyl acetate : methanol : ammonia (8 : 2 : 0.2) as mobile phase.
After development, dry the plate and scan in TLC scanner at a wavelength of 298 nm. Note the peak area under the curve for a peak
corresponding to vasicine and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs amount of vasicine.
Extract accurately weighed about 5 g of V¡s¡valeha in methanol (25 ml x 5). Filter the extract, pool, concentrate and adjust the volume to 25 ml.
Apply 10 mml of test solution on TLC plate and develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the preceeding paragraph for calibration curve of
vasicine. Calculate the amount of vasicine in the test solution from the calibration curve of vasicine.

Estimation of piperine: Dissolve 5 mg of piperine in 100 ml of methanol. From this stock solution, pipette out 0.8 to 4.8 ml aliquots into 10 ml
volumetric flasks and make up the volume with methanol to prepare standard solutions of 4 to 24 µg / ml. Apply 10 mml of each standard
solution (corresponding to 40 to 240 ng) on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using dichloromethane : ethyl acetate (7.5 : 1)
as mobile phase. After development, dry the plate and scan in TLC scanner at a wavelength of 337 nm. Note the peak area under the curve for a
peak corresponding to piperine and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs amount of piperine.
Extract accurately weighed about 5 g of V¡s¡valeha with ethyl acetate (25 ml x 5). Filter the extract, pool, concentrate and adjust the volume to
25 ml in a volumetric flask. Apply 10 mml of test solution on TLC plate and develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the preceding
paragraph for calibration curve of piperine. Calculate the amount of piperine in the test solution from the calibration curve of piperine.

Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Dyspnoea), Jvara (Fever), Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders), R¡jayakÀm¡ (Tuberculosis), P¡r¿va¿
£la (Intercostal neuralgia and pleurodynia), H¤t¿£la (Angina pectoris)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Milk, Water.

12. Vyaghriharitaki
AFI, Part-II, 3:6
VYËGHRÌ HARÌTAKÌ is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients given in the Formulation composition.
Formulation composition:
1. Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) (Pl.) 4.8kg
2. Water for decoction Water 12.288l
reduced to 3.071l
3. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (Fr.R.) 1.2kg
4. Gu·a Jaggery 4.8kg
5. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 96g
6. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 96g
7. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 96g
8. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St.Bk.) 48g
9. Patra (Tvakpatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham)Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf.) 48g
10. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 48g
11. N¡ga (N¡gake¿ara) Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) (Adr.) 48g
12. PuÀpa rasa (Madhu) Honey 288g
Method of preparation:

Take raw material of Pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash, dry and grind ingredient number 1 ( Kv¡tha Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a coarse
Clean, dry and powder the ingredients number 5 to 11( PrakÀepa Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 85 to
obtain a fine powder.
Clean, dry the ingredient number 3 of the formulation composition and make in to small pieces by removing seeds. Tie the pieces of Har¢tak¢ in
a muslin cloth to prepare a Po¶¶al¢.
Add specified amount of water to the Kv¡tha Dravya and suspend the pottali containing pieces of Har¢tak¢ in to the vessel. Heat, reduce the
volume to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth to obtain Kv¡tha .
Collect the soft pieces of Har¢tak¢ from the Po¶¶al¢. (bundle) and prepare fine paste.
Add jaggery to the Kv¡tha, boil to dissolve and later filter through muslin cloth. Add fine paste of Har¢tak¢, subject to gentle boiling and stir
continuously during the process. Continue heating till the preparation reaches the consistency of leha confirmed by the formation of soft ball that
does not disperse in water. Stop heating.
Cool to room temperature and add powdered PrakÀepa Dravya and honey.
Mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous mass.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

A blackish brown, semisolid sticky paste with bitter and astringent taste and spicy pleasant odour.

Take about 5 g of the Avaleha and wash it with warm water till gu a and honey are removed. Collect the sediment. Clarify a small amount of
residue with chloral hydrate solution, wash in cold water, and mount in glycerin. Take a few mg, add iodine solution water, and mount in
glycerin. Observe following character in different mounts.
Fragments of hypodermis in surface view, stone cells varying in sizes, shapes and thickness, mostly present in groups interspersed among
parenchyma ( Marica); fragments of fibres with very narrow lumen, not over 600 μ long and not over 45 μ broad; parenchyma cells containing
minute acicular crystal of calcium oxalate, stone cells varying shape and size, smaller ones somewhat rectangular; oil cells present (Tvak);
groups of slightly wavy parenchymatous cells, each cell containing 1 to 3 rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, groups of perisperm cells bulbous
in shape packed with starch grains which also shows in middle tiny prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; epidermal and hypodermal cells
crossing each other at right angle ( ); groups of parenchymatous cells, densely packed with starch grains, isolated starch grains, simple,
oval to rod shaped upto 75 μ in length, hilum eccentric, lamellae distinct; yellow coloured oleo resin cells, non-lignified, septate fibres some of
them bearing marks of adjacent cells pressing against them ( áu¸¶h¢); stone cells with broad lumen in groups of 2 to 8 (Pippal¢ ); crushed pieces
of anther lobes containing pollen grains, each tricolporate measuring upto 55 μ in dia., groups of epidermal cells of anther lobe (N¡gake¿ara);
groups of angular epidermal parenchytamous cells with sunken stomata, oil cells and oil globules seen, unicellular and bicellular trichomes
( Tejapatra).
Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of sample with n-hexane (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water bath for 30 min, filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using tolune : ethyl acetate (8 : 2) as mobile
phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultra violet light (366 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.28 (blue), 0.43
and 0.58 (faint blue). Spray the plate with anisaldehyde- sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 about for 10 min. It shows major
spots at Rf 0.21 (green), 0.43 (blue) and 0.58 (brown) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 23.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 4.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Sulphated Ash: Not more than 0.41 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 20.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 68.7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH of 1% aqueous solution : 5.5 and 5.6, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses:K¡sa (cough), Prati¿y¡ya (Coryza), áv¡sa (Asthma), SvarakÀaya (aphasia), P¢nasa (Chronic rhinitis / Sinusitis) and
R¡jayakÀm¡ (Tuberculosis.)
Dose: 5 to 15 g
Anupāna: Water, Milk.
General Descripition:

Drugs according to the formulation composition of the particular C£r¸a

are collected, dried, powdered individually and passed through
sieve number 85 to prepare a fine powder. They are mixed in the specified proportion and stored in well closed container.
The term C£r¸a may be applied to the powder prepared by a single drug or a combination of more drugs.
Raja and KÀoda are the synonyms for C£r¸a. C£r¸as may be of plant origin, or mixed with other ingredients. The following points are to
be noted.
If Metals / Minerals are used, prepare bhasma or sindūra of the Minerals unless otherwise mentioned.

In cases where Pārada and Gandhaka are mentioned, prepare Kajjalī and add other drugs, one by one, according to the formula.

In general the aromatic drugs like Hi gu [Asafoetida] etc. should be fried before they are converted to fine powders.

Specific care should be taken in case of Salts and Sugars. Formulations with hygroscopic components should not usually be prepared
during rainy seasons. If so, specific precautions should be taken during storage.

C£r¸as should be stored in air tight containers. Polyethylene and foil packing also provides damp proof protection.
Special precaution for storage should be taken in cases of formulations with salts, sugars and KÀāras.
13. Amalakyadi churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:3
ËMALAKYËDI CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.

Formulation composition:
1. Ëmala (Ëmalak¢) Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis) (API-Vol:1/111) (P.) 1 Part
2. Citraka Plumbago zeylanica Linn (API-Vol:1/29) (Rt.) 1 Part
3. Pathy¡ (Har¢tak¢) Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 1 Part
4. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 Part
5. Saindhava lava¸a Rock salt 1 Part
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Roast Saindhava lava¸a in a stainless steel pan at low temperature till it becomes free from moisture, prepare fine powder and pass through sieve
number 85.
Wash and dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 5, powder individually in a pulverizer and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each
ingredient, mix together and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a homogeneous blend. Store it in an air-tight container.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Brown-coloured, smooth powder with pleasant odour and salty, spicy taste. The powder completely pass on through sieve number 44 and not
less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.


Take about 2 g of C£r¸a , and wash it thoroughly with water to remove salt, pour out the water without loss of material and mount in glycerine;
warm a few mg with chloral hydrate, wash and mount in glycerine; treat a few mg with iodine in potassium iodide solution and mount in
glycerine. Observe the following characters in the different mounts.
Thin walled epidermis with paracytic stomata, brachysclereids with pitted wide lumen, silica crystals in epidermal cells (Ëmalak¢); cork cells in
surface view, uniseriate and multiseriate ray parenchyma cells, bifurcated short fibres and pitted vessels ( Citraka); Prismatic and druses of
calcium oxalate crystals, groups of sclereids, criss-cross layers of fibres, thin walled fibres and broad lumen with pegged tip ( Har¢tak¢);
perisperm cells packed with starch grains and minute crystals of calcium oxalate, uniseriate multicellular trichomes (Pippal¢).

Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of C£r¸a in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min, filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 2) as
mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f. 0.43
(light green), 0.50 (green) and 0.85 (pale green).

Test for chloride:

Dissolve 1 g of the sample in 10 ml of deionised water and filter. Acidify the filtrate with dilute nitric acid and add 5 per cent w/v silver nitrate
solution. A curdy white precipitate appears.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 27 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 25 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 46 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 3 to 4, Appendix 3.3.

Sodium: Not less than 6 per cent w/w, Appendix 5.2.9.
Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic Uses: Aruc¢ (Anorexia), Agnim¡ndya (Dyspepsia), Jvara (Fever), Aj¢r¸a (Indigestion)
Dose: 5 to 10 g daily in divided doses.
Anupāna: Water.
14. Avipathikara churna
AFI, Part- I, 7:2
AVIPATTIKARA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.

Formulation composition:
1. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 1 Part
2. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 1 Part
3. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 Part
4. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 1 Part
5. Bibh¢taka Terminalia belerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) (P.) 1 Part
6. Ëmalak¢ Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Phyllanthus emblica) (API-Vol:1/4) (P.) 1 Part
7. Must¡ Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rz.) 1 Part
8. Vi·a (Vi·a Lava¸a) _ 1 Part
9. Vi·a´ga Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) (Fr.) 1 Part
10. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 1 Part
11. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham)Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf.) 1 Part
12. Lava´ga Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr M.Perry. (API-Vol:1/80) (Fl.Bd.) 11Parts
13. Triv¤t Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso. (API-Vol:3/213) (Rt.) 44 Parts
14. áarkar¡ Cane sugar 66 Parts
Method of preparation:
Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
Clean, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 1 to 7 and 9 to 13 individually in a pulverizer and pass through sieve number 85. Prepare fine
· ¸
powder of Vi a lava a and áarkar¡ separately and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each powdered ingredient, mix together in
specified ratio and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a homogeneous blend. Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and


Light brown, fine powder, odour characteristic of clove, with a sweet, spicy and pungent taste. The powder completely pass on through sieve
number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.


Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of sample in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min, filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 2) as
mobile phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet (366 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.11, 0.23, 0.35
(all blue) and 0.72 (fluorescent blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and
observe under visible light. The plate shows major spots at Rf 0.49, 0.54, (both violet), 0.65 and 0.73 (both pale violet).

Test for Chloride:

Dissolve 1 g of the sample in 10 ml of deionised water and filter. Acidify the filtrate with dilute nitric acid and add 5 per cent w/v silver nitrate
solution. A curdy white precipitate appears.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid- insoluble ash: Not more than 0.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 53 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10%) aqueous solution: 4 to 6, Appendix 3.3.
Total sugars: Not less than 39 per cent, Appendix
Reducing sugars: Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix
Other requirements:
Microbial load: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Agnim¡ndya (Digestive impairment), Malabandha (Constipation), Amlapitta (Hyperacidity), Ar¿a (Piles), M£trabandha
(Retention of urine), Prameha (Metabolic disorder)
Dose: 10 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Honey, Water, Milk.

15. Balachaturbhadraka churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:24
BËLACËTURBHADRIKË CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:
Formulation composition:
1. Ghana (Must¡) Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt.Tr.) 1 part
2. K¤À¸¡ (Pippal¢) Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 part
3. Aru¸a (AtiviÀ¡) Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Ex Royle (API-Vol:1/22) (Rt. Tr.) 1 part
4. ᤴg¢ (Karka¶a¿¤´g¢) Pistacia intergerrrima Burgo (API-Vol:1/66) (Gl.) 1 part
Method of preparation:

Take all the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Clean, dry and powder the ingredients 1 to 4 individually and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each ingredient, mix together in
specified ratio and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a homogeneous blend. Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and


Pale brown powder, odour characteristic of Pippal and taste slightly pungent followed by a tingling sensation. The powder completely passes
on through sieve number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.


Take a few mg of C£r¸a and warm with chloral hydrate, wash and mount in glycerine; wash a few mg of C£r¸a in water and mount in
glycerine; treat a few mg of C£r¸a with iodine solution and mount in glycerine; observe the following characters in the different mounts.
Parenchyma cells with reddish brown contents, starch grains simple, circular to oval upto 30 µ, narrow vessels with lateral simple perforation,
walls reticulate, pitted and spiral vessels, regularly arranged sclereids from scale leaf (Must¡); multicellular uniseriate trichomes, perisperm
cells packed with starch grains and minute crystals of calcium oxalate, spindle shaped, elongated stone cells with wide lumen (Pippal¢); starch
grains, simple and compound with 2 to 4 components, upto 65µ in size, parenchyma cells with starch grains and cork cells in surface view
( AtiviÀ¡); collapsed thin walled epidermal cells, tissue fragments with yellowish brown contents and large tannin containing sacs associated
with vascular bundles ( Karka¶a¿¤´g¢).
Thin Layer Chromatography:
Extract 4 g of C£r¸a in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 1.5) as
mobile phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.31, 0.37,
0.45, 0.60 (all green), 0.74 (light green) and 0.91 (blue). Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), it shows major spot at Rf 0.65 (fluorescent blue). Spray
the plate with vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe under visible light. The plate shows
major spots at Rf 0.36, 0.50 (both grey), 0.61 (blue), 0.68 (grey) and 0.81 (pink).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 2.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 14 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 16 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 5 to 5.3, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: At¢s¡ra (Diarrhoea), Chardi (Vomiting), K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Dyspnoea), Jvara (Fever), B¡la áoÀa (Emaciation in
Dose: 0.5 to 1 g daily in divided dose.
Anupāna: Honey.
16. Eladi churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:5
ELËDI CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 1 Part
2. Lava´ga Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr M.Perry. (API-Vol:1/80) (Fl.Bd.) 1 Part
3. Gajake¿ara (N¡gake¿ara) Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) (Stmn.) 1 Part
4. Kolamajj¡ (Kola) Zyzyphus jujuba Lam. (API-Vol:3/94) (Rp.Fr.Pp.) 1 Part
5. L¡ja (á¡li) Oryza sativa Linn (API-Vol:2/145) (Sd.) 1 Part
6. Priya´gu Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl (API-Vol:2/143) (InFl. ) 1 Part
7. Ghana (Must¡) Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt.Tr) 1 Part
8. Candana (áveta Candana) Santalum album Linn. (API-Vol:3/207) (Ht.Wd.) 1 Part
9. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 Part
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Dry Kola majj in an oven at 500 for 24 h and powder immediately after drying and pass through sieve number 85. Wash, dry and powder all
other cleaned ingredients (number 1 to 3 and 5 to 9) individually and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each powdered ingredient,
mix together in specified ratio and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a homogeneous blend. Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect
from light and moisture.

Brown-coloured, smooth powder with characteristic odour of El¡
, and a spicy, pungent taste. The powder completely pass on through sieve
number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.



Take a few mg of C£r¸a and warm with chloral hydrate, wash and mount in glycerine; wash a few mg in water and mount in glycerine; treat a
few mg with iodine solution and mount in glycerine; observe the following characters in the different mounts.
Perisperm cells with bulbous projections, packed with starch grains and also carrying minute calcium oxalate crystals, fragments of aril tissue
with elongated cells and orange coloured sclerenchymatous cells ( El¡); pollen grains tetrahedral, spherical, biconvex, measuring 15 to 20 μ in
dia, spindle shaped fibres, parenchyma with oil cells and anther wall with cluster crystals of calcium oxalate (Lava´ga); numerous golden
yellow pollen grains upto 50 μ in dia and fragments of anther wall (N¡gake¿ara); circular to oval thin walled, reddish brown cells of mesocarp,
polygonal epicarp cells in surface view (kola); endosperm cells packed with minute starch grains in clusters (á¡li); fragments of stellate hairs,
elliptical, oval and circular pollen grains with clear exine, yellowish in colour, upto 30 μ in dia, spiral vessels (Priya´gu); circular to oval starch
grains measuring upto 30 μ in dia, narrow vessel with scalariform thickness, oblique pore, regular arrangement of parallel short fibres from
scale leaf ( Must¡
); abundant fragments of thick walled fibres isolated or associated with pitted vessel with tail ( áveta Candana
); oval to
elongated stone cells, measuring upto 300 μ in length, perisperm cells packed with starch grains and minute calcium oxalate crystals,
multicellular uniseriate trichome ( Pippal¢).
Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of sample in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min, filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate, develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 1.5) as mobile
phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.54, 0.71 (both
blue) and 0.92 (fluorescent blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe
under visible light. The plate shows major spots at Rf 0.56 (grey), 0.71 (orange), 0.92 (grey).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 18 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 5 to 7, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:
Microbial limit: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Asthma)

Dose: 10 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Honey, Sugar.

17. Hingvashtak churna
AFI, Part- I, 7:37
HI×GVËâÙAKA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation containing the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:

Formulation composition:
1. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 1 part
2. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 1 part
3. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 part
4. Ajamod¡ Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F.V.M.ex Benth (API-Vol:1/2) (Fr.) 1 part
5. Saindhava Lava¸a Rock salt 1 part
6. áveta J¢raka Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.) 1 part
7. K¤À¸a J¢raka Carum carvi Linn (API-Vol:1/73) (Fr.) 1 part
8. Hi´gu - ¿uddha Ferula foetida Regel. (API-Vol:1/49) (Exd.) 1 part
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Roast coarsely powder Saindhava Lava¸a in a stainless steel pan till it become free from moisture. Prepare fine powder and pass through it sieve
number 85.
Treat Hi´gu to prepare áuddha Hi´gu
(Appendix Clean and powder all other ingredients individually, pass through sieve no. 85, weigh
each ingredient separately and mix thoroughly in specified ratio to obtain a homogeneous blend.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Light brown; free flowing powder with a spicy and astringent taste, odour aromatic and pleasant. The powder completely pass on through sieve
number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.



Take about 5g of C£r¸a and wash thoroughly with distilled water to get rid of salt; allow the material to settle, and reject the supernatant without
loss of material; take a few mg and stain with iodine solution and mount in 50 per cent glycerine to examine the starch grains. Clarify a few mg
with chloral hydrate and mount in 50 per cent glycerine; boil a few mg with 2 per cent potassium hydroxide, wash with water and mount in
glycerine. Observe the following character in different mounts.
Pippal¢); fragments of inner epidermis of pericarp in
Stone cells measuring 130 to 190 µ in dia with broad lumen, isolated in groups of 2 to 8 (
surface view, with groups of stone cells varying in sizes, shapes and thickness, interspersed among parenchymatous hypodermis (Marica);
groups of parenchymatous cells, densely packed with starch grains, isolated starch grains, simple, oval to rod shaped, measuring 15 to 70 μ in
length, hilum eccentric, lamellae distinct; yellow coloured oleo resin cells, non-lignified, sepatate fibres some of them bearing marks of adjacent
cells pressing against them, 30 to 50 μ broad, (áu¸¶h¢); striated epidermal debris, transversely much elongated, thin walled parenchymatous cells
in a regular V joint with neighbouring cell, stone cells from mesocarpic stone cell layer, not much longer than broad, epithelial cells of vittae
arranged like honey comb ( K¤À¸a J¢raka); multicellular large trichomes, stone cells of mesocarpic stone cell layer much longer than broad
(áveta J¢raka); epicarp tissue with radially striated or puckered papillose outgrowth, along with anomocytic stomata (Ajamod¡).

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of C£r¸a with n-hexane (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter, concentrate the combined extract then to 10 ml.
Reflux the hexane-extracted marc with chloroform, discard the chloroform soluble portion and then finally reflux the marc with methanol (25 ml
x 3) on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter and concentrate to 10 ml. Apply 10 µl of the hexane extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a
distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (8 : 2) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under
ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at Rf 0.25, 0.31, 0.43, 0.52, 0.59 and 0.68 (blue).
Apply 10 µl of methanol extract of C£r¸a on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate : methanol :
formic acid (8 : 1.5 : 0.5 : 0.1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (366 nm). It
shows major spots at Rf 0.13, 0.19, 0.29, 0.36, 0.43, 0.53 and 0.62 (all fluorescent blue).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 13.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 23.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 4.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 14.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 34.0 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 6.4 to 6.6, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Agnim¡ndya (Digestive impairment), á£la (Pain / colic), Gulma (Abdominal lump), V¡ta Roga (Diseases due to V¡ta
Dose: 3 to 6 g daily in divided doses.
Anupāna: Gh¤ta.
18. Navayasa churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:17
NAVËYASA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below.

Formulation composition:
1. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 1 part
2. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 part
3. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr) 1 part
4. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 1 part
5. Bibh¢taka Terminalia belerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) (P.) 1 part
6. Ëmalak¢ Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Phyllanthus emblica) (API-Vol:1/4) (P.) 1 part
7. Must¡ Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt.Tr.) 1 part
8. Vi·a´ga Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) (Fr.) 1 part
9. Citraka Plumbago zeylanica Linn (API-Vol:1/29) (Rt. ) 1 part
10. Ayoraja (Lauha) - bhasma (30 Pu¶i) - 9 parts
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash, dry and powder ingredients 1 to 9 individually in a pulverizer and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each powdered
ingredient, mix together in specified ratio along with Ayoraja (Lauha) bhasma and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a homogeneous blend.
Store in an air-tight container.
Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Reddish-brown powder with pungent odour and spicy, pungent taste. All pass through sieve number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass
through sieve number 85.



Take about 5 gC£r¸a in a small beaker, add water, stir thoroughly and pass through 150 sieve to remove the Bhasma; repeat once more. Take a
few mg of the washed C£r¸a and warm with chloral hydrate, wash and mount in glycerine; wash a few mg in water and mount in glycerine;
treat a few mg with iodine solution and mount in glycerine. Observe the following characters in different mounts.
Large starch grains, oval shape upto 50 µ in size; spiral vessels and septate non lignified fibres ( áu¸¶h¢); stone cells of various shapes
interspersed with parenchyma cells from hypodermis ( Marica); groups of isolated and spindle shaped stone cells, uniseriate multicellular
trichomes (Pippal¢); groups of elongated sclereids with pits and broad lumen, crisscross fibre tissue, thin walled fibres with broad lumen and
pegged tips (Har¢tak¢); unicellular trichomes with sharp tips and bulbous base, epidermal fragment with cicatrices (Bibh¢taka); thin walled
epidermis with paracytic stomata and silica crystals, brachysclereids with pitted wide lumen, large, irregular thick walled parenchyma with
prominent corner thickening ( Ëmalak¢); scalariform vessels, starch grains upto 30 µ and regularly arranged, parallel sclereids from scale leaf
(Must¡); prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, spiral vessels and stone cells in different shapes and sizes with prominent pits from testa and
elongated sclereids with broad lumen and pitted walls (Vi·a´ga) ; cork cells in surface view and ray parenchyma cells with pits and thin walled
fibres with pointed tips (Citraka).

Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of c£r¸a
in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min, filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography Apply 10 µl of the extrct on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 1.5) as
mobile phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.26, 0.31,
0.43 (all blue) and 0.91 (fluorescent blue).
Physico-chemical Parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 56 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 14 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 3 to 4, Appendix 3.3.
Iron: Not less than 33 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.
Other requirements:
Microbial limit: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: P¡¸·u (Anaemia), K¡mal¡ (Jaundice), Prameha (Metabolic disorder), Pi·ak¡ (Carbuncle), H¤droga (Heart disease),
KuÀ¶ha (Diseases of Skin), Ar¿a (Piles)
Dose: 2 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Honey, Water.

19. Nimbadi churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:20
NIMBËDI CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:
Formulation composition:
1. Nimba Azadirachta indica (API-Vol:2/126) (St.Bk.) 48 g
2. Am¤t¡ (Gu·£c¢) Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) (St.) 48 g
3. Abhay¡ (Har¢tak¢) Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 48 g
4. Dh¡tr¢ (Ëmalak¢) Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (API-Vol:1/4) (P.) 48 g
5. Somar¡j¢ (B¡kuc¢) Psoralea corylifolia Linn (API-Vol:1/25) (Sd.) 48 g
6. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 12 g
7. Vi·a´ga Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) (Fr.) 12 g
8. E·agaja (Cakramarda) Cassia tora Linna. (API-Vol:3/153) (Sd.) 12 g
9. Ka¸¡ (Pippal¢) Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 12 g
10. Yam¡n¢ (Yav¡n¢) Trachyspermum ammi (Linn.) Sprague ex Turril. (API-Vol:1/129) (Fr.) 12 g
11. Ugragandh¡ (Vac¡) Acorus calamus Linn (API-Vol:2/168) (Rz. ) 12 g
12. J¢raka (áveta J¢raka) Cuminum cyminum Linn (API-Vol:1/106) (Fr.) 12 g
13. Ka¶uk¡ Picrorrhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (API-Vol:2/85) (Rt./Rz.) 12 g
14. Khadira Acacia catechu (Linn.f.) Willd. (API-Vol:1/70) (Ht.Wd.) 12 g
15. Saindhava Lava¸a Rock salt 12 g
16. KÀ¡ra (Yava) Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:2/175) Water Soluble ash of (Pl. ) 12 g
17. Haridr¡ Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) (Rz.) 12 g
18. D¡ruharidr¡ Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) (St.) 12 g
19. Mustaka (Must¡) Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt.Tr.) 12 g
20. Devad¡ru Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud (API-Vol:4/23) (Ht.Wd.) 12 g
21. Ku˦ha Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) (Rt.) 12 g
Method of preparation:

Roast coarsely powdered Saindhava lava¸a (number 15) in a stainless steel pan at a low temperature till it becomes free from moisture. Prepare
fine powder and pass through sieve number 85. Clean, dry and powder the other ingredients 1 to 21 (except number 15) individually in a
pulverizer and sift through sieve number 85 mesh separately. Weigh separately each ingredient, mix together in specified ratio and pass through
sieve number 44 to obtain a homogeneous blend. Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Yellowish brown, smooth powder, taste bitter, salty and odour pungent. The powder completely pass on through sieve number 44 and not less
than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.


Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of C£r¸a in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the Thin Layer
Chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 3) as
mobile phase. After development of the plate, allow it to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.25
(fluorescent blue), 0.52 (yellow), 0.67 and 0.82, (both blue). Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), it shows major spots at Rf 0.25, 0.52, 0.57, 0.62,
0.72 and 0.82 (all pale blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe
under visible light. The plate shows major spots at Rf 0.72 (grey), 0.82 (pink) and 0.87 (grey).
Test for chloride: Dissolve 1 g of the sample in 10 ml of purified water and filter. Acidify the filtrate with dilute nitric acid and add 5 per cent
w/v silver nitrate solution. A curdy white precipitate shows the presence of chlorides.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 18 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 23 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 4 to 5, Appendix 3.3.
Sodium: Not less than 0.6 per cent w/w, Appendix 5.2.9.
Other requirements
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Udara (Diseases of abdomen), Ëmav¡ta (Rheumatism), V¡tarakta (Gout), KuÀ¶ha (Diseases of Skin)
Dose: 5 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Gu·£c¢ Kv¡tha, Warm Water.

20. Panchasama churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:22
PAØCASAMA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below:
Formulation composition:
1. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) Rz. 1 part
2. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 1 part
3. K¤Àn¡ (Pippal¢) Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 1 part
4. Triv¤t Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso. (API-Vol:3/213) Rt. 1 part
5. Sauvarcala Lava¸a Black salt 1 part
Method of preparation:

Take the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash, dry and powder the cleaned ingredients 1 to 4 individually in a pulverizer also powder ingredients 5 and sift separately through sieve
number 85. Weigh separately each powdered ingredient, mix together in specified ratio and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a
homogeneous blend.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Pale brown, smooth powder, odour pungent and taste slightly pungent with tingling sensation. The powder completely pass on through sieve
number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.


Take about 2 g of the C£r¸aand wash it thoroughly with water to remove the salt without loss of C£r¸a ; using the washed C£r¸a make the
following preparations: warm a few mg in chloral hydrate, wash to remove chloral hydrate and mount in glycerine; mount a few mg in
glycerine; treat a few mg with solution of iodine solution and mount in glycerine: take a few mg in a watch glass add iodine water, and drain
excess of iodine by filter paper; add a drop of sulphuric acid (2 parts in 1 part water), mount in glycerine to locate cellulosic fibres. Observe the
following characters in the different mounts:
Fragments of septate non-lignified fibres, broad spiral and reticulate vessels and oval shaped starch grains upto 50 µ in size ( áu¸¶h¢
); groups of
elongated thick walled sclereids with pits and broad lumen, crisscross thin walled fibres with broad lumen and pegged tips, polygonal epidermal
cells with slight beading and dividing septum ( Har¢tak¢); uniseriate, multicellular trichomes, perisperm cells packed with starch grains and
minute crystals of calcium oxalate, isolated, elongated stone cells with broad lumen (Pippal¢); Prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and rosette
crystals of calcium oxalate, vessels with regular bordered pits appearing like honey comb, stone cells and thick walled cellulosic fibres with
broken ends and very narrow lumen ( Triv¤t).
Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of sample in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min filter concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the Thin Layer
Chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 2) as
mobile phase. After development of the plate, allow it to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.46
and 0.63 (both green). Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), it shows a major spot at Rf 0.77 (fluorescent blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-
sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe under ultraviolet light. The plate shows a major spot at R f 0.77

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 :
Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 22 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 35 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 4.5 to 4.7, Appendix 3.3.
Sodium: Not less than 4 per cent w/w, Appendix 5.2.9.
Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Ëdhm¡na (Flatulance with gurgling sound), á£la (Pain / colic), Ëmav¡ta (Rheumatism), Ar¿a (Piles), Udara Roga
(Diseases of abdomen), Vibandha (Constipation)
Dose: 3 to 5 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Warm Water.

21. Pushyanuga churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:23
PUâYËNUGA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. P¡¶h¡ Cissampelos pareira Linn (API-Vol:1/92) (Rt.) 1 Part
2. Jamb£ -b¢ja majj¡ Syzygium cumini (Linn) Skeels (API-Vol:2/56) (Enm.) 1 Part
3. Ëmra - b¢ja majj¡ Mangifera indica Linn. (API-Vol:3/9) (Enm.) 1 Part
4. áil¡bheda (P¡À¡¸abheda) Bergenia ligulata (Haw ) Sternb. (API-Vol:1/90) (Rz.) 1 Part
5. Ras¡µjana (D¡ruharidr¡) Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) (Rt/St.Ext.) 1 Part
6. AmbaÀ¶hak¢ Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn (API-Vol:3/5) (Rt.) 1 Part
7. Mocarasa (á¡lmal¢) Bombax ceiba Linn. (Salmalia malabarica) (API-Vol:3/183) (Exd.) 1 Part
8. Sama´g¡ (Lajj¡lu) Mimosa pudica Linn (API-Vol:2/98) (Rt./Pl.) 1 Part
9. Padma kesara (Kamala) Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (API-Vol:3/81) (Adr.) 1 Part
10. V¡hl¢ka (Ku´kuma) Crocus sativus Linn (API-Vol:4/52) (Stl./Stg.) 1 Part
11. AtiviÀ¡ Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Ex Royle (API-Vol:1/22) (Rt.Tr.) 1 Part
12. Must¡ Cyperus rotundus Linn. (API-Vol:3/129) (Rt.Tr.) 1 Part
13. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr (API-Vol:4/10) (Rt/St.Bk.) 1 Part
14. Lodhra Symplocos racemosa Roxb. (API-Vol:1/82) (St.Bk.) 1 Part
15. Gairika (áuddha) Red ochre 1 Part
16. Ka¶phala Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don (API-Vol:3/92) (St.Bk.) 1 Part
17. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 1 Part
18. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 1 Part
19. M¤dv¢k¡ (Dr¡kÀ¡) Vitis vinifera Linn. (API-Vol:3/45) (Dr.Fr.) 1 Part
20. Rakta Candana Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. (API-Vol:3/155) (Ht.Wd.) 1 Part
21. Ka¶va´ga (Araluka) Ailanthus excelsa ( Roxb). (API-Vol:3/15) (St.Bk.) 1 Part
22. Vatsaka (Ku¶aja) Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roth) A.DC (API-Vol:1/78) (St.Bk.) 1 Part
23. Anant¡ (áv®ta S¡riv¡) Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/107) (Rt.) 1 Part
24. Dh¡tak¢ Woodfordia fruiticosa (Linn ) Kurz (API-Vol:1/32) (Fl.) 1 Part
25. Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢) Glycyrrhiza glabra (API-Vol:2/102) (Rt.) 1 Part
26. Arjuna Terminalia arjuna W& A. (API-Vol:2/17) (St.Bk.) 1 Part
Method of preparation:

Take all the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Treat Gairika (No. 15) to prepare áuddha Gairika (Appendix, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Clean, dry and powder
ingredients numbered 1 to 26 individually (except 15) and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each powdered ingredient and mix
together in specified ratio. Pass through sieve number 44 to prepare a homogeneous blend.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Reddish brown-coloured fine powder with a pungent odour and a bitter, sweet taste. The powder completely pass on through sieve number 44
and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.

Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of C£r¸a in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 2) as
mobile phase. After development, allow the plate, to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (366 nm). It shows major spots at R f 0.18
(blue), 0.73 (fluorescent blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe
under visible light. The plate shows major spots at Rf 0.13 (grey), 0.27 (purple), 0.33 (yellow), 0.53 (purple), 0.66 and 0.97 (both purple).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-Insoluble ash: Not more than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 13 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% )aqueous solution: 5 to 6, Appendix 3.3.
Other requirements:

Microbial limit: Appendix 2.4.

Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: As¤gdara (Menorrhagia), áveta Pradara (Leucorrhoea), RajodoÀa (Menstrual disorder), Ar¿a (Piles), YonidoÀa (Disorders
of female genital tract)
Dose: 6 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Milk or Ta¸·ulodaka.

22. Taalisaadya churna
AFI, Part-I, 7:13
TËLÌSËDYA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. T¡l¢sa Abies webbiana Lindl (API-Vol:4/126) (Lf.) 12 g
2. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 24 g
3. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 36 g
4. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 48 g
5. Vam¿a-rocana (Vam¿alocana) Bambusa bambos (S.C.) 60 g
6. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 6g
7. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St.Bk.) 6g
8. áarkar¡ Cane Sugar 384 g
Method of Preparation:

Take all the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Powder separately ingredients numbered 1 to 8 and pass through sieve number 85.
Weigh separately each powdered ingredient and mix together in specified ratio. Pass the C£r¸a through sieve number 44 to prepare a
homogeneous blend.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Creamish white fine powder with pleasant odour and a sweet, spicy and pungent taste. The powder completely pass on through sieve number 44
and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.



Take about 2 g of C£r¸a , wash thoroughly in water to remove sugar. Take a few mg of the washed C£r¸aand warm with chloral hydrate, wash
and mount in glycerine; wash a few mg in water and mount in glycerine; treat a few mg with iodine solution and mount in glycerine. Observe the
following characters in different mounts.
Surface view of epidermis showing sunken stomata with thick cuticle, palisade parenchymatous fragments, parenchyma cells filled with brown
colour cell content ( T¡l¢sa); beaker shaped stone cells upto 150 μ length, tissue from hypodermis with polygonal pitted stone cells with
interspersed among parenchyma cells, lumen circular (Marica); large starch grains upto 35 μ in dia, eccentric hilum, reticulate and spiral
vessels, septate fibres non lignified and broad lumen with sharp tips (áu¸¶h¢); spindle shaped stone cells with or without a broad lumen,
uniseriate multicellular trichome (Pippal¢); perisperm cells with bulbous projections, packed with minute starch grains and also carrying minute
calcium oxalate crystals, fragments of aril tissue from testa, orange coloured sclerenchymatous cells (El¡); fibres with thick walls narrow lumen
upto 720 μ length, lignified stone cells with thick inner walls, pitted parenchyma, acicular crystals of calcium oxalate (Tvak).

Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of sample in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate : formic acid
(5 : 2.5 : 0.5) as mobile phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet (254 nm). It shows a major spot at
Rf 0.59 and 0.64 (both grey).Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), it shows a major spot at R f 0.52(fluorescent blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-
sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe under visible light. The plate shows major spots at R f 0.45
(yellow), and 0.76 (orange).
Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 : Not more than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 9.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 68 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 6 to 8, Appendix 3.3.
Total sugars: Not less than 56 per cent, Appendix
Reducing sugars: Not less than 8 per cent, Appendix
Other requirements:
Microbial limit: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxin: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Chardi (Vomiting), Ëdhm¡na (Flatulance with gurgling sound), K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Asthma), Jvara (Fever), Aruc¢
(Anorexia), Aj¢r¸a (Indigestion), At¢s¡ra (Diarrhoea), áoÀa (Cachexia), Pl¢h¡(Splenic disease), Graha¸¢ (Malabsorption syndrome), P¡¸·u
Dose: 5 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Honey, warm water.

23. Vaishvaanara churna
AFI, Part-I, 7: 30
VAIáVËNARA CÍRÛA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below:
Formulation composition:
1. Ma¸imantha (Saindhava Lava¸a) Rock Salt 2 Parts
2. Yam¡n¢ (Yav¡n¢) Trachyspermum ammi (Linn.) Sprague ex Turril. (API-Vol:1/129) (Fr.) 2 Parts
3. Ajamod¡ Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F.V.M.ex Benth (API-Vol:1/2) (Fr.) 3 Parts
4. N¡gar¡ (áu¸¶h¢) Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 5 Parts
5. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 12 Parts
Method of preparation:

Take all the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Roast Saindhava Lava¸a stainless steel pan at a low temperature till it becomes free from moisture. Powder the ingredients 1 to 5 individually in
a pulverizer and pass through sieve number 85. Weigh separately each ingredient, mix together in specified ratio and pass through sieve number
44 to obtain a homogeneous blend.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Creamish-brown, smooth powder with the characteristic smell of áu¸th¢

; taste salty, astringent, bitter, with a tingling sensation. The powder
completely pass on through sieve number 44 and not less than 50 per cent pass on through sieve number 85.


Take about 2 g of C£r¸a

, and wash it thoroughly in water to remove salt without loss of C£r¸a
and use the washed C£r¸a
as follows; warm a few
mg with chloral hydrate, wash and mount in glycerine; mount a few mg in glycerine; treat a few mg with iodine solution and mount in
glycerine; treat a few mg in 2 per cent aqueous potassium hydroxide, wash in water, and mount in glycerine. Observe the following characters in
different mounts.
Epidermis showing striated cuticle with papillose cells and short glandular outgrowths ( Yav¡n¢); epidermal tissue with radially striated
puckered papillose outgrowths ( Ajamod¡); broad, reticulate or pitted vessel debris, long non-lignified fibres with septae and dented along one
side, starch grains large, upto 50 µ, oval with eccentric hilum (áu¸¶h¢); groups of elongated sclereids with pits and broad lumen, crisscross thin
walled fibres with broad lumen and pegged tips, epidermal tissue with polygonal cells, walls slightly beaded, and several showing thin transverse
septa ( Har¢tak¢).
Thin Layer Chromatography:

Extract 4 g of sample in alcohol (25 ml x 3) under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter, concentrate to 10 ml and carry out the thin layer
chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate, develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate (5 : 1) as mobile
phase. After development of the plate, allow it to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots at Rf 0.36, 0.55
(both green), 0.64 (fluorescent blue) and 0.72 (green). Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), it shows major spots at R f, 0.52 and 0.63 (both pale
blue). Spray the plate with vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min and observe under visible light. The
plate shows major spots at Rf 0.47, 0.62, 0.76 and 0.97 (all grey).

Test for Chloride: Dissolve 1 g of the C£r¸a in 10 ml of deionised water and filter. Acidify the filtrate with dilute nitric acid and add 5 per cent
w/v silver nitrate solution. A curdy white precipitate appears.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 105 :
Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1.8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 34 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 42 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.

Sodium: Not less than 3 per cent w/w, Appendix 5.2.9.

Other requirements
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses:Ëdhm¡na (Flatulance with gurgling sound), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Pari¸¡ma¿£la (Duodenal ulcer), Ëmav¡ta
(Rheumatism), H¤droga (Heart disease)
Dose: 5 g daily in divided doses

Anupāna: K¡µjika, Butter milk, Ghee, Warm Water.

General Description:
Gh¤tas are preparations in which the Gh¤ta is boiled with prescribed liquid media [Svarasa / KaÀ¡ya etc.] and a fine paste [Kalka] of the
drugs specified in the formulation composition. Unless specified otherwise Gh¤ta means Go Gh¤ta.

General Method of Preparation:

1. There are usually three essential components in the manufacture of Gh¤ta Kalpan¡.
a. Drava [Any liquid medium as prescribed in the composition]
b. Kalka [Fine paste of the specified drugs]
c. Sneha dravya [Fatty media - Gh¤ta]
And, occasionally.
d. Gandha dravya [Perfuming agents]
2. Unless otherwise specified in the verse, if Kalka is one part by weight, Gh¤ta should be four parts and the Drava dravya should be
sixteen parts.

3. There are a few exceptions for the above general rule:

a. Where Drava dravya is either Kv¡tha or Svarasa, the ratio of Kalka should be one-sixth and one-eighth respectively to that of Gh
Drava dravya is either KÀ¢ra or Dadhi or M¡Æsa rasa or Takra, the ratio of Kalka should be one-eighth to that of Gh¤ta.
If the
b. When flowers are advised for use as Kalka, it should be one-eighth to that of Sneha.
c. Where the number of Drava dravya are four or less than four, the total quantity should be four times to that of Gh¤ta.
d. Where the number of Drava-dravyas is more than four, each Drava should be equal to that of Gh¤ta.
e. If, Kalka dravya is not prescribed in a formulation, the drugs specified for the Drava-dravya [Kv¡tha or Svarasa] should be used
for the preparation of Kalka.
f. Where no Drava dravya is prescribed in a formulation, four parts of water should be added to one part of Gh¤ta.
4. In general, the Gh¤ta should be subjected to M£rchana process, followed by addition of increments of Kalka and Drava-dravya in
specified ratio. The contents are to be stirred continuously thoroughout the process in order to avoid charring.
5. The process of boiling is to be continued till the whole amount of moisture gets evaporated and characteristic features of Gh¤ta
6. The whole process of P¡ka should be carried out on a mild to moderate flame.
7. Three stages ofP¡ka are specified for therapeutic purposes.
a. M¤du P¡ka: In this stage, the Kalka looks waxy and when rolled between fingers, it rolls like lac without sticking. The Gh¤ta
obtained at this stage is used for Nasya [Nasal instillation].
b. Madhyama P¡ka: In this stage, the Kalka becomes harder and rolls into Varti. It burns without crackling sounds when exposed to
fire and phena [froth] will disappears in Gh¤ta. The Gh¤ta obtained at this stage is used for Pāna [Internal administration] and
Vasti [Enema].
c. Khara P¡ka: Further heating of the Gh¤ta, leads to Khara pāka. Kalka becomes brittle when rolled in between fingers. The Gh¤ta
obtained at this stage is used only for Abhya´ga [External application].
8. The period of P¡ka depends upon the nature of liquid media used in the process.

a. Takra or Ëran¡la 5 Nights

b. Svarasa 3 Nights
c. KÀ¢ra 2 Nights
9. P¡tra P¡ka: It is the process by which the Gh¤ta is augmented or flavored by certain prescribed substances. The powdered drugs are
suspended in a vessel containing warm, filtered Gh¤ta.

The medicated Gh¤ta will have the odour, colour and taste of the drugs used in the process. If a considerable amount of milk is
used in the preparation, the Gh¤ta will become thick and may solidify in cold seasons.
Gh¤tas are preserved in good quality of glass, steel or polythene containers. These medicated preparations retain the therapeutic
efficacy for sixteen months.
24. Brahmi ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:32
is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh ta as the basic

Formulation composition:
1. Br¡hm¢ svarasa (br¡hm¢) Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Wettst. (API-Vol:2/25) (Pl.) 1.536 l
2. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
3. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 12 g
4. Marica Piper nigrum Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Fr.) 12 g
5. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 12 g
6. áy¡m¡ (Triv¤t) Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso. (API-Vol:3/213) (Rt.) 12 g
7. Triv¤t (áveta Triv¤t) Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso. (API-Vol:3/213) (Rt.) 12 g
8. Dant¢ Baliospermum montanum Muell Arg. (API-Vol:3/41) (Rt.) 12 g
9. áa¸khapuÀp¢ Convolvulvus pluricaulis Choisy (API-Vol:2/147) (W.P.) 12 g
10. N¤padruma (Ëragvadha) Cassia fistula Linn (API-Vol:5/8) (Fr.Pulp.) 12 g
11. Saptal¡ Euphorbia dracunculoides Lam (API-Vol:2/150) (Pl.) 12 g
12. K¤mihara (Vi·a´ga) Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) (Fr.) 12 g
Method of preparation:
Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
Take fresh Br¡hm¢ and wash thoroughly with water. Grind and filter with muslin cloth to obtain Br¡hm¢ svarasa.
Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 3 to 12, wash, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer the powdered
ingredients to the wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend.
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Br¡hm¢ Svarasa in the specified ratio.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight. Start the heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth (phena śānti) and constantly check the kalka
for formation of varti (Madhyama P¡ka LakÀa¸a ).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the kalka forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, green in colour with soft, unctuous touch, pleasant odour and bitter taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows major spots at Rf 0.15 (both grey), 0.28, 0.40 and 0.51 (all light grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.454 to1.465, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.930g to 0.945g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 190 to 230, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 30 to 40, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 2, Appendix 3.12
Peroxide value: Not more than 4, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170, Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeuticuses: Apasm¡ra (Epilepsy), Unm¡da (Insanity), Vandhyatva (Infertility), KuÀ¶ha (Skin disorders), V¡ksvara Bha´ga (Inability
to speak properly), SÆrtikÀaya (Memory loss), Buddhi m¡ndya(Mental retardation)
Dose: 12 to 24 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm Milk and Warm Water.

25. Dashamoola ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:16
DAáAMÍLA GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr (API-Vol:4/10) (Rt./St.Bk.) 307.6 g
2. áyon¡ka Oroxylum indicum Vent. (API-Vol:3/209) (Rt./St.Bk.) 307.6 g
3. Gambh¡r¢ Gmelina arborea Linn (API-Vol:4/31) (Rt./St.Bk.) 307.6 g
4. P¡¶al¡ Stereospermum suaveolens (L.F) DC (API-Vol:4/87) (Rt./St.Bk.) 307.6 g
5. Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn (Premna integrifolia) (API-Vol:3/3) (Rt./St.Bk.) 307.6 g
6. á¡lapar¸¢ Desmodium gangeticum DC. (API-Vol:3/178) (Pl.) 307.6 g
7. P¤¿nipar¸¢ Uraria picta Desv. (API-Vol:4/99) (Pl) 307.6 g
8. B¤hat¢ Solanum indicum Linn (API-Vol:2/27) (Pl.) 307.6 g
9. Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) (Pl.) 307.6 g
10. GokÀura Tribulus terrestris Linn (API-Vol:1/38) (Fr.) 307.6 g
11. Water for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to - 3.07 l
12. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta ) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
13. PuÀkar¡hv¡ (PuÀkara) Inula racemosa Hook.f (API-Vol:4/102) (Rt.) 12 g
14. áa¶h¢ (áa¶¢) Hedychium spicatum Ham . Ex.Smith (API-Vol:1/99) (Rz.) 12 g
15. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr. (API-Vol:3/29) (Rt./St.Bk.) 12 g
16. Suras¡ (Tulas¢) Ocimum sanctum Linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Pl.) 12 g
17. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 12 g
18. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 12 g
19. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 12 g
20. Hi´gu -¿uddha Ferula foetida Regel. (API-Vol:1/49) (Exd. ) 12 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Clean and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly before pulverization.
Treat Gh¤ta M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
to prepare
Pulverize ingredients numbered 1 to 10 (Kv¡tha Dravya), to coarse powder, add 4 parts of water, keep for four hours, heat and reduce the
volume to one-fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Da¿am£la Kv¡tha.

Note: Stem bark of the ingredients number 1 to 5 & 15 of the formulation composition has been used.
TreatHi´gu to prepare áodhita Hi´gu (Appendix and keep aside for addition during Snehap¡ka.
Take the other ingredients (Kalka Dravya) numbered 13 to 19 in the formulation composition, with the exception of Tulas¢, clean, dry, powder
and pass through sieve number 85. Grind Tulasī in a wet grinder.
Transfer all the Kalka dravyas (number 13 to 20) to the wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Da¿am£la Kv¡tha.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 50 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight. Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth (phena śānti) and constantly check the kalka for
formation of varti ( Madhyama P¡ka LakÀa¸a ).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the kalka forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.
A low melting Gh¤ta, yellowish green in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene: ethyl acetate:
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.11 (light grey), 0.38 (light grey), 0.50 (grey), 0.63 (grey), 0.70 (light grey), 0.78 (light
grey) and 0.90 (light grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.450 to 1.453, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910 g to 0.940 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 120 to 150, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 6, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 220 to 170 Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflotoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: V¡taja K¡sa (Cough due to V¡ta doÀa), Kaphaja K¡sa (Cough due to Kapha doÀa), V¡takapha Roga (Diseases due to
V¡ta Kapha doÀa), S£tik¡ roga (Puerperal disorders), Hasta P¡da d¡ha (Burning sensation in palms & soles.)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm Water, Warm Milk.

26. Dashamoola shatphalaka ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:17
DAáAMÍLA âAÙPALAKA GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below
Gh ta as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr (API-Vol:4/10) (Rt./St.Bk.) 240 g
2. áyon¡ka Oroxylum indicum Vent. (API-Vol:3/209) (Rt./St.Bk.) 240 g
3. Gambh¡r¢ Gmelina arborea Linn (API-Vol:4/31) (Rt./St.Bk.) 240 g
4. P¡¶al¡ Stereospermum suaveolens (L.F) DC (API-Vol:4/87) (Rt./St.Bk.) 240 g
5. Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn (Premna integrifolia) (API-Vol:3/3) (Rt./St.Bk.) 240 g
6. á¡lapar¸¢ Desmodium gangeticum DC. (API-Vol:3/178) (Pl.) 240 g
7. P¤¿nipar¸¢ Uraria picta Desv. (API-Vol:4/99) (Pl.) 240 g
8. B¤hat¢ Solanum indicum Linn (API-Vol:2/27) (Pl.) 240 g
9. Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) (Pl.) 240 g
10. GokÀura Tribulus terrestris Linn (API-Vol:1/38) (Pl.) 240 g
11. Water for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to - 3.07 l
12. KÀ¢ra (Godugdha) Cow's milk 3.072 l
13. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 21.33 g
14. Pippal¢ m£la Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:2/133) (Rt.) 21.33 g
15. Cavya Piper chaba Vahl. (API-Vol:2/29) (Rt.) 21.33 g
16. Citraka Plumbago zeylanica Linn (API-Vol:1/29) (Rt.) 21.33 g
17. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 21.33 g
18. KÀ¡ra (Yava) Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:2/175) (Ash of Pl.) 21.33 g
19. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta ) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry the raw materials thoroughly before pulverization.
Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Note: Stem bark of the ingredients number 1 to 5 of the formulation composition has been used in place of root.

Pulverize Da¿am£la ingredients 1 to 10. (Kv¡tha dravya) to coarse powder, add specified quantity of water, keep for four hours, heat and reduce
the volume to one fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Da¿am£la Kv¡tha.
Take the other ingredients (Kalka Dravya) numbered 13 to 18 of the formulation composition, powder and pass through sieve number 85.
Transfer the powdered ingredients to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka)
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Da¿am£la kv¡tha and Godugdha.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the kalka for formation of varti
(Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a ).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the kalka forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, yellowish green in color with pleasant odour and bitter and astringent taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter and concentrate to 5 ml and carry out
the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene: ethyl acetate:
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.12 (grey), 0.19 (grey), 0.35 (grey), 0.71 (light brown), 0.8 (brown) and 0.92 (brown)
under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.448 to 1.530, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910 g to 0.940g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 30 to 47, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 6, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 220 to 170, Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Agnim¡ndya (Loss of appetite), P¡¸·u (Anaemia), K¡sa (Cough), Aj¢r¸a (Indigestion), Jvara (Fever), Pl¢haroga (Spleen
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm Milk and Warm Water.

27. Dhaatryaadi ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:21
DHËTRYËDI GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Dh¡tr¢ rasa (Ëmalak¢) Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 768 ml
2. Vid¡r¢ rasa (Vid¡r¢) Pueraria tuberosa DC (API-Vol:2/173) Rt.Tr. 768 ml
3. IkÀu rasa Saccharum officinarum Linn (API-Vol:4/33) St.(Juice) 768 ml
4. áat¡var¢ rasa (áat¡var¢) Asparagus racemosus Willd (API-Vol:4/108) Rt. 768 ml
5. K£Àm¡¸·aka ras (K£Àm¡¸·a) Benincasa hispida (Thunb)Cogn. (API-Vol:4/55) Fr.P. 768 ml
6. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta ) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 ml
7. KÀ¢ra (Godugdha) Cow's milk 768 ml
8. M¤dv¢k¡ (Dr¡kÀ¡) Vitis vinifera Linn. (API-Vol:3/45) Dr.Fr. 24 g
9. YaÀ¶y¡hvaya (YaÀ¶¢) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) Rt. 24 g
10. Candana (áveta Candana) Santalum album Linn. (API-Vol:3/207) Ht.Wd. 24 g
11. Sit¡ Sugar candy 24 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Obtain ingredients numbered 1 to 5 in fresh form, wash thoroughly, grind and express svarasa through muslin cloth.
Take the other ingredients ( Kalka dravya) numbered 9 and 10, clean, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer the powdered
ingredients to the wet grinder, add cleaned M¤dv¢k¡ and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend.
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Svarasa and Godugdha.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start the heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the Kalka for formation of
varti (Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka
forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 80 ) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool. After complete cooling add powdered sugar, stir
vigorously for dissolution.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

Medicated Gh¤ta, greenish yellow in color with pleasant odour and sweet taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene: ethyl acetate:
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.39 (light grey), 0.62 (light grey), 0.68 (light grey), 0.79 (light grey) and 0.88 (light grey)
under visible light.
Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.465 to 1.466, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910 g to 0.920 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 175 to 205, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 35 to 45, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 2, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 2, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170, Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Pittaja Gulma (Lump due to Pitta doÀa), Pittaja P¡¸·u (Anemia due to Pitta doÀa), Mada (Intoxication), M£rcch¡
(Syncope), Mad¡ty¡ya (Alcoholism), Unm¡da (Insanity), Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders), As¤gdara (Excessive bledding from vaginal tract),
Vandhyatva (Infertility), V¡tarakta (Gout), Pittavik¡ra (Disorders of Pitta doÀa), Asthi Sr¡va (Discharge from bone)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Mixed with equal quantity of sugar and administer with warm milk and warm water.
28. Jaatyaadi ghrutha
28. JËTYËDI GHÎTA (Synonym Vra¸a áodhan¡di Gh¤ta)
AFI, Part-I, 6:11
JËTYËDI GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the basic

Formulation composition:
1. J¡t¢ patra (J¡t¢) Jasminum officinale Linn. Var. grandiflorum (API-Vol:3/71) Lf. 14.76 g
2. Nimba patra Azadirachta indica A. Juss (API-Vol:2/124) Lf. 14.76 g
3. Pa¶ola patra Trichosanthes dioica Lf. 14.76 g
4. Ka¶uk¡ Picrorrhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (API-Vol:2/85) Rz. 14.76 g
5. D¡rv¢ (D¡ruharidr¡) Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) St. 14.76 g
6. Ni¿¡ (Haridr¡) Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) Rz. 14.76 g
7. S¡riva (áveta S¡riv¡) Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/107) Rt. 14.76 g
8. MaµjiÀ¶h¡ Rubia cordifolia Linn. (API-Vol:3/112) Rt. 14.76 g
9. Abhaya (U¿¢ra ) Vetiveria zizaniodes (Linn.) Nash. (API-Vol:3/219) Rt. 14.76 g
10. Siktha (Madh£cchiÀ¶a ) Bee's wax 14.76 g
11. Tuttha Copper sulphate 14.76 g
12. Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) Rt. 14.76 g
13. Nakt¡hv¡ (Karaµja) Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Merr. (API-Vol:1/63) Sd. 14.76 g
14. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta ) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
15. Water Water 3.07 l
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Wash and grind fresh leaves of ingredients 1 to 3 of the formulation composition ( Kalka dravya) in a wet grinder. Treat Tuttha to prepare
áodhitha Tuttha (Appendix and keep aside for addition during snehap¡ka.
Take the ingredients (Kalka dravya) 4 to 9 and 12 to 13, clean, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85 seperately. Transfer the powdered
ingredients to the wet grinder; add the paste of ingredients number 1 to 3 and 11, ingredient grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a
homogeneous blend. ( Kalka)
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding water in the ratio of 1 : 4.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day, observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth and constantly check the Kalka for the sign of varti breaking down
Khara p¡ka lakÀa¸a). Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating
into pieces on attempting to form a varti (
absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka breaks down into pieces on attempting to form a varti and the froth subsides. Filter while hot
(about 80 ) through a muslin cloth. Add small pieces of Siktha, filter through muslin cloth and allow cooling.

Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, yellowish green in color, unctuous to touch with pleasant odour.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of J¡ty¡di Gh¤ta with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.12 (light grey), 0.29 (grey), 0.5 (dark brown), 0.59 (brown), 0.69 (brown) and 0.85 (light grey).

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.452 to 1.464, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910g to 0.935g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 190 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 35 to 45, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170, Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: For local application in Marm¡¿rita vra¸a (Ulcers in vital points), Kled¢ Vra¸a (Oozing / weeping ulcer), Gambh¢ra
Vra¸a (Deep-rooted ulcers), Saruja Vra¸a (Painful ulcers), Raktaja Vra¸a (Bleeding ulcers), DuÀ¶a vra¸a (Non-healing ulcers)
Dose: For application on various types of wounds and ulcers.
29. Kalyaanaka ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:7
KALYËÛAKA GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 12 g
2. Bibh¢taka Terminalia belerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) P. 12 g
3. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 12 g
4. Vi¿¡l¡ (Rakta Indrav¡ru¸¢) Citrullus colocynthis Schrad. (Official Substitute) (API-Vol:3/65) Fr. 12 g
5. Bhadrail¡ (Sth£lail¡) Amomum subulatum Roxb (API-Vol:2/158) Sd. 12 g
6. Devad¡ru Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud (API-Vol:4/23) Ht.Wd 12 g
7. Elav¡luka Prunus avium Linn.f. (API-Vol:5/31) St.Bk 12 g
8. áveta S¡riv¡ Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/107) Rt. 12 g
9. K¤À¸a S¡riv¡ Cryptolepis buchanani Roem & Schult (API-Vol:4/47) Rt. 12 g
10. Haridr¡ Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) Rz. 12 g
11. D¡ruharidr¡ Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) St. 12 g
12. á¡lapar¸¢ Desmodium gangeticum DC. (API-Vol:3/178) Rt. 12 g
13. P¤¿nipar¸¢ Uraria picta Desv. (API-Vol:4/99) Rt. 12 g
14. Phalin¢ (Priya´gu) Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl (API-Vol:2/143) Infl. 12 g
15. Nata (Tagara) Valeriana wallichii (API-Vol:1/109) Rt 12 g
16. B¤hat¢ Solanum indicum Linn (API-Vol:2/27) Pl. 12 g
17. Ku˦ha Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) Rt 12 g
18. MaµjiÀ¶h¡ Rubia cordifolia Linn. (API-Vol:3/112) St 12 g
19. N¡gakesara Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) Stmn. 12 g
20. D¡·ima - Phala tvak Punica granatum Linn (API-Vol:4/16) P. 12 g
21. Vella (Vi·a´ga) Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) Fr. 12 g
22. T¡l¢sapatra (T¡l¢sa) Abies webbiana Lindl (API-Vol:4/126) Lf. 12 g
23. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) Sd. 12 g
24. M¡lat¢ mukula (J¡t¢) Jasminum officinale Linn. Var. grandiflorum (API-Vol:3/71) Fl. 12 g
25. Utpala Nymphaea stellata Willd. (API-Vol:3/221) Fl. 12 g
26. Dant¢ Baliospermum montanum Muell Arg. (API-Vol:3/41) Rt 12 g
27. Padmaka Prunus cerasoides D.Don. (API-Vol:3/145) Ht. Wd 12 g
28. Hima (Rakta Candana) Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. (API-Vol:3/155) Ht. Wd 12 g
29. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta ) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry all the herbal raw material thoroughly.
TreatGh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Take the ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 1 to 28 in the formulation composition, clean, wash, dry, powder separately and pass through
sieve number 85.
Transfer the powdered ingredients to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka).
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding water in the ratio of 1:4
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating on next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the Kalka for formation of
varti ( Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka form in to a
varti and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, yellowish green in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of Kaly¡¸aka Gh¤tawith 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry
out thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl
acetate : hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent
followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.12 (grey), 0.25 (light grey), 0.35 (light grey), 0.54 (light grey), 0.76
(brownish grey) and 0.92 (brown) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.450 to 1.461, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.920g to 0.940g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 33 to 45, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 4.5, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 6, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 220 to 170, Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Absent, Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Absent, Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough), P¡¸·u (Anaemia), Apasm¡ra (Epilepsy), Bh£tonm¡da (Exogenous psychosis), B¡lagraha (Specific
disorders of children), ViÀavik¡ra (Disorders due to poison), Gara ViÀa (Slow/accumulated poison), Vandhyatva (Infertility), Yoni Roga
(Diseases of the female genital tract), Ka¸·£ (Itching), áopha (Oedema), Meda (Adipose tissue), Moha (Delusion), Jvara (Fever), Sm¤ti
Daurbalya (Weak memory) and Daurbalya.
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm milk, Warm water.

30. Panchagavya ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:25
PAØCAGAVYA GHÎTA is a semi-solid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as
the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Gomaya svarasa Water extract of fresh cow dung 3.07 l
2. KÀ¢ra (Godugdha) Cow's milk 3.07 l
3. Dadhi (Godadhi) Curd from cow's milk 3.07 kg
4. M£tra (Gom£tra) Urine of cow 3.07 l
5. Havi (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Collect fresh cow dung and cow urine in clean seperate vessels taking care to avoid contamination. Use urine within 12 h of collection. Use cow
dung with in 2 h to prepare ( Gomaya Svarasa
Mix Cow dung with equal quantity of water using gloved hands and make a homogeneous solution. Filter later with muslin cloth to obtain
Gomaya svarasa.
Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Stir thoroughly while adding the Godadhi, Godugdha, Gom£tra and Gomaya svarasa.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti). Stop heating when the froth subsides. Filter while
hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, light yellow in color with phenolic odour.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene: ethyl acetate:
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.15 (light grey), 0.22 (brownish grey), 0.30 (light grey), 0.50 (light grey), 0.63 (brownish
grey), 0.70 (grey) and 0.82 (brownish grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.450 to 1.455, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.915 g to 0.950 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 200 to 225, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 35 to 45, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 2, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170, Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: Apasm¡ra (Epilepsy), Jvara (Fever), Unm¡da (Insanity), K¡mal¡ (Jaundice)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Warm milk, Warm water.

31. Panchatikta ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:26
PAØCATIKTA GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Nimba Azadirachta indica A.Juss (API-Vol:5/119) St.Bk. 480 g
2. Pa¶ola Trichosanthes dioica Lf. 480 g
3. Vy¡ghr¢ (Ka¸¶ak¡r¢) Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) Pl. 480 g
4. Gu·£c¢ Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) St. 480 g
5. V¡saka (V¡s¡) Adhatoda vasica Medic (API-Vol:4/138) Rt. 480 g
6. Water for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to 3.07 l
7. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 128 g
8. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) P. 128 g
9. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 128 g
10. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.
Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Pulverize ingredients numbered 1 to 5 (Kv¡tha Dravya) to coarse powder, add specified quantity of water, heat and reduce the volume to one-
fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Paµcatikta kv¡tha.
Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 7 to 9 in the formulation composition, Powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer
the powdered ingredients to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka)
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding kv¡tha.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the Kalka for formation of
varti ( Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, greenish yellow color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene: ethyl acetate:
hexane (6: 3: 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.13 (light grey), 0.20 (light grey), 0.28 (light grey), 0.37 (light grey), 0.57 (light grey) and
0.89 (brown) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.450 to 1.452, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910 g to 0.930 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 30 to 40, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170 Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:

Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.

Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: DuÀ¶a vra¸a (Non-healing ulcers), KuÀ¶ha (Leprosy/skin diseases), V¡tavy¡dhi (Disorders due to vitiated V¡ta doÀa),
Pittavy¡dhi (Diseases due to vitiated Pitta doÀa), Kaphavik¡ra (Disorders due to vitiated Kapha doÀa), K¤mi (Worm infestation), Ar¿a (Piles
and), K¡sa (Cough)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.
Anupāna: Warm milk, Warm water.
32. Phala ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:30
PHALA GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the basic

Formulation composition:
1. MaµjiÀ¶h¡ Rubia cordifolia Linn. (API-Vol:3/112) Rt. 12 g
2. Ku˦ha Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) Rt. 12 g
3. Tagara Valeriana wallichii (API-Vol:1/109) Rt. 12 g
4. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 12 g
5. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) P. 12 g
6. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 12 g
7. áarkar¡ Sugar 12 g
8. Vac¡ Acorus calamus Linn (API-Vol:2/168) Rz. 12 g
9. Haridr¡ Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) Rz. 12 g
10. D¡ruharidr¡ Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) St. 12 g
11. Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) Rt. 12 g
12. Med¡ Asparagus racemosus (Official substitute) Rt.Tr. 12 g
13. D¢pyaka (Yav¡ni) Trachyspermum ammi (Linn.) Sprague ex Turril. (API-Vol:1/129) Fr. 12 g
14. Ka¶urohi¸¢ (Ka¶uk¡) Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (API-Vol:2/85) Rz./ Rt.12 g
15. Payasy¡ (K¿ira Vid¡r¢) Ipomoea digitata Linn. (API-Vol:5/88) Rt.Tr. 12 g
16. Hi´gu Ferula foetida Regel. (API-Vol:1/49) Exd. 12 g
17. K¡kol¢ Lilium polyphyllum D.Don.
[Withania somnifera (Official substitute)] (API-Vol:3/79) Rt. 12 g
18. V¡jigandh¡ (A¿vagandh¡) Withania somnifera Dunal (API-Vol:1/15) Rt. 12 g
19. áat¡var¢ Asparagus racemosus Willd (API-Vol:4/108) Rt.Tr. 12 g
20. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow milk 768 g
21. KÀ¢ra (Godugdha) Cow's milk 3.072 l
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Treat Hi´gu to prepare áodhita Hi´gu (Appendix
Take the ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 1 to 19 except Hi´gu and áarkar¡, wash, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer
the powdered ingredients to the wet grinder, add áodhita Hi´gu, grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend. (Kalka)
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Godugdha.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight. Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the kalka for
formation of varti (Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a). Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of
moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka forms a varti and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 80 ) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.

After complete cooling add powdered sugar, stir vigorously for dissolution.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.


A low melting Gh¤ta, greenish yellow in color with pleasant odour and astringent taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at R f 0.094 (light grey), 0.19 (light grey), 0.25 (light grey), 0.28 (light grey), 0.53 (light grey),
0.80 (light grey) and 0.97 (brownish grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.440 to 1.450, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910g to 0.940g, Appendix 3.2
Saponification value: 185 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 35 to 42, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 4, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 220 to 170 Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: áukra Vik¡ra (Disorders of the áukra dh¡thu), Yoni Vik¡ra (Disorders of female genital tract), Vandhyatva (Infertility),
Garbhi¸¢roga (Diseases during pregnancy), K¡r¿ya (Emaciation), Uttara Vasti (Vaginal Douche)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm water.

33. Saarasvatha ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:43
SËRASVATA GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Aj¡kÀ¢ra Goat's milk 3.07 l
2. Abhay¡ (Har¢tak¢) Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 24 g
3. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) Rz. 24 g
4. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) Fr. 24 g
5. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 24 g
6. P¡¶h¡ Cissampelos pareira Linn (API-Vol:1/92) Rt. 24 g
7. Ugr¡ (Vac¡) Acorus calamus Linn (API-Vol:2/168) Rz. 24 g
8. áigru Moringa oleifera Lam (API-Vol:4/110) Rt.Bk. 24 g
9. Saindhava lava¸a Rock Salt 24 g
10. Water Water 3.07 l
11. Sarpi (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Take the ingredients ( Kalka dravya
) numbered 2 to 8, wash, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85.
Transfer the powdered ingredients to the wet grinder, add ingredient number 9 and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a
homogeneous blend ( Kalka).
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Aj¡kÀ¢ra and water.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the Kalka for formation of
varti (Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a)
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, greenish yellow in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 40 0 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows eight spots at R f 0.09 (light grey), 0.29 (light grey), 0.42 (grey), 0.52 (brown), 0.55 (light grey), 0.59
(light grey), 0.66 (grey) and 0.69 (light grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 400: 1.450 to 1.453, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910g to 0.940g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 210, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 40 to 53, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3.5, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170 Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Improves V¡k (Speech), Medh¡ (Intelligence), Sm¤ti (Memory), J¡¶har¡gni (Appetite)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Warm milk, Warm water.

34. Traikantaka ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:15
is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh ta as
the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Trika¸¶aka (GokÀura) Tribulus terrestris Linn (API-Vol:1/40) Fr. 768 g
2. Water for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to 3.07 l
3. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) Sd. 9.14 g
4. Girijatu (áil¡jatu) Exd. From rock crevices 9.14 g
5. áil¡bheda (PaÀ¡¸abheda) Bergenia ciliata (Haw) Sternb. (API-Vol:1/90) Rz. 9.14 g
6. YaÀ¶¢ Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) Rt. 9.14 g
7. Var¢ (áat¡var¢) Asparagus racemosus Willd (API-Vol:4/108) Rt. 9.14 g
8. Darbha Imperata cylindrica (Linn) Beauv. (API-Vol:5/21) Rt. 9.14 g
9. Dr¡kÀ¡ Vitis vinifera Linn. (API-Vol:3/45) Dr. Fr. 9.14 g
10. Ambu (Hr¢v®ra) Coleus vettiveroides Rt. 9.14 g
11. áau¸·¢ (Pippal¢) Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 9.14 g
12. Vasuka Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (Official substitute) (API-Vol:1/8) Pl. 9.14 g
13. Va¿ira (Cavya) Piper chabaVahl. (API-Vol:2/29) Rt. 9.14 g
14. K¡¿a Saccharaum spontaneum Linn. (API-Vol:3/88) Rt. 9.14 g
15. IkÀu M£la Saccharum officinale Linn (API-Vol:4/33) Rt. 9.14 g
16. Matsy¡kÀik¡ (Matsy¡kÀ¢) Alternanthera sessilis (Lilnn.) R.Br (API-Vol:2/104) Pl. 9.14 g
17. Dugdha (Godugdha ) Cow's milk 768 g
18. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Calrified butter from cow's milk 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry all the raw materials thoroughly.
Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix
Pulverize GokÀura (Kv¡tha dravya) to coarse powder and add 16 parts of water, heat and reduce the volume to one fourth. Filter with muslin
cloth to obtain GokÀura kv¡tha.
Treat áil¡jatu to prepare áodhita áil¡jatu (Appendix, and keep aside for addition during snehap¡ka.
Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 3 and 5 to 15 in the formulation composition, powder and pass through sieve number 85.
Wash and grind fresh Matsy¡kÀik¡ in a wet grinder and later transfer all the other powdered ingredients and áodhita áil¡jatu to the wet grinder
and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend.
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding GokÀura kv¡tha and Godugdha in the specified ratio.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start the heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the Kalka for formation of
varti ( Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka forms a varti
and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

Description: A low melting Gh¤ta, greenish in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.
Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g ofTrika¸¶aka Gh¤ta with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry
out the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate
: hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.33 (brown), 0.62 (yellow), 0.68 (grey), 0.80 and 0.90 (light brown) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.451 to 1.452, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910g to 0.930g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 200 to 225, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 35 to 45, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 4, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 220 to 180 Appendix 3.4.2.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: M£trak¤cchra (Dysuria), Prameha (Metabolic disorder), A¿mar¢ (Urinary calculus), M£tra áarkar¡ (Gravel in urine), M
£tradoÀa (Urinary disorders), M£tr¡d¡ha (Burning micturition)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm water, Ù¤¸apaµcam£la kv¡tha, Warm milk.

35. Triphala ghrutha
AFI, Part-I, 6:14
TRIPHALË GHÎTA is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Gh¤ta as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 12 g
2. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) P. 12 g
3. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 12 g
5. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) Rz. 12 g
6. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) Fr. 12 g
7. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 12 g
8. Dr¡kÀ¡ Vitis vinifera Linn. (API-Vol:3/45) Dr.Fr. 12 g
9. Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) Rt. 12 g
10. Ka¶urohi¸¢ (Ka¶uk¡) Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (API-Vol:2/85) Rz./Rt 12 g
11. Prapau¸·ar¢ka Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn (API-Vol:2/69) Fl. 12 g
12. S£kÀmail¡ Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) Sd. 12 g
13. Vi·a´ga Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) Fr. 12 g
14. N¡gak®¿ara Mesua ferrea Linn (API-Vol:2/118) Stmn. 12 g
15. N¢l°tpala (Utpala) Nymphaea stellata Willd. (API-Vol:3/221) Fl. 12 g
16. áveta S¡riv¡ Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/107) Rt. 12 g
17. K¤Àna S¡riv¡ Cryptolepis buchanani Roem & Schult (API-Vol:4/47) Rt. 12 g
18. Candana (áveta Candana) Santalum album Linn. (API-Vol:3/207) Ht.Wd 12 g
19. Haridr¡ Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) Rz. 12 g
20. D¡ruharidr¡ Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) St. 12 g
21. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Clarified butter from cow's milk 768 g
22. Payasa (Godugdha) Cow's milk 768 g
23. *Triphal¡ rasa kvatha Kv¡tha of Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica 2.3 l
* Equal parts of Har¢tak¢, Ëmalak¢ and Bibh¢taka.
Method of preparation:
Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.

Treat Gh¤ta to prepare M£rchita Gh¤ta (Appendix

Pulverize ingredient 22 (consisting of Triphalā ingredients) to a coarse powder, add 8 parts of water, heat and reduce the volume to one fourth.
¡ ¡
Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Triphal kv tha.

Take the other ingredients numbered 1 to 19 in the formulation composition ( Kalka dravya), powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer
the powdered ingredients to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka)
Take M£rchita Gh¤ta in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly. Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding Triphal¡ kvatha and
Godugdha in the specified ratio.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day and observe the boiling mixture for subsidence of froth ( Phena ¿¡nti) and constantly check the Kalka for formation of
varti (Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka forms into a
varti and the froth subsides. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.

A low melting Gh¤ta, green in colour, unctuous to touch with pleasant odour and bitter taste.

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of Triphal¡ Gh¤ta with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out
the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.06 (grey), 0.17 (grey), 0.23 (grey), 0.32 (brownish grey), 0.37 (light grey), 0.43 (light
grey), 0.59 (grey), 0.65 (grey), 0.75 (light grey) and 0.83 (greenish-grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.452 to 1.455, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.910g to 0.935g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 200 to 225, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 35 to 45, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 3, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.13.
Congealing point: 210 to 170 Appendix 3.4.2
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Arbuda (Tumours), K¡mal¡ (Jaundice), Timira (Cataract), Visarpa (Erysipelas), Pradara (Excessive vaginal discharge),
Netraruj¡(Pain in eyes), Netrasr¡va (Lacrimation), K¡sa (Cough), Ka¸·£ (Itching), Rakta DoÀa (Disorders of Blood), ávayathu (Oedema),
Kh¡litya (Alopecia), Ke¿a Patana (Falling of hair), ViÀama Jvara (Intermittent fever), Arma (Pterygium), áukla Netra Roga (Eye disorders
related to sclera), Vartma Roga (Disorders of eyelids)
Dose: 12 g daily in divided doses. It can also be used in different Netra Kriyā kalpas.

Anupāna: Warm milk, Warm water.

General Description:

Guggulu is an exudate (Niry¡sa) obtained from the plant Commiphora mukul. Preparations having the exudates as main effective
ingredient are known as Guggulu. There are five different varieties of Guggulu described in the Ayurvedic texts. However two of the varieties,
namely, MahiÀ¡kÀa and Kanaka Guggulu are usually preferred for medicinal preparations. MahiÀ¡kÀa Guggulu is dark greenish brown and
Kanaka Guggulu is yellowish brown in color.
Before using, Guggulu is cleaned in the following manner:
1.Sand, stone, plant debris, glass etc. are first removed.
2.It is then broken into small pieces.
3.It is thereafter bundled in a piece of cloth and boiled in Dol¡ Yantra containing
any one of the following fluids.
a. Gom£tra,
b. Triphal¡ kaÀ¡ya.,
c. Nirgu¸·¢ patra Svarasa with Haridr¡ C£r¸a,
d. V¡s¡patra KaÀ¡ya,
e. V¡s¡patra Svarasa and
f. Dugdha.
The boiling of Guggulu in Dol¡ Yantra is carried on until all the Guggulu passes into the fluid through the cloth. By pressing with
fingers, much of the fluid that can pass through is taken out. The residue in the bundle is discarded. The fluid is filtered and again boiled till it
forms a mass. This mass is dried and then pounded with a pestle in a stone mortar, adding ghee in small quantities till it becomes waxy.
Guggulucleaned as above, is soft, waxy and brown in color. Characteristics of preparations of Guggulu vary depending on the other
ingredients added to the preparations.
Guggulu is kept in glass or porcelain jars free from moisture and stored in a cool place. The potency is maintained for two years when
prepared with ingredients of plant origin and indefinitely when prepared with metals and minerals.
36. Kaishore guggulu
AFI, Part-I, 5:2
KAIáORA GUGGULU is a Va¶¢ preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Guggulu as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Guggulu - ¿uddha Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhand. (API-Vol:1/43) Exd.768 g
2. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 256 g
3. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) P. 256 g
4. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 256 g
5. Chinnaruh¡ (Gu·£c¢) Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) St. 1.54 kg
6. Water for decoction Water 12.29 1
reduced to 6.14 1
7. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) P. 8 g
8. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) P. 8 g
9. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) P. 8 g
10. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) Rz. 24 g
11. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) Fr. 24 g
12. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 24 g
13. K¤miripu (Vi·a´ga) Embelia ribes Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/123) Fr. 24 g
14. Triv¤t Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso. (API-Vol:3/213) Rt. 12 g
15. Dant¢ Baliospermum montanum Muell Arg. (API-Vol:3/41) Rt. 12 g
16. Am¤t¡ (Gu·£c¢) Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) St. 48 g
17. Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta) Calrified butter from cow's milk 384 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash, dry and powder the ingredients number 7 to 16 of the formulation compostion to a fine powder separately and pass through sieve number
Soak the coarse powder of ingredients 2 to 5 in potable water in the specified ratio for 1 hr, boil it till the volume is reduced to half of its original
volume. Cool the KaÀ¡ya and filter through a muslin cloth.
Boil áuddha - Guggulu (Appendix in the above KaÀ¡ya in an iron vessel and concentrate, add fine powders of remaining drugs with
continuous stirring. Add Gh¤ta to the above mixture to form a semisolid mass for preparation of va¶i.
Expel the mass through va¶i machine fitted with suitable die and cut vatis of desirable weight.
Dry the rolled va¶is in a tray-dryer at a temperature not exceeding 60 .0

Pack it in tightly closed glass containers to protect from light and moisture.


Spherical pills, dark brown in color with pleasant odour, taste astringent and sweetish.


Take about 5 g of the sample, powder it and add n-hexane (20 ml), stir for 10 min thoroughly over a water-bath; pour out hexane. Repeat the
process thrice adding fresh quantities of hexane; discard hexane. Wash the sediment in hot water thoroughly. Take a few mg of the washed
material, stain with iodine solution and mount in 50 per cent glycerine. Clarify a few mg with chloral hydrate and mount in 50 per cent
glycerine. Observe the following characters in different mounts.
Groups of parenchymatous epidermal cells having beaded walls, several showing a thin cross wall, crisscross layer of sclerenchymatous fibres
(Har¢tak¢); short, unicellular, thick walled trichomes with sharp tips and bulbous bases and fragments of polyhedral epidermis showing
cicatrices (Bibh¢taka); thin walled cells of epidermal tissue with paracytic stomata and containing silica crystals, brachysclereids with pitted
wide lumen, parenchymatous tissue with large irregular thick walled cells showing corner thickenings (Ëmalak¢); groups of parenchymatous
cells, densely packed with starch grains, isolated starch grains, simple, oval to rod shaped, measuring 15 to 70 μ in length, hilum eccentric,
lamellae distinct, yellow coloured oleo-resin cells, non-lignified, septate fibres some of them bearing marks of adjacent cells pressing against
them, 30 to 50 μ broad ( Su¸¶h¢); fragments of inner epidermis in surface view with group of stone cells, interspersed amidst parenchyma
( Marica
); spindle shaped or elongated stone cells showing narrow boundary and broad lumen isolated or in groups of 2 to 8 ( Pippal¢ ); groups of
polygonal, non lignified, thick walled brown coloured cells of testa in surface view, palisade like thick walled cells of testa in transverse view
measuring 55 to 80 µ in length and 15 to 30 µ in width, thick walled polygonal cells filled with yellowish brown content of mesocarp cells
almost square in shape, measuring 25 to 45 µ in dia ( Vi·a´ga); cortical parenchymatous cells containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate,
broken, thick rod-like cellulosic fibres, fragments of typically honeycomb like pitted vessels, resin canals lined with epithelium (Triv¤t); cork
cells in surface and transverse view several with tannin or red colouring matter (Dant¢); parenchymatous cells filled with starch grains, starch
grains abundant, single and compound, ovoid, elliptical, hilum, mostly irregular in shape, measuring 5 to 10 µ in dia, fragments of bordered
pitted vessels ( Gu·£c¢).
Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of powdered vatis (vatti powder) in 75 ml of n- hexane under reflux on a water-bath for 30 min. Filter and concentrate the extract to
10 ml and carry out the thin layer chrmotography. Apply 10 µl of n-hexane extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm
using n-hexane : ethyl acetate (8.5 : 1.5) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light
(366 nm). It shows major spots at Rf 0.10, 0.17 (both blue), 0.25 (fluorescent blue) and 0.46 (blue).
Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying: Not more than 13.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 9.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 2.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 40.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 34.0 per cent Appendix 2.2.8.
pH (1% aqueous solution): 4.0 to 4.5 Appendix3.3.
Other requirements:

Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.

Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Mand¡gni (Dyspepsia), Vibandha (Constipation), V¡ta¿o¸ita (Gout), Pramehapi·aka (Diabetic carbuncle), Vra¸a
(Ulcer), K¡sa (Cough), KuÀ¶ha (Diseases of Skin), Gulma (Abdominal lump), ávayathu (Oedema), P¡¸·u (Anaemia), Meha (Excessive flow
of urine),
Jar¡d°Àa (Geriatric disorder)
Dose: 3 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Mudga YuÀa, Milk , Sugandhijala

General Description:
Va¶¢ and Gu¶ik¡.. These are made of one or more drugs of plant, animal
Medicines prepared in the form of tablets or pills are known as
or mineral origin. Gu¶ik¡, Va¶aka, Modaka, Pi¸·i and Va¶¢ are synonymous terms used in classics for Va¶¢ .
The drugs of plant origin are dried and made into fine powders, separately. The minerals are made into Bhasma or Sind£ra, unless
otherwise mentioned. In cases where P¡rada and Gandhaka are mentioned, Kajjal¢ is made first and other drugs added, one by one, according to
the formula. These are put into a khalva and ground to a soft paste with the prescribed fluids. When more than one liquid is mentioned for
grinding, they are used in succession. When the mass is properly ground and is in a condition to be made into pills, Gandha Dravyas, like Kast£r
¢, Karp£ra, which are included in the formula, are added and ground again.
The criterion to determine the final stage of the formulation before making pills is that it should not stick to the fingers when rolled. Pills
may be dried in shade or in sun as specified in the texts.
In cases where sugar or Jaggery (Gu·a) is mentioned, P¡ka of these should be made on mild fire and removed from the oven. The
powders of the ingredients are added to the P¡ka and briskly mixed. When still warm Gu¶ikas should be rolled and dried in shade.
Pills made of Plant drugs when kept in airtight containers can be used for two years. Pills containing Minerals can be used for an
indefinite period. Pills andVa¶¢s
should not lose their original color, smell, taste and form. When sugar, salt or KÀ¡ra is an ingredient, the pills
should be kept away from moisture.
37. Maricadi vati
AFI, Part - I, 12:20)
MARICËDI GUÙIKË is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) Fr. 12 g
2. Pippal¢ Piper Longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) Fr. 12 g
3. Yava kÀ¡ra (Yava) Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:4/146) Water soluble ash of plant 6g
4. D¡·ima Punica granatum Linn (API-Vol:4/18) Fr. R. 24 g
5. Gu·a Jaggery 96 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of Pharmacopoeial quality.

Clean, dry, powder the ingredients no. 1, 2 & 4 of the formulation composition ( PrakÀepa Dravya) and pass through sieve number 85 to obtain
fine powder.
CollectYava kÀ¡ra in the specified ratio.
Take Jaggery, add required amounts of water, boil to dissolve and filter through a muslin cloth.
Reduce to thicker consistency by gentle boiling to prepare Gu·a p¡ka.
Add fine powders of PrakÀepa Dravya and Yava kÀ¡ra and mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous mass.
Pass the mass through a pill making machine and cut vatis of desirable weight. Roll the vatis on a flat surface by circular motion of palm. Dry
the rolled vatis in a tray-dryer at a temperature not exceeding 600.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Spherical, soft, blackish brown coloured pills with pleasant odour and sweet taste.



Take about five pills, crush, wash with water, clear in chloral hydrate, wash in water and mount in glycerin (80 per cent) and observe the
following characters:
Group of isodiameric or slightly elongated stone cells with moderately thickened walls, interspersed with thin walled polygonal parenchyma
Marica); groups of elongated, spindle shaped, wide lumened lignified stone cells (Pippal¢); groups of stone cells, oval shape, striated walls
cells (
with minute central lumen (D¡·ima).

Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 5 g of the powdered pills with 70 ml of ethanol in soxhlet apparatus on a water-bath for 6 h, filter and carry out thin layer
chromatography. Apply 7.5 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using ethyl acetate : n-hexane : formic acid
(4 : 6 : 0.1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows major spots
at Rf 0.14, 0.20 and 0.34 (fluorescent green). Spray the plate with anisaldehyde- sulphuric acid reagent and heat at 1100 for about 10 min. The
plate shows major spots at Rf 0.80 (blue), 0.65 (light violet), 0.52 (violet) and 0.11 (green) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 110 :
Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Total ash: Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 46 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.

Not less than 2.83 per cent of piperine when assayed by the following method.

Estimation of Piperine: Dissolve 2.5 mg of piperine in a mixture of methanol : chloroform (1 : 1) and make up the volume to 25 ml in a
volumetric flask. Apply 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 µl of solution on TLC plate and develop the plate a distance of to 8 cm using acetone : n-hexane (3 :
7) as mobile phase. After development, dry the plate in a current of hot air and scan in the TLC scanner at a wavelength of 338 nm. Note the
peak area and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs concentration of piperine.

Extract accurately weighed about 6 g powder of vatis in 100 ml of alcohol in a Soxhlet apparatus for 6 h. Filter the extract while hot and dry
completely and weigh. Take 25 mg of extract in a volumetric flask and dissolve in a mixture of methanol : chloroform (1 : 1) and make up the
volume to 25 ml. Apply 3 µl of the test solutions on TLC plate. Develop, dry and scan the plate as described in the proceeding paragraph for
calibration curve of piperine. Record area under the curve for a peak corresponding to piperine in the test solution. Calculate the amount of
piperine in the test solution from the calibration curve of piperine.

Other requirements:
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: K¡sa (Cough), áv¡sa (Asthma)

Dose: 3 g per day - to be dissolved slowly in the mouth.
General Description:
KâËRA are alkaline substances obtained from the water soluble ash of the drugs of plant origin.
Method of Preparation:
The drugs are cut into small pieces and dried well. The pieces are placed in an earthen pot and burnt to ash. Water is added to the ash in
the ratio of 6:1 and mixed well. This is allowed to settle down overnight and later strained through a piece of cloth. This process of straining may
be done two or three times till a clear liquid is obtained. This liquid is then put in an iron or earthen vessel and heated over a moderate fire till
water evaporates completely, leaving a solid salty white substance known as KÀ¡ra.
KÀ¡ras are white in colour and hygroscopic in nature therefore should be kept in air-tight bottles. These last indefinitely.
38. Apamarga kshaara
AFI, Part-I, 10:2
APËMËRGA KâËRA is an off-white alkaline preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Ap¡m¡rga bhasma (Ap¡m¡rga) Achyranthes aspera Linn. (API-Vol:2/7) (Pl. ) 1 Part
2. Water Water 6 Parts
Method of Preparation:

Take ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Cut whole plant of Ap¡m¡rga into small pieces and dry completely. Burn to ash (Bhasma).
Add 6 parts of water to the Bhasma, stir well and keep over night.
Next morning decant the clear liquid and filter through a three-layered muslin cloth. Repeat the filtering process till a colourless filtrate is
obtained. Transfer filtered material to a stainless steel vessel and heat to evaporate the water. Collect KÀ¡ra deposited as flakes from the bottom
of the vessel and grind it to a fine powder.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Fine powder, passing through sieve number 100; hygroscopic, odour faint and taste saline; freely soluble in water.


An aqueous solution yields the reactions characteristic of sodium and potassium, Appendix 5.2.12.
Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 110 : Not more than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Acid-insoluable ash : Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
pH (10%aqeous solution) : 10 to 11, Appendix 3.3.
Sodium : Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Potassium : Not less than 29 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Iron : Not less than 1.2 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.

Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Gulma (Abdominal lump), Udara á£la (Pain in the abdomen), Graha¸¢ (Malabsorption syndrome), ViÀ£cik¡ (Gastro-
enteritis with piercing pain), Alasaka (Intestinal atony), Aj¢r¸a (Dyspepsia), Aruc¢ (Tastelessness), Ën¡ha (Distention of abdomen due to
obstruction to passage of urine and stool), Ar¿a (Piles), áarkar¡(Gravel in urine), A¿mar¢ (Urinary calculus), K¤mi (Helminthiasis),
Antarvidradhi (Hernia), áv¡sa (Asthma)
Dose: 125 to 500 mg daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Water.
39. Arka lavana
AFI, Part-I, 10:1
ARKA LAVAÛA is a preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Arka patra (Arka) Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/10) Lf. 1 part
2. Lava¸a (Saindhava Lava¸a) Rock Salt 1 part
Method of Preparation:

Take ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Collect mature Arka patra. Place alternate layers of Arka patra and Saindhava Lava¸a in an earthen pot.
Keep a ¿ar¡va to cover the pot. Seal the edge of the ¿ar¡va and the pot with seven consecutive layers of clay-smeared cloth and allow to dry.
Subject it to fire till the pot becomes red-hot. Remove the contents from the pot and grind to a fine powder in a khalva.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


A fine powder, passing through sieve number 100; grey in colour, odourless, taste salty.


An aqueous solution yields reactions characteristic of sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and sulphate, Appendix 5.2.12.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 110 : Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Acid- insoluble ash: Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 9 to 10, Appendix 3.3.
Sodium: Not less than 31 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Potassium: Not less than 0.3 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Iron: Not less than 0.11 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Gulma (Abdominal lump), Udara Roga (Diseases of abdomen), Pl¢hodara (Splenomegaly), Yak¤todara (Enlargement of
Dose: 1g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water, Butter milk.

40. Kalyaanaka kshaara
AFI, Part-I, 10:6
KALYËÛAKA KâËRA is a preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Su¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 1 Part
2. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Fr.) 1 Part
3. Pippal¢ Piper longum Linn (API-Vol:4/91) (Fr.) 1 Part
4. Saindhava Lava¸a Rock salt 1 Part
5. Sauvarcala Lava¸a Black salt 1 Part
6. Vi·a Lava¸a Black salt (Official subsititute) 1 Part
7. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 1 Part
8. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) (P.) 1 Part
9. Ëmalak¢ Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) (API-Vol:1/4) (P.) 1 Part
10. Dant¢ Baliospermum montanum MuellArg. (API-Vol:3/41) (Rt.) 1 Part
11. AruÀkara (Bhall¡taka) Semecarpus anacardium Linn (API-Vol:2/19) (Fr.) 1 Part
12. Citraka Plumbago zeylanica Linn (API-Vol:1/29) (Rt.) 1 Part
13. Sneha (Tila) - taila Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Oil.) QS
14. M£tra (Gom£tra ) Cow's urine QS
Method of preparation:

Take ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Clean, dry and powder the ingredients no. 1 to 10 and 12 separately and pass through sieve number 85.
Crush Bhall¡taka in a khalva to a fine state.
Mix all powdered ingredients. Levigate the above mixture with the Tila taila and Gom£tra and prepare a homogeneous blend. Keep the
homogeneous blend in an earthen pot and cover with a ¿ar¡va
. Seal the edges of the pot by seven consecutive layers of clay-smeared cloth and
dry. Keep the pot on mild fire till it becomes red-hot. Remove the content from the pot and grind to a fine powder.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Fine powder, passing through sieve number 100; hygroscopic, odour less, taste salty.


i) An aqueous solution yields the reactions characteristic of sodium, potassium, carbonate, sulphate, chloride and bicarbonate, Appendix 5.2.12.
ii) A solution in dilute hydrochloric acid gives reactions characteristic of calcium, and magnesium, Appendix 5.2.12.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 110 : Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Acid- insoluble ash: Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 10 to 11, Appendix 3.3.
Sodium: Not less than 14 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Potassium: Not less than 2 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Iron: Not less than 1.6 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Vibandha (Constipation), Ëdhm¡na (Flatulence), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Ud¡varta (Upward movement of gases),
Ar¿a (Piles), P¡¸·u (Anaemia), Udara Roga (Diseases of abdomen), K¤mi (Helminthiasis), Mutr¡gh¡ta (Urinary obstruction), A¿mar¢
(Urinary calculus), áopha (Oedema), H¤droga (Heart disease), Graha¸¢ (Malabsorption syndrome), Meha (Excessive flow of urine), Pl
¢haruj¡(Pain due to splenic disease), Ën¡ha (Distention of abdomen), áv¡sa (Asthma), K¡sa (Cough), Agnim¡ndya (Digestive impairment)
Dose: 1 g daily in divided doses.
Anupāna: Gh¤ta.
41. Moolaka kshaara
AFI, Part-I, 10:10
MÍLAKA KâËRA is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. M£laka bhasma (M£laka) Raphanus sativus Linn (API-Vol:2/109) Pl. 1 part
2. Water Water 6 parts
Method of preparation:

Take ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Collect mature M£laka, wash and cut into small pieces and dry completely. Burn to ash (Bhasma).
Add 6 parts of water to the Bhasma stir well and keep overnight. Next morning decant the clear liquid and filter through a three-layered muslin
cloth. Repeat the filtering process till a colourless filtrate is obtained. Transfer filtered material in to a stainless steel vessel and heat to evaporate
the water. Collect KÀ¡ra
deposited as flakes from the bottom of the vessel and grind to a fine powder.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Description: Fine powder, passing through sieve number 100; hygroscopic, odourless, taste salty; freely soluble in water.


An aqueous solution yields the reactions characteristic of sodium and potassium, Appendix 5.2.12.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 110 : Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Acid- insoluble ash: Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 10 to 11, Appendix 3.3.

Sodium: Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Potassium: Not less than 28 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Iron: Not less than 2.2 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.

Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: M£trak¤cchra (Dysuria), A¿mar¢ (Urinary calculus), Gulma (Abdominal lump), V¡tavik¡ra (Disorders due to Vata doÀa)
Dose: 1g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Water.
42. Palasha kshaara
AFI, Part-I, 10:9
PALËáA KâËRA is a white alkaline preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Pal¡¿a bhasma (pal¡¿a) Butea monosperma (Lam ) Kuntze (API-Vol:4/78) Pl. 1 part
2. Jala Water 6 parts
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

CutPal¡¿a into small pieces and dry completely. Burn to ash (Bhasma).
Add 6 parts of water to Bhasma, stir well and keep over night.
Next morning decant the clear liquid and filter through a three-layered muslin cloth. Repeat the filtering process till a colourless filtrate is
obtained. Transfer filtered material to a stainless steel vessel and heat to evaporate the water. Collect KÀ¡ra deposited as flakes from the bottom
of the vessel and grind to a fine powder.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Fine powder, passing through sieve number 100; hygroscopic, odourless, taste saline; freely soluble in water.


An aqueous solution yields the reactions characteristic of sodium and potassium, Appendix 5.2.12.
Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 110 : Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Acid- insoluble ash: Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
pH (10% aqueous Solution): 10 to 12, Appendix 3.3.
Sodium: Not less than 0.8 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Potassium: Not less than 35 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Iron: Not less than 1.2 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Agnim¡ndya (Digestive impairment), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Pl¢hayak¤tv¤ddhi (Spleno-hepatomegaly), M£trak¤cchra
(Dysuria), A¿mar¢ (Urinary calculus), áarkar¡ (Gravel in urine), Graha¸¢ (Malabsorption syndrome), Ën¡ha (Distention of abdomen due to
obstruction to passage of urine and stool), ViÀ£cik¡ (Gastro-enteritis with piercing pain)

Dose: ½ to 1 g daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm water, Milk.

43. Yava kshaara
AFI, Part-I, 10:11
YAVA KâËRA is an alkaline preparation made with the ingredient in the formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition:
1. Yavan¡la bhasma (Yava) Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:4/146) Pl. 1 part
2. Jala Water 6 parts
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Cut Yava
into small pieces and dry completely. Burn to ash ( Bhasma
). Add 6 parts of water to Bhasma
, stir well and keep over night.
Next morning decant the clear liquid and filter through a three-layered muslin cloth. Repeat the filtering process till a colourless filtrate is
obtained. Transfer filtered material to a stainless steel vessel and heat to evaporate the water. Collect KÀ¡ra deposited as flakes from the bottom
of the vessel and grind to a fine powder.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Greyish white, fine powder, passing through sieve number 100; hygroscopic, odourless, taste saline; freely soluble in water.


An aqueous solution yields the reactions characteristic of sodium and potassium, Appendix 5.2.12.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Loss on drying at 1100: Not more than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10.
Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
pH (10% aqueous solution): 9 to 10, Appendix 3.3.

Sodium: Not less than 17 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Potassium: Not less than 16 per cent, Appendix 5.2.9.
Iron: Not less than 1.5 per cent, Appendix 5.2.5.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Ëdhm¡na (Flatulance), Ën¡ha (Distention of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stool), á£la (Pain /
colic), Udara (Diseases of abdomen), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Pl¢h¡maya (Splenic disease), M£trak¤cchra (Dysuria)
Dose: ½ to 1 g daily in divided dose.

Anupāna: Warm water, Gh¤ta.

General Descripition:
Tailas are preparations in which Taila is boiled with prescribed liquid media [Svarasa / KaÀ¡ya Etc.] and a fine paste [Kalka] of the drugs
specified in the formulation composition. Unless specified otherwise Taila means Tila Taila.

General Method of Preparation:

1. The Taila preferably should be fresh.
2. There are usually three essential components in the manufacture of Taila Kalpan¡.
a. Drava [Any liquid medium as prescribed in the composition]
b. Kalka [Fine paste of the specified drug]
c. Sneha dravya [Taila]
And, occasionally,
d. Gandha dravya [Perfuming agents]
3. Unless otherwise specified in the verse, if Kalka
is one part by weight, Taila should be four parts and the Drava dravya should be
sixteen parts.
4. There are a few exceptions for the above general rule:
a. Where Drava dravya is either Kv¡tha or Svarasa, the ratio of Kalka should be one-sixth and one-eighth respectively to that of
Drava dravya is either KÀ¢ra or Dadhi or M¡Æsa rasa or Takra, the ratio of Kalka should be one-eighth to that of Taila.
If the
When flowers are advised for use as Kalka, it should be one-eighth to that of Taila.
b. Where the numbers of Drava dravyas are four or less than four, the total quantity should be four times to that of Taila.
c. Where the number of Drava dravyas is more than four, each drava should be equal to that of Taila.
d. If, Kalka dravya is not prescribed in a formulation, the drugs specified for the Drava dravya [Kv¡tha or Svarasa] should be
used for the preparation of Kalka.
e. Where no Drava dravya is prescribed in a formulation, four parts of water should be added to one part of Taila.
5. In general, the Taila should be subjected to M£rchana process, followed by addition of increments of Kalka and Drava dravya in
specified ratio. The contents are to be stirred continuously throughout the process in order to avoid charring.
6. The process of boiling is to be continued till the whole amount of moisture gets evaporated and characteristic features of Taila
7. The whole process of P¡ka should be carried out on a mild to moderate flame.
8. Three stages of P¡ka are specified for therapeutic purposes.
a. M¤du P¡ka: In this stage, the Kalka looks waxy and when rolled between fingers, it rolls like lac without sticking. The Taila
obtained at this stage is used for Nasya [Nasal instillation].
b. Madhyama P¡ka: In this stage, the Kalka becomes harder and rolls in to Varti. It burns without crackling sounds when exposed
to fire and phena [Froth] will appear over the Taila. Taila obtained at this stage is used for P¡na [Internal administration] and
Vasti [Enema].
c. Khara P¡ka: Further heating of the Taila, leads to Khara P¡ka. Kalka becomes brittle when rolled in between fingers. The Taila
obtained at this stage is used only for Abhya´ga [External application].
9. The period of P¡ka depends upon the nature of liquid media used in the process.
a. Takra or Ëran¡la 5 Nights
b. Svarasa 3 Nights
c. KÀ¢ra 2 Nights
10. P¡trap¡ka: It is the process by which the Taila is augmented or flavored by certain prescribed substances. The powdered drugs are
suspended in a vessel containing warm, filtered Taila.
The medicated Taila will have the odour, colour and taste of the drugs used in the process. If a considerable amount of milk is
used in the preparation, the Taila will become thick and may solidify in cold seasons.
Tailas are preserved in good quality of glass, steel or polythene containers. These medicated preparations retain the therapeutic
efficacy for sixteen months.
44. Balaguducyaadi taila
AFI, Part-I, 8:34
BALËGUÚÍCYËDI TAILA is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Tila Taila
as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Bal¡ Sida cordifolia Linn. (Rt.) 256 g
2. Gu·£c¢ Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. (API-Vol:1/41) (St.) 256 g
3. Surap¡dapa (Devad¡ru) Cedrus deodara ( Roxb.) Loud (API-Vol:4/23) (Ht.Wd.) 256 g
4. Water for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to 3.072 l
5. Ja¶¡ (Ja¶am¡Æs¢) Nardostachys jatamansi DC (API-Vol:1/51) (Rt./Rz.) 16 g
6. Ëmaya (KuÀ¶ha) Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) (Rt.) 16 g
7. Candana (Raktacandana) Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. (API-Vol:3/155) (Ht.Wd.) 16 g
8. KunduruÀka (Kunduru) Boswellia serrata Roxb (API-Vol:4/50) (Exd.) 16 g
9. Nata (Tagara) Valeriana wallichii (API-Vol:1/109) (Rt./Rz.) 16 g
10. A¿vagandh¡ Withania somnifera Dunal (API-Vol:1/15) (Rt.) 16 g
11. Sarala Pinus roxburghii Sargent. (API-Vol:3/189) (Ht.Wd.) 16 g
12. R¡sn¡ Pluchea lanceolata Oliver & Hiem.
[Alpinia galanga (Official Substitute)] (API-Vol:3/162) (Rz.) 16 g
13. Taila (Tila) Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Oil.) 768 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.
Treat Tila Taila to prepare M£rchita Tila (Appendix
Pulverize the dried ingredients numbered 1to 3 (Kv¡tha dravya) to a coarse powder and add the specified quantity of water, heat and reduce the
volume to one fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Kv¡tha
Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 5 to 12 in the formulation composition, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer
the powdered ingredients to a wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka).
Take M£rchita Tila in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding the KaÀ¡ya.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Kalka by rolling between the fingers.
Start heating on next day, stir and constantly check the
Stop the heating when the Kalka breaks down into pieces on attempting to form a varti (Khara p¡ka lakÀa¸a), and at the appearance of froth over
the oil. Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture.

Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Description: A medicated oil, dark reddish brown in color with pleasant odour.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer and filter. Concentrate to about 5 ml and
carry out thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl
acetate : hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent
followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.71 (light brown), 0.80 (light brown) and 0.88 (blackish.brown) under visible

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.455 to 1.460, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.915 g to 0.930 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 195, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 80 to 100, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.13
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses: In conditions of V¡tarakta (Gout), Raktagata V¡ta (Hypertension), áopha (Oedema), Skandhagata V¡ta (Frozen
Dose: External application for Abhya´ga.
45. Dhanvantari taila
45. DHËNVANTARA TAILA (Synonym Bal¡ Taila)
AFI, Part-I, 8:22
DHËNVANTARA TAILA is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Tila Taila as
the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Bal¡ m£la (Bal¡) Sida cordifolia Linn. (Rt.) 4.608 kg
2. Water for decoction Water 36.864 l
reduced to 4.608 l
3. PayaÅ (Godugdha ) Cow's milk 4.608 l
4. Yava Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:2/175) (Sd.) 59.07 g
5. Kola Zyzyphus jujuba Lam. (API-Vol:3/94) (Fr.) 59.07 g
6. Kulattha Vigna unquiculata (Linn.) Walp. (Dolichos biflorus) (API-Vol:1/75) (Sd.) 59.07 g
7. Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr (API-Vol:4/10) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
8. áyon¡ka Oroxylum indicum Vent. (API-Vol:3/209) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
9. Gambh¡r¢ Gmelina arborea Linn (API-Vol:4/31) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
10. P¡¶al¡ Stereospermum suaveolens (L.F) DC (API-Vol:4/87) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
11. Ga¸ik¡rik¡ (Laghu Agnimantha) Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn (API-Vol:3/3) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
12. á¡lapar¸¢ Desmodum gangeticum DC. (API-Vol:3/178) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
13. P¤¿nipar¸¢ Uraria picta Desv. (API-Vol:4/99) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
14. B¤hat¢ Solanum indicum Linn (API-Vol:2/27) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
15. Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ Solanum surattense Burm.f. (API-Vol:1/59) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
16. GokÀura Tribulus terrestis Linn (API-Vol:1/40) (Rt./St.Bk.) 59.07 g
17. Water for decoction Water 6.144 l
reduced to 768 ml
18. Taila (Tila) Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Oil. ) 768 ml
19. Med¡ Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle.
[Asparagus racemosus (Official substitute)] (Rt.Tr ) 6g
20. Mah¡med¡ [Asparagus racemosus (Official substitute) ] (Rt.Tr.) 6g
21. D¡ru (Devad¡ru) Cedrus deodara ( Roxb.) Loud (API-Vol:4/23) (Ht.Wd.) 6g
22. MaµjiÀ¶h¡ Rubia cordifolia Linn. (API-Vol:3/112) (Rt.) 6g
23. K¡kol¢ Lilium polyphyllum D.Don.
Withania somnifera (Official substitute) (API-Vol:3/79) (Sub.Rt.) 6g
24. KÀ¢rak¡kol¢ Fritillaria royelei Hook
Withania somnifera (Official substitute) (API-Vol:5/86) (Sub.Rt.) 6g
25. Candana (Raktacandana) Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. (API-Vol:3/155) (Ht.Wd.) 6g
26. á¡riv¡ (áveta S¡riv¡) Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/107) (Rt.) 6g
27. Ku˦ha Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) (Rt.) 6g
28. Tagara Valeriana wallichii (API-Vol:1/109) (Rt./Rz.) 6g
29. J¢vaka Malaxis acuminata D.Don
Pueraria tuberose (Official substitute) (API-Vol:5/52) (Rt.Tr.) 6g
30. ÎÀabhaka Pueraria tuberose (Official substitute) 6g
31. Saindhava lava¸a Rock Salt 6g
32. K¡l¡nus¡r¢ (Tagara) Valeriana wallichii (API-Vol:1/109) (Rt./Rz.) 6g
33. áaileya Parmelia perlata ( Huds.) Ach. (API-Vol:3/172) (Pl.) 6g
34. Vac¡ Acorus calamus Linn (API-Vol:2/168) (Rz.) 6g
35. Agaru Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. (API-Vol:4/4) (Ht.Wd.) 6g
36. Punarnav¡ (Rakta Punarnav¡) Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. (API-Vol:3/157) (Rt.) 6g
37. A¿vagandh¡ Withania somnifera Dunal (API-Vol:1/15) (Rt.) 6g
38. Var¢ (áat¡var¢) Asparagus racemosus Willd (API-Vol:4/108) (Rt.Tr.) 6g
39. KÀ¢ra¿ukla (KÀ¢ravid¡r¢) Ipomoea digitata Linn. (API-Vol:5/88) (Rt.Tr.) 6g
40. YaÀ¶¢ Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn (API-Vol:1/127) (Rt.) 6g
41. Har¢tak¢ Terminalia chebula Retz. (API-Vol:1/47) (P.) 6g
42. Bibh¢taka Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (API-Vol:1/26) (P.) 6g
43. Ëmalak¢ Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Phyllanthus emblica) (API-Vol:1/4) (P.) 6g
44. áat¡hv¡ Anethum sowa Roxb.ex Flem . (API-Vol:2/153) (Fr.) 6g
45. S£rpapar¸i (M¡Àapar¸¢) Teramnus labialis Spreng. (API-Vol:3/118) (Pl.) 6g
46. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/101) (Sd.) 6g
47. Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (API-Vol:1/113) (St.Bk.) 6g
48. Patra (Tejapatra) Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham)Nees & Eberm. (API-Vol:1/115) (Lf.) 6g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of Pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.
Treat Tila Taila to prepare M£rchita Tila (Appendix
Pulverize the dried Bal¡ m£la (Kv¡tha dravya) to a coarse powder, add specified amounts of water, heat and reduce the volume to one eighth.
Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Bal¡ Kv¡tha.
Pulverize the dried ingredients numbered 4 to 16 (Kv¡tha dravya) to coarse powder, add specified quantity of water, heat and reduce the volume
to one eighth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Kv¡tha.
Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravya) numbered 19 to 48 in the formulation composition, powder and pass through sieve number 85.
Transfer the powdered ingredients to a wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka).
Take M£rchita Tila in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding the two KaÀ¡ya.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Note: Stem bark of the ingredients number 7 to 11 of the formulation composition has been used in place of root.

Start heating next day, stir and constantly check the Kalka by rolling between the fingers. Stop heating when the Kalka breaks down into pieces
on attempting to form a varti (Khara p¡ka lakÀa¸a ), and at the appearance of froth over the oil. Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence
of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture.
Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


A medicated oil, reddish brown in color with pleasant odour.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer and filter. Concentrate to 5 ml and carry
out the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate
: hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.31 (light brown), 0.71 (brown), 0.83 (light brown) and 0.91 (blackish brown) under
visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.465 to 1.465, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.930 g to 0.940 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 195, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 100 to 120, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 4, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 5, Appendix 3.13.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: V¡ta Roga (Diseases due to V¡ta doÀa), PakÀavadha (Hemiplegia), Sarv¡´ga V¡ta (Quadriplegia), Dh¡tu KÀaya (Tissue
wasting), S£tik¡ Roga (Puerperal diseases), B¡la Roga (Diseases of children), External application for Abhya´ga
Dose: Internally 6 to 12 ml daily in divided doses; as well as external application Q.S.
46. Gandharvahastaadi taila
AFI, Part-I, 8:12
GANDHARVAHASTA TAILA is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition described below with Tila
Taila as the basic ingredient.
Formulation composition:
1. Gandharvahasta M£la (Era¸·a) Ricinus communis Linn (API-Vol:1/34) (Rt.) 4.800 kg
2. Yava Hordeum vulgare Linn (API-Vol:2/175) (Sd.) 3.072 kg
3. N¡gara (áu¸¶h¢) Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 96 g
4. Water for decoction Water 24.58 l
reduced to 6.14 l
5. KÀ¢ra (Godugdha) Cow's milk 1.54 l
6. Era¸·a taila Ricinus communis Linn (API-Vol:1/34) (Oil.) 768 g
7. Gandharvahasta m£la (Era¸·a) Ricinus communis Linn (API-Vol:1/34) (Rt.) 192 g
8. áu¸¶h¢ Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz.) 48 g
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.
Treat Era¸·a taila to prepare M£rchita Era¸·a Taila (Appendix
Pulverize the dried ingredients numbered 1 to 3 (Kalka dravya) to a coarse powder, add required amount of water, heat and reduce the volume to
one fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Kv¡tha. Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravyas) numbered 7 and 8 of the formulation
composition, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer the powdered ingredients to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity
of water to prepare a homogeneous blend.
Take M£rchita Taila in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding the Kv¡tha and Godugdha.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 500 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start the heating next day, stir and observe the boiling mixture for appearance of froth and constantly check the Kalka for formation of varti
( Madhyama p¡ka lakÀa¸a).
Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Stop heating when the Kalka forms a varti
and the froth appears. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


A medicated oil, yellowish brown in color with characteristic odour.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer and filter. Concentrate to 5 ml and carry
out the thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate
: hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.45 (light grey), 0.52 (grey), 0.75 (dark brown) and 0.81 (dark brown) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 400: 1.451 to 1.460, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.975 g to 0.985 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 180 to 200, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 75 to 100, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 4, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 2, Appendix 3.13.

Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses:Vidradh¢ (Abscess), Pl¢h¡(Enlargement of spleen), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Ud¡varta (Upward movement of gases),
áopha (Oedema), Udara (Diseases of abdomen), Mah¡v¡ta Roga (Major neurological disorders)
Dose: 6 to12 ml daily in divided doses

Anupāna: Warm water.

47. Kottamcukkaadi taila
AFI, Part-I, 8:10
KOÙÙAMCUKKËDI TAILA is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Tila Taila
as the basic ingredient

Formulation composition:
1. Ko¶¶am (KuÀ¶ha) Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke (API-Vol:1/76) (Rt.) 21.0 g
2. Cukku (áu¸¶h¢) Zingiber officinale Roxb. (API-Vol:1/103) (Rz ) 21.0 g
3. Vayambu (Vac¡) Acorus calamus Linn (API-Vol:2/168) (Rz.) 21.0 g
4. áigru Moringa oleifera Lam (API-Vol:4/114) (St.Bk ) 21.0 g
5. La¿una Allium sativum Linn. (API-Vol:3/108) (Bl.) 21.0 g
6. K¡rto¶¶i (Himsr¡) Capparis spinosa Linn. (API-Vol:5/41) (Rt.) 21.0 g
7. Devadruma-(Devad¡ru) Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud (API-Vol:4/23) (Ht.Wd.) 21.0 g
8. Siddh¡rtha (SarÀapa) Brassica campestris Linn. (API-Vol:3/193) (Sd.) 21.0 g
9. Suvah¡ (R¡sn¡) Pluchea lanceolata Oliver & Hiem.
Alpinia galanga (Official substitute) (API-Vol:3/162) (Rz.) 21.0 g
10. Tilaja (Tila) Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Oil.) 768 g
11. Dadhi (Godadhi ) Curd from cow's milk 768 g
12. Ciµc¡ rasa (Ciµc¡) Tamarindus indica Linn (API-Vol:4/14) (Lf.) 3.072 g
Method of preparation:
Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials except ingredient 12 thoroughly.
Treat Tila Taila to prepare M£rchita Taila (Appendix
svarasa through muslin cloth.
Collect fresh leaves of ingredient number 12, wash thoroughly, grind and express
Take the other ingredients (Kalka dravyas) with the exception of La¿una and SarÀapa, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Grind
La¿una and SarÀapa separately, add the powdered ingredients and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend.
Take M£rchita Taila in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding the Svarasa and Godadhi.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 50 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to
stand overnight.
Start heating next day, stir and constantly check the Kalka by rolling between the fingers. Stop heating when the Kalka breaks down into pieces
on attempting to form a varti ( khara p¡ka lakÀa¸a ), and at the appearance of froth over oil. Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of
crackling sound indicating absence of moisture.
Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


A medicated oil, colour reddish brown, odour faint.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.32 (light grey), 0.44 (light grey), 0.53 (light grey), 0.71 (brown), and 0.80 (brown) under
visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.461 to 1.463, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.920 to 0.940 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 150 to 175, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 75 to 100, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 8, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 4, Appendix 3.13.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Ëmav¡ta (Rheumatism), V¡ta Roga (Diseases due to V¡ta doÀa), A´gastambha (Stiffness of body), External application
for Abhya´ga
48. Ksheerabala taila
AFI, Part-I, 8:11
KâÌRABALË TAILA is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Tila Taila as the
basic ingredient.

Formulation composition:
1. Bal¡ kaÀ¡ya Sida cordifolia Linn. (Rt.) 16 Parts
2. Bal¡ kalka Sida cordifolia Linn (Rt.) 1 Part
3. Taila (Tila) Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Oil.) 4 Parts
4. KÀ¢ra (Godugdha) Cow's milk 4 Parts
5. Jala Water 16 Parts
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.

Wash and dry Bal¡ thoroughly.
Treat Tila Taila to prepare M£rchita Taila. (Appendix
Pulverize the dried Bal¡ m£la (Kalka dravya) to a coarse powder, add specified quantity of water, heat and reduce the volume to one fourth.
Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Bal¡ Kv¡tha.
Take the ingredient (Kalka dravya) numbered 2 in the formulation composition, wash, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85. Transfer
the powdered ingredient to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend. (Kalka)
Take M£rchita Taila in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding the kaÀ¡ya Godugdha
, and water.
Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 50 and 900 during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to

stand overnight.
Start heating next day, stir and constantly check the Kalka by rolling between the fingers. Stop heating when the Kalka breaks down into pieces
on attempting to form a varti (khara p¡ka lakÀa¸a ), and at the appearance of froth over the oil. Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence
of crackling sound indicating absence of moisture. Filter while hot (about 800) through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


A medicated oil, dark brown in color with pleasant odour.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 2 g of the sample with 20 ml of alcohol at about 400 for 3 h. Cool, separate the alcohol layer, filter, concentrate to 5 ml and carry out the
thin layer chromatography. Apply 10 µl of the extract on TLC plate and develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene : ethyl acetate :
hexane (6 : 3 : 1) as mobile phase. After development, allow the plate to dry in air and spray with ethanol-sulphuric acid reagent followed by
heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows spots at Rf 0.42 (brown), 0.57 (brown), 0.70 (grey) and 0.80 (light grey) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 40 : 1.451 to 1.460, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 400: 0.930 g to 0.945 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 185 to 200, Appendix 3.10.
Iodine value: 75 to 100, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 6.5, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 2, Appendix 3.13.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil: Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial Limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: V¡tarakta (Gout), V¡ta Roga (Diseases due to V¡ta doÀa), áukra DoÀa (Vitiation of ¿ukra dh¡tu), RajodoÀa (Menstrual
disorder), K¡r¿ya (Emaciation), Svarabheda (Hoarseness of voice),
External application for Abhya´ga, Nasya (Nasal drops), P¡na (Oral use), Bastiprayoga (Enema)
Dose: 6 to 12 ml daily in divided doses.

Anupāna: Warm water, milk.

49. Saindhavaadi taila
AFI, Part-I, 8:60
SAINDHAVËDI TAILA is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation composition given below with Tila Taila as the
basic ingredients.

Formulation composition:
1. Saindhava lava¸a Rock salt 28 g
2. Arka Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (API-Vol:1/8) (Rr.) 28 g
3. Marica Piper nigrum Linn. (API-Vol:3/115) (Ft.) 28 g
4. Jvalan¡khya (Citraka) Plumbago zeylanica Linn (API-Vol:1/29) (Rt.) 28 g
5. M¡rkava (Bh¤´gar¡ja) Eclipta alba Hassk (API-Vol:2/21) (Pl.) 28 g
6. Haridr¡ Curcuma longa Linn. (API-Vol:1/45) (Rz.) 28 g
7. D¡ruharidr¡ Berberis aristata DC (API-Vol:2/33) (St.) 28 g
8. Taila (Tila) Sesamum indicum linn (API-Vol:4/128) (Oil.) 768 g
9. Jala Water 3.072 l
Method of preparation:

Take all ingredient of pharmacopoeia quality.

Treat Tila Taila to prepare M£rchita Taila. (Appendix
Wash, dry, powder the ingredients number 2 to 7 of the formulation composition ( Kalka dravya
) and pass through sieve number 85 to obtain fine
powder. Transfer the powdered ingredients to a wet grinder, add ingredient number 1 of the formulation composition and grind with required
amount of water to obtain a homogeneous blend ( Kalka)
Take M£rchita Taila in a stainless steel vessel and heat it mildly.
Add increments of Kalka. Stir thoroughly while adding water. Heat for 3 h with constant stirring maintaining the temperature between 50 0
to 900
during the first hour of heating. Stop heating and allow to stand over night.
Start heating next day, stir and constantly check the Kalka by rolling between the fingers. Stop heating when the Kalka breaks down in to pieces
on attempting to form varti ( khara p¡ka lakÀa¸a ) and at the appearance of froth over oil. Expose the varti to flame and confirm the absence of
crackling sound indication absence of moisture.
Filter while hot at about 800 through a muslin cloth and allow to cool.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.


Reddish yellow oily liquid, sticky to touch.


Thin layer chromatography:

Extract 25 ml of the formulation in a separatory funnel with methanol (20 ml x 3 ). Pool the methanolic extracts, concentrate and make up the
volume to 20 ml and carry out the Thin Layer Chromatography. Apply 20 µl on TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using toluene
: ethyl acetate (7 : 3) as mobile phase. After development allow the plate to dry in air and examine under ultraviolet light (254 nm). It shows
major spots at Rf 0.29, 0.35, 0.50, 0.60, 0.75, 0.82 and 0.90. Under ultraviolet light (366 nm), the plate shows fluorescent spots at Rf 0.10 (light
blue), 0.13 (light blue), 0.30 (light green), 0.35 (yellow), 0.53 (blue), 0.68 (light blue), 0.75 (light green), 0.86 (blue). Spray the plate with
anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid reagent followed by heating at 1100 for about 10 min. It shows major spots at Rf 0.15 (light violet), 0.35 (brown),
0.50 (light violet), 0.60 (light violet), 0.70 (light blue violet), 0.80 (red), 0.87 (light brown) and 0.97 (light violet) under visible light.

Physico-chemical parameters:
Refractive index at 250: 1.473 to 1.478, Appendix 3.1.
Weight per ml at 250: 0.950 to 0.951 g, Appendix 3.2.
Saponification value: 185 to 200, Appendix. 3.10.
Iodine value: 100 to 115, Appendix 3.11.
Acid value: Not more than 5.0, Appendix 3.12.
Peroxide value: Not more than 6, Appendix 3.13.
Other requirements:
Mineral oil Absent, Appendix 3.15.
Microbial limits: Appendix 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix. 2.7.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses: Kaphav¡taja N¡·¢ Vra¸a (Sinus due to Kapha DoÀa and V¡ta DoÀa)
Dose: As prescribed by the physician for Abhya´ga (External use).
Lepas are semi-solid preparations intended for external application to the skin or certain mucous membranes for emollient, protective,
therapeutic or prophylactic purposes where a degree of occlusion is desired. They usually consist of solutions or dispersions of one or more
medicaments in suitable bases.

The base should not produce irritation or sensitization of the skin, nor should it retard wound healing; it should be smooth, inert,
odourless, physically and chemically stable and compatible with the skin and with incorporated medicaments.

The proportions of the base ingredients should be such that the ointment is not too soft or too hard for convenient use. The consistency
should be such that the ointment spreads and softens when stress is applied.
50. Daarvi malahar
Based on Caraka Cikitsa 25/93
DËRVÌ MALAHARA is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients given in the Formulation composition.
Formulation Composition:
1. Ras¡µjana Berberis aristata DC /B. asiatica/B. lycium (API-Vol:2/33) Root extract 2 g
2. Spha¶ik¡ Alum or Potable Alums 1g
3. Tragacanth 2g
4. Xanthan gum FF 1g
5. Propylene glycol 4 ml
6. Methyl paraben 0.17 g
7. Propyl paraben 0.03 g
8. Disodium edentate 0.01 g
9. Peppermint oil 0.05 ml
10. Jala Water 100ml
Method of Preparation:

Preparation of Rasa jana: µ

Ras¡µjana is the dried aqueous extract of the roots of D¡ruharidr¡, (Berberis aristata or B. asiatica or B. lycium, Fam. Berberidaceae), and is
prepared by the following method.
Chop D¡ruharidr¡ into small pieces of about 1 cm thickness. Powder the chopped roots to a yavkuta (powder whose all particles pass through
sieve number 22 and not more than 10 per cent pass through sieve number 44). Weigh the powder and transfer to a suitable extraction vessel.
Add Purified water (5 times the weight of drug), allow to soak overnight (12 h), followed by gentle boiling for 4 h. Stop the boiling and allow
the contents to settle down. Separate the water layer and filter while hot. Repeat the extraction two times more using fresh Purified water (4
times the weight of drug). Remove the water from the combined extract as completely as possible. At this stage the extract solidifies on cooling.
Dry the solidified extract further in an oven, preferably a vacuum oven at a temperature below 600.
Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Preparation of D¡rv¢ Malahara:

Weigh all the ingredients separately. Mix well the powders of tragacanth and xanthan gum. Take 50 ml of purified water in a 250-ml container
and transfer gum mixture with continuous stirring to avoid formation of lumps. Keep it aside for 6 h for complete dispersion and hydration.
Dissolve powder of Spha¶ik¡ (potash alum) in 10 ml of warm (600) purified water and add this solution after cooling to gum mixture with
stirring. Dissolve methyl paraben, propyl paraben, disodium edetate in a mixture of 4 ml of propylene glycol and 6 ml of purified water and heat
for 5 min at 600. Cool and add this solution with continuous stirring to the mixture of gums and alum. Dissolve Ras¡µjana
in 10 ml of purified
water and add to the gel (mixture of gum and alum) and mix well. Adjust the weight of gel to 100 g with purified water. Adjust the pH between
3.7 and 4.2 with sufficient triethanolamine (approximately 3 to 4 drops). Add 0.1 ml of peppermint oil or other permissible flavour to the
prepared gel and mix well. Fill the gel in aluminium / plastic tubes.


Yellowish-brown, non-gritty, smooth gel.

Test for Berberine: Dissolve about 2 g of D¡rv¢ Malahara in 20 ml of water and filter. Take about 2 ml of the filtrate and add 1 ml of
concentrated nitric acid. A dark red colour is formed.
Test forSpha¶ik¡ : Dip a spatula in the water solution of D¡rv¢ Malahara. Take it out and let it dry. Hold spatula in a nonluminous flame; a
violet colour is imparted to the flame.

Physico-chemical parameters:
pH (5% aqueous solution) : 3.7 to 4.2 Appendix 3.3.

Sample contains not less than 0.08 per cent of berberine when assayed by the following method.

Estimation of Berberine: Dissolve about 25 mg of accurately weighed Berberine hydrochloride in water and makeup the volume to 25 ml in a
volumetric flask. Transfer 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 ml of this stock solution separately to six 25 ml- volumetric flasks and makeup the volume in each to
25 ml.
Apply in triplicate 1 µl of each dilution on a TLC plate. Develop the plate to a distance of 8 cm using n-propanol : formic acid : water (8.1: 0.1:
1.8) as mobile phase. After development, dry the plate in air and scan at 343 nm in a TLC scanner. Note the area under the curve for peak
corresponding to berberine and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs amount of berberine hydrochloride.
Dissolve accurately weighed about 1 g of D¡rv¢ Malahara in 5 ml of distilled water and make up the volume to 25 ml in a volumetric flask with
distilled water. Filter the solution and discard the first 5 ml of the solution. Collect the next 5 ml of solution and use for analysis. Apply 1 µl of
solution in triplicate on a TLC plate and develop, dry and scan the plate as described in preceding paragraph for calibration curve of berberine.
Calculate the amount of berberine in the test solution from the calibration curve of berberine hydrochloride and determine the concentration of
berberine in the D¡rv¢ Malahara.
Other requirements:
Microbial limits: Appendix. 2.4.
Aflatoxins: Appendix. 2.7.
Dose: 2g twice a day to be applied with applicator in vagina.
Storage: At room temperature.
Therapeutic uses: áveta Pradara (Leucorrhoea), Yonika¸·£ (Itching), Yoni ¿otha(Vaginitis and other wounds and ulcers)
Precaution: Discontinue if there is any irritation or discomfort.

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