Lmpcgt on Torepacgb Wplrltucalty oh Ordchlzctlohca Gommltmbht wlt` Mbjlctlhd Bnnbgt on Iof Wctlsncgtloh9 C Gcsb Wtujy oh @ld`br Bjugctloh Wbgtor
Rmb Cmbh
chj Cfjua Vczlq
Z`b ofibgtlvb on t`ls stujy ls to lhvbstldctb t`b lmpcgt on worepacgb splrltucalty oh ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht cmohd uhlvbrslty tbcg`brs wlt` t`b mbjlctlhd bnnbgt on iof sctlsncgtloh. Z`b cjoptbj qubstlohhclrb wcs cjmlhlstbrbj to c popuactloh on 3,>22 ncguaty mbmfbrs worelhd lh uhlvbrsltlbs sltuctbj lh Ecrcg`l, chj t`b vcalj scmpab slzb wcs >;;. Cntbr hormcalty, vcaljlty, chj rbalcflalty wbrb cssbssbj, t`b ovbrcaa mojba wcs tbstbj t`roud` [AW WBM (pcrtlca abcst squcrb strugturca bquctloh mojbalhd). C posltlvb lmpcgt on worepacgb splrltucalty oh ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht (t= 7<.663, p 1. ;2) wcs supportbj stctlstlgcaay. Lt wcs caso nouhj t`ct iof sctlsncgtloh (t = 0.3>>, p 1 .;2) wcs t`b strohdbst prbjlgtor on worepacgb splrltucalty. Nurt`brmorb, ch lhsldhlnlgcht lmpcgt on iof sctlsncgtloh oh ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht (t =;.470, p 8 .;2) wcs nouhj. Iof sctlsncgtloh cs c mbjlctor s`owbj ho mbjlctloh bnnbgt fbtwbbh worepacgb splrltucalty chj ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht. Lh gohgausloh, t`ls stujy gohtrlfutbs uhlqub ehowabjdb to t`b gurrbht fojy on altbrcturb t`ct gohhbgts worepacgb splrltucalty wlt` iof sctlsncgtloh chj ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht cmohd uhlvbrslty ncguaty. Lt caso provljbs grltlgca rbgommbhjctlohs nor cgcjbmlgs chj `umch rbsourgb mchcdbrs w`o sbbe wcys to bhgourcdb iof sctlsncgtloh chj ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht.
9 Torepacgb Wplrltucalty, Ordchlzctlohca Gommltmbht, Iof Wctlsncgtloh, [AW
3. Lhtrojugtloh
Z`b `umch rbsourgb ls gohsljbrbj to pacy c sldhlnlgcht roab lh t`b jbvbaopmbht chj prodrbss on t`b ordchlzctlohs on caa sbgtors. Z`b ordchlzctlohs crb gohsljbrbj to provljb prbglsb, bnnlglbht, chj lmprovbj pbrnormchgb fy mchcdlhd `umch rbsourgb. Wlmlacr to t`b ordchlzctlohs on ot`br sbgtors, t`b bjugctlohca lhstltutbs crb caso ncglhd gompbtltloh nor lmprovlhd t`blr pbrnormchgb. Wpbglnlgcaay, t`b uhlvbrsltlbs bmp`cslzb oh provljlhd qucalty bjugctloh to t`b stujbhts5 t`brbnorb, jbspltb ohay gohsljbrlhd t`b tbg`hlgca cspbgts on abcrhlhd chj tbcg`lhd, t`b pbrnormchgb on goaabdb or uhlvbrslty mld`t caso fb jbtbrmlhbj lh tbrms on t`b qucalnlgctloh chj bxpbrtlsb on t`b tbcg`lhd ncguaty (Nchddljc bt ca., 6;32). Z`b abvbas chj qucalty on bjugctloh jbalvbrbj nrom t`b pactnorm on chy uhlvbrslty crb chcayzbj fy chcayzlhd t`b bxpbrtlsb abvbas on t`b ncguaty on t`b uhlvbrslty, cs t`b tbcg`lhd stcnn ls t`b most sldhlnlgcht `umch rbsourgb on t`b uhlvbrslty. Nor t`ls rbcsoh, t`b uhlvbrsltlbs crb rbqulrbj to jbsldh chj lmpabmbht pachs chj strctbdlbs nor lmprovlhd t`b qucalty on sbrvlgbs provljbj fy t`b tbcg`lhd chj hoh-tbcg`lhd stcnn on t`b uhlvbrslty chj ot`br `ld`br bjugctlohca lhstltutbs, to lmprovb lhjlvljuca chj ordchlzctlohca pbrnormchgb. Z`b ovbrcaa pbrnormchgb on t`b ordchlzctlohs on caa sbgtors ls alebay to posltlvbay lhnaubhgb fy worepacgb splrltucalty. Cs t`b qucalty-orlbhtbj ordchlzctloh `cvb strohd bmp`csls oh t`b worelhd cttltujbs on bmpaoybbs5 t`brbnorb, w`bh c humfbr on bmpaoybbs nogus oh jbvbaoplhd worepacgb splrltucalty, lt lhgrbcsbs t`blr aoycaty wlt` t`b ordchlzctloh, chj jbvbaop nld`tlhd splrlt cmohd t`bm (Cs`mos & Jug`oh, 6;;;). Vbgbhtay, ordchlzctlohs `cvb rbcalzbj t`b hbbj to pcy cttbhtloh to splrltucalty lh t`b worepacgb. Z`ls lhgaujbs caaowlhd t`blr mbmfbrs to bxprbss t`blr splrltucalty (Mltronn & Jbhtoh, 3<<<). Mltronn chj Jbhtoh (3<<<) onnbrbj c gohvlhglhd gcsb t`ct ordchlzctlohs t`ct nostbr c splrltuca bhvlrohmbht tbhj to `cvb bmpaoybbs w`o crb morb aoyca, projugtlvb, grbctlvb, chj cfab to cjiust to g`chdbs t`ch bmpaoybbs ct ordchlzctlohs t`ct stlnab splrltucalty. Z`b drowlhd trbhj towcrj splrltucalty wlt`lh ordchlzctlohs `cs sprbcj cgross mchy lhjustrlbs chj pronbsslohs. Caohd wlt` lhtbrbst, cjjltlohca stujlbs `cvb fbbh gohjugtbj to mcp t`b tbrrclh on splrltucalty, `baplhd ordchlzctlohs to lhtbdrctb splrltuca vcaubs chj prcgtlgbs cs wbaa cs jbvbaop hbw t`borbtlgca nrcmbwores (Fbhbnlba, 6;;75 Jrlvbr, 6;;25 Hbca & Flfbrmch, 6;;:). Dlfsoh (6;3:) nouhj t`ct pcrtlglpchts lh `ls qucaltctlvb lhqulry cmohd sg`ooa prlhglpcas fbalbvbj t`blr pbrsohca mbchlhd on splrltucalty wcs lhtbdrctbj gompabtbay lhto t`blr tcses, abcjbrs`lp styabs, chj rbactlohs`lps wlt` t`b tbcg`lhd stcnn. Gohgurrbhtay, t`blr tbcg`lhd stcnn pbrgblvbj c rbactlohs`lp fbtwbbh t`b
prlhglpcas“ s
plrltucalty chj t`blr gompbtbhgb, gohjugt, chj pronbsslohca g`crcgtbr (Dlfsoh, 6;3:).
Csslstcht [ronbssor, Jow Rhlvbrslty on @bcat` Wglbhgbs. umb.cmbhKju`s.bju.pe
[ronbssor, Lqrc Rhlvbrslty Ecrcg`l cfjua.rczlqKlqrc.bju.pe
Gohsbqubhtay, t`b abvba on tbcg`br sctlsncgtloh `cs jbgalhbj fy twbhty-t`rbb pbrgbhtcdb polhts slhgb 6;;0 chj lh 6;36 wcs ct lts aowbst lh 62 ybcrs (MbtAlnb, 6;36). Wlmlacray, Ychjbrs (6;33) rbportbj t`ct abss t`ch `can (:4.4%) t`b pcrtlglpchts lh `ls stujy wbrb vbry sctlsnlbj wlt` tbcg`lhd cs c gcrbbr chj rctbj t`blr owh pronbssloh cs tbcg`brs aowbr t`ch t`ct on jogtors, sglbhtlsts, chj mlaltcry onnlgbrs. T`bh t`b tbcg`
brs“ wore bhvlrohmbht ls too g`caabhdlhd chj uhsupportbj, worelhd gohjltlohs
grbctb ch uh`bcat`y ctmosp`brb. Zbcg`brs, t`bh, crb uhwlaalhd to mceb gommltmbhts to t`blr pronbssloh, chj c tbhjbhgy to abcvb t`b pronbssloh rbsuats (Lhdbrsoaa, 6;;35 Aobf, Jcralhd-@cmmohj, & Augzce, 6;;2). Z`brbnorb, lh rbgbht ybcrs, somb cjmlhlstrctors chj sg`ooa abcjbrs nogusbj oh grbctlhd c worepacgb guaturb
t`ct lhgaujbs splrltucalty (Drcht, 6;;:5 Drcht, O“Hbla, & Wtbp`bhs, 6;;:5 Dulaacumb & MgMlaach, 6;;65
Wg`ustbr, 3<<0). B
ajrbj (6;3;) jbtbrmlhbj spbglnlgcaay t`ct t`b prlhglpcas“ abcjbrs`lp cgtlvltlbs t`ct
promotbj c strohd sbhsb on gommuhlty cmohd tbcg`brs wbrb c strohd lhjlgctor on t`blr iof sctlsncgtloh. Cggorjlhd to Cygch bt ca., (6;;;) [celstch ls ch uhjbr rbsbcrg`bj gouhtry, so t`b mclh doca on t`ls rbsbcrg` ls to chcayzb t`b abvba on worepacgb splrltucalty, ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht, chj iof sctlsncgtloh cmohd uhlvbrslty lhstrugtors lh [celstch fbgcusb ct uhlvbrsltlbs, `ld`-abvba bjugctloh ls provljbj fy bxpbrlbhgbj ncguaty, chj lh rbturh t`b ncguaty `cs bxpbgtctlohs nrom t`b ordchlzctloh. Z`ls rbsbcrg` rbvbcas t`b rbcsohs t`ct somb tbcg`brs s`ow morb goopbrctlvb chj supportlvb fb`cvlor t`ch ot`brs. Womb crb `ld`ay gommlttbj chj s`ow c `ld` abvba on iof sctlsncgtloh. Z`brbnorb, t`ls rbsbcrg` lhvbstldctbs w`bt`br worepacgb splrltucalty bxlsts ct uhlvbrsltlbs lh [celstch chj w`bt`br morb ncguaty mbmfbrs nlhj mbchlhd, gompcssloh, mlhjnuahbss, chj trchsgbhjbhgb lh t`blr wore, w`lg` rbsuat lh ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht chj iof sctlsncgtloh. Lh t`ls rbspbgt, our rbsbcrg` cjjs to t`b t`bory on soglca bxg`chdb fy bxcmlhlhd t`b lhnaubhgb on worepacgb splrltucalty oh ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht chj iof sctlsncgtloh on ncguatlbs. Nurt`brmorb, hohb on t`b bcralbr wores lhvbstldctb t`b mbjlctlhd mbg`chlsm fbtwbbh worepacgb splrltucalty chj ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht. Fbsljbs, caa t`b prbvlous stujlbs `cla nrom jbvbaopbj gouhtrlbs chj vbry nbw rbsbcrg` wores ls nouhj lh Cslch pbrspbgtlvb. Chtohlg (6;;4), chj Ycmpbtcels bt ca (6;;<) suddbst t`ct gross guaturca rbsbcrg` rbsuats wlaa caso cjj vcaub lh altbrcturb. @bhgb t`ls stujy `cs fbbh gohjugtbj lh t`b bjugctloh sbgtor on [celstch.
6. Altbrcturb Vbvlbw
Torepacgb splrltucalty, t`b sufibgt on mchy gohtrovbrslbs lh ovbr t`b ybcrs, `cs bxpbrlbhgbj rbmcrecfab jbvbaopmbht lh mojbrh tlmbs, w`lg` `cs `bapbj rbsbcrg`brs to gomb up wlt` hbw jbnlhltlohs on t`ls gohgbpt. Mchy jbnlhltlohs on lt crb nouhj lh t`b altbrcturb (Ecrcecs, 6;3;)9 Cggorjlhd to Mlrvls (3<<4), worepacgb splrltucalty gch fb jbnlhbj cs t`b uhjbrstchjlhd chj cggbptlhd wore wlt` c sbhsb on gommuhlty. Nurt`brmorb, Mltronn chj Jbhtoh (3<<<) bacforctbj worepacgb splrltucalty cs t`b nuhjcmbhtca nbbalhd on gohhbgtloh wlt` sban, t`b surrouhjlhds chj wlt` t`b bhtlrb bhvlrohmbht (p. 07). Lh cjjltloh to t`ls, Dlcgcaohb chj Iurelbwlgz (6;;7) jbnlhbj lt cs t`b strugturb t`ct ch ordchlzctloh jbvbaops wlt`lh lts bhvlrohmbht. Z`by nurt`br jlsgussbj t`b gohgbpt on worepacgb splrltucalty cs t`b mbcsurbs t`ct t`ct mceb ch bmpaoybb strbss nrbb chj ioynua fy cggbabrctlhd wore progbss lh t`b norm on bhgourcdlhd csslstlhd t`bm (p. 7). Jug`oh chj [aowmch (6;;2) jlsgussbj worepacgb splrltucalty cs t`b worepacgb s`ouaj bhgourcdb bmpaoybbs to bmpowbr t`blr lhhbr fbalbns. Lt ls c hotcfab ncgt t`ct t`b lhhbr fbalbns chj alnb on bmpaoybbs crb bhrlg`bj usbnua wore t`ct ls `cppbhlhd wlt`lh t`b gohtbxt on gommuhlty (p. 0;4).
Z`b wore on Cufì bt ca. (6;;4) lhjlgctbj t`ct hot ohay crb bmpaoybb“s splrltuca lh t`blr prlvctb alnb
fut t`by bx`lflt t`b scmb fb`cvlor lh t`b worepacgb. Wtujlbs fy Cvby, Tbrhslhd, chj [cachsel (6;36) bhgourcdbj t`b fb`cvlor on lhjlvljucas chj t`blr lhtbrcgtloh wlt` t`b uhlvbrsb. Mcsaow's wore wlt` rbspbgt to sban-gompabtloh ljbhtlnlbs wlt` t`b nbbalhd on c jbbp sbhsb on fblhd (Cs`mos chj Jug`oh, 6;;;). Ordchlzctlohs t`ct crb morb nogusbj oh fulajlhd bstbbm onnbr morb g`chgbs nor sban-lmprovbmbht chj cjvchgbmbht. Nurt`brmorb, t`ls nbbalhd on lhgrbcslhd sban-bstbbm jbvbaops bhbrdy chj bcdbrhbss cmohd bmpaoybbs (Cvby bt ca., 6;36). Wplrltucalty `cs `bapbj ordchlzctlohs to dclh mchy fbhbnlts chj rbsuatbj lh t`b bstcfals`mbht on rbactlohs`lps chj t`b jbvbaopmbht on gommuhltlbs on lhjlvljucas worelhd ct ordchlzctlohs (Alps-Tlbrsmc & Mlaas, 6;;6). Wplrltucalty jlrbgtay nogusbs oh lhjlvljuca nbbalhds, rct`br t`ch goaabgtlvb fb`cvlors, w`lg` gchhot fb prcgtlgbj lh ordchlzctlohca surrouhjlhds (Alps-Tlbrsmc & Mlaas, 6;;6).
6.3 Torepacgb Wplrltucalty chj Ordchlzctlohca Gommltmbht
Torepacgb splrltucalty gch fb uhjbrstooj cs ncglaltctloh on t`b ordchlsctloh rbactbj to bmpaoybb
bxpbrlbhgb ct wore ([cwcr 6;;0). Z`b wore on (Cufì bt ca., 6;;4) bxcmlhbj t`ct t`bsb jcys“ bmpaoybbs
crb hot ohay splrltuca lh t`blr gommoh alnb fut t`by bx`lflt t`b scmb fb`cvlour ct t`b worepacgb. Ordchlsctlohs t`ct crb morb nogusbj oh fulajlhd bstbbm provljb prlor g`chgbs to bhgourcdb sban-lmprovbmbht chj cjvchgbmbht. Lh cjjltloh, t`ls nbbalhd on lhgrbcslhd sban-bstbbm jbvbaops bhbrdy chj bcdbrhbss cmohd t`b bmpaoybbs (Cvby bt ca., 6;36). Z`b soglca bxg`chdb t`bory postuactbs t`ct t`b eby jbtbrmlhcht lh fot` pcrtlbs rbactlohs`lp ls t`blr lhjlvljuca lhtbrbst. Lt ls hbvbr gohsljbrbj uh`bcat`y to jbvbaop sban- lhtbrbst fbtwbbh bmpaoybb chj bmpaoybr fbgcusb lt ls fbhbnlglca nor fot` t`b pcrtlbs lh t`b aohd-tbrm rbactlohs`lps. \ou wlaa nlhj t`ct bmpaoybbs sbbe cjvchtcdbs lh t`b norm on rbwcrjs, mohbtcry fbhbnlts, soglca chj bmotlohca gohhbgtlvlty ct t`b worepacgb. Fcsbj oh t`b stujy on Caec`tchl (6;32) t`b ordchlsctlohca gommltmbht ls ohb on t`b most lmportcht cspbgts nor t`b stcnn mbmfbrs lh t`b sbgtor on `ld`br bjugctloh. Lt `cs fbbh crdubj t`ct t`b most gommlttbj stcnn mbmfbrs gch grbctb `ld`br bnnbgtlvbhbss nor t`b stujbhts chj caso rbjugbs t`b furjbh nor t`b bjugctloh chj t`b mchcdbmbht on t`b ordchlsctloh. Lt `cs caso fbbh jlsgussbj lh sbvbrca stujlbs t`ct t`b gommlttbj tbcg`brs pacy c vltca roab towcrjs t`b jbvbaopmbht on selaas chj trclts on t`b stujbhts t`ct gch fb cg`lbvbj lh jlnnbrbht jomclhs on t`b nlbaj lh t`b nuturb (Zchdt`ohd, 6;3:). Torepacgb splrltucalty ls c gurrbht crbc on stujy rbactbj to ordchlzctlohca outgombs (Wpruhd, Waltbr, & Ibx, 6;36), sug` cs gommltmbht, lh w`lg` bmpaoybbs nlhj `bapnua worelhd gohjltlohs caldhbj wlt` t`blr lhtbrhca nbbalhds chj
wore chj gommuhlty fot` pacy c vltca roab lh grbctlhd gohhbgtlvlty fbtwbbh bmpaoybbs“
wore chj splrlt. C stujy fy (Tcrb & Eltschtcs, 6;33) ljbhtlnlbs t`ct tbcg`br gommltmbht to t`b ordchlsctloh gohtlhubs to fb c gohnouhjlhd chj lt ls c vbry gommoh profabm bxgltlhd lh sg`ooa jlstrlgts t`roud`out t`b RW chj nurt`br morb stujlbs caso vcaljctb t`b ncgt t`ct aow rbtbhtloh rctbs crb rbsuatbj nrom aow gommltmbht wlt` cmohd tbcg`brs (Tcrb & Eltschtcs, 6;335 Eacssbh & G`lu, 6;335 Lhdbrsoaa, 6;;3). Ch cssoglctloh ls nouhj fbtwbbh t`b gommltmbht on tbcg`br chj sctlsncgtloh on iof wlt` sbttlhds on sg`ooa wore (Moorb, 6;36). Wlhgb drbctbr gommltmbht abvbas rbsuat lh `ld` abvba on rbtbhtloh, lt ls hot bcsy to uhjbrstchj t`b ncgtors prbsbht lh sg`ooa worelhd chj `ow t`by mcy abcj to lmprovbj gommltmbht (Jumcy & Dcachj, 6;36). C rbsbcrg` stujy bxbgutbj fy E`chlnbr bt ca., (6;3;) rbactbj to t`b bxcmlhlhd on rbactloh cmohdst pronbsslohca gommltmbht chj ordchlzctlohca splrltucalty on bmpaoybbs bxpbrlbhgbj t`ct rbactloh cmlj ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht chj worepacgb splrltucalty jlmbhslohs. Z`b outgombs on rbsbcrg` jlspacybj t`ct splrltucalty ct worepacgb sldhlnlgchtay chj posltlvbay bnnbgts ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht oh bmpaoybbs. Vbsbcrg` stujlbs gohjugtbj fy G`cwca, & Dujc, (6;3;)5 Vbdo & Guh`c (6;;0) caso support t`b rbsuats on worepacgb splrltucalty `cs posltlvb rbactloh wlt` gommltmbht wlt`lh ch ordchlzctloh. Nurt`brmorb, Osmch-Dchl, @cs`lm \ousn (6;37) caso jlspacybj cdrbbmbht t`ct posltlvbay sldhlnlgcht cssoglctloh bxlst cmohd pronbsslohca gommltmbhts chj worepacgb splrltucalty. @bhgb, wb proposb t`b noaaowlhd `ypot`bsbs9
@39 Torepacgb splrltucalty `cs c stctlstlgcaay sldhlnlgcht lmpcgt oh ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht. @69 Iof sctlsncgtloh `cs c mbjlctlhd lmpcgt fbtwbbh worepacgb splrltucalty chj ordchlzctlohca gommltmbht.
6.6 Torepacgb Wplrltucalty chj Iof Wctlsncgtloh
Iof sctlsncgtloh ls rbnbrrbj to t`b gohgbpt on t`b abvba on sctlsncgtloh on bmpaoybbs wlt` t`blr iofs. Z`b rbsbcrg` gohjugtbj fy Bvchs (3<<4) jbnlhbj iof sctlsncgtloh cs t`b stctb on mlhj on t`b lhjlvljucas, sug` t`b stctb on mlhj ls jbtbrmlhbj fy t`b bxtbht up to w`lg` t`b iof-rbactbj rbqulrbmbhts on lhjlvljucas `cvb fbbh sctlsnlbj. Z`b gohgbpt on iof sctlsncgtloh ls caso nogusbj towcrjs t`b ovbrcaa cttltujbs on bmpaoybbs towcrjs t`blr iof, chj t`b posltlvb bxpbrlbhgb cgqulrbj fy t`b bmpaoybbs nrom t`blr iof (Caabh chj Mbybr, 3<<;5 Cmuhjsbh chj Mcrtlhsbh, 6;3:). Cggorjlhd to [rcj`ch chj Ibhc, (6;3>), splrltuca lhjlvljucas provljb sldhlnlgcht cjvchtcdbs to t`blr ordchlsctlohs slhgb t`by bxbrglsb vlrtubs wlt`lh t`b gohtbxt on wore chj `cvb drbctbr iof sctlsncgtloh, lhgrbcsbj projugtlvlty, lhgrbcsbj iof motlvctloh chj drbctbr ordchlsctlohca gommltmbht. T`bh ch
ordchlzctloh tcebs gcrb on lts bmpaoybbs, t`by lh turh jbvbaop posltlvb oplhlohs nor t`b ordchlzctloh
(V`ocjbs bt ca., 6;;3). Z`bory on soglca bxg`chdb jlgtctb t`ct bmpaoybb“s posltlvb fbalbns cfout t`blr
ordchlzctloh ofaldctbs t`bm to gcrb nor t`b wbaa-fblhd on t`blr ordchlzctloh chj gohtrlfutb towcrjs ordchlzctlohca docas. C humfbr on ncvourcfab outgombs on ordchlzctlohca support `cvb fbbh rbportbj lh altbrcturb, nor lhstchgb, lhgrbcsbj sctlsncgtloh, aowbr turhovbr lhtbhtlohs, lhgrbcsbj gommltmbht wlt` t`b ordchlzctloh, chj ordchlzctlohca ljbhtlnlgctloh (Bjwcrjs & [bggbl, 6;3;5 Vlddab bt ca., 6;;<). Morb spbglnlgcaay, t`b rbsbcrg`brs `cvb caso provljbj wlt` t`b cssbssmbht on t`b jlssctlsncgtloh wlt`lh t`b bmpaoybbs chj `cvlhd t`b lhgrbcsbj ncgtors on bmpaoybb sctlsncgtloh towcrjs t`b wore t`ct `cs fbbh pbrnormbj. Z`b acge on sctlsncgtloh caso grbctbs jlnnbrbht lssubs chj rbjugbs t`b abvba on gommltmbht t`ct t`by `cvb towcrjs t`b pronbssloh chj t`b roabs t`ct t`by pbrnorm. Lt `cs fbbh crdubj lh t`b stujy on Drlbp bt ca (6;3>) t`ct t`b acge on `ydlbhb wlt`lh t`b sbgtor on `ld`br bjugctloh grbctbs t`b lssubs on jlssctlsncgtloh cmohd t`b bmpaoybbs on t`b `ld`br bjugctloh. Mlrowsey (6;34) `cs caso crdubj t`ct t`b stcnn mbmfbrs on t`b `ld`br bjugctloh lhstltutlohs grbctbs t`b aow abvba on motlvctloh nor t`b bmpaoybbs chj caso provljbs almltctlohs to t`blr pbrnormchgb ovbr tlmb. Cjjltlohcaay, t`b stujy on Cssltbr (6;34) `cs caso bmp`cslzbj t`b bxtrbmb p`yslgca chj mbhtca cgtlvltlbs t`ct grbctbs t`b sbhsb on poor worelhd gohjltlohs wlt`lh t`b `ld`br bjugctloh systbm. Morbovbr, cggorjlhd to t`b stujy on Chjbrsoh (6;32) t`b abvba on gohnljbhgb on t`b tbcg`brs chj t`b stcnn mbmfbrs ls `ld`ay jbgrbcsbj wlt` t`b poor worelhd gohjltlohs on t`b gouhtry. Lh ald`t on t`b rbsbcrg` stujy gohjugtbj fy Duptc, Eumcr chj Wlhd` (6;3:), c sldhlnlgcht chj posltlvb cssoglctloh cmlj iof sctlsncgtloh chj worepacgb splrltucalty `cs fbbh nouhj. C eby roab ls pacybj fy
t`b jlmbhslohs on T[W to nuanlaa t`b bmpaoybbs“ lhtrlhslg hbbjs, `bhgb c sufstchtlca lhnaubhgb bxlsts cmohd
t`b two vcrlcfabs. Cggorjlhd to t`b nlhjlhds on @cssch, bt.ca (6;3>), iof sctlsncgtloh chj worepacgb splrltucalty jlspacybj c sldhlnlgcht posltlvb lmpcgt. Nchddljc, Voaachj, Wurychc, chj Bnbhjl (6;3>) caso nlhj c posltlvb chj sldhlnlgcht rbactlohs`lp fbtwbbh worepacgb splrltucalty chj iof sctlsncgtloh. Vofbrt, \ouhd, chj Ebaay (6;;>) rbactb iof sctlsncgtloh to splrltuca wbaa-fblhd chj nlhj c posltlvb gorrbactloh. Z`by lhgaujb alvlhd fy c sbt on vcaubs chj fbalbns chj mcelhd c mbchlhdnua gohtrlfutloh lh t`b woraj to fb lmportcht gompohbhts on splrltuca wbaa-fblhd.
^ch jbr Tcat chj Jb Eabre (6;3:) gohjugt c gross-sbgtlohca stujy lh Wout` Cnrlgc. Z`blr rbsuats lhjlgctb c posltlvb rbactlohs`lp fbtwbbh worepacgb splrltucalty chj iof sctlsncgtloh cmohd w`ltb-goaacr worebrs. Z`blr gohgausloh ls t`ct ordchlzctlohs hbbj to fb splrltucaay fcsbj lh orjbr to survlvb lh t`b twbhty-nlrst gbhtury chj sustclh worebrs w`o crb sctlsnlbj wlt` t`blr wore bxpbrlbhgb. Lt `cs fbbh stctbj fy Doojcrzl chj Ecvlchl (6;37) t`ct t`b rbactloh cmlj iof sctlsncgtloh chj splrltucalty nor lhjlvljucas chj cs wbaa cs t`b bhtlrb worepacgb ls sldhlnlgcht. Morbovbr, Aczcr C. (6;3;) caso ofsbrvbj t`ct c posltlvb chj sldhlnlgcht cssoglctloh cmlj iof sctlsncgtloh chj worepacgb splrltucalty bxlsts. Cggorjlhd to Yo`cr chj Mcrs`caa (6;;;), splrltucalty lhtbrrbactbs chj lhtbrg`chdbs lhjlvljuca fb`cvlour chj
bmotlohca godhltloh on ch bmpaoybb“s tbhjb
hgy to bxpbrlbhgb hbdctlvb or posltlvb nbbalhds, w`lg` `cvb c
sldhlnlgcht lmpcgt oh bmpaoybb“s gohnljbhgb. @bhgb mchy stujlbs support t`b stujy on G`obrujlh lhgaujlhd
rbsbcrg`brs (Duptc bt ca., 6;3:5 Icvchmcrj bt ca., 6;3:5 C`mbj chj Omcr, 6;3:). @bhgb, wb proposb t`b noaaowlhd `ypot`bsls.
@79 Torepacgb splrltucalty `cs c stctlstlgcaay sldhlnlgcht lmpcgt oh iof sctlsncgtloh.
6.7 Iof Wctlsncgtloh chj Ordchlzctlohca Gommltmbht
Z`b gommltmbht wlt` ch ordchlsctloh chj sctlsncgtloh on iof `cs fbbh rbsbcrg`bj lh mchy prbvlous stujlbs lhgaujlhd ([ortbr, Wtbbrs, Mowjcy & Foualch, 3<4:5 Eo` & Foo, 6;;:5 Dalssoh & Jurlge, 3<005 Gcpbaabrcs). Vbsuats supportlhd gcusb chj bnnbgt crb nouhj lh t`b altbrcturb (Dalssoh & Jurlge, 3<00). Ordchlsctlohca gommltmbht ls rbnbrrbj to cs t`b rbspohsb on ch bmpaoybb towcrjs `ls or `br ordchlsctloh w`brbcs iof sctlsncgtloh ls rbnbrrbj to cs c rbspohsb on bmpaoybb towcrjs c spbglnlg iof (Hcmcslvcycm chj Y`co, 6;;45 Nblhstblh chj ^ohjrcsbe, 6;;3). Cggorjlhd to Tcstl (6;;;), c eby jlstlhduls`lhd nbcturb
fbtwbbh ordchlsctlohca gommltmbht chj iof sctlsncgtloh gch fb jlcaodubj cs ‑L aleb t`b ordchlsctloh L wore nor” chj ‑L aleb my iof”.
Z`b gorb jlnnbrbhgb fbtwbbh iof sctlsncgtloh chj ordchlsctlohca gommltmbht gch fb stctbj c
s5 ‑L aleb my iof” chj ‑L aleb t`b ordchlsctloh L wore nor”. Nblhstblh chj ^ohjrcsbe (6;;3), stctbs t`ct t`b
gommltmbht on bmpaoybb towcrjs t`blr ordchlsctloh s`ouaj fb morb stcfab lh gompcrlsoh wlt` t`blr