Swaged and Lightweight Welding Nozzles

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Welding Nozzles

„„Swaged and lightweight welding nozzles

Welding Nozzles (Swaged) Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Acetylene Oxygen Acetylene Oxygen
Size in.
mm in. swg bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
0.9 - 20 1 0700016660 0.14 2 0.14 2 0.47 1 0.47 1
1.2 - 18 2 0700016661 0.14 2 0.14 2 0.94 2 0.94 2
2.0 - 14 3 0700016662 0.14 2 0.14 2 1.42 3 1.65 3.5
2.6 - 12 5 0700016663 0.21 3 0.21 3 2.36 5 2.83 6
Welding Nozzles

3.2 1/8 10 7 0700016664 0.21 3 0.21 3 3.30 7 3.77 8

4.0 3/32 8 10 0700016665 0.28 4 0.28 4 4.70 10 5.20 11
5.0 3/16 6 13 0700016666 0.28 4 0.28 4 6.60 14 7.10 15
6.5* 1/4 3 18 0700016667 0.35 5 0.35 5 8.50 18 9.40 20
8.2* 5/16 0 25 0700016668 0.40 6 0.40 6 11.80 25 12.70 27

Nozzle type Swaged using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.

For use with WH443 NM shank.

* Please note: Requires HD Mixer

DH Welding Nozzles (Lightweight Swaged) Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Acetylene Oxygen Acetylene Oxygen
Size in.
mm in. swg bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
0.9 - 20 1 0700016670 0.14 2 0.14 2 0.47 1 0.47 1
1.2 - 18 2 0700016671 0.14 2 0.14 2 0.94 2 0.94 2
2.0 - 14 3 0700016672 0.14 2 0.21 3 1.42 3 1.42 3
2.6 - 12 5 0700016673 0.21 3 0.28 4 2.36 5 2.83 6
3.2 1/8 10 7 0700016674 0.21 3 0.35 5 3.30 7 4.72 10
4.0 3/32 8 10 0700016675 0.28 4 0.35 5 4.72 10 5.20 11
5.0 3/16 6 13 0700016676 0.35 5 0.48 7 6.13 13 7.10 15
6.5 1/4 3 18 0700016677 0.41 6 0.55 8 8.50 18 9.40 20
8.2 5/16 0 25 0700016678 0.55 8 0.69 10 11.80 25 12.70 27

Nozzle type Swaged using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.

For use with DH Combination Torch.

Process Nozzles

„„Propane Super Heating

Propane Super Heating Nozzles Ordering Information

Propane Oxygen Propane Oxygen Heat Output

Nozzle size Part Number pressure pressure consumption consumption (approx)
bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H W Btu/H
1H 0700016650 0.14 2 0.7 10 13.8 29 58 121 244800 72,000
0.49 7 2.1 30 32 65 122 255 554200 163,000
2H 0700016651 0.21 3 1.1 15 20 41 80 168 346800 102,000
0.56 8 2.5 35 35 75 145 304 639200 188,000

Process Nozzles
3H 0700016652 0.28 4 1.8 25 35 75 138 290 622200 183,000
1.10 15 5.0 70 68 144 275 575 1227400 361,000
4H 0700016653 0.35 5 2.5 35 45 94 177 370 802400 236,000
1.30 18 5.7 80 77 162 310 650 1380400 406,000
5H 0700016654 0.85 12 3.5 50 53 112 212 444 955400 281,000
2.10 30 8.7 125 117 246 467 985 2101200 618,000

Flame size and heat output of these nozzles vary considerably with the pressure setting used.
Heat output figures are quoted for based on combination torches.
20% higher figures can be obtained using an NM type cutter with a super heating adaptor.
Two typical figure sets given for each type of nozzle.

For use with the WH443 NM shank with propane mixer (p/n – 0700017244) and bent neck (p/n – 0700157553).
ESAB NM cutters with the adaptor (p/n – 0700017688).

„„Acetylene Heating

Acetylene Heating Nozzles Ordering Information

Acetylene Oxygen Acetylene Oxygen Heat Output

Nozzle size Part Number pressure pressure consumption consumption (approx)
bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H W Btu/H
AHT 25 0700016641 0.35 4 0.4 4 18 36 18.3 40 176800 57,000
AHT 50 0700016642 0.43 6 0.4 6 30 63 33 70 309400 91,000
AHT 100 0700016643 0.49 7 0.7 10 45 96 50 106 472600 139,000

For use with the WH443 NM shank with the HD acetylene mixer (p/n – 0700017243) and bent neck (p/n – 0700143884).

„„Acetylene Gouging

Gouging – AGNM Acetylene Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Max groove width Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Acetylene Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Acetylene
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
8 5/16 13 0700016640 4.00 60 0.50 7 61.00 130 16.50 35 15.00 32
11 7/16 19 0700126810 5.00 75 0.50 7 156 330 31 66 28 60

AGNM nozzles can be used with the NM ST443 cutting torch and CA444 combination torch.
ESAB gas equipment accessories

Torch cutting guides

Circle cutting attachment
„„To use the circle cutting attachment, simply insert the
guide rod and centre point. Users can cut circles 38.1mm
– 711mm diameter. Suitable for use with the ESAB NM
Combi torch & ST443 cutting torch.

Description Pack Size Part Number

Circle cutting attachment 1 0383-0006

Model 497 roller guide

„„Model 497 roller guide is adaptable to most styles of
cutting tips. Fits over the cutting tip shank and is fully
adjustable for close, accurate work.

Description Pack Size Part Number

497 Roller Guide 1 0383-0009

Leak detector solution

„„Recommended when testing regulators and torches
for leaks.

Description Pack Size Part Number

TL4 Leak detector 12 G269111176

Nozzle cleaner sets

„„For cleaning orifices of welding and cutting nozzles.

Description Pack Size Part Number

Nozzle cleaner set 1 0700153391

ESAB gas equipment accessories

Torch cutting guides

Circle cutting attachment
„„To use the circle cutting attachment, simply insert the
guide rod and centre point. Users can cut circles 38.1mm
– 711mm diameter. Suitable for use with the ESAB NM
Combi torch & ST443 cutting torch.

Description Pack Size Part Number

Circle cutting attachment 1 0383-0006

Model 497 roller guide

„„Model 497 roller guide is adaptable to most styles of
cutting tips. Fits over the cutting tip shank and is fully
adjustable for close, accurate work.

Description Pack Size Part Number

497 Roller Guide 1 0383-0009

Leak detector solution

„„Recommended when testing regulators and torches
for leaks.

Description Pack Size Part Number

TL4 Leak detector 12 G269111176

Nozzle cleaner sets

„„For cleaning orifices of welding and cutting nozzles.

Description Pack Size Part Number

Nozzle cleaner set 1 0700153391

Process Nozzles

„„Propane Super Heating

Propane Super Heating Nozzles Ordering Information

Propane Oxygen Propane Oxygen Heat Output

Nozzle size Part Number pressure pressure consumption consumption (approx)
bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H W Btu/H
1H 0700016650 0.14 2 0.7 10 13.8 29 58 121 244800 72,000
0.49 7 2.1 30 32 65 122 255 554200 163,000
2H 0700016651 0.21 3 1.1 15 20 41 80 168 346800 102,000
0.56 8 2.5 35 35 75 145 304 639200 188,000

Process Nozzles
3H 0700016652 0.28 4 1.8 25 35 75 138 290 622200 183,000
1.10 15 5.0 70 68 144 275 575 1227400 361,000
4H 0700016653 0.35 5 2.5 35 45 94 177 370 802400 236,000
1.30 18 5.7 80 77 162 310 650 1380400 406,000
5H 0700016654 0.85 12 3.5 50 53 112 212 444 955400 281,000
2.10 30 8.7 125 117 246 467 985 2101200 618,000

Flame size and heat output of these nozzles vary considerably with the pressure setting used.
Heat output figures are quoted for based on combination torches.
20% higher figures can be obtained using an NM type cutter with a super heating adaptor.
Two typical figure sets given for each type of nozzle.

For use with the WH443 NM shank with propane mixer (p/n – 0700017244) and bent neck (p/n – 0700157553).
ESAB NM cutters with the adaptor (p/n – 0700017688).

„„Acetylene Heating

Acetylene Heating Nozzles Ordering Information

Acetylene Oxygen Acetylene Oxygen Heat Output

Nozzle size Part Number pressure pressure consumption consumption (approx)
bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H W Btu/H
AHT 25 0700016641 0.35 4 0.4 4 18 36 18.3 40 176800 57,000
AHT 50 0700016642 0.43 6 0.4 6 30 63 33 70 309400 91,000
AHT 100 0700016643 0.49 7 0.7 10 45 96 50 106 472600 139,000

For use with the WH443 NM shank with the HD acetylene mixer (p/n – 0700017243) and bent neck (p/n – 0700143884).

„„Acetylene Gouging

Gouging – AGNM Acetylene Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Max groove width Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Acetylene Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Acetylene
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
8 5/16 13 0700016640 4.00 60 0.50 7 61.00 130 16.50 35 15.00 32
11 7/16 19 0700126810 5.00 75 0.50 7 156 330 31 66 28 60

AGNM nozzles can be used with the NM ST443 cutting torch and CA444 combination torch.

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