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Oxy-Fuel Cutting & Welding Outfits

EDGE Series and G-Series Kits - Contents


G250 Oxygen and Acetylene (B/B) DELUXE OUTFIT - 0700017418

Item Description
Torch Shank WH443 SHANK
Cutting Attachment CA444 CUTTING ATTACHMENT
Welding Nozzle NOZZLE, SIZE 1
Cutting Nozzle 5/64 ANM CUTTING TIP
Gas Hose 6.3MM FUEL & OXY HOSE SET – 5M

Nozzle Cleaner

G250 Oxygen and Acetylene (S/S) DELUXE OUTFIT - 0700017420

Item Description
Torch Shank WH443 SHANK
Cutting Attachment CA444 CUTTING ATTACHMENT
Welding Nozzle NOZZLE, SIZE 1
Cutting Nozzle 5/64 ANM CUTTING TIP
Gas Hose 6.3MM FUEL & OXY HOSE SET – 5M
Nozzle Cleaner

G250 Oxygen and Acetylene (B/S) DELUXE OUTFIT - 0700017422

Item Description
Torch Shank WH443 SHANK
Cutting Attachment CA444 CUTTING ATTACHMENT
Welding Nozzle NOZZLE, SIZE 1
Cutting Nozzle 5/64 ANM CUTTING TIP
Gas Hose 6.3MM FUEL & OXY HOSE SET – 5M
Nozzle Cleaner

ESAB’s Warranty
ESAB offers a limited warranty on its gas equipment (the full terms of which are set forth in ESAB’s terms
and conditions) covering the following periods:

EDGE & G series regulators = 5 years

ESAB NM cutting torches = 5 years

Optiflow regulators = 2 years

ESAB’s warranty is limited to defects which arise solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship
on our part. For full details, please see ESAB’s terms and conditions.

Certificate of Conformity
and Origin
In order to provide legal protection to our Distributors and End User
Customers ESAB offer a full documentation service.

Under the terms of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 it is an offence

to supply any consumer goods which fail to comply with general safety
requirements. For ESAB Distributors the provision of this documentation
service confirms compliance with National Standards and manufacturing
origins. For end users it provides peace of mind and confirmation that
they are dealing with a long established, respected and reliable company.

ESAB Gas Inspectors Course

ESAB have revised and reformatted the Accredited Inspectors training courses. These courses are designed to qualify
persons to conduct full safety checks on individual oxy-fuel gas welding systems. Following satisfactory completion of the
course examination a City and Guilds Certificate is awarded to successful candidates.

The training course is of 2 days duration with an overnight residential stay. The first part of the course involves theoretical
instruction on oxy-fuel gas safety, the properties of gases, safe use and operation of systems. The second day of the course
is entirely devoted to practical training. Any person responsible for the practical safety aspects of oxy-fuel gas systems will
benefit from the course such as safety officers, maintenance staff, supervisors or technical college and school lecturers.

ESAB Gas Inspectors information

Contact: Gas course administrator
Telephone: 01992 768515
E-mail: [email protected]

Personal Protection

ESAB’s comprehensive, high quality range of

PPE offers the performance and reliability
that you would expect from a leading supplier
of welding and cutting solutions.

Find our latest PPE range at www.esab.co.uk

ESAB’s Warranty
ESAB offers a limited warranty on its gas equipment (the full terms of which are set forth in ESAB’s terms
and conditions) covering the following periods:

EDGE & G series regulators = 5 years

ESAB NM cutting torches = 5 years

Optiflow regulators = 2 years

ESAB’s warranty is limited to defects which arise solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship
on our part. For full details, please see ESAB’s terms and conditions.

Certificate of Conformity
and Origin
In order to provide legal protection to our Distributors and End User
Customers ESAB offer a full documentation service.

Under the terms of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 it is an offence

to supply any consumer goods which fail to comply with general safety
requirements. For ESAB Distributors the provision of this documentation
service confirms compliance with National Standards and manufacturing
origins. For end users it provides peace of mind and confirmation that
they are dealing with a long established, respected and reliable company.

ESAB Gas Inspectors Course

ESAB have revised and reformatted the Accredited Inspectors training courses. These courses are designed to qualify
persons to conduct full safety checks on individual oxy-fuel gas welding systems. Following satisfactory completion of the
course examination a City and Guilds Certificate is awarded to successful candidates.

The training course is of 2 days duration with an overnight residential stay. The first part of the course involves theoretical
instruction on oxy-fuel gas safety, the properties of gases, safe use and operation of systems. The second day of the course
is entirely devoted to practical training. Any person responsible for the practical safety aspects of oxy-fuel gas systems will
benefit from the course such as safety officers, maintenance staff, supervisors or technical college and school lecturers.

ESAB Gas Inspectors information

Contact: Gas course administrator
Telephone: 01992 768515
E-mail: [email protected]

ESAB’s Warranty
ESAB offers a limited warranty on its gas equipment (the full terms of which are set forth in ESAB’s terms
and conditions) covering the following periods:

EDGE & G series regulators = 5 years

ESAB NM cutting torches = 5 years

Optiflow regulators = 2 years

ESAB’s warranty is limited to defects which arise solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship
on our part. For full details, please see ESAB’s terms and conditions.

Certificate of Conformity
and Origin
In order to provide legal protection to our Distributors and End User
Customers ESAB offer a full documentation service.

Under the terms of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 it is an offence

to supply any consumer goods which fail to comply with general safety
requirements. For ESAB Distributors the provision of this documentation
service confirms compliance with National Standards and manufacturing
origins. For end users it provides peace of mind and confirmation that
they are dealing with a long established, respected and reliable company.

ESAB Gas Inspectors Course

ESAB have revised and reformatted the Accredited Inspectors training courses. These courses are designed to qualify
persons to conduct full safety checks on individual oxy-fuel gas welding systems. Following satisfactory completion of the
course examination a City and Guilds Certificate is awarded to successful candidates.

The training course is of 2 days duration with an overnight residential stay. The first part of the course involves theoretical
instruction on oxy-fuel gas safety, the properties of gases, safe use and operation of systems. The second day of the course
is entirely devoted to practical training. Any person responsible for the practical safety aspects of oxy-fuel gas systems will
benefit from the course such as safety officers, maintenance staff, supervisors or technical college and school lecturers.

ESAB Gas Inspectors information

Contact: Gas course administrator
Telephone: 01992 768515
E-mail: [email protected]

Personal Protection

ESAB’s comprehensive, high quality range of

PPE offers the performance and reliability
that you would expect from a leading supplier
of welding and cutting solutions.

Find our latest PPE range at www.esab.co.uk

Cutting Nozzles

„„Acetylene Nozzle Mix – ANM and ANM-E (Extended)

ANM Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016610 1.4 20 0.30 4 14.15 30 8.5 18 8.0 17
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016611 2.1 30 0.35 5 30.7 65 10.4 22 9.4 20
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016612 3.5 50 0.40 6 88.7 188 13.2 28 11.8 25
70-100 4 5/64 0700016613 3.1 45 0.31 4.5 121 256 14.6 31 13.2 28
Cutting Nozzles

90-150 6 3/32 0700016614 3.1 45 0.40 6 175 370 20.0 43 18.4 39

190-300 12 1/8 0700016615 6.2 90 0.45 6.5 434 920 26.0 55 23.5 50

Nozzle type ANM / ANME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

ANM-E Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016616 1.4 20 0.30 4 14.15 30 8.5 18 8.0 17
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016617 2.1 30 0.35 5 30.7 65 10.4 22 9.4 20
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016618 3.5 50 0.40 6 88.7 188 13.2 28 11.8 25
70-100 4 5/64 0700016619 3.1 45 0.31 4.5 121 256 14.6 31 13.2 28
90-150 6 3/32 0700016620 3.1 45 0.40 6 175 370 20.0 43 18.4 39
190-300 12 1/8 0700016621 6.2 90 0.45 6.5 434 920 26.0 55 23.5 50

Nozzle type ANM / ANME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

Both ANM and ANM-E nozzles can be used with the NM cutting torches.

„„Acetylene Nozzle Mix – AFN

AFN Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700144735 2.0 30 0.14 2 18.8 25 4.2 9 3.8 8
6-20 1/2 3/64 0700144736 2.0 30 0.20 3 23.5 50 4.2 9 3.8 8

Nozzle type AFN using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

AFN cutting nozzles are suitable for use with ESAB DH Torch.

Cutting Nozzles

„„Propane Nozzle Mix – PNM and PNM-E (Extended)

PNM Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016622 2.0 30 0.20 3 14.15 30 22.6 48 5.7 12
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016623 2.0 30 0.20 3 30.6 65 25.5 54 6.6 14
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016624 3.4 50 0.30 4 99 210 41.5 88 10.4 22
70-100 4 5/64 0700016625 3.4 50 0.30 4 113 240 41.5 88 10.4 22

Cutting Nozzles
90-150 6 3/32 0700016626 4.1 60 0.40 6 160 340 56.6 120 14.2 30
190-300 12 1/8 0700016627 6.2 90 0.62 9 425 900 75.0 160 18.9 40

Nozzle type PNM / PNME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.

PNM-E Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016628 2.0 30 0.20 3 14.15 30 22.6 48 5.7 12
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016629 2.0 30 0.20 3 30.6 65 25.5 54 6.6 14
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016630 3.4 50 0.30 4 99 210 41.5 88 10.4 22
70-100 4 5/64 0700016631 3.4 50 0.30 4 113 240 41.5 88 10.4 22
90-150 6 3/32 0700016632 4.1 60 0.40 6 160 340 56.6 120 14.2 30
190-300 12 1/8 0700016633 6.2 90 0.62 9 425 900 75.0 160 18.9 40

Nozzle type PNM / PNME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.

Both PNM and PNM-E nozzles can be used with the NM cutting torches.

Bulldog Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Metal Thickness Model Cutting Oxygen Pressure Preheat Oxygen Fuel Pressure
Part Number
mm in. swg Number BAR LPM LPM BAR LPM
63.5 2.5 20 VBN-3 2.7-3.4 70-94 11-66 0.4-0.8 6-30 6700C0710
203.2 8 12 VBN-6 3.8-4.5 212-236 11-66 0.4-0.8 6-30 6700C0713
304.8 12 8 VBN-10 3.1-3.8 472-566 21-113 0.7-1.2 10-52 6700C0716

Personal Protection

ESAB’s comprehensive, high quality range of

PPE offers the performance and reliability
that you would expect from a leading supplier
of welding and cutting solutions.

Find our latest PPE range at www.esab.co.uk

ESAB’s Warranty
ESAB offers a limited warranty on its gas equipment (the full terms of which are set forth in ESAB’s terms
and conditions) covering the following periods:

EDGE & G series regulators = 5 years

ESAB NM cutting torches = 5 years

Optiflow regulators = 2 years

ESAB’s warranty is limited to defects which arise solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship
on our part. For full details, please see ESAB’s terms and conditions.

Certificate of Conformity
and Origin
In order to provide legal protection to our Distributors and End User
Customers ESAB offer a full documentation service.

Under the terms of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 it is an offence

to supply any consumer goods which fail to comply with general safety
requirements. For ESAB Distributors the provision of this documentation
service confirms compliance with National Standards and manufacturing
origins. For end users it provides peace of mind and confirmation that
they are dealing with a long established, respected and reliable company.

ESAB Gas Inspectors Course

ESAB have revised and reformatted the Accredited Inspectors training courses. These courses are designed to qualify
persons to conduct full safety checks on individual oxy-fuel gas welding systems. Following satisfactory completion of the
course examination a City and Guilds Certificate is awarded to successful candidates.

The training course is of 2 days duration with an overnight residential stay. The first part of the course involves theoretical
instruction on oxy-fuel gas safety, the properties of gases, safe use and operation of systems. The second day of the course
is entirely devoted to practical training. Any person responsible for the practical safety aspects of oxy-fuel gas systems will
benefit from the course such as safety officers, maintenance staff, supervisors or technical college and school lecturers.

ESAB Gas Inspectors information

Contact: Gas course administrator
Telephone: 01992 768515
E-mail: [email protected]

Personal Protection

ESAB’s comprehensive, high quality range of

PPE offers the performance and reliability
that you would expect from a leading supplier
of welding and cutting solutions.

Find our latest PPE range at www.esab.co.uk

Cutting Nozzles

„„Acetylene Nozzle Mix – ANM and ANM-E (Extended)

ANM Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016610 1.4 20 0.30 4 14.15 30 8.5 18 8.0 17
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016611 2.1 30 0.35 5 30.7 65 10.4 22 9.4 20
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016612 3.5 50 0.40 6 88.7 188 13.2 28 11.8 25
70-100 4 5/64 0700016613 3.1 45 0.31 4.5 121 256 14.6 31 13.2 28
Cutting Nozzles

90-150 6 3/32 0700016614 3.1 45 0.40 6 175 370 20.0 43 18.4 39

190-300 12 1/8 0700016615 6.2 90 0.45 6.5 434 920 26.0 55 23.5 50

Nozzle type ANM / ANME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

ANM-E Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016616 1.4 20 0.30 4 14.15 30 8.5 18 8.0 17
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016617 2.1 30 0.35 5 30.7 65 10.4 22 9.4 20
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016618 3.5 50 0.40 6 88.7 188 13.2 28 11.8 25
70-100 4 5/64 0700016619 3.1 45 0.31 4.5 121 256 14.6 31 13.2 28
90-150 6 3/32 0700016620 3.1 45 0.40 6 175 370 20.0 43 18.4 39
190-300 12 1/8 0700016621 6.2 90 0.45 6.5 434 920 26.0 55 23.5 50

Nozzle type ANM / ANME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

Both ANM and ANM-E nozzles can be used with the NM cutting torches.

„„Acetylene Nozzle Mix – AFN

AFN Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700144735 2.0 30 0.14 2 18.8 25 4.2 9 3.8 8
6-20 1/2 3/64 0700144736 2.0 30 0.20 3 23.5 50 4.2 9 3.8 8

Nozzle type AFN using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

AFN cutting nozzles are suitable for use with ESAB DH Torch.

Cutting Nozzles

„„Propane Nozzle Mix – PNM and PNM-E (Extended)

PNM Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016622 2.0 30 0.20 3 14.15 30 22.6 48 5.7 12
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016623 2.0 30 0.20 3 30.6 65 25.5 54 6.6 14
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016624 3.4 50 0.30 4 99 210 41.5 88 10.4 22
70-100 4 5/64 0700016625 3.4 50 0.30 4 113 240 41.5 88 10.4 22

Cutting Nozzles
90-150 6 3/32 0700016626 4.1 60 0.40 6 160 340 56.6 120 14.2 30
190-300 12 1/8 0700016627 6.2 90 0.62 9 425 900 75.0 160 18.9 40

Nozzle type PNM / PNME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.

PNM-E Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016628 2.0 30 0.20 3 14.15 30 22.6 48 5.7 12
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016629 2.0 30 0.20 3 30.6 65 25.5 54 6.6 14
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016630 3.4 50 0.30 4 99 210 41.5 88 10.4 22
70-100 4 5/64 0700016631 3.4 50 0.30 4 113 240 41.5 88 10.4 22
90-150 6 3/32 0700016632 4.1 60 0.40 6 160 340 56.6 120 14.2 30
190-300 12 1/8 0700016633 6.2 90 0.62 9 425 900 75.0 160 18.9 40

Nozzle type PNM / PNME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.

Both PNM and PNM-E nozzles can be used with the NM cutting torches.

Bulldog Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Metal Thickness Model Cutting Oxygen Pressure Preheat Oxygen Fuel Pressure
Part Number
mm in. swg Number BAR LPM LPM BAR LPM
63.5 2.5 20 VBN-3 2.7-3.4 70-94 11-66 0.4-0.8 6-30 6700C0710
203.2 8 12 VBN-6 3.8-4.5 212-236 11-66 0.4-0.8 6-30 6700C0713
304.8 12 8 VBN-10 3.1-3.8 472-566 21-113 0.7-1.2 10-52 6700C0716

Personal Protection

ESAB’s comprehensive, high quality range of

PPE offers the performance and reliability
that you would expect from a leading supplier
of welding and cutting solutions.

Find our latest PPE range at www.esab.co.uk

Personal Protection

ESAB’s comprehensive, high quality range of

PPE offers the performance and reliability
that you would expect from a leading supplier
of welding and cutting solutions.

Find our latest PPE range at www.esab.co.uk

ESAB gas equipment accessories

Spark lighters
„„Pistol, cup and triplehead models.

Description Pack Size Part Number

SL2 ‘Pistol’ type 5 0700154807
SL2 Flints 100 0700119695
SL3 ‘Cup’ type 1 0701380220
SL3 Flints 5 0701380221
Triple Head 1 0700014027
Triple Head Flints 4 0700014028

„„For use on cylinder valves and ESAB regulators.

Description Pack Size Part Number

Combination spanner 1 0701414766
Spindle Key K5 1 0701380120

„„Gas Economy device

Description Pack Size Part Number

Economiser 1 0701282575

CO2 Heaters
„„Specifically designed for use with Carbon Dioxide, this
unit allows flows of up to 40cfh without risk of freezing or
noticeable changes in the flow or pressure.

Description Voltage / Watts Part Number

CO2 Heater 230V / 200W 0701020010
CO2 Heater 110V / 200W 0701020019

Portable Cutting Machine
VCM 200 Portable Cutting Machine

The versatile VCM 200 is a precision, tractor-type machine that can

be used on its own track for straight line cutting and a variety of
welding operations. Off track and with a radius rod assembly, the
VCM 200 can also be used for circle cutting.

nn Large thumb screws for hand tight adjustments

nn Dual drive controls & direct speed readout
nn Cone disc drive
nn Constant speed AC induction motor located on the side
opposite the torch for cooler, more efficient operation
nn Counter-balanced design allows torch racking distance
up to 18" (457.2 mm) from the machine
nn Speed constant over wide range of temperatures
VCM Cutter

nn Torch holder designed for 1.38" (35.1 mm) barrel

diameter torches

VCM 200 Series Ordering Information

Model No. Speed Range/Minute Voltage Part Number
VCM 200E 1-60" / 25.4mm-152.4mm 240V 0200-0222
VCM 200HSE 5-120" / 127mm-304.8mm 110V 0200-0269

Machine Cutting Torch MT 200 Series

Model No. Total Length Barrel Length Racking Length Gas Part Number
MT 210A 14" / 355.6mm 10" / 254.0mm 7" / 177.8mm *Acetylene 0380-0217

Machine Cutting Torch - High Performance Nozzles

Type 101 One Piece Acetylene Nozzle Pressure (bar)

Model No. Tip Size Oxygen Acetylene Part Number
000-1-101 0 3mm 1.55 0.28 0330-0003
00-1-101 0 6mm 1.55 0.28 0330-0004
0-1-101 0 13mm 2.07 0.28 0330-0012
1-1-101 1 20mm 2.24 0.28 0330-0005
2-1-101 2 38mm 2.93 0.34 0330-0006
3-1-101 3 50mm 3.1 0.45 0330-0002
4-1-101 4 75mm 3.1 0.55 0330-0007
5-1-101 5 100mm 3.45 0.62 0330-0008
6-1-101 6* 150mm 3.45 0.69 0330-0009
7-1-101 7* 250mm 3.45 0.86 0330-0013
8-1-101 8* 300mm 3.45 0.86 0330-0014

Accessory Ordering Information

Description Part Number
nn VCM 200 Cutting machine
12' (3.7 m) track section for line cutting 0212-0018
9' (2.7 m) track section for line cutting 0212-0019 nn MT 210A torch & torch rack
6' (1.8 m) track section for line cutting 0212-0005 nn Hoses & fittings (for 2 hose operation)
Radius rod for circle cutting 0252-0040
nn Hoses & fittings (for 2 hose operation)
100" (254.0 cm) radius rod for circle cutting 0253-0042
Dual torch mount assembly 0252-0136 nn 32 pitch pinion torch holder
Heat shield 0252-0103 nn 3 hose manifold block

*May also be used on other pressurised fuel gases

*Inlet and Outlet connections are CGA compliant

Overall offering guide
Industrial gas cylinder

EDGE™ 3, Single Stage............... 26 Flowgauge, Single stage........31

Bottom entry, side entry type Bottom entry, side entry type

EDGE™ 4, Multi Stage................. 27 Preset Regulator.....................31

Bottom entry, side entry type Bottom entry, side entry type


Regulator Flowmeters
EDGE™ 4, Multi Stage................. 27
Bottom entry, side entry type
Optiflow......................................... 32
Bottom entry, side entry, Nevoc type

EDGE™ Linemaster...................... 28
Station Regulator, rear entry type
Optiflow II...................................... 32
Bottom entry, side entry type

Medium capacity gas

cylinder regulators Station/Dropline/Gas
saver option
G Series, Single stage................... 30
Bottom entry, side entry type Optiflow Outlet Point..................... 32

Optiflow Gas Saver....................... 32

Portable Cutting Machine
VCM 200 Portable Cutting Machine

The versatile VCM 200 is a precision, tractor-type machine that can

be used on its own track for straight line cutting and a variety of
welding operations. Off track and with a radius rod assembly, the
VCM 200 can also be used for circle cutting.

nn Large thumb screws for hand tight adjustments

nn Dual drive controls & direct speed readout
nn Cone disc drive
nn Constant speed AC induction motor located on the side
opposite the torch for cooler, more efficient operation
nn Counter-balanced design allows torch racking distance
up to 18" (457.2 mm) from the machine
nn Speed constant over wide range of temperatures
VCM Cutter

nn Torch holder designed for 1.38" (35.1 mm) barrel

diameter torches

VCM 200 Series Ordering Information

Model No. Speed Range/Minute Voltage Part Number
VCM 200E 1-60" / 25.4mm-152.4mm 240V 0200-0222
VCM 200HSE 5-120" / 127mm-304.8mm 110V 0200-0269

Machine Cutting Torch MT 200 Series

Model No. Total Length Barrel Length Racking Length Gas Part Number
MT 210A 14" / 355.6mm 10" / 254.0mm 7" / 177.8mm *Acetylene 0380-0217

Machine Cutting Torch - High Performance Nozzles

Type 101 One Piece Acetylene Nozzle Pressure (bar)

Model No. Tip Size Oxygen Acetylene Part Number
000-1-101 0 3mm 1.55 0.28 0330-0003
00-1-101 0 6mm 1.55 0.28 0330-0004
0-1-101 0 13mm 2.07 0.28 0330-0012
1-1-101 1 20mm 2.24 0.28 0330-0005
2-1-101 2 38mm 2.93 0.34 0330-0006
3-1-101 3 50mm 3.1 0.45 0330-0002
4-1-101 4 75mm 3.1 0.55 0330-0007
5-1-101 5 100mm 3.45 0.62 0330-0008
6-1-101 6* 150mm 3.45 0.69 0330-0009
7-1-101 7* 250mm 3.45 0.86 0330-0013
8-1-101 8* 300mm 3.45 0.86 0330-0014

Accessory Ordering Information

Description Part Number
nn VCM 200 Cutting machine
12' (3.7 m) track section for line cutting 0212-0018
9' (2.7 m) track section for line cutting 0212-0019 nn MT 210A torch & torch rack
6' (1.8 m) track section for line cutting 0212-0005 nn Hoses & fittings (for 2 hose operation)
Radius rod for circle cutting 0252-0040
nn Hoses & fittings (for 2 hose operation)
100" (254.0 cm) radius rod for circle cutting 0253-0042
Dual torch mount assembly 0252-0136 nn 32 pitch pinion torch holder
Heat shield 0252-0103 nn 3 hose manifold block

*May also be used on other pressurised fuel gases

*Inlet and Outlet connections are CGA compliant

Cutting Nozzles

„„Acetylene Nozzle Mix – ANM and ANM-E (Extended)

ANM Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016610 1.4 20 0.30 4 14.15 30 8.5 18 8.0 17
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016611 2.1 30 0.35 5 30.7 65 10.4 22 9.4 20
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016612 3.5 50 0.40 6 88.7 188 13.2 28 11.8 25
70-100 4 5/64 0700016613 3.1 45 0.31 4.5 121 256 14.6 31 13.2 28
Cutting Nozzles

90-150 6 3/32 0700016614 3.1 45 0.40 6 175 370 20.0 43 18.4 39

190-300 12 1/8 0700016615 6.2 90 0.45 6.5 434 920 26.0 55 23.5 50

Nozzle type ANM / ANME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

ANM-E Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016616 1.4 20 0.30 4 14.15 30 8.5 18 8.0 17
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016617 2.1 30 0.35 5 30.7 65 10.4 22 9.4 20
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016618 3.5 50 0.40 6 88.7 188 13.2 28 11.8 25
70-100 4 5/64 0700016619 3.1 45 0.31 4.5 121 256 14.6 31 13.2 28
90-150 6 3/32 0700016620 3.1 45 0.40 6 175 370 20.0 43 18.4 39
190-300 12 1/8 0700016621 6.2 90 0.45 6.5 434 920 26.0 55 23.5 50

Nozzle type ANM / ANME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

Both ANM and ANM-E nozzles can be used with the NM cutting torches.

„„Acetylene Nozzle Mix – AFN

AFN Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700144735 2.0 30 0.14 2 18.8 25 4.2 9 3.8 8
6-20 1/2 3/64 0700144736 2.0 30 0.20 3 23.5 50 4.2 9 3.8 8

Nozzle type AFN using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.
Acetylene cylinders must be manifolded when consumption rates of Acetylene exceed 16.5 litres per minute (35ft3/H).

AFN cutting nozzles are suitable for use with ESAB DH Torch.

Cutting Nozzles

„„Propane Nozzle Mix – PNM and PNM-E (Extended)

PNM Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016622 2.0 30 0.20 3 14.15 30 22.6 48 5.7 12
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016623 2.0 30 0.20 3 30.6 65 25.5 54 6.6 14
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016624 3.4 50 0.30 4 99 210 41.5 88 10.4 22
70-100 4 5/64 0700016625 3.4 50 0.30 4 113 240 41.5 88 10.4 22

Cutting Nozzles
90-150 6 3/32 0700016626 4.1 60 0.40 6 160 340 56.6 120 14.2 30
190-300 12 1/8 0700016627 6.2 90 0.62 9 425 900 75.0 160 18.9 40

Nozzle type PNM / PNME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.

PNM-E Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Operating Pressure Gas Consumption

Metal Thickness Nozzle
Part Number Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Oxygen Heating Oxygen Fuel Gas
Size in.
mm in. bar Ibf/in2 bar Ibf/in2 L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H L/M ft3/H
3-6 1/4 1/32 0700016628 2.0 30 0.20 3 14.15 30 22.6 48 5.7 12
5-12 1/2 3/64 0700016629 2.0 30 0.20 3 30.6 65 25.5 54 6.6 14
10-75 1-3 1/16 0700016630 3.4 50 0.30 4 99 210 41.5 88 10.4 22
70-100 4 5/64 0700016631 3.4 50 0.30 4 113 240 41.5 88 10.4 22
90-150 6 3/32 0700016632 4.1 60 0.40 6 160 340 56.6 120 14.2 30
190-300 12 1/8 0700016633 6.2 90 0.62 9 425 900 75.0 160 18.9 40

Nozzle type PNM / PNME using 6.3mm x 10m fitted hose with resettable flashback arrestors in new condition.
Pressure & consumption rates are based using the nozzle size listed next to it cutting the thickest material in the metal thickness column.

Both PNM and PNM-E nozzles can be used with the NM cutting torches.

Bulldog Cutting Nozzles Ordering Information

Metal Thickness Model Cutting Oxygen Pressure Preheat Oxygen Fuel Pressure
Part Number
mm in. swg Number BAR LPM LPM BAR LPM
63.5 2.5 20 VBN-3 2.7-3.4 70-94 11-66 0.4-0.8 6-30 6700C0710
203.2 8 12 VBN-6 3.8-4.5 212-236 11-66 0.4-0.8 6-30 6700C0713
304.8 12 8 VBN-10 3.1-3.8 472-566 21-113 0.7-1.2 10-52 6700C0716


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