Guidelines Movement Permit

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Guidelenes on Movement Permit and

11/28/2023 Transit Pass of Ordinary Earth for


Prepared by LID&EW(LSGD), Pala Municipality

Siyad A, AEE, Pala Municipality

Ref(1): Clarification regarding Development of land
Order No: 1795/2021/LSGD dated 18.09.2021 – Clarification regarding Development of

1. As per KMBR/KPBR 2019 Rule 4(1), land development permit is not required to
develop/redevelop of land/parcel of land by excavation of earth without plot subdivision for
the purpose of building construction.
2. If earthwork excavation is required for levelling the site to construct foundation of building,
only building permit is required.
3. If mineral movement (transit) pass is required for transporting the minerals, separate
development plan should be attached along with building permit application.
4. The development plan should include area of land to be developed, quantity of ordinary
earth to be extracted for such construction, dimensional plan and sectional drawing
showing the abutting road level, the levels and depth of cutting at all places in respect of
excavations for building construction and land development works and demarcation of land
for levelling/excavation of precise area of land.
5. It should be ensured that Mandatory open space/set back as per KMBR/KPBR and open
space for safety precautions are only included in development plan.
6. All officials should include their name and PEN number in reports and Plan.
7. Conditions as per KMBR/KPBR 2019 Rule 10 should be ensured, if applicable.
8. While building permit including details regarding mineral transit pass is issued, copy of
building plan and plans should be submitted to District Geology Office by e-mail within 3
days of issuance of building permit and copy of the same should be attached in file and
necessary entries are to be made in building permit register.
9. For executing plinth level inspection as per KMBR/KPBR 2019 Rule 10(7) , An affidavit/report
certified that more quantity of earth has not been excavated and not deviated as per plan
approved, should be submitted by the applicant and registered Licensee along with
Appendix P and intimation for concurrence as per as per KMBR/KPBR 2019 Rule 10(6).
10. If any violation is noticed while executing plinth level inspection that should be reported to
Secretary and Secretary should inform the same to the Applicant and District Geologist by e-
mail and copy of the same should be attached in file.
11. KMBR/KPBR Rule (10) is applicable in the case of constructions/land developments which
involve any earthwork excavation to a depth of more than 1.5 meters, if the depth of cutting
is more than the horizontal distance of such cutting from the plot boundary except where
such excavation is carried out for construction of structures such as wells, septic tank,
recharge pits, drainage works, compound walls and the like.
12. As per KMBR/KPBR Rule (10), the application for permit shall include (i) dimensioned plan
and sectional drawing showing the abutting road level, the levels and depths of cutting at all
places in respect of excavations for building construction and land development works (ii)
drawings, specifications and details of temporary and permanent protective measures

1|P a g e Siyad A, AEE, pala municipality

proposed (iii) drawings, specifications and details of slabs, beams, columns, retaining walls
etc. proposed at the ground floor level and below (iv) details of piles if any, including their
drawings, specifications, erection methods and the like.

Ref (2): The Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2015 (As amended upto 31.03.2023)

(i) Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (Central Act 67 of

(ii) G.O(P) No.16/2015/ID dated 07.02.2015 - Kerala Minor Mineral Concession


(iii) The Kerala Minerals (Prevention of Illegal Mining, Storage and Transportation)
Rules, 2015

(iv) G. O. (P) No.38/2023/ID dated 31.03.2023 of Industries (A) Department, GoK

1. “Movement permit of ordinary earth” means a permit in Form S- Rule No: 14(3) - of these
rules for transporting ordinary earth, issued to an applicant who is in possession of valid
building permit after payment of royalty to Government.

2. “Ordinary Earth” means ordinary earth used for filling or levellingpurpose in construction of
embankments, roads, railways and buildings.
3. “Precise area” means the actual area in respect of which excavation is intended.
Precise area = Ground Floor Plinth Area + Mandatory Open Spaces + Area for safety
provisions including driveway.

4. Rule 14(2): No quarrying permit is required for the extraction of ordinary earth for the
construction and digging of foundations for building below 20000 Sq.m that do not require
environmental clearance under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Central Act 29 of
1986),If the owner of the land obtained
 a prior valid building permit including self-certified building permitas per
 Acknowledgement Receipt to construct suchbuilding as per the Kerala Micro Small
and MediumEnterprises Facilitation Act, 2019 (16 of 2019).

5. The authorities who grant building permit under KMBR/KPBR 2019, shall ensure that
following particulars are provided in the plans submitted by the applicant.

2|P a g e Siyad A, AEE, pala municipality

 Precise area proposed for extraction of ordinary earth with demarcation details is
provided and that such precise area does not exceed the sum of plinth area of ground
floor, the open space around the building as per Building Rules, and the space required
for implementing safety provisions, including the driveway.
 Dimensioned plan and sectional drawing showing the abutting road level, the levels and
depths of cutting at all places in respect of excavations for building construction.
 Quantity of ordinary earth proposed to be extracted, quantity of ordinary earth
proposed to be used for filling and balance quantity of ordinary earth proposed to be
transported outside the property.
 Drawings, specifications and details of temporary and permanent protective measures
including retaining walls where excavations to a depth of more than 1.5 meters is
 If the proposed building construction site is located in a hilly terrain with steep slopes
where excavation of ordinary earth may result in slope failures, the building permit
granting authority may insist the applicant to submit a slope stability study report
prepared by any reputable agency providing geotechnical investigation services and the
decision to grant permit may be taken based on the recommendations provided in the

6. Application shall include the following

 Application in White paper which includes address, building permit number, quantity
of ordinary earth to be transported, mode of transportation, capacities of vehicles
proposed to be used, number of loads proposed to be transported per day, latitude
& longitude at the center of land for excavation etc.).
 Valid Building Permit as per Rule 10 of KPBR/KMBR 2019, if applicable/
acknowledgement under KMSMEF Act 2019.
 Notarized Affidavit in Form T (undertaking to construct the basement within one
year from thedate of issuance of movement permit and intimate the same to the
competent authority)

7. Inspection of documents and site

 Building Permit with development Plan – check precise area especially in case of self-
certified building permit.
 Check whether building permit satisfies Rule 10 of KMBR/KPBR 2019.
 Demarcate precise area
 Quantity of ordinary earth for extraction, filling and for transportation
 Protective measures
 Collect Longitude Latitude details.

3|P a g e Siyad A, AEE, pala municipality

8. The Secretary of the LSGI shall issue a Movement Permitin Form SandMineral Transit
Passesin Form O(A) in the case of buildings with a plinth area up to 3000 square feet (278.7
square meters)), after paying the royalty..

9. Movement Permit in Form Sincludes

 To be addressed to the Applicant

 Copy to The District Geologist, Department of Mining and Geology, Station House
Officer, Police Station Concerned and Village Officer.
 Plot details
 Building Permit details
 Earth Quantity
 Transit Pass details
 Royalty details
 Head of Account: 0853-00-102-99-03 (Mineral concession fees)
 Validity of Movement Permit should be exclusive of Public Holidays.

10. Transit Pass in Form S

 Applicant shall prepare and submit in duplicate( R 26)

 Print the name of LSGI.
 Number of passes: Based on the details in application such as mode of
transportation, capacities of vehicles proposed to be used, number of loads
proposed to be transported per day as informed by the applicant.
 Serial number of passes shall be machine numbered.
 All columns shall be duly filled in using double sided carbon paper.
 All entries shall be without any overwriting and should be clearly readable.
 7 entries (1-6 & 9) to be made by issuing officer and 6 entries (7-8 & 10-13) to be
made by the permit holder.
 Original of this Pass should be handed over to the passes in charge of the vehicle in
which the mineral is transported.
 Separate Transit pass should be issued for each trip.
 Duplicate copy should be retained by the dealer.
 It is mandatory to fill date and time of dispatch of minerals in words and figures.
 After unloading, original pass shall be handed over to the purchaser.

11. Validity of Movement Permit and passes are based on,

 Transportation facility to site

 Location of site, Climate, Actual site Condition
 Capacity of Machinery used.

4|P a g e Siyad A, AEE, pala municipality

12. Extension of Movement Permit

 May be extended on application if the permitted quantity could not be transported

within the permit period/Due to any unforeseen event.
 Permit holder shall intimate the same within two weeks of expiry of movement
permit with reasonable evidence. Otherwise the application is not considerable and
make suitable entries in Movement Permit Register.
 Shall return the unused passes.

13. Movement Permit Register- R 14(10) includes

 Details of movement permit granted

 Details of Extension
 Details of Transit passes issued
 Details of Construction made within One year.
 Details of Amount realized.

14. In the event of failure to complete at least the construction of the basement of the building
within one year from the date of issuance of the movement permit, the act of extraction of
ordinary earth under the pretext of construction of the building shall be treated as an
offence and the building permit holder shall be liable to pay an amount equal to five times
the royalty remitted for obtaining movement permit in addition to the amount already paid
(as per Revenue Recovery Act).The statement of remittance/recovery of sum shall be
reported on a monthly basis to the appropriate authority in Form U.

15. In the event of the extraction of ordinary earth in excess of the permitted quantity or the
extraction of ordinary earth outside the permitted area, the movement permit issued is
liable to be cancelled and the building permit holder shall pay an amount equal to five times
the royalty of the ordinary earth extracted in excess of the permitted quantity (as per
Revenue Recovery Act).The statement of remittance/recovery of sum shall be reported on a
monthly basis to the appropriate authority in Form U.

16. Rate of Royalty for Ordinary Earth = Rupees 40 per Tonne/ Rupees 80 per Cub.m (One
Cub.m is considered as 2 Tonne).

(v) For public works, follow Rule 106(2) of KMMC Rules 2015 amended vide G. O. (P)
No.38/2023/ID dated 31.03.2023 of Industries (A) Department, GoK

5|P a g e Siyad A, AEE, pala municipality

17. Example to calculate validity of Movement Permit


 Total Quantity of Ordinary Earth to be extracted = 2500 cub.m

 Filling quantity = 500 cub.m
 Then, net quantity to be transported = 2000 cub.m
 Capacity of Vehicle to be used (as informed by applicant)= 5T,10T,15T
 Loads proposed to be transported (as informed by applicant)=11 loads/day

 Total Loads required = 2000/10T = 200 Loads

 Total Days required(validity of Movement Permit) = 200/12
= 18 days

From date and to date should be mentioned in Movement Permit (eg: 01.11.2023 to
21.11.2023, except public holidays).

6|P a g e Siyad A, AEE, pala municipality

(Gâog oN0m dlmod 6nô UAMð algonloel algo 14 (Gnn))

laoelgl oDAGS
mmIð olv@o MMNð oÔ 6Jg 20 G O
alpô ` o»l
olo mIOo o MÔ

o6ss l@DoSMOOlknaol 376.53 al0)OUO olgð ngolooloð mmjo536.84


6JMMOTOlog GnNo koÕ ng60EleFo GoAkebSo (mUoGOleaNcOO nDOÊTDKOTDM

DODONIsl6rood 20ODOOoloo)o. b)so0 MlenNengsmlooookH oM)

eisla Oleooloo GOololeo)MODAH.


Or0l6el algo 14(8) (alo00 wI0) DODUNO NaIÔal GOM]sla GoG00O

oaojelo sonIowlnfleomo.


GMOgolo,05 :

mloð :



6))mmlm)gg (GOGJtH.

ala mlôonla0)m I9OIOolð D6gm mle90 AJMOlH 376.53

GnJDMing . DOlað (nds0o 10Mt, 5Mt, 15 Mt agmi

JlnDbGUDnlo)99 NbanMSSI3SlOð Gebl Moo Blmo Mlo90 )aO)
(Except public holidays)
(See Rule 14(2) and (3))

xxxxxxxxxxxx MUNICIPALITY



No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date. xxxxxxxx

Shri/Smt. /M/s. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwho is holding self certifiedbuilding permit No

xxxxxxxxxxxdatedxxxxxxxxxunder the Kerala Municipality Building Rules, 2019 is
hereby permitted to transport ordinary earth from the building construction site as per the
particulars and subject to the conditions given below. Every consignment of mineral
permitted to be moved under this movement permit shall be moved only with valid
mineral transit pass in Form O (A) appended to the Kerala Minerals (Prevention of
illegal mining, storage and transportation) Rules, 2015.

Name and address of the

1 building permit holder with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
phone number

2 Valid building permit No. and date (Self certified)

Self certified permit issued by

3 Building permit issuing authority xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Page 1 of 5
District: xxxxxxxxxxx
Details of the plot where Taluk: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
the building is proposed to Village: xxxxxxxxxx
4 be constructed (District, Place name: xxxxxxxxxx
Taluk, Village, Place name, Re. survey no.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SurveyNos. and area) Plot area: 2024m2(As per document)
Plot area: 1939.68m2(Actual at site)

Coordinates of the centre of plot

(Latitude and Longitude in 9°43’47.8” N 76°40’30.0”E
5 Degree
Minutes Seconds)

Plinth area of the building (in 64.25sq.m


Total area of land

demarcated for development 376.53 sq.m
by excavating ordinary earth
(in sq. meters)
Total quantity of ordinary
8 earth proposed to be 1073.68 MT(536.84 cub.m)
excavated (in tonnes)
Quantity of ordinary earth
proposed to be used for filling the Nil
9 building plot (in

Quantity of ordinary earth

permitted to be transported 1073.68 MT(536.84 cub.m)
10 under this movement
permit (in tonnes)

Amount: Rs. 42960/-

Particulars of remittance of Date: 03/11/2023
royalty – Amount, date, Receipt No. KL023535536202324M
11 Sub treasury, Meenachil
receipt details,Treasury
details etc. HOA: 0853-00-102-99-03(Mineral
concession fees)

18/11/2023-14/12/2023(except public
12 Validity of movement permit holidays)

Page 2 of 5
No. of mineral transit passes
107 passes
13 issued and the serial number 1-107
of passes

14 Any other remarks Nil

Movement permit extension particulars*

Date of receipt of application for NA

renewal of movement permit

Reason for extension of movement NA


Total quantity of
ordinary earth
3 transported as per NA
previous movement
permit/s (in tonnes)

Balance quantity to be
4 NA
transported (in tonnes)

No. of mineral transit passes

5 issued/ revalidated and serial NA
number of passes

Date of grant of extension of

6 NA
movement permit

7 Validity of movement permit NA

(* particulars to be included and filled in only in the case of extension of movement permit)
1. This movement permit is issued on the basis of notarized affidavit filed by the building
permit holder as per sub-rule (6) of rule 14 of Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules,
2015 to the effect that he/she shall complete at least the construction of basement of the
building within one year from the date of issuance of this permit and intimate the same
Page 3 of 5
to the competent authority. If this condition is not complied, the movement permit holder
will be liable to remit 5 times the royalty remitted for obtaining this permit in addition to
the royalty already remitted as per the provisions in sub-rule (7) of rule 14 of Kerala
Minor Mineral Concession Rules,2015.

2. All columns of the mineral transit pass should be duly filled in using double sided carbon
paper and omission to record the date and time in both figures and words or mismatch
of any consignment particulars written in pass or overwriting will make the passinvalid.

3. Ordinary earth excavation and transportation shall be limited to the quantity mentioned in
the movement permit. Excess extraction of ordinary earth from the permitted area or
extraction of ordinary earth outside the permitted area will be considered as illegal. In
such case, this movement permit will be cancelled and the movement permit holder will
be liable to remit the amount equal to the five times the royalty for the excess quantity of
ordinary earth extracted as per the provisions of sub-rule (8) of rule 14 of Kerala Minor
Mineral concession Rules,2015.

4. Extraction and transportation of ordinary earth shall be carried out in a manner that does
not cause nuisance to the public or cause any damage to neighbouring properties and
structures. While transporting ordinary earth, the same should be covered using
appropriate cover like tarpaulin or other suitable material. The movement permit holder
shall be solely liable for any loss occurred to any person on account of extraction of
ordinary earth and is liable to pay suitable compensation for the damages. In order to
prevent any future mishap by collapsing of edges of excavation or by landslip, retaining
wall having sufficient strength shall be constructed. If the depth of excavation is more,
then excavation shall be carried out in benches to ensure the safety of workers engaged

5. Ordinary earth transported on the strength of this movement permit shall not be used for
filling or levelling of paddy land and wetlands coming under the purview of Kerala
Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act,2008.

6. Extraction and transportation of ordinary earth shall be done only during 6 a.m to 6 p.m
and such activities shall not be done on publicholidays.

7. Time restrictions imposed by District Collector for transportation shall be adhered to and

Page 4 of 5
restriction imposed for excavation of ordinary earth by Disaster Management Authority
as per Disaster Management Act, 2005 shall be abidedscrupulously.

8. After the completion of excavation and transportation of permitted quantity of ordinary

earth, the matter may be intimated to this office and remaining mineral transit passes, if
any, shall bereturned.

9. If the permitted quantity of ordinary earth could not be transported before the expiry of this
movement permit on account of any unforeseen event, the movement permit holder
shall notify the same in writing to this office within two weeks of expiry of this movement
permit with reasonable evidence thereof and shall return the unused mineral transit
passes. If the permit holder fails to notify the matter within two weeks, the competent
authority may not consider the application of extension of movement permit or
revalidation of mineral transitpass.

(OfficeSeal) Signature and seal of CompetentAuthority.


Copy to:
1. The District Geologist, Department of Mining and Geology, District office, Kottayam.
2.Station House Officer, Police Station, Pala.
3.Village Officer, Lalam Village.
4.Office copy/stock file.

Page 5 of 5

TheKeralaMinorMineralConcession Rules,2016
1.Name&Address ofPermitHolder

Name &AddressofLandOwner ifdifferentfrom Permit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Village Lalam
Re Sy. No. xxxxxxxxxxxx PlotExtend 20.24 Are
BuildingPermit.No.&Date xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Plinth 64.25 sq.m
Detailsofprotectivemeasures,ifany: Retaining walls are proposed.

3. Movement Permit.
No.,Date& PeriodofValidity PW2/10009/23 dtd 17/11/23, Validity 18/11/23 to 14/12/23(Except
public holidays) 376.53 sq.m
Averagecuttingheightinmtr. 1.92 mtr & 1.46 m2
Extraction Filling Transportation
536.84 cub.m 0.00 cub.m 536.84 cub.m
QtyinTonnes Treasury Challanno.&date
1073.68 MT Sub treasury, Meenachil
dt. 03/11/2023
DetailsofMineralTransitPasses Count BookNo. Sl.Nos.
Dateofapplication& File Number
DetailsofMineralTransitPasses Count BookNo. Sl.Nos.
5.DetailsofConstructionmadewithin1year 6.DetailsofCancellationmadeifany

7.Detailsoffineamountrealized 8.Remarks

Ga00o 63 (o0)
2015 6)eI G 0g lmooÒTì (aloudnHOTÜ 6Tnpeiooi oa'& (5T0mAIDdGgð alg60BÔ (al^o 25; 26)

(wsilGANgloð ogI0VANNmo)
6MI) MMI8 1 1
2@34,)1 GoÖ, GOTIOlepmo
2. oniloðwloH ônl mmolo olw0lo)o Dated.
1073.68 62|slesod
3. JD)oioarã 9oJôalo mmIO)O (Oloolo,o Date.
4. 0,M90 alôollYaÙ oerpl olo)m olol 18. 11. 2023 to 14. 12. 2023
5. WIO) 6)6)MØ uolol 6)a)M Delo

aRolO: 376.53 moJOô Dloß

6. DaoMODl8 .I6TS}Ga1Dm

8. WOO)IS3)Tm JlA0lo)s GnJO)o GOOÓnleo)o

ogoolGalGO6Ns TUOelo (uDelo, le, mUomu00Mo

11.wOM) )A,06IS) GalOG)M muDeIGOON)BS
ngsGGO B)0)o JDaMo mU6DJOle)milo)o

IMo@, GOS, OASa (Reg. No, Make & Type of thevehicle)

13.]wO) DOGANETs TOeIOo DanMo ngGoÔ

nbmoðd}M Olol (oAS) ODleno (GDAHOOOlejo):

mlanimwmALÔ: mllpell


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