KOBE Steel SS Weld Filler Tables and Comparison SMAW GTAW SAW FCAW KWT - SUS - 3ed

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The document provides guidance on selecting appropriate welding consumables for different types of stainless steel and discusses various factors to consider when welding stainless steel and dissimilar metals.

The document discusses various types of austenitic stainless steels including 304, 304L, 316, 316L as well as duplex stainless steel.

The document mentions that welding current, number of passes, amount of weaving and root pass affect the dilution when welding dissimilar metals. Dilution increases with higher welding current.


A Quick Guide to Suitable Welding Consumables for Stainless Steel

Steel type Key notes for application
Brand name(1) AWS class. Brand name(1) AWS class.

[P] DW-308 E308T0-1/-4

304 General [P] NC-38 E308-16
[P] DW-308LP E308LT1-1/-4
[P] DW-308LT E308LT0-1/-4
Cryogenic temperatures [P] NC-38LT E308L-16
[P] DW-308LTP E308LT1-1/-4
304L [P] DW-308L E308LT0-1/-4
Low carbon (0.04% max.) [P] NC-38L E308L-16
[P] DW-308LP E308LT1-1/-4
High temperatures, Solution treatment [P] NC-38L E308L-16 [P] DW-308LH E308LT1-1/-4
304H High temperatures [P] NC-38H E308H-16 [P] DW-308H E308HT1-1/-4
304N2 General - - [P] DW-308N2 -
[P] DW-309 E309T0-1/-4
[P] NC-39 E309-16 [P] DW-309L E309LT0-1/-4
[P] NC-39L E309L-16 [P] DW-309MoL E309LMoT0-1/-4
Dissimilar General
[P] NC-39MoL E309LMo-16 [P] DW-309LP E309LT1-1/-4
metals [P] NC-32 E312-16 [P] DW-309MoLP E309LMoT1-1/-4
[P] DW-312 E312T0-1
High temperatures, Solution treatment - - [P] DW-309LH E309LT1-1/-4
[P] DW-316 E316T0-1/-4
316 General [P] NC-36 E316-16
[P] DW-316LP E316LT1-1/-4
Cryogenic temperatures [P] NC-36LT E316L-16 [P] DW-316LT E316LT1-1/-4
[P] DW-316L E316LT0-1/-4
316L Low carbon (0.04% max.) [P] NC-36L E316L-16
[P] DW-316LP E316LT1-1/-4
High temperatures, Solution treatment [P] NC-36L E316L-16 [P] DW-316LH E316LT1-1/-4
316H High temperatures - - [P] DW-316H E316T1-1/-4

316L Mod. Urea (Low ferrite content) [P] NC-316MF - - -

317L Low carbon (0.04% max.) [P] NC-317L E317L-16 [P] DW-317L E317LT0-1/-4

General [P] NC-37 E347-16 [P] DW-347 E347T0-1/-4

Low carbon [P] NC-37L E347-16 - -
High temperatures [P] NC-37 E347-16 [P] DW-347H E347T1-1/-4
General [P] NC-37 E347-16 [P] DW-347 E347T0-1/-4
High temperatures [P] NC-37 E347-16 [P] DW-347H E347T1-1/-4
310S General [P] NC-30 E310-16 [P] DW-310 E310T0-1/-4
Duplex [P] DW-329A E2209T0-1/-4
General [P] NC-329M -
stainless [P] DW-329AP E2209T1-1/-4
410 General [P] CR-40 E410-16 - -
Overlaying in cladding [P] CR-40Cb - [P] DW-410Cb -
405, 409 [P] CR-43Cb -
Underlaying in cladding [P] DW-430CbS -
[P] CR-43CbS -
[P] MX-A135N -
13Cr-Ni type Low carbon - -
[P] MX-A410NM -
409, 430, 436,
Car exhaust system - - [P] MX-A430M -
(1) [P] designates PREMIARC™.

 Tips for Selecting Appropriate Welding Consumables

1. This guidance is to help users select appropriate welding consumables for a particular job. Users are requested to confirm whether
the brand they selected can satisfy the chemical and mechanical requirements for the relevant job before use.
2. FCAW flux-cored wires designated with DW are of rutile-type and those denoted with MX are of metal-type. Each brand selects a
CO2 or Ar-CO2 shielding gas according to its inherent characteristics or the application. DW wires with the suffix P are suitable for
all position welding. GMAW solid wires symbolized with MG use 98%Ar-2%O2 for shielding. GTAW solid wires designated with TG-
S and flux-cored wires with TG-X use a pure argon gas for shielding.



Brand name(1) AWS class. Brand name(1) AWS class. Brand name(1)

[P] MG-S308 ER308 [P] TG-S308 ER308 [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-308 ER308

- - [P] TG-S308L ER308L [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-308L ER308L

[P] TG-S308L ER308L

[P] MG-S308LS ER308LSi [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-308L ER308L
[P] TG-X308L R308LT1-5
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -

[P] TG-S309 ER309

[P] MG-S309 ER309 [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-309 ER309
[P] TG-S309L ER309L
[P] MG-S309LS ER309LSi [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-309L ER309L
[P] TG-X309L R309LT1-5

- - - - - -
[P] PF-S1M / [P] US-316 (Single pass) ER316
- - [P] TG-S316 ER316
[P] PF-S1 / [P] US-316 (Multi-pass) ER316
- - [P] TG-S316L ER316L - -
[P] TG-S316L ER316L [P] PF-S1M / [P] US-316L (Single pass) ER316L
[P] MG-S316LS ER316LSi
[P] TG-X316L R316LT1-5 [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-316L (Multi-pass) ER316L
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
[P] NO4051 -
- - - -
[P] TG-S310MF -
- - [P] TG-S317L ER317L [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-317L ER317L
[P] TG-S347 ER347
[P] MG-S347S ER347Si [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-347 ER347
[P] TG-X347 R347T1-5
[P] MG-S347LS ER347Si [P] TG-S347L ER347 - -
[P] MG-S347S ER347Si [P] TG-S347 ER347 - -
[P] MG-S347S ER347Si [P] TG-S347 ER347 [P] PF-S1 / [P] US-347 ER347
[P] MG-S347S ER347Si [P] TG-S347 ER347 - -
- - [P] TG-S310 ER310 - -

- - [P] TG-S329M - - -

[P] MG-S410 ER410 [P] TG-S410 ER410 [P] PF-S4M / [P] US-410 -
- - [P] TG-S410Cb - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - -

[P] MG-S430M - - - - -

3. PF designates bond-type SAW fluxes and US designates SAW solid wires.

4. For dissimilar metal joints between stainless steels and carbon or low-alloy steels, 309-, 309L, or 309LMo-type welding
consumables are often used where the joint is subject to non-cyclical temperature services below 315°C. However, where either
postweld heat treatment is required or the joint is subject to cyclical temperature services above 315°C, a Ni-based alloy welding
consumable is recommended. For dissimilar metal joints between stainless steel castings and medium or high carbon steels, 312-
type welding consumables containing high amounts of ferrite are better to prevent hot cracks in the weld.
5. For details of individual brands, refer to KOBELCO WELDING HANDBOOK.


In addition to the sophisticated balance achieved in

the chemical composition, DW-308L significantly

lessens spatter and fumes. As shown in Figure 1,
DW-308L reduces spatter by 40-50% over a range
of welding parameters when compared to a con-
ventional stainless flux cored wire. Materials sav-
DW-308L represents a new generation of stainless ings can thus be realized in addition to savings in
flux cored wires by significantly reducing spatter and labor and material costs associated with postweld
cleaning. As shown in Figure 2, DW-308L reduces
fumes over a wide range of welding parameters fumes by 20-25% over a range of welding parame-
while featuring self-peeling slag removal and glossy ters when compared to a conventional stainless
bead appearance. flux cored wire.

Basic characteristics of DW-308L


As shown in the AWS classification designations


above, DW-308L is suited for flat and horizontal
position welding with both CO2 gas and 75-80%Ar

+ balanced CO2 mixed gas shielding. DW-308L
can be used in welding both 304L and 304 stain-
less steel. 

What makes DW-308L 

a new generation wire?

Properly-controlled ferrite content (typically, 9% &RQYHQWLRQDO

by Shaeffler Diagram) in DW-308L weld metal

provides better resistibility to hot cracking. Addi- Figure 2: A comparison between DW-308L and conventional
tionally, low carbon content (typically, 0.027%) in flux-cored wire in terms of fume emission rate (Wire size: 1.2
mmØ, Shielding has: 100%CO2).
DW-308L weld metal increases resistance to inter-
granular corrosion. The chemical composition of
Convenient self-peeling slag removal and glossy
the weld metal provides superior mechanical prop-
bead appearance of DW-308L will leave you feel-
erties and corrosion resistibility.
ing very satisfied—Figures 3 and 4.
Conv. wire

Spatter generation (g/min)


Figure 3: Excellent self-peeling slag removability of DW-308L.


150 200 250

Welding current (A)

Figure 1: A comparison between DW-308L and conventional

flux-cored wire in terms of spatter generation (Wire size: 1.2 Figure 4: The glossy appearance of DW-308L fillet weld bead.
mmØ; Shielding gas: 100%CO2; Welding speed: 30cpm).


ing positions as horizontal fillet, vertical-up, verti-

cal-down and overhead.

It has generally been believed that welding stain-
less steel in vertical and overhead positions was
more difficult than mild steel because molten
DW-308LP also represents a new generation of metal was more likely to drop. This difficulty was
stainless flux cored wires, but in a different way than assumed because of the differences in the physical
properties of stainless steel: it has a lower melting
DW-308L. As easy to use as a mild-steel flux cored point (1400-1427°C) than mild steel (1500-
wire, DW-308LP can easily be used in all positions 1527°C), and less thermal conductivity (0.04 cal/
including vertical, horizontal, and overhead. cm/sec/°C in the 0-100°C range as opposed to 0.11
cal/cm/sec/°C in the 0-100°C range).
Basic characteristics of DW-308LP
However, DW-308LP has jumped over these hur-
As seen in the AWS classification designations dles to become a superior flux cored wire suitable
shown above, DW-308LP is suitable for welding for welding in all positions. Figure 2 shows an
in all positions, with both CO2 gas and 75-80%Ar application for DW-308LP: a curved, large-diame-
+ balanced CO2 mixed gas shielding. DW-308LP ter water pipe that, because of the inherent diffi-
can be used in welding both 304L and 304 stain- culty in positioning the work, requires all-position
less steel. welding. DW-308LP is suitable for welding fixed
pipes, storage tanks and rolling stock, which are all
What makes DW-308LP difficult to position during welding.
a new generation wire?

Like DW-308L, the sophisticated chemical com-

position of DW-308LP weld metal provides supe-
rior mechanical properties and corrosion
resistibility. In addition, DW-308LP offers unsur-
passed welding performance in all positions and
over a wide range of welding parameters.


Figure 2: A water pipe for the water gate equipment under

fabrication by using DW-308LP in all positions.
Horizontal fillet
Vertical-up Vertical-down Finally, DW-308LP offers very good re-arc-start-
ing capability—almost no miss in re-arc-starting
within 5, 10, and 30 seconds respectively after
extinguishing the arc in 50-time re-arc-starting
tests in the use of either inverter-type power
Figure 1: Cross-sectional weld profiles of DW-308LP (Wire
size: 1.2 mmØ) with 304-type base metal (Plate thickness: 3 sources or thyristor-type power sources. This
mm). excellent performance can be more beneficial in
tack welding, automatic welding and robotic weld-
As shown in Figure 1, DW-308LP provides supe- ing, eliminating the downtime for re-arc-starting.
rior weld profiles with smooth fusion to the base
metals and good penetration in such various weld-


DW-316L also provides higher deposition rates

than solid wires and covered electrodes as shown

in Figure 1. For instance, the deposition rate of
DW stainless wires can be about two times that of
covered electrodes at 150A and about 1.2 times
that of solid wires at 250A. The use of 1.2-mmØ
DW-316L is an advanced stainless flux cored wire wire can produce higher deposition rates than 1.6
that significantly reduces spatter and fumes over a mmØ. This means that you can fill a particular
welding groove faster with DW-316L, thereby
wide range of welding parameters and features self- increasing productivity while decreasing labor
peeling slag removal and glossy bead appearance. costs.

Basic characteristics of DW-316L

DW-316L is classified as AWS A5.22 E316LT0-1  PPǞ PPǞ
and E316LT0-4, suitable for welding both 316L 
and 316 stainless steel in flat and horizontal posi- 
tions. As for shielding, either CO2 gas or 75- 0,*VWDLQOHVVVROLGZLUH

80%Ar + balanced CO2 gas mixtures can be used. PPĭ


What makes DW-316L


an advanced wire? 

Properly controlled ferrite content (typically 8%
by Schaeffler Diagram) in DW-316L weld metal Figure 1: A comparison of deposition rates between flux-
provides excellent resistibility to hot cracking. cored wire, MIG solid wire and covered electrode as a
function of welding current.
Low carbon content (typically 0.026%) in the weld
metal provides superior resistance to intergranular
Because of the superior corrosion resistibility,
corrosion. To verify resistance to intergranular cor-
mechanical properties and usability, DW-316L is
rosion, Strauss testing (Copper Sulfate Sulfuric
often used for welding 316L stainless solid and
Acid Test) per JIS G0575, equivalent to ASTM
clad components of chemical tankers that require
A262 Practice E, is generally employed. In this
stricter corrosion resistance of the welds— Figure
testing, DW-316L weld metal sensitized by the
2. In order to ensure the quality of the welds in the
heat treatment (650°C×2h) exhibits no cracking in
ship applications, DW-316L is approved by ship
the bending test after corrosion testing. The sophis-
classes such as AB, LR, NV, BV, and NK.
ticated chemical composition of the weld metal
provides outstanding mechanical properties and
corrosion resistibility against diluted sulfuric acids
in particular.

DW-316L significantly lessens spatter by 40-50%

when compared with conventional stainless flux-
cored wire. DW-316L features convenient self-
peeling slag removal and glossy bead appearance.
Because less postweld cleaning is required to
remove spatter and slag, material and labor costs
can be reduced. DW-316L also produces 20-25%
less fumes compared with conventional stainless
flux cored wire. This improves the work environ-
ment for welders. Figure 2: An application of DW-316L for fillet welding of the
pipe fittings and pipelines equipped on the bridge and in the
cargo tanks of a chemical tanker.


Vertical-up position

For 6-mm thick plate


Arc voltage (V)


DW-316LP is an advanced stainless flux cored wire 25

that offers unsurpassed usability in all positions

including flat, horizontal, vertical-up, vertical-down, For 3-mm thick plate
and overhead.
50 100 150 200 250
Basic characteristics of DW-316LP Welding current (A)

Figure 1: The proper range of welding currents and arc volt-

DW-316LP is classified as AWS A5.22 E316LT1- ages in the vertical-up position using a 1.2-mmØ DW stain-
1 and E316LT1-4, suitable for welding in all posi- less wire for welding 6- and 3-mm thick stainless steel plates.

tions with either CO2 gas or 75-80%Ar + balanced

CO2 gas mixture shielding. DW-316LP can be
used for welding both 316L and 316 stainless steel.

What makes DW-316LP

an advanced wire?

Like DW-316L, the elaborate chemical composi-

tion of the DW-316LP weld metal containing a
low amount of carbon (typically 0.028%) provides
superior mechanical properties and corrosion
resistibility particularly against diluted sulfuric
acids. Its intergranular corrosion resistibility is
proved to be excellent through Strauss testing.

DW-316LP also offers excellent welding perfor-

mance in all positions and over a wide range of
welding parameters. Figure 1 shows an example of Figure 2: An application of DW-316LP: welding a storage tank
proper welding parameters (welding current and (bottom) of a chemical tanker (top) with full penetration in all
arc voltage) in the vertical-up position. Once you positions.
adjust the welding current to 160-170A for exam-
ple, you can properly weld a 6-mm-thick stainless DW -316LP w eld metal
316L base metal
plate in any of the flat, horizontal, vertical, and
overhead positions without any current readjust-

G roove: 7 0 -deg V

Root fac e: 1 mm ②
Root gap: 3 mm
Because of the superior corrosion resistibility,
mechanical properties and out-of-position welding ①
usability, DW-316LP is often used for welding
storage tanks of chemical tankers (Figure 2). Fig-
ure 3 shows an example of the welding procedures FB-B3 backing material
for the butt joints of a chemical tanker storage Figure 3: An example of the welding procedure with DW-
tank, which is one-sided welding procedure using a 316LP for the storage tank of a chemical tanker, a one-sided
FB-B3 backing material for the root pass. welding procedure using a FB-B3 refractory backing for the
root pass in vertical-up position.


(1) Welding 304 or 304L stainless steel to carbon

or low-alloy steel.

DW-309L weld metal

Within the “DW stainless series,” DW-309L is an

exceptional flux-cored wire; it is an indispensable
Carbon or
wire for welding dissimilar metal joints and the low-alloy steel
304 or 304L
buffer layers for clad steel and overlaying. stainless steel

Basic characteristics of DW-309L

(2) Buffer layers in 304 or 304L clad steel welds.
The respective AWS classification designators, E308 or E308L
E309LT0-1 and E309LT0-4, will help you know weld metal
304 or 304L clad
the basic characteristics of DW-309L as follows. 304 or 304L clad

E: designates an electrode. DW-309L

309: indicates 309 type deposited metal weld metal
(22%Cr-12%Ni as minimum).
L: designates low-carbon type (C%= 0.04 max.).
T: designates a tubular wire or a flux-cored wire.
Carbon or low-alloy weld
0: indicates the intended welding positions are flat Carbon or low-alloy steel
and horizontal.
1: indicates the suitable shielding gas is CO2.
4: indicates the suitable shielding gas is 75-80%Ar (3) Buffer layers in E308 or E308L overlay welds.
+ balanced CO2.
E308 or E308L E308 or E308L
strip overlay overlay
What welding applications need E308 or E308L
DW-309L strip overlay

Most plant and equipment in oil refineries, chemi-

cal plants, power generation plants, chemical tank-
ers, liquefied gas plants and carriers, and food
processing plants consists, on any scale, of dissim- buffer layer
ilar metal joints and clad steel components. This is Carbon or low-alloy steel
Carbon or low-alloy
to minimize the material costs and, simultaneously, weld metal
maximize performance.

DW-309L is designed so that its weld metal can (4) Buffer layers in welding 304 or 304L stainless
accommodate adverse effects caused by dilution steel to carbon or low-alloy steel.
by carbon or low-alloy base metals. The adverse Carbon or low-alloy
effects include martensite (a brittle structure) for- base metal E308 or E308L
mation and fully austenitic structure (non-ferrite- weld metal

bearing austenite sensitive to hot cracking) forma- 304 or 304L

base metal
tion in the weld metal. This feature makes DW-
309L suitable for dissimilar metal joints which can
contain various combinations of austenitic stain-
less steel and carbon or low alloy steels as shown buffer layer
in the following figures.


Overhead butt joint

Overhead fillet joint


Horizontal butt joint


DW-309LP: an advanced flux-cored wire offering

superior usability in all positions including flat, hori-
zontal, vertical-up, vertical-down, and overhead

Vertical butt joints


Basic characteristics of DW-309LP

The AWS classification of DW-309LP differs from

that of DW-309L in only the seventh digit. The
seventh digit, “1” indicates that out-of-position
welding is intended. For other characteristics of Flat butt joint Horizontal fillet joint

DW-309LP, the reader may refer to the descrip- Figure 2: A cross sectional view of a cargo tank and a variety
tions of the DW-309L classification. of welding joints in all positions.

In what kinds of joints

DW-309LP shines Carbon steel Carbon steel
weld metal base metal

A typical application of DW-309LP is seen in

chemical tankers (Figure 1). Chemical tankers are
equipped with cargo tanks made of solid or clad

austenitic stainless steels such as 304L, 316L, and

317L. Cargo tanks usually contain corrosive sub-
stances such as petroleum products, chemical DW-309LP
304 or 304L E308 or E308L
products, acids, alkalis, molasses, animal oils, and clad buffer layer
weld metal
vegetable oils. Therefore, cargo tanks and piping
systems require corrosion-resistant stainless and Figure 3: A DW-309LP buffer layer in an overhead joint weld
stainless-clad steels. of stainless-clad steel.

No. 1 to 4 cargo tanks


304 or 304L
Carbon steel

E308 or E308L
Carbon steel
weld metal
Figure 1: Cargo tanks of a chemical tanker. weld metal

Where 304L stainless-clad steel is used for the buffer layer
cargo tanks, DW-309LP is a suitable flux-cored
wire for the buffer layer. DW-309LP provides
excellent usability in all positions and is as easy to
use as a mild-steel flux-cored wire. Figure 2 shows
a cross sectional view of a cargo tank of a chemical
tanker. Figures 3 and 4 show examples of DW- Figure 4: A DW-309LP buffer layer in a vertical joint weld of
309LP buffer layers in butt welds of stainless-clad stainless-clad steel.
steel joints of a cargo tank.


':0R/ ':0R/3
Photo courtesy of Hitachizosen Co., Ltd.

Part of the DW stainless steel series, DW-309MoL As DW-309MoL and DW-309MoLP weld metals
and DW-309MoLP are special flux-cored wires. contain sufficient amounts of ferrite, they can
They are indispensable filler metals for welding accommodate the detrimental effects caused by
dissimilar metal joints, such as in the buffer layer dilution by the carbon or low-alloy base metal.
of clad steels, and the underlayer for overlaying. These effects may include the formation of
Mo-bearing austenitic stainless steel (316L and martensite (brittle structure) and a fully austenitic
317L), duplex stainless steel, carbon steel, and structure (sensitive to hot cracking) in the weld
low-alloy steel usually constitute such dissimilar metal. Similar to mild-steel titanium-type flux-
metal joints and clad steels. For the overlaying cored wires, these wires offer excellent usability
substrates, carbon steel and low-alloy steel are with a stable arc, low spatter, self-peeling slag
used. The demand for cost effective clad steels in removal, regular bead shape, and glossy bead
particular, and thus for suitable filler metals, is appearance. Table 2 shows an example of a weld-
expected to increase due to the brisk business in ing procedure for 317L stainless clad steel.
the relevant industries.
Table 2: One-side welding of 317L stainless clad steel plate
DW-309MoL and DW-309MoLP are classified as with DW-309MoL and a FB-B3 backing
AWS A5.22 E309LMoT0-1/-4 and E309LMoT1- Pass Trade Size Welding Amp. Volt. Speed
1/-4 respectively. As the AWS classifications indi- No. designation (mm) position (A) (V) (cm/min)
cate, the former is suitable for flat and horizontal 1 DW-100 1.2Ø Flat 200 24 15
fillet welding, whereas the latter is suitable for 2 DW-100 1.2Ø Flat 280 30 25
positional welding; both wires use either CO2 gas 3 DW-309MoL 1.2Ø Flat 180 26 43

or 75-80%Ar/20-25%CO2 mixture shielding gas. 4 DW-309MoL 1.2Ø Flat 180 26 30

5 DW-317L 1.2Ø Flat 190 28 14
The typical chemical and mechanical properties of
these wires are shown in Table 1. 50°

317L clad
Table 1: Typical chemical and mechanical properties of DW- ⑤
309MoL and DW-309MoLP deposited metals with CO2
shielding gas ④ ③

Carbon steel ②
Trade designation DW-309MoL DW-309MoLP
C (%) 0.027 0.025 ①
Si (%) 0.61 0.62 4 FB-B3
Mn (%) 1.18 0.81
(a) Weld pass sequence
P (%) 0.019 0.020
S (%) 0.009 0.010
Ni (%) 12.60 12.44
Cr (%) 23.20 22.60
Mo (%) 2.37 2.21
(1) 28 25
0.2% PS (MPa) 540 540 (b) Cross section macrostructure
TS (MPa) 720 699
El (%) 30 30

(1) Ferrite Number per WRC Diagram-1992.




Conventional stainless steel flux-cored wires 

(FCW) generally contain a minute amount of bis- &RQYHQWLRQDO
muth oxide (Bi2O3) in the flux to improve slag ':+
removal in welding. The resulting weld metal con- 
tains a very small amount of Bi. When this weld
metal is exposed to high temperatures over 600°C,

the ductility (elongation) of the weld metal is 

reduced because of the segregation of Bi at the

grain boundaries, and cracks may occur.

In contrast to this, the H-series DW stainless steel

FCWs shown in Table 1 contain no bismuth oxide

in the flux and, thus, no Bi in the weld metal. Con-
sequently, the elongation of the weld metal at high
temperatures is higher than that of conventional 
FCWs as shown in Figures 1 and 2. This is why the    
Bi-free FCWs are suitable for high temperature 7HPSHUDWXUH 㷄
applications including high temperature equipment
Figure 1: A comparison of high temperature elongation
and postweld stabilization heat treatment. The H- between DW-308H and conventional 308 FCW.
series FCWs contain advanced flux compositions
(without Bi2O3) that make slag removal compara- 
ble to conventional FCWs. &RQYHQWLRQDO

Table 1: Typical chemical and mechanical properties of H- 

series DW stainless steel flux-cored wires

Trade DW- DW- DW- DW- DW- DW-

designation 308H 308LH 316H 316LH 347H 309LH 

E308H E308L E316 E316L E347 E309L

AWS class.
T1-1/-4 T1-1/-4 T1-1/-4 T1-1/-4 T1-1/-4 T1-1/-4
C 0.052 0.026 0.050 0.023 0.027 0.028 
Chemical composition of

Si 0.42 0.41 0.38 0.45 0.38 0.47

weld metal (mass%)

Mn 1.50 1.35 1.10 1.08 1.18 1.24

Ni 9.62 10.20 11.60 11.94 10.20 12.58 

Cr 18.68 18.70 18.75 18.47 18.87 24.17

Mo - - 2.40 2.45 - -

Nb - - - - 0.57 -    
Bi <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
FNW(1) 4 5 7 8 6 20
Figure 2: A comparison of high temperature elongation
TS (MPa) 575 540 570 540 602 578 between DW-347H and conventional 347 FCW.
El. (%) 48 52 42 45 43 39

(1) Ferrite Number per WRC Diagram-1992.

Where welds are subject to solid solution heat
treatment and hot rolling, too, the H-series DW
stainless steel FCWs should also be used to pre-
vent reduced ductility.


Among several KOBELCO filler metals for duplex

stainless steel, DW-329A and DW-329AP enjoy
higher reputations worldwide due to excellent per-
':$':$3 formance in usability, mechanical properties and
$:6$(7 $:6$(7 corrosion resistibility. Both brands resemble each
other in terms of type of flux (rutile-based flux),
Such technologically demanding welding applica- suitable shielding gases (CO2 and Ar/CO2 mix-
tions as chemical tankers, pulp mills, and offshore tures), mechanical properties and chemical compo-
sition. However, their applicable welding positions
structures are the typical fields where DW-329A and are different: DW-329A is suitable for flat and hor-
DW-329AP shine in flux-cored arc welding of duplex izontal fillet welding only, while DW-329AP is
stainless steel. excellent in out-of-position welding. DW-329AP
features the chemical composition and mechanical
What is duplex stainless steel? properties listed in Table 1 and the microstructure
in Figure 2.
Duplex stainless steel is known for combining the
superior stress-corrosion crack resistance of Table 1: Typical chemical and mechanical properties of DW-
ferritic stainless steel with the excellent ductility, 329AP (1.2 mmØ) all-weld metal and AWS requirements(1)
toughness and weldability of austenitic stainless Requirements of
Trade designation and
steel. To establish this sophisticated characteristic, DW-329AP AWS A5.22
AWS properties
duplex stainless steel features a binary microstruc- C (%) 0.024 0.04 max
ture consisting of approx. 50% ferrite and 50% Si (%) 0.55 1.0 max
austenite as shown in Figure 1 and a compositional Mn (%) 0.89 0.5-2.0
balance of Cr, Ni, Mo and N. It also features yield P (%) 0.018 0.04 max
strength that is two times higher than the 300- S (%) 0.005 0.03 max
Cu (%) 0.06 0.5 max
series austenitic stainless steels. Because duplex
Ni (%) 9.68 7.5-10.0
stainless steel has good weldability in terms of hot Cr (%) 22.96 21.0-24.0
and cold crack resistance, users can follow almost Mo (%) 3.28 2.5-4.0
the same welding procedure as that for austenitic N (%) 0.14 0.08-0.20
stainless steels. Chemical plant machinery, oil and PRE(2) 36.0 -
natural gas drilling pipes and pipelines, chemical FNW(3) 40.5 -
tankers, and water gates are typical applications for 0.2% PS (MPa) 617 -
TS (MPa) 808 690 min
duplex stainless steels.
El. (%) 31 20 min
RA (%) 48 -

Note (1) Shielding gas: 80%Ar-20%CO2.

(2) PRE = Cr% + 3.3Mo% + 16N%.
(3) FNW: Ferrite Number per WRC Diagram-1992.

Figure 1: An example of duplex stainless steel microstructure

which exhibits distributed austenite (brighter areas) in the fer-
rite matrix (darker areas).

The unsurpassed performance of Figure 2: A typical austenite-ferrite binary microstructure of

KOBELCO duplex stainless DW-329AP weld metal: the brighter areas show ferrite, and
flux-cored wires the darker areas show austenite.


PRE (Table 1) or Pitting Resistance Equivalent is ride-involved applications. DW-329AP weld metal
used as the pitting index to evaluate the resistance features, as shown in Table 2, excellent resistance
to pitting corrosion. With a higher PRE value, the to pitting corrosion due to its elaborate chemistry
pitting corrosion resistance can be improved. The design.
WRC chemistry-phase diagram (Figure 3) is com-
monly used for estimating the ferrite number Table 2: Results of pitting corrosion testing of DW-329AP (1.2
related to the ferrite content of duplex stainless mmØ) weld metal with 80%Ar-20%CO2 shielding(1)
steel weld metals. Corrosion loss
Testing condition Judgement
20°C-24hr 0.005 No pitting
25°C-24hr 0.032 No pitting
1LHT 1L˜&î1î&X

Note (1) Testing method: ASTM G48 Practice A.

Specimen size: 10T x 15W x 35L (mm).

Figure 5 and Table 3 show the weld joint proper-

ties of DW-329AP with sound macrostructure, suf-
ficient tensile strength and ductility. These test
results were obtained in joint welding testing with
a 20-mm thick duplex stainless steel base metal of
UNS S31803 (0.025%C, 0.47%Si, 1.43%Mn,
&UHT &U0Rî1E 5.51%Ni, 21.98%Cr, 2.96%Mo, 0.16%N).
Figure 3: WRC chemistry-phase diagram (Solidification
mode: A: austenite,γ; F: ferrite,δ; AF: γ+δ; FA: δ+γ).

DW-329AP weld metal possesses sufficient notch

toughness or absorbed energies as shown in Figure
4. However, as the testing temperature decreases,
the absorbed energy decreases. This is a noticeable
disadvantage when compared with austenitic stain-
Figure 5: Macrostructure of DW-329AP one-sided weld joints
less steel weld metals. Therefore, duplex stainless in flat welding (left) and vertical-up welding (right) with
steel weld metals are not suitable for cryogenic ceramic backing and 80%Ar-20%CO2 shielding.
temperature applications.
Table 3: Results of tensile and bend testing of DW-329AP (1.2
mmØ weld joints with 80%Ar-20%CO2 shielding

70 Welding position 1G 3G
60 Specimen size (mm) 20T x 25W 20T x 25W
Absorbed energy (J)


50 Tensile strength (MPa) 735 723

40 Fracture location Base metal Base metal

30 Specimen size (mm) 9.5T x 20W 9.5T x 20W

Bending radius 2TR-180 deg. 2TR-180 deg.

Appearance(1) Left below Right below
Judgement Acceptable Acceptable
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 Note (1) Appearance of specimens after testing by 2TR-180°.

Test temperature (℃)

Figure 4: Charpy impact absorbed energies of DW-329AP

(1.2 mmØ) weld metal at low temperatures with 80%Ar-
20%CO2 shielding.

Duplex stainless steel is superior in the resistance

to pitting corrosion (defined as extremely localized 1G position 3G position
corrosion, resulting in holes in the metal) in chlo-


20-Year Track
MX-A430M is an Records for
Unsurpassed FCW Welding Auto-
for Cr Stainless motive Exhaust
Steel Welding Exhaust
Converter Center
Muffler Systems

The automotive industry worldwide has been pro- conventional ER430 wire to prevent incomplete
moting weight reduction of car bodies by using fusion as shown in Figure 2.
thinner, lighter materials to improve the fuel con-
sumption efficiency, and improving the fuel com-
bustion efficiency to reduce exhaust gases. In this
trend, automotive exhaust systems have seen inno-
vations in steel materials, and the increasing use of
17%Cr and 13%Cr ferritic stainless steel sheets
and pipes for exhaust manifolds, converters, and MX-A430M Conventional ER430 wire
mufflers. To respond to this trend, Kobe Steel Figure 2: MX-A430M weld metal sufficiently bridges the gaps
developed MX-A430M metal-type flux-cored wire avoiding incomplete fusion in the 3-layer lapping joint that
about 20 years ago. Since then this wire has earned consists of a 1.5-mm stainless, 1.0-mm carbon, and 1.5-mm
stainless steel assemblage with a root gap of 1.0 mm
a high reputation for the following advantages. between sheet metals (130A, 17V, 45cm/min., 80%Ar-
Automotive exhaust parts use sheet metals as thin 3. SUPERIOR CRACK RESISTANCE: The weld-
as 0.8-2.0 mm. MX-A430M (1.2 mmØ) offers ing joints of auto parts are inevitably contaminated
higher resistance to burn-through (excessive melt- with machine oil caused by press-forming. Oil can
through) as shown in Figure 1. This results from be a source of carbon, sulfur and hydrogen, caus-
proper penetration and a wider weld pool. ing cracks in the weld. MX-A430M offers superior
crack resistance, because of its finer microstructure
N o burn-through over conventional ER430 wire (Figure 3).
Welding speed (cm/min)

C onventional
E R4 3 0 wire

N o burn-through
MX-A 430M

Wire diameter: 1.2 mmΦ

Shielding gas: 80%Ar-20%CO2 MX-A430M Conventional ER430 wire
Plate thickness: 2.0 mm
Figure 3: MX-A430M weld metal displays very fine micro-
structure to prevent cracks when compared with conventional
W elding current (A) ER430 wire.
Figure 1: MX-A430M offers a wider current-speed range over
conventional ER430 wire to prevent burn-through. 4. EXCELLENT CORROSION AND OXIDA-
TION RESISTANCE: The automotive exhaust
2. BETTER ROOT-GAP-BRIDGING ABILITY: parts are required to be resistible against corrosive
Because the automotive exhaust parts are assem- condensed liquids and high-temperature oxidation
blages of thin pipes and press-formed shapes, the as well as snow-melting agent. The fine micro-
welding joints necessarily contain small or large structure and unique chemical composition
gaps. If the weld pool cannot sufficiently bridges (17%Cr-Nb) of MX-A430M weld metal offer
the gaps, incomplete fusion can occur. MX- higher resistance to intergranular and pitting corro-
A430M offers better root-gap-bridging ability over sion and oxidation over conventional ER430 wire.


7*;/ $:6$5/7
7*;/ $:6$5/7
7*;/ $:6$5/7
7*; $:6$57

The TG-X series of flux-cored stainless steel filler Stainless steel sheath
rods can eliminate gas purging for back shielding
the root pass weld in one-side TIG pipe welding, cut-
ting the costs for back shielding gases and gas
purging downtime including the setting time for gas
purging jigs. Process pipelines of Type 304, Type
316, Type 347 and dissimilar metals are typical
applications for TG-X308L, TG-X316L, TG-X347 and Figure 1: A cross sectional view of TG-X flux-cored filler rod.
TG-X309L, respectively.

How TG-X filler rods can eliminate

back shielding

With a typical solid filler rod, back shielding is

required in welding stainless steel pipes, or the root
pass weld would not penetrate the backside of the
joint properly. This can be attributed to significant
oxidation of the root pass weld due to high chro-
mium content of the weld. Therefore, back shield-
ing with an inert gas is a must.
Figure 2: Glossy, regular bead appearance of the reverse
(left) and face (right) surfaces of the root pass weld made by
In contrast, unlike the typical solid wire, a TG-X GTAW with a TG-X308L filler rod on a Type 304 pipe joint
filler rod contains a specific flux inside a tubular without back shielding.
rod of stainless steel as shown in Figure 1. The
flux can be fused by the arc heat to become molten
slag. This molten slag can flow smoothly to the
reverse side of the root to cover uniformly the pen-
etration bead extruded inside the pipe. This molten
slag protects the molten weld metal and red heated Tack weld

bead from the adverse effects of nitrogen and oxy-

③ ②
gen in the atmosphere. Tack weld

When the weld cools down the slag solidifies to ⑥

Tack weld
become thin, fragile slag, which can be removed ① ④

easily by lightly hitting the face of the joint with a

chipping hammer. Then a quality bead will appear Tack weld

on the face and reverse sides of the root with a

smooth, uniform ripple without oxidation as shown
in Figure 2. TG-X filler rods provide regular pene-
tration through the entire part of the pipe in all Figure 3: Macrostructures of TG-X308L welds made on a
positions as shown in Figure 3. 304-type stainless steel pipe (12T×150mmØ) in 5G position.


How TG-X filler rods can cut costs for higher than that of solid filler rods. However, if
gas purging and back shielding you would calculate the total welding cost by mul-
tiplying the unit prices for each factor, you may
The use of a conventional solid filler rod needs notice that the TGX series can save a great deal in
back shielding with an inert gas: normally argon terms of total welding cost.
gas. Though the time and the amount of an inert
gas needed for purging the inside of the pipe vary Chemical and microscopic proper-
depending on the inside diameter and the length of ties of root pass welds
the pipe to be purged, they affect markedly the
total welding cost. Table 1 compares the uses of a Chemical compositions of the root pass welds are
usual solid filler rod and a TG-X filler rod on the shown in Table 2 for individual TG-X filler rods.
factors affecting the welding costs in root pass As shown in this table, every TG-X filler rod
welding on a pipe with an inside diameter of 305 exhibits low nitrogen in the bulk of root pass weld
mm. It is obvious that the use of a TG-X filler rod metal. Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA) of
can noticeably reduce labor (man-hour) by 23-74% the vicinity of the reverse surface area has verified
and the total argon gas consumption by 55-91% in that no microscopic condensation of nitrogen can
a comparison with typical solid filler rods. be observed. Still more, microstructure testing has
revealed that the distribution of ferrite precipita-
Table 1: A comparison between TG-X and solid filler rods on tion in the austenite matrix is uniform throughout
man-hour, argon gas consumption, filler rod consumption and the root pass weld. Low nitrogen content, together
power consumption in root pass welding of a pipe with the glossy bead appearance mentioned above,
Filler rod TG-X Solid is evidence of the effectiveness of the shielding
70° 70° effect of the slag of TG-X filler rod.
preparation 1 1
3 2.5 Table 2: Typical properties of single-V groove one-sided root
Back shielding Without back
300 mm 6000 mm pass weld with TG-X filler rods
shielding for local for entire
length of pipe shielding shielding
Filler rod for TG-X308L TG-X316L TG-X309L TG-X347
Prepurging(1) Not required 5.2 min. 104 min. root pass(1) (2.2mmØ) (2.2mmØ) (2.2mmØ) (2.2mmØ)

Setting jigs Not required 10 min. Not req. Type of base metal 304, 316L, Mild steel / 321,
Welding(2) 35 min. 30 min. 30 min. and thickness 9 mm 9 mm 316, 20 mm
19 mm
Arc time rate 50% 50% 50%
Total man-hour 35 min. 45 min. 134 min. Welding position Flat Flat Flat Flat

Total filler rod Welding current DCEN DCEN DCEN DCEN

120 g 100 g 100 g
consumption for root pass 105A 105A 105A 105A
Prepurging(1) Not required 122.2 liter 2444 liter
C 0.040 0.018 0.047 0.028
Welding(2) 263 liter 225 liter 225 liter
Si 0.55 0.64 0.56 0.65
Back shield(3) Not required 240 liter 240 liter
Mn 1.11 1.48 1.36 1.78
Total argon gas
263 liter 587 liter 2909 liter
root pass weld metal (%)(2)
Chemical composition and

Ni 9.72 12.34 9.99 10.35

Total power
0.405 kwh 0.358 kwh 0.358 kwh Cr 18.89 18.93 19.47 18.67
ferrite content of

Mo - 2.17 0.35 -
(1) The prepurging condition is per AWS D10.11-7X (Guide for Root
Pass Welding and Gas Purging). Nb - - - 0.44
(2) Shielding gas flow rate for welding: 15 liter/min
Welding condition: 110 Amp./13 Volt. Ti - - - 0.07
(3) Shielding gas flow rate for back shielding: 8 liter/min.
N 0.044 0.041 0.038 0.044

On the other hand, with a TG-X filler rod, because FS, FN 4.6-5.7 7.1-7.6 6.9-8.5 4.4-6.2

of the flux-cored rod, the filler rod consumption SD, F% 7 7.5 7 6

increases a little and power consumption slightly DD, FN 5.5 8 8 5
increases because of a little lower deposition effi-
(1) Torch shielding gas: Ar (without back shielding).
ciency (approx. 90%) than with a solid filler rod. (2) FS: Ferrite scope; SD: Schaeffler diagram; DD: DeLong diagram.
In addition, the unit price of TG-X filler rods is


Tips for using TG-X filler rods Change the welding mode
to crater treatment
The following are the specific techniques for root
Root pass welding direction
pass welding with a TG-X filler rod.

(1) PROPER ROOT OPENING to assure a sound

penetration bead:
Turn the crater onto the groove face
to terminate
Groove preparation T 1.0
Plate thickness (T) 4 mm 6 mm 10 mm min.
oxidation in the penetration bead and to obtain nor-
Root opening (G) 2.0 mm 2.5 mm 3.0 mm
mal penetration bead contour:

(2) PROPER KEYHOLE TECHNIQUE to help Maintain solid slag both on the crater and on the
the molten slag flow to the backside of the root: bead on the reverse side when re-starting an arc to
Welding direction Weld metal join a preceding bead. The re-arcing point should
be placed back from the edge of the crater by
approximately 10 mm as shown below.
Re-start the arc at
0.5-1.0mm the 10-mm backward point
from the crater edge
Cross-sectional solid slag
Keyhole Molten pool
Welding direction weld metal
(3) HIGHER FEEDING PITCH with careful wire
feeding than with a solid filler rod to ensure ade-
quate fusion of the rod and a sound penetration Re-start the arc
when solid slag remains
bead and to compensate a slightly lower deposition
efficiency of TG-X filler rods.
In 5G position welding, the termination of the suc-
(4) PROPER WELDING CURRENT to ensure ceeding bead onto the crater of the preceding bead
regular fusion and penetration: should be done in the uphill positions to control the
Plate thickness 3-5 mm 6-9 mm 10 mm min
molten slag and thereby to help create the keyhole:
Proper bead connecting point
Amperage 80-90 A 90-105 A 90-110 A in the uphill position
Preceding bead

(5) SHORT ARC LENGTH to ensure stable crater

formation and regular slag flow by keeping the
Welding direction of
nozzle contact with the groove fusion faces, with a the succeeding bead
Root of joint
proper extension of tungsten electrode:
Root pass
Tungsten electrode Center of pipe

Base metal

(8) ONLY ROOT PASS welding is suitable. TG-X


filler rods are designed so that enough slag can be

generated to cover both the surfaces of the face and
TIG torch nozzle
reverse sides of the root pass bead; therefore, if a
TG-X filler rod is used in filler passes, all of the
(6) PROPER CRATER TREATMENT by turning slag may cover the face side of the bead, thereby
the crater onto the groove face to prevent crater causing slag inclusions and lack of fusion.
cracking and shrinkage cavities in the crater:


Figure 1 shows the microstructure of NC-38L weld

metal in comparison with that of 304L type base

metal. It clearly shows how different the micro-
structures are. This is because, the base metal does
not contain the ferrite to be a fully austenitic struc-
ture, while the weld metal contains a certain per-
NC-38L is a versatile electrode for 304L and 304 centage of ferrite as indicated in Figure 2. This
stainless steel in all positions. Suitable for various ferritic network structure in the austenitic matrix is
effective at preventing the hot cracking that may
applications at low and elevated temperatures. occur during welding. On the other hand, an exces-
sive ferrite content can cause sigma-phase embrit-
tlement at elevated temperatures, so it must be
Inception of NC-38L properly controlled.
NC-38L was developed around 1961. N is for
Nickel, while C is for Chromium. These are major
alloying elements in austenitic stainless steel. 38
was coined from the AWS classification of E308L.
L is for low carbon in the weld metal.

Basic characteristics of NC-38L

(A) 304L-type base metal (B) NC-38L weld metal
(fully austenitic structure) (austenite + ferrite)
NC-38L is a lime-titania type electrode, classified
as AWS A5.4 E308L-16. NC-38L is suited for
Figure 1: Microscopic structures of 304L type base metal and
welding by both AC or DCEP (DC Electrode Posi- NC-38L weld metal (100X).
tive) polarity. The deposited metal is of a low-car-
bon, 18%Cr-8%Ni type. As shown in Table 1, the
composition of the weld metal offers a restricted
1LHT 1Lî&î0Q

amount of carbon, typically 0.034 percent. This

low carbon content of the weld metal reduces the
possibility of intergranular Cr-carbide precipita-
tion and thereby increases the resistance to inter-
granular corrosion.

Table 1: Chemical composition of NC-38L all-weld metal (%)

C Si Mn P S Ni Cr
&UHT &U0Rî6L1E

Typical 0.034 0.33 1.43 0.022 0.006 9.57 20.07

Figure 2: The typical ferrite percentage of NC-38L deposited
AWS 0.04 0.90 0.5- 0.04 0.03 9.0- 18.0- metal indicated in a Schaeffler diagram.
req. max. max. 2.5 max. max. 11.0 21.0


to sophisticated design of chemical compositions:
Outstanding features of NC-38L Table 2 shows corrosion test results of two differ-
ent types. In the 65% nitric acid test (Huey test),
Among all the competitive various brands classi- the average weight loss of the test specimens is
fied as E308L, NC-38L has the following out- measured to know the intergranular corrosion
standing features. resistance to the acids. The copper sulfate sulfuric
acid test (Strauss test) checks the occurrence of
(1) LESS SUSCEPTIBILITY TO hot cracking due cracking in bent specimens to know the intergranu-
to the properly controlled ferrite percentage: lar corrosion resistance to the acids.


Table 2: Typical corrosion test results of NC-38L deposited Tips for better results with NC-38L
metal to evaluate the intergranular corrosion resistance

65% nitric acid test (Huey test) The choice of NC-38L can be the way to fulfill
As weld 0.00052 ipm
strict requirements for ferrite content, corrosion
650°C x 2hr, AC 0.00069 ipm
resistance and mechanical properties. The choice
1050°C x 30min, WQ 0.00047 ipm
of NC-38L can also be the way to get sound welds
in out-of-position welding by both AC and DCEP
Copper sulfate sulfuric acid test (Strauss test)
polarity. When you use NC-38L, however, the fol-
650°C x 2hr, AC No defect lowing tips should be noted in order to get better
TIES (Table 3) of the weld metal due to properly (1) No preheating should be used when you weld
controlled chemical compositions: 304L and 304 type stainless steel. Rather, the
interpass temperature should be kept at 150°C or
Table 3: Mechanical properties of NC-38L all-weld metal lower. This is to minimize the heat-affected zone,
vE at 0°C
and thereby to minimize sensitization of the base
0.2%PS TS El.
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (J) metal that is caused by Cr-carbide precipitation at
Typical 410 580 48 78 the grain boundaries of the heat-affected zone.
AWS req. - 520 min. 35 min. -

(2) Use proper welding currents. This is to prevent

(4) PROPERLY BALANCED USABILITY in an electrode from the burning caused by Joule’s
out-of-position welding. heat. Note that a Cr-Ni stainless steel electrode has
electrical resistance approximately 5 times that of
a carbon steel electrode, and has low thermal con-
Highly reputed for nearly 40 years ductivity approximately 1/3 that of a carbon steel
electrode. This means the Joule’s heat produced in
Since it was launched, NC-38L has seen its fea- a Cr-Ni stainless electrode tends to concentrate,
tures refined and its markets expanded. Kobe Steel which causes the electrode burn. In addition, the
pursues keen quality control in order to maintain electrode burn adversely affects usability and
the outstanding features of NC-38L produced in mechanical properties.
Japan and Thailand. This quality control is an
important factor in the product’s persistently high (3) Re-dry NC-38L at 150-200°C for 30-60 min-
reputation, particularly for welding pressure ves- utes before use when it picks up moisture. If an
sels, tanks and pipes in such sophisticated equip- electrode picks up moisture, the arc blow becomes
ment industries as oil refineries, chemical plants, stronger, which causes much spatter, irregular
and energy plants. bead appearance and undercut.

(4) Keep the arc length shorter to create sufficient

shielding for the weld pool, thereby preventing
oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere from enter-
ing into the weld pool. The weaving width should
be smaller than 2.5 times the electrode diameter to
obtain adequate shielding for the weld pool.

(5) Wire brushing of the weld in order to remove

welding slag and objectionable surface discolora-
tion from welding should be done by stainless steel
wire brushes that have not been used for any other
Figure 3: NC-38L is an indispensable electrode for construc-
tion of energy process plants.



due to the proper amount of ferrite, and lower

phosphorus and sulfur in the weld metal:

NC-36L is designed so that a proper amount of fer-

rite precipitates while the molten weld metal solid-
NC-36L is a matching electrode for welding 316L- ifies. Figure 1 shows the microstructure of a weld
type stainless steel. It can be used also for welding consisting of 316L-type base metal and NC-36L
weld metal. It clearly shows the ferrite network
316-type stainless steel, unless creep strength is a structure precipitated in the austenite matrix of the
strict requirement at high temperature applications. weld metal. 316L-type base metal, however, does
not contain ferrite to become a fully austenite
The birth of NC-36L structure. This ferrite network structure is effective
at preventing hot cracks that may occur in weld
NC-36L is the first stainless electrode developed metal.
by Kobe Steel. It was developed in 1952 when
many fabricators in Japan were still using imported
stainless steel electrodes. The brand name, NC- weld metal
36L, was chosen as follows. N was for Nickel, C
was for Chromium, 36 was coined from the appli-
cable 316L-type stainless steel, and L was for low

Basic characteristics of NC-36L

base metal
NC-36L is a lime-titania type, all-position elec-
trode and is classified as AWS A5.4 E316L-16. Figure 1: A microstructure of the weld consisting of 316L base
The suffix 16 designates that NC-36L is suitable metal and NC-36L weld metal (120X).
for welding by both AC and DC-EP (electrode
positive) polarity. The deposited metal is of a low- On the other hand, excessive ferrite content can
carbon, 18%Cr-12%Ni-Mo type. As shown in cause sigma-phase embrittlement at elevated tem-
Table 1, the chemical composition of the weld peratures, so the ferrite content must be properly
metal offers a restricted amount of carbon, typi- controlled. Figure 2 shows the typical amount of
cally 0.023 percent. This low carbon content of the ferrite in the NC-36L deposited metal plotted in a
weld metal reduces the possibility of intergranular DeLong diagram.
Cr-carbide precipitation and thereby increases the
resistance to intergranular corrosion.
Ni eq.= Ni%+30C%+30N%+0.5Mn%

Table 1 Chemical composition of NC-36L all-weld metal (%)

C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo
Typical 0.023 0.57 1.56 0.025 0.003 12.17 18.68 2.20
AWS 0.04 0.90 0.5- 0.04 0.03 11.0- 17.0- 2.0-
req. max. max. 2.5 max. max. 14.0 20.0 3.0

What NC-36L offers

Cr eq.= Cr%+Mo%+1.5Si%+0.5Nb%

Among all the competitive various brands classi-

Figure 2: The typical ferrite number of NC-36L deposited
fied as E316L, NC-36L offers the following unsur- metal indicated in a DeLong diagram.
passed performance.


(2) EXCELLENT RESISTANCE AGAINST gen- Why NC-36L has lived so long
eral, intergranular, and pitting corrosion:
Since it was launched in the markets, NC-36L has
Because of the sophisticated design of its chemical seen its features refined and its markets expanded.
composition NC-36L weld metal features excellent Kobe Steel pursues continual quality control so as
resistibility against general, intergranular, and pit- to maintain the outstanding features of NC-36L
ting corrosion. Table 1 shows several corrosion produced in Japan and Thailand. This quality con-
test results of NC-36L deposited metal. trol is a key factor in the product's persistently high
reputation, particularly in such specialty fields as
Table 1: Corrosion test results of NC-36L deposited metal in the chemical, oil refinery, paper, and nuclear-
the as-welded (AW) and sensitizing treatment (SE) conditions power industries. In construction of the equipment
for these industries the quality control is one of the
Type of corrosion and test method Typical test results
most important keys to the success.
General corrosion by
Corrosion loss:
5% diluted sulfuric acid test
5 g/m2/h Tips for better results with NC-36L
(JIS G0591), AW

Intergranular corrosion by Corrosion rate: The choice of NC-36L can be the way to fulfill
65% nitric acid test 0.00138 ipm stricter requirements for ferrite content, corrosion
(ASTM A262-C), AW (inch per month)
resistibility, and mechanical properties. When you
Intergranular corrosion by Bending test after use NC-36L, however, the following tips should be
copper sulfate sulfuric acid test corrosion test: noted in order to get better welding results.
(ASTM A262-E), SE(1) No cracking

(1) SE: 650°C×2h followed by air cooling. (1) No preheating should be used when you weld
316L- and 316-type stainless steels. Rather the
(3) CONSISTENT MECHANICAL PROPER- interpass temperature should be kept at 150°C or
TIES (Table 2) of the weld metal due to the elabo- lower. This is to minimize the heat-affected zone,
rately designed chemical composition: and thereby to minimize sensitization of the base
metal that is caused by Cr-carbide precipitation at
Table 2: Mechanical properties of NC-36L all-weld metal the grain boundaries of the heat-affect zone and
can cause weld decay or localized corrosion at the
0.2%PS TS El. vE at 0°C
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (J)
areas adjacent to the grain boundaries in a corro-
Typical 420 580 45 83
sive environment.
AWS req. - 485 min. 30 min. -
(2) Use proper welding currents. This is to mini-
mize the electrode-burn caused by Joule's heat.
(4) POSITIONAL WELDING SUITABILITY in The electrode-burn adversely affects usability and
flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions. mechanical properties of the weld metal.

(3) Re-dry NC-36L at 150-200°C for 30-60 min-

utes before use when it picks up moisture. If an
electrode picks up moisture the arc blow becomes
stronger, which causes much spatter, irregular
bead appearance, and undercut.

(4) Keep the arc length shorter to create sufficient

shielding for the weld pool, thereby preventing
oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere from enter-
ing into the weld pool. The weaving width should
be smaller than 2.5 times the electrode diameter to
Figure 3: The cooling pipe equipment of the energy plants is
obtain adequate shielding for the weld pool.
one of the applications of NC-36L because of superior pitting
corrosion resistibility against chloride ions.


What kinds of joints need NC-39L

It can be said that almost all machinery and vessels
are fabricated and constructed using various com-
binations of dissimilar metals on any scale. This is
because sophisticated equipment, which must offer
Among KOBELCO stainless electrodes, NC-39L is both efficient performance and competitive mate-
unique. It is an indispensable electrode for welding rial and fabrication costs, is required for industrial
advancement. Figure 1 shows various combina-
dissimilar metal joints and the buffer layers for clad tions of metals used for sophisticated equipment
steel and overlaying. such as high-temperature high-pressure boilers, oil
industry equipment, synthetic chemical equipment,
Essential characteristics of NC-39L and high-temperature high-pressure hydrotreating
The AWS classification shown above (E309L-16)
will help you know the essential characteristics of In fabricating the boilers, for example, 18Cr-8Ni
NC-39L as follows. stainless steel must necessarily be joined to
• E: designates an electrode. 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. In welding this type of dissimi-
• 309: indicates 309 type deposited metal lar-metal joint, NC-39L is an appropriate elec-
(22%Cr-12%Ni as minimum). trode, provided the service temperature is below
• L: designates low-carbon type (C% = 0.04 max.). 800°F (427°C).
•16: indicates suitable current polarity and welding
position: DC-EP (direct current, electrode
positive) and AC (alternating current) in all-
position welding.

What features does NC-39L offer?

In addition to the essential characteristics stated

above, NC-39L offers:


to a higher ferrite content in the austenitic weld
metal (typical ferrite content: approximately 10%
by means of a Schaeffler diagram), which can
accommodate the dilution by the carbon and low-
alloy steel base metal in dissimilar-metal joints. &DUERQ
and heat resistance due to the sophisticated design VWHHO

of the chemical composition with lower carbon

content (typical C%: approximately 0.030): VWHHO

The restricted percent carbon content of the weld &DUERQ

metal reduces the possibility of intergranular Cr-
carbide precipitation at grain boundaries and
thereby increases the resistance to intergranular
toughness of the deposited metal due to strict qual- Figure 1: Various metals and their applications in high-tem-
ity control in production. perature high-pressure equipment.
position welding due to well-designed usability.


In fabricating pressure vessels for high-tempera- diluted weld metal, thereby ensuring the austenite
ture high-pressure hydrotreating, the inner surface + ferrite microstructure to prevent hot cracks in the
of the vessels is cladded by overlay welding with weld metal. Dilution is defined as the change in
stainless steel welding consumables. Most of the chemical composition of a deposited metal caused
inner surface is overlay welded by either sub- by the admixture of the base metal or underlayer
merged arc welding or electroslag welding. How- weld metal. It can be measured by the mass per-
ever, the inner surface at the butt joint area of the centage of the base metal or underlayer weld metal
shell is overlay welded by shielded metal arc weld- that was fused in the weld metal as shown in Fig-
ing as shown in Figure 2. ure 3 for groove welds and bead-on-plate welds.
Typical value of dilution for shielded metal arc
welding is believed to be 25-40%.



$% ))
$% ))
Strip overlay by 2nd-3rd layers $% ))

SAW or ESW by SMAW: E347

Figure 3: Determination of dilution ratios of welds.

2.25C r-1Mo steel

Dilution is governed by welding currents. Figure 4
Butt weld of
shows the relationship between dilution and weld-
1st layer
by SMAW: NC -39L shell by SAW ing current in bead-on-plate welds by shielded
metal arc welding. It is obvious that the dilution
A-A' section
increases in proportion to an increase of welding
Figure 2: The application of NC-39L for the 1st layer (buffer current. In addition to welding current, other fac-
layer) of overlaying the inner surface of high-temperature
high-pressure hydrotreating reactor vessels.
tors affect dilution. A single pass weld will have a
higher percentage of dilution than a multi-pass
NC-39L is also use for welding dissimilar metal weld. There is always considerable dilution in the
joints of cryogenic-temperature-service piping for root pass. The greater the amount of weaving, the
the production and storage of liquefied gases, pro- greater the dilution.
vided the service temperature is higher than minus
100°C. These dissimilar metal joints include alu-
minum-killed steel-to-304 stainless steel joints in 
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) equipment and ‘

3.5Ni steel-to-304 stainless steel joints in liquefied
ethylene gas (LEG) equipment. 

Key points in

dissimilar metal welding 


In welding dissimilar metal joints and the buffer

Figure 4: The relationship between welding current and dilu-
layers for clad steel and overlaying with NC-39L,
tion in bead-on-plate welds by shielded metal arc welding.
the control of dilution is an important issue to
obtain the proper chemical composition of the


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