IDM-In Combating Blast Disease in Rice Crop in Temperate Environment

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IDM- In Combating Blast Disease in Rice Crop in

Temperate Environment
T. Mubarak, M. A. Zarger and Z. A. Bhat
KrishiVigyan Kendra
Anantnag-192233 ( Jammu and Kashmir)
Integrated Disease Management ( IDM) is important for reducing threat to environment and
for sustaining higher yields. There is need to test and demonstrate IDM technique at farmers’
field for their wide adaptability. On-farm trials and frontline demonstrations were conducted by
Krishi-Vigyan-Kendra Anantnag to popularize IDM module to boost, rice production in blast
prone area of district Anantnag. Yield improved to the tune of 36 per cent by IDM module over
farmers practice plots. Net returns (Rs.47,952/ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.5) were also higher
in same practice. An additional income of Rs.16,589/ha was obtained over the farmer’s practice.
Key words: IDM, Rice, Blast.

INTRODUCTION ● Growing varieties which lack resistance

against Blast disease
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Indiscriminate use of agricultural chemicals

in general and pesticides in particular has become Farmer use varieties (Table 1) which are prone
to disease and if proper disease management
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a great concern. Emphasis is, therefore, being laid

on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for practices are not taken in time there always
environmental safety, good health and sustainable remains risk of crop being badly hit by blast
agriculture.. Technologies developed by SKUAST- disease particularly under fluctuating weather
Kashmir needs to be popularized among farming conditions as prevalent in the study area.
community to boost agricultural productivity and ● Imbalanced use of fertilizers
production. Since rice is a staple food of the Farmers have tendency towards using heavy
people of Kashmir valley and blast disease a doses of nitrogenous fertilizers without and a
major biologic threat to crop, an Integrated Disease small number of them apply Potassium
Management (IDM) module was needed to be supplying fertilizer. This makes plant tissues
tested at Farmers’ field to combat the menace of succulent and more prone to blast disease.
blast disease in district Anantnag. Krishi-Vigyan- Continuously use organic manures striking a
Kendra Anantnag (Pombay) conducted On-farm balance in the application of N and K
trials and Frontline Demonstrations to popularize fertilizer help some to escape severe disease
the IDM module in rice. attack. This signifies the importance of
balanced nutrient supply in IDM.
● Lack of plant protection measures against
Analysis of Factors Responsible For the the disease
Outbreak of Disease Apple is the major fruit crop of the valley.
A joint survey was conducted by KVK Farmers pay much attention to their apple crop
scientist and the officers of agriculture in comparison to paddy. Though the
development department to identify hot spots of management technology for blast disease is
this disease. During survey it was found that the well established but unfortunately farmers do
microclimate of the area and farming practices, not follow the same resulting in considerable
were quite favourable for blast disease incidence. decline in crop yield due to the disease. Not a
single farmer even uses a simple technique of
Factors Which Favoured the Spread of Disease seed treatment against the disease.
Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Journal of Krishi Vigyan 27

Blast affected rice plant and Shalimar rice 1 plot Survey of Blast affected Plot of Jehlum rice

● Other causes WP and Hexaconazole 5 EC 0.15% each in

Poor water management, dense planting of cocktail was done as it has been found
seedlings with 5 to 14 seedlings per hill and effective against disease.
lack of coordination between farmers and the 4. Sowing time: Early sowing of the rice variety
line department at zonal level are some other SR-1 for timely maturation of the variety which
reasons which aggravated the situation. is essential for successful double cropping in
the valley.
Action Plan
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5. Balanced dose of fertilizer: Use of balanced

All Important causes of outbreak of blast Fertilizers was demonstrated to the FLD
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disease in paddy were taken into consideration beneficiaries as per the package of practices.

while framing a strategy to combat this disease They were advised to strictly follow the
and vis-à-vis to improve rice production. On-farm recommendations with regard to the dose
trials were conducted (Table 1) which revealed and time of fertilizer application. In some cases
that the disease incidence and severity was farmers were advised to reduce urea fertilizer
remarkably higher with farmers practice against dose owing to inherent nitrogen fertility/
improved technology. Yield was appreciably consistent use of organic manures in plenty.
higher in improved technology compared to the Emphasis was laid on the application of well
farmers practices. In view of these results, front decomposed Farmyard Manure.
line demonstration programme with following
6. Plant population: Farmers were given training
technical inputs were conducted in the area
programmes on raising of healthy rice
seedlings and at the same time were
1. Variety: Jehlum and K-39 varieties which lack instructed to transplant 2-3 healthy rice
resistance against the blast disease were seedling per hill with 35-45 Plants/sq.m.
replaced by Shalimar Rice -1(SR-1) which
7. Water management: Impounding of water
exhibits resistance to blast disease. This
(5cm) was advocated for the first 15 days
variety was released in 2005 for lower belts
after transplanting followed by intermitted
of the valley located up to an altitude of
irrigation to keep the soil saturated with
1600m MSL.
2. Seed Treatment: Seed treated with the
chemical against paddy diseases( RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Mancozeb@ 2g + Carbendazim @1g per Kg Integrated disease management in rice against
of seed) was distributed free of cost among the menace of blast disease in demonstration plots
the farmers associated with the FLD gave excellent results compared to the farmers
progamme. practice. Yield ranged from 61 to 73 q/ha in
3. Seedbed treatment: Temperature fluctuation demonstration plots. Average yield was 66.6 q/ha
during nursery raising period may cause (Table 1) against the farmers’ practice (48.7 q/ha.).
rhizoctonia rot disease. Spray of Captan 50 Demonstration yield was 36 per cent higher than

28 Journal of Krishi Vigyan

Table 1. Performance of different rice cultivars against blast disease in the plains of district Anantnag.

Rice cultivar Disease incidence Disease severity(leaf blast) Grain yield(q/ha)

Leaf blast Neck blast
Jhelum 33 % 10.7 13.8 38
K-39 27.1% 6.3 8.3 41
Shalimar Rice -1 2% 0 0.1 63

Table 2. Summery of farmers’ practice and Technology demonstrated(FLD)

Parameter Farmers’ practice(Control) Technology demonstrated(FLD)

Variety K-39 , K-448 Shalimar Rice-1
Seed rate for one hectare >50 kg 60 Kg
Seed treatment/ Kg seed No seed treatment Seed treated with
Carbendazim (1g) + Mancozeb (2g)
Seed sowing 1st May-10th May Last week of April
Fertilizer dose(N,P2O5,K2O) Haphazard 120:60:20
Age of seedling at transplanting 35- 41 days 25-30 days
Plants per hill 5-14 2-3
Time of fertilizer application No knowledge ½ basal, ¼ at active tillering stage,
¼ at panicle initiation stage
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Water management Running water Intermitted irrigation

Crop yield/ha 48.7 q 66.6 q/ha
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Net returns /ha Rs.31363 Rs.47952

B : C ratio 0.98 1.5

the yield realized in the control plots. Gross returns, reproductive phase to unfavourable weather
net profit and benefit cost ratio per hectare for conditions, resulting in increased sterility and
demonstration were Rs.79,900, Rs.47,952 and 1.5, chaffy grain.
respectively against Rs.58,444, Rs.31,363 and ● Inherent higher nitrogen status might be one
0.98 registered in the control. An additional of the reason.
income of Rs.16,589/ha was obtained with the
Early sowing preferably under protected
demonstrated technology over the farmers practice
nursery conditions, intermitted irrigation and
(control). Moreover SR-1 enhanced paddy straw
reduction in nitrogen dose was recommended for
production which is an important component of
such cases.
ration for cattle in the winter. Most important
aspect of the demonstrated technology was that Impact
not a single case of blast incidence was observed.
Results also show that in few cases the crop Successful demonstration of SR-1 paddy
maturity delayed beyond normal which reduced variety and related technology has highly
yield of the crop. Analysis of such cases revealed convinced the other farmers of the area to adopt
that the reason for delay were; the technology at much greater speed. Higher
yield potential , more recovery percentage and
● Late sowing and transplanting of the crop
resistance against blast disease makes SR-1
compared to recommended one due to one or
versatile paddy variety. Interaction with farmers
the other reason.
and the officers of Development Department
● Some plots were situated near to the irrigation confirm that more than 50 per cent farmers used
source(canal) with lower water temperature. the same technology next year. Adaptation was
Some farmers follow traditional system of dramatic in villages most severely hit by blast
irrigation through running water which disease. Exchange of seed among farmers paved
prolongs the vegetative phase and pushes the way for speedy spread of the technology.

Journal of Krishi Vigyan 29

CONCLUSION pressure on a crop not only reduced cost of
Jhelum, no doubt is an excellent rice variety cultivation by curtailment in expenditure on
but under the microclimatic conditions which pesticide purchase and labour but also increases
favour blast disease adopting recommended farm income through improvement in crop yield.
management practice against the disease becomes This approach is environmentally safe and farmers
essential. Under the situation when farmer fails friendly. It promises higher yield and at the same
to execute the disease management practices in time minimizes threat to the environment. In IDM
time, there always remains a risk of crop being approach, development and adaptation of disease
damaged by diseases. Moreover, Integrated resistant/ tolerant high yielding crop variety plays
Disease Management (IDM) which is a well a pivotal role.
established technology to reduce the disease
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30 Journal of Krishi Vigyan

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