The Newborn
The Newborn
The Newborn
In summary, impaired ventricular function of the fetus, preterm baby, and term
newborn correlates with the presence of fewer myofibrils; decreased sympathetic
innervation; decreased β-adrenoreceptor concentrations; immaturity of the structure
and function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum; immature mechanisms for calcium
uptake, release, and storage; and a specific spectrum of expression of various
isoforms of contractile and noncontractile proteins, channels, exchangers, and
enzymes. Over the first months of life, myocardial contractility gradually increases,
so the cardiac output can be maintained over a wider range of preloads and
afterloads. This improved function correlates with quantitative and qualitative
changes in contractile proteins (e.g., expression of age-specific isoforms), the
development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and T-tubules, and improved calcium
recruitment and transport. The overall myocardial response to stress or increased
demands improves with these complex maturation-specific changes in force
Spina bifida (incidence of 3 to 7 per 10,000 births), a less severe form of abnormal
neural tube closure, is clinically important because affected infants often survive with
lifelong problems. The following are the four primary types of spina bifida, in order
of severity of the defect:
Spina bifida occulta, in which the divided vertebral arch, spinal cord, and meninges
are covered with skin; hair is often growing from the skin overlying the defect; and a
sacral dimple is often present (the presence of hair or a dimple suggests caution for
performing a caudal block without additional information, e.g., MRI studies).
Spina bifida cystica, in which neural tissue and its coverings protrude through the
incompletely formed vertebral arch as a cystlike structure.
Meningocele, in which the neural tube lies in its normal position, but the meninges
protrude through the defect; skin usually covers this lesion.
Meningomyelocele, in which both the spinal cord and the meninges protrude, often
without skin.
Other disorders, such as agenesis of the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum, are
less commonly fatal but are frequently associated with abnormal neuronal migration
and significant clinical abnormalities. In many instances, agenesis of the corpus
callosum is part of a syndrome (e.g., Aicardi syndrome or Andermann syndrome) or
is associated with a chromosomal abnormality (e.g., chromosome 8, 11, 13, 15, or 18).
Up to 80% of patients in whom the corpus callosum is absent have other brain
anomalies and/or non-CNS malformations ( Parrish, Roessmann, and Levinsohn
1979 ; Jeret et al. 1987 ). Partial agenesis of the brain is thought to occur later in
development and often accompanies syndromes associated with migrational and
structural abnormalities. Agenesis of the septum pellucidum is never an isolated
lesion and is often found in conjunction with optic nerve hypoplasia (septooptic
The brain's vascular network develops rapidly during late gestation. During the last
16 weeks, the long and short penetrating vessels lengthen and arborize, increasing
flow to end zones and border zones. Despite the rapid growth of cerebral vessels,
cerebral blood flow is remarkably low during late fetal life (8 to 15 mL/100 g/min)
compared with that of adults. Blood flow to white matter is even lower (1.6 to
3 mL/100 g/min), only 25% of the flow to the cerebral cortex ( Khwaja and Volpe
2008 ).
Microglia: Microglia are macrophages that are mainly found in cortical white matter
during the late second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Their number decreases
rapidly after 37 weeks ( Billiards et al. 2006 ). Although microglia are important for
apoptosis, axonal development, and vascular development during normal brain
development, activation of these cells by infection or inflammation generates reactive
oxygen and nitrogen species, glutamate, and cytokines that can injure the brain
( Khwaja and Volpe 2008 ).
Papile and associates proposed a system for categorizing GM-IVHs according to the
severity and extent of the initial injury ( Papile et al. 1978 ):
Grade II: IVH without distended ventricles
Grade III: IVH plus ventricles that are enlarged with blood
Grade IV: IVH, ventricular dilation with blood, and bleeding into the parenchyma of
the brain
Grade III: More than 50% of the ventricle is filled with blood; the lateral ventricles
are usually enlarged.
Fifty percent of GM-IVHs occur on day 1 and 90% before day 4 of life ( Ment and
Schneider 1993 ). Although one estimate suggests an overall incidence of 7% to 23%
( Adams-Chapman et al. 2008 ), the incidence and severity of IVHs increase with
decreasing gestational age. Since the early 2000s, several studies have reported
lower rates of IVH than rates reported earlier, when the incidence in ELBW infants
was as high as 40% to 50%. Reporting the incidence of GM-IVH in ELBW infants (22
to 28 weeks) born between 2003 and 2007, Stoll and colleagues (2010) noted slight
to moderate differences in the incidence of grade I to III lesions across a range of
gestational ages (grade I, 9% to 13%; grade II, 4% to 13%; and grade III, 4% to 15%).
The incidence of PVHI varied significantly as a function of gestational age (30% at 22
weeks; 21% at 23 weeks; 14% at 24 weeks; 13% at 25 weeks; 7% at 26 weeks; 5% at 27
weeks; and 3% at 28 weeks) (Stoll et al. 2010) . Fanaroff and colleagues
(2007) reported similar incidences of severe GM-PVHI in 500- to 750-g and 750- to
1000-g infants born between 1997 and 2002. Twelve percent and 9% had Grade III,
and 12% and 5% had PVHI in the two weight groups, respectively. Although the
overall incidence has decreased dramatically over the last one to two decades, severe
IVH continues to be a significant problem in infants of 22 to 24 weeks' gestational
Survivors of grade III IVH and PVHI are often left with severe neurologic sequelae.
Thirty-five percent of survivors with grade III IVH and 90% of survivors with grade
IV IVH had poor neurodevelopmental outcomes ( Whitelaw 2001 ). Those with
posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus requiring ventriculoperitoneal shunts had the
highest incidence of severe neurocognitive impairment in early childhood (78% with
grade III IVH and 92% with grade IV IVH) ( Adams-Chapman et al. 2008 ). Although
neurodevelopmental delays are usually less severe following grade I and II IVHs,
outcomes vary from study to study. Near-term infants with uncomplicated grade I or
II IVH are reported to have lower developmental functioning and gray matter
volumes (≈16% smaller by MRI findings) than predicted (Vasileiadias et al. 2004).
Reported outcomes in ELBW infants are inconsistent. Patra and colleagues
(2006) noted more adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at 20 months in ELBW
infants born between 1992 and 2000 who had had grade I and II IVHs than a similar
group without hemorrhage. Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes were also noted
at 2 to 3 years of age in a different cohort of ELBW infants born between 1998 and
2004 ( Bolisetty et al. 2014 ). Infants with isolated grade I or II IVHs and no PVL,
late ventricular dilatation, or porencephalic cysts were still at significant risk for
neurosensory impairment, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and deafness
( Bolisetty et al. 2014 ). Adverse outcomes were also noted in school-age and older
children. On the other hand, Payne and colleagues (2013) reported
neurodevelopmental outcomes of a large cohort of ex-ELBW infants who had low-
grade IVH and found that neurodevelopmental outcomes did not differ from those
without IVH when tested at 18 to 22 months of age.
Periventricular Leukomalacia
Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is a bilaterally symmetric, nonhemorrhagic
lesion due to white matter necrosis dorsal and lateral to the external angles of the
lateral ventricles of ELBW infants ( Fig. 23-12 ). In the past, lesions were macrocystic
and easily identified by ultrasound. More recently, the most common form of PVL is
a diffuse cerebral white matter injury without any cystic lesions or with microcyst
formation that are identified by MRI but often not visible by routine screening with
TABLE 23-3
Apgar Score
Sign 0 1 2
Heart rate Absent <100 beats per minute >100 beats per m
Respiratory effort Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying
Muscle tone Flaccid Some flexion of extremities Active motion
Reflex irritability No response Grimace Vigorous cry
Color Pale Cyanotic Completely pink
View full size
Apgar scoring may predict the risk of death, although this function was not included
in its original purpose. Casey and colleagues (2001) reported a mortality rate of
24.4% in full-term infants whose 5-minute Apgar scores were 1 to 3 and 0.02% when
scores were 7 to 10. The mortality rate of preterm infants of 26 to 36 weeks' gestation
was 31.5% when the 5-minute Apgar score was 0 to 3 but 0.5% with a score of 7 to 10.
Thus the neonatal death rate was highest when the 5-minute Apgar score was 3 or
lower, independent of gestational age. Death most commonly occurred during the
first day of life; the majority of infants died before 3 days of age.
The Apgar score better predicts outcomes than an umbilical artery blood pH of 7.0 or
less. Combining a 5-minute Apgar of 0 to 3 with an umbilical artery blood pH of 7.0
or less provides a more accurate prediction of death in both preterm and full-term
infants. An Apgar score of 0 for more than 10 minutes suggests that resuscitative
efforts should be suspended ( Jain et al. 1991 ). In 2001, Papile said, “At present,
there is no single measure of the fetal or neonatal condition that accurately predicts
later neurodevelopmental disability, … but few will deny the Apgar score's
application at 1 minute of age accomplishes Dr. Apgar's goal of focusing attention on
the condition of the infant immediately after birth.” Although outcomes vary with
gestational age, the cause of neonatal depression, and other factors, providing
effective resuscitation for infants with low Apgar scores resulted in survival of 40% to
60% of infants. Approximately two-thirds of the survivors had normal neurologic
function ( Leuthner and Das 2004 ).
Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury
Asphyxia-related insults follow a pattern of early energy depletion and failure of the
Na + , K + -ATPase pump, which disrupts normal transmembrane ion gradients. Loss
of these gradients elicits release of excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate,
dopamine, serotonin, and aspartate. Although glutamate is important for normal
brain development, excessive excitation of glutamate receptors (e.g., N -methyl- d -
aspartate [NMDA], α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid [AMPA],
and kainite) produces excessive intracellular calcium concentrations and activates a
variety of phospholipases and proteases that release arachidonic acid and other
mediators. Downstream production of xanthine and prostaglandins generates free
radicals, in part via the NOS system. In response to these insults, the developing
brain releases inhibitory amino acids (e.g., γ-aminobutyric acid) and adenosine.
These inhibitory molecules seem to delay the onset and severity of energy failure
during asphyxia ( Drury et al. 2014 ).
Although neurons die during the “primary phase” of an asphyxial event, cellular
function can at least partially recover during the “latent phase” (early recovery
phase). Some recovery of oxidative metabolism can occur, even when activity on an
electroencephalogram is suppressed. However, 6 to 15 hours later, secondary
deterioration may develop, characterized by seizures, edema, release of excitatory
amino acids, and failure of mitochondrial oxidative function, and, eventually, cell
death may occur ( Drury et al. 2014 ). In general, more severe injuries during the
“primary phase” imply more severe initial damage and increased risk for delayed cell
death during the “secondary” deterioration. This probably represents an irreversible
stage of injury, a time of “secondary energy failure.”
Perinatal Stroke
With improvement in neuroimaging over the last decade, perinatal stroke has been
increasingly recognized, occurring in 1 : 2300 to 1 : 5000 term infants and 7 : 1000
premature infants ( Raju et al. 2007 ; Benders et al. 2008 ). The incidence of
ischemic perinatal strokes is higher in infants with congenital heart disease than in
those without heart disease ( Sherlock, McQuillen, and Miller 2009 ), with
approximately 40% of newborns with aortopulmonary transposition showing
evidence of preoperative stroke on MRI. The risk for preoperative stroke is especially
high when balloon septostomy is performed to increase “mixing” between the right
and left atria to improve systemic oxygen delivery in aortopulmonary transposition
( McQuillen et al. 2006 ). After cardiac surgery, an additional 30% of infants show
evidence of a new stroke.
Neonatal strokes typically occur during the first few days of life or after 28 days of
age. Strokes identified early are often associated with seizures; the seizures often
prompt imaging that detects the lesion. For example, strokes are commonly
identified in patients who have seizures associated with a cerebral venous thrombosis
( Wu et al. 2003a ). In most cases, perinatal strokes are located within the area
perfused by the middle cerebral artery (often on the left side of the brain) ( Schulzke
et al. 2005 ). Many newborns have no signs of neurologic dysfunction after their
seizures are adequately controlled ( Miller 2000 ).
Infants who have perinatal strokes after 28 days show no evidence of injury in the
neonatal period. The diagnosis is usually suspected by 4 to 8 months of age, with
onset of hemiplegia, seizures, or difficulty with locomotion or handedness. Most of
these injuries are the result of middle cerebral artery occlusion.
Often, the specific cause of a neonatal stroke is never identified. Possible maternal
factors include chorioamnionitis, prolonged rupture of the membranes,
preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth retardation ( Wu et al. 2004 ). In addition,
20% to 68% of infants with arterial ischemic stroke have a predisposing
prothrombotic state ( Golomb et al. 2001 ). Polycythemia, infection, inflammation,
and hypoglycemia are also associated with an increased risk for neonatal stroke
( Günther et al. 2000 ; Benders et al. 2007 ).
Infants with neurologic injury are usually divided into three categories:
Stable infants with a well-defined neurologic status who are scheduled for elective
Stable infants with evolving neurologic injuries
If the surgery is urgent or emergent, the above factors must be evaluated as quickly
as possible. Understanding trends in the patient's cardiorespiratory and metabolic
status helps the anesthesiologist to develop an intraoperative plan that will
minimally affect the arterial blood pressure and cerebral perfusion to decrease the
risk for CNS injury.
Postanesthetic Apnea
Preterm and ex-premature infants undergoing elective surgery are prone to
postoperative apnea ( Steward 1982 ; Gregory and Steward 1983 ), which is usually
defined as cessation of breathing for 20 seconds or more. The likelihood of
postoperative life-threatening apnea increases in patients with a history of apnea in
the NICU ( Liu et al. 1983 ). During the first month of life, apnea with cyanosis and
bradycardia occurs in at least 20% to 30% of preterm infants. Steward
(1982) reported that 18% of infants who were born before 38 weeks and had reached
a postnatal age of 3 to 28 weeks had apnea during the first 12 hours after surgery.
Other studies have also addressed postconceptual age and risk of apnea ( Liu et al.
1983 ; Welborn et al. 1986 ; Kurth and LeBard 1991 ; Malviya, Swartz, and Lerman
1993 ; Coté et al. 1995 ).
If possible, elective surgery should be delayed until preterm infants are older than 44
weeks' postconceptual age ( Gregory and Steward 1983 ; Malviya et al. 1993 ). Infants
younger than 44 weeks who require surgery must be individually evaluated. The type
of surgery, the gestational and postconceptual ages, the hematocrit, and the current
cardiorespiratory function (i.e., oxygen or diuretic dependence, presence of BPD,
neurologic status) must be considered when developing perioperative plans for ex-
premature infants. In general, patients younger than 44 weeks should be admitted to
the hospital for 24 to 48 hours for postoperative monitoring. Although most episodes
of apnea occur within 12 hours following surgery, some have recurred 48 hours later
( Malviya et al. 1993 ). Infants older than 44 weeks should be evaluated individually
to define the need for postoperative monitoring.
Newborns are abruptly born into an environment that is approximately 20° C cooler
than the uterine environment. Neonates are homeotherms. Compared to adults,
neonates can maintain their body temperature within a narrower range of
environmental temperatures. For example, exposure to an environment outside of
this range markedly increases the caloric expenditure required to regulate body
temperature. If the newborn's ability to compensate is exceeded, hypothermia or
hyperthermia develop, along with significant physiological consequences (e.g., apnea
and cardiovascular instability). Neonates lose heat by evaporation, convection,
conduction, and radiation. Extremely preterm infants lose about 15 times more heat
by transdermal water loss than full-term babies ( Hammarlund et al. 1979 ). To
compensate for increased heat losses, the sympathetic nervous system constricts skin
blood vessels to centralize blood flow and conserve body heat ( Asakura 2004 )
(see Chapter 6 , “Thermoregulation: Physiology and Perioperative Disturbances”).
Other factors also contribute to heat loss, including a high ratio of surface area to
body weight, reduced subcutaneous fat, and an underdeveloped or absent ability to
shiver in response to cold. In part, shivering is limited by the neonate's smaller
muscle mass (25% vs. 45% in the adult). As a result, nonshivering thermogenesis is
the major compensatory mechanism for cold stress. Norepinephrine and thyroid
hormone stimulate triglyceride and fatty acid metabolism of energy-rich brown fat
( Stern, Lees, and Leduc 1965 ). Brown fat, which is mostly deposited during the third
trimester, is stored between the scapulae and around major abdominal organs.
Infants born before the third trimester are less able to generate heat by nonshivering
thermogenesis and are therefore more prone to hypothermia. SGA neonates also
have limited nonshivering thermogenesis compared with AGA term infants.
If the staff in the NICU must adjust the environmental temperature to maintain a
normal body temperature, the infant has temperature instability. Preterm infants
usually require servocontrolled devices to maintain normal body temperatures.
Neurologically intact term infants usually require minimal assistance to maintain
stable body temperatures (e.g., clothing and a blanket). AGA infants who have
difficulty maintaining the body temperature are commonly septic or have neurologic
injury. Avoiding hypothermia is crucial to prevent increased PVR, decreased
pulmonary blood flow, and right-to-left shunting of blood through the foramen ovale
or PDA ( Brady and Ceruti 1966 ; Stephenson, Du, and Oliver 1970 ). Infants with
hypothermia for prolonged periods of time may develop hypoventilation, inadequate
oxygen delivery, acidosis, and cardiovascular collapse ( Adamsons, Gandy, and
James 1965 ).
Wrapping the trunk and extremities with plastic wrap, using stockinette caps, and
caring for the infant in an incubator or with an overhead heater help maintain a
normal body temperature during surgery ( Roberts 1981 ; Vora et al. 1999 ).
Overhead heaters may be used in the operating room before surgical drapes are
applied but cannot be used intraoperatively. Compared with incubators, overhead
warmers increase insensible water loss by approximately 0.94 mL/kg/hour or
22.6 mL/kg/day ( Flenady and Woodgate 2003 ). As a result, patients maintained
with overhead warmers may have an increased fluid requirement. The oxygen and
energy consumption and incidence of bradycardia are increased in neonates cared
for with overhead warmers ( Long, Phillip, and Lucy 1980 ; Gorski, Huntington, and
Lewkowicz 1990 ; Hutchison 1994 ).
Although infants cared for in incubators have less insensible fluid loss (and therefore
require less fluid intake) and lower body temperatures on the first 2 days of life, no
differences in weight gain, maximum serum sodium levels, or serious complications
(e.g., NEC, IVH, PVL, or ROP) were noted compared with infants treated with
overhead warmers ( Meyer et al. 2001 ). When evaluating neonates for surgery,
anesthesiologists must be aware that patients cared for under overhead warmers are
predisposed to hypovolemia.
Hepatic Function
During the third to fourth week of gestation, epithelium of the posterior foregut
forms an outpouching (liver bud) that invades the mesenchymal cells of the septum
transversum of the diaphragm. Cells from both structures form hepatocellular tissue
that is separated by sinusoids. The blood supply of the developing liver originates
from the yolk sac, and these vessels eventually become the hepatic and portal venous
systems ( Mitchell and Sharma 2009 ). A connection between the hepatic bud and
the duodenum forms the common bile duct, and an outgrowth from the common bile
duct forms the gallbladder and the cystic duct. Endodermal cells occlude the
extrahepatic bile ducts for the first 3 months of gestation. Failure of recannulation of
the ducts around this time results in extrahepatic biliary obstruction (i.e., biliary
atresia), a common cause of liver failure during the first year of life. By the fourth
week of gestation, hepatocytes produce and secrete various proteins, including α-
fetoprotein and α 1 -antitrypsin ( Diehl-Jones and Askin 2002 ). By the fifth week,
hematopoietic stem cells are present; they are the primary source of hematopoiesis
during the first and second trimesters; the bone marrow assumes this role during the
third trimester. To accomplish hematopoiesis, the liver mass increases 40-fold; in
early gestation, hematopoietic cells outnumber hepatocytes. Early in gestation,
hepatic cells differentiate into type II hepatocytes and intrahepatic bile ducts; failure
of this process is another major cause of liver failure during infancy. Formation of
the Golgi apparatus permits synthesis and secretion of albumin and other proteins.
By the second month of gestation, bile is secreted; glycogen synthesis occurs by the
10th week; and acini are present by the third month. The umbilical vein, not the
portal vein, supplies 90% of the blood flow to the left lobe of the liver and 60% to the
right lobe in utero ( Bloom and Fawcett 1975 ).
The liver is an important site for carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism, as well
as for synthesis of a wide array of compounds essential for coagulation. At the same
time, the liver stores iron (ferritin) and biotransforms many endogenous substances
(e.g., thyroxine and steroid hormones) and exogenous substances (e.g., drugs and
The following discussion focuses on the aspects of liver function most relevant to the
anesthetic care of the newborn: glucose metabolism, coagulation, and
biotransformation of drugs. Because of its high incidence, hyperbilirubinemia is also
Glucose Metabolism
A wide range of reports based on a diversity of populations has resulted in confusing
definitions of hypoglycemia over the last eight decades ( Rozance and Hay 2012 ; Tin
2014 ). In 1988, Lucas and colleagues hypothesized that motor and cognitive
development were impaired after “asymptomatic hypoglycemia.” Based on a detailed
mathematical analysis, a glucose level of less than 47 mg/dL was suggested as the
level associated with an adverse neurologic outcome. In spite of their emphasis that
confounding factors prohibited establishing a definite causal relationship, this
number (<47 mg/dL) is the commonly quoted definition of neonatal hypoglycemia
( Tin 2014 ). After systematically reviewing 18 studies, Boluyt and colleagues
(2006) concluded that none of these studies provided sufficiently robust data to
accurately correlate the degree of hypoglycemia with neurodevelopmental outcome.
Consistent with this, Houin and Rozance (2014) commented: “We are not much
closer today to understanding the long-term neurodevelopmental consequence of
hypoglycemia for these patients, and at what glucose concentrations to become
concerned.” Some investigators have suggested that “it is not possible to identify a
‘single cutoff’ value of blood glucose that can be applied to define ‘significant
neonatal hypoglycemia’ for all newborn infants with different conditions” ( Tin
2014 ).
Although neurologic injury has been linked to “hypoglycemia” for decades, most
experts recognize that the degree, duration, and frequency of hypoglycemic events, as
well as the presence of complex metabolic disorders (e.g., hyperinsulinemia), also
contribute to the risk for eventual poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Signs
associated with hypoglycemia (lethargy, hypotonia, tremulousness, irritability,
tachypnea, poor feeding, and, with increasing severity and/or duration of
hypoglycemia, seizures, apnea, or coma) are nonspecific and commonly encountered
in sick newborns who do not have hypoglycemia. Clearly, symptoms with profound
hypoglycemia (<20 mg/dL) and/or prolonged or recurrent hypoglycemia, especially
if associated with seizures or coma, predict a poor prognosis. However, the prognosis
for most neonates who develop hypoglycemia, especially when asymptomatic, is less
certain. One group of investigators found that the incidence of a low plasma glucose
concentration did not correlate with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at 2 and
15 years of age ( Tin et al. 2012 ). Another group reported significant variability in
both the type of seizures and, most important, the course of seizures associated with
hypoglycemia (glucose <47 mg/dL) ( Fong and Harvey 2014 ).
The specific pattern of predominantly posterior brain injury that has been recognized
after isolated neonatal hypoglycemia ( Barkovich et al. 1998 ) is associated with
visual loss, epilepsy, and cognitive impairment. However, hypoglycemia frequently
coexists with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (e.g., after-birth asphyxia), and the
effects of each are difficult to identify separately. Both hypoglycemia and hypoxic-
ischemic insults are associated with seizures and a depressed mental status, so
patterns of injury overlap. In one MRI study, neonatal hypoglycemia with perinatal
hypoxia-ischemia was associated with injury to the sensorimotor cortex and
corticospinal tracts, but parietooccipital areas were spared. At 12 months of age, the
combination of early hypoglycemia and hypoxic-ischemic injury was associated with
worse outcomes (motor and cognitive) ( Tam et al. 2012 ). Others have described
specific patterns for hypoglycemia versus hypoxic-ischemic injury ( Wong et al.
2013 ).
o •
o •
o •
o •
Asymptomatic: 4 to 24 hours
o •
o •
o •
If plasma glucose is 35 to 45 mg/dL→ Refeed, consider intravenous glucose
The authors of this practical guide on postnatal glucose homeostasis described the
document (endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics) as a “pragmatic
approach to a controversial issue for which evidence is lacking but guidance is
needed” ( Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Adamkin 2011 ). Because blood glucose
concentrations as low as 30 mg/dL are common in normal newborns at 1 to 2 hours,
are usually transient, and are generally considered characteristic of mammalian
adaptation from intrauterine to extrauterine life, some authors recommend
classifying this as “physiologic glucose homeostasis” ( Heck and Erenberg 1987 ).
Consistent with the marked variability in blood glucose levels over the first 3 days,
another group of investigators identified the range of glucose levels in normal-term
infants using a population metaanalysis of published studies of neonatal
hypoglycemia. At 1 to 2, 3 to 23, 24 to 47, and 48 to 72 hours of age, the lower
threshold (<5th percentile) was reported as 28, 40, 41, and 48 mg/dL, respectively
( Alkalay et al. 2006 ). These data are consistent with the advice from the American
Academy of Pediatrics ( Adamkin 2011 ).
In summary:
Serum glucose should only be measured in newborns who have symptoms or who are
at high risk for hypoglycemia (e.g., SGA or LGA infant, infant of a diabetic mother).
If the infant is symptomatic and the serum glucose is lower than 40 mg/dL,
administer intravenous glucose.
Critically ill infants usually have NPO status and require intravenous glucose. To
ensure a “margin of safety,” a level of 45 to 60 mg/dL may be appropriate.
Because the liver of a term infant has greater stores of glycogen than the adult liver
( Kalhan and Parimi 2000 ), glycogenolysis is a major mechanism used by term
newborns to maintain adequate serum glucose concentrations during a 10- to 12-
hour fast. On the other hand, preterm, SGA, and LGA infants are predisposed to
hypoglycemia secondary to decreased glycogen stores and/or unreliable glucose
metabolism (e.g., chronic exposure to an abnormal intrauterine environment). In a
recent study that attempted to define the incidence of hypoglycemia (<47 mg/dL) in
the first 48 hours of life, Harris and colleagues (2012) noted that 51% of high-risk
infants (SGA or LGA infant, infant of a diabetic mother, late preterm infant) had at
least one episode of hypoglycemia, and 19% had a severe episode (<36 mg/dL) or
more than one episode of hypoglycemia; 81% of episodes occurred in the first 24
hours after birth ( Harris et al. 2012 ).
The liver is the primary site for metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics, as well as
for detoxification of nontherapeutic and environmental compounds. At times the
liver is vulnerable to the toxic effects of these compounds. Because degradation
pathways are immature, infants (especially newborns) often metabolize drugs and
toxins less efficiently, increasing their susceptibility to the toxic effects of these
compounds compared with older infants and children. The three main categories of
hepatic-drug metabolizing systems include nonsynthetic phase I reactions
(oxidation-reduction and hydrolysis), phase II synthetic reactions (glucuronidation,
sulfation, methylation, acetylation), and phase III (transport from liver) reactions. In
general, deficiencies in the activity or capacity of many of the enzymes involved in
oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, and conjugation decrease the capacity of the
neonatal liver to metabolize and excrete drugs.
Phase I: CYP450
In humans, phase I processes are primarily the function of the cytochrome P450
(CYP) superfamily, which is subdivided into 18 families and 44 subfamilies. At least
57 genes that encode 57 monooxygenases are involved. These 57 genes are
responsible for metabolism of xenobiotics (e.g., environmental pollutants,
carcinogens), most commonly used drugs, and endogenous compounds (e.g., growth
factors, cholesterol, vitamin D, prostaglandins) ( Fanni et al. 2014a ). Of particular
relevance to the anesthesiologist are the drug-metabolizing CYPs (CYP1, A1/A2;
CYP2, A6/B6/C8/C9/C19/D6/E1/J2; CYP3, A4/A5) that account for over 95% of the
processes for drug metabolism in adults ( Zanger et al. 2014 ). Although hepatic
CYP450 isoenzymes account for most drug metabolism processes, these proteins are
also active in the kidneys, lungs, brain, breast, prostate, and gastrointestinal mucosa.
Depending on the isoform and tissue, activity of these proteins can vary up to 100-
fold among individuals. This accounts for variable rates of drug disposition and a
wide range of pharmacologic effects, toxicities, and drug-drug interactions ( Blake
et al. 2005 ).
Enormous variability in genetic and developmental regulation of the expression of
these isoenzymes during fetal and postnatal life contributes to the age-associated
differences in metabolism and, therefore, to the pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics of drugs essential to newborn care. In addition, the huge variety
of genetic factors (e.g., gender, polymorphisms) and nongenetic host (e.g., age,
disease) and environmental factors (e.g., drug exposure) implies that “every
individual possesses his or her own unique CYP profile with important implication
for drug treatment” (Zanger 2014).
o Playing a key role in biosynthesis of estriol (critical for fetal growth and
development), this isoform has been identified in early gestation; levels increase
during pregnancy and decline late in gestation, and levels are negligible postnatally.
In summary, data defining age-related maturation of the NAT family are limited and
incomplete. However, studies of isoniazid pharmacokinetics suggest that
developmental aspects of this system are highly important to both term and preterm
Although the overall process of hemostasis and coagulation remains unchanged
throughout life, many aspects differ in term and preterm infants compared with
adults. The lifelong complex process of hemostasis includes primary hemostasis,
which refers to the response of platelets (adhesion, aggregation) to an injured vessel
wall. Secondary hemostasis (cross-linked fibrin reinforcement and stabilization of
the platelet aggregate) results from coagulation factors interacting with endothelium
and other cells. Developmental hemostasis refers to the age-related changes in this
system over the weeks, months, and years after birth.
Because these large molecules do not readily cross the placenta, the fetus must
produce coagulation factors. Although levels increase throughout pregnancy, plasma
concentrations (and, in some cases, the function) of most procoagulation and
anticoagulation proteins and factors are low in fetuses and newborns. Interestingly,
the low concentrations of procoagulants are matched with lower levels of inhibitors
and lower activity of fibrinolysis ( Arnold 2014 ). The elevated level of alpha-2-
macroglobin, an inhibitor of thrombin, may compensate for the low levels of
antithrobin ( Revel-Vilk 2012 ). Thus a low level of a clotting factor does not imply an
increased risk for bleeding. Even if levels of procoagulants are low, if the
anticoagulation proteins are similarly low, the “balance” is preserved. Levels of
factors have been measured in both fetuses ( Andrew et al. 1990 ) and preterm
infants at birth (e.g., <28 weeks and 28 to 34 weeks) ( Christensen et al. 2014 ), but
estimates of “normal ranges” for both levels and function have not been clearly
defined for ELBW infants.
Although not directly related to liver function, any discussion of hemostasis must
include the role of platelets. Samples from more than 47,000 newborns confirm that
during the first 3 days of life, the initial platelet counts of preterm newborns (22 to 35
weeks' gestation) are lower than those of late preterm and term infants. The platelet
count increases throughout gestation from a lower limit (5th percentile) of
104,200/µL at 32 weeks to 123,000/µL for late preterm and term newborns. Over
the first 2 weeks of postnatal life, the level increases and then stabilizes for the
following 2 weeks. A second peak occurs at 6 to 7 weeks. The 95th percentile is
frequently higher than 450,000/µL ( Wiedmeier et al. 2009 ). In general, the
platelets of newborns function normally despite the fact that surface glycoproteins
show decreased responses to various agonists over the first 2 to 3 postnatal weeks.
Some investigators have proposed that the higher levels of von Willebrand factor
contribute to maintaining a normal bleeding time during the period after birth when
the newborn's hematocrit is high ( Revel-Vilk 2012 ).
TABLE 23-5
Screening Laboratory Tests for Hemostasis: Newborns vs. Adults
From Revel-Vilk S. The conundrum of neonatal coagulopathy. Hematology Am Soc Hematol
Educ Program. 2012;450-454.)
Premature vs. Term Newborn vs. Children Adult Age, Adu
aPTT Longer Longer 16 years
Prothrombin time Longer Same or longer 16 years
INR Higher Same or higher 16 years
Premature vs. Term Newborn vs. Children Adult Age, Adu
Thrombin time Longer Same or longer 5 years
Clotting time Same Shorter 3 month
Clot formation time Same Shorter 3 month
Max clot firmness Stronger Stronger 3 month
View full size
INR, International normalized ratio; ROTEM, rotating
thromboelastometry; TEG, thromboelasography
Recently, levels of factors (factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, and XIII;
plasminogen; protein C; total and free protein S) were reported as a function of age
(newborn, days 1 and 3; 28 days to 1 year; 1 to 5 years; 6 to 10 years; 11 to 16 years;
adult) ( Attard et al. 2013 ). In general, data were consistent with the well-described
phenomenon that levels of coagulation proteins increase postnatally. Specifically, the
following data were reported:
Levels of factors VIII and XIII did not change with age; levels of factor VIII were 20%
higher than those in adults until day 3.
Levels of factors VII, IX, and XI, as well as proteins C and S (free and total),
increased steadily from newborn to adult.
Levels of factors II and XII were low at birth but increased to adult levels between 1
month and 1 year of age.
Levels of factor X were low in newborn infants until 1 year of age and reached adult
levels between 1 and 5 years of age.
In spite of differences between newborn and adult liver function, normal newborns
with adequate levels of vitamin K seldom have clinically significant bleeding. Normal
newborns are not predisposed to coagulopathy or thrombosis, but newborns
(especially preterm infants) may develop sepsis/NEC or hypoxia, which are both
associated with high risks for disseminated intravascular dissemination (DIC) and
thrombocytopenia. These critically ill infants often require indwelling catheters,
which increase the risk for thrombosis.
Even if laboratory studies are “abnormal,” without evidence of bleeding, the benefits
of treatment must be carefully weighed against the risks of transfusion or other
intervention. As part of the preoperative evaluation, consulting experts may be
necessary to define the availability of and indications for transfusing blood products.
If significant physiologic derangements, clinical instability (e.g., hypotension,
tachycardia, poor urine output), nutritional deficiencies, and/or abnormal laboratory
studies are identified, with or without overt bleeding, aggressive treatment may be
indicated, especially when surgery is planned. This complex scenario deserves
collaborative care. An abnormal laboratory value in a stable infant may only require
monitoring in the NICU, but it may have to be “corrected” preoperatively.
Because the normal placenta efficiently clears bilirubin in utero, newborns are
seldom jaundiced. However, by 12 to 48 hours after birth, because efficient placental
clearance has been eliminated, the rate of production of the same amount of bilirubin
that occurred in utero may cause jaundice postnatally. With increasing bilirubin
concentrations, the skin becomes progressively more yellow (icteric) in a
cephalocaudad pattern ( Knudsen 1990 ). Total serum bilirubin usually peaks
between 3 and 5 days after birth and decreases to adult levels over the next several
Includes direct (conjugated) bilirubin of more than 2 mg/dL and more than 30% of
the total bilirubin concentration
Uptake of bilirubin into hepatocytes for conjugation requires glucuronic acid and the
organic anion transporter (OATP2) ( Cui et al. 2001 ). Uridine diphosphate
glucuronic acid donates the glucuronic acid. Most bilirubin is excreted in bile as
bilirubin diglucuronides. Once conjugated bilirubin enters the intestinal lumen, a
variety of pathways exist for further disposal. In children and adults, gut bacteria
metabolize bilirubin to urobilinogens for excretion in feces. Because the neonatal
gastrointestinal tract lacks the same bacterial flora as adults, some bilirubin may be
reabsorbed into the circulation, leading to increased serum concentrations.
Postnatally, β-glucuronidase can deconjugate bilirubin, allowing reabsorption of
bilirubin from the gut (so-called enterohepatic circulation). Water-soluble
conjugated bilirubin is excreted in the urine.
The high level of β-glucuronidase in breast milk has been proposed as one cause of
“breast milk jaundice” ( Gourley and Arend 1986 ). However, no specific causative
agent for breast milk jaundice has been identified. Breast milk jaundice typically
develops between days 4 to 7 of life in healthy term infants; breastfeeding jaundice
results from inadequate hydration owing to poor production of and/or intake of
breast milk.
In the early phase (days 1 to 3), acute bilirubin encephalopathy includes poor suck,
lethargy, and hypotonia. In the intermediate stage (days 4 to 6), symptoms include
hypertonia that alternates with hypotonia and fever. During stage 2 and later,
opisthotonos/retrocollis, seizures, and even coma appear. The first year is
characterized by hypotonia, active deep-tendon reflexes, and delayed motor skills.
Later phases are marked by profound movement disorders, including dystonia and
athetosis, choreoathetoid cerebral palsy with tremor, ballismus, gaze (usually
upward) abnormalities, sensorineural hearing loss or auditory neuropathy, and, in
some cases, cognitive delays ( Watchko and Maisels 2003 ). This chronic phase of
bilirubin neurotoxicity correlates with pathologic findings in the CNS secondary to
deposition of bilirubin in the globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus,
midbrain/pontine/brainstem nuclei (especially related to visuomotor function),
hippocampal neurons, diencephalon, central and peripheral auditory pathways, and
cerebellar cells. Other infants incur a more restricted injury to neural pathways that
results in less severe neural hearing deficits (auditory dyssynchrony or neuropathy)
and minor fine or gross motor deficits.
Although the incidence ranges between 0.4 and 2.7 cases/100,000 in Europe and
North America, kernicterus may be as much as 100 times more common in
developing nations ( Watchko and Tiribelli 2013 ).
Indices such as the ratio of total serum bilirubin to serum albumin seem to correlate
with unbound bilirubin levels. However, using this value instead of the total serum
bilirubin level to guide care has not decreased the incidence of BIND. Recently, the
“bilirubin-binding capacity” combined with total bilirubin levels was proposed to
better predict the risk for bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity ( Lamola et al. 2015 ), but
this system has not been evaluated in depth in the clinical setting. The overall view is
that when the level of bilirubin overwhelms neuroprotective mechanisms, brain
damage ensues. The risk of brain injury is not only due to the actual level of unbound
bilirubin but also to complex interactions of other events, including the duration of
exposure, permeability of the blood-brain barrier, intrinsic vulnerability of the brain
(e.g., gestational and postnatal age, acidosis, inflammation, sepsis), and response to
aggressive treatment. Neurons undergoing differentiation at the time of exposure to
bilirubin may be most susceptible to apoptosis inducement by bilirubin ( Watchko
and Tiribelli 2013 ). Neuronal necrosis is a predominant feature of the neurologic
injury and is most commonly identified in the basal ganglia, brainstem, and
occulomotor and cochlear nuclei. The high risk for neurotoxicity in premature
infants is exacerbated by a high incidence of concurrent disease (e.g., sepsis,
respiratory acidosis), nutritional deficits (e.g., hypoalbuminemia), and frequent drug
therapy (i.e., hepatic dysfunction, competition for binding to albumin and other
serum proteins) ( Bhutani and Wong 2013 ).
Data focused on bilirubin's role as an antioxidant have been controversial (in vitro vs.
in vivo studies) ( Dani et al. 2004 ). While bilirubin was recently reported to exert
antioxidant effects in a dose-dependent pattern, no protection was confirmed at
levels above 200 mg/L (20 mg/dL) in normal full-term newborns ( Shekeeb Shahab
et al. 2008 ).
During the preoperative visit, the levels and trends of both total and direct bilirubin
should be examined, because they can reflect either normal postnatal development or
abnormal physiology (e.g., sepsis, other metabolic derangements). In association
with other laboratory values (e.g., alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate
aminotransferase [AST], lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]), hyperbilirubinemia can
estimate hepatic dysfunction (e.g., secondary to asphyxia, sepsis, neonatal hepatitis).
Impaired bile flow or cholestasis often is associated with abnormalities in alkaline
phosphatase, γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), and 5-nucleotidase (5-NT). Because
albumin is synthesized only in the liver, abnormal levels may reflect hepatic
dysfunction. However, hypoalbuminemia also results from protein loss in the
gastrointestinal tract or kidney or from chronic infection and/or poor nutrition.
Abnormal ammonia concentrations suggest a urea cycle defect.
The goals during preoperative assessment are to understand the functional status of
the liver and estimate its effect on drug metabolism, blood loss, surgical trauma, and
the need for coagulation factors. Aggressive red blood cell transfusion may increase
the volume of hemoglobin presented to the liver after surgery; cardiorespiratory
instability (acidosis, hypercarbia) may exacerbate hepatic dysfunction and increase
the permeability of the blood-brain barrier perioperatively, so monitoring and
aggressive treatment of hyperbilirubinemia may be indicated for the preoperative,
critically ill newborn.
Renal Function
Metabolic stability and electrolyte homeostasis are maintained in utero via the
placenta, and intrauterine renal growth and development do not appear to be linked
or regulated by function. Appreciating the complexities of renal development
provides a framework for understanding the impact of congenital
malformations/anomalies, prematurity, and other disorders on acid-base
homeostasis and fluid and electrolyte balance.
More than 60% of nephrons form during the last third of pregnancy ( Gubhaju et al.
2011 ), and during this period, kidney growth correlates directly with gestational age.
Thus late gestation is critical for normal nephrogenesis. Infants born prematurely
continue to develop new nephrons postnatally but only for about 40 days ( Rodríguez
et al. 2004 ). Consequently, at 25 weeks' gestation, an infant will have reached the
postconceptual age of only 31 weeks when nephrogenesis ceases; compared with
infants born at or after 36 weeks' gestation, ELBW infants have fewer nephrons. In
addition to the absence of nephrogenesis after 40 days of postnatal life ( Rodríguez
et al. 2004 ), investigators noted that as many as 18% of glomeruli were abnormal
(e.g., were cystic, had increased volume, were poorly vascularized), especially in the
outer cortex. That is, the most mature glomeruli are juxtamedullary, so postnatal
development primarily affects the outer areas of the cortex ( Gubhaju et al. 2011 ).
Others also have documented that because growth of the fetal kidney begins deep in
the medulla, the juxtamedullary nephrons are more mature than other nephrons at
birth ( Evan et al. 1983 ) and have greater tubular length than outer and inner
cortical nephrons. In several autopsy studies of ELBW infants, glomerular number
correlated with gestational age, but injury during the neonatal period (e.g., renal
failure) added variability to the relationship ( Rodríguez et al. 20042005 ; Faa et al.
2010 ; Sutherland et al. 2011 ).
Among healthy full-term infants, the number of nephrons varies at least fourfold to
fivefold (300,000 to ≈1.5 million per kidney) ( Merlet-Bénichou et al. 1999 ). Others
( Georgas et al. 2009 ) suggest that variation may be as high as ninefold (210,000 up
to 1.825 million) ( Hughson et al. 2003 ; Bertram et al. 2011 ). Data from a
prospective cohort of healthy subjects who were followed from the second trimester
of pregnancy to 5 to 8 years of age have expanded the database linking in utero
events to later health (so-called Developmental Origins of Health and Disease,
DOHaD) ( Barker 19902004 ; Gluckman et al. 2008 ; Norman 2008 ; Fanni et al.
2012 ; Zohdi et al. 2012 ). Fetal growth was correlated with renal size and GFR.
Prematurity and in utero growth restriction predicted smaller kidney volumes and
lower estimated GFRs at school age. Similarly, higher second-trimester fetal weights
predicted higher GFRs in early childhood; higher birth weights also correlated with
higher kidney volume and GFR ( Bakker et al. 2014 ). Also consistent with the
DOHaD, studies suggest that having fewer nephrons shortly after birth correlates
with hypertension later in life ( Brenner, Garcia, and Anderson 1988 ; Keller et al.
2003 ) and with development of focal glomerulosclerosis with proteinuria
( Rodríguez et al. 2004 ; Hodgin et al. 2009 ). Brenner and Mackenzie
(1997) suggested that early loss of nephrons associated with prematurity induces
“hyperfiltration” by the normal units. These hypertrophied, overworked nephrons
slowly sclerose, leading to progressive renal dysfunction later in life.
Urine is formed by 10 weeks' gestation, and the volume increases from about 2 to
5 mL/hour by 20 weeks to 10 to 12 mL/hour at 30 weeks, 12 to 16 mL/hour at 35
weeks, and 35 to 50 mL/hour at 40 weeks ( Engle 1986 ; Rabinowitz et al.
1989 ; Chevalier 19962008 ). Urine is hypotonic early in gestation (100 to
250 mOsm/kg), and tonicity decreases throughout gestation (i.e., always less than
plasma, similar to patients with diabetes insipidus). For example, urinary sodium is
120 mEq/L at midgestation and decreases to 50 mEq/L by 32 to 35 weeks' gestation
( Spitzer 1996 ; Moritz et al. 2008 ). Large quantities of hypotonic urine are essential
for maintaining normal amniotic fluid volumes, especially after 18 weeks. Oliguria
leads to oligohydramnios and constraint of the fetus in utero, which may be
associated with dysmorphic features, including a flattened nasal bridge and low-set
ears, clubfeet, limb contractures, and, in some cases, life-threatening pulmonary
hypoplasia. High fetal urine volumes are required for normal development of organs
outside the urinary tract.
Fetal and neonatal renal function is characterized by low renal blood flow, GFR, solid
excretion, and concentrating power ( Chevalier 1996 ). In utero, blood flow is low
because renal vascular resistance is high. After birth, renal blood flow and the
percentage of the cardiac output distributed to the kidneys (2% to 4% in utero, 10%
at 1 week of age, 25% in adults) increase markedly as arterial blood pressures and
renal transcapillary hydraulic pressures increase and renal vascular resistance
decreases. Renal blood flow is approximately 20 mL/min at 25 weeks' gestation and
60 mL/min near term ( Veille et al. 1993 ). Postnatally, the increased distribution of
cardiac output to the kidney further increases renal blood flow (80 mL/1.73 m 2 at
term, 250 mL/min/1.73 m 2 8 days after birth, and 770 mL/min/1.73 m 2 at 5 months)
( Guignard and Sulyok 2012 ) (see Chapter 5 , “Regulation of Fluids and Electrolytes”).
During the first 3 to 7 days of extrauterine life, healthy term infants lose
approximately 5% to 10% of their body weight, primarily through contraction of the
extracellular water space ( Fig. 23-15 ). Preterm infants follow a similar pattern but
often lose more than 15% of birth weight and tend to establish steady growth later
than full-term infants. Cardiorespiratory abnormalities and treatment, infections and
side effects, and pharmacologic interventions alter normal patterns of renal growth
in both term and preterm neonates.
Although the GFR increased at a slower rate in ELBW infants, in those without
acquired renal insufficiency, the GFR doubled by 2 weeks of age and tripled by 3
months. Thereafter, the GFR increased more slowly; adult values for the GFR are
reached by 12 to 24 months. Because of rapid renal maturation after birth, a 3-week-
old ex-27 weeks gestational age infant may have significantly more mature renal
function than a healthy 6-hour-old full-term infant. Postnatal renal maturation
apparently occurs in response to demand (separation from the placenta plus solute
exposure). Renal filtration and concentrating ability increase when the kidneys are
The polarized membrane of renal tubular cells allows the selective absorption and
secretion of a wide variety of molecules. The apical membrane faces the lumen of the
tubule, and the basal membrane faces the capillaries. The selective sodium-coupled
transporters located on the apical (brush border) membrane of the proximal tubules
salvage compounds such as amino acids, glucose, phosphate, and lactate. The Na + ,
K + -ATPase pump located on the basolateral membrane maintains the normal
extracellular-to-intracellular sodium gradient essential for active transport of the
substrates across the apical membrane. Activity of the Na + , K + -ATPase pump
accounts for approximately 70% of renal oxygen consumption. About 60% to 80% of
sodium reabsorption occurs in the proximal tubules. Another 10% to 15% occurs in
the distal tubules (i.e., responsive to aldosterone) and collecting tubules (responsive
to arginine vasopressin [AVP], which regulates water permeability). The quantity of
sodium presented to the distal tubules depends in part on the efficiency of the
proximal tubules ( Holtbäck and Aperia 2003 ).
After birth, activity of renal Na + , K + -ATPase increases 5-fold to 10-fold ( Holtbäck
and Aperia 2003 ). Because most renal tubular transport depends on transmembrane
(extracellular to intracellular) sodium gradients, which are maintained by Na + , K + -
ATPase activity, developmental changes of this enzyme dramatically affect many
solute transporters (e.g., glucose, amino acids). Perinatal increases in glucocorticoids
and thyroid hormones seem to contribute to the postnatal increases in Na + , K + -
ATPase activity ( Gattineni and Baum 2015 ). Increases in apical sodium transport
may be important for maturation of Na + , K + -ATPase activity ( Fukuda and Aperia
1988 ).
In part, the 25% increase in expression of the α-unit of the apical amiloride-sensitive
epithelial Na + channel located on the distal nephron between 24 and 36 weeks'
gestation may account for decreased fractional sodium excretion postnatally
( Delgado et al. 2003 ). Aldosterone induces trafficking of the epithelial Na+ channel
to the apical membrane, allowing sodium to move intracellularly along an
electrochemical gradient maintained by Na + , K + -ATPase ( Edinger et al. 2014 ). The
resulting negative potential within the tubular lumen produces a driving force for
several responses, including potassium secretion via a channel (ROMK), proton
secretion, and paracellular reabsorption of chloride.
Throughout early infancy, the kidney maintains the positive sodium balance required
for normal growth and development, especially in ex-prematures. Sodium uptake
into rapidly growing tissue at 4 to 6 weeks of age can cause so-called late
hyponatremia ( Drukker and Guignard 2002 ).
At least 13 isoforms of AQP have been identified. At least seven are expressed in
various areas of the nephron and allow either constitutive or AVP-induced water
permeation. For example, AQP2 is translocated from intracellular vesicles to the
apical membrane of the collecting duct in response to AVP; urinary levels of AQP1
and AQP2 increase in response to AVP release. At term, AQP1 (the major aquaporin
in the proximal tubule) and AQP2 (collecting duct) are expressed at approximately
50% of normal adult kidney levels ( Yasui et al. 1996 ; Moritz et al. 2008 ). In a group
of infants at 27 to 34 weeks' gestational age, AQP2 excretion increased by day 3,
which coincided with the normal diuresis and loss of body weight ( Iacobelli et al.
2006 ). Others have documented that by 3 weeks of age in infants born between 26
and 39 weeks' gestation, urine levels of AQP2 correlated with gestational age
( Zelenina et al. 2006 ).
The kidneys both reabsorb bicarbonate and excrete fixed acids to maintain acid-base
homeostasis. The proximal tubules are the primary site for bicarbonate reabsorption
(80%), while the thick ascending limb of Henle resorbs 10%, and the distal nephron
resorbs 9%. Proton secretion is coupled to bicarbonate reabsorption. Hydrogen is
actively secreted and reacts with bicarbonate to produce carbonic acid and carbon
dioxide. These substances enter tubular cells through the action of carbonic
anhydrase. Bicarbonate again forms and exits the cell via another transporter. The
immaturity of the Na + -H + exchanger (NHE), the critical transporter for mediating
sodium reabsorption and proton secretion, contributes to the newborn's relatively
low serum bicarbonate concentrations. At least 10 isoforms of this protein have been
identified, and most have age-related expression ( Gattineni and Baum 2015 ). For
example, NHE3 populates both the proximal tubule and the thick ascending limb
and is primarily responsible for reabsorption of bicarbonate. NHE3 expression is low
in newborn rodents and increases dramatically over the first few postnatal weeks
( Holtbäck and Aperia 2003 ; Gattineni and Baum 2015 ). Immature carbonic
anhydrase activity and impaired NHE function explain in part the normal mild
metabolic acidosis characteristic of newborns, especially premature infants.
Both the transport maximum (T m ) and tubular reabsorption of glucose are decreased
in newborns (150 mg/dL in term neonates, 180 mg/dL in older children and adults),
especially in ELBW infants. Fractional excretion of glucose is variable, and glucosuria
may occur even during normoglycemia, especially in very premature infants
( Wilkins 1992 ). Maturation of glucose transport correlates with increasing numbers
of transporters and with increases in Na + , K + -ATPase activity ( Gattineni and Baum
2015 ). Transcellular transport of glucose depends on isoforms of two families of
proteins: the sodium-glucose apical symporter (SGLT) and the uniporter (GLUT) on
the lateral membrane of the proximal tubular cell. Each of these transporters
undergoes early postnatal developmental changes.
About 80% of filtered phosphate is actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule via the
sodium-dependent transporter (Na + -phosphate cotransporter). Compared with
adults, newborns normally maintain a positive phosphate balance (similar to
potassium) and a higher serum phosphate concentration, which are essential for
growth. For any level of filtered load, newborn animals reabsorb at least twice as
much phosphate (normalized to mass and GFR) as adults ( Gattineni and Baum
2015 ). PTH and fibroblast growth factor may have roles in regulating total body
phosphate, including the higher serum levels present in newborns. Immature
animals have decreased responses to PTH (i.e., it elicits a phosphaturic response)
( Johnson and Spitzer 1986 ).
Angiotensin II is considered the primary effector peptide of the RAS system, acting
via two receptors: angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R) and angiotensin receptor type 2
(AT2R). While AT1R has been clearly linked to regulation of arterial blood pressure,
renal function, response to thirst, and sympathetic responses, the specific role(s) of
AT2R are less well known. In general, AT1R mediates vasoconstriction effects of
angiotensin II, whereas AT2R counterbalances this action with vasodilatation. In
contrast to AT1R, which has been associated with growth and proliferation, AT2R
seems to mediate apoptosis and inhibition of growth. Some experts have suggested
that the two receptors act in concert as a kind of coregulatory system, with the final
physiologic activities resulting from the relative balance of the two systems. Others
disagree with this simplistic view ( Kaschina and Unger 2003 ; Paul et al.
2006 ; Porrello et al. 2009 ; Vinturache and Smith 2014 ).
Components of the RAS system are present early in gestation ( Schütz et al. 1996 ).
Developmental changes in angiotensin receptor distribution imply functional
differences during maturation. For example, AT2Rs predominate in the kidney of
fetal and neonatal tissue and decline postnatally. AT2Rs again become important
later in life in patients who have hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus ( Porrello
et al. 2009 ; Vinturache and Smith 2014 ). AT1Rs develop later in fetal life, peak
postnatally, and gradually decrease to adult levels in the postnatal period. In
summary, both receptors may have a role in nephrogenesis, although their relative
and specific roles remain controversial.
Some experts propose that urinary aldosterone excretion (UAE) provides a reliable
index, at least in part, for evaluating sensitivity to secretion of this hormone. UAE
concentrations inversely correlate with gestational age, birth weight, and plasma
sodium levels ( Costa et al. 2012 ). Immature kidneys are less responsive to the
sodium- and water-conserving effects of these hormones, or so-called physiologic
partial aldosterone resistance ( Martinerie et al. 2009 ). Prostaglandins may partially
counterbalance the vasoconstrictive effects of these hormones. Treatment with the
prostaglandin inhibitor indomethacin when attempting to close a PDA may be
associated with renal dysfunction, perhaps related to unopposed vasoconstriction.
Less renal insufficiency may be associated with ibuprofen than with indomethacin
( Ohlsson et al. 2013 ).
Natriuretic peptides (e.g., atrial natriuretic peptide [ANP]) inhibit the production
and action of renin and aldosterone. Plasma concentrations of ANP remain high in
normal newborns during the initial days of life and then decrease rapidly over the
remainder of the first week. Adult levels of ANP are achieved by 3 months of age.
High circulating concentrations of ANP, plus prostaglandins and progesterone,
correlate with the 10% to 15% perinatal weight loss that occurs during the first few
days ( Tulassay et al. 1986 ). In fact, the weight loss per kilogram of premature
infants is often much higher than that of older infants, especially ELBW infants.
Other clinically specific effects remain controversial, but oliguria induced by positive
end-expiratory pressure might be linked to inadequate release of ANP.
Efforts have been made to stratify the risk for death or a poor neurodevelopmental
outcome based on the critical serum creatinine levels (>1.6 mg/dL at 24 to 27 weeks'
gestational age, 1.1 mg/dL at 28 to 29 weeks, and 1 mg/dL at 30 to 32 weeks) ( Bruel
et al. 2013 ). Jetton and Askenazi (2014) caution that serum creatinine reflects
function rather than degree or nature of an injury and does not increase until as long
as 24 to 48 hours after the initial injury and only after 25% to 50% of function is lost
( Jetton and Askenazi 2014 ). In addition to these “critical values,” efforts to
categorize and standardize definitions of AKI now include systems that stratify
severity. Recently, a work group integrated data from the pRIFLE group
( p ediatric r isk, i njury, f ailure, l oss, and e nd-stage renal disease) with data from
the adult RIFLE group and the Acute Kidney Injury Network to define stages of AKI
based on urine output and serum creatinine levels ( Jetton and Askenazi 2014 ).
TABLE 23-6
Maintenance Fluid Requirements During the First Month of Life
Adapted from Veille JC. AGA infants in a thermoneutral environment during the first week of
life. Clin Perinatol. 1988;15:863; Taeusch HW, Ballard RA, Avery ME. Schaffer and Avery's
diseases of the newborn, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1991; and Lorenz J, Kleinman LI,
Ahmed G, et al. Phases of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis in the extremely low birth weight
infant. Pediatrics. 1995;96:484.
Birth Weight (g) Insensible Water Loss (mL/kg/day) WATER REQUIREMENTS (ML/KG/DAY
Day 1–2 Day 3–7 Day
<750 100–200 100–200+ 150–200+
750–1000 60–70 80–150 100–150
1001–1500 30–65 60–100 80–150
>1500 15–30 60–80 100–150
View full size
Following the trends of serum and urine electrolytes, glucose, and hemoglobin
concentrations and correlating these values with body weight and intake of fluid and
output of urine provide the framework for fluid and electrolyte therapy. Over
decades, experts have attempted to link the incidence of PDA, NEC, and BPD to
overhydration, hypernatremia, or hyponatremia, but no conclusive evidence exists to
confirm causal relationships.
Meeting the high caloric requirements to achieve growth is challenging with the
newborn's limited ability to excrete or reabsorb a variety of solutes and nutrients.
Along with this high anabolic rate, the increased solute load in early postnatal life
coincides with the narrow therapeutic index for fluid and electrolytes (especially in
VLBW infants). Insensible water losses are enormous, and renal immaturity and/or
insufficiency and multiorgan effects of prematurity and infection are common.
Hematologic Function
Developmental hematopoiesis takes place in three stages and locations: the
embryonic yolk sac, fetal liver, and bone marrow ( Sacher and McPherson
1986 ; Rappaport 1997 ). Each stage is critical to survival.
At 8 weeks' gestation, AGM stem cells begin to populate bone marrow, which
initiates the complex regulatory hematopoietic interactions that are sustained over a
lifetime. As progenitor cells populate the maturing extracellular bone marrow matrix,
adhesion molecules such as integrins, selectins, and CD14+ cells promote progenitor
cell−stromal binding that creates protected microenvironments. These
microenvironments allow cytokines, colony-stimulating factors, interleukins, and
other growth factors to exert a selective influence on cell growth and maturation. At
birth, a large percentage of umbilical cord cells are progenitors. The hematopoietic
capacity of term infants is comparable to that of adults.
TABLE 23-7
Normal Hematologic Values for Appropriate for Gestational Age (AGA), Small for Gestational
Age (SGA), and Premature Infants
Data from Obladen M, Diepold K, Maier R, the European Multicenter rhEPO Study Group.
Venous and arterial hematologic profiles of very low birth weight
infants Pediatrics. 2000;106:707-711; Özyürek E, S. Çetintaş S, Ceylan T, et al. Complete blood
count parameters for healthy, small-for-gestational-age, full-term newborns. Clin Lab
Haem. 2006:28;97-104; Christensen RD, Henry E, Jopling J, et al. The CBC: Reference ranges
for neonates. Semin Perinatol. 2009;33:3-11; Jopling J, Henry E, Wiedmeier SE, et al. Reference
ranges for hematocrit and blood hemoglobin concentration during the neonatal period: Data from
a multihospital health care system. Pediatrics. 2009;123:e333-e337.
Day 1 Day 7 Day 1 Day 7 Day 3
Hb (g/dL) 17.0 ± 0.4 16.2 ± 0.4 18.2 ± 0.4 15.4 ± 0.3 15.5
(Range) (17–23) (10.3–20.0) (14–22.5) (9.8–20.2)
Hct (%) 47.1 ± 1.0 44.6 ± 1.0 53.3 ± 0.8 44.4 ± 1.0 47
(Range) (36.7–62.8) (28.5 ± 54.7) (32.6–66.9) (28.8–60.3)
RBC (109/uL 4.7 ± 0.1 4.5 ± 1.0 5.1 ± 0.8 4.4 ± 0.1 4.2
(Range) (3.6–6.2) (3.0–5.6) (3.8–6.5) (2.7–6.0)
WBC (103) 15.0 ± 7.0 10.6 ± 3.3 13.3 ± 0.9 9.6 ± 0.4 9.5
(Range) (7.1–25.4) (6.6–15.4) (4.6–16.5) (3.8–15.5)
Plts (109/L) 214.7 ± 6.0 321.3 ± 13.6 182 ± 8.0 287.7 ± 15.7 261
Day 1 Day 7 Day 1 Day 7 Day 3
(Range) (102–292) (134–594) (55.9–344) (134–594) (120–407)
View full size
Jopling and colleagues (2009) reported a linear increase in hemoglobin
concentration from 14 g at 25 weeks' gestation, 16 g at 30 weeks, and 17 g at 35 weeks
to 18 g in AGA neonates at term; gender does not affect hemoglobin concentration.
At birth, SGA infants often have higher hemoglobin concentrations than full-term
babies, primarily to compensate for intrauterine hypoxia and in response to elevated
erythropoietin levels ( Snijders et al. 1993 ). However, in these infants, hemoglobin
concentration decreases about 10% over the first week of life (see Small-for-Gestational-
Age Infant ). In contrast, the hemoglobin concentrations of preterm infants are lower
at birth than those of SGA or AGA infants and decrease significantly after birth
(see Table 23-7 ) ( Obladen, Diepold, and Maier 2000 ).
The white blood count of newborns varies widely at birth, especially after an in utero
infection or if the mother was given betamethasone to induce fetal lung maturity
(see Table 23-7 ) ( Cohen et al. 1993 ). Some healthy infants have white blood cell
counts as high as 25,000/µL at birth. Although 21% of SGA neonates are neutropenic
at birth, white blood cell counts are normal by 7 days of age ( Ozyürek et al. 2006 ).
Trends in total and differential white blood cell counts often correlate with infection.
However, a newborn may develop either a high or low neutrophil count in response
to systemic infection/sepsis. The anesthesiologist should determine the hemoglobin
concentrations required to maintain a stable cardiorespiratory status. For example,
some fragile infants are hemodynamically unstable unless the hemoglobin
concentration is maintained between 16 to 18 g/dL. Of course, the hemoglobin
concentrations must be correlated with the findings on physical examination. If
peripheral perfusion (e.g., capillary refill times) is inadequate and/or tachycardia
and/or hypotension are present, despite having a hemoglobin concentration of 16
to18 g/dL, an isotonic crystalloid or non−red blood cell colloid should be delivered to
improve perfusion. On the other hand, with similar physical findings, patients who
have hemoglobin concentrations of 12 to 14 g/dL sometimes require packed red
blood cell transfusion. Extracellular potassium levels are elevated in blood stored for
more than 3 to 5 days (at times, levels >10 mEq/L). Rapidly administering such
blood to newborns may precipitate a potassium-induced cardiac arrest ( Brown,
Bissonnette, and McIntyre 1990 ).
In the United States, the birth rate has steadily declined (≈9%) during the last decade
(4.28 million in 2007 to 3.95 million in 2011 to 3.93 million in 2013). Similarly, the
rate of preterm birth has steadily decreased for seven consecutive years ( Martin et al.
2015 ). Although ELBW infants (<1000 g) are less than 1% of all newborns, they are
approximately 6% of all preterm newborns. Compared with other nations, the
premature birth rate in the United States ranks in the lower third (54th of 184)
( ).
Although gestational age predicts both mortality and morbidity rates and imparts
definite and significant effects on both short-term and long-term outcomes, other
factors should be considered. For example, Tyson and colleagues (2008) noted that
female gender, singleton birth, higher birth weight (i.e., 100-g increments), and
exposure to antenatal steroids improved outcomes similar to those associated with a
1-week increase in gestational age.
TABLE 23-8
Incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (%)
Data from Stoll BJ, Hansen NI, Bell EF, et al. Neonatal outcomes of extremely preterm infants
from the NICHD neonatal research network. Pediatrics. 2010;126:443-456.
23 Weeks 26 Weeks 28 Weeks
Mild 26 35 16
Moderate 35 26 15
Severe 39 17 8
View full size
After 23-weeks' gestation, all infants incurred some degree of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
(BPD) (mild, 26%; moderate, 35%; severe, 39%). Although still prevalent, BPD was less common
in the 28-week gestation group (mild, 16%; moderate, 15%; severe, 8%). Incidence of BPD
varies markedly among subgroups of infants based on gestational age.
Diagnostic criteria for BPD have been revised as survival of preterm infants has
increased. One commonly applied definition includes grading according to severity
( Jobe and Bancalari 2001 ):
o Mild: Fi o 2 0.21
Over the last decade, “new BPD” has been differentiated from “old BPD.” New BPD
primarily develops in ELBW infants who are born during the late canalicular or early
saccular phase of lung development ( Baraldi and Filippone 2007 ) and who were
exposed to gentler ventilator strategies, prenatal steroids, postnatal surfactant, and
lower concentrations of supplemental oxygen. In contrast, old BPD refers to the
pulmonary disease in preterm infants born during the presurfactant era (before
1990) who were born at a later gestational age (primarily > 32 weeks) during the late
saccular and alveolar stages of lung development. These infants were often exposed
to vigorous mechanical ventilation and high concentrations of supplemental oxygen.
Intense airway inflammation, cysts, fibrosis, severe epithelial injury, and smooth
muscle hyperplasia characterize old BPD ( Fig. 23-18 ).
Despite the well-described differences in the pathology of new and old BPD, children
born prematurely over the last 3 decades and subjected to various treatments (e.g.,
surfactant, gentle ventilation) have remarkably similar types of long-term pulmonary
dysfunction ( Fawke et al. 2010 ) that persists into late childhood and early
In summary, birth during the canalicular or early saccular stage of lung development
predisposes ELBW infants to growth retardation of both the airways and the
pulmonary vascular system. This consequence most likely evolves secondary to
interference with a variety of cell-signaling pathways essential for lung development.
These signaling pathways are affected by genetic factors, inflammation, infection,
mechanical ventilation, and oxygen toxicity ( Baraldi and Filippone 2007 ; Lavoie
and Dubé 2010 ; Baker et al. 2014 ).
To avoid needless exposure to oxygen, oxygen therapy should be titrated to meet and
not exceed these normal targets in the first minutes of life.
Multiple studies and metaanalyses support the revised guidelines for oxygen delivery
during resuscitation of full-term infants by determining short-term outcomes and
mortality rates after resuscitation with room air versus 100% oxygen ( Davis et al.
2004 ; Saugstad, Ramji, and Vento 2005 ; Saugstad et al. 2008 ). Infants resuscitated
with room air recovered more quickly, as assessed by the Apgar score, time to first
cry, heart rate at 90 seconds, and sustained pattern of respiration ( Saugstad
2005 ; Saugstad et al. 2008 ). Davis and colleagues (2004) reported lower mortality
rates at 1 and 4 weeks of age and no difference in the incidence of hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy between the two groups. Accordingly, in 2010, the International
Liaison Committee on Resuscitation guidelines were changed: “In term infants
receiving resuscitation with intermittent positive-pressure ventilation, 100% oxygen
conferred no advantage over air in the short term and resulted in increased time to
first breath or cry or both. Metaanalyses of these studies showed a decrease in
mortality for those resuscitated with air” ( Perlman et al. 2010 ).
A recent metaanalysis compared the outcomes of two groups of infants who were
both 32 weeks' gestational age or less. One group received an FiO 2 between 0.21 and
0.30 and the other between 0.60 and 1.0. Although the authors identified no
differences in the incidence of BPD and IVH, mortality rates were higher in the group
resuscitated with the higher FiO 2 ( Saugstad et al. 2014 ). Consequently, during
resuscitation, the FiO 2 should be adjusted according to the infant's status.
Unfortunately, the specific target for the premature infant remains elusive.
In each trial, the target oxygen saturation was either between 85% and 89% or 91%
and 95%. Because of disparity in some aspects of the methods, these randomized
controlled, multicenter studies could not definitively define an appropriate range of
oxygen saturation that maximizes survival and minimizes the morbidity of ELBW
infants. Jobe (2014) noted, “Three trials reported almost 5000 randomized infants in
aggregate, and each trial was interpreted by the authors somewhat differently.” The
appropriate oxygen saturation for more mature but premature infants was not
considered in NeOProM.
Several experts have commented on these data ( Schmidt et al. 2014 ), and others
have published a metaanalysis ( Saugstad and Aune 2014 ) of the five trials. The
following are comments from these experts.
The two narrow ranges were targeted because they are within the commonly
accepted wider range of 85% to 95%.
Overlap of oxygen saturations in the high and low groups varied among the
individual trials ( Schmidt et al. 2014 ).
When data from the three BOOST II trials were pooled with those from SUPPORT
and COT, the authors suggested that the targeted oxygen saturations should be
between 90% and 95% for infants less than 28 weeks' gestation until they reach a
postmenstrual age of 36 weeks ( Saugstad and Aune 2014 ).
Schmidt suggests that “as we try to strike the right balance for our patients between
oxygen deprivation and oxygen toxicity, we must remember that severe ROP remains
an adverse outcome of neonatal intensive care with poor prognosis for child
development” ( Schmidt et al. 2014 ). Schmidt proposed that targeting saturations
between 85% and 95% may be rational, but strictly enforcing alarm limits of 85% and
95% during oxygen therapy is critical ( Schmidt et al. 2013 ).
Saugstad and Aune (2014) noted that the target saturation must be defined not only
for ELBW infants but also for infants beyond 28 weeks' gestation and postconceptual
ages. In addition, clinical status (e.g., sepsis) may affect the level of oxygen saturation
In summary, in spite of the large number of infants enrolled in these studies,
variability among the five trials resulted in inability to confidently recommend a
narrow range of oxygen saturation that avoids increased mortality and toxicity rates.
Thus, although some clinicians aim to avoid an oxygen saturation of below 90%, the
effect of an occasional “dip” in oxygen saturation to 85% to 89% is unknown.
The instability of ELBW infants prevents reliably maintaining the oxygen saturation
within narrow brackets ( Jobe 2014 ). It is nearly impossible to reliably identify and
prevent complications associated with differences in oxygen saturation of only 2% to
4%. In fact, oxygen saturation in critically ill infants may fluctuate widely beyond the
target range for significant periods of time ( Hagadorn et al. 2006 ). In one study, the
inspired oxygen concentration was adjusted 0.7 to 5.2 times per hour when
attempting to maintain oxygen saturation within the targeted range. Despite this,
oxygen saturation fell outside the alarm limits approximately 50% of the time (van
der Eijk et al. 2012 ). During support with CPAP, the targeted oxygen saturation of
88% to 92% was maintained only 31% of the time. These infants experienced 48
episodes of hyperoxia (SpO 2 >98%) and 9 of hypoxia (SpO 2 <80%), despite
adjusting the FiO 2 an average of 25 times per day ( Jobe 2014 ; Lim et al. 2014 ).
Postconceptual age, inspired oxygen concentration, mode of ventilator support, and
nurse/patient ratios also affect the ability to maintain oxygen saturation within
targeted ranges ( Sink et al. 2011 ).
Although the details of specific studies that comprise the huge literature devoted to
this topic vary, the following generalizations can be made:
The incidence of moderate to severe BPD is much lower in infants beyond 30 weeks'
gestation or in those who weigh more than 1500 g at birth ( Baraldi and Filippone
2007 ).
Infants with BPD commonly feed poorly and fail to grow normally.
With “new BPD” and increased survival of “micropremature” infants, oxygen therapy
(e.g., often <1 L/min flow) may be necessary for months to years to maintain oxygen
saturations of 90% to 95%. In one recent report, 74% of ex-ELBW weight infants
discharged from the hospital were receiving supplemental oxygen ( Trittmann et al.
2013 ).
Impaired pulmonary growth and function result both from injury to developing,
vulnerable lungs (e.g., mechanical ventilation, supplemental oxygen, infection) and
from disordered repair processes.
Rehospitalization is common during the first 2 years of life for ex-prematures born
before 32 weeks' gestation (40%, year 1; 25%, year 2) and is primarily due to
respiratory infections ( Hack and Fanaroff 2000 ; Lamarche-Vadel et al.
2004 ; Greenough et al. 2005 ; Hennessy et al. 2008 ; Ralser et al. 2012 ).
Over the first 1 to 2 years of life, ex-premature infants have significant respiratory
symptoms and illness. Reactive airway disease is common and is exacerbated by
repeated infections. While pulmonary function seems to improve by 6 to 8 years of
life, air flow abnormalities persist in adolescents and adults who were born
Spirometric abnormalities (e.g., FEV 1 , FEF 25%–75% , peak expiratory flow rates) have
been documented repeatedly in ex-premature infants and confirm that those with
BPD are most severely affected. The most pervasive abnormalities are those that
reflect air flow, air trapping, and hyperresponsiveness. In addition, spirometric
values of ex-prematures both with and without BPD fall below those of full-term
infants. For example, a group of ex-prematures (<1000g/<28 weeks' gestation; born
in 1991 and 1992) were studied at 8 to 9 years of age and compared with infants born
at term. Prematurely born infants more often had diminished air flow than those
born at term. Specifically, 27.3% and 15.2% of the BPD and non-BPD preterm
groups, respectively, versus 2.4% of the controls had an FEV 1 less than 75% of that
predicted. Air trapping (increased residual volume, RV/TLC) was more common in
the ex-premature groups, especially those with BPD ( Doyle et al. 2006c ). The same
investigators evaluated another cohort of ELBW infants born in 1997 to determine if
outcomes improved with evolving care. Again, parameters of air flow (FEV 1 and
FEF 25%–75% ) were significantly abnormal in children with BPD compared with the non-
BPD and control group. The overall results were similar to those from the earlier era
when survival rates were lower.
Exercise tolerance and gas diffusion during exercise further define the impact of
residual respiratory abnormalities in ex-premature infants ( Jacob et al.
1997 ; Mitchell et al. 1998 ; Narang et al., 2009 ; Lum et al. 2011 ; Bhandari and
McGrath-Morrow 2013 ; Joshi et al. 2013 ). One study compared exercise
performance in three groups of children 9 to 12 years old: those with a history of
severe BPD, those who had RDS without BPD, and healthy infants born at term. The
BPD group used a greater percentage of ventilatory reserve (V E MAX/40 FEV 1 )
during exercise, especially those with the lowest FEV 1 ( Jacob et al. 1997 ; Smith et al.
2008 ). More recently, in a group of ex-prematures 8 to 12 years old (<32 weeks'
gestation) with and without a history of BPD, Joshi and colleagues (2013) reported a
higher rate of “doctor-diagnosed” asthma, dry cough at night, and exercise-induced
wheezing in the BPD group ( Joshi et al. 2013 ). Few of these patients were receiving
bronchodilators to treat these symptoms. Although both the term and preterm group
without BPD experienced a modestly decreased FEV 1 in response to exercise, the
BPD group displayed a greater decrease (i.e., exercise-induced bronchoconstriction).
In addition, the BPD group had a more dramatic increase in FEV 1 in response to
albuterol, suggesting a component of reversible and undertreated
bronchoconstriction. Although the peak oxygen consumption of both groups was
similar, the BPD group used more ventilatory reserve to achieve this performance.
Maximum voluntary ventilation and ventilatory capacity were lowest in children who
had had BPD and highest in those born at term; performance of the ex-preterm
without BPD ranked between these two groups. Finally, the diffusion capacity of
carbon dioxide was lower in the BPD group than in the other two groups, as reported
by others ( Mitchell, Teague, and Robinson 1998 ; Welsh et al. 2010 ).
Some investigators noted that respiratory symptoms of patients with BPD worsen
during the first year of life ( Baraldi and Filippone 2007 ), especially during acute
viral infections (particularly with respiratory syncytial virus [RSV]). Children born
before 29 weeks' gestation were rehospitalized more often. Because infants and
young children with chronic lung disease (including BPD) have an increased risk for
hospitalization with RSV, prophylaxis with palivizumab (humanized mouse
immunoglobulin [IgG1] monoclonal antibody) is recommended ( American Academy
of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases 2014 ). Impaired development of
pulmonary parenchyma and vascularity may predispose patients with new BPD to an
exaggerated inflammatory response to RSV ( Carpenter and Stenmark 2004 ).
Over the last three decades, since the use of surfactant and “improved” approaches to
ventilation and oxygen therapy were introduced, many studies have examined
pulmonary function in ex-prematures who are school-aged and older. Although the
overall incidence of BPD has remained remarkably stable for decades, the incidence
of severe BPD characteristic of the presurfactant era has decreased and has been
uncommon for one to two decades. Therefore, when evaluating long-term outcomes
of premature infants, data from those born after the mid- to late 1990s (i.e., after
surfactant was introduced) should be evaluated separately from the data of children
born earlier. The following factors must be considered when reviewing follow-up
“Gentle” ventilatory strategies have been applied consistently since the mid-1990s.
Doyle and colleagues (2006b) reported outcomes for 8-, 11-, 14-, and 19-year-old
patients as part of a prospective longitudinal study of VLBW survivors. Most
recently, these investigators combined survivors from two presurfactant cohorts
(<1500 g, born between 1977 and 1982) and evaluated changes in lung function
between age 8 to over 18 years of age. Although the data reflect outcomes of ex-
prematures exposed to different neonatal practices than those currently followed, the
report is notable in documenting that abnormal air flows identified at younger ages
persisted into adulthood. Most subjects in the term, control group had normal
function (99% of predicted), but 6% of the non-BPD group had an abnormal FEV 1 .
Eighty-three percent of the non-BPD group had a normal FEV 1 /FVC versus 89% of
the term control group. Not surprisingly, measurements reflecting air flow were
lower in those with a history of BPD compared with the non-BPD group; 30% of the
BPD group but only 8% of the non-BPD group had an FEV 1 of less than 75%
predicted. Similarly, 42% of the BPD group but only 16% of the non-BPD group had
an FEV 1 /FVC of less than 75% predicted. A significant finding in these studies is that
between 8 and 19 years of age, the BPD subjects had a greater decrease in the
FEV 1 /FVC ratio than the non-BPD group, and this difference was greater if the
subjects were smokers. As young adults, the lung function of VLBW survivors with
BPD continued to show significantly restricted patterns of flow compared to the non-
BPD and control groups. These same survivors continued to have airway obstruction
in their mid-20s ( Gibson et al. 2014 ).
Although asthma and the chronic lung disease of ex-prematures share common
clinical features, each has a distinct underlying pathology and etiology. Instead of the
eosinophil-mediated inflammation and atopy typical of asthma, the small conducting
airways of ex-prematures with recurrent bronchoobstruction often collapse during
expiration owing to abnormal lung growth, development, and architecture ( Baraldi
and Filippone 2007 ; Filippone et al. 2013 ). Data from high-resolution CT scanning
suggest that the lung changes of adolescent and young adult survivors of BPD more
closely resemble those of pulmonary emphysema than those of asthma.
Although adolescent and adult ex-premature infants may have far fewer problems
than they experienced as infants and young children, air flow limitation persists. In
addition, this population may achieve a lower “peak” function in early adulthood that
may predispose them to an accelerated rate of the “normal” decline in pulmonary
function with aging, especially ex-prematures with a history of BPD. As noted
by Bolton and Bush (2013) in an editorial, transitioning care of the ex-premature
from the pediatrician to the adult pulmonologist should include documenting the
history of respiratory function. The chronic lung disease of the ex-premature may
require a set of clinical tools distinct from those applied to adults with COPD or other
pulmonary diseases.
TABLE 24-2
Associated Anomolies Seen in Newborns with Anorectal Malformations
Revised from de Blaauw I, Wijers C, Schmiedeke E, et al. First result of a European multi-center
registry of patents with anorectal malformations. J Pediatr Surg 2013;48:2530-2535.
Type of Associated Anomalies
Esophageal atresia
Other gastrointestinal anomalies
Cardiac anomalies
Renal anomalies
Single kidney
Dysplastic kidney
Double system
Horseshoe kidney
Ectopic kidney
Skeletal anomalies
Type of Associated Anomalies
Upper limb
Lower limb
Vertebrae (not sacral and coccyx region)
Sacral anomalies
Coccyx anomalies
Spinal canal/cord anomaly
View full size
Intraoperative Management
Anesthetic requirements vary depending on the severity of the abdominal distention and
complexity of the surgery: a simple perineal anoplasty, a temporary colostomy, or an
extensive abdominoperineal repair. Anorectal malformation can be classified by the presence
or absence of a fistula and by the fistula's location ( Pena and Hong 2000 ) ( Box 24-9 ).
Perineal fistulas in both male and female infants represent the simplest defect, and treatment
generally consists of an anoplasty performed in the neonatal period. Imperforate anus with no
fistula is the least common, presentation, whereas rectourethral fistulas are the most common,
with the exception of the perineal fistula. The standard surgical approach has generally
involved the following three steps:
BOX 24-9
Therapeutic Classification of Anorectal Malformations
Cutaneous fistula, no colostomy required
Anal stenosis
Anal membrane
Bulbar prostatic
Rectovesical fistula
Rectal atresia
Cutaneous (perineal), no colostomy required
Vaginal fistula
Anorectal atresia
Rectal atresia
Persistent cloaca
1. A diverting colostomy is performed in the neonatal period.
Surgical trends, however, have been aimed at performing the primary repair without a
colostomy. The primary repair involves a posterior surgical approach. Laparoscopic
techniques have been used to assist in the pull-through technique ( Georgeson et al.
2000 , Ming et al. 2014 , Tong et al. 2011 ).
Anesthetic considerations for neonates with intestinal obstruction from any etiology include
airway management of a full stomach, assessment of fluid status, correction of electrolyte
disturbances, treatment of sepsis, and cardiorespiratory evaluation ( Box 24-10 ). Marked
abdominal distention secondary to intestinal obstruction can impede diaphragmatic excursion
and impair ventilation. Gastric (or lower-intestinal) contents often are incompletely emptied
with nasogastric suction, so that the risk for aspiration is significant, especially during
induction of general anesthesia.
BOX 24-10
Anesthesia Management for Imperforate Anus and Bowel Obstruction
Evaluation for other congenital anomalies
Standard monitoring
Postoperative intubation dependent on findings
Anesthesia during the surgery can include potent inhalation anesthetics, narcotics, or both. In
general, nitrous oxide is avoided because of the risk for increasing bowel distention.
Intermediate-acting or long-acting nondepolarizing muscle relaxants often improve surgical
conditions at lower inhaled anesthetic concentrations. If early postoperative extubation is
planned, narcotics should be judiciously administered, but in many cases postoperative
mechanical ventilation is required.
Imperforate anus is usually recognized early in the postnatal period, and massive distention
may not develop in the group of infants without total bowel obstruction. Therefore the
complications associated with intestinal obstruction are minimized, as are the complications
from bowel ischemia, third-space fluid loss, electrolyte disturbances, and sepsis. Imperforate
anus without a fistula can be associated with the development of total intestinal obstruction in
utero, leading to severe abdominal distention, bowel perforation, sepsis, or a combination. In
addition, other congenital anomalies often have a dramatic effect on the management of these
infants. For example, imperforate anus is associated with TEF, renal anomalies, and heart
disease (VACTERL association).
During surgery, the management of fluids, blood replacement, and electrolyte delivery are
similar to the principles discussed for NEC and for intestinal obstruction. As with any
intraabdominal surgery in the newborn, a major challenge is maintaining an adequate
intravascular volume. The presence of radiopaque contrast agents, bowel manipulation, and
peritonitis increases third-space fluid requirements. In such cases, 10 mL/kg per hour (or
more) of isotonic saline solution or colloid is generally needed intraoperatively. Monitoring
urine output, quality of heart tones, heart rate, and blood pressure is a basic requirement to
assess continuing fluid needs. Invasive monitors such as an arterial catheter and a CVP
catheter generally are reserved for those with marked cardiorespiratory instability.
Postoperative Management
The preoperative and intraoperative courses and the effects of associated congenital
anomalies set the stage for the postoperative course. Many infants require postoperative
ventilatory support, total parenteral alimentation, cardiovascular support, and treatment of
sepsis. The function and recovery of the gastrointestinal system vary enormously among
infants with imperforate anus and seem to be related to whether the lesion is isolated and
whether the complications of total bowel obstruction have developed.
Intestinal obstruction has historically been one of the major causes of death after neonatal
surgery. With more skilled pediatric management and the development of parenteral
alimentation, mortality is now limited primarily to infants whose condition is diagnosed late
and who require extensive excision of the small and large bowels. Long-term complications
from anorectal malformations, especially a high imperforate anus, can be lifelong and involve
sequelae related to fecal soiling, constipation, and sexual inadequacy. Voluntary bowel
movements were seen in 70% of females and 58% of males. Fecal incontinence was 48% in
females and 42% in males, while constipation occurred in 62% of females and 35% of males
( Stenström et al 2014 , Hartman et al. 2011 ). Bai and colleagues noted that there is a high
incidence of behavioral issues in children with anorectal anomalies compared to children who
are continent of feces ( Bai et al. 2000 ). In addition, fecal incontinence has a strong effect on
quality of life ( Grano et al. 2012 ).
Intestinal Obstruction
Intestinal obstruction is a surgical emergency in the newborn, requiring swift intervention
after diagnosis. Bowel obstruction has symptoms and signs similar to those seen at other
ages, such as vomiting, abdominal distention, decreased bowel sounds, and radiologic
evidence of gas-filled loops of bowel. However, in the newborn the list of etiologies includes
a unique set of congenital anomalies.
Delay in the diagnosis and treatment of such lesions may lead to various complications that
can increase morbidity and mortality. As described for the infant with imperforate anus, delay
in diagnosis leads to disturbance of fluid and electrolyte balance and increased abdominal
distention, with subsequent respiratory embarrassment and high risk for aspiration
pneumonitis. Intestinal perforation, necrosis of the bowel, and septicemia are other secondary
consequences if intestinal obstruction is not managed promptly.
Distended bowel forces the diaphragm into a high, fixed position, limiting excursion, causing
severe ventilatory compromise, and increasing the risk for aspiration. Although prompt
surgical repair is imperative, optimizing the patient's metabolic status is critical before
surgery. Initiation of corrective fluid and electrolyte therapy should precede the induction of
anesthesia. Nasogastric suction may decrease gastric distention and the risk for aspiration, but
if the site of obstruction is below the duodenum, the abdominal distention is not drastically
Although the underlying etiologies of intestinal obstruction are variable (annular pancreas,
intestinal atresia or stenosis, duplication of intestine, meconium ileus, tumors, enterocolitis),
the problems of anesthetic management for surgical correction of these lesions are similar
(see Box 24-10 ).
Elsinga and colleagues determined motor and cognitive outcomes in school-age children who
had undergone surgery (laparotomy) as newborns to treat intestinal obstruction ( Elsinga et al.
2013 ). At school age, 20% of these patients had abnormal motor findings and 15% had
abnormal selective attention issues when compared to population norms. Low birth weight,
IUGR, and intestinal perforation were associated with the poorest outcome. Of note, tests for
intelligence, visual perception, vasomotor integration, and memory were not affected.
Duodenal Obstruction
The incidence of duodenal obstruction in the neonate is 1 : 10,000 to 1 : 40,000 births and is
often associated with other congenital anomalies such as Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis,
renal anomalies, intestinal malrotation, and especially midline defects such as esophageal
atresia and imperforate anus. An intraluminal diaphragm, a membranous web, or an annular
pancreas can also be associated with obstruction of the duodenum. The degree of obstruction
varies from severe or complete atresia to incomplete obstruction or stenosis ( Mustafawi and
Hassan 2008 ). Air contrast films reveal a dilated stomach and a dilated proximal duodenum,
resulting in the “double-bubble” appearance ( Fig. 24-23 ).
Open full size image
FIG 24-23
Duodenal Obstruction.
A, The classic plain-radiographic sign of duodenal atresia. B, The endoscopic view of a duodenal
(From Barksdale EM, Jr: Surgery. In Zitelli BJ, Davis HW, eds. Atlas of pediatric physical
diagnosis, ed 4. St. Louis: Mosby, 2002; p 572.)
Infants with complete obstruction exhibit copious vomiting of bile or bile-stained gastric
contents and minimal abdominal distention. In 10% of infants, the obstruction is proximal to
the ampulla of Vater and the emesis is nonbilious. The infant may or may not pass meconium
in the first day of life. Infants who have incomplete obstruction have intermittent bile-stained
vomiting and usually pass meconium. A delay in the treatment of this condition can result in
dehydration, weight loss, and hypochloremic alkalosis. The surgical approach is either
laparoscopic or open duodenoduodenostomy.
Jejunoileal Atresia
Jejunoileal atresia causes complete obstruction in 1 : 5000 live births. In contrast to duodenal
atresias, jejunoileal atresias are associated with few other anomalies. Prematurity is
associated with 50% of cases, polyhydramnios with 25%, and cystic fibrosis with 20%.
The etiology of jejunoileal atresia is uncertain but is thought to involve intrauterine vascular
accidents. Four types of atresia have been identified ( Fig. 24-24 ). Type I is not a true atresia
but actually is a membranous obstruction of the lumen in an intestine of otherwise normal
length and diameter. Type II, a true atresia, consists of two blind ends that are often
connected by a fibrous strand with slightly shortened intestinal length and an intact
mesentery. Type IIIA lesions have blind ends separated by a V- shaped mesenteric defect.
The type IIIB lesion is also called apple peel or Christmas tree deformity and consists of a
long jejunal atresia with a very short remaining ileum. The superior mesenteric artery is
missing, and the blood supply to the ileum is by retrograde flow via a branch of the ileocolic
artery. Type IIIB lesions are rare but have a very high mortality rate. Type IV lesions involve
multiple intestinal atresias; 20% to 35% of infants with jejunoileal atresia have multiple
Children with less than 30 to 40 cm of small bowel generally develop short-gut syndrome and
ultimately require TPN. If areas of marginal intestinal viability are present at the time of
surgery, they may be left unresected in the hope that postoperative resuscitation improves the
perfusion. Under these circumstances, a “second-look” operation usually is performed 24 to
48 hours later.
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
Sacrococcygeal teratomas (SCTs) are the most common congenital neoplasm, occurring in 1
to 2 per 20,000 pregnancies and 1 in 27,000 live births. Approximately 95% of infants are
female. The perinatal mortality in prenatally diagnosed SCT infants ranges from 25% to 37%.
Mortality is related to high output failure and tumor rupture and hemorrhage during delivery.
High output failure is related to the amount of solid tumor component of the mass. In a
nationwide survey from Japan, Usui and colleagues noted that in various series postnatal
death ranges from 12% to 40% ( Table 24-3 ) ( Usui et al. 2012 ). Risk factors for perinatal
adverse outcomes include high output failure, hydrops, maternal mirror syndrome, preterm
delivery, and rate of tumor growth ( Akinkuotu et al. 2015 , Coleman et al. 2014 , Usui et al.
2012 , Van Mieghem et al. 2014 ).