Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Integrated Terminal Building

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Introduction: Recent Structures in India

In anticipation of the forthcoming IABSE Symposium in southern-most continent, Antarctica. Back on the Indian
Kolkata in September 2013, this special issue of Structural subcontinent and aboveground, the last two papers present
Engineering International presents a series of projects in or a light-weight, double layered cable-net roof system for the
related to India. As varied as the country itself, the follow- retrofit of a swimming facility, as well as a 10 km-long infra-
ing eight technical papers present structures ranging from an structure project in the technology hub of Bangalore.
underground cavern to a research station in Antarctica.
The Indian Group of IABSE is looking forward to welcom-
In the first paper—and highlighted on the front cover—the ing delegates to the 36th IABSE Symposium, in Kolkata from
new terminal building of the Mumbai airport is described, 24 to 27 September 2013 entitled “Long Span Bridges and
including the elaborate roof and wall system. This is followed Roofs—Development, Design and Implementation”. More
by two projects in and around New Delhi: a new signature information on this symposium, as well as other upcoming
cable-stayed bridge with its backwardly inclined pylon and IABSE events can be found on the IABSE website under
the addition of a cable roof system for the retrofit of a sta-
dium. A brief history of landmark bridges constructed over
major rivers in India and the challenges faced in their con- B. C. Roy, Vice-President of IABSE, Chair of Scientific Committee
struction is then elaborated. Next, the construction of one of 2013 IABSE Symposium in Kolkata
of the world’s deepest caverns for the storage of liquefied
petroleum gas in Visakhapatnam is detailed, followed by a Ann Schumacher, Editorial Board, Structural Engineering
description of the new Indian research station on the world’s International

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport—Integrated

Terminal Building
Charles Besjak, SE, PE, Director; Preetam Biswas, PE, Associate Director; Alexandra Thewis, PE; Raymond Sweeney;
Damayanti Chaudhuri, PE; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, New York, NY 10005, USA. Contact: [email protected]
DOI: 10.2749/101686613X13363929988296

Abstract an overall truss depth of only 4 m. In and domestic operations at one of the
response to site constraints and prox- busiest airports in India in order to
The new Integrated Terminal Building imity of the existing operational ter- achieve 24-h utilization. This 410 000 m2
at Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji minal building, the mega-columns are terminal building is being constructed
International Airport combines inter- also designed to serve as hoist mecha- at the location of the existing terminal
national and domestic operations at nisms such that the entire roof can be with minimal disruption to its opera-
one of the busiest airports in India. constructed without tower cranes. The tions. An international consultant with
The 410 000 m2 building, being con- Terminal Building also includes the vast experience in designing airport
structed at the site of the existing largest and longest cable wall system terminals around the globe was chosen
terminal, will achieve a capacity of in the world. The structural studies as the principal architect and engineer
40 million passengers per annum upon completed include solid finite element for the new building. One of the largest
completion in 2014. analysis of connections to optimize construction firms in India was chosen
The primary design feature of the material efficiency. Furthermore, the as the local designer and general con-
building is a long-span roof covering a structural design prioritizes modular tractor for the project. The Terminal
total of 70 000 m2 over various func- construction for economy and facili- Building is being constructed in phases
tional requirements, making it one of tation of an accelerated construction where Phase 1 includes construction of
the largest roofs in the world without schedule. the western pier, and Phase 2 includes
an expansion joint. The Headhouse Keywords: airport terminal; long-span construction of the Headhouse zone.
Roof, supported by only 30 columns roof; unidirectional cable wall; struc- Upon completion of Phases 1 and 2,
spaced at 64 m in the North–South tural efficiency; phased construction. the building will become operational
direction and at 34 m in the East–West and Phase 3 will commence, which
direction, produces a large column- Introduction consists of the demolition of the exist-
free space ideal for an airport. By ing terminal building and the construc-
increasing the depth of the trusses near Mumbai International Airport Limited, tion of the eastern pier. Following the
the columns and running trusses in owner-operator of Chhatrapati Shivaji completion of Phase 3 in 2014, the new
both an orthogonal grid and a 45° grid, International Airport at Mumbai, is cur- terminal, shown in Fig. 1, will serve
large spacing and cantilevers of 40 m rently building a new Integrated Termi- approximately 40 million passengers
along the perimeter are achieved with nal Building that combines international annually.

8 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1/2013

In order to create one of the largest
roofs in the world without an expan-
development sion joint, the roof mega-columns and
steel roof structure were kept com-
pletely independent from the base
concrete structures below. Large
openings in the concrete base struc-
Headhouse: ture allow the mega-columns to pass
departure, arrivals,
immigration through as well as create architec-
and baggage claim
tural design features. This allows the
Concourse, retail and Headhouse Roof structure to move
baggage handling
independently in response to loads,
particularly expansion and contraction
caused by temperature variation. This
Pier gates
thermal gradient is applied to the steel
in the structural analysis model and
accounted for in the design of the roof
In response to the functional require-
ment of the space below the roof, the
entire Headhouse Roof is supported
on just 30 composite mega-columns.
Following requests from the client,
the design team sought to minimize
the number of columns in the depar-
ture halls. However, the final design
surpassed this constraint and resulted
in a departure hall entirely free of
columns through the use of com-
posite mega-columns spaced 64 m
in one direction and 34 m in the per-
Fig. 1: Architectural renderings (clockwise from top left) plan view of integrated terminal pendicular direction. The structural
building; approach roadway at departure level; check-in concourse; aerial view of system for the Headhouse Roof is
integrated terminal building
akin to a two-way flat slab system.
Increasing the depth of the trusses near
the columns and running trusses in an
Owing to the scale and project occu- Long-Span Structural Steel orthogonal grid as well as along a 45°
pancy, the client directive was to meet Headhouse Roof grid results in an overall truss depth of
the requirements of the Indian codes
4 m for the roof system. The greater
as well as satisfy requirements of the The primary design feature of the truss depths near the columns create
International and American codes. Terminal Building is a long-span roof “column pod” areas which seamlessly
This was achieved by evaluation of the covering the departures roadway, integrate into the pyramidal skylights
most stringent conditions at all stages check-in hall, security, and passport that serve as major architectural fea-
of design and analysis. Early in the control functions. The architectural
tures. All of these aspects of the
design process, an evaluation of local cladding of the roof and ceiling fea-
Headhouse Roof can be seen in the
construction techniques, available tures a molded surface and sky-
structural model in Fig. 2 as well as in
construction materials and availabil- lights over the column locations and
the construction photographs of Fig. 4.
ity of skilled labor played an impor- throughout the terminal ceiling, allow-
tant role in the choice of the building ing natural light to flood into the main The lateral system for the Headhouse
materials. Concrete was selected as hall. The Headhouse Roof, covering Roof comprises steel moment-resisting
the primary building material for the 70 000 m2 and spanning over seven frames consisting of composite mega-
individual concrete base structures, is columns and long-span steel roof
base building, while steel was used for
supported by only 30 composite mega- trusses. Frame action is achieved
the structural framing of the roof in
columns. Beyond typical gravity and between the primary roof trusses and
order to achieve a lightweight system seismic loads on the roof, special load- the composite mega-columns in the
with large column-free spaces. The ing considerations were taken for the North–South direction and between
construction site of the new terminal cable wall which applies a significant the secondary roof trusses and the
building is located within close prox- wind load to the roof structure and composite mega-columns in the East–
imity of the existing terminal that had whose cables are pre-stressed against West direction. Additional trusses
to remain operational during construc- the roof trusses at the northern end running at 45° to the orthogonal grid
tion, which resulted in an elongated of the terminal. The wind loading also provide additional stability and dia-
X-shaped plan utilizing repetitive, presented challenges as a significant phragm stiffness. The weaving of the
modular designs that accommodate portion of the Headhouse Roof is orthogonal and diagonal trusses, in
construction phasing and permit rapid open to the outdoors and behaves as addition to ensuring diaphragm action
construction. a canopy. of the roof, was also extremely useful

Structural Engineering International 1/2013 Technical Report 9

(a) and von Mises stress gradients were
obtained and studied to verify that no
part of the connection exceeded the
steel yield stress (Fig. 3b).
The behavior of the 40 m tall canti-
levered composite mega-columns was
studied using nonlinear buckling anal-
yses for each individual mega-column.
34 m
The composite mega-columns consist
Span of a built-up steel cruciform shape
encased in 2,7 m diameter of concrete
for the majority of its height. Once
the column reaches the height of the
column pod bottom chord connection,
64 m it transforms into a bare steel cruci-
form shape and tapers to the column
pod top chord connection (Fig. 4).
40 m Cantilever The P–M (axial-moment) interaction
curve and stability analysis was per-
formed for each segment of the col-
(b) 4 m Truss depth 9 m Truss depth umn as well as for the overall stability
of the complete mega-column system.
Waffle slab Roadway
These analyses were deemed neces-
sary, because the code-prescribed
design methods do not accurately
64 m Truss span 40 m Cantilever
correspond to the behavior of these
Fig. 2: (a) Three-dimensional structural model of Headhouse Roof framing; (b) section
through Headhouse Roof
Unidirectional Cable Wall
in reducing the system depth for the multiple trusses. Nonlinear, solid finite
entirely cantilevered perimeter zone of element analysis was carried out for Another unique feature of this pro-
the Headhouse Roof. This resulted in the design of major connections for ject is the cable wall exterior clad-
up to 40 m cantilevers at certain loca- optimum use of materials. The meshed ding system. The Terminal Building
tions with a truss depth of only 4 m. three-dimensional geometry of the features two separate cable wall sys-
The orientation of the steel wide- connections (Fig. 3a) was loaded at tems totaling over 1 km in length
flange members of the trusses along the connection work point with forces and 11 000 m2 in area, making it the
the orthogonal grid were rotated 90° directly obtained from the overall longest and largest cable wall in the
such that flanges were aligned verti- Headhouse Roof analysis model. Rigid world. It includes a number of unique
cally, while the steel members of the link elements from the work point features that create various challenges
trusses along the diagonal grid were transfer the load to the connection in the design and detailing of the
aligned with the flanges horizontally end faces (where the steel members structure. Both cable walls comprise
for simplification of connections with are attached to columns, beams, etc.), unidirectional cables spanning verti-
cally between two levels of the termi-
nal structure. At the Departure Level,
(a) (b) the use of unidirectional cables was
necessitated by the fact that the cable
roof completely envelops the terminal
Headhouse, eliminating the possibil-
ity of any horizontal anchorage points.
In addition, as the cable wall circles
3D Von mises stress
Contour plot the Headhouse, it crosses four inde-
Element stresses
Simple average
pendent base structures and reduces
3,500E+05 in height from 15 to 6 m. Expansion
2,756E+05 joints were installed in locations where
the cable wall crossed separate struc-
1,575E+05 tures to allow individual segments of
the wall to move independently. On
3,938E+04 the east and west sides, the cable wall
No result spans to the cantilevered edge of the
Max = 4,023E+05 (Global 374172) Headhouse Roof, up to 40 m from
Min = 2,390E+03 (Global 383417)
the nearest mega-column. The large
Fig. 3: Three-dimensional solid finite element analysis model of column pod top node cantilevers result in significant deflec-
connection: (a) three-dimensional finite element mesh of column pod top node; (b) finite tion at the roof edge, which proved
element von Mises stress results of column pod top node (N/m2) to be a challenging situation. With

10 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1/2013

the cables anchored to the roof, large
roof deflections would cause a loss of
pretension in the cables and failure of
the system. As a result, a back-up sys-
tem has been introduced consisting of
composite columns cantilevered from
the base structure below and intercon-
nected with structural steel girders at
the top and bottom of the wall. The
cables span between these girders, and
the top of the back-up system is later-
ally supported by the Headhouse Roof
above with dampers at composite
column locations. This system allows
for differential movements between
the edge of the Headhouse Roof and
the base structure without the loss of
cable pretension. The various cable
support conditions are highlighted in
Fig. 5a and can be seen in the construc-
tion photographs in Fig. 6.
In addition to its size and length, the
cable wall includes a number of fea-
tures rarely seen in cable wall struc-
tures. A large portion of the wall
follows the curvature of the plan of
the Headhouse Roof, a feature only
achievable because the cable wall
consists solely of vertical cables. At
the two ends of the north portion of
Fig. 4: Headhouse Roof construction photographs: top, terminal building panorama; the wall, there are absolute corners.
Headhouse roof to left, May 2012; middle, Headhouse Roof over departure level road- The allowable deflection typical of
way, February 2012; bottom, stages of column pod installation cable walls would have caused the
two portions of the walls to collide
(a) 330 m at this location. To prevent this from
occurring, the corner cables are rein-
forced with horizontal stiffener plates
Cable wall corner
joint Cable wall corner connected between the cable and the
15 M High cable wall
with vestibules
corner column of the back-up sys-
tem. Variations in height, changes in
anchoring conditions, and the inclu-
sion of corners, curves, and entrance
170 m 170 m
vestibules all worked to necessitate a
very precise design of cable preten-
sion. Owing to the shape and scale of
Variable height cable Variable height cable
wall with backup system Expansion Expansion wall with backup system the Headhouse Roof and the cable
joint joint
wall, a wind tunnel study (Fig. 5b) was
carried out to accurately determine
Curved cable wall the cable wall cladding pressures as
as clearstory
well as the structural roof loads for
155 m
the Headhouse Roof. After establish-
ing the appropriate gravity and wind
(c) loads, a finite element analysis model,
as shown in Fig. 5c, was built includ-
(b) ing the cables and support structure.
Through a geometrically nonlinear
static analysis, the deflection and axial
force of each cable was determined. In
locations where deflections exceeded
L/50, the pretension force in the cable
was increased, and cable diameters
were selected to meet the axial force
demands. A primary concern dur-
ing the design of the cable wall was
Fig. 5: (a) Cable wall plan and support conditions; (b) Headhouse Roof and cable wall preventing warping of the cable wall
wind tunnel study model; (c) cable wall structural analysis model with back-up systems insulated glass units (IGUs). Warping

Structural Engineering International 1/2013 Technical Report 11

metal deck slabs in-filled between
concrete moment frame systems. At
all locations, the regular grid system
has resulted in the repetitive use of
concrete formwork and economy in
Along the perimeter of the terminal,
security requirements mandated cer-
tain clearances between the build-
ing and aircraft, as well as a vertical
separation of departing and arriving
passengers. To provide this separa-
tion at the terminal while maintaining
a single point of aircraft entry, steel
fixed bridges connect the terminal
to the aerobridges. The fixed bridges
utilize a truss system along the edges
with a minimal number of touchdown
locations to provide maximum flexibil-
ity below for airside traffic movement.
Owing to the constraints of the site, the
layout of the Terminal Building is such
that areas with internal functions occur
in the levels below the departures
roadways adjacent to the Arrivals Hall.
The roadway system therefore had to
be isolated from the Terminal Building
structural framing below to minimize
vibration and to maintain acceptable
acoustic levels in the occupied spaces
Fig. 6: Cable wall construction photographs (clockwise from top left) varying-height cable below. The structural system for the
wall with steel column back-up system; cable wall at entrance vestibule; departure level roadways consists of reinforced con-
cable wall with column pod beyond; curved cable wall along clerestory zone; departure crete moment-resisting frames of the
level cable wall connected directly to Headhouse Roof base building below in conjunction
with pre-stressed, pre-cast reinforced
occurs when the four joints of the provided optimal use of space for the concrete long-span I-beams supported
rectangular glass units do not lie in baggage handling facilities. Meanwhile, on isolation pads. A cast-in-place rein-
the same plane, and it can cause the the grid utilized for the Gate Zone forced concrete slab interconnects
was a 9 × 11 m2 continuous linear and the I-beams and acts as a diaphragm.
seal between IGUs to break. Based
radial grid along the periphery of the Given that the roadway slab is exposed
on the allowable shear deformation
building. to the elements, it was designed to
of the IGUs, the out-of-plane deflec-
allow for movement due to tempera-
tion was limited to L/100, where L is The concrete base structure of the ture changes; the pre-cast I-beams are
the shorter length of the rectangular Terminal Building employs three fixed at one end and free to slide at the
unit. To prevent warping of the IGUs, distinct structural floor systems in other end. The roadway is exposed to
the largest values of pretension are response to functional zones with the elements and large temperature
required in areas with sharp geometric varying optimal clear-span require- changes, but with interior space below
changes, such as the vestibules and at ments. In the linear and radial Gate the roadway, expansion joints in the
the wall corners. Based on these con- Zone, a regular, repetitive one-way roadway slab had to be water-tight.
ditions, cable diameters vary from 25 concrete beam and slab system has To meet this requirement, these joints
to 37 mm and pretension values range been utilized. At locations which gen- were located at 17 m intervals to mini-
from 150 to 400 kN. erate heavy passenger congestion such mize the width of the joint.
as the Baggage Claim Hall, functional
Multiple System Concrete Base requirements called for a relatively The design of the parking structure
Structure column-free space. This was achieved brought along a number of aesthetic
by placing columns within the bag- and functional challenges. Designers
The Terminal Building is divided gage claim belts and having a clear did not want an imposing structure,
into the Pier and Gate Zone, Retail span between belts resulting in struc- but difficult geological conditions lim-
Zone, Headhouse Roof Zone, and tural framing bays of 17 × 16 m2 and ited the depth of excavation. Working
the Frontage Road Zone. Despite its employing a waffle slab system for within these constraints, the parking
immense size, the Terminal Building the floor framing above. In the Retail structure utilizes a shallow floor fram-
requires only two grid systems to cover Zone, where maximum flexibility for ing system with two-way concrete flat
the entire footprint of the building. An floor openings and future renova- plate with concrete shear walls for lat-
orthogonal 8,5 × 8 m2 grid was adopted tions was desired, the floor system eral support. The compact nine-level
for the entire central facility, which utilizes steel framing with composite parking garage meets all of its parking

12 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1/2013

requirements within the stipulated the phased construction was an
height so that its roof aligns with the SEI Data Block
important consideration in select-
Departure Level and serves as a green ing the building’s structural systems. Owner and operator:
roof for the visitor area. Construction of Phase 1 began in 2008 Mumbai International Airport Limited
and was completed in early 2012. By
Concluding Remarks Architect, structural engineer, and MEP
November 2013, both Phases 1 and 2 engineer:
The design of the Terminal Building of the Terminal Building are expected Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
placed a high priority on material effi- to be fully operational, and at that
Local designer and general contractor:
ciency and ease of construction. All time the remaining portion of the
Larson and Toubro Limited
parts of the building utilized repeti- existing terminal is to be demolished
tive, modular designs that accommo- and construction will begin on Phase Steel (t): Approximately 22 000
date construction phasing and permit 3, the gate areas on the eastern pier. Concrete (m3): Approximately 520 000
rapid construction. Ensuring the sta- Upon completion in 2014, the termi- Estimated cost (USD million): 1200
bility of the individual portions of nal will serve 40 million passengers
the Terminal Building throughout per annum. Service date: November 2013

Structural Engineering International 1/2013 Technical Report 13

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