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Recent Practices of Analysis and Design of High-Rise Buildings

in Kuwait (Case Study)

Conference Paper · March 2019

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1 author:

Tarek Awida
Ain Shams University


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Proceedings of the ACI-KC Second International Conference, March 12-14, 2007, Kuwait

Recent Practices of Analysis and Design of High-Rise

Buildings in Kuwait (Case Study)

Tarek Anwar Awida

Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering Dept.,
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt.
email: [email protected]


The main concern of this paper is to provide an overview of the current analysis and
design methodology for reinforced concrete high-rise buildings. A case study of
residential complex consisting of two new 30-floor towers located in Kuwait city is
presented to demonstrate the most significant factors to be considered to ensure the
building is designed to have sufficient strength to withstand ultimate (factored) gravity
(dead plus live) and lateral (wind plus seismic) loading and sufficient stiffness to limit
deformations and lateral drift to be within the acceptable range to verify the occupancy
comfort level. Building code procedures based on general assumptions, are usually but
not always conservative, and do not provide accurate wind loads because of exposure
conditions, directional properties of the wind climate, complex geometry shapes, torsion,
aerodynamic interactions, and load combinations. Wind tunnel tests, which are capable
of more accurate load definitions, have become faster and more economical as a result
of improved analysis and design methodologies. Finally, recommendations for analysis
and design of reinforced concrete residential high-rise buildings in Kuwait are


In the last decade developers and authorities in Kuwait, recognized the need to allow for
more building heights due to many reasons. Some of these reasons are the enormous
demand in the local market for office and residential areas, availability of the financial
resources in safe and good economic conditions after the Gulf War II and the aim to
develop Kuwait city following Dubai model. In the time being, many high-rise
buildings were already found in Kuwait city and many more are under design or
construction. This situation forced the structural engineering professions in Kuwait to
expand their knowledge and advance their design and construction skills and techniques.

The case study of residential complex in Kuwait city presented here is considered a
good practical example to be studied and reported. It is an existing complex in the Gulf
road including car park in the basement level and podium level for landscape occupying
the whole plot area. Above ground, there are two buildings with different heights
ranging from five to eighteen floors. The existing building was constructed since 1978.
The developers plan to construct two 30-story towers within the plot area and in close
proximity to the existing buildings to be benefited from the new regulations. Partial
demolition of some areas in both basement and podium level will be done to allow for
the new construction. The slenderness ratios for the new towers are about 8-to-1 and 4-
to-1 due to the very tight space available. As a preliminary rule of thumb, assume for
tall and slender structures that either increasing the mass or the stiffness will reduce the
acceleration. Concrete structures, more readily than steel structures, can often utilize
the increase in mass to also increase the stiffness, thereby providing a double benefit.
For this reason, the future of concrete for mega-structures looks bright, especially now
that extremely high concrete strengths are available.

As a structure becomes taller, lighter or more slender, the possibility of excessive

accelerations of the upper floors during relatively common wind events becomes more
likely. The building occupants are usually sensitive to acceleration and its change rather
than displacement and velocity. Acceptability criteria for accelerations are not currently
codified. General guidelines do exist that are generally accepted by the wind
engineering community. Threshold curves are available to give limits for human
behavior. A dynamic analysis is required to allow the predicted response of the
building to be compared with the threshold limits. Lower acceleration levels are used
for residential buildings rather than office or commercial occupancies.

The main concern of this paper is to provide full description for the analysis, design and
construction considerations for these towers. ETABS software (Extended Three
Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems) which originally developed by Computer
and Structure Incorporation (CSI) is used for conducting analysis and design of the
structure using partial and complete 3-D models. The main structural system used is a
combination between reinforced concrete core, shear walls and columns to resist both
lateral and gravity loads. Floor slabs are used as cast-in-situ traditional and post-tension
(PT) slabs. Lateral wind loads used in the design are estimated as specified in the codes
and using the wind tunnel laboratory tests. The wind-induced accelerations are
computed in the highest occupied levels to ensure the residential occupancy comfort.

Finally, recommendations for analysis and design of reinforced concrete residential
high-rise buildings in Kuwait are introduced.

Existing Site Conditions

The existing development was constructed since about 28 years near the Gulf road in
Kuwait city. The foot-print of the site is occupied entirely by a single level basement,
which is used for car parking and electrical/mechanical rooms. The ground (podium)
level external area comprises mostly entrance pathways and landscaping which are
supported on the reinforced concrete waffle slab which forms the roof of the basement.
Rising above the ground (podium) floor, there are two existing buildings, the elevations
of these buildings are stepped back, and the height varies from five to around eighteen
levels above the ground floor. These buildings are constructed in reinforced concrete
and are supported by a 1.50 meters thick raft. Isolated footings with 1.50 meters thick
below the columns connected by 300mm thick raft are used for parking area outside the
existing buildings. A settlement strip (between the raft inside and outside the buildings)
is introduced. It is specified in the AS-Built drawings as to be casted after construction
of the 11th floor level .

An investigation study for the existing buildings to verify the structural conditions was
done and found that the different structural elements are fairly in good conditions and
no indications for any major structural problems had been noticed. The study reported
that the developer proposal to add two new towers is feasible from the structural point
of view due-to-the fact that foundation and podium level slabs around the existing
buildings can be separated without negative effects on the remaining structure stability.
In addition, the study recommended special care and detailing to maintain the old and
new basement properly sealed to prevent water leakage ( ).

Proposed New Structure

The new structure will comprise two 30-storey towers and commercial shops within the
plot. One of the new towers shall be used for residential apartments and the other one
for serviced (hotel) apartments. Due to the restricted size of the site, together with
municipality set-back regulations these towers will be in close proximity to the existing
buildings. The locations of these new towers in plan are selected to allow for maximum
outward gulf views and inward natural light, while maintaining privacy. The tower
elevations are designed to be integrated with the existing buildings elevations. A strip
of 800mm fair face concrete is maintained in each floor level and the rest of the floor
height is used as stone cladding for both towers to match with the existing buildings.
Each tower is serviced by a mechanical floor located at the 19th floor. The architects
and engineers worked hand in hand to develop the building form and the structural
system, resulting in towers that efficiently respond to the wind, while maintaining the
integrity of the design concept. Figure 1 shows a perspective view of the new towers
and the existing buildings. The slenderness ratios of the new towers are about 8-to-1 for
tower (A) and 4-to-1 for tower (B) due to the very limited space available. The partial
demolition of the existing basement and ground structure shall be required to allow for
the new construction works. The demolition line in the foundation level is selected to
be within the settlement strip while the same in the podium level is selected to be within

the existing expansion joints location. This helps to keep the structural stability of the
remaining part of the structure unaffected by the demolition works.

Structural System Description

With wind being the critical factor in the design of high-rise buildings, structural
simplicity and constructability were also the key objectives of the design. The resulting
system can be referred to central core/shear walls and columns located at the building
perimeter. The closed core walls provide an extremely stiff torsional restraint. The
vertical supporting structural elements (columns/walls) shall be constructed utilizing
high performance concrete (fc =50 MPa) to minimize its sizes. Perimeter concrete
beams with 800mm deep connecting the edge columns are used in each floor, thus
allowing the columns to participate in the resistance of lateral loads as well as
redistribution of gravity loads. The gravity load redistribution in addition to an
estimated modifier for columns cross sectional area shall balance the stress level in the
vertical elements and minimize the effects of differential shortening, an especially
significant factor in the high-rise buildings ( ).

A combination of traditional and post-tension (PT) cast-in-situ concrete slabs is used for
the floor slab system. PT slabs are selected because of the following reasons:

the existing expansion joints location. This helps to keep the structural stability of the
remaining part of the structure unaffected by the demolition works.

Structural System Description

With wind being the critical factor in the design of high-rise buildings, structural
simplicity and constructability were also the key objectives of the design. The resulting
system can be referred to central core/shear walls and columns located at the building
perimeter. The closed core walls provide an extremely stiff torsional restraint. The
vertical supporting structural elements (columns/walls) shall be constructed utilizing
high performance concrete (fc =50 MPa) to minimize its sizes. Perimeter concrete
beams with 800mm deep connecting the edge columns are used in each floor, thus
allowing the columns to participate in the resistance of lateral loads as well as
redistribution of gravity loads. The gravity load redistribution in addition to an
estimated modifier for columns cross sectional area shall balance the stress level in the
vertical elements and minimize the effects of differential shortening, an especially
significant factor in the high-rise buildings ( ).

A combination of traditional and post-tension (PT) cast-in-situ concrete slabs is used for
the floor slab system. PT slabs are selected because of the following reasons:

• PT slab provides lighter structure for long spans by significant amount compared
to the traditional slab and this reflected in less sizes of columns, walls and
• PT slab provides reduction of construction cycle.
• PT slab provides flexibility for architectural layout changes from floor to floor
without changing the structural framing.
• PT slab provides flexibility for service slab openings without drop beams or slab

Figures 2 and 3 introduce the typical structural framing plans for tower A and tower B
respectively. The result is a very elegant and efficient structure which utilizes the
gravity load-resisting system to effectively assist in the resistance of lateral loads.

Wind Tunnel Test and Results

To assess the dynamic response of a structure using a model of the structure in a wind
tunnel, it is necessary for the design team to provide the laboratory with the following
information: the location and shape of the structure; the mass distribution in the
structure; the fundamental periods (torsional and in the two major orthogonal axes); and
the deformation curves and the damping anticipated. An aeroelastic model of the
structure can then be constructed and tested. This model must simulate the flexibility,
damping, and mass of the prototype structure to provide detailed information on the
movement of the structure as well as the dynamic loads generated by this motion. The
construction and testing of such a model is time-consuming and expensive. Should
initial results indicate revisions to the structure, the model must be revised and tested
again ( ).

The objectives of the wind tunnel test in our case study are to:
• Provide an assessment of the wind loading relevant to the design of the super-
structure and building foundations for the proposed towers, taking into account
the dynamic effects.
• Provide an assessment of the wind induced building motions and aerodynamic
stability for the proposed towers in terms of their potential to cause occupant
discomfort at the highest occupied levels.

The basic wind speed considered in this study (mean hourly wind speed at h=10.0
meters in open country terrain with roughness height of 0.03 is used as 23.0
meter/second), corresponds to 28 meter/second, fastest mile, consistent with the UBC-
97 approach. Three-second gust wind speed at h=10.0 meters in open country terrain
with a roughness height of 0.03 is used as 35.1 meter/second, consistent with the ASCE-
02 approach.

A 1:300 scale model of the proposed towers was constructed for conducting a wind
tunnel study to measure and determine the overall wind loads acting on the two
structures. Fluctuating static wind loads were measured on the proposed towers A and
B for a full range of wind directions. Figure 4 shows the model used for wind tunnel
testing at laboratory. The wind specialist conducted dynamic analysis using structural
and dynamic properties. The main conclusions of this study are:

• Peak magnitude instantaneous dynamic base loads have been estimated.
• Floor-by-floor peak dynamic loads were estimated and load cases extrapolated to
account for the non-simultaneous action of the individual peak floor-by-floor
load components.
• The highest peak combined accelerations (for a structural damping level of 1.5%)
produced in response to wind loading are calculated and found do not exceed
accepted acceleration thresholds for residential occupancy comfort for 1, 5 and
10 years return period wind speeds.

Structural Analysis and Design

Three-dimensional structural models were built for the two towers using ETABS
software (Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems) ( ).
Both gravity (dead and live) and lateral (wind and seismic) loads are applied to the
model. Wind loads as specified in ASCE-02 code in two perpendicular directions are
considered. In addition, ten wind load cases recommended by wind tunnel studies are
subjected to the model. Seismic zone (1) coefficients are used as specified in UBC-97
code for Kuwait city and as recommended in the soil investigation report. All load
combinations as per code requirements for both serviceability and strength design
studies are taken into consideration in the analysis.

The stiffness (EI) values for flexure members used in the analysis for the strength
design method, where factored loads are used, are considered as cracked sections as per
the coefficients recommended in ACI code (ACI 2005). In case of serviceability study,
where service unfactored loads are used, to predict deflections, vibrations, building
periods and drift, modified (EI) values are used. The estimated wind induced forces in
wind tunnel laboratories and a second order analysis should be computed based on
service loads. Estimated modifiers for the columns cross sectional areas are used to
balance the stress level in the vertical supporting elements in order to minimize the
effects of differential elastic shortening, an especially significant factor in high-rise
buildings. These area modifiers are estimated based on the output of summation of
gravity loads for individual 3-D structural model of the different building floors
compared to the same of the complete building model. Design of reinforced concrete
supporting elements (columns and shear walls) was conducted using ETABS. High
performance concrete with cylindrical compressive strength 50MPa was used for
columns and walls in both towers while concrete with cylindrical compressive strength
of 35MPa was used for foundation, slabs and beams. Complete detailed design for
traditional slabs was introduced in the Tender Documents while only slab thickness was
specified for post-tension (PT) slabs and the detailed design was assigned to the
specialist contractor subject to engineer s approval prior to construction.

Tower A is 12.64 meters wide and 104.65 meters height above ground. The slenderness
ratio is about 8.30 (i.e. more than 5). For this reason, wind-induced forces based on

UBC-97 code are not applicable and ASCE-02 code is used in addition to wind tunnel
test results. This tower is considered sensitive to dynamic effects and many design
revisions were made in order to maintain the serviceability values such as building drift
and acceleration within the acceptable range ( ). Reinforcement
percentage for columns in tower A ranges from 2% up to 3.70% and shear walls vertical
reinforcement ranges from 1.40% for 300mm thick wall to 2.50% for 400mm thick
walls at basement level. The high percentage of reinforcement in shear walls for tower
A is expected due to building slenderness ratio.

Tower B is 23.25 meters wide and 105.70 meters height above ground. The slenderness
ratio is about 4.60. This means that this tower is less sensitive for dynamic effects
compared to tower A. In this case, either UBC-97 or ASCE-02 codes can be used for
estimating the wind-induced forces in addition to wind tunnel test results.
Reinforcement percentage for columns in tower B is ranging from 1.30% up to 3.05%
except one column (4.50%) and most of shear walls have vertical reinforcement 1.40%
with 300mm thick walls at the basement level.

Foundation Design

Site preparation will consist of partial demolition of existing construction at the location
of the new towers, nominal dewatering to lower ground water below the anticipated
foundation level and installation of underpinning system (proposed to be scant piles) to
limit movements of the existing building foundations. The soil investigation reported
that the estimated settlements for the new towers foundation as isolated raft would be
excessive and some additional load would be applied to the new raft from the existing
view of the planned different foundation level. Accordingly, the new towers should be
supported on a piled foundation. The cast-in-situ concrete bored piles were found the
most appropriate pile type as per the site circumferences. Pre-production pile tests were
recommended to be undertaken, in order to confirm the estimated capacities in the
preliminary soil investigation report. Such tests should consist of compression and
uplift tests and should consider three times working load or failure to reassess and
modify the pile design where appropriate. It is agreed by all the project parties to
consider the pile design, (pile diameter, length and reinforcement), as a design and built
contract using the pile load test results and the design criteria prepared by the engineer
to expedite the design and construction process for foundation.

Analysis and design for foundation and piles load distribution are conducted using
SAFE software (Slab Analysis by Finite Element method) ( ) originally
developed by Computer and Structures Incorporation (CSI) using the Columns data and
loadings imported from ETABS model for the different load cases. The design value of
pile service capacity for each pile group is determined and specified in the Tender
Documents to allow the specialist contractor to design the pile diameter, length and

Construction Bid Packaging Strategy

The project management team establishes a bid packaging strategy for the construction
works in order to:

UBC-97 code are not applicable and ASCE-02 code is used in addition to wind tunnel
test results. This tower is considered sensitive to dynamic effects and many design
revisions were made in order to maintain the serviceability values such as building drift
and acceleration within the acceptable range ( ). Reinforcement
percentage for columns in tower A ranges from 2% up to 3.70% and shear walls vertical
reinforcement ranges from 1.40% for 300mm thick wall to 2.50% for 400mm thick
walls at basement level. The high percentage of reinforcement in shear walls for tower
A is expected due to building slenderness ratio.

Tower B is 23.25 meters wide and 105.70 meters height above ground. The slenderness
ratio is about 4.60. This means that this tower is less sensitive for dynamic effects
compared to tower A. In this case, either UBC-97 or ASCE-02 codes can be used for
estimating the wind-induced forces in addition to wind tunnel test results.
Reinforcement percentage for columns in tower B is ranging from 1.30% up to 3.05%
except one column (4.50%) and most of shear walls have vertical reinforcement 1.40%
with 300mm thick walls at the basement level.

Foundation Design

Site preparation will consist of partial demolition of existing construction at the location
of the new towers, nominal dewatering to lower ground water below the anticipated
foundation level and installation of underpinning system (proposed to be scant piles) to
limit movements of the existing building foundations. The soil investigation reported
that the estimated settlements for the new towers foundation as isolated raft would be
excessive and some additional load would be applied to the new raft from the existing
view of the planned different foundation level. Accordingly, the new towers should be
supported on a piled foundation. The cast-in-situ concrete bored piles were found the
most appropriate pile type as per the site circumferences. Pre-production pile tests were
recommended to be undertaken, in order to confirm the estimated capacities in the
preliminary soil investigation report. Such tests should consist of compression and
uplift tests and should consider three times working load or failure to reassess and
modify the pile design where appropriate. It is agreed by all the project parties to
consider the pile design, (pile diameter, length and reinforcement), as a design and built
contract using the pile load test results and the design criteria prepared by the engineer
to expedite the design and construction process for foundation.

Analysis and design for foundation and piles load distribution are conducted using
SAFE software (Slab Analysis by Finite Element method) ( ) originally
developed by Computer and Structures Incorporation (CSI) using the Columns data and
loadings imported from ETABS model for the different load cases. The design value of
pile service capacity for each pile group is determined and specified in the Tender
Documents to allow the specialist contractor to design the pile diameter, length and

Construction Bid Packaging Strategy

The project management team establishes a bid packaging strategy for the construction
works in order to:

• Ensure the full coordination between the different contractors.
• Ensure the contractors qualifications for the different specialty works and confirm
quality level.
• Minimize/reduce the impact to the current users (tenants) of the existing buildings.
• Idealize the construction time and cost.

The different Bid Packages (BP) can be summarized as follows:

BP#1: Re-routing of existing services:

This package contains relocation of the existing services located at the new towers
construction areas at basement and externally at podium to allow for other packages to
start construction works.

BP#2: Demolition and piling works:

In this package, it is intended to encompass the design and execution of the demolition,
excavation, secant piles, de-watering, shoring and pile works. It is a specialty trade
design and built contract focused on piling and associated works.

BP#3: Civil, architectural, finishing, interior and conveying systems:

This package involves the construction of all items related to the basement, podium and
super-structure within towers A and B areas.

BP#4: Mechanical and electrical works:

This package combines all the mechanical and electrical works within the towers A and
B areas. The full coordination among the different contractors (BP#3 & BP#4) should
be done during all the construction activities.

BP#5: Commercial area and landscape works:

The demolition of the existing facilities at podium level outside the towers areas and
construction of the new commercial area and hard/soft landscape and service parking
works are included in this package scope of work.

Conclusions and Recommendations

A case study of reinforced concrete residential complex in Kuwait city is presented as a

good practical example to be studied and reported for the benefit of the structural
engineering professions in Kuwait. An extensive description for the structural analysis,
design and construction procedure is introduced through out this paper. The main
recommendations concluded from this study are as follows:

• Structural engineering professions for design and construction in Kuwait need to
expand their sphere of knowledge in order to fulfill the requirements of the
expected increase of office and residential high-rise buildings in Kuwait.
• The selection of the structural system for high-rise buildings should consider the
efficiency of resisting both gravity (dead and live) and lateral (wind and seismic)
loads. The architects and engineers should work hand in hand to develop the
building to maintain safety and integrity of the design concept from day one of the
project design.
• Structural analysis and design of reinforced concrete high-rise buildings should be
done using efficient and professional software designed for such type of buildings
(3-D static and dynamic analysis). The most significant factors to be considered
in the analysis and design are elastic shortening of columns, an accurate
estimation for the wind-induced forces as specified by codes and/or using wind
tunnel test results (if needed), flexure stiffness modifiers in ultimate and service
conditions and P-Delta analysis.
• Serviceability study to predict deflections, building periods, drift and
accelerations in the highest occupied levels should be conducted to confirm that
they are within the acceptable limits and to verify the occupancy comfort.


1. ACI 318-05, (2005), Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
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2. Awida, T. A. (March 2002), Partial demolition and Extension of Kuwait Medical
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4. Fintal, M., Ghosh, S. K. and Iyengar, H. (1987), Column Shortening in Tall
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6. SAFE software version 7.3.5 (1978-2005), Slab Analysis by Finite Element
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