Check of Tightening of Connecting Rod: Service Letter SL2015-606/KEL
Check of Tightening of Connecting Rod: Service Letter SL2015-606/KEL
Check of Tightening of Connecting Rod: Service Letter SL2015-606/KEL
Check of Tightening of
Dear Sirs Connecting Rod
MAN Diesel & Turbo is occasionally informed about major damage to
engines in service due to failure of a connecting rod stud/screw fol- SL2015-606/KEL
lowed by a connecting rod failure and even damage to the crankshaft December 2015
and engine frame.
Most of the time, the root cause analysis of the breakdown concludes Owners and operators of
that tightening of the connecting rod studs/screws has not been per- MAN four-stroke diesel engines.
formed according to the instructions issued by MAN Diesel & Turbo. Types:
L16/24, L21/31, L23/30, L27/38, L28/32,
With the purpose of minimising this risk of Maintenance Induced Fail- V28/32 (all types)
ure, MAN Diesel & Turbo has revised and updated the procedure for
check of tightening of connecting rods.
• In case of wrong tightening at installation, correct tightening can
be done at the tightening check.
• No risk of overlooking the tightening check in case of crew change.
• No retightening after 200 hours.
Please find the updated work cards and descriptions for all engine
types enclosed.
We kindly request that these new working cards are replaced in the
instruction manuals at first opportunity.
Yours faithfully
MAN Diesel & Turbo MAN Diesel & Turbo MAN Diesel & Turbo
H. Christoffersensvej 6 Niels Juels Vej 15 Branch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE,
4960 Holeby 9900 Frederikshavn Germany
Denmark Denmark CVR No.: 31611792
Phone: +45 54 69 31 00 Phone: +45 96 20 41 00 Head office: Teglholmsgade 41
Fax: +45 54 69 30 30 Fax: +45 96 20 40 30 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
[email protected] [email protected] German Reg.No.: HRB 22056
Amtsgericht Augsburg