Machining Strenx and Hardox: Drilling, Countersinking, Tapping, Turning and Milling

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Machining Strenx and Hardox

Drilling, countersinking, tapping, turning and milling

Strenx high strength steel and Hardox wear plate are steel grades that can be machined
Strenx and Hardox are registered trademarks.
These steel grades are manufactured only by SSAB.

with high speed steel (HSS) or cemented carbide (CC) tools. This brochure includes our
suggestions for cutting data (feeds and speeds) and the selection of tools. Other factors
that should be taken into account in machining operations are also discussed. The proposals
have been drawn up following our own tests on tools of various makes and in consultation
with leading tool manufacturers.


Strenx Strenx Strenx Hardox Hardox Hardox Hardox
700 900/960 1100 HiTuf 400 450 500
Tensile strength, Rm [N/mm2] ~860 ~1040 ~1350 ~940 ~1250 ~1400 ~1550

Hardness [HBW] ~260 ~320 ~430 ~350 ~400 ~450 ~500

Either high speed steel or cemented carbide drills can be used for drilling. The machine available and its stability
determine the type of drill that should be employed. But whatever the machine type, it is vital to minimize vibrations.

Radial or column drilling machines

Recommendations for reducing vibrations and increasing
the useful life of the drill:
• Minimize the distance from the drill to the column.
• Avoid wooden spacer blocks.
• Clamp the workpiece securely, and drill as close as
possible to the spacer blocks.
• Minimize the distance between the drill tip and
arm by using a short spindle and short drill.
• Just before the drill breaks through, disengage the
any liability for their suitability for individual applications. It is the responsibility of the user of the brochure to adapt the
This brochure contains general suggestions and calculation models. SSAB Oxelösund AB hereby expressly disclaims

feed for about a second. Play and elasticity in the

machine could otherwise snap the drill tip. Reengage
the drill feed when the play/elasticity have ceased.
• Provide an abundant supply of coolant.

recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.


Individual holes can be drilled with Use an HSS-Co drill (8 % Co) with a small
an ordinary HSS drill. For rational helix angle and a robust core that can
production, either a micro-alloyed withstand high torques.
(HSS-E) drill or a cobalt-alloyed
(HSS-Co) drill is recommended.

Strenx Strenx Strenx Hardox Hardox Hardox Hardox

700 900/960 1100 HiTuf 400 450 500
vc [m/min] ~18 ~15 ~7 ~12 ~9 ~7 ~5
D [mm] Feed rate, f [mm/rev] / Speed, n [rpm]
5 0.10/1150 0.10/950 0.05/445 0.07/760 0.05/570 0.05/445 0.05/320
10 0.10/575 0.10/475 0.09/220 0.10/380 0.10/290 0.09/220 0.08/130
15 0.16/400 0.16/325 0.15/150 0.16/250 0.16/190 0.15/150 0.13/85
20 0.23/300 0.23/235 0.20/110 0.23/190 0.23/150 0.20/110 0.18/65
25 0.30/240 0.30/195 0.25/90 0.30/150 0.30/110 0.25/90 0.22/50
30 0.35/200 0.35/165 0.30/75 0.35/130 0.35/90 0.30/75 0.25/45

Solid cemented carbide drill
• Diameters from approx. 3 mm
• Close tolerances (high precision)
• Can be reground
• Sensitive to vibrations
More stable machine tools,
such as boring mills and
bedtype milling machines
For improved productivity, the benefits of
cemented carbide drills should be put to Brazed cemented carbide drill
usein modern and stable machines.
• Diameters from approx. 10 mm
The choice is available between three
main types of drills with cemented carbide • Close tolerances (high precision)
cutting edges. The choice of drill type is • Can be reground
dependent on the stability of the machine, • Less sensitive to vibrations
the clamping of the workpiece, the hole than solid carbide.
diameter and the required tolerance.
Always use the shortest possible drill.

Coolant Indexable insert drill

• Diameters from approx. 12 mm
• Use the type of coolant intended for
drilling. • Offers high productivity

• Rule of thumb for drilling with internal • Wider tolerance than the others
coolant passages: Coolant flow [l/min] (lower precision)
Drill diameter [mm]. • Good economy

Strenx Strenx Strenx Hardox Hardox Hardox Hardox

700 900/960 1100 HiTuf 400 450 500
Cutting speed, vc [m/min] and Feed rate, f [mm/rev]

Solid cemented vc 70-100 50-80 30-50 45-80 40-70 35-65 30-60

carbide f 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.20 0.08-0.18 0.10-0.30 0.10-0.25 0.08-0.18 0.08-0.15

Brazed vc 40-60 40-50 30-40 40-50 35-45 30-40 20-30

cemented f 0.12-0.18 0.12-0.18 0.10-0.15 0.10-0.15 0.10-0.15 0.10-0.15 0.08-0.12

vc 75-140 70-130 60-100 70-130 60-120 60-100 50-70

inserts f 0.08-0.18 0.08-0.18 0.06-0.14 0.04-0.16 0.04-0.16 0.04-0.16 0.04-0.14

Cutting data for drilling in Hardox 550 and 600 are available in TechSupport no 40 and 23.
For more info please contact your Technical Manager.

If the drill diameter is small, select a lower

feed rate within the specified range.
π×D×n vc = cutting speed [m/min]
1000 D = drill diameter [mm]
To calculate the speed of rotation from n=
vc×1000 n = speed [rpm]
the recommended cutting speed : π×D π = 3.14
vf = feed rate [mm/min]
Example for drill diameter D = 15 mm vf = f×n
f = feed rate [mm/rev]
and cutting speed
vc = 80 m/min.

vc×1000 80 1000
Speed, n = = = 1698 approx. 1700 rpm.
π×D 3.14×15

Drilling (contd.)
Adjust the drill setting.

Increase the coolant flow rate, clean the

filter and the coolant holes of the drill.

Choose a tougher grade ~ see the

figure on page 8.

l ut
Reduce the feed rate.

If problems should arise ... Increase the feed rate.

Improve the stability by more secure workpiece
HSS drill tip deformed clamping and reduced drill overhang.
CC drill tip deformed
Wear on the outside of the drill Check the guideline values of cutting data.
Holes oversize/undersize
Check that the right HSS or CC grade
Chip build-up in the drill flutes is used.
Small damage to the cut. edges (edge chipping) Increase the cutting speed.
Asymmetrical holes
Short useful life of HSS tool Reduce the cutting speed.

Short useful life of CC tool

and countersinking
Spot-facing and countersinking are best done by means
of countersinking tools which have replaceable cemented
carbideinserts and a rotating pilot. Use coolant.

Counterbore with Conical countersink

replaceable inserts with replaceable inserts
and revolving pilot. and revolving pilot.

1. Reduce the cutting data by
about 30 % in countersinking.
2. Always use a revolving pilot.

Strenx Strenx Strenx Hardox Hardox Hardox Hardox

700 900/960 1100 HiTuf 400 450 500
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
vc [m/min] 70-100 40-80 20-50 30-80 25-70 20-50 17-50
Feed rate, f [mm/rev] 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20
D [mm] Speed. n [rpm]
19 1175-1675 670-1340 335-840 500-1340 420-1175 335-840 285-840
24 930-1325 530-1060 265-665 400-1060 330-930 265-665 225-665
34 655-935 375-750 185-470 280-750 235-655 185-470 160-470
42 530-760 300-600 150-380 230-600 190-530 150-380 130-380
57 390-560 225-440 110-280 170-440 140-390 110-280 95-280

1) If chipbreaking problems should arise, feed in steps of 2 mm at a time.

2) If the machine power is low, select a cutting speed towards the lower end of the range.
Cutting data for countersinking/counterboring in Hardox 550 and 600 are available in TechSupport no 40 and 23.
For more info please contact your Technical Manager.

HSS countersinking cutters with three cutting edges and equipped with a pilot can be used
in the Strenx steels tabulated below. An abundant flowof coolant is necessary.

Strenx Strenx
700 900/960
vc [m/min] ~8 ~7
D Feed rate,
[mm] f [mm/rev] Speed, n [rpm]

15 0.05-0.20 170 150

19 0.05-0.20 130 120
24 0.07-0.30 100 90
34 0.07-0.30 70 70
42 0.07-0.30 60 50
57 0.07-0.30 40 40

If the correct type of tap is used, holes can be tapped in all In applications in which thread strength is not critical, a somewhat
Hardox and Strenx steels. We recommend fourflute taps which can larger than standard hole diameter can be drilled (about 3 %
withstand the high torques necessary for tapping holes in hard larger), in order to reduce the tap stresses during tapping. This will
materials. When Hardox and Strenx materials are tapped, thread increase the useful life of the tap, above all when tapping holes in
oil or thread paste is recommended as lubricant. Hardox and Strenx 1100.

1. If uncoated taps are used, the cutting data should be lowered by 30 %.
2. If tapping is carried out in NCmachines, thread milling can be employed.

Tap for Tap for

blind holes. through holes.
Strenx 700,
Strenx 900/960.

TiN or TiCN coated
Strenx Strenx Strenx Hardox Hardox Hardox Hardox
700 900/960 1100 HiTuf 400 450 500
vc[m/min] 10 8 3 6 5 3 2.5
Size Speed, n [rpm]
M10 320 255 95 190 160 95 80
M12 265 210 80 160 130 80 65
M16 200 160 60 120 100 60 50
M20 160 125 45 90 80 45 40
M24 130 105 40 80 65 40 30
M30 105 85 32 60 50 32 25

Cutting data for thread milling in Hardox 550 and 600 are available in TechSupport no 40 and 23.
For more info please contact your Technical Manager.



To ensure rational production, milling cutters with cemented carbide inserts are recommended.


Select amilling
Unstable Stable
Roughing Finishing cutter with 90°
machine machine
setting angle

Select a cutter Select a

Select a cutter Select a
with round inserts, CC end mill –
with 45° coated HSS-Co
particularly for solid or with
setting angle end mill*
machining Hardox indexable inserts

*) Avoid
using an HSS
endmill when
machining a
gas-cut edge.

The following factors should be borne

in mind when milling:
• Make certain that the workpiece is securely clamped.

• If the machine power is low, use a coarse-pitch cutter.
• If possible, avoid a universal head, since this weakens
the tool mounting and power transmission.
• The width of cut in face milling should be about 75–80 %
of the cutter diameter (see figure to the right).
• When milling surfaces which are narrower than the dia-
Recommended cutting width
meter of the milling head, the milling cutter should be
in face milling
located eccentrically, so that as many teeth as possible
will be in engagement.
• When milling a gas-cut edge, the depth of cut should be 450
at least 2 mm, in order to avoid the hard surface layer of
the cut edge (see graph). 400 Hardox 400


Hardness profile Strenx 700

of gas-cut edge, 250

cut in air
Strenx 500


0 2 4 6

Distance from kerf surface [mm]

Coated CC Cermet Coated CC CC HSS-Co
Grade P40/CS P25/C6 P20/C6-C7 K20/C2 K10/C3- K10/C3- P10/C7- TiCN-
uncoated coated indexable insert coated
Conditions unstable average stable stable stable stable stable unstable
Feed rate (fz) 0.1-0.2-0.3 0.1-0.2-0.3 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2 0.02-0.10 0.02-0.20 0.05-0.15 0.03-0.09
Plate grade Cutting speed, vc [m/min]
Strenx 700 195-150-95 220-180-150 240-200 - 100 180 195-150 40
Strenx 900/960 95-75-50 200-160-130 220-170 - 90 130 140-120 18
Strenx 1100 - 150-120-110 150-120 - 90 100 110-90 -
Hardox HiTuf - 170-150-140 170-150 - 90 100 110-90 -
Hardox 400 - 150-120-110 150-120 - 90 100 110-90 -
Hardox 450 - 150-120-110 150-120 - 90 100 110-90 -
Hardox 500 - 120-110 120-100 120-100 50 80 90-70 -

At higher feed rates, lower the cutting speed.

Cutting data for face milling in Hardox 550 and 600 are available in TechSupport no 40 and 23.
For more info please contact your Technical Manager.


π×D×n vc = cutting speed [m/min]

vc= Reduce the cutting speed
D = cutter diameter [mm]
n= n = speed [rpm]
π×D Increase the cutting speed
π = 3.14
fz = vf = feed rate [mm/min]
n×z Reduce the feed rate per tooth
fz = feed rate per tooth [mm/tooth]
z = number of cutter teeth

vf = fz×n×z Increase the feed rate per tooth


Use a more wear resistant CC grade


(see page 8)

Use a tougher CC grade (see page 8)

If problems should arise ...

Use a coarse-pitch cutter


Land wear
Change the cutter position
Cratering wear
Plastic deformation
Avoid using a coolant
Cutting edge build-up
Comb cracks
Change over from HSS-Co to
Small damage to the cutting edges (edge chipping) solid CC cutter
Insert failure
Check the cutter set-up
Poor surface finish
Short useful life of HSS-Co cutters

The cutting data recommendations below are applicable to tough ce-
mented carbide grades. These are necessary for operations in which
impact may occur, such as when turning plate with gas-cut edges.

Carbide grade P25/C6 P35/C6-C7 K20/C2 Formulas:

Feed rate fn [mm/rev] 0.1-0.4-0.8 0.1-0.4-0.8 0.1-0.3
π×D×n vc = cutting speed [m/min]
Cutting speed, vc [m/min] vc=
1000 D = workpiece dia. [mm]
Strenx 700 285-195-145 230-150-100 -
vc×1000 n = speed [rpm]
Strenx 900/960 130-90-70 105-65-45 - π×D π = 3.14
Strenx 1100 130-90-70 105-65-45 - vf = feed rate [mm/min]
vf = fn×n
Hardox HiTuf 130-90-70 105-65-45 - fn = feed rate [mm/rev]
Hardox HiTuf 130-90-70 105-65-45 -
Hardox 450 130-90-70 105-65-45 -
Hardox 500 - - 100-80

At higher feed rates, lower the cutting speed.

Tool materials / Cemented carbide grades

P01 P10 P20 P30 P40 P50

ISO group P corresponding to ANSI C5-C8

C8 C7 C6 C5
Low vibrations
conditions vibrations

K01 K10 K20 K30

ISO group K corresponding to ANSI C1-C4
C4 C3 C2 C1

This brochure has been written in cooperation with Sandvik Coromant AB,
DormerTools AB and Emuge Franken AB. Granlund Tools AB has contributed
pictures and cutting data for the section dealing with countersinking.
For further information, please get in touch with our Technical Customer
Service Department.
The Machining brochure is included in a series of publications that
offer advice and instructions for working on Hardox and Strenx plate.
The other two brochures in the series are Welding and Bending. Place
your order for them with our Market Communication Department.
010-en-Machining Strenx and Hardox-V3-2015-Confetti.

SSAB Oxelösund
SE-613 80 Oxelösund

Phone: +46 155-25 40 00

Fax: +46 155-25 40 73
E-mail: [email protected]

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