Elasticity and Thermal Expansion

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Elasticity and Thermal Expansion 3.

Section A,B - Stress & types, Strain & types F

+ Types of Modulus + Energy Stress =
Problems + Graphs, Thermal
Stress, Hooke's Law where F is the applied force and A is the area over
which it acts.
Elasticity is that property of the material of a body
by virtue of which the body opposes any change in 10 N
its shape or size when deforming forces are applied Stress = 10/A
to it, and recovers its original state as soon as the
deforming forces are removed. Unit of stress : N/m2
On the basis of defination bodies may be Dimension of stress : M 1L-1 T-2
classified in two types :
(a) Perfectly Elastic (P.E.) : If body regains its original 2.1 Types of stress :
shape ans size completely after removal of force. Three Types of Stress :
Nearest approach P.E. : quartz-fibre (A) Tensile Stress : Pulling force per unit area.
(b) Perfectly Plastic (P.P.) : If body does not have
tendency to recover its original shape and size.
Nearest Approach P.P. : Peetty F

Limit of Elasticity : The maximum deforming force

upto which a body retains its property of elasticity
is called the limit of elasticity of the material of the It is applied parallel to the length
body. It causes increase in length or volume
(B) Compressive Stress : Pushing force per unit area.
2. STRESS It is applied parallel to the length
When a deforming force is applied to a body, it reacts
to the applied force by developing a reaction (or
restoring force which, from Newton's third law, is F
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the
applied force. Thereaction force per unit area of
the body which is called into play due to the action It causes decrease in length or volume
of the applied force is called stress. Stress is (C) Tangential Stress : Tangential force per unit area.
measured in units of force per unit area, i.e. Nm–2. It causes shearing of bodies.
3.1 Types of strain :
Three Types of Strain :
1. If the stress is normal to surface called normal
(A) Linear Strain : Change in length per unit length is
2. Stress is always normal to surface in case of called linear strain F
change in length of a wire or volume of body.
Change in length
3. When external force compresses the body Linear Strain = Original length
Nature of atomic force will be repulsive.
4. When external forces expanses the body
Nature of atomic force will be attractive. L
Difference between Pressure v/s Stress : (B) Volume Strain : Change in volume per unit volume
S. No. Pressure Stress is called volume strain.
Pressure is always Stress can be normal or
normal to the area. tangential
Always compressive in May be compressive or
nature tensile in nature.
V  V
3 Scalar Tensor

A 4.0 m long copper wire of cross sectional area 1.2 cm2 Volume
is stretched by a force of 4.8 × 103 N stress will be -
(A) 4.0 × 107 N/mm2 (B) 4.0 × 107 KN/m2 Change in volume V
(C) 4.0 × 107 N/m2 (D) None Volume Strain = Original volume =
Sol. [C]
(C) Shear Strain : Angle through which a line originally
F 4.8103 N
Stress = = = 4.0 × 107 N/m2 normal to fixed surface is turned.
A 1.2 104 m 2

When a deforming force is applied to a body, it may
suffer a change is size or shape. Strain is defined as x
= 
the ratio of the change in size or shape to the original
size or shape of the body. Strain is a number; it has
no units or dimensions. Shear strain
The ratio of the change in length to the original length
is called longitudinal strain. The ratio of the change
in volume to the original volume is called volume
strain. The strain resulting from a change in shape
is called shearing strain.

L final length – original length

Strain   EXAMPLE 2
L0 original length
A copper rod 2m long is stretched by 1mm. Strain
= T, will be -
(A) 10-4, volumetric (B) 5 × 10-4, volumetric
(C) 5 × 10-4, longitudinal (D) 5 × 10-3, volumetric
Sol. [C]
[ Y = ]
 110 3 Strain
Strain = = = 5 × 10–4, longitudinal
 2
W 1 (stress)2 W 1 F L
=  = ×
V 2 Y AL 2 A L
1 1
If the ends of a rod are rigidly fixed and its W= F × L = load x elongation
temperature is changed, then compressive stresses 2 2
are set up in the rod. These developed stress are
called thermal stress. 6. STRESS-STAIN CURVE
Thermal Stress = Y  t If we increase the load gradually on a vertical
Y  modulus of elasticity, suspended metal wire,
  Coefficient of linear expansion In Region OA :
t  change in temperature

stress D
In stretching a wire work is done against internal A
restoring forces. This work is stored in body as
O strain
elastic potential energy or strain energy.
If L = length of wire &
Strain is small (< 2%)
A = Cross-sectional Area.
Stress  Strain  Hook's law is valid.
F/A YA Slope of line OA gives Young's modulus Y of the
Y= F = x
x/L L material.
work done to increase dx length In Region AB : Stress is not proportional to strain,
but wire will still regain its original length after
YA removing of stretching force.
dW = Fdx = xdx
L In region BC : Wire yields  strain increases rapidly
with small change in stress. This behavior is shown
Total work done = W =  0 L
xdx up to point C known as yield point.
In region CD : Point D correspondes to maximum
1 YA stress, which is called point of breaking or tensile
= (L)2 strength.
2 L
In region DE : The wire literally flows. The
W 1  L  maximum stress corresponding to D after which wire
Work done per unit volume = = Y 
V 2  L  begin to flow.
[ V = AL] In this region strain increase even if wire is unloaded
and rupture at E.
W 1
= Y (strain)2
V 2

W 1
= x stress x strain
V 2
Hookes' law states that, within the elastic limit, the
stress developed in a bodyis proportional to the strain
produced in it. Thus the ratio of stress to strain is a 0
constant. This constant is called the modulus of
elasticity. Thus

stress length of the rod at new

Modulus of elasticity =
strain temperatrue–natural length of
Since strain has no unit, the unit of the modulus of the rod at new temperature
strain =
elasticity is the same as that of stress, namely, Nm–2 natural length of the rod at
new temperature
 0 –  0 (1  ) –  0 
=  0 (1  ) =  0 (1  )
  is very small so

Section C - Young's Modulus, Poission's strain = –    (negative sign in the answer

Ratio represents that the length of the rod is less than the
natural length that means is compressed by the ends.)
Suppose that a rod of length l and a uniform stress
We know that   then F = T A
crossectional area a is subjected to a logitudinal pull. strain
In other words, two equal and opposite forces are
applied at its ends. Note
Stress = (A) For Loaded Wire :
The stress in the present case is called linear stress, FL  FL 2
L =
r 2 Y Y  AL & A  r 
tensile stress, or extensional stress. If the direction  
of the force is reversed so that L is negative, we
for rigid body L = 0 so Y =  i.e.
speak of compressional strain and compressional
stress. If the elastic limit is not exceeded, then from elasticity of rigid body is infinite.
Hooke's law (B) If same stret ching force is applied to different
Stress  strain wire of same material.
or Stress = Y × strain
L  L [As F and Y are const.]
stress F L r2
or Y  . ...(1)
strain A L
Greater the value L, greater will be elongation.
where Y, the constant of proportionality, is called
the Young's modulus of the material of the rod and (C) Elongation of wire by its own weight :
may be defined as the ratio of the linear stess to In this case F = Mg acts at CG of the wire so
linear strain, provided the elastic limit is not exceeded. length of wire which is stretched will be L/2
Since strain has no unit, the unit of Y is Nm–2.
Consider a rod of length  0 which is fixed between L = FL = (Mg) L / 2 = MgL = gL
AY r 2 Y 2AY 2Y
to rigid end separated at a distance  0 now if the
temperature of the rod is increased by  then the [ M = AL]
strain produced in the rod will be :
EXAMPLE 3 Section D - Thermal Expansion (Solid ,
A wire of length 1m and area of cross section 4 x Liquids & Gas) & type s,
10-8 m2 increases in length by 0.2 cm when a force Applications (Ex Bimetallic
of 16 N is applied. Value of Y for the material of the strip etc)
wire will be
(A) 2 × 106 N/m2 (B) 2 × 1011 kg/m2
(C) 2 × 10 N/mm 2
(D) 2 × 1011 N/m2 Most substances expand when they are heated.
Sol. [D] Thermal expansion is a consequence of the change
By Hook's law in average separation between the constituent atoms
of an object. Atoms of an object can be imagined to
F/A FL be connected to one another by stiff springs as shown
Y= =
/L A in figure. At ordinary temperatures, the atoms in a
solid oscillate about their equilibrium positions with
16  1
Y= = 2 × 1011 N/m2 an amplitude of approximately 10–11 m. The average
(4 10 8 ) (0.2 10 2 )
specing between the atom is about 10–10 m. As the
temperature of solid increases, the atoms oscillate
7.2 Bulk Modulus : with greater amplitudes, as a result the average
Volume stress separation between them increases, consequently the
P VP
B = Volume strain = B=– object expands.
V V


7.3 Compressibility :

1 1  V 
k= =–  
B V  P 

7.4 Modulus of Rigidity : 9.1 LINEAR EXPANSION

tan gentialstress F/A When the rod is heated, its increase in length L is
= tan gentialstrain   = proportional to its original length L0 and change in

temperture T where T is in °C or K.
Only solid can have shearing as these have definite
shape. L0 L  L 0  L

8. POISSION'S RATIO Before heating After heating

Lateralstrain d/D
 = Linear strain = dL = L0dT
L / L
 L = L0T If a T << 1
 = L
LD  = L T where  is called the coefficient of linear
Interatomic force constant 
d expansion whose unit is °C–1 or K–1.
= Young Modulus x Interatomic distance.
L = L0(1 + T). Where L is the length after heating
Note the rod.
Variation of  with temperatue and distance Ans. All of the above
(a) If  varies with distance,  = ax + b - - - - - - represents expanded Boundary
----------- represents original Boundary
Then total expansion =  (ax  b) Tdx

x dx
(b) If  varies with temperature,  = f(T)

Then L =  L dT

As the intermolecular distance between atoms
• Actually thermal expansion is always 3-D expansion. increases on heating the inner and outer perimeter
When other two dimensions of object are negligible
with respect to one, then observations are significant increases. Also if the atomic arrangement in radial
only in one dimension and it is known as linear direction is observed then we can say that it also
expansion. increases hence all A, B, C are true.
• Avery linear dimenstions of the object changes in the
same fashion


EXAMPLE 4 A small ring having small gap is shown in figure on

heating what will happen to size of gap.
A rectangular plate has a circular cavity as shown
in the figure. If we increase its temperature then
which dimension will increase in following figure.

c b
Sol. Gap will also increase. The reason is same as in
above example.
Sol. Distance between any two point on an object Note
increases with increase in temperature. So, all
Original and final length should be at same temperature.
dimensions a,b,c and d will increase.

In the given figure, when temperature is increased Find the equillibrium length for the system after
then which of the following increases increasing temperature by T.
(A) R1 (B) R2 (C) R2 – R1
A = Area 0

A A
B B
A A
R2  A  B
Sol. here  'A and B' are the natural length of the rod A  2 = actual length of object at 2°C = measured
length of object at 2°C
and B after increase in temperature by T, and  '0
0 = linear expansion coefficient of object
is actual length after temperature increase by T.
 0' –  'A ,
So strain in A =  ' 2
 'A
0 2 3
case (ii)
When only measureal instrument is expaneded actual
length of object will not change but measured value
 '0 (MV) decreases.
B' MV = 1 {1 –  s ( 2 – 1 )}

s = linear expansion coefficient of measuring

 'B –  '0
and in B =  ' instrument.
case (iii)
Now force balance If both expanded simultaneously
F  ' –  'A MV = l1{1 + (0 – s) (2 – 1)}
Now  A 0 ...(1)
A  'A (i) if 0 > s, then measured value is more than
actual value at 1°C
2F  'B –  0' (ii) If 0 < s, then measured value is less than actual
and A   B  ' ....(2) value at 1°C
(1)  (2)  2 C

1  A [ '0 –  0 (1   A T)]  0 (1   B T)

  1 C
2  B  0 (1   A T)[  0 (1   B T) –  '0 ] 0 1 2 3 4 5

2  C
 0 ( B  2  A )[1  ( B   A )T) 0 1 2 3 4
 '0 
2 A (1   B T)   B (1   A T)
at 1 °C MV = 3.4, 2 °C MV = 4.1

9.2 Measurement of length by metallic 9.3 Effect of temperature on the time

scale period of a pendulum :
case (i) The time period of a simple pendulum is given by
When object is expanded only
T  2
 2  1{1   0 ( 2 – 1 )} g or T  I
1 = actual length of object at 1°C = measure length As the temperature is increased length of the pendulum
of object at 1°C. and hence, time period gets increased or a pendulum
clock becomes slow and it loses the time, Sol. The time period of second's pendulum is 2 second.
As the temperature increases length and hence, time
T' I' I  l period increases. Clock becomes slow and it loss
 
T I l the time. The change in time period is
Here, we put l = l  in place of l T so as
to avoid the confusion with change in time period. 1 1 –5
T  T    (2)(1.2  10 )(30 – 20)
Thus, 2 2

= 1.2 × 10–4 s
T' I  I
  (1  )1/ 2  New time period is ,
T l
T = T + T = (2 + 1.2 × 10–4) = 2.0012 s
 1   Time lost in one week
or T '  T 1   
 2 
 T  (1.2  10 –4 )
t    t (7  24  3600)
1  T'  (2.00012)
or T = T – T = T
= 36.28 s
Time lost in time t (by a pendulum clock whose
actual time period is T and the changed time period
at some higher temperature T) is 9.4 SUPERFICIAL OR AREAL EXPANSION
When a solid is heated and its area increases, then
 T  the thermal expansion is called superficial or areal
t   t
 T'  expansion. Consider a solid plate of side l0 and linear
Similarly, if the temperature is decreased the length expansion coefficient s. Then Ai = ab
and hence, the time period gets decreased. A pendulum final Area = l × b = ab(1 + s T)2
clock in this case runs fast and it gains the time. = ab(1 + 2 s T) = ab(1 +  T)

T' I' I – I 1

   1 –  Ti
T I I 2 length(f)  a (1   s T)
b s
breath(f)  b (1   s T)
 1 
or T '  T 1 –  
 2  a

1 Af = Ai (1 + T)
T  T – T '  T 
2  = 2
and time gained in time t is the same, i.e.,  = coefficent of Area expansion.
Isotropic Material
 T 
t   t Material having coefficient of linear Expansion is
 T' 
same in all the direction.
EXAMPLE 8 An isotropic Material
A second's pendulum clock has a steel wire. The Material having coefficient of linear Expansion is
clock is calibrated at 20°C. How much time does different for different direction.
the clock lose or gain in one week when the
temperature is increased to 30°C? steel = 1.2 × 10–5
For an isotropic material For Isotroptic
v f  v i [1  ( 1   2   3 )T ]
2 b  2 b(1   2 T )

1 1 Note
a(1   1T )
(i)  :  :  = 1 : 2 : 3
(ii) And they are dependent of temperature.
Ai = ab
Af = ab (1 + 1T) (1 + 2 T)
9.6 Effect of temperature on density :
= ab (1 + 1 + 2T + 12 T2
If the initial density of the body is i having mass
= ab (1 + 1 + 2T) m and volume v then
= Ai (1 + 1 + 2T)
i =
If the temperature increases then volume should
When a solid is heated and its volume increases,
be changes and the final volume is given by
then the expansion is called volume expansion or
cubical expansion. vf = v (1+ T). So the final density

Note : Now after increase in temp by T m m

f = v   f 
Vf = a bc = a[1  T] bc 3 f v(1  T)

= abc [1 + 3  T]  T << 1 f = i(1 + T)–1

vf = vi [1 + 3T] from binomial theorem
f = i (1 – T)

b vi=abc 9.7 Temperature scale

c Relation between different scales.
K = Kelvin
So 3 =  = coefficient of volume expansion.
C = Centigrade
a 0°
Hollow 212°F
32° F
a Boiling
Point 273.15K 373.15K points
Cubical Container of
Solid cube same material
F = Fahrenheit
1. When temperature changes the volume of the
100°C difference = 180° F difference
container and volume of the cube change in the same
fashion because a changes in the same fashion. 9
1°C difference = F difference
2. In volume expansion of container we use  of the 5
container material. 9C
 F – 32
For Isotroptic 5
K = C + 273.15
vf = vi (1 + 3T)
Relation between temperature. on two difference
L.F. value = Lower fixed value
U.F. value = Upper fixed value Ah l g
Temperature on S1 scale – L.F.value of S1 ( l   0 )
U.F value of S1 – L.F.value of S1

Temp. on S2 Scale – L.F. value of S2
= U.F. value of S – L.F. value of S
2 2

v0 g  mg
A faulty thermometer reads 5° at freezing point and
then FB 
95° at boiling point then findout original reading in
°C when it reads 50°.
9.8 Barometer
50 – 5 x–0 45 x
Sol. =  =  x = 50 Their is a capaillary tube which have coefficient of
95 – 5 100 90 100
linear expansion c and a liquid of volume v of
Effect of temperature of Buoyancy Force volume expansion coefficient v of volume expansion
Initially at temperature T coefficient of   at temperature Ti. and given
FB = v l g
3 c    . The Area of cross-section of capillary
on increase temperature at T then
tube is A.
Ah w g

h A



v w g V c

V(1   B T) g (1   B T)

FB  = v g Now temperature increases to Tf, So volume of
(1    T) (1    T)
liquid rises in the capillary. Let it rises to height H.
(a) If B > L & T  So volume rises in tube = V
then FB  V = V[1 +  T] – V[1+ 3 c T]
= V ( – 3c ) T
And Area of cross section of capillary = A
= A [1 + 2CT]
So height in capillary tube

V VT(   – 3 C )
H'  
A' A(1  2 C T)
v(1   B  T)

(a) If L > B & T 

then FB  and T 

What will happen to the water level if the vessel is When the two rods having expansion cofficient 1,
heated ? 2 (2 > 1) and width d are heated then the radius
of the rod after expansion.
Sol. (i) if     c then overflow occure and overflow
= AH(1    t) – AH (1 + c T)
(ii) if     c dI

(2 > 1)

H 2

c d

 R

final volume Vfc = AH (1   C T)

final volume Vf = AH (1    T)

R = ( –  )T
Now AF = A[1  2 C T] 2 1

H[1  y  T]
So H = final height = [1  2 T] Proof :  2  (1  2 t)  (R  d)

 1  (1  1t)  R
R  d (1   2 T)
 from binomial theorem
If two strips of equal length but of different metals are R (1  1T)
placed on each other and riveted, the single strip so
formed is called 'bimetallic strip' [see given fig.]. This d
strip has the characteristic property of bending on R = (  –  ) T
2 1
heating due to unequal linear expansion of the two
metals. The strip will bend with metal of greater  on
outer side, i.e., convex side. This strip finds its Note
application in auto-cut or thermostat in electric heating
circuits. It has also been used as thermometer by
calibrating its bending.
T1 T2

Cu Cu

(T2 > T1)

(A) (B)
Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main
Section A - Stress & types, Strain & types + (A) A is brittle but B ductile
Types of Modulus + Energy (B) A is ductile and B brittle
Problems + Graphs (C) Both A and B are ductile
1. For the following statement : (D) Both A and B are brittle
(a) Glass is more elastic than rubber
(b) Rubber is more elastic than glass 6. The potential energy U between two molecules as
(c) Steel is more elastic than rubber a function of the distance X between them has been
(d) Rubber is more elastic than steel shown in the figure. The two molecules are
(A) (a) and (b) are correct U
(B) (a) and (c) are correct
(C) (b) and (c) are correct
(D) (b) and (d) are correct
O x
2. Two smilar balls, one of which is made of ivory
while the other of clay, are dropped from the same
hight, then –
(A) the ivory ball will bounce to greater height A B C
(B) the clay ball will bounce to a greater height (A) Attracted when x lies between A and B and
(C) both the balls will bounce to the same height are repelled when x lies between B and C
(D) the ivory ball will not at all bounce
(B) Attracted when x lies between B and C and
are repelled when x lies between A and B
3. On stretching some substances, permanent
(C) Attracted when they reach B
elongation is caused, because– (D) Repelled when they reach B
(A) they are perfectly elastic
(B) they are perfectly plastic
Section B - Thermal Stress, Hooke's Law
(C) more stress acts on them
(D) their strain in infinite 7. A metal wire is clamped between two vertical walls.
At 20°C the unstrained length of the wire is exactly
4. Select the correst statement on the basis of the given equal to the separation between walls. If the tem-
graph : perature of the wire is decreased the graph between
elastic energy density (u) and temperature (T) of
the wire is
u u

(A) T (in °C)

(B) T (in °C)
20 20
(A) Young's modulus of A is greater but it is less ductile u u
(B) Young's modulus ofA is greater and it is more ductile
(C) Young's modulus of A is less and it it less ductile
(D) Young's modulus of a is less but it is more ductile (C) (D)
T (in °C) T (in °C)
5. The diagram shows stress v/s strain curve for the 20 20
material A and B from the curve we infer that
8. The bulk modulus of copper is 1.4 × 1011 Pa and
A the coefficient of linear expansion is 1.7 × 10–5 (C°)–
. What hydrostatic pressure is necessary to prevent

a copper block from expanding when its temperature
is increased from 20°C to 30°C ?
(A) 6.0 × 105 Pa (B) 7.1 × 107 Pa
(C) 5.2 × 10 Pa (D) 40 atm
9. Which of the following are correct? 16. One end of a long metallic wire of length L is tied to
(A) The shear modulus of a liquid infinite. the ceiling. The other end is tied to a massless spring
(B) Bulk modulus of a perfectly rigid body is infinite. of spring constant k. A mass m hangs freely from the
(C) According to Hook's law, the ratio of stress and free end of the spring. The area of cross-section and
strain remains constant. the Young modulus of the wire are A and Y respec-
(D) All of these tively. If the mass is slightly pulled down and released,
it will oscillate with a time period T equal to -
10. A metal wire of length l and area of cross-section A (A) 2 n / K
is fixed between rigid supports at negligible tension.
If this is cooled, the tension in the wire will be - (B) 2 m(YA  kL) / YAk
(A) Proportional to l (B) inversely proportional to l
(C) independent of l (D) independent of A (C) 2 mYA / kL
(D) 2 mL / YA
11. Two metal rods of the same length and area of cross-
section are fixed end to end between rigid supports.
The materials of the rods have Young modulii Y1 Section D - Thermal Expansion (Solid ,
and Y2, and coefficients of linear expansion 1 and Liquids & Gas) & types,
Applications (Ex Bimetallic strip
2. The junction between the rods does not shift if
the rods are cooled.
(A) Y11 = Y22 (B) Y12 = Y21 17. A steel tape gives correct measurement at 20°C. A
(C) Y112 = Y222 (D) Y121 = Y222 piece of wood is being measured with the steel tape
at 0°C. The reading is 25 cm on the tape, the real
12. Three rods of equal length are joined to form an length of the given piece of wood must be :
equilateral triangle ABC. D is the midpoint of AB. (A) 25 cm (B) < 25 cm
The coefficient of linear expansion is 1 for AB, (C) >25 cm (D) can not say
and 2 for AC and BC. If the distance DC remains
constant for small changes in temperature, 18. A rod of length 20 cm is made of metal. It expands
(A) 1 = 2 A D B by 0.075 cm when its temperature is raised from
(B) 1 = 22 0°C to 100°C. Another rod of a different metal B
(C) 1 = 42 having the same length expands by 0.045 cm for
the same change in temperature, a third rod of the
1 same length is composed of two parts one of metal
(D) 1 = 
2 2 A and the other of metal B. Thus rod expand by
C 0.06 cm for the same change in temperature. The
Section C - Young's Modulus, Poission's portion made of metal A has the length.
Ratio (A) 20 cm (B) 10 cm
13. A steel wire is stretched by 1 kg. wt. If the radius of (C) 15 cm (D) 18 cm
the wire is doubled, its Young's modulus will –
(A) remain unchanged (B) become half 19. A steel scale is to be prepared such that the millimeter
(C) become double (D) become for times intervals are to be accurate within 6 × 10–5 mm.
The maximum temperature variation from the
14. If a metal wire is stretched a little beyond its elastic temperature of calibration during the reading of the
limit (or yield) point), and released, it will millimeter marks is ( = 12 × 10–6 k–1)
(A) lose its elastic property completely (A) 4.0ºC (B) 4.5ºC
(B) not contract (C) 5.0ºC (D) 5.5ºC
(C) contract, but its final length will be greater than
its initial length 20. If I is the moment of inertia of a solid body having
(D) contract only up to its length at the elastic limit -coefficient of linear expansion then the change in
I corresponding to a small change in temperature
15. A metal wire of length L, area of cross-section A T is
and Young modulus Y behaves as a spring of spring 1
(A)  I T (B)  I T
constant k. 2
(A) k = YA/L (B) k = 2YA/L (C) 2  I T (D) 3  I T
(C) k = YA/2L (D) k = YL/A
Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Stress & types, Strain & types 5. Two wires A and B have the same cross section
+ Types of Modulus + Energy and are made of the same material, but the length
Problems + Graphs of wire A is twice that of B. Then, for a given load
(A) the extension of A will be twice that of B
1. On withdrawing the applied force on some objects, (B) the extension of A and B will be equal
the deformity caused gradually diminishes with time. (C) the strain in A will be half that in B
This is called – (D) the strains in A and B will be unequal
(A) elastic fatigue (B) elastic limit
(C) coefficient of elasticity(D) elastic after effect 6. Two wire A and B have equal lengths and are made of
the same material, but the diameter of A is twice that of
wire B. Then, for a given load
2. On withdrawing the external applied force on bodies
(A) The extension of B will be four times that of A
within the elastic limit, the body–
(B) the extension of A and B will be equal
(A) regains its previous state very quickly (C) the strain in B is two times that in A
(B) regains its previous state after some time (D) the strains in A and B will be equal
(C) regain its previous state after a very long time
(D) does not regain its previous state Section C - Young's Modulus, Poission's
3. A force F is needed to break a copper wire having 7. In a wire of young's modulus Y, the longitudinal
radius R. The force needed to break a copper wire strain produced is  then the strain energy per unit
of radius 2R will be : volume stored in the wire will be
(A) Y2 (B) 2Y2
F 2
(C) Y /2 (D) Y2/2
(A) (B) 2F

8. Poisson's ratio of a certain material is 0.2 . If a lon-
(C) 4F (D) gitudinal strain of 4 × 10–3 is produced in a uniform
rod or this material, the percentage change in its
volume will be-
Section B - Thermal Stress, Hooke's Law (A) 0.24% (B) 0.32%
(C) 0.48% (D) 0.56%
4. A uniform rod rotating in gravity free region with
certain constant angular velocity. The variation of
Section D - Thermal Expansion (Solid ,
tensile stress with distance x from axis of rotation is Liquids & Gas) & types,
best represented by which of the following graphs. Applications (Ex Bimetallic strip

  9. When a copper ball is heated, the largest percentage

increase will occur in its
(A) diameter (B) area
(A) (B) (C) volume (D) density
x x
10. A metallic rod 1 cm long with a square cross-section
is heated through 1°C. If Young’s modulus of elas-
ticity of the metal is E and the mean coefficient of
  linear expansion is  per degree Celsius, then the
compressional force required to prevent the rod from
expanding along its length is : (Neglect the change
(C) (D)
of cross-sectional area)
x x (A) EAt (B) EAt/(1 + t)
(C) EA t/(1 – t) (D) E/t
Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Stress & types, Strain & types (A) the stress in the rods are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
+ Types of Modulus + Energy (B) the force on the rod exerted by the wall are in
Problems + Graphs
the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
1. Which of the following are correct? (C) the energy stored in the rods due to elasticity
(A) For a small deformation of a material, the ratio are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
(stress/strain) decreases. (D) the strains produced in the rods are in the ratio
(B) For a large deformation of a material, the ratio 1:2:3:4
(stress/strain) decreases.
(C) Two wies made of different materials, having 5. A rod is made of uniform material and has non-
the same diameter and length are connected end to uniform cross section. It is fixed at both the ends as
end. A force is applied. Which stretches their shown and heated at mid-section. Which of the
combined length by 2 mm. Now, the strain is same following statements are not correct?
in both the wire but stress is different.
(D) None of these is correct.

2. Choose the correct statements fromt the following :

(A) Steel is more elastic than rubber.
(A) Force of compression in the rod will be
(B) The stretching of a coil spring is determined by
maximum at mid-section.
the Young's modulus of the wire of the spring.
(B) Compressive stress in the rod will be maximum
(C) The frequency of a tuning fork is determined
at left end.
by the shear modulus of the material of the fork.
(C) Since rod in fixed at both the ends, its length
(D) When no stress atoms are in normal position
will remain unchanged. Hence, no strain will be
induced in it.
3. A body of mass M is attached to the lower end of a (D) None of the above
metal wire, whose upper end is fixed. The
elongation of the wire is l.
6. The wires A and B shown in the figure are made of
(A) Loss in gravitational potential energy of M is
the same material and have radii rA and rB respec-
tively. The block between them has a mass m. When
(B) The elastic potential energy stored in the wire is Mgl. the force F is mg/3, one of the wires breaks.
(C) The elastic potential energy stored in the wire
is 1/2 Mgl. A

(D) Heat produced is 1/2 Mgl. m

Section B - Thermal Stress, Hooke's Law F

4. Four rods A, B, C, D of same length and material (A) A will break before B if rA = rB.
(B) A will break before B if rA < 2rB.
but of different radii r, r 2 , r 3 and 2r respectively
(C) Either A or B may break if rA = 2rB
are held between two rigid walls. The temperature
of all rods is increased by same amount. If the rods (D) The lengths of A and B must be known to predict
donot bend, then which wire will break.
Section C - Young's Modulus, Poission's Section D - Thermal Expansion (Solid ,
Ratio Liquids & Gas) & types,
Applications (Ex Bimetallic strip
7. The figure shows the stress–strain graphs for etc)
materials A and B. From the graph it follows that
9. When the temperature of a copper coin is raised by
80ºC, its diameter increases by 0.2%.
(A) Percentage rise in the area of a face is 0.4%
P S Material A (B) Percentage rise in the thickness is 0.4%
(C) Percentage rise in the volume is 0.6%

(D) Coefficient of linear expansion of copper is

Material B 0.25 × 10–4Cº–1.
10. A metal rod is shaped into a ring with a small gap. If
(A) material A has a higher Young's modulus this is heated,

(B) material B is more ductile (A) the length of the rod will increase

(C) material A can withstand greater stress (B) the gap will decrease

(D) material A can withstand greater stress (C) the gas will increase
(D) the diameter of the ring will increase in the same
ratio as the length of the rod
8. A metal wire of length L, area of cross-section A and
Young modulus Y is stretched by a variable force F
such that F is always slightly greater than the elastic
forces of resistance in the wire. When the elongation
of the wire is l.

YAl 2
(A) The work done by F is

YAl 2
(B) The work done by F is
(C) The elastic potential energy stored in the wire is

YAl 2
(D) No heat is produced during the elongation
Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Stress & types, Strain & types Section C - Young's Modulus, Poission's
+ Types of Modulus + Energy Ratio
Problems + Graphs
9. The ratio of diameter of two wires of same material
is n:1. The length of each wire is 4 m. On applying
1. A rod of length 2m rests on smooth horizontal floor.
the same load, the increases in length of thin wire
If the rod is heated from 0°C to 20°C. Find the
will be (n > 1), nx times find out 'x' ?
longitudinal strain developed ?
( = 5 × 10–5/°C)
10. A nylon rop 2 cm in diameter has a breaking strength
of 1.5 × 105 N. The breaking strength of a similar
2. What stress would cause a wire to increases in length by rope 1 cm in diameter is
1/10th of 1% if Young's modulus for the wire is
12 × 1010 N/m2? (Take g = 10 N/kg).
11. A steel ball initially at a pressure of 105 Pa is heated
from 20°C to 120° C keeping its volume constant.
3. When tension in a metal wire is T1, its length was l1 Find the final pressure inside the ball. Given that
and when tension is T 2, the length is l 2. Its coefficient of linear expansion of steel is 1.1 × 10–5/
unstretched length is – °C and Bulk nodulus of steel is 1.6 × 1011 Nt/m2.

4. An metal rod of Young's modulus 2 × 1010 newton/

Section D - Thermal Expansion (Solid ,
metre2, undergoes an elastic strain of 0.06%. The
Liquids & Gas) & types,
energy per unit volume stored in joule/metre2 is- Applications (Ex Bimetallic strip
Section B - Thermal Stress, Hooke's Law
12. In a wire stretched by hanging a weight from its
5. A spring of constant K is cut into parts of length in end, the elastic potential energy per unit volume in
the ratio 1 : 2. The spring constant of larger one is terms of longitudinal strain  and modulus of

elasticity Y is , find x
6. Coefficient of linear expansion of brass and steel rods 2
are 1 and 2. Length of brass and steel rods are 1
and 2 respectively. If (2–1) is maintained same at
13. An iron bar (Young’s modulus = 10 11 N/m2 ,
all temperatures, then find the ratio of 1 to 2?
 = 10–6/°C) 1 m long and 10–3 m2 in area is heated
from 0°C to 100°C without being allowed to bend
7. A cable that can support a load W is cut into two or expand. Find the compressive force developed
equal parts. The maximum load that can be inside the bar.
supported by either part is–
14. If two rods of length L and 2L having coefficients
8. An iron rod of length  and of cross-section area A of linear expansion  and 2 respectively are
is heated from 0ºC to 100ºC. If the rod neither connected so that total length becomes 3L, determine
expands nor bends, then the developed F is the average coefficient of linear expansion of the
proportional to n, find the value of n – composite rod.
Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Stress & types, Strain & types

+ Types of Modulus + Energy m
Problems + Graphs

1. When a certain weight is suspended from a long

uniform wire, its length increases by one cm. If the
same weight is suspended from another wire of the
same material and length but having a diameter half Section D - Thermal Expansion (Solid ,
Liquids & Gas) & types,
of the first one then the increase in length will be:
Applications (Ex Bimetallic strip

2. Two wires of same diameter of the same material

6. A cylindrical beer can made up of aluminium
having the length  and 2. If the force F is applied
contains 500 cm3 of beer. The area of cross section
on each, the ratio of the work done in the two wires
of can is 125 cm3 at 10°C. Find the rise in level of
will be :
beer if temperature of can increases to 80°C. Given
that coefficient of linear expansion of aluminium is
Section B - Thermal Stress, Hooke's Law Al = 2.32 × 10–5/°C and that for cubical expansion
of beer is Beer = 3.2 × 10–4/°C.
3. A rod of length 2 m is at a temperature of 20°C.
7. A compensated pendulum shown in given figure is
Find the free expansion of the rod, if the temperature
in the form of an isosceles triangle of base length l1
is increased to 50°C, then find stress produced when
= 5 cm and coefficient of linear expansion 1 =
the rod is fully prevented to expand.
18 × 10–6 and side length l2 and coefficient of linear
Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2,  = 15 × 10–6 / °C expansion 2 = 12 × 10–6. Find l2 such that the
distance of centre of mass of the bob from
suspension centre O may remain the same at all
4. A brass wire of length 1.8 m is held taut at 27°C
the temperature.
with little tension between two rigid supports. If
the wire is coolded to a temperature of –39°C,
8. A smooth uniform string of natural length l, cross
what is the tension developed in the wire, if its
sectional area A and Young's modulus Y is pulled
diameter is 2.0 mm? Coefficient of linear expansion
along its length by a force F on a horizontal surface.
of brass = 2.0 × 10–5/°C, Young's modulus of brass
Find the elastic potential energy stored in the string.
= 0.91 × 1011 Pa.

9. A body is completely submerged inside the liquid. It

Section C - Young's Modulus, Poission's is in equilibrium and in rest condition at certain
Ratio temperature. It L volumetric expansion coefficient
of liquid s = linear expansion coefficient by of body.
5. A bob of mass m hangs from the ceiling of a smooth It we increases temperature by  amount than find
trolley car which is moving with a constant (a) New thrust force if initial volume of body is V0
acceleration a. If young's modulus, radius and length and density of liquid is d0.
of the string are Y, r and l, respectively, find the (a)
stress in the string and (b) extension of the string (b) Relation between s and L so body will (i) move
when it makes a constant angle relative to vertical. upward (ii) down ward (iii) remains are rest
10. A rod AD consisting of three segments AB, BC 12. Two opposite force F1 = 120 N and F2 = 80 N
and CD joined together is hanging vertically from a act on an elastic plank of modulus of elasticity
fixed support at A. The lengths of the segments are Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2 and length l = 1m placed over a
respectively : 1 m, 0.2 m and 0.15 m. The cross smooth horizontal surface. The cross sectional area
section of the rod is uniformly 10–4 m2. A weight of of the plank is S = 0.5 m2. The change in length of
10 kg is hung from D. Calculate the displacements the plank is x × 10–11 m. Find the value of x
of point of B, C and D using the data of Young's
moduli given below (neglect the weight of the rod).
F2 F1
YAB = 2.5 × 1010 N/m2,
YBC = 4.0 × 1010 N/m2,
YCD = 1.0 × 1010 N/m2

11. We have a hollow sphere and a solid sphere of equal

radii and of the same material. They are heated to
raise their temperature by equal amounts. How will
the change in their volumes, due to volume
expansions, be related ? Consider two cases (i)
hollow sphere is filled with air, (ii) there is vaccum
inside the hollow sphere.
Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main
1. A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is 7. An aluminium sphere of 20 cm diameter is heated
stretched by attaching a weight of 200 N to the lower from 0°C to 100°C. Its volume changes by (given
end. The weight stretches the wire by 1 mm. The the
that coefficient of linear expansion for aluminium
elastic energy stored in the wire is- [AIEEE 2003]
(A) 0.2 J (B) 10 J α Al  23  10 6 /  C) [AIEEE 2011]
(C) 20 J (D) 0.1 J (A) 28.9 cc (B) 2.89 cc
2. A wire fixed at the upper end stretches by length l (C) 9.28 cc (D) 49.8 cc
by applying a force F. The work done in stretching
is [AIEEE 2004] 8. A wooden wheel of radius R is made of two
F semicircular parts (see figure). The two parts are
(A) (B) Fl held together by a ring made of a metal strip of
cross-sectional area S and length L. L is slightly
(C) 2 Fl (D) less than 2R. To fit the ring on the wheel, it is
heated so that its temperature rises by T and it
3. If S is stress and Y is Young’s modulus of material just steps over the wheel. As it cools down to
of a wire, the energy stored in the wire per unit surrounding temperature, it presses the semicircular
volume is [AIEEE 2005] parts together. If the coefficient of linear expansion
S2 of the metal is  and its Young's modulus is Y, the
(A) 2S2Y (B) force that one part of the wheel applies on the other
part is-
2Y S
(C) (D) [AIEEE 2012]
S2 2Y (A) 2syT
(B) syT R
4. A wire elongates by l mm when a load w is hanged
(C) syT
from it. If the wire goes over a pulley and two weights
(D) 2syT
w each are hung at the two ends, the elongation of
the wire will be (in mm) [AIEEE 2006]
(A) l (B) 2l 9. A sonometer wire of length 1.5 m is made of steel.
(C) zero (D) l/2 The tension in it produces an elastic strain of 1%.
What is the fundamental frequency of steel if density
5. Two wires are made of the same material and have
the same volume. However, wire 1 has cross- and elasticity of steel are 7.7 × 10 3 kg/m3 and
sectional area A and wire-2 has cross-sectinal area 2.2 × 1011 N/m2 respectively? [AIEEE 2013]
3A. If the length of wire 1 increases by x on
(A) 200.5 Hz (B) 770 Hz
applying force F, how much force is needed to stretch
wire 2 by the same amount ? [AIEEE 2009] (C) 188.5 Hz (D) 178.2 Hz
(A) F (B) 4F
(C) 6F (D) 9F
10. The pressure that has to be applied to the ends of a
6. A metal rod of Young’s modulus Y and coefficient steel wire of length 10 cm to keep its length constant
of thermal expansion  is held at its two ends such when its temperature is raised by 100ºC is
that its length remains invariant. If its temperature is
raised by t°C, the linear strees developed in it is- (For steel Young's modulus is 2 × 1011 Nm–2 and
[AIEEE 2011] coefficient of thermal expansion is
–5 –1
t 1.1 × 10 K ) [AIEEE 2014]
(A) (B) Yt 7
Y (A) 2.2 × 10 Pa (B) 2.2 × 106 Pa
Y 1 (C) 2.2 × 108 Pa (D) 2.2 × 109 Pa
(C) (D)
t Yt
11. A pendulum made of a uniform wire of cross- 15. A granite rod of 60 cm length is clamped at its
sectional area A has time period T. When an middle point and is set into longitudinal vibrations.
additional mass M is added to its bob, the time The density of granite is 2.7 × 103 kg/m3 and its
period changes to TM. If the Young's modulus of Young's modulus is 9.27 × 1010 Pa. What will be
the material of the wire is Y then 1/Y is euqal to : the fundamental frequency of the longitudinal
(g = gravitational acceleration) [AIEEE 2015] vibrations ? [AIEEE 2018]
(A) 7.5 kHz (B) 5 kHz
2 
  TM   A  T   A (C) 2.5 kHz (D) 10 kHz
(A) 1   T   Mg (B) 1   T   Mg
      M 
16. A solid sphere of radius r made of a soft material of
 T 2  A  T 2  Mg bulk modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in a
(C)  T   1 Mg (D)  T   1 A cylindrical container. A massless piston of area a
   
  
floats on surface of the liquid, covering entire
section of cylindrical container. When a mass m is
12. A pendulum clock loses 12 s a day if the temperature placed on the surface of piston to compress the
is 40°C and gains 4s a day if the temperature is liquid, the fractional decrement in the radius of the
20°C. The temperature at which the clock will show
correct time, and the co-efficient of linear expansion  dr 
sphere  r  , is - [AIEEE 2018]
() of the metal of the pendulum shaft are  
respectively: [AIEEE 2016] Ka
(A) 60°C;  = 1.85 × 10–4/°C (A) (B) mg
(B) 30°C;  = 1.85 × 10–3/°C
(C) 55°C;  = 1.85 × 10–2/°C Ka mg
(C) (D)
(D) 25°C;  = 1.85 × 10–5/°C 3mg 3Ka

13. A man grows into a giant such that his linear

dimensions increase by a factor of 9. Assuming that
his density remains same, the stress in the leg will
change by a factor of : [AIEEE 2017]
(A) (B) 9
(C) (D) 81

14. An external pressure P is applied on a cube at 0°C

so that it is equally compressed from all sides. K is
the bulk modulus of the material of the cube and 
is its coefficient of linear expansion. Suppose we
want to bring the cube to its original size by heating.
The temperature should be raised by:
[AIEEE 2017]
(A) 3PK
Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. Two rods one of aluminium of length l1 having 5. A glass capillary tube is of the shape of a truncated
coefficient of linear expansion a, and other steel of cone with an apex angle  so that its two ends have
length l2 having coefficient of linear expansion S cross sections of different radii. when dipped in water
are joined end to end. The expansion in both the vertically, water rises in it to a height h, where the
rods is same on variation of temperature. Then the radius of its cross section is b. If the surface tension
of water is S, its density is , and its contact angle
value of l  l is [JEE’ (Scr) 2003] with glass is , the value of h will be (g is the
1 2
acceleration due to gravity)
s s 2s
(A)    (B)  –  (A) cos    
a s a s bg

a  s 2s
(B) cos     
(C) s (D) None of these bg
2s 2s
(C) cos     / 2  (D) cos     / 2 
2. A cube of coefficient of linear expansion s is bg bg
floating in a bath containing a liquid of coefficient
6. Steel wire of length L at 40°C is suspended from the
of volume expansion l. When the temperature is
ceiling and then a mass m is hung from its free end.
raised by T, the depth upto which the cube is The wire is cooled down from 40°C to 30°C to region
submerged in the liquid remains the same. Find the its original length L. The coefficient of linear thermal
relation between s and l, showing all the steps. expansion of the steel is 10–5/°C, Young's modulus
of steel is 1011 N/m2 and readius of the wire is 1 mm.
[JEE 2004] Assume that L >> diameter of the wire. Then the
value of m in kg is nearly. [JEE 2011]
3. A metal of mass 1 kg at constant atmospheric
7. One end of a horizontal thick copper wire of length
pressure and at initial temperature 20°C is given a
2L and radius 2R is welded to an end of another
heat of 20000 J. Find the following : [JEE 2005] horizontal thin copper wire of length L and radius
(a) change in temperature, R. When the arrangement is stretched by applying
forces at two ends, the ratio of the elongation in the
(b) work done and
thin wire to that in the thick wire is [JEE 2013]
(c) change in internal energy. (A) 0.25 (B) 0.50
(Given, Specific heat = 400 J/kg/°C, coefficient of (C) 2.00 (D) 4.00
cubical expansion,  = 9 × 10–5/°C, density  = 9000
8. In plotting stress versus strain
kg/m3, atmospheric pressure = 105 N/m2) curves for two materials P and Q,
a student by mistake puts strain on
4. A 0.1 kg mass is suspended from a wire of negligible the y-axis and stress on the x-axis
as shown in the figure. Then the
mass The length of the wire is 1 m and its cross-

correct statemetn(s) is (are)

sectional area is 4.9 × 10–7 m2. If the mass is pulled [JEE 2015]
a little in the vertically downward direction and (A) P has more tensile strength
released, it performs simple harmonic motion of than Q
(B) P is more ductile than Q Stress
angular frequency 140 red s –1. If the Young's (C) P is more brittle than
modulus of the material of the wire is n × 109 Nm–2, (D) The Young’s modulus of P is
the value of n is [JEE 2010] more than that of Q
9. The ends Q and R of two thin wires, PQ and RS, 10. A steel wire of diameter 0.5 mm and Young’s
are soldered (Joined) together. Initially each of the modulus 2 × 1011 N m–2 carries a load of mass M.
wires has a length of 1m at 10º. Now the end P is The length of the wire with the load is 1.0 m. A
maintained at 10ºC, while the end S is heated and vernier scale with 10 divisions is attached to the
maintained at 400 ºC. The system is thermally end of this wire. Next to the steel wire is a reference
insulted from its surroundings. If the thermal wire to which a main scale, of least count 1.0 mm,
conductivity of wire PQ is twice that of the wire is attached. The 10 divisions of the vernier scale
RS and the coefficient of linear thermal expansion correspond to 9 divisions of the main scale. Initially,
–5 –1
of PQ is 1.2 × 10 K . the change in length of the the zero of vernier scale coincides with the zero of
wire PQ is [JEE 2016] main scale. If the load on the steel wire is increased
(A) 0.78 mm (B) 0.90 mm by 1.2kg, the vernier scale division which coincides
(C) 1.56 mm (D) 2.34 mm with a main scale division is ......... Take g = 10 ms–2
and  = 3.2. [JEE 2018]
Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. A
16. B 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. C

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. A,B 2. A, D 3. A,C,D 4. B, C 5. A, C
6. A,B,C 7. A,D 8. A,C,D 9. A, C, D 10. A, C, D

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

(l1T2  l2 T1 )
1. 0 2. 12 × 107 N/m2 3. 4. 7200
T2  T1
3K 2
5. 6. 7. W 8. 0 9. 2
2 1
10. 0.375 × 105 N 11. 5.28 × 108 Pa 12. 2
13. 10000 N 14. 5/3

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

1. 4 cm 2. 1:2 3. 9 × 107 N/m2

m g2  d2 m  g2  a2 l
4. 3.8 × 102 N 5. a. b. 2
r2 r 
l1 1 F2l
6. 0.076 cm 7. 8.
2 2 6AY
 1  3 s  
9. (a) V0d0g  1     (b) (i) L < 3s (ii) L > 3s (iii) L = 3s. 10. 4.90 × 10–6 m
 L 
11. (i) hollow sphere > solid sphere,
(ii) hollow sphere = solid sphere 12. 100

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C
11. C 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. B
16. C

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. A 2. l = 2s 3. (a) 50°C (b) 0.05 J (c) 19999.95 J
4. 4 5. D 6. 3 7. C 8. AB
9. A 10. 3.00

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