Worksheet On Capacitors

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The passages discuss capacitors and their properties like capacitance, potential difference, and time constant. Circuits with capacitors and switches are used to investigate these concepts.

When the switch is moved, the current initially rises sharply and then decays exponentially towards zero as the capacitor charges.

The time constant of a capacitor depends on its capacitance and the resistance in the circuit. A larger capacitance or smaller resistance results in a larger time constant.

Worksheet on Capacitors

A student needs to order a capacitor for a project. He sees this picture on a web site accompanied by this
information: capacitance tolerance ± 20%.
Taking the tolerance into account, show that

(a) the maximum charge a capacitor of this type can hold is about 0.2 C [2]

(b) the maximum energy it can store is about 1.5 J [2]

June 11 Question 13

A student sets up the circuit as shown in the diagram

(a) (i) She moves the switch S from X to Y.

Describe what happens to the capacitor [2]

(ii) On the axes below, sketch a graph to show how the current
in the ammeter varies with time. Take t = 0 as the time
when the switch touches Y. Indicate typical values of
current and time

(iii) Describe and explain what happens when the switch is

moved back to X [3]
(b) The student wants to use this circuit to produce a short time delay of 0.20 s after the switch moves from X
to Y. Calculate the value of the potential difference across the capacitor after this time interval.

(c) A particular racing car has a mass of 800 kg and is travelling at 30 m s–1. It uses an ultracapacitor of
capacitance 2600 F charging to a potential difference of 2.5 V. Calculate the ratio of the energy stored
on the fully charged ultracapacitor to the kinetic energy of the car.

June 14 Question 18

A student is investigating capacitors. She uses the circuit below to check the capacitance of a capacitor labelled
2.2 μF which has a tolerance of ± 30%.

The switch flicks between contacts, X and Y, so that the capacitor charges and discharges f times per second

The capacitor must discharge fully through the resistor. Explain why 400Hz is a suitable value for f [3]

June 12 Question 16
A student was investigating the charge and discharge of a capacitor. He set up the following circuit

(a) Calculate the time constant for the circuit [2]

(b) The student wanted to plot a current-time graph as the capacitor charged, but found that the current changed too
rapidly for him to take readings. Instead, he modelled the experiment using a spreadsheet. The switch was closed
at time t= 0 s. V is the potential difference across the capacitor

Explain how the value in cell B5 is calculated [2]

(c) Some of the data from the spreadsheet has been plotted on a graph of current I against time t

(i) Plot the missing points and draw a line of best fit

(ii) Use the graph to determine a second value for the time
constant [2]

(iii) Suggest how the student might change his spreadsheet to

give a more accurate model of the charging of the capacitor


(d) An alternative method of determining the time constant is to use a straight line graph. State and explain the
variables that the student should plot and how he should determine the time constant from this graph [3]


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