Nombre: Perla Yomira Liviapoma Yman
Nombre: Perla Yomira Liviapoma Yman
Nombre: Perla Yomira Liviapoma Yman
Leen individualmente la lectura en archivo adjunto. Trate de comprender su
contenido sin el uso del diccionario. Seguidamente, conteste a las preguntas,
para lo cual debe investigar en buscadores académicos. Las respuestas deben
ser oraciones completas en el idioma inglés
1. What is hypothermia?
3. What do yoy hace to do if you are with somebody Who has hypothermia?
If the person has lost consciousness the first thing is to see if he breathes. If this is not
the case, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed, protect it from the cold,
cover the head and neck, take it to a healthcare center
Hypothermia (from Greek hypo meaning below and therme meaning heat) is the
involuntary lowering of body temperature below 35 ° C.
Hypothermia, because if it is a time, it can cause the heart and respiratory system to
stop working and, finally, death
6. Explain how to fulfill one of the steps for treating hypothermia?
- One of the first steps is to protect the person from the cold, so we will try to take it to
a warmer area and cover it, either with blankets or with clothes. If we can not move it,
we will have to try to protect it from the cold in that position. It is important to cover
areas such as the head and neck, as these are areas where the heat loss is greater.