I: MATH 1117 Calculus I Syllabus: College of A R T S and Sciences Department of Mathematics and Physics

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Department of Mathematics and Physics

§ I: MATH 1117 Calculus I Syllabus

Catalog Description
Prerequisite: a grade of C (not C - ) or higher in MATH 1115, or placement by the department. The first
year college course for majors in mathematics, science and engineering; and the basic prerequisite for all
advanced mathematics. Introduces differential and integral calculus for functions of one variable, including
algebraic and transcendental functions and culminates in the fundamental theorem of calculus. Includes
basic rules and properties of limits and derivatives and applications of derivatives. Studies the plane analytic
geometry needed for calculus. 4 credits.

Required Textbook
Calculus: Early Transcendentals, by Briggs, Cochran, Gillett, Pearson, 3e, ISBN 9780134766850 (2015). Students
purchasing the text for MATH 1117 should be aware that each instructor may choose to use or not use the
online homework package offered by the publisher as part of their assessment, e.g., counting online home-
work as part of the student’s grade, however once the seal on the software is broken, the package cannot be
returned for a refund.
All students, regardless of their instructors policies regarding online homework, are encouraged to be-
come familiar with and use online homework as a tool to augment their study of calculus.

Course Objectives
This introduction to Calculus includes equal quantities of foundational theory, and applications of calculus
to problems in engineering and the applied sciences. As such, MATH 1117 provides an introduction to the
foundations of Calculus Students developing an appreciation of mathematical thinking and develop an ability
1. Evaluate limits associated with a range of rational and transcendental functions, know how to calculate
limits using L’ Hôpital’s Rule, and recognize common exceptions where limits do not exist;
2. Use a working knowledge of limits to evaluate basic derivatives and definite integrals from first princi-
3. Calculate the derivatives of elementary functions using a variety of tools including the product rule,
quotient rule, chain rule; and be able to apply implicit and logarithmic differentiation;
4. Use calculus to characterize the graph of a function and characterize local and global extrema;
5. Work with introductory concepts of continuity and differentiability, and be able to work with impor-
tant ideas associated with fundamental theorems including the Intermediate Value Theorem, the Mean
Value Theorem, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; and
6. Apply derivatives to problems across several fields in the physical science to solve elementary problems
associated with related rates and optimization.
The emphasis is on improved critical thinking skills with regard to using the methods of calculus as an en-
hanced tool for problem solving.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this course the expectation is that students will be able to:
1. Evaluate limits and the common exceptions where limits do not exist, CC3.2.3;
2. Calculate derivatives using a variety of tools, CC3.2.3;
3. Analyze the connection between derivatives and tangent lines, CC3.2.1;

4. Interpret derivatives across several fields of physical sciences, CC3.2.1;
5. Justify the inverse relationship between derivatives and integrals, CC3.2.2; and,
6. Evaluate integrals of functions, CC3.2.
Students will also achieve the following Core Learning Objectives:
7. the student will be able to generate mathematical models based on abstract concepts;
8. justify the correctness of a solution based on assumptions made and known limitations of methods
used; and
9. solve complex mathematical problems involving multiple mathematical forms and techniques or draw
appropriate conclusions as the result of performing quantitative data analysis based on sound assump-
tions regarding estimation and modeling.

Required Curriculum Content

Key topics covered include:
1. Limits: The concept and application of limits as a mathematical process, the exceptions and nuances of
using limits correctly, and how limits are used to create other mathematical tools in calculus.
2. Derivatives: How derivatives are defined through the use of limits and how they relate to rates of
changes. How to develop methods and formula that facilitate the calculation of derivatives as well as
their applications. Using derivatives as a tool for examining properties of functions and applying these
to develop techniques for optimization, approximation methods, curve sketching, and solving problems
of related rates.
3. Integrals: How integrals are defined using limits and more importantly, the relationship between inte-
gration and differentiation, and how the definite and indefinite integrals are related. How to develop
integration as a mathematical tool and how this relates to the topics already covered in the course. Basic
methods of integration are covered up to the method of u-substitution. Further methods and formulas
for integral evaluation are left for the next course in the sequence, MATH 1118 Calculus II.
All sections of MATH 1117 Calculus I will cover, as a minimum, the material from Calculus: Early Transcendentals,
by Briggs, Cochran, Gillett, Pearson, 3e, ISBN 9780134766850 (2015), as listed:

Sec Textbook Topic

Chapter 1 – Review of Pre-Calculus
1.1 Review of Functions
1.2 Representing Functions
1.3 Inverse Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
1.4 Trigonometric Functions and Their Inverses
Chapter 2 – Limits
2.1 The Idea of Limits
2.2 Definition of Limits
2.3 Techniques for Computing Limits
2.4 Infinite Limits
2.5 Limits at Infinity
2.6 Continuity
2.7 Precise Definition of Limits
Chapter 3 – Derivatives
3.1 Introducing the Derivative
3.2 The Derivative as a Function
3.3 Rules of Differentiation
3.4 The Product and Quotient Rule
3.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change

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Sec Textbook Topic
3.7 The Chain Rule
3.8 Implicit Differentiation
3.9 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
3.11 Related Rates
Chapter 4 – Applications of the Derivative
4.1 Maxima and Minima
4.2 The Mean Value Theorem
4.3 What Derivatives Tell Us
4.4 Graphing Functions
4.5 Optimization Problems
4.6 Linear Approximation and Differentials
4.7 L’ Hôpital’s rule
4.8 Newton’s Method
4.9 Antiderivatives
Chapter 5 – Integration
5.1 Approximating Areas Under Curves
5.2 Definite Integrals
5.3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
5.4 Working with Integrals
5.5 Substitution Rule

Common Department Requirements for MATH 1117

While students in each section of MATH 1117 are assessed by the course instructor, there are general guide-
lines that apply to all sections of MATH 1117. These include:
• Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed on any exams.

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Department, College and University Expectations and Policies
It is important that students familiarize themselves with a range of policies and guidelines that have been es-
tablished by the Department of Mathematics and Physics, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the University
of New Haven. These are an integral part of the syllabus for this course.

Adding/Dropping a Class
The final day to drop this course without it appearing on your transcript is discussed on the
Academic Schedules and Registration web page. After the first week of class, self-service registration will
not be enabled for students to directly add or drop classes. Students should contact the Registrar’s office
directly or the Academic Success Center for assistance with adding and dropping courses during this time.

Attendance Regulations
University attendance policy guidelines require that:
Students are expected to attend regularly and promptly all their classes, appointments, and exercises. While the
university recognizes that some absences may occasionally be necessary, these should be held to a minimum.
A maximum of two weeks of absences will be permitted for illness and emergencies. The instructor has the
right to dismiss from class any student who has been absent more than the maximum allowed. A dismissed
student will receive a withdrawal (W) from the course if they are still eligible for a withdrawal per the university
Withdrawal from a Course policy, or a failure (F), if not. A student who is not officially registered in the course
is not permitted to attend classes or take part in any other course activities. Students absent from any class
meeting are responsible for making up missed assignments and examinations at the discretion of the instructor.

Students are to adhere to the policy attendance policy guidelines outlined in the University Catalog under the
heading, Attendance Regulations, found online in the Undergradaduate Catalog or alternatively found in the
Student Handbook on pp.4849.

Religious Observance Policy for Students

The University of New Haven respects the right of its students to observe religious holidays that may neces-
sitate their absence from class or from other required university-sponsored activities. Students who wish
to observe such holidays should not be penalized for their absence, although in academic courses they are
responsible for making up missed work. The College provides that,
Instructors should try to avoid scheduling exams or quizzes on religious holidays, but where such conflicts occur
should provide reasonable accommodations for missed assignment deadlines or exams. If a class, an assign-
ment due date, or exam interferes with the observance of such a religious holiday, it is the student’s responsibil-
ity to notify their instructor, preferably at the beginning of the term, but otherwise at least two weeks before the

More information about religious observance policies can be found in the Student Handbook on pp.4849
under the heading, Attendance Policies: Religious Observance Policy for Students.

Withdrawal from a Course

Students wishing to withdraw must submit a request for an official course withdrawal in writing using the on-
line Course Withdrawal Form, or alternatively complete and hand in the pdf based Course Withdrawal Form.
The final date to request a withdrawal is listed in the Academic Calendar. This request must be submitted to
the Registrar’s Office and signed by the International Office if you are an international student. The grade of
W will be recorded, but the course will not affect the GPA. 1

Incomplete Grade Policy

A grade of Incomplete (INC) is given only in special circumstances and indicates that the student has been
given permission by the instructor to complete required course work (with the same instructor) after the end
1 Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to assure that the required paperwork and documentation is completed by the deadline.

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of the term. In the absence of the instructor a student should contact the Department Chair. Students need
to examine carefully the changed guidelines pertaining to INC grades, specifically:
To remove the INC grade, the student must complete all required course work in timely fashion as stipulated by
the instructor but no later than the end of the following term. Fall and intersession course incomplete grades
must be completed no later than the last day of the spring term. Spring and summer course incomplete grades
must be completed no later than the last day of the fall term.
If the course work is not submitted within the allotted time, the INC grade will be changed to an F shortly after
the deadline by the Office of the University Registrar. Students will be notified via campus email at least two
weeks prior to the change of grade process.

The University policy on incomplete grades is discussed in the Academic Catalog under the heading, Incom-
plete (INC) Grade Policy.

Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures

The University of New Haven expects its students to maintain the highest standards of academic conduct.
Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at the University. To know what it is expected, students are responsible
for reading and understanding the statement regarding academic honesty in the Student Handbook. Specif-
ically, students are required to adhere to the Academic Integrity Policies specified in the Student Handbook,
i.e., on pp.6673.
Please ask your instructor about their expectations regarding permissible or encouraged forms of student
collaboration if there is any confusion about this topic. The Department of Mathematics and Physics fully
adheres to the Academic Integrity Policy:
Academic integrity is a core university value that ensures respect for the academic reputation of the University,
its students, faculty and staff, and the degrees it confers. The University expects that students will conduct
themselves in an honest and ethical manner and respect the intellectual work of others. Please be familiar with
the University’s policy on Academic Integrity. Please ask about expectations regarding permissible or encouraged
forms of student collaboration if they are unclear.

Coursework Expectations
This course will require significant in-class and out-of-class commitment from each student. The University
estimates that a student should expect to spend two hours outside of class for each hour they are in a
class. For example, a three credit course would average six [6] hours of additional work outside of class.2
Coursework expectations are detailed in the Academic Catalog under the heading, Course Work Expectations.
Please note, that MATH 1117 is a 4-credit course, and as such requires a total of 12 hours per week invested
in study and homework for the average student.

Commitment to Positive Learning Environment

The University adheres to the philosophy that all community members should enjoy an environment free of
any form of harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, or intimate partner violence. If you have been
the victim of sexual misconduct we encourage you to report this. If you report this to a faculty/staff member,
they must notify our college’s Title IX coordinator about the basic facts of the incident (you may choose to
request confidentiality from the University). If you encounter sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual
assault, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, or disability please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Caroline Koziatek at (203)-932-7479 or
[email protected]. Further online information about is available at Title IX.

Reporting Bias Incidents

At the University of New Haven, there is an expectation that all community members are committed to cre-
ating and supporting a climate which promotes civility, mutual respect, and open-mindedness. There also
exists an understanding that with the freedom of expression comes the responsibility to support community
2 Please note that study guidelines are important, i.e., there is substantial evidence that shows that the pass rates for students in math courses decrease

dramatically as the time spent on outside study falls below 2 hours of homework per credit per week.

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members’ right to live and work in an environment free from harassment and fear. It is expected that all mem-
bers of the University community will engage in anti-bias behavior and refrain from actions that intimidate,
humiliate, or demean persons or groups or that undermine their security or self-esteem.
If you have witnessed or are the target of a bias-motivated incident, please contact the Office of the Dean
of Students at 203-932-7432 or Campus Police at 203-932-7014. Further information about this and other
reporting options may be found at Report It.

University Support Services

The University recognizes students often can use some help outside of class and offers academic assistance
through several offices. In addition to discussing any academic issues you may have with your instructor,
advisor, or with the the courses or department coordinator or chair, the University provides these additional
resources for students:

The Center for Academic Success and Advising (CASA)

The Academic Success Center is located in Maxcy 208 for help with your academic studies, or call 203-932-
7234 to set up an appointment.

University Writing Center

The mission of the Writing Center (an expansion of the Writer to Writer peer-tutoring program) is to provide
high-quality tutoring to undergraduate and graduate students as they write for a wide range of purposes and
audiences. Tutors are undergraduate and graduate students and they work with students at any stage in the
writing process; Bring in your assignment, your ideas, and any writing done so far. To make an appointment,
register for an account at https://newhaven.mywconline.com.

The Math Zone

Please contact the Math Zone if you wish to challenge your Math Placement by taking a Math Challenge Exam
or by taking a Math Post Placement Exam. These are discussed more extensively at http://math.newhaven.
edu/mathphysics/placement_html. The Math Zone also provides a range of tutoring and classroom support
service for students taking development math classes.

The Center for Learning Resources (CLR)

The Center for Learning Resources located in Peterson Library, provides academic content support to the
students of the University of New Haven using metacognitive strategies that help students become aware
of and learn to apply optimal learning processes in the pursuit of creating independent learners CLR tutors
focus sessions on discussions of concepts and processes and typically use external examples to help students
grasp and apply the material.

Accessibility Resources Center

Students with disabilities are encouraged to share, in confidence, information about needed specific course
accommodations. The Accessibility Resources Center (ARC) provides comprehensive services and sup-
port that serve to promote educational equity and ensure that students are able to participate in the oppor-
tunities available at the University of New Haven. Accommodations cannot be made without written docu-
mentation from the ARC. The ARC is located on the ground floor in the rear of Sheffield Hall. Sheffield Hall
is located in the Residential Quad area, and can be contacted at 203-932-7332. The ADA/Section 504 Com-
pliance Officer is Rebecca Johnson, [email protected], and can be reached by phone at 203-932-7238.
Information on the ARC can be found at

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Counseling and Psychological Services
The Counseling Center offers a variety of services aimed at helping students resolve personal difficulties and
acquire the balance, skills, and knowledge that will enable them to take full advantage of their experience at
the University of New Haven. Information about the, Counseling and Psychological Services, is available

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