EducTech2 (Course Syllabus 2017-18)

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Bicol University Tabaco Campus

Tayhi, Tabaco City
ISO 9001:2008
Certificate No. TUV 100051782


COURSE TITLE : Educational Technology 2

COURSE NO. : Education 10

COURSE PREREQUISITE(S) : Education 9 (Educational Technology 1)

NUMBER OF CREDITS : 3 units (3 hours a week)

COURSE PLACEMENT : B S Ed. III (Biological Science, Mathematics, Physical Science)

SEMESTER/TERM : 2nd Semester , SY 2017-2018

TIME/ROOM : Mon & Wed @10:30 -12:00 | Thurs @1:00-4:00 | Fri @9:00-12:00 - LH7; Comp Lab.

COURSE DESCRIPTION : At the end of the course, the students are expected to have an in-depth awareness, familiarity, knowledge,
understanding, appreciation of educational technology as applied in the education industry; equipped with knowledge in
integrating technology into teaching and learning process ; acquire/develop appropriate skills on the proper application
of educational technology to enrich the lessons/instruction to enable the would –be teacher to adapt to rapid technological
changes thereby becoming more effective and efficient in her/his day-to-day task.

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

Every BU graduate should:

a. demonstrate critical thinking and integrative skills to solve problems and to support lifelong learning;
b. communicate effectively and appropriately orally and in writing for various purposes with the responsible use of ICT tools;
c. collaborate with diverse people ethically and with mastery of knowledge and skills in given disciplines; and
d. create knowledge and innovation to promote inclusive development as well as globalization.

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Every BUTC graduate should:

a. articulate and discuss the recent trends and developments in specific fields of practice;
b. demonstrate managerial skills and technical competencies matching regional, national and international requirements;
c. express ideas clearly and effectively, using oral and written forms of communication, including accountable use of the internet;
d. perform in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibilities; and
e. exhibit moral courage and ideals to cope with the demands of change.


Every graduate of the Bachelor of Secondary Education ( BSEd) Program are teachers who :

a. demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of adolescent learners;

b. knowledge of various learning areas in the secondary curriculum;
c. create and utilize appropriate materials and assessment tools to enhance instruction and improve learning outcomes ;
d. practice ethical standards of the teaching profession; and
e. exhibit willingness and capability to continue learning and render service to the community.


Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Instructional Delivery Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Recognize the importance of the 1. Orientation to: Goal Setting for the Course Syllabus; 90 % of the students can Create a goal setting of 1.5 hours
experience, the learners will be attainment of the VMGO of BU, BUTC a. Vision, Course VMGO of the internalize and involve in the course
able to: and Education Department Mission, university and the the attainment of BU,
Goals & Small group department BUTC & Department ‘s Presentation of output
Assimilate the VMGO of BU, Be aware of the course objectives, Objectives of discussion VMGO and be aware of
BUTC and Education Department content & requirements. BU, BUTC, the course objectives,
with the knowledge acquired in the and content &requirements
course. Education
b. Course Objectives,
Content, Expectations and
Requirements of the Course

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Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Instructional Delivery Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Identify the different terms frequently L-1. Review of Educational Lecture-Discussion White 95 % of the students can Recitation 2 hours
experience, the learner will be able associated with educational technology Technology-1/Values board/chalkboard internalize and discuss
to: Education/Indicators of a BSEd Small group the different terms. Quiz
Discuss the meaning/concepts of the graduate. discussion Hand Outs Previously discussed;
Derive a fundamental background different terms, importance of values identify and understand
or concepts of Educational education, determine and explain the Brainstorming values Education ;
Technology II, importance of different Indicators for a BSEd. Word Association determine the importance
Values Education//Indicators of a Graduate of Indicators for a BSEd
BSEd graduate. student

At the end of the learning Identify the reasons why there is a need L-2.. An Overview : Educational Cooperative Learning Power Point 95% of the students can Quiz (concept 2 hours
experience , the learner will be to know and understand the Technology 2 Presentation identify,, explain and mapping)
able to: Educational Technology II Small group understand the overview Write-up of the
discussions Video presentation of Educational discussions.
Determine the various reasons why Explain the advantages and Technology 2
Overview of Educational disadvantages of learning Educational Experiential Learning Hand Outs
Technology II be emphasized Technology II especially in the
teaching and learning process. Brainstorming

Word Association

At the end of the learning Discuss the many roles of educational L-3. Understanding Technology Lecture-Discussion Chalk 95 % of the students can Quiz 2 hours
experience, the learner will be able technology Learners Chalkboard/White explain what a
to: Problem-Solving Board Technology Learners
Explain why teachers should (board work) should be and further Write-up of the
Share their personal reflection on understand the Technology Learners. Copies of the identify such kind of discussions.
the fundamental concept of pamphlets on Learners among students
Understanding Technology Differentiate technology learners from Brainstorming Understanding in a particular group. Authentic Evaluation
Learners with emphasis on its role ordinary student/learner Word Association Technology
in the teaching learning process Learners

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At the end of the learning Identify Mode for Developing Basic L-6. Developing Basic Digital Skills Cooperative Hand Outs 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 2 hours
experience, the learner will be able Digital Skills for specific topic Learning E books develop, use and evaluate
to: instructional materials; can Rubrics constructed by
Discuss the role of Developing Basic Small group Copy of Basic select appropriate the students to
Determine and develop the Digital Skills in the teaching and discussion Digital Skills material per competency evaluate instructional
appropriate basic digital skills learning process and explain the basic materials
digital skills. Presentation of
Lecture- Output
At the end of the learning Identify various Evaluation of the L-7. Evaluation of Technology Cooperative Hand Outs 95 % of the students can Authentic evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able technology Learning appropriate for Learners Learning discuss the evaluation
to: developing desired competency Brainstorming E-books mode; can show or relate Recitation
Word Association how the evaluation
Share their reflection on the Discuss the advantages/advantages of Small group K to 12 Curriculum procedure is done.
importance of Evaluating the Evaluating the Technology Learners discussion Guide
Technology of Learning as part of
teaching learning process. Lecture-

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Instructional Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Delivery Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Identify different IT-Based projects L-8. Higher Thinking Skills Through Cooperative Samples of 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able IT – Based Projects Learning Contrived discuss how Higher
to: Discuss the role of IT-Based Projects Word Association Experiences that Thinking Skills Through IT Rubrics develop to
for development of Higher Thinking Small group may be used in –Based Projects are assess IT-based
Describe the fundamental concepts Skills discussion teaching learning developed ; manifest projects
of Higher Thinking Skills Through process through IT-based projects.
IT-Based Projects besides sharing Determine the best possible IT-Based WebQuest samples
their reflection on its process. Projects necessary to develop desired Lecture-
competency Discussions
At the end of the learning Determine and discuss the dramatized L- .9.Computer as Information and Cooperative Hand Outs 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able experience necessary to develop a Communication Technology Learning Rules to remember show how computer
to: particular competency by in role playing serves as information and Role Playing
Small group communication technology
Share their reflections on Discuss the best features of computers discussion and becomes useful in
Computer as Information and as Information and communication Sample of puppets, the teaching learning
Communication Technology for technology Videos (Youtube) process
effective teaching Lecture- Procedure to follow
Discussions in making puppets
Determine the principle and
concepts of teaching with Word Association Making Puppet
Computer as Information and stages
Communication Technology
At the end of the learning Discuss the rules in demonstration L-10. The Computer as a Tutor Cooperative Hand Outs 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able teaching Learning conduct demonstration in
to: Power Point teaching using computer Rubrics develop by
Show how Computer becomes a Tutor Small group Presentation as a tutor . students to evaluate
Derive a theoretical background on and thus develop competency of discussion performance (demo
the fundamental concepts behind learners Videos (Youtube) teaching)
Computer as a Tutor
Word Association.
Share their reflection on the
importance of Computer as a Lecture-
Tutor Discussions
Assess students’ mastery of concepts Midterm Examination Copy of the test 1.5 hours

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Instructional Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Delivery Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Identify the computer features L-11. The Computer as the Reporting Chalkboard/ 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able necessary for use as a tool in Teacher’s Tool Whiteboard identify and discuss how
to: teaching Discussion computers becomes
Describe the functions of such Hand Out teacher’s tool Narrative Output
Share their reflection on the Interactive Learning K to 12 Curriculum
fundamental concepts of using Guide
computer as a tool/ resources in Videos (Youtube)
the teaching learning process Explain how computer becomes Small group
teachers tool discussions

Word Association

At the end of the learning Discuss film, video and television: its L-12. Information Technology in Experiential Short films 95 % of the students can 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able roles, functions and importance in the Support of Student-Centered Learning discuss the importance of
to: teaching learning process Learning Video related to information technology in Presentation of an
Small group students’ field of support to student- Output
Determine the possible ways in Explain the educational benefits of discussions specialization centered learning in the
which Information Technology can information technology in the classroom especially in Authentic Evaluation
support the student-centered classroom as well as its Lecture-Discussions the teaching learning
learning disadvantages or limitations. Word Association K to 12 Curriculum process
Share their reflection on the Videos (Youtube)
fundamental concepts of
information technology in support
to student-centered learning

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Instructional Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Delivery Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Discuss and explain the various L-13. Cooperative Learning with the Reporting 95 % of the assigned Summarized copy of 5.5 hours
experience, the learner will be able cooperative learning process, how Computer reporters can clearly the report
to: they are prepared, implemented and Small group Hand Outs express their ideas while
evaluated discussion the rest of the class are Authentic Evaluation
Derive a theoretical background on listening attentively to the
the importance of cooperative Describe how a particular competency Experiential K to 12 Curriculum reporter Rubrics develop to
learning with the computer in the can be develop using computer Learning evaluate reporter
teaching and learning process;
Word Association
Relate the use of computer to
development of a particular Videos (Youtube)

At the end of the learning Discuss the most appropriate software L.14. The Software as an Educational Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 2 hours
experience, the learner will be able that has become most effective as Resource Guide explain how a software is
to: educational resource Small group used in the teaching- Board work exam
Determine appropriate software as discussion Projector learning process;
an educational resource Demonstrate the use of a particular determine the most
Share their personal reflection on example of software in their field of Experiential Power Point appropriate software for a
the use of software as a Resource. specialization. Learning Presentation subject.
At the end of the learning Discuss the nature of hypermedia L-15. Understanding Hypermedia Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 5 hours
experience, the learner will be able Guide discuss how hypermedia
to: Explain the advantages and Small group works in the educational Submission of Output
Determine the kinds of hypermedia disadvantages of using hypermedia. discussion Hand Outs context in order to ensure
appropriate for teaching-learning their successful integration
process. Experiential in the teaching –learning
Learning process.
WebQuest (Sample)
Word Association
At the end of the learning Discuss how is everything coordinated L-16. The Internet and Education Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation. 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able through the internet Guide explain how internet and
to: Small group education works in the
Utilize project-based learning Determine the possible benefits from discussion Hand Outs teaching and learning
multimedia as an strategy in the internet as far educational software process
teaching-learning process materials are concerned. Experiential
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Instructional Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Delivery Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Determine how learner will be able to L-17. Educational Technology 2 Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Multimedia Project and 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able search and retrieve information from Practicum Guide explain how basic Performance Rubric
to: the web in support to learning Small group Microsoft word works
Determine the procedure to environment discussion /internet as a tool of Authentic Evaluation
managing files, interlink Create, open and save word Hand Outs inquiry/Microsoft power
documents, inserting tabs and documents and files Experiential point presentation.
tables and the like. Learning
At the end of the learning Answer the question” What roles and L-18. Tablets for Textbooks in Small group K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able functions does Tablets for Textbooks Schools discussions Guide narrate the advantages
to: in Schools does? and disadvantages of
Reporting Handouts using Tablets for
Determine the fundamental Discuss the elements /features of a textbooks in Schools.
concepts of using Tablets for tablet Experiential Tablet
textbooks in Schools Learning

Share their personal reflection on Word Association

the use of Tablets as Textbooks in

At the end of the learning L-19. The Global Teacher Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able Guide explain the characteristics
to: Discuss the characteristics of a Global Small group of a Global Teacher
Teacher discussion Handouts on the
Share their personal reflection on topic
the theme The Global Teacher Experiential
At the end of the learning L-20. Educators, Technology and the Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able Discuss the relationships among 21st Century Skills Guide explain or narrate the
to: Educators, Technology and the 21st Small group relationships of
Determine the fundamental Century Skills discussion Handouts Educators to Technology,
concepts of relationships of to 21st Century Skills.
educators to technology, to 21st Experiential
Century Skills Learning

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Instructional Instructional Time
Course Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Performance Standard Assessment Tasks
Delivery Resources Allotment
At the end of the learning Answer the question” What roles and L-21. Delivery of On-Line Courses Reporting K to 12 Curriculum 95 % of the students can Authentic Evaluation 3 hours
experience, the learner will be able functions does an On-line Course do Guide narrate delivery of on-line
to: to serve the teaching- learning Small group courses.
Determine the fundamental process?” discussion Handouts on the
concepts of On-Line Courses. topic
Discuss the elements of On –Line Experiential
Share their personal reflection on Course Learning
Delivery of On-Line Courses

Assess mastery of concepts and skills FINAL EXAMINATION Copy of the test 1.5 hours
in the subject

COURSE REQUIREMENTS : e-Quizzes and other assessment tools used in the Course
e-Tests (Midterm and Final)
Electronic portfolio with corresponding instructional materials / technology per lesson
Oral presentation of group answers per lesson/chapter
Submission of accomplished Logbook that contains the list of K to 12 Curriculum Competencies

SYSTEM OF COMPUTING GRADES : Midterm / Final Examination……………………………………………… ….40%

Quizzes ……………………………………………………………………….. 10%
Class Participation / Oral Presentation of a Topic………… ……………… 25 %
Projects / Requirements ……………………………………………………….25%

Total 100 %

Final Grade = 2/3 Tentative Final Grade + 1/3 Midterm Grade

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Lucido, Paz I. (2014) Educational Technology 2. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City Philippines

Corpuz, B.B. and Paz I. Lucido (2008), Educational Technology 2. Lorimar Publising Inc. Quezon City Philippines

Corpuz, B.B. and Paz I. Lucido (2004), Educational Technology 2. Lorimar Publising Inc. Quezon City Philippines

Corpuz, B.B. and Paz I. Lucido (1997), Educational Technology 2. Lorimar Publising Inc. Quezon City Philippines

Council for Educational Technology for the United Kingdom

Educational Technology: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia

Garo, C. (2008). Theories and Principles of Educational Technology. National Book Store

K to 12 Curriculum Guide (DepEd)

Newby T. et al. Instructional Teaching for Teaching and Learning. Prentice Hall Inc Ohio

Re-Structured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC)

Rokeach, M. (1973) The Nature of Human Values. New York: The Free Press.

Talisayon. S.D. Filipino values determinants of Philippine future. Economic Development Foundation. 1990

World Bank. (2002) Globalization, growth and poverty: Building an inclusive world economy. New York: Oxford Press.

VanDeth, J. W. and Scarborough (eds). (1995) The impact of values. Oxford Press.

2005: Regional Guidelines on Teacher Development for Pedagogy-Technology Integration

2005: Vision and Guiding Principles: UNESCO_ APEID.


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Prepared by: Recommending



Course Professor Department Chair



College Dean

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