Resistance Tubing Workout

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Resistance Tubing Workout

FOR THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU JUST release to the starting position and repeat. extended down by your side, there is some ten-
can’t make it to the gym, resistance tubing offers an Military press (shoulders): Stand on the sion on the tubing. With your palm facing for-
inexpensive and portable way to get a full-body center of the band with feet shoulder-width ward, bend your elbow, bringing your hand up
strength-training workout at home or on the road. apart. With your palms facing forward and toward your shoulder. Keep your wrist straight
As with all exercise, it is important to warm up hands by your shoulders, extend your arms and bend only at the elbow. Slowly release and
for five to 10 minutes and gently stretch the mus- straight up while keeping your back straight (do repeat. If you are using light resistance you may
cles you will be working. For beginners, it is best to not arch your back) and abdominal muscles be able to stand on the center of the tube and
do one set of 12 to 15 repetitions. Intermediate work both arms simultaneously.
exercisers (i.e., those that have been lifting Squats (quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes):
weights for up to three months) can per- Tubing Safety Tips Stand on the tubing so that you are cen-
form one to two sets of each exercise. Pulling on exercise tubing isn’t exactly a risky activity. Still, to tered. Grab the handles with both hands
More advanced strength trainers (i.e., keep the tube from snapping into your face—and to give your mus- and stand with your feet about shoulder-
those who have been lifting weights or cles the best challenge—follow these important guidelines. width apart. Hold the handles up by your
using tubing for more than three months) • Check for holes or worn spots in the tubing. Replace the tube if shoulders and bend as if you are going to
you see any tears.
should try to complete two or three sets of sit in a chair. Return to standing and repeat.
• Do your workout on carpeting, wood floors or grass—anywhere
12 to 15 repetitions. Stretch each muscle but asphalt or cement. Abrasive surfaces can tear your tube. Be sure to keep a flat back and contract
group after each set and at the end of the • Wear comfortable, supportive athletic your abdominal muscles.
entire workout to improve flexibility. shoes, not sandals or dress shoes. Kneeling crunches (abdomi-
Perform the following exercises for a • Make sure the tubing is secured underfoot or nals): Anchor the tubing above
on an anchor before you begin each exercise.
quick full-body workout: your head and let the handles drop
• Maintain good posture throughout each
Seated row (back): Sit on the floor exercise: Keep your knees slightly bent, down. Kneel on the floor with the
and grasp one handle. Wrap the tubing your abdominal muscles pulled in and your anchor behind you. Hold the han-
around a bedpost or some type of chest expanded. dles with your hands up by your
anchor close to the ground and grab the • Perform the exercises in a slow and con- ears and elbows in. Bending from
trolled manner, to work against resistance
other handle. Sit back so that there is the waist, curl down, bringing your
both when you pull on the tube and when
tension on the elastic when your arms your return to the starting position. head toward your knees and keep-
are extended forward. Extend your legs Excerpted from Fitness for Travelers: The Ultimate Workout Guide for ing the handles locked by your ears. Slowly
in front of you with your knees slightly the Road, by Suzanne Schlosberg (Houghton Mifflin, 2002), available return to the starting position and repeat.
bent. Pull the handles so that your at
elbows form right angles as you squeeze
your shoulder blades together. Bring your tight. Slowly lower and repeat. Compliments of:
elbows back as far as you can, keeping your Triceps extension (triceps): Step on the tub- Put your name and logo
spine neutral. Slowly let your arms extend back ing and pull one handle up behind your head. in this area, then make
to the starting position and begin your second Bring your elbow up close to your ear and, handout copies.
repetition. Be sure not to slouch. beginning with your arm bent behind you,
Bench press (chest): Secure the center of the extend straight up until your arm is straight. You
tubing at chest level and face away from the may use your other arm to hold your elbow in
anchor, grabbing the handles in each hand. close to your head. Slowly lower back to the
Begin with your thumbs at your armpits and step starting position and switch arms.
far enough away from the anchor that at this Biceps curl (biceps): Step on one end of the Reprinted with permission from the
American Council on Exercise.
starting position the tube is not gapping. Fully exercise band and grab the handle with the
extend your arms in front of your body. Slowly same hand. Be sure that when your arm is ©2002 American Council on Exercise

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