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Archeological Adventures

eneath the ground we walk upon

are buried lives. There lie whole
cities lost to the ages, ancient tombs
hidden for centuries, and ruined shrines
waiting to be discovered by those greedy
or curious enough to explore them. The
by Steve Berman
past is still alive, waiting to be found by illustrated by Alan Pollack
anyone willing to dare the ruins.
Archeology, the study of ancient
objects, peoples, and sites, is a natural Priests advice on security for those artifacts
addition to any AD&D® setting. Though Many AD&D game priests are likely to found. The unscrupulous are, after all,
most campaigns are set in a fantasy world involve themselves in archeology. Every drawn to a successful expedition like
often representing a pseudo-medieval faith has its own account of the history of vultures to carrion. To those driven by
age, there is no reason to ignore the times the world and the origin of its religion. avarice, ancient sites often hold trea-
and cultures from the past. Indeed, they Eventually, adventurous members of the sure, but not always the sort that thieves
can provide some of the greatest excite- flock, whether laymen or clergy, seek to are used to stealing. Sure, there might be
ment the game has to offer. authenticate the stories by searching out precious gemstones and metals, but
evidence. For example, let’s say that the some collectors will pay more for a stat-
Why Dig Around? Essence of Lireme is a powerful religion in uette made of carved stone if it has a
Why introduce archeology and expe- the campaign world. According to the profound historical significance to folks
ditions for relics and ruins to your cam- faith, the goddess once visited the today. If that statuette is the first known
paign? The answers are simple: to ancient city of Pompere and shed a few idol of the water god Tryphonis, then
expand the variety of adventures and to of her tears upon the temple altar. For any still-existing cult of the god will
deepen the setting’s history. Adding hundreds of years, followers made desperately want it. Most will be willing
archeological quests to your game pro- pilgrimages to the city to view what she to pay quite handsomely. Others might
vides a reason why all these ruins exist left behind, which became known as her try to take the item through force or
and why so many people are eager to Essence. Tales say that when her priests stealth. Smugglers and fences will wish
visit them. Such adventures allow a DM began to charge a few coins to see the to play a role in any expedition in the
to reveal more of his game world. Sure, tears, the goddess punished the city with hopes of making a sweet profit off the
the characters may have traveled the “winds of sand and a storm of rubble.” traffic of artifacts. Indeed, except for
lands, but do they know what happened The city was buried and forgotten in time. famed explorers, such Rogues might
on that battlefield a thousand years Now, centuries later, wouldn’t followers have the most contacts with caravans,
ago? Who built those ruins recently of Lireme wish to seek out the fabled city buyers, and archivists.
uncovered from the desert sands? Have and discover the temple where the Bards naturally will be interested in
the explorers learned the tragic mis- Essence was kept? Who knows what lost the remains of the past, as the songs
takes of a culture now long-dead, or are prayers and knowledge could be found demanded by audiences are nearly
they doomed to repeat them? and shared with the rest of the devout. always old tales passed down from gen-
For players, joining an archeological A priest may seek out a forgotten eration to generation. Minstrels desiring
expedition provides the opportunity to shrine, buried or hidden away by the inspiration or seeking source material
explore something many often neglect: ages, seeking to reopen it and awaken for new verses and compositions would
the cultural background of a character. the locals to the god. Such missionary be well-advised to take part in an
That dwarven thief might be proud of expeditions would be dangerous not only expedition.
his mining talents and his ability to drink because of whatever might be found in
anyone under the table, but what about the ruins but also because of the chal- Warriors
his heritage? He might join the search lenges of dealing with the customs and Most. warriors find themselves part of
for the lost dwarven city of Khuldane mannerisms of the locals, who may not an expedition due to promise of pay.
hoping to find loot, but instead he might be primitive, harmless, or friendly. During peaceful times, a soldier might
experience an epiphany walking in the Other times, priests might accompa- find himself out of work and thus with-
halls of his ancestors, in the very rooms ny expeditions simply because they fear out food or shelter. Many caravans hire
where they held court, planned battles, that, without the presence of their such men as guards to ensure safe pas-
and sang songs of triumph and tragedy. church, important religious objects and sage, and an expedition is no different.
Rather than merely ransack the site, sites might be ransacked. They must be Indeed, besides brigands along the way,
wouldn’t the thief desire to learn some present to enforce moral values and see dangerous creatures might well be
of his people’s ancient ways as a means that no sacrilege is done. encountered in the ruins; the scholars
of connecting himself to what was once will need a hired sword to protect them
so grand? The chance to roleplay an Rogues while they investigate. Rangers could be
awakening-an awareness of a charac- Characters of the Rogue class are in great demand when the expedition
ter’s ancestors-is too wonderful to pass easily the most likely to join an archeo- must pass through an inhospitable
up. Considering how much potential logical expedition, though their desires wilderness like a desert or arctic waste;
history lies behind the culture of any PC, can vary greatly depending upon align- their expertise could well be responsible
it is no great trick to entice a character of ment and background. Good-aligned for the success of the mission.
any class to take part in archeological rogues might be hired to circumvent any Some warriors might seek to join an
explorations. traps within the ruins and to provide expedition simply to discover more

DRAGON #241 21
Table 1: Archaeological finds
Roll 1d100 Item During Dig Notes for the DM
01-04 Bone Fragments Ancient remains may be useful spell components for necromancers.
05-13 Pottery Shards If an entire work can be recovered, then a mending spell might repair and yield
a valuable artifact.
14-17 Dry or Rotted Leather Adversely affected by the site’s climate; could have originally been used with
steeds or storage.
18-19 Colored Glazed Bricks Limited value to collectors of bricks.
20-23 Arrowheads Might be bone, stone, or metal depending on the Age of site.
24-29 Clay Seals or Tablets Might bear an incomplete incantation or legend.
30-34 Hand Weapon Blade Might be bone, stone, or metal depending on the Age of site.
35-39 Pages of Manuscript Could be rolls of papyrus or vellum torn from a book.
40-45 Mosaic Tile Work Might be part of a larger design; could even be a part of a map or puzzle.
46-50 Tableware Carved from wood or bone, or fashioned from metal.
51-59 Broken Statue Might be made of stone or bonze; could be the remains of a golem.
60-63 Wax Sealed Clay Urn Might hold ancient grain or spices.
64-67 Clay/Terra Cotta Figurine Perfect for enchanting or may hold a trap.
68-71 Implements or Tools These may have been used by any tradesman (such as a physician, stonema-
son, etc.).
72-73 Whole Manuscript A sheaf of tied parchment or a complete tome; contents could be anything
74-77 Remains Might be a desiccated/mummified corpse or simply a complete skeleton.
78-83 Ancient Coins Would be valued for their age rather than for their metal.
84-85 Mummified Animal The sacred or beloved animal of the culture.
86-89 Stone Vessels Fashioned from semi-precious stone (alabaster or lapis lazuli, for example).
90-91 Oracle Bones Carved/inlaid bones thrown to predict the future.
92-93 Religious Artifact Might be of a dead/lost god or of an earlier version of the icon of a present-day cult.
94-95 Coffer of Wood or Stone Could hold treasure or trap.
96-97 Complete Statue Such art objects are usually made of marble or bronze.
98-99 Burial Mask Might have religious significance or be made of precious metal.
00 Magical Item! Roll again on this table to determine the nature of the object; a roll of 01-17
indicates an item once enchanted but now destroyed.

about their race’s or culture’s past. (This arcane, hiring out as part of an expedition world and are often associated with uni-
is especially true with the demihuman can be most profitable. Often, archeologi- versities and other centers of learning.
races.) Though they be militant in cal sites need the use of magic in deci- Not all chapters of the guild are peaceful;
nature, warriors might still hold a great phering old writings and revealing hidden sometimes bitter rivalries over an archeo-
deal of pride in their society and want to rooms. Since some distant cultures would logical find turn into fierce intrigue or
see the past (in some cases more consider knowledge as the ultimate even open conflict. Most guildhouses
glorious than the present) rediscovered. wealth, ancient libraries and archives claim that they are interested not in the
could be as well protected as treasure collection of artifacts for profit, but rather
Wizards troves. A wizard’s talents would be in the study and cataloging of the past.
While one might have talent to use demanded when dealing with the strange This claim, however, is not always true.
magic, a true mage combines skill with wards left behind as guardians. Most maintain a certain level of nobility
knowledge. Knowledge is the primary in the pursuit of knowledge and turn
treasure to entice a mage into joining an The Archivists Guild aside prospective members who show
archeological expedition. Who can guess Characters are not alone in their pur- obvious greed. Perhaps what most sepa-
at what esoteric and eldritch practices suit of the past. There exists an alliance rates one guildhouse from another is
were performed when the world was that also seeks out such knowledge. their philosophy. Each tends to develop a
young and magic fresh to the land? Members of the Archivists Guild vary certain school of thought regarding the
Of course, the arcane arts might well from sages to merchant-princes. Though past and how earlier cultures lived. Some
be quite different in the old days (see the guild is not affiliated with any one might take a more religious view, that the
“The Concept of Ages,” below). Evidence religion, it is not uncommon to find world was created by the gods, while oth-
of ancient magic might be unrecogniz- priests of differing faiths as part of a ers take a more humanistic approach.
able or unusable, but still it can provide guildhouse. The guild’s symbol is a bro- Members who sell finds for profit
much inspiration to the workings of ken hourglass with the sand released, without guild authorization are dis-
modern magic. symbolizing how one can reach the missed, and word of such deeds circu-
For those mages seeking to earn a bit essence of time through its remains. They lates quickly among all of the different
of coin to further their pursuit of the hold chapters in major cities across the guildhouses.

22 N OVEMBER 1997
One earns membership in the guild by both arms and implements, and jewelry; tains secretly be at the behest of a
nomination. The main perk is that the finally, ironcraft is developed. In a fantasy bronze dragon seeking a fossilized
guild sponsors archeological expeditions. world, however, one must also consider ancient eggshell to prove its claim to the
To be considered for nomination, a per- the development of magic. While the lordship of such beasts?
son must have proficiency in ancient his- three Ages of tools can still exist, there Depending on what Age to which the
tory and knowledge of at least one also might be an Age of Wild Magic, in archeological find dates back, the sort of
ancient language. which the powerful forces of the arcane artifacts found can vary from chipped
The archivist guild trades in certain were first tapped; an Elemental Age, when stone arrowheads to worked pottery all
objects that aid in the exploration of the only magic prevalent was that of the the way to simple steel blades. Imagine
ruins and the recovery of artifacts. four elements; and finally the Age of a dwarven explorer discovering one of
Nonmembers pay a steep fee for the Traditions, where the different schools of the earliest hammers used in the forging
same objects. One can obtain anything, magic (Alteration, Conjuring/Summoning, of iron. Even though the object is not
from scrolls of comprehend Ianguages, etc.) were discovered and adopted. magical, it would be priceless to any
dig, and mending spells to shielded A DM should consider the preceding dwarven community as a link to their
lanterns, to special brushes and shovels Ages (or those of his own devising) when past and the pride of their race’s accom-
for the delicate unearthing of finds. placing magical items or spells in any plishments. Or consider the discovery by
archeological site. A wizard might find a a human expedition of tattered scrolls
Ancient History truly unique incantation carved on stone revealing elven magics used in the birth
Ancient history is pretty much knowl- tablets he has unearthed, but the spell of dryads. Would not the fey races want
edge gained from two sources: surviving could well be unrecognizable or “primi- such things kept from falling into uneth-
documents that have been translated tive” to the mage’s thinking due to lost ical hands? Would not the elves desire
over the years, and religious documents concepts of thought (such as an alter- to reclaim a fragment of their past?
and stories. Written or transcribed men- ation spell based on a fantasy version of
tion of the antediluvian past would be the Greek “humors” theory, or any other Discovering a Site
highly rare and certainly valuable. Of ancient philosophy). Only after much Most ancient sites are found quite by
course, the reader is at the mercy of the research and experimentation could the accident. Sometimes a construction crew
author’s pen (or chisel); the work can be spell be adapted. uncovers some unusual remains while
highly spurious if not outright false. DMs should also keep in mind that making renovations on a city. Most urban
Remember that most ancient historians non-human races would have their own dwellings are built on the remains of far
were actually travelers and thus had no historical Ages reflecting the course and older cities, and it is not inconceivable to
real scholarly training. The same can be accomplishments of their own race. Thus, discover ruins as one digs down. The filthy
true with legends and religious stories. elves could have a Dawn Age, a carefree winding sewers might well lead to a
Some of the actual facts might have time when they were simple hunter/ buried marketplace where treasures
been lost over the years of constant gatherers and first learned their ties with abound.
retelling and embellishment. Opposing nature. Next might come a Treeshape Age, Other remains might be found by wan-
religious groups are sure to rewrite the when the elves learned how to sculpt liv- derers or explorers. Sometimes weary
record of history to agree with the the- ing plants to form breathtaking homes travelers seeking shelter in a cave might
ology of their faith. and defenses. Finally, elven development find pieces of artifacts used by the land’s
The concept of prehistory as real- reached the point where their smiths inhabitants ages ago. In cold regions, fos-
world historians understand it might be could work the rare metal mithril. Other silized remains lie locked in ice.
unknown in a fantasy world. Fantasy his- possible Ages include a Schism Age when Not to be overlooked are the ever-
torians might envision ancestors as being the drow developed a separate identity. present maps and literature of fantasy
more primitive in culture (such as man- All these could be closely tied into the campaigns. Explorers and treasure-
ners, clothing, possessions, and inven- elven religion. hunters often use such resources as the
tions) than on the evolutionary scale. Dwarves might have an Age of Stone, groundwork for their exploits. Ancient
Fossil remains could be considered a when they would see themselves borne maps may turn up as part of libraries or
number of things other than what they of the rock and first taught to mine. Next the holdings of monasteries, drawn on
are: necromantic experiments gone awry, came the Age of the Forge, wherein iron- the walls of caves or worked as inlaid tiles
for example, or the bones of a creature craft was discovered and mastered. on a ruin’s floor. Literature includes pas-
from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Living Finally there might be an Age of Valor, sages from old sagas and poetry. Either
prehistoric finds, such as dinosaurs and defined by their massive campaigns to may hold clues to the location of lost
neanderthals, might be seen merely as hold their underworld homes from cities, forgotten shrines, or abandoned
more monsters that lurk the land. marauding goblins and orcs. The last trade routes.
would hold great interest to warrior The most important thing to remem-
The Concept of Ages explorers who wish to recover ancient ber about archeological adventures is
In real-world history, we consider devices and relics that would provide that the past holds more wealth than sim-
there to be different Ages of human great morale to the dwarven nations. ple gold. Ideas and dreams that had been
development. Loosely, they are the Stone Not only would demihumans and lost for centuries yield the most treasure.
Age, Bronze Age, and iron Age. These are humanoids have their Ages, but so too A good DM will coax his or her players
differentiated by the use of materials in would other intelligent creatures. Why into realizing the value of exploring the
development: at first, humans can use not include Hatchling, Ironscale, and Long sites of ancient cultures. A good player
only primitive stone tools and weapons; Slumber Ages for dragons? Could that will incorporate the findings into the
next comes the working of bronze in well-funded expedition to the moun- workings of his character’s personality.

DRAGON #241 23
Table 2: Archpeolpgist Thief Skill Adjustments
Pick Open Find/Remove Move Hide in Detect Climb Read
Pockets Locks Traps Silently Shadows Noise Walls Languages
-15% +5% + 10% -5% -5% - +5% +5%

New Kits Weapon Proficiencies: Required: flute instrument and wish to make use
None. Recommended: Because there is of his musical instrument proficiency to
Archeologist figure out how it was played; the DM
often limited room while exploring
Description: Archeologists are Warrior
ruins, most archeologists are proficient considers this a valid request for the +3
or Rogue adventurers who travel the
with one-handed melee weapons such bonus.
world exploring ancient ruins. They
as the short and long swords. A whip Rogues also gain a +5% bonus when
could be loners seeking a personal chal-
might also be used by dramatic charac- using their Find/Remove Traps and
lenge to discover the past, or they might
ters whose players have seen all the Open Locks skills upon the workings of
work with an array of other interested
Indiana Jones movies. their specialized culture/race. Warriors
parties. Some choose such a lifestyle for
Secondary Skills: Mason, miner, or with this kit may take proficiencies from
personal profit, others for the pursuit of
trader. Miners especially foster an inter- the Rogue group without penalty.
knowledge or to improve their under-
est in buried ruins. Special Hindrances: As this kit is
standing of their own race or culture. No
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required: more one of exploration and discovery
matter what their ethics, archeologists
Ancient history, excavations (new). than of martial endeavors, Warriors
brave the dangers of lost civilizations
Recommended: Directional sense, lan- acquire new weapon proficiencies much
and may encounter anything from
guages (ancient), looting (taken by slower than other fighters, at the rate of
unsafe tunnels and excavations to
unethical archeologists), observation, one every four levels.
guardian beasts and ingenious traps.
reading/writing, relic dating (new), The drawback for Rogues is a matter
These are not the sort of folk who
stonemasonry. of reputation: thieves that steal and
deal with present threats; an archeolo-
Equipment: Archeologists tend to plunder from archeological sites will
gist is more interested in dealing with
travel lightly; there is nothing more become known far and wide, and the
the remains of the past. An adventure in
frightening than being trapped under only ones that will associate with them
which a maiden needs rescuing from
some fallen debris and being unable to are greedy merchants and other thieves
the maw of a beast would not entice this
move in metal armor. Archeologists looking for spoils. They suffer a -2 on
character, but mention how the monster
therefore usually wear nothing more reaction rolls with learned folk (such as
blocks the passage to a lost city and the
encumbering than studded leather. other archeologists, sages, and scholars).
archeologist is already checking his gear
Excavating sites and recovering relics Those rogues who choose to value sites
in preparation for the journey. As such
requires a variety of tools, from picks as places to further knowledge become
characters must be ready for anything
and shovels that need a pack animal to disliked by collectors and traders, suffer-
and thus require a keen mind, good
light brushes for removing dirt from ing a -2 on reaction rolls when dealing
reflexes, and a strong arm, an archeologist
finds, and wrappings to protect a find. with such individuals.
PC-whether Warrior or Rogue-must
Those archeologists without infravision Wealth Options: 3d6 × 10 gp
have a minimum Strength, Dexterity
had best be prepared with a good light
and Intelligence of 13. An archeologist
character can be of any alignment.
source, such as a lantern. Bibliotaph
Skill Progression: For rogues with Description: Most learned men value
Role: Archeologists are often at odds
this kit, Find/Remove Traps and Read the written word, but a bibliotaph
with typical adventurers. Those of a
Languages are the most useful. hoards it. Bibliotaphs are priests and
more ethical nature wish that sites
Special Benefits: An archeologist, at wizards who have become obsessive
remain as they were found and consider
any time during the beginning of his about collecting and guarding books,
intruders and looters to be the lowest of
career (in game terms, no later than 3rd scrolls, and tomes. Their entire life has
thieves. Those archeologists of a more
level) may choose to specialize in a spe- meaning only in relation to the number
sinister bent are rivals to both their ethi-
cific culture or race. Demihuman types of volumes they have acquired and kept
cal fellows as well as common adven-
must be specified; one cannot specialize locked away for their eyes only. What
turers: they seek to reach a site before
in all dwarves but must choose in hill or might begin as a career hunting down
anyone else and grab the treasures for
mountain or even gully dwarves. This knowledge soon turns into a passionate
their own sakes.
specialization grants additional insight desire to acquire text after text, regard-
There is no reason why archeologists
when dealing with any such remains or less of the subject matter, the rarity, or
need be only humans. In fact, it seems
ruins the character happens across. On the worth of such volumes.
likely that many will be either dwarves or
applicable proficiencies (ancient history, Priests may choose this kit. Such men
halflings of Stoutish blood. Such demihu-
ancient language, excavations, relic dat- and women tend to worship gods of
mans have the most experience with
ing, etc.) he gains a +3 bonus to his roll. lore or knowledge. Such deities are
exploring underground where most
The DM may also grant this bonus to rarely more than Lesser Powers and
ruins lie buried. Such races have a
other proficiencies depending on the may be as miserly as their followers. The
natural talent for deducing unsafe condi-
immediate situation. For instance, an various acts of worship may not be held
tions. Multi-classed fighter/thieves would
archeologist specializing in wood elves in an open temple but rather in the pri-
be tremendously popular archeologists.
may happen across an ancient wooden vate holdings of the cult. All this secrecy

24 N OVEMBER 1997
further instills a devotion to the written Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required: Second Level: Dictation*
word in the bibliotaph. Reading/writing, screed lore (new). Third Level: Secret page
Wizards of this kit are rarely special- Recommended: Ancient history, lan- Fourth Level: Diary*
ists; such men and women are privy to guages (ancient), languages (modern), Fifth Level: Read baned letters**
far too much knowledge to limit them- spellcraft. Sixth Level: Distant diary*
selves to any one school of thought. They Duties of Priest: Guidance. A biblio-
often seek out the rarest of spells simply taph priest believes he has been * from the Wizards Spell Compendium
** new spell listed below
because such incantations are often kept charged by the god to ensure the sur-
in the pages of the rarest of books. vival of tomes and lore (this may or may New Spells
Most bibliotaphs are human simply not be a delusion). As such, he does Read Baned Letters
because that race feels the nagging everything in his power to defend his (Abjuration)
voice of time the most. A collector is library from intruders and thieves.
Level: 5
aware of his finite life span, but still he Spheres of Influence: Major: All,
Sphere: Learning
tries desperately to hoard as much as Divination, Guardian, Learning, and
Range: Touch
possible during his years. Elves may Summoning. Minor: Enchantment,
Components: V, S, M
experience some level of the thrill col- Protection. Casting Time: 1 round
lectors feel, but their extended life spans Special Benefits: Mages with this kit
Duration: Instantaneous
tend to make such pursuits seem frivo- gain a bonus of +5% to learn a spell (but Area of Effect: one book, scroll, etc.
lous. But there are rumors of elven bib- this bonus will never increase the Saving Throw: None
liotaphs who have spent centuries chance over 99%). This spell exists in both priestly and
caching writings from countless cultures. Priests gain access to a new sphere
wizardly forms. It is used when the
Such a thought is tantalizing to adven- called Learning, which deals with the caster must read a document or object
turers, maddening to other bibliotaphs. accumulation of knowledge, books, and that is suspected to be cursed (as in
A bibliotaph character must have a lore. (This is opposed to magical learn- some magic scrolls) or trapped with a
minimum Intelligence of 13 and a ing through the Divination sphere). spell such as explosive runes or sepia
Wisdom score of no more than 15. This Because of their stubborn, obsessive snake sigil. The caster merely touches the
latter restriction reflects the short- nature, bibliotaphs are naturally resis- document, and the words are revealed
sightedness of the character who cannot tant to Enchantment magic. They gain a
to his thoughts safely, without triggering
see past his own obsession. +1 on all saves against such spells and, any protective magic attached to them.
Role: Bibliotaphs are usually found whenever commanded to perform an The dweomer upon the words is in no
locked away in their libraries or monas- action that would be against the welfare way dispelled; it will activate, as accord-
teries, but they are sometimes encoun- of their collections, they are entitled to ing to the spell, when the document is
tered traveling the land, searching for another, immediate saving throw at +5 read normally.
more writings to steal and lock away. At to resist. If successful, the spell is broken. The document need not be open and
lower levels, such men and women are Special Hindrances: Because of his
apparent; the priest may read the baned
forced to be involved personally. As they lack of social skills, a bibliophile suffers letters of a rolled scroll or closed book.
progress in power and rank, they can a -1 penalty to his loyalty base and However, no special understanding is
hire a network of rogues and under- reaction adjustment when dealing with imparted by the spell, so if the writings
handed merchants to help them acquire anyone not interested in books (such as are in a language unfamiliar to the cast-
the tomes they so desperately seek. sages, scribes, and other bibliotaphs). As er, he simply sees an image of the script
Some of the most powerful bibliotaphs the character becomes progressively in his mind, nothing more. Thus, a tablet
have not stepped foot outside their more a recluse, this penalty worsens by
with the confuse languages dweomer
domiciles in years. Like one of their trea- -1 for every 2 levels of ability gains (so
(the reverse of comprehend languages)
sured manuscripts, they have become a -2 at 3rd level, -3 at 5th, and so forth). remains unfathomable- to the caster.
prisoner of the collection. Wealth Options: 5d4 x 10gp
Note that the casting of this spell also
Bibliotaphs tend to be Neutral in align- does not ensure that any real informa-
ment; their obsession may have originally tion is learned. A cursed scroll may sim-
been noble (the safeguarding of knowl- ply be gibberish upon a rolled piece of
edge for generations), but soon the desire Below is a listing for the Sphere of parchment and would be revealed as
to hoard overcomes any altruism, and Learning, as well as two new spells. Both such. Also, this spell does not allow the
thus Good alignments soon develop into are available to Priests and Wizards of caster to read a passage written with illu-
more Neutral ethics. There are some Evil this kit.
sionary script.
bibliotaphs, but such men and women The material component for the
tend to become so vicious in the acquisi- Sphere of Learning Priest version of this spell is the caster’s
tion of books that they draw notice of All of these spells deal with learning holy symbol laid upon the document or
authorities and may find themselves or books. Several Wizard spells have a object to be read. The material compo-
thrown into dungeons without even so priestly counterpart in this sphere, and nent for the Wizard version is a small,
much as a page to comfort them. these are listed below. Except for a wire-wrapped glass lens that is clutched
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: change in spell level, the characteristics in the caster’s hand, which he lays upon
None. Recommended for pries&/wizards: and effects are identical. the document. Otherwise, the spell
dagger or staff. First Level: Comprehend languages, description is the same for both Wizards
Secondary Skills: Scribe. copy* and Priests.

DRAGON #241 25
Page Guardian Table 3: New Proficiencies
(Conjuration/Summoning) Proficiency Group #Slots Relevant Ability Check Modifier
Level: 5 Excavation General 1 Wisdom -1
Sphere: Guardian Relic Dating General 2 Intelligence -2
Range: Touch Sacred Legends Priest 1 Intelligence -1
Components: V, S, M Screed Lore Priest, Wizard 1 Intelligence -1
Casting Time: 5
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 1 book, scroll, or item Thereafter, the magic fades away after a tales of a single religion. This knowledge
bearing words number of days equal to the caster’s is not the same as the theology and
Saving Throw: None level, leaving the books unprotected but practices that are gained with the reli-
The page guardian is a rare and intact. gion proficiency. The character, when
potent spell used to protect an entire Notes: Page guardian is restricted to confronted with a question or evidence
library by casting the spell on a single bibliotaphs. of the faith’s past, may roll this profi-
volume within it. When the spell is cast, The material component is a special ciency to recall a specific event or leg-
whenever a creature other than the ink made from rare components that end that has relevance. For instance,
caster approaches within 100 feet of the cost 500 gp. A virgin hawk feather must when an ancient idol is discovered, a
document, a page guardian is conjured be used to draw the single sigil that the successful proficiency check might
forth from the script to attack the intrud- document bears as proof of this spell’s reveal that the statue resembles a
ers. The spell can lay dormant for years dweomer. long-forgotten paramour of the god-
until being triggered. Page Guardian: Int Average; AL N; AC dess, and the character could retell
A page guardian is normally a nonde- 0; MV 9; HD 5; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg some of the important stories about
script humanoid figure whose lower 1d10; SA Special; SD Special; SZ M; ML them.
limbs fade off to wispy trails. However, if Fearless (20); XP Special (depending on Additional proficiencies can be cho-
this spell is cast upon a page that fea- special abilities and defenses). sen to gain knowledge of the sacred
tures illustration, the page guardian’s legends of other religions.
appearance mimics that of the most New Proficiencies
prominent drawing. Excavation Screed Lore
A page guardian adopts some of the The character with this proficiency A rare proficiency, screed lore offers
dweomer from the writings from which has learned the techniques for the care- expertise in the care and collection of
it rises. Thus it may possess special ful unearthing of a site or ruin. This books, tomes, scrolls, and the like. This
attacks and defenses depending upon process involves shoring up crumbling proficiency is crucial to librarians, sages,
the exact nature of the document. If a foundations, choosing the proper tools, and scribes. A check would be required
page guardian rises from a scroll of pro- and protecting exposed finds. Without whenever the character handles a par-
tection, then the page guardian is invul- the proper use of this proficiency, deli- ticularly delicate or worn manuscript.
nerable to the same force that the scroll cate finds may be destroyed by crude This proficiency also allows a collection
would ward off. For instance, a page and reckless digging. Characters with the to be searched and a specific volume
guardian spawned from a scroll of protec- excavation proficiency can ensure that found. Failed rolls indicated problems
tion from swords would suffer no damage the structural details of a dig are left from the annoying (a torn page or lost
from a long sword, no matter what its intact so that further visits to the excava- book) to the disastrous (an entire scroll
enchantment. If a guardian rises from a tion site can still yield useful knowledge. crumbles to dust at the slightest touch)
spellbook, then it can cast up to five ran- depending on how badly the check fails.
dom spells, launching each spell but Relic Dating This proficiency also provides some
once from the tome. The DM must adju- This proficiency proves useful when- knowledge of the safeguards used in
dicate what abilities are gained by the ever the character comes upon an protecting books. This knowledge cov-
page guardian should this spell be cast object of questionable age. He can use ers not only mundane traps, like poison
upon other magical books, such as this skill to gain an educated guess as to painted along the edges of the pages,
those that increase characteristics or a when the item was made. There is no but also magical means of safeguarding
manual of the golems. roll necessary for those objects fash- libraries. The character can attempt a
A common fallacy among opponents ioned in the last 20 years (the age of roll at a -5 modifier to notice any evi-
of the page guardian is that the creature these will be obvious to the character), dence of such traps.
can be damaged by the destruction of unless it has been altered through non-
the source writing. This is untrue, magical means to appear much older; in
because when the guardian rises, it that case, a successful proficiency check
automatically absorbs any enchantment reveals the fraud. This proficiency can
upon the document; it erases clean that be combined with ancient history to Steve Berman, when not writing articles
which it springs from. give more accurate information as to to fit DRAGON® Magazine themes perfectly,
A page guardian attacks until all intrud- the past of a relic. is currently busy with his first fantasy novel.
ers within sight are slain. However, it
does not leave the chamber in which its Sacred Legends
source writings are located. If no foes A character with this proficiency is
are left, the guardian slowly fades back well-learned in the myths, stories, and
into the writings that spawned it.

26 N OVEMBER 1997

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