Work Life Balance

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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Students further their studies for them to have a better

life and career in the future. However, pursuing it would not be

as easy as getting stoned at the road; it must be worked hand in

hand and must face challenges before ending in the road of

success. As a student in college would not be as easy as others

think about it especially those working students who juggle their

time between work, studies and lifestyle. Because of these

factors, they experience difficulties in coping up the situation

as working students (Joanna, 2011).

In United States, a new study from Georgetown University

which finds that more than 70% of college students have worked

while studying and the number of working students increased as

the college tuition have increased. It stated that the students

are working an average of 30 hours a week and about 25% of

students are employed full time and enrolled in college full time

as well. But even though students have their job, they take loans

to pay their bills at school because it would not be enough for

them to pay those by having their job alone (Rapacon, 2015).

In the present study using the data collected from the

University of Macau specifically in employment, the students were

treated as heterogeneous experience. It is found out that doing

part-time jobs enriches students’ school life and increases their

social support network as well. In contrast, taking part-time

jobs can also affect the relationship of the students to their

families especially to their parents (Hongyu Wang, Miosi Kong,

Wenjing Shan & Sou Kuan Vong, 2010).

In Europe particularly at Scotland, Lowe and Gayle (2007)

studied and examined the relationship between the part-time

working to the mental and physical health and the academic

performance of the student. When the students’ health was

compared to those in general population, it shows that seven of

the eight areas of health measures were poorer than those of

general population. Accordingly, spending more hours in work has

a negative effect on academic performance. By this, the

institution must implement several measures to help the students

in this situation.

In the Philippines, particularly at Ateneo de Manila, a 20

year old student named Iya Joson was a part-time editorial

assistant for Woman’s Health. She accepted the part-time job to

further her career. She managed her time by sticking a detailed

schedule everyday band actually accomplishing she put on the

list. She realized that balancing both school and work is not for

everyone. In times of stress, she just calms herself down and

will talk to her friends, family and pray (Mendoza, 2012).

In Davao particularly at Holy Cross of Davao College,

students start their work in the morning until afternoon with

exactly 8 hours and start their classes late in the afternoon

from 5 pm to 9 pm in the evening. But even though they have an

organize schedules, balancing work and studies is a bit

challenging for them. Such as doing a lot of things at school

while in work; doing assignments, studying for exams, submitting

paper works are some of the activities in school. However,

students are not able to balance them all because of the limited

time given. With that, working students spend more time in

working rather than in their academic activities. With this,

students apply balancing their time even though it’s not that

balance but they are able to do the tasks that they have to do

either in work or at school.

In line with this, some of the students encountered problems

in dealing between their work, studies and lifestyle. It is a

known fact that a high incidence of illness occur in college

during periods when students are under additional pressure such

as when they are in the process of studying for exams, completing

paper works, doing assignments as well as having their jobs.

According to Feza (2014), the balance should be established

between workload distribution, leisure time and extra-curricular

activities so as to engender academic excellence. By creating a

work-life balance, it can help them ease at this situation.

Balancing time, curricular activities, workload, finances, health

and personal relationship with family, in a total new environment

is essential. Balance is a daily practice of self-observation and

a choice making but keep in mind that balance is not something to

be achieved or sustained and it doesn’t require of having an

equal number of hours for each of your obligations; home, school

and work. Instead, the person must have an effective distribution

of focus, time and energy both internal and external.

In view of the above situation, the researchers find this

study very relevant to the present needs of the working students

considering the hardships and problems that they are encountering

while working and studying. This study aims to generate new ideas

and knowledge about quality of work life of the students thus,

can contribute to the betterment of their life condition both as

worker and student.

Statement of the Problem

The main aim of this study is to determine the predictors of

Work-Life Balance of DCC Working College Students. This study has

the specific objectives to achieve:

1. To describe the level of work-life balance of DCC
working college students in terms of:
1.1 Time management
1.2 Workload
1.3 Health
1.4 Finances
1.5 Family time
1.6 Academic Performance
2. To determine the distribution profile of the respondents

when categorized according to their level of work-life balance

3. To determine what variables discriminates respondent’s

category (Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low)

4. To determine the best predictor of students’ work-life


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