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AC Inverter

Installation Manual

200 to 240V 1Ø & 3Ø 1 - 3 HP

3Ø 5 – 40 HP

380 to 480V 3Ø 1 – 75 HP

500 to 600V 3Ø 1 – 10 HP

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table of Contents

1.0 MA7200 PLUS Inspection, Handling and Installation..............................................

1.1.Inspection Procedure Upon Receiving...............................................................................
1.2 Installation.............................................................................................................................
1.3 Removing the Front Cover and Digital Operator...............................................................

2.0 General Wiring Diagrams...........................................................................................

3.0 Power Section, Terminal Layout, Wiring and Ratings...........................................

3.1 Power Terminals...................................................................................................................
3.2 Power Input / Output Block Diagrams................................................................................
3.3 Wiring Precautions...............................................................................................................
3.4 Power Input Wire Size, NFB and MCB Part Numbers........................................................
3.5 Notes for Circuit Protection and Environmental Ratings................................................
3.6 Electrical Ratings for Constant Torque and Quadratic Torque......................................
3.7 Inverter Heat Loss...............................................................................................................

4.0 Control Terminals Designations and Wiring...........................................................

4.1 Control Terminals Layout....................................................................................................
4.2 Control Circuit Wiring..........................................................................................................

5.0 Peripheral Power Devices Overview.........................................................................

5.1 AC Input Reactor..................................................................................................................
5.2 Input Fuse Types and Ratings............................................................................................
5.3 Noise Filters..........................................................................................................................
5.4 Braking Resistors and Braking Units................................................................................

6.0 Peripheral Control Devices.......................................................................................

6.1 LCD Operator with Extension Cable..................................................................................
6.2 Analog Operator...................................................................................................................
6.3 PROFIBUS Communication Card.......................................................................................

7.0 MA7200 PLUS Specifications....................................................................................

7.1 Basic Specifications............................................................................................................
7.2 General Specifications.........................................................................................................
7.3 MA7200 PLUS Dimensions and Weights...........................................................................

8.0 Parameter Groups, The Digital Operator, Menus and Keypad Navigation............
8.1 Parameter Groups................................................................................................................
8.2 Digital Operator Layout and Description...........................................................................
8.3 Digital Operator Key Functions...........................................................................................
8.4 Run / Stop Status Indicators...............................................................................................
8.5 Display Menu for DRIVE and PRGM Modes.......................................................................
8.6 Some Examples of keypad navigation...............................................................................


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Index

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

9.0 Parameter Summary and Explanation......................................................................

9.1 Parameter Summary Tables.................................................................................................
Table 9.1.1 An- □□ Frequency Command (Multi-speed
Table 9.1.2 Bn- □□ Parameter Groups that can be Changed During
Table 9.1.3 Cn- □□ Control Parameters.................................................................................................
Table 9.1.4 Sn- □□ System Parameters.................................................................................................
Table 9.1.4 P□- □□ Application Parameters..........................................................................................
Table 9.1.5 Un- □□ Monitoring Parameters...........................................................................................

9.2 Parameter Detail..................................................................................................................

9.2.1 Parameters Bn- (Parameter Groups that can be Changed During Running.........................
9.2.2 Parameters Cn- (Control Parameters)......................................................................................
9.2.3 Parameters Sn- (System Parameters)......................................................................................
9.2.4 Parameters PП (Application Parameters).................................................................................
9.2.5 Parameters Un- (Monitoring Parameters)................................................................................

10.0Error Messages and Troubleshooting.....................................................................

10.1 General................................................................................................................................
10.1.1 Fault..............................................................................................................................................
10.1.2 Warnings and Self- Diagnosis....................................................................................................

Appendix A - Auto-tuning Procedure / Sensorless Vector Control............................

Appendix B - Spare Parts.................................................................................................

Appendix C - Inverter Parameter Setting List................................................................

APP-1 PID Application Note............................................................................................

APP-2 Fan and Pump Application Note.........................................................................


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Index Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Index Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

1.0 MA7200 PLUS Inspection, Handling and Installation

1.1 Inspection Procedure upon Receiving

Before delivery, Every MA7200 PLUS inverter has been functionally tested and adjusted. After receiving the inverter,
use the following procedure to ensure that the proper equipment has been received and is not damaged.
 Verify that the Model No. of the inverter you’ve received is the same as that listed on your purchase order.
(Refer to the Nameplate)
 Observe the condition of the shipping container and report any damage immediately to the commercial carrier
that delivered the equipment.

■ Inverter Nameplate:

Inverter Model
Input PowerSpecifications

Output Power Specifications

 Inverter Model Numbering:

N1: NEMA 1
N4: NEMA 4*
*1 - 20 HP Only

2: 200 - 240V
4: 380 - 480V 0001: 1 HP
5: 500 – 600V
(575V 1 - 10 HP Only)
0075: 75 HP


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Inspection, Handling & Nameplate Layout

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

1.2 Installation
When installing the inverter, ensure that there is adequate space around the unit to allow normal heat dissipation
as per the following Fig. 1.2.1

50mm 4.72in.

-10 to +40°C

1.18in. 1.18in.
30mm 30mm

1.97in. 120mm Air Flow

Fig. 1.2.1 MA7200 PLUS Wall Mount Clearance



Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz




Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz








Fig. 1.2.2 MA7200 PLUS NEMA 4 Installation Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Installation; Wall Mount Clearance & NEMA 4
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Location of equipment is important to achieve proper performance and normal operating life. The MA7200
PLUS inverter should be installed in area meeting the following conditions.
 Ambient temperature: +14 to 104oF, (-10 to 40oC).
 The location is protected from rain, moisture and direct sunlight.
 The location is free from harmful mists, gases, liquids, airborne dusts and metallic particles.
 The location is free from vibration and electromagnetic noise. (i.e. welding machines, power units, etc…)
 When mounting multiple units in a common enclosure, install a cooling fan or some other means to
maintain the enclosure temperature below 104oF (+40oC).

1.3 Removing the Front Cover and Digital Operator

Before making any wiring connections to the MA7200 PLUS, the front cover needs to be removed.
 For models 230V, 1-25HP; 460V, 1-30HP and 575V 1-10HP: (Plastic cover) -The Digital Operator must
be disassembled first before disassembling the front cover. After completing the wiring connection, assemble
front cover first then the Digital Operator.
 For models 230V, 30HP&40HP and 460V, 40- 75HP: (Metal cover)- The front cover can be removed for
wiring connection without disassembling the Digital Operator. Reinstall the front cover after completing
the wiring.

The procedure for disassembly / assembly for the MA7200 PLUS inverter will be dependent on the model as follows:

(A) 230V: 1-2HP and 460V: 1-2HP

 MA7200-2001-N1  MA7200-4001-N1
 MA7200-2002-N1  MA7200-4002-N1

■ Removing the front cover and Digital Operator:

Remove the two screws a and b on the front cover and d
remove. Next, remove the screws c and d on the Digital c
LCD Digital
Operator and carefully pull upward enough to expose the
Operator RS-232
connecting cable. Disconnect the RS-232 cable on the
backside of the Digital Operator and remove the Digital Cable
Operator. Connector

■ Attaching the front cover and Digital Operator: Front Cover

Carefully connect the RS-232 cable connector to the
back of the Digital Operator, place it on the inverter
housing and secure with screws c and d. Insert the tabs a
of the upper part of front cover into the groove of the b
inverter housing and secure with screws a and b.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cautions, Front Cover & Digital Operator Removal
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

(B) 230V: 3-10HP, 460V: 3-10HP and 575V: 1 -10 HP

 MA7200-2003-N1  MA7200-4003-N1  MA7200-5001-N1  MA7200-5007-N1
 MA7200-2005-N1  MA7200-4005-N1  MA7200-5002-N1  MA7200-5010-N1
 MA7200-2007-N1  MA7200-4007-N1  MA7200-5003-N1
 MA7200-2010-N1  MA7200-4010-N1  MA7200-5005-N1

■ Removing the digital operator

LCD Digital Operator
Front Cover a
Remove screws a and b. Press the lever on the side of the 2
Digital Operator in the direction of arrow 1 to unlock the Digital
Operator. Carefully disconnect the RS-232 cable connector on 1
the back side of the LCD digital operator and lift the Digital
Operator in the direction of arrow 2 to remove.

■ Removing the front cover

1 RS-232
Press the left and right sides of the front cover in the directions Cable
of arrow 1 and lift the bottom of the cover in the direction of
arrow 2 to remove. c 1

■ Mounting the front cover and Digital Operator

Insert the tab of the upper part of front cover into the groove of Digital a
Operator b
the inverter housing and press the lower part of the front cover Front 2
onto the inverter until it snaps into place. Cover 1 RS-232
e Cable
Connect the RS-232 cable connector to the back side of the d Connector
Digital Operator and hook the one side of the Digital Operator
on the front cover in the direction of arrow 1. c

Press the digital operator in the direction of arrow 2 until it

snaps into place and then secure with c and d.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Front Cover & Digital Operator Removal Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

230V: 15,20HP and 460V: 15,20HP Series

 MA7200-2015-N1  MA7200-4015-N1
 MA7200-2020-N1  MA7200-4020-N1
■ Removing the Digital Operator:
a LCD Digital
Remove screws a and b and carefully lift up to expose the
b Operator
connecting cable. Disconnect the RS-232 cable connector
on the back side of the Digital Operator and then remove
the Digital Operator. Front c
RS-232 Cable
d Connector
■ Removing the front cover:
Loosen the two screws c and d of the front cover c and d
and lift the bottom of the front cover to remove.

■ Mounting the front cover and Digital Operator:

Insert the tab of the upper part of front cover into the
groove of the inverter housing and secure with screws c
and d.
Connect the RS-232 cable connector on the back of the
Digital Operator. Place the Digital Operator into the inverter
housing and secure with screws a and b.

(C) 230V: 30- 40HP and 460V: 40- 75HP Series

Front cover
■ Removing the front cover:
Loosen the two screws a and b of the front cover. Then
loosen the two screws c and d and lift the front cover
upwards. (Do not removing the digital operator.)
■ Mounting the front cover:
Place the front cover on the inverter housing and then
secure with screws a, b, c and d.

2.0 General Wiring Diagrams

The general wiring diagram of the MA7200 PLUS is shown in Fig’s. 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. There are three types of control
boards, the first is shown in Fig. 2.1.1 and the other two in Fig. 2.1.2 along with the terminal arrangement.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Front Cover & Digital Operator Removal Cont . & General Wiring Diagrams
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Braking Resistor
AC Input Voltage

L1(R) L2(S) L3(T)

B1/P B2
AC Actin 3Ø Induction motor
Fast es
Reac Fus L1/R U/T1
L2/S V/T2
netic -
Mag tor
B c
MCC Conta
L3/T W/T3

E < 100?
Main Power Section

Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz



DSPL Analog AO1
FWD Output 1

2 Analog Outputs
Analog AO2

Dedicated Digital REV / STOP REV REV


0 – 10 VDC
Output 2
Inputs 3
External Fault Eb
Fault Reset Note 1
Digital Input 5
Section Multi-Step Speed Ref. 1 Control Section
Multi- Multi-Step Speed Ref. 2 6
Functional (RC) Multi-Functional
Digital Inputs 7 Relay Output
Jog NC
Accel / Decel 8
Contact rating:
Factory Default Digital 250 VAC@ <1.0A,
Common 30 VDC@ <1.0A

Potentiometer +12V

Master Speed VIN

0 -10V (20k? ) GND

Master Speed AIN

Analog section Ref.

4 -20 mA (250? ) 0V
Multi -Functional Multi-Functional transistor
Analog Input digital outputs
0V DO2
0 -10V (20k? ) Open Collector, 48V @50mA
Note 1 (opto-isolated)
External DC IP12 1
IG12 2 PULL UP Serial Port
A(+) 3 S(-)
RS485 Input
PG Input
(Phase A)
A(-) 4

Terminal Layout ( Control Board code No.: 4H300D6730027)

DG 1 3 5 7 VIN AIN AUX DO1 DO2 DOG S(-)

E 2 4 6 8 +12 GND GND AO1 AO2 S(-) E RA RB RC

1 – Use shielded wiring for digital inputs and analog outputs and shielded twisted pair for analog inputs
2 - Terminals A(+) and A(-) can be used as a pulse frequency input command , 50Hz - 32kHz, with an H of 3-12V. (Input resistance 27K).
In this case jumper TP1 must be set in the OPEN position. ( CN2 connector wire code: 4H339D0250001)

Fig. 2.1.1 General Wiring Diagram

NEMA 1 - 230V: 1 - 2HP and 460V: 1 - 2HP (NEMA4 is the same)

(Models: MA7200-2001/2-N1 and MA7200-4001/2-N1)

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company 230V: 1-2HP & 460: 1-2HP General Wiring Diagram
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual



Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz







Fig. 2.1.2 General Wiring Diagram

NEMA 1 - 230V: 3 – 40HP, 460V: 3- 75HP (NEMA4 up to 20HP) and 575: 1-10HP
(230V Models: MA7200-2003 thru MA7200-2040-N1), (460 Models: MA7200-4003-N1 thru MA7200-4075-N1)
and (575V Models: MA7200-5001-N1 thru MA7200-5010-N1)

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company 230V: 3-40HP, 460: 3-75HP & 575: 1-10HP General Wiring Diagram
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
5.0 Power Section Terminal Layout, Wiring and Ratings

5.1 Power Terminals

The following Fig. 3.1.1 and Table 3.1.1 shows the power terminal layout and description for the complete horsepower

Fig. 3.1.1 Power Terminal Layout

Table 3.1.1 Power Terminal Designations

S/L2 Input Power Supply (For single phase use terminals R/L1 and S/L2)
B1/P B1/P, B2: External Braking Resistor
B2 B1/P, : DC Power Supply Input
_ : DC Power Supply or
Braking Unit
V/T2 Inverter Output to 3Ø Induction Motor
E Ground (3rd type grounding)

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Power Terminal Layout & Description

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

3.2 Power Input / Output Block Diagrams

The following Fig.3.2.1 A), B) and C) show the basic configuration of the power sections for the range of horsepower
and input voltages. This is shown for reference only and is not a detailed depiction.

Fig.3.2.1 Power Input / Output Block Diagrams

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Power Input / Output Block Diagram

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

3.3 Wiring Precautions

 Do Not remove any protective covers or attempt any wiring while input power is
applied. Connect all wiring before applying input power. When making wiring changes
after power up, remove input power and wait a minimum of five minutes after power
has been turned off before starting. Also confirm that the charge lamp is off and that
! DC voltage between terminals B1/P or (+) and (-) does not exceed 25V, otherwise
electric shock may result.
 Only authorized personnel should work on the equipment. (Take off metal jewelry
such as watches and rings and use insulated tools.), otherwise electric shock or
injury may result.

(A) Power input terminals

1 - The Input power supply voltage can be connected in any phase sequence to power input terminals R/L1,
S/L2, or T/L3 on the terminal block.
2 - DO NOT connect the AC input power source to the output terminals U/T1, V/T2 and. W/T3.
3 - Connect the output terminals U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 to motor lead wires U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3, respectively.
4 - Check that the motor rotates forward with the forward run source. If it does not, swap any 2 of the output
cables to change motor direction.
5 - DO NOT connect phase correcting capacitors or LC/RC noise filter to the output circuit.
(B) Grounding
1 - Connect the ground terminal (E) to ground having a resistance of less than 100Ω.
2 - Do not share the ground wire with other devices, such as welding machines or power tools.
3 - Always use a ground wire that complies with the local codes and standards for electrical equipment and
minimize the length of ground wire.
4 - When using more than one inverter, be careful not to loop the ground wire, as shown below in Fig. 3.4.

Fig. 3.3.1 Inverter Grounding

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Wiring Precautions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

3.3.1 Input Power and Motor Cable Length

The length of the cables between the input power source and /or the motor and inverter can cause a significant
phase to phase voltage reduction due to the voltage drop across the cables. The wire size shown in Tables 3.4.1a
& b is based on a maximum voltage drop of 2%. If this value is exceeded, a wire size having larger diameter may be
needed. To calculate phase tot phase voltage drop, apply the following formula:

Phase-to-phase voltage drop (V) = 3 ×resistance of wire (Ω/km) × length of line m) × current×10-3.
(km=3280 x feet) (km=3.28 x feet )
3.3.2 Cable Length vs. Carrier Frequency
The allowable setting of the PWM carrier frequency is also determined by motor cable length and is specified in the
following Table

Table Cable Length vs. Carrier Frequency

Cable length between the
inverter and motor < 1 00 1 00 /1 65 1 66 / 1 38 > 3 29
Recommended carrier
1 5 KH z ma x. 1 0 KH z ma x. 5 KH z ma x . 2 . 5 KH z max .
frequency allowed
Setting of parameter
6 4 2 1

3.3.3 Installing an AC Reactor

If the inverter is connected to a large-capacity power source (600kVA or more), install an optional AC reactor
on the input side of the inverter. This also improves the power factor on the power supply side.


3.4 Power Input Wire Size, NFB and MCB Part Numbers
A non-fusible-breaker (NFB) should be installed between the AC source and the R/L1-S/L2-T/L3 input terminals of
MA7200 PLUS inverter. Depending on the application an optional electromagnetic contactor (MCB) may be installed.
To protect against nuisance trips, a ground fault detector should have sensitivity of >200mA and operation time>0.1
sec. The following Tables 3.4.1a (NEMA 1) and 3.4.1b (NEMA 4) show the ratings and part numbers for the various

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Power Input Wire Size & NFB and MCB Part Numbers
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Table 3.4.1a NEMA 1 Wire Size, NFB & MCB Part Numbers vs. HP

MA7200 PLUS HP Wire Size AWG / (mm2)

*4 Terminal
Rated Ground Size NFB *3 MCB *3
Input Rated Main Circuit In. / lbs
HP *1
Current Connecting MC /G
Power KVA
*2 MC / G
(A) Wire E (G)
#14 - #10 /
1 2 4.8 2 - 5.5 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
#14 - #10 /
2 - 5.5
1 Ø/ #12 - #10 /
2 2.7 6.4 TO-50EC(20A) CN-11
3Ø 3.5 - 5.5
M4/M4 10/10
#12 - #10/ 3.5
3 4 9.6 TO-50EC(20A) CN-11
- 5.5
5 7.5 17.5 #10 / 5.5 #10 / 5.5 TO-50EC(30A) CN-16
7.5 10.1 24 TO-100S(50A) CN-18
#8 / 8 5.5 - 8
10 13.7 32 TO-100S(60A) CN-25
230V 15 20.6 48 #6 / 14 TO-100S(100A) CN-50
#8 / 8 30/35
3Ø 20 27.4 64 M6/M6 TO-100S(100A) CN-65
#4 / 22
25 34 80 35/35 TO-225S(150A) CN-80
#6 / 14
30 41 96 #1 / 38 TO-225S(175A) CN-100
M8/M10 78/156
40 54 130 #00 / 60 #4 / 22 TO-225S(175A) CN-125
#14 - #10 /
1 2.2 2.6 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
2 - 5.5
#14 - #10 /
2 3.4 4 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
2 - 5.5 #12 - #10 /
3 4.1 4.8 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
3.5 - 5.5 M4/M4 10/10
5 7.5 8.7 TO-50EC(15A) CN-18
#12 - #10 / #12 - #10 /
7.5 10.3 12 TO-50EC(20A) CN-18
3.5 - 5.5 3.5 - 5.5
460V 10 12.3 15 #10 / 5.5 #10 / 5.5 TO-50EC(30A) CN-25
3Ø 15 20.6 24 TO-50EC(30A) CN-25
20 27.4 32 #8 / 8 TO-100S(50A) CN-35
25 34 40 #8 / 8 TO-100S(75A) CN-50
30 41 48 #6 / 14 TO-100S(100A) CN-50
40 54 64 TO-100S(100A) CN-65
#4 / 22
50 68 80 TO-125S(125A) CN-80
#6 / 14 M8/M10 78/156
60 82 96 #1 / 38 TO-225S(175A) CN-100
75 110 128 #00 / 60 #4 / 22 TO-225S(175A) CN-125
#14 - #10 /
1 1.7 1.7 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
2 - 5.5
#14 - #10 /
2 3.0 3.0 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
575V 2 - 5.5
3 4.2 4.2 M4/M4 10/10 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
3Ø #12 - #10 /
5 6.6 6.6 TO-50EC(15A) CN-18
3.5 - 5.5
7.5 9.9 9.9 #12 - #10 / TO-50EC(15A) CN-18
10 12.2 12.2 3.5 - 5.5 TO-50EC(20A) CN-18
*1 - Constant torque load.
*2 - The main circuit includes terminals (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, B1/P, B2/R, B2,Θ).
If the length of the input power cable results in a voltage drop > 2%, a wire size with a larger diameter
may be necessary. To calculate this reduction, apply the following formula:

Phase-to-phase voltage drop (V) = 3 ×resistance of wire (Ω/km) × length of line m) × current×10-3.

*3 - In Table 3.4.1a, the specified NFB and MCB are TECO Part No’s. Similar products with equivalent ratings
from other sources may be used. To decrease noise interference, add a R-C surge suppressor having a
rating of (R:10Ω / 5W, C: 0.1uF / 1000VDC) at the terminals of the coils of the electromagnetic contactor.
*4 - Use 140 / 167F (60 / 75C) copper wire only).

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Power Input Wire Size & NFB and MCB Part Numbers
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Table 3.4.1b NEMA 4 Wire Size, NFB & MCB Part Numbers vs. HP

MA7200 PLUS HP Wire Size AWG / (mm2)

*4 Terminal
Rated Ground Size NFB *3 MCB *3
Input Rated Main Circuit In. / lbs
HP *1
Current Connecting MC /G
Power KVA
*2 MC / G
(A) Wire E (G)
#14 - #10 /
230V 1 2 4.8 #14 - #10 / 2 - 5.5 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
1 Ø/ 2 - 5.5
3Ø 2 2.7 6.4 #12 - #10 / TO-50EC(20A) CN-11
3 4 9.6 3.5 - 5.5 M4/M4 10/10 TO-50EC(20A) CN-11
#12 - #10/
5 7.5 17.5 3.5 - 5.5 #10 / 5.5 TO-50EC(30A) CN-16
7.5 10.1 24 #10 - #8 / TO-100S(50A) CN-18
230V #8 / 8
10 13.7 32 5.5 - 8 TO-100S(60A) CN-25

15 20.6 48 #4 / 22 TO-100S(100A) CN-50
#8 / 8 M6/M6 35/35
20 27.4 64 #2 / 35 TO-100S(100A) CN-65
1 2.2 2.6 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
#14 - #10 /
2 3.4 4 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
#14 - #10 / 2 - 5.5
3 4.1 4.8 TO-50EC(15A) CN-11
2 - 5.5
#12 - #10 /
5 7.5 8.7 M4/M4 10/10 TO-50EC(15A) CN-18
3.5 - 5.5
#12 - #10 / #12 - #10 /
3Ø 7.5 10.3 12 TO-50EC(20A) CN-18
3.5 - 5.5 3.5 - 5.5
10 12.3 15 #10 / 5.5 #10 / 5.5 TO-50EC(30A) CN-25
#12 - #10 / #12 - #10 /
15 20.6 24 TO-50EC(30A) CN-25
3.5 - 5.5 3.5 - 5.5 M6/M6 35/35
20 27.4 32 #10 / 5.5 #10 / 5.5 TO-100S(50A) CN-35
*1 - Constant torque load.
*2 - The main circuit includes terminals (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, B1/P, B2/R, B2 and Θ).
If the length of the input power cable results in a voltage drop > 2%, a wire size with a larger diameter
may be necessary. To calculate this reduction, apply the following formula:
Phase-to-phase voltage drop (V) = 3 ×resistance of wire (Ω/km) × length of line m) × current×10-3.

*3 - In Table 3.4.1b, the specified NFB and MCB are TECO Part No’s. Similar products with equivalent ratings
from other sources may be used. To decrease noise interference, add a R-C surge suppressor having a
rating of (R:10Ω / 5W, C: 0.1uF / 1000VDC) at the terminals of the coils of the electromagnetic contactor.
*4 - Use 140 / 167F (60 / 75C) copper wire only).

3.6 Notes for Circuit Protection and Environmental Ratings

 Circuit Protection
The MA7200 PLUS is suitable for use in a circuit capable of delivering not more than the RMS value symmetrical
amperes and V maximum shown in the following table 3.5.1.

Table 3.5.1 Circuit Protection Ratings

Device Rating Short Circuit Maximum
Voltage HP Rating (A) Voltage (V)
1.5 - 50 5,000
230V 240V
51 - 100 10,000
1.5 - 50 5,000
460V 480V
51 - 200 10,000

 Environmental Ratings
The MA7200 is intended for use in pollution degree 2 environments.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Power Input Wire Size & NFB and MCB Part Numbers
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

3.8 Electrical Ratings for Constant Torque and Quadratic Torque

The following table 3.6.1a shows the electrical ratings for constant and quadratic torque.

Table 3.6.1a Electrical Ratings for Constant Torque and Quadratic Torque

Constant Torque (150%, 1minute) Quadratic Torque (110%, 1minute)

MA7200 Model Rated Max. Rated Max.
Max. Appl. Max. Appl.
PLUS Output Switching Output Switching
Motor Output Motor Output
Current Frequency Current Frequency
HP (kW) HP (kW)
(A) (kHz) (A) (kHz)
MA7200-2001-N1 1 (0.75) 4.8 A 15 1 (0.75) 5.6 A 10
MA7200-2002-N1 2 (1.5) 6.4 A 15 2 (1.5) 7.6 A 5
MA7200-2003-N1 3 (2.2) 9.6 A 15 3 (2.2) 9.8 A 15
MA7200-2005-N1 5.4 (4) 17.5 A 15 7.5 (5.5) 22.7 A 5
MA7200-2007-N1 7.5 (5.5) 24 A 15 10 (7.5) 32 A 10
MA7200-2010-N1 10 (7.5) 32 A 15 10 (7.5) 32 A 15
MA7200-2015-N1 15 (11) 48 A 10 20 (15) 56.7 A 5
MA7200-2020-N1 20 (15) 64 A 10 25 (18.5) 70.9 A 5
MA7200-2025-N1 25 (18.5) 80 A 10 25 (18.5) 80 A 10
MA7200-2030-N1 30 (22) 96 A 10 40 (30) 108 A 5
MA7200-2040-N1 40 (30) 130 A 10 40 (30) 130 A 10
MA7200-4001-N1 1 (0.75) 2.6 A 15 1 (0.75) 2.9 A 5
MA7200-4002-N1 2 (1.5) 4A 15 2 (1.5) 4.6 A 5
MA7200-4003-N1 3 (2.2) 4.8 A 15 3 (2.2) 4.9 A 15
MA7200-4005-N1 5.4 (4) 8.7 A 15 7.5 (5.5) 12.5 A 5
MA7200-4007-N1 7.5 (5.5) 12 A 15 10 (7.5) 15.4 A 10
MA7200-4010-N1 10 (7.5) 15 A 15 15 (11) 22.7 A 5
MA7200-4015-N1 15 (11) 24 A 10 20 (15) 30.3 A 5
MA7200-4020-N1 20 (15) 32 A 10 25 (18.5) 38 A 5
MA7200-4025-N1 25 (18.5) 40 A 10 30 (22) 44 A 5
MA7200-4030-N1 30 (22) 48 A 10 30 (22) 48 A 10
MA7200-4040-N1 40 (30) 64 A 10 50 (37) 71 A 5
MA7200-4050-N1 50 (37) 80 A 10 50 (37) 80 A 10
MA7200-4060-N1 60 (45) 96 A 10 75 (55) 108 A 5
MA7200-4075-N1 75 (55) 128 A 10 100 (75) 140 A 5
MA7200-5001-N1 1 (0.75) 1.7 A 10
MA7200-5002-N1 2 (1.5) 3.0 A 10
MA7200-5003-N1 3 (2.2) 4.2 A 10
MA7200-5005-N1 5.4 (4) 6.6 A 10
MA7200-5007-N1 7.5 (5.5) 9.9 A 10
MA7200-5010-N1 10 (7.5) 12.2 A 10

The above ratings are based on the following conditions shown in table 3.6b.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Electrical Ratings for Constant and Quadratic Torque
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 3.6.1b Conditions for Ratings in Table 3.6.1a

Constant Torque Quadratic Torque
Output Overload 150% for 60s 110% for 60s
Operation Ambient
+14 - 104°F +14 - 104°F
Allowable Voltage
-15% - +10% -15% - +10%

Output Frequency 0.5Hz - 400Hz 0.5Hz - 400Hz

V/F curve Dependent on parameter setting Quadratic (or Cubic) Torque

3.9 Inverter Heat Loss

The following tables 3.7.1a, 3.7.1b and 3.7.1c show the heatsink, internal and total heat loss in watts for each
inverters kVA and rated current.

Table 3.7.1a Inverter Heat Loss ( 200 – 230V)

2001 2002 2003 2005 2007 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2040
MA7200- XXXX-N1

Inverter Capacity kVA 2 2.7 4 7.5 10.1 13.7 20.6 27.4 34 41 54

Rated Current A 4.8 6.4 9.6 17.5 24 32 48 64 80 96 130
Heatsink 11 13 30 40 66 77 86 121 145 246 335

Internal 65 77 185 248 409 474 529 742 889 1510 2059

Total Heat Loss 76 90 215 288 475 551 615 863 1034 1756 2394

Table 3.7.1b Inverter Heat Loss (380 – 460V)

4001 4002 4003 4005 4007 4010 4015 4020 4025 4030 4040 4050 4060 4075
MA7200- XXXX-N1
Inverter Capacity kVA 2.2 3.4 4.1 7.5 10.3 12.3 20.6 27.4 34 41 54 68 82 110
Rated Current A 2.6 4 4.8 8.7 12 15 24 32 40 48 64 80 96 128
Heatsink 16 21 41 45 64 72 126 157 198 236 262 324 369 481

Internal 99 129 249 278 393 442 772 965 1218 1449 1608 1993 2270 2957

Total Heat Loss 115 150 290 323 457 514 898 1122 1416 1685 1870 2317 2639 3438

Table 3.7.1c Inverter Heat Loss (575V)

5001 5002 5003 5005 5007 5010
MA7200- XXXX-N1
Inverter Capacity kVA 1.7 3.0 4.2 6.6 9.9 12.2
Rated Current A 1.7 3.0 4.2 6.6 9.9 12.2
Heatsink ? ? ? ? ? ?
Heat Loss

Internal ? ? ? ? ? ?

Total Heat Loss ? ? ? ? ? ?

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Inverter Heat Loss

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
4.0 Control Terminals Designations and Wiring
There are three different control boards that are used with the MA7200 PLUS. Each one is used with a specific
horsepower range which is covered in the following explanations and in Fig. 2.1.1 and Fig. 2.1.2 in Section 2.

4.1 Control Terminals Layout

Fig. 4.1.1 MA7200 PLUS Control Board Terminal Layout

4.2 Control Circuit Wiring
(1) Separate the wiring for control circuit terminals RA-RB-RC (R1A-R2B-R2C) (Relay outputs) from wiring for
terminals  - , A01, A02, GND, DO1, DO2, DOG 24V (or +12V, -12V), VIN, AIN, AUX, GND, IP12, IG12,
A (+), A (-), S (+) and S (-).
(2) Use shielded twisted-pair cables (#24 - #14 AWG / 0.5 -2 mm2 ) shown in Fig. 4.2.1 for control circuits to
minimize noise problems. The maximum wiring distance should not exceed 165 Ft. (50 m).

Fig. 4.2.1 Shielded Twisted-Pair

(3) When the digital multi-function output terminals (DO1, DO2) are connected to an external relay, a freewheeling
diode should be connected across the relay coil to prevent an inductive voltage spike from damaging the output
circuitry as shown in Fig. 4.2.2 below.
Relay Coil
50 mA max.
DO1, DO2 + 48V max.

Free-wheeling diode
(100V, > 100mA)


Fig. 4.2.2 Opto-Coupler Connected to an External Relay Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Control Terminals Functions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

(4) In Fig. 4.1.1b the control boards referenced have a jumper TP2 that can select the digital input to terminals
 -  to be set for SINK or SOURCE. The following Fig. 4.2.3 (a.) – (d.) show examples for the various
SINK / Source interfaces.

Sink Configuration

TP2 +24V TP2

Source Source
Sink Sink
Input Digital Input Digital
Terminals 1 - 8 Terminals 1 - 8



(a.) Open Collector Interface (b.) NPN Sensor Interface

Source Configuration

+24V TP2
+24V TP2
Input Digital
Sink Terminals 1 - 8


Input Digital
Terminals 1 - 8 24VG

(c.) Open Collector Interface (d.) PNP Sensor Interface

Fig. 4.2.3 Sink / Source Configurations

(5) The MA7200 PLUS inverter has a built-in PG (Encoder) interface and no external PG feedback option card is
required. An external DC source of +12V is required to provide power to the PG.

The following Fig.4.2.4 shows the wiring required for the PG interface.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Control Terminals Functions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Fig. 4.2.4 PG Interface Wiring

1 - Use twisted pair shielded cable and connect the shields to ground as shown.
2 - Terminal description:

Terminal Description
A(+) PG signal input terminal.
Voltage level (H: 4 -12V, L: 1V).
A(-) Max. frequency is < 32767 Hz
External power source input (+12V 10%@ 40mA max.)
External Power source (+12V 10%, @ 0.5A min.)
E Inverter ground.

3 - The A(+), A(-), IP12 and IG12 terminals are integrated in connector CN2 in compact version. (See Fig. 2.1.1).
The code No. for the wiring is 4H339D0250001.
4 - The PG interface only supports an open-collector or complementary interface.
5 - The jumper TP1 is set to the PULL UP position for an open-collector interface (factory setting) and to the
OPEN position for a complementary interface.
6 - The shielded twisted-pair cable used between the inverter and the PG should be less than 150 feet in length.
7 - Refer to the parameters in Section 9.0 for the settings used in the PG set-up.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Control Terminals Functions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

(6) The MA7200 PLUS inverter terminals S(+) and S(-) provide a serial communication RS485 interface with a
MODBUS protocol. PROFIBUS protocol for communication is possible with an optional PROFIBUS
Communication Card (MA-SP).

A. MODBUS Communication Protocol

The following Fig. 4.2.5 shows the wiring interface for the MODBUS protocol.

Fig. 4.2.5 MODBUS Interface Wiring

1. A Host Controller with an RS485 interface can communicate with the MA7200 PLUS directly. If the Host
Controller does not have an RS485 port but does have an RS-232 port (such as PC programming), an
RS485 / RS232 converter can be used to connect between the Host Controller and the MA7200
PLUS as shown in Fig. 4.2.5.
2. A MODBUS Host Controller can network up to 31 inverters using the MODBUS communication standard.
The last MA7200 PLUS inverter at the end of the network must have a 220Ω terminating resistor.
3. Please refer to “MA7200 RS485 MODBUS Communication Application Manual”.

B. PROFIBUS Communication Protocol

The MA7200 PLUS does not support the PROFIBUS protocol directly. An optional MA-SP PROFIBUS
Communication Card is available and can be placed at the control board. An external customer supplied
24V DC Power Supply is needed for all MA-SP option cards. The following Fig. 4.2.6 shows the wiring
interface for the PROFIBUS protocol.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Control Terminals Functions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual




S(+) 220Ω


Fig. 4.2.6 PROFIBUS-DP Interface Wiring

1. MA-SP Part Number: 4H300D0290009
2. Each station (Node) requires the use of the optional MA-SP interface card. Each card requires a power input
of 24VDC @ 0.1A, so the external power supply needs to be sized accordingly.
3. A maximum of 31 PROFIBUS-DP stations (nodes) may be contained within a single network segment. The
last MA-SP interface card on the drive at the end of the network, must have a 220Ω resistor between
terminals 1 and 2.
4. For more details, refer to the “MA7200 PROFIBUS-DP Communication Application Manual”.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Control Terminals Functions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Table 4.2.1 Control Circuit Terminal Functions
Terminal Functions
1 (DI1) Forward Operation – Stop Signal
2 (DI2) Reverse Operation – Stop Signal
3 (DI3) External Fault Input
4 (DI4) Fault Reset
5 (DI5) Multifunction Input Terminals: 3-Wire operation, Local / Remote control, Multi-Speed select,
6 (DI6) FWD / REV select, ACC / DEC select, ACC / DEC inhibit, Halting, Base Block, Overheat warning,
7 (DI7) PID control, DC braking, Speed search, Up / Down function, PG feedback control, External fault,
8 (DI8) Timer function, Multifunction analog Input setting. (See Parameter Section for details)
DG (SC) Digital signal ground (230V: 1 - 2HP and 460V: 1 - 2HP models Only)
Sink Common Point (Set Jumper TP2 to SINK position)
(230V: 3 - 40HP and 460V: 3 - 75HP models Only)
Source Common Point (Set jumper TP2 to SOURCE position)
(230V: 3 - 40HP and 460V: 3 - 75HP models Only)
E Connection for signal shield lead (Chassis Ground)
+12V DC voltage for External Device
-12V Only supported in the (230V: 3 - 40HP, 460V: 3 - 75HP and 575V: 1-10HPmodels Only)
VIN Master speed Voltage Reference (0 - 10V) (Models above 2HP supports( –10V - 10V input)
AIN Master speed Current Reference (4 - 20mA)
Auxiliary Analog Input:
Auxiliary frequency command, Frequency gain, Frequency bias, Excess load detection, Output
AUX voltage bias, ACC / DEC ramp, DC-Brake current, Stall prevention current level during running,
PID Control, Frequency command Lower-Bound, Frequency – Jump - 4, etc. (See Parameter
Section for details)
GND Analog Signal Common
External Power Source For PG Feedback (Set TP1 to PULL UP for external power source)
A(+) Signal Input from PG (Can also be used as the input terminals for a Pulse Input Frequency
A(-) Command)
AO1 Analog Multifunction Output Port:
Frequency command, Output frequency, Output current, Output voltage, DC voltage, PID
AO2 controlled value, Analog command input of VIN, AIN or AUX.(Output current < 2mA) (See
Parameter Section for details)
GND Analog Common
RA(R2A) Relay Contacts, RA,RB and RC (230V: 1 - 2HP and 460V: 1 - 2HP models Only)
RB(R2B) Relay Contacts R2A, R2B and R2C (230V: 3 - 40HP and 460V: 3 - 75HP models Only)
RC(R2C) DO1Open Collector transistor (All)
R1B DO2 Open Collector transistor (230V: 1 - 2HP and 460V: 1 - 2HP models Only)
R1C Functions:
During-Running, Zero-speed, Agree-frequency, Agree-frequency-setting, Frequency-output,
DO1 Inverter-operation-ready, Undervoltage-detection, Base-block output, Run source, Frequency
command, Excess load detection, Frequency command invalid, Fault, Undervoltage, Overheat,
DO2 Motor overload, Inverter overload, During-retry, Communication-fault, Timer-function-output.
(See Parameter Section for details)
DOG Common Terminal (Open collector transistor outputs)
RS-485 Port

 Use the control circuit terminals VIN, AIN according the setting of parameterSn-24.
 The MAX. Output current at terminal (+24V or +12V) is 20mA.
 The multi-function analog output terminals AO1, AO2 are dedicated outputs to monitor frequency, amps, etc.
Do not use these 2 analog outputs for feedback control or any other control purpose.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Control Terminals Functions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
5.0 Peripheral Power Devices Overview
The following Fig. 5.0.1describes some of the precautions that should be followed when selecting peripheral power

Power supply:

 Make sure the correct voltage is applied to avoid

damaging the inverter.
Molded-case circuit breaker (MCCB) or fused disconnect:
B  A molded-case circuit breaker or fused disconnect must be
installed between the AC source and the inverter that conforms to
the rated voltage and current of the inverter to control the power
and protect the inverter. (See Section 3.3)

 Do not use the circuit breaker as the run/stop switch for

the inverter.
Ground fault detector / breaker:

 Install a ground fault breaker to prevent problems caused

by current leakage and to protect personnel. Select current range
up to 200mA, and action time up to 0.1 second to prevent high
frequency failure.
Magnetic contactor:
 Normal operations do not need a magnetic contactor. When
performing functions such as external control and auto restart
after power failure, or when using a brake controller, install a
magnetic contactor. (See Section 3.3)

 Do not use the magnetic contactor as the run/stop switch

for the inverter.
AC line reactor for power quality:
 When inverters are supplied by a high capacity (above
600KVA) power source, an AC reactor can be connected to
improve the power factor. Refer to Sec. 5.1.
Install Fast Acting Fuse:
 To protect peripheral equipment, install fast acting fuses in
accordance with the specifications in Sec. 5.2.
Input Noise filter:
When used with TECO specified Input Noise Filter, the
MA7200 PLUS will comply with EN55011 class A regulation. Refer
to Sec. 5.3A.
 A filter must be installed when there are inductive loads
affecting the inverter.
 The input power supply can be connected to any terminal R/L1,
S/L2, T/L3 on the terminal block. Connect output terminals T1, T2,
and T3 are connected to U, V, and W terminals of the motor.
 Securely connect the ground terminal E to the site ground.
Output Noise filter:
Install an Output Noise Filter between the MA7200 PLUS and
the Induction Motor to eliminate noise transmitted between the
power line and the inverter. Refer to Sec. 5.3B.
Induction Motor:
 When multiple motors are driven in parallel with an inverter, the
inverter rated current should be at least 1.1 times the total motor
rated current.
 The inverter and the motor must be grounded separately.

Fig. 5.0.1 Peripheral Power Devices Overview

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Peripheral Power Devices

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
5.1 AC Input Reactor
An AC reactor can be added on the input power supply side if the inverter is connected to a much larger capacity
power supply system (above 600KVA), or the inverter is within short distance (< 38.2 ft. (10m)) from the power supply
system, or to increase the power factor on the power supply side.

Table 5.1.1 below shows the AC Reactor ratings, specifications, and the TECO part number for the various MA7200
PLUS horsepower ratings
Table 5.1.1 AC Reactor Ratings and Specifications
Inverter Ratings AC reactor
Voltage HP Rated current Part No.
1 4.8A 3M200D1610021 2.1mH / 5A
2 6.5A 3M200D1610030 1.1mH / 10A
1Φ / 3Φ
3 9.6A 3M200D1610048 0.71mH / 15A
5.4 17.5A 3M200D1610056 0.53mH / 20A
7.5 24A 3M200D1610064 0.35mH / 30A
10 32A 3M200D1610072 0.265mH / 40A
15 48A 3M200D1610081 0.18mH / 60A

20 64A 3M200D1610099 0.13mH / 80A
25 80A 3M200D1610102 0.12mH / 90A
30 96A 3M200D1610111 0.09mH / 120A
40 130A 3M200D1610269 0.07mH / 160A
1 2.6A 3M200D1610137 8.4mH / 3A
2 4A 3M200D1610145 4.2mH / 5A
3 4.8A 3M200D1610153 3.6mH / 7.5A
5.4 8.7A 3M200D1610161 2.2mH / 10A
7.5 12A 3M200D1610170 1.42mH / 15A

460V 10 15A 3M200D1610188 1.06mH / 20A

3Φ 15 24A 3M200D1610196 0.7mH / 30A
20 32A 3M200D1610200 0.53mH / 40A
25 40A 3M200D1610218 0.42mH / 50A
30 48A 3M200D1610226 0.36mH / 60A
40 64A 3M200D1610234 0.26mH / 80A
50 80A 3M200D1610242 0.24mH / 90A
60 96A 3M200D1610251 0.18mH / 120A
75 128A 3M200D1610315 0.15mH / 150A
1 1.7A ? 13.5mH / 3A
2 3.0A ? 7.6mH / 5A
575V 3 4.2A ? 5.4mH / 7.5A
3Φ 5 6.6A ? 3.5mH / 10A
7.5 9.9A ? 2.3mH / 15A
10 12.2A ? 1.9mH / 15A

Note: The AC reactors are applied only to input side of the inverter. Do not apply to the output side.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company AC Input Reactors

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
5.2 Input Fuse Types and Ratings
The following Table 5.2.1 shows the fuse types and rating for the various voltage classes and horsepower.
Table 5.2.1 Input Fuse Types and Ratings
230V Class
100% Cont. Rated Input 3Φ Fuse 1Φ Fuse
Fuse Part Number HP KVA
Output AMPS AMPS Rating Rating
JNTMBG□□0001JK 1 2 4.8 6 12 15
JNTMBG□□0002JK 2 2.7 6.4 8 15 20
JNTMBG□□0003JK 3 4 9.6 12 20 25
JNTMBG□□0005JK 5 7.5 17.5 21 30 x
JNTMBG□□7R50JK 7.5 10.1 24 29 50 x
JNTMBG□□0010JK 10 13.7 32 38 60 x
JNTMBG□□0015JK 15 20.6 48 58 100 x
JNTMBG□□0020JK 20 27.4 64 77 125 x
JNTMBG□□0025JK 25 34 80 88 125 x
JNTMBG□□0030JK 30 41 96 106 150 x
JNTMBG□□0040JK 40 54 130 143 200 x
460V Class
100% Cont. Rated Input
Fuse Part Number HP KVA Fuse Rating
JNTMBG□□0001AZ 1 2.2 2.6 3 6
JNTMBG□□0002AZ 2 3.4 4 5 10
JNTMBG□□0003AZ 3 4.1 4.8 6 10
JNTMBG□□0005AZ 5 7.5 8.7 10 20
JNTMBG□□7R50AZ 7.5 10.3 12 14 25
JNTMBG□□0010AZ 10 12.3 15 18 30
JNTMBG□□0015AZ 15 20.6 24 29 50
JNTMBG□□0020AZ 20 27.4 32 38 60
JNTMBG□□0025AZ 25 34 40 48 70
JNTMBG□□0030AZ 30 41 48 53 80
JNTMBG□□0040AZ 40 54 64 70 100
JNTMBG□□0050AZ 50 68 80 88 125
JNTMBG□□0060AZ 60 82 96 106 150
JNTMBG□□0075AZ 75 110 128 141 200
575V Class
100% Cont. Rated Input
Fuse Part Number HP KVA Fuse Rating
JNTMBG□□0001AX 1 1.7 1.7 2.2 5
JNTMBG□□0002AX 2 3.0 3.0 3.75 8
JNTMBG□□0003AX 3 4.2 4.2 5.25 10
JNTMBG□□0005AX 5 6.6 6.6 8.25 25
JNTMBG□□7R50AX 7.5 9.9 9.9 12.414 25
JNTMBG□□0010AX 10 12.2 12.2 15.25 30


Class: CC, J, T, RK1 or RK5
Voltage Range: 300V for 230V class VFD; 500V for 460V class VFD

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Input Fuse Types and Ratings

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

6.3 Noise Filters

A. Input Noise Filter

Install a noise filter on power supply side to eliminate noise transmitted between the power line and the inverter.
The MA7200 PLUS noise filter shown in Table 5.3.1 below meets the EN61800-3 class A specification.

Table 5.3.1 Input Noise Filter Specifications and Ratings

Inverter Rating Noise Filter

Voltage HP Code Specifications Current *Dimensions
Current (A)
1Φ 4H300D1750003 JUNF12015S-MA 15 A Fig.5.3.1a
1 4.8A
3Φ 4H300D1710001 JUNF32012S-MA 12 A Fig.5.3.1a
1Φ 4H300D1750003 JUNF12015S-MA 15 A Fig.5.3.1a
230V 1 / 3Φ 2 6.5A
3Φ 4H300D1710001 JUNF32012S-MA 12 A Fig.5.3.1a
1Φ 4H300D1600001 JUNF12020S-MA 20 A Fig.5.3.1a
3 9.6A
3Φ 4H300D1610007 JUNF32024S-MA 24 A Fig.5.3.1a
5 17.5A 4H300D1610007 JUNF32024S-MA 24 A Fig.5.3.1a
7.5 24A 4H300D1620002 JUNF32048S-MA 48 A Fig.5.3.1b
230V 3Φ 10 32A 4H300D1620002 JUNF32048S-MA 48 A Fig.5.3.1b
15 48A 4H300D1730002 JUNF32070S-MA 70 A Fig.5.3.1b
20 64A 4H300D1730002 JUNF32070S-MA 70 A Fig.5.3.1b
1 2.6A 4H300D1720007 JUNF34008S-MA 8A Fig.5.3.1a
2 4A 4H300D1720007 JUNF34008S-MA 8A Fig.5.3.1a
3 4.8A 4H300D1630008 JUNF34012S-MA 12 A Fig.5.3.1a
5 8.7A 4H300D1630008 JUNF34012S-MA 12 A Fig.5.3.1a
7.5 12A 4H300D1640003 JUNF34024S-MA 24 A Fig.5.3.1b
10 15A 4H300D1640003 JUNF34024S-MA 24 A Fig.5.3.1b
15 24A 4H300D1740008 JUNF34048S-MA 48 A Fig.5.3.1b
460V 3Φ 20 32A 4H300D1740008 JUNF34048S-MA 48 A Fig.5.3.1b
25 40A 4H000D1770008 KMF370A 70 A Fig.5.3.1c
30 48A 4H000D1790009 KMF370A 70 A Fig.5.3.1c
40 64A 4H000D1790009 KMF3100A 100 A Fig.5.3.1c
50 80A 4H000D1800004 KMF3100A 100 A Fig.5.3.1c
60 96A 4H000D1800004 KMF3150A 150 A Fig.5.3.1c
75 128A 4H000D1820005 KMF3180A 180 A Fig.5.3.1c
1 1.7A 4H300D1720007 JUNF34008S-MA 8A Fig.5.3.1a
2 3.0A 4H300D1720007 JUNF34008S-MA 8A Fig.5.3.1a
575V 3Φ 3 4.2A 4H300D1630008 JUNF34012S-MA 12 A Fig.5.3.1a
5 6.6A 4H300D1630008 JUNF34012S-MA 12 A Fig.5.3.1a
7.5 9.9A 4H300D1640003 JUNF34024S-MA 24 A Fig.5.3.1b
10 12.2A 4H300D1640003 JUNF34024S-MA 24 A Fig.5.3.1b
* Dimensions on following page


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Input Noise Filters

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.36 / 60 3.94 / 100 2.76 / 70

3.15 / 80
(2) 0.26 / 6.5 1.57 / 40 (4) 0.26 / 6.5
Mounting Slots Mounting Slots

L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3

5.51 / 140 8.86 / 225 9.84 / 250

4.92 / 125

L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3

* in. / mm 1.97 / 50 * in. / mm

Fig. 5.3.1a Fig. 5.3.1b

0.28 (7) Dia. D

4 Mounting W

Model KMF Dimensions in. (mm)

W w H h D
KMF37 3.66 3.11 12.3 11.7 7.48
KMF31 (93) (79) (312) (298) (190)
h H KMF31 4.96 4.41 12.3 11.7 8.82
KMF31 (126) (112) (312) (298) (224)

Fig. 5.3.1c

Fig. 5.3.1 Input Filter Dimensions

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Input Noise Filter Dimensions

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
B. Input or Output Noise Filter (EMI Suppression Zero Phase Core)
Model: JUNFOC046S -------Code No.: 4H000D0250001
Select a matched ferrite core to suppress EMI noise according to the required power rating and wire size.
The ferrite core can attenuate high frequencies in the range of 100kHz to 50MHz, as shown in Fig 5.3.2 below,
and therefore should minimize the RFI generated by the inverter.

The zero-sequence noise ferrite core can be installed either on the input side or on the output side. The wire
around the core for each phase should be wound by following the same convention and in one direction. The
more turns without resulting in saturation the better the attenuation. If the wire size is too large to be wound, all
the wiring can be grouped and put through several cores together in one direction.





1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10
Interference Frequency (kHz)

Fig. 5.3.2 Frequency attenuation characteristics (10 windings case)




Fig. 5.3.3 Example of EMI Suppression Zero Phase Core Application

Note: All the wiring of phases U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 must pass through the same zero-phase
core without crossing over.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Input or Output Zero Phase Core Filters
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

6.4 Braking Resistors and Braking Units

The MA7200 PLUS 230V/460V, 1 - 20HP and 575V, 1-10HP models, have a built-in braking transistor and an external
braking resistor can be connected between terminals B1/P and B2. For models above 25HP, connect a braking unit to
terminals  -  of the inverter and connect the braking resistor(s) to terminals B-P0 of the braking unit.
Table 5.4.1 Braking Unit and Braking Resistor Ratings and Specifications

Inverter Rating Braking Unit Braking Resistor

Braking Torque
Rated Number Number
Voltage HP Model Code NO. Specs. (%)
current (A) used used
1 4.8 - - JNBR-150W200 150W/200Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
2 6.4 - - JNBR-150W100 150W/100Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
1 / 3Φ
3 9.6 - - JNBR-260W70 260W/70Ω 1 115%, 10%ED
5 17.5 - - JNBR-390W40 390W/40Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
7.5 24 - - JNBR-520W30 520W/30Ω 1 108%, 10%ED
10 32 - - JNBR-780W20 780W/20Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
15 48 - - 2400W/13.6Ω 1 117%, 10%ED
230V 2R4KW13R6
3Φ 20 64 - - JNBR-3KW10 3000W/10Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
25 80 JNTBU-230 1 JNBR-4R8KW8 4800W/8Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
30 96 JNTBU-230 1 4800W/6.8Ω 1 117%, 10%ED
40 130 JNTBU-230 2 JNBR-3KW10 3000W/10Ω 2 119%, 10%ED
1 2.6 - - JNBR-150W750 150W/750Ω 1 126%, 10%ED
2 4 - - JNBR-150W400 150W/400Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
3 4.8 - - JNBR-260W250 260W/250Ω 1 126%, 10%ED
5 8.7 - - JNBR-400W150 400W/150Ω 1 126%, 10%ED
7.5 12 - - JNBR-600W130 600W/130Ω 1 102%, 10%ED
10 15 - - JNBR-800W100 800W/100Ω 1 99%, 10%ED
15 24 - - JNBR-1R6KW50 1600W/50Ω 1 126%, 10%ED
20 32 - - JNBR-1R5KW50 1500W/40Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
3Φ 25 40 JNTBU-430 1 JNBR-4R8KW32 4800W/32Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
30 48 JNTBU-430 1 4800W/27.2Ω 1 117%, 10%ED
40 64 JNTBU-430 1 JNBR-6KW20 6000W/20Ω 1 119%, 10%ED
50 80 JNTBU-430 2 JNBR-4R8KW32 4800W/32Ω 2 119%, 10%ED
60 96 JNTBU-430 2 4800W/27.2Ω 2 117%, 10%ED
75 128 JNTBU-430 2 JNBR-6KW20 6000W/20Ω 2 126%, 10%ED
1 1.7 - - JNBR-260W250 260W/250Ω 1 126%,10%ED
2 3.0 - - JNBR-260W250 260W/250Ω 1 126%,10%ED

3 4.2 - - JNBR-260W250 260W/250Ω 1 126%,10%ED
3Φ 5 6.6 - - JNBR-400W150 400W/150Ω 1 126%,10%ED
7.5 9.9 - - JNBR-600W130 800W/100Ω 1 170%,9%ED
10 12.2 - - JNBR-800W100 800W/100Ω 1 125%,9%ED

Note 1: Alternate choices: 440V 50HP (JUVPHV-0060+JNBR-9R6KW16) x 1;

440V 60HP:(JUVPHV-0060+JNBR- 9R6KW13R6) x 1
Note 2: JUVPHV-0060 no UL certification
Note 3: When set up the braking unit and resistor, please make sure there is adequate ventilation.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Braking Resistors & Braking Units

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

6.0 Peripheral Control Devices

6.1 CD Operator with Extension Cable

When used for remote control purposes, the LCD operator can be removed and remotely connected with
an extension cable. Some of the available extension cable lengths are listed in the following Table 6.1.1.


Table 6.1.1 Digital Operator Cable Extensions

Cable Length L Extension Cable Set *1 Extension Cable *2 Blank Cover *3

In. / m P/N P/N P/N

3.28 / 1 4H332D0010000 4H314C0010003

6.56 / 2 4H332D0030001 4H314C0030004
9.84 / 3 4H332D0020005 4H314C0020009 4H300D1120000
16.4 / 5 4H332D0040006 4H314C0040000
32.8 / 10 4H332D0130005 4H314C0060001
*1: Includes the extension cable for the LCD digital operator, blank cover, screws and installation manual.
*2: Extension cable for LCD digital operator.
*3: B lank cover to protect against external dusts, metallic powder, etc.

The following Fig.6.1.1 shows the dimensional information for the remote mounting of the Digital Operator.
5.51 / 140

5.16 / 131

Fig. 6.1.1 LCD Digital Operator Dimension

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Digital Operator Extension Cables & Mounting Dimensions
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

6.4 Analog Operator

All MA7200 PLUS inverters are supplied with a Digital Operator. An Analog Operator, P/N JNEP-16 shown below in
Fig. 6.2.1 is also available and can be connected as a portable operator. The wiring diagram is also shown.

B1/P B2
R/L1 R/L1 U/T1
S/L2 S/L2 V/T2 IM
T/L3 T/L3 W/T3


Master Freq. Ref.
976Ω, ¼ W 12 V
0 – 10V
Gnd (0V)
JNEP-16 Analog Operator Output
Analog Operator
Connecting Diagram

Fig. 6.2.1 Analog Operator Outline and Wiring Diagram

6.5 PROFIBUS Communication Card

Part No. : 4H300D0290009
Refer to the previous Section 4.1 (6) B and the “MA7200 PROFIBUS-DP Communication Application Manual” for
Communication interface details.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Analog Operator & Profibus Communication Card
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

7.0 MA7200 PLUS Specifications

7.1 Basic Specifications

The basic specifications for each voltage series are shown in the following Tables 7.1.1a - c.

Table 7.1.1a 230V Series

Inverter (HP) 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40
Max. Applicable Motor 1 2 3 5.4 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40
Output HP*1 (KW) (0.75) (1.5) (2.2) (4) (5.5) (7.5) (11) (15) (18.5) (22) (30)
Rated Output
2 2.7 4 7.5 10.1 13.7 20.6 27.4 34 41 54
Capacity (KVA)

Rated Output Current

4.8 6.4 9.6 17.5 24 32 48 64 80 96 130

Max. Output Voltage

3-Phase, 200V - 240V
Max. Output
Using Parameter Setting 0.1- 400.0 Hz
Frequency (Hz)
Rated Voltage, 1PH / 3PH
3-Phase, 200V - 240V, 50/60Hz
Power Supply

Frequency 200V - 240V, 50/60Hz

Allowable Voltage
-15% - +10%
Allowable Frequency
± 5%

Table 7.1.1b 460V Series

Inverter (HP) 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75
Max. Applicable Motor 1 2 3 5.4 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75
Output HP*1 (KW) (0.75) (1.5) (2.2) (4) (5.5) (7.5) (11) (15) (18.5) (22) (30) (37) (45) (55)
Rated Output
2.2 3.4 4.1 7.5 10.3 12.3 20.6 27.4 34 41 54 68 82 110
Capacity (KVA)

Rated Output Current

2.6 4 4.8 8.7 12 15 24 32 40 48 64 80 96 128

Max. Output Voltage
3-Phase, 380V - 480V
Max. Output
Using Parameter Setting 0.1 - 400.0 Hz
Frequency (Hz)
Rated Voltage,
3-Phase, 380V - 480V, 50/60Hz
Power Supply

Allowable Voltage
-15% - +10%
Allowable Frequency
± 5%


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company MA7200 PLUS Basic Specifications

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 7.1.1c 575V Series

Inverter (HP) 1 2 3 5 7.5 10
Max. Applicable Motor 1 2 3 5.4 7.5 10
Output HP*1 (KW) (0.75) (1.5) (2.2) (4) (5.5) (7.5)
Rated Output
1.7 3.0 4.2 6.6 9.9 12.2
Capacity (KVA)
Rated Output Current
1.7 3.0 4.2 6.6 9.9 12.2

Max. Output Voltage
3-Phase: 500 / 550 - 600VAC
Max. Output
Using Parameter Setting 0.1 - 400.0 Hz
Frequency (Hz)
Rated Voltage,
3-Phase, 500 - 600VAC, 50/60Hz
Power Supply

Allowable Voltage
-15% - +10%
Allowable Frequency
± 5%

*1. Based on 4 pole motor

*2. The specifications for NEMA4 are the same.


7.4 General Specifications

The following Table 7.2.1 shows the general specifications for the MA7200 PLUS series.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company MA7200 PLUS Basic Specifications

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Table 7.2.1- General Specifications
Operation Mode Graphic LCD Panel (English only) with parameters copying
Control Mode Sinusoidal PWM
Frequency Control Range 0.1Hz - 400Hz
Frequency Accuracy Digital Command: ± 0.01% (-10 - +40ºC),
(varied with temperature) Analog Command: ± 0.1% (25ºC ± 10ºC),
Speed Control Accuracy ± 0.1%(V/F with PG feedback); ± 0.5%(Sensorless Vector Control)
Frequency Command
Digital Command: 0.01Hz; Analog Command: 0.06Hz / 60Hz
Frequency Output
Control Characteristics

Overload Resistibility 150% Rated Current for 1 Min

DC 0 - +10V / 4 - 20 mA, DC-10V - +10V and Pulse Input Frequency Command
Frequency Setting Signal
(Above 230V / 460V, 25HP and 575V, 1-10 HP)
Acc./ Dec. Time 0.0 - 6000.0 sec. ( Acce l/ Decel Time Can Be Set Independently)
V/F Curve Can Be Selected Through Parameter Setting
Regeneration Torque Approx. 20%
Restart After Momentary Power Loss, PID Control, Auto Torque Boost, Slip
Basic Control Function Compensation, RS485 Communication, Speed Feedback Control, Simple PLC
function and 2 Analog Output Port.
Programmable Local / Remote Key, Engineering Unit Display, PID Sleep Function,
External PID Function, Over / Low Feedback Detection, Low Suction Detection,
HVAC Function
Flow Meter Display via Analog Input or Pulse Input, Power Meter, kWh Meter and
Energy Cost Usage.
Cumulative Power on & Operation Hour memory, Energy Saving, Up / Down
Operation, 4 Different sets of Fault Status Record (Including Latest one), MODBUS
Additional Functions
Communication, Multiple-Pulse Output Ports, Select Local / Remote, SINK /
SOURCE Interface.
During Acceleration / Deceleration and constant Running Speed
Stall Prevention (Current Level Can Be Selected During Acceleration and Constant Running Speed.
During Deceleration, Stall Prevention Can Be Enabled or Disabled)
Turns Off if above 200% Rated Current
Protection Function

Motor Overload Protection Electronic Overload Curve Protection

Inverter Overload
Turns Off if above 150% Rated Current for 1 Min.
Overvoltage Stop if VDC>410V (230 Class), VDC>820V (460 Class) or VDC>1050V (575 Class)
Undervoltage Stop if VDC<200V (230 Class), VDC<400V (460 Class) or VDC<546V (575 Class)
Momentary Power Loss
<15ms, otherwise Stop
Ride-Through time
Overheat Protection Protected by Thermistor
Grounding Protection Protection by DC Current Sensor
Charge Indication (LED) ON when the DC Bus Voltage Above 50V
Output Phase Loss (OPL) Motor coasts to stop at Output Phase Loss
Application Site Indoor (No Corrosive Gas and Dust Present)
Ambient Temperature -10ºC - +40ºC (Not Frozen)

Storage Temperature -20ºC - +60ºC

Ambient Humidity < 90%RH (Non-Condensing)
Altitude, Vibration < 1000M; 5.9m/S2 (0.6G), (JISC0911 Standard)
Communication Function RS485 Installed (MODBUS Protocol); (Optional Profibus Card)
Built-in PG Feedback Interface and set to Open-collector Interface Drive or
Encoder Feedback Interface
Complementary Interface Drive
EMI Meets EN 61800-3 With Specified EMI Filter
EMS Compatibility Meets EN 61800-3

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company MA7200 PLUS General Specifications

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

7.3 MA7200 PLUS Dimensions and Weights

Table 7.3.1- MA7300 PLUS Open Chassis and NEMA 1 Dimensions and Weights

Inverter Open Chassis Type (IP00) Wt. Enclosed Type (NEMA1) Wt. Ref.
Voltage In. (mm) In. (mm) ACL/
Capacity Ib. lbs Fig.
Rating DCL
(HP) W H D W1 H1 d (kg) W H D W1 H1 d (kg) 6.3.1
1 5.2 8.54 5.65 4.80 8.15 5.07
230V (132) (217) (143.5) (122) (207)
(2.3) (a)
2 -
1 / 3Φ 5.51 11.0 6.95 4.96 10.5 9.48
3 (140) (279.5) (176.5) (126) (266) (4.3)
5.51 6.95 4.96 10.5 9.48
5 (140)
(176.5) (126) (266) (4.3) External
7.5 8.31 11.0 8.46 7.56 11.3 12.6
10 (211.2) (279.5) (215) (192) (286) (5.7) (optional) (b)
15 26.5
230V 20 10.43 14.17 8.86 9.65 13.4 (12)
3Φ (265) (360) (225) (245) (340)
25 (13)
Top 8.27 66.2 Top 8.27 68.4
30 (210) (30) (210) (31) DCL Built-
10.6 21.8 10.9 20.9 10.59 25.47 10.91 20.9
(269) (553 277)
68.4 (269) (647) (277)
in (c)
40 7.1
(32) (Standard)
(180) (180)
1 5.2 8.54 5.65 4.80 8.15 5.07
(132) (217) (143.5) (122) (207)
(2.3 (a)
3 5.51 11.0 6.95 4.96 10.5 9.48
5 (140) (279.5) (176.5) (126) (266) (4.3)
7.5 8.31 11.81 8.46 7.56 11.3 12.6
(211.2) (300) (215) (192) (286) (5.7) ACL
10 M6
(option) (b)
15 26.5
20 (12)
10.43 14.17 8.86 9.65 13.4
460V (265) (360) (225) (245) (340)
25 28.7
3Φ (13)
40 Top 8.27 Top 8.27
(210) (210)
10.6 21.8 10.9 20.9 66.2 10.59 25.47 10.91 20.9 68.4
Bottom M10 Bottom
50 (269) (553 277) (530) (30) (269) (647) (277 (530) (31)
7.1 7.1 DCL Built-
(180) (180) M10
Top 9.84 Top 9.84
in (c)
60 (Standard)
(250) (250)
12.2 25.7 11.1 24.8 101.4 12.13 29.41 11.1 24.8 103.6
Bottom M10 Bottom
75 (308) (653) (282) (630) (46) (308) (747) (282) (630) (47)
8.66 8.66
(220) (220)
1 9.48
5.51 11.0 6.95 4.96 10.5
2 (140) (279.5) (176.5) (126) (266)
3 External
- M6 ACL (b)
3Φ 5
8.31 11.81 8.46 7.56 11.3 12.6 (option)
7.5 (211.2) (300) (215) (192) (286) (5.7)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company MA7200 PLUS Open Chassis & NEMA 1 Dimensions & Weights
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

W1 D
W W1
W1 D

H1 H H1 H


(a) 230V / 460V : 1- 2HP (b) 230V : 3HP- 25HP

460V : 3HP- 30HP
575V : 1HP- 10HP

W W1


(Open Chassis Type-IP00)
(Enclosed, Wall-mounted Type-NEMA1)

(c) 230V : 30HP - 40HP

460V : 40HP - 75HP

Fig. 7.3.1 Open Chassis and NEMA 1 Outlines

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company MA7200 PLUS Open Chassis & NEMA 1 Outline Drawings
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 7.3.2 MA7300 PLUS NEMA 4 Dimensions and Weights

Inverter NEMA4 In. (mm) Weight

Voltage Capacity Lbs.
W H D W1 H1 d (kg)
1 13.9
230V 7.80 13.2 8.54 4.53 12.4 (6.3)
2 M6
1/3Φ (198) (335) (217) (115) (315)
5 M6
10 8.78 18.1 9.65 5.51 17.32 35.3
3Φ (223) (460) (245) (140) (440)
1 13.9
2 7.80 13.2 8.54 4.53 (6.3)
(198) (335) (217) (115) M6
3 (315) 16.6
460V 5
3Φ 7.5
10 8.78 18.1 9.65 5.51 17.32
15 (223) (460) (245) (140) (440) (16)


Fig. 7.3.2 and NEMA 4 Outline

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company MA7200 PLUS NEMA 4 Dimensions, Weights & Outline Drawing
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

8.0 Parameter Groups, Digital Operator, Menus and Keypad Navigation

8.1 Parameter Groups

The MA7200 PLUS has nine groups of user parameters and one monitor parameter group (Un- ), that can not
be changed by the user and is listed in the following Table 8.1.1. The parameters and values are accessed for
setting and / or monitoring through the Digital Operator covered in Section 8.2. The parameter allowable settings
and explanations are covered in detail in Section 9.0.

Table 8.1.1 Parameter Groups

Parameter Description

An-  Frequency command

Bn-  Parameter group that can be changed during running

Sn-  System parameter group (Can be changes only after stop)

Cn-  Control parameter group (Can be changed only after stop)

P1-  HVAC parameter group (Can be changed only after stop)

P2-  HVAC parameter group (Can be changed during running)
P3-  HVAC parameter group (Can be changed only after stop)
P4-  HVAC parameter group (Can be changed only after stop)
P5-  HVAC parameter group (Can be changed during running)
Un-  Monitor group only (There are no user settings for this group)

The parameter setting of Sn – 03 (Operation Status) shown in Table 8.1.2 below determines if the values of
the various parameter groups are allowed to be changed or can be monitored only.

Table 8.1.2 Sn-03 Setting

DRIVE mode PRGM mode
Can be set Monitored only Can be set Monitored only
(Sn,Cn) , An, Bn, Sn, Cn,
0 *1 An,Bn,P2,P5 -
P1, P3, P4 *3 P1-P5
Bn, (Sn, Cn) *2
1 An An Bn, Sn, Cn, P1-P5

*1 Factory setting
*2 When in the DRIVE mode, the parameter groups Sn- and Cn- can only be monitored if the RESET
and the DSPL keys are to be pressed simultaneously.
*3 Parameters P4-01 to P4-04 can be monitored only during the DRIVE mode. Parameter P4-05 can be set
and monitored during the DRIVE mode.

Note: After the required modifications have been made, it is recommended that parameter SN-03 be set
to 1 to prevent unwanted modifications to parameter groups other than An- (Frequency Command).

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Parameter Groups

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

8.2 Digital Operator Layout and Description

The JNEP-36 LCD Digital Operator shown in Fig. 8.2.1 has a 2 line by 20 character LCD English display,
LED status indicators and a membrane keypad for control and data entry.

Fig. 8.2.1 JNEP-36 LCD Digital Operator

Remote/Local function:
• Local mode – The RUN command is input from the LCD Digital Operator (SEQ LED off)
– The Frequency command is input from the LCD Digital Operator (REF LED off)
• Remote mode – The RUN command is input from the control circuit terminals (when Sn-04=1) or the
RS-485 comm. port (when Sn-04=2) (SEQ LED on)
– The Frequency command is input from the control circuit terminals (when Sn-05=1) or the
RS-485 comm. port (when Sn-05=2) (REF LED on)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Digital Operator Layout and Description

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

8.3 Digital Operator Key Functions

The following Table 8.3.1 describes the functions of the keys.
Table 8.3.1 Key Functions

PRGM Switches over between the program mode (PRGM) and the drive

DSPL DSPL Displays the operating status.

LOCAL LOCAL /REMOTE When parameter P1-03 = 0, it toggles the Local/Remote Function.
When parameter P1-03 = 1, it act as the Jog key when in the DRIVE
(JOG) mode.

REV FWD / REV Sets the direction of rotation the Digital Operator.

Digit Select Selects a particular digit to be changed when setting values on the
& LCD display. (Used with the Increment and Decrements keys).
RESET It also acts as the RESET key when a fault has occurred.

Selects menu items, groups, functions, parameters, and

increments the value of a selected digit.

Decrement Selects menu items, groups, functions, parameters, and

decrements the value of a selected digit.

EDIT (EDIT) - select menu items, groups, functions and sets values.
EDIT / ENTER (ENTER) - saves a particular operation or value to memory.

Starts inverter operation in the (DRIVE) mode when the
using the Digital Operator. (The LED will come ON.)

Stops inverter operation from the Digital Operator. The STOP key can
STOP STOP be enabled or disabled by the setting of parameter Sn-07 when
operating from the control circuit terminals.

To avoid keypad damage, do not operate it with a screwdriver or any sharp or hard tool.

8.4 Run / Stop Status Indicators

Fig. 8.4.1 Run / Stop Status Indicators

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Keypad Functions and Status Indicators

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

8.5 Display Menu for DRIVE and PRGM Modes

The following Fig. 8.5.1 shows the menu structure for the program mode (PRGM) and the drive mode (DRIVE).
Refer to the parameter section 9.0 for an in depth explanation for the various parameter groups shown.


PRGM mode PRGM *1



Frequency reference
An- monitor / Set value displayed

Bn- monitor / Set Display monitor / Set item

Sn- monitor / Set Un- monitor


Cn- monitor / Set An- monitor / Set


P1- monitor / Set Bn- monitor / Set


P2- monitor / Set

Sn- monitor

P3- monitor / Set

Cn- monitor

P4- monitor / Set

P2- monitor / Set

P5- monitor / Set

P4- monitor


P5- monitor / Set


Fig. 8.5.1 DRIVE and PRGM Display Menus

*1 When powered up, the inverter immediately enters the DRIVE mode. Pressing the PRGM / DRIVE key will switch to
the PRGM mode. If a fault occurs, press the PRGM / DRIVE key and enter the DRIVE mode and then the DSPL key
to access the corresponding Un-□□ fault contents. Once the fault is cleared, press the RESET key.
*2 The monitored items will be displayed according to the settings of parameters Bn-12 and Bn-13.
*3 When in the DRIVE mode, press the DSPL key and the RESET key; the set values of parameters Sn- □□ and Cn-□□ will
be displayed for monitoring only and can not be changed or set here.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Drive and Program Mode Menus

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

8.6 Some Examples of keypad navigation

Fig. 8.6.1 Using the UP / DWN Keys

Example B: Operation from power up, setting input voltage and output frequency.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FWD (6) (7)

60 Hz
15 Hz


Set Change frequency REV
Set input
Frequency setting 60Hz

Steps 1 through 7

Fig. 8.6.2 Setting the Input Voltage and Output Frequency

The following Fig. 8.6.3 shows the keypad navigation for Example B following Steps 1 to 7. It will acquaint the
user with the process of changing other parameters and settings.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Keypad Navigation using UP / DOWN Keys

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Power On

DRIVE FWD STOP Press the PRGM / DRIVE FWD STOP Press the DSPL key Set Input Voltage to 380.0V
DRIVE key to enter 8 times to access
Program mode parameter group Cn-01
LED’s Off LED On
LED’s On

An-01 Cn-01

Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz


TECO Freq. Cmd. 1 Input Voltage

Selected frequency Press the EDIT/ENTER
displayed EDIT
key to access current
Flashing Cn-01 setting
Cn-01=380.0V RESET Cn-01=440.0V
Entry Accepted Input Voltage Input Voltage Flashing
Press the EDIT/
ENTER key to
store Using the digit select and
the UP / Down keys set the
Entry Accepted will display for 0.5 sec. and input voltage to 380.0V
then the previous screen will be displayed


Enter Drive PRGM

LED’s On
mode DRIVE

Flashing Flashing

Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz Freq. Cmd 015.00Hz


Entry Accepted
Using the digit select and
the UP / Down keys set the Entry Accepted will display for 0.5 sec. and
output frequency to then the previous screen will be displayed

LED’s On Press the display key

(The O/P should read
Freq. Cmd 15.00Hz
O/P Freq. 15.00Hz Then press the RUN key
(The O/P should accelerate
RUN to 15.00HZ)
LED ON Set Freq. Cmd to 15.00Hz

Press the DSPL key 4 times

to access the Frequency
Increase Freq. Cmd to 60 .00Hz
Command setting.



Freq. Cmd 060.00Hz

Freq. Cmd 015.00Hz
TECO TECO Entry Accepted

Flashing Using the digit select and

the UP / Down keys set Entry Accepted will display for 0.5 sec. and
the output frequency to then the previous screen will be displayed

Press the display key

(The O/P should read DSPL
Freq. Cmd 60.00Hz
O/P Freq. 60.00Hz

Press the FWD / REV

key to change direction
DRIVE REV RUN DRIVE REV RUN Note: The RUN LED flashes when the
STOP STOP key is pressed until the output
REV LED ON frequency goes to 0, then it turns off
LED’s On LED’s On

Freq. Cmd 60.00Hz Freq. Cmd 60.00Hz

O/P Freq. 60.00Hz Press the STOP key O/P Freq. 0.00Hz
(The O/P should
decelerate to 0.00Hz)

Fig. 8.6.3 PRGM and DRIVE Keypad Navigation

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company PRGM & DRIVE Keypad Navigation

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

9.0 Parameter Summary and Explanation

This section describes the various parameter groups that are available in the MA7200 PLUS. Sub-section 9.1 gives a
summary of the parameters while Sub-section 9.2 gives a more detailed explanation.

9.1 Parameter Summary Tables

Table 9.1.1 An- □□ Frequency Command (Multi-speed operation)
(In the drive mode these parameters can be monitored and their values set.)
Parameter LCD Display Setting*1 Factory
Name Setting Range Ref.
No. (English) Unit Setting
An-01= 000.00Hz
An-01 Frequency Command 1
Freq. Cmd. 1
An-02= 000.00Hz
An-02 Frequency Command 2
Freq. Cmd. 2
An-03= 000.00Hz
An-03 Frequency Command 3
Freq. Cmd. 3
An-04= 000.00Hz
An-04 Frequency Command 4
Freq. Cmd. 4
An-05= 000.00Hz
An-05 Frequency Command 5
Freq. Cmd. 5
An-06= 000.00Hz
An-06 Frequency Command 6
Freq. Cmd. 6
An-07= 000.00Hz
An-07 Frequency Command 7
Freq. Cmd. 7
An-08= 000.00Hz
An-08 Frequency Command 8
Freq. Cmd. 8
An-09= 000.00Hz Sec.
An-09 Frequency Command 9 0.00 - 400.00Hz 0.01Hz 0.00Hz
Freq. Cmd. 9 9.2.3
An-10= 000.00Hz
An-10 Frequency Command 10
Freq. Cmd. 10
An-11= 000.00Hz
An-11 Frequency Command 11
Freq. Cmd. 11
An-12= 000.00Hz
An-12 Frequency Command 12
Freq. Cmd. 12
An-13= 000.00Hz
An-13 Frequency Command 13
Freq. Cmd. 13
An-14= 000.00Hz
An-14 Frequency Command 14
Freq. Cmd. 14
An-15= 000.00Hz
An-15 Frequency Command 15
Freq. Cmd. 15
An-16= 000.00Hz
An-16 Frequency Command 16
Freq. Cmd. 16
Jog Frequency An-17= 000.00Hz
An-17 6.00Hz
Command Jog Freq. Cmd.

1 - The values assigned to parameters An-01 to An-02 are selected by the multi-function input terminals 5-8 and
set by parameters Sn-25 to Sn-28. (See Table
2- The units to be displayed can be changed through the parameter Cn-28 and P1-01.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company An-01 – An-17 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 9.1.2 Bn- □□ Parameter Groups that can be Changed During Running
(In the drive mode the parameters can be monitored and their values set.)
Parameter LCD display Setting Factory
Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Unit Setting
Bn-01= 0010.0s
Bn-01 Acceleration Time 1
Acc. Time 1
Bn-02= 0010.0s Sec.
Bn-02 Deceleration Time 1
Acc/Dec Dec. Time 1 9.2.1
0.0 - 6000.0s 0.1s 30.0s
time Bn-03= 0010.0s &
Bn-03 Acceleration Time 2
Acc. Time 2 App-1
Bn-04= 0010.0s
Bn-04 Deceleration Time 2
Dec. Time 2
Analog Frequency Bn-05= 0100.0%
Bn-05 0.0 -1000.0% 100.00%
Cmd. Gain (Voltage) Voltage Cmd. Gain
Analog Frequency Bn-06= 000.0%
Bn-06 -100.0% -100.0% 0.00%
Analog Cmd. Bias (Voltage) Voltage Cmd. Bias
Frequency Analog Frequency Bn-07= 0100.0%
Bn-07 0.0 - 1000.0% 100.00%
Cmd Gain. (Current) Current Cmd. Gain 0.10%
Analog Frequency Bn-08= 000.0%
Bn-08 -100.0% - 100.0% 0.00%
Cmd Bias (Current) Current Cmd. Bias
Multi- Multi-Function Bn-09= 0100.0%
Bn-09 0.0 - 1000.0% 100.00%
Function Analog Input Gain Multi_Fun. ~Gain
Analog Multi-Function Bn-10= 000.0% Sec.
Bn-10 -100.0% - 100.0% 0.00% 9.2.1
Input Analog Input Bias Multi_Fun. ~Bias
Torque Auto Torque Boost Bn-11= 0.5
Bn-11 0.0 - 2.0 0.1 0.5
Boost Gain Auto_Boost Gain
Bn-12= 01
Bn-12 Monitor 1 1
Display: Freq.Cmd.
Monitor 1 - 30 1
Bn-13= 19
Bn-13 Monitor 2 19
Display: PID FBK.
Bn-14= 1.00
Multi- Bn-14 Analog
-Output AO1 Gain
Function Output AO1 Gain
0.01- 2.55 0.01 1
Analog Multi-Function
Bn-15= 1.00
Output Bn-15 Analog Output AO2
-Output AO2 Gain
Bn-16= 01.00
Bn-16 PID Detection Gain
PID Cmd. Gain
0.01 - 10.00 0.01 1
PID Proportional Bn-17= 01.00
Gain PID P_gain Sec.
PID Bn-18= 10.00s 9.2.1
Bn-18 PID integral time 0.00 -100.00s 10.00s
Control PID I_Time &
Bn-19= 0.00s APP-1
Bn-19 PID Differential Time 0 -1.00s 0.00s
PID D_Time
Bn-20= 0%
Bn-20 PID Bias 0 -109% 1% 0%
PID Bias


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-01 – Bn-20 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Setting Factory Ref.

Function Name Setting range
No. (English) Unit Setting Page
1st_Step Time Under Bn-21= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 1
2nd_Step Time
Bn-22= 0000.0s
Bn-22 Under Auto_Run
Time 2
3rd_Step Time Under Bn-23= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 3
4th_Step Time Under Bn-24= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 4
5th_Step Time Under Bn-25= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 5
6th_Step Time Under Bn-26= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 6
7th_Step Time Under Bn-27= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 7
8th_Step Time Under Bn-28= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Mode Time 8
9th_Step Time Under Bn-29= 0000.0s
Auto_Run Bn-29 Sec.
Auto_Run Mode Time 9
Time 9.2.1
10th_Step Time
Function Bn-30= 0000.0s
Bn-30 Under Auto_Run
Time 10 0.0 - 6000.0s 0.1s 0.0s
11th_Step Time
Bn-31= 0000.0s
Bn-31 Under Auto_Run
Time 11
12th_Step Time
Bn-32= 0000.0s
Bn-32 Under Auto_Run
Time 12
13th_Step Time
Bn-33= 0000.0s
Bn-33 Under Auto_Run
Time 13
14th_Step Time
Bn-34= 0000.0s
Bn-34 Under Auto_Run
Time 14
15th_Step Time
Bn-35= 0000.0s
Bn-35 Under Auto_Run
Time 15
16th_Step Time
Bn-36= 0000.0s
Bn-36 Under Auto_Run
Time 16
Timer Function Bn-37= 0000.0s
Bn-37 Sec.
Timer On_Delay Time ON_delay Setting
Function Timer Function Bn-38= 0000.0s
Off_Delay Time OFF_delay Setting
Energy Bn-39= 100%
Bn-39 Energy_Saving Gain 50 - 150% 1% 100% Sec.
Saving Eg.Saving Gain
Monitor Bn-40 Monitor 3 00 - 30 1 0
Display : Set_Freq.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-21 – Bn40 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Setting Factory Ref.

Function Name Setting range
No. (English) Unit Setting Page
Pulse Input Upper Bn-41=1440 Hz
Bn-41 1440 - 32000 1 Hz 1440
Limit Pulse_Mul._Up_Bound
Bn-41=100.0 %
Bn-42 Pulse Input Gain 0.0 - 1000.0 0.10% 100 Sec.
Pulse Pulse_Mul._Gain
Input Bn-41=000.0 %
Bn-43 Pulse Input Bias -100.0 - 100.0 0.1Hz 0
Pulse Input Delay Bn-41=0.10 s
Bn-44 0.00 - 2.00 0.01s 0.1
Time Pulse_Mul._Filter
Bn-45*1 Not Used - - - -
- -
Bn-46*1 Not Used - - - -

*1 - These parameters are not available for 77.01 and later software versions.

Table 9.1.3 Cn- □□ Control Parameters

Parameter LCD display Setting Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Unit Setting
Cn-01= 230.0V
Cn-01 Input Voltage 150.0 - 255.0V *1 0.1V 230.0V *1
Input Voltage
Max. Output Cn-02= 060.0Hz
Cn-02 50.0 - 400.0Hz 0.1Hz 60.0Hz
Frequency Max. O/P Freq.
Cn-03= 230.0Hz
Cn-03 Max. Output Voltage 0.1 - 255.0V *1 0.1V 230.0V *1
Max. Voltage
Max. Voltage Cn-04= 060.0Hz
V/F Cn-04 60.0Hz
Frequency Max. Volt Frequency
Pattern 0.1 - 400.0Hz 0.1Hz
Middle Output Cn-05= 003.0Hz
Setting Cn-05 3.0Hz
Frequency Middle O/P Freq.
Voltage At Middle Cn-06= 014.9V
Cn-06 0.1 - 255.0V *1 0.1V 15.5V *1
Output Frequency Middle Voltage
Min Output Cn-07= 001.5Hz
Cn-07 0.1 - 400.0Hz 0.1Hz 1.5Hz Sec.
Frequency Min O/P Freq.
Voltage At Min. Cn-08= 007.9V
Cn-08 0.1 - 255.0V *1 0.1V 8.2V *1
Output Frequency Min. Voltage
Cn-09= 0003.3A
Cn-09 Motor Rated Current *2 0.1A 3.3A *3
Motor Rated I
No Load Current Of Cn-10= 30%
Cn-10 1% 30%
Motor Motor No-Load I
0 - 99%
Cn-11= 0.0%
Motor Cn-11 Rated Slip Of Motor 0.10% 0.00%
Motor Rated Slip
Line-To-Line Cn-12= 05.732Ω
Cn-12 0 - 65.535Ω 0.001Ω 5.732 *3
Resistance Of Motor Motor Line R
Cn-13= 0064W
Cn-13 Compensation Of 0 - 65535W 1W 64 *3
Core Loss
Core Loss

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-41 – Bn-46 Cont. & Cn-01 – Cn-13 Parameter Summary
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Setting Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Unit Setting
DC Injection Braking Cn-14= 01.5Hz
Cn-14 0.1 - 10.0 Hz 0.1Hz 1.5Hz
Starting Frequency C Braking Start F
Cn-15= 050%
Cn-15 DC Braking Current 0 - 100% 1% 50%
DC Braking Current
Cn-16= 00.5s
Braking DC Injection Braking
Cn-16 DC Braking Stop 0.5s
Function Time At Stop
0.0 - 25.5s 0.1s
Cn-17= 00.0s
DC Injection Braking
Cn-17 DC Braking Start 0.0s
Time At Start
Frequency Command Cn-18= 100%
Cn-18 100%
Upper Bound Freq.Cmd. Up Bound
Cn-19= 000% 0 - 109% 1%
Limit Frequency Command
Cn-19 Freq. Cmd. Low 0%
Lower Bound
Frequency Jump Cn-20= 000.0Hz
Cn-20 0.1Hz
Point 1 Freq. Jump 1
Frequency Jump Cn-21= 000.0Hz
Cn-21 0.0 - 400.0Hz 0.0Hz
Point 2 Freq. Jump 2
Frequency Jump Cn-22= 000.0Hz
Point 3 Freq. Jump 3
Jump Frequency Cn-23= 01.0Hz
Width Freq. Jump Width
0.0 - 25.5Hz 0.1Hz 1.0Hz
Number of Auto Cn-24= 00 Sec.
Restart Attempt Retry Times
0 - 10 1 0
Stall Prevention Cn-25= 170%
Cn-25 170%
During Acceleration Acc. Stall
30 - 200% 1%
Stall Prevention Cn-26= 160%
Cn-26 160%
During Running Run Stall
Communication Fault Cn-27=01.0s
Detection Time Comm. Flt Det. Time
0.1 - 25.5s 0.1s 1s
Frequency LCD Digital Operator Cn-28= 00000
Jump Cn-28
Display Unit Operator Disp. Unit
0 -39999 1 0
Freq. Agree
Cn-29= 000.0Hz
Cn-29 Detection Level
Acc. Freq. Det.Level
During Accel.
0.0 - 400.0Hz 0.1Hz 0.0Hz
Freq. Agree
Cn-30= 000.0Hz
Cn-30 Detection Level
Dec. Freq. Det. Level
During Decel.
Frequency Agree Cn-31= 02.0Hz
Detection Width F Agree Det. Width
0.1 - 25.5Hz 0.1Hz 2.0Hz
Excess Load Cn-32= 160%
Detection Level Excess Load Level
0 - 200% 1% 160%
Cn-33= 00.1s
Excess Load
Detection Time
Excess Load 0.0 - 25.5s 0.1s 0.1s
Carrier frequency Cn-34= 6
setting Carry_Freq Setting
1- 6 1 6


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-14 – Cn-34 Parameter Summary Cont

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Setting Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Unit Setting
Speed Search Cn-35= 150%
Cn-35 0 - 200% 1% 150%
Detection Level Sp-Search Level
Cn-36= 02.0s Sec.
Speed Cn-36 Speed Search Time 0.1 - 25.5s 2.0s
Sp-Search Time 9.2.2
Search 0.1s
Min. Baseblock Cn-37= 0.5s &
Control Cn-37 0.5 - 5.0s 0.5s
Time Min. B.B. Time 9.2.3
V/F Curve in Speed Cn-38= 80%
Cn-38 10 - 100% 1% 80%
Search Sp-search V/F Gain
Low Voltage Low Voltage Alarm Cn-39= 200V
Cn-39 150 - 210V *1 1V 200V *1
Detection Detection Level Low Volt. Det. Level
Slip Compensation Cn-40= 02.0s
Slip Comp. Cn-40 0.0 - 25.5s 0.1s 2.0s
Primary Delay Time Slip Filter
S-curve Characteristic Cn-41= 0.0s
Time at Accel. Start S1 Curve Time Sec.
S-curve Characteristic Cn-42= 0.0s 9.2.2
Time at Accel. End S2 Curve Time
S-curve time 0.0 - 1.0s 0.1s 0.0s
S-curve Characteristic Cn-43= 0.0s
Time at Decel. start S3 Curve Time
S-curve Characteristic Cn-44= 0.0s
Time at Decel. end S4 Curve Time
Cn-45= 0000.0 Sec.
Cn-45 PG Parameter 0.0 - 3000.0P/R 0.1P/R 0.0P/R
PG Parameter 9.2.2
Cn-46= 04P & Fig.
Cn-46 Pole no. of Motor 2 - 32P 2P 4P
Motor Pole 4.2.4
ASR Proportional Cn-47= 0.00
Cn-47 0.00 - 2.55 0.01 0
Gain 1 ASR Gain 1
Cn-48= 01.0s
Cn-48 ASR Integral Gain 1 0.1 - 10.0S 0.1s 1.0s
ASR Intgl. Time 1
ASR Proportional Cn-49= 0.02
Cn-49 0.00 - 2.55 0.01 0.02
Speed Gain 2 ASR Gain 2
feedback Cn-50= 01.0s
Cn-50 ASR Integral Gain 2 0.1 - 10.0S 0.1s 1.0s
control ASR Intgl. Time 2
Cn-51= 05.0%
Cn-51 ASR Upper Bound 5.00% 9.2.2
ASR Up Bound
0.1 - 10.0% 0.10%
Cn-52= 00.1%
Cn-52 ASR Lower Bound 0.10%
ASR Low Bound
Excessive Speed
Cn-53= 10%
Cn-53 Deviation Detection 1 - 50% 1% 10%
Sp.Deviat. Det.Level
Overspeed Cn-54= 110%
Cn-54 1 - 120% 1% 110%
Detection Level Over Sp.Det. Level
PID Integral Upper Cn-55= 100%
Cn-55 0 - 109% 1% 100% Sec.
PID Bound PID I-Upper
9.2.2 &
Control PID Primary Delay Cn-56= 0.0s
Cn-56 0.0 - 2.5s 0.1s 0.0s App-1
Time Constant PID Filter


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-35 – Cn-56 Parameter Summary Cont

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Setting Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Unit Setting
Motor Line-to-Line Cn-57= 02.233Ω
Cn-57 2.233Ω *3
Resistance (R1) Mtr LINE_R
Motor Rotor 0.001 - 60.000Ω 0.001Ω
Cn-58= 01.968Ω
Cn-58 Equivalent 1.968Ω *3
Mtr ROTOR_R Sec.
Sensorless Resistance (R2)
Vector Motor Leakage Cn-59= 9.6mH
Cn-59 0.01- 200.00mH 0.01mH 9.6mH *3 &
Control Inductance (Ls) Mtr LEAKAGE_X
Appx A
Motor Mutual Cn-60= 149.7mH 149.7mH
Cn-60 0.1 - 6553.5mH 0.1mH *3
Inductance (Lm) Mtr MUTUAL_X
Slip Compensation Cn-61= 1.00
Cn-61 0.00 - 2.55 0.01 1.00
Cn-62 Not Used *4 - - - -
Cn-63*4 Not Used *4 - - - -
PID Target Upper Cn-64 = 100%
Cn-64 100%
PID Target Limit PID Target U_Limit
0 -100% 1% APP-1
Limit PID Target Lower Cn-65 = 0%
Cn-65 0%
Limit PID Target L_Limit
*1 These values are for a 230V class inverter. Double the value for a 460V class inverter, and multiply the value by
2.875 for a 575v class inverter.
*2 The setting range is 10% - 200% of the inverter rated current.
*3 The factory setting values will vary based upon the inverter capacity selection (Sn-01) value. In this case, the setting
is for 4-pole, 230V, 60Hz, 1Hp TECO standard induction motors.
*4. These parameters are not available for 77.01 and later software versions.

Table 9.1.4 Sn- □□ System Parameters

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
Capacity Sn-01= 01
Sn-01 Capacity Inverter capacity selection *1
Setting 220V 1HP
V/F Curve Sn-02= 01 0 -14: 15 fixed V/F curve pattern
V/F Curve Sn-02 -
Selection V/F curve 15: Arbitrary V/F pattern selection
0: An-□□, Bn-□□, Cn-□□, Sn-□□ setting &
reading enabled
1: An-□□, setting & reading enabled
Bn-□□, Cn-□□, Sn-□□ reading only Sec.
2 - 5: Reserved 9.2.3
6: C lear fault message
Operator Operator Sn-03= 00
Sn-03 7: 2-wire initialization (230V/460V) -
Status Display Setting Valid
8: 3-wire initialization (230V/460V)
9: 2-wire initialization (200V/415V)
10: 3-wire initialization (200V/415V)
11: 2-wire initialization (200V/380V)
12: 3-wire initialization (200V/380V)
13 - 15: Reserved


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-57 – Sn-65 Cont & Sn-01 – Sn-03 Parameter Summary
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
Run source
Sn-04= 0
Run Source 0: Operator
Sn-04 Run source
Selection 1: Control terminal
2: RS-485 communication
Frequency Command
Sn-05= 0 0: Operator
Frequency Command
Sn-05 Ref. Cmd. 1: Control circuit terminal
Operator 2: RS-485 communication
3: Pulse input
0: Deceleration to Stop
Stopping 1: Coast to Stop
Sn-06= 0
Sn-06 Method 2: Total_range braking stop
Dec. Stop
Selection 3: Coast to Stop with Timer
(Restart after time Bn-02)
When operation command is from
Sn-07= 0 control terminal or RS-485
Sn-07 Priority of Stopping Stop Key communication port
Operation Valid 0: operator stop key effective
Control 1: operator stop key not effective Sec.
Mode Sn-08= 0 9.2.3
Prohibition of REV 0: reverse run enabled
Selection Sn-08 Allow
Run 1: reverse run disabled
0: Reference frequency is changed
through pressing the ”UP/DOWN”
Sn-09= 0 key, and then followed by
Output Frequency
Sn-09 Inhibit pressing the “EDIT/ENTER” key.
Up/Down Function
UP/DOWN 1: Reference frequency will be
changed immediately after the
”UP/DOWN” is pressed.
0: Reference command has forward
Frequency Command Sn-10= 0
(0-10V or 4-20mA / 0-100%
Sn-10 Characteristics Ref. Cmd.
1: Reference command has reverse
Selection Fwd. Char.
(10-0V or 20-4mA / 0-100%)
Sn-11= 0 0: Scan and confirm once per 5 ms
Scanning Times at
Sn-11 Scan Time 5 1: Continuously scan and confirm
Input Terminal
ms twice per 10 ms


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-4 – Sn-11 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
0: Excess Load detection function is not
1: Excess Load is detected only at
frequency agree. Continue operation
after detection.
2: Excess Load is detected only at Sec.
Excess Load Sn-12= 0
Operation frequency agree. Stop operation after 9.2.3
Sn-12 Detection Detection
Control detection. &
Selection Invalid
Mode 3: Excess Load is detected during 0 9.2.2
Selection running (Accel.,Decel. included).
Cont. Continue operation after detection.
4: Excess Load is detected during
running (Accel., Decel included). Stop
operation after detection.
Sn-13= 0 0: V/F output voltage is limited
Sn-13 Voltage Limit
V Limit Invalid 1: V/F output voltage is not limited
0: invalid (Excessive torque may cause
Sn-14= 1 stall)
Sn-14 During Acc.
Acc. Stall Valid 1: valid (Stop acceleration if current
exceeds Cn-25 setting)
Prevention 0: invalid (Installed with external brake
Sn-15= 1
Sn-15 During Dec. unit)
Dec. Stall Valid
Function 1: valid (No external brake unit used)
0: invalid
1: valid –Deceleration time 1 for stall
prevention during running (No
During Sn-16= 1
Sn-16 external brake unit used) 1
Running Run Stall Valid
2: valid –Deceleration time 2 for stall Sec.
Protection Function
prevention during running (No 9.2.3
Charac- Selection
external brake unit used)
0: No output for fault retry.
Fault Retry Sn-17= 0 (The fault contact does not operate.)
Setting Retry No O/P 1: Output fault retry.
(The fault contact operates.)
Operation Sn-18= 0
0: Stop running
Sn-18 Selection At PwrL_to_ON
1: Continue to run
Power Loss Stop O/P
When analog speed reference is 0 0
Zero Speed
Sn-19= 0 during running , the braking function is
Sn-19 Z_braking ON
Invalid 0: invalid
1: valid
External Fault
Sn-20= 0
Contact  0: A-contact (Normally open input)
Sn-20 Term.3
Contact 1: B-contact (Normally close input)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-12 – Sn-20 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
External Fault
Sn-21= 0
Contact  0: Detect all time
Sn-21 All Time Ext.
Detection 1: Detect only during operation
0: Dec. to stop (Dec. time 1 Bn-02)
External Fault Sn-22 = 1
1: Coast (Free run) to stop
Sn-22 Operation Ext. Fault
2: Dec. to stop (Dec. time 1 Bn-04)
Selection Free run
3: Continue operating
Electronically motor overload protection
0: Electronically motor overload
protection invalid
Protection 1: Standard motor cold start overload
Motor Overload Sn-23= 1
Charac- protection characteristics
Sn-23 Protection Cold Start 1 Sec.
teristic. 2: Standard motor hot start overload
Selection Over Load 9.2.3
selection protection characteristics
Cont. 3: Special motor cold start overload
protection characteristics
4: Special motor hot start overload
protection characteristics
Frequency command characteristics
selection at external analog input
0: Voltage signal 0-10V (VIN)
Characteristics Sn-24= 1 0
Sn-24 1: Current signal 4-20mA (AIN)
Selection at - Cmd. AIN
2: Addition of voltage signal 0-10V and
External Analog
current signal 4-20 mA (VIN+AIN)
Input Terminal
3: Subtraction of current signal 4-20mA
and voltage signal 0-10V (VIN-AIN)
Sn-25= 02
Input Terminal  The factory setting is multi-
Sn-25 Multi-Fun. 00-33 02
Function function command 1
Sn-26= 03
Input Terminal  The factory setting is multi-
Multi- Sn-26 Multi-Fun. 01-33 03
Function function command 2
function Command 2 Sec.
Digital 9.2.3
Input Sn-27= 06 &
Input Terminal  The factory setting is jog
Selection Sn-27 Jog 02-33 06 Figs’
Function command
Command 2.1.2,
Sn-28= 07 &
Input Terminal  The factory setting is Acc. &
Sn-28 Acc. & Dec 03-33 07 4.1.1
Function Dec. Interrupt
Multi-Function Multi-function analog input
function Sn-29= 00
Analog Input terminal (AUX) as Auxiliary
Analog Sn-29 Auxiliary 00-19 00
(AUX) Function frequency command. (factory
Input Freq. Cmd.
Selection setting)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-21 - Sn-29 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Parameter LCD display Factory
Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
Output Terminal Terminal (RA-RB-RC or R1A-
Sn-30= 13
Sn-30 (RA-RB-RC) 00-28 R1B-R1C) as fault output 13
Function (factory setting)
Multi- Selection
function Multi-Function
Terminal (DO1-DOG) as
Digital Output Terminal Sn-31= 00
Sn-31 00-28 digital output during running 00
Output (DO1) Function Running
(factory setting).
Selection Selection
Terminal (DO2-DOG or R2A-
Output Terminal Sn-32= 01
Sn-32 00-28 R2C) as digital output at zero 01
(DO2) Function Zero Speed
speed (factory setting)
0: Freq. Cmd. (10V / MAX frequency
command, Cn-02)
1: Output frequency (10V / MAX. output Sec.
Multi-Function frequency) 9.2.3
Sn-33= 00
Analog Output 2: Output current (10V / input rated &
Sn-33 Term. AO1 00
(AO1) Function current) Figs’
Freq. Cmd.
Selection 3: Output voltage (10V / input voltage, 2.1.2,
Cn-01) 2.1.3
4: DC voltage (10V / 400V or 10V / &
800.V) 4.1.1
Multi- 5: External analog input command
function VIN (0-10V / 0-10V)
Analog 6: External analog input command AIN
Output (0 – 10 V / 4 - 20mA)
Selection Multi-Function
Sn-34= 01 7: Multi-function analog input (AUX)
Analog Output
Sn-34 Term. AO2 (10V / 10V) 01
(AO2) Function
O/P Freq. 8: PID control input
9: PID control output 1
10: PID control output 2
11: Communication Control
12 -14: HVAC Function
Pulse Output When multi-function output terminal
Sn-35= 1 (DO1,DO2) is set as pulse signal output
Sn-35 Multiplier 1
Pulse Mul. 6
Selection 0:1F 1: 6F 2:10F 3:12F 4: 36F
Sn-36= 01
Sn-36 Inverter Address Inverter Inverter address can be set as 1~31 01
0: 1200 bps
RS-485 Comm. Sn-37= 1 1: 2400 bps
Sn-37 Baud Rate Baud rate2: 4800 bps 3 Sec.
RS-485 Setting 2400 3: 9600 bps 9.2.3
Commu- 4: 19200 bps &
RS-485 Comm. 0: No parity Fig.
Function Sn-38= 0
Sn-38 Transmission 1: Even parity 0 4.2.5
Reversed Bit
Parity Setting 2: Odd parity
0: Deceleration to stop (Bn-02)
RS-485 Comm. Sn-39= 0
1: Coast to stop
Sn-39 Fault Stop 1st. Dec. 0
2: Deceleration to stop (Bn-04)
Selection stop
3: Continue to run

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn- 30 - Sn-39 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
0: Without speed control
1: With speed control
PG Speed Sn-40= 0 2: With speed control but no integration
Sn-40 0
Control Function PG Invalid control during Acc / Dec.
3: With speed control and integration
control during Acc / Dec.
PG Speed 0: Deceleration to stop (Bn-02)
Operation Sn-41= 0
Control 1: Coast to stop Sec.
Sn-41 Selection At PG 1st. Dec. 0
2: Deceleration to stop (Bn-04) 9.2.3,
Open Circuit Stop
3: Continue to run 9.2.1
Operation 0: Deceleration to stop (Bn-02) &
Selection Sn-42= 0 1: Coast to stop Fig.
Sn-42 0
At PG Large 1st. Dec Stop 2: Deceleration to stop (Bn-04) 4.2.5
Speed Deviation 3: Continue to run
Selection 0 : deceleration to stop (Bn-02)
Sn-43= 0
At PG 1 : coast to stop
Sn-43 1st. Dec. 0
Overspeed 2 : deceleration to stop (Bn-04)
Detection 3 : continue to run
0: Auto_Run mode not effective
1: Auto_Run mode for one single cycle.
(continue running from the unfinished
step if restarting)
2: Auto_Run mode be performed
periodically (continue running from
the unfinished step if restarting)
3: Auto_Run mode for one single cycle,
Operation Mode Sn-44= 0 then hold the speed of final step to
Sn-44 Selection During Auto_Run run. (continue running from the
Auto_Run Invalid unfinished step if restarting)
4: Auto_Run mode for one single cycle.
(Starting a new cycle if restarting)
5: Auto_Run mode be performed
periodically (Starting a new cycle if Sec.
Auto_Run restarting) 9.2.3
Mode 6: Auto_Run mode for one single cycle,
then hold the speed of final step to
run. (Starting a new cycle if restarting)

Auto_Run Mode Sn-45= 0

Sn-45 Operation Auto_Run
Selection1 Stop 0: stop (Bn-02)
1: forward 0
2: reverse

Auto_Run Mode Sn-46= 0

Sn-46 Operation Auto_Run
Selection2 Stop


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn- 40 – Sn 46 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
Auto_Run Mode Sn-47= 0
Sn-47 Operation Auto_Run
Selection3 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-48= 0
Sn-48 Operation Auto_Run
Selection4 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-49= 0
Sn-49 Operation Auto_Run
Selection5 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-50= 0
Sn-50 Operation Auto_Run
Selection6 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-51= 0
Sn-51 Operation Auto_Run
Selection7 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-52= 0
Sn-52 Operation Auto_Run
Selection8 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-53= 0 Sec.
Sn-53 Operation Auto_Run 9.2.3,
Auto_Run 0: stop (Bn-02)
Selection9 Stop 9.1.1
Mode 1: forward 0
Auto_Run Mode Sn-54= 0 &
Cont. 2: reverse
Sn-54 Operation Auto_Run 9.2.2
Selection10 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-55= 0
Sn-55 Operation Auto_Run
Selection11 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-56= 0
Sn-56 Operation Auto_Run
Selection12 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-57= 0
Sn-57 Operation Auto_Run
Selection13 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-58= 0
Sn-58 Operation Auto_Run
Selection14 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-59= 0
Sn-59 Operation Auto_Run
Selection15 Stop
Auto_Run Mode Sn-60= 0
Sn-60 Operation Auto_Run
Selection16 Stop
Sn-61= 0
Applied Torque 0: Constant torque
Sn-61 Const. Tq. 0 Sec.
Mode 1: Variable (quadratic) torque
Load 9.2.3
Sn-62= 0
Sn-62 *2 Not Used - -


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-47 – Sn-62 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Description Ref.
No. (English) Setting
0: Not loaded (copied)
1: Upload from digital operator to
inverter Sec.
Sn-63 Parameter Copy 2: Download from inverter to digital 0 9.2.3
Not Load
3: Test the EEPROM of digital operator
4: Test the EEPROM of inverter
Sn-64=0 0: PID invalid
Sn-64 PID Function 0 9.2.3 &
PID Invalid 1 - 8: PID valid
Sn-65 *2 Not Used - - -
Motor 9.2.3
Parameters 0: Autotuning invalid &
Autotuning 1: Autotuning valid Appnx
Sensorless SEL
Selection A
Vector 0
Sn-67=0 0: V/F control mode (include V/F control
Control Mode 9.2.3,
Sn-67 CNTRL with pulse generator feedback)
Selection 9.2.2 &
MODE SEL 1: Sensorless Vector Control Mode
Appx A
_ _ _ 1: Output phase loss protection
function valid
_ _ _ 0: Output phase loss protection
function invalid

_ _ 1 _: Reserved
_ _ 0 _: Reserved
Sn-68=0000 _ 1 _ _: ±10V analog voltage input
Sn-68 Control function is valid 0
selection *2
selection _ 0 _ _: ±10V analog voltage input Sec.
function is invalid 9.2.3

1 _ _ _: Frequency Up/Down hold

function valid
0 _ _ _: Frequency Up/Down hold
function invalid
* 1-2HP inverter does not support
Input of ±10V analog voltage.
This parameter is not available for
Sn-69 Not Used - 0
version 77.01 and later.
This parameter is not available for
Sn-70 Not Used - 0
version 77.01 and later.

*1. The default setting will depend upon the inverter capacity.
*2. These parameters are not available for version 77.01 and later.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P1-01 –P2-07 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 9.1.4 P□- □□ Application Parameters

(The P parameters were developed mainly for fan and pump applications. “App-2 Fan and PUMP Application Note”
covers this subject and details the use of these and other parameters.)

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Setting
Engineering Engineering Unit P1-01 00
P1-01 00 - 25
Unit Selection Engineering Unit (Set by Cn-28)
10 - 9999
Maximum Maximum Feedback P1-02
P1-02 (Engineering Units set 0
Feedback Selection Feedback Maximum Sec.
by P1-01)
Local / P1-03 0: Enabled
P1-03 Local / Remote Key 0 &
Remote Local / Remote Key 1: Disabled
Sleep Function P1-04 0: PID Sleep Invalid APP-2
P1-04 0
Enable / Disable PID Sleep Function 1: PID Sleep Valid
Function PID Wakeup 0: Feedback above
P1-05 PID Wakeup 1
Direction 1: Feedback below
0: Ext. PID Invalid
1: Ext. PID, AO1
External PID P1-06
P1-06 output 0
Function Ext. PID Function
2: Ext. PID, AO2
0: Set Point
External PID Set P1-07 1: Terminal VIN
P1-07 0
Point Source Ext. PID Set Source 2: Terminal AIN
3: Terminal AUX
External 4: Set Point RS-485 9.2.4
PID Control &
1: Feedback Term.
External PID Set P1-08 2: Feedback Term.
P1-08 3
Feedback Source Ext. PID Fbk. Source AIN
3: Feedback Term.
External PID Set P1-09
P1-09 1 - 100% 100%
Point Integral Limit Ext. PID I Limit
External PID Filter P1-10
P1-10 0.0 - 2.5s 0.0s
Time Ext. PID Filter
P2-01 Sleep Start Level 000.00 - 100.00% 000.00%
Sleep Start Level
P2-02 Sec.
P2-02 Sleep StartDelay 000.1 - 600.0 s 0001.0 s
Sleep Sleep Start Delay 9.2.4
Function P2-03 &
P2-03 Sleep Wakeup Level 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00%
Sleep Wakeup Level APP-2
P2-04 Sleep Wakeup Delay 000.1 - 600.0 s 001.0 s
Sleep Wakeup Delay
External PID Set P2-05
P2-05 0.0 - 100.0% 0.0%
Point Range Ext. PID Set Point
External PID Set P2-06
External P2-06 0.01 - 10.00 1.00 9.2.4
Point Feedback Gain Ext. PID Fbk. Gain
PID Control &
External PID Set APP-1
P2-07 Point Proportional 0.01 - 10.00 1.00
Ext. PID P Gain

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P1-01 –P2-07 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Setting
External PID Set P2-08
P2-08 0.00 - 100.00 s 10.00 s
Point Integral Gain Ext. PID I Time Sec.
External PID Set P2-09 9.2.4
PID P2-09 0.00 - 1.00s 1.00 s
Point Derivative Gain Ext. PID D Time &
P2-10 APP-1
P2-10 External PID Bias -100 -100% 0%
Ext. PID Bias
Load Loss Detection P3-01
P3-01 000 - 200% 030%
Level Load Loss Det. Level
Load Loss Detection P3-02
P3-02 00.0 - 25.5s 05.0s
Load Loss Time Load Loss Det. Time
0: None
P3-04 Load Loss Action 1: Load Loss Alarm 0
Load Loss Action
2: Load Loss Fault
P3-04 * 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00%
Over Feedback Level
P3-05 0000.0 - 6000.0s 0003.0s
Over Fbk. Delay Time
0: None
1: Over Feedback
Over Feedback P3-06
P3-06 Alarm 0
Action Over Fbk. Action
2: Over Feedback
Feedback Fault
P3-07 Low Feedback Level * 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00%
Low Feedback Level
Low Feedback Delay P3-08
P3-08 0000.0 - 6000.0s 0003.0s
Time Low Fbk. Delay Time
0: None Sec.
1: Low Feedback 9.2.4
P3-09 &
P3-09 Low Feedback Action Alarm 0
Low Fbk. Action APP-2
2: Low Feedback
1: PID Error
Low Suction P3-10
P3-10 2: Current 1
Detection Low Suction Detect
3: Error and Current
Low Suction P3-11
P3-11 000 - 300s 100s
Detection Time Low Suc. Det. Time
Low Suction PID P3-12
Suction P3-12 01 - 30% 10%
Error Low Suc. PID Error
P3-13 Low Suction Current 000.1 - 200.0A 001.0 A
Low Suction Current
0: None
P3-14 1: Low Suction Alarm
P3-14 Low Suction Action 1
Low Suction Action 2: Low Suction Fault
3: Fault and Restart
P3-15 Restart Delay 0005 – 6000s 0300s
Restart Delay
0: With Speed
P3-16 Search
P3-16 Restart Selection 1
Restart Selection 1: W/O Speed
* The engineering units and range are set by parameter P1-01


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P2-08 – P3-16 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display Factory

Function Name Setting range Ref.
No. (English) Setting
0: None
P4-01 Flow Meter Function 1: Aux Input 0
Flow Meter Function
2: Pulse Train Input
Maximum Flow for
P4-02 Max Flow for 10V 00000 – 50000 GPM 01000 GPM
Flow P4-03
Meter P4-03 No Flow for AUX No Flow point for 0.0 - 5.0V 0.0V Sec.
AUX 9.2.4
P4-04 &
P4-04 Input Pulse Multiplier 000.01 – 500.00 100.00
Pulse Multiplier APP-1
P4-05 Flow Meter Offset 0.00 - 0.99 0.00
Flow Meter Offset
P5-01 Energy Cost per kWh 0.000 - 5.000$ 0.000$
Energy Energy Cost per kWh
Monitoring P5-02 0: No
P5-02 Reset Energy Usage 0
Reset Energy Usage 1: Reset

Engineering Units Selection by Parameter P1-01

Engineering Engineering
Setting Description Setting Description
Unit Unit
0 Set by Cn - 28 13 MPM meter / minute
meter3 /
1 % % 14 CMM
2 PSI PSI 15 W W
3 GPH gallon / hour 16 kW kW
gallon /
4 GPM 17 °C °C
5 inW Inch water 18 m meter
6 FPM feet / minute 19 A A
7 CFM feet3 / minute 20 RPM RPM
8 in inch 21 SPM stroke/minute
9 ft feet 22 /s unit / s
10 HP HP 23 /m unit / m
11 °F °F 24 /h unit / h
meter /
12 m/s 25 - none

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P4-01 – P5-02 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 9.1.5 Un- □□ Monitoring Parameters

Parameter LCD display
Name Unit Description Analog Output
No. (English
Un-01 = 60.00Hz Display frequency command.
Frequency 10V / MAX.
Un-01 Frequency 0.01Hz The displayed unit is determined by
Command Output Frequency
Command Cn-28.
Display output frequency.
Output Un-02 = 60.00Hz 10V / MAX.
Un-02 0.01Hz The displayed unit is determined by
Frequency Output Frequency Output Frequency
Output Un-03 =12.5A 10V / Inverter
Un-03 0.1A Display inverter output current.
Current Output current Rated Current
Output Un-04 =220.0V Display output voltage command of 10V / 230V or
Un-04 0.1V
Voltage Output Voltage inverter 10V / 460V
Main Circuit Un-05 =310.0V 10V / 400V or
Un-05 0.1V Display DC voltage of inverter main circuit.
DC Voltage DC Voltage 10V / 800V
Analog Un-06 =100%
Un-06 0.1% - 10V/100%
Command Voltage -Cmd.
Analog Un-07 =100%
Un-07 0.1% - 20mA/100%
Command Current -Cmd.
Analog Un-08 =100%
Un-08 0.1% - 10V/100%
Input Multi_Fun -Cmd.
Un-09 =100%
Un-09 Analog 0.1% - 10V/100%
Term.AO1 Output
Output AO1
Un-10 =100%
Un-10 Analog 0.1% - 10V/100%
Term.AO2 Output
Output AO1
000 00000 0:OPEN

Input terminal 1
Input terminal 2
Input Input terminal 3
Un-11= 00000000
Un-11 Terminal - -
I/P Term. Status Input terminal 4
Input terminal 5
Input terminal 6
Input terminal 7
Input terminal 8


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Un-01 – Un-11 Parameter Summary

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display
Name Unit Description Analog Output
No. (English
0 0 0 00 0 00 0:O PEN

Relay Contact
RA-RC (or R1A-R1C)
Un-12= 00000000 D O 1-D O G
Un-12 Terminal - -
O/P Term. Status Photo-Contact
Status DO2-DO G(or R2A-R2C)
Amount of
Un-13 = 100.0%
Un-13 PG Speed
PG Feedback.
Amount of
Un-14 = 100.0%
Un-14 PG Speed
PG Compen.
0.1% 100.0%=MAX. output frequency
PID Control Un-15 = 100%
Input PID Input
PID Control Un-16 = 100% 10V / Max. output
Output 1 PID Output1 frequency
PID Control Un-17 = 00%
Output 2 PID Output2
Fault Overcurrent
Un-18 - Fault message occurred last -
Message 1 Message 1
Fault Overcurrent Fault message occurred
Un-19 - -
Message 2 Message 2 previous
Fault Overheat Fault message occurred
Un-20 - -
Message 3 Message 3 two times previous
Fault Excess Load Fault message occurred
Un-21 - -
Message 4 Message 4 three times pevious
The Time
Between Un-22 = 2400Hr The value of ‘Run Elapse Time’ parameter
Un-22 Last Fault Last Fault Run 1Hr will be cleared after fault has been -
And The Time cleared.
Un-23 = 60.00Hz
Un-23 Last Fault 0.01Hz - -
When Fault
Un-24 = 60.00Hz
Un-24 Last Fault O/P 0.01Hz - -
When Fault
Current Un-25 = 12.5A
Un-25 0.1A - -
When Fault Last Fault O/P I


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Un-12 – Un-25 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display
Name Unit Description Analog Output
No. (English
Voltage Un-26 = 220.0V
Un-26 0.1V - -
When Fault Last Fault O/P V
DC Voltage
Un-27 = 310.0V
Un-27 When Fault 0.1V - -
Last Fault O/P V
I/P Terminal
Un-28 = 00000000
Status Same as Un-11,
Un-28 Last Fault I/P - -
While Fault display terminal status
Terminal Un-29 = 00000000
Same as Un-12,
Un-29 Status Last Fault O/P - -
display terminal status
When Fault Term.
Elapsed Un-31 = 00002Hr Display total time elapsed
Un-30 1Hr -
After P Elapsed Time after power ON
Un-31= 00002Hr Display total time elapsed
Un-31 Elapsed 1Hr -
R Elapsed Time after pressing RUN
After Run
Un-32 = 00001
Un-32 S/W - -Manufacturing use- -
Soft Number
Feedback Un-33 =
Display motor speed while PG feedback is 10V/MAX. Motor
Un-33 Motor 00000rpm 1rpm
set. Speed
Speed Motor Speed
Un-34 = 00000
Un-34 Feedback *1 Displays PID feedback signal
PID Feedback
During PID Un-35 Displays whether or not the inverter is in
Un-35 0 or 1
Sleep During PID Sleep the sleep mode.
Output Un-36 0.0 - 999.9
Un-36 Displays the power output in kW
Power Output Power kW
Energy Un-37
0.0 - 999.9
Un-37 Used Energy Used in Displays the energy usage in kWh
in kWh kWh
Energy Un-38 0.0 - 50000
Un-38 Used Energy Used in MWh Displays the energy usage in MWh
in MWh MWh
Energy Un-39 0 - 9999 $
Un-39 Displays the energy usage in Dollars ($)
Cost in $ Energy Cost in $
Energy 0 - 25000
Un-40 Displays the energy usage in Ten
Un-40 Cost in (0$ - 250
Cost in 10000$ Thousand Dollar Units ($)
10000$ Mil$)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Un-26 – Un-40 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Parameter LCD display
Name Unit Description Analog Output
No. (English
Un-41 Flow Meter GPM Displays Gallons per Minute (GPM)
Flow Meter
Ext. PID Un-42
Un-42 % Displays the External PID Feedback Value
Feedback Ext. PID Feedback
Ext. PID Un-43
Un-43 % Displays the External PID Set Point Value
Input Ext. PID Input
Ext. PID Un-44
Un-44 % Displays the External PID Output Value
Output 1 Ext. PID Output 1
Ext. PID Un-45
Un-45 % Displays the External PID Output (2) Value
Output 2 Ext. PID Output 2

*1. The unit can be changed through parameter P1-01.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Un-41 – Un-45 Parameter Summary Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
9.2 Parameter Detail

9.2.1 Parameters Bn- (Parameter Groups that can be Changed During Running)

Bn-01 - Acceleration Time 1 (0.0 – 6000.0s)

Bn-02 - Deceleration Time 1 (0.0 – 6000.0s)
Bn-03 - Acceleration Time 2 (0.0 – 6000.0s)
Bn-04 - Deceleration Time 2 (0.0 – 6000.0s)
 Set individual Acceleration/Deceleration times
 Acceleration time: The time required to go from 0% to 100% of the maximum output frequency.
 Deceleration time: The time required to go from 100% to 0% of the maximum output frequency.

 Using one of the multi-function inputs terminals -, two different acceleration / deceleration times set by
(1st) Bn-01& Bn-02 and (2nd) Bn-03 & Bn-04 may be selected by opening or closing an external switch contact.
This switching can be done while the drive is operating. (See Fig. below)

Fig. Two Separate Acceleration and Deceleration Times

S-curve characteristic times can be set for beginning-accel., end-accel., beginning-decel. and end-decel.
using parameters Cn-41 to Cn-44.

Bn-05 - Analog Frequency Command Gain (Voltage) (0.0 – 1000.0%)

Bn-06 - Analog Frequency Command Bias (Voltage) (-100.0 – 100.0%)
Bn-07 - Analog Frequency Command Gain (Current) (0.0 – 1000.0%)
Bn-08 - Analog Frequency Command Bias (Current) (-100.0 – 100.0%)
Bn-09 - Multi-function Analog Input Gain (0.0 – 1000.0%)
Bn-10 - Multi-function Analog Input Bias (-100.0 – 100.0%)

For each analog input frequency command (voltage or current) and multi-function analog inputs, the corresponding
gain and bias should be set using parameters Bn-05 to Bn-10. (See Fig.

Fig. Analog Input Gain and Bias

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-01 – Bn-10 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Bn-11 - Auto Torque Boost Gain (0.0 – 2.0)
The inverter can automatically increase the output torque of the drive to compensate for load increases using the
auto torque boost function. In the case that the wiring distance between the inverter and the motor is excessive
(e.g. more than 100m), the motor torque may become insufficient because of the voltage drop. To compensate for
this, increase the value of Bn-11 gradually but make sure that the current increase is not excessive. Normally
however, no adjustment is necessary.

Fig. Adjust Auto Torque Boost Gain to Increase Output Torque

 If the drive motor capacity is less than the inverter capacity (Max. applicable motor capacity), increase the setting.
 If the motor oscillates excessively, lower the setting.

Bn-12 - Monitor 1 (1 – 30)

Bn-13 - Monitor 2(1 – 30)
 In the DRIVE mode, 2 inverter input / output statuses can be monitored at the same time. The specified items
are set by parameters Bn-12 and Bn-13. Refer to Table below for the selectable monitored items.

Table Setting of Bn-12 and Bn-13 Monitoring contents

Bn-12 or Bn-13
Monitoring contents Description
01 Freq.Cmd. Frequency Command
02 O/P Freq. Output Frequency
03 O/P I Output Current
04 O/P V Output Voltage
05 DC Volt Main Circuit DC Voltage
06 Term. VIN Terminal Command VIN
07 Term. AIN Terminal Command AIN
08 Term. AUX Terminal Command AUX
09 x Output Analog Output AO1
10 x Output Analog Output AO2
11 I/P Term Input Terminal Status
12 O/P Term Output Terminal Status
13 Sp. FBK PG Speed Feedback
14 Sp. Compen. PG Speed Compensation
15 PID I/P PID Input
16 PID O/P PID Output 1
17 PID O/P PID Output 2
18 Motor Sp. Motor Speed

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-11 – Bn-13 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 For versions 77.01 and later, eight additional monitor items were added for HVAC applications and are listed in
Table below.

Table Setting of Bn-12 and Bn-13 Monitoring contents

Bn-12 or Bn-13
Monitoring contents Description
19 PID FBK. PID Feedback
20 PID Sleep PID Sleep Status
21 O/P Power Output Power
22 Reserved Reserved
23 Reserved Reserved
24 Reserved Reserved
25 Reserved Reserved
26 FLOW Flow Meter Display
27 E_PID FBK External PID Feedback
28 E_PID I/P External PID Input
29 E_PID O/P External PID Output 1
30 E_PID O/P External PID Output 2

 Some examples:
Example Bn - Display
Bn-12= 02 O/P Freq. 15.00Hz
Bn-13= 01 Freq.Cmd. 15.00Hz
Bn-12= 03 O/P I 21.0A
Bn-13= 05 DC Volt 311V
Bn-12= 11 I/P Term. 00101010
Bn-13= 12 O/P Term. 00010010

Note: While monitoring, use the or key to display the information for the next lower-row. The setting of
Bn-12 and Bn-13 does not change.

Bn-14 - Multi-function Analog Output AO1 Gain (0.01 – 2.55)

Bn-15 - Multi-function Analog Output AO2 Gain (0.01 – 2.55)

The output voltage of the Multi-function analog outputs AO1 and AO2 can be set (scaled) using parameters
Bn-14 and Bn-15 respectively.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-11 – Bn-13 Cont. & Bn-15 –Bn15 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Bn-16 - PID Detection Gain (0.01 – 10.00)
Bn-17 - PID Proportional Gain (0.01 – 10.00)
Bn-18 - PID Integral Time (0.00 – 100.00s)
Bn-19 - PID Differential Time (0 – 1.00s)
Bn-20 - PID Bias (0 -109%)
Refer to: App-1 PID Application Note for further information and application details.

Bn-21 to Bn-36 - Time Setting in Auto_Run Mode In Auto_Run mode, the time setting for individual steps is
described in “(Sn-44-60) auto run mode selection and enable”. (0.0 – 6000.0s)
Bn-37 - Timer ON_Delay Time (0.0 – 6000.0s)
Bn-38 - Timer OFF_Delay Time (0.0 – 6000.0s)

 The timer function is enabled when the timer function input setting (Sn-25-28=19) and the output setting
(Sn-30-32=21) are set for multi-function input and output respectively.
 These inputs and outputs serve as general-purpose I/O’s. Setting ON/OFF delay time (Bn-37 / Bn-37) for the
timer can prevent input switch contact bounce etc.
 When the timer input ON time is longer than the value set for Bn-37, the timer function output turns ON.
 When the timer input OFF time is longer than the value set for Bn-38, the timer function output turns OFF.
An example is shown below in Fig.

Timer Input ON ON

Timer Output ON ON

Bn-37 Bn-38 Bn-37 Bn-38

Fig. Timer Input / Output Example

Bn-39 - Energy Saving Gain (50 – 150%)

 The input the energy saving command causes the inverter output voltage to be reduced when the motor
load is light , thus saving energy. This value is set as a percentage of the V/F pattern. The setting range is
50 - 150%. When Bn-39 is set to 100% (factory default) the energy saving function is disabled. When Bn-39
is not set to 100%, the energy saving function is enabled.
 In the energy saving mode (Bn-39 ≠ 100), the output voltage will automatically decrease and be proportional to
energy saving gain Bn-39. The Bn-39 setting should not be so small that the motor will stall.
 The energy saving function is disabled when using PID close-loop control and during acceleration and

Fig. Energy Savings Time Chart

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-15 - Bn-39 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Bn-40 - Monitor 3 (00 – 30)

 This parameter sets the display contents immediately after power is applied.
 When Bn-40 = 00, and power is applied, the first line will display frequency command value, while the second line
will display the characters “TECO” as shown in the following diagram:

Freq . Cmd. : 15.00 Hz

 When Bn-40 = 01 - 30, the display will show the set monitored items after power is applied. The first line of
the display content is determined by Bn-12. The second line is determined by Bn-40 as shown in the following

Set by: Bn-12 = 01 Freq . Cmd. : 15.00 Hz

Bn-40 = 02 O / P Freq.: 00.00 Hz
 Bn-40 = 01-30 parameter description is same with Bn-12, Bn-13.
Refer to Tables 9.2.1a and 9.2.1b, “Setting of Monitoring Contents“.

Bn-41 to Bn-44 - Pulse Input setting (1440 – 32000)

 Set Sn-05 = 3 before starting Pulse Input function. Refer to parameter Sn-05 for details.
 Refer to the following Fig.

Fig. Pulse Input Function

Bn-45 - PID Feedback Display at 0%

Bn-46 - PID Feedback Display at 100%
These parameters are not available for software version 77.01 and later. In this case Use parameter Feedback
Maximum (P1-02). See P parameters for details.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Bn-40 - Bn-46 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

9.2.2 Parameters Cn- (Control Parameters)

Cn-01 - Input Voltage Setting (Range depends on inverter voltage class. See parameter summary)
 Set the inverter voltage to match the input power supply voltage (e.g. : 200V / 230V, 380V /415V /440V /460V /

Cn-02 to Cn-08 - V/F Curve Parameter Settings (See parameter summary for setting range)
 The V/F curve can be set to either one of the preset curves (Sn-02 = 0 -14) or a customer set curve (Sn-02 = 15).
 Cn-02 - Cn-08 can be set by the user when Sn-02 is set to 15. The user-defined V/F curve can be specified
using the settings of Cn-02 - Cn-08 as shown in Fig. The factory default setting is a straight line for the
V/F curve (Cn-05=Cn-07, Cn-06 is not used) as shown below in Fig. for the 230V / 60Hz example.

Fig. User Defined V/F Curve

 When operating at low speed (<3Hz), a larger torque can be generated by increasing the slope of V/F curve.
However, the motor temperature will increase due to over-excitation and may result in a fault. Based on the
applied load, adjust the V/F curve and observe the magnitude of the motor current.
 The four frequency settings must satisfy the following relationship, otherwise an error message “V/F Curve
Invalid” will be displayed.
(a) Max. output freq. ≥ Max. voltage freq. > Mid. Output freq. ≥ Min. output freq.
(Cn-02) (Cn-04) (Cn-05) (Cn-07)
(b) Max. output volt. ≥ Mid. output volt. > Min. output voltage
(Cn-03) (Cn-06) (Cn-08)
 If Mid. Output frequency (Cn-05) = Min. output frequency (Cn-07), the setting (Cn-06) is not effective.

Cn-09 Motor Rated Current (10% - 200% of the inverter rated output current)
 Electronic overload thermal reference current
 The factory setting depends upon the capacity type of inverter (Sn-01).
 The setting range is 10% - 200% of the inverter rated output current.
 Set the rated current to that shown on the motor nameplate if not using a TECO 4-pole motor.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-10 - Cn-11 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-10 Motor No-Load Current (0 – 99%)

 This setting is used as a reference value for torque the compensation function.
 The setting range is 0 - 99% of the inverter rated current Cn-09 (100%).

 The slip compensation is enabled when the output current is greater than motor no-load current (Cn-10).
The output frequency will shift from f1 to f2 (>f1) for the positive change of load torque. (See Fig.

Motor rated slip (Cn-11) ×(Output current – Motor no-load current(Cn-10))

Slip compensation = Motor rated current (Cn-09) – Motor no-load current (Cn-10)

Fig. Output Frequency with Slip Compensation

Cn-11 Motor Rated Slip (0.0 - 9.9%)

 This setting is used as a reference value for the torque compensation function (See Fig. The setting
range is 0.0 - 9.9% of the motor maximum voltage frequency with Cn-04=100%.
 The setting is shown in Fig. in the constant torque and constant output range. If setting Cn-11 is zero,
no slip compensation is used.
 There is no slip compensation when the frequency command is less than the Min. output frequency or during
Motor rated freq. (Hz) ×(Rated speed (RPM) – Motor No. of poles)
Motor rated slip (Cn-11) = ×100%
Max-voltage freq (Cn-04) ×120

Fig. Slip Compensation Limit

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-10 - Cn-11 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-12 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance (0 – 65.535Ω)

Cn-13 Motor Iron-Core Loss (0 – 65535W)
This parameter is used for the torque compensation function. The default setting depends on the inverter capacity
(Sn-01). Normally, the setting does not need to be changed. See Table 10 - 11 on page 3-36.

Cn-14 DC Injection Braking Starting Frequency (0.1 – 10.0Hz.)

Cn-15 DC Injection Braking Current (0 – 100%)
Cn-16 DC Injection Braking Time at Stop (0.0 – 25.5 Sec.)
Cn-17 DC Injection Braking Time at Start (0.0 – 25.5 Sec.)
 The DC injection braking function decelerates the motor by applying a DC current to the motor windings and
is active in the following two cases:
a.) DC injection braking time at start: This is used to temporarily stop and then restart a motor coasting from
inertia in a drive without regeneration.
b.) DC injection braking time at stop: This is used to prevent the motor from coasting over an extended time
due to a high inertia load. Increasing the DC injection braking time (Cn-16) or increasing the DC injection
braking current (Cn-15) will decrease the stopping time.
 The DC injection braking current parameter (Cn-15) sets the current level that is active at the time of DC injection
braking. The braking current is set as a percentage of inverter rated output current at 100%.
 The DC injection braking start time (Cn-17) starts when the motor is started.
 The DC injection braking start frequency (Cn-14) is set at the point where the DC injection braking for
deceleration is to begin. If this frequency is less than the Min. output frequency (Cn-07), the DC injection
braking will then begin at the Min. output frequency.
 If the DC injection braking time at start (Cn-17) is 0.0s, the motor starts from the Min. output frequency (Cn-07)
and DC injection braking is not enabled.
 If the DC injection braking time at stop (Cn-16) is 0.0s, DC injection braking is not enabled. In this case, the
inverter output will be blocked when the output frequency is less than the DC injection braking at the start
frequency (Cn-14).

Fig. DC Injection Braking Time Chart

Cn-18 Frequency Command Upper Bound (0 – 109%)

Cn-19 Frequency Command Lower Bound (0 – 109%
 The upper and lower bounds of the frequency command are set as a percentage of the Max. output frequency
(Cn-02 is 100%), in increments of 1%.
 The relationship Cn-18 > Cn-19 must be maintained otherwise an error message, “Freq. Limit Setting Error” may


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-12 - Cn-19 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 When the frequency command is zero and a run command is input, the motor operates at the frequency set by
the lower bound parameter (Cn-19). However, the motor will not operate if the lower limit is set below the
Min. output frequency (Cn-07).

Fig. Upper and Lower Bound of the Frequency Command

Cn-20 Frequency Jump Point 1 (0.0 – 400.0Hz.)

Cn-21 Frequency Jump Point 2 (0.0 – 400.0Hz.)
Cn-22 Frequency Jump Point 3 (0.0 – 400.0Hz.)
Cn-23 Jump Frequency Width (0.0 –25.5Hz.)
 These parameters allow the “jumping over” of certain frequencies that can cause unstable operation due to
resonance within some driven systems.

Fig. Jump Frequency Settings

 Operation within the jump frequency range is not allowed, but transitions during acceleration and deceleration
through these set ranges are smooth with no jump. To disable this function, set the jump frequencies 1-3
(Cn-20 - Cn-22) to 0.0Hz.
 For the jump frequencies 1 - 3 (Cn-20 - Cn-22), set the center frequency to be jumped.
 Be sure to set the jump frequencies so that Cn-20  Cn-21  Cn-22. If not, a message “Jump frequency setting
error” will be displayed. Parameter Cn-23 sets the jump frequency bandwidth. If Cn-23 is set to 0.0Hz, the jump
frequency function is disabled.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-19 Cont. - Cn-23 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-24 Number of Auto Restart Attempts (1 – 10)

 The fault restart function will restart the inverter even when an internal fault occurs during inverter operation.
Use this function only when continuing operation is more important than possibly damaging the inverter.
 The fault restart function is active when the following faults occur.
Over-current, Ground fault and Main circuit Over-voltage
With other faults, the protective operations will engage immediately without attempting to restart operation.
 The fault restart count will automatically increase upon each attempted restart. If the drive restarts within the
set number of accumulated tries then the count will be reset to 0 when the operation is normal for 10 minutes.
If the accumulated number of tries exceeds the set count then no further attempts will be made and the drive
will only start when the fault is cleared and the fault-reset input is received. (e.g., by pressing RESET or enabling
the Fault reset terminal ) or when the power is turned off and on again.
 When one of the multi-function output terminals (RA-RB-RC or R1A-R1B-R1C, DO1, DO2 or R2A-R2C) is set
to restart enabled, the output will be on while the fault restart function is in progress. (See parameters Sn-30 –

Cn-25 Stall Prevention Level During Acceleration (30 – 200%)

Cn-26 Stall Prevention Level During Running (30 – 200%)
 A motor stall can occur when a large load is applied or on sudden acceleration with a high inertia load. In this
case, the inverter should automatically adjust the output frequency to prevent stall.
 The stall prevention function can be set independently for accelerating and running.
 Stall Prevention During Acceleration: Acceleration will stop if Cn-25 setting is exceeded. The acceleration will
resume when the current is less than Cn-25. (See Fig.
 Stall Prevention During running: Deceleration is started if the run stall prevention level Cn-26 is exceeded.
Acceleration will resume when the current level is less than Cn-26. (See Fig.

Fig. Stall Prevention Function

 Set the parameters Cn-25 and Cn-26 as a percentage of inverter rated current. (100% corresponds to
inverter rated current).
 See page 3-45, 3-46 for stall prevention function selection.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-24. - Cn-26 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-27 Communication Fault Detection Time (0.1 - 25.5s)

Please refer to “MODBUS / PROFIBUS Application Manual”.

Cn-28 LCD Digital Operator Display Unit (0 – 39999)

 This parameter sets the units to be displayed for the frequency command and frequency monitoring as
described below in the following Table

Table Digital Operator Display Units

Setting / Reading Content
Frequency Command / Monitoring
0 Units of 0.01 Hz
1 Units of 0.01%
Set in the units of r / min (0 to 39999).
2 to 39 r / min = 120 x frequency reference (Hz) / Cn-28
(Set the number of motor poles in Cn-28, only even data is allowed)
The position of decimal point is set by the value of the 5th digit of Cn-28.
5th digit = 0: Displayed as XXXX
40 to 5th digit = 1: Displayed as XXX.X
39999 5th digit = 2: Displayed as XX.XX
5th digit = 3: Displayed as X.XXX
The 1st digit to 4th digits of Cn-28 set the value of 100% frequency.

Example 1:
If 200.0 represents a speed of 100%, Cn-28 = 12000.
60% speed is displayed as 120.0
Example 2:
If 65.00 represents a speed of 100%, Cn-28 = 26500.
60% speed is displayed as 39.00

 The function of Cn-28 is valid while the Engineering Unit (P1-01) is 0 (invalid). If the Engineering Unit (P1-01)
is set to nonzero value, the frequency command display format is then set by P1-01 and P1-02.

Cn-29 Frequency Agree Detection Level During Acceleration (0.0 – 400.0Hz.)

Cn-30 Frequency Agree Detection Level During Deceleration (0.0 – 400.0Hz.)
Cn-31 Frequency Agree Detection Width (0.10 – 25.5Hz.)
 Using parameters Sn-30 - Sn-32, the multi-function output terminals RA-RB-RC or R1A-R1B-R1C, DO1, DO2
or R2A-R2C can be programmed to output the desired Frequency Agree signal, Setting Frequency Agree
and Output Frequency Detection level.
 The following Table shows the various settings for the frequency detection function.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-27 - Cn-31 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Frequency Detection Function

Function Frequency Detection Operation Description
Output  When the Output freq. is within the Freq.
Frequency command +/- Freq. detection width (Cn-31),
Frequency REV the Frequency agree output is “ON”.
Agree  Set Sn-30 - Sn-32 to 02 (Frequency agree).
Frequency Agree
Output ON ON

 After acceleration, when the Output freq.

reaches the Freq. agree detection level,
Setting (Cn-29) and is within the Freq. agree detection
Frequency width (Cn-31), the Agreed freq. output is
Agree “ON”.
 Set Sn-30 - Sn-32 to 03 (Setting freq. agree.)

Output Cn-31
FWD Cn-31  During acceleration, when the Output freq. is less
Frequency Cn-29
Cn-30 than Freq. agree detection level (Cn-29), Output
freq. detection 1 is “ON”.
Output REV Cn-30
 During deceleration, when the Output freq. is
Cn-29 Cn-31
Frequency less than Freq. agree detection level (Cn-30),
Detection 1 Output freq. detection 1 is “ON”.
Output Frequency
Detection Signal 1 ON ON ON  Set Sn-30 - Sn-32 to 04 (Output freq. detection 1)

Output Cn-31
FWD Cn-31  During acceleration, when the Output freq. is
Frequency Cn-29 Cn-30 greater than Freq. agree detection level (Cn-29),
Output freq. detection 2 is “ON”.
Output REV Cn-30
 During deceleration, when the Output freq. is
Cn-29 Cn-31
Frequency Cn-31 greater than Freq. agree detection level(Cn-30),
Detection 2 Output freq. detection 2 is “ON”.
Output Frequency
Detection Signal 2
ON ON  Set Sn-30 - Sn-32 to 05 (Output freq. detection 2)

Cn-32 Excess Load Detection Level (0 – 200%)

Cn-33 Excess Load Detection Time (0.0 – 25.5s)
 The excess load Detection Function detects excessive mechanical load from an increase in output current.
 An excess load condition is detected when the output current exceeds the Excess Load Detection Level (Cn-32)
for longer than the Excess Load Detection Time (Cn-33). (See Fig.
 The Multi-Function Output Terminals RA-RB-RC or R1A-R1B-R1C, DO1, DO2 or R2A-R2C can be set to indicate
that an excess load condition has been detected.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-31 Cont. - Cn-33 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Fig. Excess Load Detection

 Set the value of Sn-12 (Excess Load Detection Selection) to select:

a. Excess Load Detection only during speed agree- Stop output or continue running after excess load
condition is detected.
b. Excess Load Detection at any time - Stop output, or continue running after excess load condition is
 The excess load detection level (Cn-32) must be higher than the load loss detection level set by (P3-01),
otherwise, an error message “Load Detection Setting Error” will be displayed.

Cn-62 Torque Detection Level 2

Cn-63 Torque Detection Time 2
Parameters Cn-62 and Cn- 63 are not available in version 77.01 and later. Use Cn-32 and Cn-33 to set excess load
detection level and time, and use P3-02 and P3-03 to set load loss detection level and time.

Cn-34 Carrier Frequency Setting (1 – 6)

 Lowering the carrier frequency can decrease noise interference and leakage current. The settings are shown

 The output frequency does not normally need to be adjusted, except in the following cases.
a. If the wiring distance between the inverter and motor is excessively long, lower the carrier frequency
as shown below to minimize leakage current.

Wring distance < 100ft. 100-165ft. 166-328ft. > 329ft.

Carrier frequency (Cn-34) <15kHz <10kHz <5KHz <2.5KHz

b. If there is instability in the speed or torque, lower the carrier frequency.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-33 Cont. - Cn-34 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Cn-35 Speed Search Detection Level (0 – 200%)
Cn-36 Speed Search Time (0.1 – 25.5s)
Cn-37 Min. Baseblock Time (0.5 – 5.0s)
Cn-38 Speed Search V/F Curve (10 – 100%)
 The speed search function will search the speed (frequency) of a coasting motor starting with the frequency
command or maximum frequency. Using this frequency value the motor will be restarted from this point providing
a smooth recovery. This is effective in situations such as switching from a commercial power supply to an
inverter without tripping.
 The timing of speed search function as shown in Fig. below.

Fig. Speed Search Timing Chart

 The speed search command can be set through one of the multi-function contact input terminals  -  using
parameters Sn-25 - Sn-28.
If Sn-25 - Sn-28= 21: Speed search is performed from the Max. output frequency and motor is coasting freely.
If Sn-25 - Sn-28= 22: Speed search starts from the frequency command when the speed search command is
 After the inverter output is blocked, the user should input the speed search command and then enable the run
operation. The inverter will begin to search the motor speed after the min. baseblock time set by parameter Cn-37.
 In speed search operation, if the inverter output current is less than Cn-35, the inverter will take the output
frequency as the real frequency at that time. Using the values of real frequency, the inverter will accelerate or
decelerate to the set frequency according to the acceleration or deceleration time.
 While the speed search command is being performed, the user can slightly decrease the setting of the V/F curve
(Cn-38) in order to prevent the OC protection function from being enabled. Normally, the V/F curve need not be
changed. (As below)
 The speed search operating V/F curve = Cn-38 x (normal operating V/F curve )
Notes: 1- The speed search operation will be disabled if the speed search command is enacted from the Max.
frequency and the setting frequency. (I.e., Sn-25=20, Sn-26=21 and multi-function input terminals , 
is used at the same time).
2- The FWD/REV command must be performed after or at the same time the speed search
command is enabled. A typical operation sequence is shown below.

3- When the speed search and DC injection braking are enabled, the Min. baseblock time (Cn-37) must
be set long enough to allow for the motor’s residual voltage to decrease. If an overcurrent is detected
when starting a speed search and DC injection braking is active, increase the setting of Cn-37 to
prevent a fault from occurring. As a result, the Cn-37 setting cannot be set too small.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-35 - Cn-38 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-39 Low Voltage Alarm Detection Level (Range depends on the inverter voltage class)
 In most cases, the default setting of Cn-39 need not be changed. If an external AC reactor is used, decrease
the low voltage alarm detection level by decreasing the value of Cn-39. Be sure to set a main-circuit DC voltage
so that a main circuit undervoltage is detected.

Cn-40 Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time (0.0 – 25.5s)

 In most cases, the setting Cn-40 need not be changed. If the motor speed is unstable, increase the value of
Cn-40. If the speed of response is to low, decrease the value of Cn-40.

Cn-41 S-curve Characteristic Time at Acceleration Start (0.0 – 1.0s)

Cn-42 S-curve Characteristic Time at Acceleration End (0.0 – 1.0s)
Cn-43 S-curve Characteristic Time at Deceleration Start (0.0 – 1.0s)
Cn-44 S-curve Characteristic Time at Deceleration End (0.0 – 1.0s)
 Using the S-curve characteristic function for acceleration and deceleration can reduce mechanical shock to the
machinery when stopping and starting. The S-curve characteristic time can be set respectively for beginning
acceleration, ending acceleration, beginning deceleration and ending deceleration. The relation between these
parameters is shown in Fig.

Fig. S Curve

 After the S-curve time is set, the final acceleration and deceleration time will be as follows:

(Cn  41)  (Cn  42)

Acc.Time  Selected Acc. Time 1 or 2 

(Cn  43)  (Cn  44)

Decel . Time  Selected Decel . Time 1 or 2 

Cn-45 PG Parameter (0.0 – 3000.0 P/R)

The parameter sets the number of pulse/revolution for the PG. The factory setting is 0.1 P/R.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-39 - Cn-45 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-46 Pole Number of Motor (2 - 32)

2 x Cn  45 x Cn  02
Cn-45 and Cn-46 must meet the following relationship:  32767 If not, an error message
Cn  46
“PG Parameter Setting Error” will be displayed

Cn-47 ASR Proportion Gain 1(0.00 – 2.55)

Cn-48 ASR Integral Gain 1 (0.1 – 10.0s)
Set the proportion gain and integral time of the speed control (ASR).
Cn-49 ASR Proportion Gain 2 (0.00 – 2.55)
Cn-50 ASR Integral Gain 2(0.1 – 10.0s)
Use these constants to set different proportional gain and integral time settings for high-speed operation.
Proportional Integral
Gain Time
Cn-49 Cn-50

Cn-47 Output Cn-48 Output

0% 100% Frequency 0% 100% Frequency

Fig. ASR Proportional Gain and Integral Time

Cn-51 ASR Upper Bound

Cn-52 ASR Lower Bound
The settings of Cn-51 and Cn-52 will limit the ASR range.

Cn-53 Excessive Speed Deviation Detection Level (1 – 50%)

This parameter sets the level of detecting the PG speed deviation. The value of Cn-02 (Max. frequency) is
referenced as 100%, the default unit setting is 1%.
Cn-54 Overspeed Detection Level (1 -120%)
Set this parameter for detecting overspeed. The value of Cn-02 (Max. frequency) is referenced as 100%, the
default unit setting is 1%. Please refer to the setting of Sn-53.

Cn-55 PID Integral Upper Bound (0 – 109%)

Cn-56 PID Primary Delay Time Constant (0.0 – 2.5s)
Refer to “APP-1 PID Application Note” for more details.

Cn-57 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance R1 (0.001 – 60.000Ω) (See parameter summary)

 This parameter is used to set the motor’s terminal resistance (including the motor external cable resistance)
in Ohm’s Ω.
 The default setting depends upon the inverter capacity and does not include the motor external motor cable
This value will be automatically set during auto-tuning. See “Appendix A Auto-tuning Procedure / Sensorless
Vector Control”
 Increase the setting when the torque is not high enough at low speed.
 Decrease the setting when the torque is too high and cause an overcurrent trip at low speed.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-46 - Cn-57 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn-58 Motor Rotor Equivalent Resistance R2 (0.001 – 60.000Ω) (See parameter summary)
 This parameter is used to set the motor’s rotor Y-equivalent model resistance in Ohm’s Ω.
 The default setting depends upon the inverter capacity. Normally this value is not shown on the motor’s
nameplate, therefore it may be necessary to contact motor manufacturer.
This value will be automatically set during auto-tuning. “Appendix A Auto-tuning Procedure / Sensorless
Vector Control”

Cn-59 Motor Leakage Inductance Ls (0.01 – 200.00mH) (See parameter summary)

 This parameter sets the motor’s rotor Y-equivalent model leakage inductance in mH.
 The default setting depends upon the inverter capacity.
This value will be automatically set during auto-tuning. “Appendix A Auto-tuning Procedure / Sensorless
Vector Control”

Cn- 60 Motor Mutual Inductance Lm (0.1 – 6553mH) (See parameter summary)

 This parameter sets the motor Y-equivalent model mutual inductance in mH.
 The default setting depends upon the inverter capacity.
This value will be automatically set during auto-tuning. “Appendix A Auto-tuning Procedure / Sensorless
Vector Control”


Lm s

S = Slip

Fig. Induction Motor Y-Equivalent Model

Cn - 61 Slip Compensation Gain

 Parameter Cn-61 is used to improve the speed accuracy while operating under load by providing slip
 Normally, the setting Cn-61 does need to be changed. However if the speed accuracy needs to be improved,
then adjust Cn-61 accordingly. To decrease the actual speed change with load, increase the setting of Cn-61.
Decrease the setting if the speed change over compensates or increases with load.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-58 – Cn-61 Parameter

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

9.2.3 Parameters Sn- (System Parameters)

Sn-01 Inverter capacity selection

 The inverter capacity has already been set at factory in accordance with the following tables. If the control board
is replaced, the setting Sn-01 must be reset to the value shown in the following tables.
 When the setting Sn-01 has been changed, the inverter system parameter settings should be changed based on
the constant torque (CT) load (Sn-61= 0) or variable torque (VT) load (Sn-61= 1).
Table 230V Class Inverter Capacity Selection
Sn-01 setting 001 002 003 004 005 006
Item Name
Inverter rated capacity (KVA) 2 2.7 4 7.5 10.1 13.7
Inverter rated current (A) 4.8 6.4 9.6 17.5 24 32
Max. applicable capacity
1 1 2 2 3 3 5.4 7.5 7.5 10 10 10
(HP) *2
Motor rated
Cn-09 3.4 3.4 6.1 6.1 8.7 8.7 14.6 20.1 20.1 25.1 25.1 25.1
current (A)
Motor line
Cn-12 5.732 5.732 2.407 2.407 1.583 1.583 0.684 0.444 0.444 0.288 0.288 0.288
impedance (Ω)
Factory Setting

Core loss torque

Cn-13 compensation 64 64 108 108 142 142 208 252 252 285 285 285
Cn-34 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10
Min. baseblock
Cn-37 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
time (sec)
*1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1
Sn-02 V/F curve 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07
Max. carrier freq. (kHz) 15 10 15 5 15 15 15 5 15 10 15 15

Sn-01 setting 007 008 009 010 011

Item Name
Inverter rated capacity (KVA) 20.6 27.4 34 41 54
Inverter rated current (A) 48 64 80 96 130
Max. applicable capacity
15 20 20 25 25 25 30 40 40 40
(HP) *2
Motor rated
Cn-09 36.7 50.3 50.3 62.9 62.9 62.9 72.9 96.7 96.7 96.7
current (A)
Motor line
Factory Setting

Cn-12 0.159 0.109 0.109 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.060 0.041 0.041 0.041
impedance (Ω)
Core loss torque
Cn-13 370 471 471 425 425 425 582 536 536 536
compensation (W)
Cn-34 Carrier freq.(kHz) 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10
Min. baseblock
Cn-37 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
time (sec)
*1 *1 *1 *1 *1
Sn-02 V/F curve 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07
Max. carrier freq. (kHz) 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-01 Parameter Details (230V Class Inverter Capacity)
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 460V Class Inverter Capacity Selection

Sn-01 setting 021 022 023 024 025 026 027

Item Name
Inverter rated capacity
2.2 3.4 4.1 7.5 10.3 12.3 20.6
Inverter rated current (A) 2.6 4 4.8 8.7 12 15 24
Max. applicable capacity
1 1 2 2 3 3 5.4 7.5 7.5 10 10 15 15 20
(HP) *2
Motor rated
Cn-09 1.7 1.7 2.9 2.9 4 4 7.3 10.2 10.2 12.6 12.6 18.6 18.6 24.8
current (A)
Motor line
Cn-12 22.927 22.927 9.628 9.628 6.333 6.333 2.735 1.776 1.776 1.151 1.151 0.634 0.634 0.436
impedance (Ω)
Factory Setting

Core loss
Cn-13 64 64 108 108 142 142 208 252 252 285 285 370 370 471
Carrier freq.
Cn-34 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 5
Min. baseblock
Cn-37 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
time (sec)
*1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1
Sn-02 V/F curve 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07
Max. carrier freq. (kHz) 15 5 15 5 15 15 15 5 15 10 15 5 10 5

Sn-01 setting 028 029 030 031 032 033 034

Item Name
Inverter rated capacity
27.4 34 41 54 68 82 110
Inverter rated current (A) 32 40 48 64 80 96 128
Max. applicable capacity
20 25 25 30 30 30 40 50 50 50 60 75 75 100
(HP) *2
Motor rated
Cn-09 24.8 31.1 31.1 36.3 36.3 36.3 48.7 59.0 59.0 59.0 70.5 80.0 80.0 114
current (A)
Motor line
Cn-12 0.436 0.308 0.308 0.239 0.239 0.239 0.164 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.110 0.074 0.074 0.027
impedance (Ω)
Factory Setting

Core loss
Cn-13 471 425 425 582 582 582 536 641 641 641 737 790 790 1800
Carrier freq.
Cn-34 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 5
Min. baseblock
Cn-37 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
time (sec)
*1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1
Sn-02 V/F curve 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07 01 07
Max. carrier freq. (kHz) 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 5


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-01 Parameter Details (460V Class Inverter Capacity)
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 575V Class Inverter Capacity Selection

Sn-01 setting 051 052 053 054 055 056

Item Name
Inverter rated capacity
1.7 3 4.2 6.6 9.9 12.2
Inverter rated current (A) 1.7 3 4.2 6.6 9.9 12.2
Max. applicable capacity
1 2 3 5.4 7.5 10
Motor rated
Cn-09 1.3 2.3 3.1 5.1 7.5 9.6
current (A)
Motor line
Cn-12 39.259 17.048 10.316 4.939 2.601 1.446
impedance (Ω)
Factory Setting

Core loss torque

Cn-13 compensation 48 65 81 130 193 263
Cn-34 10 10 10 10 10 10
Min. baseblock
Cn-37 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7
time (sec)
Sn-02 V/F curve 01 01 01 01 01 01
Max. carrier freq. (kHz) 10 10 10 10 10 10

*1 Use the variable torque patterns when there is a quadratic or cubic relationship between the speed and load,
such as in fan or pump applications. The user can properly choose the desired (V/f) patterns (Sn-02=04, 05,
06, or 07) based upon the torque load characteristics.
*2 In fan or pump applications, the torque load has a quadratic or cubic relationship between the speed and load.
The inverter capacity rating can be increased to a value that doubles its own specified capacity rating
in some special cases. However, due to the real hardware limitation, 230V: 1HP, 2HP, 3HP, 10HP, 25HP, 40HP
and 460V: 1HP, 2HP, 3HP, 30HP, 50HP can not be adapted to any larger capacity.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-01 Parameter Details (575V Class Inverter Capacity)
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-02 V/F curve selection (0 – 15)

 First set the inverter input voltage (Cn-01) to match the power supply voltage. Then using parameter Sn-02 the V / f curve
can be set to any of the pre-set patterns 00 – 14 or can be customized by setting Sn-02 to 15.
 The following tables show the various Sn-02 patterns 0 -14
Table V/F curve of 1 - 2 HP, 230V Class Inverter *

Sn- Sn-
Specifications V/F Pattern† Specifications V/F Pattern†
02 02

Low (V)
Starting 08 230
50Hz 00 50Hz

High Staring Torque‡

High 16.1 (08)
Starting 09 8.5
Torque 0 1.3 2.5 50
General Purpose

60Hz Low
Satu- Starting 10 230
ration Torque (11)
60Hz 60Hz 16.7
50Hz High 16.1 (10)
Satu- 02 Starting 11 8.5
ration Torque 0 1.5 3.0 60

72Hz 03 90Hz 12
Rated Output Operation (Machine Tool)

Torque 04 230
Variable Torque Characteristic

1 (05)
50Hz 57.5 120Hz 13
Variable 40.2 (04)
Torque 05 8.2
2 0 1.3 25 50

Torque 06 230

3 (07)
60Hz 57.5 180Hz 14
Variable 40.2 (06)
Torque 07 8.2
4 0 1.5 30 60

* These values are for the 230V class; double the values for 460V class inverters.

Consider the following items as the conditions for selecting a V/f pattern.
(1) The voltage and frequency characteristic of motor.
(2) The maximum speed of motor.

Select high starting torque only for the following conditions.
(1) The power cable length is > 492ft (150m).
(2) Voltage drop at startup is high.
(3) An AC reactor is inserted at the input side or output side of the inverter.
(4) A motor with a capacity smaller than the maximum applicable inverter capacity is used. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-02 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table V/F curve of 3 - 40 HP, 230V Class Inverter *

Sn- Sn-
Specifications V/F Pattern† Specifications V/F Pattern†
02 02
Starting 08 230
Torque (09)
50Hz 00 50Hz

High Staring Torque‡

High 14.6 (08)
Starting 09 7.7
Torque 0 1.3 2.5 50

(V) (V)
General Purpose

60Hz Low
Satu- 230 Starting 10 230
ration Torque (11)
60Hz 60Hz 15.2
50Hz High 14.6 (10)
Satu- 02 7.5
Starting 11 7.7
ration 0 1.5 3.0 50 60
(Hz) Torque 0 1.5 3.0 60

(V) (V)

230 230

(03) (12)
72Hz 03 90Hz 12
Rated Output Operation (Machine Tool)

14 14
7.5 7.5
(Hz) (Hz)
0 1.5 3.0 60 72 0 1.5 3.0 60 90
(V) (V)
Torque 04 230 230
Variable Torque Characteristic

1 (05) (13)
50Hz 55 120Hz 13
Variable 38.5 (04)
Torque 05 7.5
6.8 7.5
2 0 1.3 25 50
0 1.5 3.0 60 120

(V) (V)
Torque 06 230 230

3 (07) (14)
60Hz 55 180Hz 14
Variable 38.5 (06)
Torque 07 7.5
6.8 7.5
4 0 1.5 30 60
0 1.5 3.0 60 180

These values are for the 230V class; double the values for 460V class 3~75HP inverters and multiply
the value by 2.61 for the 575V class.

Consider the following items as the conditions for selecting a V/f pattern.
(1) The voltage and frequency characteristic of motor.
(2) The maximum speed of motor.

Select high starting torque only for the following conditions.
(5) The power cable length is > 492ft (150m).
(6) Voltage drop at startup is high.
(7) An AC reactor is inserted at the input side or output side of the inverter.
A motor with a capacity smaller than the maximum applicable inverter capacity is used.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-02 Parameter Details Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Sn-03 Operator Display (0 – 12)
 Parameter code (Sn-03= 0 or 1)
Set the parameter Sn-03 to 0 or 1 to determine the access status of the following.


Set Read Only Set Read Only
An,Bn,P2, Sn,Cn,P1,P3, An,Bn,Sn,Cn,
0 -
P4-05, P5 P4-01- 04 P1 - P5
Bn,Sn,Cn, Bn,Sn,Cn,
1 An An
P1- P5 P1- P5

 Setting Sn-03 = 7 – 12 (2 / 3 Wire operation):

(1) The setting of parameters Sn-03= 7-12 will set terminals  -  for 2-wire or 3-wire operation with
the associated voltage. (See parameter summary)
(2) With the exception of parameters Sn-01-02 and Sn-61, the setting of parameter Sn-03 = 7-12 will
Reinitialize some of the parameters within the groups, An- , Bn- , Cn- , Sn- and
P1- - P5- to the factory default settings to the corresponding voltage.

By setting Sn-03 = 7-12, some parameters are reset to factory default for the
associated voltage. If these parameters had been previously set by the user the
values will be lost.

 Parameters Sn-02 – 05 and 13-15 are reserved.

Sn-04 Run Source Selection (0 – 3)

 This parameter is used to select the source of run command.
Sn-04 = 0: digital operator
1: control circuit terminal
2: RS-485 communication
 By setting Sn-04 =1, the run source will be from the control circuit terminals and the run source function will
depend on the setting of Sn-03 as follows.

2-Wire Operation 3-Wire Operation

Initial Setting
(Sn-03=7, 9 or 11) (Sn-03=8, 10 or 12)

Sn-05 Frequency Command Setting Method Selection

The parameter is used to select the source of frequency command.
Sn-05 = 0: digital operator
1: control circuit terminals
2: RS-485 communication
3: pulse input (See "pulse input setting" on page 3-10)

Sn-06 Stopping Method Selection (0 – 3)

 Set the stopping method when a stop command is executed as follows.

Setting Function
0 Deceleration to stop
1 Coast to stop
2 DC braking to stop: Stops faster than coast to stop, without regenerative operation.
3 Coast to stop with timer: Run sources are disregarded during decel. time.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-03 - Sn-06 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 The following diagrams show the operation of each stopping method.

a) Sn-06= 0 Deceleration to Stop
Deceleration to a stop at a rate set by the selected deceleration time.
b) Sn-06=1 Coast to Stop
After the stop command is executed, the run source is disregarded until the minimum baseblock time
Cn-37 has elapsed.

Fig. Sn-06 = 0 Deceleration to Stop Fig. Sn-06=1 Coast to Stop

c) Sn-06=2 Whole Range DC Injection Braking to Stop

Fig. Whole Range DC Injection Braking to Stop

 After the stop command is input and the minimum baseblock time (Cn-37) has elapsed, DC injection braking
is applied and the motor stops.
 The DC injection braking time depends on the output frequency when the stop command is input and the
setting of parameter Cn-16 (DC injection time at stop) is as shown in Fig.9.2.21.
 When the power applied to an induction motor is turned off, the counter-electromotive force generated by the
residual magnetic field in the motor can cause an overcurrent to be detected when DC injection braking stop is
applied. In this case, lengthen the minimum baseblock time (Cn-37) to prevent an overcurrent (OC) during

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-06 Parameter Details Cont.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
d) Sn-06=3 Coast to Stop with Timer

Fig. Coast to Stop with Timer

After the stop command is executed, the run sources are disregarded until the time T1 has elapsed.
The time T1 depends upon the output frequency when the stop command is executed and also on the deceleration
time set by parameter (Bn-02 or Bn-04).

Sn-07 Stopping Priority (0 – 1)

This parameter enables or disables the STOP key on the digital operator when the run source is from the control
terminals or from serial communication port while the motor is running.
Sn-07 = 0: Enabled. (The STOP key is enabled at all times during running.)
1: Disabled (The STOP key is disabled when the run source is from the control terminals or
serial communication.)

Sn-08 Prohibition of Reverse Run

When the parameter Sn-08 is set to 1 reverse running of the motor is prohibited.

Sn-09 Output Frequency UP/DOWN Function (0 -1)

 The output frequency can be increased or decreased (UP/DOWN) using the digital operator.
Sn-09 = 0: The output frequency can be changed by pressing the UP / DOWN keys on the digital operator
but will not be effective until the ENTER key is pressed.
1: The output frequency can be changed by pressing the UP / DOWN keys on the digital operator
without pressing the ENTER key.
 The output frequency can be changed (increasing (UP) or decreasing (DOWN)) through either the digital

operator or the external multi-function input terminals (terminals  - ).

Sn-10 Frequency Command Characteristics Selection (0 – 1)

Sn10=0 (For 30.16 software versions or earlier, set Sn-68= –0––) The positive and negative characteristics of
the analog frequency command (0 - 10V / 4 - 20mA) is as per the following Fig.

Fig. Sn-10=0 Frequency Command Characteristics Selection Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-06 Cont - Sn-10 Parameter Details.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn10=1 (For 30.16 software versions or earlier, set Sn-68= –1––) The positive and negative characteristics of
the analog frequency command (-10 - +10V) is as per the following Fig.
Note- Only 230V: 3-40HP and 460V: 3-75HP inverters support an input of -10V - 10V analog voltage.

+10V +10V

-100% 0V 0V 100%
0% 100% -100% 0%

-10V -10V

Positive input characteristics Negative input characteristics

Fig. b Sn-10=1 Frequency Command Characteristics Selection

Sn-11 Input Terminal Scan Time
This parameter sets the scan frequency of the input terminals.
Sn-11= 0: Scan input terminals every 5ms.
1: Scan input terminals every 10ms.

Sn-12 Excess Load Detection Selection (0 – 4)

 When Excess Load Detection is enabled by Sn-12, parameters Cn-32 Excess Load Detection Level and
Cn-33 Excess Load Detection Time must also be set.
 An excess load condition is detected when the Excess Load Detection is enabled, and the current exceeds
the Excess Detection Level (Cn-32) longer than the Excess Load Detection Time (Cn-33).

Sn-12 Function Display

0 Excess Load detection disabled
Detect excess load only during speed agree. Continue
1 "Excess Load Alarm" blinks
operation after detection. (Minor fault)
Detect excess load only during speed agree. Stop output
2 "Excess Load Fault" lights
after detection (Fault)
Detect excess load at any time. Continue operation after
3 " Excess Load Alarm" blinks
detection. (Minor fault)
Detect excess load at any time. Stop output after
4 " Excess Load Fault" lights
detection (Fault)

Sn-13 Output Voltage Limit Selection (0 -1)

In the low speed region, if the output voltage from the V/f pattern is too high, a fault will result. As a result,
the user can use this parameter to set the upper bound limit of output voltage.

Fig. Sn-13 Output Voltage Limit

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-10 Cont - Sn-13 Parameter Details.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-14 Stall Prevention Selection During Acceleration (0 -1)

Sn-14= 0: Disabled (Accelerate according to the set rate. Stall may occurs with excessive loads.)
1: Enabled (Stop acceleration if the Cn-25 setting is exceeded. Accelerate again when current recovers)
Refer to “Stall prevention level during acceleration” on page 3-19.

Sn-15 Stall Prevention Selection During Acceleration (0 -1)

 If an external braking resistor unit is installed, Sn-15 must be disabled (Sn-15= 0).
 If no external braking resistor unit is installed, the inverter can provide about 20% regenerative braking torque.
If the load inertia is large and it exceeds the regenerative braking torque, set parameter Sn-15 =1. When
Sn-15= 1 (enabled), the deceleration time (Bn-02 or Bn-04) is extended so that a main circuit overvoltage does
not occur.

Fig. Sn-15=1 Stall Prevention During Deceleration

Sn-16 Stall Prevention Selection during Running (0 – 1)

Sn-16= 0: Disabled (Stall can occur when a large load is applied)
1: Enabled (Deceleration will start if the motor current is larger than the stall prevention level during
running and continues for more than 100ms. The motor is accelerated back to the reference frequency
when the current falls below the level set by parameter Cn-26.)
Refer to “Stall prevention level during running” on page 3-19.

Sn-17 Operation of output Fault Contact during Fault Retry (0 - 1)

Sn-17= 0: Do not output fault restart. (The fault contact does not activate)
1: Output fault restart. (The fault contact operates)
Refer to “Number of auto restart attempt” on page 3-18.

Sn-18 Operation Processing for momentary Power Loss (0 – 1)

 This parameter specifies the processing to be performed when a momentary power loss occurs (within 2 sec)
Sn-18= 0: When power loss ride-through is disabled Sn-18=0, the inverter will stop after a momentary power
loss and an undervoltage fault will be detected.
1: When power loss ride through is enabled Sn-18=1, the operation will be restarted after a speed
search if the power is restored within the allowed time.
 If the power is interrupted for more than 2 seconds, the fault contact output will operate and the motor will
coast to stop.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-14 - Sn-18 Parameter Details.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-19 Zero Speed Braking Selection (0 – 1)

 When the run-source and frequency command is input from control circuit settings Sn-04=1 and Sn-05=1, If Sn-19 is
enabled, the holding torque will be generated in DC-braking mode when the frequency command is 0V and forward–run
source is on.
 A time-chart for the above action is shown in Fig. 9.2.26 below. The zero-braking selection Sn-19 is set to 1 and the
DC-braking current Cn-15 is limited to within 20% of rated current.

Fig. Zero Speed Braking Operation

Sn-20 External Fault Contact Selection (0 – 1)

Sn-20= 0: Input signal is from a normally open contact.
1: Input signal is from a normal closed contact.

Sn-21 External Fault Contact Detection Selection (0 – 1)

Sn-21= 0: Always detect.
1:Detect only during running.

Sn-22 Detection Mode Selection of External Fault (0 – 3)

When an external fault is detected, the following operation will be performed based on the setting of Sn-22.
Sn-22= 0: Decelerate to stop with the specified deceleration time of Bn-02.
1: Coast to stop.
2: Decelerate to stop with the specified deceleration time Bn-04.
3: Continue running.

Sn-23 Motor Overload Protection Selection (0 – 4)

Sn-23 = 0: Electronic overload protection disabled.
When Sn-23=1- 4, the electronic overload protection is enabled. The electronic thermal overload is detected
in accordance with the characteristic curves of operating time. vs. motor rated current setting (Cn-09).
Sn-23=1: The overload is detected according to the standard motor cold start curve.
2: The overload is detected according to the standard motor hot start curve.
3: The overload is detected according to the specific motor cold start curve.
4: The overload is detected according to the specific motor hot start curve.

 Set Sn-23=0 (Disable) when 2 or more motors are connected to a single inverter. An alternate method can be
used to provide overload protection separately to each motor, such as connecting a thermal overload relay to
the power line of each motor.
 The motor overload protection function should be set to Sn-23 = (2 or 4) (hot start protection characteristic
curve) when the power supply is turned on and off frequently since the thermal values are reset each time the
power is turned off.
 For a motor without a forced cooling fan, the heat dissipation capability is lower at low speed operation. In this
case the setting for Sn-23 can be either (1 or 2).
 For a motor with a forced cooling fan, the heat dissipation capability is not dependent upon the rotating speed
Therefore, the setting Sn-23 can be either (3 or 4).
 To protect the motor from overload by the use of electronic overload protection, ensure that the parameter
Cn-09 is set the rated current value shown on the motor nameplate.
 See Fig. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-20 - Sn-23 Parameter Details.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Fig. Motor Overload Protection Curve (Cn-09=100%)

Sn-24 External Analog Input Frequency Characteristics Command Selection (0 -3)

Sn-24=0: Frequency command is from input VIN: 0 - 10V
1: Frequency command is from input AIN: 4 - 20mA
2: Frequency command is the sum of inputs (VIN + AIN). VIN: 0 - 10V and AIN: 4 - 20mA.
3: Frequency command is the difference of inputs (VIN - AIN). 0 - 10V and AIN: 4 - 20mA. If the value
(VIN - AIN) is negative, the reference command will be 0.

 For inverters rated 230V: 3-40HP and 460V: 3-75HP, VIN accepts an input of ±10V if parameters Sn-68=–1––
and Sn-05=1. Set Sn-24 to select the main frequency as follows:
Sn-24= 0: The frequency command is controlled by VIN (-10 - +10V).
(Corresponding command frequency: -10V - +10V→ Reverse frequency 100% -
forward frequency 100%)
1: The frequency command in controlled by AIN (4 - 20mA).
(The status of forward/ reverse is set by the user)
2: The frequency command is controlled by the sum of VIN and AIN.
3: The frequency command is controlled by the difference of VIN and AIN.
(When (VIN + AIN) < 0 or (VIN - AIN) < 0, main frequency switched to reverse status. When Sn-24 = 0, 2 or 3,
forward or reverse is controlled by main the frequency command polarity.)

Sn-25 Multi-Function Input Terminal  Function Selection

Sn-26 Multi-Function Input Terminal  Function Selection
Sn-27 Multi-Function Input Terminal  Function Selection
Sn-28 Multi-Function Input Terminal  Function Selection

The settings and functions for the multi-function input are listed in Table
Table Multi-function Input Settings

Setting Function LCD Display Description

Forward / Reverse
00 3_Wire Run 3-wire operation mode
2-wire key-pressing
01 2_Wire Stop Key 2-wire operation mode
input stop command
02 Multi-speed command 1 Multi-Fun. Command 1
03 Multi-speed command 2 Multi-Fun. Command 2
Multi-speed frequency command selection
04 Multi-speed command 3 Multi-Fun. Command 3
05 Multi-speed command 4 Multi-Fun. Command 4
06 Jog Jog Command ON: Select jog frequency
Acc / Dec time switch OFF: The first stage Acc / Dec time (Bn-01, Bn-02),
07 Acc.& Dec. Switch
command ON: The second stage Acc / Dec time (Bn-03, Bn-04),
External base-block
08 command (N.O. Ext.B.B. NO_Cont ON: inverter output baseblock

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-23 Cont. – Sn-28 Parameter Details.

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Multi-function Input Settings Cont.

Setting Function LCD Display Description
External base-block
09 command (N.C. Ext.B.B. NC_Cont OFF: inverter output baseblock
Inhibit Acc / Dec
10 Inhibit Acc & Dec Inhibit Acc / Dec (Hold frequency)
Inverter overheat ON: Overheat indicator flashing (Inverter can proceed
11 Over Heat Alarm
warning running)
12 FJOG Forward Jog ON: Forward jog
13 RJOG Reverse Jog ON: Reverse jog
14 PID integration reset I_Time Reset ON: Reset PID integration
15 PID control invalid PID Invalid ON: PID control not effective
External fault (N.O.
16 Ext.Fault NO_Cont ON: External fault input (normally open)
External fault (N. C.
17 Ext.Fault NC_Cont OFF: External fault input (normally closed)
Multi-function analog
18 - Input Valid ON: Multi-function analog input (AUX) effective
19 Timer function input Timer Function ON: ON-delay / OFF-delay timer input
ON: DC injection braking applied when the frequency
20 DC braking command DC Brakin Command
output is less than the DC injection start frequency
Speed search 1 ON: Speed search is performed from max. output
21 Max Freq. Sp_Search
command frequency
Speed search 2 ON: Speed search is performed from reference
22 Set Freq. Sp_Search
command frequency
ON: Local mode control (through digital operator)
23 Local / Remote control I Operator Control OFF: Run Source and Frequency Command is
determined according to (Sn-04, Sn-05) setting
ON: Local mode control (control circuit terminal)
24 Local / Remote control II Ext. Term. Control OFF: Run Source and Frequency Command is
determined according to (Sn-04, Sn-05) setting
RS-485 communication PLC application extension use. (Please refer to
25 Comm. Control
application “RS-485 MODBUS/PROFIBUS Application Manual”)
speed control without
26 PG Invalid ON: Speed control without PG
Reset integration of
27 I_Time Invalid ON: Reset integration of speed control with PG
speed control with PG
Only Sn-28 can be set as Sn-28=28, terminal  used as
Frequency Up / Down
28 UP / DOWN Function up cmd. and terminal  used as down cmd. when Sn-
29 Force operation signal Force Run Only Sn-28 can be set as Sn-28=29
30 PID control invalid 2 PID Invalid w An-16 See App-1 PID Application Note for further description.
31 External PID Invalid Ext. PID Invalid ON: The External PID is disabled
External PID Integrator
32 Ext. I Time Reset ON: The integration time is reset
33 PID Sleep PID Sleep ON: The sleep function is activated

Note: An error message of “Multi-Fun. Parameter” / “Setting Error” will be displayed if:
1 - Setting combination of (Sn-25 - Sn28) is not organized in monotonically increasing order.
2 - Setting 21, 22 (both for speed search command) are set at the same time. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Multi-Function Input Terminals 5-8 Parameter Details.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-25-28=00 3-wire operation mode

When parameter Sn-03 = 8,10 or 12, 3-wire initialization mode, the multi-function input terminals - will be set
for 3-wire operation. As shown in Fig., the Forward / Reverse control mode is set at terminal .

3-Wire Connection Diagram 3-Wire Operation Sequence

Fig. 3-Wire Operation (Sn-28=00)

Sn-25-28=0 1 Input STOP Command during 2-Wire Mode Operation

 The Stop command can be only set by parameter Sn-25 (Terminal ).
 When initialized for standard 2-wire operation as shown in Fig., S1 and S2 can not be both ON at the
same time. When S1= ON and S2= OFF, the motor runs FWD. When S1=OFF and S2= ON, the motor runs
REV. When S1= OFF and S2= OFF, the motor Stops.
 When Sn-25= 01, the 2-wire operation mode has its self-sustaining function. Only through the multi-function
input terminal can the inverter can be stopped after pressing the STOP key as shown in Fig. The
switches S1, S2 and S3 are momentary switches. When S1 is pressed, the motor will run FWD. When S2 is
pressed, the motor will run REV. When S3 is pressed, the motor will stop.

a. b.

Fig. 2-Wire Operation

Note: 1. With the exception of Sn-28= 00 or 01, the external operation mode is defaulted to 2-wire operation
and no self-sustaining function. i.e., the inverter will stop when the input contact at terminals  and 
are not closed.
2. In 2-wire mode, the error message “Freq. Comm. Error” will be displayed by the digital operator
when terminals  and  are both ON at the same time, and the inverter will stop. When cleared,
the inverter will return normal.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Multi-Function Input Terminals 5-8 Cont. Parameter Details.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Sn-25=02 Multi-Step Speed Command 1
Sn-26=03 Multi-Step Speed Command 2
Sn-27=04 Multi-Step Speed Command 3
Sn-28=05 Multi-Step Speed Command 4
Sn-28=06 Jog Frequency Selection

 There are 16 (maximum) step speed command selections from the combination of the 4 Multi-Step Speed
Commands and the jog frequency command.
 Multi-Step Speed command 1 - 4 and Jog Frequency Selection Setting Table


Terminal  Terminal  Terminal Terminal 

(Sn-28= 05) (Sn-27= 04) (Sn-26= 03) (Sn-25= 02)

Multi-step Speed Selected Frequency

Cmd. 4 Cmd. 3 Cmd. 2 Cmd. 1

0 0 0 0 Freq. Cmd. 1 (An-01)*1
0 0 0 1 Freq. Cmd. 2 (An-02)*2
0 0 1 0 Freq. Cmd. 3 (An-03)
0 0 1 1 Freq. Cmd. 4 (An-04)
0 1 0 0 Freq. Cmd. 5 (An-05)
0 1 0 1 Freq. Cmd. 6 (An-06)
0 1 1 0 Freq. Cmd. 7 (An-07)
0 1 1 1 Freq. Cmd. 8 (An-08)
1 1 1 1 Freq. Cmd. 16 (An-16)

0: terminal is OFF; 1: terminal is ON

 The example shown in Fig. below shows the operation sequence of a multi-step speed and jog

Fig. Timing Chart for Multi-Step Speed and Jog Command

*1 When parameter Sn-05=0, the frequency reference command is set by An-01.When Sn-05= 1,
the reference command is input from the analog terminals VIN and AIN.
*2 If parameter Sn-29= 0, the auxiliary frequency (the 2nd step frequency setting: AUX frequency) is
input from the AUX terminal. If the parameter Sn-29  0, the 2nd step frequency setting is determined by
parameter An-02. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Multi-Function Input Terminals 5-8 Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Sn-25-28=07 Acceleration Time And Deceleration Time Change
The acceleration time and deceleration time can be changed through the control terminals - as
described on page 3-4.
Sn-25-28=08 External Baseblock (N.O. Contact)
Sn-25-28 =09 External Baseblock (N.C. Contact)
 Either of these settings will control inverter baseblock operation, through the multi-function input terminals.
 During running when an external baseblock signal is detected, the digital operator will display “B.B. Alarm”
and the inverter output is blocked. After the baseblock signal is cleared, the motor will resume operationl.
 During deceleration, when an external baseblock signal is input, the digital operator will display “ B.B. Alarm”
and the inverter output is blocked and the output frequency will drop to zero. The motor will then coast to stop
freely. After the external baseblock signal is cleared, the inverter will remain in the stop mode.
Sn-25-28=10 Acceleration and Deceleration Ramp Hold
This setting will pause the acceleration or deceleration of the motor and maintain the current output frequency.
The motor will coast to stop if an OFF command is input while the acceleration / deceleration ramp hold input is
ON and the current output frequency will be stored. When the ramp hold signal is released the acceleration /
deceleration ramp will resume at the stored frequency. (See Fig. below)

Fig. Acceleration and Deceleration Ramp Hold

Sn-25-28=11 Inverter Overheat Alarm

When the inverter detects a overheat signal, the digital operator will display “Overheat Alarm”. and the inverter
will maintain normal operation. When the overheat signal is OFF, the digital operator will return to its previous
display automatically. No RESET is required.
Sn-25-28=12 FJOG Command
Sn-25-28=13 RJOG Command
 Jogging can be performed in forward or reverse direction.
Setting: 12 - FJOG command ON run forward at the jog frequency set by An-17.
13 - RJOG command ON run reverse at the jog frequency set by An-17.
 The forward and reverse jog commands have priority over other frequency commands.
 The inverter will stop running in accordance the setting of Sn-06, if the forward jog and reverse jog
commands are both ON for more than 500 ms.
Sn-25-28=14 PID Integral Reset
Sn-25-28=15 PID Control Invalid
See "APP-1 PID Application Note" for a description.
Sn-25-28=16 External Fault N.O. Contact
Sn-25-28=17 External Fault N.C. Contact
 When the external fault input terminal is ON, an external fault is detected. If external input terminal 
is set for an external fault, a message “Fault Ext. Fault 6” will be displayed.
 There are 5 terminals that can assigned as external fault inputs, they are terminals , , , , .
 When an external fault occurs, the inverter will be blocked from output and the motor will coast to stop.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Multi-Function Input Terminals 5-8 Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-25-28=18 Multi-Function Analog Input Setting

The multi-function analog input at the AUX terminal can be enabled or disabled by an external signal. When the
PID function is enabled, the AUX function will be disabled.

Sn-25-28=19 Timer Function Input Terminal

Refer to the setting of the timer function output terminal on page 3-63

Sn-25-28=20 DC Injection Braking Command

 DC injection braking is used to prevent the motor from rotating due to inertia or external forces when
the inverter is stopped.
 When the DC injection braking signal is ON, the motor will stop. If a run source or jog command is input,
the DC injection braking will be cleared and the motor will begin to run. (See Fig. below)

Fig. Time chart for DC injection braking command

Sn-25-28=21 Speed Search 1

Sn-25-28=22 Speed Search 2
Refer to ‘speed search’ function on page 3-23.

Sn-25-28=23 LOCAL/REMOTE Control 1

Remote Control:
The Run command and Frequency command is performed through the control terminal inputs
or the RS-485 communication port. It is set by the combination of settings of parameters Sn-
04 and Sn-05. The REMOTE-REF and the SEQ LED’s are ON.
Local Control:
ON The Run and Frequency commands are performed through digital operator. The REMOTE-
REF and SEQ LED’s are OFF.
The LOCAL to REMOTE mode can only be changed when the inverter is in the STOP mode.

Sn-25-28=24 LOCAL/REMOTE Control 2

Remote Control:
The Run command and Frequency command is performed through the control terminal
inputs or the RS-485 communication port. It is set by the combination of settings of
parameters Sn-04 and Sn-05. The REMOTE-REF and the SEQ LED’s are ON.
Local Control:
ON The Run command and Frequency commands are performed through control circuit
terminals. The REMOTE-REF and SEQ LED’s are OFF.
The LOCAL to REMOTE mode can only be changed when the inverter is in the STOP mode.

Sn-25-28=25 RS-485 Communication Application

The multi-function input terminals  -  can be used as the extension contact terminals of a PLC with the
command communicated through the RS-485 port. (Refer to the “RS-485 MODBUS/PROFIBUS
APPLICATION MANUAL” for further information) Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Multi-Function Input Terminals 5-8 Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-25-28=26 Speed Control Action without PG

Sn-25-28=27 Reset Integration of Speed Control with PG

When PG feedback is used, the integral control (used with PG feedback compensation) can be disabled or
enabled from the external control terminals. The external terminals can also be used to clear the integral value.
(See Fig. below)

Fig. PG Speed Control Block Diagram

Sn-25-28=28 Frequency UP/DOWN Function

 The output frequency can be changed up or down using either the digital operator or the external multi-function
input terminals ( or ).
 By setting parameters Sn-04=1 and Sn-05=1, the run source and frequency command is set through the
control circuit terminals. By setting parameter Sn-28=28, terminal  will now have the UP function and
its original function is disabled. Terminals  and  can now be used for the UP / DOWN function to
control or change the output frequency.
 The Operation sequence is as shown below:

Control circuit terminal : UP function ON OFF OFF ON

Control circuit terminal : DOWN function OFF ON OFF ON
ACC DEC Constant Constant
Operation status

 See Fig. below.

Terminal 1 or 2 FWD/ REV

Terminal 7 UP
Terminal 8 DOWN

Upper Limit
Output Freq.
Lower Limit

U = UP (ACC) U1 = Bounded by upper_limit when ACC

D = DOWN (DEC) D1 = Bounded by lower_limit when DEC
H = HOLD (Constant)

Fig. Time Chart of Output Frequency with UP/DOWN Function


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Multi-Function Input Terminals 5-8 Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 UP/DOWN operation can only be set through parameter Sn-28.

 When the frequency UP/DOWN function is being used, the output frequency will accelerate to the
lower_limit set by Cn-19 when a run command is activated.
 If in a HOLD state, and the 4th bit of Sn-68 is set to 1, the value of the output frequency will be stored when
the power is off. When power is restored and a Run command is given, the inverter will run at the stored
output frequency.
 Under auto operation mode, the UP/DOWN function will not operate.
 When the UP/DOWN function and jog frequency command are both assigned to multi-function inputs, the jog
frequency command input has the highest priority.
 With UP/DOWN operation, both the PID and Multi-Step Speed Commands are unavailable.

Sn-25-28=29 Forced Run

 Forced Run can only be set through parameter Sn-28=28. It is for special use (smoke fan, etc.)
 The inverter will ignore the fault or alarm and the PID function will be disabled if the Forced Run input is ON.
 If the Forced Run input is ON and RUN command is ON, the inverter will run at maximum frequency
set by parameter Cn-02 and the frequency command becomes invalid.

Sn-25-28=30 PID control invalid 2

Sn-25-28=31 External PID Invalid

Sn-25-28=32 External PID Integrator Reset

Sn-25-28=33 PID Sleep

Sn-29 Multi-Function Analog Input Function Selection

 The settings and functions for the multi-function analog input (Terminal AUX) are listed in Table

Table Multi-function Analog Input Functions

Setting Function LCD Display Description (100% output corresponds to 10 V level)
Auxiliary frequency
00 Auxilary Freq.Cmd. (Max. output frequency)
Frequency command
01 Instruction gain 1 Total gain =(Bn-05, Bn-07) ×FGAIN
gain (FGAIN)
Frequency command bias
02 Cmd. Bias 1 Total bias =(Bn-06, Bn-08) + FBIAS1
1 (FBIAS1)
Frequency command bias
03 Cmd. Bias 2 Total bias =(Bn-06, Bn-08) + FBIAS2
2 (FBIAS2)
According to analog input voltage (0-10V), change
04 Excess Load Level Excess Load Level
excess load level (setting of Cn-32 is disabled)
Overtorque detection According to analog input voltage (0-10V), change
04 Over Tq. Level
level overtorque detection level (setting of Cn-32 is disabled)
Output frequency bias
05 Output Voltage Total output voltage= V/F pattern voltage + VBIAS
Scaling of ACC/DEC
06 Acc&Dec Coeff Real ACC/DEC time= ACC/DEC time (Bn-0 to24) / TK


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-25 – Sn-28) Terminals 5-8 Cont. & Sn-29 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Multi-function Analog Input Functions (Cont.)

Setting Function LCD Display Description (100% output corresponds to 10 V level)

According to analog input voltage (0-10V), change the
DC Brakin current level of DC injection current (0-100%).
07 DC injection braking
(inverter rated current=100%, the setting of DC injection
current Cn-15 is disabled )
According to analog input voltage (1.5V-10V), change the
Stall prevention level level of stall prevention during running (30%-200%)
08 Run Still Level
during running (inverter rated current=100%, the setting Cn-26 is
Multi-function analog input (terminal AUX) used as PID
PID control reference
09 input
PID Command control reference input (0-10V). Refer to App-1 PID
Application Note.
Changes the frequency command lower-limit (0-100%)
value according to the then analog input voltage (0-10V)
Frequency command Freq. Cmd. Low (Max. output frequency (Cn-02) corresponds to the 100%
lower limit Bound analog output. The actual lower-limit is determined by the
maximum value of Cn-19 and the value corresponding to
the multi-function analog input terminal).
Sets the jump frequency 4, according to analog input
11 Jump frequency setting4 Freq Jump 4 voltage (0-10V), while Cn-20 to Cn-23 can be used to set
the jump frequency 1-3 and their jump frequency width.
The analog value of AUX 0 – 10V can be read through
RS-485 communication
12 Comm. Control serial communication (RS485). The scaling is
(0 -10V = 0 – 1024)
With Bn-05, 06 (or Bn-07, 08) set, adjust analog
Frequency instruction
13 Instruction gain2 frequency instruction gain and bias ( gain and bias
gain 2 (FGAIN)
adjustment is similar to 7200GA)
Frequency instruction ?
14 Instruction bias 3
bias 3 (FBIAS1)
Frequency instruction ?
15 Instruction bias 4
bias 4 (FBIAS2)
16 Load Loss Level Load Loss Level ?
17 Flow Meter Flow Meter ?
18 External PID Set Point Ext. PID Set Point ?
19 External PID Feedback Ext. PID Feedback ?

 The AUX analog input can provide two groups of gain and bias; Sn-29 =1-3 and Sn-29=13-15. When
Sn-29=13-15, the adjustment of gain and bias is similar to the GA series. (See Fig.

Fig. Gain and Bias

 The following Fig. shows the multi – function analog input characteristics.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-29 Cont. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

100% 2.00

Aux. Freq.

0V 0V 10V
Multi-function Analog Input 10V 5.0V
Multi-function Analog Input

10% 10%


0V 5V 10V
0% -10%
0V Multi-function Analog Input 10V

Detection Level
Excess Load


0% 0%
0V Multi-function Analog Input 10V 0V Multi-function Analog Input 10V

DC Braking



0V 1V 10V 0%
0V Multi-function Analog Input 10V
Multi-function Analog Input
ACC/DEC Time (Bn-01 to 04
Real ACC/DEC Time =
Reduction Coefficient (TK)
Stall Prevention

200% Multi-function analog input (AUX. terminal)

used as PID control reference input (0-10V).

Refer to App-1 PID Application Note.


0V 1.5V 10V
Freq. Command

Frequency 4

100% 100%
Lower Limit


0% 0%
0V Multi-function Analog Input 10V 0V Multi-function Analog Input 10V

: This parameter is used for serial communication (RS485). The analog value of AUX 0-10V
can be read through serial communication. The scaling is (0 -10V = 0-1023). Refer to the
‘RS-485 MODBUS/PROFIBUS Application Manual’ for further details.

Fig. Multi-Function Analog Input Characteristics

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-29 Cont. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-30 Multi-Function Output Terminal (RA-RB-RC or R1A-R1B-R1C) Function Selection.

Sn-31 Multi-Function Output Terminal (DO1-DOG) Function Selection.
Sn-32 Multi-Function Output Terminal (DO2-DOG or R2A-R2C) Function Selection.

Table Multi-Function Output Terminal Settings and Functions

Setting Function LCD Display Description

00 During running Running ON: During running
01 Zero speed Zero Speed ON: Zero speed
02 Frequency agree Frequency Arrive Speed agree width: Cn-31
ON: Output frequency = ±Cn-29, Speed agree
03 Setting frequency agree Agreed F Arrive
width: Cn-31
ON: While ACC, -Cn-29 output freq. Cn-29
Output frequency
04 Freq. Det. 1 while DEC, -Cn-30 output freq. Cn-30
Speed agree width: Cn-31
ON: While ACC, output freq Cn-29(or -Cn-29)
Output frequency
05 Freq. Det. 2 while DEC, output freq Cn-30(or -Cn-30)
Speed agree width: Cn-31
06 Inverter ready Run Ready OK! ON: READY
07 Undervoltage detected Low Volt Detect ON: Undervoltage detected
08 Output baseblocked Output B.B. ON: Output baseblocked
09 Run source mode Run Source Operator ON: Run source from digital operator (Local mode)
ON: Frequency command from digital operator
10 Frequency command mode Ref. Cmd. Operator
(Local mode)
Excess Load Detection,
11 Excess Load NO_Cont ON: Excess Load detection (N.O. Contact)
NO Contact
Frequency command
12 Freq. Cmd. Invalid ON: Frequency command Invalid
13 Fault Fault ON: Fault
14 Pulse signal output Pulse Mul. Output Only set by Sn-31, Sn-32 (Terminals DO1-DOG)
15 Undervoltage alarm Low Volt Alarm ON: Undervoltage alarm
16 Inverter overheat Inverter Over Heat ON: Inverter Overheating
17 Motor overload Motor Over Load ON: Motor Overload
18 Inverter Overload Inverter Over Load ON: Inverter Overload
19 Fault retry Fault Retry ON: Retry
RS-485 communication
20 RS-485 Fault ON: RS-485 communication fault
21 Timer function output Timer Function Signal delay output (.vs. timer function input)
Extension Output Contact application
RS-485 Communication
22 Comm. Control (Please refer to MA7200 RS-485 MODBUS
/PROFIBUS Application Manual’)
Excess Load Detection,
23 Excess Load NC_Cont ON: Excess Load detection (N.C. Contact)
NC Contact
24 Load Loss Detect Load Loss Detect ON: Loss of Load Detected
25 Over Feedback Over Fbk. Detect ON: Over Feedback Detection
26 Low Feedback Low Fbk. Detect ON: Low Feedback Detection
27 During PID Sleep During PID Sleep ON: During PID Sleep
28 Low Suction Detection Low Suction ON: Low Suction Detected


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-30–Sn-32) Multi-Function Output Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-30-32=00 During Running

OFF Run source OFF, inverter is off.

Run source ON, or Run source OFF but some residual output

Sn-30-32=01 Zero Speed

OFF Output frequency ≥ MIN. output frequency (Cn-07)

ON Output frequency < MIN. output frequency (Cn-07)

Sn-30-32=02 Frequency Agree

Sn-30-32=03 Setting Frequency Agree
Sn-30-32=04 Output Frequency Detected 1
Sn-30-32=05 Output Frequency Detected 2
Refer to frequency detection function on page 3-21.

Sn-30-32=06 Inverter Ready

Sn-30-32=07 Undervoltage Detected
When the DC link voltage of main circuit is lower than the UNDERVOLTAGE DETECTION LEVEL set
by parameter Cn-39, the output contact is in the ‘ON’ state.

Sn-30-32=08 Output Blocked

Sn-30-32=09 Run Command Mode

Remote Mode:
When parameter Sn-04=1or 2, or one of multi-function input terminals - is set as
Local/remote control I mode or Local/remote control II mode and the input to the terminal is
OFF. The Remote SEQ LED on digital operator is ON.
Local Mode:
When parameter Sn-04 = 0 or the multi-function input terminal - is set as Local/remote
control I mode and contact terminal is ON. The Remote-SEQ LCD is OFF, and the RUN
command is from the digital operator.

Sn-30-32=10 Frequency Command Mode

Remote mode:
When parameter Sn-05 = 1,2 or one of the multi- function input terminals - is set as
Local/remote control I mode or Local/remote control II mode and the input to the terminal is
OFF. The Remote-REF LED on the digital operator is ON.
Local mode:
When Sn-05 = 0 or one of the multi- function input terminasl - is set as Local/remote
control I mode and contact terminal is ON. The Remote-REF LED is OFF and the RUN
command is from digital operator.

Sn-30-32=11 Excess Load Detection (N.O. Contact)

See page 3-22, 3-44 for excess load detection function.

Sn-30-32=12 Frequency Command Missing

When the Run source is ON and the frequency command is 0, the output at the multi-function output
terminal is ON. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-30–Sn-32) Multi-Function Output Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-30-32=13 Fault
If a fault occurs, the multi-function output terminal is ON. However, no response will occur if a
communication fault occurs.

Sn-31=14 Pulse Signal Output

 Only multi-function output terminal DO1-DOG (Setting Sn-31) can be set as the pulse signal output.
 DO1 is a photo-coupler output and its pulse output frequency is set by parameter Sn-35.
 See Fig. below.

Fig. Pulse Signal Output

Sn-30-32=15 Undervoltage Alarm

 If the main circuit DC bus voltage is below the undervoltage alarm detection level, the multi-function output
terminal is ON.
 Undervoltage alarm detection level : 230V Class: 240VDC
460V Class: 460VDC
Sn-30-32=16 Inverter Overheat
See Page 4-2. If the heat-sink is overheating, the multi-function output terminal is ON.

Sn-30-32=17 Motor Overload

See “Motor overload protection selection” on page 3-48. When the motor has an overload fault, the multi-
function output terminal is ON.

Sn-30-32=18 Inverter Overload OL2

If the inverter has overload fault, the multi-function output terminal is ON. See page 4-2.

Sn-30-32=19 Fault Retry

See “Fault restart function” (Cn-24) on page 3-18. Upon restart, the multi-function output terminal is ON.

Sn-30-32=20 Communication Fault

See page 4-2.

Sn-30-32=21 Timer Function Output

If the multi-function input terminals - are set as timer inputs (Sn-25 - 28 = 19), the signal will be
output through the corresponding multi-function output terminals with a specified ON-delay and OFF-delay,
as shown below in Fig. See “Timer function” on page 3-8 for further information.

Fig. Input / Output Timer Function Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-30–Sn-32) Multi-Function Output Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-30-32=22 Communication Application

The multi-function output terminals can be used as a PLC Extension Output Contact Terminals for control
commands that are executed through serial communication. For further details, Please refer to ‘RS-485
MODBUS/PROFIBUS Application Manual’.

Sn-30-32=23 Excess Load Detection (N.C. Contact)

See page 3-22, 3-44 for excess load detection function.

Sn-30-32=24 Load Loss Detect

Sn-30-32=25 Over Feedback

Sn-30-32=26 Low Feedback

Sn-30-32=27 During PID Sleep

Sn-30-32=28 Low Suction Detection

Sn-33 Multi-Function Analog Output (Terminal AO1) Selection (00 – 14)

Sn-34 Multi-Function Analog Output (Terminal AO2) Selection (00 – 14)
The multi-function analog output can be set to monitor the following 12 status items as shown in Table below.

Table Multi-Function Analog Output Monitor Selection

Sn-33 & Sn-34
Monitored Items
Input Output

00 Frequency Command 0 - Max. frequency

01 Output Frequency 0 - Max. frequency

02 Output Current 0 - Rated current

03 Output Voltage 0 - Rated voltage

230V Class 0-400V
04 DC Voltage 0 -10V
460V Class 0-800V
05 VIN Analog Command 0 - 10 V

06 AIN Analog Command 4 - 20 mA

07 AUX Analog Command 0 - 10 V

08 PID Input 0 - Max frequency


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-30–Sn-32) Multi-Function Output Cont. -Sn-34 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Multi-Function Analog Output Monitor Selection Cont.

Sn-33 & Sn-34
Monitored Items
Input Output

09 PID Output1 0 - Max frequency

10 PID Output2 0 - Max frequency

11 Comm. Control 0 - 100%*1

0 -10V
12 External PID Input ?

13 External PID Output ?

14 External PID Output 2 ?

*1: When the setting of Sn-33, 34 = 11, the multi-function output terminals AO1, AO2 are controlled through
the RS-485 port either by MODBUS or PROFIBUS protocol. Refer to the “RS-485 MODBUS/PROFIBUS
Application Manual”

 The output gain (Bn-14 and Bn-15) will determine the actual output voltage at the multi-function analog output
terminals AO1, AO2. The specified multiple of 10V will correspond to the 100% output monitored value.

Sn-35 Pulse Output Multiplication-Gain Selection (0 – 4)

 If the multi-function output terminal (DO1) is set as pulse output (when Sn-31 or Sn-32 = 14), the final
output pulse frequency is a multiple (set by Sn-35) of the inverter output frequency. Refer to Fig. 6.2.36
for the pulse signal output.
Example: When Sn-35= 0 and the inverter output frequency is 60Hz, the output pulse frequency
is 60 Hz (50% duty cycle).

 The following Table shows the pulse output frequency for various Sn-35 settings.

Sn-35 Setting Pulse Output Frequency Applicable Freq. Range
0 1 × Inverter output frequency 3.83 -400.0Hz
1 6 × Inverter output frequency 2.56 - 360.0Hz
2 10 ×Inverter output frequency 1.54 - 210.0Hz
3 12 × Inverter output frequency 1.28 - 180.0Hz
4 36 × Inverter output frequency 0.5 - 60.0Hz

Sn-36 Inverter Station Address (0 – 31)

This parameter sets the address of the inverter when networking.

Sn-37 RS485 Communication Baud Rate Setting (0 – 4)

0: 1200, 1: 2400, 2: 4800, 3: 9600, 4: 19200

Sn-38 RS485 Parity Setting (0 – 2)

0: Reserved, 1: Even, 2: Odd Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-33–Sn-34) Multi-Function Output Cont. - Sn-38 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-39 RS485 Stopping Method After Communication Error (0 – 3)

 The MA7200 PLUS inverter has a built-in RS485 port for monitoring inverter status and reading the parameter
settings. The user can also change the parameter settings to control motor operation.
 The MA7200 PLUS uses MODBUS protocol to communicate with external units through the RS485 port.
 The parameter settings are as follows:
Sn-36: Inverter station address, setting range 1 - 31.
Sn-37 = 0: 1200bps (bps: bit / sec)
1: 2400bps
2: 4800bps
3: 9600bps
4: 19200bps
Sn-38 = 0: No parity
1: Even parity
2: Odd parity
Sn-39 = 0: Deceleration to stop with Bn-02 (deceleration time), when RS485 has communication error.
1: Coast to stop
2: Deceleration to stop with Bn-04 (deceleration time), when RS485 has communication error.
3: Continue to run (Stop when stop key is pressed)
 Every data stream has a data length of 11 bits: 1 start bit,8 data bits,1 parity bit and 1 stop bit. If Sn-38=0,

the parity bit is 1.

 Different commands are used for communication between the inverter and external units:
a. Read command: External units to read the memory address of the inverter.
b. Write command: External units to write the memory address of the inverter in order to control the inverter.
c. Circuit test command: To test the communication status between the inverter and external units.
 The changes of settings Sn-36, Sn-37 and Sn-38 will be effective on the next power up after turning off the
 Do not make the DRIVE/PRGM changeover while writing the data to the inverter.
 For further details on serial communication, refer to “RS-485 MODBUS/PROFIBUS Communication Application

Sn-40 PG Speed Control Settings (0 – 3)

Sn-40= 0: Disable speed control function.
1: Enable speed control.
2: Enable speed control. No integral action during ACC/DEC.
3: Enable speed control. Integral action is enabled.

Sn-41 Operation mode when PG opens (Disconnects) (0 – 3)

Sn-40= 0: Deceleration to stop set by (Bn-02) (Display “PG Open”)
1: Coast to stop (Display “PG Open”)
2: Deceleration to stop set by (Bn-04) (Display “PG Open”)
3: Continue to run (Flashing display “PG Open”)

Sn-42 Operation mode when PG speed deviation is outside limit (0 – 3)

Sn-42=0: Deceleration to stop (Bn-02) (Display “Sp. Deviate Over”)
1: Coast to stop (Display “Sp. Deviate Over”)
2: Deceleration to stop (Bn-04) (Display “Sp. Deviate Over”)
3: Continue to run (Flashing display “Sp. Deviate Over”)

Sn-43 Operation mode when PG over speed detection (0 – 3)

Sn-43=0: Deceleration to stop (Bn-02) (Display “Over Speed”)
1: Coast to stop (Display “Over Speed”)
2: Deceleration to stop (Bn-04) (Display “Over Speed”)
3: Continue to run (Flashing display “Over Speed”)

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-39 - Sn-43 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Sn-44 Auto_Run Mode Selection (0 – 6)
Sn-44=0: Auto_Run invalid
1: Single Cycle Running (1)
2: Periodic running (1)
3: Continue running (1)
4: Single cycle running (2)
5: Periodic running (2)
6: Continue running (2)
(1) Sn-44 = 1,2 and 3: If the inverter stops and re-starts again, it will continue running from the unfinished
step, according to the setting of Sn-44.
(2) Sn-44 = 4,5 and 6: If the inverter stops and re-starts again, it will begin a new cycle and continue
running according to the setting of Sn-44.

Sn-45 to Sn-60 Auto_Run Mode settings Selection (Turn set 1 – 16)

 A PLC operation mode is ready to use with the following setting of the multi-step frequency command 1 – 16
(An-01 to An-16), Auto_Run mode time setting (Bn-21 to Bn-36) with the auto_run mode selection of (Sn-44).
The FWD/REV direction can be set by parameters Sn45 to Sn-60.
 In auto operation mode, setting the direction by operator, multi-function input terminal or RS-485 are all invalid.

 In auto operation mode, presetting the frequency by the multifunction input terminals  - , and the
frequency UP/DOWN function is invalid. However, if the input JOG command is set as FJOG, RJOG, they will
have priority (refer to Sn-25 - 28) .

(A) Single Cycle Running (Sn-44= 1or 4)

The inverter will run for a single full cycle based upon the specified parameter settings and will then stop.

Example: Fig. shows single cycle auto-run using the following parameter values.
Sn-44=1 Sn-45 - 47=1(FWD) Sn-48=2(REV) Sn-49 - 60=0
An-01=15Hz An-02=30Hz An-03=50Hz An-04=20Hz
Bn-21=20s Bn-22=25s Bn-23=30s Bn-24=40s
An-05 - 16=0Hz Bn-25 - 36=0s

Fig. Single Cycle Auto-Run

(B) Periodic Running (Sn-44=2 or 5)

The inverter will repeat the same cycle periodically.
Example: Fig. shows the same cycle periodic running based on the specified parameter settings.
Sn-44 = 2
An-01 - 16, Bn-21 - 36, Sn-45 - 60: Same settings as the example (A) Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-44 - Sn-60 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual


(An-03) (An-03)
(An-02) (An-02)
(An-01) (An-01)

(An-04) (An-04)
20s 25s 30s 40s 20s 25s 30s 40s
(Bn-21) (Bn-22) (Bn-23) (Bn-24) (Bn-21) (Bn-22) (Bn-23) (Bn-24)

Fig. Periodic Cycle Auto-Run

(C) Single Cycle with final step hold

The speed of final step will be held to run continuous.
Example: Fig. shows the initial cycle with continuous running based on the specified parameter settings.
Sn-44 = 3
Sn-45 - 48 = 1 (FWD) Sn-49 - 60 = 0
An-01 - 16, Bn-21 – 36: Same settings as the example (A)

30Hz (An-04)

20s 25s 30s 40s

(Bn-21) (Bn-22) (Bn-23) (Bn-24)

Fig. Single Cycle Auto-Run with Final Step Hold

 The ACC/DEC times will follow the settings of Bn-01, Bn-02 in Auto_Run Mode.
 If the set values of Bn-21to Bn-36 are all zero, the Auto_Run Mode is disabled.

Sn-61 Applied torque load (0 – 1)

Selects either the constant torque load (Sn-61=0) or variable torque load (Sn-61=1). The inverter will automatically
choose the proper V/F pattern and change the inverter overload protection curve. (See page 3-36 for

Sn-62 Language Displayed Selection

This parameter is not available in version 77.01 and later. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company (Sn-44 - Sn-60) & Sn-61 – Sn-62 Cont. Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-63 Parameter Copy (0 – 4)

 The digital operator can upload the parameter settings from the digital operator to inverter and download
parameter settings from the inverter to the digital operator.
 The digital operator will check its EEPROM or the inverter’s EEPROM under the following settings.
 Sn-63= 0: NO action
1: Upload data (Digital operator →inverter). During this period, the LED’s on the digital operator will
light sequentially in the CW direction.
2: Download data (Inverter → digital operator). During this period, the LED’s on the digital operator will light
sequentially in the CCW direction.
3: Verification check on the digital operator EEPROM; during this period the LED’s will be switch-on between
2 groups.
4: Verification check on inverter’s EEPROM; during this period the LED’s will not be on.
 Follow steps 1-3 to copy parameters between different inverters (either upload or download).
Step 1: Check the contents of digital operator’s EEPROM (Sn-63=03), then check the contents of inverter’s
EEPROM (Sn-63=04). Make sure that both EEPROM’s function properly.
Step 2: Download and copy the inverter’s parameter settings to digital operator’s EEPROM (Sn-63=2).
Step 3: Upload and copy the parameter settings of digital operator to other inverter’s EEPROM (Sn-63=1).

Sn-64 PID Function Selection (0 – 8)

Sn-64= 0: Disable PID control
1 - 8: Enable PID control (See App-1 PID Application Note for further details)
The PID function can also be enabled / disabled using the multi-function terminals  - .

Sn-65 Braking Resistor Protection Selection

Please see the Appendix A “PID Control Function” for more details.

Sn-66 Motor Parameter Auto-tuning Selection (0 – 1)

 Sn-66 = 0: Auto-tuning Disable
1: Auto-tuning Enable
 The auto-tuning feature can be used to access and store the parameters of the motor.
 Auto-tuning can only be performed in the Sensorless Vector Control Mode (Sn-67=1).
 Perform auto-tuning with the load uncoupled.

Sn-67 Control Mode Selection (0 – 1)

Sn-67= 0: V/F Control Mode (Includes V/F control with PG feedback)
1: Sensorless Vector Control Mode (See Appendix A)
Note- For output frequencies less than 1.5Hz using sensorless vector control, set parameter Sn-02=15
(Arbitrary V/F pattern selection) and then change Cn-07 to required frequency.

Sn-68 Control Selection (1000 – 0001)

 This parameter is used to set bits to enable (1) or disable (0) the functions described below.
 Bit 1(– – –B) Corresponds to a phase loss protection function. When ON the function, the inverter will stop the
output when there is an output terminal phase-lose.
 Bit 2 (– –B–) Reversed with no function.
 Bit 3 (–B– –) When set to 1, an input voltage of -10V - +10V can be input to analog voltage input terminal (Vin).
When set to 0, the analog input terminal (Vin) is defaulted to 0V. This function is available only in
versions 30.16 and later for 230V: 3-40HP and 460V: 3-75HP inverters. In the previous versions and
1-2HP inverters, the function is invalid.
If the PID function is enabled (Sn-64 = 1), a ±10V signal is invalid.
 Bit 4(B– – –) When set to 1, the last output frequency value is stored before the UP/DOWN function goes into the
HOLD state. When set to 0, the function is unavailable. Refer to parameter Sn-28=28 for a
description of the frequency UP/DOWN function.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Sn-63 – Sn-68 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sn-69 Torque Detection 2 Selection

The parameter is not available for software version 77.01 and later.
Use parameter Sn-12 for excess load detection and parameter P3-03 for load loss detection as an alternative.

Sn-70 Engineering Unit

The parameter is not available for software version 77.01 and later.
Use parameter P1-01 for engineering unit as an alternative.

9.2.4 Parameters PП (Application Parameters)

The P parameters, together with interacting parameters from other groups, are used to set and control the following
eleven categories In this section only the P parameters are described in detail. The other related parameters are
described in their own individual sections
1. Scaled Feedback and Engineering units
2. Programmable Local / Remote Switch
3. PID Sleep Functions
4. External PID Functions (Input / Output Terminal)
5. External PID Functions (Gain Setting and Monitoring)
6. Load Loss Detection Function
7. Over Feedback Function for PID Feedback Signal
8. Low Feedback Function for PID Feedback Signal
9. Low Suction Detection Function
10. Flow Meter Display
11. Power Meter, KWh Meter, and Energy Cost Usage.

P1-01 Engineering Unit (00-25)

 P1-01Engineering Unit is used to setup engineering units for normal and PID operation. It also sets the display
format and maximum value of the following parameters.
1 - Set point frequency command (An)
2 - The parameters for the engineering units.
3 - PID feedback monitor point Un-34.
 When P1-01 is set to 00, parameter Cn-28 can be used to set the display format of the frequency commands.
When P1-01 is set to a value of 01 to 25, parameter Cn-28 is ineffective.
 The following Table shows the display format and maximum value according to the setting of P1-01.


Display Format Maximum Value

Setting PID Feedback PID Feedback
of Set Point and Monitor and Set Point and Monitor and
P1-01 Freq. Command Engineering Freq. Command Engineering
parameters parameters
Follow the Follow the
0 XXX.XX % 100.00%
Setting of Cn-28 Setting of Cn-28
1 XXX.XX % 100.00%
2 - 25 XXXX Parameter P1-02

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P1-03 - P2-04 cont. – P1-07 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Table shows the engineering units that can be selected by P1-01.

Table Engineering Units Selection by Parameter P1-01

Engineering Engineering
Setting Description Setting Description
Unit Unit
0 Set by Cn - 28 13 MPM meter / minute
meter3 /
1 % % 14 CMM
2 PSI PSI 15 W W
3 GPH gallon / hour 16 kW kW
gallon /
4 GPM 17 °C °C
5 inW Inch water 18 m meter
6 FPM feet / minute 19 A A
7 CFM feet3 / minute 20 RPM RPM
8 in inch 21 SPM stroke/minute
9 ft feet 22 /s unit / s
10 HP HP 23 /m unit / m
11 °F °F 24 /h unit / h
meter /
12 m/s 25 - none

P1-02 Feedback Maximum (10-9999)

This parameter is used to set the maximum value of the Engineering Units selected by P1-01, provided P1-01 is
not set to 00 or 01 (%). This value then becomes the maximum that can be set by all other Engineering Unit

Example: P1-01 = 2 (PSI), P1-02 = 300, then the PID Feedback Signal
(0 – 10V / 4-20mA) = 0 - 300PSI.

 P1-01 must be set first and P1-02 must be set second before any other Engineering Units related parameters
can be set.
 Monitor point Un-34, PID Feedback Display, is used to monitor the PID feedback signal applied to terminal AIN or
VIN as set by parameter Sn-24. The Engineering Units and maximum value are set by parameters P1-01 and
P1-02. The monitor value is zero if PID function is disabled. (See Fig. below)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P1-03 - P2-04 cont. – P1-07 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
P1-03 Local / Remote Key (0 -1)
P1-03=0: Local / Remote key is enabled.
1: Local / Remote key is disabled. (When disabled this key is used as a JOG key)
 When P1-03 is enabled, the local / remote function is effective when the inverter is in stop mode. Below is a list
of Run Source, Frequency Source, SEQ LED Status, and REF LED Status during Remote Mode and Local Mode.

Run command source

Status SEQ LED Status REF LED Status
and frequency command source
Set by parameters Sn-04, Run ON if Sn-04 is not 0 ON if Sn-05 is not 0
Remote Source Selection and Sn-05, (Run source is (Frequency source is
Frequency Source Selection. not from keypad) not from keypad)
Local From keypad OFF OFF

 When P1-03 is enabled, the inverter is in remote mode after power-on and the Local / Remote switch is effective
only when the inverter is in stop mode.
 Generally, the local / remote switch is used when Sn-04 and Sn-05 = 0 at the same time (either the RUN source
or Frequency source is controlled by the keypad). The local / remote function is disabled if both Sn-04 and Sn-05
are set to 0.
 When P1-03 is disabled, the Local / Remote key operates as a JOG key. The JOG function is effective if:
1 -The inverter is in stop mode and
2 - Sn-04 = 0 (Run source is from the keypad).

The following parameters pertain to the sleep function.

P1-04 PID sleep function (0 -1) Cannot be changed during operation.

P1-04=0: PID function invalid
1: PID function valid
If the PID function is disabled, Sn-64 = 0, and the parameter P1-04 PID Sleep Function is set to 1 (PID Sleep Valid),
a "PID Sleep Setting Error" will occur.

P1-05 PID wake up direction (0 -1) Cannot be changed during operation.

P1-05=0: Feedback above
1: Feedback below

P2-01 Sleep start level (000.00 – 100.00%) Can be changed during operation.

P2-02 Sleep start delay (000.1 – 600.0sec.) Can be changed during operation.

P2-03 Sleep wake up level (000.00 – 099.99%) Can be changed during operation.

P2-04 Sleep wake up delay (000.1 – 600.0sec.) Can be changed during operation.

 Figs. and below show a block diagram and a graph illustrating the sleep function.

Fig. PID Sleep Function Block Diagram


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P1-03 - P2-04 cont. – P1-07 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Fig. PID Sleep Function Graph

 When the PID output falls below the Sleep Start Level P2-01 for a time exceeding the Sleep Start Delay P2-02
setting, the sleep function will be activated.
 The PID Sleep function can also be activated using a digital input. When the corresponding digital input
Sn-25 –28 = 33 is ON for a time exceeding Sleep Start Delay P2-02 setting, the sleep function will be activated.
 If the sleep start level P2-01 is less than the minimum output frequency set by Cn-07, and none of the multi-
Functional input terminals Sn-25-28 are set to =33 (PID Sleep), the sleep function will be disabled.
 A "DI PID Sleep Setting Error" will occur if any of Sn-25-28 is set to =33 (PID Sleep) and:
1.The PID function is disabled, Sn-64 = 0 or,
2.The PID sleep function is disabled, P1-04 = 0.
 The PID Wakeup Direction P1-05 is used to set the condition for PID Wakeup Check.
0: PID Wakeup while the PID feedback rises above the wakeup level.
1: PID Wakeup while the PID feedback falls below the wakeup level.
While the PID sleep function is valid, the PID wakeup direction also affects the PID function.
 Sleep Wakeup Level P2-03 and Sleep Wakeup Delay P2-04, are used for PID Wakeup Check. When the inverter
is in the PID sleep mode, and the PID feedback falls below or rises above (direction set by P1-05 PID Wakeup
Direction) the sleep wakeup level P2-03 for a time exceeding the programmed wakeup delay time P2-04, the
inverter will exit the sleep mode and resume run.
 If PID sleep is enabled and the inverter is in PID sleep mode, the During PID Sleep Monitor Un-35 will be 1.
If any of Multi-Function Output Functions Sn-30 -32 is set as "During PID Sleep", the corresponding output will be
 If the inverter is in PID sleep mode, the accumulated integration error of the PID function will be cleared.

External PID

The following parameters pertain to the external PID function input and output terminals.

P1-06 External PID function (Cannot be changed during operation)

P1-06=0: External PID function disabled
1: External PID Enabled. Terminal AO1 is the output signal of the external PID function.
2: External PID Enabled. Terminal AO2 is the output signal of the external PID function.

P1-07 External PID source

P1-07=0: Set point parameter
1: Terminal VIN
2: Terminal AIN
3: Terminal AUX
4: Set point RS485 serial communication

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P1-03 - P2-04 cont. – P1-07 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

P1-08 External PID feedback source

P1-08=1: Terminal VIN
2: Terminal AIN
3: Terminal AUX

 The External PID Function P1-06 is used to activate the external PID function and to set output terminal AO1
or AO2 to external PID output signal.
 The External PID Function is enabled when P1-06 is set to a nonzero value and the inverter is in the DRIVE
mode, independent of the RUN / STOP status of the inverter
 If the External PID Function P1-06 is set to select output AO1 or AO2, the corresponding parameter Sn-33 or
Sn-34 will be set to = 14 (Ext. Output 2) automatically, and cannot be changed until P1-06 is set = 0 (Invalid).
 The External PID Set Point Source P1-07 and External PID Feedback Source P1-08, are used to select the input
source of the set point and feedback of the external PID function as shown in the following table

Table External PID Set Point and Feedback Selection

Parameter P1-07 Parameter P1-08

(External PID Set Point Source) (External PID Feedback Source)

0 Keypad (Parameter P2-05) --------

1 Terminal VIN Terminal VIN
2 Terminal AIN Terminal AIN
3 Terminal AUX Terminal AUX
RS-485 Communication
4 --------
(0x0009, 1000/100.0%)

 If P1-07 and P1-08 set to the same source, the "Ext PID Setting Error" message will be displayed.
 Generally, each of the analog input terminals AIN (0/4-20mA), VIN (0-10V), and AUX (0-10V), can be used for the
following provided that certain conditions are met :
1-Frequency Command Source, when Sn-05=1
2-Main PID function, when SN-64=1 for both set point and feedback.
3-External PID, when P1-06= 1 or 2 for both set point and feedback.

When selected by a given function, that analog input is not available for any other function, and must be
considered when planning for a particular application. If any of the unavailable terminals are selected as the
External PID Function set point or feedback source, an "Ext PID Setting Error" message will occur.

The following tables and serve to further illustrate the terminals that are available to the external
PID loop under the conditions specified.
Terminals available for external PID while (main) PID is DISABLED (Sn-64 = 0)
Sn-05 Sn-24 Sn-29
Available to Ext. Comment
Setting Setting Setting
0 AIN, AUX VIN (0-10V) is used as the Frequency command
1 1 VIN, AUX AIN (0/4-20mA) is used as the Frequency command
2 or 3 AUX (0-10V) VIN & AIN are used as the Frequency command
0, 2 or 3 ----- VIN, AIN, & AUX -------

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P2-08 cont. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Terminals available for external PID while (main) PID is ENABLED (Sn-64 ≠ 0)
Sn-05 Sn-24 Sn-29
Available to Ext. Comment
Setting Setting Setting
VIN is used as main PID feedback
0 9* AIN (0/4-20mA)
AUX is used as main PID set point
AIN is used as main PID feedback
9 VIN (0-10V)
AUX is used as main PID set point
1 AIN is used as main PID feedback
≠9 AUX (0-10V)
VIN is used as main PID set point
VIN and AIN are used as main PID feedback
2 or 3 9* (External PID is
AUX is used as main PID set point
0 AIN, AUX VIN is used as main PID feedback
0, 2, or 3 1 ----- VIN, AUX AIN is used as main PID feedback
2 or 3 AUX VIN and AIN are used as main PID feedback
*Terminal VIN is used as the main PID feedback and Sn-29 must equal 9 to set terminal AUX as the main PID set
point, otherwise an error message will be displayed.

 If the AUX input is selected for use by the External PID Functions (P1-07=3) or (P1-08=3), Sn-29 will be set to 18
(Ext PID Set point) or 19 (Ext PID Feedback) automatically, and can not be edited until input AUX is not selected
as an External PID Function Source.

The following parameters pertain to the external PID function gain settings and monitoring.

P1-09 PID Integral (I) limit (Cannot change during operation)

P1-09 Range: 1 – 100%

P1-10 PID filter time constant (Cannot change during operation)

P1-10 Range: 0.0 – 2.5 sec.

P2-05 PID set point value (Can change during operation)

P2-05 Range: 0.0 – 100.0%

P2-06 PID feedback gain (Can change during operation)

P2-06 Range: 0.01 – 10.00

P2-07 PID proportional gain (P) (Can change during operation)

P2-07 Range: 0.01 – 10.00

P2-08 PID Integration (I) time (Can change during operation)

P2-08 Range: 0.00 – 100.00 sec.

P2-09 PID derivative (D) time (Can change during operation)

P2-09 Range: 0.00 – 1.00 sec.

P2-10 PID bias (Can change during operation)

P2-10 Range: -100 – 100%


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P2-08 cont. – P2-10 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Fig. below is a block diagram depicting the external PID function.

Fig. External PID Functional Block Diagram

 When the External PID Set Point P1-07 is set to 0 (keypad), P2-05 is used to the value of the set point in percent.
 External PID Feedback Gain P2-06 is used to set the feedback gain for the External PID Feedback Source P1-08.
Note: If the Set Point Source P1-07 and Feedback Source P1-08 are set to the same input an ERROR
MESSAGE will occur.
 External PID P Gain P2-07 is used to set the proportion gain (01 – 10).
 External PID I Time P2-08 is used to set the integral time (0 – 100 sec.). Setting I to= 0, disables the integral
 External PID D Time P2-09 is used to set the differential time (0 – 1 sec.). Setting D to =0, disables the differential
 External PID Bias P2-10 is used to set the offset (-100 to +100%).
 External PID I Limit P1-09 is used to set the integral limit (1 – 100%).
 External PID Filter P1-10 is used to set the filter time constant (0 – 2.5 sec.).
 External PID Feedback Un-42, is used to monitor the feedback of the External PID Function.
 External PID Input, External PID Output, and External PID Output 2 are monitored by Un-43, Un-44, and Un-45
 The PID Input and Output 2 can be accessed through Analog Output Terminal AO1 or AO2 by setting the
corresponding parameter Sn-33 and Sn-34 to =12 (External PID Input) or to =13 (External PID Output)
 By setting one of the digital inputs Sn25-28 to =31 (External PID Invalid), the External PID function can be
disabled by activating that input. During the External PID Invalid mode, the PID feedback, Input, Output 1, and
Output 2 are equal to zero.
 By setting one of the digital inputs Sn25-28 to =32 (External PID Integration Reset), the accumulated integration
error can be reset by activating that input.

The following parameters pertain to the load loss function.

P3-01 Load loss detection level (Cannot change during operation)

P3-01 Range: 000 – 200%

P3-02 Load loss detection time (Cannot change during operation)

P3-01 Range: 00.0 – 25.5 sec.

P3-03 Load loss action (Cannot change during operation)

P3-03=0: None
2: Load loss alarm
3: Load loss fault

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-07 - P3-09. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 The Load Loss Detection Level can be set by Multi –function Analog Input parameter Sn-29 (AUX Function)
when it is set to 16 or by P3-01 Load Loss Det. Level, when Sn-29 is ≠ 16.
Note: When Sn-29 is set to =16 (Aux Function), the load loss level is determined by the analog value applied
to the AUX input terminal and parameter P3-01Load Loss Detect Level is invalid.
 P3-01 Load Loss Detect Level is set as a percentage of inverter rated current. When Sn-29 = 16, the Load Loss
Detect Level is determined by the voltage applied to the AUX input terminal as shown in Fig. below.


Inverter Rated
Output Current

0% Multi-function
0V Analog Input

Fig. Load Loss Detect Level Set by AUX Input

 When the inverter output current falls below the Load Loss Detect Level for a time exceeding the programmed
Load Loss Detect Time P3-02, the inverter status will be as set by parameter P3-03 Load Loss Action as shown in
the following table Also, if any of the Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2)
are set to =24 (Load Loss Detect), that output will be turned ON.

Table Inverter Status vs. P3-03 Value

P3-03 Inverter Status while Message
Value Load Loss while Load Loss
0 Continue Running ----
1 Continue Running Load Loss Alarm
2 Shut Down Load Loss Fault

 Below Fig. shows a block diagram and graph illustrating the Load Loss Detection Function.
Inverter output current (Sn-30=24)

P3 – 02 Load Loss DO1

Load Loss Load Loss Detect Digital (Sn-31=24)
Detection Level Detection Time output select
Source DO2 or
R2 Relay
Terminal AUX (Sn-32=24)
P3 - 01
Sn-29 ≠ 16
Sn-29 = 16
=1 Load Loss
P3 – 03 Alarm
Load Loss
=2 Load Loss


P3-01 Hysteresis width


Load Loss
Detection ON ON
P3-02 P3-02

Fig. Load Loss Detection Function

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-07 - P3-09. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

The following parameters pertain to the PID over feedback signal.

P3-04 Over feedback level (Cannot change during operation)

P3-04 Range: 000.00 – 099.99%
Note- The engineering units and range are set by parameter P1-01

P3-05 Over feedback detection delay time (Cannot change during operation)
P3-05 Range: 0000.0 – 6000.0 sec.

P3-06 Over feedback action (Cannot change during operation)

P3-06=0: None
1: Over feedback alarm
2: Over feedback fault

 If PID is enabled (Sn-64 ≠ 0), Over Feedback Detection is enabled if P3-06 Over Feedback Action is set to =1 or 2
or at least one of Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) is set to =25
(Over Feedback)
 When PID feedback rises above the Over Feedback Level set via P3-04 for the time exceeding the programmed
Over Feedback Delay Time P3-05, the inverter status will be controlled by parameter P3-06 Over Feedback Action
as shown in the following table Also if any of the Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or
Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) are set to =25 (Over Feedback), that output will be turned ON.

Table Inverter Status vs. P3-06 Value

P3-06 Inverter Status while Over Message
Value Feedback while Over Feedback
0 Continue Running No Message
1 Continue Running Over Feedback Alarm
2 Shut Down Over Feedback Fault
 Fig. below shows a block diagram illustrating the Over Feedback Detection Function.

Fig. Over Feedback Detection Function

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-07 - P3-09. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

The following parameters pertain to the PID low feedback signal.

P3-07 Low feedback level (Cannot change during operation)

P3-07 Range: 000.09 0 099.99%
Note - The engineering units and range are set by parameter P1-01

P3-08 Low feedback detection delay time (Cannot change during operation)
P3-07 Range: 0000.0 – 6000.0 sec.

P3-09 Low feedback action (Cannot change during operation)

P3-09=0: None
1: Low feedback alarm
2: Low feedback fault
 Fig. below shows a diagram of the Low Feedback Detection Function.

P3 – 07 Relay
Low Feedback (Sn-30=26)
Level P3 – 08 Low Feedback DO1
PID Feedback Low Feedback Detect Digital (Sn-31=26)
Delay Time Output Select DO2 or
R2 Relay
Sn-64 ≠ 0
PID Enabled

=1 Load Loss
P3 – 09 Alarm
Low Feedback
=2 Load Loss

Fig. Low Feedback Detection Function

 If PID is enabled (Sn-64 ≠ 0), Low Feedback Detection is enabled if P3-09 Low Feedback Action is set to =1 or 2
or at least one of Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) is set to =26
(Low Feedback)
 When the PID Feedback falls below the Low Feedback Level set via P3-07 for the time exceeding the
programmed Low Feedback Delay Time P3-08, the inverter status will be controlled by parameter P3-09 (Low
Feedback Action) as shown in the following Table Also if any of the Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay),
Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) are set to =26 (Low Feedback), that output will be turned ON.

Table Inverter Status vs. P3-09 Value

P3-09 Inverter Status while Message
Value Low Feedback while Low Feedback
0 Continue Running No Message
1 Continue Running Low Feedback Alarm
2 Shut Down Low Feedback Fault

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-07 - P3-09. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

The following parameters pertain to the low suction detection function.

The Low suction detection function is for pump applications. It can detect the break in suction or the absence
of the supply medium (e.g. water).

P3-10 Low suction detection selection (Cannot change during operation)

P3-10=0: PID error
1: Current
2: PID Error and current

P3-11 Low suction detection time (Cannot change during operation)

P3-11 Range: 000 – 300 sec.

P3-12 Low suction PID error (Cannot change during operation)

P3-12 Range: 01 – 30%

P3-13 Low suction current (Cannot change during operation)

P3-13 Range: 000.1 – 200.0A

P3-14 Low suction action (Cannot change during operation)

P3-14=0: None
1: Low suction alarm
2: Low suction fault
3: Low suction fault and restart

P3-15 Restart delay (Cannot change during operation)

P3-15 Range: 0005 – 6000 sec.

P3-16 Restart selection (Cannot change during operation)

P3-16=0: With speed search
1: Without speed search

 P3-10 Low Suction Detect is used to select which signal is used for low suction detection as shown in the
following Table
Table Low Suction Detect Signal Selection
P3-10 Detection Signal
Value PID Error (PID Input) Output Current
1 1 0
2 0 1

 When P3-10 Low Suction Detect is set to =1, (Detect PID Error), the PID Error (PID Input, Un-15) is used for low
suction detection.
 When P3-10 Low Suction Detect is set to =2, (Detect Current), the output current is used for low suction
 When P3-10 Low Suction Detect is set to =3, both the PID Error and Output Current are used for low suction
 In order to generate a Low Suction Detection output, the following conditions must be satisfied for the time
specified by P3-11Low Suction Det. Time.
1. Sn-64 ≠ 0 (PID is enabled) and the Un-15 PID Input (PID Error) is higher than P3-12 Low Suc. PID Error set
2. The output frequency is > Cn-01 (Max. Output Frequency) - Cn-31(Frequency Agree Detection Width)
 The Low Suction Detection function block diagram is shown in the following Fig.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-10 - P3-16 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

P3 – 12
Low Suction
PID Error
P3 – 10
Un-15 Low Suction
PID Error Detection Select
1 - PID Error
P3-11 Low ( P3-14) Low
2 - Output Current
Suction Suction Action &
3 - Both Detection Time Digital Outputs
Output Current

Detection Level

Sn-64 ≠ 0 Output Frequency

PID Enabled > Cn-01 – Cn-31

Fig. Low Suction Detection Function

 P 3-14 Low Suction Action, is used to set the inverter action after low suction detection has occurred per
the following Table 9.2.18.
Table Inverter Action vs. P3-14 Value
P3-14 Inverter Status Message Fault Contact Output
0 Continue Running No Message No operation
1 Continue Running Over Feedback Alarm No operation
2 Shut Down Over Feedback Fault Operation
Over Feedback Fault Operation
3 Shut Down and Restart
(before restart) (before restart)

 The following Fig., is a block diagram showing the Low Suction Output function.

Fig. Low Suction Output Function

 If P3-11 Low Suction Action, is set to =3 (Shut Down and Restart), the inverter will shut down and restart after
the time specified by P3-15 Low Suction Retry Delay. This retry function is enabled as long as:
1- Low Suction Detection is enabled
2- P3-11, Low Suction Action, is set to =3.
3- There is no STOP command during the low suction retry delay time.
Note -The setting of parameter Cn-24 (Number of Auto Restart Attempts) is independent
of the retry function of low suction detection.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-10 - P3-16 Cont. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 P3-16 Low Suction Restart Selection, determines the action while the inverter restarts as per the following
Table Low Suction Restart Action
Action during Restart
P3-16 DC-injection Description
Speed Search
This setting is used when the restart delay time is
0 Valid Invalid short and the motor is still running because of
Depends on the This setting is used when the restart delay time is
1 Invalid
setting of Cn-17 long enough to stop the motor before restart.

 If low suction is detected and any of the Multi-Function Output Functions (Sn-30 -32) are set to 28 (Low Suction),
the corresponding terminal will be ON. If P3-11Low Suction Action is set to =3 (Shut Down and Restart), the
corresponding terminal will be OFF after the inverter restarts.

The following parameters pertain to the flow meter display.

Table shows the parameters that pertain to the flow meter display.

Table Flow Meter Display Parameters

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
0: None
P4-01 1: Aux Input 0 NO 0x0880
Flow Meter Function
2: Pulse Train Input
P4-02 Max Flow for 10V 00000 – 50000 GPM 01000 GPM NO 0x0881
P4-03 0.0 - 5.0V 0.0V NO 0x0882
No Flow point for AUX
P4-04 000.01 – 500.00 100.00 NO 0x0883
Pulse Multiplier
P4-05 0.00 - 0.99 0.00 YES 0x0884
Flow Meter Offset
Un-41 0 - 50000 GPM ---- ---- 0x0047
Flow Meter

 P4-01Flow Meter Selection, is used to enable or disable the flow meter function and to select one of two the inputs
for this function as follows.
1. Terminal Aux: 0-10V or 4-20mA signal. (Note – If using a 4-20 mA input signal, place
a 500Ω resistor from the AUX input terminal to GND).
2. Terminal A(+) / A(-): Pulse Train Input with open-collector or complementary interface.
The pulse input frequency range is 50Hz - 32kHz.
 The following Table shows the P4-01 function and the parameters used with selection 1 or 2.

Table Flow Meter Function

Flow Meter Flow Meter
P4-01 Flow Meter Parameters
Function Signal
0 Disabled ---- ----
1 Enabled AUX Input P4-02, P4-03 (P4-04, P4-05 is fixed)
2 Enabled Pulse Train Input P4-04, P4-05 (P4-02, P4-03 is fixed)

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P3-10 - P3-16 Cont. & P4-01 – P4-05 Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Flow Meter monitor point Un-41 is used to display the output of the flow meter function in GPM. If the P4-01 is
set to 0, the Flow Meter is zero.
 Fig. is a diagram of the flow meter function when Flow Meter Selection P4-01 is set to =1
(AUX input).

Fig. Flow Meter Function with AUX Input

 When P4-01 is set to =1(AUX Input), the Flow Meter signal is input to terminal AUX and parameters P4-02 (Max
Flow for 10V AUX) and P4-03 (AUX for No Flow) are used to set flow meter functions. Also, the parameters below
will be set automatically.
1. Parameters P4-04 and P4-05.
2. AUX Function Selection (Sn-29)
3. Terminal AUX Gain and Bias (Bn-09 and Bn-10).
These parameters can not be edited until the setting of P4-01 is changed. Also when P4-01 is set to =1 any
previous AUX Function (Sn-29) setting will become invalid.
 An error message "Flow Meter Setting Error" will be displayed if P4-01 is set to 1 and one of the conditions below
is satisfied.
1. Sn-29 (AUX Function Selection) =9 (PID Target).
2. P1-07 (External PID Set Source) =3 (AUX Function).
3. P1-08 (External PID Feedback Source) =3 (AUX Function).
 P4-02 Max Flow for 10V AUX, is used to set the maximum flow level in GPM, which corresponds to a 10 V input
to the Aux input.
Example: P4-02 is set to = 2500 GPM (max flow level).
Aux input 0 – 10 V = 0 - 2500GPM.
 P4-03 Aux for No Flow, is used to offset the input signal to terminal AUX, which corresponds to zero flow.

An example of this would be if the input flow signal is 4-20mA, where 4mA = 0 GPM, and a 500 resistor is used
between AUX and GND. The input voltage to the AUX terminal would be 4mA x 500 = 2V. P4-03 would then be
set to =2V so that 4 mA would represent zero flow. The maximum flow would be as set in the previous example
by P4-02.
 Fig. below is a diagram of the flow meter function while Flow Meter Selection P4-01 is set to 2 (Pulse Train
IP12 1
+12V >
(External Pulse Train
Supply) Circuit P4-04
IG12 2
P4-01=2 > Pulse
Pulse Multiplier
Monitor Point
Train Input A(+) P4-05 GPM
> TP1 Flow Meter
OPEN Offset

A(-) 4 PULL UP

Fig. Flow Meter Function with Pulse Train Input


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P4-01 – P4-05 Cont. Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
 When P4-01 is set to 2 (Pulse Train Input), the Flow Meter signal is input to terminals A(+) and A(-) and the
parameters P4-04 (Pulse Multiplier) and P4-05 (Flow Meter Offset) are used to set the flow meter functions. In this
case, parameters P4-02 and P4-03 will be set automatically and can not be edited until the setting of P4-01 is
 The input to terminals A(+) and A(-) allows for open-collector or complementary interface by setting jumper TP1
to PULL-UP position for open-collector interface or to OPEN position for complementary interface.
 An error message "Flow Meter Setting Error" will be displayed if P4-01 is set to 2 and one of the conditions below
is satisfied.
1. Sn-40 (PG Speed Control Settings) ≠ 0 (Speed Control Enabled).
2. Sn-05 (Frequency Command Setting) = 3 (Pulse Input).
 P4-04 Flow Multiplier is used to scale the flow meter monitor value, while P4-05 Flow Offset is used to calibrate
the flow meter.
Output GPM = Input Pulse Train Frequency (Hz) x (P4-04 + P4-05).
Example: Input Pulse Train Frequency = 60Hz, P4-04 = 500.1 and P4-05 = 0.20
Flow Meter Monitor = 60 x (500.1 + 0.2) = 30018 GPM.

The following parameters pertain to Power Meter, kWH and Energy use.
The following Table, sows the parameters for these functions.

Table Power Meter, kWH and Energy use Parameters

Change During Modbus
Parameter No. LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
Operation Address
P5-01 Energy Cost 0.000 - 5.000$ 0.000$ YES 0x08C0
per kWh
0: No
P5-02 Reset Energy 0 YES 0x08C1
1: Reset
Un-36 0.0 - 999.9 kW ---- ---- 0x0042
Output Power
Un-37 Energy Used 0.0 - 999.9 kWh ---- ---- 0x0043
in kWh
Un-38 Energy Used 0.0 - 50000 MWh ---- ---- 0x0044
in MWh
Un-39 Energy Cost 0 - 9999 $ ---- ---- 0x0045
in $
0 - 25000
Un-40 Cost in ---- ---- 0x0046
(0$ - 250 Mil$)

 Un-36 Output Power, is used to monitor the output power in kW. The display range is 0.0 - 999.9kW.
 Un-37 Energy Used in kWh and Un-38 Energy Used in MWh, are used to monitor the total energy used by
the inverter. The maximum value of monitor energy is 50000MWh.
Example: If 800 kWh of energy is used, Un-37 = 800 kWh and Un-38 = 0 MWh.
If 32.3 MWh of energy is used, Un-37 = 300 kWh and Un-38 = 32 MWh.
 P5-01 Energy Cost per kWh, is used to set the unit energy cost per kWh.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P5-01 –P5-02 Cont. & Un-01 –Un-11Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Un-39 Energy Cost in $ and Un-40 Energy Cost in 10000, are used to monitor the total energy cost of inverter.
The maximum value of monitor energy cost is 250 Million $
Example: If the energy cost is 2,000$, Un-39 = 2000$ and Un-40 = 0.
If the energy cost is 123,200$, Un-39 = 3200$ and Un-40 = 12.
 When the power is OFF, the inverter will retain the values of energy used (Un-37, Un-38) and energy cost
(Un-39, Un-40), and the stored data will be available after power up.
 P5-02 Reset Energy Usage is used to clear the monitor variables for energy usage and energy cost.
P5-02 = 0: No Reset
P5-02 = 1: Reset (The data will be cleared automatically after P5-02 is set to =1)

9.2.5 Parameters Un- (Monitoring Parameters)

Un-01 - Frequency Command

Un-02 - Output Frequency
Un-03 - Output Current
Un-04 - Output Voltage
Un-05 - Main Circuit DC Voltage

Through the settings of Sn-33, Sn-34, the above contents can be output to at the multi-function analog
output terminals (AO1, AO2) at various set voltage levels between 0 and 10V.

Un-06 - External Analog command (VIN)

The parameter can monitor the external analog terminal voltage VIN (0 - 100% / 0 - 10V). The voltage can be
output through the multi-function analog output terminal AO1, AO2 (Sn-33=05 or Sn-34=05). The output voltage
is the PID feedback voltage when the PID function is used. Refer to App-1 PID Application Note.

Un-07 - External Analog Command (AIN)

The parameter can monitor the external analog terminal current AIN (0 -100% / 0 -20mA). The current can be
output through the multi-function analog output terminal AO1, AO2 (Sn-33=06 or Sn-34=06). The output current
is the PID feedback voltage when the PID function is used. Refer to App-1 PID Application Note.

Un-08 – Multi-function Analog Input Command (AUX)

The parameter can monitor the multi-function analog input terminal AUX voltage (0 -100% / 0 -20mA). The voltage
can be output through the multi-function analog output terminal AO1, AO2 (Sn-33=07 or Sn-34=07). The output
voltage is the PID target voltage (reference) when the PID function is used. Refer to App-1 PID Application Note.

Un-09 - Analog Output (AO1)

Un-10 - Analog Output (AO2)

The parameter monitors the analog output terminals AO1, AO2 voltage (0 - 10V). The output gain can be
adjusted through the setting of parameters Bn-14 or Bn-15.The outputs are determined and varied proportionally
according to the setting of (Sn-33 or Sn-34).

Un-11 - Digital Input Terminal Status (1 – 8)

The parameter monitors the status (ON or OFF) of input terminals 1 thru 8.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company P5-01 –P5-02 Cont. & Un-01 –Un-11Parameter Details
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Un-12 - Digital Output Terminal Status (Relay and Open Collector)

The parameter will monitor the status (ON or OFF) of output terminals RA-RC or R1A-R1C, or DO1-DOG,
DO2-DOG, or R2A-R2C.

Un-13 - PG Feedback
Un-14 - PG Speed Compensation

These parameters will monitor the PG speed feedback and the PG speed compensation signal if the PG
feedback function is used.

Un-15 - PID Control Input

Un-16 - PID Control Output 1
Un-17 - PID Control Output 2

The values in Fig. 46, 47 (on page APP-5, APP-6) can be monitored through the parameters of Un-15, Un-16
and Un-17. Moreover, the multi-function analog output terminal AO1, AO2 can be used to monitor the output
value through the proper setting of Sn-33 and Sn-34.

Un-18 - Message 1
Un-19 - Message 2
Un-20 - Message 3
Un-21 - Message 4

These parameters are used to display the fault messages whenever a fault has occurred. The user can take
proper action for trouble-shooting based upon the displayed message.

Un-22 - Cumulative Operation Time Setting

The parameter is used to count the elapsed time from the previous fault to the latest fault. The setting range
is 0 - 65536 Hr. After the fault(s) has been cleared and system reset, Un-22 will be reset to zero.

Un-23 - The Frequency Command While Last Fault Occurred

Un-24 - The Output Frequency When the Last Fault Occurred
Un-25 - The Output Current When the Last Fault Occurred
Un-26 - The Output Voltage When the Last Fault Occurred
Un-27 - The DC Voltage When the Last Fault Occurred
Un-28 - The Input Terminal Status When the Last Fault Occurred
Un-29 - The Output Terminal Status When the Last Fault Occurred

The above parameters will display the inverter status at the time of the latest fault. The contents of parameters
Un-23 -29 will be cleared after the fault(s) has been cleared and the system is reset.

Un-30 - Cumulative Run Time Whenever the input Power Is On

This parameter will record the cumulative operation time from input power-on to input power-off. Its value is
0 - 65535 Hr. If the value exceeds 65535, it will restart from 0.

Un-31 - Cumulative Run Time Whenever the Output Power Is On

This parameter will record the cumulative operation time from output power-on to output power-off. Its value is
0 - 65535 Hr. If the value exceeds 65535, it will restart from 0.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Un-12 – Un-31 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Un-32 - EPROM software version

The parameter will specify the version of software that is currently used in the inverter.

Un-33 - Motor Speed While PG Feedback Is Set.

When PG feedback control is being set, the motor speed can be monitored through Un-33.

Un-34 - PID feedback display

 When the PID Function is enabled, the PID feedback signal can be monitored through Un-34. If the PID
Function is not enabled Un-34 will be zero.
 The display content can be set by P1-01 and P1-02.
P1-01 sets the units of Un-34.
P1-02 is the equivalent value displayed for 100% PID Feedback.

Un-35 - PID Sleep Monitor

Displays the status of the sleep mode (=1: Sleep mode active; =0: Sleep mode inactive)

Un-36 - Inverter Output Power

Displays the inverter output power in kilowatts (0.0 - 999.9 kW)
Un-37 - Inverter Energy Usage
Displays the inverter energy usage in kilowatt/hrs (0.0 - 999.9 kWh)

Un-38 - Inverter Energy Usage

Displays the inverter energy usage in megawatt/hrs (0.0 - 50000 MWh)

Un-39 - Inverter Energy Cost

Displays the inverter energy cost in dollars (0 - 9999 $)

Un-40 - Inverter Energy Cost

Displays the inverter energy cost in units of (ten thousand) dollars (0$ - 250 Mil$)

Un-41 - Flow Meter

Displays the flow meter in gallons/minute (0 - 50000 GPM)

Un-42 - External PID Feedback display

Displays the PID feedback in (0.0%)

Un-43 - External PID Set Point display

Displays the PID feedback in (0.0%)

Un-44 - External PID Output 1 display

Displays the PID output 1 in (0.0%)

Un-45 - External PID Output 2 display

Displays the PID output 2 in (0.0%)

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Un-12 – Un-31 Parameter Details

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
10.0 Error Messages and Troubleshooting

10.1 General
The MA7200 PLUS has basically two modes of operation when a problem occurs during operation; A Fault or a

10.1.1 Fault
When a Fault occur, the Fault code is displayed on the Digital Operator and the Fault output contact (RA-RB-RC or
R1A-R1B-R1C, DO1, DO2 or R2A-R2C) activates. The inverter shuts off and the motor stops. In order to restart the
Inverter, the Fault must be identified and cleared and then the Reset key on the Digital Operator can be pressed or
the digital input to terminal 4 can be activated. The main power to the inverter can also be cycled.

The following Table the Fault display on the Digital Operator, the Fault description, the possible cause
and suggested remedy.

Table Fault Messages, Causes and Remedies

LCD Display Fault
(English) Fault Description Contact Fault Causes Remedy
Fault Output
 Power capacity is too
 Voltage drop due to
wiring resistance.
The main circuit DC voltage is  Check the source voltage and wiring.
 A motor of large capacity
DC Volt. Low lower than the low voltage ON  Check the power capacity and power
connected to the same
detection level (Cn-39). system.
power system has been
 Defective electromagnetic
 Extremely rapid accel.
 Short-circuit or ground- fault
at the inverter output side.  Extend the accel. time.
The inverter output current
 Motor capacity greater  Check the load wiring.
becomes approx. 200% and ON
Over Current than the inverter rating.  Increase inverter capacity
above the inverter rated current.
 High-speed motor and
pulse motor has been
A ground fault occurs at the inverter
 Motor dielectric strength is
output side and the ground-fault Check the motor wiring impedance and
Ground Fault ON insufficient.
current exceeds approx. 50% of the the load wiring.
 Load wiring is not proper.
inverter rated current.
 Insufficient deceleration
The main circuit DC voltage
becomes excessive because of  Extend the accel. time.
ON  High input voltage
Over Voltage regeneration energy caused by  Use a braking resistor.
compared to motor rated
motor decelerating.
 Defective cooling fan.
The temperature of the heatsink  Ambient temperature too Check for the fan, filter and the ambient
Over Heat reaches the detection level. high temperature.
 Clogged filter.
 Overload at low speed
 Measure the temperature rise of the
Motor overload is detected by the operation or extended accel.
Motor Over Load electronic thermal relay. ON time.
 Decrease the output load.
(motor protection)  Improper V-f
 Set proper V/f characteristic.
characteristic setting


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Fault Messages, Causes and Remedies Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Fault Messages, Causes and Remedies (Cont.)

LCD Display Fault

(English) Fault Description Contact Fault Causes Remedy
Fault Output
The electronic thermal sensor  Set proper V/f characteristic.
Inverter Over detects inverter overload while the Improper rated current  Set proper rated current (Cn-09)
Load output current exceeds 112% of (Cn-09) setting  If inverter is reset repetitively before fault
rated value. (inverter protection) removed, the inverter may be damaged.
Excess Load is detected while the
output current is larger than or  Check the use of the machine.
Excess Load ON Machine errors or overload
equal to the setting of Cn-26.  Set a higher protection level (Cn-32).
(machine protection)

Ext. Faul t3 External fault signal  ON

External fault signal  ON

Ext. Fault 5

Fault input of external

signal , , ,  and Identify the fault signal using Un-11.
Ext. Faul t6 External fault signal  ON

Ext. Fault7 External fault signal  ON

Ext. Fault8 External fault signal  ON

EEPROM  Disturbance of external
EEPROM (BCC, no.) is bad. ON  Reset NVRAM by running Sn-03.
 Replace the control board if the fault
 Excessive impact or
can’t be cleared.
Inverter A/D A/D converter (inside the CPU)

Improper setting of ASR

PG Over Sp. Check the parameters of ASR and the
Excessive PG speed fault ON parameter or over-speed
protection level.
protection level.
The PG wiring is not
PG Open PG is open-circuit ON properly connected or Check the PG wiring.
Improper setting of ASR
Sp.Deviat Over Excessive speed deviation Check parameters of ASR and speed
ON parameter or speed
deviation level.
deviation level.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Fault Messages, Causes and Remedies Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Fault Messages, Causes and Remedies (Cont.)

LCD Display Fault

(English) Fault Description Contact Fault Causes Remedy
Fault Output
 Check the parameter setting, including
 External noise
Sn-01, Sn-02.
MODBUS Communication fault  Excessive vibration or
RS-485 Interrupt occurs .The inverter remains  Check if the comm. wire for proper
ON impact Communication
operating. connection.
 Restart, if fault remains, contact your
 Not properly connected representative.
 One of the inverter  Check the wiring between inverter and
Output Power One of the inverter output phases
ON output phases is lost. motor.
Loss is lost. The motor coasts to stop.
 DCCT fault.  Replace the DCCT.
 Check the use of the machine. If
Load Loss is detected when the
the load is connected by a belt,
output current is smaller than the  Machine errors or broken
Load Loss ON also check the belt.
setting of P3-01. (machine belts.
 Set a lower detection level (P3-01)
or longer detection time (P3-02).
 The feedback level is
 Check the load, or the feedback
Over feedback is detected while beyond the acceptable
signal sensor.
Over Feedback the PID feedback signal is larger ON level.
 Set a lower protection level (P3-04)
than the setting of P3-04.  Improper feedback
or longer detection time (P3-05).
detection level (P3-04)
 The feedback level is  Check the load, or the feedback
Low feedback is detected while beyond the acceptable signal sensor.
Low Feedback the PID feedback signal is smaller ON level.  Set a higher protection level (P3-
than the setting of P3-07.  Improper feedback 07) or longer detection time (P3-
detection level (P3-07) 08).
Low Suction is detected while the
output frequency approaches
maximum output frequency
(Cn-01) and;
1. PID error is larger than the The pump breaks suction
Low Suction ON or the pump loses the Check the pump system.
setting of the setting of P3-12
water supply.
and / or:
2. the output current is smaller
the setting of the setting of
Low Suction is detected while the
output frequency approaches
maximum output frequency (Cn-
01) and;
1. PID error is larger than the
setting of the setting of P3-12 The pump breaks suction
Low Suction and / or: ON or the pump losses the Check the pump system.
(Retry) 2. The output current is smaller water supply.
the setting of the setting of
P3-13.After the time specified
by P3-15, this fault will be reset
automatically and inverter will

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Fault Messages, Causes and Remedies Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

9.1.2 Warnings and Self- Diagnosis

If warning occurs, the Digital Operator will display the warning code. However, the fault-contact output does
not operate, except in certain cases. The Digital Operator will return to its previous status when the above
warning clears.

The following table shows the Warning display on the Digital Operator, the Warning description, the
possible cause and suggested remedy.

Table Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies

LCD Display Fault

(English) Warning Description Contact Warning Causes Remedy
Alarm Output
(blinking) The main circuit DC voltage is Measure the main circuit DC voltage, if
Alarm lower than the set under-voltage OFF Input voltage drop the voltage is lower than the set level,
DC Volt. Low level before the motor starts. regulate the input voltage.
The main circuit DC voltage
(blinking) Measure the main circuit DC voltage, if
becomes higher than the set
Alarm OFF Input voltage rise the voltage is higher than set
high-voltage level before the
Over Voltage level, regulate the input voltage.
motor starts.
 Overload
(blinking)  Cooling fan fault.
The external terminal thermal Check for the fan, filter and the ambient
Alarm OFF  Ambient temperature
protection contact is activated. temperature.
Over Heat rises.
 Clogged filter.
Excess Load is detected when the
output current is larger than or equal
to the setting of Cn-26. However,  Check the use of the machine.
Alarm OFF Machine error or overload
Sn-12 has been set such that the  Set a higher protection level (Cn-32).
Excess Load
inverter continue to run and
disregards the over-torque warning.
Stall prevention operates while
accelerating.  Insufficient Accel ./ Decel.
Stall prevention operates while  Increase Accel. / Decel. time.
- OFF  Overload
running  Check the load.
 Excessive load impact
Stall prevention operates while occurs while operating
Forward and reverse rotation
commands are simultaneously
(blinking)  Operation sequence error  Check the wiring of system
detected for a period of time
Alarm OFF  3-wire/2-wire selection  Check the setting of system
exceeding 500ms. (The inverter
External Fault error parameters Sn-25, 26, 27, and 28.
stops according to the method
preset by Sn-04.)
 Check the parameter setting, including Sn-01,
 External noise
(blinking) MODBUS Communication fault  Excessive vibration or
 Check if the comm. wire is not properly
Alarm occurs. The inverter remains OFF impact on
RS-485 Interrupt operating. communication wire
 Restart, if fault remains, please
 Not properly connected
contact to us.
 Comm. between digital
operator and inverter has
not been established for 5
seconds after system
 Re-insert the connector of the digital
Transmission fault of digital starts.
Comm. Fault operator.
operator  Communication is
 Replace the control board.
established after system
starts, but transmission
fault occurs after 2


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies (Cont.)

LCD Display Fault

(English) Warning Description Contact Warning Causes Remedy
Alarm Output
External B.B. signal is input
(terminal ). The inverter stops External B.B. signal is After the external BB signal is removed,
Alarm OFF
and the motors stops without input. execute a speed search.
Alarm Improper inverter capacity (Sn- Set proper KVA value. Be aware of the
Inverter KVA setting error.
Input Error 01) setting. difference of 230V and 460V.
 The value of Sn-25 -Sn-
28 is not in ascending  Set these values in order (the value of
order (Ex. Sn-25= 05, Sn-25 must be smaller than those of
Multi-Fun. Improper setting of multi-function
Sn-28= 02, these are Sn-26, 27, 28)
Parameter input signal (Sn-25, 26, 27 and OFF improper setting).  Command 21 and 22 can not be set by
Setting Error 28).
 Setting speed search two multi-function-input contacts
command of 21 and 22 simultaneously.
The values of Cn-02 -
V/F Parameter Improper setting of V/F
OFF Cn-08 do not satisfy Change the settings.
Setting Error characteristic (Cn-02 - 08)
Fmax  FA  FB  Fmin.
Frequency Limit Upper limit and lower
Improper setting of Cn-18, Cn-19 OFF Change the settings.
Setting Error limit setting is incorrect.
The PID sleep function is
PID Sleep Improper setting of PID function valid (P1-04 = 1) and the Set PID Function valid for using PID
Setting Error and the PID sleep function. OFF PID function is invalid sleep function.
(Sn-64 = 0)
 The target signal and
feedback signal of
external PID function
use the same analog
(Ex. P1-07 = P1-08 = 1,
Terminal VIN is used for  Use different analog terminals for
both target and feedback external PID target and feedback.
signal)  Refer to “External PID Function (Input
Ext PID Improper setting of input terminal  The analog terminal of and Output Terminal)” to get the
Parameter of the external PID function (P1- OFF target (or feedback) terminals available for different setting
Setting Error 07, P1-08). signal of external PID frequency command source (Sn-05)
function is also used as and PID function
frequency command, (Sn-64).
target (or feedback) of
original PID function.
(Ex. P1-07=2 (AIN = Ext.
PID Target), Sn-64 = 1
(PID enabled, the AIN is
feedback of PID
 The AUX flow meter
function is set (P4-01 =
1) and the terminal AUX
is also used for PID
function (Sn-29 = 9) or
Flow Meter Improper setting of the flow meter external PID function
OFF Change the settings
Setting Error function (P1-07 = 3 or P1-08 = 3).
 The pulse flow meter
function is set (P4-01 =
2) and the frequency
command is from pulse
input (Sn-05 = 3).

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies (Cont.)

LCD Display Fault
(English) Warning Description Contact Warning Causes Remedy
Alarm Output
Load Loss is detected while the
output current is smaller than or  Check the use of the machine. If the
(blinking) equal to the setting of P3-01. load is connected by a belt, also check
 Machine errors or
Alarm However, P3-03 has been set OFF the belt.
broken belts.
Load Loss such that the inverter continue to  Set a lower detection level (P3-01) or
run and disregards the over- longer detection time (P3-02).
torque warning.
(blinking)  Improper ASR parameter
Excessive speed (operation  Check the ASR parameter and over-
Alarm OFF setting or over-torque
remains) torque protection level.
Over Speed protection level.
(blinking)  The circuit of PG is not
PG Open-circuit (operation
Alarm OFF properly connected or  Check the wiring of PG.
PG Open open-circuit.
 Improper ASR parameter
Alarm Excessive speed deviation  Check the ASR parameter and over-
OFF setting or over-torque
Sp.Deviat Over (operation remains) torque protection level.
protection level.
 Bad communication
during operator and
Error during upload and download  Check if the connector is properly
Load Fail OFF inverter.
(operation remains) connected.
 The connector is not
properly connected.
 Operator EEPROM  Disable load function of operator.
EEPROM Fault Operator EEPROM error. OFF error.  Replace the operator.
 Download the data to the operator
Data incorrect during  Incorrect inverter data
Upload Error Communication from the operator OFF format
 Check if the connector is properly
to the inverter.  Communication noise.
Data incorrect during
 Check if the connector is properly
Download Error Communication from the inverter OFF  Communication noise connected.
to the operator.
 Inverter capacity and
motor ratings are not
properly matched.
Alarm Correct the inverter/motor capacity,
Motor parameter auto-tuning error OFF  The wiring between
Auto Tun-Error check wiring cable and motor load.
inverter and motor is
 Motor load unbalance.
The terminal VIN is used in
both PID target and PID
Improper setting of PID function feedback
PID Function
for target signal and feedback OFF Ex. Sn-64 = 0, Sn-05 = 1, Set Sn-29 = 9 to use AUX as PID target
Setting Error
signal. Sn-24 = 0 (or 2, 3) and
Sn-29 is a value other than
PID Target Limit Improper setting of Cn-64 and Upper limit and Lower
OFF Change the settings
Setting Error Cn-65. Limit setting is incorrect

PG Parameter Improper setting of Cn-45 and 2  Cn  45  Cn  02

OFF  32767 Change the settings.
Setting Error Cn-46. Cn  46

The excess load level (Cn-

Load Detection Improper setting of Cn-32 and Modify the Excess Load Level and Load
Setting Error P3-01. OFF 32) is smaller than the load Loss Level
loss level (P03-01)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies (Cont.)

LCD Display Fault

(English) Warning Description Contact Warning Causes Remedy
Alarm Output
The over feedback level
Feedback (P3-04) is smaller than the
Improper setting of P3-04 and P3- Modify the Over Feedback Level and
Detection OFF
07. low feedback level Low feedback level
Setting Error
The PID wakeup level
(P02-03) is smaller than
Improper setting of PID wakeup the Low Feedback level
PID Wakeup Modify the PID wakeup level and low
level and the Low Feedback OFF
Setting Error (P03-07) and the low feedback level
feedback action (P03-09)
is not 0


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Warning Messages, Causes and Remedies Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Appendix A - Control Mode Selection and Auto-tuning Procedure

As shown in Fig. A.1 below, the MA7200 PLUS has two selectable control modes; V/F Control Mode (Sn-67=0) and
Sensorless Vector Control Mode (Sn-67=1). When selecting the Sensorless Vector Control Mode the inverter capacity
must match the motor rating. To achieve the highest performance in the Sensorless Vector Control Mode the Auto-
Tune feature is performed to identify and store the actual motor parameters. Refer to the parameter explanation
section 9.2 for additional details.

Fig. A.1 MA7200 PLUS Control Modes

V/f Control (Factory Default)

The V/f control mode should be used when the following conditions apply.

1. Using one inverter to drive several motors simultaneously.

 In this case the rated inverter output current must equal or exceed the sum total of all of the motors
 The correct V/f pattern must be set by parameter Sn-02.
2. The motors’ nameplate information is unknown or the motor ratings are not standard.
 In this case the inverter will set the motor characteristics in accordance with a standard TWMC motor.
3. The specifications of the inverter and motor differ by more than 1 HP.

In V/f control motor parameters Cn-09 – Cn-13, max. & min. values are determined by the TWMC standard motor
specification limit.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix A Control Mode Selection & Auto-Tuning Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Sensorless Vector Control

When setting up Sensorless Vector control:

1. Ensure that the inverter capacity is matched to the motor rating.

2. Use the AUTO-TUNE procedure as described above to identify and store the motor parameters after the initial
installation and before using the Sensorless Vector Control Mode.
3. Enable the Sensorless Vector Control Mode by setting parameter Sn-67= 1.
4. Increase the setting of parameter Cn-57 (Motor Line-to-Line Resistance R1) to increase the generated torque at low
speed. If an overcurrent trip at low speed occurs when doing this, decrease the setting of Cn-57 until proper
performance is achieved.
5. Adjust the setting of parameter Cn-61(Slip Compensation Gain) to improve the speed accuracy with load change if
required. If the actual speed decrease with a load change is too great (Under compensation), increase the set
value. If the actual speed increases with a load change (Over compensation), decrease the set value.
6. If the motor speed is not stable or the load inertia is too large, increase the value of parameter Cn-40 (Slip
Compensation Primary Delay Time). If the speed response is slow, decrease the setting of Cn-40.

Auto-tuning Procedure

The following steps are used for Auto-tuning:

1. Disconnect the motor from the load and ensure that the wiring between the inverter and the motor is sized and
connected properly. The difference between inverter capacity and motor rating should not be greater than two frame
2. Switch to PRGM operation mode by pressing the Digital Operator PRGM / DRIVE key.
3. Input the Motor Rated Voltage Data to parameter Cn-03 (Maximum Output Voltage), the Motor Rated Frequency to
parameter Cn-04 (Maximum Voltage Frequency) and the motor rated current (FLA) to parameter Cn-09, using the
data from the motor’s nameplate. Enable the Sensorless Vector Control Mode by setting parameter Sn-67 = 1.
4. Enable the Auto-tuning Function by setting parameter Sn-66 = 1.
5. Switch to DRIVE operation mode by pressing the PRGM / DRIVE key and then run the inverter by pressing the
RUN key.
6. The inverter immediately enters into the auto-tuning process, taking approximately 25 seconds for completion. The
inverter will then return to a stopped condition. If an abnormality occurs during the auto-tuning operation press the
STOP key to stop the auto-tuning process.
7. When complete, press the STOP key to return the system to the normal operation mode. The value of motor
parameters will be automatically stored in these parameters: Cn-57 (Motor Line-to-Line Resistance R1), Cn-58
(Motor Rotor Equivalent Resistance R2), Cn-59 (Motor Leakage Inductance Ls) and Cn-60 (Mutual Inductance Lm).

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix A Control Mode Selection & Auto-Tuning Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Appendix B - Spare Parts

B.1 - 230V Class (NEMA1)

Table B.1.1 - 230V Class (NEMA1): Control Board, Power Board, Power Module and Diode Module
Control PC Power Power Module
Diode Module
Board Board (IGBT)

MODEL - - FP15R06W1E3
1 MA7200-2001-N1 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C01600A1 4LA32X025S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - - FP20R06W1E3
2 MA7200-2002-N1 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C0160003 4LA32X026S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
060 06A7
3 MA7200-2003-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022
4P106C01800B1 277831619 277830132
Q’TY 1 1 1
060 06A7
5 MA7200-2005-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022
4P106C01800C9 277831627 277830141
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - - 7MBP50RA060 DF75LA80
7.5 MA7200-2007-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0210001 277831660 4M903D1480016

Q’TY 1 1 1 1

MODEL - - 7MBP75RA060 DF75LA80

10 MA7200-2010-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0220006 277831678 4M903D1480016

Q’TY 1 1 1 1

MODEL - - 7MBP100RTA060 DF100BA80

15 MA7200-2015-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C01500A6 277831694 277192209

Q’TY 1 1 1 1

MODEL - - 7MBP160RTA060 DF150BA80

20 MA7200-2020-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C01500B4 277831708 277192179

Q’TY 1 1 1 1


25 MA7200-2025-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C03300B2 277830086 277112337

Q’TY 1 1 1 3


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 230V Class (NEMA1) 1– 40 HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.1.1 - 230V Class (NEMA1): Control Board, Power Board, Power Module and Diode Module (Cont.)
Control PC Power Power Module
Diode Module
Board Board (IGBT)

MODEL - - CM200DY-12NF SKKH106/16E

30 MA7200-2030-N1 CODE 4H300D6750028 4P106C04000A2 4KA32X064S01 277112302
Q’TY 1 1 3 3
MODEL - - SKM300GB063DN SKKH106/16E
40 MA7200-2040-N1 CODE 4H300D6750028 4P106C04000A2 277810662 277112302
Q’TY 1 1 3 3
*1: Previous versions, Code No is; 4P101C0040001.
*2: Previous versions, Code No is; 4P101C0060002.

Table B.1.2 - 230V Class (NEMA1): Cooling Fan and Braking Resistor
Cooling Fan

MODEL KD1204PFBX MGA4012YR-A10(L) N20SP-12-Y2

1 MA7200-2001-N1 CODE 4M903D0880002 4M903D0880002S2 3M903D1820000
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL KD1204PFBX MGA4012YR-A10(L) N20SP-12-Y2
2 MA7200-2002-N1 CODE 4M903D0880002 4M903D0880002S2 3M903D1820000
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L) 8W/12Ω
3 MA7200-2003-N1 CODE 4H300D0190012 4H300D0190012S2 4M903D0180086
Q’TY 1 2
MODEL AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L) 8W/12Ω
5 MA7200-2005-N1 CODE 4H300D0190012 4H300D0190012S2 4M903D0180086
Q’TY 1 2
MODEL AFB0824VH MGA8024YR-O25(L) 8W/6.2Ω 8W/6.2Ω

7.5 MA7200-2007-N1 CODE 4H300D0200018 4H300D0200018S1 4M903D0180078 4M903D2330018

Q’TY 1 1 1

MODEL AFB0824VH MGA8024YR-O25(L) 8W/6.2Ω 8W/6.2Ω

10 MA7200-2010-N1 CODE 4H300D0200018 4H300D0200018S1 4M903D0180078 4M903D2330018

Q’TY 1 1 1


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 230V Class (NEMA1) 1– 40 HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.1.2 - 230V Class (NEMA1): Cooling Fan and Braking Resistor (Cont.)
Cooling Fan Resistor

MODEL AFB0824SH-B MGA8024YR-O25(L) 60W/2.2Ω

15 MA7200-2015-N1 CODE 4H300D3340007 4H300D1440004S1 3H300D2350005
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL AFB0824SH-B MGA8024YR-O25(L) 60W/2.2Ω
20 MA7200-2020-N1 CODE 4H300D3340007 4H300D1440004S1 3H300D2350005
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL PMD2408PMB1-A MGA8024XB-O38 KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/120Ω
25 MA7200-2025-N1 CODE 4H300D6040004
4H300D6060021 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4880
Q’TY 2 1 1
KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/120Ω
30 MA7200-2030-N1 CODE 4H300D6040004 4H300D6060021 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4880
Q’TY 2 1 1
KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/120Ω
4H300D5790000S 4H300D606002
40 MA7200-2040-N1 CODE 4H300D6040004 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4880
1 1
Q’TY 2 1 1

Table B.1.3 - 230V Class (NEMA1): Relay, DCCT, Capacitor and Digital Operator
Relay DCCT Capacitor

MODEL 0Z-SS-112LM LX-7.5 TB-7.5 330uF/400V JNEP-36A

1 MA7200-2001-N1 CODE 271608055 3K3A2468 4M903D1030029S1 3K3A1868 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 2 3 1
MODEL 0Z-SS-112LM HY-10P TB-10 330uF/400V JNEP-36A
2 MA7200-2002-N1 CODE 271608055 273014331 273014332S1 3K3A1868 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 2 4 1
MODEL SY-15T TK15 470uF/400v JNEP-36A
3 MA7200-2003-N1 CODE 4M903D03000
271608969 3M903D1420001 3M903D1420001S1 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 4 1


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 230V Class (NEMA1) 1– 40 HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.1.3 - 230V Class (NEMA1): Relay, DCCT, Capacitor and Digital Operator (Cont.)
Relay DCCT Capacitor
MODEL SY-25T2 TK25 470uF/400v JNEP-36A
5 MA7200-2005-N1 CODE 271608969 3M903D3860009 3M903D3860009S1 4M903D0300022 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 4 1
MODEL HY37-P TC-37.5A 1500uF/400V JNEP-36A
7.5 MA7200-2007-N1 CODE 271608977 4M903D1020015 4M903D1020015S1 4M903D0310010 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL HY50-P TC-50A 1800uF/400V JNEP-36A
10 MA7200-2010-N1 CODE 271608977 4M903D1020023 4M903D1020023S1 4M903D0310010 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL G7J-4A-B-DC24V HC-PT075V4B15 TP75 3300uF/400V JNEP-36A
15 MA7200-2015-N1 CODE 3K3A2390 3M903D4030034 3M903D4030034S1 4M903D0310061 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL G7J-4A-B-DC24V HC-PT100V4B15 TP100 4400uF/400V JNEP-36A
20 MA7200-2020-N1 CODE 3K3A2390 3M903D4030042 3M903D4030042S1 4M903D0310052 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS L08P150D15 TD 150A 400V/6800uF JNEP-36A
25 MA7200-2025-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4M903D3960031 4M903D4390034S1 4M903D4110007 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS CT/Board CAP./Board JNEP-36A
30 MA7200-2030-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4P108C00800A2 4P108C0050008 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS CT/Board CAP./Board JNEP-36A
40 MA7200-2040-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4P108C0090000 4P108C0060003 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 230V Class (NEMA1) 1– 40 HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

B.2 - 460V Class (NEMA1)

Table B.2.1 460V Class (NEMA1): Control Board, Power Board, Power Module and Diode Module
INVERTER & PARTS NAME Control PC Power Power Module
Diode Module

MODEL - - FP10R12NT3
1 MA7200-4001-N1 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C0250002 4LB34D001S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - - FP10R12NT3
2 MA7200-4002-N1 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C02500A1 4LB34D001S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
3 MA7200-4003-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0240007 277830159
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - - MUBW15-12A7
5 MA7200-4005-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C02400A5 277830167
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - 31NAB12 6RI30G-160
7.5 MA7200-4007-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0110006 277830621 277191067
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
MODEL - 31NAB12 6RI30G-160
10 MA7200-4010-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0110006 277830621 277191067
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
MODEL - 7MBP75RA120 DF75AA160
15 MA7200-4015-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0150008 277831538 277192128
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - 7MBP75RA120 DF75AA160
20 MA7200-4020-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0150016 277831538 277192128
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
25 MA7200-4025-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0330006 277830094 277112337
Q’TY 1 1 1 3
30 MA7200-4030-N1 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C03300A4 277830108 277112337
Q’TY 1 1 1 3


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 460V Class (NEMA1) 1- 75HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.2.1 - 460V Class (NEMA1): Control Board, Power Board, Power Module and Diode Module (Cont.)
INVERTER & PARTS NAME Control PC Power Power Module
Diode Module

MODEL - CM150DY-24A SKKH72/16E

40 MA7200-4040-N1 CODE 4H300D6750028 4P106C0400007 277810328 277112337
Q’TY 1 1 3 3
MODEL - CM200DY-24A SKKH106/16E
50 MA7200-4050-N1 CODE 4H300D6750028 4P106C0400007 277810336 277112302
Q’TY 1 1 3 3
MODEL - SKM400GB128D SKKH106/16E
60 MA7200-4060-N1 CODE 4H300D6750028 4P106C0410000 4KA32X047S01 277112302
Q’TY 1 1 3 3
MODEL - SKM400GB128D SKKH106/16E
75 MA7200-4075-N1 CODE 4H300D6750028 4P106C0410000 4KA32X047S01 277112302
Q’TY 1 1 3 3
*1: Previous versions, Code No is; 4P101C0040001.
*2: Previous versions, Code No is; 4P101C0060002.

Table B.2.2 - 430V Class (NEMA1): Cooling Fan and Braking Resistor
Cooling Fan Resistor
MODEL KD1204PFBX MGA4012YR-A10(L) 5W/40Ω
1 MA7200-4001-N1 CODE 4M903D0880002 4M903D0880002S2 3M112Z0010006
Q’TY 1 2
MODEL KD1204PFBX MGA4012YR-A10(L) 5W/40Ω
2 MA7200-4002-N1 CODE 4M903D0880002 4M903D0880002S2 3M112Z0010006
Q’TY 1 2
MODEL AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L) 8W/120Ω
3 MA7200-4003-N1 CODE 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190012S2 4M903D0180060
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L) 8W/120Ω
5 MA7200-4005-N1 CODE 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190012S2 4M903D0180060
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL AFB0824SH MGA8024YR-O25(L) 10W/16Ω 10W/16Ω
7.5 MA7200-4007-N1 CODE 4H300D0200000 4H300D0200018S1 2

Q’TY 1 1 1


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 460V Class (NEMA1) 1- 75HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Table B.2.2 - 430V Class (NEMA1): Cooling Fan and Braking Resistor (Cont.)
Cooling Fan Resistor
MODEL AFB0824SH MGA8024YR-O25(L) 10W/16Ω 10W/16Ω
10 CODE 4H300D0200000 4H300D0200018S1 4M903D0190022 4M903D2330026
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL AFB0824SH MGA8024YR-O25(L) 80W/6.2 Ω
15 CODE 4H300D1440004 4H300D1440004S1 3H300D2360001
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL AFB0824SH MGA8024YR-O25(L) 80W/6.2 Ω
20 CODE 4H300D1440004 4H300D1440004S1 3H300D2360001
Q’TY 1 1
MODEL EEB0824EHE MGA8024XB-O38 ASB0624H-B MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/240Ω
MA7200-4025- 4H300D606001
25 CODE 4H300D5590001 4H300D5590001S1
4H300D0190012S2 3K3A4879
Q’TY 2 1 1
MODEL EEB0824EHE MGA8024XB-O38 ASB0624H-B MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/240Ω
MA7200-4030- 4H300D606001
30 CODE 4H300D6050000 4H300D5590001S1
4H300D0190012S2 3K3A4879
Q’TY 2 1 1
KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/240Ω
MA7200-4040- 4H300D606002
40 CODE 4H300D6040004 4H300D5790000S1 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4881
N1 1
Q’TY 2 1 1
KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/240Ω
MA7200-4050- 4H300D606002
50 CODE 4H300D6040004 4H300D5790000S1 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4881
N1 1
Q’TY 2 1 1
KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/240Ω
MA7200-4060- 4H300D606002
60 CODE 4H300D6040004 4H300D5790000S1 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4881
N1 1
Q’TY 2 1 1
KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) 60W/240Ω
MA7200-4075- 4H300D606002
75 CODE 4H300D6040004 4H300D5790000S1 4H300D1060007S1 3K3A4881
N1 1
Q’TY 2 1 1

Table B.2.3 - 460V Class (NEMA1): Relay, DCCT, Capacitor and Digital Operator
Relay DCCT Capacitor OPERATOR
MODEL RT444012 TB5A 4V 330uF/400V JNEP-36A
1 MA7200-4001-N1 CODE 4M903D1040008 4M903D2210012 3K3A1868 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 2 2 1
MODEL RT444012 TB5A 4V 330uF/400V JNEP-36A
2 MA7200-4002-N1 CODE 4M903D1040008 4M903D2210012 3K3A1868 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 2 4 1


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 460V Class (NEMA1) 1- 75HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

B.2.3 - 460V Class (NEMA1): Relay, DCCT, Capacitor and Digital Operator (Cont.)
Relay DCCT Capacitor OPERATOR
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V
TK7.5 330uF/400V JNEP-36A
3 MA7200-4003-N1 CODE 271603711 4M903D2220026 4M903D2220026S1 4M903D0300014 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 4 1
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V
TK12.5 560uF/400V JNEP-36A
5 MA7200-4005-N1 CODE 271603711 4M903D2220042 4M903D2220042S1 4M903D0300031 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 4 1
MODEL 841-S-2A-D-H TC25A 4V 2200uF/400V JNEP-36A
7.5 MA7200-4007-N1 CODE 271608977 4M903D2210063 4M903D0310036 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL 841-S-2A-D-H TC25A 4V 2200uF/400V JNEP-36A
10 MA7200-4010-N1 CODE 271608977 4M903D2210063 4M903D0310036 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
TP37.5 3300uF/400V JNEP-36A
15 MA7200-4015-N1 CODE 3K3A2390 3M903D4030018 3M903D4030018S1 4M903D0310061 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL G7J-4A-B-DC24V HC-PT050V4B15 TP50 4400uF/400V JNEP-36A
20 MA7200-4020-N1 CODE 3K3A2390 3M903D4030026 3M903D4030026S1 4M903D0310052 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS L08P075D15 TD75A 400V/6800uF JNEP-36A
25 MA7200-4025-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4M903D3960015 4M903D4390018S1 4M903D4110007 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS L08P100D15 TD100A 400V/6800uF JNEP-36A
30 MA7200-4030-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4M903D3960023 4M903D4390026S1 4M903D4110007 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS CT/Board CAP./Board JNEP-36A
40 MA7200-4040-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4P108C0080004 4P108C0040002 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS CT/Board CAP./Board JNEP-36A
50 MA7200-4050-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4P108C00800A2 4P108C00400A1 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS CT/Board CAP./Board JNEP-36A
60 MA7200-4060-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4P108C0100005 4P108C0020001 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1
MODEL 942H-2C-24-DS CT/Board CAP./Board JNEP-36A
75 MA7200-4075-N1 CODE 4M903D2800006 4P108C0100005 4P108C00200A0 4KA93X030T01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 460V Class (NEMA1) 1- 75HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

B.3 - 230V Class (NEMA 4)

Table B.3.1 - 230V Class (NEMA 4): Control Board, Power Board, Rectifier Board, Transistor and Cover Ass’y
Control Rectifier Main Circuit Cover
Power Board
PC Board Board Transistor Ass’y
MODEL - - - FP15R06W1E3 -
1 MA7200-2001-N4 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C01600A1 - 4LA32X025S01 4LA41X371S01
Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1
MODEL - - - FP15R06W1E3 -
2 MA7200-2002-N4 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C0160003 - 4LA32X025S01 4LA41X371S01
Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP50RA060 -
3 MA7200-2003-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022
- 277831660 4LA41X371S01

Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1

MODEL - - - 7MBP50RA060 -
5 MA7200-2005-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022
- 277831660 4LA41X371S01

Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1

MODEL - - - 7MBP50RA060 -
7.5 MA7200-2007-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C01500C2 4P106C0480008 277831660 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP75RA060 -
10 MA7200-2010-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C01500D1 4P106C0480008 277831678 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP100RTA060 -
15 MA7200-2015-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C01500A6 4P106C0470002
1 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP160RTA060 -
20 MA7200-2020-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C01500B4 4P106C0470002 277831708 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 230V Class (NEMA 4) 1- 20HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.3.2 - 230V Class (NEMA 4): Main Diode, Cooling Fans, and Digital Operator
Cooling Fan Cooling Fan Digital
( inside ) ( outside ) Operator
1 MA7200-2001-N4 CODE - 4KA66X015T01 4M903D0880002S2 - 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY - 1 - 1
2 MA7200-2002-N4 CODE - 4KA66X015T01 4M903D0880002S2 - 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY - 1 - 1
MODEL DB35-16 AD0424HB-G70(T) MGA4024XS-O10(L) KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) JNEP-36A

3 MA7200-2003-N4 CODE 4M903D4410001 4M903D4630001 4KA66X022S01 4M903D4640006 4M903D4640006S1 4P303C00100B7

Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL DB35-16 AD0424HB-G70(T) MGA4024XS-O10(L) KD2406PTB1 MGA6024XR-O25(L) JNEP-36A

5 MA7200-2005-N4 CODE 4M903D4410001 4M903D4630001 4KA66X022S01 4M903D4640006 4M903D4640006S1 4P303C00100B7

Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL VVZ 70-16 AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L)
MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
7.5 MA7200-2007-N4 CODE 277111331 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL VVZ 70-16 AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L)
MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
10 MA7200-2010-N4 CODE 277111331 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL VVZ110-12 AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L)
MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
15 MA7200-2015-N4 CODE 277111322 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MODEL VVZ175-12 AFB0624H MGA6024XR-O25(L)
MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
20 MA7200-2020-N4 CODE 277111314 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 230V Class (NEMA 4) 1- 20HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
B.4 - 460V Class (NEMA 4)

Table B.4.1 - 460V Class (NEMA 4): Control Board, Power Board, Rectifier Board, Transistor and Cover Ass’y
Control Rectifier Main Circuit Cover
Power Board
PC Board Board Transistor Assy

MODEL - - - FP10R12NT3 -
1 MA7200-4001-N4 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C0250002 - 4LB34D001S01 4LA41X371S01
Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1
MODEL - - - FP10R12NT3 -
2 MA7200-4002-N4 CODE 4H300D6730027 4P106C02500A1 - 4LB34D001S01 4LA41X371S01
Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP25RA120 -
3 MA7200-4003-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 - 277831716 4LA41X371S01
Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP25RA120 -
5 MA7200-4005-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 - 277831716 4LA41X371S01
Q’TY 1 1 - 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP50RA120 -
7.5 MA7200-4007-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0150032 4P106C0460007 277831686 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP50RA120 -
10 MA7200-4010-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0150032 4P106C0460007 277831686 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP75RA120 -
15 MA7200-4015-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0150024 4P106C0450001 277831538 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1
MODEL - - - 7MBP75RA120 -
20 MA7200-4020-N4 CODE 4H300D6740022 4P106C0150032 4P106C0450001 277831538 4LA41X372S01
Q’TY 1 1 1 1 1

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 460V Class (NEMA 4) 1- 20HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.4.2 - 460V Class (NEMA 4): Main Diode, Cooling Fans, and Digital Operator
Cooling Fan Cooling Fan Digital
( inside ) ( outside ) Operator

1 MA7200-4001-N4 CODE - 4KA66X015T01 4M903D0880002S2 - 4P303C00100B7

Q’TY - 1 - 1

2 MA7200-4002-N4 CODE - 4KA66X015T01 4M903D0880002S2 - 4P303C00100B7

Q’TY - 1 - 1
MGA4024XS- MGA6024XR-
MODEL DB35-16 AD0424HB-G70(T) KD2406PTB1 JNEP-36A
O10(L) O25(L)
3 MA7200-4003-N4 CODE 4M903D4410001 4M903D4630001 4KA66X022S01 4M903D4640006 4M903D4640006S1 4P303C00100B7

Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MGA4024XS- MGA6024XR-
MODEL DB35-16 AD0424HB-G70(T) KD2406PTB1 JNEP-36A
O10(L) O25(L)
5 MA7200-4005-N4 CODE 4M903D4410001 4M903D4630001 4KA66X022S01 4M903D4640006 4M903D4640006S1 4P303C00100B7

Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MGA6024XR- PMD2408PMB1-
MODEL VVZ40-16 AFB0624H MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
O25(L) A(2)I55
7.5 MA7200-4007-N4 CODE 27711349 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MGA6024XR- PMD2408PMB1-
MODEL VVZ40-16 AFB0624H MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
O25(L) A(2)I55
10 MA7200-4010-N4 CODE 27711349 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MGA6024XR- PMD2408PMB1-
MODEL VVZ 70-16 AFB0624H MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
O25(L) A(2)I55
15 MA7200-4015-N4 CODE 277111331 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1
MGA6024XR- PMD2408PMB1-
MODEL VVZ 70-16 AFB0624H MGA8024XB-O38 JNEP-36A
O25(L) A(2)I55
20 MA7200-4020-N4 CODE 277111331 4H300D0190004 4H300D0190004S2 4M903D4730005 4M903D4730005S1 4P303C00100B7
Q’TY 1 1 2 1

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 460V Class (NEMA 4) 1- 20HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

B.5 - 575V Class (NEMA1)

Table B.5.1 - 575V Class (NEMA1): Control Board, Power Board, Power Module and Diode Module

MODEL - - 7MBR10SA-140
1 MA7200-5001-N1 CODE 4LA41X258S01 4LA41X278S01 4LA32D019S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - - 7MBR10SA-140
2 MA7200-5002-N1 CODE 4LA41X258S01 4LA41X279S01 4LA32D019S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - 7MBR10SA-140
3 MA7200-5003-N1 CODE 4LA41X258S01 4LA41X280S01 4LA32D019S01
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - - 7MBR15SA-140
5 MA7200-5005-N1 CODE 4LA41X258S01 4LA41X227S01 3K3A2834
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - 7MBR25SA-140
7.5 MA7200-5007-N1 CODE 4LA41X258S01 4LA41X228S01 3K3A2835
Q’TY 1 1 1
MODEL - 7MBR25SA-140
10 MA7200-5010-N1 CODE 4LA41X258S01 4LA41X229S01 3K3A2835
Q’TY 1 1 1

Table B.5.2 - 575V Class (NEMA1): Cooling Fan and Braking Resistor
MODEL AFB0624H 8W/120Ω
1 MA7200-5001-N1 CODE 4H300D0190004 4M903D0180060
Q’TY 1 2
MODEL AFB0624H 8W/120Ω
2 MA7200-5002-N1 CODE 4H300D0190004 4M903D0180060
Q’TY 1 2
MODEL AFB0624H 8W/120Ω
3 MA7200-5003-N1 CODE 4H300D0190004 4M903D0180060
Q’TY 1 2
5 MA7200-5005-N1 CODE 4H300D0200000 3K3A1923
Q’TY 1 2

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 575V Class (NEMA 1) 1- 10HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table B.5.2 - 575V Class (NEMA1): Cooling Fan and Braking Resistor (Cont.)
7.5 MA7200-5007-N1 CODE 4H300D0200000 3K3A1923
Q’TY 1 2
10 MA7200-5010-N1 CODE 4H300D0200000 3K3A1923
Q’TY 1 2

Table B.5.3 – 575V Class (NEMA1): Relay, DCCT, Capacitor and Digital Operator
Relay DCCT Capacitor OPERATOR
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V TK5A 4V 120uF/500V JNEP-36
1 MA7200-5001-N1 CODE 271603711 4LA65D009S01 4LA11D003S01 4H300C0050000
Q’TY 1 3 4 1
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V TK5A 4V 120uF/500V JNEP-36
2 MA7200-5002-N1 CODE 271603711 4LA65D009S01 4LA11D003S01 4H300C0050000
Q’TY 1 3 4 1
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V TK5A 4V 120uF/500V JNEP-36
3 MA7200-5003-N1 CODE 271603711 4LA65D009S01 4LA11D003S01 4H300C0050000
Q’TY 1 3 6 1
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V TA10A4V FX22H122ID JNEP-36
5 MA7200-5005-N1 CODE 271603711 3K3A2826 3K3A4841 4H300C0050000 *1
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V TA17.5A 4V FX22H122ID JNEP-36
7.5 MA7200-5007-N1 CODE 271603711 4LA65D026S01 3K3A4841 4H300C0050000
Q’TY 1 3 2 1
MODEL 953-1A-24DG-DC24V TA17.5A 4V FX22H122ID JNEP-36
10 MA7200-5010-N1 CODE 271603711 4LA65D026S01 3K3A4841 4H300C0050000
Q’TY 1 3 2 1

*1: Previous versions, code no. is 4H300C0020003 (JNEP-31V).

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix B Spare Parts - 575V Class (NEMA 1) 1- 10HP
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
Appendix C - Inverter Parameter Setting List

Customer: MA7200 PLUS Model No.


An Bn Cn

Para Setting Para Setting Para Setting Para Setting Para Setting
An-01 Bn-01 Bn-17 Bn-41 Cn-01
An-02 Bn-02 Bn-18 Bn-42 Cn-02
An-03 Bn-03 Bn-19 Bn-43 Cn-03
An-04 Bn-04 Bn-20 Bn-44 Cn-04
An-05 Bn-05 Bn-15 Bn-45 Cn-05
An-06 Bn-06 Bn-16 Bn-46 Cn-06
An-07 Bn-07 Bn-17 Cn-07
An-08 Bn-08 Bn-18 Cn-08
An-09 Bn-09 Bn-19 Cn-09
An-10 Bn-10 Bn-20 Cn-10
An-11 Bn-11 Bn-15 Cn-11
An-12 Bn-12 Bn-16 Cn-12
An-13 Bn-13 Bn-17 Cn-13
An-14 Bn-14 Bn-18 Cn-14
An-15 Bn-15 Bn-19 Cn-15
An-16 Bn-16 Bn-20 Cn-16
An-17 Bn-17 Bn-21 Cn-17
Bn-18 Bn-22 Cn-18
Bn-19 Bn-23 Cn-19
Bn-20 Bn-24 Cn-20
Bn-01 Bn-25 Cn-21
Bn-02 Bn-26 Cn-22
Bn-03 Bn-27 Cn-23
Bn-04 Bn-28 Cn-24
Bn-05 Bn-29 Cn-25
Bn-06 Bn-30 Cn-26
Bn-07 Bn-31 Cn-27
Bn-08 Bn-32 Cn-28
Bn-09 Bn-33 Cn-29
Bn-10 Bn-34 Cn-30
Bn-11 Bn-35 Cn-31
Bn-12 Bn-36 Cn-32
Bn-13 Bn-37 Cn-33
Bn-14 Bn-38 Cn-34
Bn-15 Bn-39 Cn-35
Bn-16 Bn-40 Cn-36

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix C- Inverter Parameter Setting List

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Cn Sn P Un

Para Setting Para Setting Para Setting Para Setting Monitor Setting
Cn-37 Sn-03 Sn-39 P1-01 Un-01
Cn-38 Sn-04 Sn-40 P1-02 Un-02
Cn-39 Sn-05 Sn-41 P1-03 Un-03
Cn-40 Sn-06 Sn-42 P1-04 Un-04
Cn-41 Sn-07 Sn-43 P1-05 Un-05
Cn-42 Sn-08 Sn-44 P1-06 Un-06
Cn-43 Sn-09 Sn-45 P1-07 Un-07
Cn-44 Sn-10 Sn-46 P1-08 Un-08
Cn-45 Sn-11 Sn-47 P1-09 Un-09
Cn-46 Sn-12 Sn-48 P1-10 Un-10
Cn-47 Sn-13 Sn-49 P2-01 Un-11
Cn-48 Sn-14 Sn-50 P2-02 Un-12
Cn-49 Sn-15 Sn-51 P2-03 Un-13
Cn-50 Sn-10 Sn-52 P2-04 Un-14
Cn-51 Sn-11 Sn-53 P2-05 Un-15
Cn-52 Sn-12 Sn-54 P2-06 Un-16
Cn-53 Sn-13 Sn-55 P2-07 Un-17
Cn-54 Sn-14 Sn-56 P2-08 Un-18
Cn-55 Sn-15 Sn-57 P2-09 Un-19
Cn-56 Sn-16 Sn-58 P2-10 Un-20
Cn-57 Sn-17 Sn-59 P3-01 Un-21
Cn-58 Sn-18 Sn-60 P3-02 Un-22
Cn-59 Sn-19 Sn-61 P3-03 Un-23
Cn-60 Sn-20 Sn-62 P3-04 Un-24
Cn-61 Sn-21 Sn-63 P3-05 Un-25
Cn-62 Sn-22 Sn-64 P3-06 Un-26
Cn-63 Sn-23 Sn-65 P3-07 Un-27
Cn-64 Sn-24 Sn-66 P3-08 Un-28
Cn-65 Sn-25 Sn-67 P3-09 Un-29
Sn-26 Sn-68 P3-10 Un-30
Sn-27 Sn-69 P3-11 Un-31
Sn-28 Sn-70 P3-12 Un-32
Sn-29 P3-13 Un-33
Sn-30 P3-14 Un-34
Sn-31 P3-15
Sn-32 P3-16
Sn-33 P4-01
Sn-34 P4-02
Sn-35 P4-03
Sn-36 P4-04
Sn-37 P4-05
Sn-38 P5-01

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Appendix C- Inverter Parameter Setting List Cont.
MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

APP-1 PID Application Note

The PID control (loop) serves to maintain a given process within certain limits whether it be, pressure, flow etc. To do this
a feedback signal representing the actual process value is compared to a set-point, the desired process value, and the
difference becomes the error signal for the PID control. The PID control then responds by trying to minimize this error.
How small the difference becomes is dependent upon the value of the Proportional Gain set by parameter Bn-17(P-gain).
The greater the gain, the lower the difference becomes. However, in any system as the gain is increased there is a point
that the system may become unstable (oscillate). To correct this instability, the response time of the system can be
adjusted by using parameter Bn-18 (Integral Time) to slow the response and / or Bn-17 (Derivative Time) to increase the
response. However slowing the system down too much may be unsatisfactory for the process and too high a response
can result in instability. The end result is that these parameters in conjunction with parameters Bn-01 (acceleration) and
Bn-02 (deceleration) times are adjusted to achieve optimum performance for a particular application.

The MA7200 PLUS supports two independent PID loops; a Main PID control and an External PID control. The main PID
control is used for a process that is controlled by the motor. The external PID control may be used to regulate an external
function such as temperature, using the inverter output terminal AO1 or AO2. Both PID loops can be used simultaneously
but there are certain parameters that are common to both that must be assigned to one or the other. This is covered in
detail later in this application note.

1.0 Main PID Control

1.1 PID Parameters

The following tables, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 below show the various parameters used in the PID function.

Table 1.1.1 PID Parameters

Parameter Name and LCD display Setting Factory
Function Setting range
No. Description (English) Unit Setting
Bn-16= 01.00
Bn-16 PID Detection Gain 0.01-10.00 0.01 1
PID Cmd. Gain
PID Proportional Bn-17= 01.00
Bn-17 0.01-10.00 0.01 1
Gain PID P_gain
Bn-18= 10.00s
Bn-18 PID integral time 0.00 -100.00s 0.01s 10.00s
PID I_Time
Bn-19= 0.00s
Bn-19 PID Differential Time 0 -1.00s 0.01s 0.00s
Setting PID D_Time
of PID Bn-20= 0%
Bn-20 PID Bias 0 -109% 1% 0%
Control PID Bias
Parameter PID Integral Upper Cn-55= 100%
Cn-55 0 -109% 1% 100%
Bound PID I-Upper
PID Primary Delay Cn-56= 0.0s
Cn-56 0.0 - 2.5s 0.1s 0.0s
Time Constant PID Filter
PID Target Upper Cn-64 = 100%
Cn-64 0 - 100% 1% 100%
Limit PID Target U_Limit
PID Target Lower Cn-65 = 0%
Cn-65 0 - 100% 1% 0%
Limit PID Target L_Limit


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 1.1.1 PID Parameters (Cont.)

Parameter Name and LCD display Setting Factory
Setting range
Function No. Description (English) Unit Setting
Frequency Sn-05= 0
Target Sn-05 0-3 1 0
Command Selection Ref. Cmd. Operator
Sn-24= 0
Feedback Sn-24 External Analog Input 0-3 1 0
-Cmd. VIN
Un-15= 100%
Un-15 PID Control Input - 0.1% -
PID Input
Un-16= 100%
Un-16 PID Control Output 1 - 0.1% -
PID PID Output1
Monitor Un-17= 00%
Un-17 PID Control Output 2 - 0.1% -
PID Output2
PID Feedback Un-34= 00000
Un-34 - 0 -
Display PID Feedback

Table1.1.2 PID Parameters

Function Name Description
PID Multi-Function Output
Sn-25 -
Integral (RA-RB-RC, DO1, DO2) 14: PID Integral Reset
Reset Function Selection
Multi-Function Output
PID Sn-25 -
(RA-RB-RC, DO1, DO2) 15: PID Invalid
Invalid Sn-28
Function Selection
Multi-Function Output
PID Sn-25 - 30: PID Invalid, An-16 is used as frequency
(RA-RB-RC, DO1, DO2)
Invalid 2 Sn-28 command
Function Selection
PID 9: Use terminal AUX as PID Target if Sn-05 = 1
Multi-Function Analog Input (AUX)
Target Sn-29 others : Use terminal VIN as PID Target if
Function Selection
Selection Sn-05 = 1

Some parameters have been developed mainly for fan and pump application functions as shown below and are
covered in detail in application note App-2.
 Scaled PID Feedback Signal and Engineering Units.
 PID Sleep Function.
 Over Feedback Detection for PID Feedback Signal.
 Low Feedback Detection for PID Feedback Signal.
 Low Suction Detection Function.

1.2 PID Inputs

 When the PID function is enabled, the frequency command is used as PID Set-point (target). The PID feedback
signal is a combination signals from terminals AIN and terminal VIN, depending on the setting of Sn-24 (external
analog input). If multi-step speed reference 1 - 4 (set by Sn-25 - 28) is not set, the PID set-point (target) may come
from keypad, terminal AUX or VIN, RS-485 communication or pulse input.
 The following Tables 1.2.1a and 1.2.1b is a list of the settings for the source of the PID set-point and PID
feedback. Fig.1.2.1 shows the PID input wiring diagram.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 1.2.1a PID Target Source

Sn-05 Sn-29 PID Target Available setting for Sn-24

0 - From Keypad 0, 1, 2, 3
9 From Terminal AUX (0-10V / 0 -100%) 0, 1, 2, 3
else From Terminal VIN (0-10V / 0 -100%) 1
2 - From RS-485 Communication 0, 1, 2, 3
3 - From Pulse Input 0, 1, 2, 3

Table 1.2.1b PID Feedback Source

Sn-24 PID Feedback Comments

It is not valid if VIN is used as
0 From Terminal VIN (0 -10V / 0 -100%)
PID set-point
1 From Terminal AIN (4 -20mA / 0 -100%)
2 From VIN + AIN It is not valid if VIN is used as
3 From VIN – AIN PID set-point

Fig. 1.2.1 PID input Wiring Diagram.

 An error message “PID Setting Error” will be displayed if all the conditions below are satisfied.
1. The PID function is enabled (Sn-64 = 1 - 8)
2. Sn-05 = 1 and the value of Sn-29 is not 9 (VIN is used as the PID set-point).
3. Sn-24 = 0, 2 or 3 (VIN is also included in the PID feedback).
 Table 1.2.2 below shows the functions affected when setting the PID target / feedback signals.


Function Description
Terminals VIN, AIN and AUX used in main PID function
External PID function
cannot be used for external PID function.
If terminal AUX is used in main PID function, the analog flow
Flow Meter Display (App-2)
meter display function (P4-01 = 1) is not allowed


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 If multi-step speed reference 1- 4 is used, An-02 - An-16 can be selected to be the PID set-point signal as
shown below in Table 1.2.3.

Table 1.2.3

Multi-step Speed Multi-step Speed Multi-step Speed Multi-step Speed

PID Target
4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 An-01 *1
0 0 0 1 An-02
0 0 1 0 An-03
0 0 1 1 An-04
0 1 0 0 An-05
0 1 0 1 An-06
1 1 1 1 An-16
*1-When parameter Sn-05 is not zero, the PID set-point depends on the combination of Sn-05 and Sn-29.

1.3 PID Control Modes

 The PID control function will be disabled if

1. The Auto-Run is set (Sn-40 is nonzero value) or
2. The Forced Run command is set (Sn-25 ~ 28 = 29 and the corresponding digital input is ON) or
3. Frequency UP/DOWN Function (Sn-28 = 28) is set
 The various control modes for PID are listed in the following Table 1.3.1

Table 1.3.1 PID Control Modes

Input of Differential
Characteristic Actual PID Output
Sn-64 Difference
(PID Mode) PID Output
of Target Feedback
Positive Negative PID Output plus Target
and Value
0 PID Unavailable
1 V V V
2 V V V
3 V V V
4 V V V
5 V V V
6 V V V
7 V V V
8 V V V

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Fig. 1.3.1 below shows a block diagram of the PID function with the various parameters used.

Fig. 1.3.1 PID Block Diagram

 Fig.1.3.2 below shows the response of the PID function with a step input.

Set-point (Target)
Detected Value

Proportional Gain
Bn-17 Bn-18

Integral Time

Derivative Time
5 ms
Fig. 1.3.2 Response of PID Function with Step Input


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Deviation = Set-point (Target) value - Detected value  Bn-16 (Detection gain).

 Control output (P) = deviation  Bn-17 (Proportional gain).
 The output of the (I) control block will increase with time (integral) and the output will be equal to the deviation
after time specified by parameter Bn-18 (Integral time).
 The output of the (D) control block depends on the setting of PID parameter Sn-64 and is as follows.

When Sn-64 = 1,3,5 or 7: D control block output = PID error  ( )
5 m sec

When Sn-64 = 2,4,6,or 8: D control block output = PID feedback  ( )
5 m sec

 The parameter Cn-55 (I Upper limit bound) prevents the calculated value of the integral control block from
exceeding a fixed amount. The value is limited to within 0-109% of the maximum output frequency (100%).
Increasing the value of Cn-55 improves integral control. If hunting or speed oscillation cannot be reduced
by decreasing the value of Bn-18 or increasing the value of Cn-56 (PID primary delay constant) , then Cn-55
must be decreased. However, if the setting of Cn-55 is set too small, the output error between the set-point and
the feedback value increases. So the various parameters need to be adjusted to achieve optimum results for a
particular application.
 The parameter Cn-56 is a low-pass (integral) filter setting for the PID control output. If the viscous friction of
the mechanical system is high, or if the rigidity is low, causing the mechanical system to become unstable
(oscillate), increase the setting Cn-56 so that it is higher than the oscillation period. This will decrease the
response time of the system, but it will result in system stability.
 The parameters Cn-64 (PID Target Upper Limit) and Cn-65 (PID Target Lower Limit) limit the value of the PID
set-point (target) signal. The actual frequency command is limited by parameters Cn-18 (Frequency command
upper bound) and Cn-19 (Frequency command lower bound). This is shown in Fig. 1.3.3 below.

PID Set-point (Target)

Limit Soft Start
Cn-64 & Cn-65
Function PID Freq. Output
Output Cmd. Frequency
PID Feedback
Fig. 1.3.3 Cn-64 & Cn-65 and Cn-18 & Cn-19 Limits

1.4 PID Control Functions Using the Multi-function Input Terminals

Table.1.4.1 below lists of the settings for multi-function inputs (Sn-25 to Sn-28) for the PID function.

Table 1.4.1 Multi-function Input Settings for Parameters Sn-25 to Sn-28

Sn-25 to Sn-28
Function Description
14 PID integration reset ON: Reset PID integration
15 PID control invalid ON: PID control not effective
ON: PID control not effective, using An-16
30 PID control invalid 2
as frequency command

 PID Integral Reset (Setting: 14).

The integral can be reset to zero through one of the multi-function input terminals - (Sn-25 to 28 = 14).

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 PID Control Invalid (Setting: 15)

 PID Control Invalid 2 (Setting: 30)

OFF PID control valid (close-loop)

ON PID control invalid (open-loop)
1- If the PID function is enabled (Sn-64≠ 0), the setting can be used to disable PID function. It is often
Used in the changeover of test run.
2- When the PID function is disabled (PID control invalid is “ON”), an open-loop operation or jog operation
can be performed for system testing. The system can then be changed to PID control.
3- Setting Sn-25 – 28 = 15 disables the PID function and sets the previous PID target as the frequency
4- Setting Sn-25 – 28 = 30 disables the PID function and sets parameter An-16 as the frequency
5- Table1.4.2 below shows a list of the frequency command sources available while the PID function
is invalid.

Table 1.4.2
Frequency Command Source with PID control invalid
Sn-05 Sn-29
Sn-25 - 28 = 15 Sn-25 - 28 = 30
0 - From Keypad
9 From Terminal AUX (0 -10V / 0 -100%)
1 Other
From Terminal VIN (0 -10V / 0 -100%) An-16
2 - From RS-485 Communication
3 - From Pulse Input

6- If both PID control invalid (Sn-25 - 28 = 15 and 30) are set, PID control invalid 2 (30) has the priority.

1.5 Adjusting the PID Control Functions

The following procedure can be used to initially set up the PID loop and then adjustments can be made while
monitoring the response.

1- Enable PID control by setting Sn-64 = 1 to 8 (select for the application)

2- Adjust the Proportional Gain Bn-17 until continuous oscillations in the Controlled Variable are at a
3- Adjust the Integral Time Bn-18 so that the steady-state error will approach zero. The time should be
adjusted so that a minimal error is attained as fast as possible without making the system oscillate.
4- If necessary, adjust Derivative Time Bn-19 to reduce overshoot during acceleration. Parameters
Bn-01 (Acceleration time) and Bn-02 (Deceleration time) may also be adjusted for this purpose.
All of these parameters are interactive, and will need to be adjusted until the control loop is properly
Set so that stability is achieved with minimal steady-state error. A general procedure for adjusting these
parameters is as follows:

 Reducing Overshoot
If overshoot occurs, decrease the derivative time (D) and lengthen the integral time (I).


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Rapid Stabilization
To rapidly stabilize the control conditions even when overshooting occurs, shorten the
integral time (I) and lengthen the derivative time (D).

 Reducing Long-Cycle Oscillation

If oscillation occurs with a longer cycle than the integral time (I) setting, then increase the integral
time (I).


Increase (I) Bn-18

 Reducing Short-Cycle Oscillation

If the oscillation cycle is short and it is approximately the same as the derivative time (D) setting, then
reduce the derivative time (D). If the oscillation still exists after setting the derivative time (D) to 0.00,
then either decrease the proportional gain (P) or increase the PID primary delay time constant.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 Main PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.0 External PID Control

2.1 External PID Parameters
Many of the principles described in the implementation of the main PID loop can also be applied to the external PID
loop with the main difference being the controlling parameters. Also some parameters are common to both loops and
must be treated in accordance with Sec. 2.3.
The following Tables, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 show the various parameters used in the External PID function.

Table 2.1.1 External PID Parameters (Input and Output Terminals)

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
0: Ext. PID Invalid
1: Ext. PID, AO1
P1-06 output 0 NO 0x0605
Ext. PID Function
2: Ext. PID, AO2
0: Set Point
P1-07 1: Terminal VIN
P1-07 0 NO 0x0606
Ext. PID Set Source 2: Terminal AIN
3: Terminal AUX
4: Set Point RS-485
1: Feedback Term.
P1-08 2: Feedback Term.
P1-08 3 NO 0x0607
Ext. PID Fbk. Source AIN
3: Feedback Term.
18: External PID Set Point
Multi-Function Analog
(Set Automatically while P1-07 = 3)
Sn-29 Input (AUX) Function
19: External PID Feedback
(Set Automatically while P1-08 = 3)
Multi-Function Analog
Sn-33 14: External PID Output 2
Output (AO1, AO2)
- Sn-34 (Set Automatically when P1-06 = 1 or 2)
Function Selection

 External PID Function P1-06, is used to activate the external PID function and to set output terminal AO1or
AO2 to external PID output signal.
0: External PID Disabled
1: External PID Enabled. Terminal AO1 is the output signal of the external PID function.
2: External PID Enabled. Terminal AO2 is the output signal of the external PID function.
 External PID Function is enabled when P1-06 is set to a nonzero value and the inverter is in the DRIVE mode,
independent of the RUN / STOP status of the inverter.

 If the External PID Function P1-06 is set to select output AO1 or AO2, the corresponding
parameter Sn-33 or Sn-34 will be set to = 14 (Ext. Output 2) automatically, and cannot
be changed until P1-06 is set = 0 (Invalid).
 External PID Set Point Source P1-07 and External PID Feedback Source P1-08, are used to select the input
source of the set point and feedback of the external PID function as shown in the following Table 2.1.2


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 External PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 2.1.2 External PID Parameters P-07 and P1-08

Parameter P1-07 Parameter P1-08
(External PID Set Point Source) (External PID Feedback Source)

0 Keypad (Parameter P2-05) --------

1 Terminal VIN Terminal VIN
2 Terminal AIN Terminal AIN
3 Terminal AUX Terminal AUX
RS-485 Communication
4 --------
(0x0009, 1000/100.0%)

 If P1-07 and P1-08 are set to the same source, the "Ext PID Setting Error" message will be displayed.
 Generally, each of the analog input terminals AIN (0/4-20mA), VIN (0-10V), and AUX (0-10V), can be used for
the following provided that certain conditions are met :
1- Frequency Command Source, when Sn-05=1
2- Main PID function, when SN-64=1 for both set point and feedback.
3- External PID, when P1-06= 1 or 2 for both set point and feedback.

When selected by a given function, that analog input is not available for any other function, and must be
considered when planning for a particular application. If any of the unavailable terminals are selected as the
External PID Function set point or feedback source, an "Ext PID Setting Error" message will occur.

Table 2.1.3 External PID Parameters (Gain Setting and Monitor)

Parameter Factory Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range
No. Setting Operation Address
P1-09 1 - 100% 100% NO 0x0608
Ext. PID I Limit
P1-10 0.0 - 2.5s 0.0s NO 0x0609
Ext. PID Filter
P2-05 0.0 - 100.0% 0.0% YES 0x0704
Ext. PID Set Point
P2-06 0.01 - 10.00 1.00 YES 0x0705
Ext. PID Fbk. Gain
P2-07 0.01 - 10.00 1.00 YES 0x0706
Ext. PID P Gain
P2-08 0.00 - 100.00 s 10.00 s YES 0x0707
Ext. PID I Time
P2-09 0.00 - 1.00s 1.00 s YES 0x0708
Ext. PID D Time
P2-10 -100 -100% 0% YES 0x0709
Ext. PID Bias


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 External PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 2.1.3 External PID Parameters (Gain Setting and Monitor) Cont.
Parameter Factory Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range
No. Setting Operation Address
Un-42 ---- ---- ---- 0x0048
Ext. PID Feedback
Un-43 ---- ---- ---- 0x0049
Ext. PID Input
Un-44 ---- ---- ---- 0x004A
Ext. PID Output
Un-45 ---- ---- ---- 0x004B
Ext. PID Output 2
Multi-Function Input
Sn-25 31: External PID Invalid
Terminal 5, 6, 7,8
- Sn-28 32: External PID Integrator Reset
Function Selection
Multi-Function Analog
Sn-33 12: External PID Input
Output (AO1, AO2)
- Sn-34 13: External PID Output
Function Selection

2.2 External PID Block Diagram

The following Fig. 2.2.1 shows a block diagram for the external PID function

Set Point
0 – 100% (Offset)
P1-07 P2-07 P2-10
0 – Keypad (P Gain) Limit Limit
P2-05 Integral Limit (+/- 100 %) (0 - 100 %)
% value set by
1 - VIN P2-08 Filter P1-06
2 - AIN (I Time) 0 – PID Disable
3 - AUX 1 – AO1
4 - RS485 P1-09 P1-10 2 – AO2
P1-08 P2-06 (D Time)
Ext PID Input Ext PID Output Ext PID Output 2
1 - VIN Feedback (Un-43)
2 - AIN Gain (Un-44) (Un-45)
3 - AUX
Feedback Ext PID Feedback
Source (Un-42)

Fig. 2.2.1 External PID Block Diagram

 When the External PID Set Point Source P1-07 is set to 0 (keypad), P2-05 is used to set the value of the set
point in percent.
 External PID Feedback Gain P2-06 is used to set the feedback gain for the External PID Feedback Source P1-

Note: If the Set Point Source P1-07 and Feedback Source P1-08 are set to the same input an
ERROR MESSAGE will occur.

 External PID P Gain P2-07 is used to set the proportion gain (01 – 10).


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 External PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 External PID I Time P2-08 is used to set the integral time (0 – 100 sec.). Setting I to= 0, disables the
integral function.
 External PID D Time P2-09 is used to set the differential time (0 – 1 sec.). Setting D to =0, disables the
differential function.
 External PID Bias P2-10 is used to set the offset (-100 to +100%).
 External PID I Limit P1-09 is used to set the integral limit (1 – 100%).
 External PID Filter P1-10 is used to set the filter time constant (0 – 2.5 sec.).
 External PID Feedback Un-42 is used to monitor the feedback of the External PID Function.
 External PID Input, External PID Output 1, and External PID Output 2 are monitored by Un-43, Un-44,
and Un-45 respectively.
 The PID Input and Output 2 can be accessed through Analog Output Terminal AO1 or AO2 by setting the
corresponding parameter Sn-33 and Sn-34 to =12 (External PID Input) or to =13 (External PID Output)
 By setting one of the digital inputs Sn25-28 to =31 (External PID Invalid), the External PID function can be
disabled by activating that input. During the External PID Invalid mode, the PID feedback, Input, Output 1,
and Output 2 are equal to zero.
 By setting one of the digital inputs Sn25-28 to =32 (External PID Integration Reset), the accumulated integration
error can be reset by activating that input.

2.3 Main and External PID Parameter Interaction

As mentioned previously certain parameters are common to both the main PID loop and the external PID loop.
The following Tables, 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 show the various parameters that are available to be used in the
external PID function when the main PID loop is disabled and when the main PID loop is enabled .

Table 2.3.1 Main PID Loop Disabled

Terminals available for external PID while (main) PID is DISABLED (Sn-64 = 0)
Sn-05 Sn-24 Sn-29
Available to Ext. Comment
Setting Setting Setting
VIN (0-10V) is used as the Frequency
AIN (0/4-20mA) is used as the
1 1 VIN, AUX
0 Frequency command
VIN & AIN are used as the Frequency
2 or 3 AUX (0-10V)
0, 2 or 3 ----- VIN, AIN, & AUX -------


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 External PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Table 2.3.2 Main PID Loop Enabled

Terminals available for external PID while (main) PID is ENABLED (Sn-64 ≠ 0)
Sn-05 Sn-24 Sn-29
Available to Ext. Comment
Setting Setting Setting
VIN is used as main PID feedback
0 9* AIN (0/4-20mA)
AUX is used as main PID set point
AIN is used as main PID feedback
9 VIN (0-10V)
AUX is used as main PID set point
1 AIN is used as main PID feedback
≠9 AUX (0-10V)
VIN is used as main PID set point
None VIN and AIN are used as main PID
2 or 3 9* (External PID is feedback
unavailable) AUX is used as main PID set point
0 AIN, AUX VIN is used as main PID feedback
1 VIN, AUX AIN is used as main PID feedback
0, 2, or 3 -----
VIN and AIN are used as main PID
2 or 3 AUX
* Terminal VIN is used as the main PID feedback and Sn-29 must equal 9 to set terminal AUX as the main
PID set point, otherwise an error message will be displayed.
 If the AUX input is selected for use by the External PID Functions (P1-07=3) or (P1-08=3), Sn-29 will be set to
18 (Ext PID Set point) or 19 (Ext PID Feedback) automatically, and can not be edited until input AUX is not
•selected as an External PID Function Source.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-1 External PID Control

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

APP-2 Fan and Pump Application Note

This application note describes the parameters and their application used mainly for fan and pump control although
much of the information can also be applied to other areas of control as well. It also provides the user with information to
enable an initial power-up and operational check in section A-2.17 and in section A-2.18 setting up a simple PID loop.
The reader is also directed to App-1 PID Control as the PID function is integral to fan and pump control.

The following features are provided by the MA7200 PLUS Inverter Series to facilitate the fan and pump application.
 Scaled PID Feedback Signal and Engineering Units.
 Programmable Local/Remote Switch with single key in keypad.
 PID Sleep Function (Sleep based on PID output frequency or digital input, Wake-up based on feedback).
 Load Loss Detection function with programmable shutdown.
 Over Feedback for PID Feedback Signal with programmable shutdown.
 Low Feedback for PID Feedback Signal with programmable shutdown.
 Low Suction Detection function with programmable shutdown and restart.
 Flow Meter Display (Input via analog input or pulse train).
 Power Meter, kWh Meter, and Energy Cost Usage.

Each of the parameters affecting the above listed features will be described in some detail. Although the parameters
covered herein are mainly for fan and pump applications, they can be used in other applications as well.

As can be seen, the features listed mainly have to do with closed loop PID operations, although display functions and
energy monitoring are also covered. There are two PID loops available, the main PID loop and the external PID loop
and the reader is directed to application note App-1 PID Control for an in depth treatment of these functions. The main
PID loop is used for applications directly affecting the operation of the inverter with the motor and is used for fan and
pump control. The external PID loop, is available to control a non-drive function and will not be covered in this note.

Sections A-2.1 and A-2.2 summarize the P parameters that were developed mainly for fan and pump applications.

Sections A-2.11 to A-2.16 show block diagrams and control wiring diagrams for the 1 - 2 HP and 3 - 75 HP inverters.
These diagrams are used to show the terminal connections and are referred to in the various sections of this note.

Section A-2.17 covers the initial drive start up. It will allow the user to get the motor up and running and to set certain
parameters through the keypad.

In Section A-2.18, a step by step example for a simple PID loop will be given. This will familiarize the user with the
implementation of some of the parameters covered in Sections A-2.1 and A-2.2. The parameters will be set via the
keypad which will give the user some familiarity with keypad navigation. Although the parameters and control of the
inverter can also be set via serial communication, it is beyond the scope of this note. However, Modbus addresses are
given for the parameters in Sections A-2.1 and A-2.2. For further information on serial communication control or special
external control, the user is referred to the appropriate section of this manual.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

1.0 P parameters (P1 thru P5) and Engineering Unit Selection Summary.

Table 1.0.1summarizes the P parameters and will be explained more in detail in the next section.
Table 1.0.2 summarizes the Engineering Units that can be used and displayed.

Table 1.0.1 MA7200 PLUS Inverter Series P1 to P5 Parameters

Parameter Change During Modbus

LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P1-01 P1-01 00
00 - 25 NO 0x0600
(Note 1) Engineering Unit (Set by Cn-28)
P1-02 10 - 9999
Feedback (Engineering Units 0 NO 0x0601
(Note 2)
Maximum set by P1-01)
P1-03 0: Enabled
P1-03 0 NO 0x0602
Local/Remote Key 1: Disabled (Jog)
P1-04 0: PID Sleep Invalid
P1-04 0 NO 0x0603
PID Sleep Function 1: PID Sleep Valid
P1-05 0: Feedback above
P1-05 1 NO 0x0604
PID Wakeup Direction 1: Feedback below
0: Ext. PID Invalid
1: Ext. PID, AO1
P1-06 output 0 NO 0x0605
Ext. PID Function
2:Ext. PID, AO2
0: Set Point
P1-07 1: Terminal VIN
P1-07 0 NO 0x0606
Ext. PID Set Source 2: Terminal AIN
3: Terminal AUX
4: Set Point RS-485
1: Feedback Term.
P1-08 2: Feedback Term.
P1-08 3 NO 0x0607
Ext. PID Fbk. Source AIN
3: Feedback Term.
P1-09 001 - 100% 100% NO 0x0608
Ext. PID I Limit
P1-10 Ext. PID Filter 0.0 - 2.5s 0.0s NO 0x0609
P2-01 000.00 - 100.00% 000.00% YES 0x0700
Sleep Start Level
P2-02 000.1 - 600.0 s 0001.0 s YES 0x0701
Sleep Start Delay
P2-03 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00% YES 0x0702
Sleep Wakeup Level
P2-04 000.1 - 600.0 s 001.0 s YES 0x0703
Sleep Wakeup Delay


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Table 1.0.2 MA7200 PLUS Inverter Series P1 to P5 Parameters (Cont.)

Parameter Change During Modbus

LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P2-05 000.0 - 100.0% 000.0% YES 0x0704
Ext. PID Set Point
P2-06 00.01 - 10.00 01.00 YES 0x0705
Ext. PID Fbk. Gain
P2-07 00.01 - 10.00 01.00 YES 0x0706
Ext. PID P Gain
P2-08 000.00 - 100.00 s 010.00 s YES 0x0707
Ext. PID I Time
P2-09 0.00 - 1.00s 0.00 s YES 0x0708
Ext. PID D Time
P2-10 -100 - 100% 000% YES 0x0709
Ext. PID Bias
P3-01 000 - 200% 030% NO 0x0800
Load Loss Det. Level
P3-02 00.0 - 25.5s 05.0s NO 0x0801
Load Loss Det. Time
0: None
P3-03 1: Load Loss Alarm 0 NO 0x0802
Load Loss Action
2: Load Loss Fault
P3-04 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00% NO 0x0803
Over Feedback Level
P3-05 0000.0 - 6000.0s 0003.0s NO 0x0804
Over Fbk. Delay Time
0: None
1: Over Feedback
P3-06 Alarm 0 NO 0x0805
Over Fbk. Action
2: Over Feedback
P3-07 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00% NO 0x0806
Low Feedback Level
P3-08 0000.0 - 6000.0s 0003.0s NO 0x0807
Low Fbk. Delay Time
0: None
1: Low Feedback
P3-09 Alarm 0 NO 0x0808
Low Fbk. Action
2: Low Feedback
1: PID Error
P3-10 2: Current 1 NO 0x0809
Low Suction Detect
3: Error and Current
P3-11 000 - 300s 100s NO 0x080A
Low Suc. Det. Time


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Table1.0.2 MA7200 PLUS Inverter Series P1 to P5 Parameters (Cont.)

Parameter Change During Modbus

LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P3-12 01 - 30% 10% NO 0x080B
Low Suc. PID Error
P3-13 Low Suction 000.1 - 200.0A 001.0 A NO 0x080C
P3-14 1: Low Suction Alarm
P3-14 1 NO 0x080D
Low Suction Action 2: Low Suction Fault
3: Fault and Restart
P3-15 0005 – 6000s 0300s NO 0x080E
Restart Delay
0: With Speed
P3-16 Search
P3-16 1 NO 0x080F
Restart Selection 1: W/O Speed
0: None
P4-01 1: Aux Input 0 NO 0x0880
Flow Meter Function
2: Pulse Train Input
P4-02 Max Flow for 10V 00000 – 50000 GPM 01000 GPM NO 0x0881
P4-03 0.0 - 5.0V 0.0V NO 0x0882
No Flow Point for Aux
P4-04 000.01 – 500.00 100.00 NO 0x0883
Pulse Multiplier
P4-05 0.00 - 0.99 0.00 YES 0x0884
Flow Meter Offset
P5-01 0.000 - 5.000$ 0.000$ YES 0x08C0
Energy Cost per kWh
P5-02 0: No
P5-02 0 YES 0x08C1
Reset Energy Usage 1: Reset

Note 1 - The following table A-2.1.2 shows the Engineering Units that can be selected by P1-01.

Note 2 - Parameter P1-02 may be assigned a value in the range shown (10 – 9999) only when an
Engineering Unit from 2 to 24 is selected for parameter P1-02.


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Table 1.0.3 - Engineering Units Selection by Parameter P1-01

Engineering Engineering
Setting Description Setting Description
Unit Unit
0 Set by Cn - 28 13 MPM meter / minute
meter3 /
1 % % 14 CMM
2 PSI PSI 15 W W
3 GPH gallon / hour 16 kW kW
gallon /
4 GPM 17 °C °C
5 inW Inch water 18 m meter
6 FPM feet / minute 19 A A
7 CFM feet3 / minute 20 RPM RPM
8 in inch 21 SPM stroke/minute
9 ft feet 22 /s unit / s
10 HP HP 23 /m unit / m
11 °F °F 24 /h unit / h
meter /
12 m/s 25 - none

1.1 P Parameter Specifications

The P parameters, together with interacting parameters from other groups, are used to set and control the following
eleven categories.
1. Scaled Feedback and Engineering units
2. Programmable Local / Remote Switch
3. PID Sleep Functions
4. External PID Functions (Input / Output Terminal)
5. External PID Functions (Gain Setting and Monitoring)
6. Load Loss Detection Function
7. Over Feedback Function for PID Feedback Signal
8. Low Feedback Function for PID Feedback Signal
9. Low Suction Detection Function
10. Flow Meter Display
11. Power Meter, KWh Meter, and Energy Cost Usage.

Although only the P parameters are explained in detail in this note, the user can refer to the appropriate sections of
this manual for further detailed information on the other parameters covered.
Table 1.1.1 Scaled Feedback and Engineering Units

Parameter Change During Modbus

LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P1-01 P1-01 00
00 - 25 NO 0x0600
(Note 1) Engineering Unit (Set by Cn-28)
P1-02 10 - 9999
Feedback (Engineering Units 0 NO 0x0601
(Note 2)
Maximum set by P1-01)
Un-34 PID Feedback ---- ---- ---- 0x0035


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Note 1 - The previous Table 1.1.1 shows the Engineering Units that can be selected by P1-01.
Note 2 - Parameter P1-02 may be assigned a value in the range shown (10 – 9999) only when an Engineering Unit
from 2 to 24 is selected by parameter P1-02.
 P1-01Engineering Unit is used to setup engineering units for normal and PID operation. It also sets the
display format and maximum value of the following parameters.
1 - Set point frequency command (An).
2 - The parameters for the engineering units.
3 - PID feedback monitor point Un-34.
 When P1-01 is set to 00, parameter Cn-28 can be used to set the display format of the frequency commands
(See Section 9.0 for more details). When P1-01 is set to a value of 01 to 25, parameter Cn-28 is ineffective.
 The following Table 1.1.2 shows the display format and maximum value according to the setting of P1-01.

Table 1.1.2
Display Format Maximum Value
Setting PID Feedback PID Feedback
of P1-01 Set Point and Monitor and Set Point and Monitor and
Freq. Command Engineering Freq. Command Engineering
parameters parameters
Follow the Follow the
0 XXX.XX % 100.00%
Setting of Cn-28 Setting of Cn-28
1 XXX.XX % 100.00%
2 - 25 XXXX Parameter P1-02
 P1-02 Feedback Maximum is used to set the maximum value of the Engineering Units selected by P1-01,
provided P1-01 is not set to 00 or 01 (%). This value then becomes the maximum that can be set by all other
Engineering Unit parameters.
Example: P1-01 = 2 (PSI), P1-02 = 300, then the PID Feedback Signal (0 – 10V / 4-20mA) = 0 - 300PSI.
 P1-01 must be set first and P1-02 must be set second before any other Engineering Units related parameters
can be set.
 Monitor point Un-34, PID Feedback Display, is used to monitor the PID feedback signal applied to terminal AIN
or VIN, as set by parameter Sn-24. The Engineering Units and maximum value are set by parameters P1-01
and P1-02. The monitor value is zero if PID function is disabled. (See Fig.1.1.1 below)

PID Feedback
Gain and Bias Signal

VIN Bn-05
(0-10V) Bn-06

P1-01 PID Feedback

Sn-24 Monitor (Un-34)
AIN Bn-07 Set
(4-20 mA) Bn-08 Engineering
Units and Max.
Gain and Bias value

Fig. 1.1.1

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1.2 Programmable Local/Remote Switch

Table 1.2.1
Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P1-03 P1-03 0: Enabled 0
NO 0x0602
Local / Remote Key 1: Disabled
• P1-03 is used to set the function of the Local / Remote key.
0: Local / Remote key is enabled.
1: Local / Remote key is disabled. (When disabled this key is used as a JOG key)
• When P1-03 is enabled, the local / remote function is effective when the inverter is in stop mode. Table
1.2.2 Below is a list of Run Source, Frequency Source, SEQ LED Status, and REF LED Status during Remote
Mode and Local Mode.

Table 1.2.2
Run command source
Status SEQ LED Status REF LED Status
and frequency command source
Set by parameters Sn-04, Run ON if Sn-04 is not 0 ON if Sn-05 is not 0
Remote Source Selection and Sn-05, (Run source is (Frequency source is
Frequency Source Selection. not from keypad) not from keypad)
Local From keypad OFF OFF

• When P1-03 is enabled, the inverter is in remote mode after power-on and the
Local / Remote switch is effective only when the inverter is in stop mode.

• Generally, the local / remote switch is used when Sn-04 and Sn-05 = 0 at the same time (either the RUN source
or Frequency source is controlled by the keypad). The local / remote function is disabled if both Sn-04 and Sn-
05 are set to 0.

• When P1-03 is disabled, the Local / Remote key operates as a JOG key. The JOG function is effective if:
1 -The inverter is in stop mode and
2 - Sn-04 = 0 (Run source is from the keypad).

1.3 PID Sleep Function

The PID Sleep Function is used in pumping applications to protect the operation of the motor and also to save on energy
by shutting down the motor under certain conditions. Table 1.3.1below shows the parameters for the PID sleep function.

Table 1.3.1 PID Sleep Function Parameters

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P1-04 0: PID Sleep Invalid
P1-04 0 NO 0x0603
PID Sleep Function 1: PID Sleep Valid
P1-05 0: Feedback above
P1-05 1 NO 0x0604
PID Wakeup Direction 1: Feedback below
P2-01 000.00 - 100.00% 000.00% YES 0x0700
Sleep Start Level
P2-02 000.1 - 600.0 s 0001.0 s YES 0x0701
Sleep Start Delay


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Table 1.3.1 PID Sleep Function Parameters (Cont.)

Parameter Change During Modbus

LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P2-03 000.00 - 099.99% 000.00% YES 0x0702
Sleep Wakeup Level
P2-04 000.1 - 600.0 s 001.0 s YES 0x0703
Sleep Wakeup Delay
Un-35 ---- ---- ---- 0x0041
During PID Sleep
Multi-Function Input
Sn-25 0x0119 –
Terminal 5, 6, 7,8 33: PID Sleep
-Sn-28 0x011C
Function Selection
Multi-Function Output
Sn-30 (RA-RB-RC, DO1, 0x011E-
27: During PID Sleep
- Sn-32 R2A-R2C) Function 0x0120

• If the PID function is disabled, Sn-64 = 0, and the parameter P1-04 PID Sleep Function is set to 1 (PID Sleep
Valid), a "PID Sleep Setting Error" will occur.
• The following Fig.1.3.1 shows a block diagram and graph illustrating the PID sleep function.

Fig. 1.3.1 PID Sleep Function


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 When the PID output falls below the Sleep Start Level P2-01 for a time exceeding the Sleep Start Delay P2-02
setting, the sleep function will be activated.
 The PID Sleep function can also be activated using a digital input. When the corresponding digital input
Sn-25 –28 = 33 is ON for a time exceeding Sleep Start Delay P2-02 setting, the sleep function will be activated.
 If the sleep start level P2-01 is less than the minimum output frequency set by Cn-07, and none of the multi-
functional input terminals Sn-25-28 are set to =33 (PID Sleep), the sleep function will be disabled.
 A "DI PID Sleep Setting Error" will occur if any of Sn-25-28 is set to =33 (PID Sleep) and:
1.The PID function is disabled, Sn-64 = 0 or,
2.The PID sleep function is disabled, P1-04 = 0.
 The PID Wakeup Direction P1-05 is used to set the condition for PID Wakeup Check.
0: PID Wakeup while the PID feedback rises above the wakeup level.
1: PID Wakeup while the PID feedback falls below the wakeup level.
While the PID sleep function is valid, the PID wakeup direction also affects the PID function.
 Sleep Wakeup Level P2-03 and Sleep Wakeup Delay P2-04, are used for PID Wakeup Check. When the
inverter is in the PID sleep mode, and the PID feedback falls below or rises above (direction set by P1-05 PID
Wakeup Direction) the sleep wakeup level P2-03 for a time exceeding the programmed wakeup delay time P2-
04, the inverter will exit the sleep mode and resume run.
 If PID sleep is enabled and the inverter is in PID sleep mode, the During PID Sleep Monitor Un-35 will be 1. If
any of Multi-Function Output Functions Sn-30 -32 is set as "During PID Sleep", the corresponding output will
be ON.
 If the inverter is in PID sleep mode, the accumulated integration error of the PID function will be cleared.

1.4 Load Loss Detection Function

Table 1.4.1 shows the parameters for the load loss detection function.

Table 1.4.1 Load Loss Detection Function Parameters

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P3-01 000 - 200% 030% NO 0x0800
Load Loss Det. Level
P3-02 00.0 - 25.5s 05.0s NO 0x0801
Load Loss Det. Time
0: None
P3-03 1: Load Loss Alarm 0 NO 0x0802
Load Loss Action
2: Load Loss Fault
Multi-Function Analog
Sn-29 Input (AUX) Function 16: Load Loss Level
Multi-Function Output
Sn-30 (RA-RB-RC, DO1,
24: Load Loss Detect
- Sn-32 DO2) Function

 The Load Loss Detection Level can be set by Multi –function Analog Input parameter Sn-29 (AUX Function)
when it is set to 16 or by P3-01 Load Loss Det. Level, when Sn-29 is ≠ 16.
Note: When Sn-29 is set to =16 (Aux Function), the load loss level is determined by the analog value
applied to the AUX input terminal and parameter P3-01Load Loss Detect Level is invalid.
 P3-01 Load Loss Detect Level is set as a percentage of inverter rated current. When Sn-29 = 16, the Load
Loss Detect Level is determined by the voltage applied to the AUX input terminal as shown in Fig.1.4.1.

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Inverter Rated
Output Current

Analog Input
0V 10V

Fig. 1.4.1
 When the inverter output current falls below the Load Loss Detect Level for a time exceeding the programmed
Load Loss Detect Time P3-02, the inverter status will be as set by parameter P3-03 Load Loss Action as shown
in the following Table 1.4.2. Also, if any of the Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32
(DO2) are set to =24 (Load Loss Detect), that output will be turned ON.
Table 1.4.2 Load Loss Action
P3-03 Inverter Status while Message
Value Load Loss while Load Loss
0 Continue Running ----
1 Continue Running Load Loss Alarm
2 Shut Down Load Loss Fault

 The Fig. 1.4.2 below shows a block diagram and graph illustrating the Load Loss Detection Function.

Fig. 1.4.2 Load Loss Detection Function

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1.5 PID Over Feedback Signal Function

Table1.5.1 below shows the parameters for the PID over feedback signal function.
Table1.5.1 PID Over Feedback Signal Function
Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P3-04 *000.00 - 099.99% 000.00% NO 0x0803
Over Feedback Level
P3-05 0000.0 - 6000.0s 0003.0s NO 0x0804
Over Fbk. Delay Time
0: None
1: Over Feedback
P3-06 Alarm 0 NO 0x0805
Over Fbk. Action
2: Over Feedback
Multi-Function Output
Sn-30 (RA-RB-RC, DO1,
25: Over Feedback
- Sn-32 DO2 or R2 Relay)
Function Selection
* The engineering units and range are set by parameter P1-01

 If PID is enabled (Sn-64 ≠ 0), Over Feedback Detection is enabled if P3-06 Over Feedback Action is set to =1
or 2 or at least one of Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) is set
to =25 (Over Feedback)
 When PID feedback rises above the Over Feedback Level set via P3-04 for the time exceeding the
programmed Over Feedback Delay Time P3-05, the inverter status will be controlled by parameter P3-06 Over
Feedback Action as shown in the following Table 1.5.2. Also if any of the Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay),
Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) are set to =25 (Over Feedback), that output will be turned ON.
Table 1.5.2 PID Over Feedback Signal Action
P3-06 Inverter Status while Message
Value Over Feedback while Over Feedback
0 Continue Running No Message
1 Continue Running Over Feedback Alarm
2 Shut Down Over Feedback Fault

 Fig.1.5.1 below is a block diagram illustrating the Over Feedback Detection Function.

Fig. 1.5.1 Over Feedback Signal Function

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1.6 PID Low Feedback Signal Function

Table1.6.1 below shows the parameters for the PID low feedback signal function.

Table 1.6.1 PID Low Feedback Signal Function

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
P3-07 *000.00 - 099.99% 000.00% NO 0x0806
Low Feedback Level
P3-08 0000.0 - 6000.0s 0003.0s NO 0x0807
Low Fbk. Delay Time
0: None
Low Fbk. Action P3- 1: Low Feedback
P3-09 09 Alarm 0 NO 0x0808
2: Low Feedback
Multi-Function Output
Sn-30 (RA-RB-RC, DO1,
26: Low Feedback
- Sn-32 DO2 or R2A –R2B)
Function Selection
* The engineering units and range are set by parameter P1-01
 Fig.1.6.1 below is a diagram of the Low Feedback Detection Function.
P3 – 07 Relay
Low Feedback (Sn-30=26)
Level P3 – 08 Low Feedback DO1
Low Feedback Detect Digital (Sn-31=26)
Delay Time Output Select DO2 or
R2 Relay
Sn-64 ≠ 0
PID Enabled

=1 Load Loss
P3 – 09 Alarm
Low Feedback
=2 Load Loss

Fig.1.6.1 Low Feedback Detection Function

 If PID is enabled (Sn-64 ≠ 0), Low Feedback Detection is enabled if P3-09 Low Feedback Action is set to =1
or 2 or at least one of Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30 (Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) is set
to =26 (Low Feedback)
 When the PID Feedback falls below the Low Feedback Level set via P3-07 for the time exceeding the
programmed Low Feedback Delay Time P3-08, the inverter status will be controlled by parameter P3-09
Low Feedback Action as shown in the following Table1.6.2. Also if any of the Multi-Function Outputs Sn-30
(Relay), Sn-31 (DO1), or Sn-32 (DO2 or R2 Relay) are set to =26 (Low Feedback), that output will be turned ON.

Table 1.6.2 Low Feedback Action

P3-09 Inverter Status while Message
Value Low Feedback while Low Feedback
0 Continue Running No Message
1 Continue Running Low Feedback Alarm
2 Shut Down Low Feedback Fault

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1.7 Low Suction Detection Function

The Low suction detection function is for pump applications. It can detect a break in suction or the absence of the
supply medium (e.g. water). Table 1.7.1 below shows the parameters for the low suction detection function.

Table 1.7.1 Low Suction Detection Function

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
1: PID Error
P3-10 2: Current 1 NO 0x0809
Low Suction Detect
3: Error and Current
P3-11 000 - 300s 100s NO 0x080A
Low Suc. Det. Time
P3-12 01 - 30% 10% NO 0x080B
Low Suc. PID Error
P3-13 000.1 - 200.0A 001.0 A NO 0x080C
Low Suction Current
0: None
P3-14 1: Low Suction Alarm
P3-14 1 NO 0x080D
Low Suction Action 2: Low Suction Fault
3: Fault and Restart
P3-15 0005 – 6000s 0300s NO 0x080E
Restart Delay
0: With Speed
P3-16 Search
P3-16 1 NO 0x080F
Restart Selection 1: W/O Speed
Multi-Function Output
Sn-30 (RA-RB-RC, DO1,
28: Low Suction Detection
- Sn-32 DO2 or R2 Relay)
Function Selection

 P3-10 Low Suction Detect is used to select which signal is used for low suction detection as shown in the
following Table 1.7.2.
Table 1.7.2 P3-10 Selection
P3-10 Detection Signal
Value PID Error (PID Input) Output Current
1 1 0
2 0 1

 When P3-10 Low Suction Detect is set to =1, (Detect PID Error), the PID Error (PID Input, Un-15) is used for
low suction detection.
 When P3-10 Low Suction Detect is set to =2, (Detect Current), the output current is used for low suction
 When P3-10 Low Suction Detect is set to =3, both the PID Error and Output Current are used for low suction
 In order to generate a Low Suction Detection output, the following conditions must be satisfied for the time
specified by P3-11 Low Suction Det. Time.
1. Sn-64 ≠ 0 (PID is enabled) and the Un-15 PID Input (PID Error) is higher than P3-12 Low Suc. PID
Error set level.
2. The output frequency is > Cn-01 (Max. Output Frequency) - Cn-31(Frequency Agree Detection Width)


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 Fig.1.7.1 below shows a block diagram of the low suction detection function.

P3 – 10
Un-15 Low Suction
PID Error Detection Select
1 - PID Error
P3-11 Low ( P3-14) Low
2 - Output Current
Suction Suction Action &
3 - Both Detection Time Digital Outputs

Detection Level

Sn-64 ≠ 0 Output Frequency

PID Enabled > Cn-01 – Cn-31

Fig. 1.7.1 Low Suction Detection Function

 P3-14 Low Suction Action, is used to set the inverter action after low suction detection has occurred per the
following Table1.7.3.
Table 1.7.3 Low Suction Action
P3-14 Inverter Status Message Fault Contact Output
0 Continue Running No Message No operation
1 Continue Running Over Feedback Alarm No operation
2 Shut Down Over Feedback Fault Operation
Over Feedback Fault Operation
3 Shut Down and Restart
(before restart) (before restart)
 Fig.1.7.2 below is a block diagram of the low suction output function.

Fig. 1.7.2 Low Suction Output Function

 If P3-11 Low Suction Action, is set to =3 (Shut Down and Restart), the inverter will shut down and restart after
the time specified by P3-15 Low Suction Retry Delay. This retry function is enabled as long as:
1- Low Suction Detection is enabled
2- P3-11, Low Suction Action, is set to =3.
3- There is no STOP command during the low suction retry delay time.
Note -The setting of parameter Cn-24 (Number of Auto Restart Attempts) is independent of the retry
function of low suction detection.


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 P3-16 Low Suction Restart Selection, determines the action while the inverter restarts as per the following
Table 1.7.4.
Table 1.7.4 Low Suction Restart Selection
Action during Restart
P3-16 DC-injection Description
Speed Search
This setting is used when the restart delay time is
0 Valid Invalid short and the motor is still running because of
Depends on the This setting is used when the restart delay time is
1 Invalid
setting of Cn-17 long enough to stop the motor before restart.
 If low suction is detected and any of the Multi-Function Output Functions (Sn-30 -32) are set to 28 (Low
Suction), the corresponding terminal will be ON.
If P3-11Low Suction Action is set to =3 (Shut Down and Restart), the corresponding terminal will be OFF after
the inverter restarts.

1.8 Flow Meter Display

Table 1.8.1 below shows the parameters used for the flow meter display.

Table 1.8.1 Flow Meter Display

Parameter Change During Modbus
LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
No. Operation Address
0: None
P4-01 1: Aux Input 0 NO 0x0880
Flow Meter Function
2: Pulse Train Input
P4-02 Max Flow for 10V 00000 – 50000 GPM 01000 GPM NO 0x0881
P4-03 0.0 - 5.0V 0.0V NO 0x0882
No Flow point for AUX
P4-04 000.01 – 500.00 100.00 NO 0x0883
Pulse Multiplier
P4-05 0.00 - 0.99 0.00 YES 0x0884
Flow Meter Offset
Un-41 0 - 50000 GPM ---- ---- 0x0047
Flow Meter

 P4-01Flow Meter Selection, is used to enable or disable the flow meter function and to select one of two the
inputs for this function as follows.
1. Terminal Aux: 0-10V or 4-20mA signal. (Note – If using a 4-20 mA input signal, place a 500Ω resistor
from the AUX input terminal to GND).
2. Terminal A(+) / A(-): Pulse Train Input with open-collector or complementary interface.
The pulse input frequency range is 50Hz - 32kHz.
 The following Table 1.8.2 shows the P4-01 function and the parameters used with selection 1 or 2.

Table 1.8.2 P4-01 Selection

Flow Meter Flow Meter
Flow Meter Parameters
P4-01 Function Signal
0 Disabled ---- ----
1 Enabled AUX Input P4-02, P4-03 (P4-04, P4-05 is fixed)
2 Enabled Pulse Train Input P4-04, P4-05 (P4-02, P4-03 is fixed)


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 Flow Meter monitor point Un-41 is used to display the output of the flow meter function in GPM. If the P4-01
is set to 0, the Flow Meter is zero.
 Fig.1.8.1 below is a block diagram of the flow meter function when Flow Meter Selection P4-01 is set
to =1 (AUX input).

Fig. 1.8.1 Flow Meter (P4-01=1 Aux. Input)

 When P4-01 is set to =1(AUX Input), the Flow Meter signal is input to terminal AUX and parameters P4-02
(Max Flow for 10V AUX) and P4-03 (AUX for No Flow) are used to set flow meter functions. Also, the
parameters below will be set automatically.
1. Parameters P4-04 and P4-05.
2. AUX Function Selection (Sn-29)
3. Terminal AUX Gain and Bias (Bn-09 and Bn-10).
These parameters can not be edited until the setting of P4-01 is changed. Also when P4-01 is set to =1 any
previous AUX Function (Sn-29) setting will become invalid.
 An error message "Flow Meter Setting Error" will be displayed if P4-01 is set to 1 and one of the conditions
below is satisfied.
1. Sn-29 (AUX Function Selection) =9 (PID Target).
2. P1-07 (External PID Set Source) =3 (AUX Function).
3. P1-08 (External PID Feedback Source) =3 (AUX Function).
 P4-02 Max Flow for 10V AUX, is used to set the maximum flow level in GPM, which corresponds to a 10 V input
to the Aux input.
Example: P4-02 is set to = 2500 GPM (max flow level).
Aux input 0 – 10 V = 0 - 2500GPM.
 P4-03 Aux for No Flow, is used to offset the input signal to terminal AUX, which corresponds to zero flow. An
example of this would be if the input flow signal is 4-20mA, where 4mA = 0 GPM, and a 500 resistor is used
between AUX and GND. The input voltage to the AUX terminal would be 4mA x 500 = 2V. P4-03 would then
be set to =2V so that 4 mA would represent zero flow. The maximum flow would be as set in the previous
example by P4-02.
 Fig.1.8.2 below is a diagram of the flow meter function while Flow Meter Selection P4-01 is set to 2 (Pulse Train

Fig. 1.8.2 Flow Meter (Pulse Train Input)

 When P4-01 is set to 2 (Pulse Train Input), the Flow Meter signal is input to terminals A(+) and A(-) and the
parameters P4-04 (Pulse Multiplier) and P4-05 (Flow Meter Offset) are used to set the flow meter functions. In
this case, parameters P4-02 and P4-03 will be set automatically and can not be edited until the setting of P4-01
is changed. Cont.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 The input to terminals A(+) and A(-) allows for open-collector or complementary interface by setting jumper TP1
to PULL-UP position for open-collector interface or to OPEN position for complementary interface.
 An error message "Flow Meter Setting Error" will be displayed if P4-01 is set to 2 and one of the conditions
below is satisfied.
1. Sn-40 (PG Speed Control Settings) ≠ 0 (Speed Control Enabled).
2. Sn-05 (Frequency Command Setting) = 3 (Pulse Input).
 P4-04 Flow Multiplier is used to scale the flow meter monitor value, while P4-05 Flow Offset is used to calibrate
the flow meter.
Output GPM = Input Pulse Train Frequency (Hz) x (P4-04 + P4-05).
Example: Input Pulse Train Frequency = 60Hz, P4-04 = 500.1 and P4-05 = 0.20
Flow Meter Monitor = 60 x (500.1 + 0.2) = 30018 GPM.

1.9 Power Meter, KWh Meter, and Energy Cost Usage

Table A-2.10.1 below shows the parameters used for power meter, Kwh meter and energy cost usage.

Table 1.9.1 Power Meter, KWh Meter, and Energy Cost Usage
Change During Modbus
Parameter No. LCD Display Setting Range Factory Setting
Operation Address
P5-01 Energy Cost 0.000 - 5.000$ 0.000$ YES 0x08C0
per kWh
0: No
P5-02 Reset Energy 0 YES 0x08C1
1: Reset
Un-36 0.0 - 999.9 kW ---- ---- 0x0042
Output Power
Un-37 Energy Used 0.0 - 999.9 kWh ---- ---- 0x0043
in kWh
Un-38 Energy Used 0.0 - 50000 MWh ---- ---- 0x0044
in MWh
Un-39 Energy Cost 0 - 9999 $ ---- ---- 0x0045
in $
0 - 25000
Un-40 Cost in ---- ---- 0x0046
(0$ - 250 Mil$)

 Un-36 Output Power, is used to monitor the output power in kW. The display range is 0.0 - 999.9kW.
 Un-37 Energy Used in kWh and Un-38 Energy Used in MWh, are used to monitor the total energy used by
the inverter.
The maximum value of monitor energy is 50000MWh.
Example: If 800 kWh of energy is used, Un-37 = 800 kWh and Un-38 = 0 MWh.
If 32.3 MWh energy is used, Un-37 = 300 kWh and Un-38 = 32 MWh.
 P5-01 Energy Cost per kWh, is used to set the unit energy cost per kWh.
 Un-39 Energy Cost in $ and Un-40 Energy Cost in 10000, are used to monitor the total energy cost of inverter.
The maximum value of monitor energy cost is 250 Million $
Example: If the energy cost is 2,000$, Un-39 = 2000$ and Un-40 = 0.
If the energy cost is 123,200$, Un-39 = 3200$ and Un-40 = 12.
 When the power is OFF, the inverter will retain the values of energy used (Un-37, Un-38) and energy cost
(Un-39, Un-40), and the stored data will be available after power up.
 P5-02 Reset Energy Usage is used to clear the monitor variables for energy usage and energy cost.
P5-02 = 0: No Reset
P5-02 = 1: Reset (The data will be cleared automatically after P5-02 is set to =1)

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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.0 (1- 2 HP) MA7200 PLUS Block Diagram

Fig. 2.0.1 below is an overall basic electrical connection diagram for the MA7200 PLUS 1 – 2 HP. It is used in
conjunction with the other sections of this application note to give the user the ability to successfully start up a Fan
or Pump application. Additional information is available in other sections of this manual to which the user may refer.

L1(R) T1(U)

L2(S) or
L2(S) T2(V)

L3(T) T3(W)

1 100Ω OR LESS


(0-10 VDC)

1 to 2 HP A02


(SEE FIG’s 4.1a,4.1b, and 4.1c) 6

250 VAC / 30 VDC @ 2A
RC (SEE FIG. 4.1d)

Digital Common

+12 VDC supply can be used for external E

functions such as powering PID feedback
devices. (not to exceed 20 mA max.)

PID Feedback
Current AUX
(SEE FIG’s 4a, 4b and 4c) Voltage
Feedback or Feedback
(4 – 20 mA)
(0 – +10V) (250 Ω)


S (-) PORT
A (-)

Fig. 2.0.1 (1 to 2 HP) MA7200 PLUS Fan or Pump Application Diagram


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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.1 (3- 75 HP) MA7200 PLUS Block Diagram

Fig. 2.1.1 below is an overall basic electrical connection diagram for the MA7200 PLUS 3 – 75 HP. It is used in
conjunction with the other sections of this guide to give the user the ability to successfully start up a Fan or Pump

NOTE : DC Link Reactor is FAN

included in 230V: 20-40 HP and
MCCB 460V: 40-75 HP. 3Ø
L1(R) *ACL
L1(R) T1(U)

L2(S) or
L2(S) T2(V)

* AN ACL is
L3(T) recommended when L3(T) T3(W)
a DC Link choke is
not used.
1 100Ω OR LESS


(0 – 10V)

3 to 75 HP A02


(SEE FIG’s 4.2a,4.2b, and 4.2c) 6

For SINK mode connect to 250 VAC / 30 VDC @ 2A
NOTE : For inverters rated at 24VG and set jumper TP2 8
R1C (SEE FIG. 4.2d)
3 – 75 HP , the digital inputs to the SINK position.
can be configured to operate in (Factory Default) TP2
the SINK or SOURCE mode. The
inverter is configured at the NOTE: SINK R2A
factory for SINK mode (i.e. 24VG OUTPUT RELAY
For SOURCE mode connect
jumper TP2 is installed in the CONTACTS
to 24VG and set jumper TP2 SOURCE R3C
SINK position). 250 VAC / 30 VDC @ 2A
to the SOURCE position. +24V

+12 VDC supply can be used for external
functions such as powering PID feedback
devices. (not to exceed 20 mA max.)
+12V D01
D0G OUPUTS (35 VDC Max.)

PID Feedback
Current AUX
(SEE FIG’s 5a,5b and 5c) Voltage
Feedback or Feedback
(4 – 20 mA)
(0 – +10V) (250 Ω)


S (-) PORT
A (-)

Fig. 2.1.1 (3 to 75 HP) MA7200 PLUS Fan or Pump Application Diagram

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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.2 (1 – 2 HP) MA7200 PLUS Digital Input / Output Control Terminal Connections
Fig’s 2.2.1a, A-2.2.1b and 2.2.1c below show the terminal connections for input control functions for the
MA7200 PLUS 1 - 2 HP. The connections shown are typical and the user is referred to other sections of this manual
for additional information is required. Fig. 2.2.1d shows an example for the use of the Fault Output Relay.


Fig. 2.2.1 (1 – 2 HP) MA7200 PLUS Digital Input / Output Control Terminal Connections


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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.3 (3 – 75 HP) MA7200 PLUS Digital Input / Output Control Terminal Connections
Fig’s 2.3.1a, 2.3.1b and 2.3.1c below show the terminal connections for input control functions for the
MA7200 PLUS 3 – 75 HP. The connections shown are typical and the user is referred to the MA7200 PLUS Manual
if additional information is required. Fig. 2.3.1d shows an example for the use of the Fault Output Relay.


Fig. 2.3.1 (3 – 75 HP) MA7200 PLUS Digital Input / Output Control Terminal Connections


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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.4 (1 –2HP) MA7200 PLUS Analog Feedback Control Terminal Connections

Fig’s 2.4.1a, 2.4.1b and 2.4.1c show the analog feedback schemes (10VDC or 4-20mA) for the
MA7200 PLUS 1- 2 HP.

Fig. 2.41 (1 –2HP) MA7200 PLUS Analog Feedback Control Terminal Connections


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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.5 (3 –75HP) MA7200 PLUS Analog Feedback Control Terminal Connections

Fig’s 2.5.1a, 2.5.1b and 2.5.1c show the analog feedback schemes (10VDC or 4-20mA) for the
MA7200 PLUS 3 - 75 HP.

Fig. 2.5.1 (3 –75HP) MA7200 PLUS Analog Feedback Control Terminal Connections

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

2.6 MA7200 PLUS Initial Power up and Operational check

In this section the inverter will be powered up and the Fan or Pump motor operation will be initially tested for direction
and function.


Step 1 - Before Starting the Inverter

• Verify that the correct inverter size for the motor was received free of damage. To ensure personnel safety and to
avoid equipment damage, follow the precautions and the installation procedures for mounting, wiring, and operating
environment as covered in other sections of this manual.
CAUTION - To avoid damage to the inverter when removing the inverter cover and/or LCD Operator,
refer to Appendix C for the proper procedure.
• In accordance with applicable codes make electrical connections to the motor and input power terminals. (Refer to the
block diagram, Fig. A-2.11.1 for 1- 2 HP or, Fig. A-2.12.1 for 3 - 75 HP). No other external connections should be
made at this time, as the initial control will be from the Keypad.

Step 2 - Apply Power to the Drive

• Apply AC power to the Inverter and observe the LCD Display Line 1. It should read; “Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz”. Line 2
should read; “TECO”. The red LED on the STOP key should be ON. The DRIVE and FWD LED’s should be ON.
(See Fig. 2.6.1 below)

Fig. 2.6.1 MA7200 PLUS Digital Operator

Step 3 - Set Drive to Run Mode

• If the red DRIVE LED is not on with AC power up, press the PGRM / DRIVE key until the red Drive LED is on. The
Inverter is now in the RUN mode.


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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Step 4 - Check Fan or Pump Motor Operation

 Enter 10.00Hz for the frequency reference and set parameter Sn-08 = 1 to disable Reverse Direction operation. Note:
The output from the inverter is displayed in Hz as factory default. If desired, the output may be displayed in other
units such as (%) of full speed, or engineering units such as PSI etc.

To set the output frequency to 10.00 Hz ;

Keypad Steps Resulting Display

Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz

1 - Press the key twice

Freq. Cmd 010.00Hz

2 - Press the key

3 - Press the key to save. 2 Seconds
ENTER Entry Accepted

Freq. Cmd 010.00Hz

TECO Flashing



TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

To set the parameter Sn-08 = 1;

(Inhibit reverse operation)

Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the
key An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1

Sn – 01 -
2 - Press the DSPL key twice
Inverter Capacity

Sn – 08 -
3 - Press the key until display shows
Reverse Operate

Sn – 08 = 0
4 - Press the ENTER key
Allow Reverse

Sn – 08 = 1
5 - Press the key
Inhibit Reverse

6 - Press the key to save 2 Seconds
ENTER Entry Accepted

Sn – 08 = 1
Inhibit Reverse

7 - Press the DRIVE Key to return to the main display.

 Press the RUN key, and check the fan or pump direction of rotation. If the direction is not correct, press the STOP key
and wait until the fan or pump has come to a complete stop. Next, Power Down the inverter.

After the power has been turned OFF, wait at least 5 minutes until the charge indicator extinguishes
completely before touching any wiring, circuit boards or components.

 Reverse any two of the fan or pump motor connections at the inverter ( U(T1),V(T2), or W(T3) ). Next, following STEP
2, Power-up the inverter; the motor direction should now be correct.

Step 5 - Start / Stop Control Method

The start / stop method of control is set by parameter (Sn – 04) and is initially set to = 0 (keypad), as factory default.
If External contact control is desired then power down the drive and make the connections to the control terminals
following the previous wiring diagram A-2.13.1a or A-2.14.1a. After power-up, set Sn-01 = 1 (External Contact) using
the following keypad navigation procedure.


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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

(Run Source Select)

1 - Press the key

2 - Press the key twice

3 - Press the key until display shows


4 - Press the key 0

5 - Press the key

6 - Press the key to . 2 Seconds


7 - Press the key to return to the main display.

Step 6 – Setting Minimum Speed in Pump Applications

 In the case of pump applications, it is normally required to limit the minimum speed that the pump will operate
regardless of the input speed command. The pump minimum speed is usually specified either by the pump
manufacturer or the application. Once this value has been established, the minimum output frequency of the
inverter and thus the minimum motor (pump) speed can be set by parameter Cn-19. This parameter sets the
minimum inverter frequency output, and thus a minimum motor (pump) speed to a percentage of the maximum
output command frequency.
 The following is an example of setting the minimum motor (pump) speed to 1800 RPM, which is 50% of the
maximum pump speed, 3600 RPM.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

(Minimum motor speed)

1 - Press the key

2 - Press the key 3 times

3 - Press the key until display shows


4 - Press the key


5 - Press the 0
key twice


6 - Press the key 5 times

7 - Press the key to 2 Seconds


8 - Press the key to return to the main display.

2.7 Setting Up a Simple Main PID Loop

In this section the setting up of a simple PID loop will be covered. The purpose here, is to familiarize the user with the
various parameters that are used in the PID set up. The PID method of control covered will consist basically of a set-
point (operating point, e.g. Flow, Pressure etc.) entered through the keypad (Sn-05=0 Factory Default) and a 0-10V
analog transducer feedback signal (Sn-24=0) connected to the control terminals. These two signals are then
compared, and through PID processing, correct for any load or environmental changes to maintain the set-point. Only
the (P) proportional and (I) integral parameters will be set and adjusted through the keypad to optimize performance.
The parameter (D) derivative will not be discussed or used in this guide as the factory setting is usually sufficient for
Fan and Pump applications.

Note- Although this PID setup procedure is mainly for Fan and Pump control it can be applied to any PID
set-up Cont.

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MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Step 1 – Connect a 0-10V Feedback Device

In this step the external wiring connections will be made for the analog feedback device.

 Before removing any covers or making any external control connections, Power Down the inverter.

After the power has been turned OFF, wait at least 5 minutes until the charge indicator extinguishes
completely before touching any wiring, circuit boards or components.

 Remove the cover from the inverter and following the previous analog feedback diagrams 2.4.1a or 2.5.1,
make the connections for the feedback device to the control terminals.
 Power -up the drive and proceed to the next Step.

Step 2 - Setting up the Main PID control loop, and Feedback input.

 Before selecting the parameter(s), ensure the inverter is in the STOP mode.
 To activate the main PID control parameter (Sn-64) must be set to 1.
 The Feedback Input parameter (Sn –24) is set to 1 (AIN, 4-20 mA), as factory default. To select (VIN, 0-10 Vdc),
(Sn-24) must be set to 0. To set the parameter(s), follow the navigation procedure below.

To set parameter Sn-64 = 1


Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the
key An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1

2 - Press the DSPL key twice
Inverter Capacity

3 - Press the Sn-64

key until display shows
PID Function


EDIT Sn-64 =00

4 - Press the ENTER
PID Invalid


Sn-64 =01
5 - Press the key
Normal PID 1

6 - Press the key to save 2 Seconds
ENTER Entry Accepted

Sn-64 =01
Normal PID 1
7 - Press the DRIVE key to return to the main display.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

To set parameter Sn-24 = 0

(Feedback Point VIN)

Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the
PRGM An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1

2 - Press the DSPL key twice
Inverter Capacity

3 - Press the Sn-24

key until display shows
External Input

EDIT Sn-24 = 1
4 - Press the ENTER


5 - Press the Sn-24 = 0


6 - Press the ENTER key to save Entry Accepted
2 Seconds


Sn-64 =01
Normal PID 1
7 - Press the DRIVE key to return to the main display.

Step 3 - Select Feedback Engineering Units (P1-01) and Scaling (P1-02)

 Initially the display will read output frequency in (Hz) as the factory default and is set by parameter (Cn-28=0). If
(Cn-28) is changed to (1), then the display will read out in (%). The setting of (Cn-28) is only valid if (P1-01=0),
which is the factory default. Other engineering units may be selected by parameter setting (P1-01) as described on
the following page.

 In this step, the feedback engineering units that the system is controlling such as CFM in Fan applications or PSI in
the case of Pumps can be selected by parameter (P1-01). (See Section 1 for additional selections). The maximum
value that the engineering units will be in any given application is set by parameter (P1-02). These selections will
now be displayed on the digital operator.

Example: A pump application that has a feeedback transducer with a maximum value of
150 PSI i.e. 150 PSI = 10 Vdc, can be set as follows.


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

To set parameter P1-01 = PSI

Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the
key An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1

2 - Press the DSPL key 4 times
Engineering Unit


P1-01 = 02
3 - Press the key, then the key twice
ENTER Set by Cn-28

4 - Press the ENTER key to save 2 Seconds
Entry Accepted

P1-01 = 02
Go to next step
Unit: PSI
Next to set parameter P1-02 = 200

1 - Press the DSPL key P1-01-

Engineering Unit

2 - Press the key
Feedback Maximum


3 - Press the ENTER key P1-02 = 1000
Feedback Maximum


4 - Press the key, then the P1-02 = 0000

Feedback Maximum


5 - Press the key, then the P1-02 = 0200

Key twice
Feedback Maximum

6 - Press the ENTER key to save 2 Seconds
Entry Accepted


P1-02 = 0200
7 - Press the
key to return to the main display. Feedback Maximum

Note: Once P1-01 is set to a non-zero value, then Cn-28 is no longer valid.

Step 4 – Setting PID Parameters; Proportional Gain (Bn-17) and Integral Time (Bn-18)
 Proportional Gain Bn-17 = 2.0 and the Integral Time Bn-18 = 5.0s. To change these parameters, follow the
keypad navigation procedure on the next page.

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TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Step 5 – Setting Parameters Acceleration (Bn-01) and Deceleration (Bn-02) Times

 Acceleration and Deceleration times as well as the PID control [(P) Proportional Gain and/or the (I) Integral Time
(See STEP 10) directly control the system dynamic response. In general, the longer the acceleration and
deceleration time, the slower the system response, and the shorter time, the faster the response. An excessive
amount of time can result in sluggish system performance while too short of a time may result in system instability.

The starting values suggested by this guide normally result in good system performance for
the majority of Fan and Pump applications. If the values need to be adjusted, caution
should be exercised, and the changes should be in small increments to avoid system

 Parameters Bn-01 (Acceleration) and Bn-02 (Deceleration) are both set at the factory for 10.0 seconds. For
Fan and Pump applications, the recommended starting values are 30 seconds. To change these parameters, follow
the keypad navigation procedure below.

To set parameter Bn-01 = 30.0 S


Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the
key An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1

2 - Press the DSPL key Bn-01-

Acc. Time 1

3 - Press the
key Bn-01=0010.0 S
Acc. Time 1

4 - Press the key 3 times, then the key twice Bn-01=0030.0 S

Acc. Time 1

5 - Press the key to save 2 Seconds
ENTER Entry Accepted

Bn-17 = 02.00
Go to next step
PID P_Gain


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Next to set parameter Bn-02 = 30.0 S


1 - Press the DSPL key, then the Bn-02-

Dec. Time 1

2 - Press the EDIT Bn-02=0010.0 S

Dec. Time 1

Bn-02=0030.0 S
3 - Press the key 3 times, then the Key twice
Dec. Time 1

4 - Press the key to save 2 Seconds
ENTER Entry Accepted


Bn-02=0030.0 S
Dec. Time 1
5 - Press the DRIVE
key to return to the main display.

Step 6 – Setting PID Sleep Function Parameters (P1-04), (P2-01), (P2-02), (P2-03) and (P2-04).
(NOTE: In the case of a Fan application skip this step and go to Step7)

 The PID Sleep function is turned on by parameter (P1-04) when set to (=1). This allows the system to turn off the
PID and thus the inverter output so that the pump does not run when the system level (PSI) is above the set-point.
This sleep start level is set by parameter (P2-01) in a range from 0 – 100% of the maximum inverter output. When
the system level drops below a value (the units are selected by Step 9) set by parameter (P2-03), the sleep wakeup
level, the output of the inverter will turn on. Parameters (P2-02) and (P2-04) provide delay times in seconds for
sleep start level and sleep wakeup level respectively. Fig. 2.7.1 below will serve to illustrate this.

Fig. 2.7.1 PID Sleep Function


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

 To further cover the PID Sleep function, the following is an example of the various parameter settings that could be
used. In this example the system will have the following specifications:
- Max. Pump Motor Speed: 3600 RPM.
- Set Point: 150 PSI.
- Feedback Transducer Range: 0 – 200 PSI.
- Pump System Sleep Level: 2160RPM or 60% of max. speed set by (P2-01=060.00).
Sleep Level Delay Time: 10 sec. set by (P2-02=010.0 ).
- Pump System Wakeup Level: 100 PSI set by (P2-03=0100).
Wakeup Time: 5 sec. set by (P2-04=005.0).

 Referring to Step 3, set the engineering units to PSI (P1-01=02) and then the range to 200 (P1-02=0200).
 The following shows the keypad navigation sequence in setting the PID parameters.
NOTE: The inverter must be in the Stop mode in order to turn on the sleep function.

Set parameter P1-04 = 1

(Turn on Sleep function)

Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the
key An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1

2 - Press the DSPL Key 4 times
Engineering Units

3 - Press the key 3 times P1-04 -

PID Sleep Function

4 - Press the
key P1-04 = 0
PID Sleep Invalid

P1-04 = 1
5 - Press the key
PID Sleep Valid

6 - Press the ENTER key to save 2 Seconds
Entry Accepted


P1-04 = 1
Go to next step
PID Sleep Valid


TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

(Sleep Wakeup Level)

1 - Press the key, and the the key


2 - Press the key


3 - Press the key twice, and then the key 1

4 - Press the key to 2 Seconds



TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

Finally set parameter P2-04 = 5.0 sec

(Sleep Wakeup Delay)

Keypad Steps Resulting Display

1 - Press the DSPL key and the the key
Sleep Wakeup Delay

EDIT P2-04=000.0 s
2 - Press the ENTER key
Sleep Wakeup Delay

P2-04=005.0 s
3 - Press the key 3 times and then the key 5 times
RESET Sleep Wakeup Delay

4 - Press the key to save. 2 Seconds
Entry Accepted


P2-04=005.0 s
Sleep Wakeup Delay
5 - Press the DRIVE key to return to the main display.

Step 7 – Testing The System

 The system can now be tested for performance. To do this, set the set-point through the keypad and run the drive
at some low level and check that the motor is operating properly and that the feedback signal level and polarity are
 Check the system for dynamic operation and make any adjustments necessary for optimum performance. This may
require making adjustments to parameters Bn-17 proportional gain and Bn-18 Integral Time. (Refer to Step 4)

NOTE: Parameters Bn-17 and Bn-18 may be changed through the keypad while the
system is operating.

A word of CAUTION ! - The parameter changes should be made in small increments and the results
checked to avoid highly unstable and possibly damaging conditions.

 This should complete the example installation of a system with a PID loop.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company App-2 Fan and Pump

MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual

All Low Voltage Motor Control Products, such as Solid State Starters and Inverters, (“products”) sold by TECO-
Westinghouse Motors Company (“TWMC”), are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a
period of 24 months from the date of shipment. A warranty of 36 months from the date of manufacture is applicable when
a TWMC Low Voltage Motor Control Product and a TWMC Inverter Duty motor (per NEMA MG1- are purchased
This warranty is conditioned upon the installation, operation, and maintenance of the products in accordance with
TWMC’s recommendations or standard industry practice, and that the products have at all times been operated or used
under the normal operating conditions for which they were designed. This warranty will not be applicable to products that
have been altered without prior written permission from TWMC.
TWMC shall, at its sole option and expense, repair or replace, F.O.B. warehouse or TWMC designated service center,
any such products, which are defective within the warranty period. In the event of warranty claims, TWMC must be
notified promptly following any product failure. The product shall be sent to a TWMC authorized service center for
diagnosis of the cause of failure. TWMC will not be responsible for any repair that has been performed without prior
written permission from TWMC.
The repair or replacement of defective material and workmanship shall constitute complete fulfillment of TWMC’s warranty
liability, whether the warranty claims are based on contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), or otherwise.

Warranty Return Procedure

The Product must be returned prepaid to TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company factory. A completed Return Material
Authorization (RMA) form with an assigned RMA number must be included in the shipment. Contact the nearest TECO-
Westinghouse location or Factory directly for RMA forms.

TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Warranty

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