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YASKAWA AC Drive V1000

Compact Vector Control Drive

Technical Manual
Models: 200 V Class, Three-Phase Input: 0.1 to 18.5 kW
200 V Class, Single-Phase Input: 0.1 to 3.7 kW
400 V Class, Three-Phase Input: 0.2 to 18.5 kW

To properly use the product, read this manual thoroughly and retain
for easy reference, inspection, and maintenance. Ensure the end user
receives this manual.

Receiving 1
Mechanical Installation 2
Electrical Installation 3
Start-Up Programming &
Operation 4
Parameter Details 5
Troubleshooting 6
Periodic Inspection &
Maintenance 7
Peripheral Devices &
Options 8
Specifications A
Parameter List B
Communications C
Standards Compliance D
MANUAL NO. SIEP C710606 16D Quick Reference Sheet E
This Page Intentionally Blank

Copyright © 2008 YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form
or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
Yaskawa. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because
Yaskawa is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to
change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Yaskawa assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information
contained in this publication.

2 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Table of Contents
i. PREFACE & GENERAL SAFETY..............................................................11
i.1 Preface .................................................................................................................. 12
Applicable Documentation..................................................................................................12
Terms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................12
i.2 General Safety ...................................................................................................... 13
Supplemental Safety Information .......................................................................................13
Safety Messages................................................................................................................13
Drive Label Warnings .........................................................................................................16
Warranty Information..........................................................................................................16
Quick Reference.................................................................................................................17
i.3 Application Precautions ...................................................................................... 19
General Application Precautions ........................................................................................19
Installation Environment .....................................................................................................20
Settings ..............................................................................................................................20
Compliance with Harmonic Suppression Guidelines..........................................................20
General Handling ...............................................................................................................20
Notes on Motor Operation ..................................................................................................21

1. RECEIVING ................................................................................................25
1.1 Section Safety....................................................................................................... 26
1.2 Model Number and Nameplate Check ................................................................ 27
Nameplate ..........................................................................................................................27
1.3 Drive Models and Enclosure Types .................................................................... 29
1.4 Component Names............................................................................................... 30
IP20/Open-Chassis ............................................................................................................30
IP00/Open-Chassis ............................................................................................................32
IP20/NEMA Type 1 Enclosure............................................................................................33
Front Views ........................................................................................................................34

2. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION.................................................................35
2.1 Section Safety....................................................................................................... 36
2.2 Mechanical Installation ........................................................................................ 38
Installation Environment .....................................................................................................38
Installation Orientation and Spacing...................................................................................38
Removing and Attaching the Protective Covers.................................................................40
Exterior and Mounting Dimensions ....................................................................................40

3. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ..................................................................45

3.1 Section Safety....................................................................................................... 46
3.2 Standard Connection Diagram............................................................................ 48
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 3
Table of Contents

3.3 Main Circuit Connection Diagram................................................................................ 51

Single-Phase 200 V Class Models BA0001 to BA0018 ............................................................... 51
Three-Phase 200 V Class Models 2A0001 to 2A0069
Three-Phase 400 V Class Models 4A0001 to 4A0038 ............................................................... 51
3.4 Terminal Block Configuration ...................................................................................... 52
3.5 Protective Covers .......................................................................................................... 53
IP20 Front and Bottom Cover Removal and Installation .............................................................. 53
IP20/NEMA Type 1 Front and Bottom Cover Removal and Installation....................................... 54
IP20/NEMA Type 1 Top Cover Removal and Installation ............................................................ 55
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring........................................................................................................ 56
Main Circuit Terminal Functions................................................................................................... 56
Wire Gauges and Tightening Torques ......................................................................................... 56
Main Circuit Terminal Power Supply and Motor Wiring................................................................ 60
3.7 Control Circuit Wiring ................................................................................................... 62
Control Circuit Terminal Block Functions ..................................................................................... 63
Terminal Configuration ................................................................................................................. 64
Wiring Procedure.......................................................................................................................... 65
3.8 I/O Connections ............................................................................................................. 67
Sinking/Sourcing Mode Switch..................................................................................................... 67
3.9 Main Frequency Reference........................................................................................... 69
DIP Switch S1 Analog Input Signal Selection .............................................................................. 69
3.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Termination ................................................................................. 70
3.11 Braking Resistor............................................................................................................ 71
Installation .................................................................................................................................... 71
3.12 Wiring Checklist ............................................................................................................ 73

4. START-UP PROGRAMMING & OPERATION...................................................75

4.1 Section Safety................................................................................................................ 76
4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator.................................................................................... 78
Keys, Displays, and LEDs ............................................................................................................ 78
Digital Text Display....................................................................................................................... 79
LED Screen Displays ................................................................................................................... 79
LO/RE LED and RUN LED Indications......................................................................................... 80
Menu Structure for Digital LED Operator ..................................................................................... 81
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes ............................................................................ 82
Navigating the Drive and Programming Modes............................................................................ 83
Changing Parameter Settings or Values ...................................................................................... 85
Verifying Parameter Changes: Verify Menu ................................................................................. 86
Switching Between LOCAL and REMOTE................................................................................... 86
Parameters Available in the Setup Group .................................................................................... 87
4.4 Start-up Flowcharts....................................................................................................... 88
Flowchart A: Basic Start-up and Motor Tuning............................................................................. 89
Subchart A1: Simple Motor Setup with Energy Savings or Speed Search Using V/f Mode......... 90
Subchart A2: High Performance Operation Using Open Loop Vector Motor Control................... 91
Subchart A3: Operation with Permanent Magnet Motors............................................................. 92
4.5 Powering Up the Drive .................................................................................................. 93
Powering Up the Drive and Operation Status Display.................................................................. 93
4.6 Application Selection .................................................................................................... 94
Setting 1: Water Supply Pump Application................................................................................... 94
Setting 2: Conveyor Application ................................................................................................... 95
Setting 3: Exhaust Fan Application .............................................................................................. 95

4 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
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Setting 4: HVAC Fan Application ................................................................................................. 95

Setting 5: Compressor Application ............................................................................................... 96
Setting 6: Hoist Application .......................................................................................................... 96
Notes on Controlling the Brake when Using the Hoist Application Preset ................................... 97
Setting 7: Traveling Application.................................................................................................... 98
Setting 8: Conveyor Application 2 ................................................................................................ 99
4.7 Auto-Tuning ................................................................................................................. 100
Types of Auto-Tuning ................................................................................................................. 100
Before Auto-Tuning the Drive..................................................................................................... 100
Auto-Tuning Interruption and Fault Codes ................................................................................. 101
Performing Auto-Tuning ............................................................................................................. 101
Auto-Tuning Example................................................................................................................. 102
Input Data for Auto-Tuning ......................................................................................................... 104
4.8 No-Load Operation Test Run...................................................................................... 106
No-Load Operation Test Run ..................................................................................................... 106
4.9 Test Run with Load Connected.................................................................................. 107
Test Run with the Load Connected ............................................................................................ 107
4.10 Verifying Parameter Settings and Backing Up Changes ......................................... 108
Backing Up Parameter Values: o2-03 ........................................................................................ 108
Parameter Access Level: A1-01................................................................................................. 108
Password Settings: A1-04, A1-05 .............................................................................................. 108
Copy Function (Optional) ........................................................................................................... 109
4.11 Test Run Checklist ...................................................................................................... 110

5. PARAMETER DETAILS ...................................................................................111

5.1 A: Initialization ............................................................................................................. 112
A1: Initialization .......................................................................................................................... 112
A2: User Parameters.................................................................................................................. 115
5.2 b: Application............................................................................................................... 117
b1: Mode of Operation................................................................................................................ 117
b2: DC Injection Braking............................................................................................................. 123
b3: Speed Search....................................................................................................................... 125
b4: Delay Timers ........................................................................................................................ 130
b5: PID Control........................................................................................................................... 130
b6: Dwell Function...................................................................................................................... 139
b8: Energy Saving ...................................................................................................................... 140
5.3 C: Tuning...................................................................................................................... 142
C1: Acceleration and Deceleration Times .................................................................................. 142
C2: S-Curve Characteristics....................................................................................................... 145
C3: Slip Compensation............................................................................................................... 146
C4: Torque Compensation ......................................................................................................... 147
C5: Automatic Speed Regulator (ASR) ...................................................................................... 148
C6: Carrier Frequency................................................................................................................ 150
5.4 d: Reference Settings ................................................................................................. 154
d1: Frequency Reference........................................................................................................... 155
d2: Frequency Upper/Lower Limits ............................................................................................ 156
d3: Jump Frequency................................................................................................................... 157
d4: Frequency Hold and Up/Down 2 Function ........................................................................... 157
d7: Offset Frequencies ............................................................................................................... 162
5.5 E: Motor Parameters ................................................................................................... 163
E1: V/f Characteristics................................................................................................................ 163
E2: Motor 1 Parameters ............................................................................................................. 166
E3: V/f Characteristics for Motor 2 ............................................................................................. 168

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E4: Motor 2 Parameters ............................................................................................................. 169

E5: PM Motor Settings ............................................................................................................... 171
5.6 F: Option Settings ....................................................................................................... 174
F1: Error Detection for V/f Control with PG ................................................................................ 174
F6: Serial Communications Option Card Settings...................................................................... 175
CC-Link Parameters................................................................................................................... 177
MECHATROLINK-II Parameters ................................................................................................ 177
MECHATROLINK-III Parameters ............................................................................................... 177
PROFIBUS-DP Parameters ....................................................................................................... 177
CANopen Parameters ................................................................................................................ 177
CompoNet Parameters............................................................................................................... 177
DeviceNet Parameters ............................................................................................................... 177
5.7 H: Terminal Functions................................................................................................. 178
H1: Multi-Function Digital Inputs ................................................................................................ 178
H2: Multi-Function Output .......................................................................................................... 188
H3: Multi-Function Analog Input Terminals ................................................................................ 197
H4: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminals ............................................................................. 202
H5: MEMOBUS/Modbus Serial Communication ........................................................................ 203
H6: Pulse Train Input/Output...................................................................................................... 203
5.8 L: Protection Functions .............................................................................................. 205
L1: Motor Protection Functions .................................................................................................. 205
L2: Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru....................................................................................... 209
L3: Stall Prevention .................................................................................................................... 212
L4: Speed Agree/Frequency Reference Loss Detection ............................................................ 218
L5: Fault Restart......................................................................................................................... 222
L6: Torque Detection.................................................................................................................. 223
L7: Torque Limit ......................................................................................................................... 225
L8: Hardware Protection............................................................................................................. 226
5.9 n: Special Adjustments............................................................................................... 231
n1: Hunting Prevention............................................................................................................... 231
n2: Automatic Frequency Regulator (AFR) Tuning .................................................................... 231
n3: High Slip Braking (HSB)/Overexcitation Deceleration.......................................................... 232
n6: Motor Line-to-Line Resistance Online Tuning ...................................................................... 233
n8: PM Motor Control ................................................................................................................. 234
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings...................................................................................... 237
o1: Display Settings and Selections ........................................................................................... 237
o2: Operator Key Selections ...................................................................................................... 238
o3: Copy Function ...................................................................................................................... 240
o4: Maintenance Monitor Settings.............................................................................................. 240
q: DriveWorksEZ Parameters..................................................................................................... 242
r: DriveWorksEZ Connection Parameters .................................................................................. 242
T: Motor Tuning .......................................................................................................................... 242
5.11 U: Monitor Parameters ................................................................................................ 243
U1: Operation Status Monitors ................................................................................................... 243
U2: Fault Trace........................................................................................................................... 243
U3: Fault History......................................................................................................................... 243
U4: Maintenance Monitors ......................................................................................................... 243
U5: PID Monitors ........................................................................................................................ 243
U6: Control Monitors .................................................................................................................. 243
U8: DriveWorksEZ Monitors....................................................................................................... 243

6. TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................245
6.1 Section Safety.............................................................................................................. 246
6.2 Motor Performance Fine Tuning ................................................................................ 248

6 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Table of Contents

V/f Motor Control Method Tuning ............................................................................................... 248

Open Loop Vector (OLV) Motor Control Method Tuning............................................................ 249
Motor Hunting and Oscillation Control Parameters .................................................................... 250
6.3 Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors ............................................................................... 251
Types of Alarms, Faults, and Errors........................................................................................... 251
Alarm and Error Displays ........................................................................................................... 251
6.4 Fault Detection ............................................................................................................ 255
Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible Solutions ........................................................................ 255
6.5 Alarm Detection ........................................................................................................... 269
Alarm Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions .......................................................................... 269
6.6 Operator Programming Errors ................................................................................... 278
oPE Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions............................................................................. 278
6.7 Auto-Tuning Fault Detection ...................................................................................... 282
Auto-Tuning Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions................................................................ 282
6.8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults............................................................................... 284
Fault Occurs Simultaneously with Power Loss .......................................................................... 284
If the Drive Still has Power After a Fault Occurs ........................................................................ 284
Viewing Fault Trace Data After Fault ......................................................................................... 284
Fault Reset Methods .................................................................................................................. 284
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display ..................................................................... 285
Cannot Change Parameter Settings .......................................................................................... 285
Motor Does Not Rotate Properly after Pressing RUN Button or after Entering External Run
Command ................................................................................................................................. 285

7. PERIODIC INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE ..................................................295

7.1 Section Safety.............................................................................................................. 296
7.2 Inspection .................................................................................................................... 298
Recommended Daily Inspection................................................................................................. 298
Recommended Periodic Inspection............................................................................................ 298
7.3 Periodic Maintenance ................................................................................................. 300
Replacement Parts..................................................................................................................... 300
7.4 Drive Cooling Fans...................................................................................................... 302
Number of Cooling Fans ............................................................................................................ 302
Cooling Fan Replacement.......................................................................................................... 303
7.5 Drive Replacement ...................................................................................................... 305
Serviceable Parts ....................................................................................................................... 305
Terminal Board Overview........................................................................................................... 305
Dismantling the Removable Terminal Block............................................................................... 305

8. PERIPHERAL DEVICES & OPTIONS ............................................................309

8.1 Section Safety.............................................................................................................. 310
8.2 Drive Options and Peripheral Devices ...................................................................... 311
8.3 Connecting Peripheral Devices ................................................................................. 313
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices ..................................................................................... 314
Installing a Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) and Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) 314
Installing a Leakage Breaker...................................................................................................... 314
Installing a Magnetic Contactor .................................................................................................. 314
Connecting an AC or DC Reactor .............................................................................................. 315
Connecting a Surge Absorber .................................................................................................... 315
Connecting a Noise Filter ........................................................................................................... 316
EMC Filter Installation ................................................................................................................ 317

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 7
Table of Contents

Zero-Phase Reactor ................................................................................................................... 318

Installing Fuses on the Input Side .............................................................................................. 318
Attachment for External Heatsink............................................................................................... 319
Noise Filter Installation ............................................................................................................... 319
Installing a Motor Thermal Overload (oL) Relay on the Drive Output ........................................ 319
8.5 Communication Options............................................................................................. 320
8.6 Connecting an Option Card........................................................................................ 321
Verifying the Option Card and Product Type.............................................................................. 321
Connecting the Option Card....................................................................................................... 321

A. SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................323
A.1 Heavy Duty and Normal Duty Ratings ....................................................................... 324
A.2 Single/Three-Phase 200 V Class Drive ...................................................................... 325
A.3 Three-Phase 400 V Class Drives ................................................................................ 327
A.4 Drive Specifications .................................................................................................... 329
A.5 Drive Watt Loss Data .................................................................................................. 332
A.6 Drive Derating Data ..................................................................................................... 333
Carrier Frequency Derating........................................................................................................ 333
Temperature Derating ................................................................................................................ 333
Altitude Derating......................................................................................................................... 333

B. PARAMETER LIST...........................................................................................335
B.1 Parameter Groups ....................................................................................................... 336
B.2 Parameter Table .......................................................................................................... 337
A: Initialization Parameters......................................................................................................... 337
b: Application.............................................................................................................................. 338
C: Tuning.................................................................................................................................... 343
d: References ............................................................................................................................. 346
E: Motor Parameters .................................................................................................................. 348
F: Options................................................................................................................................... 353
H Parameters: Multi-Function Terminals.................................................................................... 356
L: Protection Function ................................................................................................................ 363
n: Advanced Performance Set-Up.............................................................................................. 371
o: Operator Related Parameters ................................................................................................ 373
q: DriveWorksEZ Parameters..................................................................................................... 375
r: DriveWorksEZ Connection Parameters .................................................................................. 375
T: Motor Tuning .......................................................................................................................... 376
U: Monitors ................................................................................................................................. 377
B.3 Control Mode Dependent Parameter Default Values ............................................... 384
A1-02 (Motor 1 Control Mode) Dependent Parameters ............................................................. 384
E3-01 (Motor 2 Control Mode) Dependent Parameters ............................................................. 385
B.4 V/f Pattern Default Values........................................................................................... 386
B.5 China Localized Drive Default Values ....................................................................... 387
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD) .................................................. 388
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection ....................................... 396
Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM Motor ........................................................................................... 396
SS5 Motor: Yaskawa SSR1 Series IPM Motor........................................................................... 397

C. MEMOBUS/MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS....................................................409
C.1 Section Safety.............................................................................................................. 410
C.2 MEMOBUS/Modbus Configuration ............................................................................ 411
C.3 Communication Specifications .................................................................................. 412
8 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Table of Contents

C.4 Connecting to a Network ............................................................................................ 413

Network Cable Connection......................................................................................................... 413
Wiring Diagram for Multiple Connections ................................................................................... 413
Network Termination .................................................................................................................. 414
C.5 MEMOBUS/Modbus Setup Parameters ..................................................................... 415
MEMOBUS/Modbus Serial Communication............................................................................... 415
C.6 Drive Operations by MEMOBUS/Modbus.................................................................. 418
Observing the Drive Operation................................................................................................... 418
Controlling the Drive................................................................................................................... 418
C.7 Communications Timing............................................................................................. 419
Command Messages from Master to Drive................................................................................ 419
Response Messages from Drive to Master ................................................................................ 419
C.8 Message Format .......................................................................................................... 420
Message Content ....................................................................................................................... 420
Slave Address ............................................................................................................................ 420
Function Code ............................................................................................................................ 420
Error Check ................................................................................................................................ 420
C.9 Message Examples ..................................................................................................... 422
Reading Drive MEMOBUS/Modbus Register Contents ............................................................. 422
Loopback Test............................................................................................................................ 422
Writing to Multiple Registers....................................................................................................... 423
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table.................................................................................. 424
Command Data .......................................................................................................................... 424
Monitor Data............................................................................................................................... 425
Broadcast Messages.................................................................................................................. 431
Fault Trace Contents.................................................................................................................. 432
Alarm Register Contents ............................................................................................................ 433
C.11 Enter Command........................................................................................................... 434
Enter Command Types .............................................................................................................. 434
Enter Command Settings when Upgrading the Drive................................................................. 434
C.12 Communication Errors ............................................................................................... 435
MEMOBUS/Modbus Error Codes............................................................................................... 435
Slave Not Responding................................................................................................................ 435
C.13 Self-Diagnostics .......................................................................................................... 436

D. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE ..........................................................................437

D.1 Section Safety.............................................................................................................. 438
D.2 European Standards ................................................................................................... 440
CE Low Voltage Directive Compliance....................................................................................... 440
EMC Guidelines Compliance ..................................................................................................... 442
D.3 UL Standards ............................................................................................................... 447
UL Standards Compliance ......................................................................................................... 447
Drive Motor Overload Protection ................................................................................................ 454
D.4 Precautions for Korean Radio Waves Act ................................................................ 456
D.5 한국 전파법에 관한 주의사항........................................................................................ 457
D.6 Safe Disable Input ....................................................................................................... 458
Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 458
Precautions ................................................................................................................................ 459
Using the Safe Disable Function ................................................................................................ 459

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 9
Table of Contents

E. QUICK REFERENCE SHEET ..........................................................................461

E.1 Drive and Motor Specifications.................................................................................. 462
Drive ........................................................................................................................................... 462
Motor .......................................................................................................................................... 462
E.2 Basic Parameter Settings ........................................................................................... 463
Basic Setup ................................................................................................................................ 463
V/f Pattern Setup ........................................................................................................................ 463
Motor Setup................................................................................................................................ 463
Multi-Function Digital Outputs (SC Common) ............................................................................ 463
Pulse Train Input/Analog Inputs (AC Common) ......................................................................... 464
Multi-Function Digital Outputs (MC Common)............................................................................ 464
Multi-Function Photocoupler Outputs (PC Common) ................................................................. 464
Monitor Outputs (AC Common).................................................................................................. 464
E.3 User Setting Table ....................................................................................................... 465
INDEX ...............................................................................................................471

10 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Preface & General Safety
This section provides safety messages pertinent to this product that, if not heeded, may result in
fatality, personal injury, or equipment damage. Yaskawa is not responsible for the consequences
of ignoring these instructions.

i.1 PREFACE..........................................................................................................12
i.2 GENERAL SAFETY..........................................................................................13
i.3 APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS.......................................................................19

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 11
i.1 Preface

i.1 Preface
Yaskawa manufactures products used as components in a wide variety of industrial systems and equipment. The selection
and application of Yaskawa products remain the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer or end user. Yaskawa accepts
no responsibility for the way its products are incorporated into the final system design. Under no circumstances should
any Yaskawa product be incorporated into any product or design as the exclusive or sole safety control. Without exception,
all controls should be designed to detect faults dynamically and fail safely under all circumstances. All systems or
equipment designed to incorporate a product manufactured by Yaskawa must be supplied to the end user with appropriate
warnings and instructions as to the safe use and operation of that part. Any warnings provided by Yaskawa must be promptly
provided to the end user. Yaskawa offers an express warranty only as to the quality of its products in conforming to
standards and specifications published in the Yaskawa manual. NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS
OFFERED. Yaskawa assumes no liability for any personal injury, property damage, losses, or claims arising from
misapplication of its products.
This manual is designed to ensure correct and suitable application of Variable V1000-Series drives. Read this manual
before attempting to install, operate, maintain, or inspect a drive and keep it in a safe, convenient location for future
reference. Be sure you understand all precautions and safety information before attempting application.

u Applicable Documentation
The following manuals are available for V1000 series drives:
V1000 Series AC Drive Quick Start Guide
Read this manual first. This guide is packaged together with the product. It contains basic
information required to install and wire the drive. This guide provides basic programming and
simple setup and adjustment.
V1000 Series AC Drive Technical Manual
This manual describes installation, wiring, operation procedures, functions, troubleshooting,
maintenance, and inspections to perform before operation.

u Symbols
Note: Indicates a supplement or precaution that does not cause drive damage.
TERMS Indicates a term or definition used in this manual.

u Terms and Abbreviations

TERMS • Drive: Yaskawa V1000 Series Drive
• PM motor: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (an abbreviation for IPM motor or SPM motor)
• IPM motor: Interior Permanent Magnet Motor (e.g., Yaskawa SSR1 Series motor)
• SPM motor: Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Motor (e.g., Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM motor)
• PG: Pulse Generator
• r/min: Revolutions per Minute
• V/f: V/f Control
• OLV: Open Loop Vector Control
• OLV/PM: Open Loop Vector Control for PM

12 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
i.2 General Safety

i.2 General Safety

u Supplemental Safety Information

General Precautions
• The diagrams in this manual may be indicated without covers or safety shields to show details. Restore covers or shields before
operating the drive and run the drive according to the instructions described in this manual.
• Any illustrations, photographs, or examples used in this manual are provided as examples only and may not apply to all products
to which this manual is applicable.
• The products and specifications described in this manual or the content and presentation of the manual may be changed without
notice to improve the product and/or the manual.
• When ordering a new copy of the manual due to damage or loss, contact your Yaskawa representative or the nearest Yaskawa sales
office and provide the manual number shown on the front cover.
• If nameplate becomes worn or damaged, order a replacement from your Yaskawa representative or the nearest Yaskawa sales

Read and understand this manual before installing, operating or servicing this drive. The drive must be installed according
to this manual and local codes.
The following conventions are used to indicate safety messages in this manual. Failure to heed these messages could
result in serious or possibly even fatal injury or damage to the products or to related equipment and systems.

Indicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

WARNING! will also be indicated by a bold key word embedded in the text followed by an italicized safety message.

Indicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

CAUTION! will also be indicated by a bold key word embedded in the text followed by an italicized safety message.

Indicates a property damage message.

NOTICE: will also be indicated by a bold key word embedded in the text followed by an italicized safety message.

u Safety Messages
Heed the safety messages in this manual.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
The operating company is responsible for any injuries or equipment damage resulting from failure to heed the warnings
in this manual.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 13
i.2 General Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
Before servicing, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the power
supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent
electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm
safe level.

Sudden Movement Hazard
System may start unexpectedly upon application of power, resulting in death or serious injury.
Clear all personnel from the drive, motor and machine area before applying power. Secure covers, couplings, shaft keys
and machine loads before applying power to the drive.
When using DriveWorksEZ to create custom programming, the drive I/O terminal functions change from factory
settings and the drive will not perform as outlined in this manual.
Unpredictable equipment operation may result in death or serious injury.
Take special note of custom I/O programming in the drive before attempting to operate equipment.
Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not attempt to modify or alter the drive in any way not explained in this manual.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Yaskawa is not responsible for any modification of the product made by the user. This product must not be modified.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to use equipment.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Maintenance, inspection, and replacement of parts must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Fire Hazard
Do not use an improper voltage source.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying power.
Crush Hazard
Do not use this drive in lifting applications without installing external safety circuitry to prevent accidental
dropping of the load.
The drive does not possess built-in load drop protection for lifting applications.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury from falling loads.
Install electrical and/or mechanical safety circuit mechanisms independent of drive circuitry.

Crush Hazard
Do not carry the drive by the front cover.
Failure to comply may result in minor or moderate injury from the main body of the drive falling.

14 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
i.2 General Safety

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.
Do not perform a withstand voltage test on any part of the drive.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the sensitive devices within the drive.
Do not operate damaged equipment.
Failure to comply could result in further damage to the equipment.
Do not connect or operate any equipment with visible damage or missing parts.
Install adequate branch circuit short circuit protection per applicable codes.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.
The drive is suitable for circuits capable of delivering not more than 31,000 RMS symmetrical Amperes, 240 Vac
maximum (200 V Class) and 480 Vac maximum (400 V Class).
Do not expose the drive to halogen group disinfectants.
Failure to comply may cause damage to the electrical components in the drive.
Do not pack the drive in wooden materials that have been fumigated or sterilized.
Do not sterilize the entire package after the product is packed.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 15
i.2 General Safety

u Drive Label Warnings

Always heed the warning information listed in Figure i.1 in the position shown in Figure i.2 .

WARNING Risk of electric shock.

Read manual before installing.
Wait 5 minutes for capacitor discharge after
disconnecting power supply.
To conform to requirements, make sure
to ground the supply neutral for 400V class.

Figure i.1 Warning Information


Figure i.2 Warning Information Position

u Warranty Information

n Warranty Period
This drive is warranted for 12 months from the date of delivery to the customer or 18 months from the date of shipment
from the Yaskawa factory, whichever comes first.
n Scope of Warranty
Customers are responsible for periodic inspections of the drive. Upon request, a Yaskawa representative will inspect the
drive for a fee. If the Yaskawa representative finds the drive to be defective due to Yaskawa workmanship or materials
and the defect occurs during the warranty period, this inspection fee will be waived and the problem remedied free of
If a Yaskawa product is found to be defective due to Yaskawa workmanship or materials and the defect occurs during the
warranty period, Yaskawa will provide a replacement, repair the defective product, and provide shipping to and from the
site free of charge.
However, if the Yaskawa Authorized Service Center determines that the problem with the drive is not due to defective
workmanship or materials, the customer will be responsible for the cost of any necessary repairs. Some problems that are
outside the scope of this warranty are:
Problems due to improper maintenance or handling, carelessness, or other reasons where the customer is determined to
be responsible.
Problems due to additions or modifications made to a Yaskawa product without Yaskawa's understanding.
Problems due to the use of a Yaskawa product under conditions that do not meet the recommended specifications.
Problems caused by natural disaster or fire.
After the free warranty period elapses.
Replenishment or replacement of consumables or expendables.
Defective products due to packaging or fumigation.

16 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
i.2 General Safety

Malfunctions or problems caused by programs made by customers using DriveWorksEZ.

Other problems not due to defects in Yaskawa workmanship or materials.
Warranty service is only applicable within Japan. However, after-sales service is available for customers outside of Japan
for a reasonable fee.
Contact your local Yaskawa representative for more information.
Any inconvenience to the customer or damage to non-Yaskawa products due to Yaskawa’s defective products whether
within or outside of the warranty period are NOT covered by warranty.
n Restrictions
The drive was not designed or manufactured for use in devices or systems that may directly affect or threaten human lives
or health.
Customers who intend to use the product described in this manual for devices or systems relating to transportation, health
care, space aviation, atomic power, electric power, or in underwater applications must first contact their Yaskawa
representatives or the nearest Yaskawa sales office.
This product has been manufactured under strict quality-control guidelines. However, if this product is to be installed in
any location where failure of this product could involve or result in a life-and-death situation or loss of human life or in a
facility where failure may cause a serious accident or physical injury, safety devices must be installed to minimize the
likelihood of any accident.

u Quick Reference
Easily Set Application-Specific Parameters

Preset parameter defaults are available for many applications. Refer to Application Selection on
page 94.

Run a Motor of One-Frame Larger Capacity

When using this drive for variable torque loads such as fans and pumps, a motor one frame size larger can be used. Refer to C6-01: Drive Duty
Selection on page 150

Know the Details of Safety Measures

The functions listed below affect the safe operation of the drive. Ensure that the settings fit the application requirements prior to operation.
Operation of digital outputs during Auto-tuning. Rotational Auto-tuning allows for normal digital output operation. Non-rotational Auto-tuning
does not allow for normal digital output operation.
Safe operations. Run by power on. Parameter setting b1-17.
LOCAL/REMOTE key effective during stop in drive mode. Parameter o2-01.
LED operator stop key priority selection. Parameter o2-02.
Enter press required after changing the keypad frequency reference. Parameter o2-05.
Operation interlock when program mode is selected. Parameter b1-08.

Replace the Drive

The removable terminal block with parameter backup function allows the transfer of parameter
settings after drive replacement. Refer to Dismantling the Removable Terminal Block on page

Drive a Synchronous PM Motor

The V1000 drive can operate synchronous PM motors. Refer to Subchart A3: Operation with
Permanent Magnet Motors on page 92.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 17
i.2 General Safety

Perform Auto-Tuning
Automatic tuning sets motor parameters. Refer to Auto-Tuning on page 100.

Check the Maintenance Period Using Drive Monitors

The maintenance period of fans and capacitors can be checked with drive monitors. Refer to Performance Life Monitors on page 300

Drive or Motor Faults are Displayed on a Digital Operator

Refer to Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible Solutions on page 255 and Refer to Detailed Alarm Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions on
page 269.

Standards Compliance

Refer to European Standards on page 440, Refer to UL Standards on page 447, and Refer to
Precautions for Korean Radio Waves Act on page 456

18 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
i.3 Application Precautions

i.3 Application Precautions

u General Application Precautions

n Selecting a Reactor
An AC or DC reactor can be used for the following:
• to suppress harmonic current.
• to smooth peak current that results from capacitor switching.
• when the power supply is above 600 kVA.
• when the drive is running from a power supply system with thyristor converters.
Note: A DC reactor is built in to 200 V and 400 V class models with a capacity of 22 kW and higher (HD rating).

4000 Power supply harmonics

reactor required

Power Supply
Capacity (kVA)

60 400
Drive Capacity (kVA)

Figure i.3 Installing a Reactor

n Drive Capacity
Make sure that the motor rated current is less than the rated nameplate output current of the drive. When running more
than one motor in parallel from a single drive, the drive rated current should 1.1 times larger than the total motor rated
current for all connected motors or nuisance drive faults may occur.
n Starting Torque
The overload rating of the drive determines the starting and accelerating characteristics of the motor. Expect lower running
torque than when running the motor from line power. To get more starting torque, use a larger drive or increase both the
motor and drive capacity.
n Emergency/Fast Stop
During a drive fault condition, a protective circuit is activated and drive output is shut off. The motor may coast to a stop
or attempt to decelerate depending on parameter settings. If the emergency/fast stop cannot stop the load as fast as desired,
a customer-supplied mechanical brake may be required. Test emergency stop circuitry before putting drive into operation.
n Options
The B1, B2, +1, +2, and +3 terminals are used to connect optional power devices. Connect only devices compatible with
the drive.
n Repetitive Starting/Stopping
Applications with frequent starts and stops often exceed 150% of their rated current values. Heat stress generated from
repetitive high current can shorten the life span of the IGBTs. The expected lifetime for the IGBTs is about 8 million start
and stop cycles with a 4 kHz carrier frequency and a 150% peak current.
Yaskawa recommends lowering the carrier frequency, particularly when audible noise is not a concern. The user can also
choose to reduce the load, increase the acceleration and deceleration times, or switch to a larger drive. This will help keep
peak current levels under 150%. Be sure to check the peak current levels when starting and stopping repeatedly during the
initial test run, and make adjustments accordingly.
For crane-type applications using the inching function in which the motor is quickly started and stopped, Yaskawa
recommends the following to ensure motor torque levels:
• Select a large enough drive so that peak current levels remain below 150% of the drive rated current.
• The drive should be one frame size larger than the motor.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 19
i.3 Application Precautions

u Installation Environment

n Enclosure Panels
Keep the drive in a clean environment by either selecting an area free of airborne dust, lint, and oil mist, or install the drive
in an enclosure panel. Be sure to leave the required space between drives to provide for cooling, and that proper measures
are taken so that the ambient temperature remains within allowable limits. Keep flammable materials away from the drive.
If the drive must be used in an area where it is subjected to oil mist and excessive vibration, protective designs are available.
Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent for details.
n Installation Direction
The drive should be installed upright as specified in the manual.

u Settings

n Motor Code
If using OLV/PM designed for permanent magnet motors (A1-02 = 5), make sure that the proper motor code is set in
parameter E5-01 before performing a trial run.
n Upper Limits
The drive is capable of running the motor up to 400 Hz. Due to the danger of accidentally operating the motor at high
speed, be sure to set the upper frequency limit. The default setting for the maximum output frequency is 60 Hz.
n DC Injection Braking
Motor overheat can result if there is too much current used during DC Injection Braking, or if the DC Injection Braking
time is too long.
n Acceleration/Deceleration Times
Acceleration and deceleration times are affected by how much torque the motor generates, the load torque, and the inertia
moment ((GD2)/4). Set a longer accel/decel time when Stall Prevention is enabled. The accel/decel times are lengthened
for as long as the Stall Prevention function is operating. For faster acceleration and deceleration, install a braking option
or increase the capacity of the drive.

u Compliance with Harmonic Suppression Guidelines

The drive conforms to strict guidelines in Japan covering harmonic suppression for power conversion devices. Defined in
JEM-TR201 and JEM-TR226 and published by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, these guidelines define
the amount of harmonic current output acceptable for new installation. Instructions on calculation harmonic output are
available at www.e-mechatronics.com.

u General Handling
NOTICE: Wiring Check. Never connect the power supply lines to output terminals U/T1, V/T2, or W/T3. Doing so will destroy the drive.
Be sure to perform a final check of all control wiring and other connections before applying line power. Make sure there are no short
circuits on the control terminals (+V, AC, etc.), as this could damage the drive.

n Selecting a Circuit Breaker or Leakage Circuit Breaker

Yaskawa recommends installing an Earth leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) to the power supply side to protect drive wiring
and prevent other damage in the event of component failure. A Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) may also be used
if permitted by the power system.
The ELCB should be designed for use with an AC drive (i.e., protected against harmonics). MCCB selection depends on
the power factor for the drive, determined by the power supply voltage, output frequency, and load. Refer to Installing
Peripheral Devices on page 314 for more information on breaker installation. Note that a larger capacity is needed when
using a fully electromagnetic MCCB, as operation characteristics vary with harmonic current.
n Magnetic Contactor (MC) Installation
Use an MC to ensure that line power to the drive can be completely shut off when necessary. The MC should be wired so
that it opens when the drive fault output is triggered.
Avoid switching the MC on the power supply side more frequently than once every 30 minutes. Frequent switching can
cause damage to the drive.

20 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
i.3 Application Precautions

n Inspection and Maintenance

DANGER! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on. Failure to comply will result in death or
serious injury. Disconnect all power to the drive, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are OFF, measure the DC bus voltage to
confirm safe level, and check for unsafe voltages before servicing to prevent electrical shock. The internal capacitor remains charged
even after the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc.
CAUTION! Burn Hazard. Do not touch a hot drive heatsink. Failure to comply could result in minor or moderate injury. Shut off the power
to the drive when replacing the cooling fan. To prevent burns, wait at least 15 minutes and make sure the heatsink has cooled to a safe
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Wait for at least the time specified on the drive warning label after opening the load switch on the
output side before any inspection or maintenance of permanent magnet (PM) motors. Failure to comply could result in death or serious
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Install a switch disconnect between the motor and the drive in applications where the machine
can still rotate even though the drive has fully stopped. Unpredictable equipment operation may result in death or serious injury.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Do not attempt to move a load that could potentially rotate the motor faster than the maximum
allowable r/min when the drive has been shut off. Unpredictable equipment operation may result in death or serious injury.
NOTICE: Do not open and close the motor disconnect switch while the motor is running, as this may damage the drive.
NOTICE: If the motor is coasting, make sure the power to the drive is turned on and the drive output has completely stopped before
closing the load switch.

n Wiring
All wire ends should use ring terminals for UL/cUL compliance. Use only the tools recommended by the terminal
manufacturer for crimping.
n Transporting the Drive
NOTICE: Prevent the drive from contact with salts, fluorine, bromine, phthalate ester, and other such harmful chemicals. Never steam
clean the drive. Failure to comply may cause damage to the drive components.

u Notes on Motor Operation

n Using a Standard Motor

Low Speed Range
The cooling fan of a standard motor is usually designed to sufficiently cool the motor at the rated speed. As the self-cooling
capability of such a motor reduces with the speed, applying full torque at low speed will possibly damage the motor. To
prevent motor damage from overheat, reduce the load torque as the motor slows. Figure i.4 shows the allowable load
characteristics for a Yaskawa standard motor. A motor designed specifically for operation with a drive should be used
when 100% continuous torque is needed at low speeds.
25% ED (or 15 min)
40% ED (or 20 min)
60% ED (or 40 min)

Torque 60
(%) 50
Continuous operation

3 6 20 60

Frequency (Hz)

Figure i.4 Allowable Load Characteristics for a Yaskawa Motor

Insulation Tolerance
Consider motor voltage tolerance levels and motor insulation in applications with an input voltage of over 440 V or
particularly long wiring distances. Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent for consultation.
High Speed Operation
Problems may occur with the motor bearings and dynamic balance of the machine when operating a motor beyond its rated
speed. Contact the motor or machine manufacturer.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 21
i.3 Application Precautions

Torque Characteristics
Torque characteristics differ compared to operating the motor directly from line power. The user should have a full
understanding of the load torque characteristics for the application.
Vibration and Shock
The drive settings allow the user to choose between high carrier PWM control and low carrier PWM. Selecting high carrier
PWM can help reduce motor oscillation.
Take particular caution when using a variable speed drive for an application that is conventionally run from line power at
a constant speed. If mechanical resonance occurs, install shock-absorbing rubber around the base of the motor and enable
the Jump frequency selection parameter to prevent continuous operation in the resonant frequency range.
Audible Noise
Noise created during run varies by the carrier frequency setting. When using a high carrier frequency, audible noise from
the motor is comparable to the motor noise generated when running from line power. Operating above the rated r/min,
however, can create unpleasant motor noise.
n Using a Synchronous Motor
• Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent if you plan to use a synchronous motor not endorsed by Yaskawa.
• Synchronous motors cannot be started directly from line power. Applications requiring line power to start should use
an induction motor with the drive.
• A single drive is not capable of running multiple synchronous motors at the same time. Use a standard induction motor
for such setups.
• At start, a synchronous motor may rotate slightly in the opposite direction of the Run command depending on parameter
settings and motor type.
• The amount of starting torque that can be generated differs by each control mode and by the type of motor being used.
Set up the motor with the drive after verifying the starting torque, allowable load characteristics, impact load tolerance,
and speed control range.
Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent if you plan to use a motor that does not fall within these specifications.
• Braking Torque: In Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors, braking torque is less than 125% when running between
20% to 100% speed, even with a braking resistor. Braking torque drops to less than half when running at less than 20%
• Load Inertia: In Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors, the allowable load inertia moment is approximately 50 times
higher than the motor inertia moment or less. Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent concerning applications with a
larger inertia moment.
• Holding Brake: When using a holding brake in Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors, release the brake prior to
starting the motor. Failure to set the proper timing can result in speed loss. Not for use with conveyor, transport, or hoist
type applications.
• Restarting a Coasting Motor: To restart a coasting motor rotating at over 200 Hz while in the V/f control mode, use the
Short Circuit Braking function to first bring the motor to a stop. Short Circuit Braking requires a special braking resistor.
Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent for details.
Speed Search can be used to restart a coasting motor rotating slower than 200 Hz. If the motor cable is relatively long,
however, the motor should instead be stopped using Short Circuit Braking, which forces the motor to stop by creating
a short-circuit in the motor windings.
n Applications with Specialized Motors
Multi-Pole Motor
Because the rated current will differ from a standard motor, be sure to check the maximum current when selecting a drive.
Always stop the motor before switching between the number of motor poles. If a regen overvoltage (oV) fault occurs or
if overcurrent protection (oC) is triggered, the motor will coast to stop.
Submersible Motor
Because motor rated current is greater than a standard motor, select the drive capacity accordingly. Be sure to use a large
enough gauge motor cable to avoid decreasing the maximum torque level on account of voltage drop caused by a long
motor cable.
Explosion-Proof Motor
Both the motor and drive need to be tested together to be certified as explosion-proof. The drive is not designed for explosion
proof areas.
Furthermore, if an encoder is attached to an explosion-proof motor make sure the encoder is also explosion-proof. Use an
insulating signal converter for connecting the encoder signal lines to the drives speed feedback option card.

22 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
i.3 Application Precautions

Geared Motor
To avoid gear damage when operating at low speeds or very high speeds, make sure that both the gear and lubricant are
rated for the desired speed range. Consult with the manufacturer for applications that require operation outside the rated
speed range of the motor or gear box.
Single-Phase Motor
Variable speed AC drives are not designed for operation with single phase motors. Using capacitors to start the motor
causes excessive current to flow and can damage drive components. A split-phase start or a repulsion start can end up
burning out the starter coils because the internal centrifugal switch is not activated. The drive is for use with 3-phase motors
Uras Vibrator
Uras vibrator is a vibration motor that gets power from centrifugal force by rotating unbalanced weights on both ends of
the shaft. After considering the points below, consult with a your Yaskawa representative to determine the best solution
for the application.
• Uras vibrator should be used within the drive rated frequency.
• Use V/f Control.
• Increase the acceleration time five to fifteen times longer than would normally be used due to the high amount of load
inertia of an Uras vibrator. Increase drive capacity for applications that require an acceleration time of less than 5 s.
• Drive may have trouble starting due to undertorque that results from erratic torque (static friction torque at start).
Motor with Brake
Caution should be taken when using a drive to operate a motor with a built-in holding brake. If the brake is connected to
the output side of the drive, it may not release at start due to low voltage levels. A separate power supply should be installed
for the motor brake. Motors with a built-in brake tend to generate a fair amount of noise when running at low speeds.
n Power Driven Machinery (decelerators, belts, chains, etc.)
Continuous operation at low speeds wears on the lubricating material used in gear box type systems to accelerate and
decelerate power driven machinery. Caution should also be taken when operating at speeds above the rated machine speed
due to noise and shortened performance life.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 23
i.3 Application Precautions

This Page Intentionally Blank

24 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
This chapter describes the proper inspections to perform after receiving the drive and illustrates
the different enclosure types and components.

1.1 SECTION SAFETY............................................................................................26

1.2 MODEL NUMBER AND NAMEPLATE CHECK...............................................27
1.3 DRIVE MODELS AND ENCLOSURE TYPES..................................................29
1.4 COMPONENT NAMES......................................................................................30

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 25
1.1 Section Safety

1.1 Section Safety

Do not carry the drive by the front cover.
Failure to comply may cause the main body of the drive to fall, resulting in minor or moderate injury.

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
A motor connected to a PWM drive may operate at a higher temperature than a utility-fed motor and the operating
speed range may reduce motor cooling capacity.
Ensure that the motor is suitable for drive duty and/or the motor service factor is adequate to accommodate the additional
heating with the intended operating conditions.

26 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
1.2 Model Number and Nameplate Check

1.2 Model Number and Nameplate Check

Please perform the following tasks after receiving the drive:
• Inspect the drive for damage.
If the drive appears damaged upon receipt, contact the shipper immediately.
• Verify receipt of the correct model by checking the information on the nameplate.
• If you have received the wrong model or the drive does not function properly, contact your supplier.

u Nameplate

MAX APPLI. MOTOR : 0.75kW / 0.4kW REV : A
J INPUT : AC3PH 200-240V 50 / 60Hz 2.7A / 1.4A
I OUTPUT : AC3PH 0-240V 0-400Hz 1.2A / 0.8A 7J48
MASS : 0.6 kg B
H O/N :
G S/N : IP20 C

FILE NO : E131457
KCC - REM - Yec
- CIMR - V1000
F 2-1 Kurosaki-shiroishi, Yahatanishi-Ku, Kitakyushu 806-0004 Japan


A – Normal Duty Amps / Heavy Duty G – Serial number

Amps H – Lot number
B – Software version I – Output specifications
C – CE and TÜV Certification J – Input specifications
D – Enclosure type K – AC drive model
E – KC mark <1>
F – Address <2>
Figure 1.1 Nameplate Information Example
Drive models CIMR-VToooooo bearing the mark conform to the Korean Radio Waves Act and are designated for
use in Asia (Region code: T).

마크가 부착되어 있는 제품은 한국 전파법에 적합한 아시아향 기종
(형식: CIMR-VToooooo)입니다.
<2> The address of the head office of Yaskawa Electric Corporation (responsible for product liability) is shown on the nameplate.

CIMR - V A 2 A 0001 B A A 1
Drive V1000 Customized Design
No. No. Enclosure Type
Series Specifications Revision
IP00/Open- Order
Region A Standard model A
No. Chassis
A Japan B IP20/Open-
B China
C Europe F
Type 1
T Asia
No. Environmental
U USA Specification <1>
A Standard <2>
No. Voltage Class
Humidity- and
B 1-phase, 200-240 Vac dust-resistant
2 3-phase, 200-240 Vac (Standard for China)
4 3-phase, 380-480 Vac
M Humidity- and
N Oil-resistant
S Vibration-resistant

Refer to the tables below.

<1> Drives with these specifications do not guarantee complete protection for the specified environmental condition.
<2> The specification is for Japan and Asia localized drives only: CIMR-VA and CIMR-VT .
<3> The specification is for China localized drives only: CIMR-VB .

n Single-Phase 200 V Class

Normal Duty Heavy Duty
Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A
BA0001 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.8
BA0002 0.4 1.9 0.2 1.6

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 27
1.2 Model Number and Nameplate Check

Normal Duty Heavy Duty

Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A
BA0003 0.75 3.3 0.4 3.0
BA0006 1.1 6.0 0.75 5.0
BA0010 2.2 9.6 1.5 8.0
BA0012 3.0 12.0 2.2 11.0
BA0018 <1> – – 3.7 17.5
<1> Available with Heavy Duty rating only.

n Three-Phase 200 V Class

Normal Duty Heavy Duty
Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A
2A0001 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.8
2A0002 0.4 1.9 0.2 1.6
2A0004 0.75 3.5 0.4 3.0
2A0006 1.1 6.0 0.75 5.0
2A0008 1.5 8.0 1.1 6.9
2A0010 2.2 9.6 1.5 8.0
2A0012 3.0 12.0 2.2 11.0
2A0018 3.7 17.5 3.0 14.0
2A0020 5.5 19.6 3.7 17.5
2A0030 7.5 30.0 5.5 25.0
2A0040 11 40.0 7.5 33.0
2A0056 15 56.0 11 47.0
2A0069 18.5 69.0 15 60.0

n Three-Phase 400 V Class

Normal Duty Heavy Duty
Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A Max. Motor Capacity kW Rated Output Current A
4A0001 0.4 1.2 0.2 1.2
4A0002 0.75 2.1 0.4 1.8
4A0004 1.5 4.1 0.75 3.4
4A0005 2.2 5.4 1.5 4.8
4A0007 3.0 6.9 2.2 5.5
4A0009 3.7 8.8 3.0 7.2
4A0011 5.5 11.1 3.7 9.2
4A0018 7.5 17.5 5.5 14.8
4A0023 11 23.0 7.5 18.0
4A0031 15 31.0 11 24.0
4A0038 18.5 38.0 15 31.0
Note: Refer to Component Names on page 30 for differences regarding enclosure protection types and component descriptions.

28 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
1.3 Drive Models and Enclosure Types

1.3 Drive Models and Enclosure Types

The following table describes drive enclosures and models.
Table 1.1 Drive Models and Enclosure Types
Enclosure Type
Voltage Class IP20/Open-Chassis IP00/Open-Chassis IP20/NEMA Type 1
Drive Model Drive Model Drive Model
BA0001B –
BA0002B –
BA0003B –
Single-Phase BA0006B –
200 V Class
BA0010B –
BA0012B –
BA0018B –
2A0001B – <1>
2A0002B –
2A0004B –
2A0006B –
2A0008B –
2A0010B –
Three-Phase 2A0012B –
200 V Class
2A0018B –
2A0020B –
– 2A0030F
– <2>
– 2A0056F
– 2A0069F
4A0001B –
4A0002B –

4A0004B –
4A0005B – <1>

4A0007B –
400 V Class 4A0009B – 1
4A0011B –
– 4A0018F
– <2>
– 4A0031F
– 4A0038F
<1> Models in this capacity range have IP20/Open-Chassis enclosures. Customers may convert these models to IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosures
using an IP20/NEMA Type 1 Kit (EZZ020564o).
<2> Models in this capacity range have IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosures. Customers may convert these models to IP00/Open-Chassis enclosures by
removing the top and bottom covers. Refer to IP00/Open-Chassis on page 32 for details.
Two types of enclosures are offered for V1000 drives.
• IP20/Open-Chassis and IP00/Open-Chassis models are often placed inside a large enclosure panel where the front of
the drive is covered to prevent someone from accidentally touching charged components.
• IP20/NEMA Type 1 models mount to an indoor wall and not inside a large enclosure panel.
Note: Drive models and protective enclosures referenced by footnotes 1 and 2 should specify the enclosure method using parameter L8-35.
Refer to Temperature Derating on page 333 for more information.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 29
1.4 Component Names

1.4 Component Names

This section illustrates the drive components as they are mentioned in this manual.

u IP20/Open-Chassis

n Single-Phase AC 200 V BA0001B to BA0003B

Three-Phase AC 200 V 2A0001B to 2A0006B



A – Fan cover <1> G – Front cover screw
B – Mounting hole H – Front cover
C – Heatsink I – Comm port
D – Optional 24 VDC power supply J – LED operator Refer to Using the
connector cover Digital LED Operator on page
E – Terminal board Refer to Control 78
Circuit Terminal Block Functions K – Case
on page 63 L – Cooling fan <1>
F – Terminal cover
Figure 1.2 Exploded View of IP20/Open-Chassis Type Components (Model 2A0006B)
<1> Models BA0001B to BA0003B and 2A0001B to 2A0004B do not have a cooling fan or a cooling fan cover.

30 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
1.4 Component Names

n Single-Phase AC 200 V BA0006B to BA0018B

Three-Phase AC 200 V 2A0008B to 2A0020B
Three-Phase AC 400 V 4A0001B to 4A0011B


A – Fan cover <1> H – Front cover

B – Mounting hole I – Terminal cover
C – Heatsink J – Bottom cover
D – Optional 24 VDC power supply K – LED operator Refer to Using the
connector cover Digital LED Operator on page
E – Comm port 78 1
F – Terminal board Refer to Control L – Case
Circuit Terminal Block Functions M – Cooling fan <1>
on page 63
G – Front cover screw
Figure 1.3 Exploded View of IP20/Open-Chassis Type Components (Model 2A0012B)
<1> Models BA0006B and 4A0001B to 4A0004B do not have a cooling fan or a cooling fan cover. Model BA0018B has two
cooling fans.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 31
1.4 Component Names

u IP00/Open-Chassis
n Three-Phase AC 200 V 2A0030A to 2A0069A
Three-Phase AC 400 V 4A0018A to 4A0038A





A – Fan cover H – Front cover screw
B – Cooling Fan I – Front cover
C – Mounting hole J – Terminal cover
D – Heatsink K – Comm port
E – Optional 24 VDC power supply L – LED operator Refer to Using the
connector cover Digital LED Operator on page
F – Terminal board Refer to Control 78
Circuit Terminal Block Functions M – Case
on page 63
G – Bottom cover
Figure 1.4 Exploded View of IP00/Open-Chassis Type Components (Model 4A0018A)

32 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
1.4 Component Names

u IP20/NEMA Type 1 Enclosure

n Three-Phase AC 200 V 2A0030F to 2A0069F

Three-Phase AC 400 V 4A00018F to 4A0038F


A – Fan cover I – Front cover screws
B – Cooling fan J – Terminal cover
C – Mounting Hole K – Terminal board Refer to Control
D – Case and Heatsink Circuit Terminal Block Functions
E – Optional 24 VDC power supply on page 63
connection cover L – Front cover
F – Cover screws M – Comm port
G – Rubber bushing N – LED operator Refer to Using the
H – Bottom cover Digital LED Operator on page
O – Case
P – Top cover
Figure 1.5 Exploded View of IP20/NEMA Type 1 Components (Model 4A0018F)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 33
1.4 Component Names

u Front Views
2A0006B 2A0012B
A – Terminal board connector F – Ground terminal
B – DIP switch S1 Refer to DIP Switch G – Terminal cover
S1 Analog Input Signal Selection H – Option card connector Refer to
on page 69 Connecting the Option Card on
C – DIP switch S3 Refer to Sinking/ page 321
Sourcing Mode Switch on page I – DIP switch S2 Refer to MEMOBUS/
67 Modbus Termination on page
D – Control circuit terminal Refer to 70
Control Circuit Wiring on page
E – Main circuit terminal Refer to
Wiring the Main Circuit Terminal
on page 61
Figure 1.6 Front Views of Drives

34 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Mechanical Installation
This chapter explains how to properly mount and install the drive.

2.1 SECTION SAFETY............................................................................................36

2.2 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION.......................................................................38

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 35
2.1 Section Safety

2.1 Section Safety

Fire Hazard
Provide sufficient cooling when installing the drive inside an enclosed panel or cabinet.
Failure to comply could result in overheating and fire.
When multiple drives are placed inside the same enclosure panel, install proper cooling to ensure air entering the enclosure
does not exceed 40 °C.

Crush Hazard
Do not carry the drive by the front cover.
Failure to comply may result in minor or moderate injury from the main body of the drive falling.

Observe proper electrostatic discharge (ESD) procedures when handling the drive.
Failure to comply could result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
It may be difficult to perform maintenance on the cooling fans of drives installed in a vertical row inside an
Ensure adequate spacing at the top of the drive to perform cooling fan replacement when required.
Operating the motor in the low-speed range diminishes the cooling effects, increases motor temperature, and may
lead to motor damage by overheating.
Reduce the motor torque in the low-speed range whenever using a standard blower cooled motor. If 100% torque is
required continuously at low speed, consider using a special drive or vector motor. Select a motor that is compatible with
the required load torque and operating speed range.
Do not operate motors above the maximum rated RPM.
Failure to comply may lead to bearing or other mechanical motor failures.
The speed range for continuous operation differs according to the lubrication method and motor manufacturer.
If the motor is to be operated at a speed higher than the rated speed, consult with the manufacturer.
Continuously operating an oil-lubricated motor in the low-speed range may result in burning.

36 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
2.1 Section Safety

When the wiring distance is greater than 100 meters, pay special attention to the motor insulation voltage or use
a drive-rated motor.
Failure to comply could lead to motor winding failure.
Motor vibration may increase when operating a machine in variable-speed mode, if that machine previously
operated at a constant speed.
Install vibration-proof rubber on the motor base or use the frequency jump function to skip a frequency resonating the
The motor may require more acceleration torque with drive operation than with a commercial power supply.
Set a proper V/f pattern by checking the load torque characteristics of the machine to be used with the motor.
The rated input current of submersible motors is higher than the rated input current of standard motors.
Select an appropriate drive according to its rated output current. When the distance between the motor and drive is long,
use a cable thick enough to connect the motor to the drive to prevent motor torque reduction.
When using an explosion-proof motor, it must be subject to an explosion-proof test in conjunction with the
This is also applicable when an existing explosion-proof motor is to be operated with the drive. Since the drive itself is
not explosion-proof, always install it in a safe place. Be sure to set A1-02 to “0” when using an explosion-proof motor.
Do not use a drive for a single-phase motor.
Replace the motor with a three-phase motor.
If an oil-lubricated gearbox or speed reducer is used in the power transmission mechanism, oil lubrication will be
affected when the motor operates only in the low speed range.
The power transmission mechanism will make noise and experience problems with service life and durability if the motor
is operated at a speed higher than the rated speed.

Mechanical Installation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 37
2.2 Mechanical Installation

2.2 Mechanical Installation

This section outlines specifications, procedures, and environment for proper mechanical installation of the drive.

u Installation Environment
To help prolong the optimum performance life of the drive, install the drive in the proper environment. Table 2.1 describes
the appropriate environment for the drive.
Table 2.1 Installation Environment
Environment Conditions
Installation Area Indoors
IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosure: -10 °C to +40 °C
IP20/IP00 Open-Chassis enclosure: -10 °C to +50 °C
Finless Type: IP20/IP00 enclosure: -10 °C to +50 °C
NEMA Type 4X/IP66 enclosure: -10 °C to +40 °C
Ambient Temperature Drive reliability improves in environments without wide temperature fluctuations.
When using an enclosure panel, install a cooling fan or air conditioner in the area to ensure that the air temperature
inside the enclosure does not exceed the specified levels.
Do not allow ice to develop on the drive.
Humidity 95% RH or less and free of condensation
Storage Temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Install the drive in an area free from:
• oil mist and dust
• metal shavings, oil, water or other foreign materials
• radioactive materials
Surrounding Area • combustible materials (e.g., wood)
• harmful gases and liquids
• excessive vibration
• chlorides
• direct sunlight
Up to 1000 meters without derating; up to 3000 meters with output current, ambient temperature, and voltage derating.
Altitude Refer to Altitude Derating on page 333 for details.
10 to 20 Hz at 9.8 m/s2
20 to 55 Hz at 5.9 m/s2
Orientation Install the drive vertically to maintain maximum cooling effects.
NOTICE: Prevent foreign matter such as metal shavings or wire clippings from falling into the drive during installation and project
construction. Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive. Place a temporary cover over the top of the drive during installation.
Remove the temporary cover before startup, as the cover will reduce ventilation and cause the drive to overheat.
NOTICE: Avoid placing drive peripheral devices, transformers, or other electronics near the drive. Failure to comply could result in
erroneous operation. If such devices must be used in close proximity to the drive, take proper steps to shield the drive from noise.

u Installation Orientation and Spacing

Install the drive upright as illustrated in Figure 2.1 to maintain proper cooling.

A – Correct B – Incorrect
Figure 2.1 Correct Installation Orientation

38 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
2.2 Mechanical Installation

n Single Drive Installation

Figure 2.2 shows the required installation spacing to maintain sufficient space for airflow and wiring. Install the heatsink
against a closed surface to avoid diverting cooling air around the heatsink.
Side Clearance Top/Bottom Clearance

A – 30 mm minimum C – 100 mm minimum

B – Airflow direction
Figure 2.2 Correct Installation Spacing

Note: IP20/NEMA Type 1, IP00/Open-Chassis, and IP20/Open-Chassis models require the same amount of space above and below the drive
for installation.

n Multiple Drive Installation

When installing multiple drives into the same enclosure panel, mount the drives according to Figure 2.2. When mounting
drives with a minimum side-by-side clearance of 2 mm according to Figure 2.3, derating must be considered and parameter
L8-35 must be set. Refer to Parameter List on page 335.
A B 2 mm B

Mechanical Installation

A – Line up the tops of the drives. C – 100 mm minimum

B – 30 mm minimum D – Airflow direction 2
Figure 2.3 Space Between Drives (Side-by-Side Mounting)

Note: When installing drives of different heights in the same enclosure panel, the tops of the drives should line up. Leave space between the
top and bottom of stacked drives for cooling fan replacement if required. Using this method, it is possible to replace the cooling fans
NOTICE: When mounting IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosure drives side by side, the top covers of all drives must be removed as shown in
Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 IP20/NEMA Type 1 Side-by-Side Mounting in Enclosure

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 39
2.2 Mechanical Installation

u Removing and Attaching the Protective Covers

Refer to Electrical Installation on page 45, for information regarding the removal and reattachment of protective covers.

u Exterior and Mounting Dimensions

Table 2.2 Drive Models and Types
Drive Model
Protective Design Single-Phase Three-Phase Three-Phase Page
200 V Class 200 V Class 400 V Class
BA0001B 2A0002B
BA0002B – 40
BA0003B 2A0006B
IP20/Open-Chassis 2A0008B 4A0002B
BA0006B 2A0010B 4A0004B
BA0010B 2A0012B 4A0005B 41
BA0012B 2A0018B 4A0007B
BA0018B 2A0020B 4A0009B
<1> <1> – 41
<1> <1> <1> 42
IP20/NEMAType 1 2A0030F 4A0018F
2A0040F 4A0023F
– 43
2A0056F 4A0031F
2A0069F 4A0038F
<1> Models in this capacity range have IP20/Open-Chassis enclosures. Customers may convert these models to IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosures
using an IP20/NEMA Type 1 Kit (EZZ020564o). The figure shows an IP20/Open-Chassis model fitted with the NEMA Type 1 Kit.
Note: Refer to Specifications on page 323 for information on the amount of heat generated by the drive and appropriate cooling methods.

n IP20/Open-Chassis Drives
Table 2.3 IP20/Open-Chassis
W1 2-M4 t1



Dimensions (mm)
Voltage Class Drive Model
W H D W1 H1 H2 D1 t1 Wt. (kg)
BA0001B 68 128 76 56 118 5 6.5 3 0.6
Single-Phase BA0002B 68 128 76 56 118 5 6.5 3 0.6
200 V Class
BA0003B 68 128 118 56 118 5 38.5 5 1.0
2A0001B 68 128 76 56 118 5 6.5 3 0.6
Three-Phase 2A0002B 68 128 76 56 118 5 6.5 3 0.6
200 V Class 2A0004B 68 128 108 56 118 5 38.5 5 0.9
2A0006B 68 128 128 56 118 5 58.5 5 1.1

40 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
2.2 Mechanical Installation

Table 2.4 IP20/Open-Chassis

W1 4-M4



Dimensions (mm)
Voltage Class Drive Model
W H D W1 H1 H2 D1 t1 Wt. (kg)
BA0006B 108 128 137.5 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
Single-Phase BA0010B 108 128 154 96 118 5 58 5 1.8
200 V Class BA0012B 140 128 163 128 118 5 65 5 2.4
BA0018B 170 128 180 158 118 5 65 5 3.0
2A0008B 108 128 129 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
2A0010B 108 128 129 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
Three-Phase 2A0012B 108 128 137.5 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
200 V Class
2A0018B 140 128 143 128 118 5 65 5 2.4
2A0020B 140 128 143 128 118 5 65 5 2.4
4A0001B 108 128 81 96 118 5 10 5 1.0
4A0002B 108 128 99 96 118 5 28 5 1.2
4A0004B 108 128 137.5 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
Three-Phase 4A0005B 108 128 154 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
400 V Class
4A0007B 108 128 154 96 118 5 58 5 1.7

Mechanical Installation
4A0009B 108 128 154 96 118 5 58 5 1.7
4A0011B 140 128 143 128 118 5 65 5 2.4

n IP20/Open-Chassis Enclosure Drives Converted to IP20/NEMA Type 1 Enclosure Drives

Converting an IP20/Open-Chassis design to an IP20/NEMA Type 1 requires the NEMA Type 1 Kit option
(EZZ020564o). The values appearing in Table 2.5, Table 2.6, and Table 2.7 represent the dimensions after the NEMA
Type 1 Kit has been installed.
Table 2.5 IP20/Open-Chassis Design Fitted with NEMA Type 1 Kit
W1 2-M4 t1


NEMA Type 1 Dimensions (mm)

Drive Model Kit Model Wt. (kg)
EZZ W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 D1 t1

Single-Phase 200 V Class

BA0001B 020564A 68 149.5 76 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 6.5 3 0.8
BA0002B 020564A 68 149.5 76 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 6.5 3 0.8
BA0003B 020564B 68 149.5 118 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 38.5 5 1.2

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 41
2.2 Mechanical Installation

W1 2-M4 t1


Dimensions (mm)
NEMA Type 1
Drive Model Kit Model Wt. (kg)
EZZ W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 D1 t1

Three-Phase 200 V Class

2A0001B 020564A 68 149.5 76 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 6.5 3 0.8
2A0002B 020564A 68 149.5 76 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 6.5 3 0.8
2A0004B 020564A 68 149.5 108 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 38.5 5 1.1
2A0006B 020564A 68 149.5 128 56 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58.5 5 1.3

Table 2.6 IP20/Open-Chassis Design Fitted with the NEMA Type 1 Kit
W1 4-M4 t1


NEMA Type 1 Dimensions (mm)

Drive Model Kit Model Wt. (kg)
EZZ W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 D1 t1

Single-Phase 200 V Class

BA0006B 020564C 108 149.5 137.5 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
BA0010B 020564D 108 149.5 154 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 2.0
BA0012B 020564E 140 153 163 128 128 118 4.8 20 5 5 65 5 2.6
BA0018B 020564F 170 171 180 158 128 118 4.8 38 5 5 65 5 3.3
Three-Phase 200 V Class
2A0008B 020564G 108 149.5 129 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
2A0010B 020564G 108 149.5 129 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
2A0012B 020564C 108 149.5 137.5 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
2A0018B 020564H 140 153 143 128 128 118 4.8 20 5 5 65 5 2.6
2A0020B 020564H 140 153 143 128 128 118 4.8 20 5 5 65 5 2.6
Three-Phase 400 V Class
4A0001B 020564G 108 149.5 81 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 10 5 1.2
4A0002B 020564G 108 149.5 99 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 28 5 1.4
4A0004B 020564C 108 149.5 137.5 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
4A0005B 020564J 108 149.5 154 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
4A0007B 020564J 108 149.5 154 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
4A0009B 020564J 108 149.5 154 96 128 118 4 20 5 1.5 58 5 1.9
4A0011B 020564H 140 153 143 128 128 118 4.8 20 5 5 65 5 2.6

42 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
2.2 Mechanical Installation

n IP20/NEMA Type 1 Drives

Table 2.7 IP20/NEMA Type 1
W1 4-d


W D1


Dimensions (mm)
Drive Model Wt. (kg)
W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 D1 t1 d
Three-Phase 200 V Class
2A0030F 140 254 140 122 234 248 6 13 13 1.5 55 5 M5 3.8
2A0040F 140 254 140 122 234 248 6 13 13 1.5 55 5 M5 3.8
2A0056F 180 290 163 160 270 284 6 15 13 1.5 75 5 M5 5.5
2A0069F 220 350 187 192 320 336 7 15 22 1.5 78 5 M6 9.2
Three-Phase 400 V Class
4A0018F 140 254 140 122 234 248 6 13 13 1.5 55 5 M5 3.8
4A0023F 140 254 140 122 234 248 6 13 13 1.5 55 5 M5 3.8
4A0031F 180 290 143 160 270 284 6 15 13 1.5 55 5 M5 5.2

Mechanical Installation
4A0038F 180 290 163 160 270 284 6 15 13 1.5 75 5 M5 5.5

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 43
2.2 Mechanical Installation

This Page Intentionally Blank

44 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Electrical Installation
This chapter explains proper procedures for wiring the control circuit terminals, motor and power

3.1 SECTION SAFETY............................................................................................46

3.2 STANDARD CONNECTION DIAGRAM...........................................................48
3.3 MAIN CIRCUIT CONNECTION DIAGRAM.......................................................51
3.4 TERMINAL BLOCK CONFIGURATION...........................................................52
3.5 PROTECTIVE COVERS....................................................................................53
3.6 MAIN CIRCUIT WIRING....................................................................................56
3.7 CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING...........................................................................62
3.8 I/O CONNECTIONS...........................................................................................67
3.9 MAIN FREQUENCY REFERENCE...................................................................69
3.10 MEMOBUS/MODBUS TERMINATION.............................................................70
3.11 BRAKING RESISTOR.......................................................................................71
3.12 WIRING CHECKLIST........................................................................................73

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 45
3.1 Section Safety

3.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The diagrams in this section may show drives without covers or safety shields to show details. Be sure to reinstall covers
or shields before operating the drives and run the drives according to the instructions described in this manual.
Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.
Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing, and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Installation, maintenance, inspection, and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment, and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not touch any terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the
power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To
prevent electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off and measure the DC bus voltage level to
confirm safe level.
Fire Hazard
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.
Do not use improper combustible materials.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Attach the drive to metal or other noncombustible material.
Do not use an improper voltage source.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying power.
Always use a thermal overload relay or an over-temperature contact when using a braking resistor.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Power to the drive should be interrupted when the relay is triggered.

46 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.1 Section Safety

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.
Do not use unshielded cable for control wiring.
Failure to comply may cause electrical interference resulting in poor system performance. Use shielded, twisted-pair
wires and ground the shield to the ground terminal of the drive.
Check all the wiring to ensure that all connections are correct after installing the drive and connecting any other
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.
Do not modify the drive circuitry.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive and will void warranty.
Yaskawa is not responsible for any modification of the product made by the user. This product must not be modified.
Route motor leads U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 separate from other leads to reduce possible interference-related
Failure to comply may result in abnormal operation of drive and nearby equipment.

Electrical Installation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 47
3.2 Standard Connection Diagram

3.2 Standard Connection Diagram

Connect the drive and peripheral devices as shown in Figure 3.. It is possible to run the drive via the digital operator
without connecting digital I/O wiring. This section does not discuss drive operation; Refer to Start-Up Programming &
Operation on page 75 for instructions on operating the drive.
NOTICE: Inadequate branch short circuit protection could result in damage to the drive. Install adequate branch circuit short circuit
protection per applicable codes. The drive is suitable for circuits capable of delivering not more than 31,000 RMS symmetrical amperes,
240 Vac maximum (200 V Class) and 480 Vac maximum (400 V Class).
NOTICE: When the wiring distance is greater than 100 meters, pay special attention to the motor insulation voltage or use a drive duty
motor. Failure to comply could lead to motor insulation breakdown.
NOTICE: Correctly set Sink/Source jumper S3 for internal power supply. Failure to comply may result in damage to the drive. Refer
to I/O Connections on page 67 for details.
NOTICE: Do not connect AC control circuit ground to drive enclosure. Improper drive grounding can cause control circuit malfunction.
NOTICE: The minimum load for the multi-function relay output MA-MB-MC is 10 mA. If a circuit requires less than 10 mA (reference
value), connect it to a photocoupler output (P1, P2, PC). Improper application of peripheral devices could result in damage to the
photocoupler output of the drive.

48 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.2 Standard Connection Diagram

Terminals +1, +2, − , B1, and B2 DC link choke <2>

are for connecting options.
Never connect power supply
(option) <1> Thermal relay
Braking resistor
(option) Motor
lines to these terminals.
For single-phase 2 MCCB
<3> Jumper (option)
Cooling fan
r1 FU
200 V power supply r1
use R/L1 and S/L2. +2 +1 - B1 B2 FV
s1 s1 M
Wiring sequence should shut off FW
power to the drive when a fault
V1000 t1
output is triggered.
<8> R/L1 R/L1 U
Three phase S/L2 S/L2 Main circuit V
power supply V/T2 M
for 200 V / 400 V T/L3 T/L3 W
Control circuit W/T3


MC Forward run/stop S1

SA Ground
Braking resistor unit Reverse run/stop S2 10 or less (400 V class)
Thermal relay trip contact THRX Option card 100 or less (200 V class)
External fault S3 connector
1 2
SA Fault reset S4 DIP switch S1 Digital output
TRX Multi-step V I 250 Vac, 10 mA to 1 A
MC 30 Vdc, 10 mA to 1 A
speed 1
main/aux switch S5 (default setting)
TRX speed 2 S6
MA Fault
Fault relay contact Jog reference S7
Digital inputs +24 V 8 mA MB Digital output
(default setting) 24 V 5 to 48 Vdc
2 to 50 mA
<5> Sink MC (default setting)
switch S3 Source
P1 During Run
Shield ground 0V (photocoupler 1)

P2 Frequency agree
(photocoupler 2)
Pulse train input
(max. 32 kHz) PC Photocoupler
Setting power supply output common
2k +10.5 max. 20 mA
MP Pulse train output
Main speed
A1 0 to +10 V (20 k ) 0 to 32 kHz <6>
frequency A2 0 to +10 V (20 k ) Analog monitor
reference. (0)4 to 20 mA (250 ) + output
Multi-function AM
AC 0 to +10 Vdc

Electrical Installation
programmable AC - (2 mA)

Termination Comm.
DIP Monitor
resistor connector
switch output
Safety switch 120 , 1/2 W
S2 R+
Safe Disable HC
Input Jumper <7> S+
S- Modbus comm.
Cable shield ground

shielded line twisted-pair shielded line

main circuit terminal control terminal

Figure 3.1 Drive Standard Connection Diagram

<1> Remove the jumper when installing an optional DC reactor.

<2> The MC on the input side of the main circuit should open when the thermal relay is triggered.
<3> Self-cooled motors do not require separate cooling fan motor wiring.
<4> Connected using sequence input signal (S1 to S7) from NPN transistor; Default: sink mode (0 V com).
<5> Use only a +24 V internal power supply in sinking mode; the source mode requires an external power supply. Refer
to I/O Connections on page 67 for details.
<6> Monitor outputs work with devices such as analog frequency meters, ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters; they
are not intended for use as a feedback-type of signal.
<7> Disconnect the wire jumper between HC and H1 when utilizing the safety input. Refer to Wiring Procedure on
page 65 for details on removing the jumper. The wire length for the Safe Disable input should not exceed 30 m.
Use only dry contacts on safety inputs HC-H1. External power supplies are not permitted.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 49
3.2 Standard Connection Diagram

<8> Note that if the drive is set to trigger a fault output whenever the fault restart function is activated (L5-02 = 1), then
a sequence to interrupt power when a fault occurs will result in shutting off the power to the drive as the drive
attempts to restart itself. The default setting for L5-02 is 0 (fault output active during restart attempt).
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Do not close the wiring for the control circuit unless the multifunction input terminal parameter
is properly set (S5 for 3-Wire; H1-05 = “0”). Improper sequencing of run/stop circuitry could result in death or serious injury from moving
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Ensure start/stop and safety circuits are wired properly and in the correct state before energizing
the drive. Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury from moving equipment. When programmed for 3-Wire control, a
momentary closure on terminal S1 may cause the drive to start.
WARNING! When 3-Wire sequence is used, set the drive to 3-Wire sequence before wiring the control terminals and ensure parameter
b1-17 is set to 0 (drive does not accept a run command at power up (default). If the drive is wired for 3-Wire sequence but set up for 2-
Wire sequence (default) and if parameter b1-17 is set to 1 (drive accepts a Run command at power up), the motor will rotate in reverse
direction at power up of the drive and may cause injury.
WARNING! When the application preset function is executed (or A1-06 is set to any value other than 0) the drive I/O terminal functions
change. This may cause unexpected operation and potential damage to equipment or injury.
Figure 3.2 illustrates an example of a 3-Wire sequence.
Stop relay (N.C.) Run relay (N.O.)
Run command (run on momentary close)
Stop command (stop on momentary open)
S5 Forward/reverse command
(multi-function input: H1-05 = 0)
Sequence input common

Figure 3.2 3-Wire Sequence

50 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.3 Main Circuit Connection Diagram

3.3 Main Circuit Connection Diagram

Refer to diagrams in this section for the Main Circuit wiring connections. Connections may vary based on drive capacity.
The main circuit DC power supply powers the control circuit.
NOTICE: Do not use the negative DC bus terminal “-” as a ground terminal. This terminal is at high voltage DC potential. Improper
wiring connections could result in damage to the drive.

u Single-Phase 200 V Class Models BA0001 to BA0018

DC reactor
(option) Braking Resistor
Jumper Unit (option)

+2 +1 B1 B2

R/L1 Drive
V/T2 Motor
S/L2 W/T3

200 Vac

Figure 3.3 Connecting Single-Phase Main Circuit Terminals

NOTICE: Do not connect T/L3 terminal when using single-phase power supply input. Incorrect wiring may damage the drive.

u Three-Phase 200 V Class Models 2A0001 to 2A0069

Three-Phase 400 V Class Models 4A0001 to 4A0038
DC reactor Braking
(option) Resistor Unit
Jumper (option)

+2 +1 B1 B2
R/L1 Drive U/T1
S/L2 V/T2 Motor
T/L3 W/T3
Three phase 200 Vac
(400 Vac) —

Electrical Installation
Figure 3.4 Connecting Three-Phase Main Circuit Terminals

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 51
3.4 Terminal Block Configuration

3.4 Terminal Block Configuration

The figures in this section provide illustrations of the main circuit terminal block configurations of the different drive sizes.

Models: CIMR-VBA0001, 0002, 0003 Models: CIMR-VBA0006, 0010, 0012

CIMR-V2A0001, 0002, 0004, 0006 CIMR-V2A0008, 0010, 0012, 0018, 0020
CIMR-V4A0001, 0002, 0004, 0005
0007, 0009, 0011

Models: CIMR-V2A0030, 0040

CIMR-V4A0018, 0023 Model: CIMR-V2A0069

Models: CIMR-V2A0056
CIMR-V4A0031, 0038

Model: CIMR-VBA0018

Figure 3.5 Main Circuit Terminal Block Configurations

52 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.5 Protective Covers

3.5 Protective Covers

Follow the procedure below to remove the protective covers before wiring the drive and to reattach the covers after wiring
is complete.

u IP20 Front and Bottom Cover Removal and Installation

n Removing the Protective Covers

1. Loosen the screw that locks the front cover in place to remove.

Figure 3.6 Remove the Front Cover on an IP20 Drive

2. Apply pressure to the tabs on each side of the terminal cover. Pull the terminal cover away from the drive while
pushing in on the tabs to pull the cover free.

Figure 3.7 Remove the Terminal Cover on an IP20 Drive

n Reattaching the Protective Covers

Electrical Installation
Properly connect all wiring and route power wiring away from control signal wiring. Reattach all protective covers when
wiring is complete. Apply only a small amount of pressure to lock the cover back into place.

Figure 3.8 Reattach the Protective Covers on an IP20 Drive

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 53
3.5 Protective Covers

u IP20/NEMA Type 1 Front and Bottom Cover Removal and Installation

n Removing the Protective Covers on an IP20/NEMA 1, UL Type 1 Design

1. Loosen the screw on the front cover to remove the front cover.

Figure 3.9 Remove the Front Cover on an IP20/NEMA 1, UL Type 1 Drive

2. Loosen the screw on the terminal cover to remove the terminal cover and expose the conduit bracket.

A – Conduit bracket B – Terminal cover
Figure 3.10 Remove the Terminal Cover on an IP20/NEMA 1, UL Type 1 Drive

3. Loosen two screws attaching the conduit bracket to remove.

A –Conduit bracket
Figure 3.11 Remove the Conduit Bracket on an IP20/NEMA 1, UL Type 1 Drive

n Reattaching the Protective Covers

Pass power wiring and control signal wiring through the exit holes on the bottom of the conduit bracket of the drive. Place
power wiring and control signal wiring in separate conduits. Properly connect all wiring after installing the drive and
connecting other devices. Reattach all protective covers when wiring is complete.

A –Pass power wiring and control signal wiring through different exit holes at the
bottom of the drive.
Figure 3.12 Reattach the Protective Covers and Conduit Bracket on an IP20/NEMA 1, UL Type 1 Drive

54 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.5 Protective Covers

u IP20/NEMA Type 1 Top Cover Removal and Installation

To improve the ambient temperature rating of a NEMA Type 1 drive from 40 °C to 50 °C or to mount NEMA Type 1
drives side-by-side, the top cover can be removed. Remove the top cover and set L8-35 to “2”.
Refer to Temperature Derating on page 333 for details.
Note: Removing the top cover of a NEMA Type 1 drive converts the drive to an IP20/Open-Chassis rating, and the drive will no longer have
a NEMA Type 1 rating.

n Removing the Top Cover

Insert the blade of a straight-edge screwdriver into the opening of the top cover. Gently lift up on the front cover as indicated
by the arrow in Figure 3.13 to remove it from the drive.

Figure 3.13 Removing the Top Cover

n Reattaching the Top Cover

Align the connection tabs on the underside of the top cover with the connection tabs on the drive. Pinch in on the top cover
to click the cover into place on the drive.

Connection tabs

Electrical Installation
Figure 3.14 Reattaching the Top Cover

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 55
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

This section describes the functions, specifications, and procedures required to safely and properly wire the main circuit
of the drive.
NOTICE: Do not solder the ends of wire connections to the drive. Soldered wiring connections can loosen over time. Improper wiring
practices could result in drive malfunction due to loose terminal connections.

u Main Circuit Terminal Functions

Table 3.1 Main Circuit Terminal Functions
Terminal Type Function Reference
R/L1 Connects line power to the drive.
Main circuit power
S/L2 Drives with single-phase 200 V input power use terminals R/L1 and S/L2 only. 51
supply input Do NOT use T/L3.
V/T2 Drive output Connects to the motor. 60
Braking resistor Available for connecting a braking resistor or the braking resistor unit option. 71
⊕1 These terminals are shorted at shipment. Remove the shorting bar between ⊕1
DC reactor connection 315
⊕2 and ⊕2 when connecting a DC reactor to this terminal.
DC power supply input For connecting a DC power supply. –

Ground Grounding Terminal 60

(2 terminals)

u Wire Gauges and Tightening Torques

Select the appropriate wires and crimp terminals from Table 3.2 through Table 3.4.
Note: 1. Wire gauge recommendations based on drive continuous current ratings using 75 °C 600 Vac vinyl-sheathed wire assuming ambient
temperature within 30 °C and wiring distance shorter than 100 m.
2. Terminals ⊕1, ⊕2, ⊖, B1 and B2 are for connecting optional devices such as a braking resistor. Do not connect other non-specified
devices to these terminals.
• Consider the amount of voltage drop when selecting wire gauges. Increase the wire gauge when the voltage drop is
greater than 2% of motor rated voltage. Ensure the wire gauge is suitable for the terminal block. Use the following
formula to calculate the amount of voltage drop:
• Line drop voltage (V) = 3 x wire resistance (Ω/km) x wire length (m) x current (A) x 10-3
• Refer to instruction manual TOBP C720600 00 for braking unit or braking resistor unit wire gauges.
• Refer to UL Standards Compliance on page 447 for information on UL compliance.
n Single-Phase 200 V Class
Table 3.2 Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
U/T1, V/T2,
BA0001 2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
W/T3 0.8 to 1.0
BA0002 M3.5
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5 (7.1 to 8.9)
B1, B2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5

56 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 12 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
BA0006 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
BA0010 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
5.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
BA0012 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
8 3.5 to 8 8 12 to 8 6 4 to 10
U/T1, V/T2, 2.3 to 2.5
3.5 3.5 to 8 10 12 to 8 2.5 4 to 10
W/T3 (20.4 to 22.1)
BA0018 M5
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 8 3.5 to 8 – 12 to 8 – 4 to 10
B1, B2 3.5 3.5 to 8 – 12 to 8 – 4 to 10
2 to 2.5
5.5 3.5 to 8 8 12 to 8 6 4 to 10
(17.7 to 22.1)

Electrical Installation
<1> Gauges listed here are for use in Japan and Asia.
<2> Gauges listed here are for use in the United States.
<3> Gauges listed here are for use in Europe and China.

n Three-Phase 200 V Class

Table 3.3 Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
2A0001 U/T1, V/T2,
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
2A0002 W/T3 0.8 to 1.0
2A0004 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5 (7.1 to 8.9)
B1, B2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
2A0008 W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0010 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 57
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 12 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0012 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0018 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
5.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0020 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 5.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 4 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
8 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 4 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 4 to 16
B1, B2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 4 to 6
2 to 2.5
5.5 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 10 6 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 16
B1, B2 5.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 4 to 6
2 to 2.5
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
22 14 to 22 4 6 to 4 16 16 to 25
5.4 to 6.0
U/T1, V/T2, M6
14 14 to 22 4 6 to 4 16 16 to 25 (47.8 to 53.1)
2A0056 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 22 14 to 22 – 6 to 4 – 16 to 25
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 10 M5
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
14 8 to 22 6 8 to 4 16 10 to 25 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
30 8 to 38 3 8 to 2 25 10 to 25
9.9 to 11
U/T1, V/T2, M8
22 8 to 38 3 8 to 2 16 10 to 25 (87.6 to 97.4)
2A0069 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 30 8 to 38 – 8 to 2 – 10 to 25
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 14 8 to 14 – 8 to 6 – 10 to 16 M5
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
14 8 to 22 6 6 to 4 16 10 to 25 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)

<1> Gauges listed here are for use in Japan and Asia.
<2> Gauges listed here are for use in the United States.
<3> Gauges listed here are for use in Europe and China.

58 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

n Three-Phase 400 V Class

Table 3.4 Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
4A0001 2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
4A0002 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
4A0005 2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
4A0007 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6
2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 12 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
4A0011 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
3.5 2 to 14 10 14 to 6 2.5 2.5 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
3.5 2 to 14 10 14 to 6 2.5 2.5 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 14 – 14 to 6 – 2.5 to 16

Electrical Installation
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 4 to 6
2 to 2.5
5.5 2 to 14 8 14 to 6 2.5 2.5 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
5.5 3.5 to 14 10 10 to 6 4 4 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
5.5 3.5 to 14 10 10 to 6 4 4 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 5.5 3.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 4 to 16
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6
2 to 2.5
5.5 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 4 4 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16
3.6 to 4.0
U/T1, V/T2,
8 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16 (31.8 to 35.4)
W/T3 M5
4A0031 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 16
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 3.5 2 to 8 – 10 to 8 – 6 to 10
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
8 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 6 6 to 16 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16
3.6 to 4.0
U/T1, V/T2,
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16 (31.8 to 35.4)
W/T3 M5
4A0038 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 16
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 5.5 3.5 to 8 – 10 to 8 – 6 to 10
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)

<1> Gauges listed here are for use in Japan and Asia.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 59
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

<2> Gauges listed here are for use in the United States.
<3> Gauges listed here are for use in Europe and China.

u Main Circuit Terminal Power Supply and Motor Wiring

This section outlines the various steps, precautions, and checkpoints for wiring the main circuit terminals and motor
NOTICE: When connecting the motor to the drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3, the phase order for the drive and motor should
match. Failure to comply with proper wiring practices may cause the motor to run in reverse if the phase order is backward.
NOTICE: Do not connect phase-advancing capacitors or LC/RC noise filters to the output circuits. Improper application of noise filters
could result in damage to the drive.
NOTICE: Do not connect the AC power line to the output motor terminals of the drive. Failure to comply could result in death or serious
injury by fire as a result of drive damage from line voltage application to output terminals.

n Cable Length Between Drive and Motor

When the cable length between the drive and the motor is too long (especially at low frequency output), note that the cable
voltage drop may cause reduced motor torque. Drive output current will increase as the leakage current from the cable
increases. An increase in leakage current may trigger an overcurrent situation and weaken the accuracy of the current
Adjust the drive carrier frequency according to the following table. If the motor wiring distance exceeds 100 m because
of the system configuration, reduce the ground currents. Refer to C6-02: Carrier Frequency Selection on page 151
Refer to Table 3.5 to set the carrier frequency to an appropriate level.
Table 3.5 Cable Length Between Drive and Motor
Cable Length 50 m or less 100 m or less Greater than 100 m
Carrier Frequency 15 kHz or less 5 kHz or less 2 kHz or less
Note: When setting carrier frequency, calculate the cable length as the total distance of wiring to all connected motors when running multiple
motors from a single drive.

n Ground Wiring
Follow the precautions to wire the ground for one drive or a series of drives.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Always use a ground wire that complies with technical standards on electrical equipment and
minimize the length of the ground wire. Improper equipment grounding may cause dangerous electrical potentials on equipment chassis,
which could result in death or serious injury.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Be sure to ground the drive ground terminal. (200 V Class: Ground to 100 Ω or less, 400 V Class:
Ground to 10 Ω or less). Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting ungrounded electrical
NOTICE: Do not share the ground wire with other devices such as welding machines or large-current electrical equipment. Improper
equipment grounding could result in drive or equipment malfunction due to electrical interference.
NOTICE: When using more than one drive, ground multiple drives according to instructions. Improper equipment grounding could result
in abnormal operation of drive or equipment.
Refer to Figure 3.15 when using multiple drives. Do not loop the ground wire.

A – Correct B – Incorrect
Figure 3.15 Multiple Drive Wiring

60 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.6 Main Circuit Wiring

n Wiring the Main Circuit Terminal

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Shut off the power supply to the drive before wiring the main circuit terminals. Failure to comply
may result in death or serious injury.
Note: A cover placed over the DC Bus and braking circuit terminals prior to shipment helps prevent miswiring. Cut away covers as needed
for terminals with a needle-nose pliers.

A –Protective Cover to Prevent Miswiring

Note: The ground terminal screw on IP20/NEMA Type 1 holds the protective cover in place.
Main Circuit Connection Diagram
Refer to section 3.3 Main Circuit Connection Diagram on page 51 for drive main power circuit connections.
WARNING! Fire Hazard. The braking resistor connection terminals are B1 and B2. Do not connect braking resistors to any other
terminals. Improper wiring connections could cause the braking resistor to overheat and cause death or serious injury by fire. Failure
to comply may result in damage to the braking circuit or drive.

Electrical Installation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 61
3.7 Control Circuit Wiring

3.7 Control Circuit Wiring

NOTICE: Do not solder the ends of wire connections to the drive. Soldered wire connections can loosen over time. Improper wiring
practices could result in drive malfunction due to loose terminal connections.

<1> Control circuit

Forward run/stop S1

Reverse run/stop S2
Option card
External fault S3 connector

Fault reset S4 DIP switch S1 Digital output

Multi-step 250 Vac, 10 mA to 1 A
speed 1 30 Vdc, 10 mA to 1 A
main/aux switch S5 (default setting)
speed 2 S6
Jog reference S7
MB Fault
+24 V 8 mA Digital output
MC 5 to 48 Vdc
24 V
Digital inputs 2 to 50 mA
(default setting) <2> Sink (default setting)
switch S3 Source
P1 During Run
Shield ground 0V (photocoupler 1)

P2 Frequency agree
Pulse train input (photocoupler 2)
RP (max. 32 kHz)
PC Photocoupler
Setting power supply output common
+V +10.5 max. 20 mA
MP Pulse train output
A1 0 to +10 V (20 k )
Main speed 0 to 32 kHz
frequency A2 0 to +10 V (20 k ) Analog monitor
(0)4 to 20 mA (250 ) AM + output
Multi-function 0 to +10 Vdc
programmable AC - (2 mA)

Termination Comm.
DIP Monitor
resistor connector
switch output
Safety switch 120 , 1/2 W
S2 R+
Safe Disable HC
Input R-
S- Modbus comm.

Cable shield ground

shielded line twisted-pair shielded line

main circuit terminal control terminal

Figure 3.16 Control Circuit Connection Diagram

<1> Connected using sequence input signal (S1 to S7) from NPN transistor; Default: sink mode (0 V com)
<2> Use only the +24 V internal power supply in sinking mode; the source mode requires an external power supply. Refer
to I/O Connections on page 67.

62 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.7 Control Circuit Wiring

u Control Circuit Terminal Block Functions

Drive parameters determine which functions apply to the multi-function digital inputs (S1 to S7), multi-function digital
outputs (MA, MB), multi-function pulse inputs and outputs (RP, MP) and multi-function photocoupler outputs (P1, P2).
The default is called out next to each terminal in Figure 3..
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Always check the operation and wiring of control circuits after being wired. Operating a drive
with untested control circuits could result in death or serious injury.
WARNING! Confirm the drive I/O signals and external sequence before starting test run. Setting parameter A1-06 may change the I/O
terminal function automatically from the factory setting. Refer to Application Selection on page 94. Failure to comply may result in
death or serious injury.

n Input Terminals
Table 3.6 Control Circuit Input Terminals
Type No. Terminal Name (Function) Function (Signal Level) Default Setting
Multi-function input 1 (Closed: Forward run, Open:
S1 Stop)
Multi-function input 2 (Closed: Reverse run, Open:
S2 Stop) Photocoupler
24 Vdc, 8 mA
Multi- S3 Multi-function input 3 (External fault (N.O.) Note: Drive preset to sinking mode. When using source mode, set
Function S4 Multi-function input 4 (Fault reset) DIP switch S3 to allow for a 24 Vdc (±10%) external power supply.
Digital Inputs Refer to Sinking/Sourcing Mode Switch on page 67.
S5 Multi-function input 5 (Multi-step speed reference 1)
S6 Multi-function input 6 (Multi-step speed reference 2)
S7 Multi-function input 7 (Jog reference)
SC Multi-function input common (Control common) Sequence common
HC Power supply for safe disable input +24 Vdc (max 10 mA allowed)
Safe Disable Open: Output disabled
Input Closed: Normal operation
H1 Safe disable input Note: Disconnect wire jumper between HC and H1 when using the
safe disable input. The wire length should not exceed 30 m.
Response frequency: 0.5 to 32 kHz
(Duty Cycle: 30 to 70%)
RP Multi-function pulse train input (frequency reference) (High level voltage: 3.5 to 13.2 Vdc)
(Low level voltage: 0.0 to 0.8 Vdc)
(input impedance: 3 kΩ)

Electrical Installation
Main +V Analog input power supply +10.5 Vdc (max allowable current 20 mA)
Frequency A1 Multi-function analog input 1 (frequency reference) Input voltage 0 to +10 Vdc (20 kΩ) resolution 1/1000
Input Input voltage or input current (Selected by DIP switch S1 and
H3-09) 0 to +10 Vdc (20 kΩ),
A2 Multi-function analog input 2 (frequency reference) Resolution: 1/1000
4 to 20 mA (250 Ω) or 0 to 20 mA (250 Ω),
Resolution: 1/500
AC Frequency reference common 0 Vdc
n Output Terminals
Table 3.7 Control Circuit Output Terminals
Type No. Terminal Name (Function) Function (Signal Level) Default Setting
MA N.O. (fault)
Multi-Function Digital Digital output
MB N.C. output (fault) 30 Vdc, 10 mA to 1 A; 250 Vac, 10 mA to 1 A
Output <1> Minimum load: 5 Vdc, 10 mA (reference value)
MC Digital output common
P1 Photocoupler output 1 (During run)
Multi-Function <2>
P2 Photocoupler output 2 (Frequency agree) Photocoupler output 48 Vdc, 2 to 50 mA
Photocoupler Output
PC Photocoupler output common
MP Pulse train output (Output frequency) 32 kHz (max) <3> <4>
Monitor Output AM Analog monitor output 0 to 10 Vdc (2 mA or less) Resolution: 1/1000
AC Monitor common 0V
<1> Do not assign functions to digital relay outputs that involve frequent switching. This may shorten relay performance life. Switching life is
estimated at 200,000 times (assumes 1 A, resistive load).
<2> Connect a suppression diode as shown in Figure 3.17 when driving a reactive load such as a relay coil. Ensure the diode rating is greater than
the circuit voltage.
<3> When set for sourcing. +5 V/1.5 kΩ or higher, +8 V/3.5 kΩ or higher, +10 V/10 kΩ or higher.
<4> When set for sinking, the external power supply should be +12 Vdc, ±5% with 16 mA or less.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 63
3.7 Control Circuit Wiring


A – External power, 48 V max. C – Coil

B – Suppression diode D – 50 mA or less
Figure 3.17 Connecting a Suppression Diode

n Serial Communication Terminals

Table 3.8 Control Circuit Terminals: Serial Communications
Type No. Signal Name Function (Signal Level)
R+ Communications input (+) RS-485/422
R- Communications input (-) MEMOBUS/Modbus communication: Use a Modbus
MEMOBUS/Modbus S+ Communications output (+) RS-485 or RS-422 cable to connect the drive. communication
Communication protocol 115.2 kbps
S- Communications output (-) (max.)
IG Shield ground 0V

u Terminal Configuration

R+ R- S+ S- IG


R+ R– S+ S– IG S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 HC SC H1 RP


S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 HC SC H1 RP

Figure 3.18 Removable Control Circuit Terminal Block

n Wire Size and Torque Specifications

Select appropriate wire type and size from Table 3.9. For simpler and more reliable wiring, crimp ferrules to the wire ends.
Refer to Table 3.10 for ferrule terminal types and sizes.
Table 3.9 Wire Size and Torque Specifications (Same for All Models)
Tightening Bare Wire Terminal Ferrule-Type Terminal
Screw Torque Applic. wire size
Terminal Applic. wire size Recomm. mm2 Recomm.
Size N•m mm2 Wire Type
(in-lbs) mm2 (AWG) (AWG) mm 2 (AWG)
Stranded: 0.25 to 1.5
0.5 to 0.6 (24 to 16) 0.25 to 1.0
MA, MB, MC M3 0.75 (18) 0.5 (20)
(4.4 to 5.3) Single: 0.25 to 1.5 (24 to 17)
(24 to 16)
S1-S7, SC, RP, Shielded line,
+V, A1, A2, AC, Stranded: 0.25 to 1.0 etc.
HC, H1, P1, P2, 0.22 to 0.25 (24 to 18) 0.25 to 0.5
M2 0.75 (18) 0.5 (20)
PC, MP, AM, (1.9 to 2.2) Single: 0.25 to 1.5 (24 to 20)
AC, S+, S-, R+, (24 to 16)
R-, IG

64 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.7 Control Circuit Wiring

n Ferrule-Type Wire Terminations

Crimp a ferrule to signal wiring to improve wiring simplicity and reliability. Use CRIMPFOX 6, a crimping tool
manufactured by PHOENIX CONTACT.

6 mm


Figure 3.19 Ferrule Dimensions

Table 3.10 Ferrule Terminal Types and Sizes

Size mm2 (AWG) Type L (mm) d1 (mm) d2 (mm) Manufacturer
0.25 (24) AI 0.25-6YE 10.5 0.8 2.0
0.34 (22) AI 0.34-6TQ 10.5 0.8 2.0
0.5 (20) AI 0.5-6WH 12 1.1 2.5 PHOENIX CONTACT
0.75 (18) AI 0.75-6GY 12 1.3 2.8
1.0 AI 1-6RD 12 1.5 3.0

u Wiring Procedure
This section describes the proper procedures and preparations for wiring the control terminals.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not remove covers or touch the circuit boards while the power is on. Failure to comply could
result in death or serious injury.
NOTICE: Separate control circuit wiring from main circuit wiring (terminals R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, B1, B2, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, -, +1, +2) and
other high-power lines. Improper wiring practices could result in drive malfunction due to electrical interference.
NOTICE: Separate wiring for digital output terminals MA, MB and MC from wiring to other control circuit lines. Improper wiring practices
could result in drive or equipment malfunction or nuisance trips.
NOTICE: Use a class 2 power supply (UL standard) when connecting to the control terminals. Improper application of peripheral devices
could result in drive performance degradation due to improper power supply.

Electrical Installation
NOTICE: Insulate shields with tape or shrink tubing to prevent contact with other signal lines and equipment. Improper wiring practices
could result in drive or equipment malfunction due to short circuit.
NOTICE: Connect the shield of shielded cable to the appropriate ground terminal. Improper equipment grounding could result in drive
or equipment malfunction or nuisance trips.
Wire the control terminals using Figure 3.20 as a guide. Prepare the ends of the control circuit wiring as shown in Figure
3.21. Refer to Wire Size and Torque Specifications on page 64.
NOTICE: Do not tighten screws beyond the specified tightening torque. Failure to comply may damage the terminal block. 3
NOTICE: Use shielded twisted-pair cables as indicated to prevent operating faults. Improper wiring practices could result in drive or
equipment malfunction due to electrical interference.
Connect control wires as shown in the following figure:

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 65
3.7 Control Circuit Wiring

Preparing wire
A terminal ends

A – Control terminal block D – Loosen screw to insert wire.
B – Avoid fraying wire strands when E – Blade depth of 0.4 mm or less
stripping insulation from wire. Blade width of 2.5 mm or less
Strip length 5.5 mm.
C – Single wire or stranded wire
Figure 3.20 Terminal Board Wiring Guide


A – Drive side D – Control device side
B – Connect shield to ground terminal E – Shield sheath (Insulate with tape)
of drive. F – Shield
C – Insulation
Figure 3.21 Preparing the Ends of Shielded Cables

When setting the frequency by analog reference from an external potentiometer, use shielded twisted-pair wires and ground
the shield of twisted-pair wires to the ground terminal of the drive.
NOTICE: The analog signal lines between the drive and the operator station or peripheral equipment should not exceed 50 meters
when using an analog signal from a remote source to supply the frequency reference. Failure to comply could result in poor system

+V D
G A1 E
A2 F

A – Drive E – (A1) Main speed frequency

B – Ground terminal (shield reference 0 to +10 Vdc (20 kΩ)
connection) F – (A2) Multi-function analog input
C – (RP) Pulse train (maximum 32 0 to +10 Vdc (20 kΩ) or
kHz) 4 to 20 mA (250 Ω)/
D – (+V) Frequency setting power 0 to 20 mA (250 Ω)
source +10.5 Vdc maximum 20 mA G – Frequency setting potentiometer
Figure 3.22 Wiring the Frequency Reference to the Control Circuit Terminals (External Reference)

66 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.8 I/O Connections

3.8 I/O Connections

u Sinking/Sourcing Mode Switch

Set the DIP switch S3 on the front of the drive to switch the digital input terminal logic between sinking mode and sourcing
mode; the drive is preset to sinking mode.
Table 3.11 Sinking/Sourcing Mode Setting
Set Value Details
SINK Sinking Mode (0 V common): default setting
SOURCE Sourcing Mode (+24 V common)

DIP Switch S3



Figure 3.23 DIP Switch S3

n Transistor Input Signal Using 0 V Common/Sink Mode

When controlling the digital inputs by NPN transistors (0 V common/sinking mode), set the DIP switch S3 to SINK and
use the internal 24 V power supply.
Shielded cable Drive


Electrical Installation
Forward run/stop
Reverse run/stop
Multi-function input

SOURCE External fault N.O.

Fault reset
Multi-speed step 1
Multi-speed step 2

Jog reference


Figure 3.24 Sinking Mode: Sequence from NPN Transistor (0 V Common)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 67
3.8 I/O Connections

n Transistor Input Signal Using +24 V Common/Source Mode

When controlling digital inputs by PNP transistors (+24 V common/sourcing mode), set the DIP switch S3 to SOURCE
and use an external 24 V power supply.
SINK Shielded cable

Forward run / stop S1

Multi-function input
Reverse run / stop S2
External fault N.O. S3
Fault rest S4
External Multi-step speed 1 S5
power supply
+24 V Multi-step speed 2 S6
Jog frequency S7



Figure 3.25 Source Mode: Sequence from PNP Transistor (+24 V Common)

68 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.9 Main Frequency Reference

3.9 Main Frequency Reference

u DIP Switch S1 Analog Input Signal Selection

The main frequency reference can either be a voltage or current signal input. For voltage signals both analog inputs, A1
and A2, can be used, for current signals A2 must be used.
When using input A2 as a voltage input, set DIP switch S1 to “V” (left position) and program parameter H3-09 to “0” (0
to +10 Vdc with lower limit) or “1” (0 to +10 Vdc without lower limit).
To use current input at terminal A2, set the DIP switch S1 to "I" (default setting) and set parameter H3-09 = “2” or “3”
(4-20 mA or 0-20 mA). Set parameter H3-10 = “0” (frequency reference).
Note: If Terminals A1 and A2 are both set for frequency reference (H3-02 = 0 and H3-10 = 0), the addition of both input values builds the
frequency reference.
Table 3.12 Frequency Reference Configurations
Voltage Input Current Input
Drive Drive

+10.5 V
+V +10.5 V
20 mA current +V 20 mA current

0 to 10 V Main speed Main speed

A1 frequency reference 4 to 20 mA input A1 frequency reference
(voltage input) (voltage input)
Main speed 0 to 20 mA input Main speed
A2 frequency reference A2 frequency reference
(current input) (current input)
AC Frequency reference AC Frequency reference
common common


Electrical Installation
Figure 3.26 DIP Switch S1

Table 3.13 DIP Switch S1 Settings

Setting Value Description
V (left position) Voltage input (0 to 10 V) 3
I (right position) Current input (4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA): default setting

Table 3.14 Parameter H3-09 Details

Setting Default
No. Parameter Name Description Range Setting
Selects the signal level for terminal A2.
0: 0 to +10 V, unipolar input (with lower limit)
Frequency ref. (current)
H3-09 1: 0 to +10 V, bipolar input (no lower limit) 0 to 3 2
terminal A2 signal level selection 2: 4 to 20 mA
3: 0 to 20 mA

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 69
3.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Termination

3.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Termination

The two ends of the MEMOBUS/Modbus network line must be terminated. The drive has a built-in termination resistor
that can be enabled or disabled using DIP switch S2. If a drive is a single drive on the network or is located at the end of
a network line, set DIP switch S2 to the ON position to enable the termination resistor. Disable the termination resistor on
all slave drives that are not located at the network line end.
Table 3.15 MEMOBUS/Modbus Switch Settings
S2 Position Description
ON Internal termination resistor ON
OFF Internal termination resistor OFF (no termination resistor); default setting

DIP Switch S2

Figure 3.27 DIP Switch S2

Note: Refer to the MEMOBUS/Modbus communications manual for details on MEMOBUS/Modbus.

70 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.11 Braking Resistor

3.11 Braking Resistor

Dynamic braking (DB) helps bring the motor to a smooth and rapid stop when working with high inertia loads. Regeneration
occurs as the drive lowers the motor frequency with high inertia. When the regeneration flows back into the DC bus
capacitors, an overvoltage situation occurs. A braking resistor prevents these overvoltage faults.
NOTICE: Do not allow unqualified personnel to use the product. Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive or braking circuit.
Carefully review the braking resistor instruction manual when connecting a braking option to the drive.
Note: The braking circuit must be sized properly in order to dissipate the power required to decelerate the load in the desired time. Ensure
that the braking circuit can dissipate the energy for the set deceleration time prior to running the drive.
NOTICE: Use a thermal overload relay or over-temperature contact to interrupt input power to the drive if the braking resistor overheats.
In the event of a possible thermal overload, the relay triggers the input contactor and prevents the braking resistor from burning up.

u Installation
WARNING! Fire Hazard. The braking resistor connection terminals are B1 and B2. Do not connect a braking resistor directly to any
other terminals. Improper wiring connections could result in death or serious injury by fire. Failure to comply may result in damage to
the braking circuit or drive.
NOTICE: Connect braking resistors to the drive as shown in the I/O wiring examples. Improperly wiring braking circuits could result in
damage to the drive or equipment.

n Installation Procedure
1. Disconnect all electrical power to the drive and wait at least five minutes before servicing the drive and any
connected components.
2. Remove drive front cover.
3. Use a voltmeter to verify that voltage is disconnected from incoming power terminals and that the DC bus no longer
holds a charge.
relay Braking resistor

supply MCCB MC
R/L1 B1 B2

S/L2 U/T1
T/L3 V/T2 Motor

Electrical Installation
Thermal relay switch for
external braking resistor

Fault contact

Figure 3.28 Connecting a Braking Resistor

4. Follow manufacturer instructions to connect the resistor unit to the drive using proper wire gauge according to
local electrical codes.
Power leads for the remote mount resistors generate high levels of electrical noise; group these signal leads
5. Mount the resistor unit on a noncombustible surface. Maintain minimum side and top clearances according to
resistor manufacturer instructions.
WARNING! Fire Hazard. Do not use improper combustible materials. Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury
by fire. Attach the drive or braking resistors to metal or other noncombustible material.
6. Reinstall drive covers and resistor covers, if provided.
7. Set parameter L3-04 = “0” or “3” to disable stall prevention during deceleration.
Set parameter L8-01 to “1” to enable overheat protection when using a heatsink-mounted braking resistor option.
Set L8-01 = “0” for other braking resistor types.
Set parameter L3-04 = “3” to generate the shortest possible deceleration time.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 71
3.11 Braking Resistor

Table 3.16 Braking Resistor Settings

Parameter Settings
0: Disabled. The drive will not provide overheat protection.
L8-01: Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor Protection Selection Supply separate means of overheat protection.
1: Enabled. Braking Resistor is protected from overheat.
0: Stall prevention disabled.
L3-04: Stall Prevention During Deceleration 3: Stall prevention enabled with a braking resistor
Note: Select either 0 or 3 Note: This setting cannot be used in OLV control for PM
8. Operate the system and verify the required deceleration rate is obtained during dynamic braking or stopping.

72 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
3.12 Wiring Checklist

3.12 Wiring Checklist

No. Item Page
Drive, peripherals, option cards
1 Check drive model number to ensure receipt of correct model. 27
2 Check for correct braking resistors, DC reactors, noise filters, and other peripheral devices. 71
3 Check for correct option card model. 321
Installation area and physical setup
4 Ensure area surrounding the drive complies with specifications. 38
Power supply voltage, output voltage
5 The voltage from the power supply should fall within the input voltage specification range of the drive. 163
6 The voltage rating for the motor should match the drive output specifications. 27
Main circuit wiring
7 Confirm proper branch circuit protection exists per National and Local codes. 48
8 Properly wire the power supply to drive terminals R/L1, S/L2 and T/L3. 51
Properly wire the drive and motor together.
9 The motor lines and drive output terminals R/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 should match in order to produce the desired 60
phase order. If the phase order is incorrect, the drive will rotate in the opposite direction.
10 Use 600 Vac vinyl-sheathed wire for the power supply and motor lines. 56
11 Use the correct wire gauges for the main circuit. Refer to Table 3.2, Table 3.3, or Table 3.4. 56
• When using comparatively long motor cable, calculate the amount of voltage drop.
Motor rated voltage (V) x 0.02 ≥
3 x voltage resistance (Ω/km) x cable length (m) x motor rated current (A) x 10-3

• If the cable between the drive and motor exceeds 50 m, adjust the carrier frequency (C6-02) accordingly. 60
12 Properly ground the drive. 60
Tightly fasten all terminal screws (control circuit terminals, grounding terminals). Refer to Table 3.2, Table
13 56
3.3, or Table 3.4.
Set up overload protection circuits when running multiple motors from a single drive.

Electrical Installation
Power supply Drive MC1 OL1

14 –

MC1 - MCn ... magnetic contactor

OL 1 - OL n ... thermal relay 3
Note: Close MC1 through MCn before operating the drive.
If using a braking resistor or dynamic braking resistor unit, install a magnetic contactor. Properly install the
15 71
resistor, and ensure that overload protection shuts off the power supply.
16 Verify phase advancing capacitors are NOT installed on the output side of the drive. –
Control circuit wiring
17 Use twisted-pair cables for all drive control circuit wiring. 62
18 Ground the shields of shielded wiring to the GND terminal. 65
If using a 3-Wire sequence, properly set parameters for multi-function contact input terminals S1 through S7,
19 50
and properly wire control circuits.
20 Properly wire any option cards. 321
Check for any other wiring mistakes.
21 –
Only use a multimeter to check wiring.
22 Properly fasten the control circuit terminal screws in the drive. Refer to Table 3.2, Table 3.3, or Table 3.4. 56
23 Pick up all wire clippings. –
24 Ensure that no frayed wires on the terminal block are touching other terminals or connections. –
25 Properly separate control circuit wiring and main circuit wiring. –
26 Analog signal line wiring should not exceed 50 m. –
27 Safe Disable Input wiring should not exceed 30 m. –

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 73
3.12 Wiring Checklist

This Page Intentionally Blank

74 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Start-Up Programming & Operation
This chapter explains the functions of the LED operator and how to program the drive for initial

4.1 SECTION SAFETY............................................................................................76

4.2 USING THE DIGITAL LED OPERATOR..........................................................78
4.3 THE DRIVE AND PROGRAMMING MODES....................................................82
4.4 START-UP FLOWCHARTS..............................................................................88
4.5 POWERING UP THE DRIVE.............................................................................93
4.6 APPLICATION SELECTION.............................................................................94
4.7 AUTO-TUNING................................................................................................100
4.8 NO-LOAD OPERATION TEST RUN...............................................................106
4.9 TEST RUN WITH LOAD CONNECTED..........................................................107
4.11 TEST RUN CHECKLIST.................................................................................110

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 75
4.1 Section Safety

4.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The diagrams in this section may include drives without covers or safety shields to illustrate details. Be sure to reinstall
covers or shields before operating the drives and run the drives according to the instructions described in this manual.
Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.
Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.
Do not touch any terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the
power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To
prevent electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off and measure the DC bus voltage level to
confirm safe level.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Installation, maintenance, inspection, and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing, and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Fire Hazard
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.
Do not use an improper voltage source.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying power.
Do not use improper combustible materials.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Attach the drive to metal or other noncombustible material.

76 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.1 Section Safety

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.
Do not use unshielded cable for control wiring.
Failure to comply may cause electrical interference resulting in poor system performance. Use shielded twisted-pair wires
and ground the shield to the ground terminal of the drive.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to use the product.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive or braking circuit.
Carefully review instruction manual TOBP C720600 00 when connecting a braking option to the drive.
Do not modify the drive circuitry.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive and will void warranty.
Yaskawa is not responsible for any modification of the product made by the user. This product must not be modified.
Check all the wiring to ensure that all connections are correct after installing the drive and connecting any other
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.

Start-Up Programming
& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 77
4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator

4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator

Use the LED operator to enter run and stop commands, display data, edit parameters, as well as display fault and alarm

u Keys, Displays, and LEDs

12 13
1 11



7 8
4 6


Fref : (Hz)
Fout : (Hz)
lout : (A)
Mon1 : (V)
Monitor :
Verify :
SetUpGuide :
Program :
Auto-Tuning :

WARNINGRisk of electric shock.

Read manual before installing.
Wait 1 minute for capacitor discharge after
disconnecting power supply.
To conform to requirements, make sure to
ground the supply neutral for 400V class.

Table 4.1 Keys and Displays on the LED Operator

No. Display Name Function
1 Data Display Area Displays the frequency reference, parameter number, etc.

2 ESC Key Returns to the previous menu.

Moves the cursor to the right.
3 RESET Key Resets the drive to clear a fault situation.

4 RUN Key Starts the drive.

5 Up Arrow Key Scrolls up to select parameter numbers, setting values, etc.

6 Down Arrow Key Scrolls down to select parameter numbers, setting values, etc.
Stops the drive.
Note: Stop priority circuit. Pressing the STOP key will always cause the drive
7 STOP STOP Key to stop the motor, even when a Run command is active at an external Run
command source. Set parameter o2-06 to 0 to disable the STOP key priority.
Selects all modes, parameters, settings, etc.
8 ENTER Key Selects a menu item to move from one display screen to the next.
Switches drive control between the operator (LOCAL) and the control circuit
terminals (REMOTE).
Note: LOCAL/REMOTE key effective during stop in drive mode. If the digital
9 LO/RE Selection Key operator could change from REMOTE to LOCAL by incorrect operation, set
o2-01 (LOCAL/REMOTE Key Function Selection) to “0” (disabled) to disable

10 RUN Light Lit while the drive is operating the motor.

11 LO/RE Light Lit while the operator (LOCAL) is selected to run the drive.

78 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator

No. Display Name Function

12 ALM LED Light
13 REV LED Light
Refer to LED Screen Displays on page 79.
14 DRV LED Light
15 FOUT LED Light
Port used for USB Copy Unit, LCD Operator Keypad, and for connecting to a
NOTICE: Use only specified cable when making connections to the drive.
16 – Communication Port Failure to comply may damage the drive.
NOTICE: Do not open the port cover wider than 90 degrees. Failure to
comply may break the port cover and leave the unprotected port
susceptible to damage.

u Digital Text Display

Text appears on the LED Operator as shown below. This section explains the meaning of text as it appears on the display
Lit Flashing

Table 4.2 Digital Text Display

Text LED Text LED Text LED Text LED
0 9 I R
1 A J S
2 B K T
3 C L U

4 D M <1> V

5 E N W <1>

Start-Up Programming
6 F O X None
7 G P Y

& Operation
8 H Q Z None
<1> Displayed in two digits.

u LED Screen Displays

Display Lit Flashing Off
• When an alarm occurs
• oPE detected
When the drive detects an alarm or error Normal state (no fault or alarm)
• When a fault or error occurs during
Motor is rotating in reverse — Motor is rotating forward
Drive Mode <1>
When DriveWorksEZ is used Programming Mode
Displays output frequency (Hz) — —

As illustrated in
this manual

<1> Refer to the DriveWorksEZ instruction manual for further information.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 79
4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator

u LO/RE LED and RUN LED Indications

LED Lit Flashing Flashing Quickly <1> Off
When a Run command is Run command is selected from
selected from the LED – – device other than LED operator
operator (LOCAL) (REMOTE)
• During deceleration to stop • During deceleration at a
• When a Run command is fast-stop.
During Run During stop
input and frequency reference • During stop by interlock
is 0 operation. <2>

As shown

<1> Refer to Figure 4.1 for the difference between “flashing” and “flashing quickly”.
<2> Refer to the description for parameter U4-21 on page 382 for information on verifying operation interlock.


Flashing ON ON ON ON

Figure 4.1 RUN LED Status and Meaning

Drive output frequency

during stop RUN STOP RUN
/ 6 Hz
0 Hz
Frequency setting


Figure 4.2 RUN LED and Drive Operation

80 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator

u Menu Structure for Digital LED Operator

Description of Key Operations

Turn the power on

<1> :

Forward Selection Reverse Selection


Output Frequency

Output Current

Note: “XX” characters are shown in this manual.

The drive will display the actual setting values.
Output Voltage

Monitor Display


Verify Menu


Application Preset
Set Up Mode


Parameter Setting Mode

Start-Up Programming

& Operation


Figure 4.3 Digital LED Operator Screen Structure

<1> Reverse can only be selected when LOCAL is set.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 81
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

The drive functions are divided into two main groups accessible via the Digital LED Operator:
Drive Mode: The Drive mode allows motor operation and parameter monitoring. Parameter settings cannot be changed
when accessing functions in the Drive Mode (Table 4.3)
Programming Mode: The Programming Mode allows access to setup/adjust, verify parameters and Auto-Tuning. The
drive prohibits changes in motor operation such as start/stop when the Digital LED Operator is accessing a function in the
Programming Mode.
Table 4.3 illustrates the different functions visible as the “Up arrow” is scrolled immediately after powering up the drive.
Note: When b1-08 (Run Command Selection while in Programming Mode) is set to 1 (enabled), the drive can run even if the mode is switched
to the programming mode. When setting b1-08 to 0 (disabled), the mode cannot be switched to the programming mode while the drive
is running.
Table 4.3 Summary of Modes
Mode Group Description Key Press LED Digital Operator Display <1>
Frequency Reference Display (Initial
power-up state)

Output Frequency Display

Drive Mode Functions STOP
(Motor operation and monitoring)
Output Current Display

Output Voltage Reference


Monitor Display

Verify Function

Setup Group Parameters

Programming Mode Functions STOP

(Changing parameters)
All Parameters


<1> The enlarged illustration of the LED indicates that the LED is on.

82 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

u Navigating the Drive and Programming Modes

The drive is set to operate in Drive Mode when it is first powered up. Switch between display screens by using the
and keys.
Frequency Reference
This display screen allows the user to monitor and set the frequency reference while the
drive is running. Refer to The Drive and Programming Modes on page 82.
Power Up Note: The user can select items to display when the drive is first powered up by setting
STOP parameter o1-02.
Default Setting

Forward/Reverse : Motor rotates forward.

: Motor rotates in reverse.
Note: For applications that should not run in reverse (fans, pumps, etc.), set parameter
b1-04 = “1” to prohibit the motor from rotating in reverse. This sequence also puts the
Switching to reverse:

The LED is lit when

LOCAL is selected

Drive Mode drive in LOCAL mode.

Output Frequency Display

Monitors the frequency output by the drive.


Output Current Display

Monitors the output current of the drive.


Output Voltage Reference

(Default setting) Scroll through o1-01 (User Monitor Selection) until the desired contents appear.
Refer to Parameter List on page 335

Drive Mode

Start-Up Programming

Monitor Display
Monitor parameters (U parameters) are displayed.

& Operation
Verify Function
Lists all parameters that have been edited or changed from default settings. Refer
to Verifying Parameter Changes: Verify Menu on page 86.

Setup A select list of parameters necessary to get the drive operational quickly. Refer to
The Setup Group within the Programming Mode on page 84.
Note: Parameters to be displayed differ depending on the setting of A1-06 (Application
Preset). Refer to Application Selection on page 94.

Parameter Setting
Allows the user to access and edit all parameter settings. Refer to Parameter List
on page 335.


Motor parameters are calculated and set automatically. Refer to Auto-Tuning on
page 100.


Frequency Reference
Drive Mode Returns to the frequency reference display screen.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 83
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

n Drive Mode Details

The following actions are possible in the Drive Mode:
• Run and stop the drive.
• Monitor the operation status of the drive (frequency reference, output frequency, output current, output voltage, etc.).
• View information on an alarm.
• View a history of alarms that have occurred.
Note: Select "Drive Mode" when running. The mode can be switched to any mode (program mode, etc.) other than drive mode while the
drive is stopped. However, the drive cannot be operated in other modes. Return the mode to "Drive Mode" after completing periodic
Figure 4.4 illustrates changing the default frequency reference of F 0.00 (0 Hz) to F 6.00 (6 Hz) while in Drive Mode.
This example assumes the drive is set to LOCAL.
Frequency reference
display at power up

Press to select LOCAL Press to select the
digit to the right

Press until the frequency

reference becomes 6 Hz

Figure 4.4 Setting the Frequency Reference while in Drive Mode

Note: The drive will not accept a frequency reference set value unless the ENTER key is pressed after the frequency reference is entered.
This feature prevents accidental setting of the frequency reference. By setting o2-05 (Frequency Reference Setting Method Selection)
to 1 (Enabled), the drive will accept the frequency reference while it is being adjusted on the digital operator.

n Programming Mode Details

The following actions are possible in the programming mode:
• Verify Function: Verify parameter setting changes from original default values.
• Setup Group: Access a list of commonly used parameters to simplify setup.
• Parameter Setting Mode: Access and edit all parameter settings.
• Auto-Tuning: Automatically calculates and sets motor parameters for Open Loop or PM Vector control to optimize the
drive for the motor characteristics.
The Setup Group within the Programming Mode
In Setup Group, the user can access the minimum group of parameters required to operate the application.
Note: Setup Group parameters are listed in Table 4.4.
Note: Pressing ENTER from APPL navigates to the Application Preset setting display. When the set value is changed, the parameter is
changed to the optimum value for each application. It is set to 0 (General-purpose) prior to shipment. Refer to Application Selection
on page 94.
Figure 4.5 illustrates the keys to press to enter the Setup Group.
In this example, the source of the frequency reference is changed from the control circuit terminals to the LED Operator
(i.e., b1-01 is changed from 1 to 0).

84 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

Frequency reference
appears when powered up

STOP Press until Preset


Parameter Display Control Circuit

Terminal Select digit
to edit


LED Operator Parameter Display


<1> Pressing ENTER from APPL navigates to the Application

Preset setting display. When the set value is changed, the
parameter is changed to the optimum value for each
application. It is set to 0 (General-purpose) prior to shipment.
<2> Move to the right to change parameter settings. Scroll
down to view and check settings in the Setup Mode.
STOP <3> To return to the Top Menu, press . To view or edit
other parameters, press and .

Figure 4.5 Setup Group Example

Start-Up Programming
u Changing Parameter Settings or Values
This example explains changing C1-01 (Acceleration Time 1) from 10.0 seconds (default) to 20.0 seconds.

& Operation
Step Display/Result
1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

2. Press the key until the Setup Mode Screen appears. 4

3. Press the key to view the parameter setting display.

4. Scroll through parameters by pressing the key until C1-01 appears.

5. Press to view the current setting value (10.0). (Number farthest to the left

6. Press until the desired number is selected. (“1” flashes)

7. Press the key and enter 0020.0.

8. Press and the drive will confirm the change.

9. The display automatically returns to the screen shown in Step 4.

10. Press the key until back at the initial display.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 85
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

u Verifying Parameter Changes: Verify Menu

The Verify Menu lists edited parameters from the Programming Mode or as a result of Auto-Tuning. The Verify Menu
helps determine which settings have been changed, and is particularly useful when replacing a drive. If no settings have
been changed, the Verify Menu will read . The Verify menu also allows users to access and re-edit previously edited
Note: The Verify Menu will not display A1-oo parameters (except for A1-02), nor will it display parameters A2-01 to A2-32 or E5-01 even
if those parameters have been changed from default settings.
The following example is a continuation of the steps beginning on page 85. Here, parameter C1-01 is accessed using the
Verify Menu and is changed again to 20.0 s.
To check the list of edited parameters:
Step Display/Result
1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

2. Press until the display shows the “Verify” representation.

Press to enter the list of parameters that have been edited from their original
3. default settings.
Scroll through the list by pressing the key.

4. Press the key until C1-01 appears.

5. Press the key to access the setting value. (number farthest to the left flashes)

u Switching Between LOCAL and REMOTE

Entering the run command using the LED operator is referred to as LOCAL, while entering the run command from an
external device via the control circuit terminals or network option is referred to as REMOTE.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. The drive may start unexpectedly if the Run command is already applied when switching from
LOCAL mode to REMOTE mode when b1-07 = 1, resulting in death or serious injury. Be sure all personnel are clear of rotating machinery
and electrical connections prior to switching between LOCAL mode and REMOTE mode.
There are two ways to switch between LOCAL and REMOTE.
Note: 1. After selecting LOCAL, the LO/RE light will remain lit.
2. The drive will not allow the user to switch between LOCAL and REMOTE during run.

n Using the LO/RE Key on the LED Operator

Step Display/Result

1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

Press . The LO/RE light will light up. The drive is now in Local.

To set the drive for REMOTE operation, press the key again.

n Using Input Terminals S1 through S7 to Switch between LO/RE

Switch between LOCAL and REMOTE using one of the digital input terminals S1 through S7 (set the corresponding
parameter H1-01 through H1-07 to 1).
Follow the example below to set the digital input terminals.
Note: 1. Refer to Parameter List on page 335 for a list of digital input selections.
2. Setting a multi-function input terminal to a value of 1 disables the LO/RE key on the LED operator.

86 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes

u Parameters Available in the Setup Group

n Setup Mode (STUP)
Parameters used for this drive are classified into A to U. To simplify the drive setup, frequently used parameters are selected
and input into Setup Mode.
1. To set a parameter, the Setup Mode must be displayed first. Press the Up/Down key until is displayed.
2. Select the parameter and change the setting. Table 4.4 lists parameters available in the Setup group. If the desired
parameter cannot be set in the Setup mode, use the Parameter Setting mode.
Note: 1. When parameter A1-02 (Control Method Selection) is changed, some parameter set values are also changed automatically.
2. Use the “Par” menu in the Programming mode to access parameters not listed in the Setup Group.
3. Display parameters depend on A1-06. Refer to Application Selection on page 94.
Table 4.4 Setup Group Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Name
A1-02 Control Method Selection E1-01 Input Voltage Reference
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency
b1-03 Stop Method Selection E1-05 Maximum Voltage
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 E1-06 Base Frequency
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 E1-09 Minimum Output Frequency
C6-01 Duty Selection E1-13 Base Voltage
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection E2-01 Motor Rated Current
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 E2-04 Number of Motor Poles
d1-02 Frequency Reference 2 E2-11 Motor Rate Capacity
d1-03 Frequency Reference 3 H4-02 Terminal AM Gain Setting
d1-04 Frequency Reference 4 L1-01 Motor Protection Function Selection
d1-17 Jog Frequency Reference L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration

Start-Up Programming
& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 87
4.4 Start-up Flowcharts

4.4 Start-up Flowcharts

The flowcharts in this section summarize basic steps required to start the drive. Use the flowcharts to determine the most
appropriate start-up method for a given application. The charts are intended as a quick reference to help familiarize the
user with start-up procedures.
Flowchart Subchart Objective Page
A Basic startup procedure and motor tuning. 89
A-1 Simple motor setup with Energy Savings or Speed Search using V/f mode. 90
A-2 High-performance operation using Open Loop Vector (OLV) motor control. 91
A-3 Operation with Permanent Magnet (PM) motors. 92
Setup of drive using application specific selections. Refer to Application Selection on page
- -

88 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.4 Start-up Flowcharts

u Flowchart A: Basic Start-up and Motor Tuning

Figure 4.6, Flowchart A, describes basic start-up sequence for the drive and motor system. This sequence varies slightly
depending on application. Use drive default parameter settings in simple applications that do not require high precision.


Install and wire the drive as explained in Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Apply main power on to the drive

Adhere to safety messages concerning application of power

Application Presets
A1-06 used ?

Set the control mode in parameter A1-02. Refer to

Selection section
Set the basic parameters
* b1-01/02 for frequency reference and run command source selection
* H1-oo,H2-oo,H3-oo,H4-oo,H6-oo for I/O terminal setting FROM
* d1-oo for multi-speed references if used
* C1-oo and C2-oo for accel./decel. and S-curve time settings
* C6-01 for heavy/normal duty mode selection
* L3-04 if braking options are used

0: V/f control Control Mode 5: Open Loop Vector for PM motors

A1-02 =

To To 2: Open Loop To
Flowchart A-1 Flowchart A-2 Vector control Flowchart A-3

From Flowchart A-1, A-2, or A-3

Run the motor without load; check the rotation direction and operation.
Verify external signal commands to the drive work as desired.

Start-Up Programming
Couple the load or machine to the motor. Run the machine and check for desired operation.

Fine tune parameters. Adjust application settings (PID, ...) if necessary.

& Operation
Check the machine operation and verify parameter settings.

Drive is ready to run the application.

Figure 4.6 Basic Start-up and Motor Tuning


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 89
4.4 Start-up Flowcharts

u Subchart A1: Simple Motor Setup with Energy Savings or Speed Search Using V/f
Figure 4.7, Flowchart A1, describes simple motor setup for V/f control. V/f Motor Control is suited for the most basic
applications such as fans or pumps. This procedure illustrates using Energy Savings and Speed Estimation Speed Search.
V/f control can be used where rotational auto-tuning cannot be performed.


Set or verify the V/f pattern settings E1-oo.

Energy Savings
Speed Estimation
Speed Search (b3-24=1)
enabled ? YES

Is the motor cable

longer than 50 m? Perform Rotational Auto-Tuning
for V/f Control
(T1-01 = 3)

Perform Stationary Auto-Tuning for
terminal resistance (T1-01 = 2)

Return to

Figure 4.7 Simple Motor Set-Up with Energy Savings or Speed Search Using V/f Mode

90 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.4 Start-up Flowcharts

u Subchart A2: High Performance Operation Using Open Loop Vector Motor Control
Figure 4.8, Flowchart A2, describes Open Loop Vector Control for high-performance motor operation. This is appropriate
for applications requiring high starting torque, torque limits, and improved speed regulation.


NO Possible for motor to

rotate during tuning? <1>

NO <1> Rotational tuning should

Motor test report/ data be performed with the
sheet available?
load disconnected


Calculate necessary E2-oo

Enter the data from the motor data Perform Rotating Auto-
parameter data using the
sheet to E2-oo parameters. Tuning (T1-01 = 0)
nameplate information.

Is the motor cable

longer than 50 m?

Perform Stationary Auto-Tuning for

NO terminal resistance (T1-01 = 2)

Return to

Start-Up Programming
Figure 4.8 Flowchart A2: High Performance Operation Using Open Loop Vector Motor Control

& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 91
4.4 Start-up Flowcharts

u Subchart A3: Operation with Permanent Magnet Motors

Figure 4.9, Flowchart A3, describes tuning for PM motors in Open Loop Vector Control. PM motors can be used for
energy savings in reduced or variable torque applications.

Motorcode is known ?
For parameter E5-01 NO
(for Yaskawa PM Motors)

YES Enter “FFFF” to parameter


Set the motor code to Enter the motor data into

parameter E5-01 parameters E5-02 to E5-24

Return to

Figure 4.9 Operation with Permanent Magnet Motors

92 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.5 Powering Up the Drive

4.5 Powering Up the Drive

u Powering Up the Drive and Operation Status Display

n Powering Up the Drive

Review the following checklist before turning the power on.
Item to Check Description
Ensure the power supply voltage is correct:
200 V class: single-phase 200 to 240 Vac 50/60 Hz
200 V class: 3-phase 200 to 240 Vac 50/60 Hz
400 V class: 3-phase 380 to 480 Vac 50/60 Hz
Power supply voltage
Properly wire the power supply input terminals (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3).
(for single-phase 200 V class models, wire only R/L1 and S/L2)
Check for proper grounding of drive and motor.
Drive output terminals Properly wire drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 with motor terminals U, V, and W.
and motor terminals
Control circuit terminals Check control circuit terminal connections.
Drive control terminal status Open all control circuit terminals (off).
Status of the load Uncouple the motor from the load.
and connected machinery

n Status Display
When the power supply to the drive is turned on, the LED operator lights will appear as follows:
No. Name Description
Normal The data display area displays the frequency reference. is lit.

Data displayed varies by the type of fault. Refer to Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible
Fault Solutions on page 255 for more information and possible solution.
STOP and are lit.
Main circuit low voltage (ex)
Note: Display will vary depending
on drive settings.

Start-Up Programming
& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 93
4.6 Application Selection

4.6 Application Selection

Several Application Presets are available to facilitate drive setup for commonly used applications. Selecting one of these
Application Presets automatically sets the required parameters to the Application Preset default values and selects I/Os.
In addition, the parameters most likely to be changed are assigned to the list of User Parameters, A2-01 through A2-16.
These can be accessed in the Setup Mode and provide quicker application adjustment by eliminating the need to scroll
through multiple menus.
The following presets can be selected:
Note: 1. Do not set any value outside the allowable range for A1-06. Setting an out-of-range value will cause “APPL” to flash on the display
in the Setup group and disable the up and down arrow keys on the digital operator. To fix this error, press the ESC key to return to
the Setup group and then it will then be possible to switch to another mode using the up and down arrow keys.
2. A1-06 setting can only be changed by initializing the drive by first setting A1-03 to 2220. Setting A1-06 to a value that is out of
range will not adversely affect drive operation. When the drive should not be initialized because initialization will cause other
problems, then A1-06 does not need to be changed.
WARNING! Confirm the drive I/O signals and external sequence before performing a test run. Setting parameter A1-06 may change
the I/O terminal function automatically from the default setting. Failure to comply may result in death or serious injury.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

0: Disabled
1: Water supply pump
2: Conveyor
3: Exhaust fan
A1-06 Application Presets 4: HVAC 0
5: Compressor
6: Hoist
7: Traveling
8: Conveyor 2 <1>
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.

u Setting 1: Water Supply Pump Application

Table 4.5 Water Supply Pump Parameter Settings
No. Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection 1: Reverse Prohibited
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 1.0 s
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 1.0 s
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 1: Normal Duty
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection 0FH
E1-07 Middle Output Frequency 30.0 Hz
E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage 50.0 V
L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection 1: Enabled
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration 1: Enabled
Table 4.6 Water Supply Pump: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16)
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 E2-01 Motor Rated Current
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5 Function
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection H1-05 Selection
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6 Function
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 H1-06 Selection
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S7 Function
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 H1-07 Selection
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection L5-01 Number of Auto Restart Attempts
E1-07 Middle Output Frequency − −

94 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.6 Application Selection

u Setting 2: Conveyor Application

Table 4.7 Conveyor: Parameter Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 0: Heavy Duty
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration 1: Enabled
Table 4.8 Conveyor: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16)
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name
A1-02 Control Method Selection C1-02 Deceleration Time 1
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 E2-01 Motor Rated Current
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 − −

u Setting 3: Exhaust Fan Application

Table 4.9 Exhaust Fan: Parameter Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection 1: Reverse Prohibited
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 1: Normal Duty
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection 0FH
E1-07 Middle Output Frequency 30.0 Hz
E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage 50.0 V
L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection 1: Enabled
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration 1: Enabled
Table 4.10 Exhaust Fan: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16)
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name

Start-Up Programming
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 E1-07 Middle Output Frequency
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage

& Operation
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection E2-01 Motor Rated Current
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5 Function
b3-01 Speed Search Selection at Start H1-05 Selection
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6 Function
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 H1-06 Selection 4
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S7 Function
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 H1-07 Selection
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection L5-01 Number of Auto Restart Attempts

u Setting 4: HVAC Fan Application

Table 4.11 HVAC Fan: Parameter Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection 1: Reverse Prohibited
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 1: Normal Duty
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection 3: 8.0 kHz
H2-03 Terminals P2 Function Selection 39: Watt Hour Pulse Output
2: CPU Power Active - Drive will restart if power returns
L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection prior to control power supply shut down.
L8-03 Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation Selection 4: Operation at lower speed

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 95
4.6 Application Selection

No. Parameter Name Default Setting

L8-38 Carrier Frequency Reduction 2: Enabled across entire frequency range.
Table 4.12 HVAC Fan: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16)
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection E2-01 Motor Rated Current
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 H3-11 Terminal A2 Gain Setting
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 H3-12 Terminal A2 Bias Setting
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection
d2-01 Frequency Reference Upper Limit L8-03 Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation Selection
d2-02 Frequency Reference Lower Limit o4-12 kWh Monitor Initialization

u Setting 5: Compressor Application

Table 4.13 Compressor: Parameter Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection 1: Reverse Prohibited
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 5.0 s
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 5.0 s
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 0: Heavy Duty
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection 0FH
L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection 1: Enabled
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration 1: Enabled
Table 4.14 Compressor: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16):
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 E1-07 Middle Output Frequency
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 E2-01 Motor Rated Current
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 − −

u Setting 6: Hoist Application

Note: 1. Read the instructions listed on page 97 when using Hoist Application Preset
2. Perform Auto-Tuning after selecting the Hoist Application Preset.
3. If UL3 appears on the operator display after Auto-Tuning is complete, set L6-01 to 0 to repeat the Auto-Tuning process.
Table 4.15 Hoist: Parameters and Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 2: Open Loop Vector Control
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 0: Operator
b6-01 Dwell Reference at Start 3.0 Hz
b6-02 Dwell Time at Start 0.3 s
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 0: Heavy Duty
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection 2: 5 kHz
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 6.0 Hz
d1-02 Frequency Reference 2 30.0 Hz
d1-03 Frequency Reference 3 60.0 Hz
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection 0FH

96 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.6 Application Selection

No. Parameter Name Default Setting

H2-02 Terminals P1 Function Selection 37: During Frequency Output
H2-03 Terminals P2 Function Selection 5: Frequency Detection 2
L2-03 Momentary Power Loss Minimum Baseblock Time 0.3 s
L3-04 Momentary Power Loss Voltage Recovery Ramp Time 0: Disabled
L4-01 Speed Agreement Detection Level 2.0 Hz
L4-02 Speed Agreement Detection Width 0.0 Hz
L6-01 Torque Detection Selection 1 8: UL3 at RUN - Fault
L6-02 Torque Detection Level 1 5%
L6-03 Torque Detection Time 1 0.5 s
L8-05 Input Phase Loss Protection Selection 1: Enabled <1>
L8-07 Output Phase Loss Protection Selection 1: Enabled
L8-38 Carrier Frequency Reduction 1: Enabled below 6 Hz
L8-41 High Current Alarm Selection 1: Enabled (alarm is output)
<1> Disable L8-05 for single-phase models.
Table 4.16 Hoist: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16):
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name
A1-02 Control Method Selection d1-02 Frequency Reference 2
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 d1-03 Frequency Reference 3
b6-01 Dwell Reference at Start E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage
b6-02 Dwell Time at Start H2-01 Terminals MA, MB, and MC Function Selection
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 L1-01 Motor Overload Protection Selection
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 L4-01 Speed Agreement Detection Level
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection L6-02 Torque Detection Level 1
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 L6-03 Torque Detection Time 1

u Notes on Controlling the Brake when Using the Hoist Application Preset
Preventing Inadvertent Brake Release by Disabling Frequency Detection During a Baseblock Condition

Start-Up Programming
The frequency detection function is used for controlling the brake.
Although the drive output will be shut off, the drive will maintain the frequency reference if an external Baseblock
command is given (H1-xx = 8/9) and the Run command remains active. Disable the Frequency detection during Baseblock

& Operation
by setting parameter L4-07 = “0” to prevent the brake remaining open during Baseblock condition.
Brake Control During Safe Disable Input
If the Safe Disable input is released, the drive output will shut off and the frequency reference will reset to 0 and the brake
will close, regardless if the Run command is active. The Run command must be cycled before the drive can restart.
The table below shows how to set up the drive when using output terminals P2-PC as brake control output. 4
Function Parameter Setting V/f OLV OLV for PM
Frequency Detection 2 H2-03 5 O O O
Digital Output (Brake Control)
Frequency Detection L4-07 0 O O O
during Baseblock
Frequency Detection Level <1>
L4-01 1.0 to 3.0 Hz O O O
(Brake Open Frequency)
Frequency Detection Width <2>
L4-02 0.0 to 0.5 Hz O O O
(Brake Close Bandwidth)
<1> This is the setting recommended when using Open Loop Vector Control. In V/f Control, set the level as the motor rated slip frequency plus
0.5 Hz. Not enough motor torque will be created if this value is set too low, and the load may tend to slip. Make sure this value is greater than
the minimum output frequency and greater than the value of L4-02 as shown in the diagram below. If set too high, however, there may be a
jolt at start.
<2> Hysteresis for Frequency Detection 2 can be adjusted by changing the Frequency Detection Width (L4-02) between 0.0 and 0.5 Hz. If the load
slips during stop, make changes in steps of 0.1 Hz until the load no longer slips.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 97
4.6 Application Selection


output time

Dectection 2

Figure 4.10 Frequency Detection 2

The braking sequence should be designed as follows:

• A normally open signal (N.O.) should be used to control the brake so that it is released when terminal P2-PC closes.
• When a fault signal is output, the brake should close.
Note: The drawing below shows a control wiring example for the crane application preset:
24 V
Fault Contact
MA Holding brake
auxilary relay coil
MB Safety
(Forward) BR
High speed S6 Frequency Detect 2
(Multi-step speed 2) P2
Low speed

Figure 4.11 Brake Control Wiring

• When changing the speed using an analog signal, make sure that the source of the frequency reference is assigned to the
control circuit terminals (b1-01 = 1).
• A sequence to open and close the holding brake appears in the diagram below.
S6-SC Fast/Slow OFF ON
d1-01 (Enabled when b1-01 = 0)
Output frequency
L4-01 b6-01 b2-01
Output DC Injection braking
Frequency Detection 2
(H2-03=05) ON OFF
Holding brake
Closed Open Closed

Figure 4.12 Holding Brake Time Chart

u Setting 7: Traveling Application

Table 4.17 Traveling: Parameters and Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 0: Operator
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 0: Heavy Duty
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection 2: 5 kHz
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 6.0 Hz
d1-02 Frequency Reference 2 30.0 Hz
d1-03 Frequency Reference 3 60.0 Hz
H1-05 Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5 Function 3: Multi-Step Speed 1
H1-06 Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6 Function 4: Multi-Step Speed 2
H2-02 Terminals P1 Function Selection 37: During frequency output
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration 0: Disabled

98 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.6 Application Selection

No. Parameter Name Default Setting

L8-05 Input Phase Loss Protection Selection 1: Enabled <1>
L8-07 Output Phase Loss Protection Selection 1: Triggered when a single phase is lost
L8-38 Carrier Frequency Reduction 1: Enabled below 6 Hz
L8-41 High Current Alarm Selection 1: Enabled (alarm output)
<1> Disable L8-05 for single-phase models.
Table 4.18 Traveling: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16):
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 d1-03 Frequency Reference 3
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 E2-01 Motor Rated Current
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 H1-05 Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5 Function
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection H1-06 Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6 Function
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 H2-01 Terminals MA, MB, and MC Function Selection
d1-02 Frequency Reference 2 L1-01 Motor Overload Protection Selection

u Setting 8: Conveyor Application 2

This setting is available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.
Table 4.19 Conveyor 2: Parameters and Settings
No. Parameter Name Default Setting
A1-02 Control Method Selection 0: V/f Control
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 3.0 s
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 0: Heavy Duty
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration 0: Disabled
n3-13 Overexcitation Deceleration Gain 1.4
n3-21 High-Slip Suppression Current Level 150%
Table 4.20 Conveyor 2: User Parameters (A2-01 to A2-16):
No. Parameter Name No. Parameter Name

Start-Up Programming
A1-02 Control Method Selection E2-01 Motor Rated Current
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 n3-13 Overexcitation Deceleration Gain

& Operation
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1 n3-21 High-Slip Suppression Current Level
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1 – –

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 99
4.7 Auto-Tuning

4.7 Auto-Tuning

u Types of Auto-Tuning
There are three types of Auto-Tuning. Select the best type of Auto-Tuning for the application. Refer to Auto-Tuning
Procedure on page 101.
Type Setting Application Conditions and Benefits Control Mode
• Assumes the motor can rotate during the Auto-Tuning process
Rotational • Improves torque compensation, slip compensation, energy
Auto-Tuning T1-01 = 3 savings, and Speed Search performance V/f Control
for V/f Control • Should be performed when Speed Estimation Type Speed
Search or Energy Saving is used in V/f Control
Rotational Auto- • Assumes the motor can rotate during the Auto-Tuning process
Tuning T1-01 = 0 • Achieves high-performance motor control and should be Open Loop Vector Control
for OLV Control performed whenever Open Loop Vector Control is used
For use when:
Stationary Auto-
Tuning • The motor cable exceeds 50 m
V/f Control, Open Loop Vector
for Line-to-Line T1-01 = 2 • The motor cable length has been modified after Auto-Tuning Control
Resistance (V/f and has been previously performed
OLV Control) • When motor capacity and drive capacity differ
Note: Auto-Tuning cannot be performed on permanent magnet motors (IPM, SPM, etc.).

u Before Auto-Tuning the Drive

Check the items below before Auto-Tuning the drive.
n Basic Auto-Tuning Preparations
• Auto-Tuning automatically determines the electrical characteristics of the motor. This is fundamentally different from
other types of Auto-Tuning features used in servo systems.
• Auto-Tuning requires the user to input data from the motor nameplate. Make sure the information written on the
nameplate is available before Auto-Tuning the drive.
• For best performance, be sure the drive input supply voltage equals or exceeds the motor rated voltage.
Note: Performance can be enhanced by using a motor with a base voltage that is 20 V (40 V for 400 V class models) lower than the input
supply voltage. This may be of special importance when operating the motor above 90% of base speed, where high torque precision is
• Auto-Tuning is not possible with permanent magnet motors.
• To cancel Auto-Tuning, press the STOP key on the LED operator.
• Table 4.21 describes digital input and output terminal status during Auto-Tuning.
Table 4.21 Digital Input and Output Operation During Auto-Tuning
Auto-Tuning Type Digital Input Digital Output
Rotational Auto-Tuning for V/f Control Not available Functions the same as during normal operation
Rotational Auto-Tuning for OLV Control Not available Functions the same as during normal operation
Stationary Auto-Tuning for Line-to-Line Resistance Not available Maintains the status at the start of Auto-Tuning
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Do not release the mechanical brake during stationary Auto-Tuning. Inadvertent brake release
may cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Ensure that the mechanical brake release circuit is not controlled by the drive
multi-function digital outputs.
Note: It is recommended that Rotational Auto-Tuning is performed with the load disconnected. Failure to comply could result in improper
drive operation. If Rotational Auto-Tuning is performed for a motor coupled to a load, the motor constants will be inaccurate and the
motor may exhibit abnormal operation. Disconnect or decouple the motor from the load.

n Notes on Rotational Auto-Tuning

• For optimal performance, Auto-Tuning should only be done with the motor uncoupled from the load for applications
requiring high performance over a wide speed range.
• If motor and load cannot be uncoupled, the load should be lower than 30% of the rated load. Performing Rotational
Auto-Tuning with a higher load will set motor parameters incorrectly, and can cause irregular motor rotation.
• Ensure the motor-mounted brake is fully released if installed.
• Connected machinery should be allowed to rotate the motor.

100 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.7 Auto-Tuning

n Notes on Stationary Auto-Tuning for Terminal Resistance Only

• If the motor cable lead length has been significantly modified after Auto-Tuning has already been performed, perform
Stationary Auto-Tuning with the new cables.
• Perform when using motor cables longer than 50 m with V/f Control.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. When executing stationary Auto-Tuning for line-to-line resistance only, the motor does not rotate,
however, power is applied. Do not touch the motor until Auto-Tuning is completed. Failure to comply may result in injury from electrical

u Auto-Tuning Interruption and Fault Codes

If tuning results are abnormal or the STOP key is pressed before completion, Auto-Tuning will be interrupted and a fault
code will be displayed on the digital operator.

A – Normal Auto-Tuning Display B – Auto-Tuning Interrupted

Figure 4.13 Auto-Tuning Interruption Display

u Performing Auto-Tuning

n Auto-Tuning Procedure
Auto-Tuning should generally be performed in the following steps.
1. Refer to Before Auto-Tuning the Drive on page 100.
2. Determine which type of Auto-Tuning best fits the application requirements following Figure 4.14.

Start-Up Programming
& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 101
4.7 Auto-Tuning


Select the Motor Control Mode A1-02

V/f Control Open Loop Vector PM Open LoopVector Control

A1-02 = 0 A1-02 = 2 A1-02 = 5

Select a V/f pattern Select the motor code

E1-03 (E5-01) or set motor data
manually in E5-oo

NO Is the total
Can the load be connected load
Will the application expected to be less
allow motor rotation disconnected from than 30% of the motor
for Auto-Tuning? the motor? rating?

YES NOTICE: Auto-Tuning with
Is the cable a connected load is possible,
between the motor but may result in less than
and drive longer optimum performance.
than 50 m?

V/f Rotational
Auto-Tuning YES NO
(T1-01 = 3)
Rotational Use V/f control (A1-02 =
Auto-Tuning 0) or set motor
Stationary Auto-Tuning for (T1-01 = 0)
Line-to-Line Resistance parameters manually if
(T1-01 = 2) OLV control is needed

Run the motor without the load.

Fine tune parameters if needed.

Connect the load and run the motor.

Fine tune parameters if needed.

Verify system operates as required.

Auto-Tuning finished.

Figure 4.14 Auto-Tuning Selection

3. Enter the type of Auto-Tuning to parameter T1-01.

4. Enter the motor nameplate data.
5. Start the Auto-Tuning process when prompted by the drive.
6. If Auto-Tuning was successfully performed, do a test run without the load and make any necessary parameter
7. If the test run was successful, do a test run with the load connected and make parameter adjustments if necessary.

u Auto-Tuning Example
The following example illustrates how to perform Rotational Auto-Tuning for Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2).
n Set the Selected Type of Auto-Tuning
Step Display/Result
1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

2. Press the key until the Auto-Tuning display appears.

102 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.7 Auto-Tuning

Step Display/Result

3. Press to begin setting parameters.

4. Press to display the value for T1-01.

5. Press to select the digit to edit.

6. Press and set the drive to perform Rotational Auto-Tuning (00).

7. Save the setting by pressing .

8. The display automatically returns to the display shown in Step 3.

n Enter Data from the Motor Nameplate

After selecting the type of Auto-Tuning, enter the data required from the motor nameplate.
Note: These instructions continue from Step 8 in “Set the Selected Type of Auto-Tuning”.

Step Display/Result

1. Press to access the motor output power parameter T1-02.

2. Press to view the default setting.

3. Press to select the digit to edit.

4. Press and enter the motor power nameplate data in kW.

5. Press to save the setting.

6. The display automatically returns to the display in Step 1.

Repeat Steps 1 through 5 to set the following parameters:

• T1-03, Motor Rated Voltage
• T1-04, Motor Rated Current
• T1-05, Motor Base Frequency
• T1-06, Number of Motor Poles

Start-Up Programming
• T1-07, Motor Base Speed
Note: 1. For the details on each setting, Refer to Input Data for Auto-Tuning on page 104.

& Operation
2. For Stationary Auto-Tuning for Line-to-Line resistance only, set T1-02 and T1-04.

n Starting Auto-Tuning
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. The drive and motor may start unexpectedly during Auto-Tuning, which could result in death
or serious injury. Ensure the area surrounding the drive motor and load are clear before proceeding with Auto-Tuning.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. High voltage will be supplied to the motor when Stationary Auto-Tuning is performed even with 4
the motor stopped, which could result in death or serious injury. Do not touch the motor until Auto-Tuning has been completed.
NOTICE: Rotational Auto-Tuning will not function properly if a holding brake is engaged on the load. Failure to comply could result in
improper operation of the drive. Ensure the motor can freely spin before beginning Auto-Tuning.
NOTICE: Never perform Rotational Auto-Tuning for a motor connected to a load. Failure to comply could result in improper drive
operation. If Rotational Auto-Tuning is performed for a motor coupled to a load, the motor parameters will be inaccurate and the motor
may exhibit abnormal operation. Disconnect or decouple the motor from the load.

Enter the required information from the motor nameplate. Press to proceed to the Auto-Tuning start display.
Note: These instructions continue from Step 7 in “Enter Data from the Motor Nameplate”.

Step Display/Result

1. After setting T1-07 as illustrated in the previous section, press and confirm the
display is as described below:

Press to activate Auto-Tuning. flashes.

2. Note: The first digit indicates which motor is undergoing Auto-Tuning (motor 1 or motor
2). The second digit indicates the type of Auto-Tuning being performed.
3. Auto-Tuning finishes in approximately one to two minutes.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 103
4.7 Auto-Tuning

u Input Data for Auto-Tuning

The T1-oo parameters are used to set the Auto-Tuning input data.
Note: 1. Cycling power to the drive will reset any values set during the Auto-Tuning process to factory defaults.
2. For motors that are to be operated in the field weakening range, first perform the Auto-Tuning with the base data, i.e. the frequency
at which the motor is operating with its rated voltage (base frequency). After Auto-Tuning is complete, change the maximum
frequency E1-04 to the desired value.

n T1-00: Motor 1/Motor 2 Selection

Selects the motor to be tuned when motor 1/2 switching is enabled, i.e., a digital input is set for function H1-oo = 16.
This parameter is not displayed if motor 1/2 switching is disabled.
No. Name Setting Range Default
T1-00 Motor 1/2 Selection 1 or 2 1
Setting 1: Motor 1
Auto-Tuning automatically sets parameters E1-oo and E2-oo for motor 1.
Setting 2: Motor 2
Auto-Tuning automatically sets parameters E3-oo and E4-oo for motor 2. Make sure that motor 2 is connected to the
drive for Auto-Tuning.
n T1-01: Tuning Mode Selection
Sets the type of Auto-Tuning to be used. Refer to Types of Auto-Tuning on page 100 for details on different types of

No. Name Setting Range Default

T1-01 Auto-Tuning Mode Selection 0, 2 (OLV) 2, 3 (V/f) 0 (OLV) 2 (V/f)
Setting 0: Rotating Auto-Tuning for Open Loop Vector Control
Setting 2: Stationary Auto-Tuning for Line-to-Line Resistance
Setting 3: Rotating Auto-Tuning for V/f Control

n T1-02: Motor Rated Power

Used to set the motor rated power according to the motor nameplate value. For optimal performance, the motor rated power
should be between 50 and 100% of the drive rating.
No. Name Setting Range Default
<1> Determined by
T1-02 Motor Rated Power o2-04 and C6-01
<1> The setting range differs based on drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 0.03 to 650.00 kW
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 0.00 to 650.00 kW

n T1-03: Motor Rated Voltage (T1-01 = 0 or 3)

Used to set the motor rated voltage according to the motor nameplate value. If the motor is used above its base speed, enter
the voltage at base speed here.
For higher tuning precision and better control performance, enter the motor no-load voltage here if known. The motor no-
load voltage is referred as to the voltage needed to operate the motor under no-load condition at its rated speed. Refer to
the motor data sheet.
No. Name Setting Range Default
T1-03 Motor Rated Voltage 0.0 to 255.5 V <1> 200.0 V <1>
<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double values when using a 400 V class drive.

n T1-04: Motor Rated Current

Used to set the motor rated current according to the motor nameplate value. For optimal performance in OLV, the motor
rated current should be between 50 and 100% of the drive rating. Enter the current at the motor base speed.
No. Name Setting Range Default
10 to 200% of drive rated Determined by
T1-04 Motor Rated Current current o2-04 and C6-01

104 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.7 Auto-Tuning

n T1-05: Motor Rated Frequency (T1-01 = 0 or 3)

Used to set the motor rated frequency according to the motor nameplate value. If a motor with an extended speed range
is used or the motor is used in the field weakening area, enter the base frequency here.
For higher tuning precision and better control performance, enter the motor no-load frequency here if known. The “no-
load frequency” refers to the frequency needed to operate the motor under no-load condition at its rated speed. Refer to
the motor data sheet.
No. Name Setting Range Default
T1-05 Motor Base Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz <1>

<1> Regional default settings:

Setting 60.0 Hz: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 50.0 Hz: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)

n T1-06: Number of Motor Poles (T1-01 = 0 or 3)

Used to set the number of motor poles according to the motor nameplate value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
T1-06 Number of Motor Poles 2 to 48 4

n T1-07: Motor Base Speed (T1-01 = 0 or 3)

Used to set the motor rated speed according to the motor nameplate value. If a motor with an extended speed range is used
or the motor is used in the field weakening area, enter the speed at base frequency here.
No. Name Setting Range Default
T1-07 Motor Base Speed 0 to 24000 r/min <1>

<1> Regional default settings:

Setting 1750 r/min: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 1450 r/min: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)

n T1-11: Motor Iron Loss (T1-01 = 3)

Provides iron loss information for determining the Energy Saving coefficient. If E2-10 has been changed and the power
has been cycled, the value set to E2-10 will appear as the default in T1-11. If the value of T1-02 is not changed during
Auto-Tuning data input, the drive will select a value that is typical for the motor power entered to T1-02.
No. Name Setting Range Default

Start-Up Programming
Determined by
T1-11 Motor Iron Loss 0 to 65535 W o2-04 and C6-01

& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 105
4.8 No-Load Operation Test Run

4.8 No-Load Operation Test Run

u No-Load Operation Test Run

This section explains how to operate the drive with the motor uncoupled from the load during a test run.
n Before Starting the Motor
Check the following items before operation:
• Ensure the area around the motor is safe.
• Ensure external emergency stop circuitry is working properly and other safety precautions have been taken.
n During Operation
Check the following items during operation:
• The motor should rotate smoothly (i.e., no abnormal noise or oscillation).
• The motor should accelerate and decelerate smoothly.
n No-Load Operation Instructions
The following example illustrates a test run procedure using the digital operator.
Note: Before starting the motor, set the frequency reference d1-01 to 6 Hz.

Step Display/Result
1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

2. Press the key to select LOCAL. The LO/RE LED will turn on. STOP


3. Press to give the drive a Run command. RUN will light and the motor will rotate
at 6 Hz.

Off On

4. Ensure the motor is rotating in the correct direction and no faults or alarms occur.


If there is no error in step 4, press to increase the frequency reference. Increase

5. the frequency in 10 Hz increments verifying smooth operation results at all speeds. For
each frequency, monitor the drive output current (U1-03) through the LED operator to
confirm the current is well below the motor rated current. Example: 6 Hz → 60 Hz.

6. The drive should operate normally. Press to stop the motor. RUN flashes until STOP

the motor comes to a complete stop.

Flashing Off

106 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.9 Test Run with Load Connected

4.9 Test Run with Load Connected

u Test Run with the Load Connected

After performing a no-load test run connect the load and proceed to run the motor and load together.
n Notes on Connected Machinery
• Clear the area around the motor.
• The motor should come to a complete stop without problems.
• Connect the machinery.
• Fasten all installation screws properly. Check that the motor and connected machinery are held in place.
• Confirm that the Fast-stop circuit or mechanical safety measures operate correctly.
• Be ready to press the STOP button in case of emergency.

n Checklist Before Operation

• The motor should rotate in the proper direction.
• The motor should accelerate and decelerate smoothly.

n Operating the Motor under Loaded Conditions

Test run the application similarly to the no-load test procedure when connecting the machinery to the motor.
• Check monitor parameter U1-03 to ensure there is no overcurrent.
• If the application permits running the load in the reverse direction, try changing motor direction and the frequency
reference while watching for abnormal motor oscillation or vibration.
• Correct any problems that occurs with hunting, oscillation, or other control-related issues.

Start-Up Programming
& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 107
4.10 Verifying Parameter Settings and Backing Up Changes

4.10 Verifying Parameter Settings and Backing Up Changes

Check changes to parameter settings as a result of Auto-Tuning using the Verify function. Refer to Verifying Parameter
Changes: Verify Menu on page 86.
Save the verified parameter settings. Change the access level or set a password to the drive to prevent accidental
modification of parameter settings.

u Backing Up Parameter Values: o2-03

Performing the following procedure stores all parameters settings to drive memory where they can later be recalled if
necessary. Set o2-03 to “1” to save parameter changes. This saves all parameter settings, and then returns o2-03 to 0. The
drive can now “recall” the saved parameters by performing a “user-initialization” (A1-03 = 1110).
Parameter Setting Default
No. Description
Name Range Setting
Allows storing of parameter settings as a User Initialization Selection.
0: Saved/Not set
User Parameter 1: Set Defaults - Saves current parameter settings as user default settings.
o2-03 0 to 2 0
Default Value 2: Clear All - Clears the currently saved user settings. After saving the user parameter
set value, the items of 1110 (User Parameter Initialize) are displayed in A1-03 (User
Parameter Default Value).
Selects a method to initialize the parameters.
0: No Initialize
1110: User Initialize (The user must first program and store desired settings using
A1-03 parameter o2-03) 0 to 5550 0
Parameters 2220: 2-Wire Initialization (parameter initialized prior to shipment)
3330: 3-Wire Initialization
5550: oPE4 Fault reset

u Parameter Access Level: A1-01

Setting the Access Level for “Operation only” (A1-01 = 0) allows the user to access parameters A1-oo and Uo-oo
only. Other parameters are not displayed.
Setting the Access Level for “User Parameters” (A1-01 = 1) allows the user to access parameters that have been previously
saved as User Parameters. This is helpful when displaying only the relevant parameters for a specific application.
Parameter Setting
No. Description Default
Name Range
Selects which parameters are accessible via the digital operator.
0: Operation only (A1-01, -04, and -06 can be set and monitored. U parameters can be
Access Level monitored)
A1-01 0 to 2 2
Selection 1: User Parameters (Only those recently changed among application parameters A2-01
to -16 and A2-17 to -32 can be set and monitored)
2: Advanced Access Level (All parameters can be set and monitored)
Parameters selected by the user are stored to the User Parameter menu. This includes
recently viewed parameters or parameters specifically selected for quick access.
A2-01 If parameter A2-33 is set to 1, recently viewed parameters will be listed between A2-17
User Parameters 1 and b1-01 to
to A2-32. Parameters A2-01 through A2-16 must be manually selected by the user. –
to 32 o2-08
A2-32 If A2-33 is set to 0, then recently viewed parameters will not be saved to the User
Parameter group. The entire A2 parameter group is now available for manual
0: Parameters A2-01 through A2-32 are reserved for the user to create a list of User
User Parameter Parameters.
A2-33 Automatic 1: Save history of recently viewed parameters. Recently edited parameters will be saved 0, 1 1
Selection to A2-17 through A2-32 for quick access. The most recently changed parameter is
registered in A2-17. The second most recently changed parameter is registered in A2-18.

u Password Settings: A1-04, A1-05

The user can set a password to the drive to restrict access. The password is selected via parameter A1-05. The selected
password must be entered in parameter A1-04 to unlock parameter access (i.e., parameter setting A1-04 must match the
value programmed into A1-05). The following parameters cannot be viewed or edited until the value programmed into
A1-04 correctly matches the value as programmed in parameter A1-05: A1-01, A1-02, A1-03, A1-06 and A2-01 through
Note: Parameter A1-05 is hidden from view. To display A1-05, access parameter A1-04 and simultaneously depress the key and the

108 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
4.10 Verifying Parameter Settings and Backing Up Changes

u Copy Function (Optional)

Parameter settings can be copied to another drive to simplify parameter restoration or multiple drive setup. The drive
supports the following options:
n USB/Copy Unit (JVOP-181)
The copy unit is an external option connected to the drive to copy parameter settings to another drive. It includes a USB
adapter to connect the drive to a PC.
n LCD Operator (JVOP-180)
The LCD operator operates the drive and supports copying, importing, and verifying parameter settings using the
parameters o3-01 and o3-02.
Note: Use of the LCD operator requires that the drive is running drive software version PRG: 1012 or later. The LCD operator is not compatible
with drive software version PRG: 5010.

n LED Operator (JVOP-182)

The LED operator operates the drive and supports copying, importing, and verifying parameter settings.
Note: Use of the LED operator requires that the drive is running drive software version PRG: 1014 or later. The LED operator is not compatible
with version PRG: 5010.

n Drive Wizard Plus

Drive Wizard Plus is a PC software tool for parameter management, monitoring, and diagnosis. Drive Wizard Plus can
load, store, and copy drive parameter settings. For details, refer to Help in the Drive Wizard Plus software.
The installation files can be obtained at no charge from:
Japan: http://www.e-mechatronics.com
Other areas: Contact a Yaskawa representative.

Start-Up Programming
& Operation

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 109
4.11 Test Run Checklist

4.11 Test Run Checklist

Review the checklist before performing a test run. Check each item that applies.
No. Checklist Page
1 Thoroughly read the manual before performing a test run. –
2 Turn the power on. 93
3 Set the voltage for the power supply to E1-01. 163

Check the items that correspond to the control mode being used.
WARNING! Ensure start/stop and safety circuits are wired properly and in the correct state before energizing the drive. Failure to comply
could result in death or serious injury from moving equipment. When programmed for 3-Wire control, a momentary closure on terminal
S1 may cause the drive to start.

No. Checklist Page

V/f Control (A1-02 = 0)
Select the best V/f pattern according to the application and motor characteristics.
4 –
Example: If using a motor with a rated frequency of 60.0 Hz, set E1-03 to “1”.
5 Perform Auto-Tuning for Energy Savings if using Energy Saving functions. 100
Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2)
6 Uncouple the load from the motor when performing Rotational Auto-Tuning. 100
7 Perform Rotational Auto-Tuning. 100
The following data entered during Auto-Tuning should match the information written on the motor nameplate:
• motor rated output power (kW) → T1-02
• rated voltage (V) → T1-03
8 • rated current (A) → T1-04 104
• base frequency (Hz) → T1-05
• number of motor poles → T1-06
• motor rotations per minutes (r/min) → T1-07
PM Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 5)
9 Set permanent motor parameters E5-01 through E5-24 92

Proceed to the following checklist after checking items 4 through 9.

No. Checklist Page
10 The should illuminate after giving a run command. –

11 To give a run command and frequency reference from the LED Digital Operator, press to set to LOCAL. 86
The LO/RE key lights while LOCAL is displayed.
If the motor rotates in the opposite direction during the test run, switch two of the drive output terminals (U/
12 93
T1, V/T2, W/T3).
13 Select the correct duty rating (C6-01) for the application. –
Set the correct values for the motor rated current (E2-01) and the motor protection selection (L1-01) to ensure
14 –
motor thermal protection.
If the run command and frequency reference are provided via the control circuit terminals, set the drive for
15 86
REMOTE and be sure the LO/RE light is out.
If the control circuit terminals should supply the frequency reference, select the correct voltage input signal
16 86
level (0 to 10 V) or the correct current input signal level (4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA).
17 Set the proper voltage to terminal A1. (0 to 10 V). 117
18 Set the proper current to terminal A2. (4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA). 117
19 When current input is used, set H3-09 to “2” (4 to 20 mA) or “3” (0 to 20 mA) and set H3-10 to “0”. –
20 When current input is used, switch the drive built-in DIP switch S1 from the V-side (OFF) to I-side (ON). –
Set the minimum and maximum frequency references to the desired values. Make the following adjustments
if the drive does not operate as expected:
Gain adjustment: Set the maximum voltage/current signal and adjust the analog input gain (H3-03 for input
21 –
A1, H3-11 for input A2) until the frequency reference value reaches the desired value.
Bias adjustment: Set the minimum voltage/current signal and adjust the analog input bias (H3-04 for input
A1, H3-12 for input A2) until the frequency reference value reaches the desired minimum value.

110 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Parameter Details

5.1 A: INITIALIZATION.........................................................................................112
5.2 B: APPLICATION............................................................................................117
5.3 C: TUNING......................................................................................................142
5.4 D: REFERENCE SETTINGS...........................................................................154
5.5 E: MOTOR PARAMETERS.............................................................................163
5.6 F: OPTION SETTINGS....................................................................................174
5.7 H: TERMINAL FUNCTIONS............................................................................178
5.8 L: PROTECTION FUNCTIONS.......................................................................205
5.9 N: SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS.........................................................................231
5.10 O: OPERATOR RELATED SETTINGS...........................................................237
5.11 U: MONITOR PARAMETERS.........................................................................243

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 111
5.1 A: Initialization

5.1 A: Initialization
The initialization group contains parameters associated with initial setup of the drive. Parameters involving the display
language, access levels, initialization, and password are located in this group.

u A1: Initialization

n A1-00: Language Selection

Selects the display language for the digital operator.
Note: This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using parameter A1-03.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

A1-00 Language Selection 0 to 7 <1>

<1> Regional default settings:

Setting 0: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 7: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)
Setting 0: English
Setting 1: Japanese
Setting 2: German
Setting 3: French
Setting 4: Italian
Setting 5: Spanish
Setting 6: Portuguese
Setting 7: Chinese
n A1-01: Access Level Selection
Allows or restricts access to drive parameters.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
A1-01 Access Level Selection 0 to 2 2
Setting 0: Operation Only
Access is restricted to parameters A1-01, A1-04, A1-06, and all U monitor parameters.
Setting 1: User Parameters
Access to only a specific list of parameters set to A2-01 through A2-32. These User Parameters can be accessed using the
Setup mode of the digital operator.
Setting 2: Advanced Access Level (A) and Setup Access Level (S)
All parameters can be viewed and edited.
Notes on Parameter Access
• If the drive parameters are password protected by A1-04 and A1-05, parameters A1-00 through A1-03, A1-06, and all
A2 parameters cannot be modified.
• If a digital input programmed for Program Lockout (H1-oo = 1B) is enabled, parameter values cannot be modified,
even though the A1-01 is set to 1 or 2.
• If parameters are changed via serial communication the parameters cannot be changed from the digital operator until an
Enter command is received from the serial communication.
n A1-02: Control Method Selection
Selects the Control Method of the drive.
Note: 1. Be sure to perform Auto-Tuning when using one of the vector control modes.
2. Reinitializing the drive does not reset A1-02 to the factory default value.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

A1-02 Control Method Selection 0, 2, 5 0
Setting 0: V/f Control
• For general-purpose and multiple motor applications.
• For use when the motor parameters are unknown and Auto-tuning can not be performed.

112 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.1 A: Initialization

Setting 2: Open Loop Vector

• For general, variable-speed applications.
• For applications requiring precise speed control, quick response, and higher torque at low speeds.
Setting 5: PM Open Loop Vector
For operating SPM, IPM, and various permanent magnet motors. Takes advantage of Energy Saving features when
operating with derated torque.
n A1-03: Initialize Parameters
Resets parameter settings back to their original default values. After the initialization the parameter automatically returns
to 0.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
A1-03 Initialize Parameters 0, 1110, 2220, 3330, 5550 0
Setting 0: No Initialization

Setting 1110: User Initialize

The modified drive parameters are returned to the values selected as user settings. User settings are stored when parameter
o2-03 = “1: Set Defaults”.
Note: A “user-initialization” resets all parameters to a user-defined set of default values that were previously saved to the drive. To clear the
user-defined default values, set parameter o2-03 to “2”.
Setting 2220: 2-Wire Initialization
Resets all parameters back to their original default settings with digital inputs S1 and S2 configured as forward run and
reverse run, respectively. A 2-wire sequence assigns functions to input terminals S1 and S2.
Refer to Setting 40/41: Forward Run/Reverse Run Command for 2-Wire Sequence on page 185 for more information.
Setting 3330: 3-Wire Initialization
The drive parameters are returned to factory default values with digital inputs S1, S2, and S5 configured as run, stop, and
forward/reverse respectively. A 3-wire sequence assigns functions to input terminals S1, S2, and S5.
Refer to Setting 0: 3-Wire Sequence on page 179 for more information.
Setting 5550: oPE04 Reset
If parameters on a certain drive have been edited and then a different terminal block is installed with different settings
saved in its built-in memory, an oPE04 error will appear on the display. To use the parameter settings saved to the terminal
block memory, set A1-03 to “5550”.
Notes on Parameter Initialization
The parameters shown in Table 5.1 will not be reset when the drive is initialized by setting A1-03 = 2220 or 3330. The
fault history will not be reset when the drive is initialized by A1-03 = 2220 or 3330. Although the control mode in A1-02

Parameter Details
is not reset when A1-03 is set to 2220 or 3330, it may change when an application preset is selected.
Table 5.1 Parameters not Changed by Drive Initialization
No. Parameter Name
A1-00 Language Selection
A1-02 Control Method Selection
A1-07 DriveWorksEZ Function Selection 5
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection
E5-01 Motor Code Selection (for PM motors)
E5-02 Motor Rated Capacity (for PM motors)
E5-03 Motor Rated Current (for PM motors)
E5-04 Motor Poles (for PM motors)
E5-05 Motor Stator Resistance (for PM motors)
E5-06 Motor d Axis Inductance (for PM motors)
E5-07 Motor q Axis Inductance (for PM motors)
E5-09 Motor Induction Voltage Constant 1 (for PM motors)
E5-24 Motor Induction Voltage Constant 2 (for PM motors)
o2-04 Drive/kVA Selection
L8-35 Installation Selection

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 113
5.1 A: Initialization

n A1-04, A1-05: Password and Password Setting

A1-04 is for entering the password when the drive is locked. A1-05 is a hidden parameter used to set the password.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
A1-04 Password
0 to 9999 0
A1-05 Password Setting

How to use the Password

The user can set a password for the drive to restrict access. The password is set to A1-05 and must be entered to A1-04 to
unlock parameter access. Until the correct password is entered, the following parameters cannot be viewed or edited:
A1-01, A1-02, A1-03, A1-06, and A2-01 through A2-33.
The instructions below demonstrate how to set a new password. Here, the password set is “1234”. An explanation follows
on how to enter the password to unlock the parameters.
Table 5.2 Setting the Password for Parameter Lock
Step Display/Result
1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

2. Scroll to the Parameter Setup display and press .

3. Scroll to the right by pressing .

4. Select the flashing digits by pressing .

5. Select A1-04 by pressing .

Press the key while holding down at the same time. A1-05 will appear.
6. Note: A1-05 is normally hidden, but can be displayed by following the directions listed
here. “05” flashes

7. Press the key.

8. Use , and to enter the password.

9. Press to save what was entered.

10. The display automatically returns to the display shown in step 5.

Table 5.3 Check to see if A1-01 is locked (continuing from step 10 above)
Step Display/Result

1. Press to display A1-01.

“01” flashes
2. Press to display the value set to A1-01.
3. Press and , making sure that the setting values cannot be changed.

4. Press to return to the first display.

Table 5.4 Enter the Password to Unlock Parameters (continuing from step 4 above)
Step Display/Result

1. Press to enter the parameter setup display.

2. Press to select the flashing digits as shown.

“01” flashes

3. Press to scroll to A1-04.

4. Enter the password “1234”.

5. Press to save the new password.

114 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.1 A: Initialization

Step Display/Result

6. Drive returns to the parameter display.

7. Press and scroll to A1-01.

8. Press to display the value set to A1-01. If the first "0" blinks, parameter settings
are unlocked.
9. Use and to change the value if desired. This is not typical.

10. Press to save the setting, or to return to the previous display without saving

11. The display automatically returns to the parameter display.

Note: Parameter settings can be edited after entering the correct password. Performing a 2-Wire or 3-Wire initialization resets the password
to “0000”. Reenter the password to parameter A1-05 after drive initialization.

n A1-06: Application Presets

Several Application Presets are available to facilitate drive setup for commonly used applications. Selecting one of these
Application Presets automatically sets the required parameters to default values and selects I/Os. In addition, Application
Preset parameters are assigned to the list of User Parameters, A2-01 through A2-16. These can be accessed in the Setup
Mode and provide quicker application adjustment by eliminating the need to scroll through multiple menus.
Refer to Application Selection on page 94 for details on parameter A1-06.
n A1-07: DriveWorksEZ Function Selection
DriveWorksEZ is a software package that can be used to customize the drive functionality or add PLC functionality by
the interconnection and configuration of basic software function blocks. The drive performs program created by the user
in 2 ms cycles.
Parameter A1-07 can be used to enable or disable the DriveWorksEZ program inside the drive.
Note: 1. If DriveWorksEZ assigned functions to any multi-function output terminals, those functions stay set after disabling DriveWorksEZ.
2. Reinitialization using A1-03 does not reset A1-07 to the factory default value.
3. For more information on DriveWorksEZ, contact a Yaskawa representative or the Yaskawa sales department directly.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

A1-07 DriveWorksEZ Function Selection 0 to 2 0
Setting 0: DWEZ Disabled
Setting 1: DWEZ Enabled
Setting 2: Digital Input

Parameter Details
u A2: User Parameters

n A2-01 to A2-32: User Parameters

The user can select 32 parameters and assign them to A2-01 through A2-32. This saves time later scrolling through the
parameter menu. The list of User Parameters can also track the most recently edited settings and save those parameters to 5
this list.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
A2-01 to A2-32 User Parameters 1 to 32 A1-02; b1-01 to o2-08 A1-06
Saving User Parameters
To save specific parameters to A2-01 to A2-32, first set the access level to allow access to all parameters (A1-02 = 2).
Next assign the parameter number to the User Parameters list by entering it into one of the A2-oo parameters. By then
setting A1-01 to “1”, the access level can be restricted so that users can only set and reference the specific parameters
saved as User Parameters.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 115
5.1 A: Initialization

n A2-33: User Parameter Automatic Selection

A2-33 determines whether or not parameters that have been edited are saved to the User Parameters (A2-17 to A2-32) for
quick, easy access.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
A2-33 User Parameter Automatic Selection 0 or 1 A1-06
Setting 0: Do not save list of recently viewed parameters.
To manually select the parameters listed in the User Parameter group, set A2-33 to “0”.
Setting 1: Save history of recently viewed parameters.
By setting A2-33 to 1, all parameters that were recently edited will be automatically saved to A2-17 through A2-32. A
total of 16 parameters are saved in order with the most recently edited parameter set to A2-17. User parameters can be
accessed using the Setup mode of the digital operator.

116 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.2 b: Application

5.2 b: Application
Application parameters configure the source of the frequency reference, the Run command, DC Injection Braking, Speed
Search, various timer functions, PID control, the Dwell function, Energy Savings and a variety of other application-related

u b1: Mode of Operation

n b1-01: Frequency Reference Selection 1

Use parameter b1-01 to select the frequency reference source 1 for the REMOTE mode.
Note: 1. If a Run command is input to the drive but the frequency reference entered is 0 or below the minimum frequency, the RUN indicator
LED on the digital operator will light and the STOP indicator will flash.
2. Press the LO/RE key to set the drive to LOCAL and use the operator keypad to enter the frequency reference.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 0 to 4 1
Setting 0: Digital Operator
Using this setting, the frequency reference can be input by:
• Switching between the multi-speed references in the d1-oo parameters.
• Entering the frequency reference on the operator keypad.
Setting 1: Terminals (Analog Input Terminals)
Using this setting, an analog frequency reference can be entered from:
• Terminal A1 using a 0 to 10 Vdc signal.
• Terminal A2 using either a 0 to 10 Vdc or a 0/4 to 20 mA signal.
Note: Terminal A2 supports voltage and current input. The input signal type must be set up by setting DIP switch S1 and adjusting parameter
H3-09. Refer to H3-09: Terminal A2 Signal Level Selection on page 199.
Entering only the main frequency reference:
Using Control Circuit Terminal A1 (0 to 10 Vdc voltage input):
Use a circuit such as the one shown in Figure 5.1 or an external 0 to 10 Vdc voltage source like a PLC analog output and
set the input level selection for A1 in parameter H3-02 as desired. Refer to H3-02: Terminal A1 Function Selection on
page 198.

Parameter Details

Figure 5.1 Setting the Frequency Reference by Voltage Input

• Using Control Circuit Terminal A2 (0 to 10 Vdc voltage input)

Use the same connection like explained for terminal A1 for terminal A2. Make sure that switch S1 is set to “V” and set
the appropriate signal level for terminal A2 by entering 0 or 1 into parameter H3-09. The terminal A2 function must be
set to frequency bias by entering 0 into parameter H3-10 (Refer to H3-10: Terminal A2 Function Selection on page
• Using Control Circuit Terminal A2 (0/4 to 20 mA current input)
Connect input A2 to an external current source such as the one shown in Figure 5.2. Make sure that switch S1 is set to
“I” and set the appropriate signal level for terminal A2 by entering 2 (4 to 20 mA) or 3 (0 to 20 mA) into parameter H3-09.
The terminal A2 function must be set to frequency bias by entering 0 into parameter H3-10 (Refer to H3-10: Terminal
A2 Function Selection on page 200).

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 117
5.2 b: Application

DIP switch S1
V I Drive

+V (+10.5 V, 20 mA power supply)

A1 Frequency reference

0 or 4 to 20 mA input
A2 Frequency reference bias

AC Analog common

Figure 5.2 Setting the Frequency Reference by Current Input

Switching between Main/Auxiliary Frequency References

The frequency reference input can be switched between terminal A1 (main) and terminal A2 (auxiliary). When using this
• Make sure that b1-01 is set to “1” (Frequency reference from analog input).
• Set the terminal A2 function to auxiliary frequency (H3-10 = 2).
• Set one digital input to multi-speed 1 (H1-oo = 3, default for S5).
The frequency reference value is read from
• Terminal A1 when the digital input set for multi-speed 1 is open.
• Terminal A2 when the digital input set for multi-speed 1 is closed.
Figure 5.2 shows a wiring example for main/auxiliary reference switching using digital input S5.

Figure 5.3 Switching between Analog Reference 1 and 2

Setting 2: MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications

This setting requires that the frequency reference is entered via the RS-485/422 serial communications port (control
terminals R+, R-, S+, S-, Protocol: MEMOBUS/Modbus). For instructions, Refer to MEMOBUS/Modbus
Communications on page 409.
Setting 3: Option Card
This setting requires that the frequency reference is entered via an option board plugged into connector CN5 on the drive
control board. Consult the manual supplied with the option board for instructions on integrating the drive with the
communication system.
Note: If the frequency reference source is set for an option PCB (b1-01 = 3) but an option board is not installed in CN5, an oPE05 Programming
Error will be displayed on the digital operator and the RUN command will not be accepted.

118 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.2 b: Application

Setting 4: Pulse Train Input

If b1-01 is set to 4 the frequency reference must be provided by a pulse train signal at terminal RP that complies with the
following specification.
Pulse Train Input Specifications
Response Frequency 0.5 to 32 kHz
Duty Cycle 30 to 70%
High Level Voltage 3.5 to 13.2 V
Low Level Voltage 0.0 to 0.8 V
Input Impedance 3 kΩ
Verifying Pulse Train is Working Properly
• Make sure that b1-01 is set to 4 and H6-01 is set to 0.
• Set the pulse input scaling H6-02 to the pulse train frequency value that equals 100% frequency reference.
• Enter a pulse train signal to terminal RP and check if the correct frequency reference is displayed. Try also with different
pulse train input frequencies.
n b1-02: Run Command Selection 1
Parameter b1-02 determines the Run and Stop command source 1 in the REMOTE mode.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Clear personnel, secure equipment, and check sequence and safety circuitry before starting
the drive. Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury from moving equipment.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 0 to 3 1
Setting 0: Digital Operator
Using this setting, the RUN and STOP keys on the operator keypad will start and stop the motor. The LED in the LO/RE
key will be on to indicate that the Run command is assigned to the operator. The example below shows how the drive can
be operated if b1-02 is set to 0.
Step Display/Result
1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.

2. Set the frequency reference to F6.00 (6 Hz).

3. Press the key to start the motor. The RUN indicator LED will light and the motor STOP

will begin rotating at 6 Hz.

Parameter Details
off on

4. Press the key to stop the motor. The RUN light will flash until the motor comes
to a complete stop. flashing off

Setting 1: Control Circuit Terminal

This setting requires that the Run and Stop commands are entered from the digital input terminals. The following sequences
can be used:
• 2-Wire sequence 1:
Two inputs (FWD/Stop-REV/Stop). Initializing the drive by setting A1-01 = 2220, presets the terminals S1 and S2 to
these functions. This is the default setting of the drive. Refer to Setting 40/41: Forward Run/Reverse Run Command
for 2-Wire Sequence on page 185.
• 2-Wire sequence 2:
Two inputs (Start/Stop-FWD/REV). Refer to Setting 42/43: Run and Direction Command for 2-Wire Sequence 2 on
page 185.
• 3-Wire sequence:
Inputs S1, S2, S5 (Start-Stop-FWD/REV). Initialize the drive by setting A1-01 = 3330 presets the terminals S1, S2 and
S5 to these functions. Refer to Setting 0: 3-Wire Sequence on page 179.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 119
5.2 b: Application

Setting 2: MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications

To issue a Run command via serial communications, set b1-02 to “2” and connect the RS-485/422 serial communication
cable to R+, R-, S+, and S- on the removable terminal block. Refer to MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications on page
Setting 3: Option Card
To issue the Run command via the communication option board, set b1-02 to “3” and plug a communication option board
into the 2CN port on the control PCB. Refer to the manual supplied with the option board for instructions on integrating
the drive into the communication system.
Note: If b1-01 is set to 3, but an option board is not installed in 2CN, an oPE05 operator programming error will be displayed on the digital
operator and the drive will not run.

n b1-03: Stopping Method Selection

Select how the drive stops the motor when a Stop command is entered or when the Run command is removed.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-03 Stopping Method Selection 0 to 3 0
Setting 0: Ramp to Stop
When a Stop command is issued or the Run command is removed, the drive will decelerate the motor to stop. The
deceleration rate is determined by the active deceleration time. The default deceleration time is set to parameter C1-02.
DC Injection braking (for IM control) or Short Circuit Braking (PM Open Loop Vector) can be applied at the end of the
ramp in order to completely stop high inertia loads. Refer to b2: DC Injection Braking on page 123 for details.
Run Command
Output Frequency

Decelerates according to the

specified deceleration time
Zero Speed Level

Decel Time
(C1-02, etc.)
DC Injection
Current (b2-02)
DC Injection Braking
DC Braking Time at Stop (b2-04)

Figure 5.4 Ramp to Stop

Setting 1: Coast to Stop

When a Stop command is issued or the Run command is removed, the drive will shut off its output and the motor will
coast (uncontrolled deceleration) to stop where the stopping time is determined by the inertia and the friction in the driven
Command ON OFF

Drive output frequency is shut off

Motor rpm

Figure 5.5 Coast to Stop

Note: After a stop is initiated, any subsequent Run command that is entered will be ignored until the Minimum Baseblock Time (L2-03) has
expired. Do not attempt to start the motor again until it has come to a complete stop. To start the motor before it has stopped completely,
use DC Injection at start (Refer to b2-03: DC Injection Braking Time at Start on page 124) or Speed Search (Refer to b3: Speed
Search on page 125).

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5.2 b: Application

Setting 2: DC Injection Braking to Stop

When the Run command is removed, the drive will baseblock (turn off its output) for the minimum baseblock time (L2-03).
Once the minimum baseblock time has expired, the drive will brake the motor by injecting DC current into the motor
windings. The stopping time will be reduced as compared to coast to stop. The level of DC Injection current is set by
parameter b2-02 (default = 50%).
Note: This function is not available when using PM Open Loop Vector.

Run Command

Output Frequency
Minimum Baseblock Time (L2-03)

DC Injection Braking

DC Injection Braking DC Braking

Time at Stop Current (b2-02)
Motor Speed (b2-04)*

Figure 5.6 DC Injection Braking to Stop

The time for DC Injection Braking is determined by the value set to b2-04 and by the output frequency at the time the Run
command is removed. It can be calculated by:
b2-04 • 10 • Output frequency
DC Injection brake time = Max. output frequency (E1-04)

DC Injection braking time



Output frequency when 100%

Stop command was entered (Maximum output

Parameter Details

Figure 5.7 DC Injection Braking Time Depending on Output Frequency

Note: If an overcurrent (oC) fault occurs during DC Injection Braking to stop, lengthen the minimum baseblock time (L2-03) until the fault
no longer occurs.

Setting 3: Coast to Stop with Timer 5

When the Run command is removed, the drive will turn off its output and the motor will coast to stop. If a Run command
is input before the operation wait time t expires, the drive will not rotate the motor and the Run command will need to be
cycled before operation can occur.
Run Command

Output Frequency

Drive output voltage


Operation Wait Time t

Figure 5.8 Coast to Stop with Timer

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5.2 b: Application

The operation wait time t is determined by the output frequency when the Run command is removed and by the active
deceleration time.
Operation wait time t

decel time

Baseblock Time

Min. output Output frequency 100%

frequency when Stop command (Max. output
is entered frequency)

Figure 5.9 Operation Wait Time Depending on Output Frequency

n b1-04: Reverse Operation Selection

For some applications, reverse motor rotation is not appropriate and may even cause problems (e.g., air handling units,
pumps, etc.). Setting parameter b1-04 to 1 instructs the drive to ignore any Reverse run commands.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Reverse Operation Enabled
Possible to operate the motor in both forward and reverse directions.
Setting 1: Reverse Operation Disabled
Drive disregards a Reverse run command or a negative frequency reference.
n b1-07: LOCAL/REMOTE Run Selection
The drive has the following three separate control sources that can be switched using digital inputs or the LO/RE key on
the digital operator (for details Refer to Setting 1: LOCAL/REMOTE Selection on page 179, Refer to Setting 2: External
Reference 1/2 Selection on page 179 and Refer to o2-01: LO/RE (LOCAL/REMOTE) Key Function Selection on page
• LOCAL - The digital operator is used to set the reference and the Run command.
• REMOTE -Reference 1: The settings of b1-01 and b1-02 determine where the frequency reference and Run command
are input from.
• REMOTE - Reference 2: The settings of b1-15 and b1-16 determine where the frequency reference and Run command
are input from.
When switching from LOCAL to REMOTE, or between Reference 1 and Reference 2, the Run command may already be
present at the location the source was switched to. Parameter b1-07 can be used to determine how the Run command is
treated in this case.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-07 LOCAL/REMOTE Run Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Run Command Must Be Cycled
If the Run command is issued differently in the old and new control source (e.g. old - terminals, new - serial
communications) and it is active at the new source when switching takes place, the drive will either not start or it will stop
if it was running before. The Run command has to be cycled to start from the new control source.
Setting 1: Continue Running
If the Run command is active at the new control source, the drive starts or continues running. There is no need to cycle
the Run command.
WARNING! The drive may start unexpectedly if switching control sources when b1-07 = 1. Clear all personnel away from rotating
machinery and electrical connections prior to switching control sources. Failure to comply may cause death or serious injury.

n b1-08: Run Command Selection while in Programming Mode

As a safety precaution, the drive will not normally respond to a Run input when the digital operator is being used to adjust
parameters in the Programming Mode (Verify Menu, Setup Mode, Parameter Settings Mode, and Auto-Tuning). If required
by the application b1-08 can be used to changed this functionality.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-08 Run Command Selection while in Programming Mode 0 to 2 0

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5.2 b: Application

Setting 0: Disabled
A Run command is not accepted while the digital operator is in Programming Mode.
Setting 1: Enabled
A Run command is accepted in any digital operator mode.
Setting 2: Prohibit Programming During Run
It is not possible to enter the Programming Mode as long as the drive output is active.
n b1-14: Phase Order Selection
Sets the phase order for drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-14 Phase Order Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Standard Phase Order

Setting 1: Switched Phase Order

n b1-15: Frequency Reference Selection 2

Refer to b1-01: Frequency Reference Selection 1 on page 117 for details.
The value set to b1-15 is used as Frequency Reference 2 when one of the multi-function input terminals set for Frequency
Reference Switching (H1-oo = 2) closes. Refer to Setting 2: External Reference 1/2 Selection on page 179 for
instructions on how this function works.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-15 Frequency Reference Selection 2 0 to 4 0

n b1-16: Run Command Selection 2

Refer to b1-02: Run Command Selection 1 on page 119 for details.
The value set to b1-16 is used as Run Command Source 2 when one of the multi-function input terminals set for Frequency
Reference Switching (H1-oo = 2) closes. Refer to Setting 2: External Reference 1/2 Selection on page 179 for
instructions on how this function works.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-16 Run Command Selection 2 0 to 3 0

n b1-17: Run Command at Power Up

This parameter is used to determine whether an external Run command that is active during power up of the drive will
start the drive or not.

Parameter Details
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b1-17 Run Command at Power Up 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Run Command at Power Up is not Issued
The Run command has to be cycled to start the drive.
Note: For safety reasons, the drive is initially set up not to accept a Run command at power up (b1-17 = "0"). If a Run command is issued at 5
power up, the RUN indicator LED will flash quickly. Change parameter b1-17 to 1 if a Run command active at power up shall be
accepted by the drive.
Setting 1: Run Command and Power Up is Issued
An external Run command active during power up is issued and the drive starts to operate the motor as soon as it gets
ready for operation (i.e. once the internal start up process is complete).
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. If b1-17 is set to 1 and an external Run command is active during power up, the motor will
begin rotating as soon as the power is switched on. Proper precautions must be taken to ensure that the area around the motor is safe
prior to powering up the drive. Failure to comply may cause serious injury.

u b2: DC Injection Braking

These parameters determine how the DC Injection Braking/Short Circuit Braking feature operates. Parameters involving
the starting frequency, current level, braking time are located here.
n b2-01: DC Injection Braking Start Frequency
Active when “Ramp to Stop” is selected as the stopping method (b1-03 = 0). Sets the starting frequency for:
• DC Injection Braking at stop in V/f and OLV control.

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5.2 b: Application

• Short Circuit Braking at stop in PM OLV control.

No. Name Setting Range Default
b2-01 DC Injection Braking Start Frequency 0.0 to 10.0 Hz 0.5 Hz
When the output frequency while ramping to stop drops below b2-01, the drive begins DC Injection/Short Circuit Braking
in order to completely stop the motor at the end of deceleration. If b2-01 < E1-09 (Minimum Frequency), then DC Injection/
Short Circuit Braking begins at the frequency set to E1-09.
No. Name Setting Range Default
E1-09 Minimum Output Frequency <1> Determined by A1-02 and E1-03 and on E5-01
0.0 to 400.0 Hz in OLV/PM.
<1> The upper limit for the setting range is determined by E1-04.

DC Injection Braking
b2-01 start frequency

output braking time


Figure 5.10 DC Injection Braking during Deceleration

n b2-02: DC Injection Braking Current

Sets the DC Injection Braking current as a percentage of the drive rated current. If set to larger than 50%, the carrier
frequency is automatically reduced to 1 kHz.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b2-02 DC Injection Braking Current 0 to 75% 50%
The level of DC Injection Braking current affects the strength of the magnetic field attempting to lock the motor shaft.
Increasing the current level will increase the amount of heat generated by the motor windings. This parameter should only
be increased to the level necessary to hold the motor shaft.
n b2-03: DC Injection Braking Time at Start
Sets the time of DC Injection Braking at start. It can be used to stop a coasting motor before restarting it or to apply a
braking torque at start. Disabled when set to 0.00 s.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b2-03 DC Injection Braking Time at Start 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.50 s
Note: Before starting an uncontrolled rotating motor (e.g. a fan motor driven by windmill effect), DC Injection or Speed Search should be
used to either stop the motor or detect its speed before starting it. Otherwise motor stalling and other faults can occur.

n b2-04: DC Injection Braking Time at Stop

This parameter works in combination with b2-01, and sets the DC Injection Braking time at stop. Used to completely stop
a motor with high inertia load after ramp down. Increase the setting if the motor tends to coast by inertia after a stop.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b2-04 DC Injection Braking Time at Stop 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.50 s

n b2-08: Magnetic Flux Compensation Value

Sets the magnetic flux compensation as a percentage of the no-load current value (E2-03) and can be used to increase the
motor flux when the motor is started up.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b2-08 Magnetic Flux Compensation Value 0 to 1000% 0%
This parameter allows the magnetizing motor flux to be boosted when starting the motor and thereby facilitate a quick
ramp-up of the torque reference and magnetizing current reference in order to reduce motor slip during start. This flux
level will be applied below the minimum output frequency set to E1-09 until the DC Injection time at start (b2-03) expires.
It may be used to compensate for reduced starting torque due to motor circuit inefficiencies.
n b2-12: Short Circuit Brake Time at Start
Short-Circuit braking can be used in Open Loop Vector for PM motors. By shorting all three motor phases it produces a
braking torque in the motor and can be used to stop a coasting motor before starting it.
Parameter b2-12 sets the time for Short-Circuit Brake operation at start. Disabled when set to 0.00 s.

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5.2 b: Application

No. Name Setting Range Default

b2-12 Short Circuit Brake Time at Start 0.00 to 25.50 s 0.00 s

n b2-13: Short Circuit Brake Time at Stop

The Short-Circuit braking described for parameter b2-12 can also be applied at the end of deceleration in order to completely
stop high inertia loads. Short circuit braking is initiated when the output frequency falls below the higher of the values
b2-01 and E1-09.
Parameter b2-13 sets the time for Short-Circuit brake operation at stop. Disabled when set to 0.00 s.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b2-13 Short Circuit Brake Time at Stop 0.00 to 25.50 s 0.50 s

u b3: Speed Search

The Speed Search function allows the drive to detect the speed of a rotating motor shaft that is driven by external forces
(e.g. fan rotating by windmill effect or motor driven by load inertia). The motor operation can be directly started from the
speed detected without needing to stop the machine before.
Example: When a momentary loss of power occurs, the drive output shuts off. This results in a coasting motor. When
power returns, the drive can find the speed of the coasting motor and restart it directly.
The drive offers two types of Speed Search, Speed Estimation and Current Detection. Both methods are explained below
followed by a description of all relevant parameters.
n Speed Estimation Type Speed Search (b3-24 = 1)
This method can be used for a single motor connected to a drive. It should not be utilized if the motor is one or more frame
sizes smaller than the drive, at motor speeds above 130 Hz, or when using a single drive to operate more than one motor.
The Speed Estimation type distinguishes two kinds of operation, Back EMF voltage estimation and DC current injection.
Back EMF Voltage Estimation
This method is used by Speed Search after short Baseblock (e.g. a power loss where the drives CPU kept running and the
Run command was kept active). Here the drive estimates the motor speed by analyzing the back EMF voltage. It outputs
the estimated frequency and increases the voltage using the time constant set in parameter L2-04. After that the motor is
accelerated or decelerated to the frequency reference starting from the detected speed.

AC power
supply ON OFF Selected
Starts at the detected speed reference

Parameter Details

Several milliseconds

Min. Baseblock Time

b3 -05 <1>
Figure 5.11 Speed Search after Baseblock

<1> Once AC power is restored, the drive will wait for at least the time set to b3-05. If the power interruption is longer
than the Minimum Baseblock Time L2-03, the drive will wait for b3-05 after the power has returned before starting Speed
Current Injection
This method is used when there is no detectable back EMF, e.g. after longer power losses, when Speed Search is applied
with the Run command (b3-01 = 1) or if an External Search command is used. It injects the DC current set in b3-06 to the
motor and detects the speed by measuring the current feedback. The drive outputs the detected frequency and increases
the voltage using the time constant set in parameter L2-04. If the resulting current is higher than the level in b3-02 the
output frequency is reduced. When the current becomes lower than b3-02 the motor speed is assumed to be found and the
drive starts to accelerate or decelerate to the frequency reference.

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5.2 b: Application

Decelerates at the Speed Waits for L2-04 x 2 time

Search decel time set to b3-03

Frequency reference
set to the drive
Starts at the detected speed

current 1.0 s

Min. Baseblock Time (L2-03) <1>

Figure 5.12 Speed Search at Start

<1> The wait time for Speed Search (b3-05) determines the lower limit.
Note: If the Run command is quickly switched off and then back on again when the drive is set to “Coast to stop” as the stopping method,
Speed Search will operate as shown in Figure 5.11.
Notes on Using Speed Estimation Type Speed Search
• Auto-Tuning needs to be first performed if you plan to use Speed Estimation. Perform Auto-Tuning again if the there
is a change in the cable length between the drive and motor.
• Use Current Detection to search for speeds beyond 130 Hz or if the application is running multiple motors from the same
drive, or if the motor is considerably smaller than the capacity of the drive.
• Speed Estimation may have trouble finding the actual speed if the motor cable very long. Current Detection should be
used in such situations.
• Use Current Detection instead of Speed Estimation when operating motors smaller than 1.5 kW. Speed Estimation can
end up stopping smaller motors as it might not be able to detect the speed or rotation direction of such small motors.
• Use Short circuit Braking instead of Speed Estimation when using Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors along with
a fairly long motor cable.
• Use Short circuit Braking instead of Speed Estimation if attempting to find the speed of a motor coasting faster than 120
Hz in Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors.
n Current Detection Type Speed Search (b3-24 = 0)
Current Detection Speed Search can be applied to any motor. Be aware that sudden acceleration may occur when using
Current Detection with relatively light loads.
This method detects the motor speed by reducing the output frequency and measuring the current. The frequency reduction
starts from the maximum output frequency or from the set frequency reference. As long as the output frequency is higher
than the rotor speed, the slip will cause a high current. The closer the output frequency comes to the rotor speed, the lower
the current draw will be. When the output current drops below the level as set in b3-02, the output frequency stops
decreasing and normal operation resumes.
The following time chart illustrates how Current Detection Speed Search operates after a momentary power loss:
Output frequency before Decel time
Waits for L2-04 x 2 time
momentary power loss set to b3-03
AC power
supply ON OFF
Output frequency
Speed Search operation
current set to b3-02

Min. Baseblock Time (L2-03) b3-05

Figure 5.13 Current Detection Speed Search after Power Loss

Note: After power is restored, the drive waits until the time set to b3-05 has passed before performing Speed Search. Thereby the Speed
Search may start not at the end of L2-03 but even later.

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5.2 b: Application

When Speed Search is applied using an external Search command or automatically with the Run command, the drive waits
for the minimum baseblock time L2-03 before Speed Search is started. If L2-03 is smaller than the time set in parameter
b3-05, b3-05 is used as the wait time.
Decel time
set to b3-03 Waits for L2-04 x 2 time

Run command
Max. output frequency Selected
or the specified frequency
frequency reference reference


Output current

Minimum Baseblock Time (L2-03)

Figure 5.14 Current Detection Speed Search at Start or External Speed Search

Note: When the Run command is set the drive waits until the Speed Search Wait Time (b3-05) before Speed Search is performed, even if the
Minimum Baseblock Time is set to smaller values than b3-05.
Notes on Using Current Detection Type Speed Search
• Increase the voltage recovery ramp time set to L2-04 if a Uv1 fault occurs when performing Current Detection Speed
• Shorten the Speed Search deceleration time set to b3-03 if an oL1 fault occurs while performing Current Detection Speed
• Current Detection Speed Search is not available when using Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors.
• Increase the minimum baseblock time set to L2-03 if an overcurrent fault occurs when performing Speed Search after
power is restored following a momentary power loss.
n Activation of Speed Search
Speed Search can be activated as described below. Independent of the activation method the Speed Search type must be
selected in parameter b3-24.
1. Automatically at every Run command (Refer to b3-01: Speed Search Selection at Start on page 128). With this
setting external Speed Search commands are disregarded.
2. By digital inputs:
The following input functions for H1-oo can be used.

Parameter Details
Table 5.5 Speed Search Activation by Digital Inputs
Setting Description b3-24 = 0 b3-24 = 1
Closed: Activate Current Detection Speed
External Search Activate Speed Estimation
61 Search from the maximum output frequency
Command 1 Speed Search
Closed: Activate Current Detection Speed
External Search
62 Command 2 Search from the frequency reference if b3-01 – 5
is set to 0.
To activate Speed Search by a digital input the input must always be set together with the Run command.
3. After automatic fault restart
Set the number of maximum fault restarts in parameter L5-01 higher than 0.
4. After momentary power loss
The following parameter settings are necessary:
• Power Loss Ride-Thru selection by setting L2-01 to 1 (enabled) or 2 (enabled during CPU operation). Refer
to L2-01: Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection on page 209.
Set• the number of maximum fault restarts in parameter L5-01 higher than 0.
5. After baseblock is released
The drive will resume the operation starting with Speed Search if the Run command is present and the output frequency
is above the minimum frequency when the Baseblock command (H1-oo = 8 or 9, N.O. and N.C., respectively) is

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5.2 b: Application

n b3-01: Speed Search Selection at Start

Selects if Speed Search is automatically performed when a Run command is issued.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b3-01 Speed Search Selection at Start 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
Speed Search is not automatically performed. It can be activated using a digital input.
Setting 1: Enabled
Speed Search is performed with every Run command.
n b3-02: Speed Search Deactivation Current
Sets Speed Search operating current as a percentage of the drive rated current. If the current falls below this level while
performing Current Detection Speed Search then Speed Search will be finished and normal operation will resume.
Normally there is no need to change this setting. If the drive won’t run after a restart, lower this value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
b3-02 Speed Search Deactivation Current 0 to 200% A1-02
Note: When parameter A1-02 = 0 (V/f Control) the factory default setting is 120. When parameter A1-02 = 2 (Open Loop Vector) the factory
default setting is 100.

n b3-03: Speed Search Deceleration Time

Parameter b3-03 sets the output frequency reduction ramp used by Current Detection Speed Search (b3-24 = 0) and by the
Current Injection Method of Speed Estimation (b3-24 = 1). The time entered into b3-03 will be the time to decelerate from
maximum frequency (E1-04) to minimum frequency (E1-09).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-03 Speed Search Deceleration Time 0.1 to 10.0 s 2.0 s

n b3-05: Speed Search Delay Time

In cases where an output contactor is used between the drive and the motor, the contactor must be closed before Speed
Search can be performed. For Speed Search after a momentary power loss, parameter b3-05 can be used to delay the Speed
Search start providing enough time to operate the contactor.
When Speed Search at start is used, b3-05 will serve as the lower limit of the minimum baseblock time (L2-03).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-05 Speed Search Delay Time 0.0 to 100.0 s 0.2 s

n b3-06: Output Current 1 During Speed Search

Sets the current injected to the motor at the beginning of Estimation Type Speed Search as a factor related to motor rated
current set in E2-01 and E4-01. If the motor speed is relatively slow when the drive starts to perform Speed Search after
a long period of baseblock, it may be helpful to increase the setting value. The output current during Speed Search is
automatically limited by the drive rated current. This function has no influence when Current Detection Speed Search is
used (b3-24 = 0).
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
b3-06 Output Current 1 during Speed Search 0.0 to 2.0 o2-04
Note: If Speed Estimation is not working correctly even after adjusting b3-06, try using Current Detection Speed Search instead.

n b3-08: Current Control Gain during Speed Search (Speed Estimation Type)
Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.
Sets the proportional gain for the current controller during Speed Search. There is normally no need to change this parameter
from the default value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
A1-02 = 0 or 2:
Current Control Gain during Speed Search
b3-08 0.00 to 6.00 0.50
(Speed Estimation Type) A1-02 = 5: 0.30

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5.2 b: Application

n b3-10: Speed Search Detection Compensation Gain

This parameter sets the gain for the detected motor speed of the Speed Estimation Speed Search. The drive will start the
motor at the estimated speed multiplied by b3-10. The setting should be increased if an overvoltage fault occurs when the
drive restarts the motor. This function has no influence when Current Detection Speed Search is used (b3-24 = 0).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-10 Speed Search Detection Compensation Gain 1.00 to 1.20 1.10
Note: Increase this value if overvoltage occurs when performing Speed Search at start after a relatively long period of baseblock.

n b3-14: Bi-Directional Speed Search Selection

Sets how the drive determines the motor rotation direction when performing Speed Estimation Speed Search. The setting
has no influence on Current Detection Speed Search (b3-24 = 0).
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b3-14 Bi-Directional Speed Search Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
The drive uses the frequency reference to determine the direction of motor rotation in order to restart the motor.
Setting 1: Enabled
The drive detects the motor rotation direction in order to restart the motor.
n b3-17: Speed Search Restart Current Level
If there is a fairly large difference between the estimated frequency and the actual motor speed when performing Speed
Estimation, a large current can flow. This parameter sets the current level at which Speed Estimation is restarted, thus
avoiding overcurrent and overvoltage problems. The parameter is set as a percentage of the drive rated current. This function
has no influence when Current Detection Speed Search is used (b3-24 = 0).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-17 Speed Search Restart Current Level 0 to 200% 150%

n b3-18: Speed Search Restart Detection Time

Sets the time the current must be above the level set in b3-17 before Speed Search is restarted. This function has no influence
when Current Detection Speed Search is used (b3-24 = 0)
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-18 Speed Search Restart Detection Time 0.00 to 1.00 s 0.10 s

n b3-19: Number of Speed Search Restarts

Parameter Details
Sets the number of times the drive should attempt to find the speed and restart the motor using Speed Estimation Speed
Search. This function has no influence when Current Detection Speed Search is used (b3-24 = 0).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-19 Number of Speed Search Restarts 0 to 10 3

n b3-24: Speed Search Method Selection 5

Sets the Speed Search method used.
Note: For explanations of the Speed Search methods, Refer to Current Detection Type Speed Search (b3-24 = 0) on page 126 and Refer to
Speed Estimation Type Speed Search (b3-24 = 1) on page 125.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

b3-24 Speed Search Method Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Current Detection Speed Search

Setting 1: Speed Estimation Speed Search

n b3-25: Speed Search Wait Time

Sets the wait time between Speed Search restarts.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-25 Speed Search Wait Time 0.0 to 30.0 s 0.5 s

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5.2 b: Application

n b3-29: Speed Search Induced Voltage Level

Performs Speed Search when the motor induced voltage exceeds the set level.
There is normally no need to change this parameter from the default value. Lower this value in small increments if changes
are necessary. However, setting this value too low will prevent the drive from performing Speed Search.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b3-29 Speed Search Induced Voltage Level 0 to 10% 10%

u b4: Delay Timers

The timer function is independent of the drive operation and can be used to delay the switching of a digital output triggered
by a digital input signal. An On-delay and Off-delay can be separately set. The delay timer can help to get rid of chattering
switch noise from sensors.
To enable the timer function, a multi-function input must be set to “Timer input” (H1-oo = 18) and a multi-function
output must be set to “Timer output” (H2-oo = 12). Only one timer can be used.
n b4-01/b4-02: Timer Function On/Off-Delay Time
b4-01 sets the On-delay time for switching the timer output. b4-02 sets the Off-delay time for switching the timer output.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b4-01 Timer Function On-Delay Time 0.0 to 300.0 s 0.0 s
b4-02 Timer Function Off-Delay Time 0.0 to 300.0 s 0.0 s

n Timer Function Operation

When the timer function input closes for longer than the value set in b4-01, the timer output switches on. When the timer
function input is open for longer than the value set in b4-02, the timer output function switches off. The following diagram
demonstrates the timer function operation.
Multi-function Contact On (Closed)
Input: Timer Function ON ON
Off (Open)
Multi-function Contact
Output: Timer Function ON ON On (Closed)
Off (Open)

b4-01 b4-02 b4-01 b4-02

Figure 5.15 Timer Operation

u b5: PID Control

The drive has a built in PID (Proportional + Integral + Derivative) controller that can be used for closed loop control of
system variables such as pressure, temperature etc. The difference between the target and the feedback value (deviation)
is fed into the PID controller. The PID controller adjusts the drive output frequency in order to minimize the deviation,
providing an accurate control of the system variables.
n P Control
The output of P control is the product of the deviation and the P gain so that it follows the deviation directly and linearly.
With P control only an offset between the target and feedback remains.
n I Control
The output of I control is the integral of the deviation. It minimizes the offset between target and feedback value that
typically remains when pure P control is used. The integral time (I-time) constant determines how fast the offset is
n D Control
D control predicts the deviation signal by multiplying its derivative (slope of the deviation) with a time constant and adding
this to the PID input. This way the D portion of a PID controller provides a braking action to the controller response and
can reduce the tendency of oscillations and overshoot.
Be aware that D control tends to amplify noise on the deviation signal, which can result in control instability. D control
should therefore only be used when necessary.
n PID Operation
To better demonstrate how PID works, the diagram below shows how the PID output changes when the PID input
(deviation) jumps from 0 to a constant level.

130 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.2 b: Application

PID input

PID output

I control

PID Output D control

P control


Figure 5.16 PID Operation

n Using PID Control

Applications for PID control are listed in the table below.
Application Description Sensors Used
Machinery speed is fed back and adjusted to meet the target value. Synchronous control Tachometer
Speed Control is performed using speed data from other machinery as the target value
Pressure Maintains constant pressure using pressure feedback. Pressure sensor
Fluid Control Keeps flow at a constant level by feeding back flow data. Flow rate sensor
Temperature Thermocoupler,
Maintains a constant temperature by controlling a fan with a thermostat.
Control Thermistor

n PID Setpoint Input Methods

When the PID control parameter b5-01 is set to 1 or 2, the frequency reference in b1-01 (or b1-15) becomes the PID
setpoint. If b5-01 is set to 3 or 4, then the PID setpoint can be input from one of the sources in the following table.
Table 5.6 PID Setpoint Sources
PID Setpoint Source Settings
Analog Input A1 Set H3-02 = C
Analog Input A2 Set H3-10 = C
MEMOBUS/Modbus Register 0006H Set Bit 1 in register 000FH to 1 and input the setpoint to register 0006H
Pulse Input RP Set H6-01 = 2
Parameter b5-19 Set parameter b5-18 = 1 and input the PID setpoint to b5-19
Note: A duplicate allocation of the PID setpoint input will result in an OPE alarm.

Parameter Details
n PID Feedback Input Methods
Either one feedback signal can be input for normal PID control or two feedback signals can be input for controlling a
differential process value.
Normal PID Feedback
The PID feedback can be input from one of the sources listed below. 5
Table 5.7 PID Feedback Sources
PID Feedback Source Settings
Analog Input A1 Set H3-02 = B
Analog Input A2 Set H3-10 = B
Pulse Input RP Set H6-01 = 1
Note: A duplicate allocation of the PID feedback input will result in an OPE alarm.

Differential Feedback
The second PID feedback signal for differential feedback can come from the sources listed below. The differential feedback
function is automatically enabled when a differential feedback input is assigned.

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5.2 b: Application

Table 5.8 PID Differential Feedback Sources

PID Differential Feedback Source Settings
Analog Input A1 Set H3-02 = 16
Analog Input A2 Set H3-10 = 16
Note: A duplicate allocation of the PID differential feedback input will result in an OPE alarm.

132 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
PID Block Diagram
PID disable when: RUN
+ On/Off
Frequency - b5-01=0 b5-16
Reference 1 - a JOG Command is Input Delay
n PID Block Diagram

- PID Disable by Digital Input Enabled Timer

Frequency Reference 1 to 16 0 b5-15
d1-01 to d1-16 Sleep Level
Analog Input A1/A2
2 Sleep Function
Serial Comm
3 Disabled
Option Card
1/2 + Output
4 0
Pulse Input + Enabled Frequency
3/4 PID Soft SFS
b5-01 Starter b5-17 C1-oo

3/4 Upper Limit

PID Ouput
(U5-03) Fmax x109%
PID Target 0
Reg. 0Fh, bit 1 PID SFS Cancel DI Lower Limit 0 1
MEMOBUS Reg. 0006h
1 0 H1-oo=34
Enable / Disable Reverse
b5-18=1 Upper Limit
b5-19 not 1 Operation when PID
Fmax x109%
Output is Negative
H6-01=2 not 2
Pulse Input Always 1 when
PID Input b5-01 = 3/4
H3-02/10=C not C
Analog Input A1/A2 (U5-02) Lower Limit

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Fmax x109%
PID Set Point Proportional
(U5-04) I - limit
PID Feedback Gain I-time PID Delay
0 b5-04

Figure 5.17 PID Block Diagram

b5-02 b5-03 Time
+ 0 0 + 0 + + 0
Pulse Input not 1 P 1/s b5-08 b5-10
H6-01=1 - 1 + 1 + +
-1 -1
PID Input 1 1 PID Output
Analog Input A1/A2 not B PID Output
H3-02/10=B Limit PID Input Z-1 Gain
Adjusted Integral Hold Upper/Lower b5-07
b5-35 Characteristic Integral Reset PID Output
PID Feedback H1-oo=31 Limit
PID Feedback H1-oo=35 H1-oo=30
(U5-01) b5-06 / b5-34 Characteristic PID Offset
0 (U5-06)
not 16 + 1 or 3
- +
+ +
Analog Input A1/A2
H3-02/10 Derivative + Derivative b5-01
2 or 4
= 16 + Time 2 or 4 Time
b5-05 Z-1
PID Differential b5-01
1 or 3
Feedback Z-1

5.2 b: Application

Parameter Details

5.2 b: Application

n b5-01: PID Function Setting

Enables or disables the PID operation and selects the PID operation mode.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b5-01 PID Function Setting 0 to 4 0
Setting 0: PID disabled

Setting 1: Output Frequency = PID Output 1

The PID controller is enabled and the PID output builds the frequency reference. The PID input is D controlled.
Setting 2: Output Frequency = PID Output 2
The PID controller is enabled and the PID output builds the frequency reference. The PID feedback is D controlled.
Setting 3: Output Frequency = Frequency Reference + PID Output 1
The PID controller is enabled and the PID output is added to the frequency reference. D control is applied to the difference
of the feedback value (U5-02) and the setpoint.
Setting 4: Output Frequency = Frequency Reference + PID Output 2
The PID controller is enabled and the PID output is added to the frequency reference. Applies D control on the feedback
value (U5-06).
n b5-02: Proportional Gain Setting (P)
Sets the P gain that is applied to the PID input. A large value will tend to reduce the error, but may cause instability
(oscillations) if too high. A small value may allow too much offset between the setpoint and feedback.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-02 Proportional Gain Setting (P) 0.00 to 25.00 1.00

n b5-03: Integral Time Setting (I)

Sets the time constant that is used to calculate the integral of the PID input. The smaller the integral time set to b5-03, the
faster the offset will be eliminated. If set too short, it can cause overshoot or oscillations. To turn off the integral time, set
b5-03 = 0.00.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-03 Integral Time Setting (I) 0.0 to 360.0 s 1.0 s

Without Integral With Integral

feedback Setpoint Setpoint Zero
Offset offset with
integral action
Feedback Feedback

Time Time

Figure 5.18 Offset Elimination by Integral Operation

n b5-04: Integral Limit Setting

Sets the maximum output possible from the integral block. Set as a percentage of the maximum frequency (E1-04).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-04 Integral Limit Setting 0.0 to 100.0 100.0
Note: On some applications, especially those with rapidly varying loads, the output of the PID function may show a fair amount of oscillation.
To suppress this oscillation, a limit can be applied to the integral output by programming b5-04.

n b5-05: Derivative Time (D)

Sets the time the drive predicts the PID input/PID feedback signal based on the derivative of the PID input/PID feedback.
Longer time settings will improve the response but can cause vibrations. Shorter settings will reduce the overshoot but
also reduce the controller responsiveness. D control is disabled by setting b5-05 to zero seconds.

134 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.2 b: Application

No. Name Setting Range Default

b5-05 Derivative Time 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.00 s

n b5-06: PID Output Limit

Sets the maximum output possible from the entire PID controller. Set as a percentage of the maximum frequency (E1-04).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-06 PID Output Limit 0.0 to 100.0% 100.0%

n b5-07: PID Offset Adjustment

Sets the offset added to the PID controller output. Set as a percentage of the maximum frequency.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-07 PID Offset Adjustment -100.0 to 100.0% 0.0%

n b5-08: PID Primary Delay Time Constant

Sets the time constant for the filter applied to the output of the PID controller. Normally, change is not required.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-08 PID Primary Delay Time Constant 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.00 s
Note: Effective in preventing oscillation when there is a fair amount of oscillation or when rigidity is low. Set to a value larger than the cycle
of the resonant frequency. Increasing this time constant reduces the responsiveness of the drive.

n b5-09: PID Output Level Selection

Normally, the output of the PID function increase whenever the PID input is negative (feedback below setpoint). Using
b5-09 the PID controller can be set up for applications that require opposite operation.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b5-09 PID Output Level Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Normal Output
A negative PID input causes an increase in the PID output (direct acting).
Setting 1: Reverse Output
A negative PID input causes a decrease in the PID output (reverse acting).
n b5-10: PID Output Gain Setting
Applies a gain to the PID output and can be helpful when the PID function is used to trim the frequency reference (b5-01
= 3 or 4). Increasing b5-10 causes the PID function to have a greater regulating effect on the frequency reference.

Parameter Details
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-10 PID Output Gain Setting 0.00 to 25.00 1.00

n b5-11: PID Output Reverse Selection

Determines whether a negative PID output reverses the drive operation direction or not. When the PID function is used to
trim the frequency reference (b5-01 = 3 or 4), this parameter has no effect and the PID output will not be limited (same as 5
b5-11 = 1).
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b5-11 PID Output Reverse Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Reverse Disabled
Negative PID output will be limited to 0 and the drive output will be stopped.
Setting 1: Reverse Enabled
Negative PID output will cause the drive to run in the opposite direction.
n PID Feedback Loss Detection
The PID Feedback Loss Detection function can detect broken sensors or broken sensor wiring. It should be used whenever
PID control is enabled to prevent critical machine conditions (e.g. acceleration to max. frequency) caused by a feedback
Feedback loss can be detected in two ways:
• Feedback Low Detection:

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5.2 b: Application

Detected when the feedback falls below a certain level for longer than the specified time.
• Feedback High Detection:
Detected when the feedback rises beyond a certain level for longer than the specified time.
The following figure explains the working principle of feedback loss detection when the feedback signal is too low.
Feedback high detection works in the same way.
PID feedback value

Loss Level

no FbL
FbL detection

PID Feedback PID Feedback

Loss Detection Time Loss Detection Time
(b5-14) (b5-14)

Figure 5.19 PID Feedback Loss Detection

The parameters necessary to set up the feedback loss detection are explained below.
n b5-12: PID Feedback Loss Detection Selection
Enables or disables the feedback loss detection and sets the operation when a feedback loss is detected.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b5-12 PID Feedback Loss Detection Selection 0 to 5 0
Setting 0: Digital Output Only
A digital output set for “PID feedback low” (H2-oo = 3E) will be triggered if the PID feedback value is below the
detection level set to b5-13 for the time set to b5-14 or longer. A digital output set for “PID feedback high” (H2-oo =
3F) will be triggered if the PID feedback value is beyond the detection level set to b5-36 for the time set to b5-37 or longer.
Neither a fault nor an alarm is displayed on the digital operator. The drive will continue operation. When the feedback
value leaves the loss detection range, the output is reset.
Setting 1: Feedback Loss Alarm
If the PID feedback value falls below the level set to b5-13 for longer than the time set to b5-14, a “FBL - Feedback Low”
alarm will be displayed and a digital output set for “PID feedback low” (H2-oo = 3E) will be triggered. If the PID
feedback value exceeds the level set to b5-36 for longer than the time set to b5-37, a “FBH - Feedback High” alarm will
be displayed and a digital output set for “PID feedback high” (H2-oo = 3F) will be triggered. Both events trigger an
alarm output (H1-oo = 10). The drive will continue operation. When the feedback value leaves the loss detection range,
the alarm and outputs are reset.
Setting 2: Feedback Loss Fault
If the PID feedback value falls below the level set to b5-13 for longer than the time set to b5-14, a “FBL - Feedback Low”
fault will be displayed. If the PID feedback value exceeds the level set to b5-36 for longer than the time set to b5-37, a
“FBH - Feedback High” fault will be displayed. Both events trigger a fault output (H1-oo = E) and cause the drive to
stop the motor.
Setting 3: Digital Output Only, Even if PID is Disabled by Digital Input
Same as b5-12 = 0. Detection is still active even if PID is disabled by a digital input (H1-oo = 19).
Setting 4: Feedback Loss Alarm, Even if PID is Disabled by Digital Input
Same as b5-12 = 1. Detection is still active even if PID is disabled by a digital input (H1-oo = 19).
Setting 5: Feedback Loss Fault, Even if PID is Disabled by Digital Input
Same as b5-12 = 2. Detection is still active even if PID is disabled by a digital input (H1-oo = 19).
n b5-13: PID Feedback Loss Detection Level
Sets the feedback level used for PID feedback loss detection. The PID feedback has to fall below this level for longer than
the time b5-14 before feedback loss is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-13 PID Feedback Loss Detection Level 0 to 100% 0%

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5.2 b: Application

n b5-14: PID Feedback Loss Detection Time

Sets the time that the PID feedback has to fall below b5-13 before feedback loss is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-14 PID Feedback Loss Detection Time 0.0 to 25.5 s 1.0 s

n b5-36: PID Feedback High Detection Level

Sets the feedback level used for PID feedback high detection. The PID feedback has to exceed this level for longer than
the time b5-37 before feedback loss is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-36 PID Feedback High Detection Level 0 to 100% 100%

n b5-37: PID Feedback High Detection Time

Sets the time for that the PID feedback has to exceed b5-36 before feedback loss is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-37 PID Feedback High Detection Time 0.0 to 25.5 s 1.0 s

n PID Sleep
The PID Sleep function stops the drive when the PID output or the frequency reference falls below the PID Sleep operation
level for a certain time. The drive will resume operating once the PID output or frequency reference rises above the PID
Sleep operation level for the specified time. The operation is explained in the figure below.
PID Output
PID Sleep Function
Start Level ( b5-15)

Sleep Delay Time

Internal Run b5-16 b5-16 Sleep Delay Time

command Run Stop
External Run Run command enabled
command Continues to output “During Run”
During Run

Figure 5.20 PID Sleep Operation

Notes on using the PID Sleep function:

• The PID Sleep function is always active, even if PID control is disabled.
• The method the Sleep function uses to stop the motor is defined by parameter b1-03.

Parameter Details
• The parameters necessary to set up the PID Sleep function are explained below.
n b5-15: PID Sleep Function Start Level
Sets the level used for PID Sleep.
The drive goes into Sleep mode if the PID output or frequency reference is smaller than b5-15 for longer than the time set
in b5-16. It resumes the operation when the PID output or frequency reference is above b5-15 for longer than the time set
in b5-16. 5
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-15 PID Sleep Function Start Level 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz

n b5-16: PID Sleep Delay Time

Sets the delay time to activate or deactivate the PID Sleep function.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-16 PID Sleep Delay Time 0.0 to 25.5 s 0.0 s

n b5-17: PID Accel/Decel Time

The PID acceleration/deceleration time is applied on the PID setpoint value.
As the normal acceleration times C1-oo are applied after the PID output, they reduce the responsiveness of the system
and can cause hunting or over- and undershooting when the setpoint changes quickly. Using the PID acceleration/
deceleration time instead helps to avoid such problems.

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5.2 b: Application

The PID acceleration/deceleration time can be canceled using a digital input programmed for “PID SFS cancel” (H1-
oo = 34).
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-17 PID Accel/Decel Time 0 to 255 s 0s

n b5-18: PID Setpoint Selection

Enables or disables parameter b5-19 for PID setpoint.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b5-18 PID Setpoint Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
Parameter b5-19 is not used as the PID setpoint. The setpoint must be entered via an analog input, pulse input, or
MEMOBUS/Modbus register 06H.
Setting 1: Enabled
Parameter b5-19 is used as PID setpoint.
n b5-19: PID Setpoint Value
Used to adjust the PID setpoint if parameter b5-18 = 1.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-19 PID Setpoint Value 0.00 to 100.00% 0.00%

n b5-20: PID Setpoint Scaling

Determines the units that the PID setpoint (b5-19) is set in and displayed. Also determines the units for monitors U5-01
and U5-04.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b5-20 PID Setpoint Scaling 0 to 3 1
Setting 0: Hz
The setpoint and PID monitors are displayed in Hz with a resolution of 0.01 Hz.
Setting 1: %
The setpoint and PID monitors are displayed as a percentage with a resolution of 0.01%.
Setting 2: r/min
The setpoint and PID monitors are displayed in r/min with a resolution of 1 r/min.
Setting 3: User Defined
The setpoint b5-19 and PID monitors U1-01/04 are displayed with the unit and resolution defined by parameters b5-38
and b5-39.
n b5-34: PID Output Lower Limit
Sets the minimum possible PID controller output as a percentage of the maximum output frequency (E1-04). The lower
limit is disabled when set to 0.00%
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-34 PID Output Lower Limit -100.0 to 100.0% 0.00%

n b5-35: PID Input Limit

Sets the maximum allowed PID input as a percentage of the maximum output frequency (E1–04). Parameter b5-35 acts
as a bipolar limit.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-35 PID Input Limit 0.0 to 1000.0% 1000.0%

n b5-38/39 PID Setpoint/Monitor User Display Value/Display Digits

When parameter b5-20 is set to 3, the parameters b5-38 and b5-39 can be used to set a user defined display for the PID
setpoint (b5-19) and feedback monitors (U5-01/04).
Parameter b5-38 determines the display value when the maximum frequency is output. Parameter b5-39 determines the
number of digits. The setting value is equal to the number of decimal places.

138 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.2 b: Application

No. Name Setting Range Default

Determined by
b5-38 PID Setpoint/Monitor User Display Value 0 to 60000 b5-20
Determined by
b5-39 PID Setpoint and Display Digits 0 to 3 b5-20

n b5-40: Frequency Reference Monitor Content During PID

Sets the content on the frequency reference monitor display (U1-01) when PID control is active.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-40 Frequency Reference Monitor Content During PID 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Frequency Reference after PID
Monitor U1-01 displays the frequency reference increased or reduced for the PID output.
Setting 1: Frequency Reference
Monitor U1-01 displays the frequency reference value.
n b5-47: Reverse Operation Selection 2 by PID Output
Reverses operation selection when b5-01 is set to 3 or 4.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b5-47 Reverse Operation Selection 2 by PID Output 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Zero Limit when PID Output is a Negative Value
Setting 1: Reverse Operation when PID Output is a Negative Value (Zero Limit if the Reverse Operation Is
Prohibited by b1-04)
u b6: Dwell Function
The reference hold or Dwell function is used to temporarily hold the output frequency at a set reference value, for a set
time, and then continue to ramp up or stop.
The Dwell at start function can be used when driving a permanent magnet motor in V/f Control, or a motor with a heavy
starting load. The pause in acceleration allows the PM motor rotor to align with the stator field of the motor, thus reducing
the starting current.
Dwell works as shown in the figure below.
Note: Using the Dwell function requires that the stopping method for the drive be set to “Ramp to Stop” (b1-03 = 0).

Run Command

Parameter Details
b6-01 b6-03
Output Frequency
b6-02 b6-04 5
Figure 5.21 Dwell Function at Start and Stop

n b6-01/b6-02: Dwell Reference/Time at Start

b6-01 sets the frequency that is kept for the time set in b6-02 during acceleration.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b6-01 Dwell Reference at Start 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
b6-02 Dwell Time at Start 0.0 to 10.0 s 0.0 s

n b6-03/b6-04: Dwell Reference/Time at Stop

Parameter b6-03 sets the frequency that is kept for the time set in b6-04 during deceleration.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b6-03 Dwell Reference at Stop 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
b6-04 Dwell Time at Stop 0.0 to 10.0 s 0.0 s

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5.2 b: Application

u b8: Energy Saving

The Energy Saving feature improves overall system operating efficiency by operating the motor at its most efficient level.
This is accomplished by continuously monitoring the motor load and controlling the motor so that it always operates near
its rated slip frequency.
Note: Energy Saving is mainly designed for applications with variable torque (Normal Duty) but is not appropriate for applications where
the load may suddenly increase.

n b8-01: Energy Saving Control Selection

Enables or disables the Energy Saving function.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
b8-01 Energy Saving Control Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Enabled

n b8-02: Energy Saving Gain (OLV only)

Sets the gain that is used to for magnetizing current reduction during Energy Saving. A higher value results in lower
magnetization of the motor and thereby less energy consumption. However, if b8-02 is too high the motor might stall.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b8-02 Energy Saving Gain 0.00 to 10.0 0.7

n b8-03: Energy Saving Control Filter Time Constant (OLV only)

Parameter b8-03 sets the response time for Energy Saving. Although lowering this value allows for a quicker response,
instability may result if it is too low.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
b8-03 Energy Saving Control Filter Time Constant 0.00 to 10.00 o2-04

n b8-04: Energy Saving Coefficient Value (V/f Control)

Fine tunes Energy Saving control.
The default setting is for a standard Yaskawa motor. When using a different motor, adjust this parameter in 5% increments
while running the drive with a light load until output power monitor U1-08 is at the minimum value.
A low setting results in less output voltage and less energy consumption. If the value is set too low the motor may stall.
The default setting depends on the capacity of the drive.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
b8-04 Energy Saving Coefficient Value 0.00 to 655.00 C6-01, E2-11, and
Note: This default value changes if the motor rated capacity set to E2-11 is changed. The Energy Saving coefficient is set automatically when
Auto-Tuning for Energy Saving is performed (Refer to Auto-Tuning on page 100).

n b8-05: Power Detection Filter Time (V/f Control only)

The Energy Saving function continuously searches out the lowest output voltage in order to achieve minimum output
power. Parameter b8-05 determines how often the output power is measured and the output voltage is adjusted.
No. Name Setting Range Default
b8-05 Power Detection Filter Time 0 to 2000 ms 20 ms

n b8-06: Search Operation Voltage Limit (V/f Control only)

Sets the voltage limit for the optimal output voltage detection of Speed Search as a percentage of the maximum output
voltage. During the search operation the drive will keep the output voltage above this level to prevent motor stalling.
Note: If set too low, the motor may stall with a sudden increase to the load. Disabled when b8-06 = 0. Setting this value to 0 does not disable
Energy Saving.

No. Name Setting Range Default

b8-06 Search Operation Voltage Limit 0 to 100% 0%

140 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.2 b: Application

n Parameters Related to the Energy Saving Function

Open Loop Vector Control
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E2-02 <1> Motor Rated Slip 0.00 to 20.00 <2>

<1> Automatically set when Rotational Auto-Tuning is performed.

<2> Default setting is determined by drive capacity (o2-04).

V/f Control
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E2-11 <1> Motor Rated Capacity 0.00 to 650.00 kW <2>

<1> Automatically set when Auto-Tuning is performed.

<2> Default setting is determined by drive capacity (o2-04).

Parameter Details

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 141
5.3 C: Tuning

5.3 C: Tuning
C parameters are used to set the acceleration and deceleration characteristics, as well as S-curves. Other parameters in this
group cover settings for slip compensation, torque compensation, and carrier frequency.

u C1: Acceleration and Deceleration Times

n C1-01 to C1-08: Accel/Decel Times 1 to 4

Four different sets of acceleration and deceleration times can be set in the drive. They can be selected by digital inputs,
by the motor selection, or can be switched automatically. Acceleration time parameters always set the time to accelerate
from 0 to the maximum output frequency (E1-04). Deceleration time parameters always set the time to decelerate from
maximum output frequency to 0. C1-01 and C1-02 are the default active accel/decel settings.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C1-01 Acceleration Time 1
C1-02 Deceleration Time 1
C1-03 Acceleration Time 2
C1-04 Deceleration Time 2
0.0 to 6000.0 s <1> 10.0 s
C1-05 Acceleration Time 3 (Motor 2 Accel Time 1)
C1-06 Deceleration Time 3 (Motor 2 Decel Time 1)
C1-07 Acceleration Time 4 (Motor 2 Accel Time 2)
C1-08 Deceleration Time 4 (Motor 2 Accel Time 2)
<1> The setting range for the acceleration and deceleration times is determined by C1-10 (Accel/Decel Time Setting Units). For example, if the
time is set in units of 0.01 s (C1-10 = 0), the setting range becomes 0.00 to 600.00 s.
Switching Acceleration Times by Digital Input
Accel/decel times 1 are active by default if no input is set. The accel/decel times 2, 3, and 4 can be activated by digital
inputs (H1-oo= 7 and 1A) as explained in Table 5.9.
Table 5.9 Accel/Decel Time Selection by Digital Input
Accel/Decel Time Sel. 1 H1-oo = Accel/Decel Time Sel. 2 H1-oo = Active Times
7 1A Acceleration Deceleration
0 0 C1-01 C1-02
1 0 C1-03 C1-04
0 1 C1-05 C1-06
1 1 C1-07 C1-08

Figure 5.22 shows an operation example for changing accel/decel. times. The example below requires that the stopping
method be set for "Ramp to Stop" (b1-03 = 0).
Decel Time 1 Decel Time 3
(C1-02) Decel Time 2 Decel Time 4
Accel Time 3 (C1-06)
Accel Time 1 Accel Time 2 (C1-04) (C1-05) (C1-08)
Output (C1-01) (C1-03) Accel Time 4 Decel Time 1
frequency (C1-07)
Decel Time 1 (C1-02)


Run command

Accel/Decel Time Selection 1
(Terminals S3 to S8, H1-0x = “7”)
Accel/Decel Time Selection 2
(Terminals S3 to S8, H1-0x = “1A”)

Figure 5.22 Timing Diagram of Accel/Decel Time Change

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Switching Accel/decel Times by a Frequency Level

The drive can automatically switch from accel/decel times 4 (C1-07 and C1-08) to the default accel/decel times (C1-01/02
for motor 1, C1-05/06 for motor 2) when the output frequency exceeds the frequency level set in parameter C1-11. When
it falls below this level, the accel/decel times are switched back. Figure 5.23 shows an operation example.
Note: Acceleration and deceleration times selected by digital inputs have priority over the automatic switching by a frequency level. For
example, if accel/decel time 2 is selected, the drive will use this time only and not switch from accel/decel time 4 to the selected one.
Output Frequency

(accel time from 0 Hz to C1-11) × (E1-04)

C1-03 =
(accel time between C1-11 and E1-04) × (E1-04) C1-11
C1-01 =
(E1-04 - C1-11) Accel/Decel Time
Switch Frequency
(decel time between E1-04 and C1-11) × (E1-04)
C1-02 =
(E1-04 - C1-11)
(decel time from C1-11 to 0 Hz) × (E1-04) C1-03 C1-01 C1-02 C1-04
C1-04 = setting setting setting setting
When the output frequency C1-11, drive uses Accel/Decel Time 1 (C1-01, -02)
When the output frequency < C1-11, drive uses Accel/Decel Time 2 (C1-03, -04)

Figure 5.23 Accel/Decel Time Switching Frequency

Switching Acceleration and Deceleration Times by Motor Selection

When switching between motor 1 and 2 using a digital input (H1-oo = 16) parameters C1-01 to C1-04 become accel/
decel time 1/2 for motor 1 and C1-05 to C1-08 become accel/decel time 1/2 for motor 2. In this case the digital input
“Accel/Decel Time 2 Selection” cannot be used (this would trigger an oPE03 error, indicating a contradictory multi-
function input settings).
Table 5.10 explains the activation of accel/decel times depending on the motor selection and accel/decel time selection.
Table 5.10 Motor Switching and Accel/Decel Time Combinations
Motor 1 Selected Motor 2 Selected
Accel/Decel Time 1 (H1-oo = 7)
Accel Decel Accel Decel
Open C1-01 C1-02 C1-05 C1-06
Closed C1-03 C1-04 C1-07 C1-08

n C1-09: Fast-stop Time

Parameter C1-09 will set a special deceleration that is used when certain faults occur or that can be operated by closing a
digital input configured as H1-oo = 15 (N.O. input) or H1-oo = 17 (N.C. input). The input does not have to be closed
continuously, even a momentary closure will trigger the Fast-stop operation.
Unlike standard deceleration, once the Fast-stop operation is initiated, the drive cannot be restarted until the deceleration
is complete, the Fast-stop input is cleared, and the Run command is cycled.
A digital output programmed for “During Fast-stop” (H2-01/02/03 = 4C) will be closed as long as Fast-stop is active.

Parameter Details
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C1-09 Fast-stop Time 0.0 to 6000.0 s <1> 10.0 s
<1> The setting range for the acceleration and deceleration times is determined by C1-10 (Accel/Decel Time Setting Units). For example, if the
time is set in units of 0.01 s (C1-10 = 0), the setting range becomes 0.00 to 600.00 s
NOTICE: Rapid deceleration can trigger an overvoltage fault. When faulted, the drive output shuts off, and the motor coasts. To avoid
this uncontrolled motor state and to ensure that the motor stops quickly and safely, set an appropriate Fast-stop time to C1-09. 5
n C1-10: Accel/Decel Time Setting Units
Determines the units for the acceleration and deceleration times set to C1-01 through C1-09 using parameter C1-10.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C1-10 Accel/Decel Time Setting Units 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: 0.01 s Units
The accel/decel. times are set in 0.01 s units. The setting range will be 0.00 to 600.00 s. If any of the parameters C1-01 to
C1-09 is set to 600.1 seconds or more, then C1-10 cannot be set to 0.
Setting 1: 0.1 s Units
The accel/decel. times are set in 0.1 s units. The setting range will be 0.0 to 6000.0 s.

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n C1-11: Accel/Decel Switch Frequency

Sets the switching frequency for automation accel/decel time change over. Refer to Switching Accel/decel Times by a
Frequency Level on page 143 for details.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C1-11 Accel/Decel Switch Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
Note: Setting C1-11 to 0.0 Hz disables this function.

n C1-14: Accel/Decel Rate Frequency

Sets the base frequency used to calculate acceleration and deceleration times.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C1-14 Accel/Decel Rate Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
Note: The accel/decel rates set to parameters C1-01 to C1-09 change in response to the value set to C1-14.
When C1-14 = 0.0 Hz
Operation example is shown in Figure 5.24.
• Accel Times 1 through 4 determine the time required to accelerate from 0 to the maximum output frequency (E1-04)
• Decel Times 1 through 4 and the Fast-stop Time determine the time required to decelerate from the Maximum Output
Frequency (E1-04) to 0 Hz.

E1-04 = 60 Hz
reference = 60 Hz


Accel Times 1 to 4 Decel Times 1 to 4

Figure 5.24 Accel/Decel Rate, Example 1 (C1-14 = 0 Hz, E1-04 = 60 Hz, Frequency Reference = 60 Hz)

When C1-14 ≠ 0.0 Hz

Operation examples are shown in Figure 5.25 and Figure 5.26.
• Accel Times 1 through 4 determine the time required to accelerate from 0 to the value set in C1-14 (Accel/Decel Rate
• Decel Times 1 through 4 and the Fast-stop Time determine the time required to decelerate from the value set in C1-14
(Accel/Decel Rate Frequency ) to 0 Hz.

reference = 60 Hz

C1-14 = 40 Hz


Accel Times 1 to 4 Decel Times 1 to 4

Figure 5.25 Accel/Decel Rate, Example 2 (C1-14 = 40 Hz, E1-04 = 60 Hz, Frequency Reference = 60 Hz)

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C1-14 = 80 Hz

reference = 60 Hz


Accel Times 1 to 4 Decel Times 1 to 4

Figure 5.26 Accel/Decel Rate, Example 3 (C1-14 = 80 Hz, E1-04 = 60 Hz, Frequency Reference = 60 Hz)

Note: 1. The accel/decel times shown in Figure 5.24 to Figure 5.26 assume S-curve characteristic time during accel/decel at start and accel/
decel at stop of 0.00 s (parameters C2-01 to C2-04).
2. When Stall Prevention during acceleration is enabled (L3-01 ≠ 0), the accel time may take longer than the set value.
3. When Stall Prevention during deceleration is enabled (L3-04 ≠ 0), the decel time may take longer than the set value.
4. When performing Rotational Auto-Tuning for OLV Control (T1-01 = 0) and Rotational Auto-Tuning for V/f Control (T1-04 = 3),
the drive uses the maximum output frequency set in E1-04 to determine the base accel/decel rate, regardless of the C1-14 value.

u C2: S-Curve Characteristics

Use S-curve characteristics to smooth acceleration and deceleration and to minimize abrupt shock to the load. Set S-curve
characteristic time during acceleration/deceleration at start and acceleration/deceleration at stop. If a STo fault (Step Out
Detection) occurs when starting a PM motor, try increasing the value set to C2-01.
n C2-01 to C2-04: S-Curve Characteristics
C2-01 through C2-04 set separate S-curves for each section of the acceleration or deceleration.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
C2-01 S-Curve Characteristic at Accel Start A1-02
C2-02 S-Curve Characteristic at Accel End 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.20 s

Parameter Details
C2-03 S-Curve Characteristic at Decel Start 0.20 s
C2-04 S-Curve Characteristic at Decel End 0.00 s
Figure 5.27 explains how S-curves are applied.

FWD run
REV run

C2-02 C2-04
frequency C2-01
C2-01 C2-04

C2-02 C2-03

Figure 5.27 S-Curve Timing Diagram - FWD/REV Operation

Setting the S-curve will increase the acceleration and deceleration times.
Actual accel time = accel time setting + (C2-01 + C2-02)/2
Actual decel time = decel time setting + (C2-03 + C2-04)/2

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u C3: Slip Compensation

The Slip Compensation function prevents motor speed loss due to an increase in load.
Note: Before making changes to the Slip Compensation parameters, make sure the motor parameters and V/f pattern are set properly or
perform Auto-Tuning.

n C3-01: Slip Compensation Gain

This parameter sets the gain for the motor slip compensation function. Although this parameter rarely needs to be changed,
adjustments might be needed under the following situations:
• If the speed at constant frequency reference is lower than the frequency reference, increase C3-01.
• If the speed at constant frequency reference is higher than the frequency reference, decrease C3-01.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
C3-01 Slip Compensation Gain 0.0 to 2.5 A1-02
Note: Default setting is 0.0 in V/f Control (A1-02 = 0). Default setting is 1.0 in Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2). This parameter is
disabled when using V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback (H6-01 = 3).

n C3-02: Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time

Adjusts the filter on the output of the slip compensation function. Although this parameter rarely needs to be changed,
adjustments might be needed under the following situations:
• Decrease the setting when the slip compensation response is too slow.
• Increase this setting when the speed is not stable.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
C3-02 Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time 0 to 10000 ms A1-02
Note: When using V/f Control (A1-02 = 0), the default setting becomes 2000 ms. When using Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2), the
default setting becomes 200 ms. This function is not available when using V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback.

n C3-03: Slip Compensation Limit

Sets the upper limit for the slip compensation function as a percentage of the motor rated slip (E2-02).
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C3-03 Slip Compensation Limit 0 to 250% 200%
The slip compensation limit is constant throughout the constant torque range. In the constant power range it is increased
based on C3-03 and the output frequency as shown in the following diagram.
Note: This parameter is disabled when using V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback Control (H6-01 = 3).

E1-06 × C3-03


output frequency
E1-06 E1-04
Base Maximum
Frequency Frequency

Figure 5.28 Slip Compensation Limit

n C3-04: Slip Compensation Selection during Regeneration

When the slip compensation during regeneration function has been activated and regenerative load is applied, it might be
necessary to use a braking option (braking resistor, braking resistor unit, or braking unit).
Even if enabled, this function does not operate when the output frequency is too low.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C3-04 Slip Compensation Selection during Regeneration 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
Slip compensation is not provided. Depending on the load and operation mode (motoring or regenerative) the actual motor
speed will be lower or higher than the frequency reference.

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Setting 1: Enabled
Slip compensation is enabled during regenerative operation. It will not be active at output frequencies below 6 Hz.
n C3-05: Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection
Determines if the motor flux reference is automatically reduced when output voltage reaches the saturation range.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C3-05 Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Enabled

u C4: Torque Compensation

The torque compensation function compensates for insufficient torque production at start-up or when a load is applied.
Note: Before making changes to the torque compensation parameters make sure the motor parameters and V/f pattern are set properly or
perform Auto-Tuning.

n C4-01: Torque Compensation Gain

Sets the gain for the torque compensation function.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
C4-01 Torque Compensation Gain 0.00 to 2.50 A1-02
Torque Compensation in V/f Control:
The drive calculates the motor primary voltage loss using the output current and the terminal resistance value (E2-05) and
then adjusts the output voltage to compensate insufficient torque at start or when load is applied. The effect of this voltage
compensation can be increased or decreased using parameter C4-01.
Torque Compensation in Open Loop Vector Control:
The drive controls the motor excitation current and torque producing current separately. Torque compensation affects the
torque producing current only. C4-01 works as a factor of the torque reference value that builds the torque producing
current reference.
Although this parameter rarely needs to be adjusted, small changes in increments of 0.05 may help in the following
• Increase this setting when using a long motor cable.
• Decrease this setting when motor oscillation occurs.

Parameter Details
Adjust C4-01 so that the output current does not exceed the drive rated current.
n C4-02: Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 1
Sets the delay time used for applying torque compensation.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Determined by 5
C4-02 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 1 0 to 60000 ms A1-02
Although C4-02 rarely needs to be changed, adjustments may help in the following situations:
• If the motor vibrates, increase C4-02.
• If the motor responds too slowly to changes in the load, decrease C4-02.
n C4-03: Torque Compensation at Forward Start (OLV only)
Sets the amount of torque at start in the forward direction in order to improve motor performance during start with heavy
load. Compensation is applied using the time constant set in parameter C4-05. A setting of 0.0% disables this feature.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C4-03 Torque Compensation at Forward Start 0.0 to 200.0% 0.0%

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n C4-04: Torque Compensation at Reverse Start (OLV only)

Sets the amount of torque reference at start in the reverse direction in order to improve motor performance during start
with heavy load. Compensation is applied using the time constant set in parameter C4-05. A setting of 0.0% disables this
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C4-04 Torque Compensation at Reverse Start -200.0 to 0.0% 0.0%

n C4-05: Torque Compensation at Start Time Constant (OLV only)

This parameter is the time constant for applying the torque compensation at start set in parameters C4-03 and C4-04.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C4-05 Torque Compensation Time Constant 0 to 200 ms 10 ms

n C4-06: Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 2 (OLV only)

This time constant is used during Speed Search or during regenerative operation when the actual motor slip is higher than
50% of the rated slip. Adjust the value if an overvoltage fault occurs with sudden changes in the load or at the end of
acceleration with high inertia load.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C4-06 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 2 0 to 10000 ms 150 ms
Note: 1. If C4-06 is set to a relatively large value, be sure to also increase the setting in n2-03 (AFR Time Constant 2) proportionally.
2. C4-06 will not be active if L3-04 is 0, 3 or 4, the output frequency is below 5 Hz, or Speed Search after momentary power loss is

u C5: Automatic Speed Regulator (ASR)

The ASR is a PI controller that adjusts the output frequency in order to compensate the motor slip when load is applied.
It is active only when V/f Control is used in combination with a speed feedback signal connected to the drive pulse input
RP (V/f Control with Simple Speed Feedback).
The pulse input provides one track only and cannot detect the direction of motor rotation. A separate motor speed direction
signal must therefore be input to the ASR by:
1. Using a Digital Input
This method is automatically enabled when a digital input is programmed for “Forward/Reverse direction” (H1-
oo= 7E). If the input is closed, the drive assumes reverse rotation. If open, then the drive assumes that the motor is
rotating forwards.
When a 2 track encoder is used, an external unit that converts the 2 tracks into 1 track and a digital direction signal
can be used.
2. Using the Frequency Reference Direction
When no digital input is set for “Forward/Reverse direction” (H1-oo≠ 7E), ASR uses the direction of the frequency
Figure 5.29 illustrates the ASR function when using V/f with Simple Speed Feedback.

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Motor speed


Figure 5.29 Speed Control with ASR in V/f with Simple Speed Feedback

To activate V/f Control with PG feedback:

1. Set the drive to V/f Control (A1-02 = 0).
2. Connect the motor speed pulse signal to the pulse input RP, set H6-01 = 3, and set the pulse signal frequency that is
equal to the maximum speed to H6-02 (pulse input scaling). Make sure the pulse input bias (H6-04) is 0% and the
gain (H6-03) is 100%.
3. Decide the signal used for detecting the direction. If a digital input is used set H1-oo = 7E.
4. Use the ASR gain and integral time parameters described below for adjusting the ASR responsiveness.
Note: 1. C5 parameters will appear only when using V/f Control (A1-02 = 0) and when the pulse input RP function is set for PG feedback
in V/f Control (H6-01 = 3).
2. V/f Control with PG feedback can be used for motor 1 only.
ASR Tuning Parameters
ASR provides two sets of gain and integral time. Set 1 is active at the maximum output frequency, set 2 is active at the
minimum output frequency. The settings are changed linearly depending on the output frequency as shown in Figure
P gain and I time
P = C5-01
I = C5-02

Parameter Details
P = C5-03
I = C5-04

Motor Speed
0 E1-09 E1-04
Minimum Maximum
Output Output
Frequency Frequency
Figure 5.30 Adjusting ASR Proportional Gain and Integral Time

n C5-01/02: ASR Proportional Gain/Integral Time 1

These parameters determine the responsiveness of ASR at maximum output frequency.
• Increase the gain and/or reduce the integral time if the response is slow at maximum output frequency.
• Reduce the gain and/or increase the integral time when vibrations occur at the maximum output frequency.
• When adjusting ASR always first adjust the P gain, then adjust the integral time.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C5-01 ASR Proportional Gain 1 0.00 to 300.00 0.20
C5-02 ASR Integral Time 1 0.000 to 10.000 s 0.200 s

n C5-03/04: ASR Proportional Gain/Integral Time 2

These parameters determine the responsiveness of ASR at the minimum output frequency. Use the same setting rules as
described for C5-01/02

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No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

C5-03 ASR Proportional Gain 2 0.00 to 300.00 0.02
C5-04 ASR Integral Time 2 0.000 to 10.000 s 0.050 s

n C5-05: ASR Limit

Sets the ASR output limit as a percentage of the maximum output frequency (E1-04). If the motor slip is high, the setting
might need to be increased to provide proper slip compensation. Use the ASR output monitor U6-04 to determine if ASR
is working at the limit and make settings if necessary. If ASR is operating at the ASR limit, check the pulse signal and the
pulse input settings prior to changes in C5-05.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C5-05 ASR Limit 0.0 to 20.0% 5.0%

u C6: Carrier Frequency

n C6-01: Drive Duty Selection

The drive has two different duty modes from which to select based on the load characteristics. The drive rated current,
overload capacity, and carrier frequency will change depending upon the duty mode selection. Use parameter C6-01 to
select Heavy Duty (HD) or Normal Duty (ND) for the application. The default setting is ND. Refer to Heavy Duty and
Normal Duty Ratings on page 324 for details about the rated current.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 0 or 1 <1>

<1> Model BA0018 does not have a Normal Duty mode. The default setting is 0.
Table 5.11 Differences between Heavy and Normal Duty
Mode Heavy Duty Rating (HD) Normal Duty Rating (ND)
C6-01 0 1
150 % Overload
120 %
Rated Load
Rated Load 100 %
100 %

0 Motor Speed 100 % 0 Motor Speed 100 %

Use Normal Duty Rating for applications in which the

Use Heavy Duty Rating for applications requiring a high torque requirements drop along with the speed. Examples
Application overload tolerance with constant load torque. Such include fans or pumps where a high overload tolerance is
applications include extruders and conveyors. not required.
Over load capability (oL2) 150% of drive rated Heavy Duty current for 60 s 120% of drive rated Normal Duty current for 60 s
L3-02 Stall Prevention 150% 120%
during Acceleration
L3-06 Stall Prevention 150% 120%
during Run
Default Carrier 8/10 kHz 2 kHz Swing PWM
Note: By changing the Drive Duty, the drive maximum applicable motor power changes and the E2-oo and E4-oo parameters are
automatically set to appropriate values.

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n C6-02: Carrier Frequency Selection

Parameter C6-02 sets the switching frequency of the drive’s output transistors. It can be changed in order to reduce audible
noise and also reduce leakage current.
Note: The drive rated current is reduced when the carrier frequency is set higher than the default value. Refer to Rated Current Depending
on Carrier Frequency on page 152.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

<1> Determined by A1-02 and o2-04.
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection Reset when C6-01 is changed.
<1> Setting range is determined by the drive software version.
PRG: 1020 and later: 1 to B; F
PRG: 1018 and earlier: 1 to A; F
C6-02 Carrier Frequency C6-02 Carrier Frequency
1 2.0 kHz 8 Swing PWM 2
2 5.0 kHz 9 Swing PWM 3
3 8.0 kHz A Swing PWM 4
4 10.0 kHz B <1> Leakage Current Rejection PWM
5 12.5 kHz F User-defined (C6-03 to C6-05)
6 15.0 kHz
7 Swing PWM 1
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later. Setting B uses a PWM pattern that reduces the amount of leakage current detected
over long wiring distances. This can help reduce alarm detection and problems with the current monitor that result from leakage current over
long wiring distances. This is the same as setting the carrier frequency to 2 kHz.
Note: Swing PWM uses 2.0 kHz carrier frequency as a base. Applying special PWM patterns minimizes the audible noise of the motor.
Guidelines for Carrier Frequency Parameter Setup
Symptom Remedy
Speed and torque are unstable at low speeds.
Noise from the drive is affecting peripheral devices. Lower the carrier frequency.
Excessive leakage current from the drive.
• Lower the carrier frequency
Wiring between the drive and motor is too long. <1> • Set C6-02 to B if an alarm is detected or if leakage current causes a
problem with the current monitor.
Audible motor noise is too loud. Increase the carrier frequency or use Swing PWM. <2>

<1> The carrier frequency may need to be lowered if the motor cable is too long. Refer to the table below.
<2> In Normal Duty default setting is 7 (Swing PWM), equivalent to setting 2 kHz. Increasing the carrier frequency is fine when using the drive

Parameter Details
is set for Normal Duty, but remember that the drive rated current falls when the carrier frequency is increased.

Wiring Distance Up to 50 m Up to 100 m Greater than 100 m

C6-02 (Carrier Frequency Selection) 0 to 6 (15 kHz) 0 to 4 (10 kHz) 1, 7 to A (2 kHz)
Note: If the motor cable is fairly long when using PM Open Loop Vector, set the carrier frequency to 2 kHz (C6-02 = 1). Switch to V/f Control
if the cable is longer than 100 m.
n C6-03/C6-04/C6-05: Carrier Frequency Upper Limit/Lower Limit/Proportional Gain
Use these parameters to set a user defined or a variable carrier frequency. To set the upper and lower limits, first set C6-02
to “F”.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
C6-03 Carrier Frequency Upper Limit 1.0 to 15.0 kHz
C6-04 Carrier Frequency Lower Limit (V/f only) 1.0 to 15.0 kHz <1>

C6-05 Carrier Frequency Proportional Gain (V/f only) 0 to 99

<1> The default value is determined by the control method (A1-02) as well as the drive capacity (o2-04), and is reinitialized when the value set to
C6-01 is changed.
Setting a Fixed User Defined Carrier Frequency
A carrier frequency between the fixed selectable values can be entered in parameter C6-03 when C6-02 is set to “F”. In
V/f Control, parameter C6-04 must also be adjusted to the same value as C6-03.

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Setting a Variable Carrier Frequency (V/f Control only)

In V/f Control, the carrier frequency can be set up to change linearly with the output frequency. In this case the upper and
lower limits for the carrier frequency and the carrier frequency proportional gain (C6-03, C6-04, C6-05) have to be set as
shown in Figure 5.31.
Carrier Frequency


C6-04 Frequency x C6-05 x K*

Output Frequency
Max Output Frequency

Figure 5.31 Carrier Frequency Changes Relative to Output Frequency

K is a coefficient determined by the value of C6-03:

• 10.0 kHz > C6-03 ≥ to 5.0 kHz: K = 2
• 5.0 kHz > C6-03: K = 1
• C6-03 ≥ 10.0 kHz: K = 3
Note: 1. A carrier frequency error (oPE11) will occur when the carrier frequency proportional gain is greater than 6 while C6-03 is less than
2. When C6-05 is set lower than 7, C6-04 is disabled and the carrier frequency will be fixed to the value set in C6-03.

n Rated Current Depending on Carrier Frequency

The tables below show the drive output current depending on the carrier frequency settings. The 2 kHz value is equal to
the Normal Duty rated current, the 8/10 kHz value is equal to the Heavy Duty rated current. The carrier frequency
determines the output current linearly. Use the data below to calculate output current values for carrier frequencies not
listed in the tables.
Note: In Heavy Duty mode the maximum rated output current is equal to the 8/10 kHz value, even if the carrier frequency is reduced.
Table 5.12 200 V Class Drives with 10 kHz Heavy Duty Default Carrier Frequency
Rated Current (A)
2 kHz 10 kHz 15 kHz
BA0001 1.2 0.8 0.6
BA0002 1.9 1.6 1.3
BA0003 3.5 3.0 2.4
BA0006 6.0 5.0 4.0

Table 5.13 200 V Class Drives with 8 kHz Heavy Duty Default Carrier Frequency
Rated Current (A)
2 kHz 8 kHz 15 kHz
2A0008 8.0 6.9 5.5
BA0010 9.6 8.0 6.4
BA0012 12.0 11.0 8.8
2A0018 17.5 14.0 11.2
BA0018 17.5 17.5 14.0
2A0020 19.6 17.5 14.0
2A0030 30.0 25.0 20.0
2A0040 40.0 33.0 26.4
2A0056 56.0 47.0 37.6
2A0069 69.0 60.0 48.0

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Table 5.14 400 V Class Drives with 8 kHz Heavy Duty Default Carrier Frequency
Rated Current (A)
2 kHz 8 kHz 15 kHz
4A0001 1.2 1.2 0.7
4A0002 2.1 1.8 1.1
4A0004 4.1 3.4 2.0
4A0005 5.4 4.8 2.9
4A0007 6.9 5.5 3.3
4A0009 8.8 7.2 4.3
4A0011 11.1 9.2 5.5
4A0018 17.5 14.8 8.9
4A0023 23.0 18.0 10.8
4A0031 31.0 24.0 14.4
4A0038 38.0 31.0 18.6

Parameter Details

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5.4 d: Reference Settings

5.4 d: Reference Settings

The drive offers various ways of entering the frequency reference. The figure below gives an overview of the reference
input, selections, and priorities.

selection of each comm. option card.


Determined by the NetRef function


Figure 5.32 Frequency Reference Setting Hierarchy

154 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.4 d: Reference Settings

u d1: Frequency Reference

n d1-01 to d1-17: Frequency Reference 1 to 16 and Jog Reference

Up to 17 preset references (including Jog reference) can be programmed in the drive. The references can be switched
during Run by digital inputs. The acceleration/deceleration to the new reference is performed using the active acceleration/
deceleration time.
The Jog frequency must be selected by a separate digital input and has priority over the references 1 to 16.
The multi-speed references 1 and 2 can be provided by analog inputs.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d1-01 to d1-16 Frequency Reference 1 to 16 0.00 to 400.00 Hz <1> 0.00 Hz
d1-17 Jog Frequency Reference 0.00 to 400.00 Hz <1> 6.00 Hz
<1> The upper limit is determined by the maximum output frequency (E1-04) and upper limit for the frequency reference (d2-01).
Multi-Step Speed Selection
Depending on how many speeds are used, some digital inputs have to be programmed for Multi-Step Speed Reference 1,
2, 3 and 4 (H1-oo = 3, 4, 5, 32). For the Jog reference a digital input must be set to H1-oo = 6.
Notes on using analog inputs as multi-speed 1 and 2:
• If the frequency reference source is assigned to analog input A1 (b1-01 = 1), then this input will be used for Frequency
Reference 1 instead of d1-01. If the reference source is assigned to the digital operator (b1-01 = 0), then d1-01 will be
used as Frequency Reference 1.
• When the analog input A2 function is set to “Auxiliary Frequency” (H3-10 = 2), then the value input to terminal A2 will
be used as the Frequency Reference 2 instead of the value set to parameter d1-02. When H3-10 does not equal 2, then
d1-02 becomes the reference for Frequency Reference 2.
The different speed references can be selected as shown in Table 5.15. Figure 5.33 illustrates the multi-step speed selection.
Table 5.15 Multi-Step Speed Reference and Terminal Switch Combinations
Multi-Step Multi-Step Multi-Step Multi-Step Jog Reference
Reference Speed Speed 2 Speed 3 Speed 4 H1-oo=6
H1-oo=3 H1-oo=4 H1-oo=5 H1-oo=32
Frequency Reference 1 (d1-01/A1) OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 2 (d1-02/A2) ON OFF OFF OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 3 (d1-03) OFF ON OFF OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 4 (d1-04) ON ON OFF OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 5 (d1-05) OFF OFF ON OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 6 (d1-06) ON OFF ON OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 7 (d1-07) OFF ON ON OFF OFF

Parameter Details
Frequency Reference 8 (d1-08) ON ON ON OFF OFF
Frequency Reference 9 (d1-09) OFF OFF OFF ON OFF
Frequency Reference 10 (d1-10) ON OFF OFF ON OFF
Frequency Reference 11 (d1-11) OFF ON OFF ON OFF
Frequency Reference 12 (d1-12) ON ON OFF ON OFF
Frequency Reference 13 (d1-13) OFF OFF ON ON OFF 5
Frequency Reference 14 (d1-14) ON OFF ON ON OFF
Frequency Reference 15 (d1-15) OFF ON ON ON OFF
Frequency Reference 16 (d1-16) ON ON ON ON OFF
Jog Frequency Reference (d1-17) <1> − − − − ON
<1> The Jog frequency overrides the frequency reference being used.

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5.4 d: Reference Settings

Frequency d1-15
reference d1-13

d1-01 (A2)
(A1) d1-17

FWD (REV) Run/Stop Time

Multi-step Speed Ref. 1 ON ON ON ON ON ON
Multi-step Speed Ref. 2 ON ON ON ON
Multi-step Speed Ref. 3 ON ON
Multi-step Speed Ref. 4 ON
Jog Reference ON

Figure 5.33 Preset Reference Timing Diagram

u d2: Frequency Upper/Lower Limits

By entering upper or lower frequency limits, the drive programmer can prevent operation of the drive above or below
levels that may cause resonance and or equipment damage.
n d2-01: Frequency Reference Upper Limit
Sets the maximum frequency reference as a percentage of the maximum output frequency. This limit applies to all frequency
Even if the frequency reference is set to a higher value, the drive internal frequency reference will not exceed this value.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d2-01 Frequency Reference Upper Limit 0.0 to 110.0% 100.0%

n d2-02: Frequency Reference Lower Limit

Sets the minimum frequency reference as a percentage of the maximum output frequency. This limit applies to all frequency
If a lower reference than this value is input, the drive will run at the d2-02 level. If the drive is started with a lower reference
than d2-02, it will accelerate up to d2-02.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d2-02 Frequency Reference Lower Limit 0.0 to 110.0% 0.0%

Internal frequency
Frequency Reference Upper Limit

Frequency Reference Lower Limit


Set frequency reference

Figure 5.34 Frequency Reference: Upper and Lower Limits

n d2-03: Master Speed Reference Lower Limit

Unlike frequency reference lower limit (d2-02) which will affect the frequency reference no matter where it is sourced
from (i.e., analog input, preset speed, Jog speed, etc.), the master speed lower limit (d2-03) sets a lower limit that will only
affect the analog input (terminals A1 and A2) that is the active master speed frequency.

156 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.4 d: Reference Settings

Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency.

Note: The lower limits for the Jog frequency, multi-step speed settings, and 2-step speed settings do not change. When lower limits are set
to both the frequency reference (d2-02) and the main frequency reference (d2-03), the drive uses the greater of those two values as the
lower limit.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

d2-03 Master Speed Reference Lower Limit 0.0 to 110.0% 0.0%

u d3: Jump Frequency

n d3-01 to d3-04: Jump Frequencies 1, 2, 3, and Jump Frequency Width

In order to avoid continuous operation at a speed that causes resonance in driven machinery, the drive can be programmed
with three separate Jump frequencies that will not allow continued operation within specific frequency ranges. If the speed
reference falls within a Jump frequency dead band, the drive will clamp the frequency reference just below the dead band
and only accelerate past it when the frequency reference rises above the upper end of the dead band.
Setting parameters d3-01 through d3-03 to 0.0 Hz disables the Jump frequency function.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d3-01 Jump Frequency 1 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
d3-02 Jump Frequency 2 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
d3-03 Jump Frequency 3 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
d3-04 Jump Frequency Width 0.0 to 20.0 Hz 1.0 Hz
Figure 5.35 shows the relationship between the Jump frequency and the output frequency.


decreases Frequency
Width (d3-04)

Width (d3-04)


Parameter Details
Width (d3-04)

Jump Jump Jump Frequency

Frequency 3 Frequency 2 Frequency 1 reference
d3-03 d3-02 d3-01

Figure 5.35 Jump Frequency Operation

Note: 1. The drive will use the active accel/decel time to pass through the specified dead band range but will not allow continuous operation
in that range.
2. When using more than one Jump frequency, make sure that d3-01 ≥ d3-02 ≥ d3-03.

u d4: Frequency Hold and Up/Down 2 Function

n d4-01: Frequency Reference Hold Function Selection

This parameter is effective when either of the digital input functions listed below is used.
• Accel/decel ramp hold function (H1-oo= A)
• Up/Down function (H1-oo = 10 and 11, sets the frequency reference by digital inputs)
• Up/Down 2 function (H1-oo = 75/76, adds a bias to the frequency reference using digital inputs)
Parameter d4-01 determines whether the frequency reference or the frequency bias (Up/Down 2) value is saved when the
Run command is cleared or the power supply is shut down.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d4-01 Frequency Reference Hold Function Selection 0 or 1 0

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5.4 d: Reference Settings

The operation depends on with what function parameter d4-01 is used.

Setting 0: Disabled
• Acceleration Hold
The hold value will be reset to 0 Hz when the Run command is canceled or the drive power is switched off. The active
frequency reference will be the value the drive uses when it restarts.
• Up/Down
The frequency reference value will be reset to 0 Hz when the Run command is canceled or the drive power is switched
off. The drive will start from 0 Hz when restarted.
• Up/Down 2
The frequency bias is not saved when the Run command is switched off or 5 s after the Up/Down 2 command has been
released. The Up/Down 2 function will start with a bias of 0% when the drive is restarted.
Setting 1: Enabled
• Acceleration Hold
The last hold value will be saved when the Run command or the drive power is switched off. The drive will use the value
that was saved as the frequency reference when it restarts. The accel/decel hold input must be enabled the entire time or
else the hold value will be cleared.
Power supply

Forward Run / Stop

Hold Accel/Decel

Frequency reference

Output frequency d4-01 = 1

d4-01 = 0

Hold Hold

Figure 5.36 Frequency Reference Hold with Accel/Decel Hold Function

• Up/Down
The frequency reference value will be saved when the Run command or the drive power is switched off. The drive will
use the frequency reference that was saved when it restarts.
• Up/Down 2 with Frequency Reference from Digital Operator
When the digital operator is selected as the frequency reference source, the bias will be added to the frequency reference
that was selected 5 s after the Up/Down 2 command has been released, and then reset to 0 afterwards. The new frequency
reference value is then saved. When the Run command or the power supply is switched off, the drive will use the value
that was when it restarts.

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5.4 d: Reference Settings

Bias is added to frequency

reference and reset to 0


Bias 5s

Up 2 command

Figure 5.37 Up/Down 2 Example with Reference from Digital Operator and d4-01 = 1

• Up/Down 2 with Frequency Reference from Other Input Sources

When the frequency reference is set by an another source than the digital operator, the bias value will be saved in
parameter d4-06 exactly 5 s after the Up/Down 2 command has been released. When the Run command is turned off or
the power is switched off, the drive will use the value saved in d4-06 when it restarts.
Bias is saved in parameter d4-06

d4-06 value

5s Parameter Details
5s 5

Up 2 command

Figure 5.38 Up/Down 2 Example with Other Reference than Digital Operator and d4-01 = 1

Note: Make sure to set the Up/Down 2 limits properly when using d4-01 = 1 in combination with the Up/Down 2 function. Refer to d4-08:
Frequency Reference Bias Upper Limit (Up/Down 2) on page 161 and Refer to d4-09: Frequency Reference Bias Lower Limit (Up/
Down 2) on page 162 for details on the limit settings.
Clearing the Value that was Saved
Depending on which function is used, the frequency reference value that was saved can be cleared by:
• Releasing the acceleration hold input.
• Setting an Up or Down command while no Run command is active.

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5.4 d: Reference Settings

n d4-03: Frequency Reference Bias Step (Up/Down 2)

Sets the bias that is added to or subtracted from the frequency reference by the Up/Down 2 function.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d4-03 Frequency Reference Bias Step 0.00 to 99.99 Hz 0.00 Hz
The operation depends on the set value:
Setting d4-03 = 0.0 Hz
While the Up 2 or Down 2 command is enabled, the bias value is increased or decreased using the accel/decel time
determined by parameter d4-04.


Bias value is increased using the

accel/decel times as set in d4-04


Up 2 command

Figure 5.39 Up/Down 2 Bias when d4-03 = 0.0 Hz

Setting d4-03 > 0.0 Hz

When an Up 2 or Down 2 command is enabled, the bias is increased or decreased in steps for the value set in d4-03. The
frequency reference changes with the accel/decel times determined by parameter d4-04.


Bias value is increased in steps as

defined in d4-03
Drive uses accel/decel times as
set in d4-04

Up 2 command

Figure 5.40 Up/Down 2 Bias when d4-03 > 0.0 Hz

n d4-04: Frequency Reference Bias Accel/Decel (Up/Down 2)

Parameter d4-04 determines the accel/decel times that are used for increasing/decreasing the frequency reference or bias
when the Up/Down 2 function is used.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d4-04 Frequency Reference Bias Accel/Decel 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Current Accel/Decel Time
The drive uses the currently active accel/decel time.
Setting 1: Accel/Decel Time 4
The drive uses accel/decel time 4 set to parameters C1-07 and C1-08.

160 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.4 d: Reference Settings

n d4-05: Frequency Reference Bias Operation Mode Selection (Up/Down 2)

Determines if the bias value is held or not when the Up/Down 2 inputs are both released or both enabled. The parameter
is effective only when parameter d4-03 is set to 0.00.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d4-05 Frequency Reference Bias Operation Mode Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Hold Bias Value
The bias value will be held if no input Up 2 or Down 2 is active.
Setting 1: Reset Bias Value
The bias is reset to 0% when both inputs Up 2 and Down 2 are either on or off. The drive will use the accel/decel time as
selected in d4-04 to accelerate or decelerate to the frequency reference value.
n d4-06: Frequency Reference Bias (Up/Down 2)
This parameter is used to save the frequency reference bias value set by the Up/Down 2 function. It is set as a percentage
of the maximum output frequency. The function of d4-06 depends on how the Up/Down 2 function is configured.
• This parameter is not normally used when the frequency reference is set by the digital operator. The user can set d4-06
to a certain value that will be applied when the operation is started, but it will be reset when the frequency reference
changes (including multi-step references) or will be disabled when d4-01 = 0 and the Run command is removed.
• When d4-01 = 0 and the frequency reference is set by an analog or pulse input, the value set in d4-06 is generally added
to or subtracted from the frequency reference.
• When d4-01 = 1 and the frequency reference is set by a different source than the digital operator, the bias value adjusted
with the Up/Down 2 inputs is stored in d4-06 when 5 s have passed after the Up 2 or Down 2 command release.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d4-06 Frequency Reference Bias -99.9 to 100.0% 0.0%
Conditions that Generally Reset or Disable Parameter d4-06
• When the Up/Down 2 function has not been assigned to the multi-function terminals
• When the frequency reference source has been changed (including LOCAL/REMOTE or external reference 1/external
reference 2 switch over by digital inputs)
• If d4-03 = 0 Hz, d4-05 = 1 and the Up/Down 2 commands are both open or both closed
• Any changes to the maximum frequency set to E1-04
n d4-07: Analog Frequency Reference Fluctuation Limit (Up/Down 2)
This parameter is for handling changes in the frequency reference while the terminal set for Up 2 or Down 2 is enabled.
If the frequency reference changes for more than the level set to d4-07, then the bias value will be held, and the drive will
accelerate or decelerate following the frequency reference. When the frequency reference is reached, the bias hold is
released and the bias follows the Up/Down 2 input commands.

Parameter Details
Parameter d4-07 is applicable only if the frequency reference is set by an analog or pulse input.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
d4-07 Analog Frequency Reference Fluctuation Limit 0.1 to 100.0% 1.0%

n d4-08: Frequency Reference Bias Upper Limit (Up/Down 2) 5

Parameter d4-08 sets the upper limit of the Up/Down 2 bias (monitor U6-20) and the value that can be saved in parameter
d4-06. Set this parameter to an appropriate value before using the Up/Down 2 function.
Note: When the frequency reference is set by the digital operator (b1-01 = 0) and d4-01 = 1, the bias value will be added to the frequency
reference if no Up/Down 2 command is received for 5 s, and will be reset to 0 afterwards. From that point the bias can be increased up
to the limit set in d4-08 again.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

d4-08 Frequency Reference Bias Upper Limit 0.0 to 100.0% <1>

<1> Default setting is determined by the software version.

PRG: 1016 and later: 100.00%
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 0.00%

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5.4 d: Reference Settings

n d4-09: Frequency Reference Bias Lower Limit (Up/Down 2)

Parameter d4-08 sets the lower limit of the Up/Down 2 bias (monitor U6-20) and the value that can be saved in parameter
d4-06. Set this parameter to an appropriate value before using the Up/Down 2 function.
Note: When the frequency reference is set by the digital operator (b1-01 = 0) and d4-01 = 1, the bias value will be added to the frequency
reference if no Up/Down 2 command is received for 5 s, and will be reset to 0 afterwards. If the bias is increased using the Up 2
command, once it is added to the frequency reference the speed cannot be reduced with a Down 2 command if the limit set in d4-09 is
0. In this case make sure to set a negative lower limit in d4-09 to allow speed reduction.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

d4-09 Frequency Reference Bias Lower Limit -99.9 to 0.0% 0.0%

n d4-10: Up/Down Frequency Reference Limit Selection

Selects how the lower frequency limit is set when the Up/Down function is used. Refer to Setting 10/11: Up/Down
Command on page 181 for details on the Up/Down function in combination with frequency reference limits.
Setting 0: Lower Limit is Determined by d2-02 or Analog Input
The lower frequency reference limit is determined by the higher value of both, parameter d2-02 or an analog input that is
programmed for “Frequency Bias” (H3-02/10 = 0).
Note: If the external reference change over function (H1-oo = 2) used to switch between Up/Down function and analog input as reference
source, the analog value would become the lower reference limit when the Up/Down reference is active. Change d4-10 to 1 to make
the Up/Down function independent of the analog input value.
Setting 1: Lower Limit is Determined by Parameter d2-02
Only parameter d2-02 sets the lower frequency reference limit.

u d7: Offset Frequencies

n d7-01 to d7-03: Offset Frequency 1 to 3

Three different offset values can be added to the frequency reference. They can be selected using digital inputs programmed
for Offset frequency 1, 2 and 3 (H1-oo = 44, 45, 46). The selected offset values are added if two or all three inputs are
closed at the same time.
Note: This function can be used to replace the “Trim Control” function (H1-oo = 1C/1D) of earlier Yaskawa drives.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

d7-01 Offset Frequency 1 -100.0 to 100.0% 0%
d7-02 Offset Frequency 2 -100.0 to 100.0% 0%
d7-03 Offset Frequency 3 -100.0 to 100.0% 0%
Figure 5.41 illustrates the Offset Frequency Function.
Frequency SFS reference after
soft starter
input (44) = on
Offset Frequency 1 [d7-01]

input (45) = on
Offset Frequency 2 [d7-02]

input (46) = on
Offset Frequency 3 [d7-03]

Figure 5.41 Offset Frequency Operation

162 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

5.5 E: Motor Parameters

E parameters cover V/f pattern and motor data settings.

u E1: V/f Characteristics

n E1-01: Input Voltage Setting

Set the input voltage parameter to the nominal voltage of the AC power supply. This parameter adjusts the levels of some
protective features of the drive (overvoltage, Stall Prevention, etc.).
NOTICE: Set parameter E1-01 to match the input voltage of the drive. Drive input voltage (not motor voltage) must be set in E1-01 for
the protective features of the drive to function properly. Failure to comply could result in improper drive operation.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

E1-01 <1> Input Voltage Setting 155 to 255 V 200 V
<1> The setting range and default value shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double this for 400 V class units.
E1-01 Related Values
The input voltage setting determines the over-/undervoltage detection level and the operation levels of the braking transistor
as well as the KEB function and the overvoltage suppression function.
(Approximate Values)
Setting Value of ov Suppression /
Voltage BTR Desired DC Bus
E1-01 ov Detection Uv Detection Stall Prevention
Operation Voltage during KEB
Level Level (L2-05) Level
Level (L2-11) (L3-17)
190 V
200 V Class all settings 410 V 394 V (single-phase = 160 240 V 370 V
setting ≥ 400 V 820 V 788 V 380 V 480 V 740 V
400 V Class
setting < 400 V 740 V 708 V 350 V 440 V 660 V
Note: The braking transistor operation levels are valid for the drive internal braking transistor. If an external CDBR braking chopper is used,
refer to the instruction manual of that unit.

n V/f Pattern Settings

The drive utilizes a set V/f pattern to determine the appropriate output voltage level for each relative to the frequency
There are 15 different preset V/f patterns to select from with varying voltage profiles, saturation levels (frequency at which
maximum voltage is reached), and maximum frequencies. Additionally, one custom V/f pattern can be set up by
programming parameters E1-04 through E1-10.

Parameter Details
V/f Pattern Setup for V/f Control
1. Set the input voltage for the drive. Refer to E1-01: Input Voltage Setting on page 163.
2. Set the V/f pattern by:
a) choosing one of the 15 preset V/f patterns (E1-03 = 0 to E).
b) select the custom V/f pattern (E1-03 = F, default setting).
3. When using one of the 15 presets, E1-04 through E1-13 are automatically set. Refer to the description below.
For a custom V/f pattern, E1-04 through E1-13 must be adjusted manually. Refer to V/f Pattern Settings E1-04
to E1-13 on page 166.
Open Loop Vector Control Setup for IM and PM Motors
In OLV only the user defined V/f pattern can be used. Refer to V/f Pattern Settings E1-04 to E1-13 on page 166.
n E1-03: V/f Pattern Selection
This parameter can only be changed when the drive is operating in V/f Control. It allows the user to select the V/f pattern
from 15 predefined patterns or to create a custom V/f pattern.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection 0 to F F

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 163
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

Setting the V/f Pattern

Choose the V/f pattern that meets the application demands from the table below. Set the correct value to E1-03. The V/f
parameters E1-04 to E1-13 can only be monitored, not changed.
Note: 1. Setting an improper V/f pattern may result in low motor torque or increased current due to overexcitation.
2. Parameter E1-03 is not reset when the drive is initialized.
Table 5.16 Predefined V/f Patterns
Setting Specification Characteristic Application
0 50 Hz
60 Hz
1 For general purpose applications. Torque remains
(default setting) Constant torque constant regardless of changes to speed.
2 60 Hz (with 50 Hz base)
3 72 Hz (with 60 Hz base)
4 50 Hz, Heavy Duty 2
5 50 Hz, Heavy Duty 1 For fans, pumps, and other applications that require
Derated torque
6 60 Hz, Heavy Duty 1 torque derating relative to the load.
7 60 Hz, Heavy Duty 2
8 50 Hz, mid starting torque Select high starting torque when:
9 50 Hz, high starting torque • Wiring between the drive and motor exceeds
High starting torque 150 m
A 60 Hz, mid starting torque
• A large amount of starting torque is required
B 60 Hz, high starting torque • An AC reactor is installed
C 90 Hz (with 60 Hz base)
When operating at greater than 60 Hz the output
D 120 Hz (with 60 Hz base) Constant output voltage will be constant.
E 180 Hz (with 60 Hz base)

The following tables show details on predefined V/f patterns.

The following graphs are for 200 V class drives; double the values for 400 V class drives.
Predefined V/f Patterns for 0.1 to 3.7 kW Drives
Table 5.17 Constant Torque Characteristics, Settings 0 to 3
60 Hz
Setting = 0 50 Hz Setting = 1 Setting = 2 60 Hz Setting = 3 72 Hz
200 200 200 200
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

16 16 16 16
12 12 12 12
0 1.3 2.5 50 0 1.5 3 60 0 1.5 3 50 60 0 1.5 3 60 72
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Table 5.18 Derated Torque Characteristics, Settings 4 to 7

Setting = 4 50 Hz Setting = 5 50 Hz Setting = 6 60 Hz Setting = 7 60 Hz
200 200 200 200
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

50 50
35 35
9 9
8 8
0 1.3 25 50 0 1.3 25 50 0 1.5 30 60 0 1.5 30 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Table 5.19 High Starting Torque, Settings 8 to B

Setting = 8 50 Hz Setting = 9 50 Hz Setting = A 60 Hz Setting = B 60 Hz
200 200 200 200
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

24 24
19 19
13 15
12 12
0 1.3 2.5 50 0 1.3 2.5 50 0 1.5 3 60 0 1.5 3 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

164 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

Table 5.20 Rated Output Operation, Settings C to F

Setting = C 90 Hz Setting = D 120 Hz Setting = E 180 Hz Setting = F 60 Hz
200 200 200 200

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
16 16 16 16
12 12 12 12
0 1.5 3 60 90 0 1.5 3 60 120 0 1.5 3 60 180 0 1.5 3 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Predefined V/f Patterns for 5.5 to 18.5 kW Drives

The following graphs are for 200 V class drives. Double values when using a 400 V class drive.
Table 5.21 Rated Torque Characteristics, Settings 0 to 3
Setting = 0 50 Hz Setting = 1 60 Hz Setting = 2 60 Hz Setting = 3 72 Hz
200 200 200 200

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

14 14 14 14
7 7 7 7
0 1.3 2.5 50 0 1.5 3 60 0 1.5 3 50 60 0 1.5 3 60 72
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Table 5.22 Derated Torque Characteristics, Settings 4 to 7

Setting = 4 50 Hz Setting = 5 50 Hz Setting = 6 60 Hz Setting = 7 60 Hz
200 200 200 200
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

50 50
35 35
7 7
6 6
0 1.3 25 50 0 1.3 25 50 0 1.5 30 60 0 1.5 30 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Table 5.23 High Starting Torque, Settings 8 to B

Setting = 8 50 Hz Setting = 9 50 Hz Setting = A 60 Hz Setting = B 60 Hz
200 200 200 200
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

23 23
18 18
11 13
9 9

Parameter Details
0 1.3 2.5 50 0 1.3 2.5 50 0 1.5 3 60 0 1.5 3 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Table 5.24 Constant Output, Settings C to F

Setting = C 90 Hz Setting = D 120 Hz Setting = E 180 Hz Setting = F 60 Hz
200 200 200 200

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)

14 14 14 14
7 7 7 7
0 1.5 3 60 90 0 1.5 3 60 120 0 1.5 3 60 180 0 1.5 3 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Setting a Custom V/f Pattern

Setting parameter E1-03 to “F” allows to set up a custom V/f pattern by changing parameters E1-04 to E1-13.
When E1-03 is changed to “F”, the default values for parameters E1-04 to E1-13 will be equal to V/f pattern 1 of the
predefined patterns.

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5.5 E: Motor Parameters

n V/f Pattern Settings E1-04 to E1-13

Using parameters E1-04 through E1-13, the user can either monitor the V/f pattern values if E1-03 =< 15 or set up a custom
V/f pattern as shown in Figure 5.42 when E1-03 = F.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency 40.0 to 400.0 Hz <5> <1> <6>

E1-05 Maximum Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <2> <1>

E1-06 Base Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz <5> <1> <6>

E1-07 Middle Output Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz <1> <6>

E1-08 Middle Output Frequency Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <2> <1>

E1-09 <3> Minimum Output Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz <5> <1> <6>

E1-10 Minimum Output Frequency Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <2> <1>

E1-11 Middle Output Frequency 2 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz

E1-12 Middle Output Frequency Voltage 2 0.0 to 255.0 V <2> 0.0 V
E1-13 <4> Base Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 Hz 0.0 V
<1> Default setting is determined by the control mode.
<2> Values shown are for 200 V class drives; double the value when using 400 V class drives.
<3> In OLV for PM E1-09 specifies the start frequency for short circuit braking at stop. Refer to b2-13: Short Circuit Brake Time at Stop on page
125 for details.
<4> When E1-13 is set to 0.0 V, the drive uses the value set in E1-05 to control the voltage.
<5> Default setting is determined by E5-01 in OLV/PM. When E5-01 is set to FFFFH, the setting range for E1-04 and E1-06 is 10.0 to 40.0 Hz
and the setting range for E1-09 is 0.0 to 400.0 Hz.
<6> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA). Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.

Output Voltage (V)

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.42 V/f Pattern

Note: 1. The following condition must be true when setting up the V/f pattern: E1-09 ≤ E1-07 < E1-06 ≤ E1-11 ≤ E1-04
2. Setting E1-11 to 0 disables both E1-11 and E1-12 and the above conditions do not apply.
3. To make the V/f pattern a straight line set E1-09 = E1-07. In this case the E1-08 setting is disregarded.
4. E1-03 is unaffected when the drive is initialized using parameter A1-03, but the settings for E1-04 through E1-13 are returned to
their default values.

u E2: Motor 1 Parameters

These parameters contain the most important motor data needed for optimal motor control. The parameters are set
automatically during Auto-Tuning. Set the parameters manually when Auto-Tuning cannot be performed.
n E2-01: Motor Rated Current
Set E2-01 to the full load amps (FLA) stamped on the motor nameplate. During Auto-Tuning the value must be entered
to parameter T1-04. If Auto-Tuning completes successfully, the value entered will automatically be saved to E2-01.

166 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

10% to 200% of the drive Depending on
E2-01 Motor Rated Current rated current. o2-04
(unit: 0.01 A)
Note: 1. Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.
2. Change E2-01 only after changing the value set to E2-03. Setting E2-01 < E2-03 will trigger an oPE02 error.

n E2-02: Motor Rated Slip

Sets the motor rated slip in Hz. This value is automatically set during Rotational Auto-Tuning.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E2-02 Motor Rated Slip 0.00 to 20.00 Hz o2-04
If Auto-Tuning cannot be performed calculate the motor rated slip using the information written on the motor nameplate
and the formula below:
E2-02 = f - (n x p)/120
(f: rated frequency (Hz), n: rated motor speed (r/min), p: number of motor poles)
n E2-03: Motor No-Load Current
Set E2-03 to the motor no-load current at rated voltage and rated frequency. If Rotational Auto-Tuning completes
successfully, this value is automatically calculated. If Auto-Tuning cannot be performed, contact the motor manufacturer
for information about the no-load current.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
0 to [E2-01] Depending on
E2-03 Motor No-Load Current (unit: 0.01 A) o2-04
Note: Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.

n E2-04: Number of Motor Poles

Set the number of motor poles to E2-04. This value must be entered during Auto-Tuning, and will automatically be saved
to E2-04 if Auto-Tuning completes successfully.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E2-04 Number of Motor Poles 2 to 48 poles 4 poles

n E2-05: Motor Line-to-Line Resistance

Parameter Details
Sets the line-to-line resistance of the motor stator winding. If the Auto-Tuning completes successfully, this value is
automatically calculated. Remember this value must be entered as line-line and not line-neutral.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E2-05 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance 0.000 to 65.000 Ω o2-04
Note: The setting range becomes 0.00 to 130.00 when using BA0002, 2A0002, 4A0001 and smaller. 5
If Auto-Tuning is not possible, then contact the motor manufacturer to find out the line-to-line resistance or measure it
manually. When using the manufacturer Motor Test Report, calculate E2-05 by the formulas below.
• E-type insulation: Multiply 0.92 times the resistance value (Ω) listed on the Test Report at 75 °C
• B-type insulation: Multiply 0.92 times the resistance value (Ω) listed on the Test Report at 75 °C.
• F-type insulation: Multiply 0.87 times the resistance value (Ω) listed on the Test Report at 115 °C.
n E2-06: Motor Leakage Inductance
Sets the voltage drop due to motor leakage inductance as a percentage of motor rated voltage.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E2-06 Motor Leakage Inductance 0.0 to 40.0% o2-04

n E2-07: Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1

This parameter sets the motor iron saturation coefficient at 50% of the magnetic flux. If Rotational Auto-Tuning completes
successfully, then this value is automatically calculated.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 167
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

E2-07 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1 0.00 to 0.50 0.50

n E2-08: Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2

This parameter sets the motor iron saturation coefficient at 75% of the magnetic flux. If Rotational Auto-Tuning completes
successfully, then this value is automatically calculated.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E2-08 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2 E2-07 to 0.75 0.75

n E2-09: Motor Mechanical Loss

This parameter sets to the motor mechanical loss as a percentage of motor rated power (kW) capacity.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E2-09 Motor Mechanical Loss 0.0 to 10.0% 0.0%
Adjust this setting in the following circumstances:
• When there is a large amount of torque loss due to motor bearing friction.
• When there is a large amount of torque loss in a fan or pump application.
The setting for the mechanical loss is added to the torque.
n E2-10: Motor Iron Loss for Torque Compensation
This parameter sets the motor iron loss in watts.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss for Torque Compensation 0 to 65535 W o2-04

n E2-11: Motor Rated Power

This parameter sets the motor rated power in kW. During Auto-Tuning the value must entered to parameter T1-02. If Auto-
Tuning completes successfully, the value entered will automatically be saved to E2-11.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E2-11 Motor Rated Power 0.00 to 650.00 kW o2-04

n E2-12: Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3

This parameter sets the motor iron saturation coefficient at 130% of the magnetic flux.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E2-12 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3 1.30 to 5.00 1.30

u E3: V/f Characteristics for Motor 2

These parameters set the V/f pattern used for motor 2. Refer to Setting 16: Motor 2 Selection on page 183 for details on
switching motors.
n E3-01: Motor 2 Control Mode Selection
Selects the control mode for motor 2. Motor 2 cannot be used in OLV/PM control mode.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E3-01 Motor 2 Control Mode Selection 0 or 2 0
Setting 0: V/f Control

Setting 2: Open Loop Vector Control

n E3-04 to E3-13
Parameters E3-04 through E3-13 set up the V/f pattern used for motor 2 like shown in Figure 5.43.

168 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

E3-04 Motor 2 Max Output Frequency 40.0 to 400.0 Hz 60.0 Hz <3>
E3-05 Motor 2 Max Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <1> 200.0 V <1>
E3-06 Motor 2 Base Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 60.0 Hz <3>
E3-07 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz <2> <3>

E3-08 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <1> <2>

E3-09 Motor 2 Minimum Output Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz <2> <3>

E3-10 Motor 2 Minimum Output Frequency Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <1> <2>

E3-11 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency 2 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz

E3-12 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency Voltage 2 0.0 to 255.0 V <1> 0.0 Vac
E3-13 Motor 2 Base Voltage 0.0 to 255.0 V <1> 0.0 Vac
<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Multiply voltage values by 1.15 for U-spec drives. Double the value when using 400 V class
<2> Default setting is determined by the control mode for motor 2.
<3> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA) .Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.
Output (V)




E3-09 E3-07 E3-06 E3-11 E3-04

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.43 V/f Pattern for Motor 2

Note: 1. The following condition must be true when setting up the V/f pattern: E3-09 ≤ E3-07 ≤ E3-06 ≤ E3-11 ≤ E3-04
2. To make the V/f pattern a straight line set E3-09 = E3-07. In this case the E3-08 setting is disregarded.

Parameter Details
u E4: Motor 2 Parameters
E4 parameters contain the motor data for motor 2. These parameters are usually set automatically during the Auto-Tuning
process. They may need to be set manually if there is a problem performing Auto-Tuning.
n E4-01: Motor 2 Rated Current 5
Set E4-01 to the full load amps (FLA) stamped on the nameplate of motor 2. During Auto-Tuning the value must be entered
to parameter T1-04. If Auto-Tuning completes successfully, the value entered will automatically be saved to E4-01.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
10 to 200% of the drive rated Depending on
E4-01 Motor 2 Rated Current current. o2-04
Note: Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.

n E4-02: Motor 2 Rated Slip

This parameter sets the motor 2 rated slip frequency. The drive calculates this value automatically during Rotational Auto-
For information on calculating the motor rated slip, see the description for E2-02.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 169
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

Depending on
E4-02 Motor 2 Rated Slip 0.00 to 20.00 Hz o2-04

n E4-03: Motor 2 Rated No-Load Current

Set E4-03 to the motor no-load current at rated voltage and rated frequency. If Rotational Auto-Tuning completes
successfully, this value is automatically calculated. If Auto-Tuning cannot be performed contact the motor manufacturer
for information about the no-load current.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E4-03 Motor 2 Rated No-Load Current 0 to [E4-01] o2-04
Note: Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.

n E4-04: Motor 2 Motor Poles

Set the pole number of motor 2 to E4-04. During Auto-Tuning the value must entered to parameter T1-06. If Auto-Tuning
completes successfully, the entered value will automatically be saved to E4-04.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E4-04 Motor 2 Motor Poles 2 to 48 4

n E4-05: Motor 2 Line-to-Line Resistance

Sets the line-to-line resistance of motor 2 stator winding. If the Auto-tuning completes successfully, this value is
automatically calculated. Remember this value must be entered as line-line and not line-neutral.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E4-05 Motor 2 Line-to-Line Resistance 0.000 to 65.000 Ω o2-04
Note: The setting range is 0.00 to 130.00 when using a drive capacity of 0.2 kW or less.
Refer to E2-05: Motor Line-to-Line Resistance on page 167 to manually enter this parameter setting.
n E4-06: Motor 2 Leakage Inductance
Sets the voltage drop due to motor leakage inductance of motor 2. The value is set as a percentage of the rated voltage.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E4-06 Motor 2 Leakage Inductance 0.0 to 40.0% o2-04

n E4-07: Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1

Sets the motor 2 iron saturation coefficient at 50% of magnetic flux. This value is automatically set during Rotational
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E4-07 Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1 0.00 to 0.50 0.50

n E4-08: Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2

Sets the motor iron saturation coefficient at 75% of magnetic flux. This value is automatically set during Rotational Auto-
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E4-08 Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2 [E4-07] to 0.75 0.75

n E4-09: Motor 2 Mechanical Loss

Sets the motor mechanical loss as a percentage of motor rated power (kW).
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E4-09 Motor 2 Mechanical Loss 0.00 to 10.0% 0.0%
This parameter seldom needs to be changed, but may need to be adjusted in the following circumstances:
• When there is a large amount of torque loss due to motor bearing friction.
• When there is a large amount of torque loss in a fan or pump application.

170 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

n E4-10: Motor 2 Iron Loss

Sets the motor 2 iron loss in watts.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E4-10 Motor 2 Iron Loss 0 to 65535 W o2-04

n E4-11: Motor 2 Rated Power

Sets the motor 2 rated power. During Auto-Tuning the value must entered to parameter T1-02. If Auto-Tuning completes
successfully, the entered value will automatically be saved to E4-11.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E4-11 Motor 2 Rated Power 0.00 to 650.00 kW o2-04

n E4-12: Motor 2 Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3

Sets the motor 2 iron saturation coefficient at 130% of magnetic flux.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E4-12 Motor 2 Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3 1.30 to 5.00 1.30

n E4-14: Motor 2 Slip Compensation Gain

Instead of C3-01 the value of E4-14 is used as gain for slip compensation when motor 2 is selected. Refer to C3-01: Slip
Compensation Gain on page 146 for details and setting instructions.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E4-14 Motor 2 Slip Compensation Gain 0.0 to 2.50 E3-01

n E4-15: Motor 2 Torque Compensation Gain

Instead of C4-01 the value of E4-15 is used as gain for torque compensation when motor 2 is selected. Refer to C4-01:
Torque Compensation Gain on page 147 for details and setting instructions.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
E4-15 Motor 2 Torque Compensation Gain 0.0 to 2.50 1.00

u E5: PM Motor Settings

These parameters set the motor data of a PM motor used in OLV for PM (A1-02 = 5).

Parameter Details
When Yaskawa motors are used, entering the motor code written on the motor nameplate will set up the E5-oo parameters.
For all other PM motors, the data must be entered manually.
n E5-01: PM Motor Code Selection
Set the motor code for the PM motor being used. Depending on the motor code entered, the drive automatically sets several
parameters to appropriate values. Refer to Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection on page 396 for
details on the supported motor codes and their parameter settings. 5
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-01 PM Motor Code Selection 0000 to FFFF o2-04
Note: 1. This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using parameter A1-03.
2. The default setting is for a Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM Motor with a speed rating of 1800 r/min.
3. Changing the motor code setting resets all E5-oo settings to their default values.
4. Set to “FFFF” when using a non-Yaskawa PM motor or one that is not supported by the motor code settings.
Figure 5.44 explains the motor code setting.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 171
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

Motor Voltage Class
and Capacity

0: Pico Motor 0: 1800 r/min Series

(SMRA Series) 1: 3600 r/min Series
1: Derated Torque for IPM 2: 1750 r/min Series
Motors 3: 1450 r/min Series
(SSR 1 Series) 4: 1150 r/min Series
F: Special Motor

Figure 5.44 PM Motor Code

n E5-02: Motor Rated Power (PM OLV)

Sets the rated power of the motor.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-02 Motor Rated Power 0.10 to 18.50 kW E5-01
Note: This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n E5-03: Motor Rated Current (PM OLV)

Sets the motor rated current in amps.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
10 to 200% of drive rated Depending on
E5-03 Motor Rated Current current E5-01
Note: 1. Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.
2. This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n E5-04: Number of Motor Poles (PM OLV)

Sets the number of motor poles.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-04 Number of Motor Poles 2 to 48 E5-01
Note: This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n E5-05: Motor Stator Resistance (PM OLV)

Set the resistance for each motor phase (not line-to-line resistance). When measuring the resistance manually make sure
to enter the resistance of one phase into E5-05.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-05 Motor Stator Resistance 0.000 to 65.000 Ω E5-01
Note: This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n E5-06: Motor d Axis Inductance (PM OLV)

Sets the d axis inductance in units of 0.01 mH. Contact the motor manufacturer for d-axis inductance. If an LCR meter is
available, enter half the value of the measurement taken.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-06 Motor d Axis Inductance 0.00 to 300.00 mH E5-01
Note: This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n E5-07: Motor q Axis Inductance (PM OLV)

Sets the q axis inductance in units of 0.01 mH. Contact the motor manufacturer for d-axis inductance. If an LCR meter is
available, enter half the value of the measurement taken.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-07 Motor q Axis Inductance 0.00 to 600.00 mH E5-01
Note: This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

172 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.5 E: Motor Parameters

n E5-09: Motor Induction Voltage Constant 1 (PM OLV)

Set the induced phase peak voltage in units of 0.1 mV/(rad/s) [electrical angle]. Set this parameter when using an SSR1
series IPM motor with derated torque or an SST4 series motor with constant torque.
When E5-01 is set to “FFFF” use either E5-09 or E5-24 for setting the voltage constant.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
E5-09 Motor Induction Voltage Constant 1 0.0 to 2000.0 mV/(rad/s) E5-01
Note: 1. Ensure that E5-24 = 0 when setting parameter E5-09. An alarm will be triggered, however, if both E5-09 and E5-24 are set 0, or if
neither parameter is set to 0.
2. This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n E5-24: Motor Induction Voltage Constant 2 (PM OLV)

Set the induced phase-to-phase rms voltage in units of 0.1 mV/(r/min) [mechanical angle]. Set this parameter to 0 when
using an SMRA Series SPM Motor.
When E5-01 is set to “FFFF” use either E5-09 or E5-24 for setting the voltage constant.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
<1> Depending on
E5-24 Motor Induction Voltage Constant 2 (PM OLV) E5-01
<1> Range depends on the drive software version.
PRG: 1018 and later: 0.0 to 6500.0 mV/(r/min)
PRG: 1017 and earlier: 0.0 to 2000.0 mV/(r/min)
Note: 1. If E5-03 is not set to 0, then setting both E5-09 and E5-24 to 0, or setting neither E5-09 nor E5-24 to 0, will trigger an oPE08 error.
However, if E5-03 is set to 0, setting both E5-09 and E5-24 to 0 will not trigger the error.
2. This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized using A1-03.
3. The values for the electrical and mechanical angle should be set using the same units specified by the manufacturer of the motor.

n E5-39: Current Detection Delay Time

Sets the current detection delay time of d-Axis and q-Axis current feedback calculation.
Changing this parameter from the default setting is not normally required.
Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.

No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default

E5-39 Current Detection Delay Time -1000 to 1000 µs 0 µs

Parameter Details

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 173
5.6 F: Option Settings

5.6 F: Option Settings

u F1: Error Detection for V/f Control with PG

A one-track pulse signal can be connected to the drive pulse train input RP as speed feedback. Using this signal for slip
compensation improves the speed control accuracy. This function is only available for motor 1.
The F1 parameters determine how the error detection for the speed feedback signal works. Refer to C5: Automatic Speed
Regulator (ASR) on page 148 for details on how to activate and tune the function.
n Operation at PG Fault Detection
The drive lets the user select from one of four possible operations when a fault occurs with the PG encoder. The operation
can be set up separately for each fault using parameters F1-02/03/04. The table below list the stopping methods and the
parameter setting values.
Table 5.25 Stopping Methods for PGo, oS, dEv Detection
Description Setting
Ramp to Stop (uses the deceleration time set to C1-02) 0
Coast to Stop 1
Fast-stop (uses the Fast-stop time set to C1-09) 2
Alarm only 3
NOTICE: Setting = 3: Alarm only will provide an alarm only while continuing to run the motor during abnormal PG fault conditions. This
may cause damage to machinery. Use caution when selecting this setting.

n F1-02: Operation Selection at PG Open Circuit (PGo)

Sets the stopping method when a PG open circuit fault (PGo) occurs. Refer to Table 5.25 for setting explanations.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F1-02 Operation Selection at PG Open Circuit (PGo) 0 to 3 1

n F1-03: Operation Selection at Overspeed

Sets the stopping method when an overspeed (oS) fault occurs. Refer to Table 5.25 for setting explanations.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F1-03 Operation Selection at Overspeed (oS) 0 to 3 1

n F1-04: Operation Selection at Deviation

Sets the stopping method when a speed deviation (dEv) fault occurs. Refer to Table 5.25 for setting explanations.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F1-04 Operation Selection at Deviation (dEv) 0 to 3 3

n F1-08/F1-09: Overspeed Detection Level/Delay Time

F1-08 sets the detection level for an overspeed (oS) fault as a percentage of the maximum output frequency. The speed
feedback has to exceed this level for longer than the time set in F1-09 before a fault is detected.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F1-08 Overspeed Detection Level 0 to 120% 115%
F1-09 Overspeed Detection Delay Time 0.0 to 2.0 s 1.0 s

n F1-10/F1-11: Excessive Speed Deviation Detection Level/Delay Time

F1-10 sets the detection level for a speed deviation (dEv) fault as a percentage of the maximum output frequency. The
speed feedback has to exceed this level for longer than the time set in F1-11 before a fault is detected. Speed deviation is
the difference between actual motor speed and the frequency reference command.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F1-10 Excessive Speed Deviation Detection Level 0 to 50% 10%
F1-11 Excessive Speed Deviation Detection Delay Time 0.0 to 10.0 s 0.5 s

174 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.6 F: Option Settings

n F1-14: PG Open-Circuit Detection Time

Sets the time required to detect PGo if no pulse signal is present at terminal RP.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F1-14 PG Open-Circuit Detection Time 0.0 to 10.0 s 2.0 s

u F6: Serial Communications Option Card Settings

These parameters configure communication option cards and communication fault detection methods.
n F6-01: Communications Error Operation Selection
Determines drive operation if a communication error occurs.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F6-01 Communications Error Operation Selection 0 to 5 1
Setting 0: Ramp to Stop Using Current Accel/Decel Time

Setting 1: Coast to Stop

Setting 2: Fast-stop Using C1-09

Setting 3: Alarm Only, Continue Operation

Setting 4: Alarm and Run at d1-04

Note: Take proper safety measures, such as installing an emergency stop switch, as the drive will continue operation when detecting an bUS
Setting 5: Alarm and Ramp to stop

n F6-02: External Fault from Comm. Option Detection Selection

Determines the detection method of an external fault initiated by a communication option (EF0).
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F6-02 External Fault from Comm. Option Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Always Detected

Setting 1: Detection During Run Only

n F6-03: External Fault from Comm. Option Operation Selection

Parameter Details
Determines the operation when an external fault is initiated by a communication option (EF0).
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F6-03 External Fault from Comm. Option Operation Selection 0 to 3 1
Setting 0: Ramp to Stop Using Current Accel/Decel Time

Setting 1: Coast to Stop 5

Setting 2: Fast-stop Using C1-09

Setting 3: Alarm Only, Continue Operation

n F6-07: NetRef/ComRef Function Selection

Selects how multi-step speed inputs are treated when the NetRef command is set.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F6-07 NetRef/ComRef Function Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Multi-Step Speed Operation Disabled
If the NetRef command is selected, multi-step speed input frequency references are disabled. This is the same as Yaskawa
F7 drives.

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5.6 F: Option Settings

Setting 1: Multi-Step Speed Operation Enabled

Multi-step speed inputs are active and can override the frequency reference from the communications option even when
the NetRef command is selected. This is the same as Yaskawa F7 drives.

176 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.6 F: Option Settings

n F6-08: Reset Communication Parameters

Determines whether communication-related parameters (F6-oo and F7-oo) are reset when the drive is initialized using
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F6-08 Reset Communication Parameters 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Do Not Reset Parameters F6-oo and F7-oo when the Drive Is Initialized with A1-03
Setting 1: Reset F6-oo and F7-oo when the Drive Is Initialized with A1-03
Note: F6-08 is not reset when the drive is initialized, but does determine whether initializing the drive with A1-03 resets communication
parameters F6-oo and F7-oo.

u CC-Link Parameters
Parameters F6-04, F6-10, F6-11, and F6-14 set up the drive to operate on a CC-Link network. Refer to the option manual
for details on parameter settings.

Parameters F6-20 through F6-26 set up the drive to operate on a MECHATROLINK-II network. Refer to the option manual
for details on parameter settings.

Parameters F6-20, F6-21, and F6-23 through F6-26 set up the drive to operate on a MECHATROLINK-III network. Refer
to the option manual for details on parameter settings.

u PROFIBUS-DP Parameters
Parameters F6-30 through F6-32 set up the drive to operate on a PROFIBUS-DP network. Refer to the option manual for
details on parameter settings.

u CANopen Parameters
Parameters F6-35 and F6-36 set up the drive to operate on a CANopen network. Refer to the option manual for details on
parameter settings.

u CompoNet Parameters
Parameters F6-40 and F6-41 set up the drive to operate on a CompoNet network. Refer to the option manual for details
on parameter settings.

Parameter Details
u DeviceNet Parameters
Parameters F6-50 through F6-63 set up the drive to operate on a DeviceNet network. Refer to the option manual for details
on parameter settings.

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

5.7 H: Terminal Functions

H parameters are used to assign functions to the external terminals.

u H1: Multi-Function Digital Inputs

n H1-01 to H1-07: Functions for Terminals S1 to S7

These parameters assign functions to the multi-function digital inputs. Settings 0 to 9F determine function for each terminal
and are explained below.
Note: 1. Terminals that are not used and terminals using the through-mode should be set to “F”.
2. Drive software versions PRG: 1013 and later require that the Forward run and Reverse Run commands be set simultaneously.

No. Parameter Name Default
H1-01 Digital Input S1 Function Selection 1 to 9F 40: Forward Run Command (2-wire sequence)
H1-02 Digital Input S2 Function Selection 1 to 9F 41: Reverse Run Command (2-wire sequence)
H1-03 Digital Input S3 Function Selection 0 to 9F 24: External Fault (N.O., always detected, coast to stop)
H1-04 Digital Input S4 Function Selection 0 to 9F 14: Fault Reset
H1-05 Digital Input S5 Function Selection 0 to 9F 3 (0) <1> : Multi-Step Speed Reference 1
H1-06 Digital Input S6 Function Selection 0 to 9F 4 (3) <1> : Multi-Step Speed Reference 2
H1-07 Digital Input S7 Function Selection 0 to 9F 6 (4) <1> : Jog Reference Selection
<1> Number appearing in parenthesis is the default value after performing a 3-Wire initialization.
Table 5.26 Digital Multi-Function Input Settings
Setting Function Page Setting Function Page
0 3-Wire Sequence 179 32 Multi-Step Speed Reference 4 185
1 LOCAL/REMOTE Selection 179 34 PID Soft Starter Cancel 185
2 External Reference 1/2 179 35 PID Input Level Selection 185
3 Multi-Step Speed Reference 1 40 Forward Run/Stop (2-wire sequence)
4 Multi-Step Speed Reference 2 180 41 Reverse Run/Stop (2-wire sequence)
5 Multi-Step Speed Reference 3 42 Run/Stop (2-Wire sequence 2)
6 Jog Reference Selection 180 43 FWD/REV (2-Wire sequence 2)
7 Accel/Decel Time 1 180 44 Offset Frequency 1 Addition
8 Baseblock Command (N.O.) 45 Offset Frequency 2 Addition 185
9 Baseblock Command (N.C.) 46 Offset Frequency 3 Addition
A Accel/Decel Ramp Hold 180 47 <1> Node Setup 185
B Drive Overheat Alarm (oH2) 180 60 DC Injection Braking Command 185
C Terminal A1/A2 Enable/Disable 180 61 External Speed Search Command 1
F Not used/Through Mode 181 62 External Speed Search Command 2
10 Up Command 65 KEB Ride-Thru 1 (N.C.)
181 186
11 Down Command 66 KEB Ride-Thru 1 (N.O.)
12 Forward Jog 67 Communications Test Mode 186
13 Reverse Jog 68 High-Slip Braking 186
14 Fault Reset 182 6A Drive Enable 186
15 Fast-Stop (N.O.) 182 75 Up 2 Command
16 Motor 2 Selection 183 76 Down 2 Command
17 Fast-stop (N.C.) 182 7A KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.C.)
18 Timer Function Input 183 7B KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.O.)
19 PID Disable 183 7C Short-Circuit Braking (N.O.)
1A Accel/Decel Time Selection 2 183 7D Short-Circuit Braking (N.C.)
1B Program Lockout 183 Forward/Reverse Detection (V/f Control with
7E 188
1E Reference Sample Hold 183 Simple PG Feedback)
20 to 2F External Fault 184 90 to 96 DriveWorksEZ Digital Inputs 1 to 7 188
30 PID Integral Reset 184 9F DriveWorksEZ Disable 188
31 PID Integral Hold 185
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.

178 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting 0: 3-Wire Sequence

When one of the digital inputs is programmed for 3-Wire control, that input becomes a forward/reverse directional input,
S1 becomes the Run command input, and S2 becomes the Stop command input.
The drive will start the motor when the Run input S1 is closed for longer than 50 ms. The drive will stop the operation
when the Stop input S2 is released. When the input programmed for 3-Wire sequence is open, the drive will be set for
forward direction. If the input is closed, the drive is set for reverse direction.
Note: When 3-Wire sequence is selected the Run and Stop command must be input at S1 and S2.
Stop Switch Run Switch DRIVE
(N.C.) (N.O.)
Run Command (Runs when Closed)
Stop Command (Stops when Open)
FWD/REV (Multi-Function Input)
(H1-05 = 0)
Sequence Input Common

Figure 5.45 3-Wire Sequence Wiring Diagram

Figure 5.61

2 ms min.

Run command Can be either ON or OFF

2 ms min.
Can be
Stop command
command OFF (forward) ON (reverse)

Motor speed

Stop Forward Reverse Stop Foward

Figure 5.46 3-Wire Sequence

Note: 1. The Run and Stop command must be open/closed for a short moment only to start and stop the drive.
2. If the Run command is active at power up and b1-17 = 0 (Run command at power up not accepted), the Run LED will flash to
indicate that protective functions are operating. If required by the application, set b1-17 to “1” to have the Run command issued
automatically as soon as the drive is powered up.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. The drive may start unexpectedly in reverse direction after power up if it is wired for 3-Wire
sequence but set up for 2-Wire sequence (default). When using 3-Wire sequence first set the drive properly (H1-oo = 0) and then
connect the control wires. Make sure b1-17 is set to “0” (drive does not accept Run command active at power up). When initializing the
drive use 3-Wire initialization. Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury from moving equipment.

Parameter Details
Setting 1: LOCAL/REMOTE Selection
This setting allows the input terminal to determine if the drive will run in LOCAL mode or REMOTE mode.
Status Description
Closed LOCAL: Frequency reference and Run command are input from the digital operator.
REMOTE: Frequency reference and Run command are input from the selected external reference in accordance with the b1-01
Open and b1-02 or b1-15 and b1-16 settings. 5
Note: 1. If one of the multi-function input terminals is set to for LOCAL/REMOTE, then the LO/RE key on the operator will be disabled.
2. When the drive is set to LOCAL, the LO/RE LED will light.
3. The default setting of the drive is not to allow switching between LOCAL and REMOTE during run. to Refer to b1-07: LOCAL/
REMOTE Run Selection on page 122 if this feature is required by the application.

Setting 2: External Reference 1/2 Selection

The external reference 1/external reference 2 selection function allows the user to switch between the frequency reference
and Run command source between external reference 1 and 2.
Status Description
Open External reference 1 is used (defined by parameters b1-01 and b1-02)
Closed External reference 2 is used (defined by parameters b1-15 and b1-16)
Note: The default setting of the drive is not to allow switching between external reference 1 and 2 during run. Refer to b1-07: LOCAL/
REMOTE Run Selection on page 122 if this feature is required by the application.

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting 3 to 5: Multi-Step Speed Reference 1 to 3

Used to switch Multi-Step Speed frequency references d1-01 to d1-08 by digital inputs. Refer to d1-01 to d1-17: Frequency
Reference 1 to 16 and Jog Reference on page 155 for details.
Setting 6: Jog Frequency Reference Selection
Used to select the Jog frequency set in parameter d1-17 as active frequency reference. Refer to d1-01 to d1-17: Frequency
Reference 1 to 16 and Jog Reference on page 155 for details.

Setting 7: Accel/Decel Time Selection 1

Used to switch between accel/decel times 1 and 2. Refer to C1-01 to C1-08: Accel/Decel Times 1 to 4 on page 142 for

Setting 8/9: External Baseblock (N.O.) and External Baseblock (N.C.)

Setting 8 or 9 assign the Baseblock command to digital input terminals. When the drive receives a Baseblock command,
the output transistor stop switching and the motor coasts to stop. During this time, the alarm “bb” will flash on the LED
operator to indicate baseblock. For more information on alarms, Refer to Alarm Detection on page 269. When baseblock
ends and a Run command is active, the drive performs Speed Search to get the motor running again (Refer to b3: Speed
Search on page 125 for details).
Setting 8 (N.O.) Setting 9 (N.C.)
Normal operation Open Closed
Baseblock (Interrupt output) Closed Open
NOTICE: If using baseblock in hoist applications, make sure the brake closes when the drive output is cut off by a Baseblock input.
Failure to do so will result in the motor suddenly coasting when the Baseblock command is entered, causing the load to slip.

Run command

ON release
Baseblock input

Begin Speed Search from the
previous frequency reference

Output frequency
Output off, motor coasts

Figure 5.47 Baseblock Operation During Run

Setting A: Accel/Decel Ramp Hold

When the digital input programmed for the Accel/Decel Ramp Hold function closes, the drive will lock ("hold") the output
frequency. All acceleration or deceleration will cease, and the drive will hold the current speed. Acceleration or deceleration
will resume once the input is opened again.
If the Accel/Decel Ramp Hold function is enabled (d4-01 = 1), the drive will save the output frequency to memory whenever
the Ramp Hold input is closed. When the drive is restarted after stop or after power supply interruption, the output frequency
that was saved will become the frequency reference (provided that the Accel/Decel Ramp Hold input is still closed). Refer
to d4-01: Frequency Reference Hold Function Selection on page 157 for details.
Setting B: Drive Overheat Alarm (oH2)
Triggers an oH2 alarm when the contact closes. Because this is an alarm, drive operation is not affected.
Setting C: Analog Inputs A1/A2 Enable
If a digital input programmed for this function is open, both analog inputs A1 and A2 are disabled. Close the input to
enable the inputs.
The drive disregards the input value selected by parameter H3-14 when this terminal closes.
Note: In drive software versions PRG: 1015 and earlier, input values to terminals A1 and A2 are both disregarded when this terminal closes.

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting F: Not Used/Through Mode

Any digital input that is not used should be set to F. When set to “F”, an input does not trigger any function in the drive.
Setting F, however, still allows the input status to be read out by a PLC via a communication option or MEMOBUS/
Modbus communications (through mode). This way external sensors can be connected to unused drive digital inputs, thus
reducing the need for separate PLC I/O units.
Setting 10/11: Up/Down Command
Using the Up/Down function allows the frequency reference to be set by two push buttons. One digital input must be
programmed as the Up input (H1-oo= 10) to increase the frequency reference, the other one must be programmed as the
Down input (H1-oo= 11) to decrease the frequency reference.
The Up/Down function has priority over the frequency references digital operator, analog inputs, and pulse input (b1-01
= 0, 1, 4). If the Up/Down function is used, then references provided by these sources will be disregarded.
The inputs operate as shown in the table below.
Up (10) Down (11)
Open Open Hold current frequency reference
Closed Open Increase frequency reference
Open Closed Decrease frequency reference
Closed Closed Hold current frequency reference
Note: 1. An oPE03 alarm will occur when only one of the functions Up/Down is programmed for a digital input.
2. An oPE03 alarm will occur if the Up/Down function is assigned to the terminals while another input is programmed for the Accel/
Decel Ramp Hold function. For more information on alarms, Refer to Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors on page 251.
3. The Up/Down function can only be used for External Reference 1 for parameter b1-01. This should be taken into account when
using Up/Down and the external reference parameter b1-15 switching command (H1-oo = 2).
Using the Up/Down Function with Frequency Reference Hold (d4-01)
• When the frequency reference hold function is disabled (d4-01 = 0), the Up/Down frequency reference will be reset to
0 when the Run command is cleared or the power is cycled.
• When d4-01 = 1, the drive will save the frequency reference set by the Up/Down function. When the Run command or
the power is cycled, the drive will restart with the reference value that was saved. The value that was saved can be reset
by closing either the Up or Down input without having a Run command active. Refer to d4-01: Frequency Reference
Hold Function Selection on page 157.
Using the Up/Down Function with Frequency Reference Limits
The upper frequency reference limit is determined by parameter d2-01.
The value for the lower frequency reference limit depends on the setting of parameter d4-10 and can be set by an analog
input or parameter d2-02. Refer to d4-10: Up/Down Frequency Reference Limit Selection on page 162 for details. When
a Run command is applied, the lower limits work as follows:
• If the lower limit is set by parameter d2-02 only, the drive will accelerate to this limit as soon as a Run command is

Parameter Details
• If the lower limit is determined by an analog input only, the drive will accelerate to the limit as long as the Run command
and an Up or Down command are active. It will not start running if only the Run command is on.
• If the lower limit is set by both an analog input and d2-02, and the analog limit is higher than the d2-02 value, the drive
will accelerate to the d2-02 value when a Run command is input. Once the d2-02 value is reached, it will continue
acceleration to the analog limit only if an Up or Down command is set.
Figure 5.48 shows an Up/Down function example with a lower frequency reference limit set by d2-02 and the frequency 5
reference hold function both enabled (d4-01 = 1) and disabled (d4-01 = 0).

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Output frequency
upper limit
Accelerates to
lower limit d4-01 = 1
d4-01 = 0
Lower limit

FWD run/stop ON

Up command
Down command

Power supply

Figure 5.48 Up/Down Command Operation

Setting 12/13: FJOG/RJOG Reference

Digital inputs programmed as Forward Jog (H1-oo = 12) and Reverse Jog (H1-oo = 13) will be Jog inputs that do not
require a Run command. Closing the terminal set for Forward Jog input will cause the drive to ramp to the Jog Frequency
Reference (d1-17) in the forward direction. The Reverse Jog will cause the same action in the reverse direction. The
Forward Jog and Reverse Jog command can be set independently.
Note: The Forward Jog and Reverse Jog commands override all other frequency references. However, if the drive is set to prohibit reverse
rotation (b1-04 = 1), then activating Reverse Jog will have no effect. If both the Forward Jog and Reverse Jog are input simultaneously
for 500 ms or more, an external fault will occur and the drive will stop using the method set by b1-03.





Figure 5.49 FJOG/RJOG Operation

Setting 14: Fault Reset

Whenever the drive detects a fault condition, the fault output contact will close and the drive’s output will shut off. The
motor then coasts to stop (specific stopping methods can be selected for some faults such as L1-04 for motor overheat).
Once the Run command is removed, the fault can be cleared by either the RESET key on the digital operator or by closing
a digital input configured as a Fault Reset (H1-oo = 14).
Note: Fault Reset commands are ignored as long as the Run command is present. To reset a fault, first remove the Run command.
Setting 15/17: Fast-stop (N.O./N.C.)
The Fast-stop function operates much like an emergency stop input to the drive. If a Fast-stop command is input while the
drive is running, the drive will decelerate to a stop by the deceleration time set to C1-09 (Refer to C1-09: Fast-stop
Time on page 143). The drive can only be restarted after is has come to a complete stop, the Fast-stop input is off, and the
Run command has been switched off.
• To trigger the Fast-stop function with a N.O. switch, set H1-oo = 15
• To trigger the Fast-stop function with a N.C. switch, set H1-oo = 17
Figure 5.50 shows an operation example of Fast-stop.

182 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.7 H: Terminal Functions



H1- = 17 ON ON

Decelerates at C1-09

Output Frequency

Figure 5.50 Fast-stop Sequence

NOTICE: Rapid deceleration can trigger an overvoltage fault. When faulted, the drive output shuts off, and the motor coasts. To avoid
this uncontrolled motor state and to ensure that the motor stops quickly and safely, set an appropriate Fast-stop time to C1-09.
Setting 16: Motor 2 Selection
The drive has the capability to control two motors independently. A second motor may be selected using a multi-function
digital input (H1-oo = 16) as shown in Figure 5.51.

Drive M Motor 1

Motor switch input

M Motor 2

Figure 5.51 Motor Selection

Motor 2 is selected when the input set for Motor 2 Selection closes. When operating motor 2,
• E3-oo and E4-oo become valid for motor control. Refer to E3: V/f Characteristics for Motor 2 on page 168 and
Refer to E4: Motor 2 Parameters on page 169 for details.
• Accel/decel times set in parameters C1-05/06/07/08 are activated ( Refer to C1-01 to C1-08: Accel/Decel Times 1 to
4 on page 142 for details).
• E4-14 is used as gain for slip compensation instead of C3-01.
• E4-15 is used as gain for torque compensation instead of C4-01.
• A digital output programmed for “Motor 2 Selection” (H2-01/02/03 = 1C) will be switched on.
Note: 1. When using 2 motors, the motor overload protection selection (oL1) set to L1-01 applies to both motor 1 and motor 2.

Parameter Details
2. It is not possible to switch between motor 1 and motor 2 during run. Doing so will trigger a "rUn" alarm.
Setting 18: Timer Function Input
This setting configures a digital input terminal as the input for the timer function. Refer to b4: Delay Timers on page
130 for details.
Setting 19: PID Control Cancel
When the PID Function has been enabled by b5-01 (PID Mode Selection), it can be indefinitely disabled by closing a
digital input configured as a PID Disable (H1-oo = 19). When the input is released, the drive resumes PID operation.
Refer to PID Block Diagram on page 133 for more information on this function.
Setting 1A: Accel/Decel Time Selection 2
Used to select accel/decel times 3 and 4 in combination with the Accel/Decel Time Selection 1 command. Refer to C1-01
to C1-08: Accel/Decel Times 1 to 4 on page 142 for details.
Setting 1B: Program Lockout
When an input is programmed for Program Lockout, parameters values can be monitored but not changed as long as this
input is open.
Setting 1E: Analog Frequency Reference Sample/Hold
This function allows the user to sample an analog frequency reference signal being input to terminal A1 or A2 and hold
the frequency reference at the sampled level. Once the Analog Frequency Reference Sample/Hold function is held for at
least 100 ms, the drive reads the analog input and changes the frequency reference to the newly sampled speed as illustrated
in Figure 5.52.
When the power is shut off and the sampled analog frequency reference is cleared, the frequency reference is reset to 0.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 183
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

g sig

ON (closed)

Reference OFF (open)

Sample Hold Input Time
100 ms 100 ms

Figure 5.52 Analog Frequency Reference Sample/Hold

An oPE03 error will occur when one of the following functions is used simultaneously with the Analog Frequency
Reference Sample/Hold function.
• Hold Accel/Decel Stop (setting: A)
• Up command, Down command (setting: 10, 11)
• Offset Frequency (setting: 44 to 46)
• Up or Down functions (setting: 75, 76)
Setting 20 to 2F: External Fault
By using the External Fault function, the drive can be stopped when problems occur with external devices.
To use the external fault function, set one of the multi-function digital inputs to any value between 20 to 2F. The operator
will display EFo where o is the number of the terminal (terminal So) to which the external fault signal is assigned.
For example, if an external fault signal is input to terminal S3, “EF3” will be displayed.
Select the value to be set in H1-oo from a combination of any of the following three conditions:
• Signal input level from peripheral devices (N.O./N.C.)
• External fault detection method
• Operation after external fault detection
The following table shows the relationship between the conditions and the value set to H1-oo:
Terminal Status <1> Detection Method <2> Stopping Method
Setting Detected Alarm Only
Always Ramp to Coast to Stop Fast-stop
N.O. N.C. during Run (continue
Detected Stop (fault) (fault) (fault)
only running)
20 O O O
21 O O O
22 O O O
23 O O O
24 O O O
25 O O O
26 O O O
27 O O O
28 O O O
29 O O O
2A O O O
2B O O O
2C O O O
2D O O O
2E O O O
2F O O O
<1> Determine the terminal status for each fault, i.e., whether the terminal is normally open or normally closed.
<2> Determine whether detection for each fault should be enabled only during run or always detected.

Setting 30: PID Integral Reset

By configuring one of the digital inputs as an Integral Reset Input, (H1-oo = 30), the value of the integral component of
PID control can be reset to 0 whenever the configured input is closed. The integral component of PID control will be held
at 0 as long as the configured digital input is held closed. Refer to PID Block Diagram on page 133 for details.

184 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting 31: PID Integral Hold

By configuring a digital input for Integral Hold (H1-0o = 31), the value of the integral component of the PID control is
locked as long as the input is active. The PID controller resumes integral operation from the hold value as soon as the
integral hold input is released. Refer to PID Block Diagram on page 133 for details.
Setting 32: Multi-Step Speed 4
Used to select the Multi-Step Speeds d1-09 to d1-16 in combination with the Multi-Step Speed inputs 1, 2 and 3. Refer
to d1-01 to d1-17: Frequency Reference 1 to 16 and Jog Reference on page 155 for details.
Setting 34: PID SFS Cancel
A digital input configured as a PID SFS Cancel input (H1-0o = 34) can be used to enable or disable the PID soft starter
and thereby canceling the Accel/Decel time b5-17. Refer to PID Block Diagram on page 133 for details.
Function 35: PID Input Level Selection
An input programmed for this function can be used to switch the sign of the PID input. Refer to PID Block Diagram on
page 133 for more information on this function.
Setting 40/41: Forward Run/Reverse Run Command for 2-Wire Sequence
Sets the drive for 2-Wire sequence.
When the input set to 40 is closed, the drive operates in the forward direction. When the input set for 41 is closed, the drive
will operate in reverse. Closing both inputs at the same time will result in an external fault.
Note: 1. This function cannot be used simultaneously with settings 42 and 43.
2. These functions are assigned to the terminals S1 and S2 when the drive is initialized for 2-Wire sequence.
3. Software versions PRG: 1013 and later require that both Forward run and Reverse Run commands be set at the same time.

Forward Run

Reverse Run

SC Digital Input Common

Figure 5.53 Example Wiring Diagram for 2-Wire Sequence

Setting 42/43: Run and Direction Command for 2-Wire Sequence 2

Sets the drive for 2-Wire sequence 2.
When the input programmed for 42 is closed, the drive will operate in the selected direction. When the input opens, the
drive will stop. The input programmed for 43 selects the direction. If it is open, forward direction is selected; if it is closed,

Parameter Details
reverse direction is selected.
Note: This function cannot be used simultaneously with settings 40 and 41.
Setting 44/45/46: Offset Frequency 1/2/3 Addition
These inputs can be used to add offset frequencies d7-01, d7-02, and d7-03 to the frequency reference. Refer to d7-01 to
d7-03: Offset Frequency 1 to 3 on page 162 for details.
Setting 47: Node Setup
If the SI-S3/V option unit is connected, closing this terminal sets a node address for operation on a CANopen network.
Setting 60: DC Injection Braking
When a DC Injection Braking command is input while the drive is stopped, DC Injection Braking operation is activated.
When a Run command or a Jog command is input, DC Injection Braking is released. Refer to b2: DC Injection
Braking on page 123 for details on setting up the DC braking function.
The diagram below illustrates the DC Injection Braking function.

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

DC Injection braking OFF ON OFF


FWD Run command

DC Injection
DC Injection braking
braking DC Injection Braking
Start Frequency
Output frequency

Figure 5.54 DC Injection Braking Input Timing Diagram

Setting 61/62: Speed Search 1/2

These input functions can be used to enable Speed Search even if parameter b3-01 = 0 (no Speed Search at start. Refer
to Activation of Speed Search on page 127 for details on how to use the input signals.
If b3-24 is set to 0 and b3-01 is set to 0, when the input terminal set for Speed Search 1 (H1-oo = 61) is enabled, Speed
Search will begin looking for the motor speed from the maximum output frequency. If the Speed Search 2 input (H1-
oo = 62) is enabled, Speed Search starts looking for the motor speed starting at the frequency reference. Refer to b3:
Speed Search on page 125 for more information about Speed Search.
Note: Operator error oPE03 will result if both Speed Search 1 and Speed Search 2 are set to the input terminals at the same time.
Setting 65/66: KEB Ride-Thru 1 (N.C.)/2 (N.O.)
A digital input programmed for this function can be used to activate the KEB 1 function and detect power supply return.
Digital Inputs
Setting 65 (N.C.) Setting 66 (N.O.)
KEB 1 deceleration Open Closed
Normal operation Closed Open

Refer to Kinetic Energy Backup (KEB) Function on page 210 for details on how to use these input settings.
Setting 67: Communication Test Mode
The drive has a built-in function for self-diagnosing the serial communications operation. The test involves wiring the
send and receive terminals of the RS-485/RS-422 port together. The drive transmits data and then confirms the
communications are received normally. Refer to Self-Diagnostics on page 436 for details on how to use this function.
Setting 68: High Slip Braking
Closing an input programmed for this function triggers High Slip Braking. Once HSB is started, the drive has to completely
stop and the HSB input has to be removed before a restart can be performed. Refer to n3: High Slip Braking (HSB)/
Overexcitation Deceleration on page 232 for details on High Slip Braking.
Setting 6A: Drive Enable
A digital input configured as a Drive Enable input (H1-oo = 6A) will prevent the drive from executing a Run command
until the input is closed. When the Drive Enable input is open, the digital operator will display “dnE” to indicate that the
drive is disabled.
If a Run command is closed prior to the Drive Enable input being closed, then the drive will not run until the Run command
is cycled. If the Drive Enable input is opened while the drive is running, the drive will stop using the method set by
parameter b1-03 (Refer to b1-03: Stopping Method Selection on page 120 for details).
Setting 75/76: Up/Down 2
The Up/Down 2 function can be used to add a bias to the frequency reference. The input programmed for 75 will increase
the bias and the input programmed for 76 will decrease it. Table 5.27 explains how the Up/Down 2 function works
depending on the frequency reference source and parameters d4-01, d5-03 and d4-05. Refer to d4: Frequency Hold and
Up/Down 2 Function on page 157 for detailed explanations of these and other Up/Down 2 related parameters.
Note: 1. The Up 2 and Down 2 functions must be set as a pair.
2. When using the Up/Down 2 function, set appropriate bias limit values in parameters d4-08 and d4-09.

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Table 5.27 Up/Down 2 Operations

Freq. Ref.
Condition d4-03 d4-05 d4-01 Operation Frequency Saved
1 0 • Accelerates (increases the bias) while the Up Not saved
2 function is closed
• Decelerates (decreases the bias) while Down 2
is closed
If the bias and frequency reference
0 • Holds output frequency (holds the bias) when are constant for 5 s, the bias is added
2 1 no Up 2 or Down 2 input or both active. to the active frequency reference and
Multi-Step • Resets the bias when the reference changes reset afterwards.
Speed 0
Reference • Operates with the frequency reference in all
other situations.
• Accelerates (increases the bias) while the Up
2 function is closed,
3 1 -- • Decelerates (decreases the bias) while Down 2 Not saved
is closed.
• Otherwise operates at the frequency reference
4 0 • When the Up 2 is enabled, drive accelerates up Not saved
to the frequency reference plus d4-03 (bias is
increased for d4-03).
• When Down 2 is enabled, drive decelerates
Multi-Step Value down to the frequency reference minus d4-03
(bias is decreased for d4-03). If the bias and frequency reference
Speed other -- are constant for 5 s, the bias is added
5 Reference than 0 1 • Holds output frequency (holds the bias) when to the active frequency reference and
no Up 2 or Down 2 input or both active. reset afterwards.
• Resets the bias when the reference changes
• Operates with the frequency reference in all
other situations.
6 0 • Accelerates (increases the bias) while the Up Not saved
2 function is closed
• Decelerates (decreases the bias) while Down 2
Other is closed If the bias is constant for 5 s, it is
(analog • Holds output frequency (holds the bias) when saved to parameter d4-06. The
0 0
7 communicati 1 no Up 2 or Down 2 input or both active. frequency reference cannot be
ons, etc.) overwritten, so only the bias is
• When during accel/decel. the frequency
reference changes for more than d4-07, bias saved.
value is held until the output frequency meets
the reference (speed agree).
• Accelerates (increases the bias) while the Up
2 function is closed,
8 0 1 -- • Decelerates (decreases the bias) while Down 2 Not saved
is closed.
• Otherwise operates at the frequency reference

Parameter Details
9 0 • When the Up 2 is enabled, drive accelerates up Not saved
Other to the frequency reference plus d4-03
(analog (increases the bias for d4-03).
comms, etc.)
• When Down 2 is enabled, drive decelerates If the bias is constant for 5 s, it is
Value down to the frequency reference minus d4-03 saved to parameter d4-06. The
other --
10 1 (decreases the bias for d4-03). frequency reference cannot be
than 0
• When during accel/decel the frequency overwritten, so only the bias is
reference changes for more then d4-07, bias saved.
value is held until the output frequency meets 5
the reference (speed agree).

Setting 7A/7B: KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.C./N.O.)

A digital input programmed for this function can be used to activate the KEB 2 function and detect power supply return.
Digital Inputs
Setting 7A (N.C.) Setting 7B (N.O.)
KEB 2 deceleration Open Closed
Normal operation Closed Open

Refer to Kinetic Energy Backup (KEB) Function on page 210 for details on how to use these input settings.
Setting 7C/7D: Short Circuit Braking (N.O./N.C.) (OLV/PM only)
An input programmed for this function can be used to activate Short Circuit Braking in Open Loop Vector Control for PM
motors. By linking all three phases of a PM motor it creates a braking torque in a rotating motor and can be used to stop
a rotating motor or prevent a motor from coasting by external forces (like windmill effect in fan applications etc.).

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Digital Inputs
Setting 7C (N.O.) Setting 7D (N.C.)
Normal operation Open Closed
Short-Circuit Braking Closed Open

Setting 7E: Forward Reverse Detection (V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback)
When a digital input is programmed for this function, the input determines the direction of the speed feedback signal for
V/f Control with PG feedback. If the input is open, the speed feedback signal is considered to be forward, if the input is
closed, it is considered to be in reverse. Refer to C5: Automatic Speed Regulator (ASR) on page 148 for details.
Setting 90 to 96: DriveWorksEZ Digital Inputs 1 to 7
These settings are for digital inputs functions used in DriveWorksEZ. Normally there is no need to change or apply these
Setting 9F: DriveWorksEZ Function Disable
This function is used to enable or disable a DriveWorksEZ program in the drive. An input programmed for this function
is effective only if A1-07 = 2.
Status Description
Open DriveWorksEZ enabled
Closed DriveWorksEZ disabled

u H2: Multi-Function Output

n H2-01 to H2-03: Terminal MA/MB/MC, P1/PC and P2/PC Function Selection

The drive has three multi-function output terminals. Set parameters H2-01 to H2-03 to values between 0 and 192 to assign
functions to these terminals. Default values are listed in the following table.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
H2-01 Terminal MA, MB and MC Function Selection (relay) 0 to 192 E: Fault
H2-02 Terminal P1 Function Selection (open-collector) 0 to 192 0: During Run
H2-03 Terminal P2 Function Selection (open-collector) 0 to 192 2: Speed Agree 1
Note: Terminals that are not used and terminals using the through-mode should be set to “F”.
Table 5.28 Multi-Function Output Terminal Settings
Setting Function Page Setting Function Page
0 During Run 189 17 Torque Detection 1 (N.C.)
1 Zero Speed 189 18 Torque Detection 2 (N.O.)
2 Speed Agree 1 189 19 Torque Detection 2 (N.C.) 192
3 User Set Speed Agree 1 190 1A During Reverse Operation 194
4 Frequency Detection 1 190 1B During Baseblock (N.C.) 195
5 Frequency Detection 2 191 1C Motor 2 Selection 195
6 Drive Ready 191 1E Restart Enabled 195
7 DC Bus Undervoltage 191 1F Motor Overload Alarm (oL1) 195
8 During Baseblock (N.O.) 192 20 Drive Overheat Pre alarm (oH) 195
9 Frequency Reference Source 192 22 Mechanical Weakening 195
A Run Command Source 192 2F <1> Maintenance Period 195
B Torque Detection 1 (N.O.) 192 30 During Torque Limit 195
C Frequency Reference Loss 192 37 During Frequency Output 195
D Braking Resistor Fault 192 38 Drive Enable 196
E Fault 192 39 Watt Hour Pulse Output 196
F Not used/Through Mode 192 3C LOCAL/REMOTE Status 196
10 Alarm 192 3D During Speed Search 196
11 Reset Command Active 192 3E PID Feedback Low 196
12 Timer Output 193 3F PID Feedback High 196
13 Speed Agree 2 193 4A During KEB Operation 196
14 User Set Speed Agree 2 193 4B During Short-Circuit Braking 196
15 Frequency Detection 3 193 4C During Fast-stop 196
16 Frequency Detection 4 194 4D oH Pre-Alarm Time Limit 196

188 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
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Setting Function Page Setting Function Page

4E <1> Braking Transistor Fault (rr) 196 H2 Parameter Functions Reversed Output
100 to 192 Switching of 0 to 92 197
4F <1> Braking Resistor Overheat (rH) 196
90 DriveWorksEZ Digital Output 1
91 DriveWorksEZ Digital Output 2 196
92 DriveWorksEZ Digital Output 3
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
Setting 0: During Run
Output closes when the drive is outputting a voltage.
Status Description
Open Drive is stopped.
Closed A Run command is input or the drive is during deceleration or during DC injection.

Run command OFF ON

Baseblock OFF ON


During Run OFF ON

Figure 5.55 During Run Time Chart

Setting 1: Zero Speed

Terminal closes whenever the output frequency falls below the minimum output frequency set to E1-09.
Status Description
Open Output frequency is above the minimum output frequency set to E1-09
Closed Output frequency is less than or equal to the minimum output frequency set to E1-09

Output frequency
motor speed E1-09 (Max. Output Frequency)

Parameter Details
Zero Speed

Figure 5.56 Zero-Speed Time Chart

Setting 2: Speed Agree 1 (fref/fout Agree 1) 5

Closes whenever the actual output frequency is within the Speed Agree Width (L4-02) of the current frequency reference
regardless of the direction.
Status Description
Open Output frequency does not match the frequency reference while the drive is running.
Closed Output frequency is within the range of frequency reference ± L4-02.
Note: Detection works in both directions, forward and reverse.

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Output L4-02

Speed agree 1 OFF ON

Figure 5.57 Speed Agree 1 Time Chart

Refer to L4-01/02: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width on page 218 for details on setting the detection
Setting 3: User Set Speed Agree 1 (fref/fset Agree 1)
Closes whenever the actual output frequency and the frequency reference are within the Speed Agree Width (L4-02) of
the programmed Speed Agree Level (L4-01).
Status Description
Open Output frequency or frequency reference are outside the range of L4-01 ± L4-02.
Closed Output frequency and the frequency reference are both within the range of L4-01 ± L4-02.
Note: The detection works in both forward and reverse. The value of L4-01 will be used as the detection level for both directions.

Frequency L4-01 Output

reference frequency
+/- L4-02

reference +/- L4-02
User Set
Speed Agree 1

Figure 5.58 User Set Speed Agree 1 Time Chart

Refer to L4-01/02: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width on page 218 for details on setting the detection

Setting 4: Frequency Detection 1

Output is closed as long as the output frequency is below the detection level set in L4-01 plus the hysteresis set in L4-02.
It closes when the output frequency falls below L4-01.
Status Description
Open Output frequency exceeded L4-01 + L4-02.
Closed Output frequency is below L4-01 or has not exceeded L4-01 + L4-02.
Note: The detection works in both forward and reverse. The value of L4-01 will be used as the detection level for both directions.

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frequency L4-02


Detection 1 <1>

Figure 5.59 Frequency Detection 1 Time Chart

<1> This is the time chart when L4-07, Speed Agree Detection Selection, is set to 1 (Detection always enabled). The
default setting for L4-07 is 0 (No detection during baseblock). When L4-07 is set to 0, the terminal opens during baseblock.
Refer to L4-01/02: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width on page 218 for details on setting the detection
Setting 5: Frequency Detection 2
Output closes whenever the output frequency is equal to or above the detection level set in L4-01. The output opens when
the output frequency falls below L4-01 minus the hysteresis set in L4-02.
Status Description
Open Output frequency is below L4-01 minus L4-02 or has not exceeded L4-01.
Closed Output frequency exceeded L4-01.
Note: The detection works in both forward and reverse. The value of L4-01 will be used as the detection level for both directions.
frequency L4-02



Detection 2

Parameter Details
Figure 5.60 Frequency Detection 2 Time Chart

Refer to L4-01/02: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width on page 218 for details on setting the detection

Setting 6: Drive Ready 5

Output closes whenever the drive is ready to operate the motor.
Status Description
Open During power up, initialization, fault or in Programming Mode (while b1-08 = 0 or 2).
Closed Drive is ready for operation.

Refer to b1-08: Run Command Selection while in Programming Mode on page 122 for details on the setting of b1-08.
Setting 7: DC Bus Undervoltage
Output closes whenever the DC bus voltage or control circuit power supply drops below the trip level. The undervoltage
trip level is determined by L2-05. A fault in the DC bus charge circuit will also cause the DC Bus Undervoltage output to
Status Description
Open DC bus voltage is above the level set to L2-05
Closed DC bus voltage has fallen below the trip level set to L2-05.

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Setting 8: During Baseblock (N.O.)

Output closes to indicate that the drive is in a baseblock state. While Baseblock is executed, output transistors are not
switched and no voltage will be output.
Status Description
Open Drive is not in a baseblock state.
Closed Baseblock is being executed.

Setting 9: Frequency Reference Source

A digital output programmed for this function shows the frequency reference source that is currently selected.
Status Description
Open Frequency reference is provided from External Reference 1 (b1-01) or 2 (b1-15)
Closed Frequency reference is being sourced from the digital operator.

Setting A: Run Command Source

A digital output programmed for this function shows the Run command source that is currently selected.
Status Description
Open Run command is provided from External Reference 1 (b1-02) or 2 (b1-16)
Closed Run command is being sourced from the digital operator.

Setting B/17/18/19: Torque Detection 1 (N.O./N.C.) and Torque Detection 2 (N.O./N.C.)

These digital output functions can be used to signal an overtorque or undertorque situation to an external device.
Set up the torque detection and select the output function from the table below. Refer to L6: Torque Detection on page
223 for details.
Setting Status Description
Torque Detection 1 (N.O.):
B Closed Output current/torque exceeds (overtorque detection) or is below (undertorque detection) the torque value set in
parameter L6-02 for longer than the time specified in parameter L6-03.
Torque Detection 1 (N.C.):
17 Open Output current/torque exceeds (overtorque detection) or is below (undertorque detection) the torque value set in
parameter L6-02 for longer than the time specified in parameter L6-03.
Torque Detection 2 (N.O.):
18 Closed Output current/torque exceeds (overtorque detection) or is below (undertorque detection) the torque value set in
parameter L6-05 for longer than the time specified in parameter L6-06.
Torque Detection 2 (N.C.):
19 Open Output current/torque exceeds (overtorque detection) or is below (undertorque detection) the torque value set in
parameter L6-05 for longer than the time specified in parameter L6-06.

Setting C: Frequency Reference Loss

An output set for this function will be closed if frequency reference loss is detected. Refer to L4-05: Frequency Reference
Loss Detection Selection on page 219 for details.

Setting D: Dynamic Braking Resistor Overheat

An output programmed for this function will close when the dynamic braking resistor (DB) overheats or the braking
transistor is in a fault condition.
Setting E: Fault
The Fault configured digital output will close whenever the drive experiences a fault (this excludes faults CPF00 and
Setting F: Not Used
Use this setting when the terminal is not used or when using the terminal as a throughput.
When set to “F”, the output is not set by any drive function but it can be switched by a PLC via a communication option
or MEMOBUS/Modbus communications (through mode).
Setting 10: Minor Fault
Output closes when a minor fault condition is present.
Setting 11: Reset Command Active
Output closes whenever there is an attempt to reset a fault situation from the control circuit terminals, via serial
communications, or using a communications option card.

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Setting 12: Timer Output

This setting configures a digital output terminal as output for the timer function. Refer to b4: Delay Timers on page 130
for details.
Setting 13: Speed Agree 2 (fref /fout Agree 2)
Closes whenever the actual output frequency is within the Speed Agree Width (L4-04) of the current frequency reference
regardless of the direction.
Status Description
Open Output frequency does not match the frequency reference while the drive is running
Closed Output frequency is within the range of frequency reference ± L4-04
Note: The detection works in both forward and reverse.

Output L4-04

Speed Agree 2 OFF ON

Figure 5.61 Speed Agree 2 Time Chart

Refer to L4-03/04: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width (+/-) on page 218 for details on setting the
detection width.
Setting 14: User Set Speed Agree 2 (fref /fset Agree 2)
Closes whenever the actual output frequency and the frequency reference are within the Speed Agree Width (L4-04) of
the programmed Speed Agree Level (L4-03). As the detection level L4-03 is a signed value, detection works in the specified
direction only.
Status Description
Open Output frequency or frequency reference are outside the range of L4-03 ± L4-04
Closed Output frequency and the frequency reference are both within the range of L4-03 ± L4-04

Parameter Details
Frequency L4-03 Output
reference frequency
+/- L4-04

Frequency 5
User Set
Speed Agree 2

Figure 5.62 User Set Speed Agree 2 Example with Positive L3-04 Value

Refer to L4-03/04: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width (+/-) on page 218 for details on setting the
detection width.
Setting 15: Frequency Detection 3
Output is closed as long as the output frequency is below the detection level set in L4-03 plus the hysteresis set in L4-04.
It closes when the output frequency falls below L4-03. As the detection level L4-03 is a signed value, the detection works
in the specified direction only.
Status Description
Open Output frequency exceeded L4-03 plus L4-04.
Closed Output frequency is below L4-03 or has not exceeded L4-03 plus L4-04 yet.

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frequency L4-04

detection 3 <1> ON OFF

Figure 5.63 Frequency Detection 3 Example with Positive L3-04 Value

<1> This is the time chart when L4-07, Speed Agree Detection Selection, is set to 1 (Detection always enabled). The
default setting for L4-07 is 0 (No detection during baseblock). When L4-07 is set to 0, the terminal opens during baseblock.
Refer to L4-03/04: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width (+/-) on page 218 for details on setting the
detection width.
Setting 16: Frequency Detection 4
Output closes whenever the output frequency is equal to or above the detection level set in L4-03. The output opens when
the output frequency falls below L4-03 minus the hysteresis set in L4-04. As the detection level L4-03 is a signed value,
the detection works in the specified direction only.
Status Description
Open Output frequency is below L4-03 minus L4-04 or has not exceeded L4-03 yet.
Closed Output frequency exceeded L4-03.
frequency L4-04

Detection 4

Figure 5.64 Frequency Detection 4 Example with Positive L3-04 Value

Refer to L4-03/04: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width (+/-) on page 218 for details on setting the
detection width.
Setting 1A: During Reverse
The During Reverse digital output will close whenever the drive is turning the motor in the reverse direction.
Status Description
Open Motor is driven in the forward direction or stopped.
Closed Motor is driven in reverse.

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Output frequency

FWD Run command

REV Run command

During Reverse

Figure 5.65 Reverse Direction Output Example Time Chart

Setting 1B: During Baseblock (N.C.)

Output opens to indicate that the drive is in a baseblock state. While Baseblock is executed, output transistors are not
switched and no voltage is output.
Status Description
Open Baseblock is being executed.
Closed Drive is not in a baseblock state.

Setting 1C: Motor 2 Selected

This output function shows the motor 1/2 selection status. Refer to Setting 16: Motor 2 Selection on page 183 for details
on switching motors.
Status Description
Open Motor 1 is selected.
Closed Motor 2 is selected.

Setting 1E: Restart Enabled

The Restart Enabled output will be closed once the fault restart function becomes active and will remain closed until a
successful restart is accomplished or the number of Auto Restart attempts as specified by L5-01 is reached. Refer to L5:
Fault Restart on page 222 for details on automatic fault restart.
Setting 1F: Motor Overload Alarm oL1
An output programmed for this function will be closed when the motor overload level estimated by the oL1 fault detection
exceeds 90% of the oL1 detection level. Refer to L1-01: Motor Overload Protection Selection on page 205 for details.
Setting 20: Drive Overheat Pre-alarm (oH)
Output closes whenever the drive heatsink temperature reaches the level specified by parameter L8-02. Refer to L8-02:

Parameter Details
Overheat Alarm Level on page 226 for details on drive overheat detection.
Setting 22: Mechanical Weakening Detection
Output closes when mechanical weakening is detected. Refer to Mechanical Weakening Detection on page 224 for
Setting 2F: Maintenance Period
The output closes when the cooling fan, DC bus capacitors, or DC bus pre-charge relay may require maintenance as 5
determined by the estimated performance life span of those components.
Setting 30: During Torque Limit
Output closes when the motor is operating at the torque limit specified by the L7-oo parameters or an analog input. This
setting is only valid when using Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2). Refer to L7-01/02/03/04: Torque Limits on
page 225 for details.
Setting 37: During Frequency Output
Output closes when the drive is outputting a frequency.
Status Description
Drive is not outputting a frequency. One of the following functions is being performed: Stop, baseblock, DC injection braking
Open (during initial excitation), short circuit braking.
Closed Drive is outputting frequency.

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run command OFF ON

baseblock OFF ON


during run OFF ON

during frequency OFF ON


Figure 5.66 During Frequency Output Time Chart

Setting 38: Drive Enabled

A Drive Enable digital output will reflect the status of a digital input configured as a Drive Enable input (H1-oo = 6A).
If the Drive Enable digital input is closed then the Drive Enabled digital output will also close.
Setting 39: Watt Hour Pulse Output
Outputs a pulse to indicate the watt hours. Refer to H2-06: Watt Hour Output Unit Selection on page 197 for details.

Setting 3C: LOCAL/REMOTE Status

Output terminal closes while the drive is set for LOCAL and opens when in REMOTE.
Status Description
Open REMOTE: The selected external reference (b1-01/b1-02 or b1-15/b1-16) is used as frequency reference and Run command source
Closed LOCAL: The digital operator is used as frequency reference and Run command source

Setting 3D: During Speed Search

Output terminal closes while Speed Search is being performed. Refer to b3: Speed Search on page 125 for details on the
Speed Search function.
Setting 3E: PID Feedback Low
Output terminal closes when a PID feedback loss is detected. The feedback is considered to be lost if it falls below the
level set to b5-13 for longer than the time set to b5-14. Refer to PID Feedback Loss Detection on page 135 for details.
Setting 3F: PID Feedback High
Output terminal closes when a PID feedback loss is detected. The feedback is considered to be lost if it rises beyond the
level set to b5-36 for longer than the time set to b5-37. Refer to PID Feedback Loss Detection on page 135 for details.
Setting 4A: During KEB Operation
Output terminal closes while KEB is being performed. Refer to Kinetic Energy Backup (KEB) Function on page 210
for a KEB function description.
Setting 4B: During Short Circuit Braking
Closes the output terminal while Short Circuit Braking is being executed.
Setting 4C: During Fast-stop
Output terminal closes when a Fast-stop is being executed. C1-09: Fast-stop Time for details.
Setting 4D: oH Pre-Alarm Time Limit
Output terminal closes when the drive is reducing the speed due to a drive overheat alarm (L8-03 = 4) and the overheat
alarm has not disappeared after ten frequency reduction operation cycles. Refer to L8-03: Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation
Selection on page 226 for details.
Setting 4E: Braking Transistor Fault (rr)
The output closes when the internal braking transistor reaches the overheat level.
Setting 4F: Braking Resistor Overheat (rH)
The output closes when the braking resistor exceeds the overheat level. the braking resistor may overheat due to the motor
regeneration or short deceleration time setting.
Setting 90 to 92: DriveWorksEZ Digital Output 1 to 3
These settings are for digital output functions used in DriveWorksEZ. Normally there is no need to change or apply these

196 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting 100 to 192: Reverse Switching for Functions 0 to 92

These settings reverse the switching status of the specified function. Set as 1oo, where the last two digits specify the
setting number of the function to be reversed.
• To reverse the output for “8: During Baseblock”, set “108”.
• To reverse the output for “4A: During KEB” set “14A” .
n H2-06: Watt Hour Output Unit Selection
When one of the multi-function terminals is set to output the number of watt hours (H2-01/02/03 = 39), parameter H2-06
determines the units for the output signal.
The output is intended to drive a watt hour meter or a PLC input by a 200 ms pulse signal. A pulse is output according to
the kWh unit selected in H2-06.
No. Parameter Name Setting Range Default
0: 0.1 kWh units
1: 1 kWh units
H2-06 Watt Hour Output Unit Selection 2: 10 kWh units 0
3: 100 kWh units
4: 1000 kWh units

u H3: Multi-Function Analog Input Terminals

The drive is equipped with 2 multi-function analog input terminals, A1 and A2. The user can assign functions to these
terminals by setting parameters H3-02 and H3-10 between 0 and 31.
n H3-01: Terminal A1 Signal Level Selection
Selects the input signal level for analog input A1.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-01 Terminal A1 Signal Level Selection 0 to 1 0
Setting 0: 0 to 10 Vdc with Limit
The input level is 0 to 10 Vdc. Negative input values will be limited to 0.
Example: Terminal A1 is set to supply the frequency reference, and the bias (H3-04) is set to -100%. The frequency
reference can be set from 0 to 100% with an analog input of 5 to 10 V. The frequency reference will be zero when the
analog input is between 0 and 5 V.


Parameter Details
Analog input

0 10 V
Analog input

-100% Negative input is limited to 0

Figure 5.67 Analog Input with Limit (Bias Setting -100%)

Setting 1: 0 to 10 Vdc without Limit

The input level is 0 to 10 Vdc. Negative input values will be accepted.
Example: Terminal A1 is set to supply the frequency reference, and the bias (H3-04) is set to -100%. The frequency
reference can be set from 0 to 100% with an analog input of 5 to 10 V. With an input of 0 to 5 V, the frequency reference
can be set from -100% to 0%. The drive reverses the motor rotation with negative input.

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions


Analog input

0V 10 V
Analog input


Figure 5.68 Analog Input without Limit (Bias Setting -100%)

n H3-02: Terminal A1 Function Selection

Determines the function assigned to analog input terminal A1. Refer to Multi-Function Analog Input Terminal
Settings on page 200 for a list of functions and descriptions.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-02 Terminal A1 Function Selection 0 to 31 0
Note: If not using an input terminal or if using it in the through-mode, be sure to set that terminal to “F”.

n H3-03/H3-04: Terminal A1 Gain/Bias Setting

Parameter H3-03 sets the level of the selected input value that is equal to 10 Vdc input at terminal A1 (Gain).
Parameter H3-04 sets the level of the selected input value that is equal to 0 V input at terminal A1.
Both can be used to adjust the analog input A1 characteristics.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-03 Terminal A1 Gain Setting -999.9 to 999.9% 100.0%
H3-04 Terminal A1 Bias Setting -999.9 to 999.9% 0.0%
Default Settings
Using the factory default settings for the analog input’s function, gain, and bias, the 0 to 10 Vdc signal at the analog input
will yield a 0 to 100% frequency reference span.
Gain = 100 %


Bias = 0 %
0V 10 V

Figure 5.69 Analog Input A1 Default Characteristics

Setting Examples
• Gain H3-03 = 200%, A1 as frequency reference input:
An input 10 Vdc will be equivalent to a 200% frequency reference and 5 Vdc will be equivalent to a 100% frequency
reference. Since the drive output is limited by the maximum frequency parameter (E1-04), the frequency reference will
be equal to E1-04 above 5 Vdc.

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Gain = 200 %


100 %

Bias = 0 %
0V 5V 10 V

Figure 5.70 Frequency Reference Setting by Analog Input with Increased Gain

• Bias H3-04 = -25%, A1 as frequency reference input

An input of 0 Vdc will be equivalent to a -25% frequency reference.
When parameter H3-01 = 0 the minimum frequency reference is 0% between 0 and 2.5 Vdc input. An analog input of
2.5 to 10 Vdc will now be the same as 0 to 100% of the frequency reference span.
When parameter H3-01 = 1, the motor will rotate in reverse between 0 and 2.5 Vdc input.

Gain = 100 %

Frequency H3-01 = 0

2.0 V 10 V

Bias = -25%
H3-01 = 1

Figure 5.71 Frequency Reference Setting by Analog Input with Negative Bias

• Gain = 0%, Bias = 100%, A1 as frequency reference input

This setting leads to an inverse-acting frequency reference. The minimum analog input level (0 Vdc) will produce a
100% frequency reference and the maximum analog input level (10 Vdc) will produce a 0% frequency reference.
Bias = 100 %

Parameter Details

Gain = 0 %
0V 10 V

Figure 5.72 Frequency Reference Setting by Analog Input with Inverse Gain and Bias Settings
n H3-09: Terminal A2 Signal Level Selection
Selects the input signal level for analog input A2. Be sure to also set DIP switch S1 on the terminal board accordingly for
a voltage input or current input.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-09 Terminal A2 Signal Level Selection 0 to 3 2
Setting 0: 0 to 10 Vdc with Lower Limit
The input level is 0 to 10 Vdc. Negative input values will be limited to 0. Refer to the explanation of H3-01, Setting 0.
Refer to Setting 0: 0 to 10 Vdc with Limit on page 197
Setting 1: 0 to 10 Vdc without Lower Limit
The input level is 0 to 10 Vdc. Negative input values will be accepted. Refer to the explanation of H3-01, Setting 1. Refer
to Setting 1: 0 to 10 Vdc without Limit on page 197

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting 2: 4 to 20 mA Current Input

The input level is 4 to 20 mA. Negative input values by negative bias or gain settings will be limited to 0 (like setting 0).
Setting 3: 0 to 20 mA Current Input
The input level is 0 to 20 mA. Negative input values by negative bias or gain settings will be limited to 0 (like setting 0).
n H3-10: Terminal A2 Function Selection
Determines the function assigned to analog input terminal A2. Refer to Multi-Function Analog Input Terminal
Settings on page 200 for a list of functions and descriptions.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-10 Terminal A2 Function Selection 0 to 31 0

n H3-11/H3-12: Terminal A2 Gain/Bias Setting

Parameter H3-11 sets the level of the selected input value that is equal to 10 Vdc/20 mA input at terminal A2 (Gain).
Parameter H3-12 sets the level of the selected input value that is equal to 0 Vdc/4 mA/0 mA input at terminal A2.
Both can be used to adjust the analog input A2 characteristics. The setting works in the same way as parameters H3-03/04
for analog input A1.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-11 Terminal A2 Gain Setting -999.9 to 999.9% 100.0%
H3-12 Terminal A2 Bias Setting -999.9 to 999.9% 0.0%

n H3-13: Analog Input Filter Time Constant

Parameter H3-13 sets the time constant for a first order filter that will be applied to both analog inputs A1 and A2.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-13 Analog Input Filter Time Constant 0.00 to 2.00 s 0.03 s
An analog input filter can be used to prevent erratic drive control when a “noisy” analog reference is used. The drive
operation becomes more stable the longer the time programmed, but it becomes less responsive to rapidly changing analog
n Multi-Function Analog Input Terminal Settings
This section describes the various functions that can be assigned to terminals A1 and A2 by setting H3-02 and H3-10.
Note: The scaling of all input functions depends on the gain and bias settings for the analog inputs. Set these to appropriate values when
selecting and adjusting analog input functions.
Table 5.29 Multi-Function Input Terminal Settings
Setting Function Page Setting Function Page
0 Frequency Bias 200 10 Forward Torque Limit
1 Frequency Gain 200 11 Reverse Torque Limit
2 Auxiliary Frequency Reference 201 12 Regenerative Torque Limit
4 Output Voltage Bias 201 15 General Torque Limit
7 Overtorque/Undertorque Detection Level 201 16 Differential PID Feedback 201
B PID Feedback 201 30 DriveWorksEZ Analog Input 1
C PID Set Point 201 31 DriveWorksEZ Analog Input 2
E Motor Temperature (PTC input) 201 41 <1> Output Voltage Gain 202
F Not used/Through Mode 201
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
Setting 0: Frequency Bias
The input value of an analog input set to this function will be added to the analog frequency reference value. Use this
setting also when only one analog input is used to supply the frequency reference.
By default both analog inputs A1 and A2 are set for this function. Using both A1 and A2 at the same time increases the
frequency reference by the total of both inputs.
Example: If the analog frequency reference by analog input A1 is 50% and a bias of 20% is applied by analog input A2,
the resulting frequency reference will be 70% of the maximum output frequency.
Setting 1: Frequency Gain
The input value of an analog input set to this function will be multiplied with the analog frequency reference value.

200 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Example: If the analog frequency reference from analog input A1 is 80% and a gain of 50% is applied from analog input
A2, the resulting frequency reference will be 40% of the maximum output frequency.
Setting 2: Auxiliary Reference
Sets the auxiliary frequency reference when Multi-Step Speed operation is selected. Refer to Multi-Step Speed
Selection on page 155 for details.
Setting 4: Voltage Bias
Voltage bias boosts the output voltage of the V/f curve as a percentage of the maximum output voltage (E1-05). Available
only when using V/f Control.
Setting 7: Overtorque/Undertorque Level
Overtorque level sets the overtorque/undertorque detection level using the analog input. This works with Torque Detection
Selection 1 (L6-01) and will take the place of the torque detection level set to L6-02. For general Open Loop Vector
Control, this function is based on 100% of the motor rated torque. For V/f Control and PM Open Loop Vector, this function
is based on 100% of the drive rated current. Refer to L6: Torque Detection on page 223 for details on torque detection.
Setting B: PID Feedback
An input set for this function supplies the PID feedback value. This setting requires PID operation to be enabled in b5-01.
Refer to PID Feedback Input Methods on page 131.
Setting C: PID Setpoint
An input set for this function supplies the PID setpoint value. The frequency reference selected in parameter b1-01 no
longer becomes the PID se point. This setting requires PID operation to be enabled in b5-01. Refer to PID Setpoint Input
Methods on page 131.
Setting E: Motor Temperature
In addition to or in place of the oL1 (motor overload) fault detection, it is possible to use a PTC (Positive Temperature
Coefficient) thermistor for motor insulation protection. Refer to Motor Protection Using a Positive Temperature
Coefficient (PTC) on page 207 for detailed explanations.
Setting F: Not Used
Any analog input that is not used should be set to F. When set to “F”, an input does not affect any drive function but the
input level can be read out by a PLC via a communication option or MEMOBUS/Modbus communications (through mode).
This way drive analog inputs can be used to read out external sensor values if there is a lack of PLC analog inputs.
Setting 10/11/12/15: Positive/Negative/Regenerative/General Torque Limit (OLV only)
These functions make it possible to limit the torque reference with an analog input. The limit can either be set as a general
value for all operation conditions (setting 15) or can be programmed separately for each operation condition (quadrants
1, 2, 3, and 4). Figure 5.73 shows which limit is applied in each quadrant. The lowest of the values will always be used
as the limit. The value is set as a percentage of the motor rated torque. Refer to L7: Torque Limit on page 225 for
information how torque limits work.
positive torque reference

Parameter Details
REV run regenerative FWD run motoring

10: Positive Torque Limit 10: Positive Torque Limit

12: Regenerative Torque Limit 15: Torque Limit
15: Torque Limit Parameter L7-01
Parameter L7-04
quadrant 2 quadrant 1
REV motor rotation FWD motor rotation
quadrant 3 quadrant 4
11: Negative Torque Limit 5
11: Negative Torque Limit 12: Regenerative Torque Limit
15: Torque Limit 15: Torque Limit
Parameter L7-03 Parameter L7-02
REV run motoring FWD run regenerative

negative torque reference

Figure 5.73 Analog Input Torque Limits

Setting 16: Differential PID Feedback

If an analog value is set for this function, the PID controller is set for differential feedback. The subtraction of the PID
feedback input value and the differential feedback input value builds the feedback value that is used to calculate the PID
input. Refer to PID Feedback Input Methods on page 131.
Setting 30/31: DriveWorksEZ Analog Input 1/2
These settings are for analog output functions used in DriveWorksEZ. Normally there is no need to change or apply these

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 201
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

Setting 41: Output Voltage Gain

Allows the user to change the output voltage by adjusting the voltage reference via one of the analog input terminals or
with MEMOBUS/Modbus.
An internal 0.3 second delay has been added to prevent sudden, drastic change to the V/f pattern.
Note: When an input terminal is assigned to adjust the Output Voltage Gain (H3-oo = 41), a voltage reference from MEMOBUS/Modbus
is ignored.

n H3-14: Analog Input Terminal Enable Selection

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
Determines which of the analog input terminals will be enabled or disabled when a digital input programmed for “Analog
input enable” (H1-oo = C) is closed. When H1-oo ≠ C, all of the input terminals are enabled all of the time. Terminals
not set as the target are not influenced by input signals.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-14 Analog Input Terminal Enable Selection 1, 2, 7 7
Setting 1: Terminal A1 only
Setting 2: Terminal A2 only
Setting 7: All Terminals Enabled
n H3-16/H3-17: Terminal A1/A2 Offset
Note: Parameters available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
Determines the amount of offset to be used to calibrate analog input signals from the terminals A1 and A2.
Enter a 0 V signal to terminal A1. Next adjust the offset in H3-16 until the monitor U1-13 for the terminal A1 input voltage
reads 0.0%.
The process is the same for terminal A2. Enter a 0 V signal, and adjust the offset for terminal A2 in H3-17 until the monitor
U1-14 for terminal A2 input voltage reads 0.0%.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H3-16 Terminal A1 Offset -500 to 500 0
H3-17 Terminal A2 Offset -500 to 500 0

u H4: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminals

These parameters assign a function to analog output terminal AM for monitoring a specific aspect of drive performance.
n H4-01: Multi-Function Analog Terminal AM Monitor Selection
Sets the desired drive monitor parameter Uo-oo to output as an analog value via terminal AM. Refer to U: Monitors
on page 377 for a list of all monitors. The “Analog Output Level” columns indicates if a monitor can be applied for analog
Example: Enter “103” for U1-03.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H4-01 Multi-Function Analog 1 (Terminal AM Monitor Selection) 000 to 999 102
A setting of 031 or 000 applies no drive monitor to the analog output. With this setting the terminal AM output level can
be set by a PLC via a communication option or MEMOBUS/Modbus communications (through mode).
n H4-02/H4-03: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Gain/Bias
Parameter H4-02 sets the output voltage that is equal to 100% of the monitor value. Parameter H4-03 sets the voltage
added to the monitor output.
Both values are set as a percentage of 10 V. The minimum output voltage for terminal AM is 0 V, the maximum is 10
Vdc. Figure 5.74 illustrates the function of the gain and bias settings.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H4-02 Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Gain -999.9 to 999.9% 100.0%
H4-03 Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Bias -999.9 to 999.9% 0.0%

202 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.7 H: Terminal Functions

10 V 10 V
Gain 150%
Terminal AM Terminal AM Bias 30%
Bias 0%
output output Gain 100%
voltage voltage
Gain 100%
5V Bias 0% Bias 0%
3V Gain 100%
Gain 50%
Bias 0%
0V 0V
0% Monitor value 100% 0% Monitor value 100%

Figure 5.74 Analog Output Gain/Bias Setting

When viewing the settings for H4-02, terminal AM will output a voltage that is equal to 100% of the monitor value (taking
the present gain and bias into consideration). When viewing the settings for H4-03, terminal AM will output a voltage that
is equal to 0% of the monitor value.

u H5: MEMOBUS/Modbus Serial Communication

Through the drives built in RS-422/485 port (terminals R+, R-, S+, S-), serial communication can be performed with
programmable logic controllers (PLCs) or similar devices using the MEMOBUS/Modbus protocol.
The H5-oo parameters are used to set up the drive for MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications. Refer to MEMOBUS/
Modbus Serial Communication on page 415 for detailed descriptions of the H5-oo parameters.

u H6: Pulse Train Input/Output

A one track pulse train signal with a maximum frequency of 32 kHz can be input to the drive at terminal RP. This pulse
train signal can be used as the frequency reference, for PID functions, or as the speed feedback signal in V/f Control.
The pulse output monitor terminal MP, which can be used in sinking or sourcing mode, can output drive monitors values
as a pulse train signal with a maximum frequency of 32 kHz.
Use parameters H6-oo to scale and set up the function for the pulse input terminal RP and pulse output terminal MP.
n H6-01: Pulse Train Input Terminal RP Function Selection
Selects the function of pulse train input terminal RP.
No. Name Setting Range Default

Parameter Details
H6-01 Pulse Train Input Terminal RP Function Selection 0 to 4 0
Setting 0: Frequency Reference
If the pulse input is set for this function and the frequency reference source is set to pulse input (b1-01/15 = 4), the drive
reads the frequency value from terminal RP.
Setting 1: PID Feedback Value 5
Using this setting, the feedback value for PID control can be supplied as a pulse signal at terminal RP. Refer to b5: PID
Control on page 130 for details on PID control.
Setting 2: PID Setpoint Value
Using this setting, the setpoint value for PID control can be supplied as a pulse signal at terminal RP. Refer to b5: PID
Control on page 130 for details on PID control.
Setting 3: Speed Feedback for V/f Control (V/f Control only, Motor 1 only)
This setting enables simple speed feedback for V/f Control. A pulse signal can be used to input the motor speed to the
drive and thereby improve the speed control accuracy. Note that this speed feedback can only be a one track signal that
cannot be used for direction detection. The drive needs a separate motor rotation direction signal. Refer to C5: Automatic
Speed Regulator (ASR) on page 148 for details on using Simple V/f Control with Speed Feedback.
n H6-02: Pulse Train Input Terminal RP Scaling
The pulse train input scaling parameter sets the terminal RP input frequency that is equal to 100% of the signal selected
as the input value in parameter H6-01.

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5.7 H: Terminal Functions

No. Name Setting Range Default

H6-02 Pulse Train Input Scaling <1> 1440 Hz
<1> Setting range is determined by drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 100 to 32000 Hz
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 1000 to 32000 Hz

n H6-03: Pulse Train Input Terminal RP Gain

Sets the level of the value selected in H6-01 when a pulse train signal with the frequency set in H6-02 is input to terminal
No. Name Setting Range Default
H6-03 Pulse Train Input Gain 0.0 to 1000.0% 100.0%

n H6-04: Pulse Train Input Terminal RP Bias

Sets the level of the value selected in H6-01 when a 0 Hz signal is input to terminal RP.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H6-04 Pulse Train Input Bias -100.0 to 100.0% 0.0%

n H6-05: Pulse Train Input Terminal RP Filter Time

Sets the pulse train input filter time constant in seconds.
The pulse train input filter helps prevent noise interference from causing erroneous operation when operating the drive
within the pulse train signal.
Increasing the filter setting time increases the effectiveness of the noise prevention, however, this also increasingly slows
drive response time.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H6-05 Pulse Train Input Filter Time 0.00 to 2.00 s 0.10 s

n H6-06: Pulse Train Output Terminal MP Monitor Selection

Selects the pulse train monitor output terminal MP function. The set value ooo is equal to the numerals in Uo-oo of
the selected monitor. Refer to U: Monitors on page 377 for a complete list of monitors. Selectable monitor items are
listed below.
No. Name Setting Range Default
000, 031, 101, 102, 105,
H6-06 Pulse Train Output Terminal MP Monitor Selection 102
116, 501, 502, 801 to 809

n H6-07: Pulse Train Output Terminal MP Monitor Scaling

Pulse train monitor scaling sets the output frequency at terminal MP when the monitor item is 100%. Set H6-06 to 102
and H6-07 to 0 to make the pulse train monitor output synchronous to the output frequency.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H6-07 Pulse Train Input Monitor Scaling 0 to 32000 Hz 1440 Hz

204 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.8 L: Protection Functions

5.8 L: Protection Functions

u L1: Motor Protection Functions

n L1-01: Motor Overload Protection Selection
The drive has an electronic overload protection function that estimates the motor overload level based on output current,
output frequency, thermal motor characteristics, and time. An oL1 fault will be triggered when motor overload is detected.
L1-01 sets the overload protection function characteristics according to the motor being used.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L1-01 Motor Overload Protection Selection 0 to 4; 6 <1> A1-02 dependent
<1> Setting 6 is available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
Note: 1. When the motor protection function is enabled (L1-01 is not set to zero), an oL1 alarm can be output through one of the multi-
function outputs by setting H2-01 to 1F. The output will close when the motor overload level reaches 90% of the oL1 detection
2. Select a method to protect the motor from overheat by setting L1-01 to a value between 1 and 4; use setting 6 when running a single
motor from the drive. An external thermal relay is not required.

Setting 0: Disabled - Motor Overload Protection is not Provided

This setting should be used if no motor overheat protection is desired or if multiple motors are connected to one drive. In
this case it is recommended that you install a thermal relay for each motor as show in Figure 5.75

Power M1
supply MC1 L10

MC2 L20

MC1, MC2: Magnetic contactors

L10, L20: Thermal relays

Figure 5.75 Example of Protection Circuit Design for Multiple Motors

NOTICE: Protect each motor with individual thermal overloads when multiple motors are connected to one drive. Failure to comply
could result in motor damage. Disable the electronic overload protection of the drive (L1-01 = “0: Disabled”) and protect each motor
with individual motor thermal overloads.
Setting 1: General Purpose Motor (standard self-cooled)

Parameter Details
Because the motor is self-cooled, the overload tolerance drops when the motor speed is lowered. The drive appropriately
adjusts the electrothermal trigger point according to the motor overload characteristics, protecting the motor from overheat
throughout the entire speed range.
Overload Tolerance Cooling Ability Overload Characteristics

Motor designed to operate from line Continuous operation at less than
power. line power frequency with 100%
Motor cooling is most effective when load can trigger motor overload
running at rated nameplate base protection (oL1). A fault is output
frequency (check the motor and the motor will coast to stop.

Setting 2: Drive Dedicated Motor (constant torque, 1:10)

Use this setting when operating a drive duty motor with a torque ratio of 1:10. This motor type is allowed to run with 100%
load from 10% up to 100% speed. Running slower speeds with full load can trigger an overload fault.

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

Overload Tolerance Cooling Ability Overload Characteristics

Rated Speed=100% Speed
60 sec.

Torque (%)

Motor is designed to effectively cool Continuous operation with 100%

55 itself at speeds as low as 6 Hz. load from 6 Hz to 50/60 Hz.
Continuous A

0 110 100120 167 200

(60 Hz)
Speed (%)

Setting 3: Vector Motor (constant torque, 1:100)

Use this setting when operating a drive dedicated motor with a torque ratio of 1:100. This motor type is allowed to run
with 100% load from 1% up to 100% speed. Running slower speeds with full load can trigger an overload fault.
Overload Tolerance Cooling Ability Overload Characteristics
Rated Speed=100% Speed
60 sec.

Torque (%)


Motor is designed to effectively cool Continuous operation with 100%

itself at speeds as low as
50 Continuous load from 0.6 Hz to 50/60 Hz.
A approximately 0.6 Hz.
0 1 100120 167 200
(60 Hz)
Speed (%)

Setting 4: PM Derated Torque Motor

This setting is for operating a PM motor. PM motors for derated torque have a self-cooling design, so the overload tolerance
drops as the motor slows. Electronic thermal overload is triggered in accordance with the motor overload characteristics,
providing overheat protection across the entire speed range.
Overload Tolerance Cooling Ability Overload Characteristics


120 60 sec.
Torque (%)

100 Reaching 100% when operating at

80 Motor is designed to produce 100% below the base frequency causes a
torque at base speed. Built with motor overload fault (oL1). The
50 Continuous effective cooling capabilities. drive fault output closes and the
motor coasts to stop.
0 10 33 100
Motor Speed (%)

Setting 6: General-Purpose Motor

Note: General-purpose motors are designed with a base speed that operates at line frequency (50/60 Hz depending on geographic region).
Because the motor is self-cooled, the overload tolerance drops when the motor speed is lowered. The drive appropriately
adjusts the electrothermal trigger point according to the motor overload characteristics and protects the motor from overheat
throughout the entire speed range.

206 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.8 L: Protection Functions

Overload Tolerance Cooling Ability Overload Characteristics

150 Rated Speed=100% Speed
60 s
A: Max. speed for 200LJ and above
B: Max. speed for 160MJ to 180 LJ
100 C: Max. speed for 132MJ and below
Torque (%)

90 Motor designed to operate from line Continuous operation at less than line
power. Motor cooling is most power frequency with 100% load can
effective when running at rated base trigger motor overload protection
50 Continuous frequency (check the motor (oL1). A fault is output and the motor
A nameplate or specifications) will coast to stop.
05 33 100 120 167 200
Speed (%)

n L1-02: Motor Overload Protection Time

Sets the time for the drive to shut down on motor overload (oL1) when the motor is running with excessive current. Enter
the time the motor can withstand operating at 150% current after previously running at 100% current (hot motor overload
condition). This parameter rarely requires adjustment.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L1-02 Motor Overload Protection Time 0.1 to 5.0 minutes 1.0 minutes
Defaulted to operate with an allowance of 150% overload operation for one minute in a hot start after continuous operation
at 100%.
Figure 5.76 illustrates an example of the electrothermal protection operation time using a general-purpose motor operating
at the value of E1-06, Motor Base Speed, with L1-02 set to one minute.
Motor overload protection operates in the area between a cold start and a hot start.
• Cold start: Characteristics of motor protection operation time in response to an overload situation that was suddenly
reached when starting a stationary motor.
• Hot start: Characteristics of motor protection operation time in response to an overload situation that occurred while the
motor was operating continuously at or below its rated current.
Operation time (minutes)


3 Cold start
(characteristics when an
overload occurs at a
1 complete stop)

Parameter Details
Hot start
0.4 (characteristics when an
overload occurs during
continuous operation at 100%)
Motor current (%)
0 100 150 200 E2-01 = 100% motor current

Figure 5.76 Protection Operation Time for General Purpose Motors at the Rated Output Frequency 5
n Motor Protection Using a Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC)
A motor PTC can be connected to an analog input of the drive. This input is used by the drive for motor overheat protection.
When the motor overheat alarm level is reached, an oH3 alarm will be triggered and the drive will continue operation as
selected in L1-03. When the overheat fault level is reached an oH4 fault is triggered, a fault signal will be output and the
drive will stop the motor using the stop method determined in L1-04.
Figure 5.77 shows a PTC connection example for analog input A2. If using analog input A2, make sure to set DIP switch
S1 on the terminal board for voltage input when using this function.

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

Multi-function input Drive

+V Multi-function
MB output (contact)
(+10.5V, 20 mA)
12 k P1
A2 (0-10 V)

PTC P2 Multi-function
thermistor output (photocoupler)

Figure 5.77 Connection of a Motor PTC

The PTC must have the following characteristics for one motor phase. Normally a motor is protected by three PTCs
connected in series.


Figure 5.78 Motor PTC Characteristics

Overheat detection using a PTC can be set up by parameters L1-03/04/05 as explained below.
n L1-03: Motor Overheat Alarm (oH3) Operation Selection
Sets the drive operation when the PTC input signal reaches the motor overheat alarm level. (PTC input level: Tr - 5 °C)
No. Name Setting Range Default
L1-03 Motor Overheat Alarm Operation Selection 0 to 3 3
Setting 0: Ramp to Stop
The drive stops the motor using the active deceleration time.
Setting 1: Coast to Stop
The drive output is switched off and the motor coasts to stop.
Setting 2: Fast-stop
The drive stops the motor using the Fast-stop time set in parameter C1-09.
Setting 3: Alarm Only
The operation is continued and an oH3 alarm is displayed on the digital operator
n L1-04: Motor Overheat Fault (oH4) Operation Selection
Sets the drive operation when the PTC input signal reaches the motor overheat fault level. (PTC input level: Tr + 5 °C)
No. Name Setting Range Default
L1-04 Motor Overheat Fault Operation Selection 0 to 2 1
Setting 0: Ramp to Stop
The drive stops the motor using the active deceleration time.

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

Setting 1: Coast to Stop

The drive output is switched off and the motor coasts to stop.
Setting 2: Fast-stop
The drive stops the motor using the Fast-stop time set in parameter C1-09.
n L1-05: Motor Temperature Input Filter Time
Used to set a filter on the PTC signal in order to prevent a motor overheat fault from being mistakenly detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L1-05 Motor Temperature Input Filter Time 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.20 s

n L1-13: Continuous Electrothermal Operation Selection

Determines whether to hold the current value of the electrothermal motor protection (L1-01) when the power supply is
No. Name Setting Range Default
L1-13 Continuous Electrothermal Operation Selection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
Setting 1: Enabled
n L1-22: Leakage Current Filter Time Constant 1
Note: 1. Available in drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later.
2. Available only when C6-02 is set to B. To display this parameter, first set C6-02 to B.
Sets the time constant for the filter applied to motor overload detection current or monitor current for constant speed
operation. Leakage current can incorrectly trigger motor overload fault oL1 or result in incorrect monitor reading. Increase
this setting if erroneous detection occurs or if the monitor display is incorrect.
NOTICE: Setting parameter L1-22 too high may cause the drive to detect motor overload too slowly and burn out the motor. Be sure
to set L1-22 to an appropriate value for the application.

No. Name Setting Range Default

L1-22 Leakage Current Filter Time Constant 1 0.0 to 60.0 s 20.0 s

n L1-23: Leakage Current Filter Time Constant 2

Note: 1. Available in drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later.
2. Available only when C6-02 is set to B. To display this parameter, first set C6-02 to B.
Sets the time constant for the filter applied to monitor current during acceleration and deceleration. Leakage current can
result in incorrect monitor reading. Increase this setting if the monitor display is incorrect.

Parameter Details
Note: Setting parameter L1-23 too high may cause the current monitor to take too long to read the initial current level. Check the operation
sequence being used if this is a problem.

No. Name Setting Range Default

L1-23 Leakage Current Filter Time Constant 2 0.0 to 60.0 s 1.0 s

u L2: Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru 5

n L2-01: Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection
When a momentary power loss occurs (DC bus voltage falls below the level set in L2-05), the drive can be set to
automatically return to the operation it was performing when the power went out based on certain conditions.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection 0 to 2 0
Setting 0: Disabled (default)
If power is not restored within 15 ms, a Uv1 fault will result and the drive will stop the motor.
Setting 1: Enabled, Recover Within L2-02
When a momentary power loss occurs, the drive will attempt to restart and perform Speed Search if power is restored
within the period of time set to parameter L2-02. If power is not restored within the time set to L2-02 (i.e. DC bus voltage
level remains below Uv1 detection level L2-05), then a Uv1 fault is triggered and the drive output will be shut off.

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Setting 2: Recover as Long as CPU has Power

Drive will try to restart as long as the CPU still has power. This allows for a longer ride-through time than setting L2-01
to 1. A Uv1 fault is not triggered. This setting should also be used if the KEB function is utilized.
Note: 1. The amount of time the drive is capable of recovering after a power loss is determined by the capacity of the drive. Drive capacity
determines the upper limit for L2-02.
2. A Momentary Power Loss Unit is available to allow for a longer momentary power loss ride through time in a 0.4 to 7.5 kW drive
(200 or 400 V class). This option makes it possible to continue running after up to two seconds of power loss.
3. When L2-01 is set to 1 or 2, and a magnetic contactor between motor and drive is used, be sure that the magnetic contactor is kept
close as long as the drive attempts to restart.
4. When L2-01 is set to 1 or 2, “Uv” will flash on the operator while the drive is attempting to recover from a momentary power loss.
A fault signal is not output at this time.

n L2-02: Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Time

Set the time in which the power has to return before a Uv fault is tripped. This parameter is valid only if L2-01 = 1.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
L2-02 Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Time 0.0 to 25.5 s o2-04.

n L2-03: Momentary Power Loss Minimum Baseblock Time

Sets the minimum baseblock time when power is restored following a momentary power loss. This determines the time it
takes for the leftover voltage in the motor to dissipate. Increase this setting if overcurrent or overvoltage occur at the
beginning of Speed Search after a power loss or DC Injection Braking. If L2-03 > L2-02, then the drive will restart after
the time set to L2-03 has passed from the beginning of the power loss.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
L2-03 Momentary Power Loss Minimum Baseblock Time 0.1 to 5.0 s o2-04

n L2-04: Momentary Power Loss Voltage Recovery Ramp Time

Sets the time constant used to ramp up the voltage during Speed Search. The setting value determines the time for a change
from zero to the maximum voltage.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
L2-04 Momentary Power Loss Voltage Recovery Ramp Time 0.0 to 5.0 s o2-04

n L2-05: Undervoltage Detection Level

Determines the voltage at which a Uv1 fault is triggered or at which the KEB function is activated.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L2-05 <1> Undervoltage Detection Level 150 to 210 V 190 V <2>
<1> Values are for 200 V class drives and must be doubled for 400 V class drives.
<2> This value is initialized when E1-01 is changed.
This setting rarely needs to be changed.
When setting L2-05 is lower than the default setting, be sure to install an AC reactor option to the input side of the power
supply to prevent damage to drive circuitry.
n Kinetic Energy Backup (KEB) Function
In case of a power loss, the KEB function can decelerate the motor and use the rotational energy of the machine to backup/
maintain the drive DC bus for a certain period of time. This allows the drive to continue running without interrupting the
output power during a momentary power loss. Once the power is restored, the drive smoothly returns to the same operational
state before the power loss occurred. The KEB function supports two different operation modes.
In this mode the drive decelerates the motor based on the deceleration time set in parameter L2-06/C1-09 in order to keep
the DC bus voltage level high. When the power supply returns, it uses the time set to L2-07 or the selected acceleration
time to accelerate back to the frequency reference.

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(H1-oo = 65 or 66)


L2-06 L2-07

Figure 5.79 KEB Ride-Thru Timing Diagram for Multiple Drives

Note: If L2-06 is set to 0.0 s, C1-09 is used instead. If L2-07 is set to 0.0 s, the drive reaccelerates using the selected acceleration time.
Use this method with setting parameters L2-06 and L2-07 if multiple drives must decelerate but still keep the speed ratio
between the drives constant during power loss. In this case, a braking resistor is required in order to avoid overvoltage
In this mode the drive decelerates the motor by calculating the energy of the rotating system. The deceleration rate is
continuously adjusted so that the DC bus voltage meets the level set in parameter L2-11. The rotational energy is estimated
using the parameters L3-24 and L3-25. When the power supply returns, the drive accelerates back to the frequency reference
using the selected acceleration time.
Activation and Deactivation of the KEB Function
The KEB function requires parameter L2-01 to be set to 1 or 2 and a digital input has to be configured for the KEB 1
(H1-oo = 65/66) or KEB 2 (H1-oo = 7A/7B) command. The input has to be enabled during KEB. Refer to Setting
65/66: KEB Ride-Thru 1 (N.C.)/2 (N.O.) on page 186 and Refer to Setting 7A/7B: KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.C./N.O.) on
page 187 for details on setting the KEB input commands.
The KEB function is automatically activated when one of the conditions below becomes true.
• The DC bus voltage falls below the level set in parameter L2-05. The KEB input has to be set within 50 ms after the
KEB function was activated, or the drive will assume the power supply has returned and attempt to restart.
• The input programmed for KEB 1 or 2 is activated. This input should be triggered by an external undervoltage detection
The KEB function ends when one of the conditions below become true.
• The KEB input was released or
• The function was activated by DC bus voltage detection and no KEB input was set within 50 ms after the KEB activation.
Figure 5.80 shows a wiring example for triggering the KEB function at power loss using digital input S6.

Parameter Details

B1 B2

L1 R/L1 U/T1

L2 S/L2 V/T2 M 5
L3 T/L3 W/T3

UV Detection

S6 - KEB command 1 or 2

S1 - Start command


Figure 5.80 KEB Function Wiring Example

Note: Make sure the Run command is not switched off when momentary power loss occurs. If the Run command is shut off, the drive will
not accelerate back to speed when the power is restored.
KEB Related Adjustment Parameters
The KEB 1 functions can be adjusted using the following parameters:
• L2-05, Undervoltage Detection Level

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• L2-06 or C1-09, KEB Deceleration Time or Fast-stop Time

• L2-07, KEB Acceleration Time
• L2-08, Frequency Gain at KEB Start
Use the following parameters when adjusting the KEB 2 function:
• L2-05, Undervoltage Detection Level
• L2-08, Frequency Gain at KEB Start
• L2-11, Desired DC Bus Voltage during KEB
• L3-20, Main Circuit DC Voltage Adjustment Gain
Sets the proportional gain for controlling the DC bus voltage and keeping it at the desired level during KEB 2 operation.
• L3-21, Accel/Decel Rate Calculation Gain
Sets the gain used to calculate the acceleration or deceleration rate when KEB 2 is active.
• L3-24, Motor Acceleration Time
This value is used to estimate the regenerative power fed back from the mechanics to the drive DC bus during KEB 2.
• L3-25, Load Inertia Ratio
This value is used to estimate the regenerative power fed back from the mechanics to the drive DC bus during KEB 2.
n L2-06: KEB Deceleration Time (KEB 1 only)
Sets the time to decelerate from the frequency reference when the KEB command was input down to zero speed. It can be
used to decelerate different drives down to zero in the same time and thereby keep a constant speed ratio.
When L2-06 is set to 0.0 s, the time set in parameter C1-09 (set for deceleration from maximum frequency to zero) is used
for the deceleration.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L2-06 KEB Deceleration Time 0.0 to 200.0 s 0.0 s

n L2-07: KEB Acceleration Time (KEB 1 only)

Sets the time to reaccelerate from the speed when KEB was deactivated to the frequency reference. It can be used to
accelerate different drives up to their frequency reference in the same time and thereby keep a constant speed ratio.
When set to 0, the drive will accelerate back up to speed according to parameters C1-01 through C1-08 (set for acceleration
from zero to maximum frequency).
No. Name Setting Range Default
L2-07 KEB Acceleration Time 0.0 to 25.5 s 0.0 s

n L2-08: Frequency Gain at KEB Start (KEB 1 only)

When KEB 1 is activated, the output frequency is reduced in a single step in order to quickly get the motor into a regenerative
state. The amount of this frequency reduction can be calculated using the following formula:
Amount of reduction = Slip frequency prior to KEB x (L2-08/100) x 2
No. Name Setting Range Default
L2-08 Minimum Frequency Gain at KEB Start 0 to 300% 100%

n L2-11: Desired DC Bus Voltage during KEB (KEB 2 only)

Sets the desired voltage in the DC bus during KEB 2 operation.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L2-11 Desired DC Bus Voltage during KEB 150 to 400 V <1> E1-01 x 1.22
<1> Values are for 200 V class drives and must be doubled for 400 V class drives.

u L3: Stall Prevention

When the load is too high or acceleration and deceleration times are too short, the motor may be unable to keep up with
the frequency reference, resulting in excessive slip. This “stalling” makes it impossible to decelerate or accelerate. The
drive can prevent the motor from stalling and still reach the desired speed without the user needing to change the
acceleration or deceleration time settings. The Stall Prevention function can be set separately for acceleration, operating
at constant speeds, and deceleration.

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n L3-01: Stall Prevention Selection during Acceleration

Stall Prevention during acceleration is used when the motor loses speed during acceleration due to a relatively large load.
It prevents overcurrent and motor overload (oL1) from occurring.
This parameter sets the Stall Prevention method for acceleration.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-01 Stall Prevention Selection during Acceleration 0 to 2 <1> 1
<1> Setting 2 is not available for PM OLV.
Setting 0: Disabled
No Stall Prevention is provided. If the acceleration time setting is too short, the drive may not be able to accelerate within
the set time and the motor may stall.
Setting 1: Enabled
Enables Stall Prevention during acceleration. The operation depends on the selected control mode.
• V/f or Open Loop Vector Control:
When the output current exceeds 85% of the level set in parameter L3-02, the acceleration rate is reduced. The
acceleration is stopped when the current exceeds L3-02. Acceleration continues when the current falls below L3-02.
The Stall Prevention level is automatically reduced in the field weakening area. Refer to L3-03: Stall Prevention Limit
During Acceleration on page 214.
Output current

Stall Prevention Level

During Acceleration


Output frequency

Controls the output frequency

to prevent the motor from stalling


Parameter Details
Figure 5.81 Stall Prevention During Acceleration for Induction Motors

• Open Loop Vector Control for PM:

Acceleration is stopped when the output current reaches the level set in parameter L3-02, and after 100 ms the drive
decelerates using the deceleration time set in parameter L3-22 (Refer to L3-22: Deceleration Time at Stall Prevention
During Acceleration on page 214). When the current falls below 85% of L3-02, deceleration is stopped. The drive will 5
attempt to reaccelerate again after 100 ms.

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Output current
L3-02 15 % of L3-02

Output frequency

100 ms
100 ms
using L3-22

Figure 5.82 Stall Prevention During Acceleration for Permanent Magnet Motors

Setting 2: Intelligent Stall Prevention

When L3-01 = 2, the drive will disregard the selected acceleration time and try to accelerate in the minimum time. The
acceleration rate is adjusted so that the current does not exceed the value set in parameter L3-02.
n L3-02: Stall Prevention Level During Acceleration
Sets the output current level at which the Stall Prevention during acceleration is activated.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-02 Stall Prevention Level during Acceleration 0 to 150% <1> <1>

<1> The upper limit and default value is determined by the duty rating and the carrier frequency derating selection (C6-01 and L8-38 respectively).
• If stalling occurs with L3-02 set to its default value when using a motor that is relatively small compared to the drive,
try lowering L3-02.
• When operating the motor in the constant power range, also set parameter L3-03.
n L3-03: Stall Prevention Limit During Acceleration
The Stall Prevention level is automatically reduced when the motor is operated in the constant power range. L3-03 sets
the lower limit for this reduction as a percentage of the drive rated current.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-03 Stall Prevention Limit during Acceleration 0 to 100% 50%
Stall Prevention level during Acceleration



Output frequency
Base frequency

Figure 5.83 Stall Prevention Level and Limit During Acceleration

n L3-22: Deceleration Time at Stall Prevention During Acceleration

Sets the brief deceleration time used when stalling occurs while accelerating a PM motor. When set to 0, this function is
disabled and the drive will decelerate at the selected deceleration time when stalling occurs.
The function is effective only in Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors and if parameter L3-01 is set to 1.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-22 Deceleration Time at Stall Prevention During Acceleration 0 to 6000.0 s 0.0 s

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n L3-04: Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration

Stall Prevention during deceleration can control the deceleration based on the DC bus voltage and prevent an overvoltage
fault caused by high inertia or rapid deceleration.
Selects the Stall Prevention method during deceleration.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-04 Stall Prevention Selection During Deceleration Selection 0 to 4; 7 <1> <2> 1
<1> Settings 3 and 4 are not available in OLV/PM control mode.
<2> Setting 7 is available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.
Setting 0: Disabled
When this setting is used, the drive decelerates according to the set deceleration time. With high inertia loads or rapid
deceleration, an overvoltage (ov) fault may occur. In this case use braking options or switch to another L3-04 selection.
Note: Use this setting or set L3-04 to 3 whenever a Dynamic Braking Resistor or another braking option is used.
Setting 1: General Purpose Stall Prevention
With this setting the drive tries to decelerate in the set deceleration time. When the DC bus voltage exceeds the Stall
Prevention level, the drive pauses deceleration. Deceleration continues as soon as the DC bus voltage drops below that
level. Stall Prevention may be triggered repeatedly to avoid an overvoltage fault. The DC bus voltage level for Stall
Prevention depends on the input voltage setting E1-01.
Drive Input Voltage Stall Prevention Level during Deceleration
200 V Class Vdc = 380 V
E1-01 ≥ 400 V Vdc = 760 V
400 V Class
E1-01 < 400 V Vdc = 660 V
Note: 1. This setting should not be used in combination with a Dynamic Braking Resistor or other braking options. If Stall Prevention during
deceleration is enabled, it will be triggered before the braking resistor option can operate.
2. This method may lengthen the total deceleration time compared to the set value. If this is not appropriate for the application consider
using a braking option.
Figure 5.84 illustrates the function of Stall Prevention during deceleration.
Output Frequency

Deceleration characteristics
when Stall Prevention was
triggered during deceleration


Parameter Details
specified deceleration time

Figure 5.84 Stall Prevention During Deceleration

Setting 2: Intelligent Stall Prevention

With this setting the drive adjusts the deceleration rate so that the DC bus voltage is kept at the level set in parameter
L3-17. This way the shortest possible deceleration time is achieved while the motor is protected from stalling. The 5
deceleration time that has been selected is disregarded, but the achievable deceleration time cannot be smaller than 1/10
of the set deceleration time.
This function uses the following parameters for adjusting the deceleration rate:
• DC bus voltage gain L3-20
• Deceleration rate calculations gain L3-21
• Inertia calculations for motor acceleration time L3-24
• Load inertia ratio L3-25
Refer to these parameter descriptions for details.
Note: As the deceleration time is not constant, Intelligent Stall Prevention should not be used in applications where stopping accuracy is a
concern. Use braking options instead.
Setting 3: Stall Prevention with Braking Option
Enables the Stall Prevention function while using a braking resistor. Use this setting if overvoltage occurs with L3-04
disabled when using a braking resistor. This makes it possible to reduce the deceleration time.

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Setting 4: Overexcitation Deceleration

Enables overexcitation deceleration. Overexcitation Deceleration (increasing the motor flux) shortens the deceleration
time compared to deceleration with no Stall Prevention (L3-04 = 0). Repetitive or long overexcitation deceleration can
result in motor overheat. In such situations, either shorten the deceleration time setting or use a braking resistor option.
Use parameters n3-13 and n3-23 for fine-tuning this function.
Note: Because the allowable flux level for overexcitation varies based on the flux saturation characteristics of the motor, set the proper
overexcitation level by adjusting the excitation gain in parameter n3-13. Motor characteristics and inertia of the machine influence the
deceleration time during overexcitation deceleration.
Setting 7: Overexcitation Deceleration 3
Provides faster deceleration than normal Overexcitation Deceleration (L3-04 = 4) by increasing the amount of
overexcitation current applied to the motor.
Note: When operation permits, use normal Overexcitation Deceleration (L3-04 = 4).

n L3-05: Stall Prevention Selection During Run

Stall Prevention During Run can prevent a motor from stalling by automatically reducing the speed when a transient
overload occurs while the motor is running at constant speed.
This parameter selects the Stall Prevention During Run method.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-05 Stall Prevention Selection During Run 0 to 2 1
Note: 1. This function is not available in Open Loop Vector Control. Use the torque limit function instead.
2. When output frequency is 6 Hz or less, Stall Prevention During Run is disabled regardless of the setting in L3-05/06.
Setting 0: Disabled
Drive runs at the set frequency reference. A heavy load may cause the motor to stall and trip the drive with an oC or oL
Setting 1: Decelerate Using C1-02
If the current exceeds the Stall Prevention level set in parameter L3-06, the drive decelerates at Decel Time 1 (C1-02).
Once the current level drops below the value of L3-06 minus 2% for 100 ms it accelerates back to the frequency reference
at the active acceleration time.
Setting 2: Decelerate Using C1-04
Same as setting 1 except the drive decelerates at decel time 2 (C1-04).
n L3-06: Stall Prevention Level During Run
Sets the current level for Stall Prevention During Run. Depending on the setting of parameter L3-23 the level is
automatically reduced in the constant power range (speed beyond base speed).
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-06 Stall Prevention Level During Run 30 to 150 <1> <1>

<1> The upper limit and default value for this setting are determined by C6-01, Drive Duty Selection, and L8-38, Carrier Frequency Reduction

n L3-23: Automatic Stall Prevention Level Reduction

This function reduces the Stall Prevention during run level in the constant power range.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Automatic Reduction Function Selection for Stall Prevention
L3-23 0 or 1 0
during Run
Setting 0: Disabled
The level set in L3-06 is used throughout the entire speed range.
Setting 1: Enabled
The Stall Prevention level during run is reduced in the constant power range. The lower limit will be 40% of L3-06.
n Overvoltage Suppression Function
This function suppresses overvoltage faults by slightly increasing the output frequency when the DC bus voltage rises. It
can be used to drive loads with cyclic regenerative operation, such as punch presses or other applications that involve
repetitive crank movements.
The output frequency is adjusted during ov suppression so that the DC bus voltage does not exceed the level set in parameter
L3-17. In addition to the parameters explained below, ov suppression also uses these settings for frequency adjustment:

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• DC bus voltage gain L3-20

• Deceleration rate calculations gain L3-21
• Inertia calculations for motor acceleration time L3-24
• Load inertia ratio L3-25
Note: 1. The motor speed will exceed the frequency reference when overvoltage suppression is triggered. Consequently, overvoltage
suppression is not appropriate in applications that require a perfect match between the frequency reference and the actual motor
2. Disable overvoltage suppression when using a braking resistor.
3. Overvoltage may still occur if there is a sudden increase to a regenerative load.
4. This function is enabled only when operating just below the maximum frequency. Overvoltage suppression does not increase the
output frequency beyond the maximum frequency. If this is required by the application increase the maximum frequency and change
the base frequency setting.

n L3-11: Overvoltage Suppression Function Selection

Enables or disables the overvoltage suppression function.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-11 ov Suppression Function Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
The output frequency is not adjusted. A regenerative load may trip the drive with an overvoltage fault. Use this setting if
braking options are installed.
Setting 1: Enabled
When the DC bus voltage rises due to regenerative load, an overvoltage fault is prevented by increasing the output
n L3-17: Target DC Bus Voltage for Overvoltage Suppression and Stall Prevention
Sets the target DC bus voltage target level used by the overvoltage suppression function (L3-11 = 1) and Intelligent Stall
Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = 2).
No. Name Setting Range Default
Target DC Bus Voltage for Overvoltage Suppression, and <1> <1> <2>
L3-17 150 to 400 370 V
Intelligent Stall Prevention During Deceleration
<1> Values are for 200 V class drives and must be doubled for 400 V class drives.
<2> This value is initialized when E1-01 is changed.

n L3-20: DC Bus Voltage Adjustment Gain

Determines the proportional gain used by overvoltage suppression (L3-11 = 1), Kinetic Energy Backup 2, and Intelligent
Stall Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = 2) in order to control the DC bus voltage.

Parameter Details
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-20 DC Bus Voltage Adjustment Gain 0.00 to 5.00 1.00
Adjustment for KEB 2 and Intelligent Stall Prevention During Deceleration
• Increase this setting slowly in steps of 0.1 if overvoltage (ov) or undervoltage (Uv1) occurs at the beginning of
deceleration while KEB Ride-Thru 2 is enabled or Intelligent Stall Prevention during deceleration is activated.
• If this setting is too high, then a fair amount of speed or torque ripple can result. 5
Adjustment for Overvoltage Suppression
• Increase this setting slowly in steps of 0.1 if overvoltage suppression is enabled (L3-11 = 1) and a sudden increase in a
regenerative load results in an overvoltage (ov) fault.
• If this setting is too high, excessive speed or torque ripple can result.
n L3-21: Accel/Decel Rate Calculation Gain
Determines the proportional gain used by overvoltage suppression (L3-11 = 1), Kinetic Energy Backup 2, and Intelligent
Stall Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = 2) in order to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-21 Accel/Decel Rate Calculation Gain 0.00 to 200.00 1.00 <1>

<1> This value is reset to its default value when the control mode is changed (A1-02). The value shown here is for Open Loop Vector Control.
Adjustment for KEB 2 and Intelligent Stall Prevention During Deceleration
• Reduce the setting in steps of 0.05 if there is a fairly large speed or current ripple during KEB Ride-Thru 2 or when
using Intelligent Stall Prevention during deceleration.

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• Small reductions in the acceleration gain can also help solve problems with overvoltage and overcurrent.
• Decreasing this setting too much can result in a slow DC bus voltage control response and may also lengthen deceleration
times beyond optimal levels.
Adjustment for Overvoltage Suppression
• Increase this setting in steps of 0.1 if overvoltage occurs as a result of a regenerative load when overvoltage suppression
is enabled (L3-11 = 1).
• If there is a fairly large speed ripple when overvoltage suppression is enabled, then decrease L3-21 in steps of 0.05.
n L3-24: Motor Acceleration Time for Inertia Calculations
Sets the time it takes to accelerate the motor from stop to the maximum speed at motor rated torque. This parameter should
be set when using KEB Ride-Thru 2, Intelligent Stall Prevention during deceleration (L2-04 = 2), or the overvoltage
suppression function (L3-11 = 1).
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by o2-04, E2-11, and
L3-24 Motor Acceleration Time for Inertia Calculations 0.001 to 10.000
E5-01 <1>
<1> Parameter L3-24 is defaulted for a Yaskawa standard 4-pole motor. During Auto-Tuning, L3-24 will be initialized to a Yaskawa standard 4-
pole motor if parameter E2-11 is changed. This value also changes based on the motor code set to E5-01 when using the Open Loop Vector
Control Mode for PM motors.
Calculations are made as follows:

2 J [kgm2] n rated [r/min]

L3-24 =
60 Trated [Nm]

The rated torque can be calculated as follows:

60 P Motor[kW] 103
T rated[Nm] =
2 n rated [r/min]

n L3-25: Load Inertia Ratio

Determines the ratio between the rotor inertia and the load. Set this parameter when using KEB Ride-Thru 2, Intelligent
Stall Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = 2), or the overvoltage suppression function (L3-11 = 1).
No. Name Setting Range Default
L3-25 Load Inertia Ratio 0.0 to 1000.0 1.0
When set incorrectly, a fairly large current ripple can result during KEB Ride-Thru 2 and overvoltage suppression (L3-11
= 1) or other faults such as ov, Uv1, and oC may occur.
Parameter L3-25 can be calculated by:
Machine Inertia
L3-25 =
Motor Inertia

u L4: Speed Agree/Frequency Reference Loss Detection

These parameters set up the speed agree and speed detection functions which can be assigned to the multi-function output
n L4-01/02: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width
Parameter L4-01 sets the detection level for the digital output functions “Speed Agree 1”, “User Set Speed Agree 1”,
“Frequency Detection 1”, and “Frequency Detection 2”.
Parameter L4-02 sets the hysteresis level for these functions.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L4-01 Speed Agreement Detection Level 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
L4-02 Speed Agreement Detection Width 0.0 to 20.0 Hz 2.0 Hz
Refer to H2-01 to H2-03: Terminal MA/MB/MC, P1/PC and P2/PC Function Selection on page 188, Settings 2, 3, 4,
and 5.
n L4-03/04: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width (+/-)
Parameter L4-03 sets the detection level for the digital output functions “Speed Agree 2”, “User Set Speed Agree 2”,
“Frequency Detection 3”, and “Frequency Detection 4”.

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Parameter L4-04 sets the hysteresis level for these functions.

No. Name Setting Range Default
L4-03 Speed Agreement Detection Level (+/-) 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
L4-04 Speed Agreement Detection Width (+/-) 0.0 to 20.0 Hz 2.0 Hz
Refer to H2-01 to H2-03: Terminal MA/MB/MC, P1/PC and P2/PC Function Selection on page 188, Settings 13, 14,
15, and 16.
n L4-05: Frequency Reference Loss Detection Selection
The drive can detect a loss of an analog frequency reference from input A1 or A2. Reference loss is detected when the
frequency reference value reduces for 90% within 400 ms.
Analog 100%
frequency 80%
reference 10%


Loss of
Reference OFF ON

Figure 5.85 Loss of Reference Function

To have a fault output trigger when frequency reference loss occurs, set H2-01, H2-02, or H2-03 to “C”. Refer to Setting
C: Frequency Reference Loss on page 192 for details on setting the output function.
Parameter L4-05 selects the operation when a frequency reference loss is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L4-05 Frequency Reference Loss Detection Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Stop
The drive will stop the motor.
Setting 1: Continue Operation with Reduced Frequency Reference
The drive will continue operation at the frequency reference value set in parameter L4-06. When the external frequency
reference value is restored, the operation is continued with the frequency reference.
n L4-06: Frequency Reference at Reference Loss
Sets the frequency reference level the drive runs with when L4-05 = 1 and a reference loss was detected. The value is set
as a percentage of the frequency reference before the loss was detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default

Parameter Details
L4-06 Frequency Reference at Reference Loss 0.0 to 100.0% 80.0%

n L4-07: Speed Agreement Detection Selection

Determines when frequency detection is active using parameters L4-01 through L4-04.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L4-07 Speed Agreement Detection Selection 0, 1 0
Setting 0: No Detection During Baseblock

Setting 1: Detection Always Enabled

n L4-08: Speed Agreement Detection Conditions

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
Determines whether soft-starter output or estimated motor speed constitutes a speed agreement situation.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L4-08 Speed Agreement Detection Conditions 0, 1 0
Setting 0: Match Speed with the Soft-Starter Output

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

Setting 1: Match Frequency Reference and Motor Speed

Note: In V/f control the drive ignores the value set to L4-08 and refers to the soft-starter output to determine whether a speed agreement
situation has been reached.
The following functions are influenced by the speed agree condition:
• Overtorque alarms oL3 and oL4 when parameters L6-01 or L6-04 are set to 1, 3, 5, or 7.
• DriveWorksEZ functions that use speed agree output
• The Up 2/Down 2 functions
• Multi-Function Digital Output Settings
Setting Value Function
2 Frequency (Speed) Agree 1
3 User-set Frequency (Speed) Agree 1
4 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 1
5 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 2
13 Frequency (Speed) Agree 2
14 User-set Frequency (Speed) Agree 2
15 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 3
16 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 4

• MEMOBUS/Modbus Monitor Data

Register No. Description
Drive Status 2
Bit 2 Speed Agree, 1: During Agree
002CH Bit 3 User-set Speed Agree, 1: During Agree
Bit 4 Frequency Detection 1, 1: Output Frequency ≤ L4-01
Bit 5 Frequency Detection 2, 1: Output Frequency ≥ L4-01
Drive Status (U1-12)
Bit 4 1: During Speed Agree

• U: Monitor
No. Name Description
U1-12 Drive Status The fifth digit from the right side: During Speed Agree

n Notes on Controlling the Brake for the Hoist Application

The frequency detection function is used for controlling the brake.
When an external Baseblock command is present while a Run command is active, the frequency reference will be kept as
long as the Run command is active. To avoid improper brake operation make sure that frequency detection is set so that
the brake does not open during Baseblock (L4-07 = “0”, default).
Brake Open/Close Brake Activation Level
Function Parameter Signal Parameter
Detection L4-07 = 0 Frequency Detection Level L4-01 = 2.0 to 3.0 Hz <1>
Frequency H2-01 = 5 Frequency Detection Width 2.0 Hz (fixed)
Detection 2
<1> If the load slips during stop, make it greater than E1-09 or 2.0 Hz until the load no longer slips.

2.0 Hz (fixed)

Frequency Time

Detection 2

Figure 5.86 Frequency Detection 2

The braking sequence should be designed as follows:

• A normally open signal (N.O.) should be used to control the brake so that it is released when terminal MA-MC closes.

220 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.8 L: Protection Functions

• An external circuit should be added to ensure the brake is fully applied in case of a fault or emergency condition.
• An additional external circuit should also be added to ensure the brake releases properly when an Up/Down Command
is entered.
When changing the speed using an analog signal, make sure that the source of the frequency reference is assigned to the
control circuit terminals (b1-01 = 1).
A sequence to open and close the holding brake appears in the diagram below.
d1-01 (Enabled when b1-01 = 0)
Output frequency
L4-01 b6-01 b4-01
Output DC Injection braking
Frequency Detection 2
(H2-01=5) ON OFF
Holding brake
Closed Open Closed

Figure 5.87 Holding Brake Time Chart

Parameter Details

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

u L5: Fault Restart

The drive can be set up to perform a self-diagnostic check and resume the operation after a fault has occurred. If the self-
check is successful and the cause of the fault has disappeared, the drive restarts by performing Speed Search (Refer to
b3: Speed Search on page 125 for details).
The drive can attempt to restart itself following the faults listed below.
Table 5.30 Restart Faults
Setting Function Setting Function
GF (Ground Fault)
ov (DC Bus Overvoltage)
LF (Output Open Phase)
PF (Input Phase Loss)
oC (Overcurrent) rH (Braking Resistor Fault)
oH1 (Drive Overheat) rr (Braking Transistor Fault)
oL1 (Motor Overload) STo (Step Out Detection)
oL2 (Drive Overload) Uv1 (DC Bus Undervoltage) <1>

oL3 (Overtorque 1)
oL4 (Overtorque 2)
<1> When L2-01 is set to 1 or 2 (continue operation during momentary power loss)
Use parameters L5-01 to L5-05 to set up automatic fault restart.
To output a signal during fault restart, set H2-01, H2-02, or H2-03 to 1E.
Do not use the fault restart function in hoist applications.
n L5-01: Number of Auto Restart Attempts
Sets the number of times that the drive may attempt to restart itself.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L5-01 Number of Auto Restarts 0 to 10 0
The method of incrementing the restart counter is determined by the setting of parameter L5-05. When the counter reaches
the number set in L5-01 the operation stops and the fault has to be reset manually after correcting the cause.
The restart counter is incremented at each restart attempt, regardless of whether the attempt was successful. When the
counter reaches the number set in L5-01 the operation stops and the fault has to be reset manually after correcting the
The number of fault restarts is reset back to zero when:
• The drive operates normally for ten minutes following a fault restart.
• A fault is cleared manually after protective functions are triggered.
• The power supply is cycled.
n L5-02: Auto Restart Fault Output Operation Selection
Selects if the fault output (H2-01/02/03 = E) is set when the drive attempts to restart.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L5-02 Auto Restart Fault Output Operation Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: No Fault Output

Setting 1: Fault Output is Set

n L5-04: Fault Reset Interval Time

Determines the amount of time to wait between attempts to restart the drive when parameter L5-05 is set to 1.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L5-04 Fault Reset Interval Time 0.5 to 600.0 s 10.0 s

n L5-05: Fault Reset Operation Selection

No. Name Setting Range Default
L5-05 Fault Reset Operation Selection 0 or 1 0

222 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.8 L: Protection Functions

Setting 0: Count Successful Restarts

The drive will continuously attempt to restart. If a restart trial is successful, the restart counter is increased. This operation
is repeated each time a fault occurs until the counter reaches the value set in L5-01.
Setting 1: Count Restart Attempts
The drive will try to restart using the time interval set in parameter L5-04. Each attempt is counted, whether it was successful
or not.

u L6: Torque Detection

The drive provides two independent torque detection functions that trigger an alarm or fault signal when the load is too
heavy (oL), or suddenly drops (UL). They are set up using the L6-oo parameters. To indicate the underload or overload
condition to an external device, digital outputs should be programmed as shown below.
H2-01 /02/03 Setting Description
B Torque detection 1, N.O. (output close when over-/underload is detected)
17 Torque detection 1, N.C. (output opens when over-/underload is detected)
18 Torque detection 2, N.O. (output close when over-/underload is detected)
19 Torque detection 2, N.C. (output opens when over-/underload is detected)
Figure 5.88 and Figure 5.89 show the function of overtorque and undertorque detection.
Motor current / torque
10 % hysteresis 10 % hysteresis


L6-03/06 L6-03/06
Torque detection 1 (NO)
Torque detection 2 (NO) ON ON

Figure 5.88 Overtorque Detection Operation

Motor current / torque 10 % hysteresis


L6-03/06 L6-03/06

Parameter Details
Torque detection 1 (NO)
Torque detection 2 (NO) ON ON

Figure 5.89 Undertorque Detection Operation

Note: 1. The torque detection function uses a hysteresis of 10% of the drive rated output current/motor rated torque.
2. In V/f Control and Open Loop Vector Control for PM, the level is set as a percentage of the drive rated output current. In Open
Loop Vector, it is set as a percentage of the motor rated torque.
Note: When overtorque occurs in the application, the drive may stop due to overcurrent (oC) or overload (oL1). To prevent this, an overload
situation should be indicated to the controller before oC or oL1 occur in the drive. Use the torque detection for this purpose. Use
undertorque detection to discover application problems like a torn belt, a pump shutting off, or other similar trouble.

n L6-01/L6-04: Torque Detection Selection 1/2

The torque detection function is triggered when the current/torque exceeds the levels set in parameter L6-02/L6-05 for
longer than the time set in L6-03L6-/06. The parameters L6-01/L6-04 select the detection condition and the operation at
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-01/ L6-04 Torque Detection Selection 1/2 0 to 8 0
Setting 0: Disabled

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Setting 1: oL3/oL4 at Speed Agree - Alarm

Overtorque detection is active only when the output speed is equal to the frequency reference, i.e., no detection during
acceleration and deceleration. The operation continues after detection and an oL3/oL4 alarm is triggered.
Setting 2: oL3/oL4 at Run - Alarm
Overtorque detection works whenever a Run command is active. The operation continues after detection and an oL3/oL4
alarm is triggered.
Setting 3: oL3/oL4 at Speed Agree - Fault
Overtorque detection is active only when the output speed is equal to the frequency reference, i.e., no detection during
acceleration and deceleration. The operation is stopped and an oL3/oL4 fault is triggered.
Setting 4: oL3/oL4 at Run - Fault
Overtorque detection works whenever a Run command is active. The operation is stopped and an oL3/oL4 fault is triggered.
Setting 5: UL3/UL4 at Speed Agree - Alarm
Undertorque detection is active only when the output speed is equal to the frequency reference, i.e., no detection during
acceleration and deceleration. The operation continues after detection and a UL3/UL4 alarm is triggered.
Setting 6: oL5/UL5 at Run - Alarm
Undertorque detection works whenever a Run command is active. The operation continues after detection and an oL5/
UL5 alarm is triggered.
Setting 7: UL5 at Speed Agree - Fault
Undertorque detection is active only when the output speed is equal to the frequency reference, i.e., no detection during
acceleration and deceleration. The operation is stopped and a UL5 fault is triggered.
Setting 8: oL3/oL4 at Run - Fault
Undertorque detection works whenever a Run command is active. The operation is stopped and an oL3/oL4 fault is
n L6-02/L6-05: Torque Detection Level 1/2
These parameters the detection levels for the torque detection functions 1 and 2.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-02 Torque Detection Level 1 0 to 300% 150%
L6-05 Torque Detection Level 2 0 to 300% 150%
Note: 1. The torque detection level 1 (L6-02) can also be supplied by an analog input set to H3-02/10 = 7. In this case the analog value has
priority and the setting L6-02 is disregarded. Torque detection level 2 (L6-05) cannot be set by an analog input.
2. The detection levels for overtorque and undertorque are set as a percentage of the drive rated current when using V/f Control or
Open Loop Vector Control. When using Closed Loop Vector Control, the drive sets torque detection as a percentage of the motor
rated current.

n L6-03/L6-06: Torque Detection Time 1/2

These parameters set the time that the levels set in L6-02/05 have to be exceeded before an alarm/fault is triggered.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-03 Torque Detection Time 1 0.0 to 10.0 s 0.1 s
L6-06 Torque Detection Time 2 0.0 to 10.0 s 0.1 s

n Mechanical Weakening Detection

This function can be used to detect mechanical weakening of a machine that leads to overtorque or undertorque situations
after a certain machine operation time has elapsed.
The function is activated in the drive when the cumulative operation counter U4-01 exceeds the time set in parameter
L6-11. Mechanical weakening detection uses the torque detection 1 settings (L6-01/02/03) and triggers an oL5 fault when
overtorque or undertorque occurs in the speed range determined by parameter L6-08/09. The oL5 operation is set by
parameter L6-08.
To output a signal for mechanical weakening detection, set H2-01, H2-02, or H2-03 to 22.
n L6-08: Mechanical Weakening Detection Operation
Decides which speed range the function is active and sets the mechanical weakening detection operation.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-08 Mechanical Weakening Detection 0 to 8 0

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Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Continue Running if the Speed is Greater than L6-09 (signed) - Alarm
Detection when the speed is above L6-09 (signed). Upon detection the operation is continued but an oL5 alarm is output.
Setting 2: Continue Running if the Speed is Greater than L6-09 - Alarm
Detection when the speed is above L6-09 (unsigned). Upon detection the operation is continued but an oL5 alarm is output.
Setting 3: Stop when Motor Speed is Greater than L6-09 (signed)
Detection when the speed is above L6-09 (signed). Upon detection the operation is stopped and an oL5 fault is output.
Setting 4: Stop when Motor Speed is Greater than L6-09
Detection when the speed is above L6-09 (unsigned). Upon detection the operation is stopped and an fault is output.
Setting 5: Continue Running if the Speed is less than L6-09 (signed) - Alarm
Detection when the speed is below L6-09 (signed). Upon detection the operation is continued but an oL5 alarm is output.
Setting 6: Continue Running if the Speed is less than L6-09 - Alarm
Detection when the speed is below L6-09 (unsigned). Upon detection the operation is continued but an oL5 alarm is output.
Setting 7: Stop when Motor Speed is less than L6-09 (signed)
Detection when the speed is below L6-09 (signed). Upon detection the operation is stopped and an oL5 fault is output.
Setting 8: Stop when Motor Speed is less than L6-09
Detection when the speed is below L6-09 (unsigned). Upon detection the operation is stopped and an oL5 fault is output.
n L6-09: Mechanical Weakening Detection Speed Level
Sets the speed level that defines the speed range for mechanical weakening detection.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-09 Mechanical Weakening Detection Speed Level -110.0 to 110.0% 110%
The value is set as a percentage of the maximum frequency. If L6-08 is set for unsigned speed detection (L6-08 = 2, 4, 6,
8) then the absolute value of L6-09 is used, i.e., negative settings will be treated as positive.
n L6-10: Mechanical Weakening Detection Time
Sets the time permitted for the situation selected in parameter L6-08 to arise before mechanical weakening is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-10 Mechanical Weakening Detection Time 0.0 to 10.0 s 0.1 s

n L6-11: Mechanical Weakening Detection Start Time

Parameter Details
Sets the drives cumulative operation time at which mechanical weakening detection is activated. If U4-01 reaches the
L6-11 value, the function is activated.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L6-11 Mechanical Weakening Detection Start Time 0 to 65535 h 0h

u L7: Torque Limit 5

The torque limit function can be used to limit the torque in each of the four quadrants individually and thereby protect the
machinery. It can be used in the Open Loop Vector Control mode. A digital output programmed for “During Torque Limit”
(H2-01/02/03 = 30) can be switched when the drive is operating at the torque limit.
n L7-01/02/03/04: Torque Limits
These parameters set the torque limits in each operation mode.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L7-01 Forward Torque Limit 0 to 300% 200%
L7-02 Reverse Torque Limit 0 to 300% 200%
L7-03 Forward Regenerative Torque Limit 0 to 300% 200%
L7-04 Reverse Regenerative Torque Limit 0 to 300% 200%
Note: If the multi-function analog input is programmed for “10: Positive Torque Limit”, “11: Negative Torque Limit”, “12: Regenerative
Torque Limit”, or “15: General Torque Limit”, the drive uses the lower value of either L7-01 through L7-04, or analog input torque
limit. Refer to Setting 10/11/12/15: Positive/Negative/Regenerative/General Torque Limit (OLV only) on page 201 for details on
using analog torque limits.

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n L7-06: Torque Limit Integral Time Constant

Sets the integral time constant for the torque limit function.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L7-06 Torque Limit Integral Time Constant 5 to 10000 ms 200 ms

n L7-07: Torque Limit Control Method Selection during Accel/Decel

Selects the function of torque limit during acceleration and deceleration.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Torque Limit Control Method Selection during Acceleration/
L7-07 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Proportional Control
The torque limit function works with P-control during acceleration and deceleration and switches to I-control at constant
speed. Use this setting when acceleration or deceleration to the desired speed has priority over torque limitation during
speed changes.
Setting 1: Integral Control
The torque limit function always uses I-control. Use this setting when high accuracy torque limitation is required even
during speed changes. Using this function may increase the acceleration time, or may prevent the motor speed from reaching
the frequency reference when the torque limit is reached before.

u L8: Hardware Protection

n L8-01: Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor Protection Selection (ERF type)

This parameter selects the dynamic braking resistor protection when using an optional heatsink mounted braking resistor
(ERF type, 3% ED).
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-01 Internal Braking Resistor Protection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
Disables the braking resistor protection. Use this setting for any braking option other than the Yaskawa ERF Type resistor.
Setting 1: Enabled
Enables the protection for ERF type resistors.
n L8-02: Overheat Alarm Level
Sets the overheat alarm (oH) detection level.
The drive will output an alarm when the heatsink temperature exceeds the alarm level set in parameter L8-02. If the
temperature reaches the overheat fault level, the drive will trigger an oH1 fault and stop operation.
When an output terminal is set for the oH pre-alarm (H2-01/02/03 = 20), the switch will close when the heatsink temperature
rises above L8-02.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-02 Overheat Alarm Level 50 to 130 °C Depending on size

n L8-03: Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation Selection

Sets the operation when an overheat pre-alarm is detected.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-03 Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation 0 to 4 3
Setting 0: Ramp to Stop
If an overheat alarm occurs, the drive decelerates to stop using the selected deceleration time. If a digital output is
programmed for “fault” (H2-01/02/03 = E), this output will be triggered.
Setting 1: Coast to Stop
If an overheat alarm occurs, the drive switches off the output and the motor coasts to stop. If a digital output is programmed
for “fault” (H2-01/02/03 = E), this output will be triggered.

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Setting 2: Fast-stop
If an overheat alarm occurs, the drive decelerates to stop using the Fast-stop time (C1-09). If a digital output is programmed
for “fault” (H2-01/02/03 = E), this output will be triggered.
Setting 3: Alarm Only
If an overheat alarm occurs, an alarm is output and the drive continues operation.
Setting 4: Operation with Reduced Speed
If an overheat alarm occurs, the operation is continued but the speed is reduced to the level set in parameter L8-19. If after
10 s the oH alarm is still present, the speed is reduced once more. The amount of reduction depends on how often the alarm
repeats. If the oH alarm disappears while the drive is operating at a reduced speed, then the drive will switch back to the
previous speed it was reduced to before. Figure 5.90 explains the operation with reduced speed during an oH alarm. A
digital output programmed for 4D is switched when the oH alarm is still active after ten reduction cycles.
Output frequency
10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s


fref × (L8-19) Reset oH
Alarm Reset oH
oH Alarm
fref × (L8-19)2
oH etc. oH
Alarm Alarm
fref × (L8-19) 3

fref × (L8-19)4

oH Alarm number Time

Digital output (4D)

Figure 5.90 Output Frequency Reduction During Overheat Alarm

n L8-19: Frequency Reduction Rate During Overheat Pre-Alarm

Specifies how much the output frequency is reduced when L8-03 is set to 4 and an oH alarm is present. Set as a factor of
the maximum output frequency.

Parameter Details
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-19 Frequency Reduction Rate During oH Pre-Alarm 0.1 to 0.9 0.8

n L8-05: Input Phase Loss Protection Selection

Enables or disables the input phase loss detection.
No. Name Setting Range Default 5
L8-05 Input Phase Loss Detection Selection 0 or 1 <1>

<1> Regional default settings:

Setting 0: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 1: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)
Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Enabled
Enables the input phase loss detection. As detection is performed by measuring the DC bus ripple, a phase loss fault (PF)
can also be triggered by power supply voltage imbalance or main circuit capacitor deterioration. Detection is disabled
• The drive is decelerating.
• No Run command is active.
• Output current is less than or equal to 30% of the drive rated current.

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

n L8-07: Output Phase Loss Protection Selection

Enables or disables the output phase loss detection, which is triggered when the output current falls below 5% of the drive
rated current.
Note: Output phase loss detection can mistakenly be triggered if the motor rated current is very small compared to the drive rating. Disable
this parameter in such cases.

No. Name Setting Range Default

L8-07 Output Phase Loss Protection Selection 0 to 2 0
Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Fault when One Phase is Lost

An output phase loss fault (LF) is triggered when one output phase is lost. The output shuts off and the motor coasts to
Setting 2: Fault when Two Phases are Lost
An output phase loss fault (LF) is triggered when two output phases are lost. The output shuts off and the motor coasts to
n L8-09: Output Ground Fault Detection Selection
Enables or disables the output ground fault detection.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-09 Output Ground Fault Detection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
Ground faults are not detected.
Setting 1: Enabled
A ground fault (GF) is triggered when high leakage current or a ground short circuit occurs in one or two output phases.
n L8-10: Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Selection
Selects the heatsink cooling fan operation.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-10 Fan Operation Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Run with Timer
The fan is switched on when a Run command is active. It is switched off with the delay set in parameter L8-11 after the
Run command has been released. Using this setting extends the fan lifetime.
Setting 1: Run always
The fan runs whenever power is supplied to the drive.
n L8-11: Heatsink Cooling Fan Off Delay Time
Sets the cooling fan switch off delay time if parameter L8-10 is set to 0.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-11 Cooling Fan Switch Off Delay 0 to 300 s 60 s

n L8-12: Ambient Temperature Setting

If the temperature where the drive is mounted is above the specified values, the drive rated current must be reduced for
optimal performance life. By setting the ambient temperature to parameter L8-12 and adjusting the installation method
setting in L8-35, the drive rating automatically adapts to safe values.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-12 Ambient Temperature Setting -10 to +50 °C 40 °C

n L8-15: oL2 Characteristics Selection at Low Speeds

Selects whether the drive overload capability (oL fault detection level) is reduced at low speeds in order to prevent
premature output transistor failures.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-15 oL2 Characteristics at Low Speed 0 or 1 1

228 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.8 L: Protection Functions

Setting 0: Disabled
The overload protection level is not reduced. Frequently operating the drive with high output current at low speed can lead
to premature drive faults.
Setting 1: Enabled
The overload protection level (oL2 fault detection level) is automatically reduced at speeds below 6 Hz.
n L8-18: Software Current Limit Selection
The Software Current Limit (CLA) is a drive protection function that prevents output transistor failures caused by high
current. Parameter L8-18 enables or disables this function.
Note: This setting should not be changed unless absolutely necessary. For proper drive protection and operation leave the Software CLA
function enabled.

No. Name Setting Range Default

L8-18 Software Current Limit Selection 0 or 1 <1>

<1> Default setting is determined by drive software version and C6-02 setting. Drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later have a default setting
of 0 when the carrier frequency is set for Leakage Current Rejection PWM (C6-02 = B), and 1 when C6-02 is set to any other value.
Setting 0: Disabled
The drive may trip on an oC fault if the load is too heavy or the acceleration is too short.
Setting 1: Enabled
When the soft CLA current level is reached, the drive reduces the output voltage in order to reduce the current. If the
current level drops below the Software CLA level, then normal operation will continue.
n L8-29: Current Unbalance Detection (PM OLV only)
Current unbalance can heat up a PM motor and lead to demagnetization of the magnets from heat. The current imbalance
detection function prevents such motor damage by monitoring output currents and triggering a LF2 fault in case of current
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-29 Current Unbalance Detection (LF2) 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
The drive does not protect the motor.
Setting 1: Enabled
When an output current imbalance is detected, a LF2 fault is triggered, the output is switched off, and the motor coasts to
n L8-35: Installation Method Selection

Parameter Details
Selects the type of installation and changes the drive overload (oL2) limits accordingly.
Note: 1. This parameter is not reset when the drive is initialized.
2. The value is preset to the appropriate value when the drive is shipped. Change the value only when using Side-by-Side installation
or when mounting a standard drive with the heatsink outside the cabinet.

No. Name Setting Range Default

L8-35 Installation Method Selection 0 to 3 Determined by 5
Setting 0: IP20/IP00 Drive
Must be selected if an IP20/IP00 drive is installed with a minimum of 30 mm space to the next drive or a cabinet wall.
Setting 1: Side-by-Side Mounting
Must be selected if drives are Side-by-Side mounted with a minimum space of 2 mm.
Setting 2: NEMA Type 1 Drive
Must be selected if the drive has a NEMA Type 1 enclosure or an IP20/Open-Chassis drive fitted with the NEMA Type
1 Kit option.
Setting 3: Finless Drive or External Heatsink Installation
Must be selected for finless drives or if a standard drive is mounted with the heatsink outside the cabinet.
n L8-38: Carrier Frequency Reduction Selection
The drive can reduce the carrier frequency when the output current exceeds a certain level. This temporarily increases the
overload capability (oL2 detection) and the drive can run through transient load peaks without tripping.

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5.8 L: Protection Functions

L8-38 selects the operation of the carrier frequency reduction function.

Note: This function cannot be used in Open Loop Vector for PM motors.

No. Name Setting Range Default

Determined by
L8-38 Carrier Frequency Reduction Selection 0 to 2 o2-04
Setting 0: Disabled
No carrier frequency reduction at high current.
Setting 1: Enabled for Output Frequencies below 6 Hz
The carrier frequency is reduced at speeds below 6 Hz when the current exceeds 100% of the drive rated current. The drive
returns to its normal carrier frequency when the current falls below 88% or the output frequency exceeds 7 Hz.
Setting 2: Enabled for Entire Frequency Range
The carrier frequency is reduced at the following speeds:
• Below 6 Hz when the current exceeds 100% of the drive rated current.
• Above 7 Hz when the current exceeds 112% of the drive rated current.
The drive uses the delay time set in parameter L8-40 and a hysteresis of 12% when switching the carrier frequency back
to the set value.
n L8-40: Carrier Frequency Reduction Off Delay Time
Sets the delay time which is used to switch back to the normal carrier frequency. The carrier frequency reduction function
is disabled if this value is 0 s.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-40 Low Carrier Frequency Off Delay Time 0.00 or 2.00 s 0.50 s

n L8-41: High Current Alarm Selection

The drive can be set to trigger a high current alarm (HCA) when the output current rises too high.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-41 High Current Alarm Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Disabled
No alarm is output.
Setting 1: Enabled
An alarm is triggered when the output current exceeds 150% of the drive rated current. A digital output indicating an alarm
(H2-01/02/03 = 10) can be programmed.
n L8-51: STo Fault Detection Level
Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Sets the STo detection level as a percentage of the motor rated current.
Increase this value for faster detection of pull-out during acceleration. The drive calculates this value automatically when
L8-51 is set to 0.0%. There is normally no need to change this parameter from the default value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-51 STo Fault Detection Level 0.0 to 150. % 0.0%

n L8-54: STo Deviation Detection

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Enables or disables the STo Deviation fault detection.
There is normally no need to change this parameter from the default value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
L8-54 STo Deviation Detection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
Setting 1: Enabled

230 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.9 n: Special Adjustments

5.9 n: Special Adjustments

The n parameters handle a variety of specialized adjustments and functions, including Hunting Prevention, AFR Control,
High Slip Braking, resistance between motor lines, and PM motor control functions.

u n1: Hunting Prevention

Hunting Prevention keeps the drive from hunting as a result of low inertia and operating with light load. It is available in
V/f Control only.
n n1-01: Hunting Prevention Selection
Enables or disables the Hunting Prevention function.
Note: This function is available only when using V/f Control. Hunting Prevention should be disabled when drive response is need over
suppressing motor oscillation. This function can also be disabled without any problems in applications with high inertia loads or
relatively heavy loads.

No. Name Setting Range Default

n1-01 Hunting Prevention Selection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Enabled

n n1-02: Hunting Prevention Gain Setting

Sets the gain for the Hunting Prevention Function.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n1-02 Hunting Prevention Gain Setting 0.00 to 2.50 1.00
Normally, n1-02 does not need to be changed, but adjustment may help under the following conditions:
• If the motor vibrates while lightly loaded and n1-01 = 1, increase the gain by 0.1 until vibration ceases.
• If the motor stalls while n1-01 = 1, decrease the gain by 0.1 until the stalling ceases.
n n1-03: Hunting Prevention Time Constant
Determines how responsive the Hunting Prevention function is (affects the primary delay time for Hunting Prevention).
No. Name Setting Range Default
Determined by
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant 0 to 500 ms o2-04

n n1-05: Hunting Prevention Gain while in Reverse

Parameter Details
This parameter is the same as n1-02, except that it is used when the motor rotates in reverse. See the setting instructions
for n1-02.
Note: When set to 0 ms, n1-02 is enabled even when the drive is operating in reverse.

No. Name Setting Range Default

n1-05 Hunting Prevention Gain while in Reverse 0.00 to 2.50 0.00 5
u n2: Automatic Frequency Regulator (AFR) Tuning
These parameters are used to achieve speed stability when a load is suddenly applied or removed by calculating changes
in the torque current feedback and then compensating the output frequency.
Note: Before making changes to the AFR parameters, make sure the motor parameters are set properly or perform Auto-Tuning.

n n2-01: Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) Gain

Sets the internal speed feedback detection control gain in the AFR.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n2-01 Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) Gain 0.00 to 10.00 <1>

<1> Default setting is determined by drive model.

Models BA0001 to BA0012, 2A0001 to 2A0020, and 4A0001 to 4A0011: Setting 1.00.
Models BA0018, 2A0030 to 2A0069, and 4A0018 to 4A0038: Setting 1.50.
Normally there is no need to adjust n2-01 from the default setting. Make adjustments in the following cases:

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5.9 n: Special Adjustments

• If hunting occurs, increase the set value in steps of 0.05 while checking the response.
• If response is low, decrease the set value in steps of 0.05 while checking the response.
n n2-02/n2-03: AFR Time Constant 1/2
Parameter n2-02 sets the time constant normally used by AFR.
Parameter n2-03 sets the time constant during Speed Search or when during regenerative operation the actual motor slip
exceeds 50% of the rated slip.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n2-02 AFR Time Constant 1 0 to 2000 ms 50 ms
n2-03 AFR Time Constant 2 0 to 2000 ms 750 ms
Note: Parameter n2-02 cannot be set higher than n2-03 or an oPE08 error will result.
These parameters rarely need to be changed. Adjust settings only under the following conditions.
• If hunting occurs, increase n2-02. If response is low, decrease it.
• Increase the setting of n2-03 if overvoltage (ov) failures occur with high inertia loads at the end of acceleration or when
the load changes radically.
• When increasing n2-02, make sure to increase C4-02 (Torque Compensation Delay Time Constant 1) proportionally.
• When increasing n2-03, make sure to increase C4-06 (Torque Compensation Delay Time Constant 2) proportionally.

u n3: High Slip Braking (HSB)/Overexcitation Deceleration

High Slip Braking (V/f Control)
HSB works in V/f Control only and is used to decrease the stopping time compared to normal deceleration without using
braking resistor options. HSB stops the motor by reducing the output frequency in large steps, thus producing a high slip.
Regenerative energy created from decelerating the load is dissipated in the motor windings through increased motor slip.
Because of the increased temperature of the motor windings, HSB should not be used for frequently stopping the motor.
The duty cycle should be around 5% or less.
Notes on using High Slip Braking:
• The deceleration time that has been set is ignored during HSB.
• Braking time varies based on the load inertia and motor characteristics.
• HSB must be triggered by a digital input set to H1-oo = 68. Once the HSB command is given, it is not possible to
restart the drive until the motor is stopped and the Run command is cycled.
Use parameters n3-01 through n3-04 for adjusting HSB.
Overexcitation Deceleration (V/f Control and Open Loop Vector)
Overexcitation deceleration increases the flux during deceleration and allows shorter deceleration time settings than with
normal deceleration without the use of a braking resistor. Enabled by setting L3-04 = 4.
Notes on Overexcitation Deceleration
• As regenerative energy is mainly dissipated as heat in the motor, the motor temperature will rise if overexcitation
deceleration is applied frequently. In such cases, make sure the motor temperature does not exceed the maximum
allowable value or consider using a braking resistor option instead.
• The drive decelerates at the active deceleration time. Make sure to set this time so that no overvoltage (ov) fault occurs.
• When a Run command is entered during overexcitation deceleration, overexcitation operation is cancelled and the drive
will reaccelerate to the specified speed.
• Do not use overexcitation deceleration in combination with a braking resistor option.
• Overexcitation deceleration cannot be used in OLV/PM control mode.
Use parameters n3-13 through n3-23 for adjusting overexcitation deceleration.
n n3-01: High Slip Braking Deceleration Frequency Width
Sets the step width for frequency reduction during HSB. Increase this value if DC bus overvoltage (ov) occurs during HSB.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n3-01 High Slip Braking Deceleration Frequency Width 1 to 20% 5%

n n3-02: High Slip Braking Current Limit

Sets the maximum current to be output during an HSB stop as a percentage of motor rated current (E2-01). Reducing the
current limit increases the deceleration time. Make sure that this value does not exceed 150% of the drive’s current rating.

232 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.9 n: Special Adjustments

No. Name Setting Range Default

n3-02 High Slip Braking Current Limit 100 to 200% 150%

n n3-03: High Slip Braking Dwell Time at Stop

When the motor reaches a relatively low speed at the end of HSB, the output frequency is kept at the minimum output
frequency E1-09 for the time set in n3-03. Increase this time if the inertia is very high and the motor is still coasting after
HSB is complete.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n3-03 High Slip Braking Dwell Time at Stop 0.0 to 10.0 s 1.0 s

n n3-04: High Slip Braking Overload Time

Sets the time required for an HSB overload fault (oL7) to occur when the drive output frequency does not change for some
reason during an HSB stop.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n3-04 High Slip Braking Overload Time 30 to 1200 s 40 s

n n3-13: Overexcitation Deceleration Gain

Applies a gain to the V/f pattern output value during overexcitation deceleration, thereby determining the level of
overexcitation. The drive returns to the normal V/f value after the motor has stopped or when it is accelerating to the
frequency reference.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n3-13 Overexcitation Deceleration Gain 1.00 to 1.40 1.10
The optimum setting for n3-13 depends on the motor flux saturation characteristics.
• Increase the gain by 1.25 to 1.30 to improve the breaking power of overexcitation.
• Reduce the value when the motor slip gets too high, which can trigger overcurrent (oC), motor overload (oL1), or drive
overload (oL2) faults. Alternatively reduce n3-21.
n n3-21: High Slip Suppression Current Level
If overcurrent, oL1, or oL2 occur during overexcitation deceleration, reduce the overslip suppression current level. Set as
a percentage of the drive rated current.
Reduce this setting if the current during overexcitation deceleration exceeds the overslip suppression current set in n3-21
as a result of flux saturation and excessive slip. Alternatively reduce the overexcitation gain n3-13.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n3-21 Overslip Suppression Current Level 0 to 150% 100%

Parameter Details
n n3-23: Overexcitation Operation Selection
Determines which direction overexcitation can be used in. However, parameter L3-04 must be set to 4 in order for n3-23
to be enabled.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n3-23 Overexcitation Operation Selection 0 to 2 0 5
Setting 0: Enabled in Both Directions

Setting 1: Enabled in Forward Direction Only

Setting 2: Enabled in Reverse Direction Only

u n6: Motor Line-to-Line Resistance Online Tuning

The drive can tune the motor line-to-line resistance during run in order to prevent torque loss due to a rise in motor
temperature increase, especially at low speeds.
n n6-01: Motor Line-to-Line Resistance Online Tuning Selection
No. Name Setting Range Default
n6-01 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance Online Tuning 0 or 1 1

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5.9 n: Special Adjustments

Setting 0: Disabled

Setting 1: Enabled

u n8: PM Motor Control

These parameters are available when using the special Open Loop Vector Control for permanent magnet motors and can
be used to adjust the control performance.
n n8-45: Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain (for PM OLV)
Sets the gain for internal speed feedback detection control. Although this setting rarely needs to be changed, adjustment
may be necessary under the following conditions:
• Increase this setting if motor oscillation or hunting occurs.
• Decrease this setting in increments of 0.05 to decrease the drive responsiveness.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-45 Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain 0.00 to 10.00 0.80

n n8-47: Pull-In Current Compensation Time Constant (for PM OLV)

Sets the time constant for making the actual current and the pull-in current agree.
Although this setting rarely needs to be changed, adjustment may be necessary under the following conditions:
• Increase this setting when it takes too long for the reference value for the pull-in current to match the target value.
• Decrease this setting if motor oscillation occurs.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-47 Pull-In Current Compensation Time Constant 0.0 to 100.0 s 5.0 s

n n8-48: Pull-In Current (for PM OLV)

Tells the drive the amount of d-axis current to be provided to the motor during no-load operation at a constant speed. Set
as a percentage of the motor rated current.
• Increase this setting when hunting occurs or the motor speed is unstable while running at a constant speed.
• If there is too much current when driving a light load at a constant speed, then reduce this level slightly.
No. Name Setting Range Default
<1> Determined by
n8-48 Pull-In Current E5-01
<1> Setting range varies depending on drive software version. Software versions PRG: 1018 and later disable pull-in current when n8-48 = 0, and
allow the pull-in current to be changed during Run.
PRG: 1018 and later: 0% or 20 to 200%
PRG: 1017 and earlier: 20 to 200%

n n8-49: d Axis Current for High Efficiency Control (for PM OLV)

Sets the amount of d axis current when using Energy Saving control as a percentage of the motor rated current.
Although this setting seldom needs to be changed, please note the following:
• If motor operation is unstable when driving heavy loads, try increasing this setting (towards 0).
• If motor parameters (E5) have been changed, this value will be reset to 0 and has to be readjusted.
No. Name Setting Range Default
<1> Determined by
n8-49 d Axis Current for High Efficiency Control E5-01
<1> Setting range varies depending on drive software version. Software versions PRG: 1018 and later allow this parameter to be changed during
PRG: 1018 and later: -200.0 to 200.0%
PRG: 1017 and earlier: -200.0 to 0.0%

n n8-51: Acceleration/Deceleration Time Pull-In Current (for PM OLV)

Sets the d-axis current during acceleration and deceleration as a percentage of the motor rated current (E5-03).
Adjustments to this setting may help in the following situations:
• Increase this setting when a large amount of starting torque is required.
• Lower this setting if there is excessive current during acceleration and deceleration.

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5.9 n: Special Adjustments

No. Name Setting Range Default

Determined by
n8-51 Acceleration/Deceleration Time Pull-In Current 0 to 200% E5-01

n n8-54: Voltage Error Compensation Time Constant (for PM OLV)

Sets the time constant for voltage error compensation. Make changes to this parameter under the following conditions:
• Adjust the value when hunting occurs at low speed.
• Increase the value in steps of 0.1 when hunting occurs with sudden load changes. Try to disable the compensation by
setting n8-51 = 0 if increasing does not help.
• Increase the value when oscillations occur at start.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-54 Voltage Error Compensation Time Constant 0.00 to 10.00 1.00

n n8-55: Load Inertia (for PM OLV)

Sets the ratio between motor inertia and the inertia of the connected machinery. If this value is set too low, the motor may
not start very smoothly, and a STo fault (Motor Step-Out) might occur.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-55 Motor/Load Inertia Ratio 0 to 3 0
Setting 0: Below 1:10
The inertia ratio between the motor and the load is just less than 1:10.
Setting 1: Between 1:10 and 1:30
The inertia ratio between the motor and the load is between 1:10 and 1:30. Set n8-55 to 1 if a STo fault occurs as a result
of impact load or sudden acceleration/deceleration when n8-55 = 0.
Setting 2: Between 1:30 and 1:50
The inertia ratio between the motor and the load is between 1:30 and 1:50. Set n8-55 to 2 if a STo fault occurs as a result
of impact load or sudden acceleration/deceleration when n8-55 = 1.
Setting 3: Beyond 1:50
The inertia ratio between the motor and the load is higher than 1:50. Set n8-55 to 3 if a STo fault occurs as a result of
impact load or sudden acceleration/deceleration when n8-55 = 2.
n n8-62: Output Voltage Limit (for PM OLV)
Sets the output voltage limit to prevent output voltage saturation. This value should not be set higher than the actual input

Parameter Details
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-62 Output Voltage Limit 0.0 to 230.0 Vac <1> 200 Vac <1>
<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double values when using a 400 V class drive.

n n8-63/n8-68: Output Voltage Limit Gain 1/2

n8-63 sets the gain for the output voltage limit in 0.01 units. n8-68 sets the voltage detection level adjustment gain. There 5
is normally no need to change these parameters from their default values.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-63 Output Voltage Limit Gain 1 0.00 to 100.00 1.00
n8-68 Output Voltage Limit Gain 2 0.50 to 1.50 0.95

n n8-65: Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain during ov Suppression (for PM OLV)
Sets the gain for internal speed feedback detection control when overvoltage suppression is active. Although this setting
rarely needs to be changed, adjustment may be necessary under the following conditions:
• Increase this setting if motor oscillation or hunting occurs when ov suppression is active.
• Decrease this setting in increments of 0.05 to decrease the drive responsiveness during ov suppression.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain
n8-65 0.00 to 10.00 1.50
during Overvoltage Suppression

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5.9 n: Special Adjustments

n n8-87: Output Voltage Limit Selection

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Determines the method of the output voltage limit. Use the feed-forward method if oscillation occurs in the constant output
range. There is normally no need to change this parameter from its default value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-87 Output Voltage Limit Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Feedback Method
Setting 1: Feed-Forward Method

n n8-88: Output Voltage Limit Switching Current Level

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Sets the current level to switch the output voltage limit sequence. Set as a percentage of the motor rated current (E5-03).
There is normally no need to change this parameter from its default value.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-88 Output Voltage Limit Switching Current Level 0 to 400% 400%

n n8-89: Output Voltage Limit Switching Current Hysteresis Width

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Determines the hysteresis of the current level to switch the output voltage limit sequence. Set as a percentage of the motor
rated current (E5-03).
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-89 Output Voltage Limit Switching Current Hysteresis Width 0 to [n8-88] 3%

n n8-90: Output Voltage Limit Switching Speed

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Sets the speed level to switch the output voltage limit sequence. Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-90 Output Voltage Limit Switching Speed 0 to 200% 200%

n n8-91: Id Limit for Output Voltage Limit Control

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.
Sets the amount of pull-in current that flows through the motor while operating at constant speed. Set as a percentage of
the motor rated current (E5-03). Increase this setting if hunting occurs at constant speed.
No. Name Setting Range Default
n8-91 Id Limit for Output Voltage Limit Control -200 to 0% -50%

236 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

These parameters concern the various functions and features of the digital operator.

u o1: Display Settings and Selections

These parameters determine how data is shown on the operator display.
n o1-01: Drive Mode Unit Monitor Selection
When using an LED operator, pressing the up arrow key on the drive will display the following data: frequency reference
→ rotational direction → output frequency → output current → o1-01 selection.
Parameter o1-01 selects the content of the last monitor in this sequence. There is no effect like this on an LCD operator.
No. Name Setting Range Default
104 to 810
o1-01 Drive Mode Unit Monitor Selection 106 (U1-06)
(U1-04 to U8-10) <1>
<1> U2-oo and U3-oo parameters cannot be selected.
To select a monitor parameter, set the three numeric digits that make up that monitor. This is done by entering the o-
oo part of Uo-oo. For a list of monitors, Refer to U: Monitor Parameters on page 243.
n o1-02: User Monitor Selection after Power Up
Selects which monitor parameter will be displayed upon power up. Defaulted to show the frequency reference when the
drive is first turned on.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o1-02 User Monitor Selection after Power Up 1 to 5 1
Setting 1: Frequency Reference (U1-01)

Setting 2: Forward/Reverse

Setting 3: Output Frequency (U1-02)

Setting 4: Output Current (U1-03)

Setting 5: User Selected Monitor (set by o1-01)

Setting 5 displays the monitor selected from the U parameter by o1-01.
n o1-03: Digital Operator Display Selection
Sets the units used to display the frequency reference and output frequency.

Parameter Details
Set this parameter to 3 for user-set units before setting parameters o1-10 and o1-11.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o1-03 Digital Operator Display Selection 0 to 3 0
Setting 0: 0.01 Hz Units
Setting 1: 0.01% Units
100% = max output frequency.
Setting 2: r/min Units
Calculated by the max output frequency and the number of motor poles.
Note: Setting 2 requires entering the number of motor poles to E2-04, E4-04, and E5-04.
Setting 3: User-Set Units (use o1-01 and 01-11)
Set the value used for the maximum frequency reference to o1-10, then set the placement of the decimal point in this
number to o1-11.
For example, to display the maximum output frequency as “100.00”, set o1-10 to 10000 and o1-11 to 2 (i.e., 10000 with
two numbers to the right of the decimal point).
Note: Parameter o1-03 allows the programmer to change the units used in the following parameters and monitors:
U1-01: Frequency Reference
U1-02: Output Frequency
U1-05: Motor Speed
U1-16: Output Frequency after Soft-Starter (Accel/Decel Ramp Generator)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 237
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

d1-01 to d1-17: Frequency References

n o1-05: LCD Contrast Control

Note: Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.
Sets the brightness of the optional LCD operator. The lower the setting, the brighter the LCD contrast. The higher the
setting, the darker the LCD contrast.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o1-05 LCD Contrast Control 0 to 5 3

n o1-10: User-Set Display Units Maximum Value

Determines the display value that is equal to the maximum output frequency. The decimal number is defined by parameter
Note: This setting changes automatically when o1-03 is changed. o1-10 can only be adjusted when o1-03 is set to 3.

No. Name Setting Range Default

Determined by
o1-10 User-Set Display Units Maximum Value 1 to 60000 o1-03

n o1-11: User-Set Display Units Decimal Display

Determines the number of digits for user-set display if o1-03 is set to 3. The setting value is equal to the number of decimal
places. The maximum display value is defined by o1-10.
Note: This setting changes automatically when o1-03 is changed. o1-11 can only be adjusted when o1-03 is set to 3.

No. Name Setting Range Default

Determined by
o1-11 User-Set Display Units Decimal Display 0 to 3 o1-03

u o2: Operator Key Selections

These parameters determine the functions assigned to the operator keys.
n o2-01: LO/RE (LOCAL/REMOTE) Key Function Selection
Parameter o2-01 determines whether the LO/RE key on the digital operator will be enabled or not for switching between
No. Name Setting Range Default
o2-01 LO/RE Key Function Selection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
The LO/RE key is disabled.
Setting 1: Enabled
The LO/RE switches between LOCAL and REMOTE operation. Switching is possible during stop only. When LOCAL
is selected, the LED indicator on the LO/RE key will light up.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. The drive may start unexpectedly if the Run command is already applied when switching from
LOCAL mode to REMOTE mode when b1-07 = 1, resulting in death or serious injury. Be sure all personnel are clear of rotating machinery
and electrical connections prior to switching between LOCAL mode and REMOTE mode.

n o2-02: STOP Key Function Selection

Selects if the STOP key on the digital operator can be used to stop the operation when the drive is controlled from a remote
source (i.e., not from digital operator).
No. Name Setting Range Default
o2-02 STOP Key Function Selection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
The STOP key has no function when the drive is controlled by a source other than the digital operator. The drive can only
be stopped from the Run command source that has been selected.
Setting 1: Enabled
The STOP key can be used to terminate the operation, even if the Run command source is not assigned to the digital
operator. If operation has been interrupted by pressing the STOP key, the Run command must be cycled to restart the drive.

238 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

n o2-03: User Parameter Default Value

Once drive parameters are set up completely, the values set can be saved as “User Initialization Values” by setting parameter
o2-03. Once this has been done, the “Initialize Parameters” parameter (A1-03) will offer the choice of “1110: User
Initialize”. Choosing A1-03 = “1110: User Initialize”, will reset all parameters to the values saved as “User Initialization
Values”. Refer to A1-03: Initialize Parameters on page 113 for details on drive initialization.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o2-03 User Parameter Default Value 0 to 2 0
Setting 0: No Change
All “User Initialization Values” are saved as they are.
Setting 1: Set User Initialization Values
The current parameter settings are saved as “User Initialization Values”. After setting o2-03 to 1 and pressing the ENTER
key, the values are saved and the display returns to 0.
Setting 2: Clear User Initialization Values
All “User Initialization Values” are cleared. After setting o2-03 to 2 and pressing the ENTER key, the values are erased
and the display returns to 0. A1-03 = 1110 becomes invalid.
n o2-04: Drive Model Selection
Parameter o2-04 matches the control board to the drive hardware. Proper setting of o2-04 is important for optimal
performance and proper protection for the drive hardware. This parameter is configured at the factory and does not normally
require adjustment in the field. It is available primarily to accommodate control board replacement in the event of damage.
No. Name Setting Range Default
Depending on
o2-04 Drive Model Selection - drive size
Note: 1. Refer to Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD) on page 388 for a list of o2-04 settings and parameters that change
depending on the drive model selection.
2. Drive performance will suffer if the correct drive capacity is not set to o2-04, and protective functions will fail to operate properly.
3. This parameter is not reset to the default value when the drive is initialized using A1-03.

n o2-05: Frequency Reference Setting Method Selection

Determines if the ENTER key must be used to input a frequency reference from the digital operator.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o2-05 Frequency Reference Setting Method Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: ENTER Key Required
Every change in the frequency reference setting on the digital operator has to be finalized by pressing the ENTER key

Parameter Details
before it becomes effective.
Setting 1: ENTER Key Not Required
The output frequency changes immediately when the reference is changed by the UP and DOWN key on the digital operator.
The ENTER key does not need to be pressed. The frequency reference is saved five seconds after the Up or DOWN key
has been released. If an undervoltage error (Uv) occurs within 5 seconds of pressing the ENTER key, the frequency
reference will not be saved to memory. The digital operator display flashes when settings can be made to the frequency 5

Figure 5.91 Ready to Set Frequency Reference

n o2-06: Operation Selection when Digital LCD Operator is Disconnected

Determines if the drive will stop when an external LCD operator is removed in LOCAL mode or with b1-02 set to 0.
Note: An LCD operator is available as an option. This setting is not applicable to the standard LED operator that comes with the drive.

No. Name Setting Range Default

o2-06 Digital Operator Disconnection Operation 0 or 1 0

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 239
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

Setting 0: Continue Operation

The operation is continued.
Setting 1: Trigger a Fault
The operation is stopped and an oPr fault is triggered. The motor coasts to stop.
n o2-07: Motor Direction at Power Up when Using Operator
Determines the direction the motor will rotate after the drive is powered up when the Run command is set to be given from
the digital operator.
Note: This parameter is effective only when the Run command is set to be given from the digital operator (b1-02/16 = 0).

No. Name Setting Range Default

o2-07 Motor Direction at Power Up when Using Operator 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Forward

Setting 1: Reverse

u o3: Copy Function

Use o3 parameters to Read, Copy, and Verify the parameter settings to and from the drive.
n o3-01: Copy Function Selection
This parameter controls the copying of parameters to and from the LED operator (option). The copy function will change
certain parameter default settings depending on the regional specification of the drive.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o3-01 Copy Function Selection 0 to 3 0
0: COPY SELECT (no function)

1: INV --> OP READ

All parameters are copied from the drive to the digital operator.
Note: Set o3-02 to 1 to unlock copy protection.
All parameters are copied from the digital operator to the drive.
Parameter settings in the drive are compared to those in the digital operator.
Note: When using the copy function, the drive model number (o2-04) and the software number (U1-14) must match or an error will occur.

n o3-02 Copy Allowed Selection

Enables and disables the digital operator copy functions.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o3-02 Copy Allowed Selection 0, 1 0
0: Disabled
No digital operator copy functions are allowed
1: Enabled
Copying allowed

u o4: Maintenance Monitor Settings

n o4-01: Accumulated Operation Time Setting

Parameter o4-01 sets the cumulative operation time and allows the user to set the starting value of the accumulated operation
time displayed in monitor U4-01.
Note: The value in o4-01 is set in 10 h units. For example, a setting of 30 will set the cumulative operation time counter to 300 h. 300 h will
also be displayed in monitor U4-01.

No. Name Setting Range Default

o4-01 Accumulated Operation Time Setting 0 to 9999 0

240 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

n o4-02: Accumulated Operation Time Selection

Selects the conditions for what is to be considered “accumulated operation time.” Accumulated operation time is displayed
in U4-01.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o4-02 Accumulated Operation Time Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: Power On Time
The drive logs the time it is connected to a power supply, no matter if the motor is running or not.
Setting 1: Run Time
The drive logs the time that the output is active, i.e., whenever a Run command is active (even if the motor is not rotating)
or a voltage is output.
n o4-03: Cooling Fan Operation Time/Maintenance Setting
Sets the value of the cooling fan operation time counter displayed in monitor U4-03. Parameter o4-03 also sets the base
value used for the cooling fan maintenance value displayed in U4-04. Be sure to reset this parameter back to 0 if the cooling
fan is replaced.
Note: 1. The value in o4-03 is set in 10 h units. For example, a setting of 30 will set the cooling fan operation time counter to 300 h. “300”
will be displayed in monitor U4-03.
2. The actual maintenance time depends on the environment the drive is used in.

No. Name Setting Range Default

o4-03 Cooling Fan Operation Time 0 to 9999 0

n o4-05: Capacitor Maintenance Setting

Sets value of the maintenance monitor for the DC bus capacitors displayed in U4-05 as a percentage of the total expected
performance life. This value should be reset to 0 when the DC bus capacitors have been replaced.
Note: The actual maintenance time will depend on the environment the drive is used in.

No. Name Setting Range Default

o4-05 Capacitor Maintenance Setting 0 to 150% 0%

n o4-07: DC Bus Pre-charge Relay Maintenance Setting

Sets the value of the softcharge bypass relay maintenance time displayed in U4-06 as a percentage of the total expected
performance life. This value should be reset to 0 when the relay has been replaced.
Note: The maintenance actual time depends on the environment the drive is used in.

No. Name Setting Range Default

Parameter Details
o4-07 DC Bus Pre-charge Relay Maintenance Setting 0 to 150% 0%

n o4-09: IGBT Maintenance Setting

Sets the value of the IGBT maintenance time displayed in U4-07 as a percentage of the total expected performance life.
This value should be reset to 0 when the IGBTs have been replaced.
Note: The actual maintenance time depends on the environment the drive is used in.

No. Name Setting Range Default

o4-09 IGBT Maintenance Setting 0 to 150% 0%

n o4-11: U2, U3 Initialization

When the drive is initialized, the fault trace and fault history monitors (U2-oo and U3-oo) are not reset. Parameter
o4-11 can be used to initialize them.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o4-11 U2, U3 Initialization 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: No Action
The drive keeps a record of the fault trace and fault history.
Setting 1: Reset Fault Data
Resets the data for the U2-oo and U3-oo monitors. Once o4-11 is set to 1 and the ENTER key is pressed, the fault data
are erased and the display returns to 0.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 241
5.10 o: Operator Related Settings

n o4-12: kWh Monitor Initialization

The kWh monitors U4-10 and U4-11 are not initialized when the power is cycled or the drive is initialized. o4-12 can be
used to manually reset them.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o4-12 kWh Monitor Initialization 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: No Action
The kWh data are kept as they are.
Setting 1: Reset kWh Data
Resets the kWh counter. The monitors U4-10 and U4-11 will show 0. Once o4-12 is set to 1 and the ENTER key is pressed,
the kWh data are erased and the display returns to 0.
n o4-13: Number of Run Commands Counter Initialization
The Run command counter displayed in U4-02 is not reset when the power is cycled or the drive is initialized. Using o4-13
it can be manually reset to 0.
No. Name Setting Range Default
o4-13 Number of Run Commands Counter Reset 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: No Action
The Run command data are kept as they are.
Setting 1: Reset Run Commands Counter
Resets the Run commands counter. The monitor U4-02 will show 0. Once o4-13 is set to 1 and the ENTER key is pressed,
the counter value is erased and the display returns to 0.

u q: DriveWorksEZ Parameters

n q1-01 to q6-07: Reserved for Use by DriveWorksEZ

These parameters are reserved for use with DriveWorksEZ. Refer to the DriveWorksEZ manual for more information.

u r: DriveWorksEZ Connection Parameters

n r1-01 to r1-40: DriveWorksEZ Connection Parameters

These parameters are reserved for use with DriveWorksEZ. Refer to the DriveWorksEZ manual for more information.

u T: Motor Tuning
Auto-Tuning automatically sets and tunes parameters required for optimal motor performance.
Refer to Auto-Tuning on page 100 for details on Auto-Tuning parameters.

242 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
5.11 U: Monitor Parameters

5.11 U: Monitor Parameters

Monitor parameters let the user view various aspects of drive performance as it is shown on the operator display.
Some monitors can be output from terminal AM by assigning the specific monitor parameter number to H4-01. Refer to
H4-01: Multi-Function Analog Terminal AM Monitor Selection on page 202 for details on assigning functions to the
analog output.

u U1: Operation Status Monitors

Status monitors display drive status like output frequency, current etc. Refer to U1: Operation Status Monitors on page
377 for a complete list of U1-oo monitors and descriptions.

u U2: Fault Trace

These monitor parameters are used to view the status of various drive aspects when a fault occurs. This information is
helpful for finding out why a fault occurred. Refer to U2: Fault Trace on page 379 for a complete list of U2-oo monitors
and descriptions.
U2-oo monitors are not reset when the drive is initialized. Refer to o4-11: U2, U3 Initialization on page 241 for
instructions to initialize the fault trace.

u U3: Fault History

These parameters display faults that have occurred during operation as well as the drive operation time when those faults
occurred. Refer to U3: Fault History on page 380 for a complete list of U3-oo monitors and descriptions.
U3-oo monitors are not reset when the drive is initialized. Refer to o4-11: U2, U3 Initialization on page 241 for
instructions to initialize the fault trace.

u U4: Maintenance Monitors

Maintenance monitors show:
• Runtime data of the drive and cooling fans, and number of Run commands issued.
• Maintenance data and replacement information for various drive components.
• kWh data.
• Highest peak current that has occurred and output frequency at the time the peak current occurred.
• Motor overload status information.
• Detailed information about the present Run command and frequency reference source selection.
Refer to U4: Maintenance Monitors on page 380 for a complete list of U4-oo monitors and descriptions.

Parameter Details
u U5: PID Monitors
These monitors display various aspects of PID control. Refer to PID Block Diagram on page 133 for a description of
where each monitor is located in the PID control block.
Refer to U5: PID Monitors on page 382 for a complete list of U5-oo monitors and descriptions.

u U6: Control Monitors 5

Control monitors show:
• Reference data for the output voltage and vector control.
• ASR monitors. Refer to C5: Automatic Speed Regulator (ASR) on page 148 for details and an illustration that shows
where in the ASR block the monitors are located.
• The offset value added to the frequency reference by the Frequency Offset function. Refer to Setting 44/45/46: Offset
Frequency 1/2/3 Addition on page 185.
• The bias value added to the frequency reference by the Up/Down 2 function. Refer to Setting 75/76: Up/Down 2 on
page 186.
Refer to U6: Control Monitors on page 382 for a complete list of U6-oo monitors and descriptions.
Note: Fix monitors U6-80 to U6-99 for communication options. Monitor content will vary based on the communication option card connected
to the drive. Refer to the option manual for more information.

u U8: DriveWorksEZ Monitors

These monitors are reserved for use with DriveWorksEZ.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 243
5.11 U: Monitor Parameters

This Page Intentionally Blank

244 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
This chapter provides descriptions of the drive faults, alarms, errors, related displays, and possible
solutions. This chapter can also serve as a reference guide for tuning the drive during a trial run.

6.1 SECTION SAFETY..........................................................................................246

6.2 MOTOR PERFORMANCE FINE TUNING......................................................248
6.3 DRIVE ALARMS, FAULTS, AND ERRORS...................................................251
6.4 FAULT DETECTION.......................................................................................255
6.5 ALARM DETECTION......................................................................................269
6.6 OPERATOR PROGRAMMING ERRORS.......................................................278
6.7 AUTO-TUNING FAULT DETECTION.............................................................282
6.8 DIAGNOSING AND RESETTING FAULTS....................................................284
6.9 TROUBLESHOOTING WITHOUT FAULT DISPLAY.....................................285

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 245
6.1 Section Safety

6.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The diagrams in this section may illustrate drives without covers or safety shields to display details. Be sure to reinstall
covers or shields before operating the drives and run the drives according to the instructions described in this manual.
Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.
Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.
Do not touch terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the
drive input power is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To
prevent electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off and measure the DC bus voltage level to
confirm safe level.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Installation, maintenance, inspection and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry, or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Fire Hazard
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.
Do not use an improper voltage source.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming drive input power before applying power.
Do not use improper combustible materials.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Attach the drive to metal or other noncombustible material.

246 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.1 Section Safety

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.
Do not use unshielded cable for control wiring.
Failure to comply may cause electrical interference resulting in poor system performance. Use shielded twisted-pair wires
and ground the shield to the ground terminal of the drive.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to use the product.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive or braking circuit.
Carefully review instruction manual TOBPC72060000 when connecting a braking option to the drive.
Do not modify the drive circuitry.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive and will void warranty.
Yaskawa is not responsible for modification of the product made by the user.
Check all the wiring after installing the drive and connecting other devices to ensure that all connections are
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 247
6.2 Motor Performance Fine Tuning

6.2 Motor Performance Fine Tuning

This section offers helpful information for counteracting oscillation, hunting, or other faults that occur while performing
a trial run. Refer to the section below that corresponds to the motor control method used.
Note: This section describes parameters that are commonly edited. Consult Yaskawa for more information on detailed settings and fine-tuning
the drive.

u V/f Motor Control Method Tuning

Table 6.1 Parameters for Tuning the Drive in V/f Motor Control Method
Default Suggested
Problem Parameter Corrective Action Value Setting
• If insufficient motor torque relative to the size of the load
causes hunting, reduce the setting.
• Motor hunting and • When motor hunting and oscillation occur with a light
Hunting Prevention
oscillation at speeds load, increase the setting. 1.00 0.10 to 2.00
Gain (n1-02)
between 10 and 40 Hz • Lower this setting if hunting occurs when using a motor
with a relatively low inductance, such as a high-
frequency motor or a motor with a larger frame size.
• If the motor noise is too loud, increase the carrier
• Motor noise
• When motor hunting and oscillation occur at speeds up
• Motor hunting and Carrier Frequency 7 (Swing
to 40 Hz, lower the carrier frequency. 1 to A
oscillation at speeds up to Selection (C6-02) PWM 1)
40 Hz • The default setting for the carrier frequency depends on
the drive capacity (o2-04) and the Drive Duty Selection
• Poor torque or speed Torque • If motor torque and speed response are too slow, decrease
response Compensation the setting.
Primary Delay Time 200 ms <1> 100 to 1000 ms
• Motor hunting and • If motor hunting and oscillation occur, increase the
oscillation (C4-02) setting.
• Poor motor torque at speeds • If motor torque is insufficient at speeds below 10 Hz,
below 10 Hz Torque increase the setting.
Compensation Gain 1.00 0.50 to 1.50
• Motor hunting and (C4-01) • If motor hunting and oscillation with a relatively light
oscillation load, decrease the setting.
• If torque is insufficient at speeds below 10 Hz, increase
• Poor motor torque at low the setting. E1-08:
Mid Output Voltage 16.0 V
speeds A (E1-08) • If motor instability occurs at motor start, decrease the E1-10: Initial value ±5 V
• Motor instability at motor Minimum Output setting. 12.0 V
start Voltage (E1-10) Note: The recommended setting value is for 200 V class <1>
drives. Double this value when using a 400 V class drive.
• After setting the motor-rated current (E2-01), motor-
Slip Compensation
• Poor speed precision rated slip (E2-02) and motor no-load current (E2-03), - 0.5 to 1.5
Gain (C3-01)
adjust the slip compensation gain (C3-01).
<1> Default settings change when the Control Method is changed (A1-02) or a different V/f pattern is selected using parameter E1-03. The default
setting shown is for V/f Control.
Note: Use slip compensation to improve speed precision in V/f Control. First make sure that the proper values have been set for the motor
rated current to E2-01, motor rated slip (E2-02), and motor no-load current (E2-03). Next, adjust the slip compensation gain set to
C3-01 so that it is between 0.5 to 1.5.

248 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.2 Motor Performance Fine Tuning

u Open Loop Vector (OLV) Motor Control Method Tuning

Table 6.2 Parameters for Tuning the Drive in OLV Motor Control Method
Default Suggested
Problem Parameter No. Corrective Action Value Setting
• Poor motor torque and speed • If motor torque and speed response are too slow,
AFR Gain gradually decrease the setting by 0.05. <1>
• Control motor hunting and (n2-01) 0.50 to 2.00
oscillation at speeds between 10 • If motor hunting and oscillation occur, gradually
and 40 Hz. increase the setting by 0.05.

• To improve motor torque speed response,

gradually reduce this setting by 10 ms and check
the performance.
• Poor motor torque and speed
response • If motor hunting and oscillation occur as a result
AFR Time Constant 1 of load inertia, gradually increase the setting by
• Control motor hunting and 50 ms 50 to 2000 ms
(n2-02) 50 ms and check the performance.
oscillation at speeds between 10
and 40 Hz. Note: Ensure that n2-02 ≤ n2-03. When making
adjustments to n2-02, set C4-02 (Torque
Compensation Primary Delay Time Constant 1)
• If overvoltage trips occur, gradually increase this
setting by 50 ms.
• If response is slow, gradually reduce this setting
AFR Time Constant 2 by 10 ms. 750 ms 750 to 2000 ms
(n2-03) Note: Ensure that n2-02 ≤ n2-03. When making
adjustments to n2-03, increase the value of C4-06
• Overvoltage trips when (Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 2)
accelerating, decelerating, or proportionally.
during sudden speed or load • If overvoltage trips occur, gradually increase this
changes. setting by 10 ms and check the performance.
• If response is slow, gradually reduce this setting
Torque Compensation by 2 ms and check the performance.
Primary Delay Time 150 ms 150 to 750 ms
Constant 2 (C4-06) Note: Ensure that C4-02 ≤ C4-06. When changing
C4-06 (Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time
Constant 2), increase the value of n2-03
• To improve motor torque speed response,
gradually reduce this setting by 2 ms and check
Torque Compensation the performance.
• Poor motor torque and speed
response Primary Delay Time • If motor hunting and oscillation occur, gradually
Constant 1 increase this setting by 10 ms. 20 ms <2> 20 to 100 ms
• Motor hunting and oscillation. (C4-02) Note: Ensure that C4-02 ≤ C4-06. When making
adjustments to C4-02, increase n2-02 (AFR Time
Constant) proportionally.
• If response is slow, gradually decrease the setting
Slip Compensation by 10 ms.
• Poor speed response and
stability Primary Delay Time 200 ms <2> 100 to 500 ms
Constant (C3-02) • If speed is unstable, gradually increase the setting
by 10 ms.

• If speed is too slow, gradually increase the setting
Slip Compensation by 0.1 ms.
• Poor speed precision Gain (C3-01) 1.0 <2> 0.5 to 1.5
• If speed is too fast, gradually decrease the setting
by 0.1 ms.
• If there is too much motor noise, the carrier
frequency is too high.
• Motor noise
Carrier Frequency • If motor hunting and oscillation occur at low 7 (Swing PWM 0 to the default
• Control motor hunting and speeds, reduce the carrier frequency.
oscillation occur at speeds Selection (C6-02) 1) setting
below 10 Hz. • The default setting for the carrier frequency
depends on the drive capacity (o2-04) and Drive
Duty Selection (C6-01).
• If motor torque and speed response are too slow,
increase the setting.
• If the motor exhibits excessive instability at start- E1-08: 12.0 V
• Poor motor torque at low speeds Mid Output Voltage A up, reduce the setting.
(E1-08) <2>
• Poor speed response Note: The default value is for 200 V class units. Initial ±2 V
Minimum Output E1-10: 2.5 V
• Motor instability at motor start. Voltage (E1-10) Double this value when using a 400 V class drive. <2>
When working with a relatively light load,
increasing this value too much can create an
excessively high of a torque reference.
<1> Default setting is determined by drive model.
Models BA0001 to BA0012, 2A0001 to 2A0020, and 4A0001 to 4A0011: Setting 1.00.
Models BA0018, 2A0030 to 2A0069, and 4A0018 to 4A0038: Setting 1.50.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 249
6.2 Motor Performance Fine Tuning

<2> Default settings change when the Control Method is changed (A1-02) or a different V/f pattern is selected using parameter E1-03. The default
setting shown is for V/f Control.
When using OLV Motor Control, leave the torque compensation gain (C4-01) at its default setting of 1.00. To increase
speed precision during regeneration in OLV Motor Control, enable slip compensation during regeneration (C3-04 = “1”).

u Motor Hunting and Oscillation Control Parameters

In addition to the parameters discussed on page 163, the following parameters indirectly affect motor hunting and
Table 6.3 Parameters that Affect Control Performance in Applications
Name (Parameter No.) Application
Dwell Function (b6-01 through b6-04) Prevents motor speed loss by maintaining the output frequency when working with heavy loads or when
there is powerful backlash on the machine side.
Accel/Decel Time (C1-01 through Adjusting accel and decel times will affect the torque presented to the motor during acceleration or
C1-09) deceleration.
S-Curve Characteristics (C2-01 Prevents shock at the beginning and end of acceleration and deceleration.
through C2-04)
Jump Frequency (d3-01 through d3-04) Skips over the resonant frequencies of connected machinery.
Analog Filter Time Constant (H3-13) Prevents fluctuation in the analog input signal due to noise.
• Prevents motor speed loss and overvoltage. Used when the load is too heavy and also during sudden
Stall Prevention (L3-01 through L3-06, acceleration/deceleration.
L3-11) • Adjustment is not normally required because Stall Prevention is enabled as a default. Disable Stall
Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = “0”) when using a braking resistor.
• Sets the maximum torque for Open Loop Vector Control.
Torque Limits (L7-01 through L7-04,
L7-06, L7-07) • Ensure that the drive capacity is greater than the motor capacity when increasing this setting. Be careful
when reducing this value because motor speed loss may occur with heavy loads.

250 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.3 Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors

6.3 Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors

u Types of Alarms, Faults, and Errors

Check the LED operator for information about possible faults if the drive or motor fails to operate. Refer to Using the
Digital LED Operator on page 78.
If problems occur that are not covered in this manual, contact the nearest Yaskawa representative with the following
• Drive model
• Software version
• Date of purchase
• Description of the problem
Table 6.4 contains descriptions of the various types of alarms, faults, and errors that may occur while operating the drive.
Contact Yaskawa in the event of drive failure.
Table 6.4 Types of Alarms, Faults, and Errors
Type Drive Responses to Alarms, Faults, and Errors
When the drive detects a fault:
• The digital operator displays text that indicates the specific fault and the ALM indicator LED remains lit until the fault
is reset.
• The fault interrupts drive output and the motor coasts to a stop.
• Depending on the setting, the drive and motor may stop via different methods than listed.
• If a digital output is programmed for fault output (H2-oo = E), it will close if a fault occurs.
When the drive detects a fault, it will remain inoperable until that fault has been reset. Refer to Fault Reset Methods on
page 284.
When the drive detects an alarm or a minor fault:
• The digital operator displays text that indicates the specific alarm or minor fault and the ALM indicator LED flashes.
Minor Faults and • The motor does not stop.
Alarms • One of the multi-function contact outputs closes if set to be tripped by a minor fault (H2-oo = 10), but not by an alarm.
• The digital operator displays text indicating a specific alarm and ALM indicator LED flashes.
Remove the cause of an alarm or minor fault to automatically reset.
When parameter settings conflict with one another or do not match hardware settings (such as with an option card), it
results in an operation error.
When the drive detects an operation error:
Operation Errors • The digital operator displays text that indicates the specific error.
• Multi-function contact outputs do not operate.
When the drive detects an operation error, it will not operate the motor until the error has been reset. Correct the settings
that caused the operation error to reset.
Tuning errors occur while performing Auto-Tuning.
When the drive detects a tuning error:

• The digital operator displays text indicating the specific error.
Tuning Errors • Multi-function contact outputs do not operate.
• Motor coasts to stop.
• Remove the cause of the error and repeat the Auto-Tuning process.

u Alarm and Error Displays

n Faults
When the drive detects a fault, the ALM indicator LEDs remain lit without flashing. If the LEDs flash, the drive has
detected a minor fault or alarm. Refer to Minor Faults and Alarms on page 252 for more information. Conditions such
as overvoltage or external faults can trip both faults and minor faults, therefore it is important to note whether the LEDs
remain lit or if the LEDs flash.
Table 6.5 Fault Displays
Digital Operator Digital Operator
Name Pg. Name Pg.
Display Display
bUS Option Communication Error 255 CPF02 A/D Conversion Error 256
MEMOBUS/Modbus CPF03 PWM Data Fault 256
CE 255
Communication Error
Drive Specification Mismatch
CF Control Fault 255 CPF06 during Terminal Board or Control 256
Board Replacement
CoF Current Offset Fault 255

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 251
6.3 Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors

Digital Operator Digital Operator

Name Pg. Name Pg.
Display Display
Terminal Board Communication oC Overcurrent 260
CPF07 256
Fault <3> oFA00 Option Card Connection Error 261
EEPROM Serial Communications
CPF08 256 <3> oFA01 Option Unit Fault 261
CPF11 RAM Fault 256 oFA03 Option Card Fault 261
CPF12 FLASH Memory Fault 256 oFA04 Option Card Fault 261
CPF13 Watchdog Circuit Exception 256 to oFA30 to Option Card Fault 261
CPF14 Control Circuit Fault 256
oH Heatsink Overheat 261
CPF16 Clock Fault 257
oH1 Heatsink Overheat 261
CPF17 Timing Fault 257
oH3 Motor Overheat 1 (PTC input) 262
CPF18 Control Circuit Fault 257
oH4 Motor Overheat 2 (PTC input) 262
CPF19 Control Circuit Fault 257
oL1 Motor Overload 262
RAM Fault 257
oL2 Drive Overload 263
or CPF20 or FLASH Memory Fault 257
<1> CPF21 Watchdog Circuit Exception 257 oL3 Overtorque Detection 1 263
Clock Fault 257 oL4 Overtorque Detection 2 264
CPF22 A/D Conversion Error 257 oL5 Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 264
CPF23 PWM Feedback Data Fault 257 oL7 High Slip Braking oL 264
CPF24 Drive Capacity Signal Fault 257 oPr Operator Connection Fault 264
CPF25 Terminal Board Not Connected 257 oS Overspeed (for Simple V/f with PG) 264
Excessive Speed Deviation (for ov Overvoltage 264
dEv 258
Simple V/f with PG) PF Input Phase Loss 265
DriveWorksEZ Program Error PG Disconnect (for Simple V/f with
dWAL PGo 266
Output 258 PG)
dWFL DriveWorksEZ Fault rH Dynamic Braking Resistor 266
MECHATROLINK Watchdog rr Dynamic Braking Transistor 266
E5 258
Timer Error
<2> SC IGBT Short Circuit 266
EF0 Option External Fault 258
EF1 to External Fault (input terminal S1 to SEr Too Many Speed Search Restarts 266
to 258
EF7 S7) STo Pull-Out Detection 267
Err EEPROM Write Error 259 UL3 Undertorque Detection 1 267
FbH Excessive PID Feedback 259 UL4 Undertorque Detection 2 267
FbL PID Feedback Loss 259 UL5 Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 267
GF Ground Fault 259 <3> Uv1 Undervoltage 267
LF Output Phase Loss 259 <3> Control Power Supply
Uv2 268
LF2 Current Imbalance 260 Undervoltage
nSE Node Setup Error 260 Uv3 Soft Charge Circuit Fault 268

<1> Displayed as when occurring at drive power up. When one of the faults occurs after successfully starting the drive, the display will
show .
<2> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.
<3> Uv1 and Uv2 faults are not saved to the fault history

n Minor Faults and Alarms

When a minor fault or alarm occurs, the ALM LED flashes and the text display shows an alarm code. A fault has occurred
if the text remains lit and does not flash. Refer to Alarm Detection on page 269. An overvoltage situation, for example,
can trigger both faults and minor faults. It is therefore important to note whether the LEDs remain lit or if the LEDs flash.
Table 6.6 Minor Fault and Alarm Displays
Minor Fault Output
Digital Operator Display Name (H2-oo = 10) Pg.
Station Address Setting Error (CC-Link, CANopen,
AEr YES 269
bb Drive Baseblock No output 269
bUS Option Card Communications Error YES 269
CALL Serial Communication Transmission Error YES 269
CE MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error YES 270

252 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.3 Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors

Minor Fault Output

Digital Operator Display Name (H2-oo = 10) Pg.

CrST Can Not Reset YES 270

CyC MECHATROLINK Comm. Cycle Setting Error YES 270
dEv Excessive Speed Deviation (for Simple V/f with PG) YES 270
dnE Drive Disabled YES 271
dWAL DriveWorksEZ Alarm YES 258
E5 MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error YES 271
EF Run Command Input Error YES 271
EF0 Option Card External Fault YES 271
to EF1 to EF7 External Fault (input terminal S1 to S7) YES 271
FbH Excessive PID Feedback YES 272
FbL PID Feedback Loss YES 272
Hbb Safe Disable Signal Input YES 272
HbbF Safe Disable Signal Input YES 272
HCA Current Alarm YES 272
No output
LT-1 Cooling Fan Maintenance Alarm <1> 273

No output
LT-2 Capacitor Maintenance Alarm <1> 273

No output
LT-3 Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance Time <1> 273

No output
LT-4 IGBT Maintenance Time (50%) <1> 273

oH Heatsink Overheat YES 273

oH2 Drive Overheat YES 274
oH3 Motor Overheat YES 274
oL3 Overtorque 1 YES 274
oL4 Overtorque 2 YES 274
oL5 Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 YES 275
oS Overspeed (for Simple V/f with PG) YES 275
ov Overvoltage YES 275
PASS MEMOBUS/Modbus Test Mode Complete No output 275
PGo PG Disconnect (for Simple V/f with PG) YES 275
rUn During Run 2, Motor Switch Command Input YES 275
SE MEMOBUS/Modbus Test Mode Fault YES 276
TrPC IGBT Maintenance Time (90%) YES 276

UL3 Undertorque 1 YES 276
UL4 Undertorque 2 YES 276
UL5 Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 YES 267
Uv Undervoltage YES 276
<1> Output when H2-oo = F 6
n Operation Errors
Table 6.7 Operation Error Displays
Digital Operator Digital Operator
Name Pg. Name Pg.
Display Display
oPE01 Drive Unit Setting Error 278 oPE08 Parameter Selection Error 280
oPE02 Parameter Setting Range Error 278 oPE09 PID Control Selection Error 280
oPE03 Multi-Function Input Setting Error 278 oPE10 V/f Data Setting Error 281
oPE04 Terminal Board Mismatch Error 279 oPE11 Carrier Frequency Setting Error 281
oPE05 Run Command Selection Error 279 oPE13 Pulse Train Monitor Selection Error 281
Multi-Function Analog Input
oPE07 279
Selection Error

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 253
6.3 Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors

n Auto-Tuning Errors
Table 6.8 Auto-Tuning Error Displays
Digital Operator Digital Operator
Name Pg. Name Pg.
Display Display
End1 Excessive V/f Setting 282 Er-04 Line-to-Line Resistance Error 283
Motor Iron Core Saturation Er-05 No-Load Current Error 283
End2 282
Coefficient Error
Er-08 Rated Slip Error 283
End3 Rated Current Setting Alarm 282
Er-09 Acceleration Error 283
Er-01 Motor Data Error 282
Er-11 Motor Speed Error 283
Er-02 Alarm 282
Er-12 Current Detection Error 283
Er-03 STOP button Input 282

254 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

6.4 Fault Detection

u Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible Solutions
Table 6.9 Detailed Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible Solutions
Digital Operator Display Fault Name
Option Communication Error
bUS • After establishing initial communication, the connection was lost.
• Only detected when the run command frequency reference is assigned to an option card.
Cause Possible Solution
No signal received from the PLC. • Check for faulty wiring.
The communication cable is faulty or a short • Correct the wiring.
circuit exists. • Check for loose wiring and short circuits. Repair as needed.
• Check the various options available to minimize the effects of noise.
• Counteract noise in control circuit, main circuit, and ground wiring.
• Ensure that other equipment such as switches or relays do not cause noise and use surge suppressors
A communications data error occurred due to if required.
noise. • Use cables recommended by Yaskawa or another type of shielded line. Ground the shield on the
controller side or on the drive input power side.
• Separate all wiring for communications devices from drive input power lines. Install an EMC noise
filter to the input side of the drive input power.
The option card is damaged. • Replace the option card if there are no problems with the wiring and the error continues to occur.
The option card is not properly connected to • The connector pins on the option card are not properly lined up with the connector pins on the drive.
the drive. • Reinstall the option card.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error
Control data was not received for the CE detection time set to H5-09.
Cause Possible Solution
• Check for faulty wiring.
Faulty communications wiring, or a short • Correct the wiring.
circuit exists.
• Check for loose wiring and short circuits. Repair as needed.
• Check the various options available to minimize the effects of noise.
• Counteract noise in control circuit, main circuit, and ground wiring.
• Use Yaskawa-recommended cables, or another type of shielded line. Ground the shield on the
A communications data error occurred due to controller side or on the drive input power side.
noise. • Ensure that other equipment such as switches or relays do not cause noise and use surge suppressors
if required.
• Separate all wiring for communications devices from drive input power lines. Install an EMC noise
filter to the input side of the drive input power.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name
Control Fault
CF A torque limit was reached continuously for three seconds or longer during a ramp to stop while in
Open Loop Vector Control.
Cause Possible Solution
Motor parameters are not set properly. Check the motor parameter settings and repeat Auto-Tuning.
Torque limit is too low. Set the torque limit to the most appropriate setting (L7-01 through L7-04). 6
• Adjust the deceleration time (C1-02, -04, -06, -08).
Load inertia is too big. • Set the frequency to the minimum value and interrupt the run command when the drive finishes

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Current Offset Fault
CoF The current sensor is damaged or there was residual induction current in the motor (e.g., during sudden
deceleration or when coasting) when the drive attempted to start the motor.
Cause Possible Solution
Due to residual induction current in the • Create a motor restart sequence that allows enough time for the residual induction voltage to
motor when the drive attempted to start the dissipate.
motor, the drive attempted to adjust the • Enable Speed Search at start (b3-01 = 1). Use the multi-function terminals to execute External Speed
current offset value beyond the allowable Search 1 and 2 (H1-oo = 61 or 62).
range. Note: When using a PM motor, both External Speed Search 1 and 2 perform the same operation.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 255
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

A/D Conversion Error
An A/D conversion error occurred.
Cause Possible Solution
Control circuit is damaged. Cycle power to the drive. If the problem continues, replace the drive.
• Check for wiring errors along the control circuit terminals.
Control circuit terminals have shorted out • Correct the wiring.
(+V, AC).
Check the resistance of the speed potentiometer and related wiring.
Control terminal input current has exceeded • Check the input current.
allowable levels. • Reduce the current input to control circuit terminal (+V) to 20 mA.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

PWM Data Error
There is a problem with the PWM data.
Cause Possible Solution
Drive hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

EEPROM Data Error
There is an error in the data saved to EEPROM.
Cause Possible Solution
Control circuit is damaged. Cycle power to the drive. If the problem continues, replace the drive.
The power supply was switched off when • Cycle power to the drive and check operation again.
parameters were written (e.g., using a • Initialize the drive using A1-03.
communications option card). • If the problem persists after initializing the drive, replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Terminal Board Communications Error
A communication error occurred at the terminal board.
Cause Possible Solution
There is a fault connection between the Turn the power off and reconnect the control circuit terminals.
terminal board and control board.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

EEPROM Serial Communication Fault
EEPROM communications are not functioning properly.
Cause Possible Solution
Terminal board or control board is not Turn the power off and check the control terminal connections.
connected properly.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

CPF11 RAM Fault
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

FLASH Memory Fault
Problem with the ROM (FLASH memory).
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Watchdog Circuit Exception
Self-diagnostics problem.
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Control Circuit Fault
CPU error (CPU operates incorrectly due to noise, etc.)

256 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Clock Fault
Standard clock error.
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Timing Fault
A timing error occurred during an internal process.
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Control Circuit Fault
CPU error. Non-Maskable Interrupt (An unusual interrupt was triggered by noise, etc.)
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Control Circuit Fault
CPU error (Manual reset due to noise, etc.)
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

One of the following faults occurred: RAM fault, FLASH memory error, watchdog circuit exception,
clock error
• RAM fault.
or CPF20 or CPF21
• FLASH memory error (ROM error).
• Watchdog circuit exception (self-diagnostic error).
• Clock error.
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

A/D Conversion Fault

A/D conversion error.
Cause Possible Solution
• Cycle power to the drive. Refer to Diagnosing and Resetting Faults on page 284.
Control circuit is damaged.
• If the problem continues, replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

PWM Feedback Fault 6
PWM feedback error.
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Drive Capacity Signal Fault
Entered a capacity that does not exist. (Checked when the drive is powered up.)
Cause Possible Solution
Hardware is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

CPF25 Terminal Board Not Connected
Cause Possible Solution

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 257
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Terminal board is not connected correctly. Reconnect the terminal board to the connector on the drive, then cycle the power to the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Speed Deviation (for Simple V/f with PG)
dEv According to the pulse input (RP), the speed deviation is greater than the setting in F1-10 for longer
than the time set to F1-11.
Cause Possible Solution
Load is too heavy. Reduce the load.
Acceleration and deceleration times are set Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
too short.
The load is locked up. Check the machine.
Parameters are not set appropriately. Check the settings of parameters F1-10 and F1-11.
Motor brake engaged. Ensure the motor brake releases properly.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

dWFL DriveWorksEZ Fault
dWAL DriveWorksEZ Program Error Output
Cause Possible Solution
Fault output by DriveWorksEZ Correct the cause of the fault.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error
The watchdog timed out.
Cause Possible Solution
Data has not been received from the PLC, Execute DISCONNECT or ALM_CLR, then issue a CONNECT command or SYNC_SET command
triggering the watchdog timer. and proceed to phase 3.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Option Card External Fault
An external fault condition is present.
Cause Possible Solution
An external fault was received from the PLC • Remove the cause of the external fault.
with other than F6-03 = 3 “alarm only” (the
drive continued to run after external fault). • Remove the external fault input from the PLC.
Problem with the PLC program. Check the PLC program and correct problems.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

External Fault (input terminal S1)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S1.
External Fault (input terminal S2)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S2.
External Fault (input terminal S3)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S3.
External Fault (input terminal S4)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S4.
External Fault (input terminal S5)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S5.
External Fault (input terminal S6)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S6.
External Fault (input terminal S7)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S7
Cause Possible Solution
An external device has tripped an alarm Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
• Ensure the signal lines have been connected properly to the terminals assigned for external fault
Wiring is incorrect. detection (H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
Incorrect setting of multi-function contact • Check if the unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to 2F (External Fault).
inputs. • Change the terminal settings.

258 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

EEPROM Write Error
Data does not match the EEPROM being written to.
Cause Possible Solution
• Press the ENTER button.
- • Correct the parameter settings.
• Cycle power to the drive. Refer to Diagnosing and Resetting Faults on page 284.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Excessive PID Feedback
FbH PID feedback input is greater than the level set b5-36 for longer than the time set to b5-37. Set b5-12
to 2 or 5 to enable fault detection.
Cause Possible Solution
Parameters are not set appropriately. Check the settings of parameters b5-36 and b5-37.
Wiring for PID feedback is incorrect. Correct the wiring.
• Check the sensor on the control side.
There is a problem with the feedback sensor.
• Replace the sensor if damaged.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

PID Feedback Loss
FbL This fault occurs when PID Feedback Loss Detection is programmed to fault (b5-12 = 2) and the PID
Feedback < PID Feedback Loss Detection Level (b5-13) for the PID Feedback Loss Detection Time
Cause Possible Solution
Parameters are not set appropriately. Check the settings of parameters b5-13 and b5-14.
Wiring for PID feedback is incorrect. Correct the wiring.
There is a problem with the feedback sensor. Check the sensor on the controller side. If damaged, replace the sensor.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Ground Fault
GF • Current shorted to ground exceeded 50% of rated current on output side of the drive.
• Setting L8-09 to 1 enables ground fault detection in models 2A0020 to 2A0069 and 4A0011 to
Cause Possible Solution
• Check the insulation resistance of the motor.
Motor insulation is damaged.
• Replace the motor.
• Check the motor cable.
A damaged motor cable is creating a short • Remove the short circuit and turn the power back on.
circuit. • Check the resistance between the cable and the ground terminal .
• Replace the cable.

The leakage current at the drive output is too • Reduce the carrier frequency.
high. • Reduce the amount of stray capacitance.
• The value set exceeds the allowable setting range while the drive automatically adjusts the current
offset (this happens only attempting to restart a PM motor that is coasting to stop).
The drive started to run during Current Offset • Enable Speed Search at start (b3-01 = 1).
Fault or while coasting to a stop.
• Perform Speed Search 1 or 2 (H1-oo = 61 or 62) via one of the external terminals.
Note: Speed Search 1 and 2 are the same when using OLV/PM control mode.
Hardware problem. • Replace the drive.
Digital Operator Display Fault Name
Output Phase Loss
LF • Phase loss on the output side of the drive.
• Phase Loss Detection is enabled when L8-07 is set to 1 or 2.
Cause Possible Solution
• Check for wiring errors and ensure the output cable is connected properly.
The output cable is disconnected.
• Correct the wiring.
• Check the resistance between motor lines.
The motor winding is damaged.
• Replace the motor if the winding is damaged.
• Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminals. Refer to Wire Size and
The output terminal is loose.
Torque Specifications on page 64.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 259
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

The motor being used is less than 5% of the Check the drive and motor capacities.
drive rated current.
An output transistor is damaged. Replace the drive.
A single-phase motor is being used. The drive being used cannot operate a single phase motor.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Output current imbalance
One or more of the phases in the output current is lost.
Cause Possible Solution
Phase loss has occurred on the output side of • Check for faulty wiring or poor connections on the output side of the drive.
the drive. • Correct the wiring.
Terminal wires on the output side of the drive Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminals. Refer to Wire Size and
are loose. Torque Specifications on page 64.
No signal displays from the gate driver Replace the drive. Contact Yaskawa for assistance.
Motor impedance or motor phases are • Measure the line-to-line resistance for each motor phase. Ensure all values are the same.
uneven. • Replace the motor. Contact Yaskawa for assistance.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Node Setup Error
A terminal assigned to the node setup function closed during Run.
Cause Possible Solution
The node setup terminal closed during Run. • Check whether a Run command was accidentally entered via the terminals or from a comm. option
A Run command was issued while the node unit.
setup function was active. • Turn off the Run command when using the node setup function.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Drive sensors have detected an output current greater than the specified overcurrent level.
Cause Possible Solution
The motor has been damaged due to • Check the insulation resistance.
overheating or the motor insulation is
damaged. • Replace the motor.
•Check the motor cables.
One of the motor cables has shorted out or •Remove the short circuit and power the drive back up.
there is a grounding problem. •Check the resistance between the motor cables and the ground terminal .
•Replace damaged cables.
•Measure the current flowing into the motor.
•Replace the drive with a larger capacity unit if the current value exceeds the rated current of the
The load is too heavy. drive.
• Determine if there is sudden fluctuation in the current level.
• Reduce the load to avoid sudden changes in the current level or switch to a larger drive.
Calculate the torque needed during acceleration relative to the load inertia and the specified
acceleration time.
The acceleration or deceleration times are If the right amount of torque cannot be set, make the following changes:
too short. • Increase the acceleration time (C1-01, C1-03, C1-05, C1-07)
• Increase the S-curve characteristics (C2-01 through C2-04)
• Increase the capacity of the drive.
The drive is attempting to operate a • Check the motor capacity.
specialized motor or a motor larger than the • Ensure that the rated capacity of the drive is greater than or equal to the capacity rating found on
maximum size allowed. the motor nameplate.
Magnetic contactor (MC) on the output side Set up the operation sequence so that the MC is not tripped while the drive is outputting current.
of the drive has turned on or off.
• Check the ratios between the voltage and frequency.
• Set parameter E1-04 through E1-10 appropriately. Set E3-04 through E3-10 when using a second
V/f setting is not operating as expected. motor.
• Lower the voltage if it is too high relative to the frequency.
• Check the amount of torque compensation.
Excessive torque compensation.
• Reduce the torque compensation gain (C4-01) until there is no speed loss and less current.

260 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

• Review the possible solutions provided for handling noise interference.
Drive fails to operate properly due to noise
interference. • Review the section on handling noise interference and check the control circuit lines, main circuit
lines and ground wiring.
• Check if fault occurs simultaneously to overexcitation function operation.
Overexcitation gain is set too high.
• Consider motor flux saturation and reduce the value of n3-13 (Overexcitation Deceleration Gain).
• Set b3-01 to 1 to enable Speed Search at Start.
Run command applied while motor was
coasting. • Program the Speed Search command input through one of the multi-function contact input terminals
(H1-oo = “61” or “62”).
The wrong motor code has been entered for Enter the correct motor code to E5-01 to indicate that a PM motor is connected.
in OLV/PM (Yaskawa motors only).
Check which motor control method the drive is set to in A1-02.
The motor control method and motor do not • For IM motors, set A1-02 to 0 or 2.
• For PM motors, set A1-02 to 5.
The motor cable is too long Use a larger drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Option Card Connection Error at Option Port CN5
The option card is incompatible with the drive.
Cause Possible Solution
The option card is incompatible with the Use a compatible option card.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Option Card Fault
Replace the option card.
Cause Possible Solution
The option card is not connected properly to Turn the power off and reconnect the option card.
the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Option Card Fault
Option card self-diagnostic error
Option Card Fault
An error occurred attempting to write to the option card memory.
Option Card Fault
to oFA30 to oFA43
Communication ID error
Cause Possible Solution
Option card or hardware is damaged. Replace the option card. Contact Yaskawa for consultation.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Heatsink Overheat
oH The temperature of the heatsink exceeded the value set to L8-02. Default value for L8-02 is determined
by drive capacity (o2-04).
Cause Possible Solution
• Check the temperature surrounding the drive. Verify temperature is within drive specifications.
• Improve the air circulation within the enclosure panel.
Surrounding temperature is too high.
• Install a fan or air conditioner to cool the surrounding area.
• Remove anything near the drive that might be producing excessive heat.
• Measure the output current.
Load is too heavy. • Decrease the load.
• Lower the carrier frequency in C6-02.
Internal cooling fan is stopped. • After replacing the fan, set o4-03 to 0 to reset cooling fan maintenance.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Overheat 1 (Heatsink Overheat)
The temperature of the heatsink has exceeded 10 °C plus the default value of L8-02.
Cause Possible Solution

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 261
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

• Check the temperature surrounding the drive.
• Improve the air circulation within the enclosure panel.
Surrounding temperature is too high.
• Install a fan or air conditioner to cool the surrounding area.
• Remove anything near the drive that might be producing excessive heat.
• Measure the output current.
Load is too heavy. • Lower the carrier frequency (C6-02).
• Reduce the load.
The internal cooling fan has reached its • Check the maintenance time for the cooling fan (U4-04).
performance life or has malfunctioned. • After replacing the fan, set o4-03 to 0 to reset cooling fan maintenance.
Current flowing to control circuit terminal • Check the current level of the terminal.
+V exceeded the tolerance level. • Set the current to the control circuit terminal to be 20 mA or less.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Motor Overheat Alarm (PTC Input)
oH3 • The motor overheat signal to analog input terminal A1 or A2 exceeded the alarm detection level.
• Detection requires multi-function analog input H3-02 or H3-10 be set to E.
Cause Possible Solution
• Check the size of the load, the accel/decel times and the cycle times.
• Decrease the load.
• Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10). This will mainly involve reducing E1-08 and
Motor has overheated • Be careful not to lower E1-08 and E1-10 excessively, as this reduces load tolerance at low speeds.
• Check the motor-rated current.
• Enter the motor-rated current as indicated on the motor nameplate (E2-01).
• Ensure the motor cooling system is operating normally.
• Repair or replace the motor cooling system.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Motor Overheat Fault (PTC Input)
oH4 • The motor overheat signal to analog input terminal A1 or A2 exceeded the fault detection level.
• Detection requires multi-function analog input H3-02 or H3-10 be set to E.
Cause Possible Solution
• Check the size of the load, the accel/decel times and the cycle times.
• Decrease the load.
• Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10). This will mainly involve reducing E1-08 and
E1-10. Be careful not to lower E1-08 and E1-10 excessively because this reduces load tolerance at
Motor has overheated. low speeds
• Check the motor-rated current.
• Enter the motor-rated current as indicated on the motor nameplate (E2-01).
• Ensure the motor cooling system is operating normally.
• Repair or replace the motor cooling system.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Motor Overload
oL1 The electrothermal sensor tripped overload protection.
Note: The U4-16 value must be less than 100 before oL1 can be reset.
Cause Possible Solution
Cycle times are too short during acceleration Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
and deceleration.
• Drive overloaded at low speeds. • Reduce the load.
• Overload may occur at low speeds when • Increase the speed.
using a general-purpose motor, even if
operating within the rated current • If the drive is supposed to operate at low speeds, either increase the motor capacity or use a motor
limitation. specifically designed to operate with the drive.
Although a special type of motor is being
used, the motor protection selection is set for Set L1-01 to 2.
a general-purpose motor (L1-01 = 1).

262 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

• Adjust the user set V/f patterns (E1-04 through E1-10). Parameters E1-08 and E1-10 may need to
Voltage is too high for the V/f characteristics. be reduced.
• If E1-08 and E1-10 are set too high, there may be very little load tolerance at low speed.
The wrong motor-rated current is set to • Check the motor-rated current.
E2-01. • Enter the value written on the motor nameplate to parameter E2-01.
The motor base frequency for the drive input • Check the rated frequency indicated on the motor nameplate.
power is set too low. • Enter the rated frequency to E1-06 (Base Frequency).
Multiple motors are running off the same Set L1-01 to 0 to disable the Motor Protection function and install a thermal relay to each motor.
The electrical thermal protection • Check the motor characteristics.
characteristics and motor overload • Correct the value set to L1-01 (Motor Protection Function).
characteristics do not match. • Install an external thermal relay.
The electrical thermal relay is operating at • Check the current rating listed on the motor nameplate.
the wrong level. • Check the value set for the motor-rated current (E2-01).
• Overexcitation increases the motor losses and the motor temperature. If applied too long, motor
Motor overheated by overexcitation damage can occur. Prevent excessive overexcitation operation or apply proper cooling to the motor
operation. • Reduce the excitation deceleration gain (n3-13).
• Set L3-04 (Stall Prevention during Deceleration) to a value other than 4.
• Check values set to Speed Search related parameters.
Speed Search related parameters are not set • Adjust the Speed Search current and Speed Search deceleration times (b3-02 and b3-03
to the proper values. respectively).
• After Auto-Tuning, enable Speed Estimation Type Search (b3-24 = “1”).
Output current fluctuation due to input phase Check the power supply for phase loss.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Drive Overload
The thermal sensor of the drive triggered overload protection.
Cause Possible Solution
Load is too heavy. Reduce the load.
Cycle times are too short during acceleration Increase the settings for the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
and deceleration.
• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10). This will mainly involve reducing E1-08 and
Voltage is too high for the V/f characteristics.
• Be careful not to lower E1-08 and E1-10 excessively because this reduces load tolerance at low
Drive capacity is too small. Replace the drive with a larger model.
• Reduce the load when operating at low speeds.
Overload occurred when operating at low • Replace the drive with a model that is one frame size larger.
• Lower the carrier frequency (C6-02).

Excessive torque compensation. Reduce the torque compensation gain (C4-01) until there is no speed loss but less current.
• Check the settings for all Speed Search related parameters.
Speed Search related parameters are not set • Adjust the current used during Speed Search and the Speed Search deceleration time (b3-03 and
correctly. b3-02 respectively).
• After Auto-Tuning the drive, enable the Speed Search Estimation Type (b3-24 = “1”).
Output current fluctuation due to input phase Check the power supply for phase loss.
Digital Operator Display Fault Name
Overtorque Detection 1
oL3 The current has exceeded the value set for torque detection (L6-02) for longer than the allowable time
Cause Possible Solution
Parameter settings are not appropriate for the Check the settings of parameters L6-02 and L6-03.
type of load.
There is a fault on the machine side (e.g., the Check the status of the load. Remove the cause of the fault.
machine is locked up).

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 263
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Overtorque Detection 2
oL4 The current has exceeded the value set for Overtorque Detection 2 (L6-05) for longer than the allowable
time (L6-06).
Cause Possible Solution
Parameter settings are not appropriate for the Check the settings of parameters L6-05 and L6-06.
type of load.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Mechanical Weakening Detection 1
Overtorque occurred, matching the conditions specified in L6-08.
Cause Possible Solution
Overtorque occurred, triggering the Check for the cause of mechanical weakening.
mechanical weakening level set to L6-08.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

High-Slip Braking oL
The output frequency stayed constant for longer than the time set in n3-04 during High-slip Braking.
Cause Possible Solution
Excessive load inertia.
• Reduce deceleration times using parameters C1-02, C1-04, C1-06 and C1-08 in applications that
Motor is driven by the load. do not use High-slip Braking.
Something on the load side is restricting • Use a braking resistor to shorten deceleration time.
The overload time during High-slip Braking • Increase parameter n3-04 (High-slip Braking Overload Time).
is too short. • Install a thermal relay and increase the parameter setting of n3-04 to the maximum value.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

External Digital Operator Connection Fault
• The external operator has been disconnected from the drive.
Note: An oPr fault will occur when all of the following conditions are true:
• Output is interrupted when the operator is disconnected (o2-06 = 1).
• The run command is assigned to the operator
(b1-02 = 0 and LOCAL has been selected).
Cause Possible Solution
• Check the connection between the operator and the drive.
External operator is not properly connected • Replace the cable if damaged.
to the drive. • Turn off the drive input power and disconnect the operator. Next reconnect the operator and turn
the drive input power back on.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Overspeed (Simple V/f with PG)
Pulse input (RP) indicates that motor speed feedback exceeded F1-08 setting.
Cause Possible Solution
• Adjust the gain by using the pulse train input parameters (H6-02 through H6-05).
Overshoot or undershoot is occurring. • Increase the settings for C5-01 (Speed Control Proportional Gain 1) and reduce C5-02 (Speed
Control Integral Time 1).
Set the H6-02 (Pulse Train Input Scaling) = 100%, the frequency of the PG pulses at maximum motor
Incorrect PG pulse settings. speed.
Inappropriate parameter settings. Check the setting for the overspeed detection level and the overspeed detection time (F1-08 and F1-09).

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Voltage in the DC bus has exceeded the overvoltage detection level.
• For 200 V class: approximately 410 V
• For 400 V class: approximately 820 V (740 V when E1-01 is less than 400)
Cause Possible Solution
• Increase the deceleration time (C1-02, C1-04, C1-06, C1-08).
Deceleration time is too short and • Install a braking resistor or a dynamic braking resistor unit.
regenerative energy flows from the motor
into the drive. • Enable stall prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = “1”).
Stall prevention is enabled as the default setting.

264 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

• Check if sudden drive acceleration triggers an overvoltage alarm.
Fast acceleration time causes the motor to • Increase the acceleration time.
overshoot the speed reference.
• Use longer S-curve acceleration and deceleration times.
The braking torque was too high, causing regenerative energy to charge the DC bus.
Excessive braking load. Reduce the braking torque, use a braking option, or lengthen decel time.
Install a DC reactor.
Surge voltage entering from the drive input Note: Voltage surge can result from thyristor convertor and phase advancing capacitor using same
power. drive main input power supply.
Ground fault in the output circuit causing the • Check the motor wiring for ground faults.
DC bus capacitor to overcharge. • Correct grounding shorts and turn the power back on.
• Check the settings for Speed Search related parameters.
• Enable Speed Search Retry function
Improper Setting of Speed Search related (b3-19 greater than or equal to 1 to 10).
parameters. (Includes Speed Search after a
momentary power loss and after a fault • Adjust the current level during Speed Search and the deceleration time (b3-02 and b3-03
restart.) respectively).
• Perform Line-to-Line Resistance Auto-Tuning and then enable Speed Estimation Type Speed
Search (b3-24 = 1).
Excessive regeneration when overshoot • Enable the Overvoltage Suppression function (L3-11 = 1).
occurs after acceleration. • Lengthen the S-curve at acceleration end.
• Check the voltage.
Drive input power voltage is too high.
• Lower drive input power voltage within the limits listed in the specifications.
The dynamic braking transistor is damaged. Replace the drive.
• Check braking transistor wiring for errors.
The braking transistor is wired incorrectly.
• Properly rewire the braking resistor device.
• Review the list of possible solutions provided for controlling noise.
Drive fails to operate properly due to noise
interference. • Review the section on handling noise interference and check the control circuit lines, main circuit
lines and ground wiring.
• Check the load inertia settings when using KEB, overvoltage suppression or Stall Prevention during
Load inertia has been set incorrectly. deceleration.
• Adjust L3-25 (Load Inertia Ratio) in accordance with the load.
Braking function is being used in PM Open Connect a braking resistor.
Loop Vector Control.
• Adjust the parameters that control hunting.
• Set the hunting prevention gain (n1-02).
Motor hunting occurs. • Adjust the AFR time constant 1 (n2-02) and the AFR time constant 2 (n2-03) when in OLV Control.
• Use parameters n8-45 (PM Speed Feedback Detection Suppression Gain)
and n8-47 (Pull-In Current Compensation Time Constant).

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Input Phase Loss
PF Drive input power has an open phase or has a large imbalance of voltage between phases. Detected
when L8-05 = 1 (enabled).

Cause Possible Solution
• Check for wiring errors in the main circuit drive input power.
There is phase loss in the drive input power.
• Correct the wiring.
• Ensure the terminals are tightened properly.
There is loose wiring in the drive input power
terminals. • Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminals. Refer to Wire Gauges
and Tightening Torques on page 56 for details. 6
• Check the voltage from the drive input power.
There is excessive fluctuation in the drive • Review the possible solutions for stabilizing the drive input power.
input power voltage. • Disable Input Phase Loss Detection (L8-05 = “0”). PF is detected if DC bus ripple is too high. If it
is disabled, there is no fault but the ripple is still too high, thereby the capacitors are stressed more
and lose lifetime.
There is poor balance between voltage • Stabilize drive input power or disable phase loss detection.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 265
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

• Check the maintenance time for the capacitors (U4-05).
• Replace the drive if U4-05 is greater than 90%.
• Check for anything wrong with the drive input power.
The main circuit capacitors are worn. • If nothing is wrong with the drive input power, try the following solutions if the alarm continues:
• Disable Input Phase Loss Protection selection (L8-05 = “0”). PF is detected if DC bus ripple is too
high. If it is disabled, there is no fault but the ripple is still too high, thereby the capacitors are
stressed more and lose lifetime.
• Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

PG Disconnect (for Simple V/f with PG)
No PG pulses are received for longer than the time set to F1-14.
Cause Possible Solution
Pulse input (RP) is disconnected. Reconnect the pulse input (RP).
Pulse input (RP) wiring is wrong. Correct the wiring.
Motor brake engaged. Ensure the motor brake releases properly.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Braking Resistor Overheat
rH Braking resistor protection was triggered.
Fault detection is enabled when L8-01 = 1 (disabled as a default).
Cause Possible Solution
• Check the load, deceleration time and speed.
Deceleration time is too short and excessive • Reduce the load.
regenerative energy is flowing back into the
drive. • Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
• Replace the braking option with a larger device that can handle the power that is discharged.
Recalculate braking load and braking power. Then try reducing the braking load and checking the
Excessive braking inertia. braking resistor settings and improve braking capacity.
The proper braking resistor has not been • Check the specifications and conditions for the braking resistor device.
installed. • Select the optimal braking resistor.
Note: The magnitude of the braking load trips the braking resistor overheat alarm, NOT the surface temperature. Using the braking resistor more
frequently than its rating trips the alarm even when the braking resistor surface is not very hot.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Dynamic Braking Transistor
The built-in dynamic braking transistor failed.
Cause Possible Solution
The braking transistor is damaged. • Cycle power to the drive and check if the fault reoccurs. Refer to Diagnosing and Resetting
Faults on page 284.
The control circuit is damaged. • Replace the drive if the fault continues.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

SC IGBT Short Circuit
Cause Possible Solution
IGBT fault • Check motor wiring
• Cycle power to the drive.
IGBT short circuit detection and circuit fault
• If the problem continues, contact your Yaskawa representative or the nearest Yaskawa sales office.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Too Many Speed Search Restarts
The number of speed search restarts exceeded the number set to b3-19.
Cause Possible Solution
• Reduce the detection compensation gain during Speed Search (b3-10).
Speed Search parameters are set to the wrong • Increase the current level when attempting Speed Search (b3-17).
values. • Increase the detection time during Speed Search (b3-18).
• Repeat Auto-Tuning.
The motor is coasting in the opposite Set b3-14 to 1 to enable Bi-directional Speed Search.
direction of the Run command.

266 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Motor Pull Out or Step Out Detection
Motor pull out or step out has occurred. Motor has exceeded its pull out torque.
Cause Possible Solution
• Enter the correct motor code for the PM being used into E5-01.
The wrong motor code has been set
(Yaskawa motors only). • For special-purpose motors, enter the correct data to all E5 parameters according to the Test Report
provided for the motor.
• Increase the value set to n8-55 (Load Inertia for PM).
• Increase the value set to n8-51 (Pull-In Current during Accel/Decel for PM).
Load is too heavy.
• Reduce the load.
• Increase the motor or drive capacity.
Load inertia is too heavy. Increase n8-55 (Load Inertia for PM).
Acceleration and deceleration times are too • Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
short. • Increase the S-curve acceleration and deceleration times (C2-01).

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Undertorque Detection 1
UL3 The current has fallen below the minimum value set for torque detection (L6-02) for longer than the
allowable time (L6-03).
Cause Possible Solution
Parameter settings are not appropriate for the Check the settings of parameters L6-02 and L6-03.
type of load.
There is a fault on the machine side. Check the load for any problems.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Undertorque Detection 2
UL4 The current has fallen below the minimum value set for torque detection (L6-05) for longer than the
allowable time (L6-06).
Cause Possible Solution
Parameter settings are not appropriate for the Check the settings of parameters L6-05 and L6-06.
type of load.
There is a fault on the machine side. Check the load for any problems.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Mechanical Weakening Detection 2
The operation conditions matched the conditions set to L6-08.
Cause Possible Solution
Undertorque was detected and matched the
condition of mechanical loss detection Check the load side for any problems.
operation selection (L6-08).

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

DC Bus Undervoltage
One of the following conditions occurred while the drive was in operation:
Uv1 • Voltage in the DC bus fell below the undervoltage detection level (L2-05).
• For 200 V class: approximately 190 V (160 V for single phase drives)
• For 400 V class: approximately 380 V (350 V when E1-01 is less than 400) The fault is output only
if L2-01 = 0 or L2-01 = 1 and the DC bus voltage is under L2-05 for longer than L2-02.
Cause Possible Solution
• The main circuit drive input power is wired incorrectly.
Input power phase loss.
• Correct the wiring.
• Ensure there are no loose terminals.
One of the drive input power wiring
terminals is loose. • Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminals. Refer to Wire Gauges
and Tightening Torques on page 56 for details.
There is a problem with the voltage from the • Check the voltage.
drive input power. • Correct the voltage to within range listed in drive input power specifications.
The power has been interrupted. Correct the drive input power.
• Check the maintenance time for the capacitors (U4-05).
Drive internal circuitry has become worn.
• Replace the drive if U4-05 exceeds 90%.
The drive input power transformer is not
large enough and voltage drops after Check the capacity of the drive input power transformer.
switching on power.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 267
6.4 Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Air inside the drive is too hot. Check the drive internal temperature.
Problem with the CHARGE indicator. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Control Power Supply Voltage Fault
Voltage is too low for the control drive input power.
Cause Possible Solution
L2-02 changed from its default value in drive
that is 7.5 kW or smaller without installing a Correct parameter L2-02 setting or install optional Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru unit.
Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru.
The wiring for the control power supply is • Cycle power to the drive. Check if the fault reoccurs.
damaged. • Replace the drive if the fault continues to occur.
• Cycle power to the drive. Check if the fault reoccurs.
Internal circuitry is damaged.
• Replace the drive if the fault continues to occur.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Undervoltage 3 (Inrush Prevention Circuit Fault)
The inrush prevention circuit has failed.
Cause Possible Solution
• Cycle power to the drive. Check if the fault reoccurs.
The contactor on the inrush prevention • Replace the drive if the fault continues to occur.
circuit is damaged. • Check monitor U4-06 for the performance life of the inrush prevention circuit.
• Replace the drive if U4-06 exceeds 90%.

268 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.5 Alarm Detection

6.5 Alarm Detection

Alarms are drive protection functions that do not operate the fault contact. The drive will return to original status when
the cause of the alarm has been removed.
During an alarm condition, the Digital Operator display flashes and an alarm output is generated at the multi-function
outputs (H2-01 to H2-03), if programmed.
Investigate the cause of the alarm and Refer to Detailed Alarm Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions on page 269 for
the appropriate action.

u Alarm Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions

Table 6.10 Detailed Alarm Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions
Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name
Station Address Setting Error (CC-Link, CANopen, MECHATROLINK)
Option card node address is outside the acceptable setting range.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

• Set parameter F6-10 to the proper value if a CC-Link option card is used
Station number is set outside the possible • Set parameter F6-20 to the proper value if a MECHATROLINK option card is used. YES
setting range.
• Set parameter F6-35 to the proper value if a CANopen option card is used.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Drive output interrupted as indicated by an external baseblock signal.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

External baseblock signal entered via multi- Check external sequence and baseblock signal input timing. No output
function input terminal (S1 to S7).

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Option Communication Error
bUS • After initial communication was established, the connection was lost.
• Assign a run command frequency reference to the option card.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

• Check for faulty wiring.

Connection is broken or master controller • Correct the wiring.
stopped communicating.
• Repair ground wiring or disconnected cables.
If there are no problems with the wiring and the fault continues to occur, replace the
Option card is damaged. option card.
• The connector pins on the option card are not properly lined up with the connector
The option card is not properly connected to pins on the drive.

the drive.
• Reinstall the option card.
• Check options available to minimize the effects of noise. YES
• Take steps to counteract noise in the control circuit wiring, main circuit lines and
ground wiring.
• Try to reduce noise on the controller side.
A data error occurred due to noise. • Use surge absorbers on magnetic contactors or other equipment causing the 6
• Use cables recommended by Yaskawa, or another type of shielded line. The shield
should be grounded on the controller side or on the drive input power side.
• All wiring for communications devices should be separated from drive input power
lines. Install an EMC noise filter to the input side of the drive input power.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Serial Communication Transmission Error
Communication has not yet been established.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 269
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Communications wiring is faulty, there is a • Check for wiring errors.
short circuit, or something is not connected • Correct the wiring.
properly. • Remove and ground shorts and reconnect loose wires.
Programming error on the master side. Check communications at start-up and correct programming errors.
• Perform a self-diagnostics check.
Communications circuitry is damaged.
• Replace the drive if the fault continues to occurs.
The terminal slave drive must have the internal terminal resistance switch set correctly.
Terminal resistance setting is incorrect. Place DIP switch S2 to the ON position.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error
Control data was not received correctly for two seconds.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

• Check options available to minimize the effects of noise.

• Counteract noise in the control circuit wiring, main circuit lines and ground wiring.
• Reduce noise on the controller side.
• Use surge absorbers on magnetic contactors or other equipment causing the
A data error occurred due to noise. disturbance.
• Use cables recommended by Yaskawa or another type of shielded line. The shield
should be grounded on the controller side or on the drive input power side.
• Separate all wiring for communications devices from drive input power lines. Install
an EMC noise filter to the input side of the drive input power.
• Check the H5 parameter settings as well as the protocol setting in the controller. YES
Communication protocol is incompatible.
• Ensure settings are compatible.
The CE detection time (H5-09) is set shorter • Check the PLC.
than the time required for a communication • Change the software settings in the PLC.
cycle to take place. • Set a longer CE detection time (H5-09).
Incompatible PLC software settings or there • Check the PLC.
is a hardware problem. • Remove the cause of the error on the controller side.
Communications cable is disconnected or • Check the connector for a signal through the cable.
damaged. • Replace the communications cable.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

CrST Can Not Reset
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

• Ensure that a run command cannot be entered from the external terminals or option
Fault reset was being executed when a run card during fault reset. YES
command was entered.
• Turn off the run command.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

MECHATROLINK Comm. Cycle Setting Error
Comm. Cycle Setting Error was detected.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

The controller is using a comm. cycle beyond Set the comm. cycle for the upper controller within the allowable setting range for the
the allowable setting range for the YES
MECHATROLINK option unit.
MECHATROLINK option unit.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Speed Deviation (for Simple V/f with PG)
dEv According to the pulse input (RP), the speed deviation is greater than the setting in F1-10 for a time
longer than the setting in F1-11.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

270 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Load is too heavy Reduce the load.
Acceleration and deceleration times are set Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
too short.
The load is locked up. Check the machine.
Parameter settings are inappropriate. Check the settings of parameters F1-10 and F1-11.
The motor brake engaged. Ensure the brake releases properly.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

dnE Drive Disabled
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

“Drive Enable” is set to a multi-function

contact input (H1-oo = 6A) and that signal Check the operation sequence. YES
was switched off.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

E5 MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

The watchdog timer expired while waiting Issue a DISCONNECT or ALM_CLR command, followed by a CONNECT or YES
for data from the controller. SYNC_SET command and move to phase 3.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Forward/Reverse Run Command Input Error
Both forward run and reverse run closed simultaneously for over 0.5 s.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Check the forward and reverse command sequence and correct the problem.
Sequence error YES
Note: Motor ramps to stop when minor fault EF is detected.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Option Card External Fault
An external fault condition is present.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

An external fault was received from the PLC • Remove the cause of the external fault.
with F6-03 = 3 (causing the drive to continue
running when an external fault occurs). • Remove the external fault input from the PLC. YES
There is a problem with the PLC program. Check the PLC program and correct problems.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

External fault (input terminal S1)

External fault at multi-function input terminal S1.
External fault (input terminal S2)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S2.
External fault (input terminal S3)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S3.
External fault (input terminal S4) 6
External fault at multi-function input terminal S4.
External fault (input terminal S5)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S5.
External fault (input terminal S6)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S6.
External fault (input terminal S7)
External fault at multi-function input terminal S7.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 271
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

An external device has tripped an alarm Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the multi-function input value.
• Ensure the signal lines have been connected properly to the terminals assigned for
Wiring is incorrect. external fault detection (H1-oo = 20 to 2F). YES
• Reconnect the signal line.
Multi-function contact inputs are set • Check if the unused terminals have been set for H1-oo = 20 to 2F (External Fault).
incorrectly. • Change the terminal settings.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Excessive PID Feedback
FbH The PID feedback input is higher than the level set in b5-36 for longer than the time set in b5-37, and
b5-12 is set to 1 or 4.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Parameters settings for b5-36 and b5-37 are Check parameters b5-36 and b5-37.
PID feedback wiring is faulty. Correct the wiring. YES
Feedback sensor has malfunctioned. Check the sensor and replace it if damaged.
Feedback input circuit is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

PID Feedback Loss
FbL The PID feedback input is lower than the level set in b5-13 for longer than the time set in b5-14, and
b5-12 is set to 1 or 4.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Parameters settings for b5-13 and b5-14 are Check parameters b5-13 and b5-14.
PID feedback wiring is faulty. Correct the wiring. YES
Feedback sensor has malfunctioned. Check the sensor and replace it if damaged.
Feedback input circuit is damaged. Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Safe Disable Signal Input
The Safe Disable Input channel is open.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Check if external safety circuit tripped and disabled the drive. If the Safe Disable
There is no signal at terminal H1. function is not utilized, check if the terminals HC, H1, and H2 are linked.
Internally, the Safe Disable channel is Replace the drive.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Safe Disable Signal Input
One of the Safe Disable input channels is open.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

One of the Safe Disable channels is faulty. Replace the drive. YES

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Current Alarm
Drive current exceeded overcurrent warning level (150% of the rated current).
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

272 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

• Measure the current flowing through the motor.
Load is too heavy.
• Reduce the load or increase the capacity of the drive.
• Calculate the torque required during acceleration and for the inertia moment.
Acceleration and deceleration times are too • If the torque level is not right for the load, take the following steps:
short. • Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08). YES
• Increase the capacity of the drive.
A special-purpose motor is being used, or the • Check the motor capacity.
drive is attempting to run a motor greater • Use a motor appropriate for the drive. Ensure the motor is within the allowable
than the maximum allowable capacity. capacity range.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Cooling Fan Maintenance Time
LT-1 The cooling fan has reached its expected maintenance period and may need to be replaced.
Note: An alarm output (H2-oo = 10) will only be triggered if H2-oo = 2F.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

The cooling fan has reached 90% of its Replace the cooling fan and reset the Maintenance Monitor by setting o4-03 to 0. –
expected performance life.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Capacitor Maintenance Time
LT-2 The main circuit and control circuit capacitors are nearing the end of their expected performance life.
Note: An alarm output (H2-oo = 10) will only be triggered if H2-oo = 2F.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

The main circuit and control circuit Replace either the control board or the entire drive. For instructions on replacing the
capacitors have reached 90% of their –
control board, contact Yaskawa or your nearest sales representative.
expected performance life.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance Time
LT-3 The DC bus soft charge relay is nearing the end of its expected performance life.
Note: An alarm output (H2-oo = 10) will only be triggered if H2-oo = 2F.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

The DC bus soft charge relay has reached Replace either the control board or the entire drive. For instructions on replacing the –
90% of their expected performance life. control board, contact Yaskawa or your nearest sales representative.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

IGBT Maintenance Time (50%)
LT-4 IGBTs have reached 50% of their expected performance life.
Note: An alarm output (H2-oo = 10) will only be triggered if H2-oo = 2F.

Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

IGBTs have reached 50% of their expected Check the load, carrier frequency, and output frequency. –
performance life.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Heatsink Overheat
The temperature exceeded the value set to L8-02.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 273
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

• Check the surrounding temperature.
• Improve the air circulation within the enclosure panel.
Surrounding temperature is too high
• Install a fan or air conditioner to cool surrounding area.
• Remove anything near drive that may cause extra heat.
• Replace the cooling fan. Refer to Cooling Fan Replacement on page 303.
Internal cooling fan has stopped.
• After replacing the fan, reset the cooling fan maintenance parameter to (o4-03 = “0”). YES
• Provide proper installation space around the drive as indicated in the manual. Refer
to Correct Installation Orientation on page 38.
• Allow for the specified space and ensure that there is sufficient circulation around
Airflow around the drive is restricted. the control panel.
• Check for dust or foreign materials clogging cooling fan.
• Clear debris caught in the fan that restricts air circulation.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Drive Overheat Warning
“Drive Overheat Warning” was input to a multi-function input terminal, S1 through S7 (H1-oo= B)
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

An external device triggered and overheat • Search for the device that tripped the overheat warning.
warning in the drive. • Solving the problem will clear the warning.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Motor Overheat
oH3 The motor overheat signal entered to a multi-function analog input terminal exceeded the alarm level
(H3-02 or H3-10 = E).
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Motor thermostat wiring is fault (PTC input). Repair the PTC input wiring.
There is a fault on the machine side (e.g., the • Check the status of the machine.
machine is locked up). • Remove the cause of the fault.
• Check the load size, accel/decel times, and cycle times.
• Decrease the load.
• Increase accel and decel times (C1-01 to C1-08).
• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10). This will mainly involve
reducing E1-08 and E1-10. Note: Do not lower E1-08 and E1-10 excessively,
Motor has overheated. because this reduces load tolerance at low speeds.
• Check the motor-rated current.
• Enter motor-rated current on motor nameplate (E2-01).
• Ensure the motor cooling system is operating normally.
• Repair or replace the motor cooling system.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Overtorque 1
Drive output current (or torque in OLV) was greater than L6-02 for longer than the time set in L6-03.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Inappropriate parameter settings. Check parameters L6-02 and L6-03.

There is a fault on the machine side (e.g., the • Check the status of the machine. YES
machine is locked up). • Remove the cause of the fault.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Overtorque 2
Drive output current (or torque in OLV) was greater than L6-05 for longer than the time set in L6-06.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Parameter settings are not appropriate. Check parameters L6-05 and L6-06.
There is a fault on the machine side (e.g., the • Check the status of the machine being used. YES
machine is locked up). • Remove the cause of the fault.

274 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Mechanical Weakening Detection 1
Overtorque occurred, matching the conditions specified in L6-08.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Overtorque occurred, triggering the Check for the cause of mechanical weakening. YES
mechanical weakening level set to L6-08.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Overspeed (for Simple V/f with PG)
Pulse input (RP) indicates that motor speed feedback exceeded F1-08 setting.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

• Adjust the gain by using the pulse train input parameters (H6-02 through H6-05).
• Adjust the speed feedback accuracy.
Overshoot or undershoot is occurring.
• Increase the settings for C5-01 (Speed Control Proportional Gain 1) and reduce C5-02
(Speed Control Integral Time 1).
Set the H6-02 (Pulse Train Input Scaling) to the frequency of PG pulses at maximum
PG pulse settings are incorrect. motor speed.
Check the setting for the overspeed detection level and the overspeed detection time
Parameter settings are inappropriate. (F1-08 and F1-09).

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

DC Bus Overvoltage
ov The DC bus voltage exceeded the trip point.
For 200 V class: approximately 410 V
For 400 V class: approximately 820 V (740 V when E1-01 < 400)
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

• Install an AC or DC reactor.
Surge voltage present in the drive input
power. • Voltage surge can result from a thyristor convertor and a phase advancing capacitor
operating on the same drive input power system.
• The motor is short-circuited. • Check the motor power cable, relay terminals and motor terminal box for short
• Ground current has over-charged the main circuits.
circuit capacitors via the drive input • Correct grounding shorts and turn the power back on.
power. YES
• Review possible solutions for handling noise interference.
• Review section on handling noise interference and check control circuit lines, main
Noise interference causes the drive to operate circuit lines and ground wiring.
incorrectly. • If the magnetic contactor is identified as a source of noise, install a surge protector
to the MC coil.
Set number of fault restarts (L5-01) to a value other than 0.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

PASS MEMOBUS/Modbus Comm. Test Mode Complete
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

MEMOBUS/Modbus test has finished This verifies that the test was successful. No output

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name 6

PG Disconnect (for Simple V/f with PG)
Detected when no PG pulses received for a time longer than setting in F1-14.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Pulse input (RP) is disconnected. Reconnect the pulse input (RP).

Pulse input (RP) wiring is wrong. Correct the wiring. YES
Motor brake is engaged. Ensure the brake releases properly

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Motor Switch during Run
A command to switch motors was entered during run.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 275
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

A motor switch command was entered Change the operation pattern so that the motor switch command is entered while the YES
during run. drive is stopped.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

SE MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Test Mode Error
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

A digital input programmed to 67H

(MEMOBUS/Modbus test) was closed while Stop the drive and run the test again. No output
the drive was running.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

IGBT Maintenance Time (90%)
IGBTs have reached 90% of their expected performance life.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

IGBTs have reached 90% of their expected Replace the drive. YES
performance life.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Undertorque Detection 1
Drive output current (or torque in OLV) less than L6-02 for longer than L6-03 time.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Inappropriate parameter settings. Check parameters L6-02 and L6-03.

Load has dropped or decreased significantly. Check for broken parts in the transmission system.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Undertorque Detection 2
Drive output current (or torque in OLV) less than L6-05 for longer than L6-06 time.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Inappropriate parameter settings. Check parameters L6-05 and L6-06.

The load has dropped or decreased YES
Check for broken parts in the transmission system.

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Mechanical Weakening Detection 2
The operation conditions matched the conditions set to L6-08.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

Undertorque was detected and matched the

condition of mechanical loss detection Check the load side for any problems. YES
operation selection (L6-08).

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

One of the following conditions was true when the drive was stopped and a run command was entered:
Uv • DC bus voltage dropped below the level specified in L2-05.
• Contactor to suppress inrush current in the drive was open.
• Low voltage in the control drive input power. This alarm outputs only if L2-01 is not 0 and DC bus
voltage is under L2-05.
Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution (H2-oo = 10)

276 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.5 Alarm Detection

Digital Operator Display Minor Fault Name

Phase loss in the drive input power. Check for wiring errors in the main circuit drive input power. Correct the wiring.
• Ensure the terminals have been properly tightened.
Loose wiring in the drive input power
terminals. • Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminals. Refer
to Wire Gauges and Tightening Torques on page 56.
• Check the voltage.
There is a problem with the drive input power
voltage. • Lower the voltage of the drive input power so that it is within the limits listed in the
• Check the maintenance time for the capacitors (U4-05). YES
Drive internal circuitry is worn.
• Replace the drive if U4-05 exceeds 90%.
The drive input power transformer is not • Check for a tripped alarm when the magnetic contactor, line breaker and leakage
large enough and voltage drops when the breaker are turned on.
power is switched on. • Check the capacity of the drive input power transformer.
Air inside the drive is too hot. • Check the temperature inside the drive.
The CHARGE indicator light is broken or • Replace the drive.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 277
6.6 Operator Programming Errors

6.6 Operator Programming Errors

An Operator Programming Error (oPE) occurs when an inappropriate parameter is set or an individual parameter setting
is inappropriate.
The drive will not operate until the parameter is set correctly; however, no alarm or fault outputs will occur. If an oPE
occurs, investigate the cause and Refer to oPE Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions on page 278 for the appropriate
action. When an oPE error is displayed, press the ENTER button to display U1-18 (oPE fault constant). This monitor
displays the parameter causing the oPE error.

u oPE Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions

Table 6.11 Detailed oPE Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions
Digital Operator Display Error Name
Drive Capacity Setting Fault
Drive capacity and the value set to o2-04 do not match.
Cause Possible Solution
The drive capacity setting (o2-04) and the Correct the value set to o2-04.
actual capacity of the drive are not the same.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Parameter Range Setting Error
Use U1-18 to find parameters set outside the range.
Cause Possible Solution
Parameters were set outside the possible Set parameters to the proper values.
setting range.
Note: Other errors are given precedence over oPE02 when multiple errors occur at the same time.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Multi-Function Input Selection Error
A contradictory setting is assigned to multi-function contact inputs H1-01 to H1-07.
Cause Possible Solution
• The same function is assigned to two
multi-function inputs. • Ensure all multi-function inputs are assigned to different functions.
• Excludes “Not used” and “External • Re-enter the multi-function settings to ensure this does not occur.
The Up command was set but the Down
command was not, or vice versa (settings 10
vs. 11).
Correctly set functions that need to be enabled in combination with other functions.
The Up 2 command was set but the Down 2
command was not, or vice versa (settings 75
vs. 76).
• Run/Stop command for a 2-Wire sequence
2 was set (H1-oo = 42), but forward/
reverse command (H1-oo = 43) was not.
Correctly set functions that need to be enabled in combination with other functions.
• “Drive Enable” is set to multi-function
input S1 or S2 (H1-01 = 6A or H1-02 =
Two of the following functions are set at the
same time:
• Up/Down Command (10 vs. 11)
• Up 2/Down 2 Command (75 vs. 76) • Check if contradictory settings have been assigned to the multi-function input terminals at the same
• Hold Accel/Decel Stop (A) time.
• Analog Frequency Reference Sample/ • Correct setting errors.
Hold (1E)
• Offset Frequency 1, 2, 3 Calculations (44,
45, 46)
The Up/Down command (10, 11) is enabled Set b5-01 to 0 to disable PID control or disable the Up/Down command.
at the same time as PID control (b5-01).

278 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.6 Operator Programming Errors

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Settings for NC and NO input for the
following functions were selected at the
same time:
• External Search Command 1 and External
Search Command 2 (61 vs. 62)
• Fast-Stop N.O. and Fast-Stop N.C.
(15 vs. 17)
• KEB for Momentary Power Loss and High
Slip Braking
(65, 66, 7A, 7B vs. 68)
• Motor Switch Command and Accel/Decel Check for contradictory settings assigned to the multi-function input terminals at the same time. Correct
Time 2 setting errors.
(16 vs. 1A)
• KEB Command 1 and KEB Command 2
(65, 66 vs. 7A, 7B)
• FWD Run Command (or REV) and FWD/
REV Run Command (2-wire)
(40, 41 vs. 42, 43)
• External DB Command and Drive Enable
(60 vs. 6A)
• Motor Switch Command and Up 2/Down
2 Command
(16 vs. 75, 76)
One of the following settings was entered
while H1-oo = 2 (External Reference 1/2):
• b1-15 = 4 (Pulse Train Input) and H6-01
(Pulse Train Input Function Selection) not
= 0 (Frequency Reference)
• b1-15 or b1-16 set to 3 but no option card
• Although b1-15 = 1 (Analog Input) and Correct the settings for the multi-function input terminal parameters.
H3-02 or H3-10 are set to 0 (Frequency
H2-oo = 38 (Drive Enabled) but H1-oo
is not set to 6A (Drive Enable).
H1-oo = 7E (Direction Detection) although
H6-01 is not set to 3 (Simple V/f with PG).

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

oPE04 Initialization required.
Cause Possible Solution
The drive, control board, or terminal board
has been replaced and the parameter settings To load the parameter settings to the drive that are stored in the terminal board, set A1-03 to 5550.
between the control board and the terminal Initialize parameters after drive replacement by setting A1-03 to 1110 or 2220.
board no longer match.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name
oPE05 Run Command/Frequency Reference Source Selection Error
Cause Possible Solution
Frequency reference is assigned to an option
card (b1-01 = 3) that is not connected to the
Reconnect the option card to the drive.
The Run command is assigned to an option 6
card (b1-02 = 3) that is not connected to the
Frequency reference is assigned to the pulse
train input (b1-01 = 4), but terminal RP is not Set H6-01 to 0.
set for pulse train input (H6-01 > 0)

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Multi-Function Analog Input Selection Error
oPE07 A contradictory setting is assigned to multi-function analog inputs H3-02 through to H3-10 and PID
functions conflict.
Cause Possible Solution
Change the settings to H3-02 and H3-10 so that functions no longer conflict.
H3-02 and H3-10 are set to the same value. Note: Both 0 (primary analog frequency reference) and F (Not Used) can be set to H3-02 and H3-10
at the same time.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 279
6.6 Operator Programming Errors

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

The following simultaneous contradictory
settings: H3-02 or H3-10 = B (PID
Feedback) H6-01 (Pulse Train Input) = 1
(PID Feedback)
The following simultaneous contradictory
settings: H3-02 or H3-10 = C (PID Target
Value) H6-01 = 2 (pulse train input sets the
PID target value)
Disable one of the PID selections.
The following simultaneous contradictory
settings: H3-02 or H3-10 = C (PID Target
Value) b5-18 = 1 (enables b5-19 as the target
PID value)
The following simultaneous contradictory
settings: H6-01 or H3-10 = C (PID Target
Value) b5-18 = 1 (enables b5-19 as the target
PID value)

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Parameter Selection Error
A function has been set that cannot be used in the motor control method selected.
Cause Possible Solution
Attempted to use a function in the V/f motor
control method that is only possible in Open Check the motor control method and the functions available.
Loop Vector Control.
Simple V/f with PG was enabled while not in To use Simple V/f with PG, ensure the motor control method has been set to V/f Control (A1-02 = 0).
V/f Control (H6-01 = 3).
In Open Loop Vector Control, n2-02 is Correct parameter settings so that n2-02 is less than n2-03.
greater than n2-03
In Open Loop Vector Control, C4-02 is Correct parameter settings so that C4-02 is less than C4-06.
greater than C4-06
In OLV/PMl, parameters E5-02 to E5-07 are • Set the correct motor code in accordance with the motor being used (E5-01).
set to 0. • When using a special-purpose motor, set E5-oo in accordance with the Test Report provided.
The following conditions are true in PM
Open Loop Vector Control:
• Set E5-09 or E5-24 to the correct value, and set the other to “0”.
• E5-03 does not equal 0
• Set the motor-rated current for PM to “0” (E5-03).
• E5-09 and E5-24 are both equal to 0, or
neither equals 0
Note: Use U1-18 to find parameters set outside of the specified setting range. Other errors are given precedence over oPE08 when multiple errors
occur simultaneously.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

PID Control Selection Fault
PID control function selection is incorrect. Requires that PID control is enabled (b5-01 = 1 to 4).
Cause Possible Solution
The following simultaneous contradictory
• b5-15 not 0.0 (PID Sleep Function • Set b5-15 to a value other than 0.
Operation Level)
• Set the stopping method to coast to stop or ramp to stop (b1-03 = 0 or 1).
• The stopping method is set to either DC
injection braking or coast to stop with a
timer (b1-03 = 2 or 3).
• D control is being used on the setpoint
deviation (b5-01 = 1) or on the feedback
value (b5-01 = 2).
• A negative PID output value is set to Set parameters b5-01, b5-11, and d2-02 to the proper values.
operate the drive in reverse (b5-11 = 1) and
the frequency reference lower limit greater
than 0 (d2-02 > 0).
• D control is being used on the setpoint
deviation and the frequency reference plus
the PID output (b5-01 = 4), D control is
being used on the feedback value and the
frequency reference plus the PID output Set parameters b5-01 and d2-02 to the proper values.
(b5-01 = 4).
• The frequency reference lower limit is set
to a value greater than 0 (d2-02 > 0).

280 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.6 Operator Programming Errors

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

The absolute value of the lower limit for PID
output is greater than the PID upper limit Set parameters b5-34 and b5-06 to the proper values.
(b5-34 > b5-06).

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

V/f Data Setting Error
One or more of the parameters listed below are not set according to the formula:
• E1-09 ≤ E1-07 < E1-06 ≤ E1-11 ≤ E1-04
• E3-09 ≤ E3-07 < E3-06 ≤ E3-11 ≤ E3-04
Cause Possible Solution
Correct the settings for E1-04, E1-06, E1-07, E1-09, and E1-11.
V/f pattern setting error. For motor 2, correct E3-04, E3-06, E3-07, E3-09, and E3-11.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Carrier Frequency Setting Error
Correct the setting for the carrier frequency.
Cause Possible Solution
The following simultaneous contradictory
settings: C6-05 is greater than 6 and C6-04 is
greater than C6-03 (carrier frequency lower
limit is greater than the upper limit). If C6-05
is less than or equal to 6, the drive operates Correct the parameter settings.
at C6-03.
Upper and lower limits between C6-02 and
C6-05 contradict each other.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Pulse Monitor Selection Error
Incorrect setting of monitor selection for Pulse Train (H6-06).
Cause Possible Solution
Scaling for the Pulse Train monitor is set to
0 (H6-07 = 0) while H6-06 is not set to 000, Change scaling for the Pulse Train monitor or set H6-06 to 000, 031, 101, 102, 105, or 116.
031, 101, 102, 105, or 116.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 281
6.7 Auto-Tuning Fault Detection

6.7 Auto-Tuning Fault Detection

Auto-Tuning faults are shown below. When the following faults are detected, the fault is displayed on the digital operator
and the motor coasts to a stop. No fault or alarm outputs will occur

u Auto-Tuning Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions

Table 6.12 Detailed Auto-Tuning Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions
Digital Operator Display Error Name
End1 Excessive V/f Setting. Displayed after Auto-Tuning is complete.
Cause Possible Solution
The torque reference exceeded 20% during • Before Auto-Tuning the drive, verify the information written on the motor nameplate and enter that
Auto-Tuning. data to T1-03 through T1-05.
The no-load current exceeded 80% of the • Enter proper information to parameters T1-03 to T1-05 and repeat Auto-Tuning.
drive rated current during Auto-Tuning. • If possible, disconnect the motor from the load and perform Auto-Tuning.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient. Detected only during Rotational Auto-Tuning and displayed
End2 after Auto-Tuning is complete.
Cause Possible Solution
Motor data entered during Auto-Tuning was • Enter the correct data.
incorrect. • Restart Auto-Tuning and enter the correct information.
Auto-Tuning calculated values outside the
parameter setting range, assigning the iron- • Check and correct faulty motor wiring.
core saturation coefficient (E2-07, E2-08) a • Disconnect the motor from machine and perform Rotational Auto-Tuning.
temporary value.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

End3 Rated Current Setting Alarm (displayed after Auto-Tuning is complete)
Cause Possible Solution
• The motor line-to-line resistance and the
motor-rated current are not consistent with • Check T1-04 setting.
one another.
• The correct current rating printed on the • Check the motor data and repeat Auto-Tuning.
nameplate was not entered into T1-04.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-01 Motor Data Error
Cause Possible Solution
Motor data entered during Auto-Tuning was • Enter the correct data.
incorrect. • Restart Auto-Tuning and enter the correct information.
Motor output and motor-rated current • Check the drive and motor capacities.
settings (T1-02 and T1-04) do not match. • Correct the settings of parameters T1-02 and T1-04.
Motor output and no-load current settings
(T1-04 and E2-03) do not match. Data • Check the motor-rated current and no-load current.
required when Auto-Tuning for OLV • Correct the settings of parameters T1-04 and E2-03.
Control or Stationary Auto-Tuning.
Base frequency and base motor rotations Set T1-05 and T1-07 to the correct values.
(T1-05 and T1-07) do not match.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-02 Minor Fault
Cause Possible Solution
Motor data entered during Auto-Tuning was • Enter the correct data.
incorrect. • Restart Auto-Tuning and enter the correct information.
The wiring is faulty. • Check the wiring and correct defective connections.
• Check around the machine.
Load is too heavy.
• Check the load.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-03 STOP Button Input
Cause Possible Solution

282 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.7 Auto-Tuning Fault Detection

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Auto-Tuning canceled by pressing STOP Auto-Tuning did not complete properly and will have to be performed again.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-04 Line-to-Line Resistance Error
Cause Possible Solution
Motor data entered during Auto-Tuning was • Enter the correct data.
incorrect. • Restart Auto-Tuning and enter the correct information.
Auto-Tuning did not complete within
designated time frame. • Check and correct faulty motor wiring.
Drive-calculated values outside parameter • Disconnect the motor from machine and perform Rotational Auto-Tuning.
setting range.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-05 No-Load Current Error
Cause Possible Solution
Motor data entered during Auto-Tuning was • Enter the correct data.
incorrect. • Restart Auto-Tuning and enter the correct information.
Auto-Tuning did not complete within
designated time frame. • Check and correct faulty motor wiring.
Drive-calculated values outside parameter • Disconnect the motor from machine and perform Rotational Auto-Tuning.
setting range.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-08 Rated Slip Error
Cause Possible Solution
Motor data entered during Auto-Tuning was • Enter the correct data.
incorrect. • Restart Auto-Tuning and enter the correct information.
Auto-Tuning did not complete within
designated time frame. • Check and correct faulty motor wiring.
Values calculated by the drive are outside the • Disconnect the motor from machine and perform Auto-Tuning.
allowable parameter setting ranges.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-09 Acceleration Error (detected only during Rotational Auto-Tuning)
Cause Possible Solution
The motor did not accelerate for the specified • Increase the acceleration time (C1-01).
acceleration time. • Check if it is possible to disconnect the machine from the motor.
Torque limit when motoring is too low • Check the settings of parameters L7-01 and L7-02.
(L7-01 and L7-02). • Increase the setting.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name
Er-11 Motor Speed Fault (detected only when Auto-Tuning is enabled)
Cause Possible Solution
Torque reference is too high. (Enabled in • Increase the acceleration time in C1-01.
OLV only.) • Disconnect the machine from the motor, if possible.

Digital Operator Display Fault Name

Er-12 Current Detection Error
Cause Possible Solution
One of the motor phases is missing Check motor wiring and correct problems.
(U/T1, V/T2, W/T3).
Current exceeded the current rating of the • Check the motor wiring for a short between motor lines.
drive. • If a magnetic contactor is used between motors, ensure it is on.
The current is too low. • Replace the drive.
Attempted Auto-Tuning without motor Connect the motor and perform Auto-Tuning.
connected to the drive.
Current detection signal error. Replace the drive.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 283
6.8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults

6.8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults

When a fault occurs and the drive stops, follow the instructions below to remove whatever conditions triggered the fault,
then restart the drive.

u Fault Occurs Simultaneously with Power Loss

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Ensure there are no short circuits between the main circuit terminals (R/L1, S/L2, and T/L3) or
between the ground and main circuit terminals before restarting the drive. Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death and
will cause damage to equipment.
1. Turn on the drive input power.
2. Use monitor parameters U2-oo to display data on the operating status of the drive just before the fault
3. Remove the cause of the fault and reset.
Note: To find out what faults were triggered, check U2-02 (Fault History). Information on drive status when the fault occurred
such as the frequency, current and voltage, can be found in U2-03 through U2-17. Refer to Viewing Fault Trace Data
After Fault on page 284 for information on how to view fault trace data.
Note: When the fault continues to be displayed after cycling power, remove the cause of the fault and reset.

u If the Drive Still has Power After a Fault Occurs

1. Look at the LED operator for information on the fault that occurred.
2. Refer to Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible Solutions on page 255
3. Reset the fault. Refer to Fault Reset Methods on page 284.

u Viewing Fault Trace Data After Fault

Step Display/Result

1. Turn on the drive input power. The first screen


2. Press until the monitor screen is displayed.

3. Press to display the parameter setting screen.


4. Press and > until U2-02 (Fault History) is

5. Press to view most recent fault (here, EF3).

6. Press to view drive status information when

fault occurred.

7. Parameters U2-03 through U2-17 help determine

cause of fault. to

u Fault Reset Methods

After the Fault Occurs Procedure

Fix the cause of the fault, restart the

drive, and reset the fault Press on the digital operator.

Close then open the fault signal digital input via Fault Reset Switch
Fix the cause of the fault and reset via terminal S4 Fault Reset Digital Input
S4. S4 is set fault reset as default (H1-04
Fault Reset Digital Input S4. SC Digital Input Common
= 12)

2 ON
If the above methods do not reset the fault, turn off the drive main power supply. Reapply
power after LED operator display is out.

284 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

This section describes troubleshooting problems that do not trip an alarm or fault.

u Cannot Change Parameter Settings

Cause Possible Solutions
The drive is running the motor (i.e., the Run command • Stop the drive and switch over to the Programming Mode.
is present). • Most parameters cannot be edited during run.
The Access Level is set to restrict access to parameter • Set the Access Level to allow parameters to be edited (A1-01 = 2).
• See what mode the LED parameter is current set for.
The operator is not in the Parameter Setup Mode (the
LED screen will display “PAr”). • Parameters cannot be edited when in the Setup Mode (“STUP”). Switch modes so that
“PAr” appears on the screen.
A multi-function contact input terminal is set to allow • When the terminal is open, parameters cannot be edited.
or restrict parameter editing (H1-01 through H1-07 =
1B). • Turn on the multi-function contact input set to 1B.
• If the password entered to A1-04 does not match the password saved to A1-05, then drive
settings cannot be changed.
• Reset the password.
The wrong password was entered. If you cannot remember the password:
Display parameter A1-04. Press the button while pressing at the same time.
Parameter A1-05 will appear.
• Set a new password to parameter A1-05.
• Check the drive input power voltage by looking at the DC bus voltage (U1-07).
Undervoltage was detected.
• Check all main circuit wiring.

u Motor Does Not Rotate Properly after Pressing RUN Button or after Entering External
Run Command

n Motor Does Not Rotate

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check if the DRV light on the LED operator is lit.
The drive is not in the Drive Mode. • Enter the Drive Mode to begin operating the motor. Refer to The Drive and Programming
Modes on page 82.
Stop the drive and check if the correct frequency reference source is selected. If the operator
keypad shall be the source, the LO/RE button LED must be on, if the source is REMOTE, it
must be off.
Take the following steps to solve the problem:
The button was pushed.

Push the button.

• If o2-01 is set to 0, then the LO/RE button will be disabled.
• When Auto-Tuning has completed, the drive is switched back to the Programming Mode.
The Run command will not be accepted unless the drive is in the Drive Mode.
Auto-Tuning has just completed.
• Use the LED operator to enter the Drive Mode. Refer to The Drive and Programming
Modes on page 82.
A Fast-Stop was executed and has not yet been reset. Reset the Fast-Stop command.
Check parameter b1-02 (Run Command Selection). 6
Set b1-02 so that it corresponds with the correct run command source.
Settings are incorrect for the source that provides the 0: LED/LCD operator
run command. 1: Control circuit terminal (default setting)
2: MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
3: Option card
• Check for a short-circuit between terminals H1 and HC.
One of the Safety Inputs is open. • See if one of the Safety Inputs is open.
• Correct any faulty wiring.
• Check the wiring for the control terminal.
There is faulty wiring in the control circuit terminals. • Correct wiring mistakes.
• Check the input terminal status monitor (U1-10).

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 285
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

Cause Possible Solutions

Check parameter b1-01 (Frequency Reference Selection 1).
Set b1-01 to the correct source of the frequency reference.
0: LED operator
The drive has been set to accept the frequency 1: Control circuit terminal (default setting)
reference from the incorrect source. 2: MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
3: Option card
4: Pulse train input (RP)
If the frequency reference is set at terminal A1, check parameter H3-01 for the correct signal
The terminal set to accept the main speed reference level selection. If terminal A2 is used, check DIP switch S1. Then select the correct input level
is set to the incorrect voltage and/or current. for terminal A2 in parameter H3-08.
Refer to DIP Switch S1 Analog Input Signal Selection on page 69.
Selection for the sink/source mode is incorrect. Check DIP switch S3. Refer to Sinking/Sourcing Mode Switch on page 67.
• Check the frequency reference monitor (U1-01).
Frequency reference is too low.
• Increase the frequency by changing the maximum output frequency (E1-09).
• Check the multi-function analog input settings.
• Check if analog input A1 or A2 is set for frequency reference gain (H3-02/10 = 1). If so,
Multi-function analog input is set up to accept gain check if the correct signal is applied to the terminal. The gain and the frequency reference
for the frequency reference, but no voltage (current) will be 0 if no signal is applied to the gain input.
has been provided.
• Check if H3-02 and H3-10 have been set to the proper values.
• Check if the analog input value has been set properly.
When the button is pressed, the drive will decelerate to stop.
The button was pressed when the drive was • Switch off the run command and then re-enter a run command.
started from a REMOTE source. • STOP
The button is disabled when o2-02 is set to 0.
• Ensure the selected V/f pattern corresponds with the characteristics of the motor being used.
• Set the correct V/f pattern to E1-03.
• When E1-03 = F, increase both the minimum and mid output frequency voltages (E1-08,
Motor is not producing enough torque in the V/f E1-10).
motor control method. Increase the frequency reference so that it is higher than the minimum frequency reference
Perform Line-to-Line Resistance Auto-Tuning when using particularly long motor cables.
Increase the torque compensation gain (C4-01).
• Execute Rotational Auto-Tuning.
• If the motor cables are replaced with longer cables after Rotational Auto-Tuning was
Motor is not producing enough torque in Open Loop performed, Auto-Tuning may need to be repeated due to voltage drop across the line.
Vector Control. • Check if the torque limit parameters have been set too low (L7-01 through L7-04).
• Reset the torque limit back to its default setting (200%).
Increase both the minimum and mid output frequency voltages (E1-08 and E1-10).
• The drive is set for a 3-Wire sequence when one of parameters H1-03 through H1-07 is set
to 0.
The drive is set for both 2-Wire and 3-Wire sequence • If the drive is supposed to be set up for a 2-Wire sequence, then ensure parameters H1-03
at the same time. through H1-07 are not set to 0.
• If the drive is supposed to be set up for a 3-Wire sequence, then H1-oo must be set to 0.

n Motor Rotates in the Opposite Direction from the Run Command

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check the motor wiring.
• Switch two motor cables (U, V, and W) to reverse motor direction.
Phase wiring between the drive and motor is
incorrect. • Connect drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 in the right order to the corresponding
motor terminals U, V, and W.
• Change the setting of parameter b1-14.
Typically, forward is designated as being counterclockwise when looking from the motor shaft
(refer to the figure below).
The forward direction for the motor is setup
1. Forward Rotating Motor (looking down the motor shaft)
2. Motor Shaft
The motor is running at almost 0 Hz and the Speed • Disable bi-directional search (b3-14 = “0”) so that Speed Search is performed only in the
Search estimated the speed to be in the opposite specified direction.
Note: Check the motor specifications for the forward and reverse directions. The motor specifications will vary depending on the manufacturer
of the motor.

286 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n Motor Rotates in One Direction Only

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check parameter b1-04.
The drive prohibits reverse rotation.
• Set the drive to allow the motor to rotate in reverse (b1-04 = “0”).
A Reverse run signal has not been entered, although • Make sure that one of the input terminals S3 to S7 used for the 3-Wire sequence has been
3-Wire sequence is selected. set for reverse.

n Motor is Too Hot

Cause Possible Solutions
If the load is too heavy for the motor, the motor will overheat as it exceeds its rated torque
value for an extended period of time.
Keep in mind that the motor also has a short-term overload rating in addition to the possible
solutions provided below:
The load is too heavy. • Reduce the load.
• Increase the acceleration and deceleration times.
• Check the values set for the motor protection (L1-01, L1-02) as well as the motor rated
current (E2-01).
• Increase motor capacity.
• Check the ambient temperature.
The air around the motor is too hot.
• Cool the area until it is within the specified temperature range.
• Perform Auto-Tuning.
The drive is operating in a vector control mode but • Calculate the motor value and reset the motor parameters.
Auto-Tuning has not yet been performed.
• Change the motor control method to V/f Control (A1-02 = “0”).
When the motor is connected to terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3, voltage surges occur between
the motor coils and drive switching.
Normally, surges can reach up to three times the drive input power supply voltage (600 V for
Insufficient voltage insulation between motor 200 V class, and 1200 V for 400 V class).
phases. • Use a motor with voltage tolerance higher than the max voltage surge.
• Use a motor designed to work specifically with a drive when using a 400 V class unit.
• Install an AC reactor on the output side of the drive.
The motor fan has stopped or is clogged. Check the motor fan.

n Drive Does Not Allow Selection of Rotational Auto-Tuning

Cause Possible Solutions
The drive is in the incorrect motor control method • Check if the drive is set to V/f Control by accident (A1-02 = 0).
for Rotational Auto-Tuning. • Change the motor control method to Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = “2”).

n Motor Hunting Occurs at Low Speeds

Cause Possible Solutions
• Excess load inertia can cause motor hunting in Open Loop Vector Control due to slow motor

Excessive load inertia in Open Loop Vector Control. • Increase the speed feedback detection control time constant (n2-02) from its default value
of 50 ms to an appropriate level between 200 and 1000 ms. Adjust this setting in combination
with n2-03 (Feedback Detection Control Time Constant 2).

n oPE02 Error Occurs when Lowering the Motor Rated Current Setting
Cause Possible Solutions
The user is trying to set the motor rated current in E2-01 to a value lower than the no-load 6
current set in E2-03.
The motor rated current and the motor no-load • Make sure that value set in E2-01 is higher than E2-03. Setting E2-01 < E2-03 will trigger
current settings in the drive are incorrect. an oPE02 error.
• If it is necessary to set E2-01 lower than E2-03, first lower the value set to E2-03, then
change the setting in E2-01 as needed.

n Overvoltage Occurs When Running at a Constant Speed

Cause Possible Solutions
• Loads with a lot of inertia (fans, etc.) can trigger an overvoltage fault when operating in
Open Loop Vector Control.
Excessive load inertia in Open Loop Vector Control. • Switch to the V/f motor control method.
• Adjust the values set for the speed feedback detection control time constant (n2-02, n2-03).

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6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n Motor Stalls During Acceleration or With Large Loads

Cause Possible Solutions
Take the following steps to resolve the problem:
• Reduce the load.
• Increase the acceleration time.
Load is too heavy. • Increase motor capacity.
• Although the drive has a Stall Prevention function and a Torque Compensation Limit
function, accelerating too quickly or trying to drive an excessively large load can exceed
the capabilities of the motor.

n Motor Will Not Accelerate or the Acceleration Time is Too Long

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check the maximum output frequency (E1-04).
• Increase E1-04 if it is set too low.
Check U1-01 for proper frequency reference.
Frequency reference is too low.
Check if a frequency reference signal switch has been set to one of the multi-function input
Check for low gain level set to terminals A1 or A2 (H3-03, H3-11).
• Reduce the load so that the output current remains within the motor-rated current.
• In extruder and mixer applications, the load will sometimes increase as the temperature
Load is too heavy. drops.
Check if the mechanical brake is fully releasing as it should.
The torque limit function is operating in Open Loop • Check the torque limit setting. It may be too low. (L7-01 through L7-04).
Vector Control. • Reset the torque limit to its default value (200%).
Acceleration time has been set too long. Check if the acceleration time parameters have been set too long (C1-01, -03, -05, -07).
Motor characteristics and drive parameter settings • Set the correct V/f pattern so that it matches the characteristics of the motor being used.
are incompatible with one another in V/f Control. • Check E1-03 (V/f Pattern Selection).
The right combination of motor characteristics have Execute Rotational Auto-Tuning.
not been set in Open Loop Vector Control.
• Check the multi-function analog input settings.
• Check if multi-function analog input terminal A1 or A2 is set for frequency gain (H3-02 or
H3-10 = “1”). If so, the frequency reference will be 0 if there is no voltage (current) input
Incorrect frequency reference setting. provided.
• Ensure H3-02 and H3-10 are set to the proper values.
• Ensure the analog input value is set to the right value (U1-13, U1-14).
• Check the Stall Prevention level during acceleration (L3-02).
The Stall Prevention level during acceleration and • If L3-02 is set too low, acceleration will take a fair amount of time.
deceleration set too low.
• Increase L3-02.
• Check the Stall Prevention level during run (L3-06).
The Stall Prevention level during run has been set too • If L3-06 is set too low, speed will drop as the drive outputs torque.
• Increase the setting value.
Although the drive is operating in Open Loop Vector • Perform Auto-Tuning.
motor control method, Auto-Tuning has not been • Calculate motor data and reset motor parameters.
performed. • Switch to the V/f motor control method (A1-02 = “0”).
• The motor cable may be long enough (over 50 m) to require Auto-Tuning for line-to-line
Drive reached the limitations of the V/f motor control • Be aware that V/f Control is comparatively limited when it comes to producing torque at
method. low speeds.
• Consider switching to Open Loop Vector Control.

n Drive Frequency Reference Differs from the Controller Frequency Reference Command
Cause Possible Solutions
• Check the main speed frequency reference terminal input gain level assigned to terminals
The analog input frequency gain and bias are set to A1 and A2, as well as the frequency reference input bias to terminals A1 and A2 (parameters
incorrect values. H3-03, H3-04, and H3-12).
• Set these parameters to the appropriate values.
• If multi-function analog input terminals A1 and A2 are set for frequency reference (H3-02
A frequency bias signal is being entered via analog = 0 and H3-10 = 0), the addition of both signals builds the frequency reference.
input terminals A1 or A2. • Ensure that H3-02 and H3-10 are set appropriately.
• Check the input level set for terminals A1 and A2 (U1-13, U1-14).

288 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n Poor Speed Control Accuracy

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check the slip compensation limit (C3-03).
Drive reached the slip compensation limit.
• Increase the value set to C3-03.
• The input voltage for the drive determines the maximum output voltage. A drive with an
input of 200 Vac can only output a maximum of 200 Vac. Open Loop Vector Control
Motor-rated voltage is set too high in Open Loop sometimes calculates an output voltage reference value that exceeds the maximum drive
Vector Control. output voltage level, resulting in a loss of speed control accuracy.
• Use a motor with a lower voltage rating (a vector control motor).
• Increase the input power voltage.
Auto-Tuning did not complete properly for Open • Perform Auto-Tuning again.
Loop Vector Control.

n Deceleration Takes Longer Than Expected with Dynamic Braking Enabled

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check the Stall Prevention Level during deceleration (L3-04).
L3-04 is set incorrectly. • If a braking resistor option has been installed, disable Stall Prevention during deceleration
(L3-04 = “0”).
The deceleration time is set too long. Set deceleration to more appropriate time (C1-02, C1-04, C1-06, C1-08).
• Assuming parameter settings are normal and that no overvoltage occurs when there is
Insufficient motor torque. insufficient torque, it is likely that the demand on the motor has exceeded the motor capacity.
• Use a larger motor.
• Check the settings for the torque limit (L7-01 through L7-04).
• If the torque limit is enabled, deceleration might take longer than expected because the drive
cannot output more torque than the limit setting. Ensure the torque limit is set to a large
enough value.
Reaching the torque limit. • Increase the torque limit setting.
• If multi-function analog input terminal A1 or A2 is set to torque limit (H3-02 or H3-10
equals 10, 11, 12, or 15), ensure that the analog input levels are set to the correct levels.
• Ensure H3-02 and H3-10 are set to the right levels.
• Ensure the analog input is set to the correct value.
Load exceeded the internal torque limit determined Switch to a larger capacity drive.
by the drive rated current.

n Motor Hunting Occurs When Operating With a Light Load

Cause Possible Solutions
Carrier frequency is too high. Lower the carrier frequency setting C6-02.
• Select the proper V/f pattern (E1-03).
Large V/f setting value at low speeds triggers
overexcitation. • Use parameters E1-04 through E1-10 to set the V/f pattern in relation to the load
The maximum output frequency and the base
frequency reference are not set properly in Set the proper values for the maximum output frequency and base frequency (E1-04, E1-06).

relationship to each other.
• Enable Hunting Prevention by setting n1-01 = “1”.
Hunting Prevention is disabled (V/f control only). • (OLV only) Increase the speed feedback detection control gain and time constant (n2-01,

n Load Falls When Brake is Applied (Hoist-Type Applications)

Cause Possible Solutions 6
Use frequency reference detection for closing and releasing the brake.
• At start: Release the brake after creating enough torque.
• At stop: Close the brake when the motor still produces torque.
Make the following setting changes to hold the brake:
• Set the frequency detection inactive during baseblock (L4-07 = 0).
The timing for the brake to close and release is not • Multi-function contact output terminal will switch on when the output frequency is greater
set properly. than the frequency detection level set in L4-01. Set L4-01 between 1.0 and 3.0 Hz.
• Slipping may occur when stopping because hysteresis is used in Frequency Reference 2
(where the frequency agree setting in L4-02 is 2.0 Hz). To prevent this, change the setting
to 0.1 Hz.
• Do not use the multi-function contact output setting “During Run” (H2-01 = 0) for the brake
Insufficient DC Injection Braking. Increase the amount of DC Injection Braking (b2-02).

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6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n Noise From Drive or Output Lines When the Drive is Powered On

Cause Possible Solutions
• Lower the carrier frequency (C6-02).
• Install a noise filter on the input side of drive input power.
Relay switching in the drive generates excessive • Install a noise filter on the output side of the drive.
noise. • Place the wiring inside a metal conduit to shield it from switching noise.
• Ground the drive and motor properly.
• Separate the main circuit wiring and the control lines.

n Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Trips During Run

Cause Possible Solutions
• Increase the GFCI sensitivity or use GFCI with a higher threshold.
• Lower the carrier frequency (C6-02).
Excessive leakage current trips MCCB.
• Reduce the length of the cable used between the drive and the motor.
• Install a noise filter or reactor on the output side of the drive.

n Connected Machinery Vibrates When Motor Rotates

Excessive Motor Oscillation and Erratic Rotation
Cause Possible Solution
Poor balance between motor phases. Check drive input power voltage to ensure that it provides stable power.

Unexpected Noise from Connected Machinery

Cause Possible Solutions
The carrier frequency is at the resonant frequency of Adjust the carrier frequency using parameters C6-02 through C6-05.
the connected machinery.
• Adjust the parameters used for the Jump Frequency function (d3-01 through d3-04) to skip
The drive output frequency is the same as the the problem-causing bandwidth.
resonant frequency of the connected machinery.
• Place the motor on a rubber pad to reduce vibration.
Note: The drive may have trouble assessing the status of the load due to white noise generated when using Swing PWM (C6-02 = 7 to A).

n Oscillation or Hunting
Cause Possible Solutions
Adjust the following parameters in the order listed.
An increase in gain should be followed with an increase in the primary delay time constant.
• C4-02 (Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time)
Insufficient tuning in Open Loop Vector Control • n2-01 (Speed Feedback Detection Control [AFR] Time Constant 1)
• C3-02 (Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time)
The response for torque compensation and slip compensation will drop as the time constant is
Perform Auto-Tuning.
Auto-Tuning has not yet been performed (required Set motor parameters after calculating the proper values.
for Open Loop Vector Control). Change the motor control method to V/f Control (A1-02 = “0”).
Reduce the gain.
Insufficient tuning in V/f Control. • n1-02 (Hunting Prevention Gain Setting)
• n1-03 (Hunting Prevention Time Constant Setting)
Gain is too low when using PID control. Check the period of oscillation and adjust P, I, and D settings accordingly.
• Ensure that noise is not affecting the signal lines.
The frequency reference is assigned to an external • Separate main circuit wiring and control circuit wiring.
source and the signal is noisy. • Use twisted-pair cables or shielded wiring for the control circuit.
• Increase the analog input time filter constant (H3-13).
• Perform Auto-Tuning.
The cable between the drive and motor is too long.
• Reduce the length of the cable.

290 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n PID Output Fault

Cause Possible Solutions
• Check the multi-function analog input terminal settings.
• Set multi-function analog input terminal A1 or A2 for PID feedback (H3-02 or H3-10 =
• A signal input to the terminal selection for PID feedback is necessary.
No PID feedback input.
• Check the connection of the feedback signal.
• Check the various PID-related parameter settings.
• No PID feedback input to the terminal causes the value detected to be 0, causing a PID fault
and the drive to operate at max frequency.
• PID control keeps the difference between target and detection values at 0. Set the input level
The level of detection and the target value do not for the values relative to one another.
correspond with each other.
• Use analog input gains H3-03/11 to adjust PID target and feedback signal scaling.
Reverse drive output frequency and speed detection.
When output frequency rises, the sensor detects a Set PID output for reverse characteristics (b5-09 = “1”).
speed decrease.

n Insufficient Motor Torque

Cause Possible Solutions
Auto-Tuning has not yet been performed (required Perform Auto-Tuning.
for OLV Control).
The control mode was changed after performing Perform Auto-Tuning again.
Only Line-to-Line Resistance Auto-Tuning was Perform Rotational Auto-Tuning.

n Motor Rotates After the Drive Output is Shut Off

Cause Possible Solutions
• Adjust the DC Injection braking settings.
Low DC Injection Braking and the drive cannot • Increase the value of b2-02 (DC Injection Braking Current).
decelerate properly.
• Increase the b2-04 (DC Injection Braking Time at Stop).

n ov or Speed Loss Occurs When Starting into a Rotating Load

Cause Possible Solutions
• Stop the motor using DC Injection braking. Restart the motor.
• Increase the value of b2-03 (DC Injection Braking Time at start).
The load is already rotating when the drive is trying
to start it. • Enable Speed Search at start (b3-01 = “1”).
• Set a multi-function input terminal for external Speed Search command (H1-oo=“61” or
“62” during restart).

n Output Frequency is not as High as Frequency Reference

Cause Possible Solutions
• Adjust the parameters used for the Jump Frequency function (d3-01, d3-02, d3-03).
Frequency reference is set within the range of the
Jump Frequency. • Enabling the Jump Frequency prevents the drive from outputting the frequencies specified
in the Jump Frequency range.
• Set the maximum output frequency and the upper limit for the frequency reference to more
Upper limit for the frequency reference has been appropriate values (E1-04, d2-01).
exceeded. • The following calculation yields the upper value for the output frequency = E1-04 x d2-01 / 6
Large load triggered Stall Prevention function during • Reduce the load.
acceleration. • Adjust the Stall Prevention level during acceleration (L3-02).

n Buzzing Sound from Motor at 2 kHz

Cause Possible Solutions
• If the output current rises too high at low speeds, the carrier frequency automatically reduces
and causes a whining or buzzing sound.
Exceeded 110% of the rated output current of the • If the sound is coming from the motor, disable carrier frequency derating (L8-38 = “0”).
drive while operating at low speeds.
• Disabling the automatic carrier frequency derating increases the chances of an overload fault
(oL2). Switch to a larger capacity motor if oL2 faults occur too frequently.

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6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n Unstable Motor Speed when Using PM or IPM

Cause Possible Solutions
The motor code for PM (E5-01) is set incorrectly. Set parameter E5-01 in accordance with the motor being used.
(Yaskawa motors only)
The drive is operating at less than 10% of the speed Consult with Yaskawa about using a different type of motor when attempting to operate at
reference. 10% of the speed reference.
Set and carefully adjust the following parameters in the order listed:
• n8-45 (Speed Feedback Detection Suppression Gain)
Motor hunting occurs.
• n8-55 (Load Inertia for PM Motors)
• C4-02 (Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time)
Hunting occurs at start. Increase the S-curve time at the start of acceleration (C2-01).
• If using a PM motor, set the correct motor code to E5-01.
Too much current is flowing through the drive. • If using a specialized motor, set parameter E5-xx to the correct value according to the Motor
Test Report.

n Motor Does Not Operate When the RUN Button on the Digital Operator is Pressed
Cause Possible Solutions
The LOCAL/REMOTE mode is not selected Press the LOCAL/REMOTE button to switch. The LO/RE LED should be on for LOCAL
properly. mode.
The drive is not in drive mode. A run command will not be issued. Exit to the drive mode and cycle the run command.
• If the frequency reference is set below the frequency set in E1-09 (Minimum Output
The frequency reference is too low. Frequency), the drive will not operate.
• Raise the frequency reference to at least the minimum output frequency.

n Motor Does Not Operate When an External Run Command is Input

Cause Possible Solutions
The LOCAL/REMOTE mode is not selected Press the LOCAL/REMOTE button to switch. The LO/RE LED should be off for REMOTE
properly. mode.
The drive is not in Drive Mode. A run command will not be issued. Exit to the Drive mode and cycle the run command.
• If the frequency reference is set below the frequency set in E1-09 (Minimum Output
The frequency reference is too low. Frequency), the drive will not operate.
• Raise the frequency reference to at least the minimum output frequency.

n Motor Stops During Acceleration or When a Load is Connected

Cause Possible Solution
• The load is too heavy.
• The limit of motor response may be reached during Increase the acceleration time (C1-01) or reduce the motor load. Also, consider increasing the
rapid acceleration. This may be a result of motor size and/or drive size.
improper stall prevention or automatic torque
boost function adjustment.

n Motor Rotates in One Direction Only

Cause Possible Solutions
"Reverse run prohibited" is selected. If b1-04
(Reverse Prohibit Operation) is set to 1 (reverse run Set b1-04 = “0” to allow reverse run operation.
prohibited), the drive will not accept a reverse run
• Check parameter b1-04.
The drive prohibits reverse rotation.
• Set the drive to allow the motor to rotate in reverse (b1-04 = “0”).
A Reverse run signal has not been entered, although • Make sure that one of the input terminals S3 to S5 used for the 3-Wire sequence has been
3-Wire sequence is selected. set for reverse.

n Motor Operates at a Higher Speed than the Speed Command

Cause Possible Solution
PID is enabled. If the PID mode is enabled (b5-01 =
1 to 4), the drive output frequency will change to
regulate the process variable to the target setpoint. If PID operation is not target, disable PID by setting b5-01 = “0”.
The PID can command a speed up to maximum
output frequency (E1-04).

292 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

n Poor Speed Control Accuracy Above Base Speed in Open Loop Vector Motor Control
Cause Possible Solution
The maximum output voltage of the drive is
determined by its input voltage. Vector control uses
voltage to control the currents within the motor. If the
vector control voltage reference value exceeds the Use a motor with a lower rated voltage compared to the input voltage.
drive output voltage capability, the speed control
accuracy will decrease because the motor currents
cannot be properly controlled.

n Peripheral Devices Affected by Drive Operation

Cause Possible Solutions
• Change the Carrier Frequency Selection (C6-02) to lower the carrier frequency. This will
help to reduce the amount of transistor switching noise.
• Install an Input Noise Filter at the input power terminals.
Radio frequency interference may be generated by • Install an Output Noise Filter at the motor terminals.
drive output PWM waveform.
• Use conduit. Metal can shield electrical noise.
• Ground the drive and motor.
• Separate main circuit wiring from control wiring.

n Ground Fault Interrupter Activates When Drive is Running

Cause Possible Solutions
• Change to a ground fault interrupter with a higher leakage current detection level (such as,
The output of the drive is a series of high frequency a sensitivity current of 200 mA or greater per Unit, with an operating time of 0.1 s or more),
pulses (PWM), so there is a certain amount of leakage or one that incorporates high-frequency corrective actions.
current. This may cause the ground fault interrupter
to operate and cut off the drive input power. • Change the Carrier Frequency Selection (C6-02) to lower the carrier frequency.
Note: Leakage current increases in proportion to cable length.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 293
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display

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294 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Periodic Inspection & Maintenance
This chapter describes the periodic inspection and maintenance of the drive to ensure that it receives
the proper care to maintain overall performance.

7.1 SECTION SAFETY..........................................................................................296

7.2 INSPECTION...................................................................................................298
7.3 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE............................................................................300
7.4 DRIVE COOLING FANS.................................................................................302
7.5 DRIVE REPLACEMENT..................................................................................305

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 295
7.1 Section Safety

7.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The diagrams in this section may show drives without covers or safety shields to show details. Be sure to reinstall covers
or shields before operating the drives and run the drives according to the instructions described in this manual.
Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.
Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Installation, maintenance, inspection, and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment, and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing, and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Do not touch any terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the
power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To
prevent electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off and measure the DC bus voltage level to
confirm safe level.
Fire Hazard
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.
Do not use an improper voltage source.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying power.
Do not use improper combustible materials.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Attach the drive to metal or other noncombustible material.

296 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
7.1 Section Safety

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.
Do not use unshielded cable for control wiring.
Failure to comply may cause electrical interference resulting in poor system performance. Use shielded, twisted-pair
wires and ground the shield to the ground terminal of the drive.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to use the product.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive or braking circuit.
Carefully review instruction manual TOBPC72060000 when connecting a braking option to the drive.
Do not modify the drive circuitry.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive and will void warranty.
Yaskawa is not responsible for any modification of the product made by the user. This product must not be modified.
Check all the wiring to ensure that all connections are correct after installing the drive and connecting any other
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.

Periodic Inspection &


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 297
7.2 Inspection

7.2 Inspection
Power electronics have limited life and may exhibit changed characteristics or performance deterioration after years of
use under normal conditions. To help avoid such problems, it is important to perform preventive maintenance and periodic
inspection on the drive.
Drives contain a variety of power electronics such as power transistors, semiconductors, capacitors, resistors, fans, and
relays. The electronics in the drive serve a critical role in maintaining proper motor control.
Follow the inspection lists provided in this chapter as a part of a regular maintenance program.
Note: The drive will require more frequent inspection if it is placed in harsh environments, such as:
• High ambient temperatures
• Frequent starting and stopping
• Fluctuations in the AC supply or load
• Excessive vibrations or shock loading
• Dust, metal dust, salt, sulfuric acid, chlorine atmospheres
• Poor storage conditions.
Perform the first equipment inspection 3 months after installation.

u Recommended Daily Inspection

Table 7.1 outlines the recommended daily inspection for Yaskawa drives. Check the following items on a daily basis to
avoid premature deterioration in performance or product failure. Copy this checklist and mark the “Checked” column after
each inspection.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on. Failure to comply can result in serious
personal injury. Before servicing the drive, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after
the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent electric
shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe level.
Table 7.1 General Recommended Daily Inspection Checklist
Inspection Category Inspection Points Corrective Action Checked
• Check the load coupling.
• Inspect for abnormal oscillation or noise coming
Motor • Measure motor vibration.
from the motor.
• Tighten all loose components.
• Check for excessive load.
• Inspect for abnormal heat generated from the drive • Loose connections
Cooling or motor and visible discoloration. • Check for dirty heatsink or motor.
• Ambient temperature
• Check for clogged or dirty fan.
Cooling Fan • Inspect drive cooling fan operation.
• Check fan operation drive parameter.
• Verify the drive environment complies with the
specifications listed in the Installation section of this • Eliminate the source of contaminants or correct
Environment poor environment.
• The drive output current should not be higher than • Check for excessive load.
Load the motor or drive rating for an extended period of
time. • Check the motor parameter settings of the drive.
• Correct the voltage or power supply to within
Power Supply Voltage • Check main power supply and control voltages. nameplate specifications.
• Verify all main circuit phases.

u Recommended Periodic Inspection

Table 7.2 outlines the recommended periodic inspections for Yaskawa drive installations. Periodic inspections should
generally be checked every 3-6 months; however, the drive may require more frequent inspection due to poor environments
or rigorous use. Operating and environmental conditions, along with experience in each application, will determine the
actual inspection frequency for each installation. Periodic inspection will help to avoid premature deterioration in
performance or product failure. Copy this checklist and mark the “Checked” column after each inspection.
n Periodic Inspection
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on. Failure to comply can result in serious
personal injury. Before servicing the drive, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after
the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent electric
shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe level.

298 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
7.2 Inspection

Table 7.2 Periodic Inspection Checklist

Inspection Area Inspection Points Corrective Action Checked
Main Circuit Periodic Inspection
• Overall check of the main power circuit and Take appropriate actions (e.g., tightening loose
ground terminals connections).
• Inspect equipment for discoloration from • Replace damaged components as required.
overheating or deterioration. • The drive has few serviceable parts and may require
General • Inspect for damaged or deformed parts. complete drive replacement.
• Inspect enclosure door seal if present. Replace
• Inspect for dirt, foreign particles, or dust components if cleaning is not possible.
collection on components. • Remove foreign particles and dust with a vacuum
cleaner to avoid touching parts.
• Inspect wiring and connections for discoloration,
Conductors and damage, or heat stress. • Repair or replace damaged wiring.
• Inspect wire insulation and shielding for wear.
• Inspect terminals for stripped, damaged, or loose • Tighten loose screws and replace damaged screws or
Terminals connections. terminals.
• Inspect contactors and relays for excessive noise • Check coil voltage for over or under voltage conditions.
Relays and during operation.
Contactors • Replace damaged removable relays contactors or circuit
• Inspect coils for signs of overheating such as board.
melted or cracked insulation.
• Inspect for discoloration of heat stress on or • Minor discoloration may be acceptable.
Braking Resistors around resistors. • If discoloration exists check for loose connections.
Motor Periodic Inspection

Check for increased vibration or abnormal noise. • personnel

Stop the motor and contact qualified maintenance
Operation Check • as required.
Control Circuit Periodic Inspection

Inspect terminals for stripped, damaged or loose • terminals.

Tighten loose screws and replace damaged screws or

General connections.
• If terminals are integral to a circuit board then board or
• Check for tightness. drive replacement may be required.
Cooling System Periodic Inspection

• Check for abnormal oscillation or unusual noise. • Replace as required.

Cooling Fan • Refer to Drive Cooling Fans on page 302 for
• Check for damaged or missing fan blades. information on cleaning or replacing the cooling fan.
• Inspect for dust or other foreign material • Remove foreign particles and dust with a vacuum
Heatsink collected on the surface. cleaner to avoid touching parts.
• Inspect air intake and exhaust openings. They • Visually inspect the area.
Air Duct must be free from obstruction and properly
installed. • Clear obstructions and clean air duct as required.
LED Periodic Inspection
• Make sure the LED lights correctly. • Contact your Yaskawa representative if there is any
LEDs • Inspect for dust or other foreign material that may trouble with the LED or keypad.
have collected on surrounding components. • Clean the LED.

Periodic Inspection &

Note: Periodic inspections should be performed every one or two years. The drive, however, may require more frequent inspection due to
poor environments or rigorous use.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 299
7.3 Periodic Maintenance

7.3 Periodic Maintenance

The drive has various "maintenance monitors." This feature provides advance maintenance warning and eliminates the
need to shut down the entire system for unexpected problems. The drive allows the user to check the following maintenance
• Cooling Fan
• Electrolytic Capacitors (Main Circuit)
• Inrush Prevention Circuit

u Replacement Parts
Table 7.3 contains the estimated performance life of components that require replacement during the life of the drive. Only
use Yaskawa replacement parts for the appropriate drive model and revision.
Table 7.3 Estimated Performance Life
Component Estimated Performance Life
Cooling Fan 10 years
Electrolytic Capacitors (Main Circuit) 10 years <1>
<1> The drive has few serviceable parts and may require complete drive replacement.
NOTICE: Estimated performance life based on specific usage conditions. These conditions are provided for the purpose of replacing
parts to maintain performance. Some parts may require more frequent replacement due to poor environments or rigorous use.
Usage conditions for estimated performance life:
• Ambient temperature: Yearly average of 40 °C
• Load factor: 80% maximum
• Operation time: 24 hours a day

n Performance Life Monitors

The drive calculates the maintenance period for components that may require replacement during the life of the drive. A
percentage of the maintenance period is displayed on the LED digital operator by viewing the appropriate monitor
When the maintenance period reaches 100%, there is increased risk that the drive may malfunction. Yaskawa recommends
checking the maintenance period regularly to ensure maximum performance life.
Refer to Recommended Periodic Inspection on page 298 for more details.
Table 7.4 Performance Life Monitors Used for Component Replacement
Parameter Component Contents
Displays the accumulated operation time of the cooling fan, from 0 to 99999 hours. This value
U4-03 is automatically reset to 0 once it reaches 99999.
Cooling Fan
Displays the accumulated cooling fan operation time as a percentage of the specified
U4-04 maintenance period (displayed in percent %).
Main Circuit (DC bus) Displays the accumulated time the capacitors are used as a percentage of the specified
U4-05 Electrolytic Capacitors maintenance period.
Displays the number of times the drive is powered up as a percentage of the performance life
U4-06 Inrush (pre-charge) relay of the inrush circuit.
U4-07 IGBT Displays the percentage of the maintenance period reached by the IGBTs.

n Alarm Outputs for Maintenance Monitors

An output can be set up to inform the user when a specific components has neared its expected performance life.
When one of multi-function digital output terminals has been assigned the maintenance monitor function (H2-oo = 2F),
the terminal will close when the cooling fan, DC bus capacitors, or DC bus pre-charge relay reach 90% of the expected
performance life, or when the IGBTs have reached 50% of their expected performance life. Additionally the digital operator
will display an alarm like shown in Table 7.5 to indicate the specific components that may need maintenance.
Table 7.5 Maintenance Alarms
Digital Operator Alarm Display Function Corrective Action
<1> The cooling fans have reached 90% of their designated Replace the cooling fan.
LT-1 life time.
Contact a Yaskawa representative or
<1> The DC bus capacitors have reached 90% of their
LT-2 the nearest Yaskawa sales office on
designated life time. possible drive replacement.

300 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
7.3 Periodic Maintenance

Digital Operator Alarm Display Function Corrective Action

Contact a Yaskawa representative or
<1> The DC bus charge circuit has reached 90% of its
LT-3 the nearest Yaskawa sales office on
designated life time. possible drive replacement.
<1> The IGBTs have reached 50% of their designated life Check the load, carrier frequency, and
LT-4 time. output frequency.
The IGBTs have reached 90% of their designated life Contact a Yaskawa representative or
<2> TrPC the nearest Yaskawa sales office on
time. possible drive replacement.
<1> This alarm message will be output only if the Maintenance Monitor function is assigned to one of the digital outputs (H2-oo = 2F). The alarm
will also trigger a digital output that is programmed for alarm indication (H2-oo = 10).
<2> This alarm message will always be output, even if the Maintenance Monitor function is not assigned to any of the digital outputs (H2-oo =
2F). The alarm will also trigger a digital output that is programmed for alarm indication (H2-oo = 10).

n Related Drive Parameters

Use parameters o4-03, o4-05, o4-07, and o4-09 to reset a Maintenance Monitor to zero after replacing a specific component.
Refer to Parameter List on page 335 for details on parameter settings.
NOTICE: If these parameters are not reset after the corresponding parts have been replaced, the Maintenance Monitor function will
continue to count down the performance life from the value that was reached with the old part. If the Maintenance Monitor is not reset,
the drive will not have the correct value of the performance life for the new component.

Periodic Inspection &


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 301
7.4 Drive Cooling Fans

7.4 Drive Cooling Fans

NOTICE: Follow cooling fan replacement instructions. The cooling fan cannot operate properly when installed incorrectly and could
seriously damage the drive. To ensure maximum useful product life, replace all cooling fans when performing maintenance.
Contact your Yaskawa representative or supplier to order replacement cooling fans as required.
Some drive models have multiple cooling fans.
For drives with multiple cooling fans, replace all the fans when performing maintenance to ensure maximum useful product

u Number of Cooling Fans

Drive Model Cooling Fans
Single-Phase 200 V Class
BA0001 –
BA0002 –
BA0003 –
BA0006 –
BA0010 1
BA0012 1
BA0018 2
Three-Phase 200 V Class
2A0001 –
2A0002 –
2A0004 –
2A0006 1
2A0008 1
2A0010 1
2A0012 1
2A0018 1
2A0020 1
2A0030 2
2A0040 2
2A0056 2
2A0069 2
Three-Phase 400 V Class
4A0001 –
4A0002 –
4A0004 –
4A0005 1
4A0007 1
4A0009 1
4A0011 1
4A0018 2
4A0023 2
4A0031 2
4A0038 2

302 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
7.4 Drive Cooling Fans

u Cooling Fan Replacement

The cooling fan is installed on the top of the drive. The cooling fan can easily be replaced without tools or removal of the
drive or enclosure parts.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on. Failure to comply can result in serious
personal injury. Before servicing the drive, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after
the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent electric
shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe level.
CAUTION! Burn Hazard. Do not touch a hot drive heatsink. Failure to comply could result in minor or moderate injury. Shut off the power
to the drive when replacing the cooling fan. To prevent burns, wait at least 15 minutes and ensure the heatsink has cooled down.

n Removing the Cooling Fan

1. Depress the right and left sides of the fan cover tabs and pull upward. Remove the fan cover from the top of the
drive. The following figure illustrates a drive with a single cooling fan.

A – Fan cover C – Tab

B – Cooling fan
Figure 7.1 Remove the Cooling Fan Cover

2. Remove the fan cable carefully, disconnect the pluggable connector and remove the fan.

Periodic Inspection &


Figure 7.2 Disconnect and Remove the Fan

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 303
7.4 Drive Cooling Fans

n Installing the Cooling Fan

NOTICE: Prevent Equipment Damage. Follow cooling fan replacement instructions. Improper cooling fan replacement could result in
damage to equipment. When installing the replacement cooling fan into the drive, make sure the fan is facing upwards. To ensure
maximum useful product life, replace all cooling fans when performing maintenance.
1. Install the replacement cooling fan into the drive, ensuring the alignment pins line up, as shown in the figure below:

A – Label facing up C – Front

B – Back
Figure 7.3 Cooling Fan Orientation

2. Ensure the connectors are properly connected and place the cable back into the recess of the drive.

A –Push the connectors together so no space remains between them.
Figure 7.4 Connectors

Note: Ensure that the left and right tabs are locked back into place.
3. Align the left and right cover tabs to install the fan cover back on the top of the drive.

304 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
7.5 Drive Replacement

7.5 Drive Replacement

u Serviceable Parts
The drive contains few serviceable parts. The following parts are considered replacement parts on the drive:
• Main control board and I/O Terminal board I/O PCBs.
• Cooling fan(s)
• Front cover
Replace the drive if the main power circuitry is damaged. Contact your local Yaskawa representative before replacing
parts if the drive is still under warranty. Yaskawa reserves the right to replace or repair the drive according to Yaskawa
warranty policy.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on. Failure to comply can result in serious
personal injury. Before servicing the drive, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after
the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent electric
shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe level.

u Terminal Board Overview

The drive has a modular I/O terminal block that facilitates quick drive replacement. The terminal board contains on-board
memory that stores all drive parameter settings and allows the parameters to be saved and transferred to the replacement
drive by disconnecting the terminal board from the damaged drive then reconnecting the terminal board to the replacement
drive. There is no need to manually reprogram the replacement drive.
Note: When transferring the removable terminal block with backup memory to a drive with a different voltage class or different output
capacity, set A1-03 to 2220 to initialize the drive after installing the terminal block.

A – Charge LED C – Removable Terminal Board

B – Terminal Board Locking Pin
Figure 7.5 Terminal Board

u Dismantling the Removable Terminal Block

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Never connect or disconnect wiring, remove connectors or option cards, or replace the cooling
fan while the power is on. Failure to comply may result in serious injury. Before servicing, disconnect all power to the equipment. The
internal capacitor remains charged even after the power supply is turned off.

Periodic Inspection &

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive. Failure to comply could result in
serious injury. Installation, maintenance, inspection and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
NOTICE: Damage to Equipment. Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
1. Loosen the screw on the front of the drive and remove the front cover.

Figure 7.6 Remove the Front Cover

2. Pull the pin on the ground terminal out of the removable terminal block.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 305
7.5 Drive Replacement

Pull out the

ground terminal
pin in the direction
indicated by
the arrow.


Figure 7.7 Pull Out the Ground Terminal

3. Push down the installation pin on the terminal board with a screwdriver

Push down
the terminal
board locking
pin with a

Figure 7.8 Depress the Plastic Tab

4. While holding down the locking pin from step 3, slide the removable terminal block in the direction of the arrows
in Figure 7.9.

Figure 7.9 Remove the Terminal Board

306 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
7.5 Drive Replacement

Figure 7.10 Removable Terminal Board Disconnected from the Drive

n Reinstalling the Terminal Board

1. Reinstall the removable terminal block on the drive according to Figure 7.11.

Place the terminal board below the

guide tracks in the plastic case of the
drive. Then push it gently down and
slide it toward the keypad until the
locking pin clicks into place.

Figure 7.11 Terminal Board Reinstallation

2. Ensure the terminal block is firmly fastened to the connector.


Periodic Inspection &


Figure 7.12 Terminal Board Reinstalled

3. Put the lower cover and the terminal cover back in place.
4. After replacing the drive, check the drive unit selection setting in o2-04. Refer to Defaults by Drive Model and 7
Duty Rating (ND/HD) on page 388 for more information.
5. An oPE04 error may occur when replacing the drive or the removable terminal block. If the data saved to the
terminal block is compatible, set A1-03 to 5550 to write the parameter settings stored in the terminal block to the
new drive. Reset the appropriate maintenance monitors using parameters o4-01 to o4-13.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 307
7.5 Drive Replacement

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308 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Peripheral Devices & Options
This chapter explains the installation of available peripheral devices and options for the drive.

8.1 SECTION SAFETY..........................................................................................310

8.2 DRIVE OPTIONS AND PERIPHERAL DEVICES...........................................311
8.3 CONNECTING PERIPHERAL DEVICES........................................................313
8.4 INSTALLING PERIPHERAL DEVICES..........................................................314
8.5 COMMUNICATION OPTIONS........................................................................320
8.6 CONNECTING AN OPTION CARD................................................................321

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 309
8.1 Section Safety

8.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
Disconnect all power to the drive, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off, measure the DC bus voltage to
confirm safe level, and check for unsafe voltages before servicing to prevent electric shock. The internal capacitor remains
charged even after the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage
is below 50 Vdc.

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The diagrams in this section may show drives without covers or safety shields to show details. Be sure to reinstall covers
or shields before operating the drives and run the drives according to the instructions described in this manual.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Do not touch any terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the
power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To
prevent electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off and measure the DC bus voltage level to
confirm safe level.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Installation, maintenance, inspection and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.
Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.
Do not change wiring or remove option unit while power is running through the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Disconnect all power to the drive and check for unsafe voltages before servicing.
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.

310 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
8.2 Drive Options and Peripheral Devices

8.2 Drive Options and Peripheral Devices

The following table of peripheral devices lists the names of the various devices/options available for Yaskawa drives.
Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent to order these peripheral devices.
• Peripheral Device Selection: Refer to Yaskawa catalog for selection and part numbers.
• Peripheral Device Installation: Refer to option manual for option installation instructions.
Table 8.1 Available Peripheral Devices
Option Model Number Description
Power Options

DC Reactor UZDA Series DC reactor to improve power factor

AC Reactor UZBA Series AC reactor to improve power factor

Braking Resistor ERF-150WJ Series 3% ED, 150 W braking resistor

Braking Resistor Unit LKEB Series Braking resistor

— Braking Chopper CDBR Series External braking transistor

Circuit breaker for short circuit or overload
Note: Yaskawa recommends installing an MCCB
Molded Case Circuit Breaker NF Series to the power supply side to protect drive wiring
and to prevent other damage in the event of
component failure. Install an MCCB if permitted
by the power system.
Provides protection against potentially harmful
leakage currents
Note: Yaskawa recommends installing an ELCB
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker NV, EG, or SG Series to the power supply side to protect drive wiring
(ELCB) and to prevent other damage in the event of
component failure. An MCCB can also be used if
permitted by the power system.
Prevents potential damage to the braking resistor
and other internal circuitry by ensuring that power
to drive is completely shut off when necessary.
Install an MCCB when using a braking resistor to
Magnetic Contactor (Input) SC Series prevent the braking resistor from overheating.
Wire the MC so that it opens when a fault output
terminal is triggered to protect internal
components from sudden high levels of input
200 V class: DCR2-oA Suppresses surge voltage caused by switching
Surge Absorber
400 V class: RFN3AL-504KD magnetic contactors
Zero Phase Reactor F6045GB Reduces electromagnetic noise Peripheral Devices &

Reduces electromagnetic noise flowing back from

Input Noise Filter LNFB, LNFD Series the drive into power supply

Reduces electromagnetic noise generated by the


Output Noise Filter LF-310 Series drive output

Isolates the drive control I/Os for improved noise
— Isolator DGPooo resistance
Momentary Power Loss 200V class: P0010 8
— —
Recovery Unit 400V class: P0020
Reference Setting / Monitor Options
External meter for displaying the output frequency
— Frequency Meter / Ammeter DCF-6A or current using an analog signal from the drive
Frequency Meter Scaling External potentiometer for adjusting the frequency
— RV30YN20S20kΩ
Resistor (20 kΩ) meter scaling
External meter for displaying the output voltage
— Voltmeter SCF-12NH using an analog signal from the drive

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 311
8.2 Drive Options and Peripheral Devices

Option Model Number Description

Frequency Reference Setting External potentiometer for setting the frequency
— RV30YN20S2kΩ reference by an analog input
Potentiometer (2 kΩ)
Frequency Reference
— CM-3S Knob for frequency reference potentiometer
Potentiometer Knob
Plate with scale for frequency reference setting
— Meter Plate NPJT41561-1 potentiometer
Interface Options
Remote operator with 8 languages clear text LCD
— Remote LCD Operator JVOP-180 display and copy function; Cable length max. 3 m
Allows the user to copy and verify parameter
— USB/Copy Unit JVOP-181 settings between drives. Can also be used as
adapter to connect the drive to a PC USB port
Cable to connect the drive to a serial port of a PC
— PC Serial Cable WV103 (3m)
Extension cable (1 m or 3 m) to connect an external
— External Operator Cable WV001 / WV003 operator to the drive
Mechanical Options
Installation kit for mounting the drive with the
Heatsink External Mounting
— EZZ020568o heatsink outside of the panel (side-by-side
Attachment mounting possible)
Installation kit for mounting the drive on a DIN
— DIN Rail Attachment EZZ08122o rail
Parts to make the drive conform to NEMA Type
— NEMA Type 1 Kit <1> EZZ020564o 1 enclosure
Provides power to the control circuit and option
24 V 24 Vdc Control Power Supply boards in the event of power loss. Allows the user
Power Supply
Option PS-V10o to monitor drive settings and fault information
when the main circuit has no power.
PC tool for drive setup and parameter management
The installation files can be obtained at no charge
— Drive Wizard Plus — from:
Japan: http://www.e-mechatronics.com
Other areas: Contact a Yaskawa representative.
— DriveWorksEZ — PC tool for enhanced programming of the drive
Communication Options
— SI-P3/V Connects to a PROFIBUS-DP network
Communications Option
CC-Link Communications
— SI-C3/V Connects to a CC-Link network
DeviceNet Communications
— SI-N3/V Connects to a DeviceNet network
CANopen Communications
— SI-S3/V Connects to a CANopen network
EtherNet/IP Communications <2>
— SI-EN3/V Connects to an EtherNet/IP network
— SI-T3/V Connects to a MECHATROLINK-II network
Communications Option
— SI-ET3/V Connects to a MECHATROLINK-III network
Communications Option
CompoNet Communications
— SI-M3/V Connects to a CompoNet network
EtherCAT Communications
— Option SI-ES3/V <2> Connects to an EtherCAT network

PROFINET Communications
— Option SI-EP3/V <2> Connects to a PROFINET network

Modbus TCP/IP
— Communications Option SI-EM3/V <2> Connects to a Modbus/TCP network

LonWorks Communications <2>

— SI-W3/V Connects to a LonWorks network
— Communications Option SI-EL3/V <2> Connects to a POWERLINK network

<1> Available for drive models BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0020, and 4A0001 to 4A0011.
<2> Under development

312 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
8.3 Connecting Peripheral Devices

8.3 Connecting Peripheral Devices

Figure 8.1 illustrates how the drive and motor connect together with various peripheral devices.
Refer to peripheral device option manual for detailed installation instructions.
Engineering software tools
USB Copy Unit
(RJ-45/USB adapter)

USB Copy Unit


py rify ad
Co Ve Re

USB cable
RJ-45 cable
breaker Dedicated Cable
(MCCB) (RJ-45/D-sub adapter) PC <1>
breaker Drive 24V option
B1 B2 connector

Surge 24V power supply

AC reactor Magnetic Contactor

Zero phase
reactor resistor
DC Reactor
Fuse unit
Input Side +1 +2
R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3
Noise Filter
Output Side
Noise Filter Motor

Zero phase


Figure 8.1 Connecting Peripheral Devices

<1> NOTICE: Do not connect the LAN port on a PC and the comm. port of the drive. Failure to comply may damage the
drive and the PC.
Note: If the drive is set to trigger an output terminal when performing a fault restart (L5-02 = 1), the power supply will be shut off during
fault restart as the drive outputs a fault signal. Keep this in mind when designing a wiring sequence to interrupt the power to the drive.
The default setting for the drive is to not trigger an output terminal that indicates a fault restart is being performed (L5-02 = 0).

Peripheral Devices &


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 313
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

This section describes the proper steps and precautions to take when installing or connecting various peripheral devices
to the drive.
Refer to peripheral device manual for detailed installation instructions.
NOTICE: Use a class 2 power supply (UL standard) when connecting to the control terminals. Improper application of peripheral devices
could result in drive performance degradation due to improper power supply.

u Installing a Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) and Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
Install an MCCB or ELCB for line protection between the power supply and the main circuit power supply input terminals
R/L1, S/L2 and T/L3. This protects the main circuit and devices wired to the main circuit while also providing overload
Consider the following when selecting and installing an MCCB or ELCB:
• The rated current of the MCCB or ELCB should be 1.5 to 2 times the rated output current of the drive. Use an MCCB
or ELCB with operation characteristics that do not trip the MCCB or ELCB faster than the drive overload protection
(shuts off the drive after 1 minute of operation at 150% of the drive rated current).
• If several drives are connected to one MCCB or an ELCB that is shared with other equipment, use a sequence that shuts
the power OFF when errors are output by using magnetic contactor (MC) as shown in the following figure.

Power MC
Supply MB


Figure 8.2 Connecting an MCCB

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Disconnect the MCCB (or ELCB) and MC before wiring terminals. Failure to comply may result
in serious injury or death.

u Installing a Leakage Breaker

Drive outputs generate high-frequency leakage current as a result of high-speed switching. Install an Earth Leakage Circuit
Breaker (ELCB) on the input side of the drive to switch off potentially harmful leakage current. Because each drive
generates about 100 mA of leakage current across a 1 m cable and another 5 mA for each additional meter, each drive
should have a leakage breaker with a sensitivity amperage of at least 30 mA per drive to eliminate harmonic leakage current
and suppress any potentially harmful frequencies.
Refer to the Yaskawa catalog for ELCB selection. Leakage current can cause unprotected components to operate
incorrectly. If this is a problem, lower the carrier frequency, replace the components in question with parts protected against
harmonic current, or increase the sensitivity amperage of the leakage breaker to at least 200 mA per drive.
Factors in determining leakage current:
• Size of the AC drive
• AC drive carrier frequency
• Motor cable type and length
• EMI/RFI filter
To safely protect the drive system, select a breaker that senses AC and DC currents and high frequency currents.

u Installing a Magnetic Contactor

n Disconnecting the Power Supply
The drive should be shut off in the case of a fault in external equipment such as braking resistors through use of a Magnetic
Contactor (MC).

314 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

NOTICE: Do not connect electromagnetic switches or MCs to the output motor circuits without proper sequencing. Improper sequencing
of output motor circuits may cause damage to the drive.
NOTICE: Install an MC on the input side of the drive when the drive should not automatically restart after power loss. To get the full
performance life out of the electrolytic capacitors and circuit relays, refrain from switching the MC more than once every 30 minutes.
Frequent use can damage the drive. Use the drive to stop and start the motor.
Note: 1. Install an MC to the drive output to prevent the drive from restarting automatically when the power is restored after momentary
power loss.
2. Set up a delay for the MC so that it does not open prematurely for the drive to continue operating through momentary power loss.

n Protecting the Braking Resistor or Braking Resistor Unit

Use an MC on the input side of the drive to protect a braking resistor or braking resistor unit from overheat or fire.
WARNING! Fire Hazard. When using a braking unit, use a thermal relay on the braking resistors and configure a fault contact output
for the braking resistor unit to disconnect drive main power via an input contactor. Inadequate braking circuit protection could result in
death or serious injury by fire from overheating resistors.

u Connecting an AC or DC Reactor
AC and DC reactors suppress surges in current and improve the power factor on the input side of the drive.
Use a DC reactor or AC reactor or both:
• To suppress harmonic current or improve the power factor of the power supply.
• When using a phase advancing capacitor switch.
• With a large capacity power supply transformer (over 600 kVA).
Note: Use an AC or DC reactor when also connecting a thyristor converter (such as a DC drive) to the same power supply system, regardless
of the conditions of the power supply.

n Connecting an AC Reactor
U X R/L1
V Y S/L2
W Z T/L3

A – Power supply C – AC reactor

B – MCCB D – Drive
Figure 8.3 Connecting an AC Reactor

n Connecting a DC Reactor
Ensure the jumper between terminals +1 and +2 (terminals are jumpered for shipment) is removed when connecting a DC
reactor. The jumper must be installed if no DC reactor is used. Refer to Connecting a DC Reactor on page 315 for an
example of DC reactor wiring.
S/L2 Peripheral Devices &

+1 +2

A – Power supply C – Drive
B – MCCB D – DC reactor 8
Figure 8.4 Connecting a DC Reactor

u Connecting a Surge Absorber

A surge absorber suppresses surge voltage generated from switching an inductive load near the drive. Inductive loads
include magnetic contactors, relays, valves, solenoids and brakes. Always use a surge absorber or diode when operating
with an inductive load.
Note: Never connect a surge absorber to the drive output.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 315
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

u Connecting a Noise Filter

n Input-Side Noise Filter

Drive outputs generate noise as a result of high-speed switching. This noise flows from inside the drive back toward the
power supply, possibly affecting other equipment. Installing a noise filter to the input side of the drive can reduce the
amount of noise flowing back into the power supply. This also prevents noise from entering the drive from the power
• Use a noise filter specifically designed for AC drives.
• Install the noise filter as close as possible to the drive.

1 3

2 4 S/L2


A – Power supply C – Drive

B – Input-side noise filter (Model: D – Other control device
Figure 8.5 Input-Side Noise Filter (Single-Phase 200 V)

A R U R/L1



A – Power supply C – Drive

B – Input-side noise filter (Model: D – Other control device
Figure 8.6 Input-Side Noise Filter (Three-Phase 200/400 V)

Refer to EMC Filter Installation on page 442 for details about EMC filter selection and installation in order to make the
drive compliant with European standards EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012 and the EMC guidelines.
n Output-Side Noise Filter
A noise filter on the output side of the drive reduces inductive noise and radiated noise. Figure 8.7 illustrates an example
of output-side noise filter wiring.
NOTICE: Do not connect phase-advancing capacitors or LC/RC noise filters to the output circuits. Improper application of noise filters
could result in damage to the drive.
R/L1 U/T1 1 4
S/L2 V/T2 2 5 D
T/L3 W/T3 3 6

A – Power supply C – Output-side noise filter

B – Drive D – Motor
Figure 8.7 Output-Side Noise Filter

316 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

• Radiated Noise: Electromagnetic waves radiated from the drive and cables create noise throughout the radio bandwidth
that can affect devices.
• Induced Noise: Noise generated by electromagnetic induction can affect the signal line and may cause the controller to
Preventing Induced Noise
Use a noise filter on the output side or use shielded cables. Lay the cables at least 30 cm away from the signal line to
prevent induced noise.
R/L1 U/T1
S/L2 V/T2
T/L3 W/T3


A – Power supply E – Separate at least 30 cm

B – Drive F – Controller
C – Shielded motor cable G – Signal line
D – Motor
Figure 8.8 Preventing Induced Noise

Reducing Radiated/Radio Frequency Noise

The drive, input lines, and output lines generate radio frequency noise. Use noise filters on input and output sides and
install the drive in a metal enclosure panel to reduce radio frequency noise.
Note: The cable running between the drive and motor should be as short as possible.

R/L1 U/T1
S/L2 V/T2
T/L3 W/T3

A – Metal enclosure E – Noise filter

B – Power supply F – Shielded motor cable
C – Noise filter G – Motor
D – Drive
Figure 8.9 Reducing Radio Frequency Noise
Peripheral Devices &

u EMC Filter Installation

This drive is tested according to European standards IEC/EN 61800-5-1 and it complies with the EMC guidelines. Refer
to EMC Filter Installation on page 442 for details about EMC filter selection and installation.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 317
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

u Zero-Phase Reactor
A zero-phase reactor can be used to reduce the noise on the input and output sides of the drive.
Close-up of V/T2-phase wiring
A R/L1 U/T1
1st pass
2nd pass
S/L2 V/T2 F
3rd pass
T/L3 W/T3
4th pass

Pass each wire (U/T1, V/T2, W/T3)

through the core 4 times.

A – Power supply D – Drive

B – MCCB E – Zero-phase reactor on output side
C – Zero-phase reactor on input side F – Motor
Figure 8.10 Zero-Phase Reactor

u Installing Fuses on the Input Side

Always install input fuses to the input side of the as a protective measure against damage caused by a short circuit.
Refer to Table 8.2 for input fuse selection.
Table 8.2 Input Fuses
Class L Fuse Type Manufacturer: Fuji Electric
Drive Model
Model Fuse Ampere Rating
Single-Phase 200 V Class
BA0001 CR6L-20/UL 20
BA0002 CR6L-30/UL 30
BA0003 CR6L-50/UL 50
BA0006 CR6L-75/UL 75
BA0010 CR6L-100/UL 100
BA0012 CR6L-100/UL 100
BA0018 CR6L-150/UL 150
Three-Phase 200 V Class
2A0001 CR6L-20/UL 20
2A0002 CR6L-20/UL 20
2A0004 CR6L-20/UL 20
2A0006 CR6L-30/UL 30
2A0008 CR6L-50/UL 50
2A0010 CR6L-50/UL 50
2A0012 CR6L-50/UL 50
2A0018 CR6L-75/UL 75
2A0020 CR6L-75/UL 75
2A0030 CR6L-100/UL 100
2A0040 CR6L-150/UL 150
2A0056 CR6L-150/UL 150
2A0069 CR6L-200/UL 200
Three-Phase 400 V Class
4A0001 CR6L-20/UL 20
4A0002 CR6L-20/UL 20
4A0004 CR6L-50/UL 50
4A0005 CR6L-50/UL 50
4A0007 CR6L-50/UL 50
4A0009 CR6L-50/UL 50
4A0011 CR6L-50/UL 50
4A0018 CR6L-50/UL 50
4A0023 CR6L-75/UL 75
4A0031 CR6L-100/UL 100

318 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
8.4 Installing Peripheral Devices

Class L Fuse Type Manufacturer: Fuji Electric

Drive Model
Model Fuse Ampere Rating
4A0038 CR6L-150/UL 150

u Attachment for External Heatsink

An external attachment can be used to project the heatsink outside of an enclosure to ensure that there is sufficient air
circulation around the heatsink. This installation method still requires a certain amount of airflow over the drive case.
Refer to Output Current Derating Due to Ambient Temperature on page 333 if derating is required. Contact a Yaskawa
sales representative for more information.

u Noise Filter Installation

This drive has undergone testing in conformance with IEC/EN 61800-5-1 and is in compliance with low voltage directives.
Refer to EMC Guidelines Compliance on page 442 for information on selecting a noise filter.

u Installing a Motor Thermal Overload (oL) Relay on the Drive Output

Motor thermal overload relays protect the motor by disconnecting power lines to the motor due to a motor overload
Install a motor thermal overload relay between the drive and motor:
• When operating multiple motors on a single AC drive.
• When using a power line bypass to operate the motor directly from the power line.
It is not necessary to install a motor thermal overload relay when operating a single motor from a single AC drive. The
AC drive has UL recognized electronic motor overload protection built into the drive software.
Note: Disable the motor protection function (L1-0 1 = “0”) when using an external motor thermal overload relay. The relay should shut off
main power on the input side of the main circuit when triggered.

n General Precautions when Using Thermal Overload Relays

The following application precautions should be considered when using motor thermal overload relays on the output of
AC drives in order to prevent nuisance trips or overheat of the motor at low speeds:
• Low speed motor operation
• Use of multiple motors on a single AC drive
• Motor cable length
• Nuisance tripping resulting from high AC drive carrier frequency
Low Speed Operation and Motor Thermal oL Relays
Generally, thermal relays are applied on general-purpose motors. When general-purpose motors are driven by AC drives,
the motor current is approximately 5 to 10% greater than if driven by the commercial power supply. In addition, the cooling
capacity of a motor with a shaft-driven fan decreases when operating at low speeds. Even if the load current is within the
motor rated value, motor overheating may occur. A thermal relay cannot effectively protect the motor due to the reduction
of cooling at low speeds. For this reason, apply the UL recognized electronic thermal overload protection function built
into the drive whenever possible.
UL recognized electronic thermal overload function of the drive: Speed-dependent heat characteristics are simulated Peripheral Devices &
using data from standard motors and force-ventilated motors. The motor is protected from overload using this function.
Using One Drive with Multiple Motors
Turn off the electronic thermal overload function. Please refer to the appropriate product instruction manual to determine
which parameter disables this function.

The UL recognized electronic thermal overload function of the drive cannot be applied when using multiple motors on
one drive.
Long Motor Cables 8
When long motor cables and high carrier frequency are used, nuisance tripping of the thermal relay may occur due to
increased leakage current. Therefore, reduce the carrier frequency or increase the tripping level of the thermal overload
Nuisance Tripping Resulting from High AC Drive Carrier Frequency
Current waveforms generated by high carrier frequency PWM drives tend to create additional temperature rise in overload
relays. Therefore, it may be necessary to increase the trip level setting when encountering nuisance triggering of the relay.
WARNING! Fire Hazard. Confirm an actual motor overload condition is not present prior to increasing the thermal oL trip setting. Check
local electrical codes before making adjustments to motor thermal overload settings.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 319
8.5 Communication Options

8.5 Communication Options

Table 8.3 gives detailed information about the available options that allow Yaskawa drives to connect to communication
networks. A host controller can control and monitor the drive, read and change parameters by using a communication
option. Contact Yaskawa or your Yaskawa agent to order options.
• Option Selection: Refer to Yaskawa catalog for more details on option selection and part numbers.
• Option Installation: Refer to option manual for option installation instructions.
Table 8.3 Available Communication Options
Option Model Function
PROFIBUS-DP Communications Option SI-P3/V Connects to a PROFIBUS-DP network
CC-Link Communications Option SI-C3/V Connects to a CC-Link network
DeviceNet Communications Option SI-N3/V Connects to a DeviceNet network
CompoNet Communications Option SI-M3/V Connects to a CompoNet network
CANopen Communications Option SI-S3/V Connects to a CANopen network
EtherNet/IP Communications Option SI-EN3/V <1> Connects to an EtherNet/IP network
MECHATROLINK-II Communications Option SI-T3/V Connects to a MECHATROLINK-II network
MECHATROLINK-III Communications Option SI-ET3/V Connects to a MECHATROLINK-III network
LonWorks Communications Option SI-W3/V <1> Connects to a LonWorks network
EtherCAT Communications Option SI-ES3/V <1> Connects to an EtherCAT network
PROFINET Communications Option SI-EP3/V <1> Connects to a PROFINET network
Modbus TCP/IP Communications Option SI-EM3/V <1> Connects to a Modbus TCP network
POWERLINK Communications Option SI-EL3/V <1> Connects to a POWERLINK network
<1> Under development.

320 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
8.6 Connecting an Option Card

8.6 Connecting an Option Card

The drive can communicate with other devices through a specially designed option card. The following section describes
how to install an option card.
Refer to option card manual for detailed installation instructions.
Note: Refer to Available Communication Options on page 320 for a list of option cards for use with this product.

u Verifying the Option Card and Product Type



A – Option card F – Wire through-hole
B – Option card cover installation G – Option card cover
screw holes H – Cover screw
C – Tabs for mounting front cover I – Ground lead
D – Comm. connector (CN1)
E – Ground lead connection
Figure 8.11 Option Card

u Connecting the Option Card

1. Loosen the screw on the front cover of the drive to remove the cover.

Figure 8.12 Remove Cover

2. Remove the terminal cover. Connect the lead from the option card to the drive ground terminal.

Peripheral Devices &


C 8
A – Ground terminal C – Terminal cover
B – Ground lead
Figure 8.13 Connect Lead

3. Reattach the terminal cover.

4. Attach the option card to the drive.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 321
8.6 Connecting an Option Card

A – Line up the tab with the mounting B – Line up the tab with the mounting
hole. hole.
Figure 8.14 Attach Option Card

Note: Gently pack wires to fit behind the left and right side of the cover into the provided recess.

5. Connect the lead from the drive ground terminal to the same terminal as the option card lead.
The option card lead should exit through the holes provided on the underside of the drive as it gets routed passed
the ground terminal.


A – Drive ground terminal D – Ground lead through-hole
B – Route the lead wire on the inside E – Ground lead
of the lower cover.
C – Ground lead
Figure 8.15 Lead Wire Connection

6. Reattach the option card cover.

A –Align the tab with the mounting hole.
Figure 8.16 Reattach Cover

322 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Appendix: A


A.1 HEAVY DUTY AND NORMAL DUTY RATINGS............................................324

A.2 SINGLE/THREE-PHASE 200 V CLASS DRIVE.............................................325
A.3 THREE-PHASE 400 V CLASS DRIVES.........................................................327
A.4 DRIVE SPECIFICATIONS...............................................................................329
A.5 DRIVE WATT LOSS DATA.............................................................................332
A.6 DRIVE DERATING DATA...............................................................................333

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 323
A.1 Heavy Duty and Normal Duty Ratings

A.1 Heavy Duty and Normal Duty Ratings

The capacity of the drive is based on two types of load characteristics: Heavy Duty (HD) and Normal Duty (ND).
Refer to Selecting the Appropriate Load Rating on page 324 for the differences between HD and ND. Specifications for
capacity ratings are listed on the following pages.
Table A.1 Selecting the Appropriate Load Rating
Setting Rated Output Current Overload Tolerance Default Carrier Frequency
Parameter C6-01
HD Rating 8/10 kHz
0: Heavy Duty 150% rated output current for 60 s
varies by model <1> varies by model
1: Normal Duty ND Rating 120% rated output current for 60 s 2 kHz, Swing PWM
(default) varies by model <1> varies by model
<1> The following pages list information on rating changes based on drive model.

TERMS • HD and ND: HD refers to applications requiring constant torque output, while ND refers to applications
with variable torque needs. The drive allows the user to select HD or ND torque depending on the application.
Fans, pumps, and blowers should use ND (C6-01 = 1), and other applications generally use HD (C6-01 =
• Swing PWM: Swing PWM equivalent to a 2 kHz audible noise. This function turns the motor noise into a
less obtrusive white noise.
Note: Differences between HD ratings and ND ratings for the drive include rated input and output current, overload capacity, carrier frequency,
and current limit. The default setting is for ND (C6-01 = 1).

324 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
A.2 Single/Three-Phase 200 V Class Drive

A.2 Single/Three-Phase 200 V Class Drive

Table A.2 Power Ratings
Item Specification
Three-Phase Drive Model 2A0001 2A0002 2A0004 2A0006 2A0008 2A0010 2A0012 2A0018 2A0020

Single-Phase Drive Model <1> BA0001 BA0002 BA0003 BA0006 - BA0010 BA0012 -

Maximum Motor Size Allowed (kW) ND Rating 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 <2>
<3> HD Rating 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7
Three- ND Rating 1.1 1.9 3.9 7.3 8.8 10.8 13.9 18.5 24.0
Input Phase HD Rating 0.7 1.5 2.9 5.8 7.0 7.5 11.0 15.6 18.9
Input Current (A)
<4> Single- ND Rating 2.0 3.6 7.3 13.8 – 20.2 24.0 – –
Phase HD Rating 1.4 2.8 5.5 11.0 – 14.1 20.6 – 35.0
Rated Output Capacity ND Rating 0.5 0.7 1.3 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.6 6.7 7.5
(kVA) <5> HD Rating 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.9 2.6 3.0 4.2 5.3 6.7
ND Rating 3.5
1.2 1.9 6.0 8.0 9.6 12.0 17.5 19.6
Output Current (A) <6> (3.3)
HD Rating 0.8 <7> 1.6 <7> 3.0 <7> 5.0 <7> 6.9 <8> 8.0 <8> 11.0 <8> 14.0 <8> 17.5 <8>

Output ND Rating: 120% of rated output current for 1 minute

Overload Tolerance HD Rating: 150% of rated output current for 1 minute
(Derating may be required for applications that start and stop frequently)
Carrier Frequency 2 kHz (user-set, 2 to 15 kHz)
Three-phase power: 200 to 240 V
Max Output Voltage (V) Single-phase power: 200 to 240 V
(both proportional to input voltage)
Max Output Frequency (Hz) 400 Hz (user-adjustable)
Rated Voltage
Three-phase power: 200 to 240 V 50/60 Hz
Rated Frequency
Single-phase power: 200 to 240 V 50/60 Hz
Power DC power supply: 270 to 340 V <9>
Allowable Voltage Fluctuation -15 to 10%
Allowable Frequency Fluctuation ±5%
Harmonic Corrective
DC Reactor Optional

<1> Drives with a single-phase power supply input output three-phase power, and cannot run a single-phase motor.
<2> This drive does not have a Normal Duty rating.
<3> The motor capacity (kW) refers to a Yaskawa 4-pole motor. The rated output current of the drive output amps should be equal to or greater
than the motor rated current.
<4> Input current rating varies depending on the power supply transformer, input reactor, wiring connections, and power supply impedance.
<5> Rated motor capacity is calculated with a rated output voltage of 220 V.
<6> Carrier frequency is set to 2 kHz (Swing PWM). Current derating is required to raise the carrier frequency.
<7> Carrier frequency is set to 10 kHz. Current derating is required to raise the carrier frequency.
<8> Carrier frequency is set to 8 kHz. Current derating is required to raise the carrier frequency.
<9> DC is not available for UL standards.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 325
A.2 Single/Three-Phase 200 V Class Drive

Table A.3 Power Ratings Continued

Item Specification
Three-Phase Drive Model 2A0030 2A0040 2A0056 2A0069
Single-Phase Drive Model <1> - - - -
ND Rating 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5
Maximum Motor Size Allowed (kW) <2>
HD Rating 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0
ND Rating 37.0 52.0 68.0 80.0
Input Three-Phase
HD Rating 24.0 37.0 52.0 68.0
Input Current (A)
<3> ND Rating - - - -
HD Rating - - - -
Rated Output Capacity ND Rating 11.4 15.2 21.3 26.3
(kVA) <4> HD Rating 9.5 12.6 17.9 22.9
ND Rating <5> 30.0 40.0 56.0 69.0
Output Current (A)
HD Rating 25.0 <7> 33.0 <7> 47.0 <7> 60.0 <7>
ND Rating: 120% of rated output current for 1 minute
Output Overload Tolerance HD Rating: 150% of rated output current for 1 minute
(Derating may be required for applications that start and stop frequently)
Carrier Frequency 2 kHz (user-set, 2 to 15 kHz)
Three-phase power: 200 to 240 V
Max Output Voltage (V) Single-phase power: 200 to 240 V
(both proportional to input voltage)
Max Output Frequency (Hz) 400 Hz (user-adjustable)
Three-phase power: 200 to 240 V 50/60 Hz
Rated Voltage Single-phase power: 200 to 240 V 50/60 Hz
Rated Frequency
Power DC power supply: 270 to 340 V <6>
Allowable Voltage Fluctuation -15 to 10%
Allowable Frequency Fluctuation ±5%
Harmonic Corrective DC Reactor Optional
<1> Drives with single-phase power supply input will output three-phase power and cannot run a single-phase motor.
<2> The motor capacity (kW) refers to a Yaskawa 4-pole motor. The rated output current of the drive output amps should be equal to or greater
than the motor rated current.
<3> Input current rating varies depending on the power supply transformer, input reactor, wiring connections, and power supply impedance.
<4> Rated motor capacity is calculated with a rated output voltage of 220 V.
<5> Carrier frequency is set to 2 kHz (Swing PWM). Current derating is required to raise the carrier frequency.
<6> DC is not available for UL standards.
<7> Carrier frequency is set to 8 kHz. Current derating is required to raise the carrier frequency.
Note: Differences between Heavy Duty (HD) ratings and Normal Duty (ND) ratings for the drive include rated input and output current,
overload capacity, carrier frequency and current limit. Set parameter C6-01 to “0” for HD or “1” for ND (default).

326 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
A.3 Three-Phase 400 V Class Drives

A.3 Three-Phase 400 V Class Drives

Table A.4 Power Ratings
Item Specification
Three-Phase Drive Model 4A0001 4A0002 4A0004 4A0005 4A0007 4A0009 4A0011

Maximum Applicable Motor Capacity ND Rating 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5
(kW) <1> HD Rating 0.37 0.55 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7
ND Rating 1.2 2.1 4.3 5.9 8.1 9.4 14.0
Input Input Current (A)
HD Rating 1.2 1.8 3.2 4.4 6.0 8.2 10.4
ND Rating <4> 0.9 1.6 3.1 4.1 5.3 6.7 8.5
Output Current (kVA) <3>
HD Rating <5> 0.9 1.4 2.6 3.7 4.2 5.5 7.0
ND Rating <4> 1.2 2.1 4.1 5.4 6.9 8.8 11.1
Output Current (A)
HD Rating <5> 1.2 1.8 3.4 4.8 5.5 7.2 9.2
Output ND Rating: 120% of rated output current for 60 s
Overload Tolerance HD Rating: 150% of rated output current for 60 s
(Derating may be required for applications that start and stop frequently)
Carrier Frequency 2 kHz (user-adjustable from 2 to 15 kHz)
Maximum Output Voltage (V) Three-phase power: 380 to 480 V (proportional to input voltage)
Maximum Output Frequency (Hz) 400 Hz (user-adjustable)
Rated Voltage Three-phase power: 380 to 480 V 50/60 Hz
Power Rated Frequency DC power supply: 510 to 680 V <6>
Supply Allowable Voltage Fluctuation -15 to 10%
Allowable Frequency Fluctuation ±5%
Harmonic Corrective Actions DC Reactor Optional
<1> The motor capacity (kW) refers to a Yaskawa 4-pole motor. The rated output current of the drive output amps should be equal to or greater
than the motor rated current.
<2> Input current rating varies depending on the power supply transformer, input reactor, wiring conditions, and power supply impedance.
<3> Rated motor capacity is calculated with a rated output voltage of 440 V.
<4> Carrier frequency is set to 2 kHz (Swing PWM). Current derating is required in order to raise the carrier frequency.
<5> Carrier frequency is set to 8 kHz. Current derating is required in order to raise the carrier frequency.
<6> DC is not available for UL standards.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 327
A.3 Three-Phase 400 V Class Drives

Table A.5 Power Ratings Continued

Item Specification
Three-Phase Drive Model 4A0018 4A0023 4A0031 4A0038
ND Rating 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5
Maximum Applicable Motor Capacity (kW)
HD Rating 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0
ND Rating 20.0 24.0 38.0 44.0
Input Input Current (A)
HD Rating 15.0 20.0 29.0 39.0
ND Rating <4> 13.3 17.5 23.6 29.0
Output Current (kVA) <3>
HD Rating <5> 11.3 13.7 18.3 23.6
ND Rating <4> 17.5 23.0 31.0 38.0
Output Current (A)
HD Rating <5> 14.8 18.0 24.0 31.0

Output ND Rating: 120% of rated output current for 60 s

HD Rating: 150% of rated output current for 60 s
Overload Tolerance (Derating may be required for applications that start and stop
Carrier Frequency 2 kHz (user-adjustable from 2 to 15 kHz)
Maximum Output Voltage (V) Three-phase power: 380 to 480 V (proportional to input voltage)
Maximum Output Frequency (Hz) 400 Hz (user-adjustable)
Three-phase power: 380 to 480 V 50/60 Hz
Rated Voltage Rated Frequency
Power DC power supply: 510 to 680 V <6>
Supply Allowable Voltage Fluctuation -15 to 10%
Allowable Frequency Fluctuation ±5%
Harmonic Corrective Actions DC Reactor Optional
<1> The motor capacity (kW) refers to a Yaskawa 4-pole motor. The rated output current of the drive output amps should be equal to or greater
than the motor rated current.
<2> Input current rating varies depending on the power supply transformer, input reactor, wiring conditions, and power supply impedance.
<3> Rated motor capacity is calculated with a rated output voltage of 440 V.
<4> Carrier frequency is set to 2 kHz (Swing PWM). Current derating is required in order to raise the carrier frequency.
<5> Carrier frequency is set to 8 kHz. Current derating is required in order to raise the carrier frequency.
<6> DC is not available for UL standards.
Note: Differences between Heavy Duty (HD) ratings and Normal Duty (ND) ratings for the drive include rated input and output current,
overload capacity, carrier frequency and current limit. Set parameter C6-01 to “0” for HD or “1” for ND (default).

328 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
A.4 Drive Specifications

A.4 Drive Specifications

Note: 1. Perform rotational Auto-Tuning to obtain OLV performance specifications.
2. For optimum performance life of the drive, install the drive in an environment that meets the environmental conditions.
Item Specification
The following control methods are available:
Control Method Open Loop Vector Control (current vector), V/f Control, and PM Open Loop Vector (for
use with SPM and IPM)
Frequency Control Range 0.01 to 400 Hz
Digital input: within ±0.01% of the max output frequency
Frequency Accuracy
(-10 to +50 °C)
Analog input: within ±0.5% of the max output frequency
(25 °C ±10 °C)
Frequency Setting Resolution
Digital inputs: 0.01 Hz
Analog inputs: 1/1000 of maximum output frequency
Output Frequency Calculation Resolution 1/220 x Maximum output frequency (E1-04)
Main frequency reference: 0 to +10 Vdc (20 kΩ), 4 to 20 mA (250 Ω), 0 to 20 mA
Frequency Setting Signal (250 Ω)
Control Main speed reference: Pulse Train Input (max 32 kHz)
istics Starting Torque
200%/0.5 Hz (OLV Control, HD rating, IM of 3.7 kW or smaller),
50%/6 Hz (OLV/PM Control)
Speed Control Range 1:100 (OLV Control), 1:40 (V/f Control), 1:10 (OLV/PM Control)
Speed Control Accuracy ±0.2% in Open Loop Vector Control <1>
Speed Response
5 Hz (25 °C ±10 °C) in Open Loop Vector Control
(excludes temperature fluctuation when performing Rotational Auto-Tuning)
Torque Limit Open Loop Vector Control only. Adjustable in 4 quadrants.
Accel/Decel Time 0.00 to 6000.0 s (allows four separate settings for accel and decel)
Instantaneous Average Decel Torque <2> : 0.1/0.2 kW: over 150%, 0.4/0.75 kW: over
Braking Torque
100%, 1.5 kW: over 50%, 2.2 kW and above: over 20%
Continuous Regen Torque: 20%,
125% with a Braking Resistor Unit <3> : (10% ED) 10 s with an internal braking transistor.
V/f Characteristics Preset V/f patterns and user-set program available.
Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru
Speed Search
Over/Undertorque Detection
Torque Limit, Multi-Step Speed (17 steps max)
Accel/Decel Time Switch
S-Curve Accel/Decel,
2-Wire/3-Wire Sequence
Rotational Auto-Tuning
Stationary Auto-Tuning of Line-to-Line Resistance
Cooling Fan ON/OFF
Character- Functions
Slip Compensation
Torque Compensation
Jump Frequencies (reference dead band)
Frequency Reference Upper/Lower Limit
DC Injection Braking (start and stop), High Slip Braking
PID Control (with Sleep Function)
Energy Saving
MEMOBUS/Modbus (RS-485/RS-422 Max 115.2 kbps)
Fault Reset
Parameter Copy
Fault Restart

Removable Terminals with Parameter Backup Function

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 329
A.4 Drive Specifications

Item Specification
Motor Protection Motor overheat protection via output current sensor
Overcurrent Protection Drives stops when output exceeds 200% of the rated current (Heavy Duty)
Overload Protection A stop command will be entered after operating at 150% for 60 s (Heavy Duty) <4>

Overvoltage Specification
200 V Class: Stops when DC bus voltage exceeds approx. 410 V
400 V Class: Stops when DC bus voltage exceeds approx. 820 V
Drive stops when DC bus voltage falls below the levels indicated: <5>
Low Voltage Protection 190 V (3-phase 200 V), 160 V (single-phase 200 V), 380 V (3-phase 400 V), 350 V (3-
phase 380 V)
Protection 3 selections available: Ride-Thru disabled (stops after 15 ms), time base of 0.5 s, and
Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru
Functions continue running as long as the drive control board is powered up. <6>
Heatsink Overheat Protection Protected by thermistor
Braking Resistor Overheat Protection Overheat input signal for braking resistor (Optional ERF-type, 3% ED)
Stall prevention is available during acceleration, deceleration, and during run. Separate
Stall Prevention settings for each type of stall prevention determine the current level at which stall
prevention is triggered.
Cooling Fan Failure Protection Circuit protection (“fan-lock” sensor)
Ground Fault Protection Electronic circuit protection <7>
DC Bus Charge LED Remains lit until DC bus voltage falls below 50 V
Storage/Installation Area Indoors
IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosure: -10 °C to +40 °C
Ambient Temperature
IP20/IP00 Open-Chassis enclosure: -10 °C to +50 °C
Finless Type: IP20/IP00 enclosure: -10 °C to +50 °C
NEMA Type 4X/IP66 enclosure: -10 °C to +40 °C
Humidity 95% RH or less with no condensation
Storage Temperature -20 to +60 °C allowed for short-term transport of the product
Up to 1000 meters without derating; up to 3000 meters with output current and voltage
derating. Refer to Altitude Derating on page 333 for details.

Shock, Impact
10 to 20 Hz: 9.8 m/s2
20 to 55 Hz: 5.9 m/s2
Install the drive in an area free from:
• oil mist and dust
• metal shavings, oil, water or other foreign materials
• radioactive materials
Surrounding Area • combustible materials
• harmful gases and liquids
• excessive vibration
• chlorides
• direct sunlight
Orientation Install the drive vertically to maintain maximum cooling effects
• UL508C
• EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012, IEC/EN 61800-5-1
• ISO/EN 13849-1 Cat.3 PLd, IEC/EN 61508 SIL2
Time from input open to drive output stop is less than 1 ms.

Protective Enclosure
IP20/Open-Chassis or IP00/Open-Chassis <8>
IP20/NEMA Type 1 <9>
BA0001 to BA0006: self-cooled
BA0010 to BA0018: cooling fan
Cooling Method
2A0001 to 2A0004: self-cooled
2A0006 to 2A0069: cooling fan
4A0001 to 4A0004: self-cooled
4A0005 to 4A0038: cooling fan
<1> Speed control accuracy varies somewhat according to the type of motor and drive settings.
<2> Instantaneous average deceleration torque refers to the torque required to decelerate the motor (uncoupled from the load) from the rated motor
speed down to zero in the shortest time.
<3> Ensure that Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration is disabled (L3-04 = 0) or set to 3 when using a braking resistor or the Braking
Resistor Unit. The default setting for the stall prevention function will interfere with the braking transistor.
<4> Overload protection may be triggered when operating with 150% of the rated output current if the output frequency is less than 6 Hz.
<5> Parameter settings allow up to 150 V.
<6> A Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Unit is required for 200/400 V class drives 7.5 kW and less if the application needs to continue running
during a momentary power loss up to 2 seconds.

330 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
A.4 Drive Specifications

<7> Ground protection cannot be provided under the following circumstances when a ground fault is likely in the motor windings during run: Low
ground resistance for the motor cable and terminal block; low ground resistance for the motor cable and terminal block; or the drive is powered
up from a ground short.
<8> The following models have an IP20/Open-Chassis enclosure as standard. Customers may convert these models to IP20/NEMA Type 1
enclosures using the IP20/NEMA Type 1 Kit Option:
BA0001 to BA0018
2A0001 to 2A0020
4A0001 to 4A0011
<9> The following models have an IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosure as standard. For an IP20/Open-Chassis or IP00/Open-Chassis design, remove
the top and bottom covers:
2A0030 to 2A0069
4A0018 to 4A0038
Note: Time from input open to drive output stop is less than 1 ms.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 331
A.5 Drive Watt Loss Data

A.5 Drive Watt Loss Data

Table A.6 Watt Loss 200 V Class Single-Phase Models
Heavy Duty (Carrier Frequency 8 kHz) <1> Normal Duty (Swing PWM equal 2 kHz)
Drive Model Rated Amps Heatsink Interior Unit Total Loss Rated Amps Heatsink Interior Unit Total Loss
(A) Loss (W) Loss (W) (W) (A) Loss (W) Loss (W) (W)
BA0001 0.8 4.3 7.4 11.7 1.2 5.0 8.5 13.5
BA0002 1.6 7.9 8.9 16.7 1.9 7.6 9.7 17.3
BA0003 3.0 16.1 11.5 27.7 3.2 14.6 14.4 29.1
BA0006 5.0 33.7 16.8 50.5 6.0 30.1 19.4 49.5
BA0010 8.0 54.8 25.9 80.7 9.6 51.7 29.8 81.4
BA0012 11.0 70.7 34.1 104.8 12.0 61.3 37.1 98.4
BA0018 17.5 110.5 51.4 161.9 — — — —
<1> 10 kHz for BA0001 to BA0006
Table A.7 Watt Loss 200 V Class Three-Phase Models
Heavy Duty (Carrier Frequency 8 kHz) <1> Normal Duty (Swing PWM equal 2 kHz)
Drive Model Rated Amps Heatsink Interior Unit Total Loss Rated Amps Heatsink Interior Unit Total Loss
(A) Loss (W) Loss (W) (W) (A) Loss (W) Loss (W) (W)
2A0001 0.8 4.3 7.3 11.6 1.2 5.0 8.0 13.0
2A0002 1.6 7.9 8.8 16.7 1.9 7.6 9.5 17.1
2A0004 3.0 16.2 11.5 27.7 3.5 15.8 13.6 29.4
2A0006 5.0 27.4 15.9 43.3 6.0 27.5 17.2 44.7
2A0008 7.0 48.7 22.2 70.9 8.0 44.6 24.0 68.6
2A0010 8.0 54.8 23.8 78.6 9.6 51.7 25.8 77.5
2A0012 11.0 70.7 29.9 100.6 12.0 61.3 30.4 91.7
2A0018 14.0 92.6 38.8 131.4 18.0 89.8 44.1 133.8
2A0020 17.5 110.5 43.3 153.8 19.6 98.7 46.3 145.0
2A0030 25.0 231.5 72.2 303.7 30.0 246.4 88.9 335.3
2A0040 33.0 339.5 82.8 321.3 40.0 266.7 112.8 379.6
2A0056 47.0 347.6 117.6 465.2 56.0 357.9 151.8 509.7
2A0069 60.0 437.7 151.4 589.1 69.0 461.7 184.5 646.2
<1> 10 kHz for 2A0001 to 2A0006
Table A.8 Watt Loss 400 V Class Three-Phase Models
Heavy Duty (Carrier Frequency 8 kHz) Normal Duty (Swing PWM equal 2 kHz)
Drive Model Rated Amps Heatsink Interior Unit Total Loss Rated Amps Heatsink Interior Unit Total Loss
(A) Loss (W) Loss (W) (W) (A) Loss (W) Loss (W) (W)
4A0001 1.2 19.2 11.5 30.7 1.2 10.0 9.6 19.6
4A0002 1.8 28.9 14.8 43.7 2.1 18.5 13.9 32.4
4A0004 3.4 42.3 17.9 60.2 4.1 30.5 16.8 47.3
4A0005 4.8 70.7 26.2 96.9 5.4 44.5 21.8 66.3
4A0007 5.5 81.0 30.7 111.7 6.9 58.5 28.4 86.9
4A0009 7.2 84.6 32.9 117.5 8.8 63.7 31.4 95.1
4A0011 9.2 107.2 41.5 148.7 11.1 81.7 46.0 127.7
4A0018 14.8 166.0 62.7 228.7 17.5 181.2 80.1 261.3
4A0023 18.0 207.1 78.1 285.2 23.0 213.4 107.7 321.1
4A0031 24.0 266.9 105.9 372.8 31.0 287.5 146.1 433.6
4A0038 31.0 319.1 126.6 445.7 38.0 319.2 155.8 475.0

332 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
A.6 Drive Derating Data

A.6 Drive Derating Data

The drive can be operated at above rated temperature, altitude and default carrier frequency by derating the drive capacity.

u Carrier Frequency Derating

Derate drive capacity using Figure A.1 as the carrier frequency of the drive increases above the factory setting.
Rating Carrier Frequency Derating


200 V Class:
80% of HD
400 V Class:
60% of HD

2 10 (8) 15
Carrier Frequency (C6-02)

Figure A.1 Carrier Frequency Derating

u Temperature Derating
As the ambient temperature for the drive is increased above the drive specification the drive should be derated. Additionally
parameter L8-35 Installation Method Selection on page 333 should be set according to enclosure type and mounting method
as illustrated in Figure A.2.
n Output Current Derating Due to Ambient Temperature
Set L8-12 and L8-35 according to the installation conditions when the ambient temperature is above the drive specification
or when drives are mounted side-by-side in a cabinet. The output current is derated as shown in Figure A.2.
No. Name Description Range Def.
Ambient Adjust the drive overload (oL2) protection level when the drive is installed
L8-12 -10 to 50 40 °C
Temperature Setting in an environment that exceeds its ambient temperature rating.
0: IP20/IP00 Drive
Installation Method 1: Side-by-Side Mounting
L8-35 0 to 3 0
Selection 2: NEMA Type 1 Drive
3: Finless Drive or External Heatsink Installation
Parameter L8-35 = 0 (IP20/IP00 Drive)
100% Parameter L8-35 = 2
85% (NEMA Type 1 Drive)
Drive 70% Parameter L8-35 = 3
Rating (Finless Drive or External
50% Heatsink Installation)

Parameter L8-35 = 1
(Side-by-side Mounting)

0% Ambient temp o C

o o
35 40
o Parameter L8-12

Figure A.2 Ambient Temperature and Installation Method Derating

u Altitude Derating
The drive standard ratings are valid for an installation altitude up to 1000 m. If the altitude exceeds 1000 m, both the drive A
input voltage and the rated output current must be derated for 1% per 100 m. The maximum altitude is 3000 m.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 333
A.6 Drive Derating Data

This Page Intentionally Blank

334 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Appendix: B

Parameter List
This appendix contains a full list of parameters and settings available in the drive.

B.1 PARAMETER GROUPS..................................................................................336

B.2 PARAMETER TABLE.....................................................................................337
B.4 V/F PATTERN DEFAULT VALUES................................................................386
B.5 CHINA LOCALIZED DRIVE DEFAULT VALUES...........................................387

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 335
B.1 Parameter Groups

B.1 Parameter Groups

Parameter Parameter
Name Page Name Page
Group Group
A1 Initialization 337 H4 Analog Outputs 361
A2 User Parameters 338 H5 Serial Communications Setup 362
b1 Operation Mode Selection 338 H6 Pulse Train I/O Setup 362
b2 DC Injection Braking 339 L1 Motor Overload 363
b3 Speed Search 339 L2 Power Loss Ride-Thru 364
b4 Delay Timer 340 L3 Stall Prevention 364
b5 PID Control 340 L4 Reference Detection 366
b6 Dwell Function 342 L5 Fault Restart 366
b8 Energy Saving 342 L6 Overtorque Detection 367
C1 Acceleration/Deceleration Time 343 L7 Torque Limit 368
C2 S-Curve Accel/Decel 343 L8 Hardware Protection 368
C3 Motor Slip Compensation 343 n1 Hunting Prevention 371
C4 Motor Torque Compensation 344 n2 Speed Feedback Detection 371
C5 Speed Control (ASR) 344 n3 High-Slip Braking 371
C6 Carrier Frequency 345 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance Online
n6 371
d1 Frequency Reference 346
n8 PM Motor Control 372
d2 Reference Limits 346
o1 Monitor Display Selection 373
d3 Jump Frequencies 346
o2 Operator Keypad Functions 373
d4 Frequency Reference Hold 347
o4 Maintenance Functions 374
d7 Off-Set Frequency 347
q DWEZ Parameters 375
E1 V/f Pattern 348
r DriveWorksEZ Connection 375
E2 Motor Setup 348
T1 Auto-Tuning 376
E3 Motor 2 V/f Pattern 349
U1 Status Monitor 377
E4 Motor Setup 2 350
U2 Fault Trace 379
E5 PM Motor Setup 351
U3 Fault History 380
F1 Fault Detection during PG Speed Control 353
U4 Maintenance Monitor 380
F6 Network Communications 353
U5 PID Monitor 382
H1 Digital Inputs 356
U6 Control Monitor 382
H2 Digital Outputs 358
U8 Custom Monitors for DriveWorksEZ 382
H3 Analog Inputs 360

336 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

B.2 Parameter Table

An “A” in the “Control Mode” column indicates that the parameter is available in the Advanced menu of the respective
control mode.
An “S” in the “Control Mode” column indicates that the parameter is available in the Startup menu of the respective control
A “–” in the “Control Mode” column indicates that the parameter is NOT available in the respective control mode.
An “O” in the “Control Mode” column indicates that the multi-function selection is available in the respective control

u A: Initialization Parameters
The A parameter group creates the operating environment for the drive. This includes the parameter Access Level, Motor
Control Method, Password, User Parameters and more.
No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
A1: Initialization Parameters
Use A1 parameters to configure the basic environment for drive operation.
0: English
1: Japanese
2: German
A1-00 3: French <6>
<1> <2> Language Selection 4: Italian 0 to 7 A A A 100 112
5: Spanish
6: Portuguese
7: Chinese
Selects which parameters are accessible via the digital operator.
A1-01 Access Level 0: Operation only
<1> <3> 1: User Parameters (access to a set of parameters selected by the 0 to 2 2 A A A 101 112
Selection user)
2: Advanced Access Level
Selects the Control Method of the drive. Auto-Tuning must be
performed when selecting one of the vector control modes.
0: V/f Control without PG
A1-02 Control Method 2: Open Loop Vector (OLV)
<2> 5: PM Open Loop Vector (PM) 0, 2, 5 0 S S S 102 112
Selection Note: 1. Does not return to the default setting after initialization.
2. If using Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2), then Auto-
Tuning must be performed again after the drive is initialized.
Refer to Auto-Tuning on page 100 for details.
Resets all parameters to factory default settings. (Initializes the 0 to 5550 0 A A A 103 113
drive then returns A1-03 to 0)
0: No Initialization
1110: User Initialize The following parameters are not reset when
A1-03 Initialize Parameters (First set user parameter values must be stored using parameter the performing initialization: A1-00, A1-02,
o2-03) A1-07, E1-03, E5-oo, F6-08, L8-35, o2-04,
2220: 2-Wire Initialization o2-09, and all U2 and U3 monitors.
3330: 3-Wire Initialization
5550: oPE04 Error Reset
A1-04 Password 0 to 9999 0 A A A 104 114
0 to 9999 0 A A A 105 114
When the value set into A1-04 does not match the value set into This parameter is hidden from view. To
A1-05, parameters A1-01 through A1-03, A1-06, and A2-01
A1-05 Password Setting access A1-05, first display A1-04. Then
through A2-32 cannot be changed.
press the STOP key while holding down —
Parameter List

the up arrow key. Parameter A1-05 will

Sets parameters that are commonly used in certain applications to
A2-01 through A2-16 for easier access.
0: General-purpose (A2 parameters are not affected)
1: Water supply pump
2: Conveyor
3: Exhaust fan B
A1-06 Application Preset
0 to 8 0 A A A 127 94
4: HVAC fan
5: Air compressor
6: Elevator
7: Hoist
8: Conveyor 2 <4>

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 337
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V

A1-07 DriveWorksEZ 0: Disabled

<2> 1: Enabled 0 to 2 0 A A A 128 115
Function Selection
2: Multi-function input (enabled when H1-oo = 9F)
A2: User Parameters
Use A2 parameters to program the drive.
A2-01 User Parameters, 1 to Parameters that were recently edited are listed here. The user can
also select parameters to appear here for quick access. Parameters A1-00 to <3> 106 to
to A A A 115
A2-32 32 o2-08 125
will be stored here for quick access when A1-01 = 1.
0: Parameters A2-01 through A2-32 are reserved for the user to
A2-33 User Parameter create a list of User Parameters. <5>
Automatic Selection 1: Save history of recently viewed parameters. Recently edited 0, 1 A A A 126 116
parameters will be saved to A2-17 through A2-32 for quick access.
<1> Parameter can be changed during run.
<2> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value during drive initialization, A1-03 = 1110, 2220, 3330.
<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-06, Application Selection.
<4> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.
<5> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-06. This setting value is 0 when A1-06 = 0, and 1 when A1-06 ≠ 0.
<6> Regional default settings:
Setting 0: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 7: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)

u b: Application
Application parameters configure the Run Command Source, DC Injection Braking, Speed Search, Timer functions, PID
control, the Dwell function, Energy Savings and a variety of other application-related settings.
No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
b1: Operation Mode Selection
Use b1 parameters to configure the operation mode.
Selects the frequency reference input source.
0: Digital operator - Digital preset speed d1-01 to d1-17.
Frequency Reference 1: Terminals - Analog input terminal A1 or A2.
b1-01 0 to 4 1 S S S 180 117
Selection 1 2: MEMOBUS communications
3: Option PCB
4: Pulse Input (Terminal RP)
Selects the run command input source.
0: Digital operator - RUN and STOP keys on the digital
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 operator. 0 to 3 1 S S S 181 119
1: Digital input terminals
2: MEMOBUS communications
3: Option PCB.
Selects the stopping method when the run command is 0 to 3 0 S S S 182 120
0: Ramp to Stop
Stopping Method Selection 1: Coast to Stop DC Injection Braking at Stop cannot be
b1-03 2: DC Injection Braking to Stop selected when using Open Loop Vector for
3: Coast with Timer PM motors.
(A new run command is ignored if received before the timer
Permits or prohibits reverse operation.
Reverse Operation
b1-04 0: Reverse enabled. 0, 1 0 A A A 183 122
Selection 1: Reverse disabled.
Determines the operation when the Run command source is
switched from LOCAL to REMOTE or between Run source
1 and 2 while an external Run command is active at the new
LOCAL/REMOTE Run source.
b1-07 0, 1 0 A A A 186 122
Selection 0: External Run command has to be cycled at the new source
to be activated.
1: External Run command at new source is accepted

338 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
0: Run command accepted only in the operation menu.
Run Command Selection
b1-08 while in Programming Mode 1: Run command accepted in all menus. 0 to 2 0 A A A 187 122
2: Prohibit entering Programming Mode during Run
Sets the phase order for drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2
and W/T3.
b1-14 Phase Order Selection 0, 1 0 A A A 1C3 123
0 : Standard
1 : Switch phase order
Selects the frequency reference input source 2.
0: Operator - Digital preset speed d1-01 to d1-17.
Frequency Reference 1: Terminals - Analog input terminal A1 or A2
b1-15 0 to 4 0 A A A 1C4 123
Selection 2 2: MEMOBUS communications
3: Option PCB
4: Pulse Input (Terminal RP)
Selects the run command input source 2.
0: Operator - RUN and STOP keys on the digital operator.
b1-16 Run Command Selection 2 1: Digital input terminals 0 to 3 0 A A A 1C5 123
2: MEMOBUS communications
3: Option PCB
Determines the operation when a Run command is active at
Run Command at Power power up of the drive.
b1-17 0, 1 0 A A A 1C6 123
Up 0: Run command not issued, needs to be cycled
1: Run command issued, motor operation start
b2: DC Injection Braking
Use b2 parameters to configure DC Injection Braking operation

DC Injection Braking Start Sets the frequency at which DC Injection Braking starts
Ramp to Stop (b1-03 = 0) is selected. If b2-01< E1-09, 0.0 to 0.5
b2-01 when A A A 189 123
Frequency 10.0 Hz
DC Injection Braking starts at E1-09.
DC Injection Braking Sets the DC Injection Braking current as a percentage of the
b2-02 0 to 75 50% A A A 18A 124
Current drive rated current.
DC Injection Braking Time/ 0.00 s
Sets DC Injection Braking time at start. Disabled when set 0.00 to
b2-03 DC Excitation Time at <1> A A A 18B 124
to 0.00 seconds. 10.00
Sets DC Injection Braking time at stop.
When b1-03 = 2, actual DC Injection time is calculated as
DC Injection Braking Time follows:
b2-04 (b2-04) x 10 x (Output Freq)/(E1-04). When b1-03 = 0, this 0.00 to 0.50 s A A − 18C 124
at Stop 10.00
parameter sets the amount of DC Injection time applied to
the motor at the end of the decel ramp or High Slip Braking.
Disabled when set to 0.00.
Magnetic Flux Sets the magnetic flux compensation as a percentage of the 0 to 1000 0% − A −
b2-08 190 124
Compensation Value no-load current value (E2-03).
Sets the time for Short-Circuit brake operation at start.
Short Circuit Brake Time at Disabled when set to 0.00. 0.00 to 0.00 s − − A
b2-12 1BA 124
Start <2> 25.50

Sets the Short-Circuit brake operation time at stop. Used to

Short Circuit Brake Time at stop a motor rotating due to inertia. Disabled when set to 0.00 0.00 to
b2-13 seconds. 0.50 s − − A 1BB 125
Stop 25.50

b3: Speed Search

Use b3 parameters to configure Speed Search function operation.
Enables/disables the Speed Search function at start.
0: Disabled - Speed Search is not automatically performed
Speed Search Selection at
b3-01 at start. 0, 1 0 A A A 191 128
Start 1: Enabled - Speed Search is automatically performed at
Parameter List

Sets the current level at which the speed is assumed to be 120
Speed Search Deactivation
b3-02 detected and Speed Search is ended. Set as a percentage of 0 to 200 <3> A A − 192 128
Current the drive rated current.
Sets the time constant used to reduce the output frequency
Speed Search Deceleration
b3-03 during Speed Search. Related to a change from max. output 0.1 to 2.0 s A A − 193 128
Time 10.0
frequency to 0.
b3-05 Delays the Speed Search operation after a momentary power 0.0 to 100 0.2 s A A A
Speed Search Delay Time 195 128
loss to allow time for an external output contactor to close.
Sets the current injected to the motor at the beginning of
Output Current 1 during
b3-06 Estimation type Speed Search. Set as a factor of the motor 0.0 to 2.0 <4> A A − 196 128
Speed Search rated current.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 339
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V

b3-08 Current Control Gain during Sets the proportional gain for the current controller during 0.00 to <12> A A A
<11> Speed Search (Speed Speed Search. There is normally no need to change this 198 128
Estimation Type) parameter from the default value.
Sets the gain which is applied to the speed detected by Speed
Speed Search Detection Estimation Speed Search before the motor is reaccelerated. 1.00 to 1.05 A A −
b3-10 19A 129
Compensation Gain Increase this setting if ov occurs when performing Speed 1.20
Selects if Speed Search detects the motor rotation direction
Bi-Directional Speed Search during Speed Search.
b3-14 0, 1 0 A A − 19E 129
Selection 0: Disabled–Frequency reference direction used
1: Enabled–Detected direction used
Speed Search Restart Sets the Speed Search restart current level as a percentage of 0 to 200 150% A A −
b3-17 1F0 129
Current Level the drive rated current.
Speed Search Restart Sets the time in seconds for Speed Search restart to be 0.00 to 0.10 s A A −
b3-18 1F1 129
Detection Time detected. 1.00
Number of Speed Search Sets the number of restarts possible for Speed Search restart 0 to 10
b3-19 3 A A − 1F2 129
Restarts operations.
Sets the Speed Search detection mode.
Speed Search Method
b3-24 0: Current Detection Type 0, 1 0 A A − 1C0 129
Selection 1: Speed Estimation Type
Speed Search Retry Interval Sets the wait time before Speed Search restarts.
b3-25 0 to 30.0 0.5 s A A A 1C8 129
Performs Speed Search when the motor induced voltage
exceeds the set level. This setting rarely needs to be changed.
b3-29 Speed Search Induced If changes are necessary, try lowering this value in small 0 to 10 10% – – A 77C 130
<5> Voltage Level increments. If set too low, then the drive will not perform
Speed Search.
b4: Timer Function
Use b4 parameters to configure timer function operation.
Used in conjunction with a multi-function digital input (H1-
Timer Function On-Delay oo = 18) and a multi-function digital output (H2-oo = 12) 0.0 to
b4-01 programmed for the timer function. This sets the amount of 300.0 0.0 s A A A 1A3 130
time between digital input closure and digital output
Used in conjunction with a multi-function digital input (H1-
Timer Function Off-Delay oo = 18) and a multi-function digital output programmed 0.0 to
b4-02 0.0 s A A A 1A4 130
Time for the timer function. This sets the amount of time the output 300.0
remains activated after the digital input is opened.
b5: PID Control
Use b5 parameters to configure the PID control drive function.
Sets the PID control mode.
0: Disabled
1: Enable (PID output = freq. ref., PID input is D-controlled)
2: (PID output = freq. ref., PID feedback is D-controlled)
b5-01 PID Function Setting 0 to 4 0 A A A 1A5 134
3: Enable (PID output added to freq. ref., PID input is D-
4: Enable (PID output added to freq. ref., PID feedback is D-
b5-02 Proportional Gain Setting Sets the proportional gain of the PID controller. A setting of 0.00 to
<6> 1.00 A A A 1A6 134
(P) 0.00 disables P control. 25.00
b5-03 Sets the integral time for the PID controller. A setting of 0.0 0.0 to
<6> Integral Time Setting (I) 1.0 s A A A 1A7 134
s disables integral control. 360.0
b5-04 0.0 to 100.0 A A A
<6> Integral Limit Setting Sets the maximum output possible from the integrator. 1A8 134
100.0 %
b5-05 Sets D control derivative time. A setting of 0.00 s disables 0.00 to
<6> Derivative Time (D) 0.00 s A A A 1A9 134
derivative control. 10.00
b5-06 Sets the maximum output possible from the entire PID 0.0 to 100.0 A A A
<6> PID Output Limit 1AA 135
controller. 100.0 %
b5-07 -100.0 to 0.0% A A A
<6> PID Offset Adjustment Applies an offset to the PID controller output. 1AB 135
b5-08 PID Primary Delay Time Sets the amount of time for the filter on the output of the PID 0.00 to
<6> 0.00 s A A A 1AC 135
Constant controller. 10.00

340 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Sets the PID controller output direction.
b5-09 PID Output Level Selection 0: Normal Output (direct acting) 0, 1 0 A A A 1AD 135
1: Reverse Output (reverse acting)
0.00 to
b5-10 PID Output Gain Setting Sets the gain applied to the PID output. 1.00 A A A 1AE 135
Sets the drive operation with negative PID output.
0: Negative PID output triggers zero limit and drive stops.
PID Output Reverse
b5-11 1: Rotation direction reverses with negative PID output. 0, 1 0 A A A 1AF 135
Selection When using setting 1 make sure, reverse operation is
permitted by parameter b1-04.
Configures the PID feedback loss detection. With all setting
a digital output programmed for H2-01/02/03 = 3E/3F (PID
feedback low/PID feedback high) is operated when the
detection condition becomes true.
0: Digital output only.
1: Feedback loss detected when PID enabled. Alarm output,
operation is continued without triggering a fault contact.
PID Feedback Reference 2: Feedback loss detected when PID enabled. Fault output,
b5-12 Missing Detection 0 to 5 0 A A A 1B0 136
operation is stopped and a fault contact is triggered.
Selection 3: Feedback loss detection even when PID is disabled by
digital input. No alarm/fault output.
4: PID Feedback error detection even when PID is disabled
by digital input. An alarm is triggered and the drive continues
to run.
5: PID Feedback error detection even when PID is disabled
by digital input. Fault is triggered and output is shut off.
PID Feedback Loss
b5-13 Sets the PID feedback loss detection level. 0 to 100 0% A A A 1B1 136
Detection Level
PID Feedback Loss Sets the PID feedback loss detection delay time in terms of 0.0 to
b5-14 1.0 s A A A 1B2 137
Detection Time seconds. 25.5
PID Sleep Function Start Sets the sleep function start frequency. 0.0 to 0.0
b5-15 A A A 1B3 137
Level Note: Also enabled when PID is not active. 400.0 Hz
0.0 to
b5-16 PID Sleep Delay Time Sets the sleep function delay time. 0.0 s A A A 1B4 137
b5-17 PID Accel/Decel Time Applies an accel/decel time to the PID setpoint. 0 to 255 0s A A A 1B5 137
Selects b5-19 as PID setpoint value.
b5-18 PID Setpoint Selection 0: Disabled 0, 1 0 A A A 1DC 138
1: Enabled, b5-19 becomes PID target
0.00 to 0.00 A A A
b5-19 PID Setpoint Value Sets the PID target value when b5-18 = 1. 1DD 138
100.00 %
Sets the units for setting/display b5-19, and for parameter
monitors U5-01 (PID Feedback) and U5-04 (PID Setpoint).
0: 0.01Hz units
b5-20 PID Setpoint Scaling 0 to 3 1 A A A 1E2 138
1: 0.01% units (100% = max output frequency)
2: r/min (number of motor poles must be set up)
3: User-set (set to b5-38 and b5-39)
b5-34 -100.0 to 0.00 A A A
<6> PID Output Lower Limit Sets the minimum output possible from the PID controller. 19F 138
+100.0 %
b5-35 Limits the PID control input (deviation signal). Acts as a 0.0 to 1000. A A A
<6> PID Input Limit 1A0 138
bipolar limit. 1000.0 0%
PID Feedback High
b5-36 Sets the PID feedback high detection level. 0 to 100 100% A A A 1A1 137
Detection Level
PID Feedback High Level 0.0 to
b5-37 Sets the PID feedback high level detection delay time. 1.0 s A A A 1A2 137
Detection Time 25.5
Parameter List

Sets the display value of U5-01 and U5-04 when the

PID Setpoint / User maximum frequency is output. Changeable only if b5-20 = 1 to <7>
b5-38 A A A 1FE 138
Display 3. 60000
0 to 60000: User-Set Display if b5-20 = 3
Sets the number of digits of U5-01 and U5-04. Changeable
only if b5-20 = 3.
b5-39 PID Setpoint Display 0: No decimal places 0 to 3 <7> A A A 1FF 138 B
Digits 1: One decimal places
2: Two decimal places
3: Three decimal places

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 341
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
0: Display the frequency reference (U1-01) after PID
Frequency Reference
b5-40 Monitor Content during PID compensation has been added. 0, 1 0 A A A 17F 138
<8> 1: Display the frequency reference (U1-01) before PID
compensation has been added.
Reverses operation selection when b5-01 = 3 or 4
b5-47 Reverse Operation Selection 0: Zero limit when PID output is a negative value 0, 1 1 A A A 17D 139
<5> 2 by PID Output 1: Reverse operation when PID output is a negative value
(Zero limit if the reverse operation is prohibited by b1-04)
b6: Dwell Function
Use b6 parameters to configure dwell function operation.
The Dwell function is used to temporarily hold the frequency 0.0 to 0.0
b6-01 Dwell Reference at Start A A A 1B6 139
when driving a motor with a heavy load. 400.0 Hz
Parameters b6-01 and b6-02 set the frequency to hold and 0.0 to
b6-02 Dwell Time at Start the time to maintain that frequency at start. 0.0 s A A A 1B7 139
Parameters b6-03 and b6-04 set the frequency to hold and
the time to maintain that frequency at stop. 0.0 to 0.0
b6-03 Dwell Frequency at Stop A A A 1B8 139
Run command 400.0 Hz
0.0 to
b6-04 Dwell Time at Stop 0.0 s A A A 1B9 139
b6-01 b6-03
b6-02 b6-04

b8: Energy Saving

Use b8 parameters to configure the energy saving/conservation drive function.
Selects the Energy Savings function.
Energy Saving Control
b8-01 0: Disabled 0, 1 0 A A − 1CC 140
Selection 1: Enabled
b8-02 Sets energy savings control gain when in Open Loop Vector 0.0 to
<6> Energy Saving Gain 0.7 − A − 1CD 140
Control. 10.0
b8-03 Energy Saving Control Filter Sets energy saving control filter time constant when in Open 0.00 to 0.50
<6> − A − 1CE 140
Time Constant Loop Vector Control. 10.00 <4>

Energy Saving Coefficient Sets the Energy Saving coefficient and is used to fine 0.0 to <9>
b8-04 A − − 1CF 140
Value adjustments in V/f Control. 655.00 <10>

Power Detection Filter Time Sets a filter time for the Power Detection used by Energy
b8-05 0 to 2000 20 ms A − − 1D0 140
Savings in V/f Control.
Sets the limit for the voltage search operation performed by
Search Operation Voltage
b8-06 Energy Savings in V/f Control. Set as a percentage of the 0 to 100 0% A − − 1D1 140
motor base voltage. Disabled when set to 0%.
<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 2-OLV control.
<2> A coasting motor may require a braking resistor circuit to bring the motor to a stop in the required time.
<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 0-V/f Control.
<4> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<5> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.
<6> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<7> Default setting is dependent on parameter b5-20, PID Setpoint Scaling.
<8> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1014 and later.
<9> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection and C6-01, Drive Duty Selection.
<10> Parameter value is changed if E2-11 is manually changed or changed by Auto-Tuning.
<11> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.
<12> Default setting is determined by A1-02, Control Method Selection

342 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

u C: Tuning
C parameters are used to adjust the acceleration and deceleration times, S-curves, slip and torque compensation functions
and carrier frequency selections.
Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V M
C1: Acceleration and Deceleration Times
Use C1 parameters to configure motor acceleration and deceleration.
<1> Acceleration Time 1 Sets the time to accelerate from 0 to maximum frequency. S S S 200 142

C1-02 Sets the time to decelerate from maximum frequency to

<1> Deceleration Time 1 S S S 201 142
C1-03 Sets the time to accelerate from 0 to maximum frequency
<1> Acceleration Time 2 A A A 202 142
when Accel/Decel times 2 are selected by a digital input.
C1-04 Sets the time to decelerate from maximum frequency to 0
<1> Deceleration Time 2 0.0 to A A A 203 142
when Accel/Decel times 2 are selected by a digital input.
6000.0 10.0 s
C1-05 Acceleration Time 3 (Motor Sets the time to accelerate from 0 to maximum frequency <2>
<1> 2 Accel Time 1) A A A 204 142
when Accel/Decel times 3 are selected by a digital input.
C1-06 Deceleration Time 3 (Motor Sets the time to decelerate from maximum frequency to 0
<1> 2 Decel Time 1) A A A 205 142
when Accel/Decel times 3 are selected by a digital input.
C1-07 Acceleration Time 4 (Motor Sets the time to accelerate from 0 to maximum frequency
<1> 2 Accel Time 2) A A A 206 142
when Accel/Decel times 4 are selected by a digital input.
C1-08 Deceleration Time 4 (Motor Sets the time to decelerate from maximum frequency to 0
<1> 2 Decel Time 2) when Accel/Decel times 4 are selected by a digital input. A A A 207 142

Sets the time to decelerate from maximum frequency to 0 0.0 to

for the multi-function input fast-stop function. 6000.0
C1-09 Fast-Stop Time 10.0 s A A A 208 143
Note: This parameter is also used by selecting “Fast-Stop” <2>
as a Stop Method when a fault is detected.
Sets the resolution of C1-01 to C1-09.
Accel/Decel Time Setting 0: 0.01 s (0.00 to 600.00 s)
C1-10 0, 1 1 A A A 209 143
Units 1: 0.1 s (0.0 to 6000.0 s)
Sets the frequency for automatic acceleration/
deceleration switching.
Accel/Decel Time Below set frequency: Accel/Decel Time 4 0.0 to 400.0
C1-11 0.0 Hz A A A 20A 144
Switching Frequency Above set frequency: Accel/Decel Time 1 Hz
The multi-function input “Accel/Decel Time 1” or
“Accel/Decel Time 2” take priority.
Sets the base frequency used to calculate acceleration and
deceleration times.
When set to 0.0 Hz, the drive calculates the time required
C1-14 Accel/Decel Rate Frequency to accelerate from 0 Hz to E1-04, and decelerate from 0.0 to 400.0 0.0 Hz A A A 264 144
<3> E1-04 down to 0 Hz (conventional setting). Hz
When set to any other value above 0.0 Hz, the drive
calculates the time required to accelerate from 0 Hz to
C1-14, and to decelerate from C1-14 down to 0 Hz.
C2: S-Curve Characteristics
Use C2 parameters to configure S-curve operation.
S-Curve Characteristic at The S-curve can be controlled in the four points shown 0.00 to 0.20 s
C2-01 below. <4> A A A 20B 145
Accel Start 10.00
S-Curve Characteristic at Run
C2-02 ON OFF 0.00 to 10.0 0.20 s A A A 20C 145
Accel End command
S-Curve Characteristic at frequency C2-02
C2-03 C2-03 0.00 to 10.0 0.20 s A A A 20D 145
Parameter List

Decel Start

S-Curve Characteristic at Time

C2-04 0.00 to 10.0 0.00 s A A A 20E 145
Decel End S-curve is used to further soften the starting and stopping
ramp. The longer the S-curve time, the softer the starting
and stopping ramp.
C3: Slip Compensation
Use C3 parameters to configure the slip compensation function.
Sets the slip compensation gain. Decides for what amount
C3-01 the output frequency is boosted in order to compensate the 0.0
<1> Slip Compensation Gain 0.0 to 2.5 <4> A A − 20F 146
Note: Adjustment is not normally required.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 343
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Adjusts the slip compensation function delay time.
Decrease the setting when the slip compensation response 2000
Slip Compensation Primary is ms
C3-02 too slow, increase it when the speed is not stable. 0 to 10000 A A − 210 146
Delay Time Disabled when Simple V/f Control with PG (H6-01 = 3) <4>
is used.
Sets the slip compensation upper limit. Set as a percentage
C3-03 Slip Compensation Limit of motor rated slip (E2-02). Disabled when Simple V/f 0 to 250 200% A A − 211 146
Control with PG (H6-01 = 3) is used.
Selects slip compensation during regenerative operation.
0: Disabled
Slip Compensation 1: Enabled
C3-04 Selection during 0, 1 0 A A − 212 146
Using the Slip Compensation function during
Regeneration regeneration may require a braking option to handle
momentary increasing regenerative energy.
Selects if the motor magnetic flux is reduced during output
Output Voltage Limit voltage saturation. 0
C3-05 0, 1 <4> − A − 213 147
Operation Selection 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
C3-18 Output Voltage Limit Sets the maximum percentage of output voltage reduction 70.0 to 90.0% − A − 263 i117
<10> Level when C3-05 is enabled. 100.0 637
C4: Torque Compensation
Use C4 parameters to configure Torque Compensation function.
V/f Control: Sets the gain for the automatic torque
(voltage) boost function and helps to produce better
starting torque.
Increase this setting when using a long motor cable or
C4-01 when the motor is significantly smaller than the drive
Torque Compensation
<5> Gain capacity. 0.00 to 2.50 1.00
<4> A A A 215 147
Decrease this setting when motor oscillation occurs. Set
the value so that the current at low speed does not exceeds
the drives rated current.
Open Loop Vector: Sets the torque compensation function
gain. Normally no change is required.
Sets the torque compensation filter time.
Torque Compensation Increase this setting when motor oscillation occurs. 200
C4-02 Reduce the setting if there is not enough response from 0 to 60000 ms <6>
A A A 216 147
Primary Delay Time
the motor.
Torque Compensation at Sets torque compensation at forward start as a percentage 0.0 to 200.0 0.0% −
C4-03 A − 217 147
Forward Start of motor torque.
Torque Compensation at Sets torque compensation at reverse start as a percentage -200.0 to 0.0% −
C4-04 A − 218 148
Reverse Start of motor torque. 0.0
Sets the time constant for torque compensation at forward
Torque Compensation Time start and reverse start (C4-03 and C4-04). The filter is
C4-05 0 to 200 10 ms – A – 219 148
Constant disabled if the time is set to 4 ms or less.
Sets the torque compensation time 2. When an ov fault
occurs with sudden load changes or at the and of an
Torque Compensation
C4-06 acceleration, increase the setting. 0 to 10000 150 – A – 21AH 148
Primary Delay Time 2 ms
Note: Adjustment is not normally required. If adjusted
then AFR time 2 (n2-03) should be adjusted too.
C5: Speed Control (ASR)
Use C5 parameters to configure the Automatic Speed Regulator (ASR).
C5 parameters are available only when using V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback (H6-01 = 3).
C5-01 Sets the proportional gain of the speed control loop 0.00 to
<1> ASR Proportional Gain 1 0.20 A 21B 149
(ASR). 300.00
– –
C5-02 0.000 to
<1> ASR Integral Time 1 Sets the integral time of the speed control loop (ASR). 0.200 A 21C 149
C5-03 Sets the speed control gain 2 of the speed control loop 0.00 to
<1> ASR Proportional Gain 2 0.02 A − − 21D 149
(ASR). 300.00
C5-04 0.000 to
<1> ASR Integral Time 2 Sets the integral time 2 of the speed control loop (ASR). 0.050 s A 21E 149
– –
C5-05 Sets the upper limit for the speed control loop (ASR) as a 0.0 to 20.0
<1> ASR Limit 5.0% A 21F 150
percentage of the maximum output frequency (E1-04).

344 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
C6: Carrier Frequency
Use C6 parameters to configure the carrier frequency drive settings.
Selects the load rating for the drive.
0: Heavy Duty (HD) for constant torque applications.
C6-01 Drive Duty Selection 1: Normal Duty (ND) for variable torque applications. 0, 1 1 S S S 223 150
This setting affects the Rated output current and overload
tolerance of the drive.
Selects the carrier frequency
1 : 2.0 kHz
2 : 5.0 kHz
3 : 8.0 kHz
4 : 10.0 kHz
5 : 12.5 kHz
Carrier Frequency 6 : 15.0 kHz <7> <8>
C6-02 7 : Swing PWM1 (Audible sound 1) S S S 224 151
8 : Swing PWM2 (Audible sound 2)
9 : Swing PWM3 (Audible sound 3)
A : Swing PWM4 (Audible sound 4)
B: Leakage Current Rejection PWM <3>
C to E: No setting possible
F : User defined (determined by C6-03 through C6-05)
Carrier Frequency Upper Note: Set C6-02 to F before setting C6-03. <9>
C6-03 1.0 to 15.0 A A A 225 151
Limit Open Loop Vector: C6-03 defines the fixed carrier
frequency if C6-02 = F.
V/f Control: C6-03 and C6-04 set upper and lower limits
for the carrier frequency.
carrier frequency


C6-04 output frequency

× (C6-05) × K
Carrier Frequency Lower output
C6-04 E1-04 frequency 1.0 to 15.0 A - - 226 151
Limit max output
The coefficient K depends on C6-03:
C6-03 ≥ 10.0 kHz: K = 3
10.0 kHz > C6-03 ≥ 5.0 kHz: K = 2
5.0 kHz > C6-03: K = 1
When C6-05 ≤ 6, C6-04 is disabled (makes the carrier
frequency C6-03 value).
Carrier Frequency Sets the relationship of output frequency to carrier <9>
C6-05 00 to 99 A - - 227 151
Proportional Gain frequency when C6-02 = F.
<1> Parameter can be changed during run.
<2> Setting range value is dependent on parameter C1-10, Accel/Decel Time Setting Units. When C1-10 = 0 (units of 0.01 seconds), the setting
range becomes 0.00 to 600.00 seconds.
<3> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.
<4> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 0-V/f Control.
<5> Parameter cannot be changed during run when parameter A1-02 = 5-PM OLV Control.
<6> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 2-OLV control.
<7> Setting range is determined by the drive software version.
PRG: 1020 and later: 1 to B; F
PRG: 1018 and earlier: 1 to A; F
<8> Default setting value is dependent on parameters o2-04, Drive Model Selection, A1-02, Control Method Selection and C6-01, Drive Duty
<9> Default setting value is dependent on parameter C6-02, Carrier Frequency Selection.
Parameter List

<10> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1024 and later.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 345
B.2 Parameter Table

u d: References
Reference parameters are used to set the various frequency reference values during operation.
No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
d1: Frequency Reference
Use d1 parameters to configure the drive frequency reference.
d1-01 Frequency reference. Refer to b1-01: Frequency Reference
Frequency Reference 1 Selection 1 on page 117 for instructions to use d1-01 as the 0.00 to 0.00
<1> S S S 280 155
400.00 Hz
main frequency reference.
d1-02 Frequency reference when digital input "Multi-Step Speed <2> <3> 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 2 Hz S S S 281 155
Reference 1" (H1-oo = 3) is on.
d1-03 Frequency reference when digital input "Multi-Step Speed 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 3 Hz S S S 282 155
Reference 2” (H1-oo = 4) is on. 400.00
d1-04 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 4 <2> <3>
Hz S S S 283 155
Reference 1, 2" (H1-oo = 3 and 4) are on.
d1-05 Frequency reference when digital input "Multi-Step Speed 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 5 Hz A A A 284 155
Reference 3" (H1-oo = 5) is on. 400.00
d1-06 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 6 <2> <3>
Hz A A A 285 155
Reference 1, 3 " (H1-oo = 3 and 5) are on.
d1-07 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 7 Hz A A A 286 155
Reference 2, 3" (H1-oo = 4 and 5) are on. 400.00
d1-08 Frequency reference when multi-function input "Multi-Step Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 8 <2> <3>
Hz A A A 287 155
speed reference 1, 2, 3" (H1-oo = 3, 4, 5) are on.
d1-09 Frequency reference when multi-function input "Multi-Step 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 9 Hz A A A 288 155
Speed Reference 4" (H1-oo= 32) is on. 400.00
d1-10 Frequency reference when digital input "Multi-Step Speed Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 10 <2> <3>
Hz A A A 28B 155
Reference 1, 4" (H1-oo = 3 and 32) are on.
d1-11 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 11 Hz A A A 28C 155
Reference 2, 4" (H1-oo = 4 and 32) are on. 400.00
d1-12 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 12 <2> <3>
Hz A A A 28D 155
Reference 1, 2, 4" (H1-oo = 3, 4, 32) are on.
d1-13 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 13 Hz A A A 28E 155
Reference 3, 4" (H1-oo = 5 and 32) are on. 400.00
d1-14 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 14 <2> <3>
Hz A A A 28F 155
Reference 1, 3, 4" (H1-oo = 3, 5, 32) are on.
d1-15 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed 0.00 to 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 15 Hz A A A 290 155
Reference 2, 3, 4" (H1-oo = 4, 5, 32) are on. 400.00
d1-16 Frequency reference when digital inputs "Multi-Step Speed Hz 0.00
<1> Frequency Reference 16 <2> <3>
Hz A A A 291 155
Reference 1, 2, 3, 4" (H1-oo = 3, 4, 5, 32) are on.
Frequency reference when digital inputs "Jog Frequency 0.00 to
d1-17 400.00
Jog Frequency Reference Reference", "Forward Jog", or "Reverse Jog." are on. "Jog 6.00 S S S 292 155
<1> Frequency Reference" has priority over "Multi-Step Speed Hz Hz
Reference 1 to 16”. <2> <3>

d2: Frequency Upper and Lower Limits

Use d2 parameters to configure the frequency reference limits.
Sets the frequency reference upper limit as a percentage of
Frequency Reference maximum output frequency (E1-04). Output speed is limited 0.0 to 100.0 A A A
d2-01 289 156
Upper Limit to this value even if the frequency reference is higher. This 110.0 %
limit applies to all frequency reference sources.
Sets the frequency reference lower limit as a percentage of
Frequency Reference maximum output frequency (E1-04). Output speed is limited 0.0 to
d2-02 0.0% A A A 28A 156
Lower Limit to this value even if the frequency reference is lower. This limit 110.0
applies to all frequency reference sources.
Sets the minimum frequency reference lower limit if the
Master Speed Reference frequency reference is input using an analog input. Set as a 0.0 to
d2-03 0.0% A A A 293 156
Lower Limit percentage of maximum output frequency (E1-04). The higher 110.0
of both values d2-02 and d2-03 will be the lower limit.
d3: Jump Frequency
Use d3 parameters to configure the drive Jump Frequency settings.

346 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
d3-01 to d3-04 allow programming of three prohibited 0.0 A A A
d3-01 Jump Frequency 1 294 157
frequency reference points for eliminating problems with Hz
resonant vibration of the motor / machine. This feature does 0.0 to 0.0
d3-02 Jump Frequency 2 not eliminate the selected frequency values, but accelerates and 400.0 Hz A A A 295 157
decelerates the motor through the prohibited bandwidth.
The parameters must be according to the rule 0.0 A A A
d3-03 Jump Frequency 3 296 157
d3-01 ≥ d3-02 ≥ d3-03. Hz
This parameter sets the dead-band width around each selected 0.0 to 1.0 A A A
d3-04 Jump Frequency Width prohibited frequency reference point. The bandwidth becomes 297 157
20.0 Hz
the designated Jump frequency, plus or minus d3-04.
d4: Frequency Reference Hold
Use d4 parameters to configure the drive frequency reference hold function.
Determines if the frequency reference or frequency reference
bias is saved when the Run command is removed or the power
goes off.
Frequency Reference Hold 0: Disabled
d4-01 1: Enabled 0, 1 0 A A A 298 157
Function Selection
This parameter is effective when the multi-function inputs
“Accel/Decel Ramp Hold”, “Up/Down” or “Up/Down 2”
commands are selected (H1-oo = A or 10/11 or 75/76).
Sets the bias added to the frequency reference when the Up/
Down 2 digital inputs are set.
Frequency Reference Bias When
d4-03 set to 0.00 Hz, the bias value is increased or decreased 0.00 to 0.00
according to d4-04. 99.99 Hz Hz A A A
<1> 2AA 160
Step (Up/Down 2) When greater than 0.0 Hz, the bias value d4-03 is added or
subtracted to/from the frequency reference. The acceleration
or deceleration rate is ultimately determined by d4-04.
Selects how the bias or frequency reference is increased when
d4-04 Frequency Reference Bias using the Up/Down 2 function.
<1> Accel/Decel (Up/Down 0, 1 0 A A A 2AB 160
0: Use selected accel/decel time.
2) 1: Use Accel/Decel Time 4 (C1-07 and C1-08).
0: Bias value is held if no input Up 2 or Down 2 is active.
d4-05 Frequency Reference Bias 1: When the Up 2 reference and Down 2 reference are both on
<1> Operation Mode Selection or both off, the applied bias becomes 0. 0, 1 0 A A A 2AC 161
(Up/Down 2) Currently selected accel / decel. times are used. Enabled only
when d4-03 = 0.
The Up/Down 2 bias value is saved in d4-06 when the
Frequency Reference Bias frequency reference is not input by the digital operator. The -99.9 to
d4-06 0.0% A A A 2AD 161
(Up/Down 2) function depends on the setting of d4-01. +100.0
It is limited by d4-08 and d4-09.
When an Up 2 or Down 2 input is active and the frequency
reference value from analog or pulse input changes for more
d4-07 Analog Frequency than the level set in d4-07, the bias value is hold and the 0.1 to
<1> Reference Fluctuation 1.0% A A A 2AE 161
frequency reference is changed to the new value. +100.0
Limit (Up/Down 2) After the speed reaches the frequency reference the bias hold
is released.
d4-08 Frequency Reference Bias Sets the upper limit for the bias and the value that can be saved
<1> Upper Limit (Up/Down in d4-06. Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency 0.1 to <4> A A A 2AF 161
2) 100.0
d4-09 Frequency Reference Bias Sets the lower limit for the bias and the value that can be saved
<1> Lower Limit (Up/Down 2) in d4-06. Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency -99.9 to 0.0% A A A 2B0 162
Selects which value is used as frequency reference lower limit
if the Up/Down function is used.
Up/Down Frequency 0: The lower limit is determined by d2-02 or analog input
d4-10 0 or 1 0 A A A 2B6 162
Reference Limit Selection (H3-02/10 = 0). The higher of both values becomes the
Parameter List

reference limit.
1: The lower limit is determined by d2-02.
d7: Offset Frequency
Use d7 parameters to set the offset frequency.
d7-01 Added to the frequency reference when the digital input -100.0 to 0.0% A A A
<1> Offset Frequency 1 +100.0 2B2 162
“Frequency Offset 1” (H1-oo = 44) is switched on.
d7-02 Added to the frequency reference when the digital input -100.0 to 0.0% A A A B
<1> Offset Frequency 2 +100.0 2B3 162
“Frequency Offset 2” (H1-oo = 45) is switched on.
d7-03 Added to the frequency reference when the digital input -100.0 to 0.0% A A A
<1> Offset Frequency 3 +100.0 2B4 162
“Frequency Offset 3” (H1-oo = 46) is switched on.
<1> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<2> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o1-03, Digital Operator Display Selection.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 347
B.2 Parameter Table

<3> Range upper limit is dependent on parameters E1-04, Maximum Output Frequency, and d2-01, Frequency Reference Upper Limit.
<4> Default setting is determined by the drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 100.00%
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 0.00 %

u E: Motor Parameters
No. Name Description Range Def. Addr. Hex Pg.
V/f LV
E1: V/f Pattern Characteristics
Use E1 parameters to set V/f characteristics for the motor.
This parameter must be set to the power supply voltage. It
sets the maximum and base voltage used by preset V/f
patterns (E1-03 = 0 to E) and adjusts levels used by certain
E1-01 Input Voltage functions.
<1> Setting WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Drive input 155 to 255 200 V S S S 300 163
voltage (not motor voltage) must be set in E1-01 for the
protective features of the drive to function properly. failure
to do so may result in equipment damage and/or death or
personal injury.
Selects a preset V/f pattern.
0: 50 Hz Constant torque 1
1: 60 Hz Constant torque 2
2: 60 Hz Constant torque 3 (50 Hz base)
3: 72 Hz Constant torque 4 (60 Hz base)
4: 50 Hz Variable torque 1
5: 50 Hz Variable torque 2
6: 60 Hz Variable torque 3
E1-03 V/f Pattern 7: 60 Hz Variable torque 4 0 to F F A A − 302 163
<2> Selection 8: 50 Hz High starting torque 1
9: 50 Hz High starting torque 2
A: 60 Hz High starting torque 3
B: 60 Hz High starting torque 4
C: 90 Hz (60 Hz base)
D: 120 Hz (60 Hz base)
E: 180 Hz (60 Hz base)
F: Custom V/f. E1-04 through E1-13 settings define the
V/f pattern
40.0 to 60 Hz
Maximum Output 400.0 <4>
E1-04 S S S 303 166
Frequency <3> <19>

E1-05 Maximum Output E1-04 and E1-06 to E1-13 can only be changed when 0.0 to 200 V
<1> E1-03 is set to F. To set linear V/f characteristics, set the <4> S S S 304 166
Voltage 255.0
same values for E1-07 and E1-09. In this case, the setting
for E1-08 will be disregarded. 0.0 to 60 Hz
E1-06 Base Frequency <4> <19> S S S 305 166
When E1-13 = 0.0 V, then the drive uses the value set to E1-04
E1-05 to control the voltage level. 3.0 Hz
Middle Output Ensure that the five frequencies are set according to these 0.0 to <3>
E1-07 A A - 306 166
Frequency rules to prevent triggering an oPE10 fault: E1-04 <19>
E1-09 ≤ E1-07 < E1-06 ≤ E1-11 ≤ E1-04
E1-08 Middle Output Note: Setting E1-11 to 0 disables both E1-11 and E1-12, 0.0 to 16.0 V
A A - 307 166
<1> Frequency Voltage and the above conditions do not apply. 255.0 <5> <6>
VACrms Out(V)
E1-05 1.5 Hz
Minimum Output E1-12 0.0 to <5> <4>
E1-09 S S S 308 166
Frequency E1-04 <19>

E1-10 Minimum Output 0.0 to 9.0 V

<1> <5> <6> A A - 309 166
Frequency Voltage E1-08
E1-11 Middle Output 0.0 to 0.0 Hz A A - 30A 166
Frequency 2 E1-10 E1-04
E1-12 Middle Output E1-09 E1-07 E1-06 E1-11 E1-04
<1> 0.0 to
Frequency Voltage Frequency (Hz) 0.0 V A A - 30B 166
<7> 2
E1-13 0.0 to
<1> <9> Base Voltage 0.0 V A S - 30C 166
E2: Motor Parameters
Use E2 parameters to set motor-related data.

348 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Addr. Hex Pg.
V/f LV

Sets the motor nameplate full load current in amperes (A). 10 to 200%
Automatically set during Auto-Tuning. of drive
E2-01 Motor Rated rated <10>
Note: Set E2-03 (Motor No-Load Current) before making S S − 30E 166
<8> Current current
changes to E2-01. An oPE01 error will be triggered if
E2-01 < E2-03. <9>

Sets the motor rated slip in Hertz. 0.00 to <10>

E2-02 Motor Rated Slip A A − 30F 167
Automatically set during rotational Auto-Tuning. 20.00
Sets the magnetizing current of the motor in Ampere.
Automatically set during rotational Auto-Tuning.
Motor No-Load
E2-03 Note: Set E2-03 (Motor No-Load Current) before making 0 to less <10> A A − 310 167
Current than E2-01
changes to E2-01. An oPE01 error will be triggered if
E2-01 < E2-03.
Number of Motor Sets the number of motor poles. Automatically set during 2 to 48
E2-04 4 poles A A − 311 167
Poles Auto-Tuning.
0.000 to
Motor Line-to-Line Sets the phase-to-phase motor resistance in ohms. 65.000 <10>
E2-05 A A − 312 167
Resistance Automatically set during Auto-Tuning. <11>

Sets the voltage drop due to motor leakage inductance as a

Motor Leakage <10>
E2-06 percentage of motor rated voltage. 0.0 to 40.0 A A − 313 167
Inductance Automatically set during Auto-Tuning.
Motor Iron-Core Sets the motor iron saturation coefficient at 50% of 0.00 to
E2-07 Saturation 0.50 − A − 314 167
magnetic flux. Automatically set during Auto-Tuning. 0.50
Coefficient 1
Motor Iron-Core Sets the motor iron saturation coefficient at 75% of E2-07 to
E2-08 Saturation 0.75 − A − 315 168
magnetic flux. Automatically set during Auto-Tuning. 0.75
Coefficient 2
Sets the motor mechanical loss as a percentage of motor
Motor Mechanical rated power (kW). Adjust in the following circumstances:
E2-09 When there is a large amount of torque loss due to motor 0.0 to 10.0 0.0% − A − 316 168
Loss bearing friction.
When there is a large amount of torque loss.
Motor Iron Loss for
E2-10 Torque Sets the motor iron loss in watts (W). 0 to 65535 <10> A − − 317 168
Motor Rated Sets the motor rated power in kilowatts (kW). 0.00 to 0.40 kW
E2-11 <6> S S − 318 168
Output Automatically set during Auto-Tuning. (1 HP = 0.746 kW). 650.00
Motor Iron-Core Set to the motor iron saturation coefficient at 130% of 1.30 to
E2-12 Saturation magnetic flux. 1.30 − A − 328 168
Coefficient 3 Automatically set during rotational Auto-Tuning.
E3: Motor 2 V/f Characteristics
Use E3 parameters to set the V/f pattern for a second motor.
Motor 2 Control 0: V/f Control
E3-01 0 or 2 0 A A − 319 168
Method 2: Open Loop Vector (OLV)

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 349
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Addr. Hex Pg.
V/f LV

Motor 2 Max 40.0 to 60 Hz

E3-04 <19> A A − 31A 168
Output Frequency 400.0
E3-05 Motor 2 Max 0.0 to
<1> 200.0 V A A − 31B 168
Voltage 255.0
Motor 2 Base 0.0 to 60 Hz
E3-06 To set linear V/f characteristics, set the same values for <19> A A − 31C 168
Frequency E3-04
E3-07 and E3-09. In this case, the setting for E3-08 will be
disregarded. 3.0 Hz
Motor 2 Mid Output Ensure that the five frequencies are set according to these 0.0 to <12>
E3-07 A A − 31D 168
Freq. rules to prevent triggering an oPE10 fault: E3-04 <19>
E3-09 ≤ E3-07 < E3-06 ≤ Ε3−11 ≤ E3-04
16.0 V
E3-08 Motor 2 Mid Output Note: Setting E3-11 to 0 disables both E3-11 and E3-12, 0.0 to <6>
<1> and the above conditions do not apply. A A − 31E 168
Freq. Voltage 255.0 <12>
VACrms Out (V)
E3-05 1.5 Hz
Motor 2 Min. E3-12 0.0 to <12>
E3-09 A A − 31F 168
Output Freq. E3-04 <19>

Motor 2 Min. 12.0 V

E3-10 0.0 to <6>
<1> Output Freq. A A − 320 168
E3-08 255.0
Voltage <12>

E3-11 Motor 2 Mid Output E3-10 0.0 to

<7> 0.0 Hz A A − 345 168
Frequency 2 E3-09 E3-07 E3-06 E3-11 E3-04
E3-12 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency (Hz) 0.0 to
<1> Frequency Voltage 255.0 0.0 Vac A A − 346 168
<13> 2 <1>

E3-13 0.0 to
<1> Motor 2 Base 255.0 0.0 Vac A S − 347 168
<9> Voltage <1>

E4: Motor 2 Parameters

Use E4 parameters to control a second motor operating on the same drive.
10 to 200%
Motor 2 Rated Sets the motor 2 nameplate full load current in amperes of drive <10>
E4-01 A A − 321 169
Current (A). This value is automatically set during Auto-Tuning. rated
Motor 2 Rated Sets the motor 2 rated slip in Hz. Automatically set during 0.00 to <10>
E4-02 A A − 322 169
Slip Auto-Tuning. 20.00
0 to less
Motor 2 Rated No- Sets the magnetizing current of motor 2 in Ampere. than E4-01 <10>
E4-03 A A − 323 170
Load Current Automatically set during Rotational Auto-Tuning. <9>

Motor 2 Motor Sets the number of poles of motor 2. This value is

E4-04 2 to 48 4 poles A A − 324 170
Poles automatically set during Auto-Tuning.
0.000 to
Motor 2 Line-to- Sets the phase-to-phase resistance of motor 2 in ohms. 65.000 <10>
E4-05 A A − 325 170
Line Resistance Automatically during Auto-Tuning. <11>

Sets the voltage drop due to motor leakage inductance as a

Motor 2 Leakage <10>
E4-06 percentage of rated voltage of motor 2. Automatically set 0.0 to 40.0 A A − 326 170
Inductance during Auto-Tuning.
Motor 2 Motor Set to the motor iron saturation coefficient at 50% of
Iron-Core 0.00 to
E4-07 magnetic flux. Automatically set during Rotational 0.50 − A − 343 170
Saturation 0.50
Coefficient 1
Motor 2 Motor Set to the motor iron saturation coefficient at 75% of Setting for
E4-08 magnetic flux. This value is automatically set during E4-07 to 0.75 − A − 344 170
Saturation Rotational Auto-Tuning. 0.75
Coefficient 2
Sets the motor mechanical loss as a percentage of motor
rated power (kW) capacity.
Motor 2 Adjust in the following circumstances: 0.00 to
E4-09 0.0 − A − 33F 170
Mechanical Loss • When there is a large amount of torque loss due to motor 10.0
bearing friction.
• When there is a large amount of torque loss.
E4-10 Motor 2 Iron Loss Sets the motor iron loss in watts. 0 to 65535 <10> Α − − 340 171
Motor 2 Rated Sets the motor rated capacity in kW. Automatically set 0.00 to <6>
E4-11 A A − 327 171
Capacity during Auto-Tuning. 650.00

350 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Addr. Hex Pg.
V/f LV
Motor 2 Iron-Core Set to the motor iron saturation coefficient at 130% of 1.30 to
E4-12 Saturation magnetic flux. Automatically set during Rotational 1.30 − A − 342 171
Coefficient 3 Auto-Tuning.
E4-14 Motor 2 Slip Sets the slip compensation gain for motor 2. The function 0.0
<14> Compensation Gain is the same as C3-01 for motor 1. Refer to C3-01: Slip 0.0 to 2.5 <12> A A − 341 171
Compensation Gain on page 146.
Torque Sets the torque compensation gain for motor 2. The
E4-15 Compensation Gain function is the same as C4-01 for motor 1. Refer to C4-01: 1.00 to 1.00 A A − 341 171
- Motor 2 Torque Compensation Gain on page 147.
E5: PM Motor Parameters
Enter the Yaskawa motor code for the PM motor being
used. Various motor parameters are automatically set
based on the value of this parameter.
Note: Set to FFFF when using a specialized, custom, or
non-Yaskawa motor. For all other motors:
Motor Code Motor Voltage Class <6>
E5-01 and Capacity 0000 to
Selection (for PM − − S 329 171
motor) 0: 1800 r/min Series
FFFF <15>
0: Pico Motor
(SMRA Series) 1: 3600 r/min Series
1: Derated Torque for IPM 2: 1750 r/min Series
Motors 3: 1450 r/min Series
(SSR 1 Series) 4: 1150 r/min Series
F: Special Motor

All motor parameters are reinitialized to factory settings

when this parameter is set.
E5-02 Motor Rated 0.10 to <4>
<2> Capacity (for PM Sets the rated capacity of the motor. − − S 32A 172
10 to 200%
of drive
E5-03 Motor Rated rated <16>
<2> Sets the motor rated current in amps. − − S 32B 172
Current current

E5-04 <4>
<2> Motor Poles Sets the number of motor poles. 2 to 48 − − S 32C 172

E5-05 Motor Stator Set the resistance for each motor phase in units of 0.000 to <4>
<2> − − S 32D 172
Resistance 0.001 Ω. 65.000
E5-06 Motor d Axis 0.00 to <4>
<2> Sets the d axis inductance in units of 0.01 mH. − − S 32E 172
Inductance 300.00
E5-07 Motor q Axis 0.00 to <4>
<2> Sets the q axis inductance in units of 0.01 mH. − − S 32F 172
Inductance 600.00
Set the induced phase peak voltage in units of 0.1 mV (rad/
s) [electrical angle].
Set this parameter when using a Yaskawa SSR1 series PM
E5-09 Motor Induction
Voltage Constant motor with derate torque, or a Yaskawa SST4 series motor 0.0 to <4>
<2> − − S 331 173
1 with constant torque. 2000.0
When setting this parameter, E5-24 should be set to 0. An
alarm will be triggered if both E5-09 and E5-24 are set to
0, or if neither parameter is set to 0.
Set the induced phase-to-phase rms voltage in units of 0.1
mV/(r/min) [mechanical angle].
Set this parameter when using a Yaskawa SMRA Series
SPM Motor.
E5-24 Motor Induction When setting this parameter, E5-09 should be set to 0. An <17> <4>
<2> Voltage Constant − − S 353 173
2 alarm will be triggered if both E5-09 and E5-24 are set to
0, or if neither parameter is set to 0.
Parameter List

If E5-03 (Motor Rated Current) is set to 0, however, then

an alarm will not be triggered when both E5-09 and E5-24
are set to 0.
Sets the current detection delay time at the time of d-Axis
E5-39 Current Detection and q-Axis current feedback calculation. -1000 to
<18> 0 µs A A A 5E2 173
Delay Time Changing this parameter from the default setting is not 1000
normally required.
<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<2> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value during drive initialization, A1-03 = 1110, 2220, 3330.
<3> Range upper limit is dependent on parameter E4-01 Motor 2 Rated Current.
<4> Default setting value is dependent on parameter E5-01, Motor Code Selection.
<5> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 0-V/f Control.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 351
B.2 Parameter Table

<6> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<7> Parameter ignored when E1-11, Motor 1 Mid Output Frequency 2, and E1-12, Motor 1 Mid Output Frequency Voltage 2, are set to 0.0.
<8> When setting motor parameters, the motor rated current must be set to a value greater than the motor no-load current (E2-01 > E2-03).
<9> Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.
<10> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection and C6-01, Drive Duty Selection.
<11> Setting range becomes 0.00 to 130.00 for drives 0.2 kW and smaller.
<12> Default setting depends on the control mode for motor 2 set in parameter E3-01. The given value is for V/f Control.
<13> Parameter ignored when E3-11, Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency 2, and E3-12, Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency Voltage 2, are set to 0.
<14> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<15> If using a Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM Motor, the default setting is 1800 r/min.
<16> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-06. This setting value is 0 when A1-06 = 0, and 1 when A1-06 ≠ 0.
<17> Default setting is determined by drive software version.
PRG: 1018 and later: 0.0 to 6500.0 mV/(r/min)
PRG: 1017 and earlier: 0.0 to 2000.0 mV/(r/min)
<18> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.
<19> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA) .Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.

352 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

u F: Options
F parameters are used to program the drive for PG feedback and to function with option cards.
Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
F1: V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback - PG Setup Parameters
Use F1 parameters to set up the drive for V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback.
These parameters are enabled only when H6-01 = 03
Sets stopping method when a PG open circuit fault (PGo)
occurs. Refer to parameter F1-14.
0: Ramp to Stop - Decelerate to stop using the active
Operation Selection at PG deceleration time.
F1-02 0 to 3 1 A − − 381 174
Open Circuit (PGo) 1: Coast to Stop
2: Fast-stop - Decelerate to stop using the deceleration time
in C1-09.
3: Alarm only - Drive continues operation.
Sets the stopping method when an overspeed (oS) fault
occurs. Refer to F1-08 and F1-09.
0: Ramp to stop - Decelerate to stop using the active
Operation Selection at deceleration time.
F1-03 0 to 3 1 A − − 382 174
Overspeed (oS) 1: Coast to stop
2: Fast-stop - Decelerate to stop using the deceleration time
in C1-09.
3: Alarm Only - Drive continues operation.
Sets the stopping method when a speed deviation (dEv) fault
occurs. Refer to F1-10 and F1-11.
0: Ramp to stop - Decelerate to stop using the active
Operation Selection at deceleration time.
F1-04 0 to 3 3 A − − 383 174
Deviation 1: Coast to stop
2: Fast-stop - Decelerate to stop using the deceleration time
in C1-09.
3: Alarm only - Drive continues operation.
Sets the speed feedback level which has to be exceeded for
Overspeed Detection Level the time set in F1-09 before an oS fault will occur.
F1-08 0 to 120 115% A − − 387 174
Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency

Overspeed Detection Delay Sets the time in seconds for which the speed feedback has to
F1-09 exceed the overspeed detection level F1-08 before an oS 0.0 to 2.0 1.0 A − − 388 174
Time fault will occur.
Sets the allowable deviation between motor speed and
frequency reference before a speed deviation fault (dEv) is
Excessive Speed Deviation
F1-10 triggered. 0 to 50 10% A − − 389 174
Detection Level Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency

Excessive Speed Deviation speedthe

Sets time in seconds for which a deviation between motor 0.0 to
F1-11 and frequency reference has to exceed the speed 0.5 s A − − 38A 174
Detection Delay Time 10.0
deviation detection level F1-10 before a dEv fault will occur.
PG Open-Circuit Detection Sets the time for which no PG pulses must be detected before 0.0 to
F1-14 2.0 s A − − 38D 175
Time a PG Open (PGo) fault is triggered. 10.0
F6: Serial Communications Option Card Settings
Use F6 parameters to program the drive for serial communication.
Selects the operation after a communications error occurred.
0: Ramp to stop using current accel/decel time
1: Coast to stop
Communications Error 2: Fast-stop using C1-09
F6-01 0 to 5 1 A A A 3A2 175
operation Selection 3: Alarm only
4: Alarm and Run at d1-04 <9> <10>
Parameter List

5: Alarm and Ramp to stop <9>

External fault from comm. Sets when an external fault from a comm option is detected.
F6-02 0: Always detected 0, 1 0 A A A 3A3 175
option selection 1: Detection during Run only
Selects the operation after an external fault set by a
communications option (EF0).
F6-03 External fault from comm. 0: Ramp to stop using current accel/decel time 0 to 3 1 A A A 3A4 175
option operation selection 1: Coast to stop
2: Fast-stop using C1-09
3: Alarm only
F6-04 Bus Error Detection Time Set the delay time for error detection if a bus error occurs. 0.0 to 5.0 2.0 s A A A 3A5 –

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 353
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
F6-07 NetRef/ComRef Function 0: Multi-step reference disabled (same as F7)
<6> 0, 1 0 A A A 3A8 175
Selection 1: Multi-step reference enabled (same as V7)
0: Communication-related parameters (F6-oo and
F6-08 F7-oo) are not reset when the drive is initialized using 0
Reset Communication
<6> A1-03. 0, 1 <1> A A A 36A 177
1: Reset all communication-related parameters (F6-oo and
F7-oo) when the drive is initialized using A1-03.
F6-10 CC-Link Node Address Sets the node address if a CC-Link option card is installed. 0 to 63 0 A A A 3E6 –
0: 156 Kbps
1: 625 Kbps
CC-Link communications
F6-11 2: 2.5 Mbps 0 to 4 0 A A A 3E7 –
speed 3: 5 Mbps
4: 10 Mbps
Selects if a BUS fault can be automatically reset.
F6-14 BUS Error Auto Reset 0: Disabled 0, 1 0 A A A 3BB –
1: Enabled
F6-20 MECHATROLINK Station Sets the station address when the MECHATROLINK option <8>
<7> 21 A A A 36B –
Address has been installed.
0: 32 byte
F6-21 MECHATROLINK Frame 1: 17 byte
<7> 0, 1 0 A A A 36C –
0: 64 byte
1: 32 byte
0: 10 Mbps
F6-22 MECHATROLINK Link 1: 4 Mbps
<7> 0, 1 0 A A A 36D –
Note: Available only for MECHATROLINK-II.
<7> Sets the MECHATROLINK monitor (E). 0 A A A 36E –
Monitor Selection (E) FFFFH
<7> Sets the MECHATROLINK monitor (F). 0 A A A 36F –
Monitor Selection (F) FFFFH
0: Ramp to stop. Decelerate using the deceleration time in
F6-25 Operation Selection at C1-02.
<7> MECHATROLINK 1: Coast to stop 0 to 3 1 A A A 3C9 –
Watchdog Timer Error (E5) 2: Fast stop. Decelerate using the deceleration time in C1-09.
3: Alarm only
<7> Sets the number of option communication errors (bUS). 2 to 10 2 A A A 3CA –
Errors Detected
F6-30 PROFIBUS node address Sets the node address for a PROFIBUS option. 0 to 125 0 A A A 3CB –
Selects the operation when a "Clear Mode" command is
PROFIBUS Clear Mode received.
F6-31 0, 1 0 A A A 3CC –
Selection 0: Resets drive operation.
1: Maintains the previous operation state.
PROFIBUS Data Format 0: PPO Type
F6-32 0, 1 0 A A A 3CD –
Selections 1: Conventional
F6-35 CANopen Node ID selection Sets the Node ID for a CANopen option <2> 99 A A A 3D0 –
0: Auto-adjust
1: 10 kbps
2: 20 kbps
CANopen Communications 3: 50 kbps
F6-36 4: 125 kbps 0 to 8 6 A A A 3D1 –
speed 5: 250 kbps
6: 500 kbps
7: 800 kbps
8: 1 Mbps
F6-40 CompoNet Node ID Sets the Node ID for a CompoNet option. 0 to 63 0 A A A 3D5 –
0: 93.75 kbps
1: Reserved
2: 1.5 Mbps
F6-41 CompoNet Speed 0 to 255 0 A A A 3D6 –
3: 3 Mbps
4: 4 Mbps
5-255: Reserved
<3> DeviceNet MAC Address Selects the drives MAC address for DeviceNet. 0 to 64 0 A A A 3C1 –

354 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
0: 125 kbps
F6-51 1: 250 kbps
Device Net
<3> 2: 500 kbps 0 to 4 0 A A A 3C2 –
Communications Speed 3: Adjustable from Network
4: Detect automatically
<3> DeviceNet PCA setting I/O Polled Consuming Assembly Data Instance 0 to 255 21 A A A 3C3 –

<3> DeviceNet PPA setting I/O Polled Producing Assembly Data Instance 0 to 255 71 A A A 3C4 –

Selects if an EF0 fault is detected when no data are received

F6-54 DeviceNet Idle Mode Fault from the master. <4>
<3> 0, 1 0 A A A 3C5 –
Detection 0: Detection enabled
1: No detection
Verifies the baud rate running on the network.
F6-55 DeviceNet Baud Rate 0: 125 kbps 0 to 2 0 A A A 3C6 –
Monitor 1: 250 kbps
2: 500 kbps
F6-56 DeviceNet Speed Scaling Sets the scaling factor for the speed monitor in DeviceNet
<3> -15 to 15 0 A A A 3D7 –
Factor Class ID 2AH Object.
F6-57 DeviceNet Current Scaling Sets the scaling factor for the output current monitor in
<3> -15 to 15 0 A A A 3D8 –
Factor DeviceNet Class ID 2AH Object.
F6-58 DeviceNet Torque Scaling Sets the scaling factor for the torque monitor in DeviceNet -15 to 15
<3> 0 A A A 3D9 –
Factor Class ID 2AH Object.
F6-59 DeviceNet Power Scaling Sets the scaling factor for the power monitor in DeviceNet -15 to 15
<3> 0 A A A 3DA –
Factor Class ID 2AH Object.
F6-60 DeviceNet Voltage Scaling Sets the scaling factor for the voltage monitor in DeviceNet -15 to 15
<3> 0 A A A 3DB –
Factor Class ID 2AH Object.
F6-61 DeviceNet Time Scaling Sets the scaling factor for the time monitor in DeviceNet
<3> -15 to 15 0 A A A 3DC –
Factor Class ID 2AH Object.
F6-62 DeviceNet Heartbeat
<3> Sets the heartbeat interval for DeviceNet communications. 0 to 10 0 A A A 3DD –
Dynamic Output Assembly 0x0 to
F6-63 Dynamic Output Assembly 109 Parameter 1 0 A A A 3DE –
109 Parameter 1 <5> 0xFFFF
MAC ID Memory <6> Sets the MAC ID memory (Read only) 0 to 63 – A A A 3DE –
F6-64 to Reserved Reserved for Dynamic I/O Assembly Parameters – – – – – – –
<1> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value during drive initialization, A1-03 = 1110, 2220, 3330.
<2> Setting range is determined by the drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 0 to 126
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 0 to 127
<3> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1011 and later.
<4> The following parameter settings apply to drive software versions 1015 and earlier:
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
<5> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1012 and later.
<6> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1014 and later.
<7> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1023 and later.
<8> Setting range is determined by the option.
Parameter List


<9> Available in drive software version PRG: 1024 and later.
<10> Take proper safety measures, such as installing an emergency stop switch, as the drive will continue operation when detecting an bUS error.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 355
B.2 Parameter Table

u H Parameters: Multi-Function Terminals

H parameters assign functions to the multi-function input and output terminals.
No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
H1: Multi-Function Digital Input
H1 parameters to assign functions to the multi-function digital input terminals. Unused terminals should be set to "F".
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S1 Function
H1-01 40 A A A 438 178
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S2 Function
H1-02 41 A A A 439 178
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S3 Function
H1-03 24 A A A 400 178
Selection Assigns a function to the multi-
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S4 Function function digital inputs. 1 to 9F
H1-04 Refer to H1 Multi-Function Digital 14 A A A 401 178
Selection <1>
Input Selections on page 356 for a
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5 Function description of setting values. 3 (0)
H1-05 <2> A A A 402 178
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6 Function 4 (3)
H1-06 <2> A A A 403 178
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S7 Function 6 (4)
H1-07 <2> A A A 404 178
<1> The availability of certain functions depends on the control method used.
<2> Parenthetical value is the default when parameter A1-03 = 3330 3-Wire Initialization.

H1 Multi-Function Digital Input Selections

Function Description Pg.
Setting V/ O P
f V M
0 3-Wire Sequence Closed: Reverse rotation (only if the drive is set up for 3-Wire sequence) O O O 179
Open: REMOTE, Reference 1 or 2 (b1-01/02 or b1-15/16)
1 LOCAL/REMOTE Selection O O O 179
Closed: LOCAL, LED operator is run and reference source
Open: Run and frequency reference source 1 (b1-01/02)
2 External Reference 1/2 O O O 179
Closed: Run and frequency reference source 2 (b1-15/16)
3 Multi-Step Speed Reference 1 O O O 180
4 Multi-Step Speed Reference 2 Used to select Multi-Step Speeds set in d1-01 to d1-16 O O O 180
5 Multi-Step Speed Reference 3 O O O 180
Open: Selected speed reference
6 Jog Reference Selection Closed: Jog Frequency reference (d1-17). Jog has priority over all other O O O 180
reference sources.
7 Accel/Decel Time 1 Used to switch between Accel/Decel. Time 1/2 O O O 180
Open: Normal operation
8 Baseblock Command (N.O.) O O O 180
Closed: No drive output
Open: No drive output
9 Baseblock Command (N.C.) O O O 180
Closed: Normal operation
Closed: The drive pauses during acceleration or deceleration and
A Accel/Decel Ramp Hold O O O 180
maintains the output frequency.
B Drive Overheat Alarm (oH2) Closed: Closes when an oH2 alarm occurs. O O O 180
Terminal status differs depending on drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later:
Open: Analog input selected by H3-14 is disabled.
C Terminal A1/A2 Enable Closed: Analog input selected by H3-14 is enabled. O O O 180
PRG: 1015 and earlier:
Open: Analog inputs selected for terminals A1 and A2 are disabled.
Closed: Analog inputs selected for terminals A1 and A2 are enabled.
Select this setting when not using the terminal or when using the terminal O
F Not used O O 181
in a pass-through mode.
10 Up Command Open: Maintains the current frequency reference O O O 181
Closed: Increases or decreases the current frequency reference.
11 Down Command Ensure that the increase and decrease commands are set in conjunction O O O 181
with one another.

356 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

H1 Multi-Function Digital Input Selections

Function Description Pg.
Setting V/ O P
f V M
12 Forward Jog Closed: Runs forward at the Jog Frequency d1-17. O O O 182
13 Reverse Jog Closed: Runs reverse at the Jog Frequency d1-17. O O O 182
Closed: Resets faults if the cause is cleared and the Run command is
14 Fault Reset O O O 182
Closed: Decelerates at the Fast-Stop time C1-09.
15 Fast-Stop (N.O.) O O O 182
To restart the Fast-Stop input must be released and Run must be cycled.
Open: Motor 1 (E1-oo, E2-oo)
16 Motor 2 Selection O O O 183
Closed: Motor 2 (E3-oo, E4-oo)
17 Fast-stop (N.C.) Open: Decelerates according to C1-09 (Fast-stop Time) O O O 182
Set the timer delay using parameters b4-01 and b4-02.
18 Timer Function Input Ensure this function is set in conjunction with the multi-function output O O O 183
timer (H2-oo = 12).
19 PID Disable Closed: PID control disabled O O O 183
1A Accel/Decel Time Selection 2 Switches Accel/Decel times. O O O 183
Open: Parameters can not be edited. (except U1-01 if reference source is
1B Program Lockout set for operator) O O O 183
Closed: Parameters may be edited and saved.
Closed: Samples the analog frequency reference and operates the drive
1E Reference Sample Hold O O O 183
at that speed.
20: N.O., Always Detected, Ramp To Stop
21: N.C., Always Detected, Ramp To Stop
22: N.O., During Run, Ramp To Stop
23: N.C., During Run, Ramp To Stop
24: N.O., Always Detected, Coast To Stop
25: N.C., Always Detected, Coast To Stop
26: N.O., During Run, Coast To Stop
27: N.C., During Run, Coast To Stop
20 to 2F External Fault O O O 184
28: N.O., Always Detected, Fast-stop
29: N.C., Always Detected, Fast-stop
2A: N.O., During Run, Fast-stop
2B: N.C., During Run, Fast-stop
2C: N.O., Always Detected, Alarm Only (continue running)
2D: N.C., Always Detected, Alarm Only (continue running)
2E: N.O., During Run, Alarm Only (continue running)
2F: N.C., During Run, Alarm Only (continue running)
30 PID Integral Reset Closed: Resets the PID control integral value. O O O 184
31 PID Integral Hold Closed: Maintains the current PID control integral value. O O O 185
32 Multi-Step Speed Reference 4 Used to select Multi-Step Speeds set in d1-01 to d1-16 O O O 185
34 PID Soft Starter Closed: Disables the PID soft starter b5-17. O O O 185
35 PID Input Switch Closed: Inverses the PID input signal O O O 185
Open: Stop
Forward Run Command (2-Wire
40 Closed: Forward run O O O 185
sequence) Note: Can not be set together with Settings 42 or 43.
Open: Stop
Reverse Run Command (2-Wire
41 Closed: Reverse run O O O 185
sequence) Note: Can not be set together with Settings 42 or 43.
Open: Stop
42 Run Command (2-Wire sequence 2) Closed: Run O O O 185
Note: Can not be set together with Settings 40 or 41.
Open: Forward
FWD/REV Command (2-Wire
Parameter List

43 Closed: Reverse O O O 185

sequence 2) Note: Can not be set together with Settings 40 or 41.
44 Offset Frequency 1 Addition Closed: Adds d7-01 to the frequency reference. O O O 185
45 Offset Frequency 2 Addition Closed: Adds d7-02 to the frequency reference. O O O 185
46 Offset Frequency 3 Addition Closed: Adds d7-03 to the frequency reference. O O O 185
<1> Node Setup Closed: Node setup for SI-S3/V enabled. O O O 185 B
60 DC Injection Braking Command Closed: Triggers DC Injection Braking (b2-02) O O - 185
Closed: Activates Current Detection Speed Search from the max. output
61 External Search Command 1 frequency (E1-04) if b3-01 = 0. Activates Speed Estimation Type Speed O O O 186
search if b3-01 = 0.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 357
B.2 Parameter Table

H1 Multi-Function Digital Input Selections

Function Description Pg.
Setting V/ O P
f V M
Closed: Activates Current Detection Speed Search from the frequency
62 External Search Command 2 reference b3-01 = 0. Activates Speed Estimation Type Speed search if O O O 186
b3-01 = 0.
Open: KEB Ride-Thru 1 enabled
65 KEB Ride-Thru 1 (N.C.) O O O 186
Closed: Normal operation
Open: Normal operation
66 KEB Ride-Thru 1 (N.O.) O O O 186
Closed: KEB Ride-Thru 1 enabled
67 Communications Test Mode Tests the MEMOBUS/Modbus RS-485/422 interface. O O O 186
68 High-Slip Braking Closed: High-Slip braking is executed. Drive stops. O - - 186
Open: Drive disabled.
If this input is opened during run, then the drive will stop as specified by
6A Drive Enable O O O 186
parameter b1-03.
Closed: Ready for operation.
75 Up 2 Command Open: Maintains the current frequency reference. O O O 186
Closed: Increases or decreases the frequency reference.
UP 2 and Down 2 commands must be set in combination with each other.
76 Down 2 Command The frequency reference source must be assigned to the operator (b1-01 O O O 186
= “0”).
Open: KEB Ride-Thru 2 enabled
7A KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.C.) O O O 187
Closed: Normal operation
Open: Normal operation
7B KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.O.) O O O 187
Closed: KEB Ride-Thru 2 enabled
Open: Normal operation
7C Short-Circuit Braking (N.O.) - - O 187
Closed: Short-Circuit Braking
Open: Short-Circuit Braking
7D Short-Circuit Braking (N.C.) - - O 187
Closed: Normal operation
7E Forward/Reverse Detection Direction of rotation detection (for V/f with Simple PG Feedback) O - - 188
90 to 96 DWEZ Digital Inputs 1 to 7 Reserved for DWEZ input functions O O O 188
Open: DWEZ enabled
9F DriveWorksEZ enable O O O 188
Closed: DWEZ disabled
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
H2: Multi-Function Digital Outputs
Use H2 parameters to assign functions to the multi-function digital outputs.
Terminal MA, MB and MC Function
H2-01 E A A A 40B 188
Selection (relay)
Terminal P1 Function Selection (open- Refer to H2 Multi-Function Digital Output 0 to 192
H2-02 Settings on page 359 for a description of <1> 0 A A A 40C 188
setting values.
Terminal P2 Function Selection (open-
H2-03 2 A A A 40D 188
Sets the output units for the watt hours when
Watt Hour Pulse Output is selected as the
digital output (H2-01, H2-02, or H2-03 = 39).
Outputs a 200 ms pulse signal when the watt-
H2-06 Watt Hour Output Unit Selection hour counter increases by the units selected. 0 to 4 0 A A A 437 197
0: 0.1 kWh units
1: 1 kWh units
2: 10 kWh units
3: 100 kWh units
4: 1000 kWh units
<1> The availability of certain functions depends on the control method used.

358 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

H2 Multi-Function Digital Output Settings

Function Description Pg.
Setting V/ O P
f V M
0 During Run Closed: A Run command is active or voltage is output. O O O 189
1 Zero Speed Closed: Output frequency is 0. O O O 189
Closed: Output frequency equals the speed reference (plus or minus the hysteresis
2 Speed Agree 1 O O O 189
set to L4-02).
Closed: Output frequency and speed reference equal the value in L4-01 (plus or minus
3 User Set Speed Agree 1 O O O 190
the hysteresis of L4-02).
Closed: Output frequency is less than or equal to the value in L4-01 with hysteresis
4 Frequency Detection 1 O O O 190
determined by L4-02.
Closed: Output frequency is greater than or equal to the value in L4-01, with
5 Frequency Detection 2 O O O 191
hysteresis determined by L4-02.
Closed: Drive Ready. The drive is powered up, not in a fault state, and in the Drive
6 Drive Ready O O O 191
7 DC Bus Undervoltage Closed: DC bus voltage is below the Uv trip level set in L2-05. O O O 191
8 During Baseblock (N.O.) Closed: There is no output voltage O O O 192

Frequency reference selection Open: External Reference 1 or 2 supplies the frequency reference
9 O O O 192
Closed: Digital operator supplies the frequency reference.
Open: External Reference 1 or 2 supplies the Run command
A Run command selection O O O 192
Closed: Digital operator supplies the Run command.
Closed: Output current/torque exceeds the torque value set in parameter L6-02 for
B Torque Detection 1 (N.O.) O O O 192
longer than the time set in parameter L6-03.
C Frequency Reference Loss Closed: Loss of the analog frequency reference detected. Enabled when L4-05 = 1. O O O 192
Closed: Braking resistor or transistor is overheated or faulted out. This selection
D Braking Resistor Fault O O O 192
requires that braking resistor protection parameter be set for ERF (L8-01 = “1”).
E Fault Closed: Fault occurred (other than CPF00 and CPF01). O O O 192
Set this value when the terminal is not used, or when using the terminal in the pass-
F Not used/Through Mode O O O 192
through mode.
10 Minor Fault Closed: An alarm is triggered. O O O 192
Closed: The drive has received a reset command from the multi-function input
11 Reset Command Active O O O 192
terminals or from serial network, or the digital operator RESET key has been pressed.
Timer output, controlled by b4-01 and b4-02. Used in conjunction with the digital
12 Timer Output O O O 193
input (H1-oo = 18 “timer function”).
13 Speed Agree 2 Closed: When drive output frequency equals the frequency reference +/- L4-04. O O O 193
Closed: When the drive output frequency is equal to the value in L4-03 (plus or minus
14 User Set Speed Agree 2 O O O 193
Closed: When the drive output frequency is less than or equal to the value in L4-03
15 Frequency Detection 3 O O O 193
with the hysteresis determined by L4-04.
Closed: When the output frequency is greater than or equal to the value in L4-03 with
16 Frequency Detection 4 O O O 194
the hysteresis determined by L4-04.
Open: When the output current/torque exceeds the value set in parameter L6-02 for
17 Torque Detection 1 (N.C.) O O O 192
more time than is set in parameter L6-03.
Closed: When the output current/torque exceeds the value set in parameter L6-05 for
18 Torque Detection 2 (N.O.) O O O 192
more time than is set in parameter L6-06.
Open: Output current/torque exceeds the value set in parameter L6-05 for more time
19 Torque Detection 2 (N.C.) O O O 192
than is set in parameter L6-06.
1A Reverse Direction Closed: Drive is running in the reverse direction. O O O 194
1B During Baseblock (N.C.) Open: Drive is in Baseblock condition. Output is disabled. O O O 195
Parameter List

1C Motor 2 Selection Closed: Motor 2 is selected by a digital input (H1-oo = 16) O O − 195
1E Restart Enabled Closed: An automatic restart is performed O O O 195
1F Overload Alarm oL1 Closed: oL1 is at 90% of its trip point or greater. O O O 195
20 oH Pre alarm Closed: Heatsink temperature exceeds the parameter L8-02 value. O O O 195
Mechanical Weakening
22 Closed: Mechanical Weakening detected. O O O 195
(N.O.) B
2F Closed: Cooling fan, electrolytic capacitors, IGBTs, or the soft charge bypass relay O O O 195
<1> Maintenance Period may require maintenance.
30 During Torque Limit Closed: When the torque limit has been reached. − O − 195

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 359
B.2 Parameter Table

H2 Multi-Function Digital Output Settings

Function Description Pg.
Setting V/ O P
f V M
Open: No frequency output from drive if stopped, with baseblock, with DC injection
37 During Frequency Output braking during initial excitation, or with short-circuit braking. O O O 195
Closed: Drive is outputting a frequency
38 Drive Enable Closed: Multi-function input closes (H1-oo = 6A) O O O 196
Output units are determined by H2-06, outputs 200 ms pulse for each incremented
39 Watt Hour Pulse Output O O O 196
kWh count.
Closed: LOCAL
3C LOCAL/REMOTE Status O O O 196
3D Speed Search Closed: Speed search is being executed. O O O 196
Closed: PID Feedback Loss Low.
3E PID Feedback Loss Low PID feedback value is below the level set to b5-13 for longer than the time set in O O O 196
Closed: PID Feedback Loss High.
3F PID Feedback Loss High PID feedback value exceeds the level set to b5-36 for longer than the time set to O O O 196
4A KEB Operation Closed: KEB is being performed. O O O 196
4B Short-Circuit Brake Closed: Short-Circuit Braking is active. − − O 196
4C During Fast-stop Closed: Fast-stop command is entered O O O 196
4D oH Pre-alarm Time Limit Closed: oH Pre-alarm time limit is passed. O O O 196
<1> Braking Transistor Fault (rr) Closed: The built-in dynamic braking transistor failed. O O O 196

4F Braking Resistor Overheat

<1> Closed: The dynamic braking resistor has overheated. O O O 196
90 to 92 DWEZ Digital Outputs 1 to 3 Reserved for DWEZ digital output functions. O O O 196
Reverse the output switching of the multi-function output functions. Set the last two
H2 Parameter Functions digits of 1oo to reverse the output signal of that specific function.
100 to 192 Reversed Output Switching of Examples: O O O 197
0 to 92 Setting “108” reverses the output of “During baseblock,” which is setting value 08.
Setting “14A” reverses the output of “During KEB operation”, which is setting “4A”.
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f VL M

H3: Analog Inputs

Use H3 parameters to set the multi-function analog input terminals.

Terminal A1 Signal Level Sets the input level for terminal A1.
H3-01 0: 0 to +10 V (lower limit) 0, 1 0 A A A 410 197
Selection 1: 0 to +10 V (no lower limit)
Sets the function of terminal A1. 0 to 31
Terminal A1 Function
H3-02 When terminal A1 is not used or is used as a through <1> 0 A A A 434 198
Selection terminal, this parameter must be set to “F”.
H3-03 Sets the level of the input value selected in H3-02 when 10 -999.9 to 100.0 A A A
<2> Terminal A1 Gain Setting 411 198
V is input at terminal A1. 999.9 %
H3-04 Sets the level of the input value selected in H3-02 when 0 -999.9 to
<2> Terminal A1 Bias Setting 0.0% A A A 412 198
V is input at terminal A1. 999.9
Sets the input signal level for terminal A2. 0 to 3 2 A A A 417 199
0: 0 to +10 V (with lower limit)
Terminal A2 Signal Level
H3-09 1: 0 to +10 V (no lower limit) Use DIP switch S1 to set input terminal A2 for
Selection 2: 4 to 20 mA a current or a voltage input signal.
3: 0 to 20 mA
Sets the function of terminal A2. 0 to 31
Terminal A2 Function
H3-10 When terminal A2 is not used or is used as a through <1> 0 A A A 418 200
Selection terminal, this parameter must be set to “F”.
H3-11 Sets the level of the input value selected in H3-10 when 10 -999.9 to 100.0 A A A
<2> Terminal A2 Gain Setting 419 200
V (20 mA) is input at terminal A2. 999.9 %
H3-12 Sets the level of the input value selected in H3-10 when 0 -999.9 to
<2> Terminal A2 Bias Setting 0.0% A A A 41A 200
V (0 or 4 mA) is input at terminal A2. 999.9

360 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Analog Input Filter Time Sets the primary delay filter time constant for terminals A1 0.00 to 0.03 s
H3-13 A A A 41B 200
Constant and A2. Used for noise filtering. 2.00
Determines which analog input terminal will be enabled
when a digital input programmed for “Analog input enable”
H3-14 Analog Input Terminal (H1-oo = C) is activated. 1, 2, 7 7 A A A 41C 202
<3> Enable Selection 1: Terminal A1 only
2: Terminal A2 only
7: All terminals enabled
Enter a 0 V signal to terminal A1. Next adjust the offset in
H3-16 H3-16 until the monitor U1-13 for the terminal A1 input -500 to 500 0
Terminal A1 Offset A A A 440 202
<3> voltage reads 0.0%. The process is the same for terminal
Enter a 0 V signal, and adjust the offset for terminal A2 in
<3> Terminal A2 offset H3-17 until the monitor U1-14 for terminal A2 input -500 to 500 0 A A A 441 202
voltage reads 0.0%.
<1> The availability of certain parameters depends on the control method used.
<2> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<3> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.

H3 Multi-Function Analog Input Settings

Function Maximum Input Level Possible Pg.
Setting V/ O P
f V
Max output frequency (E1-04).
0 Frequency Bias O O O 200
Same value can be set using H3-02 and H3-10.
1 Frequency Gain 10 V = 100% O O O 200
Auxiliary Frequency Reference (used as a Maximum output frequency (E1-04)
2 O O O 201
Multi-Step Speed 2)
4 Output Voltage Bias Motor rated voltage (E1-05). O – − 201
Open Loop Vector: Motor rated torque
7 Overtorque/Undertorque Detection Level O O O 201
V/f Control: Drive rated current
B PID Feedback 10 V = 100% O O O 201
C PID Set Point 10 V = 100% O O O 201
E Motor Temperature (PTC input) 10 V = 100.00% O O O 201
F Not used/Through Mode – O O O 201
10 FWD Torque Limit Motor rated torque − O − 201
11 REV Torque Limit Motor rated torque − O − 201
12 Regenerative Torque Limit Motor rated torque − O − 201
15 FWD/REV Torque Limit Motor rated torque − O − 201
16 Differential PID Feedback 10 V = 100% O O O 201
30/31 DWEZ Analog Input 1/2 Depending on function. O O O 201
<1> Output Voltage Gain 10 V = 100% O − − 201

<1> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.

Parameter List

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
H4: Multi-Function Analog Outputs
Use H4 parameters to configure the multi-function analog output terminals.
Selects the data to be output through multi-function analog B
output terminal AM. 000 to
Multi-Function Analog Set the desired monitor parameter to the digits available in 999
H4-01 102 A A A 41D 202
Output Terminal AM Uo-oo. For example, enter “103” for U1-03. <1>
When using this terminal in through mode or when not using
it at all, set “000” or “031”.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 361
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
H4-02 Multi-Function Analog Sets terminal AM output gain. -999.9 to 100.0 S
<2> S S 41E 202
Output Terminal AM Gain Maximum output voltage is 10 V. 999.9 %
H4-03 Multi-Function Analog -999.9 to 0.0% A A A
Sets terminal AM output bias. 41F 202
<2> Output Terminal AM Bias 999.9
H5: MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications
Use H5 Parameters to connect the drive to a MEMOBUS/Modbus network.
The settings for MEMOBUS/Modbus communications become effective when the drive is restarted.
H5-01 Selects drive station node number (address) for
<3> Drive Node Address MEMOBUS/Modbus terminals R+, R-, S+, S-. Cycle power 0 to 20 H 1F A A A 425 415
for the setting to take effect.
Selects the baud rate for MEMOBUS/Modbus terminals R
+, R-, S+ and S-. Cycle power for the setting to take effect.
0 : 1200 bps
1 : 2400 bps
2 : 4800 bps
Communication Speed
H5-02 3 : 9600 bps 0 to 8 3 A A A 426 415
Selection 4 : 19200 bps
5 : 38400 bps
6 : 57600 bps
7 : 76800 bps
8 : 115200 bps
Selects the communication parity for MEMOBUS/Modbus
terminals R+, R-, S+ and S-. Cycle power for the setting to
Communication Parity take effect.
H5-03 0 to 2 0 A A A 427 415
Selection 0: No parity
1: Even parity
2: Odd parity
Selects the stopping method when a communication time-
out fault (CE) is detected.
Stopping Method After 0: Ramp to stop
H5-04 0 to 3 3 A A A 428 415
Communication Error 1: Coast to stop
2: Fast-stop
3: Alarm only
Enables or disables the communications time-out fault (CE)
Communication Fault
H5-05 0: Disabled 0, 1 1 A A A 429 416
Detection Selection 1: Enabled - If communication is lost for more than two
seconds, a CE fault will occur.
H5-06 Drive Transmit Wait Time Set the wait time between receiving and sending data. 5 to 65 5 ms A A A 42A 416
Selects "request to send" (RTS) control:
H5-07 RTS Control Selection 0: Disabled - RTS is always on. 0, 1 1 A A A 42B 416
1: Enabled - RTS turns on only when sending.
Sets the time required to detect a communications error. 0.0 to
H5-09 CE Detection Time 2.0 s A A A 435 416
Adjustment may be need when networking several drives. 10.0 s
Selects the units used for MEMOBUS/Modbus register
Unit Selection for 0025H (Output Voltage Reference Monitor).
H5-10 MEMOBUS/Modbus 0, 1 0 A A A 436 416
0: 0.1 V units
Register 0025H 1: 1 V units
Select the function for the enter command that saves
parameter data to the drive.
Communications ENTER 0: Parameter changes are activated when ENTER command
H5-11 0, 1 1 A A A 43C 416
Function Selection is entered.
1: Parameter changes are activated immediately without
ENTER command (compatible with Varispeed VS606-V7).
Run Command Method 0: FWD/STOP, REV/STOP Method
H5-12 0, 1 0 A A A 43D 417
Selection 1: RUN/STOP, FWD/REV Method
H6: Pulse Train Input/Output
Use H6 parameters to configure Pulse Train I/O operation.
Selects pulse train input function.
0: Frequency reference
Pulse Train Input Terminal 1: PID feedback value
H6-01 0 to 3 0 A A A 42C 203
RP Function Selection 2: PID setpoint value
3: V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback (can be set only
when using motor 1 in V/f Control)
H6-02 Sets the terminal RP input signal frequency that is equal to <4> 1440 A A A
<2> Pulse Train Input Scaling 42D 203
100% of the value selected in H6-01. Hz

362 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
H6-03 Sets the level of the value selected in H6-01 when a 0.0 to 100.0 A A A
<2> Pulse Train Input Gain 42E 204
frequency with the value set in H6-02 is input. 1000.0 %
H6-04 Sets the level of the value selected in H6-01 when 0 Hz is -100.0 to 0.0% A A A
<2> Pulse Train Input Bias 42F 204
input. +100.0
H6-05 Pulse Train Input Filter Time Sets the pulse train input filter time constant. 0.00 to
<2> 0.10 s A A A 430 204
Select the pulse train monitor output function (value of the 000, 031,
o-oo part of Uo-oo). 101, 102,
H6-06 Pulse Train Monitor Refer to U: Monitors on page 377 for the list of U monitors. 105, 116,
<2> Terminal MP Selection Example: To select U5-01, set “501. ”When not using this 102 A A A 431 204
501, 502;
parameter or when using in the through mode, set “000”. 801 to
<5> 809
Sets the terminal MP output signal frequency when the
H6-07 Pulse Train Monitor monitor value is 100%. Set H6-06 to 102 and H6-07 to 0 to 0 to 1440 A A A
<2> Scaling 432 204
make the pulse train monitor output equal to the output 32000 Hz
<1> The availability of certain functions depends on the control method used.
<2> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<3> If this parameter is set to 0, the drive will be unable to respond to MEMOBUS/Modbus commands.
<4> Default setting is determined by drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 100 to 32000 Hz
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 1000 to 32000 Hz
<5> When set for sourcing, +5 V/1.5 kΩ or higher, +8 V/3.5 kΩ or higher, +10 V/10 kΩ or higher. When set for sinking, the external power supply
should be +12 Vdc, ±5% with 16 mA or less.
Note: Cycle power to the drive to enable MEMOBUS/Modbus settings.

u L: Protection Function
L parameters provide protection to the drive and motor, such as: control during momentary power loss, Stall Prevention,
frequency detection, fault restarts, overtorque detection, torque limits and other types of hardware protection.
Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
L1: Motor Protection Functions
Use L1 parameters to configure motor protective functions.
Sets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) based on
the cooling capacity of the motor.
0: Disabled
1: General Purpose Motor (Standard Fan Cooled)
2: Drive Dedicated Motor with a Speed Range of 1:10
Motor Overload Protection 3: Vector Motor with a Speed Range of 1:100 1
L1-01 4: PM Motor with Variable Torque 0 to 4; 6 <2> S S S 480 205
6: General Purpose Motor (50 Hz) <1>
Note: When using multiple motors the drive may not be able
to provide protection, even if overload is enabled in L1-01.
Set L1-01 to 0 and ensure each motor has separate thermal
relays installed.
Sets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) time.
A larger L1-02 time will increase the time for an oL1 fault
Parameter List

Motor Overload Protection to occur. 1.0

L1-02 Time This parameter does not typically require adjustment. 0.1 to 5.0 min A A A 481 207
Should be set in accordance with the overload tolerance of
the motor.
Sets operation when the motor temperature analog input
(H3-02/10 = E) exceeds the oH3 alarm level.
Motor Overheat Alarm
L1-03 Operation Selection (PTC 0: Ramp to Stop 0 to 3 3 A A A 482 208 B
1: Coast to Stop
input) 2: Fast-stop using C1-09
3: Alarm Only (“oH3” will flash)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 363
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Sets stopping method when the motor temperature analog
Motor Overheat Fault input (H3-02/10 = E) exceeds the oH4 fault level.
L1-04 Operation Selection (PTC 0: Ramp to Stop 0 to 2 1 A A A 483 208
input) 1: Coast to Stop
2: Fast-stop
This parameter adjusts the filter on the motor temperature
Motor Temperature Input 0.00 to
L1-05 analog input (H3-02 or H3-10 = E). Increase to add stability, 10.00 0.20 s A A A 484 209
Filter Time (PTC input) decrease to improve response.
Determines whether or not to hold the electrothermal value
Continuous Electrothermal when the power supply is interrupted.
L1-13 0, 1 1 A A A 46D 209
Operation Selection 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Sets the time constant for reducing the sensitivity level when
detecting leakage current. Set in seconds and used when
<16> Leakage Current Filter Time operating at constant speed. 0.0 to 20.0 s A A A
Constant 1 768 209
<17> Note: This parameter is available only when C6-02 60.0
is set to B. To display this parameter, first set
C6-02 = B.
Sets the time constant for reducing the sensitivity level when
detecting leakage current. Set in seconds and used during
<16> Leakage Current Filter Time acceleration and deceleration operation. 0.0 to
Constant 2 1.0 s A A A 769 209
<17> Note: This parameter is available only when C6-02 60.0
is set to B. To display this parameter, first set
C6-02 = B.
L2: Momentary Power Loss
Use L2 parameters to configure drive functions for momentary power loss conditions.
Enables and disables the momentary power loss function. 0 to 2 0 A A A 485
0: Disabled - Drive trips on (Uv1) fault when power is lost.
Momentary Power Loss 1: Power Loss Ride-Thru Time - Drive will restart if power For a restart to occur, the run command
L2-01 209
Operation Selection returns within the time set in L2-02. must be maintained throughout the
2: CPU Power Active - Drive will restart if power returns as Ride-Thru period.
long as the CPU is working.
Momentary Power Loss Sets the Power Loss Ride-Thru time. Only effective when 0.0 to <3>
L2-02 A A A 486 210
Ride-Thru Time L2-01 = 1. 25.5
Sets the minimum wait time for residual motor voltage decay
Momentary Power Loss before the drive output reenergizes after power loss Ride- <4>
L2-03 Minimum Baseblock Time Thru. If L2-03 is greater than L2-02, operation resumes after 0.1 to 5.0 A A A 487 210
the time set in L2-03.
Momentary Power Loss Sets the time for the output voltage to return to the preset V/ 0.0 to 5.0 <3> A A A
L2-04 Voltage Recovery Ramp 488 210
f pattern during Speed Search.
Sets the DC Bus undervoltage trip level. If this is set lower
L2-05 Undervoltage Detection than the default setting, additional AC input impedance or 150 to <3>
<5> A A A 489 210
Level (Uv) DC bus reactance may be necessary. 210 <6>
This value is used for KEB activation if L2-01 > 0.
Sets the time required to decelerate from the speed when 0.0 to
L2-06 KEB Deceleration Time 0.0 s A A A 48A 212
KEB was activated to zero speed. 200.0
Sets the time to accelerate to the frequency reference when
momentary power loss is over. 0.0 to
L2-07 KEB Acceleration Time 0.0 s A A A 48B 212
If set to 0.0, the active acceleration time (C1-01, C1-03, 25.5
C1-05, or C1-07) is used.

KEB Start Output Frequency Sets the percentage of output frequency reduction at the
L2-08 beginning of deceleration when the KEB function is started. 0 to 300 100% A A A 48C 212
Reduction = (slip frequency before KEB) x (L2-08/100) x 2
L2-11 Desired DC Bus Voltage 150 to E1-01
Sets the desired value of the DC bus voltage during KEB. x 1.22 A A A
<5> 461 212
during KEB 400 V
L3: Stall Prevention Function
Use L3 parameters to configure the Stall Prevention function.

364 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Selects the Stall Prevention method used to prevent
excessive current during acceleration.
0: Disabled - Motor accelerates at active acceleration rate.
The motor may stall if load is too heavy or accel time is too
short. 0 to 2
Stall Prevention Selection
L3-01 1: General Purpose - When output current exceeds L3-02 <7> 1 A A A 48F 213
during Acceleration level, acceleration stops. Acceleration will continue when
the output current level falls below the L3-02 level.
2: Intelligent - The active acceleration rate is ignored.
Acceleration is completed in the shortest amount of time
without exceeding the current value set in L3-02.
Used when L3-01 = 1 or 2.
L3-02 Stall Prevention Level 100% is equal to the drive rated current. 0 to 150 <8>
<18> A A A 490 214
during Acceleration Decrease the set value if stalling or excessive current occurs <18>
with default setting.
Sets Stall Prevention lower limit during acceleration when
Stall Prevention Limit
L3-03 operating in the constant power range. Set as a percentage 0 to 100 50% A A A 491 214
during Acceleration of the drive's rated current.
When using a braking resistor, use setting "0". Setting "3" is
used in specific applications.
0: Disabled - The drive decelerates at the active deceleration
rate. If the load is too large or the deceleration time is too
short, an ov fault may occur.
1: General Purpose - The drive decelerates at the active
deceleration rate, but if the main circuit DC bus voltage
reaches the Stall Prevention level, deceleration will stop.
Deceleration will continue once the DC bus level drops
below the Stall Prevention level.
Stall Prevention Selection 2: Intelligent - The active deceleration rate is ignored and the 0 to 4; 7
L3-04 <9> 1 S S S 492 215
during Deceleration drive decelerates as fast as possible without hitting ov fault
level. Range: C1-02 / 10.
3: Stall Prevention with Braking Resistor - Stall Prevention
during deceleration is enabled in coordination with dynamic
4: Overexcitation Deceleration - Decelerates with the flux
level determined by n3-13 (Overexcitation Gain).
7: Overexcitation Deceleration 3 - Applies more braking
power than normal overexcitation deceleration. Yaskawa
recommends extra caution due to the heavy load on the
Selects the Stall Prevention method to use to prevent drive
faults during run.
0: Disabled - Drive runs a set frequency. A heavy load may
cause the drive to trip on an oC or oL fault.
1: Decel Time 1 - The drive will decelerate at Decel Time 1
Stall Prevention Selection (C1-02) if the output current exceeds the level set by L3-06.
L3-05 Once the current level drops below the L3-06 level, the drive 0 to 2 1 A − A 493 216
during Run
will accelerate back to its frequency reference at the active
acceleration rate.
2: Decel Time 2 - Same as setting 1 except the drive
decelerates at Decel Time 2 (C1-04).
When output frequency is 6 Hz or less, Stall Prevention
during run is disabled regardless of the setting in L3-05.
Enabled when L3-05 is set to "1" or "2". 100% is equal to
Stall Prevention Level the drive rated current. 30 to 150 <8>
L3-06 <18> A − A 494 216
during Run Decrease the set value if stalling or excessive current occurs <18>
with the default settings.
Enables or disables ov suppression function, which allows
the drive to change the output frequency as the load changes,
Parameter List

thus preventing an ov fault.

ov Suppression Function 0: Disabled
L3-11 1: Enabled 0, 1 0 A A A 4C7 217
Note: The frequency reference and motor speed diverge as
the regenerative energy begins to flow back into the DC bus
and triggers the ov suppression function. Disable this
function when using a braking resistor.
Overvoltage Suppression Sets the desired value for the DC bus voltage during
L3-17 150 to 370 V
<5> and Stall Prevention Desired overvoltage suppression and Stall Prevention during <6> A A A 462 217
400 V
DC Bus Voltage deceleration. Enabled only when L3-04 = 2 or L3-11 = 1.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 365
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Sets the proportional gain used by KEB, Stall Prevention and
Main Power Circuit Voltage overvoltage suppression. 0.00 to
L3-20 1.00 A A A 465 217
Adjustment Gain If ov or Uv1 occurs at the beginning of KEB deceleration, 5.00
slowly increase this setting by 0.1.
Sets the proportional gain used to calculate the deceleration
rate during KEB, ov suppression function and Stall
Accel/Decel Rate Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = 2). 0.00 to
L3-21 1.00 A A A 466 217
Calculation Gain This parameter does not typically require adjustment. 200.00
Increase the value in steps of 1.0 if overcurrent and
overvoltage occur.

Deceleration Time at Stall Sets the deceleration time used for Stall Prevention during
acceleration in Open Loop Vector Control for PM motors. 0.0 to
L3-22 Prevention during 0.0 s − − A 4F9 214
When set to 0, the drive decelerates at the normal 6000.0
Acceleration deceleration time.
0: Sets the Stall Prevention level throughout the entire
Automatic Reduction frequency range to the value in parameter L3-06.
L3-23 Selection for Stall 1: Automatically lowers the Stall Prevention level in the 0, 1 0 A A Α 4FD 216
Prevention during Run constant output range. The lower limit value is 40% of
Sets the time needed to accelerate the uncoupled motor at
Motor Acceleration Time for rated torque from stop to the maximum frequency. 0.001 to <10>
L3-24 Setting the drive capacity to parameter o2-04 or changing A A A 46E 218
Inertia Calculations 10.000
E2-11 will automatically set this parameter for a 4-pole <11>
0.0 to
L3-25 Load Inertia Ratio Sets the ratio between the motor and machine inertia. 1.0 A A A 46F 218
L4: Frequency Detection
Use L4 parameters to configure frequency detection operation.
Speed Agreement Detection These parameters configure the multi-function output (H2- 0.0 to 0.0
L4-01 A A A 499 218
Level oo = 2, 3, 4, 5) settings "Speed Agree 1", "User Set Speed 400.0 Hz
Agree 1", "Frequency Detection 1," and "Frequency
Speed Agreement Detection detection 2". 0.0 to 2.0
L4-02 Parameter L4-01 sets the level while parameter L4-02 sets A A A 49A 218
Width 20.0 Hz
the hysteresis for the Speed Detection Output Function.
Speed Agreement Detection These parameters configure the Multi-Function Output (H2- -400.0 to 0.0
L4-03 A A A 49B 218
Level (+/-) oo = 13, 14, 15, 16) settings "Speed Agree 2", "User Set +400.0 Hz
Speed Agree 2", "Frequency Detection 3," or "Frequency
Speed Agreement Detection Detection 4". 0.0 to 2.0
L4-04 Parameter L4-03 sets the level while parameter L4-04 sets A A A 49C 218
Width (+/-) 20.0 Hz
the hysteresis for the Speed Detection Output Function.
Sets operation when the frequency reference is lost
(reference drops 90% or more within 400 ms).
Frequency Reference Loss
L4-05 0: Stop - Drive will stop. 0, 1 0 A A A 49D 219
Detection Selection 1: Run at L4-06 Level - Drive will run at the percentage set
in L4-06 of the frequency reference before loss.
Sets the frequency reference when a reference loss was
Frequency Reference at 0.0 to 80.0
L4-06 detected and L4-05 = 1. Reference will be: Fref = Fref at A A A 4C2 219
Reference Loss 100.0 %
time of loss x L4-06.
Frequency Detection 0: No detection during baseblock.
L4-07 0, 1 0 A A A 470 219
Conditions 1: Detection always enabled.
0: Match speed with the soft-starter output
Speed Agreement Detection 1:
L4-08 Match frequency reference and motor speed
<12> Note: In V/f Control, the drive ignores the value set to L4-08 0, 1 0 A A A 47F 219
and refers to the soft-starter output to determine whether a
speed agree situation has been reached.
L5: Fault Reset
Use L5 parameters to configure Automatic Restart after fault.
Sets the counter for the number of times the drive attempts
to restart when one of the following faults occurs: GF, LF,
oC, oH1, ov, PF, rH, rr, oL1, oL2, oL3, oL4, STo, Uv1.
Number of Auto Restart
L5-01 Parameter L5-05 determines the how the restart counter is 0 to 10 0 A A A 49E 222
Attempts incremented.
When the drive operates without fault for 10 minutes, the
counter will be reset.
Sets fault contact (H2-oo = E) activation during automatic
Auto Restart Operation restart attempts.
L5-02 0, 1 0 A A A 49F 222
Selection 0: Fault output not active.
1: Fault output active during restart attempt.

366 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Sets the amount of time to wait between performing fault 0.5 to
L5-04 Fault Reset Interval Time 600.0 s 10.0 s A A A 46C 222
restarts. Enabled when L5-05 is set to 1.
Selects the method of incrementing the restart counter.
0: Continuously attempt to restart and increment counter
Fault Reset Operation after successful restart (same as Varispeed VS616-F7/G7)
L5-05 0, 1 0 A A A 467 222
Selection 1: Attempt to restart with the interval time set in L5-04.
Every trial increments the counter. (same as Varispeed
L6: Overtorque Detection
Use L6 parameters to configure overtorque detection.
Selects the overtorque/undertorque operation. overtorque
and undertorque are determined by the settings in parameters
L6-02 and L6-03. The multi-function output settings (H2-
oo= B and 17) are also active if programmed.
0: Disabled
1: oL3 at Speed Agree - Alarm (overtorque detection only
active during Speed Agree and operation continues after
2: oL3 at RUN - Alarm (overtorque detection is always
active and operation continues after detection).
3: oL3 at Speed Agree - Fault (overtorque detection only
Torque Detection Selection active during Speed Agree and drive output will shut down 0 to 8
L6-01 on an oL3 fault). 0 A A A 4A1 222
4: oL3 at RUN - Fault (overtorque detection is always active
and drive output will shut down on an oL3 fault).
5: UL3 at Speed Agree - Alarm (undertorque detection is
only active during Speed Agree and operation continues
after detection).
6: UL3 at RUN - Alarm (undertorque detection is always
active and operation continues after detection).
7: UL3 at Speed Agree - Fault (undertorque detection only
active during Speed Agree and drive output will shut down
on an oL3 fault).
8: UL3 at RUN - Fault (undertorque detection is always
active and drive output will shut down on an oL3 fault).
Sets the overtorque/undertorque detection level. 100% is
L6-02 Torque Detection Level 1 equal to the motor rated current in V/f Control and the motor 0 to 300 150% A A A 4A2 224
rated torque in Open Loop Vector Control.
Sets the length of time an overtorque/undertorque condition 0.0 to
L6-03 Torque Detection Time 1 0.1 s A A A 4A3 224
must exist before Torque Detection 1 is triggered. 10.0
Sets the response to an overtorque/undertorque condition.
overtorque and undertorque are determined by the settings
in parameters L6-05 and L6-06. The multi-function output
settings (H2-oo = 18 and 19).
0: Disabled
1: oL4 at Speed Agree - Alarm (overtorque Detection only
active during Speed Agree and Operation continues after
2: oL4 at RUN - Alarm (overtorque Detection is always
active and operation continues after detection).
3: oL4 at Speed Agree - Fault (overtorque Detection only
Torque Detection Selection active during Speed Agree and drive output will shut down 0 to 8
L6-04 on an oL4 fault). 0 A A A 4A4 223
4: oL4 at RUN - Fault (overtorque Detection is always active
and drive output will shut down on an oL4 fault).
5: UL4 at Speed Agree - Alarm (undertorque Detection is
only active during Speed Agree and operation continues
after detection).
6: UL4 at RUN - Alarm (undertorque Detection is always
Parameter List

active and operation continues after detection).

7: UL4 at Speed Agree - Fault (undertorque Detection only
active during Speed Agree and drive output will shut down
on an oL4 fault).
8: UL4 at RUN - Fault (undertorque Detection is always
active and drive output will shut down on an oL4 fault).
Sets the overtorque/undertorque detection level. 100% is
equal to the motor rated current in V/f Control or PM OLV 0 to 300 150% A
L6-05 Torque Detection Level 2 A A 4A5 224
and equal to the motor rated torque in Open Loop Vector
Sets the length of time an overtorque/undertorque condition 0.0 to
L6-06 Torque Detection Time 2 must exist before torque detection 2 is recognized by the 0.1 s A A A 4A6 224

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 367
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
This function can detect an over/undertorque in a certain
speed range as a result of machine fatigue. It is triggered by
a certain operation time and uses the oL1 detection settings
(L6-01 to L6-02)
0: Mechanical Weakening Detection disabled.
1: Continue running (alarm only). Detected when the speed
(signed) is greater than L6-09.
2: Continue running (alarm only). Detected when the speed
(not signed) is greater than L6-09.
3: Interrupt drive output (fault). Detected when the speed
Mechanical Weakening
L6-08 (signed) is greater than L6-09. 0 to 8 0 A A A 468 224
(oL5) Detection Operation 4: Interrupt drive output (fault). Detected when the speed
(not signed) is greater than L6-09.
5: Continue running (alarm only). Detected when the speed
(signed) is less than L6-09.
6: Continue running (alarm only). Detected when the speed
(not signed) is less than L6-09.
7: Interrupt drive output (fault). Detected when the speed
(signed) is less than L6-09.
8: Interrupt drive output (fault). Detected when the speed
(not signed) is less than L6-09.
Sets the speed that triggers mechanical weakening detection. -110.0 to
Mechanical Weakening
L6-09 When L6-08 is set for an unsigned value, the absolute value +110.0% 110% A A A 469 225
Detection Speed Level is used even if the setting is negative.
Mechanical Weakening Sets the time a mechanical weakening has to be detected 0.0 to
L6-10 0.1 s A A A 46A 225
Detection Time before an Alarm/Fault is triggered. 10.0 s
Mechanical Weakening Sets the operation time (U1-04) that has to be passed before 0 to
L6-11 0 A A A 46B 225
Detection Start Time Mechanical weakening detection is active. 65535
L7: Torque Limit
Use L7 parameters to configure the torque limit function.
L7-01 Forward Torque Limit Sets the torque limit value as a percentage of the motor rated 0 to 300 200% − A − 4A7 225
torque. Four individual quadrants can be set.
L7-02 Reverse Torque Limit 0 to 300 200% − A − 4A8 225
output torque
Forward Regenerative positive torque
L7-03 0 to 300 200% − A − 4A9 225
Torque Limit L7-01
L7-04 motor
regeneration r/min
Reverse Regenerative regeneration
L7-04 0 to 300 200% − A − 4AA 225
Torque Limit L7-03
negative torque

Torque Limit Integral Time Sets the integral time constant for the torque limit. 5 to 200
L7-06 − A − 4AC 226
Constant 10000 ms
Selects the method of torque limit control during accel/decel.
0: Proportional Control (change to integral controls at fixed
speeds). Use this setting when acceleration to the desired
Torque Limit Control speed has priority over torque limitation.
L7-07 Method Selection during 1: Integral Control. Use this setting if the torque limitation 0, 1 0 − A − 4C9 226
Accel/Decel has priority.
When torque limit is applied to the motor, accel/decel time
may increase and motor speed may not meet the speed
L8: Hardware Protection
Use L8 parameters to configure hardware protection functions.
Selects the Braking resistor when using a 3% duty cycle
Internal Dynamic Braking heatsink mounted braking resistor. This parameter does not
L8-01 Resistor Protection enable or disable the braking transistor of the drive. 0, 1 0 A A A 4AD 226
Selection (ERF type) 0: Resistor overheat protection disabled
1: Resistor overheat protection enabled
When the heatsink temperature exceeds the value set in this 50 to 130 <3>
L8-02 Overheat Alarm Level A A A 4AE 226
parameter, an Overheat Alarm (oH) will occur.

368 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Sets the drive operation when an overheat alarm oH is
0: Ramp to Stop using the active decel time.
1: Coast to Stop.
2: Fast-stop using the time set in C1-09.
Overheat Pre-Alarm
L8-03 3: Alarm Only. Drive continues running, but displays an 0 to 4 3 A A A 4AF 226
Operation Selection alarm.
4: Reduced Speed Operation. Drive continues to run with
reduced frequency reference as specified in L8-19.
Settings 0 through 2 trigger a fault relay if the heatsink
becomes too hot.
Selects the detection of input current phase loss, power
supply voltage imbalance, or main circuit electrolytic
Input Phase Loss Protection capacitor deterioration. 0
L8-05 0: Disabled 0, 1 <19> A A A 4B1 227
Selection 1: Enabled
Note: This parameter is disabled in 200 V single-phase
Selects the output phase loss detection.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled (triggered by a single phase loss)
Output Phase Loss 2: Enabled (triggered when two phases are lost)
L8-07 Output phase loss is detected when operating with less than 0 to 2 0 A A A 4B3 228
Protection Selection
5% of the drive rated current. Detection can mistakenly
occur if the motor is small relative to the drive capacity rating
(this parameter should be disabled in such cases).
Selects the output ground fault detection.
Output Ground Fault <3>
L8-09 0: Disabled 0, 1 A A A 4B5 228
Detection Selection 1: Enabled
Controls the heatsink cooling fan operation.
0: Run with timer (Fan operates only during run and for
Heatsink Cooling Fan
L8-10 L8-11 seconds after stop.) 0, 1 0 A A A 4B6 228
Operation Selection 1: Run always (Cooling fan operates whenever the drive is
powered up.)
Heatsink Cooling Fan This parameter sets the delay time for the cooling fan to shut 0 to 300 60 s
L8-11 A A A 4B7 228
Operation Delay Time off after the run command is removed when L8-10 = 0.
Ambient Temperature Used to input the ambient temperature. This value adjusts -10 to 50 40 °C
L8-12 A A A 4B8 228
Setting the drives oL2 detection level.
Sets the oL2 characteristics at output frequencies below 6
oL2 Characteristics
L8-15 0: No oL2 level reduction below 6 Hz. 0, 1 1 A A A 4BB 228
Selection at Low Speeds 1: oL2 level is reduced linearly below 6 Hz. It is halved at 0
Selects the software current limit function. Typically no
Soft Current Limit Selection adjustment is required. <15>
L8-18 0, 1 A A − 4BE 229
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Frequency Reduction Rate Specifies the frequency reference reduction gain at overheat 0.1 to 1.0 0.8
L8-19 A A A 4BF 227
during oH Pre-Alarm pre-alarm when L8-03 = 4.
Selects the detection of unbalanced output currents caused
Current Unbalance by faulty devices in the output circuit.
L8-29 0, 1 1 − − A 4DF 229
Detection (LF2) 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Selects the installation type: <3>
Installation Method 1: Side-by-Side Mounting <13>
L8-35 0 to 3 Α Α A 4EC 229
Selection 2: NEMA Type 1 Drive <19>
Parameter List

3: Finless Drive or External Heatsink Installation

Provides protection to the IGBTs by reducing the carrier
frequency at low speeds.
Carrier Frequency <3>
L8-38 0: Disabled 0 to 2 A A A 4EF 229
Reduction 1: Enabled below 6 Hz
2: Enabled for the whole speed range
Sets the time for that the drive continues running with
reduced carrier frequency after the carrier reduction
Carrier Frequency 0.00 to
L8-40 condition has gone (see also L8-38). 0.50 A A A 4F1 230
Reduction Time 2.00
A setting of 0.00 s disables the carrier frequency reduction

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 369
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Configures an alarm when the output current exceeds 150%
High Current Alarm of the drive rated current.
L8-41 0, 1 0 A A A 4F2 230
Selection 0: Alarm disabled.
1: Alarm enabled.
Sets the STo detection level as a percentage of the motor
L8-51 rated current. 0.0 to
<14> STo Fault Detection Level Increase this value to detect pull-out more quickly during 0.0% – – A 471 230
acceleration. The drive calculates this value automatically
when L8-51 is set to 0.0%.
L8-54 0: Disabled.
<14> STo Deviation Detection 0, 1 1 – – A 474 230
1: Enabled.
<1> Setting 6 available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
<2> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 0-V/f Control.
<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<4> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection and C6-01, Drive Duty Selection.
<5> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<6> Default setting value is dependent on parameter E1-01, Input Voltage Setting.
<7> Setting value 2 is not available A1-02 = 5-PM OLV Control. When enabled, the drive stops accelerating when it exceeds the value of L3-02,
Stall Prevention Level. The drive decelerates after 100 ms and begins accelerating again after restoring the current level.
<8> Default setting value is 120% when C6-01 is set to 1 (ND) and 150% when C6-01 is set to 0 (HD).
<9> The setting range depends on the control mode set in A1-02. For PM OLV Control the setting range is 0 to 2 and 7.
<10> Default setting value is dependent on parameter E5-01, Motor Code Selection.
<11> Parameter value is changed if E2-11 is manually changed or changed by Auto-Tuning.
<12> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 and later.
<13> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value during drive initialization, A1-03 = 1110, 2220, 3330.
<14> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later. There is normally no need to change this parameter from the default value.
<15> Default setting is determined by drive software version and C6-02 setting. Drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later have a default setting
of 0 when the carrier frequency is set for Leakage Current Rejection PWM (C6-02 = B), and 1 when C6-02 is set to any other value.
<16> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<17> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later.
<18> The default setting and the upper limit of the setting range are determined by C6-01, Drive Duty Mode, and L8-38, Carrier Frequency Reduction
<19> Regional default settings:
Setting 0: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 1: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)

370 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

u n: Advanced Performance Set-Up

The n parameters are used to adjust more advanced performance characteristics such as hunting prevention, speed feedback
detection, high-slip braking and R1 online tuning.
No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V M
n1: Hunting Prevention
Use n1 parameters to configure hunting prevention operation.
If the motor vibrates while lightly loaded, Hunting
Prevention may reduce the vibration.
Hunting Prevention
n1-01 0: Disabled 0, 1 1 A − − 580 231
Selection 1: Enabled
When quick response is needed disable Hunting Prevention.
Sets the gain for the Hunting Prevention Function.
If the motor vibrates while lightly loaded and n1-01 = 1,
Hunting Prevention Gain 0.00 to
n1-02 increase the gain by 0.1 until vibration ceases. 1.00 A − − 581 231
Setting 2.50
If the motor stalls while n1-01 = 1, decrease the gain by 0.1
until the stalling ceases.
Hunting Prevention Time <1>
n1-03 Sets the time constant used for hunting prevention. 0 to 500 A − − 582 231
Sets the gain used for Hunting Prevention.
Hunting Prevention Gain When set to 0, the gain n1-02 is used for operation in reverse 0.00 to 0.00 A − −
n1-05 530 231
while in Reverse 2.50
n2: Speed Feedback Detection Control Function
Use n2 parameters to configure the Speed Feedback Detection Control function operation.
Sets the internal speed feedback detection control gain in the 0.00 to <8> − A − 584 231
automatic frequency regulator (AFR). 10.00
Speed Feedback Detection This parameter does not typically require adjustment. Adjust
n2-01 Control (AFR) Gain this parameter as follows: Adjust the setting by 0.05 units at a time,
If hunting occurs, increase the set value. while checking the response.
If response is low, decrease the set value.
Speed Feedback Detection
n2-02 Control (AFR) Time Sets the AFR time constant 1. 0 to 2000 50 ms − A − 585 232
Speed Feedback Detection Sets the AFR time constant 2. Increase the setting if
n2-03 Control (AFR) Time overvoltage occurs during sudden load changes or the speed 0 to 2000 750 ms − A − 586 232
Constant 2 overshoots during fast acceleration.
n3: High-Slip Braking
Use n3 parameters to configure the high-slip braking function.
Sets the output frequency reduction step width when the
High-Slip Braking drive stops the motor using high-slip braking (HSB).
n3-01 Deceleration Frequency If Overvoltage (ov) faults occur during HSB, this parameter 1 to 20 5% A − − 588 232
Width may need to be increased.
Sets the current limit during HSB. Higher n3-02 settings will 100 to
High-Slip Braking Current
n3-02 shorten motor stopping times but increase the motor current, 150% A − − 589 232
Limit 200
and therefore motor heating.
Sets the time the drive will run with minimum frequency
High-Slip Braking Dwell (E1-09) at the end of deceleration. 0.0 to
n3-03 1.0 s A − − 58A 233
Time at Stop If this time is set too low, the machine inertia can cause the 10.0
motor to rotate slightly after HSB completion.
Sets the time required for an HSB overload fault (oL7) to
High-Slip Braking Overload occur when the drive output frequency does not change 30 to
n3-04 40 s A − − 58B 233
Time during an HSB stop. This parameter does not typically 1200
require adjustment.
Applies a gain to the V/f pattern during deceleration (L3-04
Parameter List

Overexcitation Deceleration = 4). Returns to normal values after ramp to stop or at re- 1.00 to 1.10
n3-13 acceleration. A A − 531 233
Gain 1.40
To increase the braking power of overexcitation, increase the
gain by 1.25 to 1.30.
If overcurrent or overload occur during high-slip
High-Slip Suppression
n3-21 deceleration, reduce the high-slip suppression current level. 0 to 150 100% A A − 579 233
Current Level Set as a percentage of the drive rated current. B
0: Enabled in both directions
Overexcitation Operation
n3-23 1: Enabled only when rotating forward 0 to 2 0 A A − 57B 233
Selection 2: Enabled only when in reverse
n6: Online Tuning of Motor Line-to-Line Resistance
Use n6 parameters to adjust the motor line-to-line resistance while the drive is online.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 371
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Tunes the line-to-line motor resistance continuously during
Line-to-Line Motor operation.
n6-01 0, 1 1 − A − 570 233
Resistance Online Tuning 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
n8: Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor Control
Use n8 parameters to control the PM motor control.
Sets the gain for internal speed feedback detection control.
Speed Feedback Detection This parameter does not typically require adjustment. 0.00 to
n8-45 0.80 − − A 538 234
Control Gain Increase this setting if hunting occurs. 10.00
Decrease to lower the response.
Sets the time constant to make the pull-in current and actual
Pull-In Current current value agree. 0.0 to
n8-47 Compensation Time Decrease the value if the motor begins to oscillate. 5.0 s − − A 53A 234
100.0 s
Constant Increase the value if it takes too long for the current reference
to equal the output current.
Defines the amount of current provided to the motor during
n8-48 no-load operation at a constant speed.
Pull-In Current Set as a percentage of the motor rated current. Increase this <3> 30% − − A 53B 234
setting when hunting occurs while running at a constant
n8-49 d-Axis Current for High- Sets the amount of d-Axis current when using Energy Saving <4>
<2> 0% − − A 53C 234
Efficiency Control control.
Sets the pull-in current during acceleration as a percentage
n8-51 Acceleration Pull-In of the motor rated current (E5-03). Set to a high value when 0 to 200% 50% − − A 53E 234
more starting torque is needed.
Sets the time constant for voltage error compensation. Adjust
Voltage Error Compensation the value when hunting occurs at low speed. 0.00 to
n8-54 Increase in steps of 0.1 or disable the compensation by setting 1.00 s − − A 56D 235
Time Constant 10.00 s
n8-45 to 0 when hunting occurs with sudden load changes or
when oscillations occur at start.
Sets the ratio between motor and machine inertia.
0: less than 1:10.
n8-55 Load Inertia 1: between 1:10 to 1:30. 0 to 3 0 − − A 56E 235
2: between 1:30 to 1:50.
3: higher than 1:50.
n8-62 Sets the limit for the output voltage. Adjustment is normally
Output Voltage Limit needed only if the input voltage is below the n8-62 set value. 0.0 to 200
<5> − − A 57D 235
230.0 Vac
In this case set n8-62 to the input voltage.
n8-63 Output Voltage Limit Gain 1 Sets the gain used for output voltage limit. 0.00 to
<6> 1.00 – – A 57E 235

n8-65 Speed Feedback Detection Sets the gain used for internal speed feedback detection 0.00 to
<7> Control Gain during ov 1.50 − − A 65C 235
during ov Suppression 10.00
n8-68 0.50 to
<6> Output Voltage Limit Gain 2 Sets the voltage detection level adjustment gain. 0.95 – – A 237 235
Determines the method of the output voltage limit.
n8-87 Output Voltage Limit 0: Feedback method
<6> 0, 1 0 – – A 2BC 236
Selection 1: Feed forward method Use the feed forward method if
oscillation occurs in the constant output range.
n8-88 Sets the current level to switch the output voltage limit
Output Voltage Limit
<6> sequence. Set as a percentage of the motor rated current 0 to 400% 400% – – A 2BD 236
Switching Current Level (E5-03).
n8-89 Output Voltage Limit Determines the hysteresis of the current level to switch the 0 to
<6> Switching Current output voltage limit sequence. Set as a percentage of the 3% – – A 2BE 236
Hysteresis Width motor rated current (E5-03).
n8-90 Sets the speed level to switch the output voltage limit
Output Voltage Limit
<6> sequence. Set as a percentage of the maximum output 0 to 200% 200% – – A 2BF 236
Switching Speed frequency (E1-04).
Sets the amount of pull-in current that flows through the
n8-91 Id Limit for Output Voltage motor while operating at constant speed. Set as a percentage -200 to
<6> Limit Control -50% – – A 2F7 236
of the motor rated current (E5-03). Increase this setting if 0%
hunting occurs at constant speed.
<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<2> Parameter can be changed during Run.
<3> Setting range varies depending on drive software version. Software versions PRG: 1018 and later disable pull-in current when n8-48 = 0 and
allow this parameter to be changed during run.

372 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

PRG: 1018 and later: 0% or 20 to 200%

PRG: 1017 and earlier: 20 to 200%
<4> Setting range varies depending on drive software version. Software versions PRG: 1018 and later allow this parameter to be changed during
PRG: 1018 and later: -200.0 to 200.0%
PRG: 1017 and earlier: -200.0 to 0.0%
<5> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<6> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later. There is normally no need to change this parameter from the default value.
<7> Parameter available in drive software versions PRG: 1011 and later.
<8> Default setting is determined by drive model.
Models BA0001 to BA0012, 2A0001 to 2A0020, and 4A0001 to 4A0011: Setting 1.00.
Models BA0018, 2A0030 to 2A0069, and 4A0018 to 4A0038: Setting 1.50.

u o: Operator Related Parameters

o parameters are used to set up the LED digital operator displays.
Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
o1: Display Settings
Use o1 parameters to configure the digital operator display.
Switches the display after the power has been turned on. <2> 106 A A A 500
When using an LED operator, pressing the up arrow key will
o1-01 display the following data:
Drive Mode Unit Monitor frequency reference → rotational direction → output
<1> Selection Set to U1-06 as a default (Output 237
frequency → output current → output voltage → U1-oo. Voltage Reference).
(This is done by entering the 1oo part of U1-oo. Certain
monitors are not available in some control modes.)
Selects the information that is displayed when the power is
turned on.
o1-02 1: Frequency Reference (U1-01)
User Monitor Selection
<1> 2: Forward/Reverse 1 to 5 1 A A A 501 237
After Power Up 3: Output Frequency (U1-02)
4: Output Current (U1-03)
5: User Monitor (set by o1-01)
Sets the units to display the frequency reference and output
0: Hz
Digital Operator Display
o1-03 1: % (100% = E1-04) 0 to 3 0 A A A 502 237
Selection 2: r/min (enter the number of motor poles into E2-04/E4-04/
3: User defined by parameters o1-10 and o1-11
<1> LCD Contrast Control Sets the brightness of the optional LCD operator. 0 to 5 3 A A A 504 238

Frequency Reference Setting These settings define the display values when o1-03 is set to 1 to <3>
o1-10 A A A 520 238
and User-Set Display 3. 60000
o1-10 sets display values when operating at the maximum
Frequency Reference output frequency. <3>
o1-11 0 to 3 A A A 521 238
Parameter List

Setting / Decimal Display o1-11 sets the position of the decimal positions.
o2: Operator Keypad Functions
Use o2 parameters to configure LED digital operator key functions.
Enables/Disables the digital operator LO/RE key.
LO/RE Key Function
o2-01 0: Disabled 0, 1 1 A A A 505 238
Selection 1: Enabled
Enables/Disables the operator panel STOP key when the B
STOP Key Function drive is operated form external sources (not operator).
o2-02 0, 1 1 A A A 506 238
Selection 0: Disabled
1: Enabled

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 373
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Allows storing of parameter settings as a User Initialization
Selection (value 1110 for A1-03). The value returns to 0 after
entering 1 or 2.
User Parameter Default
o2-03 0: No Change 0 to 2 0 A A A 507 239
Value 1: Set Defaults - Saves current parameter settings as user
2: Clear All - Clears the currently saved user initialization.
Sets the drive model.
o2-04 <5>
<4> Drive Model Selection This parameter only needs to be set when installing a new 0 to FF A A A 508 239
control board. Do not change for other reason.
Selects if the ENTER key must be pressed when inputting
the frequency reference by the operator keypad.
0: Data/Enter key must be pressed to enter a frequency
Frequency Reference Setting reference.
o2-05 0, 1 0 A A A 509 239
Method Selection 1: Data/Enter key is not required.
The output frequency changes immediately when the
reference is changed by the UP or DOWN keys on the digital
operator. The ENTER key does not need to be pressed.
Sets drive action when the digital operator is removed in
Operation Selection when LOCAL mode or with b1-02 = 0.
o2-06 Digital Operator is 0: The drive will continue operation 0, 1 0 A A A 50A 239
Disconnected 1: The drive will trigger a fault (oPr) and the motor will coast
to stop
0: Forward
Motor Direction at Power Up 1: Reverse
o2-07 0, 1 0 A A A 527 240
when Using Operator This parameter requires that drive operation be assigned to
the digital operator.
o2-09 – Factory use. – – – – – – –
o3: Copy Function
Use o3 parameters to Read, Copy and Verify the parameter settings to and from the drive.
0: Copy select
1: INV → OP READ (Read parameters from the drive,
saving them onto the digital operator.)
2: OP → INV WRITE (Copy parameters from the digital
o3-01 Copy Function Selection operator, writing them to the drive.) 0 to 3 0 A A A 515 —
3: OP → INV VERIFY (Verify parameter settings on the
drive to check if they match the data saved on the operator.)
To read the drive parameter settings into the digital operator,
set o3-02 to 1 (to allow reading).
Locks the READ operation to prevent accidental overwriting
of the data stored in the LED operator.
o3-02 Copy Allowed Selection 0, 1 0 A A A 516 —
0: READ operation prohibited
1: READ operation allowed
o4: Maintenance Period
Use o4 parameters to perform maintenance.
Accumulated Operation Sets the value for the cumulative operation time of the drive 0 to 9999
o4-01 0 A A A 50B 240
Time Setting in units of 10 h.
Determines, how the cumulative operation time (U4-01) is
Accumulated Operation
o4-02 0: Logs power-on time 0, 1 0 A A A 50C 241
Time Selection 1: Logs operation time when the drive output is active
(output operation time).
Cooling Fan Operation Time Sets the value of the fan operation time monitor U4-03 in 0 to 9999
o4-03 0 A A A 50E 241
Setting units of 10 h. <6>
Capacitor Maintenance Sets the value of the capacitor maintenance time monitor
o4-05 0 to 150 0% A A A 51D 241
Setting U4-05.
DC Bus Pre-Charge Relay Sets the value of the Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance 0 to 150 0%
o4-07 A A A 523 241
Maintenance Setting monitor U4-06.
o4-09 IGBT Maintenance Setting Sets the value of the IGBT Maintenance monitor U4-07. 0 to 150 0% A A A 525 241
0: U2-oo and U3-oo monitor data are not reset when the
drive is initialized using A1-03.
o4-11 U2, U3 Initialization 1: U2-oo and U3-oo monitor data are reset when the 0, 1 0 A A A 510 241
drive is initialized using A1-03. (The value of o4-11 is
automatically returned to 0.)

374 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
0: U4-10 and U4-11 monitor data are not reset when the drive
is initialized using A1-03.
o4-12 kWh Monitor Initialization 1: U4-10 and U4-11 monitor data are reset when the drive is 0, 1 0 A A A 512 242
initialized using A1-03. (The value of o4-12 is automatically
returned to 0.)
0: U4-02 monitor data is not reset when the drive is
Number of Run Commands initialized using A1-03.
o4-13 1: U4-02 monitor data is reset when the drive is initialized 0, 1 0 A A A 528 242
Initialize Selection using A1-03. (The value of o4-13 is automatically returned
to 0.)
<1> Parameter can be changed during run.
<2> Setting range is determined by drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 104 to 810
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 104 to 621
<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o1-03, Digital Operator Display Selection.
<4> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value during drive initialization, A1-03 = 1110, 2220, 3330
<5> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<6> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1011 and later. Parameter o4-03 is set in 10 h units. When o4-03 = 30, the operation time for the
cooling fan will start counting from 300 hours, and monitor U4-03 will display “300 H”. Earlier software versions set o4-03 in 1 h units.
<7> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.

u q: DriveWorksEZ Parameters
Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
q1-01 to DriveWorksEZ Reserved for DriveWorksEZ. - - A A Α - —
q6-07 Parameters

u r: DriveWorksEZ Connection Parameters

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-01 Parameter 1 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1840 —
Parameter 1 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-02 Parameter 1 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1841 —
Parameter 1 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-03 Parameter 2 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1842 —
Parameter 2 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-04 Parameter 1 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1843 —
Parameter 2 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-05 Parameter 1 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1844 —
Parameter 3 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-06 Parameter 3 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1845 —
Parameter 3 (lower) FFFFH
Parameter List

DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-07 Parameter 4 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1846 —
Parameter 4 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-08 Parameter 4 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1847 —
Parameter 4 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-09 Parameter 5 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1848 —
Parameter 5 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-10 Parameter 5 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1849 —
Parameter 5 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-11 Parameter 6 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 184A —
Parameter 6 (upper) FFFFH

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 375
B.2 Parameter Table

No. Name Description Range Def. Pg.
V/ O P Hex
f V
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-12 Parameter 6 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 184BH —
Parameter 6 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-13 Parameter 7 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 184C —
Parameter 7 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-14 Parameter 7 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 184D —
Parameter 7 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-15 Parameter 8 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 184E —
Parameter 8 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-16 Parameter 8 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 184F —
Parameter 8 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-17 Parameter 9 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1850 —
Parameter 9 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-18 Parameter 9 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1851 —
Parameter 9 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-19 Parameter 10 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1852 —
Parameter 10 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-20 Parameter 10 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1853 —
Parameter 10 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-21 Parameter 11 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1854 —
Parameter 11 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-22 Parameter 11 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1855 —
Parameter 11 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-23 Parameter 12 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1856 —
Parameter 12 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-24 Parameter 12 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1857 —
Parameter 12 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-25 Parameter 13 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1858 —
Parameter 13 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-26 Parameter 13 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1859 —
Parameter 13 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-27 Parameter 14 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 185A —
Parameter 14 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-28 Parameter 14 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 185B —
Parameter 14 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-29 Parameter 15 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 185C —
Parameter 15 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-30 Parameter 15 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 185D —
Parameter 15 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-31 Parameter 16 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 185E —
Parameter 16 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-32 Parameter 16 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 185F —
Parameter 16 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-33 Parameter 17 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1860 —
Parameter 17 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-34 Parameter 17 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1861 —
Parameter 17 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-35 Parameter 18 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1862 —
Parameter 18 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-36 Parameter 18 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1863 —
Parameter 18 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-37 Parameter 19 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1864 —
Parameter 19 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-38 Parameter 19 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1865 —
Parameter 19 (lower) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-39 Parameter 20 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (upper). 0 – A A 1866 —
Parameter 20 (upper) FFFFH
DriveWorksEZ Connection 0 to
r1-40 Parameter 20 for connecting DriveWorksEZ (lower). 0 – A A 1867 —
Parameter 20 (lower) FFFFH

u T: Motor Tuning
Enter data into the following parameters to tune the motor and drive for optimal performance

376 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Addr. Pg.
No. Name Description Range Def.
V/ O P Hex
f V
Selects which set of motor parameters are used and set during
Auto-Tuning. If Motor 2 selection (H1-oo = 16) is not selected,
Motor Selection this parameter will not be displayed.
T1-00 1, 2 1 A A − 700 104
1/2 1: Motor 1 (sets E1-oo, E2-oo)
2: Motor 2 (sets E3-oo, E4-oo. This selection is not displayed
if motor 2 has not been selected.)
2 or 3 in
Selects the Auto-Tuning mode. V/f
Auto-Tuning Mode 0: Rotational Auto-Tuning 0, 2, 3 0 or 2 in A A −
T1-01 2: Stationary Auto-Tuning for Line-to-Line Resistance <1> 701 104
Selection OLV
3: Rotational Auto-Tuning for V/f Control (necessary for Energy 2 in
Savings and Speed Estimation type Speed Search) Motor 2
Sets the motor rated power in kilowatts (kW).
T1-02 Motor Rated Power Note: If motor power is given in horsepower, power in kW can <2> <3> A A − 702 104
be calculated using the following formula: kW = HP x 0.746.
T1-03 Motor Rated 0.0 to
<4> Sets the motor rated voltage in volts (V). 200.0 V A A − 703 104
Voltage 255.5
10 to
Motor Rated 200% of <3>
T1-04 Sets the motor rated current in amperes (A). A A − 704 104
Current drive rated
T1-05 Motor Base Sets the base frequency of the motor in Hertz (Hz). 0.0 to <5> A A − 705 105
Frequency 400.0
Number of Motor
T1-06 Sets the number of motor poles. 2 to 48 4 A A − 706 105
Sets the base speed of the motor in revolutions per minute r/min 0 to 24000 <6>
T1-07 Motor Base Speed A A − 707 105
Provides the iron loss for determining the Energy Saving 14 W A − − 70B 105
T1-11 Motor Iron Loss The value set to E2-10 (motor iron loss) when the power is cycled. 0 to 65535 These values differ depending on the
If T1-02 is changed, an initial value valid for the selected capacity motor code value and motor
will be shown. parameter settings.

<1> The available tuning methods depend on control mode. Select values 2 or 3 in V/f Control, 0 or 2 in OLV control, and 2 for Motor 2 control.
<2> Setting range varies depending on drive software version.
PRG: 1016 and later: 0.03 to 650.00 kW
PRG: 1015 and earlier: 0.00 to 650.00 kW
<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<4> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<5> Regional default settings:
Setting 60.0 Hz: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 50.0 Hz: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)
<6> Regional default settings:
Setting 1750 r/min: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA)
Setting 1450 r/min: China (Model code: CIMR-VBoA)

u U: Monitors
Monitor parameters allow the user to view drive status, fault information, and other information about drive operation.
Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description
V/ O
Parameter List

Level P Hex
f V
U1: Operation Status Monitors
Use U1 monitors to display the operation status of the drive.
10 V: Max 0.01
U1-01 Frequency Reference Monitors the frequency A A A 40
frequency Hz
Displays the output frequency. Display units are 10 V: Max 0.01
U1-02 Output Frequency A A A 41
determined by o1-03. frequency Hz

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 377
B.2 Parameter Table

Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description Level V/ O P Hex
f V
10 V: Drive rated A
U1-03 Output Current Displays the output current. <1> A A A 42

Control method set in A1-02.

0: V/f without PG No output signal
U1-04 Control Mode – A A A 43
2: Open Loop Vector (OLV) available
5: PM Open Loop Vector (PM)
Displays the motor speed feedback. Display units are 10 V: Maximum 0.01
U1-05 Motor Speed – A – 44
determined by o1-03. speed Hz
10 V: 200 Vrms
U1-06 Output Voltage Reference Displays the output voltage. 0.1 V A A A 45
(400 Vrms)
10 V: 400 V (800 1 V
U1-07 DC Bus Voltage Displays the DC bus voltage. A A A 46
10 V: Drive
Displays the output power (this value is determined capacity (kW) <1>
U1-08 Output Power A A A 47
internally). (rated motor
Monitor of internal torque reference value for Open Loop 10 V: Motor rated –
U1-09 Torque Reference – A – 48
Vector (OLV) control torque
Displays the input terminal status.

Digital input terminal

S1 enabled
Digital input terminal
S2 enabled
Digital input terminal No output signal
U1-10 Input Terminal Status S3 enabled
available – A A A 49
Digital input terminal
S4 enabled
Digital input terminal
S5 enabled
Digital input terminal
S6 enabled
Digital input terminal
S7 enabled

Displays the output terminal status.

Digital Output (fault)
(terminal MA/MB-MC) No output signal
U1-11 Output Terminal Status available – A A A 4A
Digital Output 1
(terminal P1) enabled
Digital Output 2
(terminal P2) enabled

Verifies the drive operation status.

During run
During zero-speed
During REV
U1-12 Drive Status No output signal
During fault reset – A A A 4B
signal input
During speed agree
Drive ready
During alarm
During fault detection

U1-13 Terminal A1 Input Level Displays analog input A1 level: 100% when input is 10 V. 10 V: 100% 0.1% A A A 4E
U1-14 Terminal A2 Input Level Displays analog input A2 level: 100% when input is 10 V. 10 V: 100% 0.1% A A A 4F

378 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description Level V/ O P Hex
f V
Output Frequency after Soft Displays output frequency with ramp time and S-curves. 10 V: Max 0.01
U1-16 A A A 53
Starter Units determined by o1-03. frequency Hz
Displays parameter no. for oPEoo or Err where error No output signal
U1-18 oPE Fault Parameter – A A A 61
occurred. available
Displays the contents of a MEMOBUS/Modbus error.

CRC Error
Data Length Error
MEMOBUS/Modbus Error Not Used No output signal
U1-19 – A A A 66
Code Parity Error available
Overrun Error
Framing Error
Timed Out
Not Used

U1-24 Input Pulse Monitor Displays the Pulse Train input RP frequency. 32000 1 Hz A A A 7D
No signal output
U1-25 Software No. (Flash) Flash ID – A A A 4D
No signal output
U1-26 Software No. (ROM) ROM ID – A A A 5B
Displays the numeric code of the remote operator (for use No signal output
U1-27 Operator Message ID – A A A 7A8
by the manufacturer). avail.
Displays the numeric code of the drive (for use by the No signal output
U1-28 Drive Message ID – A A A 7A9
manufacturer) avail.
U2: Fault Trace
Use U2 monitors to view fault trace data. <3>
No signal output
U2-01 Current Fault Displays the current fault. – A A A 80
No signal output
U2-02 Previous Fault Displays the previous fault. – A A A 81
Frequency Reference at No signal output 0.01
U2-03 Displays the frequency reference at the previous fault. A A A 82
Previous Fault avail. Hz
Output Frequency at No signal output 0.01
U2-04 Displays the output frequency at the previous fault. A A A 83
Previous Fault avail. Hz
Output Current at Previous No signal output <1>
U2-05 Displays the output current at the previous fault. A A A 84
Fault avail. <2>

Motor Speed at Previous No signal output 0.01

U2-06 Displays the motor speed at the previous fault. − A − 85
Fault avail. Hz
Output Voltage at Previous No signal output
U2-07 Displays the output voltage at the previous fault. 0.1 V A A A 86
Fault avail.
DC Bus Voltage at Previous No signal output
U2-08 Displays the DC bus voltage at the previous fault. 1V A A A 87
Fault avail.
Output Power at Previous No signal output 0.1
U2-09 Displays the output power at the previous fault. A A A 88
Fault avail. kW
Torque Reference at No signal output
U2-10 Displays the torque reference at the previous fault. 0.1% − Α − 89
Previous Fault avail.
Input Terminal Status at Displays the input terminal status at the previous fault. No signal output
U2-11 – A A A 8A
Previous Fault Displayed as in U1-10. avail.
Parameter List

Output Terminal Status at Displays the output status at the previous fault. Displays No signal output
U2-12 – A A A 8B
Previous Fault the same status displayed in U1-11. avail.
Drive Operation Status at Displays the operation status of the drive at the previous No signal output
U2-13 – A A A 8C
Previous Fault fault. Displays the same status displayed in U1-12. avail.
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the previous No signal output
U2-14 1H A A A 8D
at Previous Fault fault. avail.
Soft Starter Speed Reference Displays the run speed after a soft start when a previous No signal output 0.01
U2-15 A A A 7E0
at Previous Fault fault occurred. Displayed as in U1-16. avail. %
Motor q-Axis Current at Displays the q-axis current for the motor at the previous No signal output 0.10
U2-16 A A A 7E1
Previous Fault fault. avail. %

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 379
B.2 Parameter Table

Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description Level V/ O P Hex
f V
Motor d-Axis Current at Displays the d-axis current for the motor at the previous No signal output 0.10
U2-17 − A A 7E2
Previous Fault fault. avail. %
U3: Fault History
Use U3 monitors to display fault data. <3>
No signal output 90
U3-01 Most Recent Fault Displays the most recent fault. – A A A
avail. (800)
No signal output 91
U3-02 2nd Most Recent Fault Displays the second most recent fault. – A A A
avail. (801)
No signal output 92
U3-03 3rd Most Recent Fault Displays the third most recent fault. – A A A
avail. (802)
No signal output 93
U3-04 4th Most Recent Fault Displays the fourth most recent fault. – A A A
avail. (803)
No signal output
U3-05 5th Most Recent Fault Displays the fifth most recent fault. – A A A 804
No signal output
U3-06 6th Most Recent Fault Displays the sixth most recent fault. – A A A 805
No signal output
U3-07 7th Most Recent Fault Displays the seventh most recent fault. – A A A 806
No signal output
U3-08 8th Most Recent Fault Displays the eighth most recent fault. – A A A 807
No signal output
U3-09 9th Most Recent Fault Displays the ninth most recent fault. – A A A 808
No signal output
U3-10 10th Most Recent Fault Displays the tenth most recent fault. – A A A 809
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the most recent No signal output 94
U3-11 1h A A A
at Most Recent Fault fault. avail. (80A)
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the second most No signal output 95
U3-12 1h A A A
at 2nd Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail. (80B)
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the third most No signal output 96
U3-13 1h A A A
at 3rd Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail. (80C)
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the fourth most No signal output 97
U3-14 1h A A A
at 4th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail. (80D)
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the fifth most No signal output
U3-15 1h A A A 80E
at 5th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail.
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the sixth most No signal output
U3-16 1h A A A 80F
at 6th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail.
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the seventh most No signal output
U3-17 1h A A A 810
at 7th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail.
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the eighth most No signal output
U3-18 1h A A A 811
at 8th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail.
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the ninth most No signal output
U3-19 1h A A A 812
at 9th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail.
Cumulative Operation Time Displays the cumulative operation time at the tenth most No signal output
U3-20 1h A A A 813
at 10th Most Recent Fault recent fault. avail.
U4: Maintenance Monitors
Use U4 monitors to display drive maintenance information.
Displays the cumulative operation time of the drive. The
value for the cumulative operation time counter can be
reset in parameter o4-01. Use parameter o4-02 to
U4-01 Accumulated Operation determine if the operation time should start as soon as the No signal output 1h A A A 4C
Time power is switched on or only while the run command is avail.

present. The maximum number displayed is 99999, after

which the value is reset to 0.
Displays the number of times the run command is entered.
Reset the number of run commands using parameter o4-13. No signal output
U4-02 Number of Run Commands This – A A A 75
value will reset to 0 and start counting again after avail.
reaching 65535.
Displays the cumulative operation time of the cooling fan.
U4-03 Cooling Fan Operation Time The default value for the fan operation time is reset in No signal output
<5> <8> parameter o4-03. This value will reset to 0 and start 1h A A A 67
counting again after reaching 99999. <4>

380 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description Level V/ O P Hex
f V
Displays main cooling fan usage time in as a percentage of
U4-04 No signal output
Cooling Fan Maintenance their expected performance life. Parameter o4-03 can be 1% A A A 7E
used to reset this monitor.
Displays main circuit capacitor usage time in as a No signal output
U4-05 Capacitor Maintenance percentage of their expected performance life. Parameter 1% A A A 7C
o4-05 can be used to reset this monitor.
U4-06 Displays the soft charge bypass relay maintenance time as
Soft Charge Bypass Relay No signal output
<5> a percentage of the estimated product life. Parameter o4-07 1% A A A 7D6
Maintenance avail.
can be used to reset this monitor.
U4-07 Displays IGBT usage time as a percent of expected
IGBT Maintenance performance life. Parameter o4-09 can be used to reset this No signal output
<5> 1% A A A 7D7
<6> Heatsink Temperature Displays the heatsink temperature. 10 V: 100 °C 1 °C A A A 68

Lights all segments of the LED to verify that the display is No signal output
U4-09 LED Check – A A A 3C
working properly. avail.
U4-10 kWh, Lower 4 Digits Monitors the drive output power. The value is shown as a kWh A A A 5C
9 digit number displayed across two monitor parameters,
U4-10 and U4-11. No signal output
U4-11 kWh, Upper 5 Digits avail. MWh A A A 5D
12345678.9 kWh is displayed as:
U4-10: 678.9 kWh
U4-11: 12345 MWh
No signal output A
U4-13 Peak Hold Current Displays the peak hold current during run. A A A 7CF
avail. <2>

Peak Hold Output Frequency Displays the output frequency when operating at the peak No signal output 0.01
U4-14 A A A 7D0
hold current. avail. Hz
Motor Overload Estimate 100% = oL1
U4-16 100% = oL1 detection level 0.1% A A A 7D8
(oL1) detection level
Displays the source for the frequency reference as XY-nn.
X: indicates which reference is used:
1 = Reference 1 (b1-01)
2 = Reference 2 (b1-15)
Y-nn: indicates the reference source
0-01 = Operator (d1-01)
Frequency Reference Source 1-01 = Analog (terminal A1)
U4-18 – – A A A 7DA
Selection 1-02 = Analog (terminal A2)
2-02 to 17 = Multi-step speed (d1-02 to 17)
3-01 = MEMOBUS/Modbus comm.
4-01 = Option
5-01 = Pulse Input
6-01 = CASE
7-01 = DWEZ
Frequency Reference from Displays the frequency reference provided by
U4-19 MEMOBUS/Modbus – – A A A 7DB
MEMOBUS/Modbus (decimal).
Option Frequency Reference Displays the frequency reference input by an option card
U4-20 – – A A A 7DD
Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 381
B.2 Parameter Table

Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description Level V/ O P Hex
f V
Displays the source for the Run command as XY-nn.
X: Indicates which Run source is used:
1 = Reference 1 (b1-02)
2 = Reference 2 (b1-16)
Y: Input power supply data
0 = Operator
1 = External terminals
2 = Not used
3 = MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
4 = Option
5 = Not used
6 = CASE
7 = DWEZ
nn: Run command limit status data
00: No limit status.
U4-21 Run Command Source 01: Run command was left on when stopped in the PRG – – A A A 7DD
Selection mode.
02: Run command was left on when switching from
LOCAL to REMOTE operation.
03: Waiting for the soft charge bypass contactor after the
power is switched on (Uv or Uv1 flashes after 10 seconds).
04: Waiting for “Run Command Prohibited” time period
to end.
05: Fast-stop (digital input (H1-oo = 15), operator)
06: b1-17 (run command given at power-up).
07: During Baseblock while coast to stop with timer
08: Frequency reference is below minimal reference during
09: Waiting for Enter command
10: Run command was switched on while copying
Displays the drive control data set by MEMOBUS/Modbus
U4-22 Communications Reference communications register No. 0001H as a 4 digit – – A A A 7DE
hexadecimal number.
Displays drive control data set by an option card as a 4 digit
U4-23 Option Card Reference – – A A A 7DF
hexadecimal number.
U5: PID Monitor
Use U5 monitors to view application-specific settings.
U5-01 PID Feedback Displays the PID feedback value in. A A A 57
Displays the amount of PID input (deviation between PID 0.01
U5-02 PID Input A A A 63
target and feedback). %
U5-03 PID Output Displays PID control output. A A A 64
10 V: 100% 0.01
U5-04 PID Setpoint Displays the PID setpoint. (max. freq.) A A A 65
Displays the 2nd PID feedback value if differential 0.01
U5-05 PID Differential Feedback A A A 7D2
feedback is used. %
Displays the difference of both feedback values if
differential feedback is used (U5-01) - (U5-05). 0.01
U5-06 PID Adjusted Feedback A A A 7D3
If differential feedback is not used, then U5-01 and U5-06 %
will be the same.
U6: Control Monitor
Use U6 monitors to display drive control information.
Motor Secondary Current
U6-01 Displays the value of the motor secondary current (Iq). 10 V: 100% 0.1% A A A 51
Motor Excitation Current Displays the value calculated for the motor excitation
U6-02 10 V: 100% 0.1% − A A 52
(ld) current (Id).
Displays the ASR input value if V/f Control with Simple 10 V: 100%
U6-03 ASR Input 0.1% A − − 54
PG Feedback is enabled. (max. freq.)
Displays the ASR output value if V/f Control with Simple 10 V: 100%
U6-04 ASR Output 0.1% A − − 55
PG Feedback is enabled. (max. freq.)
Output voltage reference 10 V: 200 V 0.1
U6-05 Output voltage reference (Vq). (q-axis) − A A 59
(Vq) (400 V) Vac
Output Voltage Reference 10 V: 200 V 0.1
U6-06 Output voltage reference (Vd). (d-axis) − A A 5A
(Vd) (400 V) Vac

382 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.2 Parameter Table

Analog Output Unit Addr.
No. Name Description Level V/ O P Hex
f V
Displays the current control (ACR) output of for the motor
U6-07 q-axis ACR Output 10 V: 100% 0.1% − A − 5F
secondary current (Iq).
Displays the current control (ACR) output of for the motor
U6-08 d-Axis ACR Output 10 V: 100% 0.1% − A − 60
excitation current (Id).
Frequency Reference Bias Displays the bias value used to adjust the frequency 10 V: max.
U6-20 0.1% A A A 7D4
(Up/Down 2) reference. frequency
The total value of the offset frequencies d7-01, d7-02 and 10 V: max.
U6-21 Offset Frequency 0.1% A A A 7D5
d7-03 selected with digital inputs 44 to 46 is displayed. frequency
Monitors reserved for use by the communication option
card. Monitor content varies based on the communication No signal output
U6-80 to Option Monitors 1 to 20 A A A 7B0 to
option connected to the drive. –
U6-99 avail. 7F9
Refer to the instruction manual for the option card for more
U8: Custom Monitors for DriveWorksEZ
U8 monitors are reserved for DriveWorksEZ
U8-01 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 1. – Α A Α 1950
U8-02 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 2. – A A A 1951
U8-03 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 3. – A A A 1952
U8-04 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 4. – A A A 1953
U8-05 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 5. – A A A 1954
U8-06 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 6. – A A A 1955
U8-07 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 7. – A A A 1956
U8-08 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 8. – A A A 1957
U8-09 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 9. – A A A 1958
U8-10 – Reserved for DriveWorksEZ, Monitor 10. – A A A 1959
<1> Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.
<2> U1-03, U2-05, and U4-13 display monitor contents in amp units. When reading the value of these monitors via MEMOBUS/Modbus, a value
of 8192 is equal to 100% of the drive rated output current.
<3> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value during drive initialization, A1-03 = 1110, 2220, 3330
<4> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1011 and later. Maximum value is 65536 in drive software versions PRG: 1010 and earlier.
<5> When this value reaches 100%, the maintenance period has been reached for the component in question and the drive is at risk of faulting out
due to component failure. Periodically check the maintenance monitors to avoid this situation.
<6> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1011 and later.
<7> MEMOBUS/Modbus communications data is in 10 h units. If data in 1 h units are also required, refer to register 0099H.
<8> MEMOBUS/Modbus communications data is in 10 h units. If data in 1 h units are also required, refer to register 009BH.
Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 383
B.3 Control Mode Dependent Parameter Default Values

B.3 Control Mode Dependent Parameter Default Values

The tables below list parameters that depend on the control mode selection (A1-02 for motor 1, E3-01 for motor 2). These
parameters are initialized to the shown values if the control mode is changed.

u A1-02 (Motor 1 Control Mode) Dependent Parameters

Table B.1 A1-02 (Motor 1 Control Mode) Dependent Parameters and Default Values
Control Modes (A1-02)
Parameter Description Setting Range Resolution
V/f (0) OLV (2) PM (5)
b3-02 Speed Search deactivation current 0 to 200 1% 120 100 –
Current Control Gain during Speed Search (Speed
Estimation Type)
0.00 to 6.00 – 0.50 <1> 0.50 <1> 0.30

b8-02 Energy Saving gain 0.0 to 10.0 0.1 – 0.7 –

C2-01 S-curve time at acceleration start 0.00 to 10.00 0.01 s 0.20 0.20 1.00
C3-01 Slip compensation gain 0.0 to 2.5 0.1 0.0 1.0 –
C3-02 Slip compensation time constant 0 to 10000 1 ms 2000 200 –
C4-01 Torque compensation gain 0.00 to 2.50 0.01 1.00 1.00 0.00
C4-02 Torque comp. primary delay time 0 to 10000 1 ms 200 20 100
7 7
C6-02 Carrier frequency 1 to F 1 <1> <1> 2

60.0 60.0 <3>

E1-04 Maximum output frequency 40.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <4> <4>

E1-05 Maximum output voltage <2> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 200.0 200.0 <3>

60.0 60.0 <3>

E1-06 Base Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <4> <4>

3.0 3.0
E1-07 Middle output frequency 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <4> <4> –

E1-08 Middle output freq. voltage <2> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 16.0 12.0 –
1.5 0.5 <3>
E1-09 Minimum output frequency 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <4> <4>

E1-10 Minimum output voltage <2> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 12.0 2.5 –
E1-11 Middle output frequency 2 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz 0.0 0.0 –
E1-12 Middle output freq. voltage 2 <2> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 0.0 0.0 –
E1-13 Base voltage <2> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 0.0 0.0 –
L1-01 Motor protection selection 0 to 4 – 1 1 4
L3-20 Main power circuit voltage adjustment gain 0.00 to 5.00 0.01 1.00 0.30 0.65
L3-21 Accel/decel rate calculation gain 0.00 to 200.00 0.01 1.00 1.00 2.50
<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<2> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter E5-01, Motor Code Selection.
<4> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA) .Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.

384 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.3 Control Mode Dependent Parameter Default Values

u E3-01 (Motor 2 Control Mode) Dependent Parameters

Table B.2 E3-01 (Motor 2 Control Mode) Dependent Parameters and Default Values
Control Modes (E3-01)
Parameter Description Setting Range Resolution
V/f (0) OLV (2)
60.0 60.0
E3-04 Maximum output frequency 40.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <2> <2>

E3-05 Maximum output voltage <1> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 200.0 200.0
60.0 60.0
E3-06 Base Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <2> <2>

3.0 3.0
E3-07 Middle output frequency 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz <2> <2>

E3-08 Middle output freq. voltage <1> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 16.0 12.0
E3-09 Minimum output frequency 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz 1.5 0.5
12.0 2.5
E3-10 Minimum output voltage <1> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V <2> <2>

E3-11 Middle output frequency 2 0.0 to 400.0 0.1 Hz 0.0 0.0

E3-12 Middle output freq. voltage 2 <1> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 0.0 0.0
E3-13 Base voltage <1> 0.0 to 255.0 0.1 V 0.0 0.0

E3-14 Motor 2 Slip compensation gain 0.0 to 2.5 0.1 0.0 1.0

<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<2> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA) .Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 385
B.4 V/f Pattern Default Values

B.4 V/f Pattern Default Values

The tables below show the V/f pattern settings default values depending on the control mode (A1-02) and the V/f pattern
selection (E1-03 in V/f Control).
Table B.3 E1-03 V/f Pattern Settings for Drive Capacity: Models BA0001 to BA0010,
2A0001 to 2A0010, and 4A0001 to 4A0005
No. Unit V/f Control
E1-03 − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
60.0 60.0
E1-04 Hz 50.0 60.0 60.0 72.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 90.0 120 180 <2> <2>

<1> V 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

60.0 60.0
E1-06 Hz 50.0 60.0 50.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 <2> <2>

3.0 3.0
E1-07 Hz 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 25.0 25.0 30.0 30.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 <2> <2>

<1> V 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 35.0 50.0 35.0 50.0 19.0 24.0 19.0 24.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 12.0

1.5 0.5
E1-09 Hz 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 <2> <2>

<1> V 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 8.0 9.0 8.0 9.0 12.0 13.0 12.0 15.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 2.5

<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<2> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA) .Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.
Table B.4 E1-03 V/f Pattern Settings for Drive Capacity: Models BA0012 to BA0018,
2A0012 to 2A0069, and 4A0007 to 4A0038
No. Unit V/f Control
E1-03 − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
60.0 60.0
E1-04 Hz 50.0 60.0 60.0 72.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 90.0 120 180 <2> <2>

<1> V 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

60.0 60.0
E1-06 Hz 50.0 60.0 50.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 <2> <2>

3.0 3.0
E1-07 Hz 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 25.0 25.0 30.0 30.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 <2> <2>

<1> V 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 35.0 50.0 35.0 50.0 18.0 23.0 18.0 23.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 11.0

1.5 0.5
E1-09 Hz 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 <2> <2>

<1> V 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 9.0 13.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 2.0

<1> Values shown here are for 200 V class drives. Double the value when using a 400 V class drive.
<2> The default value is for the following localized drives: Japan (Model code: CIMR-VAoA) and Asia (Model code: CIMR-VToA) .Refer to
China Localized Drive Default Values on page 387 for the default values of China localized (Model code: CIMR-VBoA) drives.

386 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.5 China Localized Drive Default Values

B.5 China Localized Drive Default Values

Table B.5 Default Values of the China Localized Drive: CIMR-VBoo
Control Mode (A1-02, E3-01)
Parameter Description
E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz <1>

E1-06 Base Frequency 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz <1>

E1-07 Middle Output Frequency 2.5 Hz 3.0 Hz –

E1-09 Minimum Output Frequency 1.3 Hz 0.5 Hz <1>

E3-04 Motor 2 Maximum Output Frequency 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz –

E3-06 Motor 2 Base Frequency 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz –
E3-07 Motor 2 Middle Output Frequency 2.5 Hz 3.0 Hz –
E3-09 Motor 2 Minimum Output Frequency 1.3 Hz 0.5 Hz –
<1> Default setting is determined by the motor code set to parameter E5-01.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 387
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

Table B.6 Single-Phase, 200 V Class Drives Default Settings by Drive Capacity and ND/HD Settings
No. Description Unit Default Settings
− Model − BA0001 BA0002 BA0003
o2-04 Drive Model Selection Hex 30 31 32
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.75
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 1 1 1 1 1 1
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 481.7 356.9 356.9 288.2 288.2 223.7
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 4 7 4 7 4 7
E2-01 Motor rated current A 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.9 1.9 3.3
(E4-01, T1-04)
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.5
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.8
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 35.98 20.56 20.56 9.84 9.842 5.156
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 21.6 20.1 20.1 18.2 18.2 13.8
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 6 11 11 14 14 26
E5-01 Motor code hex FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 0002 0002
Momentary power loss ride-through
L2-02 s 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
L2-03 Mom. power loss Baseblock time s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 160 160 160 160 160 160
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.142
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 115 115 115 115 110 110
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8-35 Installation method selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8-38 Carrier freq. reduction sel. − 1 1 1 1 1 1
n1-03 Hunting Prev. Time Const. ms 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
(AFR) Gain

388 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

No. Description Unit Default Settings

− Model − BA0006 BA0010 BA0012 BA0018
o2-04 Drive Model Selection Hex 33 34 35 37
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1 0
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.0 3.7
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 223.7 169.4 169.4 156.8 156.8 136.4 122.9
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 4 7 3 7 3 7 3
E2-01 Motor rated current A 3.3 6.2 6.2 8.5 8.5 11.4 14.0
(E4-01, T1-04)
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.73
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 1.8 2.8 2.8 3 3 3.7 4.5
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 5.156 1.997 1.997 1.601 1.601 1.034 0.771
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 13.8 18.5 18.5 18.4 18.4 19 19.6
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 26 53 53 77 77 91 112
E5-01 Motor Code hex 0003 0003 0005 0005 0006 0006 0008
Momentary power loss ride-through
L2-02 s 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.0
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.142 0.142 0.166 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.154
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 105 105 100 100 95 95 100
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8-35 Installation method selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8-38 Carrier frequency reduction selection − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50
(AFR) Gain

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 389
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

Table B.7 Three-Phase, 200 V Class Drives Default Settings by Drive Capacity and ND/HD settings
No. Description Unit Default Settings
− Model − 2A0001 2A0002 2A0004 2A0006 2A0008
o2-04 Drive Model Selection − 96 (60H) 97 (61H) 98 (62H) 99 (63H) 100 (64H)
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.75 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 481.7 356.9 356.9 288.2 288.2 223.7 223.7 196.6 196.6 169.4
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 3 7
(E4-01, Motor rated current A 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.9 1.9 3.3 3.3 4.9 4.9 6.2
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.8
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 35.98 20.56 20.56 9.84 9.842 5.156 5.156 3.577 3.577 1.997
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 21.6 20.1 20.1 18.2 18.2 13.8 13.8 18.5 18.5 18.5
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 6 11 11 14 14 26 26 38 38 53
E5-01 Motor Code hex FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 0002 0002 0003 0003 FFFF FFFF
Momentary power loss ride-
L2-02 s 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3
through time
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.166
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 110 110 110 110 115 115 100 100 100 100
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8-35 Installation method selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carrier frequency reduction
L8-38 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
(AFR) Gain

390 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

No. Description Unit Default Settings

− Model − 2A0010 2A0012 2A0018 2A0020 2A0030
o2-04 Drive Model Selection − 101 (65H) 102 (66H) 103 (67H) 104 (68H) 105 (6AH)
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.7 5.5 5.5 7.5
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 169.4 156.8 156.8 136.4 136.4 122.9 122.9 94.8 94.75 72.69
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7
(E4-01, Motor rated current A 6.2 8.5 8.5 11.4 11.4 14 14 19.6 19.6 26.6
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.73 2.73 1.5 1.5 1.3
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.7 4.5 4.5 5.1 5.1 8.0
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 1.997 1.601 1.601 1.034 1.034 0.771 0.771 0.399 0.399 0.288
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 18.5 18.4 18.4 19 19 19.6 19.6 18.2 18.2 15.5
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 53 77 77 91 91 112 112 172 172 262
E5-01 Motor Code hex 0005 0005 0006 0006 FFFF FFFF 0008 0008 FFFF FFFF
Momentary power loss ride-
L2-02 s 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0
through time
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.166 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.154 0.154 0.168 0.168 0.175
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 115 115
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
L8-35 Installation method selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Carrier frequency reduction
L8-38 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
(AFR) Gain

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 391
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

No. Description Unit Default Settings

− Model − 2A0040 2A0056 2A0069
o2-04 Drive Model Selection Hex 6B 6D 6E
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 7.5 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0 18.5
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 72.69 70.44 70.44 63.13 63.13 57.87
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 3 7 3 7 3 7
(E4-01, Motor rated current A 26.6 39.7 39.7 53 53 65.8
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.67
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 8.0 11.2 11.2 15.2 15.2 15.7
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 0.288 0.230 0.230 0.138 0.138 0.101
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 15.5 19.5 19.5 17.2 17.2 15.7
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 262 245 245 272 272 505
Momentary power loss ride-
L2-02 s 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
through time
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 190 190 190 190 190 190
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.175 0.265 0.265 0.244 0.244 0.317
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 121 121 120 120 120 120
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 1 1 1 1 1 1
L8-35 Installation Method Sel. − 2 2 2 2 2 2
Carrier frequency reduction
L8-38 − 2 2 2 2 2 2
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
(AFR) Gain

392 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

Table B.8 Three-Phase 400 V Class Drives Default Settings by Drive Capacity and ND/HD Setting
No. Description Unit Default Settings
− Model − 4A0001 4A0002 4A0004 4A0005
o2-04 Drive Model Selection Hex 91 92 93 94
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.5 2.2
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 713.8 576.4 576.4 447.4 447.4 338.8 338.8 313.6
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7
(E4-01, Motor rated current A 0.6 1 1 1.6 1.6 3.1 3.1 4.2
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 2.5 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 3
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.4 1.5
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 83.94 38.20 38.198 22.459 22.459 10.1 10.1 6.495
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 21.9 18.2 18.2 14.3 14.3 18.3 18.3 18.7
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 12 14 14 26 26 53 53 77
Momentary power loss ride-
L2-02 s 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3
through time
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.142 0.142 0.166 0.166 0.145
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 110 110 110 110 110 110 90 90
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8-35 Installation Method Sel. − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carrier frequency reduction
L8-38 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
(AFR) Gain
Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 393
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

No. Description Unit Setting Range

− Model − 4A0007 4A0009 4A0011 4A0018
o2-04 Drive Model Selection − 95 96 97 99
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 2.2 3.0 3.0 3.7 4.0 5.5 5.5 7.5
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 313.6 265.7 265.7 245.8 245.8 189.5 189.5 145.38
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7
(E4-01, Motor rated current A 4.2 5.7 5.7 7 7 9.8 9.8 13.30
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.5 1.3
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6 4.0
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 6.495 4.360 4.360 3.333 3.333 1.595 1.595 1.152
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 18.7 19 19 19.3 19.3 18.2 18.2 15.5
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 77 105 105 130 130 193 193 263
Momentary power loss ride-
L2-02 s 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8
through time
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.168 0.175
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 110 110
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
L8-35 Installation Method Sel. − 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Carrier frequency reduction
L8-38 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
(AFR) Gain

394 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.6 Defaults by Drive Model and Duty Rating (ND/HD)

No. Description Unit Setting Range

− Model − 4A0023 4A0031 4A0038
o2-04 Drive Model Selection − 9A 9C 9D
C6-01 Normal/Heavy Duty −
0 1 0 1 0 1
(E4-11, Motor rated power kW 7.5 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0 18.5
b3-06 Speed Search current 1 − 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Current Control Gain during Speed
b3-08 – 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Search (Speed Estimation Type)
b8-04 Energy saving coefficient − 145.38 140.88 140.88 126.26 126.26 115.74
C6-02 Carrier frequency − 3 7 3 7 3 7
(E4-01, Motor rated current A 13.3 19.9 19.9 26.5 26.5 32.9
E2-02 Motor rated slip Hz 1.30 1.70 1.70 1.60 1.60 1.67
E2-03 Motor no-load current A 4.0 5.6 5.6 7.6 7.6 7.8
E2-05 Motor line-to-line resistance Ω 1.152 0.922 0.922 0.550 0.550 0.403
E2-06 Motor leakage inductance % 15.5 19.6 19.6 17.2 17.2 20.1
E2-10 Motor Iron Loss W 263 385 385 440 440 508
Momentary power loss ride-
L2-02 s 1 1 2 2 2 2
through time
Momentary power loss Baseblock
L2-03 s 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0
Momentary power loss voltage
L2-04 s 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6
recovery time
L2-05 Uv detection voltage V dc 380 380 380 380 380 380
L3-24 Motor acceleration time s 0.175 0.265 0.265 0.244 0.244 0.317
L8-02 Overheat alarm level °C 110 110 110 110 110 110
L8-09 Ground fault selection − 1 1 1 1 1 1
L8-35 Installation Method Sel. − 2 2 2 2 2 2
Carrier frequency reduction
L8-38 − 2 2 2 2 2 2
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ms 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed Feedback Detection Control
n2-01 – 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
(AFR) Gain

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 395
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

The following tables show parameters and default settings that change with the motor code selection E5-01 when Open
Loop Vector for PM motors is used.

u Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM Motor

Table B.9 1800 rpm Type Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM Motor Settings
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 0002 0003 0005 0006 0008
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 2.1 4.0 6.9 10.8 17.4
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 8 8 8 8 8
E5-05 Motor Winding Resistance Ω 2.47 1.02 0.679 0.291 0.169
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 12.7 4.8 3.9 3.6 2.5
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 12.7 4.8 3.9 3.6 2.5
E5-09 Induction Voltage Constant 1 mVs/rad 0 0 0 0 0
E5-24 Induction Voltage Constant 2 mV/(r/min) 62.0 64.1 73.4 69.6 72.2
E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency Hz 120 120 120 120 120
E1-05 Maximum Output Voltage V 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 120 120 120 120 120
E1-09 Minimum Output Frequency Hz 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Acceleration Time for Inertia
L3-24 s 0.064 0.066 0.049 0.051 0.044
d-Axis Current for High-Efficiency
n8-49 % 0 0 0 0 0

Table B.10 3600 rpm Type Yaskawa SMRA Series SPM Motor Settings
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 0103 0105 0106 0108
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW
Rated Speed r/min 3600 3600 3600 3600
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 4.1 8.0 10.5 16.5
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 8 8 8 8
E5-05 Motor Winding Resistance Ω 0.538 0.20 0.15 0.097
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 3.2 1.3 1.1 1.1
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 3.2 1.3 1.1 1.1
E5-09 Induction Voltage Constant 1 mVs/rad 0 0 0 0
E5-24 Induction Voltage Constant 2 mV/(r/min) 32.4 32.7 36.7 39.7
E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency Hz 240 240 240 240
E1-05 Maximum Output Voltage V 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 240 240 240 240
E1-09 Minimum Output Frequency Hz 12 12 12 12
Motor Acceleration Time for Inertia
L3-24 s 0.137 0.132 0.132 0.122
d-Axis Current for High-Efficiency
n8-49 % 0 0 0 0

396 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

u SS5 Motor: Yaskawa SSR1 Series IPM Motor

Default values vary based on drive software version.
n Drive Software Version PRG: 1017 and Earlier
Table B.11 200 V, 1750 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1202 1203 1205 1206 1208 120A 120B 120D 120E 120F
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15 18.0
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 1.65 2.97 5.50 8.10 13.40 19.80 27.00 39.7 53.2 65.5
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
E5-05 Motor Winding Resistance Ω 8.233 2.284 1.501 0.827 0.455 0.246 0.198 0.094 0.066 0.052
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 54.84 23.02 17.08 8.61 7.20 4.86 4.15 3.40 2.65 2.17
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 64.10 29.89 21.39 13.50 10.02 7.43 5.91 3.91 3.11 2.55
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 233.0 229.5 250.9 247.9 248.6 249.6 269.0 249.3 266.6 265.1
Constant 1
Induction Voltage
E5-24 mV/(r/min) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Constant 2
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
E1-05 Maximum Output Voltage V 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4

L3-24 Motor Acceleration Time

s 0.092 0.076 0.051 0.066 0.075 0.083 0.077 0.084 0.102 0.103
<1> for Inertia Calculations

d-Axis Current for High-

n8-49 % –7.2 –10.8 –11.1 –17.8 –17.5 –22.0 –17.3 –10.1 –10.3 –10.1
Efficiency Control

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 397
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1018 and Later

Table B.12 200 V, 1750 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1202 1203 1205 1206 1208 120A 120B 120D 120E 120F
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 1.77 3.13 5.73 8.44 13.96 20.63 28.13 41.4 55.4 68.2
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
E5-05 Motor Winding Resistance Ω 8.233 2.284 1.470 0.827 0.455 0.246 0.198 0.094 0.066 0.051
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 54.84 23.02 17.22 8.61 7.2 4.86 4.15 3.4 2.45 2.18
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 64.1 29.89 20.41 13.5 10.02 7.43 5.91 3.91 3.11 2.55
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 223.7 220.3 240.8 238 238.7 239.6 258.2 239.3 248.1 253.6
Constant 1
Induction Voltage
E5-24 mV/(r/min) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Constant 2
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
E1-05 Maximum Output Voltage V 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4

L3-24 Motor Acceleration Time

s 0.092 0.076 0.051 0.066 0.075 0.083 0.077 0.084 0.102 0.101
<1> for Inertia Calculations

d-Axis Current for High-

n8-49 % –7.6 –11.5 –9.1 –19 –18.7 –23.4 –18.5 –10.9 –16.5 –11.3
Efficiency Control

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

398 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1017 and Earlier

Table B.13 400 V, 1750 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1232 1233 1235 1236 1238 123A 123B 123D 123E 123F
Voltage Class − 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15 18.0
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 0.83 1.49 2.75 4.05 6.80 9.90 13.10 19.9 26.4 32.1
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 32.932 9.136 6.004 3.297 1.798 0.982 0.786 0.368 0.263 0.202
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 219.36 92.08 68.32 40.39 32.93 22.7 16.49 13.38 10.51 8.56
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 256.40 119.56 85.56 48.82 37.70 26.80 23.46 16.99 12.77 11.22
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 466.0 459.0 501.8 485.7 498.7 498.0 541.7 508.7 531.9 536.4
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.092 0.076 0.051 0.066 0.075 0.083 0.077 0.084 0.102 0.103
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –7.2 –10.7 –11.1 –8.9 –7.9 –10.2 –17.4 –15.8 –12.6 –16.3

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 399
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1018 and Later

Table B.14 400 V, 1750 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1232 1233 1235 1236 1238 123A 123B 123D 123E 123F
Voltage Class − 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 0.89 1.56 2.81 4.27 7.08 10.31 13.65 20.7 27.5 33.4
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 25.370 9.136 6.010 3.297 1.798 0.982 0.786 0.349 0.272 0.207
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 169.00 92.08 67.71 34.40 32.93 22.7 16.49 13.17 10.30 8.72
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 197.5 119.56 81.71 54.00 37.7 26.8 23.46 15.60 12.77 11.22
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 392.6 440.6 478.3 466.3 478.8 478.1 520.0 481.5 498.8 509.5
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.092 0.076 0.051 0.066 0.075 0.083 0.077 0.084 0.102 0.101
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –8.6 –11.5 –10.3 –19.8 –8.5 –11 –18.6 –12.5 –15.5 –17.9

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

400 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1017 and Earlier

Table B.15 200 V, 1450 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1302 1303 1305 1306 1308 130A 130B 130D 130E 130F
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15 18.0
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 1.78 3.12 5.88 8.00 14.10 20.00 26.60 38.0 53.3 63.0
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 4.405 2.425 1.647 0.665 0.452 0.341 0.184 0.099 0.075 0.057
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 26.62 19.14 14.53 12.27 7.10 5.90 6.91 4.07 3.29 2.53
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 41.70 29.98 19.98 14.77 10.14 8.42 8.37 5.25 4.57 3.01
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 262.6 276.3 291.0 299.1 294.3 306.6 325.1 316.6 332.2 313.4
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.098 0.071 0.066 0.087 0.085 0.072 0.084 0.096 0.085 0.082
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –10.8 –13.1 –12.1 –8.4 –16.0 –17.8 –12.8 –16.3 –19.1 –11.6

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 401
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1018 and Later

Table B.16 200 V, 1450 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1302 1303 1305 1306 1308 130A 130B 130D 130E 130F
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 1.88 3.13 5.63 8.33 14.17 20.63 27.71 39.6 55.5 65.6
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 3.190 1.940 1.206 0.665 0.341 0.252 0.184 0.099 0.075 0.057
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 32.15 26.12 14.72 12.27 8.27 6.49 6.91 4.07 3.29 2.53
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 41.74 34.3 20.15 14.77 9.81 7.74 7.66 4.65 3.84 3.01
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 264.3 269.6 284.3 287.1 284.5 298.0 335.0 303.9 311.2 300.9
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.098 0.071 0.066 0.087 0.085 0.072 0.084 0.096 0.085 0.08
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –6.6 –10.9 –13.5 –9 –9.5 –10.1 –6 –9.3 –10.7 –13.2

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

402 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1017 and Earlier

Table B.17 400 V, 1450 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1332 1333 1335 1336 1338 133A 133B 133D 133E 133F
Voltage Class − 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15 18.0
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 0.89 1.50 2.70 4.10 6.70 9.80 13.30 18.7 26.3 31.5
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 17.620 7.421 4.825 2.656 1.353 0.999 0.713 0.396 0.295 0.223
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 106.50 85.11 58.87 46.42 31.73 26.20 27.06 15.22 12.65 9.87
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 166.80 113.19 80.59 60.32 40.45 30.94 33.45 19.63 15.87 12.40
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 525.2 566.9 592.2 579.4 586.4 612.1 640.4 643.5 650.6 635.8
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.098 0.071 0.066 0.087 0.085 0.072 0.084 0.096 0.085 0.082
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –10.8 –8.5 –12.5 –12.2 –12.7 –9.4 –14.4 –15.0 –14.1 –14.3

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 403
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1018 and Later

Table B.18 400 V, 1450 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1332 1333 1335 1336 1338 133A 133B 133D 133E 133F
Voltage Class − 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 0.94 1.56 2.81 4.27 6.98 10.21 13.85 19.5 27.4 32.9
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 12.76 7.421 4.825 2.656 1.353 0.999 0.713 0.393 0.295 0.223
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 128.6 85.11 58.87 46.42 31.73 26.2 27.06 15.51 12.65 9.87
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 166.96 113.19 80.59 60.32 40.45 30.94 33.45 19.63 15.87 12.4
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 528.6 544.2 568.5 572.8 562.9 587.6 670.1 612.7 624.6 610.4
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.098 0.071 0.066 0.087 0.085 0.072 0.084 0.096 0.085 0.08
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –6.6 –9.2 –13.5 –12.1 –13.7 –10.1 –12.2 –15.5 –15.1 –16

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

404 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1017 and Earlier

Table B.19 200 V, 1150 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1402 1403 1405 1406 1408 140A 140B 140D 140E 140F
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.0
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 1.74 3.17 5.9 8.84 13.7 18.6 25.8 38.6 53.4 63.8
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 6.763 3.660 1.480 0.696 0.412 0.414 0.262 0.149 0.084 0.083
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 42.88 28.59 17.64 10.40 7.94 10.60 7.53 4.49 3.83 2.78
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 67.17 44.78 24.23 14.85 11.86 14.92 10.97 6.82 4.65 4.39
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 333.3 337.7 365.5 356.2 359.2 428.2 410.0 389.8 387.6 392.6
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0 190.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.062 0.044 0.080 0.090 0.067 0.072 0.088 0.073 0.063 0.093
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –13.5 –16.3 –11.8 –12.3 –18.2 –18.7 –21.8 –24.0 –13.4 –25.4

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 405
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1018 and Later

Table B.20 200 V, 1150 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1402 1403 1405 1406 1408 140A 140B 140D 140E 140F
Voltage Class − 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac 200 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 1.88 3.02 6.00 8.85 14.27 20.21 26.67 39.9 55.6 63.5
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 4.832 2.704 1.114 0.511 0.412 0.303 0.165 0.113 0.084 0.066
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 48.68 32.31 19.22 12.15 7.94 11.13 6.59 4.96 3.83 3.33
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 63.21 40.24 24.38 15.35 11.86 14.06 8.55 6.12 4.65 4.5
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 320.4 327.1 364.4 344.4 357.5 430.8 391.5 384.4 372.1 421.3
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.062 0.044 0.08 0.09 0.067 0.072 0.088 0.073 0.062 0.091
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –8.8 –9.9 –9.3 –10 –17.7 –12.3 –15.3 –13.9 –14.4 –17.9

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

406 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1017 and Earlier

Table B.21 400 V, 1150 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1432 1433 1435 1436 1438 143A 143B 143D 143E 143F
Voltage Class − 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15 18.0
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 0.87 1.59 2.95 4.42 6.80 9.70 12.60 19.1 26.7 31.9
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 27.050 14.640 5.291 2.783 1.480 1.220 0.655 0.443 0.334 0.332
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 171.50 114.40 70.56 41.61 38.39 45.97 25.46 18.84 15.27 11.10
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 268.70 179.10 96.90 59.41 47.65 56.26 33.63 24.68 18.56 17.56
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 666.9 675.5 731.0 712.4 792.7 859.9 820.2 805.4 796.4 785.1
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0 380.0
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.062 0.044 0.080 0.090 0.067 0.072 0.088 0.073 0.062 0.093
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –13.5 –16.2 –11.8 –12.3 –8.8 –11.5 –14.8 –15.6 –12.5 –25.4

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

Parameter List

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 407
B.7 Parameters that Change with the Motor Code Selection

n Drive Software Version PRG: 1018 and Later

Table B.22 400 V, 1150 rpm Type Yaskawa SSR1 Series Motor
Par. Description Unit Default Settings
Motor Code − 1432 1433 1435 1436 1438 143A 143B 143D 143E 143F
Voltage Class − 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Rated Power − 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW 3.7 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15 kW 18 kW
Rated Speed r/min 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
E5-02 Motor Rated Power kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
E5-03 Motor Rated Current A 0.94 1.51 3.00 4.43 7.08 10.1 13.33 19.9 27.8 31.8
E5-04 Motor Pole Number – 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Motor Winding
E5-05 Ω 19.32 10.8 4.456 2.044 1.483 1.215 0.66 0.443 0.331 0.264
E5-06 d-Axis Inductance mH 194.7 129.2 76.88 48.6 37.58 44.54 26.36 19.1 15.09 13.32
E5-07 q-Axis Inductance mH 252.84 160.9 97.52 61.4 47.65 56.26 34.2 24.67 18.56 18
Induction Voltage
E5-09 mVs/rad 640.9 654.1 728.8 688.9 702.0 861.5 783.0 762.2 749.6 842.7
Constant 1
Induction Voltage mV/(r/
E5-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Constant 2 min)
Maximum Output
E1-04 Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Maximum Output
E1-05 V 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
E1-06 Base Frequency Hz 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Minimum Output
E1-09 Hz 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Motor Acceleration
Time for Inertia s 0.062 0.044 0.08 0.09 0.067 0.072 0.088 0.073 0.062 0.091
d-Axis Current for
n8-49 High-Efficiency % –8.8 –9.9 –9.3 –10 –12.8 –12.3 –15.3 –16.7 –14.9 –17.9

<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

408 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Appendix: C

MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications

C.1 SECTION SAFETY..........................................................................................410

C.2 MEMOBUS/MODBUS CONFIGURATION......................................................411
C.3 COMMUNICATION SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................412
C.4 CONNECTING TO A NETWORK....................................................................413
C.5 MEMOBUS/MODBUS SETUP PARAMETERS..............................................415
C.6 DRIVE OPERATIONS BY MEMOBUS/MODBUS..........................................418
C.7 COMMUNICATIONS TIMING..........................................................................419
C.8 MESSAGE FORMAT.......................................................................................420
C.9 MESSAGE EXAMPLES..................................................................................422
C.10 MEMOBUS/MODBUS DATA TABLE.............................................................424
C.11 ENTER COMMAND.........................................................................................434
C.12 COMMUNICATION ERRORS.........................................................................435
C.13 SELF-DIAGNOSTICS......................................................................................436

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 409
C.1 Section Safety

C.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
Before servicing, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the power
supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent
electric shock, wait at least one minute after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe

Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to use equipment.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Maintenance, inspection and replacement of parts must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment.
The internal capacitor remains charged even after the power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish
when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent electric shock, wait at least one minute after all indicators are OFF
and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe level.
Fire Hazard
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.

Crush Hazard
Do not carry the drive by the front cover.
Failure to comply may result in minor or moderate injury from the main body of the drive falling.

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Check all the wiring to ensure that all connections are correct after installing the drive and connecting any other
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.

410 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.2 MEMOBUS/Modbus Configuration

C.2 MEMOBUS/Modbus Configuration

Drives can be controlled from a PLC or other master device via serial communications using the MEMOBUS/Modbus
MEMOBUS/Modbus communication can be configured using one master (PLC) and a maximum of 255 slaves. The drive
has slave functionality only, meaning that serial communication is normally initiated from the master and responded to
by the slaves.
The master performs serial communications with only one slave at a time. The address or node for each slave must be set
beforehand so that the master can communicate with the slave at that address. A slave that receives a command from the
master will perform the specified function and then send a response back to the master.
Master (PLC or other)


Figure C.1 Connecting Multiple Drives to a PLC


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 411
C.3 Communication Specifications

C.3 Communication Specifications

MEMOBUS/Modbus specifications appear in the following table:
Item Specifications
Interface RS-422, RS-485
Communications Cycle Asynchronous (Start-stop synchronization)
Communication Speeds 1.2; 2.4; 4.8; 9.6; 19.2; 38.4; 57.6; 76.8; 115.2 kbps
Communication Data length 8 bit (fixed)
Parity Select even, odd, or none
Stop bit 1 bit (fixed)
Protocol MEMOBUS/Modbus (using RTU mode only)
Max Number of Slaves 31 drives

412 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.4 Connecting to a Network

C.4 Connecting to a Network

This section explains the connection of a drive to a MEMOBUS/Modbus network and the network termination.

u Network Cable Connection

Follow the instructions below to connect the drive to a MEMOBUS/Modbus network.
1. With the power shut off, connect the communications cable to the drive and the master. Use the terminals shown
in the figure below for network cable connections.

R+ R- S+ S- IG

R+ R- S+ S- IG

R+ Receive (+)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 HC SC H1 RP
R- Receive (-)
S+ Send (+)
S- Send (-)
IG Shield Ground

Figure C.2 Serial Communications Cable Connection Terminals

Note: Separate the communications cables from the main circuit cables and other wiring and power cables. Use shielded cables
for the communications cables, and properly shielded clamps to prevent problems with noise. When using RS-485
communications, connect S+ to R+, and S- to R- as shown in the diagram below.
2. Check or set the terminating resistance at all slaves. Use the description in Network Termination for slaves that
are 1000 series drives.
3. Switch the power on.
4. Set the parameters needed for serial communications (H5-01 through H5-12) using the LED operator.
5. Shut the power off and wait until the display on the LED operator goes out completely.
6. Turn the power back on.
7. The drive is now ready to begin communicating with the master.

u Wiring Diagram for Multiple Connections

Figure C.3 and Figure C.4 explain the wiring diagrams for multiple connections using MEMOBUS/Modbus
n RS-485 Interface
R+ R+
R– Drive
S+ S–

R– Drive
S+ S2

R– Drive
S+ S2

Figure C.3 RS-485 Interface

Note: 1. Turn on DIP switch S2 on the drive located at the end of the network. Turn it off at all other slaves.
2. Set H5-07 to 1 when using the RS-485 interface.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 413
C.4 Connecting to a Network

n RS-422 Interface
S+ R+
S– R– Drive
R+ S–

R– Drive
S+ S2

R– Drive
S+ S2

Figure C.4 RS-422 Interface

Note: 1. Turn on DIP switch S2 on the drive located at the end of the network. Turn it off at all other slaves.
2. Set H5-07 to 0 when using the RS-422 interface.

u Network Termination
The two ends of the MEMOBUS/Modbus network line have to be terminated. The drive has a built in terminating resistance
that can be enabled or disabled using DIP switch S2. If a drive is located at the end of a network line, enable the terminating
resistance by setting DIP switch S2 to the ON position. Disable the terminating resistance on all slaves that are not located
at the network line end. Figure C.5 illustrates the setting of DIP switch S2.

DIP switch S2 S+ +
(in the ON position)
R+ R- S+ S- IG

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 HC SC H1 RP
R+ R- S+ S- IG R- S2

terminal resistance (1/2 W, 120 )

Figure C.5 Serial Communications Terminal and DIP Switch S2

414 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.5 MEMOBUS/Modbus Setup Parameters

C.5 MEMOBUS/Modbus Setup Parameters

u MEMOBUS/Modbus Serial Communication

This section describes parameters necessary to set up MEMOBUS/Modbus communications.
n H5-01: Drive Slave Address
Sets the drive slave address used for MEMOBUS/Modbus communications.
Note: After changing this parameter, the power must be cycled to enable the new setting.

No. Name Setting Range Default

H5-01 Drive Slave Address 0 to 20 H <1> 1F
<1> If the address is set to 0, no response will be provided during communications.
For serial communications to work, each individual slave drive must be assigned a unique slave address. Setting H5-01
to any value besides 0 assigns the drive its address in the network. Slave address don't need to be assigned in sequential
order, but each address needs to be unique so that no two drives have the same address.
n H5-02: Communication Speed Selection
Sets the MEMOBUS/Modbus communications speed.
Note: After changing this parameter, the power must be cycled to enable the new setting.

No. Name Setting Range Default

H5-02 Communication Speed Selection 0 to 5 3

H5-02 Communication Speed H5-02 Communication Speed

0 1200 bps 5 38400 bps
1 2400 bps 6 57600 bps
2 4800 bps 7 76800 bps
3 9600 bps 8 115200 bps
4 19200 bps –

n H5-03: Communication Parity Selection

Sets the parity used for MEMOBUS/Modbus communications.
Note: After changing this parameter, the power must be cycled to enable the new setting.

No. Name Setting Range Default

H5-03 Communication Parity Selection 0 to 2 0
Setting 0: No Parity

Setting 1: Even Parity

Setting 2: Odd Parity

n H5-04: Stopping Method after Communication Error

Selects the stopping method after a communications error (CE) has occurred.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-04 Stopping Method after Communication Error 0 to 3 3

Setting 0: Ramp to Stop Using Current Accel/Decel Time


Setting 1: Coast to Stop

Setting 2: Fast-stop Using C1-09

Setting 3: Alarm Only, Continue Operation


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 415
C.5 MEMOBUS/Modbus Setup Parameters

n H5-05: Communication Fault Detection Selection

Enables or disabled the communication error (CE) detection for MEMOBUS/Modbus communications.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-05 Communication Fault Detection Selection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled
No error detection. The drive continues operation.
Setting 1: Enabled
If the drive does not receive data from the master for longer than the time set to H5-09, then a CE fault will be triggered
and the drive will operate as determined by parameter H5-04.
n H5-06: Drive Transmit Wait Time
Sets the time the drive waits after receiving data from a master until responding data.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-06 Drive Transmit Wait Time 5 to 65 ms 5 ms
PLC→Drive Drive→PLC PLC→Drive

Command message Response message Command message Time

24 bit length H5-06 setting

Figure C.6 Drive Transmit Wait Time Setting

n H5-07: RTS Control Selection

Enables or disables RTS control.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-07 RTS Control Selection 0 or 1 1
Setting 0: Disabled - RTS is Always ON
Use this setting when using RS-422 signals for communications (1:1).
Setting 1: Enabled - RTS Switches while Sending
Use this setting when using RS-485 signals for communications or when using the RS-422 signals for multi-drop
n H5-09: CE Detection Time
Sets the time the communications must be lost before the drive triggers a CE fault.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-09 CE Detection Time 0.0 to 10.0 s 2.0 s

n H5-10: Unit Selection for MEMOBUS/Modbus Register 0025H

Sets the unit for the output voltage monitor value in MEMOBUS/Modbus register 0025H.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-10 Unit Selection for MEMOBUS/Modbus Register 0025H 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: 0.1 V Units

Setting 1: 1 V Units

n H5-11: Communications Enter Function Selection

Selects if an Enter command is needed to change parameter values via MEMOBUS/Modbus communications. Refer to
Enter Command on page 434.
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-11 Communications Enter Function Selection 0 or 1 1

416 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.5 MEMOBUS/Modbus Setup Parameters

Setting 0: Enter Command Necessary

Parameter changes become effective after an Enter command. An Enter command must only be sent after the last parameter
change, not for each single parameter (such as in Varispeed F7).
Setting 1: Enter Command not Necessary
Parameter value changes become effective immediately without the need to send an Enter command (such as in Varispeed
n H5-12: Run Command Method Selection
Selects the type of sequence used when the Run command source is set to MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
(b1-02/16 = 2).
No. Name Setting Range Default
H5-12 Run Command Method Selection 0 or 1 0
Setting 0: FWD/Stop, REV/Stop
Bit 0 of MEMOBUS/Modbus register 0001H will start and stop the drive in the forward direction. Bit 1 will start and stop
the drive in reverse.
Setting 1: Run/Stop, FWD/REV
Bit 0 of MEMOBUS/Modbus register 0001H will start and stop the drive. Bit 1 changes the direction.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 417
C.6 Drive Operations by MEMOBUS/Modbus

C.6 Drive Operations by MEMOBUS/Modbus

The drive operations that can be performed by MEMOBUS/Modbus communication depend on drive parameter settings.
This section explains the functions that can be used and related parameter settings.

u Observing the Drive Operation

A PLC can perform the following actions with MEMOBUS/Modbus communications at any time regardless of parameter
settings (except H5-oo).
• Observe drive status and drive control terminal status from a PLC.
• Read and write parameters.
• Set and reset faults.
• Set multi-function inputs. Inputs settings from the input terminals So and from MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
are both linked by an OR operation.

u Controlling the Drive

To start and stop the drive or set the frequency reference using MEMOBUS/Modbus communications, an external reference
must be selected and the parameters listed below must be adjusted accordingly.
Table C.1 Setting Parameters for Drive Control from MEMOBUS/Modbus
Reference Source Parameter Name Required Setting
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 2
External Reference 1
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 2
b1-15 Frequency Reference Selection 2 2
External Reference 2
b1-16 Run Command Selection 2 2

Refer to b1-01: Frequency Reference Selection 1 on page 117 and Refer to b1-02: Run Command Selection 1 on page
119 for details on external reference parameter selections. Refer to Setting 2: External Reference 1/2 Selection on page
179 for instructions on how to select external reference 1 and 2.

418 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.7 Communications Timing

C.7 Communications Timing

To prevent overrun in the slave drive, the master should wait a certain time between sending messages to the same drive.
In the same way, the slave drive must wait before sending response messages to prevent an overrun in the master. This
section explains the message timing.

u Command Messages from Master to Drive

In order to prevent overrun and data loss, the master must wait between receiving a response and sending the same type
of command as before to the same slave drive. The minimum wait time depends on the command as shown in the table
Table C.2 Minimum Wait Time for Sending Messages
Command Type Example Minimum Wait Time
• Control command (Run, Stop)
1 • Set inputs/outputs 5 ms
• Read monitors and parameter values
H5-11 = 0: 50 ms
2 • Write parameters
H5-11 = 1: 200 ms <1>
200 ms to 2 s, depending on the
3 • Save changes using an Enter command
number of changed parameters <1>
<1> If the drive receives command type 1 data during the minimum wait time, it will perform the command and then respond. However, if it receives
a command type 2 or 3 during that time, either a communication error will result or the command will be ignored.
PLC→Drive Drive→PLC PLC→Drive

Command message Response message Command message Time

Master Send
24 bit length
Wait Time

Figure C.7 Minimum Wait Time for Sending Messages

A timer should be set in the master to check how long it takes for the slave drive(s) to respond to the master. If no response
is received within a certain amount of time, the master should try resending the message.

u Response Messages from Drive to Master

If the drive receives a command from the master, it will process the data received and wait for the time set in H5-06 until
it responds. Increase H5-06 if the drive response causes overrun in the master.
PLC→Drive Drive→PLC PLC→Drive

Command message Response message Command message Time

24 bit length H5-06


Figure C.8 Minimum Response Wait Time


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 419
C.8 Message Format

C.8 Message Format

u Message Content
In MEMOBUS/Modbus communications, the master sends commands to the slave, and the slave responds. The message
format is configured for both sending and receiving as shown below, and the length of data packets depends on the command
(function) content.

u Slave Address
The slave address in the message defines the note the message is sent to. Use addresses between 0 and 20H. If a message
with slave address 0 is sent (broadcast), the command from the master will be received by all slaves. The slaves do not
provide a response to a broadcast type message.

u Function Code
The three types of function codes are shown in the table below.
Data Length (bytes)
Function Function Name Command Message Response Message
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
03H Read MEMOBUS/Modbus registers 8 8 7 37
08H Loopback test 8 8 8 8
10H Write to multiple MEMOBUS/Modbus registers 11 41 8 8

u Data
Configure consecutive data by combining the MEMOBUS/Modbus register address (test code in case of a loopback test)
and the data the register contains. The data length changes depending on the command details.
A drive MEMOBUS/Modbus register always has a data length of two bytes. Therefore data written into drive registers
must also always have a length of two bytes. Register data read out from the drive will always consist of two bytes.

u Error Check
The drive uses a CRC-16 (cyclic redundancy check, checksum method) for checking data validity. Use the procedure
described below when calculating the CRC-16 checksum for command data or when verifying response data.
n Command Data
When the drive receives data, it calculates the CRC-16 checksum from the data and compares it to the CRC-16 value
received within the message. Both must match before a command is processed.
An initial value of FFFFH (i.e., all 16 bits equal 1) must be used for CRC-16 calculations for the MEMOBUS/Modbus
Calculate the CRC-16 checksum using the following steps:
• The starting value is FFFFH.
• Perform an XOR operation of this value and the slave address.
• Right shift the result.
• When the overflow bit of the shift operation becomes 1, perform an XOR operation of the result from step 3 above and
the fix value A001H.
• Repeat steps 3 and 4 until eight shift operations have been performed.
• After eight shift operations, perform an XOR operation with the result and the next data in the message (function code,
register address, data). Continue with steps 3 to 5 until the last data has been processed.
• The result of the last shift or XOR operation is the checksum.

420 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.8 Message Format

The example in Table C.3 shows the CRC-16 calculation of the slave address 02H and the function code 03H, yielding
the result D140H.
Note: This example does not show the calculation for a complete MEMOBUS/Modbus command. Normally data would follow in the
Table C.3 CRC-16 Checksum Calculation Example
Description Calculation Overflow Description Calculation Overflow
Initial Value (FFFFH) 1111 1111 1111 1111 Function Code 03H 0000 0000 0000 0011
Address 02H 0000 0000 0000 0010 XOR w result 1000 0001 0011 1101
XOR w initial value 1111 1111 1111 1101 Shift 1 0100 0000 1001 1110 1
Shift 1 0111 1111 1111 1110 1 XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001
XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001 XOR result 1110 0000 1001 1111
XOR result 1101 1111 1111 1111 Shift 2 0111 0000 0100 1111 1
Shift 2 0110 1111 1111 1111 1 XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001
XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001 XOR result 1101 0000 0100 1110
XOR result 1100 1111 1111 1110 Shift 3 0110 1000 0010 0111 0
Shift 3 0110 0111 1111 1111 0 Shift 4 0011 0100 0001 0011 0
Shift 4 0011 0011 1111 1111 1 XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001
XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001 XOR result 1001 0100 0001 0010
XOR result 1001 0011 1111 1110 Shift 5 0100 1010 0000 1001 0
Shift 5 0100 1001 1111 1111 0 Shift 6 0010 0101 0000 0100 1
Shift 6 0010 0100 1111 1111 1 XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001
XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001 XOR result 1000 0101 0000 0101
XOR result 1000 0100 1111 1110 Shift 7 0100 0010 1000 0010 1
Shift 7 0100 0010 0111 1111 0 XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001
Shift 8 0010 0001 0011 1111 1 XOR result 1110 0010 1000 0011
XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001 Shift 8 0111 0001 0100 0001 1
XOR result 1000 0001 0011 1110 XOR w A001H 1010 0000 0000 0001
XOR result 1101 0001 0100 0000
1101 0001 0100 0000
Perform operations with next data (function code) CRC-16 D 1 4 0
(Lower) (Upper)
Continue from here with next data.

n Response Data
To be sure that the data is valid, perform a CRC-16 calculation on the response message data as described above. Compare
the result to the CRC-16 checksum that was received within the response message. Both should match.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 421
C.9 Message Examples

C.9 Message Examples

Below are some examples of command and response messages.

u Reading Drive MEMOBUS/Modbus Register Contents

Using the function code 03H (Read), a maximum of 16 MEMOBUS/Modbus registers can be read out at a time.
The following table shows message examples when reading status signals, error details, data link status, and frequency
references from the slave 2 drive.
Command Message Response Message (normal) Response Message (fault)
Slave Address 02H Slave Address 02H Slave Address 02H
Function Code 03H Function Code 03H Function Code 83H
Upper 00H Data Quantity 08H Error Code 03H
Starting No.
Lower 20H 1st storage Upper 00H Upper F1H
Upper 00H register Lower 65H Lower 31H
Data Quantity
Lower 04H Next storage Upper 00H
Upper 45H register Lower 00H
Lower F0H Next storage Upper 00H
register Lower 00H
Upper 01H
Next storage
register Lower F4H
Upper AFH
Lower 82H

u Loopback Test
Function code 08H performs a loopback test. This test returns a response message with exactly the same content as the
command message and can be used to check the communications between the master and slave. User-defined test code
and data values can be set.
The following table shows a message example when performing a loopback test with the slave 1 drive.
Command Message Response Message (normal) Response Message (fault)
Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H
Function Code 08H Function Code 08H Function Code 89H
Upper 00H Upper 00H Error Code 01H
Test Code Test Code
Lower 00H Lower 00H Upper 86H
Upper A5H Upper A5H Lower 50H
Data Data
Lower 37H Lower 37H
Upper DAH Upper DAH
CRC-16 CRC-16
Lower 8DH Lower 8DH

422 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.9 Message Examples

u Writing to Multiple Registers

Function code 10h allows the user to write multiple drive MEMOBUS/Modbus registers with one message. This process
works similar to reading registers, i.e., the address of the first register that is to be written and the data quantity must be
set in the command message. The data to be written must be consecutive so that the register addresses are in order, starting
from the specified address in the command message. The data order must be high byte, then lower byte.
The following table shows an example of a message where a forward operation has been set with a frequency reference
of 60.00 Hz for the slave 1 drive.
If parameter values are changed using the Write command, depending on the setting of H5-11, an Enter command will be
necessary to activate the data or save them. Refer to H5-11: Communications Enter Function Selection on page 416 and
Refer to Enter Command on page 434 for detailed descriptions.
Command Message Response Message (normal) Response Message (fault)
Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H
Function Code 10H Function Code 10H Function Code 90H
Upper 00H Upper 00H Error Code 02H
Starting No. Starting No.
Lower 01H Lower 01H Upper CDH
Upper 00H Upper 00H Lower C1H
Data Quantity Data Quantity
Lower 02H Lower 02H
Number of Bytes 04H Upper 10H
Upper 00H Lower 08H
Starting Data
Lower 01H

Upper 17H
Next Data
Lower 70H
Upper 6DH
Lower 67H
Note: For the number of bytes in the command message, take double the number of the data quantity.


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 423
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Table below lists all MEMOBUS/Modbus data. There are three types of data: command data, monitor data, and broadcast

u Command Data
It is possible to both read and write command data.
Note: Bits that are not used should be set to 0. Refrain from writing to reserved registers.

Register No. Contents

0000H Reserved
Operation Signals and Multi-function Inputs
H5-12 = 0: Forward Run Command (0 = Stop, 1 = Forward Run)
bit 0 H5-12 = 1: Run Command (0 = Stop, 1 = Run)
H5-12 = 0: Reverse Run Command (0 = Stop, 1 = Reverse Run)
bit 1 H5-12 = 1: Forward/Reverse (0 = Forward, 1 = Reverse)
bit 2 External Fault (EF0)
bit 3 Fault Reset
Multi-Function Input 1
Function is ComRef when H1-01 = 40 (Forward/Stop).
bit 4 Note: When the bit at ComRef is turned on, commands from MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
0001H take control of the frequency. When a communications option card is connected, that option card is
given priority.
Multi-Function Input 2
bit 5 Function is ComCtrl when H1-02 = 41 (Reverse/Stop).
bit 6 Multi-Function Input 3
bit 7 Multi-Function Input 4
bit 8 Multi-Function Input 5
bit 9 Multi-Function Input 6
bit A Multi-Function Input 7
bit B to F Reserved
0002H Frequency Reference Units are determined by parameter o1-03

Output Voltage Gain Set in units of 1 (0.1%) with a setting range of 20 to 2000 (2.0% to 200.0%)
0003H Note: Initial value at power up: 1000 (100.0%)
0004H-0005H Reserved
0006H PID Target, 0.01% units, signed
0007H Analog Output Terminal AM Setting (10 V / 4000 H)
0008H Reserved
Settings for Multi-Function Digital Outputs
bit 0 Contact Output (terminal MA/MB-MC)
0009H bit 1 Photocoupler Output 1 (terminal P1-PC)
bit 2 Photocoupler Output 2 (terminal P2-PC)
bit 3 to F Reserved
000AH Pulse Output Terminal MP Setting, 1 Hz units, Setting Range: 0 to 32000
000BH-000EH Reserved
Control Selection Setting
bit 0 Reserved
bit 1 PID Target Input
bit 2 to B Reserved
bit C Enable Terminal S5 Input for Broadcast Data
bit D Enable Terminal S6 Input for Broadcast Data
bit E Enable Terminal S7 Input for Broadcast Data
bit F Reserved

424 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

u Monitor Data
Monitor data can be read only.
Register No. Contents
Drive Status 1
bit 0 During Run
bit 1 During Reverse
bit 2 Drive Ready
bit 3 Fault
bit 4 Data Setting Error
bit 5 Multi-Function Contact Output (terminal MA/MB-MC)
bit 6 Multi-Function Photocoupler Output 1 (terminal P1 - PC)
bit 7 Multi-Function Photocoupler Output 2 (terminal P2 - PC)
bit 8 to bit D Reserved
bit E When ComRef has been enabled
bit F When ComCtrl has been enabled
Fault Contents 1
bit 0 Overcurrent (oC), Ground fault (GF), IGBT Short Circuit or Ground Fault (SC)
bit 1 Overvoltage (ov)
bit 2 Drive Overload (oL2)
bit 3 Overheat 1 (oH1), Drive Overheat Warning (oH2)
bit 4 Dynamic Braking Transistor Fault (rr), Braking Resistor Overheat (rH)
bit 5 Reserved
bit 6 PID Feedback Loss (FbL/FbH)
bit 7 EF0 to 7: External Fault
0021H bit 8 CPFoo: Hardware Fault (includes oFAoo)
Motor Overload (oL1), Overtorque Detection 1/2 (oL3/oL4), Undertorque Detection 1/2 (UL3/
bit 9 UL4)
bit A PG Disconnected (PGo), Overspeed (oS), Excessive Speed Deviation (dEv),
bit B Main Circuit Undervoltage (Uv)
Undervoltage (Uv1), Control Power Supply Undervoltage (Uv2), Soft Charge Circuit Fault
bit C (Uv3)
bit D Output Phase Loss (LF), Input Phase Loss (PF)
bit E MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error (CE), Option Communication Error (bUS)
bit F Operator Connection Fault (oPr)
Data Link Status
bit 0 Writing data or switching motors
bit 1
bit 2
bit 3 Upper or lower limit error
bit 4 Data conformity error
bit 5 Writing to EEPROM
bit 6 to bit F Reserved
0023H Frequency Reference, <1>

0024H Output Frequency, <1>

0025H Output Voltage Reference, 0.1 V units (units are determined by parameter H5-10)

0026H Output Current, <2>


0027H Output Power

0028H Torque Reference (OLV only)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 425
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

Fault Contents 2
bit 0 IGBT Short Circuit or Ground Fault (SC)
bit 1 Ground Fault (GF)
bit 2 Input Phase Loss (PF)
0029H bit 3 Output Phase Loss (LF)
bit 4 Braking Resistor Overheat (rH)
bit 5 Reserved
bit 6 Motor Overheat 2 (PTC input) (oH4)
bit 7 to bit F Reserved
Alarm Contents1
bit 0 to bit 1 Reserved
bit 2 Run Command Input Error (EF)
bit 3 Drive Baseblock (bb)
bit 4 Overtorque Detection 1 (oL3)
bit 5 Heatsink Overheat (oH)
bit 6 Overvoltage (ov)
bit 7 Undervoltage (Uv)
bit 8 Reserved
bit 9 MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error (CE)
bit A Option Communication Error (bUS)
bit B Undertorque Detection 1/2 (UL3/UL4)
bit C Motor Overheat (oH3)
bit D PID Feedback Loss (FbL, FbH)
bit E Reserved
bit F Serial Communication Transmission Error (CALL)
Input Terminal Status
bit 0 Terminal S1 Closed
bit 1 Terminal S2 Closed
bit 2 Terminal S3 Closed
002BH bit 3 Terminal S4 Closed
bit 4 Terminal S5 Closed
bit 5 Terminal S6 Closed
bit 6 Terminal S7 Closed
bit 7 to bit F Reserved
Drive Status 2
bit 0 During Run
bit 1 Zero Speed
bit 2 Speed Agree
bit 3 User Speed Agree
bit 4 Frequency Detection 1
bit 5 Frequency Detection 2
bit 6 Drive Ready
002CH bit 7 During Undervoltage
bit 8 During Baseblock
bit 9 Frequency Reference from Operator Keypad
bit A Run Command from Operator Keypad
bit B Over/Undertorque 1, 2
bit C Frequency Reference Loss
bit D During Fault Restart
bit E Fault
bit F Communication Timeout

426 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

Output Terminal Status
bit 0 Multi-Function Contact Output (terminal MA/MB-MC)
002DH bit 1 Multi-Function Photocoupler Output 1 (terminal P1 - PC)
bit 2 Multi-Function Photocoupler Output 2 (terminal P2 - PC)
bit 3 to bit F Reserved
002EH Reserved
002FH Frequency Reference Bias (from Up/Down 2 Function), 0.1% units
0030H Reserved
0031H DC Bus Voltage, 1 Vdc units
0032H Torque Monitor, 1% units
0033H Reserved
0034H Product Code 1 [ASCII], Product Type (V0 for V1000)
0035H Product Code 2 [ASCII], Region Code
0036H to 0037H Reserved
0038H PID Feedback, 0.1% units, unsigned, 100% / max. output frequency
0039H PID Input, 0.1% units, signed, 100% / max. output frequency
003AH PID Output, 0.1% units, signed, 100% / max. output frequency
003BH to 003CH Reserved
Communications Error Log <3>

bit 0 CRC Error

bit 1 Data Length Error
bit 2 Reserved
003DH bit 3 Parity Error
bit 4 Overrun Error
bit 5 Framing Error
bit 6 Timeout
bit 7 to bit F Reserved
003EH r/min <4>
Output Frequency
003FH 0.01% units
0040H to 004AH Used for various monitors U1-oo. Refer to U: Monitors on page 377 for parameter details.
Drive status (U1-12)
bit 0 During Run
bit 1 During Zero Speed
bit 2 During Reverse Run
bit 3 During Fault Reset Signal Input
bit 4 During Speed Agree
bit 5 Drive Ready
004BH bit 6 Alarm
bit 7 Fault
bit 8 During Operation Error (oPEoo)
bit 9 During Momentary Power Loss
bit A Motor 2 selected
bit B to D Reserved
bit E ComRef status, NetRef status
bit F ComCtrl status, NetCtrl status

004CH to 007EH Used for various monitors U1-oo, U4-oo, U5-oo and U6-oo. Refer to U: Monitors on page 377 for parameter details.
007FH Alarm Code, Refer to Alarm Register Contents on page 433 for alarm codes.

0080H to 0097H Used for monitors U2-oo, U3-oo. Refer to U: Monitors on page 377 for parameter details and Refer to Fault Trace
Contents on page 432 for register value descriptions.
U4-01 (Cumulative Operation Time)
0098H, 0099H Example: When U4-01 (Cumulative Operation Time) is 12345 hours, then 0098H = 1234 and 0099H = 5.

009AH, 009BH U4-03 (Cooling Fan Operation Time)

Example: When U4-03 (Cooling Fan Operation Time) is 12345 hours, then 009AH = 1234 and 009BH = 5. C
00ABH Drive Rated Current <2>

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 427
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

00ACH r/min units <4>
Motor Speed (Open Loop
00ADH Vector only) 0.01% units
00AEH, 00AFH Reserved
The following lists the 3 and 4 letter ASCII codes stored for each serial communication option:
CANopen (Model: SI-S3/V): 5353H
CC-Link (Model: SI-C3/V): 5343H
DeviceNet (Model: SI-N3/V): 534EH
PROFIBUS-DP (Model: SI-P3/V): 5350H
00B0H Option Code MECHATROLINK-II (Model: SI-T3/V): 5354H
CompoNet (Model: SI-M3/V): 434EH
Other options use their own unique codes. Refer to the communication option instruction manual
for the option code.
00B1H to 00B4H Reserved
00B5H <4>
Frequency Reference After r/min units
00B6H Soft-starter 0.01% units
00B7H r/min <4>
Frequency Reference
00B8H 0.01% units
00BFH oPE Error Number
Fault contents 3
bit 0 Reserved
bit 1 Undervoltage (Uv1)
bit 2 Control Power Supply Undervoltage (Uv2)
bit 3 Soft Charge Circuit Fault (Uv3)
bit 4 IGBT Short Circuit or Ground Fault (SC)
bit 5 Ground Fault (GF)
bit 6 Overcurrent (oC)
00C0H bit 7 Overvoltage (ov)
bit 8 Heatsink Overheat (oH)
bit 9 Heatsink Overheat (oH1)
bit A Motor Overload (oL1)
bit B Drive Overload (oL2)
bit C Overtorque Detection 1 (oL3)
bit D Overtorque Detection 2 (oL4)
bit E Dynamic Braking Transistor Fault (rr)
bit F Braking Resistor Overheat (rH)
Fault contents 4
bit 0 External Fault at input terminal S3 (EF3)
bit 1 External Fault at input terminal S4 (EF4)
bit 2 External Fault at input terminal S5 (EF5)
bit 3 External Fault at input terminal S6 (EF6)
bit 4 External Fault at input terminal S7 (EF7)
bit 5 to 6 Reserved
bit 7 Overspeed (oS)
bit 8 Excessive Speed Deviation (dEv)
bit 9 PG Disconnected (PGo)
bit A Input Phase Loss (PF)
bit B Output Phase Loss (LF)
bit C Motor Overheat Alarm (PTC input) (oH3)
bit D Digital Operator Connection Fault (oPr)
bit E EEPROM Write Error (Err)
bit F Motor Overheat Fault (PTC input) (oH4)

428 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

Fault contents 5
bit 0 MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error (CE)
bit 1 Option Communication Error (bUS)
bit 2 to 3 Reserved
bit 4 Control Fault (CF)
bit 5 Reserved
00C2H bit 6 Option External Fault (EF0)
bit 7 PID Feedback Loss (FbL)
bit 8 Undertorque Detection 1 (UL3)
bit 9 Undertorque Detection 2 (UL4)
bit A High Slip Braking Overload (oL7)
bit B to E Reserved
bit F Hardware fault (includes oFAoo)
Fault contents 6
bit 0 to 4 Reserved
bit 5 Output Current Imbalance (LF2)
bit 6 Pullout Detection (STo)
00C3H bit 7 PG Disconnected (PGo)
bit 8 MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error (E5)
bit 9 Reserved
bit A Too many speed search restarts (SEr)
bit B to F Reserved
Fault contents 7
bit 0 PID Feedback Loss (FbH)
bit 1 External Fault 1, input terminal S1 (EF1)
bit 2 External Fault 2, input terminal S2 (EF2)
bit 3 Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 (oL5)
00C4H bit 4 Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 (UL5)
bit 5 Current Offset Fault (CoF)
bit 6 Reserved
bit 7 Reserved
bit 8 DriveWorksEZ fault (dWFL)
bit 9 to F Reserved
Alarm contents 2
bit 0 Undervoltage (Uv)
bit 1 Overvoltage (ov)
bit 2 Heatsink Overheat (oH)
bit 3 Drive Overheat (oH2)
bit 4 Overtorque 1 (oL3)
bit 5 Overtorque 2 (oL4)
bit 6 Run Commands Input Error (EF)
bit 7 Drive Baseblock (bb)
bit 8 External Fault 3, input terminal S3 (EF3)
bit 9 External Fault 4, input terminal S4 (EF4)
bit A External Fault 5, input terminal S5 (EF5)

bit B External Fault 6, input terminal S6 (EF6)


bit C External Fault 7, input terminal S7 (EF7)

bit D, E Reserved
bit F Overspeed (oS)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 429
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

Alarm contents 3
bit 0 Excessive Speed Deviation (dEv)
bit 1 PG Disconnected (PGo)
bit 2 Digital Operator Connection Fault (oPr)
bit 3 MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error (CE)
bit 4 Option Communication Error (bUS)
bit 5 Serial Communication Transmission Error (CALL)
bit 6 Motor Overload (oL1)
00C9H bit 7 Drive Overload (oL2)
bit 8 Reserved
bit 9 Option Card External fault (EF0)
bit A Motor 2 Switch command input during run (rUn)
bit B Reserved
bit C Serial Communication Transmission Error (CALL)
bit D Undertorque Detection 1 (UL3)
bit E Undertorque Detection 2 (UL4)
bit F MEMOBUS/Modbus Test Mode Fault (SE)
Alarm contents 4
bit 0 Reserved
bit 1 Motor Overheat 1 (PTC Input) (oH3)
bit 2 to 5 Reserved
bit 6 PID Feedback Loss (FbL)
bit 7 PID Feedback Loss (FbH)
bit 9 Drive Disabled (dnE)
bit A to F Reserved
Alarm contents 5
bit 0 MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error (E5)
bit 1 Reserved
bit 2 MECHATROLINK Comm. Cycle Setting Error (CyC)
bit 3 High Current Alarm (HCA)
bit 4 Cooling Fan Maintenance Time (LT-1)
bit 5 Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance Time (LT-2)
bit 6 Reserved
bit 7 SI-S/V EEPROM Error (EEP)
bit 8 External Fault 1 (input terminal S1) (EF1)
bit 9 External Fault 2 (input terminal S2) (EF2)
bit A Safe Disable Input (HbbF)
bit B Safe Disable Input (Hbb)
bit C Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 (oL5)
bit D Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 (UL5)
bit E to F Reserved

430 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

CPF Contents 1
bit 0 to 1 Reserved
bit 2 A/D Conversion Error (CPF02)
bit 3 PWM Data Fault (CPF03)
bit 4 to 5 Reserved
bit 6 Drive specification mismatch during Terminal Board or Control Board replacement (CPF06)
bit 7 Terminal Board Communications Fault (CPF07)
bit 8 EEPROM Serial Communications Fault (CPF08)
bit 9 to A Reserved
bit B RAM Fault (CPF11)
bit C FLASH Memory Fault (CPF12)
bit D Watchdog Circuit Exception (CPF13)
bit E Control Circuit Fault (CPF14)
bit F Reserved
CPF Contents 2
bit 0 Clock Fault (CPF16)
bit 1 Timing Fault (CPF17)
bit 2 Control Circuit Fault (CPF18)
bit 3 Control Circuit Fault (CPF19)
bit 4 Hardware fault at power up (CPF20)
bit 5 Hardware fault at communication start up (CPF21)
bit 6 A/D Conversion Fault (CPF22)
bit 7 PWM Feedback Fault (CPF23)
bit 8 Drive capacity signal fault (CPF24)
bit 9 Terminal board is not properly connected (CPF25)
bit A to F Reserved
Option Card Fault Contents
bit 0 Option Compatibility Error (oFA00)
bit 1 Option not properly connected (oFA01)
bit 3 Option Self-diagnostics Error (oFA03)
bit 4 Option Flash Write Mode Error (oFA04)
bit 5 to F Reserved
00FBH Output Current <2>

<1> Units are determined by parameter o1-03.

<2> Display is in the following units: BA0001 to BA0018, 2A0001 to 2A0040, and 4A0001 to 4A0023: 0.01 A units.
2A0056 to 2A0069, 4A0031 to 4A0038: 0.1 A units.
<3> The communication error log is stored until the fault is reset.
<4> Depending on the motor used the correct motor pole number must be set to parameter E2-04, E4-04 or E5-05.
<5> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1011 and later.

u Broadcast Messages
Data can be written from the master to all slave devices at the same time.
The slave address in a broadcast command message must be set to 00H. All slaves will receive the message, but will not

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 431
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Register No. Contents

Digital Input Command
bit 0 Forward Run (0: Stop 1: Run)
bit 1 Direction Command (0: Forward, 1: Reverse)
bit 2, 3 Reserved
bit 4 External Fault
0001H bit 5 Fault Reset
bit 6 to B Reserved
bit C Multi-Function Digital Input S5 (enabled when bit C of register 000FH is on)
bit D Multi-Function Digital Input S6 (enabled when bit D of register 000FH is on)
bit E Multi-Function Digital Input S7 (enabled when bit E of register 000FH is on)
bit F Reserved
0002H Frequency Reference 30000/100%

u Fault Trace Contents

The table below shows the fault codes that can be read out by MEMOBUS/Modbus commands from the U2-oo monitor
Note: Uv1 and Uv2 faults are not saved to the fault history.
Table C.4 Fault Trace / History Register Contents
Fault Code Fault Name Fault Code Fault Name
0002H Undervoltage (Uv1) 0029H Undertorque Detection 1 (UL3)
0003H Control Power Supply Undervoltage (Uv2) 002AH Undertorque Detection 2 (UL4)
0004H Soft Charge Circuit Fault (Uv3) 002BH High Slip Braking Overload (oL7)
0005H <1> IGBT Short Circuit (SC) 0030H Hardware Fault (including oFx)
0006H Ground Fault (GF) 0036H Output Current Imbalance (LF2)
0007H Overcurrent (oC) 0037H Pullout Detection (Sto)
0008H Overvoltage (ov) 0038H PG Disconnected (PGo)
0009H Heatsink Overheat (oH) 0039H MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error (E5)
000AH Heatsink Overheat (oH1) 003BH Too many speed search restarts (SEr)
000BH Motor Overload (oL1) 0041H PID Feedback Loss (FbH)
000CH Drive Overload (oL2) 0042H External Fault 1, input terminal S1 (EF1)
000DH Overtorque Detection 1 (oL3) 0043H External Fault 2, input terminal S2 (EF2)
000EH Overtorque Detection 2 (oL4) 0044H Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 (oL5)
000FH Dynamic Braking Transistor (rr) 0045H Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 (UL5)
0010H Braking Resistor Overheat (rH) 0046H Current Offset Fault (CoF)
0011H External Fault at input terminal S3 (EF3) 0049H DriveWorksEZ Fault (dWFL)
0012H External Fault at input terminal S4 (EF4) 0083H A/D Conversion Error (CPF02)
0013H External Fault at input terminal S5 (EF5) 0084H PWM Data Fault (CPF03)
0014H External Fault at input terminal S6 (EF6) Drive specification mismatch during Terminal Board
0087H or Control Board replacement (CPF06)
0015H External Fault at input terminal S7 (EF7)
0088H Terminal Board Communication Fault (CPF07)
0018H Overspeed (oS)
0089H EEPROM Serial Communication Fault (CPF08)
0019H Excessive Speed Deviation (dEv)
008CH RAM fault (CPF11)
001AH PG Disconnect (PGo)
008DH Flash memory circuit exception (CPF12)
001BH Input Phase Loss (PF)
008EH Watchdog circuit exception (CPF13)
001CH Output Phase Loss (LF)
008FH Control Circuit Fault (CPF14)
001DH Motor Overheat (PTC input) (oH3)
0091H Clock Fault (CPF16)
001EH Digital Operator Connection (oPr)
0092H Timing Fault (CPF17)
001FH EEPROM Write Error (Err)
0093H Control Circuit Fault (CPF18)
0020H Motor Overheat (PTC input) (oH4)
0094H Control Circuit Fault (CPF19)
0021H MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error (CE)
0095H Hardware fault at power up (CPF20)
0022H Option Communication Error (bUS)
0096H Hardware fault at communication start up (CPF21)
0025H Control fault (CF)
0097H A/D Conversion Fault (CPF22)
0027H PROFIBUS-DP Option External Fault (EF0)
0098H PWM Feedback Fault (CPF23)
0028H PID Feedback Loss (FbL)
0099H Drive capacity signal fault (CPF24)

432 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.10 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

Fault Code Fault Name Fault Code Fault Name

0101H Option compatibility error (oFA00) 0105H Option Flash Write Mode Error (oFA04)
0102H Option not properly connected (oFA01)
0104H Option Self-diagnostics Error (oFA03)
<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.

u Alarm Register Contents

The table below shows the alarm codes that can be read out from MEMOBUS/Modbus register 007FH.
Table C.5 Alarm Register 007FH Contents
Alarm Code Fault Name Alarm Code Fault Name
0001H Undervoltage (Uv) 001AH Option Card External Fault (EF0)
0002H Overvoltage (ov) 001BH Motor Switch command input during run (rUn)
0003H Heatsink Overheat (oH) 001DH Serial Communication Transmission Error (CALL)
0004H Drive Overheat (oH2) 001EH Undertorque Detection 1 (UL3)
0005H Overtorque 1 (oL3) 001FH Undertorque Detection 2 (UL4)
0006H Overtorque 2 (oL4) 0020H MEMOBUS/Modbus Test Mode Fault (SE)
0007H Run commands input error (EF) 0022H Motor Overheat (oH3)
0008H Drive Baseblock (bb) 0027H PID Feedback Loss (FbL)
0009H External Fault 3, input terminal S3 (EF3) 0028H PID Feedback Loss (FbH)
000AH External Fault 4, input terminal S4 (EF4) 002AH Drive Disabled (dnE)
000BH External Fault 5, input terminal S5 (EF5) 002BH PG Disconnected (PGo)
000CH External Fault 6, input terminal S6 (EF6) 0031H MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error (E5)
000DH External Fault 7, input terminal S7 (EF7) 0032H Station Address Setting Error (AEr)
000FH Reserved 0033H MECHATROLINK Comm. Cycle Setting Error (CyC)
0010H Overspeed (oS) 0034H High Current Alarm (HCA)
0011H Excessive Speed Deviation (dEv) 0039H External Fault (input terminal S1) (EF1)
0012H PG Disconnected (PGo) 003AH External Fault (input terminal S2) (EF2)
0013H Digital operator connection fault (oPr) 003BH Safe Disable Input (HbbF)
0014H MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error (CE) 003CH Safe Disable Input (Hbb)
0015H Option Communication Error (bUS) 003DH Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 (oL5)
0016H Serial Communication Transmission Error (CALL) 003EH Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 (UL5)
0017H Motor Overload (oL1) 0049H DriveWorksEZ Alarm (dWAL)
0018H Drive Overload (oL2)


YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 433
C.11 Enter Command

C.11 Enter Command

When writing parameters to the drive from the PLC using MEMOBUS/Modbus communication it depends on the setting
of parameter H5-11 if an Enter command must be used to enable these parameters or not. This sections explains Enter

u Enter Command Types

The drive supports two types of Enter commands as shown in Table C.6. An Enter command is enabled by writing 0 to
register number 0900H or 0910H. These registers can be written to only. An error will occur if the user attempts to read
from these registers.
Table C.6 Enter Command Types
Register No. Description
Writes data into the EEPROM (non-volatile memory) of the drive and enables the data in RAM at the same time. Parameter
0900H changes remain even if the power supply is cycled.
0910H Writes data in the RAM only. Parameter changes are lost when the drive is shut off.
Note: 1. Because the EEPROM can be written to a maximum of 100,000 times, refrain from writing to the EEPROM too often. The Enter
command registers are write-only. Consequently, if these registers are read, then the register address will be invalid (Error code:
02H). An Enter command is not required if reference or broadcast data are sent to the drive.
2. Parameter data cannot be written to EEPROM during undervoltage, even using 0900H.
3. If undervoltage occurs when a making several parameter changes issued with a single ENTER command, the writing process may
be aborted before all of the new changes have been written. Because all of the data has not yet been written, the EEPROM data
error “CPF06” will be displayed the next time power to the drive is cycled. To prevent this problem, wait approximately 5 seconds
after issuing the ENTER command before shutting off drive power.

u Enter Command Settings when Upgrading the Drive

When replacing earlier Yaskawa drive models with a V1000 and keeping the MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
settings, parameter H5-11 needs to be set in accordance with how the Enter command functions in the older drive. H5-11
determines if an Enter command is needed to activate parameter changes in the drive.
• Set H5-11 to 0 when upgrading from a G7 or F7 series drive to V1000 series drive.
• Set H5-11 to 1 when upgrading from a V7 series drive to V1000 series drive.
n H5-11 and the Enter Command
H5-11 Settings H5-11 = 0 H5-11 = 1
Drive being replaced G7, F7 V7
How parameter settings are When the Enter command is received from the master. As soon as the value is changed.
Upper/lower limit check takes the settings of related The upper/lower limit of the changed parameter is
Upper/lower limit check parameters into account. checked only.
Default value of related Not affected. The settings of related parameters remain The default settings of related parameters are changed
parameters unchanged. They must be changed manually if needed. automatically.
Data is accepted even if one setting is invalid. The
Error handling when setting Error occurs if only one setting is invalid. All data sent
invalid setting will be discarded. No error message
multiple parameters are discarded.

434 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
C.12 Communication Errors

C.12 Communication Errors

u MEMOBUS/Modbus Error Codes

A list of MEMOBUS/Modbus errors appears below.
When an error occurs, remove whatever caused the error and restart communications.
Error Name
Error Code
Function Code Error
• Attempted to set a function code from a PLC other than 03H, 08H, and 10H.
Register Number Error
02H • A register number specified in the command message does not exist.
• Attempted to send a broadcast message using other register numbers than 0001H or 0002H.
Bit Count Error
03H • Read data or write data is greater than 16 bits. Invalid command message quantity.
• In a write message, the “Number of Data Items” contained within the message does not equal twice the amount of data
words (i.e., the total of Data 1+ Data 2, etc.).
Data Setting Error
21H • Control data or parameter write data is outside the allowable setting range.
• Attempted to write a contradictory parameter setting.
Write Mode Error
• Attempted to write while the drive was operating to a parameter that cannot be written to during run.
22H • During an EEPROM data error (CPF06), the master attempted to write to a parameter other than A1-00 to -05, E1-03, or
• Attempted to write to read-only data.
DC Bus Undervoltage Write Error
23H • Attempted to write from the master during an undervoltage fault (Uv1).
• Attempted to execute and Enter command during Uv1.
Write Error During Parameter Process
• Master attempted writing to the drive while the drive was processing parameter data.

u Slave Not Responding

In the following situations, the slave drive will ignore the command message sent from the master, and not send a response
• When a communications error (overrun, framing, parity or CRC-16) is detected in the command message.
• When the slave address in the command message and the slave address in the drive do not match (remember to set the
slave address for the drive using H5-01).
• When the gap between two blocks (8 bit) of a message exceeds 24 bits.
• When the command message data length is invalid.
Note: If the slave address specified in the command message is 00H, all slaves execute the write function, but do not return response messages
to the master.

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 435
C.13 Self-Diagnostics

C.13 Self-Diagnostics
The drive has a built-in self-diagnosing function of the serial communication interface circuits. To perform the self-
diagnosis function, use the following procedure.
DANGER! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on. Failure to comply will result in death or
serious injury. Before servicing, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the power
supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To prevent electric shock, wait
at least one minute after all indicators are OFF and measure the DC bus voltage level to confirm safe level.
1. Turn on the power to the drive.
2. Note the present terminal S6 function selection setting (H1-06) and set it for the communications test mode
(H1-06 = 67).
3. Turn off the power to the drive.
4. With the power off, wire the drive as shown in the following figure:

R+ R- S+ S- IG


R+ R- S+ S- IG

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 HC SC H1 RP

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 HC SC H1 RP

Figure C.9 Terminal Connections for Communication Self-Diagnostics

5. Check and note the setting of DIP switch S3. Set it to NPN if it is in the PNP position.
6. Turn the power to the drive back on.
7. During normal operation, the drive will display PASS. This indicates that the communications test mode is
operating normally.
When a fault occurs, the drive will display “CE” on the keypad display.
8. Turn off the power supply.
9. Remove the wire jumpers from terminal R+, R-, S+, S- and, S6-SC and set back DIP switch S3 to its original
position. Set terminal S6 to its original function.
10.Return to normal operation.

436 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Appendix: D

Standards Compliance
This appendix explains the guidelines and criteria for maintaining CE and UL standards.

D.1 SECTION SAFETY..........................................................................................438

D.2 EUROPEAN STANDARDS.............................................................................440
D.3 UL STANDARDS.............................................................................................447
D.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR KOREAN RADIO WAVES ACT..................................456
D.5 한국 전파법에 관한 주의사항..........................................................................457
D.6 SAFE DISABLE INPUT...................................................................................458

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 437
D.1 Section Safety

D.1 Section Safety

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.

Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not operate equipment with covers removed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The diagrams in this section may show drives without covers or safety shields to show details. Be sure to reinstall covers
or shields before operating the drives and run the drives according to the instructions described in this manual.
Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.
Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.
Do not touch any terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even after the
power supply is turned off. The charge indicator LED will extinguish when the DC bus voltage is below 50 Vdc. To
prevent electric shock, wait at least five minutes after all indicators are off and measure the DC bus voltage level to
confirm safe level.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Installation, maintenance, inspection, and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar with
installation, adjustment and maintenance of AC drives.
Do not perform work on the drive while wearing loose clothing, jewelry or without eye protection.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing, and wear eye protection before beginning
work on the drive.
Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Fire Hazard
Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.
Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical connections.
Do not use an improper voltage source.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying power.
Do not use improper combustible materials.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.
Attach the drive to metal or other noncombustible material.
Install adequate branch circuit protection according to applicable local codes and this manual.
Failure to comply could result in fire and damage to the drive or injury to personnel. The device is suitable for use on a
circuit capable of delivering not more than 31,000 RMS symmetrical amperes, 240 Vac maximum (200 V class) and 480
Vac maximum (400 V class) when protected by branch circuit protection devices specified in this manual.

438 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.1 Section Safety

Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the drive and circuit boards.
Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry.
Never connect or disconnect the motor from the drive while the drive is outputting voltage.
Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the drive.
Do not use unshielded cable for control wiring.
Failure to comply may cause electrical interference resulting in poor system performance. Use shielded twisted-pair wires
and ground the shield to the ground terminal of the drive.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to use the product.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive or braking circuit.
Carefully review instruction manual TOBPC72060000 when connecting a braking option to the drive.
Do not modify the drive circuitry.
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive and will void warranty.
Yaskawa is not responsible for modification of the product made by the user. This product must not be modified.
Check all the wiring to ensure that all connections are correct after installing the drive and connecting other
Failure to comply could result in damage to the drive.

Standards Compliance

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 439
D.2 European Standards

D.2 European Standards

Figure D.1 CE Mark

The CE mark indicates compliance with European safety and environmental regulations and is required for engaging in
business and commerce in Europe.
European standards include the Machinery Directive for machine manufacturers, the Low Voltage Directive for electronics
manufacturers and the EMC guidelines for controlling noise.
This drive displays the CE mark based on the EMC guidelines and the Low Voltage Directive.
• Devices used in combination with this drive must also be CE certified and display the CE mark. When using drives
displaying the CE mark in combination with other devices, it is ultimately the responsibility of the user to ensure
compliance with CE standards. After setting up the device, verify that conditions meet European standards.
• Low Voltage Directive: 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC

u CE Low Voltage Directive Compliance

This drive has been tested according to European standard IEC/EN 61800-5-1, and it fully complies with the Low Voltage
To comply with the Low Voltage Directive, be sure to meet the following conditions when combining this drive with other
n Area of Use
Do not use drives in areas with pollution higher than severity 2 and overvoltage category 3 in accordance with IEC/EN
n Factory Recommended Branch Circuit Protection
Yaskawa recommends installing one of the following types of branch circuit protection to maintain compliance with
UL508C. Semiconductor protective type fuses are preferred. Alternate branch circuit protection devices are also listed in
Table D.1.
NOTICE: If a fuse is blown or an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is tripped, check the wiring and the selection of peripheral
devices to identify the cause. Contact Yaskawa before restarting the drive or the peripheral devices if the cause cannot be identified.
Table D.1 Factory Recommended Drive Branch Circuit Protection
Fuse Type
Drive Model Manufacturer: Bussmann
Model Fuse Ampere Rating (A)
Single-Phase 200 V Class
BA0001 FWH-25A14F 25
BA0002 FWH-25A14F 25
BA0003 FWH-60B 60
BA0006 FWH-80B 80
BA0010 FWH-100B 100
BA0012 FWH-125B 125
BA0018 FWH-175B 175
Three-Phase 200 V Class
2A0001 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0002 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0004 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0006 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0008 FWH-70B 70
2A0010 FWH-70B 70
2A0012 FWH-70B 70
2A0018 FWH-90B 90
2A0020 FWH-90B 90
2A0030 FWH-100B 100

440 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.2 European Standards

Fuse Type
Drive Model Manufacturer: Bussmann
Model Fuse Ampere Rating (A)
2A0040 FWH-200B 200
2A0056 FWH-200B 200
2A0069 FWH-200B 200
Three-Phase 400 V Class
4A0001 FWH-40B 40
4A0002 FWH-40B 40
4A0004 FWH-50B 50
4A0005 FWH-70B 70
4A0007 FWH-70B 70
4A0009 FWH-90B 90
4A0011 FWH-90B 90
4A0018 FWH-80B 80
4A0023 FWH-100B 100
4A0031 FWH-125B 125
4A0038 FWH-200B 200

n Grounding
The drive is designed to be used in T-N (grounded neutral point) networks. If installing the drive in other types of grounded
systems, contact your dealer or Yaskawa for instructions.
n CE Standards Compliance for DC Power Supply Input
Install the fuses in the following tables to meet CE standards.
DC power supply
Fuse U/ T1
+ +1
_ _ V/ T2 M
W/ T3


Fuse U/ T1
_ V/ T2 M
W/ T3


Figure D.2 Example of DC Power Supply Input (Two Drives Connected in Series)

Note: 1. When connecting multiple drives together, make sure that each drive has its own fuse. Replace all fuses when one fuse blows.
2. Refer to on page 48 for an AC power supply.
3. The recommended fuses and fuse holders are made by Fuji Electric.
Table D.2 Single-Phase 200 V Class Fuses and Fuse Holders
DC Power Supply Input
Fuse Fuse Holder
Drive Model Manufacturer: Fuji Electric
Rated Short Circuit
Type Braking Current Qty. Type Qty.
Standards Compliance

BA0001 CR6L-20/UL CMS-4
BA0002 CR6L-30/UL CMS-4
BA0003 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
BA0006 CR6L-75/UL 100 2 CMS-5 2
BA0010 CR6L-100/UL CMS-5
BA0012 CR6L-100/UL CMS-5
BA0018 CR6L-150/UL CMS-5 D

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 441
D.2 European Standards

Table D.3 Three-Phase 200 V Class Fuses and Fuse Holders

DC Power Supply Input
Fuse Fuse Holder
Drive Model Manufacturer: Fuji Electric
Rated Short Circuit
Type Braking Current Qty. Type Qty.
2A0001 CR6L-20/UL CMS-4
2A0002 CR6L-20/UL CMS-4
2A0004 CR6L-20/UL CMS-4
2A0006 CR6L-30/UL CMS-4
2A0008 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
2A0010 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
2A0012 CR6L-50/UL 100 2 CMS-4
2A0018 CR6L-75/UL CMS–5
2A0020 CR6L-75/UL CMS–5
2A0030 CR6L-100/UL CMS–5
2A0040 CR6L-150/UL CMS–5
2A0056 CR6L-150/UL CMS–5
2A0069 CR6L-200/UL <1> –
<1> Manufacturer does not recommend a specific fuse holder for this fuse. Contact Yaskawa or your nearest sales representative for fuse dimensions.
Table D.4 Three-Phase 400 V Class Fuses and Fuse Holders
DC Power Supply Input
Fuse Fuse Holder
Drive Model Manufacturer: Fuji Electric
Rated Short Circuit
Type Braking Current Qty. Type Qty.
4A0001 CR6L-20/UL CMS-4
4A0002 CR6L-20/UL CMS-4
4A0004 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
4A0005 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
4A0007 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
4A0009 CR6L-50/UL 100 2 CMS-4 2
4A0011 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
4A0018 CR6L-50/UL CMS-4
4A0023 CR6L-75/UL CMS–5
4A0031 CR6L-100/UL CMS–5
4A0038 CR6L-150/UL CMS–5

n Guarding Against Harmful Materials

When installing IP20/Open-Chassis enclosure drives, use an enclosure that prevents foreign material from entering the
drive from above or below.

u EMC Guidelines Compliance

This drive is tested according to European standards EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012 and it complies with the EMC guidelines.
n EMC Filter Installation
The following conditions must be met to ensure continued compliance with guidelines. Refer to EMC Filters on page
445 for EMC filter selection.
Installation Method
Verify the following installation conditions to ensure that other devices and machinery used in combination with this drive
also comply with EMC guidelines.
1. Install an EMC noise filter to the input side specified by Yaskawa for compliance with European standards.
2. Place the drive and EMC noise filter in the same enclosure.
3. Use braided shield cable for the drive and motor wiring or run the wiring through a metal conduit.

442 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.2 European Standards

4. Keep wiring as short as possible. Ground the shield on both the drive side and the motor side.

U/T1 U
V/T2 V
W/T3 W

A – Drive D – Metal conduit
B – 20 m max cable length between E – Ground wire should be as short as
drive and motor possible.
C – Motor
Figure D.3 Installation Method

5. Ground the largest possible surface area of the shield to the metal conduit when using braided shield cable.
Yaskawa recommends using a cable clamp.

A – Braided shield cable C – Cable clamp (conductive)
B – Metal panel
Figure D.4 Ground Area

Standards Compliance

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 443
D.2 European Standards

Three-Phase 200 V / 400 V Class

L3 L1


L3 L2 L1

R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3



A – Ground the cable shield F – Motor cable (braided shield cable,

B – Enclosure panel max. 20 m)
C – Metal plate G – Motor
D – Grounding surface (remove any H – Cable clamp
paint or sealant) I – Wiring distance as short as
E – Drive possible
J – EMC noise filter
Figure D.5 EMC Filter and Drive Installation for CE Compliance
(Three-Phase 200 V / 400 V Class)

444 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.2 European Standards

Single-Phase 200 V Class



N L1

R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3



A – Ground the cable shield F – Motor cable (braided shield cable,

B – Enclosure panel max. 20 m)
C – Metal plate G – Motor
D – Grounding surface (remove any H – Cable clamp
paint or sealant) I – Wiring distance as short as
E – Drive possible
J – EMC noise filter
Figure D.6 EMC Filter and Drive Installation for CE Compliance (Single-Phase 200 V Class)

n EMC Filters
The drive should be installed with the EMC filters listed below in order to comply with the IEC/EN 61800-3, category C1
Table D.5 IEC/EN 61800-3 Category C1 Filters
Filter Data (Manufacturer: Schaffner)
Drive Rated Mounting Drive Filter
Model Weight Dimensions
Type Current Dimensions Mounting Mounting
(kg) [W x L x H] (mm)
(A) [Y x X] (mm) Screw A Screw
200 V Single-Phase Units
BA0001 FS23638-10-07 10 0.4 71 x 169 x 45 51 x 156 M4 M5
BA0002 FS23638-10-07 10 0.4 71 x 169 x 45 51 x 156 M4 M5
BA0003 FS23638-10-07 10 0.4 71 x 169 x 45 51 x 156 M4 M5
BA0006 FS23638-20-07 20 0.8 111 x 169 x 50 91 x 156 M4 M5
BA0010 FS23638-20-07 20 0.8 111 x 169 x 50 91 x 156 M4 M5
BA0012 FS23638-30-07 30 1.2 144 x 174 x 50 120 x 161 M4 M5
BA0018 FS23638-40-07 40 1.6 174 x 174 x 50 150 x 161 M4 M5
200 V Three-Phase Units
Standards Compliance

2A0001 FS23637-8-07 8 0.4 71 x 169 x 40 51 x 156 M4 M5

2A0002 FS23637-8-07 8 0.4 71 x 169 x 40 51 x 156 M4 M5
2A0004 FS23637-8-07 8 0.4 71 x 169 x 40 51 x 156 M4 M5
2A0006 FS23637-8-07 8 0.4 71 x 169 x 40 51 x 156 M4 M5
2A0008 FS23637-14-07 14 0.58 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
2A0010 FS23637-14-07 14 0.58 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
2A0012 FS23637-14-07 14 0.58 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
2A0018 FS23637-24-07 24 0.90 144 x 174 x 50 120 x 161 M4 M5 D

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 445
D.2 European Standards

Filter Data (Manufacturer: Schaffner)

Drive Rated Mounting Drive Filter
Model Weight Dimensions
Type Current Dimensions Mounting Mounting
(kg) [W x L x H] (mm)
(A) [Y x X] (mm) Screw A Screw
2A0020 FS23637-24-07 24 0.90 144 x 174 x 50 120 x 161 M4 M5
2A0030 FS5973-35-07 35 1.4 141 x 330 x 46 115 x 313 <1> M4 M5
2A0040 FS5973-60-07 60 3.0 206 x 355 x 60 175 x 336 <1> M5 M6
2A0056 FS5973-100-07 100 4.9 236 x 408 x 80 205 x 390 <1> M8 M6
2A0069 FS5973-100-07 100 4.9 236 x 408 x 80 205 x 390 <1> M9 M6
400 V Three-Phase Units
4A0001 FS23639-5-07 5 0.5 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
4A0002 FS23639-5-07 5 0.5 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
4A0004 FS23639-5-07 5 0.5 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
4A0005 FS23639-10-07 10 0.7 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
4A0007 FS23639-10-07 10 0.7 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
4A0009 FS23639-10-07 10 0.7 111 x 169 x 45 91 x 156 M4 M5
4A0011 FS23639-15-07 15 0.9 144 x 174 x 50 120 x 161 M4 M5
4A0018 FS5972-35-07 35 2.1 206 x 355 x 50 175 x 336 <1> M4 M5
4A0023 FS5972-35-07 35 2.1 206 x 355 x 50 175 x 336 <1> M4 M5
4A0031 FS5972-60-07 60 4.0 236 x 408 x 65 390 x 205 <1> M6 M6
4A0038 FS5972-60-07 60 4.0 236 x 408 x 65 390 x 205 <1> M6 M6
<1> The drive cannot be mounted on noise filters. These noise filters are horizontal placement type.
Note: EMC filters for models BA0018 and 2A0030 through 2A0069 are in compliance with IEC/EN 61800-3, Category 2. All other models
comply with Category 1.



Figure D.7 EMC Filter Dimensions

n DC Reactors for IEC/EN 61000-3-2 Compliance

DC Reactor
Drive Model
Model Rating
200V Three-Phase Units
2A0004 5.4 A
2A0006 8 mH
400 V Three-Phase Units
4A0002 3.2 A
4A0004 28 mH

Note: Models not listed in the above table do not require a DC reactor for EMC compliance.

446 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.3 UL Standards

D.3 UL Standards
u UL Standards Compliance
The UL/cUL mark applies to products in the United States and Canada and indicates that UL has performed product testing
and evaluation and determined that their stringent standards for product safety have been met. For a product to receive UL
certification, all components inside that product must also receive UL certification.

Figure D.8 UL/cUL Mark

This drive is tested in accordance with UL standard UL508C and complies with UL requirements. The following conditions
must be met to maintain compliance when using this drive in combination with other equipment:
n Installation Area
Do not install the drive to an area greater than pollution severity 2 (UL standard).
n Ambient Temperature
IP20/NEMA 1, UL Type 1 enclosure: -10 °C to +40 °C
IP20/IP00 Open-Chassis enclosure: -10 °C to +50 °C
Finless Type: IP20/IP00 enclosure: -10 °C to +50 °C
NEMA 4X, UL Type 4X/IP66 enclosure: -10 °C to +40 °C
n Main Circuit Terminal Wiring
Yaskawa recommends using closed-loop crimp terminals on all drive models. UL/cUL approval requires the use of UL
Listed closed-loop crimp terminals when wiring the drive main circuit terminals. Use only the tools recommended by the
terminal manufacturer for crimping. The wire gauges listed in Table D.6, Table D.7, and Table D.8 are Yaskawa
recommendations. Refer to local codes for proper wire gauge selections.
Table D.6 Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
U/T1, V/T2,
BA0001 2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
W/T3 0.8 to 1.0
BA0002 M3.5
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5 (7.1 to 8.9)
B1, B2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 12 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
BA0006 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

Standards Compliance

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6

R/L1, S/L2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
BA0010 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 447
D.3 UL Standards

For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
5.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
BA0012 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
8 3.5 to 8 8 12 to 8 6 4 to 10
U/T1, V/T2, 2.3 to 2.5
3.5 3.5 to 8 10 12 to 8 2.5 4 to 10
W/T3 (20.4 to 22.1)
BA0018 M5
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 8 3.5 to 8 – 12 to 8 – 4 to 10
B1, B2 3.5 3.5 to 8 – 12 to 8 – 4 to 10
2 to 2.5
5.5 3.5 to 8 8 12 to 8 6 4 to 10
(17.7 to 22.1)

<1> Gauges listed here are for use in Japan and Asia.
<2> Gauges listed here are for use in the United States.
<3> Gauges listed here are for use in Europe and China.
Table D.7 Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
2A0001 U/T1, V/T2,
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
2A0002 W/T3 0.8 to 1.0
2A0004 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5 (7.1 to 8.9)
B1, B2 2 0.75 to 2 – 18 to 14 – 0.75 to 2.5
2 0.75 to 2 14 18 to 14 2.5 0.75 to 2.5
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
2A0008 W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0010 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 12 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0012 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0018 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6

448 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.3 UL Standards

For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
5.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
2A0020 M4
–, +1, +2 5.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

3.5 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 4 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 4 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
8 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 4 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 4 to 16
B1, B2 3.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 4 to 6
2 to 2.5
5.5 <4> 5.5 to 14 8 <4> 10 to 6 6 <4> 6 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 10 6 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 16
B1, B2 5.5 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 4 to 6
2 to 2.5
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
22 14 to 22 4 6 to 4 16 16 to 25
5.4 to 6.0
U/T1, V/T2, M6
14 14 to 22 4 6 to 4 16 16 to 25 (47.8 to 53.1)
2A0056 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 22 14 to 22 – 6 to 4 – 16 to 25
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 10 M5
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
14 8 to 22 6 8 to 4 16 10 to 25 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
30 8 to 38 3 8 to 2 25 10 to 25
9.9 to 11
U/T1, V/T2, M8
22 8 to 38 3 8 to 2 16 10 to 25 (87.6 to 97.4)
2A0069 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 30 8 to 38 – 8 to 2 – 10 to 25
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 14 8 to 14 – 8 to 6 – 10 to 16 M5
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
14 8 to 22 6 6 to 4 16 10 to 25 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)

<1> Gauges listed here are for use in Japan and Asia.
<2> Gauges listed here are for use in the United States.
<3> Gauges listed here are for use in Europe and China.
<4> When an EMC filter is installed, additional measures must be taken to comply with IEC/EN 61800-5-1. Refer to EMC Filter Installation on
page 442 for details.
Standards Compliance

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 449
D.3 UL Standards

Table D.8 Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications

For Japan and Asia <1> For United States <2> For Europe and China <3>
Drive Recomm. Recomm. Recomm. Screw
Terminal Wire Range Wire Range Wire Range Torque
Model Gauge Gauge Gauge Size
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2 N•m (lb.in.)
mm2 AWG, kcmil mm2
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
4A0001 2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
4A0002 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2, W/
4A0005 2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
T3 1.2 to 1.5
4A0007 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6
2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
2 2 to 5.5 12 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
U/T1, V/T2,
2 2 to 5.5 14 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
W/T3 1.2 to 1.5
4A0011 M4
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6 (10.6 to 13.3)

B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6

2 2 to 5.5 10 14 to 10 2.5 2.5 to 6
R/L1, S/L2,
3.5 2 to 14 10 14 to 6 2.5 2.5 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
3.5 2 to 14 10 14 to 6 2.5 2.5 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 3.5 2 to 14 – 14 to 6 – 2.5 to 16
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 4 to 6
2 to 2.5
5.5 2 to 14 8 14 to 6 2.5 2.5 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
5.5 3.5 to 14 10 10 to 6 4 4 to 16
U/T1, V/T2, 2.1 to 2.3
5.5 3.5 to 14 10 10 to 6 4 4 to 16 M4
W/T3 (18.6 to 20.4)
⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 5.5 3.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 4 to 16
B1, B2 2 2 to 5.5 – 14 to 10 – 2.5 to 6
2 to 2.5
5.5 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 4 4 to 16 M5
(17.7 to 22.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16
3.6 to 4.0
U/T1, V/T2,
8 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16 (31.8 to 35.4)
W/T3 M5
4A0031 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 16
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 3.5 2 to 8 – 10 to 8 – 6 to 10
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
8 <4> 5.5 to 14 6 <4> 10 to 6 6 <4> 6 to 16 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)
R/L1, S/L2,
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16
3.6 to 4.0
U/T1, V/T2,
14 5.5 to 14 8 10 to 6 6 6 to 16 (31.8 to 35.4)
W/T3 M5
4A0038 ⊖, ⊕1, ⊕2 14 5.5 to 14 – 10 to 6 – 6 to 16
2.7 to 3.0
B1, B2 5.5 3.5 to 8 – 10 to 8 – 6 to 10
(23.9 to 26.6)
5.4 to 6.0
14 5.5 to 14 6 10 to 6 10 6 to 16 M6
(47.8 to 53.1)

<1> Gauges listed here are for use in Japan and Asia.
<2> Gauges listed here are for use in the United States.

450 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.3 UL Standards

<3> Gauges listed here are for use in Europe and China.
<4> When an EMC filter is installed, additional measures must be taken to comply with IEC/EN 61800-5-1. Refer to EMC Filter Installation on
page 442 for details.
Note: Use crimp insulated terminals or insulated tubing for wiring these connections. Wires should have a continuous maximum allowable
temperature of 75 °C 600 V UL approved vinyl sheathed insulation. Ambient temperature should not exceed 30 °C.
Closed-Loop Crimp Terminal Recommendations
Yaskawa recommends crimp terminals made by JST and Tokyo DIP for the insulation cap. Table D.9 matches drives
models with crimp terminals and insulation caps. Orders can be placed with a Yaskawa representative or directly with the
Yaskawa sales department.
Table D.9 Closed-Loop Crimp Terminal Size
Wire Gauge AWG Tool
Terminal Crimp Terminal Insulation Cap
Drive Model R/L1, S/L2, U/T1, V/T2, Screws Model No. Model No. Code <2>
Machine No. Die Jaw
T/L3 W/T3
200 V Class Single-Phase Drives
BA0001 R1.25-3.5 100-066-217
BA0002 16 M3.5 YA-4 AD-900 TP-003
14 <1> R2-3.5 100-066-218

14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

BA0006 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
14 14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028
BA0010 12 <1> 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
10 10
14 14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028
BA0012 12 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
10 <1> 10

12 12 <1>
R5.5-5 AD-900 TP-005 100-054-030
BA0018 10 10 M5 YA-4

8 <1> 8 R8-5 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-032

200 V Class Three-Phase Drives
2A0001 18
2A0002 R1.25-3.5 100-066-217
16 M3.5 YA-4 AD-900 TP-003
2A0006 14 <1> R2-3.5 100-066-218

14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
2A0010 R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029

14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

2A0012 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
14 R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028
2A0018 12 <1> M4 YA-4 AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
14 14 R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

2A0020 12 12 <1> M4 YA-4 AD-900

R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
10 <1> 10
10 10 R5.5-4 AD-900 TP-005 100-054-029
Standards Compliance

2A0030 8 8 <1> M4 8-4 YA-4 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-031

6 <1> 6 14-4 AD-902 TP-014 100-066-220

10 R5.5-4 AD-900 TP-005 100-054-029
2A0040 8 M4 8-4 YA-4 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-031

6 <1> 14-4 AD-902 TP-014 100-066-220

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 451
D.3 UL Standards

Wire Gauge AWG Tool

Terminal Crimp Terminal Insulation Cap
Drive Model R/L1, S/L2, U/T1, V/T2, Screws Model No. Model No. Code <2>
Machine No. Die Jaw
T/L3 W/T3
6 6 <1> R14-6 AD-952 TP-014 100-051-261
2A0056 M6 YA-5
4 <1> 4 R22-6 AD-953 TP-022 100-051-262
8 8 R8-8 AD-951 TP-008 100-061-111
6 6 R14-8 AD-952 TP-014 100-054-035

2A0069 4 4 <1> M8 R22-8 YA-5 AD-953 TP-022 100-051-263

3 <1> 3
R38-8 AD-954 TP-038 100-051-264
2 2
400 V Class Single-Phase Drives

4A0001 14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

4A0002 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
4A0004 R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029

4A0005 14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

4A0007 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
4A0009 R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029

14 <1> R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

4A0011 12 M4 YA-4 AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
14 R2-4 TP-003 100-054-028

12 <1> AD-900
R5.5-4 TP-005 100-054-029
4A0018 10 M4 YA-4
8 8-4 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-031
6 14-4 AD-902 TP-014 100-066-220
R5.5-4 AD-900 TP-005 100-054-029
10 <1>
4A0023 M4 YA-4
8 8-4 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-031
6 14-4 AD-902 TP-014 100-066-220
10 10 R5.5-5 AD-900 TP-005 100-054-030

4A0031 8 8 <1> M5 R8-5 YA-4 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-032

6 <1> 6 R14-5 AD-902 TP-014 100-054-034

10 R5.5-5 AD-900 TP-005 100-054-030
4A0038 8 M5 R8-5 YA-4 AD-901 TP-008 100-054-032

6 <1> R14-5 AD-902 TP-014 100-054-034

<1> Recommended wire gauge.

<2> All codes in the far right column of the table above refer to a set including three crimp terminals and three insulation caps. Input and output
wiring must be prepared by the user. Two sets should be used for each terminal connection.
Example: Drive model BA0001 with 14 AWG for both input and output should use one set for input and one set for output. The user should
therefore order a total of two sets of [100-066-218].
Note: Consider the amount of voltage drop when selecting wire gauges. Increase the wire gauge when the voltage drop is greater than 2% of
motor rated voltage. Ensure the wire gauge is suitable for the terminal block. Use the following formula to calculate the amount of
voltage drop:
Line drop voltage (V) = 3 × wire resistance (Ω/km) × wire length (m) × current (A) × 10-3

452 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.3 UL Standards

n Factory Recommended Branch Circuit Protection

Yaskawa recommends installing one of the following types of branch circuit protection to maintain compliance with
UL508C. Semiconductor protective type fuses are preferred. Alternate branch circuit protection devices are also listed in
Table D.10.
Branch circuit protection shall be provided by any of the following:
• Non-time delay Class J, T, or CC fuses sized at 300% of the drive input rating
Note: The following model/fuse combinations are excluded from the preceding statement: 2A0002/A6T6, 2A0004/
A6T15, 4A0004/A6T15, 4A0005/A6T20, and 4A0007/A6T25.
• Time delay Class J, T, or CC fuses sized at 175% of the drive input rating
• Time-delay Class RK5 fuses sized at 225% of the drive input rating
Table D.10 Factory Recommended Drive Branch Circuit Protection
Non-Time Delay Fuse Type
Class T Fuse Type Fuse Ampere Rating (Manufacturer: Bussmann) Fuse Ampere Rating
Drive Model (Manufacturer: Ferraz) (A) Rated Voltage: (A)
Rated Voltage: 500 Vac, 200 kAIR
600 Vac, 200 kAIR
200 V Class Single-Phase Drives
BA0001 A6T6 6 FWH-25A14F 25
BA0002 A6T10 10 FWH-25A14F 25
BA0003 A6T20 20 FWH-60B 60
BA0006 A6T40 40 FWH-80B 80
BA0010 A6T40 40 FWH-100B 100
BA0012 A6T50 50 FWH-125B 125
BA0018 A6T80 80 FWH-175B 175
200 V Class Three-Phase Drives
2A0001 A6T3 3 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0002 A6T6 6 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0004 A6T15 15 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0006 A6T20 20 FWH-25A14F 25
2A0008 A6T25 25 FWH-70B 70
2A0010 A6T25 25 FWH-70B 70
2A0012 A6T25 25 FWH-70B 70
2A0018 A6T30 40 FWH-90B 90
2A0020 A6T40 40 FWH-90B 90
2A0030 – – FWH-100B 100
2A0040 – – FWH-200B 200
2A0056 – – FWH-200B 200
2A0069 – – FWH-200B 200
400 V Class Three-Phase Drives
4A0001 A6T3 3 FWH-40B 40
4A0002 A6T6 6 FWH-40B 40
4A0004 A6T15 15 FWH-50B 50
4A0005 A6T20 20 FWH-70B 70
4A0007 A6T25 25 FWH-70B 70
4A0009 A6T25 25 FWH-90B 90
4A0011 A6T30 30 FWH-90B 90
4A0018 – – FWH-80B 80
4A0023 – – FWH-100B 100
Standards Compliance

4A0031 – – FWH-125B 125

4A0038 – – FWH-200B 200

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 453
D.3 UL Standards

n Low Voltage Wiring for Control Circuit Terminals

Wire low voltage wires with NEC Class 1 circuit conductors. Refer to national state or local codes for wiring. The external
power supply shall be a UL-Listed Class 2 power source or equivalent.
Table D.11 Control Circuit Terminal Power Supply
Input / Output Terminal Signal Power Supply Specifications
Multi-function photocoupler output P1, P2, PC Requires class 2 power supply
Use the internal power supply of the drive. Use class 2
Multi-function digital inputs S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, SC for external power supply.
Use the internal power supply of the drive. Use class 2
Multi-function analog inputs A1, A2, AC for external power supply.
Use the internal LVLC power supply of the drive. Use
Pulse train input RP class 2 for external power supply.
Use the internal LVLC power supply of the drive. Use
Pulse train output MP class 2 for external power supply.

n Drive Short-Circuit Rating

This drive has undergone the UL short-circuit test, which certifies that during a short circuit in the power supply the current
flow will not rise above 31,000 amps maximum at 240 V for 200 V class drives and 480 V for 400 V class drives.
• The MCCB and breaker protection and fuse ratings shall be equal to or greater than the short-circuit tolerance of the
power supply being used.
• Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 31,000 RMS symmetrical amperes for 240 V in 200 V
class drives (up to 480 V for 400 V class drives) motor overload protection.

u Drive Motor Overload Protection

Set parameter E2-01 (motor rated current) to the appropriate value to enable motor overload protection. The internal motor
overload protection is UL listed and in accordance with the NEC and CEC.
n E2-01: Motor Rated Current
Setting Range: Model Dependent
Default Setting: Model Dependent
Parameter E2-01 (motor rated current) protects the motor if parameter L1-01 is not set to 0 (default is 1, standard induction
motor protection enabled).
If Auto-Tuning has been performed successfully, the motor data that was entered in T1-04 is automatically written into
parameter E2-01. If Auto-Tuning has not been performed, manually enter the correct motor rated current in parameter
n L1-01: Motor Overload Protection Selection
The drive has an electronic overload protection function (oL1) based on time, output current and output frequency, which
protects the motor from overheating. The electronic thermal overload function is UL-recognized, so it does not require an
external thermal overload relay for single motor operation.
This parameter selects the motor overload curve used according to the type of motor applied.
Table D.12 Overload Protection Settings
Setting Description
0 Disabled
1 Standard Fan-Cooled Motor (Default)
2 Drive Duty Motor with a Speed Range of 1:10
3 Vector Motor with a Speed Range of 1:100
4 Permanent Magnet Motor with Variable Torque
6 Standard Fan-Cooled Motor (50 Hz)

Disable the electronic overload protection (L1-01 = 0: Disabled) and wire each motor with its own motor thermal overload
when connecting the drive to more than one motor for simultaneous operation.
Enable the motor overload protection (L1-01 = “1”, “2”, or “3”) when connecting the drive to a single motor unless there
is another means of preventing motor thermal overload. The electronic thermal overload function causes an oL1 fault,
which shuts off the output of the drive and prevents additional overheating of the motor. The motor temperature is
continually calculated as long as the drive is powered up.
Setting L1-01 = 1 selects a motor with limited cooling capability below rated (base) speed when running at 100% load.
The oL1 function derates the motor when it is running below base speed.

454 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.3 UL Standards

Setting L1-01 = 2 selects a motor capable of cooling itself over a 10:1 speed range when running at 100% load. The oL1
function derates the motor when it is running at 1/10 or less of its rated speed.
Setting L1-01 = 3 selects a motor capable of cooling itself at any speed — including zero speed — when running at 100%
load. The oL1 function does not derate the motor at any speed.
Setting L1-01 = 4 selects protection for a PM motor with variable torque.
n L1-02: Motor Overload Protection Time
Setting Range: 0.1 to 5.0 Minutes
Factory Default: 1.0 Minutes
The L1-02 parameter sets the allowed operation time before the oL1 fault occurs when the drive is running at 60 Hz and
150% of the full load amp rating (E2-01) of the motor. Adjusting the value of L1-02 can shift the set of oL1 curves up the
Y-axis of the diagram below but will not change the shape of the curves.
Operation time (minutes)


3 Cold start
(characteristics when an
overload occurs at a
1 complete stop)

Hot start
0.4 (characteristics when an
overload occurs during
continuous operation at 100%)
Motor current (%)
0 100 150 200 E2-01 = 100% motor current

Figure D.9 Motor Overload Protection Time

Standards Compliance

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 455
D.4 Precautions for Korean Radio Waves Act

D.4 Precautions for Korean Radio Waves Act

Drives labeled with the Korea Certification (KC) mark conform to the Korean Radio Waves Act. Adhere to these
precautions if using the drive in Korea under the following conditions.

Figure D.10 KC Mark

Classification Precautions
Class A equipment Retailers or users should note that this device is registered to be electromagnetically compatible as a
(Broadcast communications unit for commercial device (class A) intended for use outside of the home.
commercial use)

456 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

D.5 한국 전파법에 관한 주의사항

KC 마크가 부착되어 있는 제품은 한국 전파법에 적합한 제품입니다. 한국에서 사용할 경우에는 아래 사항에
주의하여 주십시오.

Figure D.11 KC 마크

기종별 사용자 안내문

A 급 기기 이 기기는 업무용 (A 급) 전자파 적합 기기로서 판매자 또는, 사용자는 이 점을 주의하시기바라
(업무용 방송 통신기 자재) 며, 가정외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 합니다.

Standards Compliance

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 457
D.6 Safe Disable Input

D.6 Safe Disable Input

Figure D.12 TUV Mark

The TUV Mark indicates compliance with safety standards.

This section explains precautions regarding the Safe Disable input. Contact Yaskawa or your nearest sales representative
for more information.
The Safety Disable function complies with the standards listed in Table D.13.
Table D.13 Safety Standards and Applicable EU Standards
Safety Standards Applicable EU Standards
IEC 61508:2000/EN 61508:2001(SIL2)
Functional Safety
IEC/EN 61800-5-2: 2007 (SIL2)
Mechanical Safety ISO 13849-1:2006 (Cat.III, PL d) / EN ISO 13849-1/AC:2009 (Cat.III, PL d)
EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012
EN 61800-5-1:2007
Note: SIL stands for Safety Integrity Level.

u Specifications
The Safe Disable input provides a stop function in compliance with the “Safe Torque Off” function defined in IEC/EN
61800-5-2:2007. The Safe Disable input satisfies the requirements in EN ISO 13849-1 and IEC/EN 61508, SIL2. Table
D.14 lists the specifications for the Safety Disable function.
Table D.14 Specifications for Safe Disable Function
• Inputs: 1
Inputs/Outputs Safe Disable input H1
• Outputs: 0
Response Time from Input Open to Drive Shorter than 1 ms
Output Stop
Demand Rate Low PFD = 1.24E-7
Failure Probability Demand Rate High/
Continuous PFH = 5.17E-10
The Safe Disable inputs satisfy the following requirements in consideration of the self-diagnostic
Performance Level function.
Performance Level (PL) d according to EN ISO 13849-1
HFT (Hardware Fault Tolerance) N=1
Classification of Subsystem Type B
Note: PFD = Probability of Failure on Demand
PFH = Probability of Dangerous Failure per Hour

458 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
D.6 Safe Disable Input

u Precautions
DANGER! Sudden Movement Hazard. Make sure the whole system or machinery in which the Safe Disable function is used complies
with safety requirements. When implementing the Safe Disable function into the safety system of a machine, perform a thorough risk
assessment for the entire system to assure compliance with relevant safety norms. Improper use of the Safe Disable function will cause
serious injury or even death.
DANGER! Sudden Movement Hazard. An external holding brake and dynamic break are not considered to be safety components for
drives. Even when using an external holding brake or dynamic brake with a drive output signal, it is still not considered a safe system
because the drive output signal is not a safety component. A system is required that satisfies safety requirements. Failure to comply
will cause death or serious injury.
DANGER! Sudden Movement Hazard. Connect the Safe Disable inputs to the devices in compliance with safety requirements. Failure
to comply will cause death or serious injury.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. When using a PM motor, even if the drive output is shut off by the Safe Disable function, a
breakdown of two output transistors can cause current to flow through the motor winding, resulting in a motor output axis movement for
a maximum angle of 180 degrees (electrically). Make sure such a situation would have no effect on the safety of the application when
using the Safe Disable function. Failure to comply could cause serious injury or death.
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. The Safe Disable function can switch off the drive output, but does not cut the drive power supply
and cannot electrically isolate the drive output from the input. Always shut off the drive power supply when performing maintenance or
installations on the drive input side as well as the drive output side. Failure to comply could cause serious injury or death.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. The motor will move when an external gravitational force in the vertical axis is applied even if
the Safe Disable function is in operation. Failure to comply could cause serious injury or death.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. When using the Safe Disable inputs, make sure to remove the wire links between terminals
H1 and HC that were installed prior to shipment. Failure to do so will keep the Safe Disable circuit from operating properly and could
cause death or serious injury.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. All safety features (including Safe Disable) should be inspected daily and periodically. If the
system is not operating normally, this could cause death or serious injury.
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Only a qualified technician with a thorough understanding of the drive, the instruction manual,
and safety standards should be permitted to wire, inspect, and maintain the Safe Disable input. Failure to comply could cause death or
serious injury.
NOTICE: From the moment terminal inputs H1 and HC have opened, it takes up to 1 ms for drive output to shut off completely. The
sequence set up to trigger terminals H1-HC should make sure that terminals H1-HC remain open for at least 1 ms in order to properly
interrupt drive output.
NOTICE: Drives with safety-related functions need to be replaced after 10 years of use.

u Using the Safe Disable Function

n Safe Disable Wiring
If the Safe Disable function is utilized, the wire link between the terminals HC and H1 that is installed at shipment must
be removed entirely.
Connect the drive to an ISO/EN 13849-1, Safety Category 3 interrupting device so that in case of a Safe Disable request
the connection between the terminals HC and H1 is opened.
Power Supply
ISO/EN 13849-1 Safety
Cat, 3 Device

HC Controller

Standards Compliance

Figure D.13 Safe Disable Wiring Example

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 459
D.6 Safe Disable Input

n Disabling and Enabling the Drive Output (“Safe Torque Off”)

Refer to Figure D.14 for an example of drive operation when switching from the “Safe Torque Off” status until reaching
normal operation.
Motor coasts
Output to stop
Frequency Run Command must be
released to deactivate
Safe Disable Drive is ready for

Run Command Run Stop

H1 Input ON (Safe Disable off) OFF (Safe Disable activated)

Drive Output Normal operation Safe Torque-Off Baseblock (Not Safe!)

Figure D.14 Safe Disable Operation

Switching from Normal Operation to “Safe Torque Off”

Turning OFF (opening) safety input terminal H1-HC will enable the Safe Disable function.
Triggering the Safe Disable function while the motor is running will shut off the drive output and motor torque and the
motor will coast to stop regardless of the b1-03 setting value.
The “Safe Torque Off” status is only possible when using the Safe Disable function. Clear the Run command to stop the
Shutting off the drive output, as in a baseblock condition, is not the same as "Safe Torque Off".
Note: Switch OFF terminals H1-HC after the motor has come to a complete stop to prevent the motor from coasting to stop during normal
Returning to Normal Operation from “Safe Torque Off”
The safety input releases only when the Run command is not present.
• During Stop:
Place short circuit between terminals H1 and HC to disable “Safe Torque Off” when the Safe Disable function is triggered
during stop. Enter the Run command after the drive stops normally.
• During run:
Place short circuit between terminals H1 and HC to disable "Safe Torque Off" after clearing the Run command when the
Safe Disable function is triggered during stop. Enter the Run command after entering the STOP command regardless of
whether terminals H1-HC are ON.
n Validating Safe Disable Function
Always perform the validation test on the Safe Disable inputs after completing the wiring after start-up, when replacing
parts, or when conducting maintenance. Maintain check results as a record of tests performed.

460 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Appendix: E

Quick Reference Sheet

The following tables have been provided for the user’s convenience. Fill in the cells that have been
left blank as is appropriate for your drive, and keep this information as a quick reference guide for
drive and motor data as well as parameter settings.

E.1 DRIVE AND MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS........................................................462

E.2 BASIC PARAMETER SETTINGS...................................................................463
E.3 USER SETTING TABLE.................................................................................465

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 461
E.1 Drive and Motor Specifications

E.1 Drive and Motor Specifications

A separate record should be kept that lists drive specifications and motor specifications.
Normal duty/Heavy duty amps

AC drive model MODEL :

Max. applicable motor MAX APPLI. MOTOR : 0.75kW / 0.4kW REV : A
Input specifications INPUT : AC3PH 200-240V 50 / 60Hz 2.7A / 1.4A
Output specifications OUTPUT : AC3PH 0-240V 0-400Hz 1.2A / 0.8A 7J48 Software
Mass MASS : 0.6 kg version
Lot number O/N :
Serial number S/N : IP20

FILE NO : E131457
KCC - REM - Yec
- CIMR - V1000
2-1 Kurosaki-shiroishi, Yahatanishi-Ku, Kitakyushu 806-0004 Japan

Enclosure type

u Drive
Items Description
Model CIMR-V
Serial Number
Software Version (PRG)
Date of Usage

u Motor
Items Description Items Description
Motor Rated
Manufacturer A
Current (T1-04)
Motor Base
Model Hz
Frequency (T1-05)
Motor Rated Power Number of Motor
(T1-02) Poles (T1-06)
Motor Rated Voltage Motor Base Speed
V r/min
(T1-03) (T1-07)
Note: These values must be entered as part of the Auto-Tuning process.

462 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
E.2 Basic Parameter Settings

E.2 Basic Parameter Settings

Use the following tables to keep records of the most important parameters. Have these data available when contacting
Yaskawa technical support.

u Basic Setup
Item Setting Value Memo
Control Mode A1-02 =
Normal/Heavy Duty Selection C6-01 =
Frequency Reference Source b1-01 =
Run Command Source b1-02 =

u V/f Pattern Setup

Item Setting Value Memo
V/f Pattern Selection E1-03 =
Maximum Output Frequency E1-04 =
Maximum Voltage E1-05 =
Base Frequency E1-06 =
Middle Output Frequency E1-07 =
Mid. Output Freq. Voltage E1-08 =
Minimum Output Frequency E1-09 =
Min. Output Freq. Voltage E1-10 =

u Motor Setup
Motor Item Setting Value Memo
Motor Rated Current E2-01 =
Motor Rated Slip E2-02 =
Induction Motor No-Load Current E2-03 =
Motor Number of Motor Poles E2-04 =
Line-to-Line Resistance E2-05 =
Motor Leakage Inductance E2-06 =
Motor Code Selection E5-01 =
Motor Rated Power E5-02 =
Motor Rated Current E5-03 =
Permanent Number of Motor Poles E5-04 =
Magnet Motor Stator Resistance E5-05 =
Motor Motor d-Axis Inductance E5-06 =
Motor q-Axis Inductance E5-07 =
Encoder Z-Pulse Offset E5-11 =
Induction Voltage Constant 2 E5-24 =

u Multi-Function Digital Outputs (SC Common)

Terminal Setting Value and Function Name Memo
Quick Reference Sheet

S1 H1-01 =
S2 H1-02 =
S3 H1-03 =
S4 H1-04 =
S5 H1-05 =
S6 H1-06 =

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 463
E.2 Basic Parameter Settings

Terminal Setting Value and Function Name Memo
S7 H1-07 =

u Pulse Train Input/Analog Inputs (AC Common)

Terminal Setting Value and Function Name Memo
RP H6-01 =
A1 H3-02 =
A2 H3-10 =

u Multi-Function Digital Outputs (MC Common)

Terminal Setting Value and Function Name Memo
MA-MB H2-01 =

u Multi-Function Photocoupler Outputs (PC Common)

Terminal Setting Value and Function Name Memo
P1 H2-02 =
P2 H2-03 =

u Monitor Outputs (AC Common)

Terminal Setting Value and Function Name Memo
AM H4-01 =

464 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
E.3 User Setting Table

E.3 User Setting Table

User User
No. Name No. Name
Setting Setting
A1-00 Language Selection b5-07 PID Offset Adjustment
A1-01 Access Level Selection b5-08 PID Primary Delay Time Constant
A1-02 Control Method Selection b5-09 PID Output Level Selection
A1-03 Initialize Parameters b5-10 PID Output Gain Setting
A1-04 Password b5-11 PID Output Reverse Selection
A1-05 Password Setting PID Feedback Reference Missing Detection
b5-12 Selection
A1-06 Application Preset
b5-13 PID Feedback Loss Detection Level
A1-07 DriveWorksEZ Function Selection
b5-14 PID Feedback Loss Detection Time
A2-02 to User Parameters, 1 to 32
A2-32 b5-15 PID Sleep Function Start Level
A2-33 User Parameter Automatic Selection b5-16 PID Sleep Delay Time
b1-01 Frequency Reference Selection 1 b5-17 PID Accel/Decel Time
b1-02 Run Command Selection 1 b5-18 PID Setpoint Selection
b1-03 Stopping Method Selection b5-19 PID Setpoint Value
b1-04 Reverse Operation Selection b5-20 PID Setpoint Scaling
b1-07 Local/Remote Run Selection b5-34 PID Output Lower Limit
Run Command Selection while in b5-35 PID Input Limit
b1-08 Programming Mode b5-36 PID Feedback High Detection Level
b1-14 Phase Order Selection b5-37 PID Feedback High Level Detection Time
b1-15 Frequency Reference Selection 2 b5-38 PID Setpoint / User Display
b1-16 Run Command Selection 2 b5-39 PID Setpoint and Display Digits
b1-17 Run Command at Power Up Frequency Reference Monitor Content during
b2-01 DC Injection Braking Start Frequency PID
b2-02 DC Injection Braking Current b6-01 Dwell Reference at Start
DC Injection Braking Time/DC Excitation b6-02 Dwell Time at Start
b2-03 Time at Start b6-03 Dwell Frequency at Stop
b2-04 DC Injection Braking Time at Stop b6-04 Dwell Time at Stop
b2-08 Magnetic Flux Compensation Value b8-01 Energy Saving Control Selection
b2-12 Short Circuit Brake Time at Start b8-02 Energy Saving Gain
b2-13 Short Circuit Brake Time at Stop b8-03 Energy Saving Control Filter Time Constant
b3-01 Speed Search Selection b8-04 Energy Saving Coefficient Value
b3-02 Speed Search Deactivation Current b8-05 Power Detection Filter Time
b3-03 Speed Search Deceleration Time b8-06 Search Operation Voltage Limit
b3-05 Speed Search Delay Time C1-01 Acceleration Time 1
b3-06 Output Current 1 during Speed Search C1-02 Deceleration Time 1
Current Control Gain during Speed Search
b3-08 C1-03 Acceleration Time 2
(Speed Estimation Type)
C1-04 Deceleration Time 2
b3-10 Speed Search Detection Compensation Gain
C1-05 Acceleration Time 3 (Motor 2 Accel Time 1)
b3-14 Bi-Directional Speed Search Selection
C1-06 Deceleration Time 3 (Motor 2 Decel Time 1)
b3-17 Speed Search Restart Current Level
C1-07 Acceleration Time 4 (Motor 2 Accel Time 2)
b3-18 Speed Search Restart Detection Time
C1-08 Deceleration Time 4 (Motor 2 Decel Time 2)
b3-19 Number of Speed Search Restarts
C1-09 Fast-Stop Time
b3-24 Speed Search Method Selection
C1-10 Accel/Decel Time Setting Units
b3-25 Speed Search Retry Interval Time
C1-11 Accel/Decel Time Switching Frequency
b4-01 Timer Function On-Delay Time
C2-01 S-Curve Characteristic at Accel Start
b4-02 Timer Function Off-Delay Time
C2-02 S-Curve Characteristic at Accel End
Quick Reference Sheet

b5-01 PID Function Setting

C2-03 S-Curve Characteristic at Decel Start
b5-02 Proportional Gain Setting (P)
C2-04 S-Curve Characteristic at Decel End
b5-03 Integral Time Setting (I)
C3-01 Slip Compensation Gain
b5-04 Integral Limit Setting
C3-02 Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time
b5-05 Derivative Time
C3-03 Slip Compensation Limit
b5-06 PID Output Limit

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 465
E.3 User Setting Table

User User
No. Name No. Name
Setting Setting
Slip Compensation Selection during Analog Frequency Reference Fluctuation
C3-04 d4-07
Regeneration Limit (Up/Down 2)
C3-05 Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection Frequency Reference Bias Upper Limit (Up/
d4-08 Down 2)
C4-01 Torque Compensation Gain
Frequency Reference Bias Lower Limit (Up/
C4-02 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time d4-09 Down 2)
C4-03 Torque Compensation at Forward Start Up/Down Frequency Reference Limit
C4-04 Torque Compensation at Reverse Start Selection
C4-05 Torque Compensation Time Constant d7-01 Offset Frequency 1
C4-06 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 2 d7-02 Offset Frequency 2
ASR Proportional Gain 1 (for Simple PG V/f d7-03 Offset Frequency 3
C5-01 Control) E1-01 Input Voltage Setting
ASR Integral Time 1 (for Simple PG V/f
C5-02 E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection
E1-04 Max Output Frequency
ASR Proportional Gain 2 (for Simple PG V/f
C5-03 Control) E1-05 Max Voltage
ASR Integral Time 2 (for Simple PG V/f E1-06 Base Frequency
C5-04 Control) E1-07 Mid Output Frequency
C5-05 ASR Limit (for Simple PG V/f Control) E1-08 Mid Output Frequency Voltage
C6-01 Duty Mode Selection E1-09 Minimum Output Freq.
C6-02 Carrier Frequency Selection E1-10 Minimum Output Freq. Voltage
C6-03 Carrier Frequency Upper Limit E1-11 Mid Output Frequency 2
C6-04 Carrier Frequency Lower Limit E1-12 Mid Output Frequency Voltage 2
C6-05 Carrier Frequency Proportional Gain E1-13 Base Voltage
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 E2-01 Motor Rated Current
d1-02 Frequency Reference 2 E2-02 Motor Rated Slip
d1-03 Frequency Reference 3 E2-03 Motor No-Load Current
d1-04 Frequency Reference 4 E2-04 Number of Motor Poles
d1-05 Frequency Reference 5 E2-05 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance
d1-06 Frequency Reference 6 E2-06 Motor Leakage Inductance
d1-07 Frequency Reference 7 E2-07 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1
d1-08 Frequency Reference 8 E2-08 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2
d1-09 Frequency Reference 9 E2-09 Motor Mechanical Loss
d1-10 Frequency Reference 10 E2-10 Motor Iron Loss for Torque Compensation
d1-11 Frequency Reference 11 E2-11 Motor Rated Output
d1-12 Frequency Reference 12 E2-12 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3
d1-13 Frequency Reference 13 E3-01 Motor 2 Control Method Selection
d1-14 Frequency Reference 14 E3-04 Motor 2 Max Output Frequency
d1-15 Frequency Reference 15 E3-05 Motor 2 Max Voltage
d1-16 Frequency Reference 16 E3-06 Motor 2 Base Frequency
d1-17 Jog Frequency Reference E3-07 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency
d2-01 Frequency Reference Upper Limit E3-08 Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency Voltage
d2-02 Frequency Reference Lower Limit E3-09 Motor 2 Minimum Output Freq
d2-03 Master Speed Reference Lower Limit E3-10 Motor 2 Minimum Output Freq. Voltage
d3-01 Jump Frequency 1 E3-11 Motor 2 Mid Output Freq. 2
d3-02 Jump Frequency 2 E3-12 Motor 2 Mid Output Freq. Voltage 2
d3-03 Jump Frequency 3 E3-13 Motor 2 Base Voltage
d3-04 Jump Frequency Width E4-01 Motor 2 Rated Current
Frequency Reference Hold Function
d4-01 E4-02 Motor 2 Rated Slip
E4-03 Motor 2 Rated No-Load Current
d4-03 Frequency Reference Bias Step (Up/Down 2)
E4-04 Motor 2 Motor Poles
Frequency Reference Accel/Decel (Up/Down
d4-04 2) E4-05 Motor 2 Line-to-Line Resistance
Frequency Reference Bias Operation Mode E4-06 Motor 2 Leakage Inductance
d4-05 Selection (Up/Down 2) Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation
d4-06 Frequency Reference Bias (Up/Down 2) Coefficient 1

466 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
E.3 User Setting Table

User User
No. Name No. Name
Setting Setting
Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation F6-36 CANopen Communication Speed
E4-08 Coefficient 2 F6-40 CompoNet Node ID
E4-09 Motor 2 Mechanical Loss F6-41 CompoNet Speed
E4-10 Motor 2 Iron Loss F6-50 DeviceNet MAC Address
E4-11 Motor 2 Rated Capacity F6-51 DeviceNet Communication Speed
E4-12 Motor 2 Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3 F6-52 DeviceNet PCA Setting
E4-14 Motor 2 Slip Compensation Gain F6-53 DeviceNet PPA Setting
E4-15 Torque Compensation Gain - Motor 2 F6-54 DeviceNet Idle Mode Fault Detection
E5-01 Motor Code Selection (PM motor) F6-56 DeviceNet Speed Scaling
E5-02 Motor Rated Capacity (PM motor) F6-57 DeviceNet Current Scaling
E5-03 Motor Rated Current (PM motor) F6-58 DeviceNet Torque Scaling
E5-04 Motor Poles (PM motor) F6-59 DeviceNet Power Scaling
E5-05 Motor Stator Resistance (PM motor) F6-60 DeviceNet Voltage Scaling
E5-06 Motor d Axis Inductance (PM motor) F6-61 DeviceNet Time Scaling
E5-07 Motor q Axis Inductance (PM motor) F6-62 DeviceNet Heartbeat Interval
Motor Induction Voltage Constant 1 (PM
E5-09 F7-01 Ethernet IP Address 1
F7-02 Ethernet IP Address 2
Motor Induction Voltage Constant 2 (PM
E5-24 motor) F7-03 Ethernet IP Address 3
E5-39 Current Detection Delay Time F7-04 Ethernet IP Address 4
Operation Selection at PG Open Circuit F7-05 Subnet Mask 1
F1-02 (PGO) F7-06 Subnet Mask 2
Operation Selection at Overspeed (OS) (for
F1-03 F7-07 Subnet Mask 3
Simple PG V/f)
F7-08 Subnet Mask 4
Operation Selection at Deviation (for Simple
F1-04 PG V/f Control) F7-09 Gateway Address 1
Overspeed Detection Level (for Simple PG V/ F7-10 Gateway Address 2
F1-08 f Control) F7-11 Gateway Address 3
Overspeed Detection Delay Time (for Simple
F1-09 F7-12 Gateway Address 4
PG V/f Control)
F7-13 Address Mode at Startup
Excessive Speed Deviation Detection Level
F1-10 (for Simple PG V/f Control) F7-14 Security Password
Excessive Speed Deviation Detection Delay F7-15 Duplex Mode Selection
F1-11 Time (for Simple PG V/f Control) F7-18 Communication Speed Selection
PG Open-Circuit Detection Time (for Simple
F1-14 F7-19 Web Page Access
PG V/f Control)
F7-20 Gateway Selection
F6-01 Communications Error Operation Selection
F7-21 Communication Loss Time Out
F6-02 External Fault from Comm. Option Selection
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S1
External Fault from Comm. Option Operation H1-01
F6-03 Function Selection
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S2
F6-04 Trace Sampling Rate H1-02 Function Selection
F6-07 NetRef/ComRef Function Selection Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S3
F6-08 Reset Communication Parameters Function Selection
F6-10 CC-Link Node Address Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S4
H1-04 Function Selection
F6-11 CC-Link Communications Speed
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5
F6-14 BUS Error Auto Reset H1-05 Function Selection
F6-20 MECHATROLINK Station Address Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6
F6-21 MECHATROLINK Frame Size Function Selection
F6-22 MECHATROLINK Link Speed Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S7
H1-07 Function Selection
F6-23 MECHATROLINK Monitor Selection (E)
Terminal MA, MB and MC Function
F6-24 MECHATROLINK Monitor Selection (F) H2-01 Selection (relay)
Quick Reference Sheet

Operation Selection at MECHATROLINK

F6-25 Terminal P1 Function Selection (open-
Watchdog Timer Error (E5) H2-02 collector)
F6-26 MECHATROLINK bUS Errors Detected Terminal P2 Function Selection (open-
F6-30 PROFIBUS-DP Node Address collector)
F6-31 PROFIBUS-DP Clear Mode Selection H2-06 Watt Hour Output Unit Selection
F6-32 PROFIBUS-DP Map Selections H3-01 Terminal A1 Signal Level Selection
F6-35 CANopen Node ID Selection H3-02 Terminal A1 Function Selection

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 467
E.3 User Setting Table

User User
No. Name No. Name
Setting Setting
H3-03 Terminal A1 Gain Setting L2-07 Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Time
H3-04 Terminal A1 Bias Setting L2-08 Minimum Frequency Gain at KEB Start
H3-09 Terminal A2 Signal Level Selection L2-11 Desired DC Bus Voltage During KEB
H3-10 Terminal A2 Function Selection Stall Prevention Selection during
L3-01 Acceleration
H3-11 Terminal A2 Gain Setting
L3-02 Stall Prevention Level during Acceleration
Frequency Reference (Current) Terminal A2
H3-12 Input Bias L3-03 Stall Prevention Limit during Acceleration
H3-13 Analog Input Filter Time Constant Stall Prevention Selection during
L3-04 Deceleration
H3-14 Analog Input Terminal Enable Selection
L3-05 Stall Prevention Selection during Run
H3-16 Terminal A1 Offset
L3-06 Stall Prevention Level during Run
H3-17 Terminal A2 Offset
L3-11 ov Suppression Function Selection
Multi-Function Analog Output (Terminal
H4-01 AM Monitor Selection) Overvoltage Suppression and Deceleration
L3-17 Stall (Desired DC Bus Voltage during Motor
Multi-Function Analog Output (Terminal
H4-02 Stall)
AM Output Gain)
L3-20 Main Power Circuit Voltage Adjustment Gain
Multi-Function Analog Output (Terminal
H4-03 AM Output Bias) L3-21 Accel/Decel Rate Calculation Gain
H5-01 Drive Node Address Deceleration Time at Stall Prevention during
L3-22 Acceleration
H5-02 Communication Speed Selection
Automatic Reduction Selection for Stall
H5-03 Communication Parity Selection L3-23 Prevention during Run
Stopping Method After Communication
H5-04 Motor Acceleration Time for Inertia
Error L3-24 Calculations
H5-05 Communication Fault Detection Selection L3-25 Load Inertia Ratio
H5-06 Drive Transmit Wait Time L4-01 Speed Agreement Detection Level
H5-07 RTS Control Selection L4-02 Speed Agreement Detection Width
H5-09 CE Detection Time L4-03 Speed Agreement Detection Level (+/-)
Unit Selection for MEMOBUS/Modbus
H5-10 L4-04 Speed Agreement Detection Width (+/-)
Register 0025H
Frequency Reference Loss Detection
H5-11 Communications ENTER Function Selection L4-05 Selection
H5-12 Run Command Method Selection L4-06 Frequency Reference at Reference Loss
(Terminal RP) Pulse Train Input Function
H6-01 L4-07 Frequency Detection Conditions
L4-08 Speed Agreement Detection Conditions
H6-02 Pulse Train Input Scaling
H6-03 Pulse Train Input Gain L5-01 Number of Auto Restart Attempts
H6-04 Pulse Train Input Bias L5-02 Auto Restart Operation Selection
H6-05 Pulse Train Input Filter Time L5-04 Fault Reset Interval Time
H6-06 (Terminal MP) Pulse Train Monitor Selection L5-05 Fault Reset Operation Selection
H6-07 Pulse Train Monitor Scaling L6-01 Torque Detection Selection 1
L1-01 Motor Overload Protection Selection L6-02 Torque Detection Level 1
L1-02 Motor Overload Protection Time L6-03 Torque Detection Time 1
Motor Overheat Alarm Operation Selection L6-04 Torque Detection Selection 2
L1-03 (PTC input)
L6-05 Torque Detection Level 2
Motor Overheat Fault Operation Selection
L1-04 L6-06 Torque Detection Time 2
(PTC input)
Motor Temperature Input Filter Time (PTC L6-08 Mechanical Weakening Detection Operation
L1-05 input) Mechanical Weakening Detection Speed
Continuous Electrothermal Operation Level
L1-13 Selection L6-10 Mechanical Weakening Detection Time
L1-22 Leakage Current Filter Time Constant 1 L6-11 Mechanical Weakening Detection Start Time
L1-23 Leakage Current Filter Time Constant 2 L7-01 Forward Torque Limit
L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection L7-02 Reverse Torque Limit
L2-02 Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Time L7-03 Forward Regenerative Torque Limit
Momentary Power Loss Minimum Baseblock L7-04 Reverse Regenerative Torque Limit
L2-03 Time
L7-06 Torque Limit Integral Time Constant
Momentary Power Loss Voltage Recovery
L2-04 Torque Limit Control Method Selection
Ramp Time L7-07 during Accel/Decel
L2-05 Undervoltage Detection Level (Uv)
L2-06 KEB Deceleration Time

468 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
E.3 User Setting Table

User User
No. Name No. Name
Setting Setting
Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor n8-90 Output Voltage Limit Switching Speed
L8-01 Protection Selection (ERF type) n8-91 Id Limit for Output Voltage Limit Control
L8-02 Overheat Alarm Level o1-01 Drive Mode Unit Monitor Selection
L8-03 Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation Selection o1-02 User Monitor Selection After Power Up
L8-05 Input Phase Loss Protection Selection o1-03 Digital Operator Display Selection
L8-07 Output Phase Loss Protection Selection o1-05 LCD Contrast Control
L8-09 Output Ground Fault Detection Selection Frequency Reference Setting and User-Set
L8-10 Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Selection Display
L8-11 Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Delay Time Frequency Reference Setting/Decimal
o1-11 Display
L8-12 Ambient Temperature Setting
o2-01 LOCAL/REMOTE Key Function Selection
L8-15 oL2 Characteristics Selection at Low Speeds
o2-02 STOP Key Function Selection
L8-18 Soft Current Limit Selection
o2-03 User Parameter Default Value
Frequency Reduction Rate during oH
L8-19 Pre-Alarm o2-04 Drive/kVA Selection
L8-29 Current Unbalance Detection (LF2) Frequency Reference Setting Method
o2-05 Selection
L8-35 Side-by-Side Selection
Operation Selection when Digital Operator is
L8-38 Carrier Frequency Reduction o2-06 Disconnected
L8-41 Current Alarm Selection Motor Direction at Power Up when Using
L8-51 STo Fault Detection Level Operator
L8-54 STo Deviation Detection o4-01 Accumulated Operation Time Setting
n1-01 Hunting Prevention Selection o4-02 Accumulated Operation Time Selection
n1-02 Hunting Prevention Gain Setting Cooling Fan Maintenance Setting (Operation
o4-03 Time)
n1-03 Hunting Prevention Time Constant
o4-05 Capacitor Maintenance Setting
n1-05 Hunting Prevention Gain while in Reverse
DC Bus Pre-Charge Relay Maintenance
Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) o4-07
n2-01 Setting
o4-09 IGBT Maintenance Setting
Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR)
n2-02 Time Constant o4-11 U2, U3 Initialization
Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) o4-12 kWh Monitor Initial Value Selection
n2-03 Time Constant 2 o4-13 Motor r/min Reset
High-Slip Braking Deceleration Frequency
n3-01 r1-01 DWEZ Connection Parameter 1 (upr.)
r1-02 DWEZ Connection Parameter 1 (lwr.)
n3-02 High-Slip Braking Current Limit
r1-03 DWEZ Connection Parameter 2 (upr.)
n3-03 High-Slip Braking Dwell Time at Stop
r1-04 DWEZ Connection Parameter 2 (lwr.)
n3-04 High-Slip Braking Overload Time
r1-05 DWEZ Connection Parameter 3 (upr.)
n3-13 Overexcitation Deceleration Gain
r1-06 DWEZ Connection Parameter 3 (lwr.)
n3-21 High-Slip Suppression Current Level
r1-07 DWEZ Connection Parameter 4 (upr.)
n3-23 Overexcitation Operation Selection
r1-08 DWEZ Connection Parameter 4 (lwr.)
Line-to-Line Motor Resistance Online
n6-01 Tuning r1-09 DWEZ Connection Parameter 5 (upr.)
n8-45 Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain r1-10 DWEZ Connection Parameter 5 (lwr.)
n8-47 Pull-In Current Compensation Time Constant r1-11 DWEZ Connection Parameter 6 (upr.)
n8-48 Pull-In Current r1-12 DWEZ Connection Parameter 6 (lwr.)
n8-49 Load Current r1-13 DWEZ Connection Parameter 7 (upr.)
n8-51 Acceleration Time Pull-In Current r1-14 DWEZ Connection Parameter 7 (lwr.)
n8-54 Voltage Error Compensation Time Constant r1-15 DWEZ Connection Parameter 8 (upr.)
n8-55 Load Inertia r1-16 DWEZ Connection Parameter 8 (lwr.)
n8-62 Output Voltage Limit r1-17 DWEZ Connection Parameter 9 (upr.)
n8-63 Output Voltage Limit Gain 1 r1-18 DWEZ Connection Parameter 9 (lwr.)
Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain r1-19 DWEZ Connection Parameter 10 (upr.)
Quick Reference Sheet

n8-65 during ov Suppression r1-20 DWEZ Connection Parameter 10 (lwr.)

n8-68 Output Voltage Limit Gain 2 r1-21 DWEZ Connection Parameter 11 (upr.)
n8-87 Output Voltage Limit Selection r1-22 DWEZ Connection Parameter 11 (lwr.)
Output Voltage Limit Switching Current
n8-88 r1-23 DWEZ Connection Parameter 12 (upr.)
r1-24 DWEZ Connection Parameter 12 (lwr.)
Output Voltage Limit Switching Current
n8-89 Hysteresis Width r1-25 DWEZ Connection Parameter 13 (upr.)

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 469
E.3 User Setting Table

User User
No. Name No. Name
Setting Setting
r1-26 DWEZ Connection Parameter 13 (lwr.) T1-07 Motor Base Speed
r1-27 DWEZ Connection Parameter 14 (upr.) T1-11 Motor Iron Loss
r1-28 DWEZ Connection Parameter 14 (lwr.) U6-80 Option Monitor 1
r1-29 DWEZ Connection Parameter 15 (upr.) U6-81 Option Monitor 2
r1-30 DWEZ Connection Parameter 15 (lwr.) U6-82 Option Monitor 3
r1-31 DWEZ Connection Parameter 16 (upr.) U6-83 Option Monitor 4
r1-32 DWEZ Connection Parameter 16 (lwr.) U6-84 Option Monitor 5
r1-33 DWEZ Connection Parameter 17 (upr.) U6-85 Option Monitor 6
r1-34 DWEZ Connection Parameter 17 (lwr.) U6-86 Option Monitor 7
r1-35 DWEZ Connection Parameter 18 (upr.) U6-87 Option Monitor 8
r1-36 DWEZ Connection Parameter 18 (lwr.) U6-88 Option Monitor 9
r1-37 DWEZ Connection Parameter 19 (upr.) U6-89 Option Monitor 10
r1-38 DWEZ Connection Parameter 19 (lwr.) U6-90 Option Monitor 11
r1-39 DWEZ Connection Parameter 20 (upr.) U6-91 Option Monitor 12
r1-40 DWEZ Connection Parameter 20 (lwr.) U6-92 Option Monitor 13
T1-00 Motor Selection 1/2 U6-93 Option Monitor 14
T1-01 Auto-Tuning Mode Selection U6-94 Option Monitor 15
T1-02 Motor Rated Power U6-95 Option Monitor 16
T1-03 Motor Rated Voltage U6-96 Option Monitor 17
T1-04 Motor Rated Current U6-97 Option Monitor 18
T1-05 Motor Base Frequency U6-98 Option Monitor 19
T1-06 Number of Motor Poles U6-99 Option Monitor 20

470 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
Symbols AFR Time Constant 2 .................................................. 249
(Terminal MP) Pulse Train Monitor Selection ..................... 363 Alarm ..................................................................... 254
(Terminal RP) Pulse Train Input Function Selection .............. 362 Alarm Causes and Solutions ............................................18
Alarm Displays............................................................18
Numerics Alarm Outputs for Maintenance Monitors .......................... 300
10th Most Recent Fault ................................................ 380 Alarms and Errors ...................................................... 181
2nd Most Recent Fault ................................................. 380 Allowable Frequency Fluctuation .................. 325, 326, 327, 328
3rd Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Allowable Voltage Fluctuation ..................... 325, 326, 327, 328
3-Wire Sequence........................................................ 356 Altitude Derating .........................................................38
3-Wire Sequence Example ..............................................50 Ambient Temperature Setting......................................... 369
4th Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Analog Filter Time Constant .......................................... 250
5th Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Analog Frequency Reference Fluctuation Limit (Up/Down 2)... 347
6th Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Analog Input Filter Time Constant ................................... 361
7th Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Application Precautions..................................................19
8th Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Application Selection .................................................. 337
9th Most Recent Fault.................................................. 380 Applications with Specialized Motors .................................22
ASR Integral Time 1 (for Simple PG V/f Control)................. 344
ASR Integral Time 2 (for Simple PG V/f Control)................. 344
A/D Conversion Error...................................... 252, 256, 257
ASR Limit (for Simple PG V/f Control)............................. 344
A1-00 ..................................................................... 337
ASR Proportional Gain 1 (for Simple PG V/f Control) ........... 344
A1-01 ............................................................... 108, 337
ASR Proportional Gain 2 (for Simple PG V/f Control) ........... 344
A1-02 ................................................... 287, 288, 290, 337
Automatic Reduction Selection for Stall Prevention during Run 366
A1-03 ............................................................... 108, 337
Auto Restart Operation Selection..................................... 366
A1-04 ......................................................... 108, 285, 337
Auto-Tuning .......................................18, 100, 101, 103, 242
A1-05 ......................................................... 108, 285, 337
Auto-Tuning Fault Codes.............................................. 101
A1-06 ..................................................................... 337
Auto-Tuning for V/f Control .......................................... 100
A1 Initialization Parameters........................................... 337
Auto-Tuning Mode Selection ......................................... 377
A2-01 ..................................................................... 108
Auxiliary Frequency Reference 1 .................................... 361
A2-01 to A2-32 ......................................................... 338
A2-32 ..................................................................... 108 B
A2-33 ............................................................... 108, 338 b1-01................................................................ 286, 338
A2 User Parameters .................................................... 338 b1-02................................................................ 285, 338
Accel/Decel Ramp Hold ............................................... 356 b1-04.......................................................... 287, 292, 338
Accel/Decel Rate Frequency .......................................... 343 b1-07...................................................................... 338
Accel/Decel Time....................................................... 250 b1-08...................................................................... 339
Accel/Decel Time 1 .................................................... 356 b1-14...................................................................... 339
Accel/Decel Time Selection 2 ........................................ 357 b1-15...................................................................... 339
Accel/Decel Time Setting Units ...................................... 343 b1-16...................................................................... 339
Accel/Decel Time Switching Frequency ............................ 343 b1-17...................................................................... 339
Acceleration Error ................................................ 254, 283 b1 Operation Mode Selection ......................................... 338
Acceleration Time 1 .................................................... 343 b2-01...................................................................... 339
Acceleration Time 2 .................................................... 343 b2-02.......................................................... 289, 291, 339
Acceleration Time 3 (Motor 2 Accel Time 1) ...................... 343 b2-03................................................................ 291, 339
Acceleration Time 4 .................................................... 343 b2-04................................................................ 291, 339
Acceleration Time Pull-In Current ................................... 372 b2-08...................................................................... 339
Access Level Selection........................................... 108, 337 b2-12...................................................................... 339
Accumulated Operation Time......................................... 380 b2-13...................................................................... 339
Accumulated Operation Time Selection............................. 374 b2 DC Injection Braking............................................... 339
Accumulated Operation Time Setting ............................... 374 b3-01................................................................ 291, 339
AFR Gain ................................................................ 249 b3-02...................................................................... 339
AFR Time Constant 1 .................................................. 249 b3-03...................................................................... 339

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 471

b3-05........................................................................... 339 C1-11 .......................................................................... 343

b3-06........................................................................... 339 C1-14 .......................................................................... 343
b3-10........................................................................... 340 C1 Acceleration and Deceleration Times................................. 343
b3-14........................................................................... 340 C2-01 .......................................................................... 343
b3-17........................................................................... 340 C2-01 through C2-04........................................................ 250
b3-18........................................................................... 340 C2-02 .......................................................................... 343
b3-19........................................................................... 340 C2-03 .......................................................................... 343
b3-24........................................................................... 340 C2-04 .......................................................................... 343
b3-25........................................................................... 340 C2 S-Curve Characteristics................................................. 343
b3-29........................................................................... 340 C3-01 .................................................................... 248, 249
b3 Speed Search.............................................................. 339 C3-02 .............................................................. 249, 290, 344
b4-01........................................................................... 340 C3-03 .................................................................... 289, 344
b4-02........................................................................... 340 C3-04 .......................................................................... 344
b4 Timer Function ........................................................... 340 C3-05 .......................................................................... 344
b5-01........................................................................... 292 C3-16 .......................................................................... 344
b5-09..................................................................... 291, 341 C3 Slip Compensation ...................................................... 343
b5-10........................................................................... 341 C4-01 .................................................................... 248, 286
b5-11........................................................................... 341 C4-02 .................................................. 248, 249, 290, 292, 344
b5-12........................................................................... 341 C4-03 .......................................................................... 344
b5-13........................................................................... 341 C4-05 .......................................................................... 344
b5-14........................................................................... 341 C4-06 .......................................................................... 249
b5-15........................................................................... 341 C4 Torque Compensation................................................... 344
b5-16........................................................................... 341 C5 Speed Control (ASR) ................................................... 344
b5-17........................................................................... 341 C6-01 .......................................................................... 248
b5-18........................................................................... 341 C6-02 ........................................ 73, 248, 249, 289, 290, 293, 345
b5-19........................................................................... 341 C6-03 .......................................................................... 345
b5-20........................................................................... 341 C6-04 .......................................................................... 345
b5-36........................................................................... 341 C6-05 .................................................................... 290, 345
b5-37........................................................................... 341 C6 Carrier Frequency ....................................................... 345
b5-38........................................................................... 341 Cable Length Between Drive and Motor ................................... 60
b5-39........................................................................... 341 CALL.................................................................... 252, 269
b5-40........................................................................... 342 Cannot Change Parameter Settings........................................ 285
b5-47........................................................................... 342 Can Not Reset .......................................................... 253, 270
b5 PID Control ............................................................... 340 Capacitor Maintenance...................................................... 381
b6-01........................................................................... 342 Capacitor Maintenance Alarm ............................................. 253
b6-01 through b6-04......................................................... 250 Capacitor Maintenance Setting ............................................ 374
b6-02........................................................................... 342 Capacitor Maintenance Time............................................... 273
b6-03........................................................................... 342 Carrier Frequency Lower Limit............................................ 345
b6-04........................................................................... 342 Carrier Frequency Proportional Gain ..................................... 345
b6 Dwell Function ........................................................... 342 Carrier Frequency Reduction............................................... 369
b8-04........................................................................... 342 Carrier Frequency Reduction Time ....................................... 369
b8-05........................................................................... 342 Carrier Frequency Selection.................................... 248, 249, 345
b8-06........................................................................... 342 Carrier Frequency Setting Error ..................................... 253, 281
b8 Energy Saving ............................................................ 342 Carrier Frequency Upper Limit ............................................ 345
Baseblock ..................................................................... 269 CE............................................................ 251, 252, 255, 270
Baseblock Command (N.C.) ............................................... 356 CE Detection Time .......................................................... 362
Baseblock Command (N.O.) ............................................... 356 CF ........................................................................ 251, 255
Baseblock Signal Input...................................................... 253 clock error .................................................................... 257
Base Frequency .............................................................. 348 Clock Fault ............................................................. 252, 257
Base Voltage ................................................................. 348 CoF ...................................................................... 251, 255
bb......................................................................... 252, 269 Communication Fault Detection Selection ............................... 362
Bi-Directional Speed Search Selection ................................... 340 Communication Parity Selection .......................................... 362
Braking Resistor ............................................................... 71 Communications ENTER Function Selection ........................... 362
Braking Resistor, Installation ................................................ 71 Communication Speed Selection .......................................... 362
Braking Resistor Fault ...................................................... 359 Communications Test Mode ............................................... 358
Braking Resistor Overheat.................................................. 266 Connected Machinery Vibrates When Motor Rotates .................. 290
bUS .......................................................... 251, 252, 255, 269 Control Circuit Connection Diagram ....................................... 62
Buzzing Sound from Motor at 2 kHz ..................................... 291 Control Circuit Fault ............................................ 252, 256, 257
Control Circuit Input Terminals ............................................. 63
Control Circuit Output Terminals ........................................... 63
C1-01 ...................................................................... 86, 292 Control Circuit Terminal Block Configuration ............................ 64
C1-02 .......................................................................... 255 Control Circuit Terminal Block Functions ................................. 30
C1-09 .......................................................................... 343 Control Fault ........................................................... 251, 255
C1-10 .......................................................................... 343 Control Method Selection .................................................. 337

472 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

Control Mode................................................................. 378 d4-05........................................................................... 347

Control Power Supply Undervoltage...................................... 252 d4-06........................................................................... 347
Cooling Fan Maintenance Alarm .......................................... 253 d4-07........................................................................... 347
Cooling Fan Maintenance Setting (Operation Time) ................... 374 d4-08........................................................................... 347
Cooling Fan Maintenance Time ........................................... 273 d4-09........................................................................... 347
Cooling Fan Operation Time............................................... 380 d4-10........................................................................... 347
Cooling Fan Replacement .................................................. 274 d4 Frequency Reference Hold ............................................. 347
Copy Allowed Selection .................................................... 374 d7-01........................................................................... 347
Copy Function Selection.................................................... 374 d7-02........................................................................... 347
CPF02 ......................................................................... 256 d7-03........................................................................... 347
CPF03 ......................................................................... 256 d7 Offset Frequency ......................................................... 347
CPF06 ......................................................................... 256 d-Axis ACR Output ......................................................... 383
CPF07 ......................................................................... 256 d Axis Current for High-Efficiency Control ............................. 372
CPF08 ......................................................................... 256 DC Bus Pre-Charge Relay Maintenance Setting ........................ 374
CPF11 ......................................................................... 256 DC Bus Undervoltage ................................................. 267, 359
CPF12 ......................................................................... 256 DC Bus Voltage.............................................................. 378
CPF13 ......................................................................... 256 DC Bus Voltage at Previous Fault......................................... 379
CPF14 ......................................................................... 256 DC Injection Braking........................................................ 289
CPF17 ......................................................................... 257 DC Injection Braking at start............................................... 291
CPF18 ......................................................................... 257 DC Injection Braking at Stop .............................................. 291
CPF19 ......................................................................... 257 DC Injection Braking Command .......................................... 357
CPF20 ......................................................................... 257 DC Injection Braking Current........................................ 291, 339
CPF21 ......................................................................... 257 DC Injection Braking Start Frequency.................................... 339
CPF22 ................................................................... 252, 257 DC Injection Braking Time/DC Excitation Time at Start .............. 339
CPF23 ................................................................... 252, 257 Deceleration Rate Calculation Gain....................................... 366
CPF24 ................................................................... 252, 257 Deceleration Time 1 ......................................................... 343
CPF25 ................................................................... 252, 257 Deceleration Time 2 ......................................................... 343
CrST ..................................................................... 253, 270 Deceleration Time 3 (Motor 2 Decel Time 1) ........................... 343
C Tuning ...................................................................... 343 Deceleration Time 4 ......................................................... 343
Cumulative Operation Time at 10th Most Recent Fault................ 380 Deceleration Time at Stall Prevention during Acceleration............ 366
Cumulative Operation Time at 2nd Most Recent Fault................. 380 Derivative Time.............................................................. 340
Cumulative Operation Time at 3rd Most Recent Fault ................. 380 Desired DC Bus Voltage during KEB .................................... 364
Cumulative Operation Time at 4th Most Recent Fault ................. 380 dEv........................................................... 252, 253, 258, 270
Cumulative Operation Time at 5th Most Recent Fault ................. 380 Differential PID Feedback.................................................. 361
Cumulative Operation Time at 6th Most Recent Fault ................. 380 Digital Operator Display Selection........................................ 373
Cumulative Operation Time at 7th Most Recent Fault ................. 380 DIP Switch S1.................................................................. 69
Cumulative Operation Time at 8th Most Recent Fault ................. 380 dnE....................................................................... 253, 271
Cumulative Operation Time at 9th Most Recent Fault ................. 380 Down 2 Command........................................................... 358
Cumulative Operation Time at Most Recent Fault ...................... 380 Down Command ............................................................. 356
Cumulative Operation Time at Previous Fault........................... 379 d References .................................................................. 346
Current Alarm .......................................................... 253, 272 Drive/kVA Selection ........................................................ 374
Current Alarm Selection .................................................... 370 Drive Baseblock ............................................................. 252
Current Detection Error ............................................... 254, 283 Drive Capacity Setting Fault ............................................... 278
Current Fault ................................................................. 379 Drive Capacity Signal Fault ................................................ 252
Current Imbalance ........................................................... 252 Drive Cooling Fans .......................................................... 299
Current Offset Fault ................................................... 251, 255 Drive Disabled ......................................................... 253, 271
Current Unbalance Detection (LF2)....................................... 369 Drive Does Not Allow Selection of Rotational Auto-Tuning ......... 287
CyC ............................................................................ 253 Drive Enable............................................................ 358, 360
Drive Message ID............................................................ 379
Drive Mode ............................................................ 82, 83, 84
d1 Frequency Reference .................................................... 346 Drive Models and Types...................................................... 40
d2-01..................................................................... 291, 346 Drive Mode Unit Monitor Selection ...................................... 373
d2-02........................................................................... 346 Drive Motor Overload Protection ......................................... 454
d2-03........................................................................... 346 Drive Node Address ......................................................... 362
d2 Frequency Upper and Lower Limits................................... 346 Drive Operation Status at Previous Fault................................. 379
d3-01..................................................................... 290, 347 Drive Overheat ............................................................... 253
d3-01 through d3-04......................................................... 250 Drive Overheat Alarm (oH2)............................................... 356
d3-02........................................................................... 347 Drive Overheat Warning.................................................... 274
d3-03........................................................................... 347 Drive Overload......................................................... 252, 263
d3-04..................................................................... 290, 347 Drive Ready .................................................................. 359
d3 Jump Frequency .......................................................... 346 Drive Short-Circuit Rating ................................................. 454
d4-01........................................................................... 347 Drive Status................................................................... 378
d4-03........................................................................... 347 Drive Transmit Wait Time ................................................. 362
d4-04........................................................................... 347 Drive Unit Setting Error .................................................... 253

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 473

Drive Watt Loss Data ....................................................... 332 E4-11 .......................................................................... 350

DriveWorksEZ Connection Parameters .................................. 375 E4-12 .......................................................................... 351
During Baseblock............................................................ 359 E4-15 .......................................................................... 351
During Fast-stop ............................................................. 360 E4 Motor 2 Parameters...................................................... 350
During Run ................................................................... 359 E5 ........................................................................ 253, 271
During Run 2, Motor Switch Command Input........................... 253 E5-01 .................................................................... 292, 351
During Torque Limit ........................................................ 359 E5-02 .......................................................................... 351
dWAL ................................................................... 253, 258 E5-03 .......................................................................... 351
Dwell Frequency at Stop.................................................... 342 E5-04 .......................................................................... 351
Dwell Function............................................................... 250 E5-05 .......................................................................... 351
Dwell Reference at Start .................................................... 342 E5-06 .......................................................................... 351
Dwell Time at Start.......................................................... 342 E5-07 .......................................................................... 351
Dwell Time at Stop .......................................................... 342 E5-09 .......................................................................... 351
dWFL.......................................................................... 258 E5-24 .......................................................................... 351
Dynamic Braking Resistor.................................................. 252 E5 PM Motor Parameters................................................... 351
Dynamic Braking Transistor ......................................... 252, 266 EEPROM Data Error ........................................................ 256
EEPROM Serial Communication Fault................................... 256
EEPROM Write Error....................................................... 259
E1-01 .......................................................................... 348 EF ........................................................................ 253, 271
E1-03 ........................................................ 286, 288, 348, 386 EF0 ................................................................ 253, 258, 271
E1-04 ............................................ 288, 289, 291, 292, 348, 386 EF1 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1-06 .............................................................. 289, 348, 386 EF1 to EF7.................................................................... 253
E1-07 .................................................................... 348, 386 EF2 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1-08 ........................................................ 248, 249, 286, 348 EF3 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1-09 ........................................................ 286, 292, 348, 386 EF4 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1-10 .................................................. 248, 249, 286, 289, 348 EF5 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1-11 .......................................................................... 348 EF6 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1-12 .......................................................................... 348 EF7 ...................................................................... 258, 271
E1 V/f Pattern Characteristics.............................................. 348 End1 ..................................................................... 254, 282
E2-01 .................................................................... 248, 349 End2 ..................................................................... 254, 282
E2-02 .................................................................... 248, 349 End3 ..................................................................... 254, 282
E2-03 .................................................................... 248, 349 Energy Saving Coefficient Value.......................................... 342
E2-04 .......................................................................... 349 Energy Saving Control Filter Time Constant ............................ 342
E2-05 .......................................................................... 349 Energy Saving Control Selection .......................................... 342
E2-06 .......................................................................... 349 Energy Saving Gain ......................................................... 342
E2-07 .......................................................................... 349 Er-01..................................................................... 254, 282
E2-08 .......................................................................... 349 Er-02..................................................................... 254, 282
E2-09 .......................................................................... 349 Er-03..................................................................... 254, 282
E2-10 .......................................................................... 349 Er-04..................................................................... 254, 283
E2-11 .......................................................................... 349 Er-05..................................................................... 254, 283
E2-12 .......................................................................... 349 Er-08..................................................................... 254, 283
E2 Motor Parameters ........................................................ 348 Er-09..................................................................... 254, 283
E3-01 .......................................................................... 349 Er-11..................................................................... 254, 283
E3-04 .......................................................................... 350 Er-12..................................................................... 254, 283
E3-05 .......................................................................... 350 Err.............................................................................. 259
E3-06 .......................................................................... 350 European Standards ......................................................... 440
E3-07 .......................................................................... 350 Excessive Motor Oscillation and Erratic Rotation ...................... 290
E3-08 .......................................................................... 350 Excessive PID Feedback.................................. 252, 253, 259, 272
E3-09 .......................................................................... 350 Excessive Speed Deviation (for Simple V/f with PG) ............ 252, 253
E3-10 .......................................................................... 350 Excessive V/f Setting.................................................. 254, 282
E3-11 .......................................................................... 350 External Digital Operator Connection Fault ............................. 264
E3-12 .......................................................................... 350 External Fault (user selection possible)................................... 357
E3-13 .......................................................................... 350 External Search Command 1 ............................................... 357
E3 Motor 2 V/f Characteristics ............................................ 349 External Search Command 2 ............................................... 358
E4-01 .......................................................................... 350
E4-02 .......................................................................... 350 F
E4-03 .......................................................................... 350 F1-02 .......................................................................... 353
E4-04 .......................................................................... 350 F1-03 .......................................................................... 353
E4-05 .......................................................................... 350 F1-04 .......................................................................... 353
E4-06 .......................................................................... 350 F1-08 .......................................................................... 353
E4-07 .......................................................................... 350 F1-09 .......................................................................... 353
E4-08 .......................................................................... 350 F1-10 .......................................................................... 353
E4-09 .......................................................................... 350 F1-11 .......................................................................... 353
E4-10 .......................................................................... 350 F1-14 .......................................................................... 353

474 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

F1 Simple PG V/f Parameters.............................................. 353 Fref/Fout Agree 1 ............................................................ 359

F1 V/f Control with Simple PG Feedback - PG Setup Parameters.... 353 Fref/Fout Agree 2 ............................................................ 359
F6-01 .......................................................................... 353 Fref/Fset Agree 1 ............................................................ 359
F6-02 .......................................................................... 353 Fref/Fset Agree 2 ............................................................ 359
F6-03 .................................................................... 271, 353 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 1............................................ 359
F6-04 .......................................................................... 353 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 2............................................ 359
F6-07 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Bias (A1) ........................................................ 361
F6-08 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Detection 3 ...................................................... 359
F6-10 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Detection 4 ...................................................... 359
F6-11 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Gain .............................................................. 361
F6-14 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reduction Rate during oH Pre-Alarm ....................... 369
F6-20 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference ........................................................ 377
F6-21 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 1...................................................... 346
F6-22 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 10 .................................................... 346
F6-23 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 11 .................................................... 346
F6-24 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 12 .................................................... 346
F6-25 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 13 .................................................... 346
F6-26 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 14 .................................................... 346
F6-30 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 15 .................................................... 346
F6-31 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 16 .................................................... 346
F6-32 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 2................................................ 289, 346
F6-35 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 3...................................................... 346
F6-36 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 4...................................................... 346
F6-40 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 5...................................................... 346
F6-41 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 6...................................................... 346
F6-50 .......................................................................... 354 Frequency Reference 7...................................................... 346
F6-51 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference 8...................................................... 346
F6-52 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference 9...................................................... 346
F6-53 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Accel/Decel (Up/Down 2)........................ 347
F6-54 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference at Previous Fault ................................... 379
F6-55 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference at Reference Loss.................................. 366
F6-56 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Bias (Up/Down 2) ........................... 347, 383
F6-57 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Bias Operation Mode Selection (Up/Down 2). 347
F6-58 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Bias Step (Up/Down 2) ........................... 347
F6-59 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Hold Function Selection .......................... 347
F6-60 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Loss Detection Selection ......................... 366
F6-61 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Lower Limit (Up/Down 2) ....................... 347
F6-62 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Monitor Content during PID ..................... 342
F6-63 .......................................................................... 355 Frequency Reference Selection ............................................ 338
F6 Serial Communications Option Card Setting ........................ 353 Frequency Reference Selection 1.......................................... 286
Fast-stop (N.C.) .............................................................. 357 Frequency Reference Selection 2.......................................... 339
Fast-Stop (N.O.) ............................................................. 357 Frequency Reference Selection Results .................................. 381
Fast-stop Time ............................................................... 343 Frequency Reference Setting / Decimal Display ........................ 373
Fault ........................................................................... 359 Frequency Reference Setting and User-Set Display .................... 373
Fault Causes and Solutions ................................................. 255 Frequency Reference Setting Method Selection......................... 374
Fault Detection ............................................................... 255 Frequency Reference Upper Limit ........................................ 346
Fault Displays ................................................................ 255 Frequency Reference Upper Limit (Up/Down 2) ....................... 347
Fault History.................................................................. 284 Frequency Reference Wiring................................................. 66
Fault Reset .................................................................... 357 Fuse (CE) ............................................................... 440, 441
Fault Reset Example......................................................... 251 Fuse (UL) ..................................................................... 453
Fault Reset Interval Time................................................... 367 Fuse Holder (CE) ............................................................ 441
Fault Reset Operation Selection ........................................... 367 Fuses........................................................................... 318
Faults .......................................................................... 251 Fuse Selection ................................................................ 440
Fault Trace Example ........................................................ 284 FWD/REV Command (2-wire sequence 2) .............................. 357
FbH .......................................................... 252, 253, 259, 272 FWD/REV Torque Limit ................................................... 361
FbL .......................................................... 252, 253, 259, 272 FWD Torque Limit .......................................................... 361
Feedback Detection Control Time Constant 2 ........................... 287
FLASH memory error....................................................... 257
FLASH Memory Fault ................................................ 252, 256 General Safety Information................................................... 13
Forward/Reverse Run Command Input Error............................ 271 GF........................................................................ 252, 259
Forward Jog .................................................................. 357 Ground Fault ........................................................... 252, 259
Forward Regenerative Torque Limit ...................................... 368 Ground Fault Interrupter Activates When Drive is Running .......... 293
Forward Run Command (2-Wire sequence) ............................. 357 Ground Wiring ................................................................. 60
Forward Torque Limit....................................................... 368

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 475

H High-Slip Braking Current Limit .......................................... 371

H1-01 .......................................................................... 356 High-Slip Braking Deceleration Frequency Width...................... 371
H1-02 .......................................................................... 356 High-Slip Braking Dwell Time at Stop ................................... 371
H1-03 .......................................................................... 356 High Slip Braking oL ....................................................... 252
H1-04 .......................................................................... 356 High-slip Braking oL........................................................ 264
H1-05 ...................................................................... 50, 356 High-Slip Braking Overload Time ........................................ 371
H1-06 .......................................................................... 356 High-Slip Suppression Current Level..................................... 371
H1-07 .......................................................................... 356 Hunting Prevention Gain ................................................... 248
H1 Multi-Function Digital Input........................................... 356 Hunting Prevention Gain Setting .................................... 290, 371
H1 Multi-Function Digital Input Selections.............................. 356 Hunting Prevention Gain while in Reverse .............................. 371
H2-01 .................................................................... 289, 358 Hunting Prevention Selection .............................................. 371
H2-01 to H2-03 .............................................................. 269 Hunting Prevention Time Constant ....................................... 371
H2-02 .......................................................................... 358 Hunting Prevention Time Constant Setting .............................. 290
H2-03 .......................................................................... 358 I
H2-06 .......................................................................... 358 I/O Connections................................................................ 48
H2 Multi-Function Digital Outputs ....................................... 358 Id Limit for Output Voltage Limit Control............................... 372
H2 Multi-Function Digital Output Settings .............................. 359 IGBT Maintenance .......................................................... 381
H3-01 .......................................................................... 360 IGBT Maintenance Setting ................................................. 374
H3-02 ........................................................ 288, 289, 291, 360 IGBT Maintenance Time (50%) ..................................... 253, 273
H3-03 .......................................................................... 360 IGBT Maintenance Time (90%) ........................................... 276
H3-04 .......................................................................... 360 IGBT Short Circuit .......................................................... 252
H3-09 ...................................................................... 69, 360 Initialize Parameters......................................................... 337
H3-09 Details................................................................... 69 Initial Operation................................................................ 88
H3-10 ........................................................ 288, 289, 291, 360 Input Current (A) .......................................... 325, 326, 327, 328
H3-11 .................................................................... 291, 360 Input Fuses.................................................................... 440
H3-12 .......................................................................... 360 Input Phase Loss ....................................................... 252, 265
H3-13 .............................................................. 250, 290, 361 Input Phase Loss Protection Selection .................................... 369
H3-14 .......................................................................... 361 Input Pulse Monitor ......................................................... 379
H3-16 .......................................................................... 361 Input Terminals ................................................................ 86
H3-17 .......................................................................... 361 Input Terminal Status ....................................................... 378
H3 Analog Inputs ............................................................ 360 Input Terminal Status at Previous Fault .................................. 379
H3 Multi-Function Analog Input Settings................................ 361 Input Voltage Setting........................................................ 348
H4-01 .......................................................................... 361 Inrush Prevention Circuit Fault ............................................ 268
H4-02 .......................................................................... 362 Inspection ............................................................... 298, 299
H4-03 .......................................................................... 362 Installation Environment...................................................... 38
H4 Multi-Function Analog Outputs ....................................... 361 Installation Orientation........................................................ 38
H5-01 .......................................................................... 362 Installation Spacing............................................................ 39
H5-02 .......................................................................... 362 Installing Multiple Drives .................................................... 39
H5-03 .......................................................................... 362 Integral Limit Setting........................................................ 340
H5-04 .......................................................................... 362 Integral Time Setting (I) .................................................... 340
H5-05 .......................................................................... 362 Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor Protection ............................ 72
H5-06 .......................................................................... 362 Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor Protection Selection (ERF type) 368
H5-07 .......................................................................... 362
H5-09 .......................................................................... 362 J
H5-10 .......................................................................... 362 Jog Frequency Reference ................................................... 346
H5-11 .......................................................................... 362 Jog Reference Selection..................................................... 356
H5-12 .......................................................................... 362 Jump Frequency.............................................................. 250
H5 MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications .............................. 362 Jump Frequency 1 ........................................................... 347
H6-01 .......................................................................... 362 Jump Frequency 2 ........................................................... 347
H6-02 .......................................................................... 362 Jump Frequency 3 ........................................................... 347
H6-03 .......................................................................... 363 Jump Frequency Width ..................................................... 347
H6-04 .......................................................................... 363
H6-05 .......................................................................... 363
KEB Acceleration Time .................................................... 364
H6-06 .......................................................................... 363
KEB Deceleration Time .................................................... 364
H6-07 .......................................................................... 363
KEB Operation............................................................... 360
H6 Pulse Train Input/Output ............................................... 362
KEB Ride-Thru (N.C.) ...................................................... 358
Hbb ...................................................................... 253, 272
KEB Ride-Thru (N.O.)...................................................... 358
HbbF..................................................................... 253, 272
KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.C.).................................................... 358
HCA ..................................................................... 253, 272
KEB Ride-Thru 2 (N.O.) ................................................... 358
Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Delay Time ........................... 369
KEB Start Output Frequency Reduction.................................. 364
Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Selection............................... 369
kWh, Lower 4 Digits ........................................................ 381
Heatsink Overheat ......................................... 252, 253, 261, 273
kWh, Upper 5 Digits ........................................................ 381
Heavy Duty Ratings ......................................................... 150
kWh Monitor Initialization ................................................. 375
High Slip Braking ........................................................... 358

476 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

L L7-01 through L7-04 ...................................... 255, 286, 288, 289

L1-01 .................................................................... 363, 454 L7-02 .......................................................................... 368
L1-02 .................................................................... 363, 455 L7-03 .......................................................................... 368
L1-03 .......................................................................... 363 L7-04 .......................................................................... 368
L1-04 .......................................................................... 364 L7-06 .......................................................................... 368
L1-05 .......................................................................... 364 L7-07 .......................................................................... 368
L1-13 .......................................................................... 364 L7 Torque Limit ............................................................. 368
L1-22 .......................................................................... 364 L8: Hardware Protection.................................................... 368
L1-23 .......................................................................... 364 L8-01 ...................................................................... 72, 368
L1 Motor Protection Functions ............................................ 363 L8-02 .......................................................................... 368
L2-01 .......................................................................... 364 L8-03 .......................................................................... 369
L2-02 .......................................................................... 364 L8-05 .......................................................................... 369
L2-03 .......................................................................... 364 L8-07 .......................................................................... 369
L2-04 .......................................................................... 364 L8-09 .......................................................................... 369
L2-05 .......................................................................... 364 L8-10 .......................................................................... 369
L2-06 .......................................................................... 364 L8-11 .......................................................................... 369
L2-07 .......................................................................... 364 L8-12 .......................................................................... 369
L2-08 .......................................................................... 364 L8-15 .......................................................................... 369
L2-11 .......................................................................... 364 L8-18 .......................................................................... 369
L2 Momentary Power Loss................................................. 364 L8-19 .......................................................................... 369
L3-01 .......................................................................... 365 L8-29 .......................................................................... 369
L3-01 through L3-06 ........................................................ 250 L8-35 .......................................................................... 369
L3-02 .............................................................. 288, 291, 365 L8-38 .................................................................... 291, 369
L3-03 .......................................................................... 365 L8-40 .......................................................................... 369
L3-04 ................................................................ 72, 289, 365 L8-41 .......................................................................... 370
L3-05 .......................................................................... 365 L8-51 .......................................................................... 370
L3-06 .............................................................. 250, 288, 365 L8-54 .......................................................................... 370
L3-07 .......................................................................... 250 Language Selection.......................................................... 337
L3-11 .................................................................... 250, 365 LED Check ................................................................... 381
L3-17 .......................................................................... 365 LED Operator ......................................................... 30, 78, 79
L3-20 .......................................................................... 366 LF ........................................................................ 252, 259
L3-21 .......................................................................... 366 LF2 ...................................................................... 252, 260
L3-22 .......................................................................... 366 Line-to-Line Motor Resistance Online Tuning .......................... 372
L3-23 .......................................................................... 366 Line-to-Line Resistance Auto-Tuning .................................... 286
L3-24 .......................................................................... 366 Line-to-Line Resistance Error........................................ 254, 283
L3-25 .......................................................................... 366 LO/RE ................................................................ 80, 86, 106
L3 Stall Prevention Function............................................... 364 Load Falls When Brake is Applied ....................................... 289
L4-01 .................................................................... 289, 366 Load Inertia................................................................... 372
L4-02 .................................................................... 289, 366 Load Inertia Ratio............................................................ 366
L4-03 .......................................................................... 366 LOCAL.......................................................................... 86
L4-04 .......................................................................... 366 LOCAL/REMOTE Key Function Selection ............................. 373
L4-05 .......................................................................... 366 Local/Remote Run Selection ............................................... 338
L4-06 .......................................................................... 366 Local/Remote Selection..................................................... 356
L4-07 .......................................................................... 366 Loss of Reference............................................................ 359
L4-08 .......................................................................... 366 Low Voltage Directive ...................................................... 440
L4 Frequency Detection .................................................... 366 Low Voltage Wiring for Control Circuit Terminals .................... 454
L5-01 .......................................................................... 366 L Protection Function ....................................................... 363
L5-02 .......................................................................... 366 LT-1 ..................................................................... 253, 273
L5-04 .......................................................................... 367 LT-2 ..................................................................... 253, 273
L5-05 .......................................................................... 367 LT-3 ..................................................................... 253, 273
L5 Fault Reset ................................................................ 366 LT-4 ..................................................................... 253, 273
L6-01 .......................................................................... 367 M
L6-02 .......................................................................... 367 Magnetic Flux Compensation Capacity .................................. 339
L6-03 .................................................................... 274, 367 Magnetic Flux Compensation Value ...................................... 339
L6-04 .......................................................................... 367 Main Circuit Connection Diagram ..................................... 51, 61
L6-05 .......................................................................... 367 Main Circuit Terminal Functions............................................ 56
L6-06 .......................................................................... 367 Main Circuit Terminal Power Supply....................................... 60
L6-08 .......................................................................... 368 Main Circuit Terminals Connection......................................... 51
L6-09 .......................................................................... 368 Main Circuit Terminal Wiring ......................................... 34, 447
L6-10 .......................................................................... 368 Main Frequency Reference ................................................... 69
L6-11 .......................................................................... 368 Main Frequency Reference Input............................................ 63
L6 Overtorque Detection ................................................... 367 Main Power Circuit Voltage Adjustment Gain .......................... 366
L7-01 .......................................................................... 368 Maintenance .................................................................. 301
L7-01 through L3-04 ........................................................ 250

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 477

Maintenance Alarms ........................................................ 300 Motor Base Speed ..................................................... 103, 377
Master Speed Reference Lower Limit .................................... 346 Motor Data Error....................................................... 254, 282
Maximum Motor Size Allowed (kW)................... 325, 326, 327, 328 Motor d-Axis Current at Previous Fault .................................. 380
Maximum Output Frequency............................................... 348 Motor d Axis Inductance (for PM motor) ................................ 351
Maximum Voltage .......................................................... 348 Motor Direction at Power Up when Using Operator.................... 374
Mechanical Weakening (N.O.)............................................. 359 Motor Does Not Operate When an External Run Command is Input 292
Mechanical Weakening Detection 1 .......................... 252, 253, 275 Motor Does Not Operate When Pressing RUN on Digital Operator . 292
Mechanical Weakening Detection 2 ...................................... 276 Motor Does Not Rotate ..................................................... 285
Mechanical Weakening Detection Operation ............................ 368 Motor Excitation Current (ld) .............................................. 382
Mechanical Weakening Detection Speed Level ......................... 368 Motor Hunting and Oscillation Control Parameters .................... 250
Mechanical Weakening Detection Start Time ........................... 368 Motor Hunting Occurs at Low Speeds.................................... 287
Mechanical Weakening Detection Time.................................. 368 Motor Hunting Occurs When Operating With a Light Load........... 289
MECHATROLINK Watchdog Timer Error ............................. 271 Motor Induction Voltage Constant 1 (for PM motor)................... 351
MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error........... 251, 252, 255, 270 Motor Induction Voltage Constant 2 (for PM motor)................... 351
MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications Reference...................... 382 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient .................................. 282
MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications Test Mode Complete ........ 275 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1 ................................ 349
MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications Test Mode Error.............. 276 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2 ................................ 349
MEMOBUS/Modbus Error Code ......................................... 379 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3 ................................ 349
MEMOBUS/Modbus Switch Settings ...................................... 70 Motor Iron Core Saturation Coefficient Error ........................... 254
MEMOBUS/Modbus Termination .......................................... 34 Motor Iron Loss .............................................................. 377
MEMOBUS/Modbus Test Mode Complete.............................. 253 Motor Iron Loss for Torque Compensation .............................. 349
MEMOBUS/Modbus Test Mode Fault ................................... 253 Motor is Too Hot ............................................................ 287
Middle Output Frequency .................................................. 348 Motor Leakage Inductance ................................................. 349
Middle Output Frequency 2 ................................................ 348 Motor Line-to-Line Resistance ............................................ 349
Middle Output Frequency Voltage ........................................ 348 Motor Mechanical Loss ..................................................... 349
Middle Output Frequency Voltage 2 ...................................... 348 Motor No-Load Current..................................................... 349
Mid Output Voltage A ................................................ 248, 249 Motor Operates at a Higher Speed than the Speed Command......... 292
Minimum Output Frequency ......................................... 292, 348 Motor Overheat ........................................................ 253, 274
Minimum Output Frequency Voltage .................................... 348 Motor Overheat 1 (PTC input) ............................................. 252
Minimum Output Voltage ............................................ 248, 249 Motor Overheat 2 (PTC input) ............................................. 252
Minor Alarms ................................................................ 251 Motor Overheat Alarm (PTC Input)....................................... 262
Minor Fault ................................................................... 282 Motor Overheat Alarm Operation Selection (PTC input) .............. 363
Minor Faults .................................................................. 251 Motor Overheat Fault (PTC Input) ........................................ 262
Modes ........................................................................... 82 Motor Overheat Fault Operation Selection (PTC input)................ 364
Momentary Power Loss Minimum Baseblock Time.................... 364 Motor Overload ........................................................ 252, 262
Momentary Power Loss Operation Selection ............................ 364 Motor Overload Estimate (oL1) ........................................... 381
Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Time ................................ 364 Motor Overload Protection Selection ............................... 363, 454
Momentary Power Loss Voltage Recovery Ramp Time ............... 364 Motor Overload Protection Time .............................. 207, 363, 455
Monitor Output................................................................. 63 Motor Poles................................................................... 103
Most Recent Fault ........................................................... 380 Motor Poles (for PM motor)................................................ 351
Motor 2 Base Frequency ................................................... 350 Motor Produces Insufficient Torque ...................................... 291
Motor 2 Base Voltage ...................................................... 350 Motor q-Axis Current at Previous Fault .................................. 379
Motor 2 Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 3.............................. 351 Motor Rated Capacity (for PM motor).................................... 351
Motor 2 Iron Loss............................................................ 350 Motor Rated Current ...................................... 103, 349, 377, 454
Motor 2 Leakage Inductance ............................................... 350 Motor Rated Current (for PM motor) ..................................... 351
Motor 2 Line-to-Line Resistance .......................................... 350 Motor Rated Output ......................................................... 349
Motor 2 Max Voltage ....................................................... 350 Motor Rated Power .......................................................... 377
Motor 2 Mechanical Loss................................................... 350 Motor Rated Slip............................................................. 349
Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency 2 ......................................... 350 Motor Rated Voltage .................................................. 103, 377
Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency Voltage ................................. 350 Motor Rotates After the Drive Output is Shut Off ...................... 291
Motor 2 Mid Output Frequency Voltage 2 ............................... 350 Motor Rotates Faster Than the Frequency Reference................... 288
Motor 2 Minimum Output Frequency .................................... 350 Motor Rotates in One Direction Only............................... 287, 292
Motor 2 Minimum Output Frequency Voltage .......................... 350 Motor Secondary Current (Iq) ............................................. 382
Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 1 ..................... 350 Motor Selection 1/2.......................................................... 377
Motor 2 Motor Iron-Core Saturation Coefficient 2 ..................... 350 Motor Speed .................................................................. 378
Motor 2 Motor Poles ........................................................ 350 Motor Speed at Previous Fault ............................................. 379
Motor 2 Rated Capacity..................................................... 350 Motor Speed Error ........................................................... 254
Motor 2 Rated Current ...................................................... 350 Motor Speed Fault ........................................................... 283
Motor 2 Rated No-Load Current........................................... 350 Motor Stalls During Acceleration or With Large Loads ............... 288
Motor 2 Rated Slip .......................................................... 350 Motor Stator Resistance..................................................... 351
Motor 2 Selection ...................................................... 357, 359 Motor Stops During Acceleration or When a Load is Connected..... 292
Motor 2 Torque Compensation Gain...................................... 351 Motor Switch during Run................................................... 275
Motor Acceleration Time for Inertia Calculations ...................... 366 Motor Temperature (PTC input)........................................... 361
Motor Base Frequency ................................................ 103, 377 Motor Temperature Input Filter Time (PTC input) ..................... 364

478 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

Motor Wiring................................................................... 60 Normal Duty Ratings........................................................ 150

Multi-Function Analog 1 (Terminal AM Monitor Selection).......... 361 Notes on Motor Operation.................................................... 21
Multi-Function Analog 1 (Terminal AM Output Gain) ................ 362 nSE ...................................................................... 252, 260
Multi-Function Analog Input Selection Error...................... 253, 279 Number of Auto Restart Attempts......................................... 366
Multi-Function Digital Inputs ................................................ 63 Number of Motor Poles ............................................... 349, 377
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S1 Function Selection ........ 356 Number of Run Commands ................................................ 380
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S2 Function Selection ........ 356 Number of Speed Search Restarts ......................................... 340
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S3 Function Selection ........ 356
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S4 Function Selection ........ 356
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S5 Function Selection ........ 356 o1-01........................................................................... 373
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S6 Function Selection ........ 356 o1-02........................................................................... 373
Multi-Function Digital Input Terminal S7 Function Selection ........ 356 o1-03........................................................................... 373
Multi-Function Digital Output ............................................... 63 o1-10........................................................................... 373
Multi-Function Input Selection Error ..................................... 278 o1-11........................................................................... 373
Multi-Function Input Setting Error........................................ 253 o1 Display Settings .......................................................... 373
Multi-Function Photocoupler Output ....................................... 63 o2-01..................................................................... 285, 373
Multiple Drive Wiring ........................................................ 60 o2-02..................................................................... 286, 373
Multi-Step Speed Reference................................................ 356 o2-03..................................................................... 108, 374
Multi-Step Speed Reference 4 ............................................. 357 o2-04..................................................................... 248, 374
o2-05........................................................................... 374
N o2-06........................................................................... 374
o2-07........................................................................... 374
n1-01........................................................................... 371
o2-09........................................................................... 374
n1-02............................................................... 248, 290, 371
o2 Multi-Function Selections .............................................. 373
n1-03........................................................................... 371
o3-01........................................................................... 374
n1-05........................................................................... 371
o3-02........................................................................... 374
n1 Hunting Prevention ...................................................... 371
o4-01........................................................................... 374
n2-01......................................................... 249, 289, 290, 371
o4-02........................................................................... 374
n2-02......................................................... 249, 287, 289, 371
o4-03........................................................................... 374
n2-03............................................................... 249, 287, 371
o4-05........................................................................... 374
n2 Speed Feedback Detection Control Function ........................ 371
o4-07........................................................................... 374
n3-01........................................................................... 371
o4-09........................................................................... 374
n3-02........................................................................... 371
o4-11........................................................................... 374
n3-03........................................................................... 371
o4-12........................................................................... 375
n3-04........................................................................... 371
o4-13........................................................................... 375
n3-13........................................................................... 371
o4 Maintenance Period...................................................... 374
n3-21........................................................................... 371
oC ........................................................................ 252, 260
n3-23........................................................................... 371
oFA00 ................................................................... 252, 261
n3 High Slip Braking........................................................ 371
oFA01 ................................................................... 252, 261
n6-01........................................................................... 372
oFA03 ................................................................... 252, 261
n6 Online Tuning of Resistance between Motor Lines ................. 371
oFA04 ................................................................... 252, 261
n8-45..................................................................... 292, 372
oFA30 to oFA43 ....................................................... 252, 261
n8-47..................................................................... 292, 372
Offset Frequency............................................................. 383
n8-48........................................................................... 372
Offset Frequency 1 .......................................................... 347
n8-49........................................................................... 372
Offset Frequency 1 Addition ............................................... 357
n8-51........................................................................... 372
Offset Frequency 2 .......................................................... 347
n8-54........................................................................... 372
Offset Frequency 2 Addition ............................................... 357
n8-55........................................................................... 372
Offset Frequency 3 .......................................................... 347
n8-62........................................................................... 372
Offset Frequency 3 Addition ............................................... 357
n8-63........................................................................... 372
oH ............................................................ 252, 253, 261, 273
n8-65........................................................................... 372
oH1 ...................................................................... 252, 261
n8-68........................................................................... 372
oH2 ...................................................................... 253, 274
n8-87........................................................................... 372
oH3 .......................................................... 252, 253, 262, 274
n8-88........................................................................... 372
oH4 ...................................................................... 252, 262
n8-89........................................................................... 372
oH Pre alarm.................................................................. 359
n8-90........................................................................... 372
oH Pre-alarm Time Limit................................................... 360
n8-91........................................................................... 372
oL1....................................................................... 252, 262
n8 Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor Control.............................. 372
oL2................................................................. 252, 263, 291
n Advanced Performance Set Up .......................................... 371
oL2 Characteristics Selection at Low Speeds............................ 369
NEMA Type 1............................................................. 41, 43
oL3........................................................... 252, 253, 263, 274
Node Setup ................................................................... 357
oL4........................................................... 252, 253, 264, 274
Node Setup Error ...................................................... 252, 260
oL5........................................................... 252, 253, 264, 275
Noise From Drive or Output Lines When Drive is Powered On ...... 290
oL7....................................................................... 252, 264
No-Load Current Error................................................ 254, 283
o Operator Related Parameters............................................. 373
No-Load Operation .......................................................... 106

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 479

oPE ............................................................................ 278 Output Voltage Limit Selection............................................ 372

oPE01 ................................................................... 253, 278 Output Voltage Limit Switching Current Hysteresis Width ........... 372
oPE02 ................................................................... 253, 278 Output Voltage Limit Switching Current Level ......................... 372
oPE03 ................................................................... 253, 278 Output Voltage Limit Switching Speed................................... 372
oPE04 ................................................................... 253, 279 Output Voltage Reference .................................................. 378
oPE05 ................................................................... 253, 279 Output Voltage Reference (Vd)............................................ 382
oPE07 ................................................................... 253, 279 Output voltage reference (Vq) ............................................. 382
oPE08 ................................................................... 253, 280 ov............................................................. 252, 253, 264, 275
oPE09 ................................................................... 253, 280 Overcurrent ............................................................. 252, 260
oPE10 ................................................................... 253, 281 Overexcitation Deceleration Gain ......................................... 371
oPE11 ................................................................... 253, 281 Overexcitation Operation Selection ....................................... 371
oPE13 ................................................................... 253, 281 Overheat 1 (Heatsink Overheat) ........................................... 261
oPE Fault Parameter......................................................... 379 Overheat Alarm Level....................................................... 368
Open-Chassis ................................................................... 41 Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation Selection ................................ 369
Open-Chassis IP20 ....................................................... 40, 41 Overload oL1 (oL1 Alarm)................................................. 359
Open Loop Vector Control ....... 250, 255, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291 Overload Tolerance........................................ 325, 326, 327, 328
Open Loop Vector Control Mode Tuning ................................ 249 Overspeed (for Simple V/f with PG).......................... 252, 253, 275
Open Loop Vector Control Mode Tuning Parameters .................. 249 Overspeed (Simple V/f with PG) .......................................... 264
Operating with the Load Connected....................................... 107 Overtorque/Undertorque Detection Level ................................ 361
Operation Errors ....................................................... 251, 253 Overtorque 1............................................................ 253, 274
Operation Selection at Deviation (for Simple PG V/f Control) ....... 353 Overtorque 2............................................................ 253, 274
Operation Selection at Overspeed (OS) (for Simple PG V/f).......... 353 Overtorque Detection 1 ............................................... 252, 263
Operation Selection at PG Open Circuit (PGo).......................... 353 Overtorque Detection 2 ............................................... 252, 264
Operation Selection when Digital Operator is Disconnected .......... 374 Overvoltage....................................................... 252, 253, 264
Operator Connection Fault ................................................. 252 Overvoltage Occurs When Running at a Constant Speed .............. 287
Operator Message ID........................................................ 379 ov Occurs When Starting a Fan or Motor Speed Loss Occurs......... 291
Operator Programming Errors ............................................. 278 ov Suppression Function Selection........................................ 365
oPr ....................................................................... 252, 264
Option/Drive Selection...................................................... 356
Option Card Communications Error ...................................... 252 Parameter Range Setting Error............................................. 278
Option Card External Fault........................................... 258, 271 Parameter Selection Error ............................................ 253, 280
Option Card Fault...................................................... 252, 261 Parameter Setting Range Error............................................. 253
Option Card Fault (port A) ................................................. 261 Parameter Settings ............................................................. 85
Option Card Reference...................................................... 382 PASS .................................................................... 253, 275
Option Communication Error .................................. 251, 255, 269 Password ...................................................................... 337
Option Frequency Reference ............................................... 381 Password Setting............................................................. 337
Option Monitors 1 to 20 .................................................... 383 Password Settings............................................................ 108
Option Unit Fault ............................................................ 252 Peak Hold Current ........................................................... 381
oS ............................................................ 252, 253, 264, 275 Peak Hold Output Frequency .............................................. 381
Oscillation or Hunting....................................................... 290 Performance Life .............................................................. 18
Output Current ............................................................... 378 Peripheral Devices Affected by Drive Operation ....................... 293
Output Current (A) ........................................ 325, 326, 327, 328 Permanent Magnet Motor Control........................................... 17
Output Current (kVA)....................................................... 328 PF ........................................................................ 252, 265
Output Current at Previous Fault .......................................... 379 PG Disconnect (for Simple V/f with PG)............... 252, 253, 266, 275
Output current imbalance ................................................... 260 PGo .......................................................... 252, 253, 266, 275
Output Frequency............................................................ 377 PG Open-Circuit Detection Time (for Simple PG V/f Control) ....... 353
Output Frequency after Soft Start ......................................... 379 Phase Order Selection ....................................................... 339
Output Frequency at Previous Fault....................................... 379 PID Accel/Decel Time ...................................................... 341
Output Frequency is not as High as Frequency Reference ............. 291 PID Control Selection Error................................................ 253
Output Ground Fault Detection Selection ................................ 369 PID Disable................................................................... 357
Output of speed control (ASR) (for Simple V/f PG).................... 382 PID Feedback .......................................................... 361, 382
Output Phase Loss ..................................................... 252, 259 PID Feedback High Detection Level...................................... 341
Output Phase Loss Protection Selection .................................. 369 PID Feedback High Level Detection Time............................... 341
Output Power................................................................. 378 PID Feedback Loss .................................. 252, 253, 259, 272, 360
Output Power at Previous Fault............................................ 379 PID Feedback Loss Detection Level ...................................... 341
Output Terminal Status ..................................................... 378 PID Feedback Loss Detection Time....................................... 341
Output Terminal Status at Previous Fault ................................ 379 PID Feedback Reference Missing Detection Selection................. 341
Output Voltage at Previous Fault .......................................... 379 PID Function Setting ........................................................ 340
Output Voltage Bias ......................................................... 361 PID Input (feedback) ........................................................ 382
Output Voltage Limit........................................................ 372 PID Input Limit .............................................................. 341
Output Voltage Limit Gain 1............................................... 372 PID Input Switch............................................................. 357
Output Voltage Limit Gain 2............................................... 372 PID Integral Hold ............................................................ 357
Output Voltage Limit Level ................................................ 344 PID Integral Reset ........................................................... 357
Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection ............................... 344 PID Offset Adjustment...................................................... 340

480 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

PID Output.................................................................... 382 Reverse Torque Limit ....................................................... 368

PID output fault .............................................................. 291 REV Torque Limit........................................................... 361
PID Output Gain Setting.................................................... 341 rH ........................................................................ 252, 266
PID Output Level Selection ................................................ 341 Rotational Auto-Tuning............................................... 100, 286
PID Output Limit ............................................................ 340 rr.......................................................................... 252, 266
PID Output Lower Limit.................................................... 341 RTS Control Selection ...................................................... 362
PID Output Reverse Selection ............................................. 341 rUn ....................................................................... 253, 275
PID Primary Delay Time Constant ........................................ 340 Run Command (2-Wire sequence 2) ...................................... 357
PID Setpoint .................................................................. 382 Run Command at Power Up................................................ 339
PID Set Point ................................................................. 361 Run Command Input Error ................................................. 253
PID Setpoint / User Display ................................................ 341 Run Command Selection ............................................. 285, 338
PID Setpoint and Display Digits........................................... 341 Run Command Selection 2 ................................................. 339
PID Setpoint Scaling ........................................................ 341 Run Command Selection during Program................................ 339
PID Setpoint Selection ...................................................... 341 Run Command Selection Error ............................................ 253
PID Setpoint Value .......................................................... 341 Run Command Selection Results.......................................... 382
PID Sleep Delay Time ...................................................... 341
PID Sleep Function Start Level ............................................ 341
PID Soft Starter .............................................................. 357 Safe Disable Input ....................................................... 63, 458
Poor Speed Control Accuracy.............................................. 289 Safe Disable Signal Input................................................... 272
Poor Speed Control Accuracy Above Base Speed in OLV ............ 293 Safety Hazard Definitions .................................................... 13
Power Detection Filter Time ............................................... 342 Safety Information............................................................. 13
Power Specifications 200 V Class Models ......................... 325, 326 SC ........................................................................ 252, 266
Power Specifications 400 V Class Models ......................... 327, 328 S-Curve Characteristic at Accel End ...................................... 343
Previous Fault ................................................................ 379 S-Curve Characteristic at Accel Start ..................................... 343
Program Lockout ............................................................ 357 S-Curve Characteristic at Decel End ...................................... 343
Programming Mode .................................................. 82, 83, 84 S-Curve Characteristic at Decel Start ..................................... 343
Proportional Gain Setting (P) .............................................. 340 S-Curve Characteristics ..................................................... 250
Protective Covers, Reattaching .............................................. 54 SE ........................................................................ 253, 276
Protective Covers, Removing ........................................... 53, 54 Search Operation Voltage Limit ........................................... 342
Pull-In Current ............................................................... 372 SEr ....................................................................... 252, 266
Pull-In Current Compensation Time Constant..................... 292, 372 Serial Communication Terminals............................................ 64
Pull Out Detection ........................................................... 267 Serial Communication Transmission Error ........................ 252, 269
Pull-Out Detection........................................................... 252 Setup Mode ................................................................ 83, 87
Pulse Train Input Bias....................................................... 363 Shielded Twisted-Pair Cables ................................................ 66
Pulse Train Input Filter Time .............................................. 363 Short-Circuit Brake.......................................................... 360
Pulse Train Input Gain ...................................................... 363 Short-Circuit Brake (N.C.) ................................................. 358
Pulse Train Input Scaling ................................................... 362 Short-Circuit Brake (N.O.) ................................................. 358
Pulse Train Monitor Scaling ............................................... 363 Short Circuit Brake Time at Start.......................................... 339
PWM Data Error ............................................................. 256 Side-by-Side Setup ............................................................ 39
PWM Feedback Data Fault................................................. 252 Sinking/Sourcing Mode Switch.............................................. 34
PWM Feedback Fault ....................................................... 257 Slip Compensation Gain .............................................. 249, 343
Slip Compensation Limit ................................................... 344
Q Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time ................................. 344
q1-01 to q6-07................................................................ 375 Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time Constant...................... 249
q-axis ACR Output .......................................................... 383 Slip Compensation Selection during Regeneration ..................... 344
Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance Time..................... 253, 273
Soft Charge Circuit Fault ................................................... 252
RAM Fault.............................................................. 252, 257 Soft Current Limit Selection ............................................... 369
Rated Current Setting Alarm ......................................... 254, 282 Soft Starter Speed Reference at Previous Fault.......................... 379
Rated Frequency ........................................... 325, 326, 327, 328 Software No. (Flash) ........................................................ 379
Rated Output Capacity (kVA) ....................................... 325, 326 Software No. (ROM) ........................................................ 379
Rated Slip Error ........................................................ 254, 283 Speed Agreement Detection Level ........................................ 366
Rated Voltage .............................................. 325, 326, 327, 328 Speed Agreement Detection Level (+/-) .................................. 366
Reference Sample Hold ..................................................... 357 Speed Agreement Detection Width ....................................... 366
Regenerative Torque Limit ................................................. 361 Speed Agreement Detection Width (+/-) ................................. 366
REMOTE ....................................................................... 86 Speed Deviation (for Simple V/f with PG)......................... 258, 270
Replacement Parts ................................................. 300, 333, 29 Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) Gain ........................ 371
Reset Command Active ..................................................... 359 Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) Time Constant............. 371
Restart Enabled .............................................................. 359 Speed Feedback Detection Control (AFR) Time Constant 2 .......... 371
Reverse Direction............................................................ 359 Speed Feedback Detection Control [AFR] Time Constant 1 .......... 290
Reverse Jog ................................................................... 357 Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain ................................. 372
Reverse Operation Selection ............................................... 338 Speed Feedback Detection Control Gain during ov Suppression ..... 372
Reverse Operation Selection 2 by PID Output........................... 342 Speed Feedback Detection Suppression Gain............................ 292
Reverse Regenerative Torque Limit ...................................... 368 Speed Search ................................................................. 360
Reverse Run Command (2-Wire sequence) .............................. 357

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 481

Speed Search Deactivation Current ....................................... 339 Torque Compensation at Reverse Start ................................... 344
Speed Search Deceleration Time .......................................... 339 Torque Compensation Gain .......................................... 248, 344
Speed Search Delay Time .................................................. 339 Torque Compensation Gain - Motor 2 .................................... 351
Speed Search Induced Voltage Level ..................................... 340 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time ........... 248, 290, 292, 344
Speed Search Method Selection ........................................... 340 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time Constant 1................ 249
Speed Search Restart Current Level....................................... 340 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time Constant 2................ 249
Speed Search Restart Detection Time..................................... 340 Torque Compensation Time Constant .................................... 344
Speed Search Retry Interval Time......................................... 340 Torque Detection 1 (N.O.).................................................. 359
Speed Search Selection at Start ............................................ 339 Torque Detection 2 (N.C.).................................................. 359
Stall Prevention .............................................................. 250 Torque Detection 2 (N.O.).................................................. 359
Stall Prevention During Deceleration ....................................... 72 Torque Detection Level 1................................................... 367
Stall Prevention Level during Acceleration .............................. 365 Torque Detection Level 2................................................... 367
Stall Prevention Level during Run ........................................ 365 Torque Detection Selection 1 .............................................. 367
Stall Prevention Limit during Acceleration .............................. 365 Torque Detection Selection 2 .............................................. 367
Stall Prevention Selection during Acceleration.......................... 365 Torque Detection Time 1 ................................................... 367
Stall Prevention Selection during Deceleration.......................... 365 Torque Detection Time 2 ................................................... 367
Stall Prevention Selection during Run .................................... 365 Torque Limit Control Method Selection during Accel/Decel ......... 368
Standard Connection Diagram .......................................... 48, 49 Torque Limit Integral Time Constant ..................................... 368
Stationary Auto-Tuning..................................................... 101 Torque Limits ................................................................ 250
STo ...................................................................... 252, 267 Torque Reference ............................................................ 378
STo Deviation Detection ................................................... 370 Torque Reference at Previous Fault ....................................... 379
STo Fault Detection Level.................................................. 370 Torque Specifications, Single Phase 200 V Class................... 56, 447
STOP button Input..................................................... 254, 282 Torque Specifications, Three Phase 200 V Class ................... 57, 448
STOP Key Function Selection ............................................. 373 Torque Specifications, Three Phase 400 V Class ................... 59, 450
Stopping Method After Communication Error .......................... 362 Transistor Input Signal ................................................... 67, 68
Stopping Method Selection................................................. 338 TrPC ..................................................................... 253, 276
Suppression Diode Connection .............................................. 64 Tuning Errors................................................................. 251
T1-00 .......................................................................... 377 U1-01 .............................................................. 286, 288, 377
T1-01 .................................................................... 100, 377 U1-02 .......................................................................... 377
T1-02 .................................................................... 103, 377 U1-03 .......................................................................... 378
T1-03 .................................................................... 103, 377 U1-04 .......................................................................... 378
T1-04 .................................................................... 103, 377 U1-05 .......................................................................... 378
T1-05 .................................................................... 103, 377 U1-06 .......................................................................... 378
T1-06 .................................................................... 103, 377 U1-07 .................................................................... 285, 378
T1-07 .................................................................... 103, 377 U1-08 .......................................................................... 378
T1-11 .......................................................................... 377 U1-09 .................................................................... 285, 378
Terminal A1/A2 Enable..................................................... 356 U1-10 .......................................................................... 378
Terminal A1 Bias Setting................................................... 360 U1-11 .......................................................................... 378
Terminal A1 Gain Setting .................................................. 360 U1-12 .......................................................................... 378
Terminal A1 Signal Level Selection ...................................... 360 U1-13 .......................................................................... 378
Terminal A2 Bias Setting................................................... 360 U1-14 .......................................................................... 378
Terminal A2 Function Selection........................................... 360 U1-16 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal A2 Gain Setting .................................................. 360 U1-18 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal A2 Signal Level Selection ...................................... 360 U1-19 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal Block Configuration ............................................... 52 U1-24 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal Board .............................................................. 305 U1-25 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal Board Communications Error .................................. 256 U1-26 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal Board Not Connected............................................ 257 U1-27 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal Board Wiring Guide ............................................... 66 U1-28 .......................................................................... 379
Terminal MA, MB and MC Function Selection (relay) ................ 358 U1 Operation Status Monitors ............................................. 377
Terminal P1 Function Selection (open-collector) ....................... 358 U2, U3 Initialization......................................................... 374
Terminal P2 Function Selection (open-collector) ....................... 358 U2-01 .......................................................................... 379
Test Run............................................... 100, 101, 102, 103, 106 U2-02 .................................................................... 284, 379
Tightening Torque ............................................................. 56 U2-03 .......................................................................... 379
Timer Function Input........................................................ 357 U2-03 through U2-17 ....................................................... 284
Timer Function Off-Delay Time........................................... 340 U2-04 .......................................................................... 379
Timer Function On-Delay Time ........................................... 340 U2-05 .......................................................................... 379
Timer Output ................................................................. 359 U2-06 .......................................................................... 379
Timing Fault............................................................ 252, 257 U2-07 .......................................................................... 379
T Motor Tuning .............................................................. 376 U2-08 .......................................................................... 379
Too Many Speed Search Restarts.................................... 252, 266 U2-09 .......................................................................... 379
Torque Compensation at Forward Start................................... 344 U2-10 .......................................................................... 379

482 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

U2-11 .......................................................................... 379 U6-08 .......................................................................... 383

U2-12 .......................................................................... 379 U6-20 .......................................................................... 383
U2-13 .......................................................................... 379 U6-21 .......................................................................... 383
U2-14 .......................................................................... 379 U6-80 to U6-99 .............................................................. 383
U2-15 .......................................................................... 379 U6 Control Monitor ......................................................... 382
U2-16 .......................................................................... 379 U8-01 .......................................................................... 383
U2-17 .......................................................................... 380 U8-02 .......................................................................... 383
U2 Fault Trace ............................................................... 379 U8-03 .......................................................................... 383
U3-01 .......................................................................... 380 U8-04 .......................................................................... 383
U3-02 .......................................................................... 380 U8–05 ......................................................................... 383
U3-03 .......................................................................... 380 U8–06 ......................................................................... 383
U3-04 .......................................................................... 380 U8–07 ......................................................................... 383
U3-05 .......................................................................... 380 U8–08 ......................................................................... 383
U3-06 .......................................................................... 380 U8–09 ......................................................................... 383
U3-07 .......................................................................... 380 U8–10 ......................................................................... 383
U3-08 .......................................................................... 380 U8 Custom Monitors ........................................................ 383
U3-09 .......................................................................... 380 UL3 .......................................................... 252, 253, 267, 276
U3-10 .......................................................................... 380 UL4 .......................................................... 252, 253, 267, 276
U3-11 .......................................................................... 380 UL5 .......................................................... 252, 253, 267, 276
U3-12 .......................................................................... 380 UL Standards ................................................................. 447
U3-13 .......................................................................... 380 Undertorque 1 .......................................................... 253, 276
U3-14 .......................................................................... 380 Undertorque 2 .......................................................... 253, 276
U3-15 .......................................................................... 380 Undertorque Detection 1.............................................. 252, 267
U3-16 .......................................................................... 380 Undertorque Detection 2.............................................. 252, 267
U3-17 .......................................................................... 380 Undervoltage ..................................................... 252, 253, 276
U3-18 .......................................................................... 380 Undervoltage 3 ............................................................... 268
U3-19 .......................................................................... 380 Undervoltage Detection Level (Uv)....................................... 364
U3-20 .......................................................................... 380 Unexpected Noise from Connected Machinery.......................... 290
U3 Fault History ............................................................. 380 Unit Selection for MEMOBUS/Modbus Register 0025H.............. 362
U4: Maintenance Monitors ................................................. 380 Unstable Motor Speed when Using PM .................................. 292
U4-01 .......................................................................... 380 Up 2 Command .............................................................. 358
U4-02 .......................................................................... 380 Up Command................................................................. 356
U4-03 .......................................................................... 380 User Monitor Selection After Power Up ................................. 373
U4-04 .......................................................................... 381 User Parameter Automatic Selection................................ 108, 338
U4-05 .......................................................................... 381 User Parameter Default Value ....................................... 108, 374
U4-06 .......................................................................... 381 User Parameters.............................................................. 108
U4-07 .......................................................................... 381 User Parameters, 1 to 32 .................................................... 338
U4-08 .......................................................................... 381 Uv ........................................................................ 253, 276
U4-09 .......................................................................... 381 Uv1 ...................................................................... 252, 267
U4-10 .......................................................................... 381 Uv2 ...................................................................... 252, 268
U4-11 .......................................................................... 381 Uv3 ...................................................................... 252, 268
U4-13 .......................................................................... 381
U4-14 .......................................................................... 381
U4-16 .......................................................................... 381 V/f Control Mode Tuning .................................................. 248
U4-18 .......................................................................... 381 V/f Control Mode Tuning Parameters .................................... 248
U4-19 .......................................................................... 381 V/f Data Setting Error................................................. 253, 281
U4-20 .......................................................................... 381 V/f Pattern Defaults ......................................................... 386
U4-21 .......................................................................... 382 V/f Pattern Selection .................................................. 288, 348
U4-22 .......................................................................... 382 Verify Menu .................................................................... 83
U4-23 .......................................................................... 382 Voltage Error Compensation Time Constant ............................ 372
U5-01 .......................................................................... 382 W
U5-02 .......................................................................... 382 Watchdog Circuit Exception ................................... 252, 256, 257
U5-03 .......................................................................... 382 Watt Hour Output Unit Selection.......................................... 358
U5-04 .......................................................................... 382 Watt Hour Pulse Output .................................................... 360
U5-05 .......................................................................... 382 Watt Loss 200 V Class Single Phase Models ............................ 332
U5-06 .......................................................................... 382 Watt Loss 200 V Class Three Phase Models............................. 332
U5 PID Monitor.............................................................. 382 Watt Loss 400 V Class Three Phase Models............................. 332
U6-01 .......................................................................... 382 Wire Gauge, Single Phase 200 V Class............................... 56, 447
U6-02 .......................................................................... 382 Wire Gauge, Three Phase 200 V Class ............................... 57, 448
U6-03 .......................................................................... 382 Wire Gauge, Three Phase 400 V Class ............................... 59, 450
U6-04 .......................................................................... 382 Wire Gauges.................................................................... 56
U6-05 .......................................................................... 382 Wiring Checklist ............................................................... 73
U6-06 .......................................................................... 382 Wiring Procedure .............................................................. 49
U6-07 .......................................................................... 383

YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 483

Zero Speed.................................................................... 359

484 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual

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YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 485
Revision History
The revision dates and the numbers of the revised manuals appear on the bottom of the back cover.
MANUAL NO.  SIEP C710606 16B <1>

Revision number
Published in Japan December 2011

Date of publication

Date of Publication Section Revised Content
Front Cover Revision: Format
All Revision: Reviewed and corrected documentation
December 2016 <3>
Appendix D Revision: Safe Disable Input
Back Cover Revision: Format and address
Revision: Reviewed and corrected documentation
All Revision: Upgraded the software versions from PRG: 1021 to PRG:
Chapter 2 Revision: Ambient Temperature
Chapter 3 Revision: Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
Revision: Ambient Temperature
March 2012 <2> Appendix A Revision: Standards
Addition: Fuse List for European Standards
Addition: Ambient Temperature for UL Standards
Appendix D Revision: Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications for UL Standards
Revision: Standards
Revision: Low Voltage Wiring for Control Circuit Terminals
Back Cover Revision: Address
Cover Revision: Format
Revision: Reviewed and corrected documentation
All Upgraded the software versions from PRG: 1011 to PRG: 1021
Revision: Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
Chapter 3 Revision: Precautions on installing a leakage breaker
December 2011 <1> Chapter 8 Revision: Precautions on installing a leakage breaker
Revision: Wire Gauge and Torque Specifications
Revision: Closed-Loop Crimp Terminal Size
Appendix D Revision: Fuse List
Addition: Precautions for Korean Radio Waves Act
Back Cover Revision: Format and address
June 2008 - - First Edition

486 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16D YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual
YASKAWA AC Drive V1000
Compact Vector Control Drive
Technical Manual


2-13-1, Nishimiyaichi, Yukuhashi, Fukuoka, 824-8511, Japan
Phone: +81-930-25-2548 Fax: +81-930-25-3431


New Pier Takeshiba South Tower, 1-16-1, Kaigan, Minatoku, Tokyo, 105-6891, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5402-4502 Fax: +81-3-5402-4580


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Phone: +1-800-YASKAWA (927-5292) or +1-847-887-7000 Fax: +1-847-887-7310


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Phone: +55-11-3585-1100 Fax: +55-11-3585-1187


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Phone: +49-6196-569-300 Fax: +49-6196-569-398
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Phone: +82-2-784-7844 Fax: +82-2-784-8495


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Phone: +65-6282-3003 Fax: +65-6289-3003


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Phone: +86-21-5385-2200 Fax: +86-21-5385-3299


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Phone: +86-10-8518-4086 Fax: +86-10-8518-4082


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Phone: +91-80-4244-1900 Fax: +91-80-4244-1901

In the event that the end user of this product is to be the military and said product is to
be employed in any weapons systems or the manufacture thereof, the export will fall
under the relevant regulations as stipulated in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Regulations. Therefore, be sure to follow all procedures and submit all relevant
documentation according to any and all rules, regulations and laws that may apply.
Specifications are subject to change without notice for ongoing product modifications
and improvements.

MANUAL NO. SIEP C710606 16D <3>-0

Published in Japan December 2016
Original instructions

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