A Corrosion Protection Guide: For Steel Bearing Piles in Temperate Climates

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Corus Construction & Industrial

A corrosion protection guide

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

Steel bearing piles – surface protection

This document is intended to provide guidance on the Underground corrosion of steel piles
corrosion and protection of H-section universal bearing Natural soils
piles used for the foundations to all types of structures. The underground corrosion of steel piles has been
In the majority of circumstances steel bearing piles can studied extensively. A review (5) of published data,
be used in an unprotected condition, however, in more outlining mainly overseas experiences, concluded that,
aggressive environments, additional protection may be unless the soils are strongly acidic (pH<4), the
required to achieve the desired design life of the underground corrosion of steel piles driven into
structure. This publication outlines the corrosion undisturbed soils is negligible, irrespective of the soil
performance of steel piling in various environments, and type and characteristics. The insignificant corrosion
reviews the protective measures that can be taken to attack was attributed to the very low oxygen levels
increase the life of steel piles where necessary. present in undisturbed soils.

Corrosion of piling in various Research on instrumented driven steel piles (6) shows
environments that the greatest proportion of load resistance is derived
In determining the effective life of unprotected piles, the from the lowest 25% of pile length in the zone
selection of piling section and the need for protection, it immediately above the pile tip, where the risk of
is necessary to consider the corrosion performance of corrosion is normally lowest. This also has relevance to
bare steels in the different environments normally piles driven into fill soils. Pitting corrosion in the water
encountered in service. The corrosion rates given in this table zone is frequently reported in the literature, but
section are per exposed face. To determine the nowhere is this regarded as affecting the structural
reduction in section thickness, the cumulative losses integrity of piling, except for excessive pitting found in
from all relevant faces need to be considered. The some Norwegian marine sediments(7). Evaluations by
corrosion rates quoted are based on those given in British Steel(8-12) of piles extracted from UK sites, ranging
BS 8002 , BS 8004 , BS 6349 or are derived from the
(1) (2) (3)
from canal and river embankments to harbours and
corrosion allowances given in EN 1993 – 5 (Eurocode 3: beaches, also confirm negligible underground corrosion
Part 5)(4). Mean or guidance values are given by the losses. A further evaluation in Japan (13) of test piles
references and are considered to be most relevant to driven, at ten locations, into natural soils which were
the design and performance of most steel foundations. considered to be corrosive, gave a maximum corrosion
However, in some circumstances the designer may wish rate of 0.015mm/side per year after ten years’ exposure.
to take account of higher values and in these An aspect of underground corrosion that can arise is
circumstances upper limits are given for marine that of microbial corrosion by sulphate-reducing
environments in BS 6349. bacteria, which is characterised by iron sulphide-rich
corrosion products. Although this form of corrosion has
been observed on buried steel structures, e.g. pipelines,
there is no evidence from the literature (5) or within Corus
experience that this is a problem with driven steel piles.

Guidance on corrosion allowances for piles in natural

soils is given in BS 8002 where the maximum corrosion
rate of 0.015mm/year/side is advised and no other
protection is required. This is within the range quoted
by BS 8004 and consistent with the corrosion rates
derived from Eurocode 3.

2 A corrosion protection guide

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

Fills and industrial soils Atmospheric corrosion

More recent trends have been to redevelop brownfield At inland sites, piles used for foundation work may also
sites that may consist of recent-fill soils, industrial be used as support structures above ground level. In
waste tips, or contaminated land where conditions such cases bare steel will corrode in the atmosphere at
could be more corrosive to steel. Traditionally, a rate that depends upon the site environment. This can
corrosivity has been evaluated on the basis of the be broadly classified as rural, urban or industrial.
physical and chemical characteristics of the soil. These Similarly, piling at coastal sites may be subject to a
parameters are scored individually in terms of influence marine atmospheric environment. BS EN ISO 12944-2
on corrosion severity, and then collated to provide an gives short-term (1 year) corrosion rates for these
empirical guide as to the likely corrosivity of the soil. various environments. In the UK, the average rate of
Such general correlations continue to provide guidance atmospheric corrosion can be taken as that
for materials selection but are too general to allow the recommended in BS 8002, i.e. 0.035mm/year/side. More
accurate prediction of damage at specific sites. More specifically, the guidance value given in Eurocode 3 for
recently, corrosion rates can be derived from the what is classified as 'normal atmospheres'
corrosion allowances published in Eurocode 3 for (0.01mm/year/side) is more typical of long term values
service lives up to 100 years in non-aggressive and for rural or urban conditions. Higher corrosion rates may
aggressive non-compacted fills (long-term rates be experienced, as given in BS 8004, when localised
approximately 0.02mm/year/side and 0.06mm/year/side conditions and pollution produce very aggressive
respectively). Recent work by Corus (14) has further microclimates. However, the incidence of severe
refined these guidelines by showing that certain soil industrial conditions is diminishing with the progressive
parameters, e.g., pH, resistivity, soluble salt content, reduction in sulphur dioxide emissions experienced
internal drainage, can be can be used to classify a soil throughout the UK and Europe.
as non-aggressive or aggressive so that the appropriate
corrosion rate can be applied. Corrosion in fresh waters
Fresh waters are very variable and can contain
In a compacted ‘controlled fill’ (i.e., selected granular dissolved salts, gases or pollutants that may be either
fill, as referred to in Highways Agency document BD beneficial or harmful to steel. The term 'fresh waters' is
42/00), the same corrosion rates as in natural used to distinguish these from sea or estuarine brackish
undisturbed soils can be assumed. waters. The corrosion of steel in fresh waters depends
upon the type of water, although pH has little effect over
the range pH 4 to pH 9, which covers the majority of
natural waters. Corrosion losses from fresh water
immersion generally are lower than for seawater and
effective lives are normally proportionately longer.
However fresh waters are very variable and these
variable conditions are reflected in the corrosion rates
derived from Eurocode 3 (approximately 0.02 –
0.05mm/year/side). These are broadly in line with the
rates given in BS 8004. Considerably higher corrosion
rates have been experienced in situations where there is
a roughly constant water level and in these cases
appropriate methods of protection are recommended.

A corrosion protection guide 3

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

Corrosion in marine environments Splash and atmospheric zones

Marine environments normally encompass several Above the tidal zone are the splash and marine
exposure zones of differing aggressivity and the atmospheric zones, the former being subject to wave
corrosion performance of marine structures in these action and salt spray and the latter mainly to airborne
zones requires separate consideration. chlorides and is less aggressive. Unlike the tidal zone,
these areas are not covered with marine growths.
Below the bed-level Corrosion rates in the splash zone are similar to the low
Where piles are below the bed-level very little corrosion water level, i.e. 0.075mm/year/side. In this zone thick
occurs and the rate given for underground corrosion is stratified rust layers can develop, however, it should be
applicable, i.e. 0.015mm/year/side. borne in mind that rust has a much greater volume than
the steel from which it is derived and steel corrosion
Seawater immersion zone losses may amount to no more than 10% to 20% of the
Above the bed-level and depending upon the tidal range rust thickness.
and local topography, there may be a continuous
seawater immersion zone in which, with time, piling The boundary between the splash and atmospheric
exposed to unpolluted waters acquires a protective zones is not well defined; however, corrosion rates
blanket of corrosion products and marine growth, the diminish rapidly with distance above peak wave height
latter consisting mainly of seaweeds, anemones and and the mean atmospheric corrosion rate of
seasquirts. Corrosion of steel piling in immersion 0.035mm/year/side can be used for this zone.
conditions therefore is normally low, with a mean
corrosion rate of 0.035mm/year/side. Methods of increasing effective life
The effective life of unprotected steel piling, depends
Tidal zone upon the combined effects of imposed stresses and
This zone lies between the low-water neap tides and corrosion. Where possible, the structure should be
high-water spring tides and tends to accumulate dense designed so that low corrosion rates exist at positions
barnacle growths with filamentous green seaweeds. The of high imposed stresses. Measures for increasing the
marine growths can again protect the piling by effective life of a structure, where necessary, are
sheltering the steel from wave action between tides and covered in BS 8002 and BS 6349; these can be used
by limiting the oxygen supply to the steel surface. The separately or in combination and are outlined below:
presence of macro-cells where the tidal zone is
cathodic to the low water zone, may also limit the (a) Use of a heavier section
corrosion rate of steels to a level similar to that of (b) Use of a high yield steel at mild steel stress levels
immersion zone corrosion, i.e. 0.035mm/year/side. (c) Apply a protective organic coating
(d) Apply cathodic protection
Low water zone (e) Use concrete encasement where practicable
In the low water zone, which is anodic to the tidal zone,
higher corrosion rates are often experienced. It has Use of a heavier section
been established that, for piles in tidal waters, the low Effective life can be increased by the use of additional
water level and the splash zone are regions of highest steel thickness as a corrosion allowance. The pile
thickness losses, where a mean corrosion rate of thickness can be increased locally by the addition of
0.075mm/year/side occurs. Localised corrosion, leading steel plates. The extra steel thickness required depends
to significantly higher corrosion rates than this value, is upon the working life and environment of the piling
sometimes encountered at the low water zone because structure. The corrosion rates of steel piling in various
of specific local conditions. Further details on the service environments have been discussed previously
mechanisms of this form of concentrated corrosion are and in many circumstances, the use of a corrosion
discussed in BS 6349-1. Corus recommends that allowance can be a cost effective method of increasing
periodic inspections of this zone are undertaken. effective life.

4 A corrosion protection guide

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

Suggested coatings for immersed conditions or soils

Coating Surface No. of Nominal dry Comments(3) Typical areas Relative Typical
preparation coats film thickness of use Costs(5) times to first
(microns) maintenance
(Years)(1), (2)

PC3 Blast Clean 1 400 Epoxy(4) Piers, jetties, bearing piles in 140 20+
ISO 85101-1 corrosive soils
Sa 21⁄2
PC4 Glass flake Piers, jetties, bearing piles in 160 20+
epoxy corrosive soils. For soils and
immersion conditions that also
require abrasion resistance

PC5 Glass flake Piers, jetties, bearing piles in very 165 25+
polyester/vinyl corrosive soils where abrasion
ester resistance and chemical
resistance are required

1. Estimated durability is for environment categories Im2 (sea or brackish water), and Im3 (soil), based on BS EN ISO 12944 and ISO 9223.
A longer time to first maintenance may be expected for bearing piles in Im1 (fresh water) environments.
2. These will vary considerably and will depend upon workmanship, environment etc. The period given relates to reasonable freedom from
corrosion which might lead to a weakening of the structure, and assumes no mechanical damage during installation.
3. PC3/PC4/PC5, are available in a range of colours. These coatings are subject to superficial surface degradation termed 'chalking', but can
be overcoated on-site with a finish coat, e.g. an aliphatic polyurethane, which has good colour and gloss retention.
4. Upon request, a coal tar epoxy (PC2) may also be available as an alternative to an epoxy. Although this is likely to be cheaper
(relative cost = 100), it is currently being phased out for health and safety reasons, and is not recommended.
5. Relative costs are based on a typical bearing pile (305x305x126) and contract size (75T), in 2005.

Use of a high yield steel Coatings that are shop applied under controlled
An alternative approach to using mild steel in a heavier conditions are more durable than site applied coatings.
section is to use a higher yield steel and retain the same Coatings can be damaged during transport, handling
section. Although both types of steel have similar and pitching and appropriate on-site remedial treatment
corrosion rates, the provision of grade S355 piles to may be required. Driving in certain types of soil, e.g.
EN10025-2 that are designed for grade S275 stresses gravels, may cause removal of some types of coatings,
will allow an additional 30% loss of permissible and this aspect should be considered when selecting an
thickness to be sustained without detriment. This appropriate coating.
method, in effect, builds in a corrosion allowance and
gives an increase of 30% in effective life of a steel piling Cathodic protection
structure for an increase of only about 7% in steel costs. Cathodic protection (CP) can be applied to buried or
marine structures, but appropriate design can be a
Organic coatings complex operation requiring the knowledge and
Suggested coating systems for protection of steel experience of specialist firms. The principles involved
exposed to atmospheric environments are given in a are discussed in the appropriate Standard(18) and are
separate Corus document(17). Coatings suggested for the outlined below. Two systems are employed, utilising
protection of steel in immersed conditions or soils are either sacrificial anodes or impressed DC currents. In
given in the table above. normal electrochemical corrosion all metal loss occurs
at the anode and both types of CP system impart
These high build durable coatings have been tested in a immunity from corrosion by rendering the steel structure
range of environments including bioreactor tests in the cathodic to externally placed anodes.
presence of bacteria and have shown good protection
against localised corrosion at the low water level in
Europe(15) and Japan(16).

A corrosion protection guide 5

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

For a steel piled structure of large surface area, the total Summary of suggested measures for
current required for CP could be considerable. If piles various environments
are suitably coated then current requirements, and Underground exposures
hence running costs, are considerably reduced. Steel piles driven into undisturbed ground (pH>4) require
Deterioration of the protective coating occurs with time, no protection irrespective of the soil types encountered.
though this is counteracted to some extent, by the This also applies to piles driven into harbour, river and
deposition of protective calcium and magnesium salts sea beds. For piling driven into recent fill soils and
on bare areas of the steel piling and the growth of particularly industrial fill soils some protection may be
marine organisms. However, in the long term, an necessary. Where protection is required, a durable
increase in total current may be necessary and the CP protective organic coating or CP should be applied.
system should be designed with an appropriate margin
of capacity to cover this situation. Fresh water and marine environments
Normally the corrosion rate of steel exposed to
Not all protective coatings can be used in conjunction these environments is low enough to give acceptable
with CP. The coating should be of high electrical steel loss over the design life of a piling structure;
resistance, as continuous as possible, and resistant therefore bare steel can be used with an appropriate
to any alkali, which is generated by the cathodic corrosion allowance. Alternatively, paint coatings or
reaction on the steel surface. The high build durable cathodic protection can be used.
coatings recommended in the table can be used with
cathodic protection. In non-tidal situations, corrosion can occur at the water
line, e.g. canals, where there is roughly a constant
When considering CP it should be borne in mind that water level. In such cases it is recommended that a
this method is considered to be fully effective only up protective organic coating is applied to a depth of 1m
to the half-tide mark. For zones above this level, above and below the water level.
including the splash zone, alternative methods of
protection are required. Sacrificial anode or impressed In the marine splash zone, protections can be employed
current alone or in conjunction with CP compatible in the form of organic coatings or concrete encasement.
protective coating systems have been evaluated and With the former it is suggested that the coating should
recommended as a method of protection against extend to at least 1m below mean high water level. It
localised corrosion at the low water level in both should be borne in mind that, in the absence of good
Europe(15) and Japan(16). These evaluations include borehole data, it is often difficult to estimate beforehand
bioreactor tests in the presence of bacteria. the driven depth of piling. In such cases more of the
pile length may have to be coated to ensure that the
Concrete encasement piles insitu are protected in the splash zone. Where the
Concrete encasement can be used to protect steel piles tidal range is small, concrete encasement can also be
in soils or marine environments. In marine environments, used. With this method the encasement should be
often the use of concrete encasement is restricted to extended to a minimum of 1m below mean high water
the splash zone. However, in some circumstances, both level and the highest quality concrete used.
splash and tidal zones are protected by extending the
encasement to below the lowest low water level. Corus Atmospheric exposures
experience has shown that where the splash zone is Piling exposed to rural, urban or industrial atmospheres
only partially encased, a narrow zone of increased is usually painted for aesthetic reasons. A variety of
corrosion can occur at the steel-concrete junction, as a coatings can be used depending upon requirements(17).
result of electrochemical effects at this junction. The marine atmosphere zone of a piling structure is
normally considered on the same basis as the splash
In soils and seawater, concrete is not itself always free zone and if protections are used on the splash zone,
from deterioration problems. The concrete should have then they are normally extended to protect the
the correct composition and compaction with a depth of atmospheric zone.
cover appropriate for the environment as recommended
in the appropriate standard.

6 A corrosion protection guide

For steel bearing piles in temperate climates

1. Code of practice for earth retaining structures, 17. A corrosion protection guide, For steelwork exposed
BS 8002: 1994, BSI. to atmospheric environments, Corus Construction &
2. Code of practice for foundations, BS 8004:1984, BSI Industrial, 2004.
3. Code of practice for maritime structures, BS 6349- 18. Cathodic Protection, Part 1: Code of practice for
1:2000, BSI. land and marine applications, BS 7361:Part 1:1991,
4. Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures – Part 5: BSI.
Piling, ENV 1993-5 19. B Linder: ‘Cathodic Protection of Steel Sheet Piling
5. J. Morley: ‘A Review of the Underground Corrosion in Sea Water, Containing Sulphate Reducing
of Steel Piling’, Report T/CS/1114/1/78/C, British Bacteria (SRB), Particularly with Respect to
Steel Technical, Teesside Laboratories, 1978. Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC)’, Swedish
6. Steel Bearing Piles Guide, Publication Number Corrosion Institute Report No. 55467, 1/6/99.
P156, 1997, The Steel Construction Institute
7. L. Bjerrum: ‘Norwegian Experiences with Steel Piles Further information
to Rock’, Geotechnique, 1957, Vol. 7, pp 73 – 96. Details of universal bearing pile sizes and section
8. J. Morley: ‘A Corrosion Examination of Extracted properties are given in our brochure ‘Structural Sections
Larssen Piles’, Report T/CS/906/3/77/C, British to BS4: Part 1: 1993 and BS EN10056: 1999.’
Steel Technical, Teesside Laboratories, 1977.
9. J. Morley and D. W. Bruce: ‘A Corrosion
Examination of an Extracted H-Bearing Pile:
Scotswood Bridge’, Report T/CS/906/5/78/C, British
Steel Technical, Teesside Laboratories, 1978.
10. J. Morley: ‘A Corrosion Examination of Extracted
Piles from Beach Groynes’, Report
T/CS/906/6/78/C, British Steel Technical, Teesside
Laboratories, 1978.
11. J. Morley and D. W. Bruce: ‘Survey of Steel
Piling Performance in Marine Environments’, ECSC
Final Report No. 7210-KB/8O4, 1983.
12. D. W. Bruce: ‘Corrosion of Steel Piles at B.T.P.
Tioxide Site at Hartlepool’, Technical Note No.
T/CS/TN/19/79/D, British Steel Technical, Teesside
Laboratories, 1979.
13. Y. Osaki: ‘Corrosion of Steel Piles Driven in Soil
Deposits’, Soils and Foundations, Vol 22, No. 3,
September 1982.
14 E. Marsh and W. T. Chao: ‘The durability of steel in
fill soils and contaminated land’, Report no.
STC/CPR OCP/CKR/0964/2004/R, Corus Research,
Development & Technology, Swinden Technology
15. Moulin et al: ‘Prevention of Low-Water Corrosion on
Steel Piling Structures due to Microbially Influenced
Corrosion Mechanisms’, Draft Final Report, ECSC
Agreement 7210-KB/503, KB/825, KB/130, KB/826,
KB/337, February 1998.
16. ‘Corrosion Protection and Repair Manual for Port
and Harbour Steel Structures’, 1998, The Overseas
Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan.

A corrosion protection guide 7


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