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Parting Line đường phân khuôn

Draft độ vát,độ côn

Draft angle Góc thoát khuôn

Ribs Sườn
Bosses, Mấu lồi
Webs Dày thân
Recesses hốc
Gutter rãnh thoát biên
Fillet-Fillet Radius bán kính bo trong
Corner radius bán kính bo ngoài

Forging Flash bavia dập

Billet phôi

Die Closure Tolerances Dung sai khớp khuôn

Die lubricant-Mold
Chất tách khuôn
release agent
Flattening dập bẹp

Grain flow dòng chảy liệu

Heat treatment xử lý nhiệt

Hot forging dập nóng

Punchout đột lỗ
Shot blasting bắn cát(bi sắt)

Shrinkage co ngót

Stroke (up or down) hành trình

Ram búa đập

Anvil Đe

Tooling marks vết trên khuôn

Trim cắt bavia dập nóng

Flash scrap bavia sau khi trim

Burr bavia
Chamfer vạt cạnh
Bending dập cong, uốn cong

Roll forging kéo giãn

Blocker-type forgings dập thô

Finisher-type Forging dập tinh)

Vibratory Polishing rung đá

Grinding mài

Extrusion đùn

Turning Tiện

Machining allowance lượng dư gia công

Die wear mòn khuôn

Open die forging dập khuôn hở

Closed Die Forging dập khuôn kín

Precesion Forging dập chính xác

Cleaning chùi rửa

The mating surfaces of the two halves of the die define a parting line around the edges of the forging as they come together. Determining the position of t
critical step in the forging design. The parting line should be indicated on the forging drawing. It is preferable that the parting line lie in one plane perpend
die motion. It can be located such that one die half will be completely flat, and the line will surround the largest projected area of the piece

A taper given to internal and external sides of a closed-die forging is known as Draft. It is expressed as an angle from the direction of the forging stroke.
The smaller the draft angle, the more difficult is to remove the forging out of the die. Therefore, the draft angles of less than 5° are not permitted in drop f
there is no ejector to push the part out of the die cavity.

The angle of taper, expressed in degrees (usually 5° to 7°), given to the sides of the forging and the side walls of the die impression.
A rib is a thin part of the forging that is perpendicular to the forging plane.
Boss: A relatively short protrusion or projection on the surface of a forging, often cylindrical in shape.
Webs: A web is a thin part of the forging that is passing through or parallel to the forging plane.
Recess: is a small web area surrounded by the thicker metal
A small gap between the dies called flash gutter is provided so that the excess metal can flow into the gutter and form a flash
The concave intersection of two surfaces. In forging, the desired radius at the concave intersection of two surfaces is usually specified.

Metal in excess of that required to fill completely the blocking or finishing forging impression of a set of dies. Flash extends out from the body of the forgin
line where the dies meet and is subsequently removed by trimming
A semifinished, cogged, hot-rolled, or continuous-cast metal product of uniform section, usually rectangular with radiused corners. Billets are relatively lar

relate to variations in thickness of forgings as affected by the closing of the dies and die wear and pertain to variations in dimensions crossing the fundame
Die Closure Tolerances on forgings are based on the projected area of the forging at the trim line - not including flash, but including all areas to be subsequ
are applied as plus tolerances only

A material sprayed, swabbed, or otherwise applied during forging to reduce friction and/or provide thermal insulation between the workpiece and the die
facilitate release of the part from the dies and provide thermal insulation
The forging operation of flattening the forging stock prior to further working.
Fiber-like lines appearing on polished and etched sections of forgings that are caused by orientation of the constituents of the metal in the direction of wo
Grain flow produced by proper die design can improves the mechanical properties of forgings.

A sequence of controlled heating and cooling operations applied to a solid metal to impart desired properties
Same as hot working—plastically deforming an alloy at a temperature above its recrystallization point, i.e, high enough to avoid strain hardening.

Metal removed when punching a hole in a forging.

A process of cleaning forgings by propelling metal shot at high velocity by air pressure or centrifugal force at the surface of the forgings
The contraction of metal during cooling after hot forging. Die impressions are made oversize according to precise shrinkage scales to allow the forgings to
dimensions and tolerances.
The vertical movement of a ram during half of the cycle, from the full open to the full closed position or vice versa.

Indications imparted to the surface of the forged part from dies containing surface imperfections or dies on which some repair work has been done. These
slight rises or depressions in the metal.
The removal of the excess metal or flash produced during the forging process. The operation takes place in tools produced to the peripheral shape of the c
component being pushed through the female impression by the identically-shaped male punch. The operation may be carried out hot or at room tempera
A thin ridge or roughness left on forgings by cutting operation such as slitting, shearing, trimming, blanking, or sawing.
To break or remove sharp edges or corners of forging stock by means of straight angle tool or grinding wheel.

Forging process where the workpiece is fed through two specially shaped rolls to create a long product with varying cross section.

only roughly approximate the general shape of the final part, with relatively generous contours, large radii, large draft angles, and liberal finish allowances
requires considerable machining to satisfy the final dimensions, tolerances, and surface finish of the part.

The die impression that imparts the final shape to a forged part.

Vibratory finishing is a type of mass finishing manufacturing process used to deburr, radius, descale, burnish, clean, and brighten a large number of relative

The process of forcing metal to flow through a die orifice in the same direction in which energy is being applied (forward extrusion); or in the reverse direc
extrusion), in which case the metal usually follows the contour of the punch or moving forming tool. The extrusion principle is used in many impression die

Removing metal from the outside of a part by means of a tool in a lathe or similar machine tool.

Machining allowance or finishing allowance is the extra material added to the certain parts of the casting to enable their machining or finishing to the requ
surface finish

Forging produced by working between flat or simply contoured dies with unrestricted metal flow using repetitive strokes and continuous manipulation of
sometimes called hand forging.

a forging process in which dies move towards each other and covers the workpiece in whole or in part

Precision forging is defined as a flashless near net-shape forging operation which generates high quality parts concerning surface quality and dimensional a

The process of removing scale, oxides, or lubricant—acquired during heating for forging or heat treating—from the surface of the forging

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