Coordinates Magazine July'20
Coordinates Magazine July'20
Coordinates Magazine July'20
No: DL(E)-01/5079/20-22
Publication: 15th of every month Licensed to post without pre-payment U(E) 28/2020-22
Posting: 19th/20th of every month at NDPSO Rs.150
ISSN 0973-2136
In this issue
Coordinates Volume 16, Issue 7, July 2020
Transforming the old map series to the modern geodetic reference system Georgios Moschopoulos,
Nikolaos Demirtzoglou, Antonios Mouratidis, Dionysia-Georgia Perperidou and Dimitrios Ampatzidis 6 Clipper Adventurer
Grounding Bruce Calderbank 12 Covid-19 and the Surveying Profession: A New Zealand Perspective
John Hannah 27 AUSPOS and CORSnet-NSW: A match made in heaven Volker Janssen and Simon McElroy 29
My Coordinates Editorial 5 News GIS 18 Imaging 35 UAV 37 Tracking COVID-19 39 GNSS 40 Industry 41
This issue has been made possible by the support and good wishes of the following individuals and companies
Antonios Mouratidis, Bruce Calderbank, Dimitrios Ampatzidis, Dionysia-Georgia Perperidou, Georgios Moschopoulos, John Hannah,
Nikolaos Demirtzoglou, Simon McElroy and Volker Janssen; CHC, Javad, Labsat, MicroSurvey, SBG System and many others.
In the pre-Covid-19 era,
ADVISORS Naser El-Sheimy PEng, CRC Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary Canada, George
Cho Professor in GIS and the Law, University of Canberra, Australia, Professor Abbas Rajabifard Director, Centre for SDI and Land
Administration, University of Melbourne, Australia, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes PhD Associate Professor, University of State of Rio Janeiro
(UERJ), Brazil, John Hannah Professor, School of Surveying, University of Otago, New Zealand
Georgios Moschopoulos
Freelance Surveyor Engineer
and member of the
T he transformation of the old map
sheets series of the Greek State
remains a recurring issue. The main
now on SAMA) created numerous Map
Distributions (MDs), in order to facilitate
the whole procedure (Fotiou and Livieratos
Commission of the Northern problem lies in the transformation of the 2000). The initial work included classical
Greece Surveyor Engineers’ old Greek Datum (GR-Datum), which triangulations and mapping and finally the
Association, Greece is mainly used for the mapping of the creation of map sheets mostly in 1:5000
Greek rural areas. Up to date, there is no scale (or in 1:1000). The coordinates
Nikolaos Demirtzoglou official transition procedure connecting referred to the old Greek Datum (GR-
Freelance Surveyor the old version of the GR-Datum to the Datum) and particularly its pre-1940
Engineer, Drama, Greece new official Hellenic Geodetic Reference version (Fotiou and Livieratos 2000). The
System of 1987 (HGRS1987). As a result, so-called old version of the GR-Datum
geodesists, surveyors and cartographers consists of measurements and computations
are obliged to develop ad hoc techniques. held before the Second World War. It is
referenced to the Bessel 1841 ellipsoid
Dr Antonios Mouratidis In the present paper we present a and uses the Hatt projection system
Assistant Professor, methodology, which is based on the (Mugnier 2002). Hatt is an equidistance
Department of Physical and verification of the common points of the map projection, which has practical no
Environmental Geography two different geodetic systems and the deformation for limited areas (e.g. not
of the Aristotle University implementation of the well-known 2D larger than 30-40 km)1. Consequently,
of Thessaloniki, Greece similarity transformation. The numerical its accuracy corresponded to the needs
application took part for the Northern of this particular era and of course to the
Dr Surv Ing Dionysia- part of Greece (Central and Eastern necessity for the prompt settlement of
Georgia Perperidou Macedonia). The consistency of the the population. There are cases where
Adjunct Lecturer, old version of the GR-Datum and the the accuracy is particularly low (e.g.
Department of Surveying HGRS1987 is at the level of 1 meter. lower than 5 meters), while in some areas
and Geoinformatics the results reach a 15-20 cm accuracy.
Enineering, University Figures 1 and 2 depict part of SAMA’s
of West Attica, Greece Introduction MD for a village near Thessaloniki
Dr Ing Dimitrios and Drama regions, respectively.
Ampatzidis After 1917 and especially following
Research Associate, the arrival of the Greek refugees from Unfortunately, to date, there is no
German Federal Agency Pontus and Asia Minor (1922), there was officially accepted methodology for the
for Cartography and a great need for the settlement of the rural transformation of SAMA’s old map series
Geodesy, Frankfurt population. In this direction, the Surveying to the official Hellenic Geodetic Reference
a.M., Germany Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture System of 19872 (HGRS1987, HEMCO
(which was established in 1917, from 1987, Takos 1989, Kalamakis et al. 2017).
connect the new version It was mainly used for the mapping
We strongly suggest to the Greek of the GR-Datum to the of the on-shore regions in the Pacific
official HGRS1987. We Ocean (Mugnier 2002). Greece is
State the creation of a group of tested the procedure for the only European country, which
11 map sheets of 1:50000 adopted this kind of projection.
specialists (e.g. geodesists, surveyors located in the Northern
part of Greece (Central 2
HGRS1987 is the official geodetic
and cartographers) in order to and Eastern Macedonia) reference system of Greece (from the
and we found a mean early 1990s) and the Greek Cadastre
establish a reliable methodology consistency between the is based only on this system.
old and the new version
for the transformation of the at the level of 80 cm, 3
Practically speaking, the alignment
which is at level of our of SAMA’s old mapping infrastructure
old map series, containing useful expectations according to the HGRS1987 is a major problem
to our field experience. for the Surveyor Engineers, especially
information, to the official HGRS1987 in Northern Greece (Macedonia and
We strongly suggest Thrace regions). The major difficulty
Conclusions to the Greek State the creation of a is the lack of benchmarks/points. This
group of specialists (e.g. geodesists, absence is causing significant pitfalls
We presented a methodology for surveyors and cartographers) in order during their daily professional practice.
converting the old map series of SAMA’s to establish a reliable methodology
MDs to the HGRS1987. The core of for the transformation of the old map 4
As State’s benchmarks we define
the methodology lies in finding of the series, containing useful information, here those of the State’s triangulation
common points between the old and the to the official HGRS1987. network. Unfortunately, there is
new version of the GR-Datum. Initially, a no remaining information for the
2D similarity transformation provides the benchmarks located in the land parcels.
necessary transition to the new version Endnotes The latter ones were called ‘orosima’
of the GR-Datum and as a final step -Greek jargon- and they were used
we proceed with the implementation of 1
the Hatt projection was developed by for the property identification, having
the second degree polynomials which the French cartographer Philippe Hatt. estimated projection coordinates.
RTK availability
and reliability
Compensate pole-tilt to
boost survey and stakeout
speed by up to 30%
Coordinates July 2020 | 11
On 8 October 2010, CHS Chart 7777 was corrected Part of Route C had been taken on 26 August 2010 by the
by a permanent indication of the shoal and an Clipper Adventurer to arrive at Port Epworth. The Master
updated Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) was of the Clipper Adventurer had only planned to take Route
issued.14 A revised CHS Chart 7777 was issued A.19 The TSB calculated the travel times for these routes to
on 15 May 2015, which was 57 months after the show there was no clear reason why the vessel needed to sail
grounding occurred and is shown in the left Figure at 13.9 knots. For unexplained reason(s), the captain made the
2. The 85 metre rise in the seabed at the face of Clipper Adventurer speed to be 13.9 knots over the shorter
the rock shoal is shown in the right Figure 2. route,20 which was not required to meet the vessel’s schedule.
Richardson departed Lady Franklin The estimated horizontal error based In the Arctic, following a track of
Point and sailed south southwest to the on using the islands and mainland soundings is common practice due
narrow passage through the Black Berry features as fixed points which the sparse soundings available.36 In
Islands, then sailed south toward the were based on uncontrolled aerial the 1997 edition source classification
middle of the Lawford Island chain to the photography, was estimated by the diagram a magenta dashed line which
68 degrees parallel of latitude, then sailed CHS to be approximately ± 100 metres ran from the south west to the north east
east to the passage between the Lawford or greater.27 The total horizontal through the middle of the chart only
and Home Islands and then through that positioning error was estimated to contained track and spot soundings. In
passage, and then sailed south east to Port be in the order of ± 130 metres. the 2015 edition source classification
Epworth. The track of sounding route from diagram this same area, there was an
Lady Franklin Point to Port Epworth is Even so, a prudent mariner would know “Inadequately Surveyed” notation
highlighted in the left Figure 4, with the that the horizontal position for the track added to those parts of the chart.
original sketch in the right Figure 4. sounding was only related to the centre
of the sounding printed on the chart. As shown in Figure 5, following a
The navigation equipment of interest in The blanks in between the soundings track of soundings could be an artistic
the wheelhouse of the CSS Richardson would be understood to have mapped the endeavour which is a portion of CHS
consisted of a Decca Type 404 radar, a Sperry shallowest soundings. Areas outside of Chart 7777 edition 1997 used onboard
Mark XIV gyrocompass,25 and a Kelvin the narrow strip between the soundings Clipper Adventurer which was
Hughes MS 26B single beam echo sounder.26 would be considered to be not surveyed. produced as a Federal Court exhibit.
Statement of Defence dated filled on 19 17
2012 TSB Report, section “Factual 26
Radar and echo sounder information
August 2011, paragraph 28. Information – Voyage Planning”. from 1965 Richardson Manuscript, page 2.
2012 TSB Report, section “Environ- 18
Ibid. Private communication by the author
mental Conditions”, paragraph 1. The with the CHS dated 27 March 2017.
maximum tidal range was 0.2 metres. See 19
Federal Court List of Exhibits, Court
also footnote number 89 for further tidal Number T-901-11, Exhibit numbers 21, 28
2017 F.C., paragraph 50.
details. 139 and 140 which are discussed later in
this paper. 29
2017 F.C., paragraph 50.
2012 TSB Report, section “Events Fol-
lowing the Grounding – Salvage Opera- 20
Oral deposition of Captain Kenth- 30
Video deposition of David Mora Malca
tion”, paragraph 1 Grankvist on 24 July 2012 at page 162, the on 21 September 2016 in Panama, video
Master of the Clipper Adventure at the time clips 00034 and 00035.
Online at Ship Source Oil Pollution of the grounding stated that he had decided
Fund, 2016-2017 File Portfolio (Inci- to travel at that speed to allow himself and Statement of Defence dated filled on 19
dents and Claims), select Clipper Ad- the passengers some rest at anchor before August 2011, paragraph 102.
venturer [henceforth 2010 Ship Source], having to disembark the next day.
paragraph 2 at: 32
2012 TSB Report, section “Factual
dents-and-claims/2-2-clipper-adventur- 21
2012 TSB Report, Figure 1. A higher Information – Voyage Planning”, para-
er-2010/ (last accessed: 28 March 2018). resolution image was provided as part of graph 6.
2017 F.C., paragraph 47. Survey of India to use drones for UK Geographic Association
mapping of villages in India welcomes new geospatial strategy
Statement of Defence dated filled on 19
August 2011, paragraph 25. Survey of India (SoI) has now approval The AGI is proud to be highlighted in
from DGCA for high definition aerial this strategy, celebrating the work of our
2012 TSB Report, section “Factual In- mapping of villages in India using drones. Early Careers Network and our members’
formation – Voyage Planning”, paragraph The mapping agency of India got permission long-standing history in developing
6. Confirmed with paper copy of CHS for the purpose under the SVAMITVA geospatial standards. The council
Chart 7777 edition 1997 provided to the scheme of Ministry of Panchayati Raj recognizes the responsibility they have
author by the CHS under licence. which stands for ‘Survey of villages and to support UK geospatial community
mapping with improvised technology in through early career development,
2017 F.C., paragraph 49. village areas’. The target is to map India’s skills, standards, ethics, business
over 6.6 lakh villages by Dec 2024. development, market understanding and
Portion of CHS Chart 7777 edition to connect with the broader international
1997 – Coronation Gulf – Western Por- The objective of the scheme is to create geospatial community. This coupled
tion, original scale 1:150,000, projection: accurate land records for property rights, with the commitment shown to a
Mercator, datum: NAD83 from Federal direct benefit transfers and panchayat level broad range of industry domains and
Court List of Exhibits, Court Number planning. This program will also reduce land implementation of the UN Integrated
T-901-11, Exhibit number 68, “Original disputes that drag for years. The immediate Geospatial Information Framework
chart #7777 produced during examina- target is to map 100,000 villages by drones by highlights the synergy this strategy has
tion of Mr. Mora”. Not to be used for Dec 2020. This is a massive project of India with its own mission: to be a thriving
navigation. and will boost the local drone industry of the UK geospatial community, actively
country. It will offer decent employment to supporting a sustainable future.
2012 TSB Report, section “Voyage Data
our youngsters working on this project too.
Recorder”, paragraph 3. SoI should define data, quality & process AGI is pleased to see that the excellent
specs, and award work transparently. SoI work achieved in the National
Federal Court List of Exhibits, Court should limit to program managing this Underground Asset Register pilots
Number T-901-11, Exhibit number 21, massive initiative rather than getting into will advance to a second stage, and
“Clipper Adventurer Voyage Plans”, page doing it themselves. If they think of doing the commitment to collaborate with
15. The copy for this page was a bit blurry it themselves it would be a resounding local government and Devolved
although readable and this was the clearest failure due to their resource constraints. Administrations on standards, principles
copy available. and guidance. It will continue to support
This initiative will be an important tool the Commission in the ongoing work
Federal Court List of Exhibits, Court for the administration at the Local Self for the Geospatial Data Market and
Number T-901-11, Exhibit number 139, Government (LSG) level. The data Skills Demand Studies.
“MaxSea Route 871 Print Out – Port Ep- captured should become a repository
worth to Coppermine”, page 2. The copy not only for the administration but for Visualize underground
for this page was a bit blurry although the NGOs and other stakeholders, who utilities using CesiumJS
readable and this was the clearest copy would be bringing in interventions to
available. support the cause of the Village and the Cesium has launched CesiumJS that
Community. enable visualizing underground data
Federal Court List of Exhibits, Court and allow to seamlessly transition from
Number T-901-11, Exhibit number Global Mapper Mobile v2.1 released above ground features like entire cities
140, “Transaas (sic) – Port Epworth to to what’s underneath in the same scene,
Coppermine – 20100827 August 27, 2010 Blue Marble Geographics® has announced whether that’s utility data like water
Electronic chart showing planned root the release of version 2.1 of its innovative pipelines and electricity cables, or 3D
(sic)”, page 2. mobile mapping application, Global structures like caves and mines. One can
Mapper Mobile® with updates to both visualize all the relevant information in
Private communications by the author
the free and Pro versions. It is a powerful one place without the need to continually
with Ian Church dated 12 May 2017. iOS and Android application for viewing switch between specialized tools. For
and collecting GIS data. It utilizes the example, one can visualize earthquake
Image provided to by the author with Ian GPS capabilities of mobile devices occurrences over time and measure their
Church on 15 May 2017. The rectangular to provide situational awareness and proximity to critical urban infrastructure
white from on the rock shoal is the outline locational intelligence for remote mapping by adding Cesium OSM Buildings
of the hull of the Clipper Adventurer. projects. to scene.
lG ds
N SS B a n
John Hannah
Managing Director,
Vision NZ Ltd,
T hese are unprecedented days for the
global community. The Covid-19
global pandemic shows every sign
New Zealand was largely united in its
determination to try to eliminate the
Covid-19 threat. From March 26th all non-
Nelson, New Zealand of having the greatest global health essential activity was locked down for
impact since the 1918 Spanish flu. four-and-a- half weeks. Everyone was
limited to their own family or personal
As of July 12th, 2020 there have been “bubbles” in what was known as the
approximately 13,000,000 reported Level 4 response. This was followed,
cases of COVID-19 and about 570,000 on April 28th, by a movement back
deaths across 215 countries and six to Level 3 where family or personal
continents1 It is clear from the data ”bubbles” could be slightly extended.
that the elderly and those with pre- On May 14th the country moved to
existing medical conditions are most Level 2 - a “back-to-work” scenario.
at risk. Although the author of this Here social distancing rules continued,
article falls into one of these “at risk” but group meetings of up to 10 people
categories, he is most fortunate to were permitted. On 8 June we moved
live in an isolated country where the to Level 1 (sensible precautions) where
government listened to its medical work places, shops and sports facilities
experts, where its Prime Minister have fully re-opened and commercial life
and government exercised strong, is returning to normal. As of the time of
compassionate leadership, and where writing (12th July), the country has gone
open, factual daily media briefings on almost two months without any cases of
the virus and its progress were held. community transmission. In this time the
Volker Janssen
Senior Technical
Surveyor in the Geodetic
A USPOS is Geoscience Australia’s
free online Global Positioning
System (GPS) processing service
suitable, efficient and reliable option
to establish, propagate and strengthen
the NSW Survey Control Network.
Operations team at (Jia et al., 2014; GA, 2020a). It has
NSW Spatial Services successfully processed more than 1
in Bathurst, Australia. million jobs worldwide over the last 10 AUSPOS
years and was ranked highest in a global
comparison of free online post-processing AUSPOS accepts static, 30-second
tools (Gakstatter and Silver, 2013). Receiver Independent Exchange
Simon McElroy (RINEX) data of at least 1 hour duration
Senior Surveyor, CORSnet-NSW is Australia’s largest (recommended minimum 2 hours,
leading the Geodetic state-owned and operated Continuously maximum 7 consecutive days). The
Operations team at Operating Reference Station (CORS) user’s antenna type is selected from
NSW Spatial Services network (Janssen et al., 2016; NSW a drop-down menu, and the height of
in Bathurst, Australia Spatial Services, 2020). It is built, owned instrument (measured vertically to the
and operated by Spatial Services, a unit Antenna Reference Point, ARP) is
of the NSW Department of Customer entered. The best available International
Service (DCS). CORSnet-NSW currently GNSS Service (IGS) station data and
consists of 202 stations, providing products (IGS, 2020) and the Bernese
fundamental positioning infrastructure software version 5.2 (Dach et al., 2015)
that is authoritative, accurate, reliable are employed to compute precise 3D
and easy-to-use for a wide range of coordinates, using GPS data only. Up
applications. Since May 2019, it delivers to 15 surrounding IGS and Asia-Pacific
all-in-view, all-signals, multi-constellation Reference Frame (APREF, see GA,
Global Navigation Satellite System 2020b) stations are selected as reference
(GNSS) data, making it the nation’s first stations, generally the 7 closest IGS
CORS network to reach this milestone. sites and the 8 closest APREF sites.
This paper outlines how AUSPOS Usually after a few minutes, a processing
and CORSnet-NSW are used together report (pdf) is emailed to the user. This
to support datum modernisation and includes coordinates in the two most
improve state survey infrastructure recent Australian datums (GDA2020 and
across New South Wales (NSW). We GDA94, see ICSM, 2020a) and the global
quantify AUSPOS performance across ITRF2014 (Altamimi et al., 2016), as well
NSW, demonstrating that it routinely as a physical (normal-orthometric) AHD
delivers Positional Uncertainty (PU) height for Australian data. The report
at the 0.02-0.03 m level for horizontal also provides the computed coordinate
position and 0.05-0.06 m for ellipsoidal uncertainties, ambiguity resolution
height. We also show that AUSPOS statistics, and an overview of the GPS
provides a much better connection to processing strategy applied. For advanced
the Australian Height Datum (AHD, see users, Solution Independent Exchange
Roelse et al., 1971) than reported. These (SINEX) files containing more detailed
results reveal that AUSPOS is a very information are available for download.
PU of AUSPOS solutions
Figure 4: Pushing the boundaries of reasonable sky view conditions in the field: (a) TS486, (b) SS4115, and (c) MM3634.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Cumulative distribution of PU for (a) 2-6 hour data, and (b) 6-24 hour data.
NSW Spatial Services, on behalf of The derived AHD-PU reported by AUSPOS appears to be
overly conservative for the data investigated, providing a
the NSW Surveyor-General, has a mean AHD-PU of 0.182 m, which is more than double the
RMS for the difference to the levelled AHD height at the 95%
legislative, regulative responsibility to confidence level (i.e. about 0.078 m). This can be explained
by the conservative AUSGeoid2020 uncertainty grid
maintain and extend the Survey Control values applied, with the best-case official AUSGeoid2020
uncertainty in NSW being about 0.14 m at the 95%
Network in NSW. CORSnet-NSW sites confidence level. It is pleasing to see that AUSPOS provides
a much better connection to AHD across NSW than reported.
comprise a fundamental, high-density
and long-term component of AUSPOS Conclusion
infrastructure within the State NSW Spatial Services, on behalf of the NSW Surveyor-
General, has a legislative, regulative responsibility to
maintain and extend the Survey Control Network in NSW.
CORSnet-NSW sites comprise a fundamental, high-density
and long-term component of AUSPOS infrastructure
within the State. AUSPOS and CORSnet-NSW have
proven to be an ideal match to establish, propagate
and strengthen the NSW Survey Control Network.
Brown NJ, McCubbine JC, Featherstone IGS (2020) IGS products, http://www. Virtual edition of ESA
WE, Gowans N, Woods A, Baran I (accessed June 2020). Space App Camp 2020
(2018) AUSGeoid2020 combined
gravimetric-geometric model: Location- Janssen V, Gowans N, Hine S, For the first time, the ESA Space App
specific uncertainties and baseline-length- McElroy S (2019) Removing the Camp is offering a virtual workspace to
dependent error decorrelation, Journal uncertainty surrounding Positional 20 dedicated developers: a comprehensive
of Geodesy 92(12): 1439-1456 & 1467. Uncertainty and Local Uncertainty preparation phase and an 11-day online
in SCIMS, Azimuth 58(8): 28-32. Space App Camp, supported by Earth
Dach R, Lutz S, Walser P, Fridez Observation, Artificial Intelligence and
P (2015) Bernese GNSS software Janssen V, Haasdyk J, McElroy S business experts. The winners will be
version 5.2, Astronomical Institute, (2016) CORSnet-NSW: A success rewarded with cash prizes, a unique
University of Bern, Switzerland, story, Proceedings of Association Earth Observation support package to of Public Authority Surveyors facilitate the continuation of the work on
DOCU52.pdf (accessed June 2020). Conference (APAS2016), Leura, their winning App idea, exclusive work
Australia, 4-6 April, 10-28. opportunities and insights at ESA.
Featherstone WE, McCubbine JC,
Claessens SJ, Belton D, Brown NJ (2019) Janssen V, McElroy S (2020) The aim of the ESA Space App Camp
Using AUSGeoid2020 and its error grids Assessment of AUSPOS performance is to make Earth Observation data and
in surveying computations, Journal in New South Wales, Australia, services accessible to a wide range
of Spatial Science 64(3): 363-380. Proceedings of IGNSS Symposium of citizens. The camp participants get
2020 (IGNSS2020), Sydney, introduced to Copernicus and learn about
GA (2020a) AUSPOS – Online GPS Australia, 5-7 February, 17pp. the many ways in which big data from
processing service, space can enrich mobile apps using a
scientific-topics/positioning-navigation/ Janssen V, Watson T (2018) dedicated API for EO data. Those who
geodesy/auspos (accessed June 2020). Performance evaluation of attend will be tasked with devising
AUSGeoid2020 in NSW, innovative apps and feasible business
GA (2020b) Asia-Pacific Reference Proceedings of IGNSS Symposium models in one of five subject areas: Smart
Frame (APREF), 2018 (IGNSS2018), Sydney, Green Cities; Food Security; Health;
au/scientific-topics/positioning- Australia, 7-9 February, 15pp. Tourism and Coastal monitoring. This
navigation/geodesy/asia-pacific- year, an additional topic on Agriculture
reference-frame (accessed June 2020). Jia M, Dawson J, Moore M (2014) in honour of former ESA employee
AUSPOS: Geoscience Australia’s Luigi Fusco can also be addressed.
Gakstatter E, Silver M (2013) A on-line GPS positioning service,
comparison of free GPS online post- Proceedings of 27th International ESA invites 20 developers, artificial
processing services, GPS World, https:// Technical Meeting of the Satellite intelligence and machine learning Division of The Institute of Navigation specialists from across Europe to
of-free-gps-online-post-processing- (ION GNSS+ 2014), Tampa, Florida, exchange new ideas with fellow
services/ (accessed June 2020). 8-12 September, 315-320. developers and tackle some of the
world’s greatest challenges from 11-21
ICSM (2014) Standard for the Jia M, Dawson J, Moore M September 2020.
Australian survey control network (2016) Upgraded AUSPOS and
(SP1), version 2.1, http://www.icsm. refined solution uncertainty, Remote sensing and remote data presented at IGNSS Symposium control technology by 3D at Depth
survey-control-network-special- 2016 (IGNSS2016), Sydney,
publication-1-sp1 (accessed June 2020). Australia, 6-8 December. 3D at Depth Inc., survey support services,
and 3D data solutions recently launched
ICSM (2020a) GDA2020 and GDA94 NSW Spatial Services (2020) a remote sensing and remoted data
technical manuals, CORSnet-NSW, http://www.corsnet. control solution to help operators provide
datum/gda2020-and-gda94-technical- (accessed June 2020). a safe, more efficient environment to
manuals (accessed June 2020). their operations while increasing their
Roelse A, Granger HW, Graham JW near real-time 3D data intelligence. The
ICSM (2020b) Australian Vertical (1971) The adjustment of the Australian remote sensing and remote data control
Working Surface, https://www.icsm. levelling survey 1970-1971, Technical technology is built around expanded Report 12, Division of National capabilities originally embedded in 3D at
surface (accessed June 2020). Mapping, Canberra, Australia, 81pp. Depth’s proven subsea LiDAR technology
scale, but also provide the possibility for resolution of our SkySat imagery from Indian Government issues draft rules
users to zoom in to areas of interest, for 80 cm to 50 cm for our ortho product. for manufacturing and using drones
example any city or region over Europe.
Tasking Dashboard: At Planet we want The Civil Aviation Ministry of India
The averaged maps also reflect the to democratize access to our assets, issued draft rules for manufacturing
effects of the COVID-19 lockdown and we hear from all our users a desire drones and using it in the country. As per
– with drastic reductions of nitrogen to have simpler and faster workflows. the new policy authorized manufacturer
dioxide concentrations visible over Planet’s imaging pipeline and delivery or importer can sell its devices only to
many areas. These effects can now be infrastructure have been built in the cloud an individual or entity approved by the
easily explored across the globe. and the Tasking Dashboard and API aviation regulator DGCA. The draft policy
are the latest results of that foundation. provides guidelines for those who wish
With air quality a serious concern, the The Tasking Dashboard is a new user to manufacture, operate and even import
Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite was interface that allows customers to request the UAVs which are classified as either
launched in 2017 to map a multitude SkySat collections, while our new API Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Model
of air pollutants around the globe. provides efficient, automated access. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems or
Copernicus Sentinel-5P carries the Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
Tropomi instrument – a state-of-the- Rapid revisit, with up to 12x revisit
art instrument that detects the unique capabilities: While Planet leads the market As per new rules, drone importer,
fingerprint of atmospheric gases to image with guaranteed sub-daily revisit, the manufacturer, trader, owner and operator
air pollutants more accurately and at a upcoming launch of six new SkySats will will need to take approval from the
higher spatial resolution than ever before. allow Planet to image certain locations up Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
to 12 times per day, at a global average An authorized unmanned aircraft system
The S5P-PAL is also part of the new of 7 times per day. This unprecedented importer or manufacturer must not sell a
‘Rapid Action on Coronavirus and Earth capability will provide more rapid UAS to any person except an authorized
observation’ dashboard, also known as response to global events and enable trader or owner. DGCA will have the
RACE. The platform provides access imaging at times of the day previously power to inspect a UAS manufacturing
to key environmental, economic and unseen by satellites or maintenance facility before granting
social indicators to measure the impact any authorization under these rules.
of the coronavirus lockdown and Germany launches decentralized
monitor post-lockdown recovery. contact tracing app “No UAS shall operate in India unless
there is in existence a valid third
Planet announces 50 cm Germany has developed a contact tracing party insurance policy to cover the
SkySat imagery app “Corona-Warn-App” that warns you liability that may arise on account of
if you’ve been in contact with someone a mishap involving such UAS,” the
Over the past year, Planet has seen who may have been infected with the draft rules added. Only Nano class
increased demand for its SkySat imagery coronavirus. The app serves as a digital drones, which are less than 250 grams,
to fulfill customers’ needs for timely, complement to distancing, hygiene will be allowed to operate in India in
accurate and frequent information across and wearing masks. It uses Bluetooth general, the draft rules stated, adding
the decision cycle. The COVID-19 technology and the Apple/Google that only a “qualified remote pilot” will
pandemic has intensified this trend, as Exposure Notification APIs,” says the be permitted to operate heavier drones.
traditional surveying and inspection Android app page, which has 18,000
methods are not currently possible. reviews already, averaging at 4.6/5.
Chennai in India soon to become
To meet the present moment, and The reason Germany opted to go for the a drone manufacturing hub
demonstrate our commitment to rapidly decentralized approach supported by the
deliver more value to customers every Google/Apple API was that its citizens Capital of Indian state Tamil Nadu,
year, Planet is excited to unveil three new aren’t too keen on being spied on by their Chennai will soon become a drone
releases as part of our overall tasking government. Despite all this there still seems manufacturing hub, enabling
offerings. Combined, these releases not to be some hesitance about downloading the better pandemic and disaster
only enhance the core imagery for analysis, app in Germany, according to Reuters, but responses using drones.
but also reduce friction to acquire that data. maybe there will be a snowball effect once
a few intrepid punters give it a go. Either In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Higher resolution 50 cm imagery: In just way the German government has given space scientists like Mylsamy Annadurai
six months, we successfully lowered our its contact-tracing app the best possible and senior officials of the state are
SkySat constellation to enhance the spatial chance of success. exploring the possibility of turning
UK gives up on centralized
stakeholder initiative will work towards coronavirus contacts-tracing app
AI enabled technology to evolving better understanding of the
ensure social distancing challenges and opportunities around As per BBC report, the UK has given
AI using the experience and diversity up building a centralized coronavirus
Amazon has launched an artificial of participating countries. It will also contacts-tracing app and will instead
intelligence-based tracking system to support cutting-edge research and applied switch to decentralized app architecture.
enforce social distancing at its offices activities on AI-related priorities.
and warehouses to help reduce any The UK’s NHS COVID-19 app, has not
risk of contracting the new coronavirus Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, progressed past field tests, after facing a
among its workers. One of the early Mexico, New Zealand, Republic of plethora of technical barriers and privacy
solution developed at Amazon applies Korea and Singapore are among the challenges-as a direct consequence of
artificial intelligence and machine other nations, which have joined the the government’s decision to opt for
learning to the camera footage in the partnership. a proprietary system which uploads
buildings to help site leaders identify high proximity data to a central server, rather
traffic areas and implement additional Developing ethical framework for than processing exposure notifications
measures to improve social distancing. use of personal location data locally on device.
As the company continued to learn and The corona virus is spreading around the Singapore plans wearable
innovate to support the health and safety world at lightning speed. This crisis is virus-tracing device for all
of associates, it also saw an opportunity not only about DNA and RNA. Where
to evolve tech even further and promote people are and how they move hugely Singapore plans to give a wearable
social distancing behavior in real-time. influences the spread of the virus. device that will identify people
Given social distancing isn’t always Therefore, information about location who had interacted with carriers of
natural, the company set out to use and travel is seen as an important tool coronavirus to each of its 5.7 million
augmented reality to create a magic-mirror- in the fight against COVID-19. residents, in what could become
like tool that helps associates see their one of the most comprehensive
physical distancing from others. Working However, the great potential of (personal) contact-tracing efforts globally.
backwards from a concept of immediate location data also begs a number of
visual feedback, and inspired by existing questions: What does it mean for our Testing of the small devices, which can
examples like radar speed check signs, privacy and democratic values? Now be worn on the end of a lanyard or carried
‘Distance Assistant’ provides employees and in the long term? Is the price not in a handbag, follows limited take-up
with live feedback on social distancing too high? It is crucial to collectively of an earlier smartphone-based system
via a 50 inch monitor, a camera, and a ensure that data and apps are deployed and has further fuelled privacy concerns
local computing device. in a responsible manner. Geonovum has about contact tracing technology.
decided to make a valuable contribution to
India becomes member of this. It has developed an ethical framework The government did not specify whether
global alliance on AI for the use of personal location data. carrying the device would be mandatory.
India has joined leading nations of The purpose of the ethical reference The government’s earlier TraceTogether
the world including USA, UK, EU, is to inspire data users, but also policy app encountered problems, especially
Australia among others as a founding makers and decision makers to help them on Apple (AAPL.O) devices where its
member of a league of nations, which collect, use and apply personal location operating system suspends Bluetooth
has launched a Global Partnership on data responsibly. Personal location data scanning when the app runs in the
Artificial Intelligence (GPAI or Gee-Pay). are all data that show where people are background. The pivot to wearables is a
located and how they move, whether or signal that Singapore has no immediate
The first of its kind initiative is aimed not they can be traced. This data can, for plans to adopt contact-tracing technology
to guide responsible development example, be collected via mobile apps. In from Apple and Google (GOOGL.O)
and use of AI, grounded in human the document it is now consulting, you rolled out last month, which has
rights, inclusion, diversity, innovation, will find a number of tools for ethical several restrictions designed to protect
and economic growth. The multi- behaviour when applying location data. users’ privacy.
China launches last BeiDou satellite Designed for the geospatial, construction internet-connected devices are capable
and mining sectors, MiRTK works with of sensing, communicating, interacting,
China recently launched the last satellite every make and model of GNSS equipment. computing and actuating. These devices
of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite It uses a small modem that slides onto the are set to become even more integrated into
System (BDS) from the Xichang Satellite accessory slot of the tripod and connects our daily lives and by 2022 it is estimated
Launch Center in southwest China's to the base station via a single cable. that around 18 billion out of 29 billion
Sichuan Province. The satellite, carried Unlike UHF radios, MiRTK is not limited connected devices will be related to the IoT.
by a Long March-3B carrier rocket, is by range from the GNSS base station
the 30th BDS-3 satellite and the 55th and does not require line of sight with With millions of moving interconnected
of the whole BeiDou satellite family. the survey rover or machine. It is limited devices in the IoT environment, many
The launch marked the completion of only by the Telstra network, so if a user is applications require or benefit from knowing
the country's domestically developed receiving emails on their phone the MiRTK the location of an individual device. In this
BeiDou constellation, one of four service will work context, the latest GSA White Paper looks
global navigation networks alongside at how GNSS-based positioning for the
with the United States' GPS, Russia's ION GNSS+ 2020 goes virtual IoT can be made more power-efficient, to
GLONASS and the European Union's meet the needs of this growing market.
Galileo. After careful consideration, the ION
Satellite Division has decided to hold The White Paper also advises applications
UK to scale back plans for ION GNSS+ entirely virtually. This that require a position accuracy of one
independent satnav decision was made in light of COVID-19 meter or less to use a multi-constellation,
and the domestic and international travel multi-frequency receiver. “However,
British ministers are seeking to scale restrictions that we recognize will make as most low-power IoT applications
back plans for a £5bn satellite navigation it impossible for many speakers and prioritise extending battery life, a multi-
system that was introduced in 2018 participants to participate in person. constellation single-frequency receiver is
as an alternative to the EU’s Galileo The virtual platform is the best way to sufficient when positioning accuracy of
project. The ministers are exploring deliver a meaningful technical program multiple meters is acceptable,” it notes.
other options, which include using experience to all participants. ION The report also states that, when deciding
OneWeb, the UK satellite operator that GNSS+ 2020 VIRTUAL will be held on an energy-efficient GNSS technique,
went bankrupt in March, the Financial over the original dates, September 21-25, the choice of the terrestrial network limits
Times reported, citing sources. in Central Daylight Time. the possible options, as most solutions
rely on external data to determine the
OneWeb has pledged to move its Uinta Mapping and Data position via GNSS.
satellite production from Florida in the Collection Software by Juniper
US to the UK if its management wins Major update to BlueSky™
government support for its bid, according Juniper Systems has introduced Uinta GNSS Firewall software
to the report. Plans for an independent Mapping and Data Collection Software.
satellite system were announced in 2018 It is a powerful hassle-free data collection Microchip Technology Inc. has
by the then prime minister, Theresa software built with end-users in mind. released a major software update for
May to ensure national security in the Uinta’s data collection tools include its BlueSky™ GNSS Firewall product,
event that Britain were banned from detailed mapping with points, lines, areas, providing a higher level of resiliency
equal access to the EU programme as well as form-based notes for digital against GPS vulnerabilities for systems
after Brexit. recordkeeping. dependent on GPS signal reception.
Internet-enabled correction service Power-efficient positioning BlueSky GNSS Firewall Software Release
for high accuracy GNSS in Australia for the IoT 2.0 performs real-time analysis to detect
jamming and spoofing for protecting
Intelligent positioning solutions provider The European GNSS Agency (GSA) reception of the GPS signal and hardening
Position Partners has announced the has published a White Paper on “Power- response and recovery to avoid signal
release of MiRTK. This new correction efficient positioning for the Internet of disruption. It includes charting and
service for GNSS equipment utilises the Things”, providing an overview of GNSS advanced threshold settings of GNSS
internet instead of UHF radio frequencies. technologies that are relevant for low- observables such as satellites-in-view,
It is compatible with all brands and models power IoT applications, including those that carrier-to-noise, position dispersion, phase
of GNSS from manufacturers including require hybridisation with other connectivity time deviation and radio frequency (RF)
Topcon, Trimble, Leica Geosystems, solutions. The world is embracing Internet power level to simplify system turn-up
Sokkia, Hemisphere and more. of Things (IoT) applications. Billions of and deployment.
SatGen now with NavIC (IRNSS) 64-bit architecture, the Ellipse Series of temperature readings; quarantine
3rd generation enables the use of high management; and control of site
The latest update to SatGen GNSS precision algorithms and technology occupancy. It also publishes the company’s
simulation software SatGen v3 for PC used in high-end inertial systems such healthcare crisis rules.
now incorporates NavIC RF simulation. as rejection filters, FIR filtering, etc. All
Ellipse miniature INS are now RTK- Carlson Software releases
Designed to create custom GNSS RF I&Q enabled without extra cost and output raw major updates
or IF data files based on user-generated data for post-processing. All these features
trajectories, the updated software can now are made possible in small and robust Carlson Software has released major
accurately simulate the Indian NavIC aluminum enclosure box version, but also updates to its Precision 3D Topo 2020
GNSS satellite constellation alongside in the 17-gram OEM version providing and Precision 3D Hydro 2020 software,
existing GPS, Galileo, GLONASS unmatched performance/size ratio. enabling new, extremely efficient
and BeiDou RF signal generation. workflows that utilize the best of a 3D
With its dual frequency RTK GNSS design environment while providing
The new release, SatGen v3 version 3.12.5, receiver, the Ellipse-D provides a traditional CAD deliverables. The main
includes full support for simulating the centimetric position. Dual frequency addition to P3D Hydro 2020 is the inclusion
NavIC L5 signal. Alongside this we have provides a way more robust heading and of storm sewer design based on a library
released SatGen v3 BETA version 3.12.6, position computation than single frequency of 3D drainage grates and curb inlets. A
that includes support for simulating the receivers. It allows unmatched performance new and unique “curb line snap” combined
NavIC S-Band signal. in attitude (0.05°) and in heading (0.2°). with the low point snap leads to fast inlet
With its dual-antenna capability, Ellipse-D placement which is followed by hydraulic
Underground GNSS coverage provides precise heading in a few seconds, analysis that includes peak flow, gutter
in Tunnels, Stations etc. in all dynamic conditions, and even spread and bypass flow calculation. The
in challenging GNSS conditions. It is spreadsheet editor borrowed from Carlson
Chronos Technology has announced a also immune to magnetic disturbances. Hydrology allows for quick pipe sizing
partnership with Syntony GNSS to offer Ellipse-D is quad-constellation, meaning leading to final design.
GNSS underground coverage in tunnels. it could use simultaneously satellites
GNSS has become fundamental for from GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU, 10 Million User Milestone
critical infrastructure applications and yet and GALILEO for more signal for Trimble Connect
when entering underground areas such availability in challenging navigation
as tunnels, metro/subway, car parks and conditions. Trimble® Connect™ cloud-based
airport service areas the signal is lost collaboration platform has surpassed 10
GMV creates a mobile App to million users. In response to COVID-19,
Syntony's SubWAVE™ solutions expands ensure a safer return to work distributed working has intensified the
the GNSS coverage to underground areas need for teams to share information and
enabling the localisation of assets, people GMV has launched Covclear, a mobile collaborate remotely, leading 1.2 million
and equipment with a standard GNSS app to ensure a safer and more efficient users to join Trimble Connect in March
chipset, ie standard smartphone or TETRA return to work after the COVID-19 and April alone. To date, Trimble Connect
radio offering underground operators, their lockdown. The application helps to make has hosted more than 80,000 design and
staff, emergency services and the general sure offices will be a safe workplace construction projects, making it possible
public the benefit of full underground while minimizing the risk posed to the for people to collaborate and work
GNSS coverage. health of employees or other persons together from anywhere in the world.
who are working in open workplaces in
Ellipse Series 3rd Generation an environment of maximum safety and Trimble Connect is an open collaboration
by SBG Systems protection. The app is collaborative and platform for design and construction
relies on a principle of co-responsibility that connects project stakeholders with
SBG Systems present the third generation between the company and its employees the data they need to inform decisions
of its popular range of miniature inertial to protect their own health and the health and improve team efficiency. Project
sensors called the Ellipse Series. The line of their relatives and workmates. stakeholders can share, review, coordinate
is composed of four models: the Ellipse-A and comment on data-rich constructible
is a motion sensor, the Ellipse-E provides Covclear integrates all the following in a models, schedules and critical project
navigation with an external GNSS receiver, single platform: a daily medical health information in real time—reducing
the Ellipse-N is a single antenna RTK check of all employees; recording of trips costly miscommunication and improving
GNSS/INS and the Ellipse-D is a dual- to restricted sites; contact tracing within coordination to keep projects on time
antenna RTK GNSS/INS. With its new the firm; control of office access by means and on budget.
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*Restrictions apply. See ION GNSS+ website for details.