2020 SHS INSET OnlineDelivery PROGRAM

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Via an Online Delivery Mode

Theme: Teaching SHS Core Subjects in a Flexible Class


In order to continue providing quality education to SHS students amid the public health condition
that has been brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that SHS institutions provide
a teaching-learning platform that values the safety of every teacher and student.

Despite the current public health condition in the country, the learning of students must continue
through a learning platform that fits to the context of every student, where not everyone has
access to internet connection. This platform must provide flexibility to every student in learning
the materials of a subject. Thus, this training seeks to guide SHS teachers teach the core subjects
in a flexible teaching-learning environment.

Training Program and Schedule

Goal Learning Outcome Evaluation
Demonstrate to Evidence of
Activities / Topics Methods/ will be based on
SHS teachers in SHS teachers are able to… Learning
Activities the…

7:00a.m. – Verification of Online
9:00a.m. Registration via Zoom

9:00a.m. – Preliminaries: 1. Preparing and 1. Re-design the Classroom

9:30a.m. Training Guidelines & House creating a Instruction Delivery
Rules flexible class Alignment Map (CIDAM) of
Rationale of the Training 2. Developing the core subject into a
Expectation Setting formative Flexible Instructional
assessment Delivery Plan (FIDP)
9:30a.m. – Re-appropriating the Webinar Work Plan in:
activities that 2. Formulate formative
10:30a.m. Alignment Framework in Inputs and 1. Developing
monitor the assessment activities to 1. FIDP
Preparing a Flexible Class Online an FIDP
Day progress of every Essential Topic of the 2. Created
Collaborative 2. Creating a
1 learning of subject that are geared Flexible Class
10:45a.m. – The Important Role of Group Flexible
students in a toward the completion of
12:00nn Formative Assessment in a Works and Class
flexible class the summative
Flexible Class Writeshops
3. Designing Performance Task.
teaching- 3. Develop strategies in
1:15p.m. – Strategies in Handling a learning handling a flexible class of a
4:00p.m. Flexible Class activities in a SHS core subject.
w/ 15-min break flexible class 4. Create a flexible class of a
(3:00p.m. – A Guide in Creating a Flexible SHS core subject
3:15p.m) Class
9:00a.m. –
w/ 15-min break
(10:00a.m. –
Workshop on Preparation of
Day 10:15a.m)
the Flexible Instruction
2 1:15p.m. –
Delivery Plan
w/ 15-min break
(3:00p.m. –
9:00a.m. –
w/ 15-min break
(10:00a.m. – Workshop on Creation of a
10:15a.m) Flexible Classroom and
Presentation of FIDP in the
1:15p.m. – Created Flexible Classroom
w/ 15-min break Program Evaluation


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