Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9: Gov. Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School Lemery, Batangas

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Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School

Lemery, Batangas

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

July 28 – August 01, 2014
Day 3

I. Competency
EN9RC-Ic-13.2: Take note of sequence signals or connectors to determine patterns of
idea development given in a text.

Take note of sequence signals or connectors to establish the patterns of idea
development in a text.
Use sequence words to show chronological order.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sequence Signals
References: LM page 42, TG page 24
Voyages in English by Elaine de Chantal Brookes, et.al., pages126-129.

III. Procedure
A. Priming
Arrange the following steps in chronological order.

Hard- boiled Eggs

Turn off stove.
Bring eggs and water to a boil.
Put on lid.
Cover eggs with water.
Place eggs in pot.
Turn on stove.
Remove pot from heat. Let eggs stand for a half hour.
B. Tasks

Study the following paragraph and take note of the underlined words.

During the months from May to September, the Loggerhead turtle comes
ashore to nest at night. First the turtle crawls out of the sea to the beach in
search of the right place to build a nest for its eggs. Once the location is
identified, the turtle digs a hole with its flippers that measures 8" wide and 18"
deep. Next, the turtle lays around 120 eggs the size of ping-pong balls. The turtle
then covers the nest by throwing sand over the nest with its flippers. The turtle
does this to protect the eggs from predators. Finally, the turtle makes its way
back to the sea, and does not return to attend to the nest.

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9


1. How are these sentences linked or connected with the other

sentences using the underlined words?
2. What do you call such words?
3. What is the function of these language structures?


Sequence is a form of writing that is used if the author wishes to inform

readers about certain topics by presenting this information by listing events or
steps in a sequence or in presenting information in chronological order using
time. Words that signal this type of text structure are first, next, before, and after.
A graphic organizer, such as a flowchart, may be used to sequence events or
steps of the information being introduced.

Sequence Words indicate that the author is arranging things according to

their order of importance or the order in which they happened.

  first, second                            soon, as soon as
                         next                                          when, whenever
                         then                                          subsequently
                         finally                                       presently
                         ultimately                                 here, there
                      most important               from….to, until
                          before, after


Task 1: Underline the connectives used in the following paragraph. Do

this in your notebook.

The Grade 9 students left for their annual field trip. Initially, they
visited the National Museum. There, they saw a lot of artifacts about the
country’s past like antique pots and jewelries. The students say that it
was very enjoyable seeing the things on display. Next, they went to
nearby Intramuros. Immediately, they liked the place. Just like in the
museum, a lot of interesting things can be seen and learned there.
Finally, at five in the afternoon, they boarded the bus and headed back to

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

Task 2: Place the events in proper sequence by rewriting it. Use
sequence words to show transition.

Adam ran up and down the stadium steps three times.

He took a shower.
Adam stretched his muscles for ten minutes.
He ate a large breakfast.
Adam did twenty laps around the track.
He ran all the way home

C. Closure
When writing the steps of how-to article, the key is to make your instructions
clear and concise.

IV. Assignment
Write out three steps in the things you know how to do. Use transition words and

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

Gov. Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School
Lemery, Batangas

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

July 28 – August 01, 2014
Day 1

I. Competency
EN9LC-Ic-3.12: Paraphrase the text listened to.

Restate the ideas conveyed by the text.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Paraphrasing
Reference: LM pages 30-32, TG page21-22.
Material: photocopy of the activity

III. Procedure
A. Review
What is paraphrasing?

B. Tasks

Which sentences are closest in meaning to the five sentences below?

1. It has been reported that the richest one percent of Americans own 40% of
the country's wealth.

a. The richest 1% is 40 times as wealthy as the rest of Americans.

b. If the gap between rich and poor continues to grow at the current rate,
the richest one percent will soon own 40% of the country's wealth.
c. 40% of the country's wealth is in the hands of only 1% of Americans.
d. 99% of Americans own 40% as much as the richest 1%.

2. The judge was relieved when the jury was finally ready to announce its

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved.
b. The judge asked the jury to arrive at a verdict.
c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict.
d. The jury welcomed the judge's relief.

3. Research data suggest that girls who witnessed maternal abuse may tolerate
abuse as adults more than girls who did not.

a. Women who witnessed the abuse of their mother as teens are more
likely to become abusive adults.
b. Women who observed the abuse of their mothers when they were
young are more likely to endure abuse themselves.
c. Women who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their
own children.
d. Girls who testify about maternal abuse tolerate abuse as adults more

4. Martha thinks that the issue of adolescent problems is important to write about.
a. Martha thinks that adolescents like to write about their problems.
b. Martha feels that writing about adolescent problems is worthwhile.
c. Martha believes that the dream of most adolescents is to write
something important.
d. Martha thinks that adolescents can write about their problems.

Write your own paraphrase for the following sentences:

1. A local newspaper claims that 75% of all homeless people do not like
homeless shelters and prefer to live as they do now.

2. Ronny told his aunt that a bear had attacked him, which she found difficult to

3. Anyone who has ever driven through the Mojave Desert knows that one
should always carry a supply of extra water.

4. Of the 138 million acres of land that Native Americans owned in 1887, 90
million acres were taken away by whites by 1932.

5. A woman who was nominated by the president to head the department was
quickly approved by the board of trustees.

Have the students give their answers in the activity.

How is paraphrasing important in enhancing your reading and writing

Let students get some lines from their favorite book. Have them
paraphrase each line and explain it to class.
Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9
C. Closure

IV. Assignment
What is interjection?

Gov. Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School

Lemery, Batangas

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

July 28 – August 01, 2014
Day 2

I. Competency
EN9G-Ic-18: Use interjections to convey meaning.

Use interjections in sentences correctly.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Interjection
Reference: LM page 43, TG page 24
Voyages in English by Elaine de Chantal Brookes, et.al., pages 472-473.

III. Procedure
A. Priming
What is your reaction to the following emotions?

Excitement Pain
Disappointment Silence

B. Tasks
Pick out the words that suggest emotion in the following sentences.

1. Hey! You dropped your ticket.

2. No! I can’t find my ticket.
3. Ouch! I just stubbed my toe.
4. Oh, how exciting the game is!
5. Yes, I will marry you!
Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9
Process the students’ answer.
Ask: What do you call these words?

Remember the following points about interjection:

1. An interjection is a word that expresses a strong or sudden emotion.

2. Interjection may set off from the rest of the sentence by an exclamation point.
3. An interjection may also be part of an exclamatory sentence. If the sentence
is exclamatory, the interjection is followed by a comma and the exclamation
point is put at the end of the sentence.
4. These are some common interjections:
Ah! Hooray! Oops!
Alas! Hush! Ouch!
Beware! Indeed! Sh!
Bravo! No! Ugh!
Hello! No way! Yes!
Hey! Oh! Yippie!

Exercise 1: Identify the interjection in each of the following sentences.
Indicate the emotion that you think is expressed in each.

1. Great! We have really good seats for the game.

2. Oh, dear! Someone tall is sitting in front of us.
3. Oh, well! I can still see well enough.
4. Wow! That was a great shot.
5. Hooray! We are leading the game.
6. No! I can’t believe the referee’s call.
7. Goodness! It’s a close game.
8. Hey! Sit down in front!
9. Oh, there are only two seconds left!
10. Yes! We’ve won the game.

Exercise 2: Write an interjection to go with each sentence. Use an

exclamation mark at the end of each interjection.
1. _____ We got places in the front row.
2. _____ Can you hear the band?
3. _____ The parade is starting.
4. _____ I took a picture of the cheerleaders.
5. _____ It’s getting hot.

Exercise 3: Imagine that you have just won a great prize. Write dialog
telling your good news. Include interjections and exclamatory and interrogative

C. Closure
Use the right words and expressions in conveying your message to others.

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

IV. Assignment
What are sequence signals? Give examples.

Daily Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

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