Social Studies and Religious Education P5 Mid-Term I Exam 2019

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Time allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes

Name: ________________________________________________________________

School Name: _________________________________________________________


Read the following instructions carefully: ONLY
1. The paper has two sections: A and B

2. Section A has 40 questions (40 marks)

3. Section B has 15 questions (60 marks) FOR EXAMINER’S USE ONLY

4. Answer ALL questions. All answers to both Sections A

and B must be written in the spaces provided. Qn. No MARK SIGN

1 – 10
5. All answers must be written using a blue or black ball
11 – 20
point pen or ink. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
21 – 30
6. Unnecessary crossing of work may lead to loss of marks.
31 – 40
7. Any handwriting that cannot be easily read may lead to
41 – 43
loss of marks. 44 – 46
8. Do not fill anything in the boxes indicated; 47 – 49

For Examiner’s use only. 50 – 52

53 – 55
Turn over TOTAL
1. Mention any one element of a good map.
2. Name the season when farmers harvest cereal crops.
3. Why do people visit Police posts?
4. What is latitude?
5. Where is salt mined in Uganda?
6. Name any one district where the Equator passes.
7. Why are there class rules?
8. State any one activity that leads to soil erosion.
9. In the legend of Kintu, who was the king of heaven?
10. Give any one cause of road accidents.
11. What do we use in order to locate places on a map?
12. Apart from getting mutton, give one other product from sheep.
13. What does the map symbol below mean?
14. Why is there snow on top of Mt. Rwenzori?
15. State any one cause of floods in urban areas.
16. Write the title given to the traditional leader of Tooro.
17. Why do people plant trees in their compounds?
18. How is a blacksmith important in a community?
19. Name the weather instrument used to measure the amount of rainfall.
20. What do people in the rural areas do to meet their needs?
21. Why do pupils wear school uniforms?
22. Mention any one use of cotton fibre.
23. Which means of transport is the best for transporting glass and flowers?
24. In the space below, draw the road sign for children on the road.

25. Write KCCA in full.
26. Mention the ethnic group to which the Acholi belong.
27. State the compass direction where the sun sets.
28. Which country neighbours Uganda in the East?
29. Mention one cause of child abuse.
30. Name the sea port which handles Uganda’s goods that come from abroad.

31. State one way in which migration affects population in towns.
32. Give one bad method of fishing.
33. How does a mountain affect climate?
34. Mention the discovery which marked the end of the stone age.
35. Which group of people are under the care of TASO?
For each of the questions 37 to 40, answer EITHER a Christian OR Islamic question but not
both. No marks will be awarded to a pupil who attempts both alternatives.
36. Either: Where was Moses when God gave him the Ten Commandments?
Or: Where was Muhammad when he received the first revelation?
37. Either: Mention any one symbol of the Holy Spirit.
Or: Mention any one symbol of a Muslim community.
38. Either: How did St. Stephen express his faith in God?
Or: How did Prophet Ibrahim express his faith in Allah?
39. Either: Give any one type of authority in Uganda.
Or: What did Prophet Muhammad teach Muslims about settlement of debts?
40. Either: Give any one example of personal value.
Or: Give any one example of Islamic values.


41a) What is wind?
(b) Name the weather instrument used to show direction of wind flow.
(c) State any two uses of wind to man.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
42. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow.
/////////// //////////// //////////////////
(i) xxxxxxx xxxxxxx (ii) xxxxxxxxxx
///////// ///////////
M xxxxxxx xxxxxx

a) Name the underground forces shown in M and N. N

(i) M ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) N ___________________________________________________________________
(b) Name the physical features which were formed as shown in the diagram.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
43. Study the map of Uganda below and answer questions that follow.

(a) Name the country marked X.

(b) In which compass direction is country Y from Uganda?
(c) On the map above locate the rift valley.
(d) Name the lake marked T.
44a) Name the largest lake in Uganda.
(b) State two uses of lakes to people.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) Why is it bad to build a house near a lake?
45a) Name the bank which controls other Banks.
(b) State two uses of a bank to people.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) Mention any one commercial bank in your district.
46. Match the map symbols below to the features they represent.
A (Symbol) B (feature)
(a) Sharp pointed hill
(b) Water canal
(c) Water dam
(d) Railway

(a) ________________________________
(b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
(d) ________________________________

47a) What are basic needs?

(b) Give any two examples of basic needs.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) How do people in villages get their basic needs?
48a) Give any two crops grown on plantations.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(b) Mention any two processing factories built within a plantation.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
49a) What title is given to the head of Uganda Police?
(b) What is the work of Police officers who wear a white uniform?
(c) Why is it good to obey leaders in our community?
(d) Name the type of leaders who do work without being paid.
50a) Write in full: NEMA
(b) Mention the two types of environment.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) State one way in which man is misusing wetlands.
For each of the questions 51 to 55, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic questions but
not both. No marks will be awarded to a child who attempts both alternatives.
51. Either:
(a) How did Daniel express his faith in God?
(b) Mention any two people who were burnt to death in Uganda because of their faith in
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) What lesson do you learn from the acts of Uganda Martyrs?
(a) Name one Prophet and one Angel you know in Islam.
(i) Prophet: _____________________________________________________________
(ii) Angel: _______________________________________________________________
(b) State the difference between prophets and angels.
(c) Which Prophet is remembered for deliverance of God’s people from suffering?
52. Either:
(a) Who was the mother of Jesus?
(b) Name the country in Africa where Jesus was taken.
(c) Why was Jesus taken to the country named above?
(d) Name the town where Jesus grew up.
(a) What is the meaning of the word “Zilzalah”?
(b) Give any two examples of bad deeds a Muslim should avoid.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) The Holy Qu’ran is made up of 114 chapters (Surahs). Which number is
Surat Al-Zilzalah?
53. Either:
(a) Who was the first person on earth?
(b) From what did God create man?
(c) How did the first person on earth get food?
(d) Why did the first person on earth start to work hard?
(a) Who was the founder of Islam?
(b) Why was the founder of Islam not liked in Mecca?
(c) To which city did he go when he left Mecca?
(d) Which word is used to mean the movement of the founder of Islam from Mecca to
the city in (c) above?
54. Either:
(a) Who did God tell to build the Ark?
(b) On which mountain did the Ark rest after the heavy rains?
(c) What sign did God use as a covenant between him and his people after the floods?
(d) Why did God decide to destroy people with floods?
(a) Who did Allah tell to build the Ark?
(b) On which mountain did the Ark rest after the floods?
(c) Why did Allah spare Nuhu from the floods?
(d) Why did Allah punish people with floods?
(a) Write any two books found in the New Testament.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(b) Give any two reasons why Christians read the Bible.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(a) What is resurrection?
(b) State any three ways man can prepare himself for paradise.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________________
Good luck


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