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School: Banilad National High School Grade Level: Grade 7

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Rowena A. Pesquisa Learning Areas: TLE – Front Office Services
Teaching Dates
And Time: 1 hour Quarter

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of one’s PECs.
B. Performance Standard The learner independently recognizes his/her PECs and prepares an activity plan that aligns with that of a
practitioner/entrepreneur in Front Office Services.
C. Learning Competencies TLE_PECS7/8-00-1
LO 1.Recognize PECs needed in Front Office Services
1.1. Assess one’s PECs; characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
II. CONTENT Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
A. Assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis a practicing
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide pages Page 1
2. Textbook’s pages Business Management III, pp. 17-33; Technology & Home Economics II (Pinoy Entrepreneur), pp. 200-208
3. Additional Resources
4. Other Learning Resources PECS Self-Rating Questionnaire
A. Reviewing previous lesson Under column A are jumbled letters coinciding with the PECs. Arrange them to form the correct word/s or
1. REPNCESSITE _______________________
2. LAOG GNITEST _______________________
3. LEFS DIFENCOCEN ____________________
5. IFRANOITMON GKEIESN ________________________
B. Establishing a purpose for the “FILL ME UP”
lesson Fill in each petal of the flower with your traits/skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur and write inside
the inner circle your career choice.

C. Presenting Examples/instances “Wish ko Lang”

of new lesson If you were an entrepreneur, what particular business would you be in? Why? Fill up the call-
out balloon.

If I were an entrepreneur, I
would be in the ______
business because

D. Discussing new concepts and Hailey has P300.00. She decided to use it in baking 60 pieces of cookies to sell at P7.00 each. Although Hailey is
practicing new skills skilled in baking cookies, it was her first time to sell them, and she was not sure if she would be able to sell them
at all.
On the spaces below, predict the positive and negative outcomes of Hailey’s actions.
Positive Outcomes Negative Outcomes

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills 1. Give PECs self-rating questionnaire
2. Assess one’s PECs using the questionnaire.
3. Compute the total score and accomplish the PEC Profile
F. Developing Mastery How can you test your inclination towards business as a career? What skills or traits do you need to develop to
gear your focus towards business? List them down.
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____

G. Finding practical application of Based on your self assessment, what are your strengths and weaknesses as a person?
concepts & skills in daily living List your strengths in a box and your weaknesses in a circle.


H. Making generalizations and The success of a business person greatly depends on a certain set of characteristics called Personal
abstractions about the lesson Entrepreneurial Competencies or PECs. These traits must also work with other qualities to make an enterprise
I. Evaluating Learning Use the PEC Self-Rating Questionnaire to be given by your teacher. Compute the PECs using the checklist
J. Additional activities for Interview at least three (3) entrepreneurs. Analyze their PECs by checking the column that corresponds to the
applications or remediation PECs they possess.
PECs Entrepreneur 1 Entrepreneur 2 Entrepreneur 3
1. Vigilance for opportunities
2. Commitment to work contract
3. Persistence
4. Willingness to take risks
5. Demand for efficiency and quality
6. Goal setting
7. Information seeking
8. Systematic planning and monitoring
9. Persuasion and networking
10. Self-confidence
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities
C. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?
D. What difficulties did I
E. What innovation or localized
materials did I use which I can
share to my fellow teachers?

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