An Efficient Combined Charging Strategy For Large-Scale Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
An Efficient Combined Charging Strategy For Large-Scale Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
An Efficient Combined Charging Strategy For Large-Scale Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
Abstract—The adoption of mobile energy equipment to replen- lifetime can be prolonged [8]. Researchers have proposed
ish the energy in wireless sensor networks is gaining increasing wireless rechargeable sensor networks (WRSNs) to discrim-
attention. However, pioneering work on charging neglects the inate WSNs [9]. Compared to energy harvesting technologies
location and time-varied energy feature of the node, leading
to a high charging frequency and long charging path. In this [10], WPT techniques can provide stable energy for sensors.
work, we aim to reduce the charging frequency and improve A WRSN consists of a base station (BS), wireless charg-
its efficiency. The temporal-spatial combined charging strategy ing equipment (WCE), and many rechargeable sensor nodes.
(TSCCS) is developed, which can guarantee that a network runs With a multiple-input single-output (MISO) or multiple-input
for a long time. First, an energy and location aware K-means multiple-output (MIMO) system, the WCE can move in the
(ELAK-means) clustering algorithm is proposed to group nodes
into clusters and construct the spatial location and the energy WRSN and provide energy to rechargeable sensor nodes to
consumption of nodes. Second, to balance the energy consumption avoid energy exhaustion [11]. It is obviously critical for the
of nodes, an intra-cluster communication mode-simple tree-like WCE to charge sensors before their battery energy runs out.
communication mode (STCM) is proposed. A multiple back- Hence, the charging strategy of the WCE becomes a prominent
tracking method (M-BTM) ensures the communication mode of issue in the WRSN.
each node. The communication hops of nodes can be limited
to within two hops in a cluster. Simulations demonstrate that A charging strategy depends on various factors and should
TSCCS can enhance performance by reducing journey length and be determined at the outset. Adopting a WCE to simultaneous-
average charging frequency, improving the charging efficiency ly charge multiple sensors poses several challenges in WSRNs
and ensuring that the energy consumption is more balanced [12]. The working and charging processes of the node are
across the network. closely related. How does one utilize the limited energy of the
Index Terms—wireless rechargeable sensor networks, periodic WCE and minimize its energy consumption? We will address
charging, temporal-spatial combined charging strategy, cluster- these challenges and develop efficient solutions.
ing Because there are hundreds nodes in WRSNs, a slight
deterioration in performance will lead to considerable resource
I. I NTRODUCTION and time expenditure. It is necessary to promote performance
from the perspective of the charging objective and charging
F UTURE wireless networks will include many innovative
and unconventional services, such as machine-type com-
munications, IoT applications, and haptic communications [1].
behavior. We propose a periodic combined charging strategy
that jointly considers the communication process (temporal
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) using perception technology dimension) and location (spatial dimension) of a node. Our
have been extensively applied in scenarios such as manufactur- goal is the design of efficient techniques to enable perpetual
ing, military surveillance, smart cities, and disaster forecasting WRSN operation using WCE.
We propose a temporal-spatial combined charging strategy
[2]. WSNs rely on ubiquitous tiny nodes with limited energy to
(TSCCS) to achieve our goal. The energy consumption of
capture multidimensional data from surrounding objects. Due
a node is closely related to the location and the amount
to the limited battery capacity of the node, energy is a major
of communication. Nodes are separated into several clusters
bottleneck in improving the lifetime of WSNs [3]. Energy
by an energy- and location-aware K-means (ELAK-means)
conservation schemes such as energy-aware routing [4], data
algorithm to decrease and balance the communication con-
fusion [5], and medium access control (MAC) layers [6] have
sumption of nodes. A multiple backtracking method (M-BTM)
been proposed to address this energy constraint. However, each
is proposed to control the power of the cluster head, which
node is limited by the capacity of its onboard battery, and
can guarantee communication between nodes in a cluster
sensor lifetime prolongation remains a critical issue.
within two hops. When the residual energy of one node is
With the advent of wireless power transfer (WPT) [7], the
lower than a threshold, the WCE will charge all nodes in a
problem of limited power capacity can be solved, and WSN
cluster during one charging cycle, one by one. A basic path
Ying Dong, Shiyuan Li, Guangjiu Bao and Chunyue Wang are with planning algorithm is introduced to adjust the charging order
College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, for better efficiency. The charging frequency is reduced and
Jilin, 130012, China email: ([email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]). the efficiency of the WCE is improved. The main contributions
This work was supported in part by the Science and Technology Department of this paper can be summarized as follows.
of Jilin Province (No. 20180101042JC) and the Education Department of Jilin • A periodic charging strategy, TSCCS, is proposed to
Province (No. JJKH20200984KJ).
Manuscript received , ; revised April 25, 2020.(Corresponding author: improve the charging efficiency of the WCE. The WCE
ChunyueW ang) charges all nodes and collects all sensory data in the
1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 05,2020 at 23:52:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
cluster during one charging cycle. To the best of our The on-demand charging strategy of nearest-job-next with
knowledge, this is the first work that jointly considers preemption (NJNP) was studied [15]. A queue model was
charging and communicating. used to analyze the charging process, and all requests were
• With the periodic charging strategy, the WCE charges stored in the buffer pool. When the residual energy fell below
nodes, one by one, in clusters. The energy consumption a certain threshold, a sensor would immediately transmit a
of nodes in a cluster is more balanced, and the charging charging request to the WCE. Through a scheduling algorithm,
efficiency of the WCE is higher. The cluster is constructed the WCE moved to the sensor and replenished it. To improve
to understand the spatial location and energy consumption charging request throughput, a double warning threshold with
of nodes by using ELAK-means clustering algorithm. a double preemption (DWDP) charging scheme was proposed
• A simple tree-like communication mode (STCM) is pro- using double warning thresholds to initiate different kinds of
posed to decrease the energy consumption of nodes in charging requests [16]. Lin et al. [17] proposed a hierarchical
WRSNs. A node sends data to the cluster head by up clustering charging algorithm (HCCA) and HCCA based on
to two hops in the cluster. The mean communication task splitting (HCCA-TS) via merging and splitting charging
distance and energy consumption of nodes are both de- missions to shorten the charging time and distance. To solve
creased. The M-BTM algorithm is proposed to determine the charging queue problem, Lin et al. [18] proposed a
the communication mode of the nodes in a cluster. temporal and distance priority (TADP) algorithm to quantify
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II the priority of the charging task. An on-demand charging
introduces related work. The problem description and system strategy can effectively solve for uncertainty factors in WRSN,
model are presented in section III. We propose the TSCCS but new problems arise, such as lack of a global optimum and
strategy in section IV. The charging scheme of WRSNs is low energy-consumption nodes. There will always be some
introduced in section V. In section VI, the simulation results nodes that will die because the energy is not replenished in
are presented. Section VII relates our conclusions. time.
No node death is the minimum requirement for WRSN, and
communication is the ultimate goal. The charging strategy is
tightly coupled with the energy consumption and communica-
With advances in efficient WPT technology, wireless energy tion process of the node. Some studies have jointly considered
replenishment to sensors has been studied for the lifetime sensor energy charging and data flow communication. Zhao
prolongation of WSNs. However, the application of this et al. proposed an adaptive solution that jointly selected the
technology to sensors is still in its infancy. Several studies sensors to be charged and found an optimal data gathering
have been conducted in recent years. The charging strategy scheme such that the network utility can be maximized
becomes a primary issue in promoting network performance, and perpetual operation maintained [19]. A charging-aware
and scheduling strategies can be categorized as inquiry charg- routing protocol-joint routing and charging scheme (J-RoC)
ing [12-14], on-demand charging [15-18], and cooperating incorporating dynamic energy consumption rates of sensors
charging [19-23]. into the design of data routing protocols was proposed [20].
The early study of inquiry charging produced an integrat- Fu et al. proposed a joint routing and charging algorithm
ed node distribution and energy consumption model. The based on a grid to recharge sensors and improve the survival
charging problem was transformed to a traveling salesman rate of sensors [21]. A greedy scheduling algorithm (GSA)
problem (TSP) so that the key issue could be simplified to was proposed to solve the problem of periodic energy re-
the calculation of a Hamiltonian cycle as the traveling path plenishment and data collection with a limited mobile device
of the WCE [13]. Xie et al. [14] conducted a theoretical (PERDCLMD) [22]. A combined charging and collecting data
study on the use of wireless charging techniques in WSNs model on-demand (CRCM) strategy was proposed to solve the
by employing only one WCE to periodically charge a node PERDCLMD problem [23]. These charging schemes mainly
such that the sensor could operate perpetually. In single-node solve the charging and communication problems of small-scale
charging strategy, one WCE is responsible for replenishing WRSNs. It must be mentioned that sensing data rates within
one node. A straightforward method is to simultaneously a sensor network are usually closely related to the application
charge several neighboring nodes, which is called multi- scenario of the sensor network.
node charging. An efficient algorithm based on a genetic The charging process is closely related to the communica-
algorithm was proposed to maximize the charging and routing tion process. Hence, continuous optimization of system param-
efficiency [12]. In the multi-node charging scheme, one WCE eters is required to improve system performance. Furthermore,
can simultaneously charge multiple neighboring nodes within there is uncertainty in system performance due to various
its charging range, greatly improving charging efficiency. The uncertain factors. We propose clustering of the network based
inquiry charging strategy generally assumes that the location, on regional characteristics and power control algorithms for
energy status, and energy consumption rate of a node are nodes in WRSNs, aiming to enhance performance in terms
known to the WCE in advance. The charging task is non- of reducing charging frequency and shortening the journey
preemptive, deterministic, and periodic. Therefore, a dynamic distance.
on-demand charging strategy is proposed.
Some researchers studied an on-demand charging strategy III. S YSTEM M ODEL
for WRSN that is suitable for a changeable environment. We introduce the system model and define the problems.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
X 2
vectors. It mostly increases the inter-cluster distance, along SSE = (LEji − LEci ) . (7)
with reducing the intra-cluster distance. In WRSNs, the closer ∀nj ∈Ci
two nodes are to each other, the higher their similarity. The
algorithm’s ultimate purpose is to obtain compact and inde- First, we constructed the minimum connected dominating
pendent clusters whose members are close to each other. In set so as to choose a couple of nodes ni to form the backbone
WRSNs, the communication distance and energy are coupled. Vm from the network topology [25]. The cluster list C is
Besides the distances among sensor nodes, the energy factor initialized, in which every element originates from Vm . Then,
is considered in clustering. each node nj ∈ V \Vm is designated to the nearest cluster Ci .
In this paper, integrated cluster method-energy and location- The clusters are formed by K-means based on the locations.
aware k-means (ELAK-means) clustering are adopted to group Second, each node is allocated to the nearest cluster, and
nearby nodes in clusters to balance the energy consumption. the cluster head is recalculated. This process will repeat until
The location and residual energy of a node are normalized by constant times of θ loops have been executed or the sum of
(3), (4) and (5) represent how the locations of nodes affect squared errors (SSE) converges to a certain value. The SSE
the clustering. nj · x and nj · y are respectively the x and y is computed as (7).
coordinates of the node nj that belongs to the cluster Ci , and To balance the energy consumption of the network, the
c̄i · x and c̄i · y are the x and y coordinates of the cluster center ordinary nodes in the cluster act as the cluster head in turn. In
ci . Suppose there are l nodes in cluster Ci . The influence of Algorithm 2, when the residual energy of the cluster head Eci
residual energy on clustering is indicated by (6). Eji is the is lower than the mean residual energy of the cluster Emeani
residual energy of node nj in cluster Ci . Only a node that the trigger condition of taking turns acting as the cluster head
has more residual energy and is closer to the center will be is met, and the cluster head will be recalculated. The cluster
selected as the cluster head. head rotating mechanism can ensure the cluster head does not
Here, we provide details procedures of the design of Algo- die because the energy consumption is too fast.
rithm 2.
Algorithm 2 Energy- and Location-aware K-means Clustering
(ELAK-means) Algorithm B. Intra-cluster Communication Mode
Input: Network parameters V , rs , rc For intra-cluster communication mode, most existing
Output: Cluster set C schemes adopt direct data transmission to transmit the sensory
1: Construct network backbone Vm based on minimum con- data from ordinary nodes to respective cluster heads. (1) and
nected dominating set (2) reveal an exponential relationship between energy con-
2: Initialize each node ni ∈ Vm as a cluster Ci and create a sumption and communication distance. Since ELAK-means is
cluster list C adopted, by which ordinary nodes act as the cluster head in
3: for all Ci ∈ C do turn, an edge node with higher residual energy may sometimes
4: for all nj ∈ V \Vm do act as the cluster head. The ordinary nodes in the cluster
5: Designate nj to the nearest cluster according the will cost more energy for transmitting their sensory data to
location the cluster head. Subsequently, ordinary nodes will deplete
6: end for their energy and die quickly. To avoid this, some ordinary
7: end for nodes are selected as transferring nodes. The intra-cluster
8: repeat communication is limited to fewer than two hops to decrease
9: Calculate the center of each cluster ci ∈ C according to the energy consumption. The improved intra-cluster communi-
(3) to (6) cation mode is called a simple tree-like communication mode
10: Until calculating the cluster head repeats θ times or the (STCM).
SSE (i.e., (7)) converges to a stable value The nodes in WRSNs are classified as cluster heads, back-
11: for all nj ∈ V do bone nodes, and ordinary nodes. The cluster head responses
12: if Eci < Emean then collect data in the whole cluster. Some sensor nodes located
13: Recalculate the cluster head according to (3) to (7) near the cluster head will collect and send sensory data directly
14: end if to the cluster head. Furthermore, they will undertake relay
15: end for tasks for other nodes located far from the cluster head. This
16: Return: Cluster set C kind of node acts as a relay node, which is called a backbone
node. This node communicates directly to the cluster head and
takes part in transfer tasks. Others nodes send sensory data to
Limin Eji either the cluster head or the backbone node, and are called
LEji = α · + β · . (3)
Lij i
Emax ordinary nodes. The backbone nodes and the cluster head form
q the backbone structure. Thus, the intra-cluster communication
2 2
Lij = (c̄i · x − nj · x) + (c̄i · y − nj · y) . (4) mode will be of two kinds: single-hop and double-hop.
It is important to judge which node can be the backbone
Limin = min Li1 , Li2 , , , , .Lij , ..., Lil .
node. Next, the judgment of the transfer relationship between
= max E1i , E2i , ..., Eji , ..., Eli .
Emax (6) nodes will be discussed.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 05,2020 at 23:52:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
1) Transferring Capability of Nodes: Ordinary nodes com- is a post-effect problem, and the multi-backtracking method
municate to the cluster head by a single or double hop. (M-BTM) is proposed to find the critical node.
Under this working mode, the communication mode should M-BTM is the multiple implementation of the backtracking
be selected to reduce the energy consumption of the node. method (BTM) [26]. There are two processes in M-BTM. First
The following transfer criteria are proposed. is that the coverage of the cluster head expands gradually.
Suppose there are one cluster head ci and two nodes nk and Second is that the connectivity of the network is estimated by
nj in cluster Ci . If node nk is far from the cluster head ci , the BTM algorithm. If the power of the cluster head cannot
then it is an ordinary node and we need to select one backbone ensure that all nodes in the WRSN are connected, then the
node. If node nj can act as the backbone node and relay the cluster head will dynamically adjust the power.
communicating work between the ordinary node nk and the
cluster head ci . The following rules must be met. C. M-BTM
• The residual energy of backbone node nj should be
i 1) Solution Space: Before describing BTM, several related
higher than the mean residual energy of cluster Emean .
concepts are explained.
• The distance between backbone node nj and cluster head
• State space tree: A tree consisting of all possible solutions
ci is less than that between ordinary node nk and cluster
head ci . according to certain rules.
• Solution space: A set of nodes that can communicate
• The distance between ordinary node nk and backbone
node nj is less than that between ordinary node nk and directly to the cluster head. The minimum solution space
cluster head ci . is the minimum set of nodes.
• Restrictions: The constraint can steer the BTM algorithm
When node nj can act as the backbone node, the transferring searching. For BTM, the constraint condition refers to
capability Sji is related to the residual energy Ej and must whether the transfer relationship can be formed between
satisfy two nodes. The number of transferable nodes will be
Ej − Emean
Sji = i
· λ, (8) changed along with the operation of the algorithm, thus
Eci − Emean the constraint is dynamic.
where Sji is the maximum number of transfer nodes of nj at The initial solution space consists of the node closest to
this time; Ej is the residual energy of node nj ; Emean is the the cluster head. The BTM algorithm is used to judge the
mean residual energy of cluster Ci ; Eci is the residual energy connectivity of the network in this solution space. If the
of cluster head ci ; and λ is a variable coefficient representing network is not connected, then the closest node to the cluster
the maximum number of transferring nodes of node nj . head that is in the non-solution space is added to the solution
The distance between ordinary nodes and the cluster head space, and BTM is executed.
ci can be obtained by their locations. Each node has the 2) M-BTM: Suppose the cluster head runs at a certain
capability of energy-awareness. The residual energy location transmitting power. The node is placed in the solution space
of node nj in the cluster can be represented by (Ej , Dji ), when it can be directly covered by the cluster head, and other
where Ej is the residual energy and Dji is the distance to nodes will be placed in the non-solution space. When the
cluster head ci of node nj . By (8), the transferring capability node in the non-solution space needs to communicate to the
can be computed. Once after the cluster head rotates, it is cluster head, it must be relayed by a node in the solution
arranged according to the distance in ascending order from space. When there are N nodes {n1 , n2 , ..., nN }, ordered by
the cluster head. distance to the cluster head, there are at most N types of
Sji > 0 represents that the residual energy of node nj is solution space {{n1 } , {n1 , n2 } , ..., {n1 , n2 , ..., nN }}. When
higher than the mean residual energy of cluster Ci . If node {n1 , n2 , ..., ni } is the solution space, the non-solution space is
nj can act as the relaying node, then the quantity of the {ni+1 , ni+2 , ..., nN }. The tree of state space is established for
transferring tasks that it undertakes can be obtained by (8). the interrelation between nodes in the solution space and those
On the premise of guaranteeing the WRSNs work in STCM, in the non-solution space. So, the tree of the state space has
and at the same time minimizing the transmitting power of N − i layers. In a medium layer, from layer i + 1 to N − 1,
the cluster head, we next propose a new method to control the each node has i subnodes. Thus there are iN −i combinations.
transmitting power of the cluster head. Suppose node nj is in the solution space and node nk is
2) Controlling the Power of the Cluster Head: All the in the non-solution space. Its transfer capability is calculated
sensory data will be gathered at the cluster head in one cluster, by (8) and marked as Sji . Node nk computes the number of
thus the key is to control the power of the cluster head. nodes that can be selected in the solution space and marks it
Selecting suitable power for the cluster head can ensure that as Rki . BTM works by the depth-search strategy. If nodes nj
all nodes communicate to the cluster head through a single- and nk can constitute the transfer relationship, then Sji will be
or double-hop in the cluster. The node is looked upon as the reduced by 1. When Sji = 0, nj can transfer no more nodes
critical node when it is just covered by the cluster head. At in the cluster. If nodes nj and nk cannot constitute a transfer
this time, the power of the cluster head is minimized. Thus the relationship, then Rki will be reduced by 1. When Rki = 0,
problem of the power of the cluster head can be transformed nk will not be transferred by any node in the solution space,
to that of finding the critical node. The transferring capability thus we need to go back to the previous layer, judge again,
of the backbone node is limited, to choose the transfer node and recover the transfer data. If node nN successfully finds
1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 05,2020 at 23:52:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
the transfer node, then the algorithm will end and this solution Algorithm 2, we need to calculate distances, compare them,
space can ensure the network is connected. and calculate the center of a cluster. So, the total number of
3) Optimization of M-BTM: From analysis of the BTM operations of an iteration is 6 · m · N + (m − 1) · N + ·m · N .
algorithm, its complexity is O(N !). To improve the algorithm’s Assuming the algorithm is completed after θ iterations, the
efficiency, we optimize M-BTM. Before executing BTM, the time complexity of Algorithm 2 is O(θ · m · N ).
size of the solution space will be judged. By analyzing the The worst situation is that all sensor nodes need to com-
limited conditions, to obtain a set of feasible solutions, there municate directly with the cluster head. Suppose the number
are two lemmas that must be satisfied for the solution space of transferable nodes of every node is 1. Then, the time
at the same time. complexity of Algorithm 3 is O(m · ( m )!).
Lemma 1: The sum of transferable nodes in the solution Algorithm 1 requires Algorithms 2 and 3, hence the time
space is less than the number of nodes in the non-solution N
complexity is O(θ · m · N + m · ( m )!).
space. Otherwise, there must be no set of effective solutions
in the solution space. V. C HARGING S CHEME OF WRSN S
Proof: Suppose there are l nodes in cluster Ci . The so-
When studying the charging strategy of WRSNs, the fol-
lution space is {n1 , n2 , ..., n j }, and the transfer capabilities lowing two principles should be adhered to. First is that no
of nodes are S1i , S2i , ..., Sji . If there exists a solution, then
j node will die for the lack of energy replenishment, and the
Ski ≥ l, k ∈ (1, ..., l). This
the condition must be satisfied: second is to seek high charging efficiency.
completes the proof. A fixed-path charging scheme is proposed in this paper. One
charging threshold is set in each cluster. When the energy of
2 2
Lemma 2: If (xj − xk ) + (yj − yk ) > Dj , k ∈ (1, j −
the node is lower than the threshold, the cluster will send
1) is satisfied, then the node is in the solution space. Dj is the charging request to the BS, which will arrange for the
the distance from node nj to the cluster head. WCE to replenish the energy of nodes in the cluster. When
Proof: Suppose (n1 , n2 , ..., nj−1 ) are nodes that are n- charging is done on a cluster basis, the more balanced the
earer qto the cluster head than node nj . If the condi- energy consumption in a cluster, the closer the energy of
2 2
tion (xj − xk ) + (yj − yk ) > Dj , k ∈ (1, j − 1) is nodes is to the charging threshold at the same time, hence
satisfied, which means that the distances between nodes the charging efficiency of the WCE will be higher.
(n1 , n2 , ..., nj−1 ) and node nj are longer than from node nj
to the cluster head, then node nj cannot find the relaying
A. Charging Time
node. Thus, node nj will be added to the solution space. This
completes the proof. Suppose the moving rate is constant when the WCE charges
The M-BTM algorithm enables the dynamic adjustment of nodes in WRSNs. The charging time Tj of node nj is defined
the power of the cluster head. The initial solution space is first as the duration from the WCE receiving the charging request
determined. Second, the power of the cluster head is gradually to its completion of charging node nj , i.e.,
expanded and the connectivity of the network is judged by
Tj = Tj−1 + tj + τj , (9)
the BTM algorithm. If the network is not connected, then the
power of the cluster head will be added until all nodes are where Tj−1 is the charging time of node nj−1 ; tj is the
connected in the network. duration during which the WCE moves from node nj−1 to
node nj . The charging path is fixed, thus tj is static. Suppose
Algorithm 3 Optimization of Multi-backtracking Method (M-
the distance from the node nj to the node nj−1 is dj , so
BTM) d
tj = vj ; τj is the duration that the WCE replenishes energy
Input: Network parameters: N , solution space, non-solution
for the node nj , which is related to the residual energy of the
node nj at the charging request time and the duration that the
Output: Single-double hop topology
WCE moves to node nj .
1: Compute the transfer capability of nodes according to (8)
2: for nj ∈ Ci do E0 − Eji − (τj−1 + tj ) · Gj
3: if node nj can get the transferring node then τj = , (10)
qc · $
4: Find the transferring node
5: Output the transmitting power of the cluster head where E0 is the original energy of node nj ; Eji is the residual
6: else energy of node nj at the charging request time; Gj is the
7: Increase the transmitting power of the cluster head rate of energy consumption of node nj ; qc is the power of
8: end if charging of the WCE; and the rate of charging conversion is
9: end for $(0 < $ < 1).
10: Return: Cluster Ci topology From the analysis, we can conclude that the amount of
energy needed by the node is determined by its residual energy
at the request time and the rate of energy consumption before
D. Time Complexity the WCE arrives. The WCE consumes energy when it is
There are N nodes grouped in m clusters in WRSNs. To replenishing the energy of the node; this is omitted because it
identify the operations required in each step and iteration of is relatively small.
1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 05,2020 at 23:52:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
The charging efficiency is defined as the ratio between the where E0 is the original energy of the node, Eji is the residual
energy used for charging and the total energy consumption energy of the node nj at the request time, RL is the length of
of the WCE. A longer charging time of a node means that the WCE charging path, and Emove is the energy consumption
it can obtain more charging energy. From (9) and (10), the of the WCE move unit distance.
charging efficiency of the WCE is related to its moving time.
To improve the charging efficiency requires that the WCE can VI. S IMULATION AND R ESULTS
travel to all nodes to be charged in a cluster at the fastest A. Parameters of Simulation
speed. Therefore, the charging path planning problem can be
transformed to a TSP problem. We use ant colony optimization As shown in Table I, 400 nodes were randomly deployed
(ACO) to solve this problem. into a 100m × 100m square field with the BS at the center,
i.e., at (50,50). The environment information was captured by
B. Charging Threshold individual nodes and relayed to the BS by the cluster head.
The node sent a charging request to the BS when the residual
When the residual energy of a node is lower than the charg-
energy was below the threshold. In our event-driven simulator,
ing threshold, the cluster head will initiate a charging request
the sensory data were simulated as events occurred at random
to the BS. Therefore, the appropriate charging threshold is
times and locations. Whenever an event occurred in the range
the key to ensure the node lives and the WCE realizes higher
of a node, the node captured the event and transmitted it to
charging efficiency. It is stipulated that the node does not take
the BS by a constructed route. The mobile charging process
its turn acting as the cluster head during the WCE charging.
was simulated with C++ and MATLAB.
And the rate of energy consumption is constant. Therefore,
the problem of computing the minimum charging threshold is TABLE I
equivalent to finding the node whose energy consumption is S IMULATION PARAMETERS
the maximum in the cluster.
Parameter Value
It can be known that the rate of energy consumption of Number of Nodes 400
the cluster head is higher than that of other nodes in any Field Size 100m × 100m
topology. Therefore, it is enough to compare the rate of energy Number of Clusters 10
Initial Energy of Node 0.5 J
consumption when the node acts as the cluster head. By Energy Consumption during Communication per Data 50 nJ/bit
traversing all nodes, the node with the highest rate of energy WCE speed 1 m/s
consumption can be found. The rate of energy consumption Energy Conversion rate of WCE 0.8
Consumption During Moving of WCE 8 J/m
of the cluster head can be obtained as (11). Minimum Charging Threshold 0.1 J
ej = Gh · Tj0 , (11) Macimum Number of Transferring Nodes 4
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1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 05,2020 at 23:52:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2990641, IEEE Sensors
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