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Power Monitors, Inc.

Power Quality 102

Chris Mullins, VP of Engineering
Power Monitors, Inc.

55th Annual Minnesota Power Systems Conference

November 14, 2019
St. Paul, MN

© Power Monitors, Inc. 2019 MIPSYCON 2019

Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonic Analysis
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads

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PMI PQ Ruler
Key graphs, thresholds, and formulas from IEEE PQ standards on 6” ruler
White paper explaining all sections on ruler:

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Power Quality 102

• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads and PQ
• Further Reading

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Voltage Quality Variations
• Occur at Random Intervals
• Transients
• Voltage Sags and Swells
• Voltage Fluctuations
• Momentary and Sustained Interruptions

Steady State Characteristics

• Quality of Normal Condition Voltage
• Voltage Regulation: Magnitude, Long Term Stability
• Voltage Unbalance
• Voltage Distortion – harmonics, notching, noise

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Impulsive Transients
• IEEE 1159–1995, Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality A
sudden non-power frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage or current
that is unidirectional in polarity.

• Rise time and duration can be in nS, µS, mS

• Damped quickly by circuit resistance

• Not conducted far from source (lightning, switching event, etc.)

• Can excite resonances and produce oscillatory transients

• Possible Solution: Surge Suppressors

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Impulsive Transients

1 ms impulse transient capture

with microsecond rise-time

Transient graphed with slower

60 Hz waveform
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Impulsive Transients

• Short duration, high frequency voltage impulses – local resonance ringing damped quickly

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Oscillatory Transient
Low Frequency < 5kHz
IEEE 1159–1995, Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality
• A sudden, non-power frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage
or current that includes both positive and negative polarity

Series Surge
Line Reactors

Figure 3: Low frequency oscillatory transient caused by capacitor bank energization

IEEE 1159-1995 Recommended Practice for Monitoring Power Quality © 1995 IEEE

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Oscillatory Transient
Low Frequency < 5kHz

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

• Customer load current following voltage variations

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Interpreting Captured Waveforms

Oscillatory Transient – Capacitor Energized

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

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Oscillatory Transient
Medium Frequency 5-500kHz

or inductance

Figure 2: Oscillatory transient caused by back-to-back capacitor switching

IEEE 1159-1995: Recommended Practice for Monitoring Power Quality
© 1995 IEEE

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Oscillatory Transient
Medium Frequency 5-500kHz

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

Captured by a PMI Revolution®

• 5-500kHz: Med frequency ringing – System response to impulse transient

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Voltage Sags
• IEEE 1159–1995, Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power
A decrease in RMS voltage to between 0.1 and 0.9 pu at the power frequency
for durations of 0.5 cycle to 1 min

Typical Causes: Possible Solutions:

• Power system faults • UPS
• Energizing loads that require large currents • Soft starts on motors
• Motor starts • Lower impedance

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Sag with Interval Graphs
Interval Graph – V sag, 480V motor start

Captured by a PMI Revolution®

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Voltage Sags
• Voltage Sags – can be
caused by energizing large
loads, starting large motors,
loose connections, power
system faults

• Can cause equipment trips,

mis-operation Voltage

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Voltage Sags
Customer Load Induced

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Voltage Sags
Effects of Other Customer Loads

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Voltage Sags
120V 1-PH Motor Start

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

• Motor start inrush current – 7x running current

• Small momentary Vsag (1.5V) during inrush current

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Voltage Sags
Interval Graph – V sags, utility supply or customer induced?

Captured by a PMI iVS-2SX+

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Voltage Sag – Utility Side

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

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Voltage Sag – Load Induced

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

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Voltage Sag with PV

Two power sources, with differing impedance

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Voltage Sag with PV

Motor starts during day with PV, and also at night with no PV

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Voltage Sag with PV

150A inrush, 2.3V sag

at night

106A inrush, 2.6V sag

during day with PV

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Voltage Swell

• Can be caused by SLG
fault temporary V rise
on unfaulted phases,
switching events

• Can cause equipment

trips, misoperation due
to detection of
overvoltage condition

Figure 8– Instantaneous voltage swell caused by SLG fault

IEEE 1159-1995 Recommended Practice for Monitoring Power Quality, © 1995 IEEE

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Fault Voltage Swell
ANSI/IEEE C62.92- 1987, IEEE Guide for the Application of Neutral
Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems

• Fault pulls local ground away from substation ground
potential, increasing ground-phase voltage on other

• Overvoltage factor depends on circuit grounding


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Recloser Voltage Swell
• Multiple recloses appear
as single stripchart max
voltage point

• Waveform captures give

more timing detail

3 cycle reclose

30 cycle reclose

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Voltage Unbalance
• Max deviation from ave, divided
by ave.

• A, B, C = 124V, 119V , 112V

• Ave = (124+119+112)/3 = 118.3V
• dVmax = |112-118.3| = 6.3V
• Vu = 6.3/118.3 x 100% = 5.3%

ANSI C84 limit = 3% voltage

unbalance, with no load

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Delta Voltage Unbalance
• Voltage phase angle shifts can
cause unbalance in delta circuit,
not seen in wye!

Ex. 277/480V ideal system, 120 degrees

Add 5 degree phase B shift:

11.6V shift = 2.4% change!

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Delta Voltage Unbalance
• Be aware of delta voltage

• Utility limits are generally line-

neutral, but most equipment is
line-line connected

• Connect PQ recorder with same

hookup type as sensitive
equipment in some cases

• Unbalance may require phase

angle fixes in addition or instead
of voltage regulator adjustments

• Blown cap bank fuse in one phase

• Open deltas
• Neutral reactors and unbalanced
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Unbalance and AC Motors
• Motors are mostly unaffected by
unbalance until 70% loaded or

• Loaded motor’s current unbalance

is ~ 6-10 times voltage unbalance

• Lightly loaded motor’s current

unbalance can be 20-30 times
voltage unbalance – can false trip

• Increased heating may damage

motor, may have to derate

• VFDs are often more sensitive

NEMA MG-1 derating curve

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VFD Unbalance
Voltage Unbalance
• Causes unequal currents through 3-phase rectifiers
• Increased heating can lead to “thermal runaway”, causing the rectifier
to fail

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Voltage Unbalance
Unbalance ratio – Current unbalance / Voltage unbalance
• Typical VFD ratio is 10-20
• Ratio is over 30 below (1.18% voltage, 35% current) – indicates
possibly failing VFD bridge input

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Voltage Unbalance
Unbalance ratio – Current unbalance / Voltage unbalance
• Waveform analysis – high and runt current pulses – failing VFD

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Case: Delta Voltage Unbalance
• Phase B: -117 degrees
• Phase C: 121 degrees
• 3.4% voltage unbalance
• Half is from phase shift
• Line reactor in substation
combined with > 100A neutral
current from unbalanced feeders

Check vector diagram for voltage

phasors shifted from 120 degree

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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads

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Harmonics - IEEE 519:2014
• Recommended practice for measuring
and applying limits to voltage and current
• Applies at utility level – not an equipment
• Limits for utilities (voltage) and end-users
Important to have a copy as the normative
IEEE 519:1992 is also an excellent

IEEE Std. 519:2014 – Tables and definitions reprinted with permission from IEEE - Copyright 2014, by IEEE. Copying, cutting and pasting,
and/or redistributing electronically or otherwise of this information is strictly prohibited

© Power Monitors, Inc. 2019 MIPSYCON 2019

Sine waves

Sinusoid: V(t) = Asin(2πFt+θ)

Sine properties:
A = amplitude
F = frequency
θ = phase angle
• Periodic
• Frequency unchanged by a
linear system
• Orthogonal:

120 VAC = 167sin(2π60t) (167 = 120 x √2)

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What are Harmonics?
Fourier theorem: Any periodic waveform may be uniquely decomposed into a
summation of sine waves of amplitude Ak, phase θk, and frequency kF

kF = multiple of the base frequency

F, or fundamental.
If F=60 Hz, kF = 2x60, 3x60 = 120,
180 Hz, etc.
Ak = amplitude of the kth sine wave
θk = phase angle of the kth sine
wave, relative to the fundamental
kth sine wave is the kth harmonic of
the fundamental

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Why use Harmonics?
Most waveform distortion is periodic, driven by the 60 Hz voltage waveform –
these are nonlinear, but synchronous loads

• Any complex, but periodic waveform

shape has a unique harmonic
• Harmonic breakdown is
parsimonious – most real-world
waveforms are described by a
few large harmonics
• Harmonics may be filtered by
circuits tuned to specific frequencies
– cf. linear system theory
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Harmonics are Steady State

repeated every
cycle - harmonics


Oscillatory transient –
NOT harmonics

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What Causes Current Distortion?

• Nonlinear circuit elements

dynamically change
impedance at different points
on the voltage waveform
• Most modern loads convert 60
HZ AC into DC with rectifiers
• Nonlinearity is memoryless –
repeats every 60 Hz cycle

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What Causes Voltage Distortion?

• Harmonic load current flowing through system impedance

causes nonlinear voltage drop.
• Harmonic voltage drop combines with and reduces supply voltage resulting
in a distorted voltage applied to the load.
• Resulting voltage harmonics depend on system impedance and harmonic
load current

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IEEE 519:1992
Don’t throw away the 1992 edition! Removed in
• Harmonic Generation
• System Response Characteristics
• Effects of Harmonics
• Reactive Power Compensation and Harmonic
• Analysis Methods
IEEE 519:1992: 101 pages
IEEE 519:2014: 29 pages

1992 edition contained background discussion,

examples – still great info
2014 edition is tightly focused on just the limits
and statistical analysis
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IEEE 519:2014 Philosophy
Limiting distortion is a “shared responsibility” –
utility and end users

• Utility – keep system impedance low to

minimize voltage distortion with “acceptable”
harmonic currents

• Users – keep load harmonics “acceptable” to

allow a utility to operate with reasonable

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IEEE 519:2014 Definitions
Point of Common Coupling – “Point on a public power supply system, electrically
nearest to a particular load, at which other loads are, or could be, connected. The
PCC is a point located upstream of the considered installation.”
• Often at the revenue meter/service Voltage harmonics are worse on
entrance transformer secondary, so when in
• Can be at transformer primary for doubt, use that to be conservative
industrial customers

Tricky cases:
• Single customer on a dedicated feeder
– at substation, or transformer?

• Large industrial customer with a small

2nd customer tapped off one phase

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IEEE 519:2014 Definitions
Max demand load current - sum of the currents at PCC, corresponding to
the max demand during each of the 12 previous months, divided by 12

• Difficult to measure, must often be

• For planning/design stages, cannot be

• One approach is to use worst case full

load current of all nonlinear loads
• I THD may be better at full load, but
total harmonic contribution is usually
highest at full load

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IEEE 519:2014 Definitions
Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Demand Distortion (THD, TDD) –

Harmonic subgroups used in


Excludes interharmonics, but Xk is the kth voltage or current harmonic

allows for harmonic

THD is only synchronous

distortion – no interharmonic
(non-synchronous) effects

Voltage THD not relative to a

nominal system voltage Ik is the kth current harmonic
IL is the max demand current

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IEEE 519:2014 “VS” Harmonics
Very Short Time = 3 seconds

• Aggregation of 15 consecutive harmonic

measurements Fn for harmonic n
• 12 cycles/measurement = 0.2 seconds x
15 = 3 seconds
• Fn,vs = very short time harmonic n
• RMS addition
• 3 seconds is the smallest time interval
used for limiting
• Harmonics are a steady-state problem-
hence 3 seconds = “very short”

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IEEE 519:2014 “SH” Harmonics
Short Time = 10 minutes
• Aggregation of 200 consecutive very short
time measurements Fn,vs for harmonic n
• 3 seconds x 200 = 10 minutes
• Fn,sh = short time harmonic n
• 10 minutes is the largest time interval used
for limiting
• If you have a recording at 3 second
intervals, can compute 10 minute short
time values from that – don’t need to
record both

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IEEE 519:2014 Voltage Limits

• Line-to-neutral voltage limits at PCC

• Daily 99th percentile very short time (3 sec) values should be less than 1.5
times Table 1
• Weekly 95th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than Table 1

IEEE Std. 519-2014 - Reprinted with permission from IEEE - Copyright 2014, by IEEE. Copying, cutting and pasting, and/or redistributing
electronically or otherwise of this table is strictly prohibited.

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IEEE 519:2014 Current Limits
IEEE Std. 519-2014 -
Reprinted with
permission from IEEE
- Copyright 2014, by
IEEE. Copying,
cutting and pasting,
and/or redistributing
electronically or
otherwise of this table
is strictly prohibited.

• Current limits at PCC

• Daily 99th percentile very short time (3 sec) values should be less than 2.0 times Table 2
• Weekly 99th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than 1.5 times Table 2
• Weekly 95th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than Table 2

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IEEE 519:2014 Current Limits
IEEE Std. 519-2014 -
Reprinted with
permission from IEEE
- Copyright 2014, by
IEEE. Copying,
cutting and pasting,
and/or redistributing
electronically or
otherwise of this table
is strictly prohibited.

• Current limits at PCC

• Daily 99th percentile very short time (3 sec) values should be less than 2.0 times Table 3
• Weekly 99th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than 1.5 times Table 3
• Weekly 95th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than Table 3

© Power Monitors, Inc. 2019 MIPSYCON 2019

IEEE 519:2014 Current Limits
IEEE Std. 519-2014 -
Reprinted with
permission from IEEE
- Copyright 2014, by
IEEE. Copying,
cutting and pasting,
and/or redistributing
electronically or
otherwise of this table
is strictly prohibited.

• Current limits at PCC

• Daily 99th percentile very short time (3 sec) values should be less than 2.0 times Table 4
• Weekly 99th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than 1.5 times Table 4
• Weekly 95th percentile short time (10 min) values should be less than Table 4

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IEEE 519:2014 PQ Ruler Limits
• Voltage Limits complete on ruler

• Current limits given for 120V-69kV

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Manual IEEE 519:2014 Analysis
A.Determine Point of Common Coupling
B.Record data
1. Voltage, current individual harmonic subgroups, 1-50
2. Voltage, current harmonic subgroup THDs
3. RMS voltage, current highly recommended
4. Use 3 second recording interval
5. Record for at least one normal week
C.Determine parameters
1. max demand current IL – estimate, use historical data
2. Find short circuit current ISC
D.Compute statistics
1. Compute TDD Helpful Excel functions:
2. Compute percentiles of all 3 second data
3. Compute 10 minute short time harmonic values • SUMPRODUCT
4. Compute 10 minute percentiles • PERCENTILE
E.Apply limits • SQRT
1. Determine correct voltage, current tables from bus
voltage and ISC/IL
2. Compute table multipliers for each percentile
3. Apply limits to each harmonic, THD, TDD
F. Declare pass or fail

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Automatic Software Analysis
A. Record for 1 week with Revolution IEEE 519
B. Enter IL, Isc, bus voltage category (stored with
C. Run 519 compliance report – ProVision
• 3 second, 10 minute percentiles
• Voltage, current limits from 519 tables
• Pass/fail for each harmonic, and overall

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IEEE 519:2014 Simplified
In many cases, harmonics are low enough to enable a simplified approach.
Given three observations:

1. THD is always ≥ than any single harmonic

– true for 3 sec and 10 min. readings.

2. 3 sec values are always ≥ 10 minute


3. A percentile is always ≤ the max value.

The max value is the 100th percentile.
Nth percentile ≤ 100th percentile = max value

If the “largest” measurement type (3 second THD/TDD) is

lower than the strictest threshold (10 minute THD/TDD),
then all harmonics are under their thresholds.

If not, still some possible simplifications ….

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IEEE 519:2014 Simplified
Follow flowchart to check for immediate
compliance in 1 week recording
If max 3 second THD < 5% - voltage is OK

Else if max 3 second THD < 8% AND max 3 second

harmonic is < 7.5%, voltage is OK

Else if 3 sec THD > 12% for less than 10 minutes

AND > 8% for less than 50 minutes AND max 3 sec
harmonic > 7.5% for under 10 minutes, AND > 5% for
less than 50 minutes, voltage is OK

Else – must do full analysis

In many cases, voltage THD is under 5% everywhere

– automatically in compliance – no need to check

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IEEE 519:2014 Voltage Notching
• A periodic distortion that’s best analyzed in
the time domain due to special shape
• Limit is based on area of missing voltage
• Not an event-based limit – only for sustained
notching in every cycle
• Commonly seen with commutation problems
in VFDs and other active 3 phase rectifiers

IEEE Std. 519-2014 - Reprinted with permission from

IEEE - Copyright 2014, by IEEE. Copying, cutting
and pasting, and/or redistributing electronically or
otherwise of this graph is strictly prohibited.

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IEEE 519:2014 Voltage Notching
• Since notching is a periodic distortion, it
could be analyzed with harmonics
• Notching show broadband harmonics –
mitigation is difficult with filtering
• Harmonic breakdown is more complex than
time-domain volts x seconds notch analysis

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Harmonic Guidelines
Just because utility voltage is under limits
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t monitor and
limit current!
• Out-of-compliance customers should still
be mitigated – could cause problems later
when feeder is more loaded
• Underloaded feeder doesn’t give high
harmonic customers a pass …
• More difficult to enforce limits later if high
harmonic customers start affecting others
later, but nothing on their load changed

This means proactive current monitoring –

don’t let a customer be the first to tell you
there are problems

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Harmonic Guidelines
Just because customers are under limits
doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem lurking
• With normal system impedance, all
customers under limits -> utility voltage
is under limits
• Resonance condition with PFCs and
specific harmonic can cause localized
elevated voltage THD and peak voltage
• Useful to measure voltage THD with
and without PFCs
• Resonance frequency can change with
• Good background in IEEE 519:1992,
and PMI whitepapers Feeder
Resonance and PFCs and Resonances

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PCC issues
• Not always clear where the PCC actually is
• May be difficult to record on primary side

If in doubt, advantages to customer

transformer secondary or metering cabinet:
• Voltage harmonics are higher due to
transformer impedance – conservative
• Allows for easy isolation of customer

Ask about any customer PFCs

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Finding Source of Harmonics

• Harmonic Current Flow - “follow the current”

• Harmonic Power Sign (negative W) - beware of “IF’s”
• Relative Magnitudes approach
• Common sense approach - evaluate likely sources, customers
• Correlation of voltage distortion (VTHD) with customer load
characteristics, time variations
• Resonance clues

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Harmonic Current Flow

Without capacitors, normal harmonic

current flow is back to substation
(lowest impedance)

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Harmonic Current Flow With Capacitors
Majority of harmonic current flow can be toward series resonance (low Z) formed
by capacitor and feeder impedance. Can cause blown capacitor fuses.

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Harmonic Power Sign
• Negative power of significant magnitude
can indicate that load is source of
harmonic current injection
• Phase angle between Vh and Ih greater
than ±90 degrees = negative harmonic
power, flow from load to source - opposite
direction of 60Hz power flow
• Requires proper CT polarity

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Common Sense Approach
Evaluate likely sources: Larger industrial, commercial
customers – look for nonlinear loads, not just large loads
On customer side of transformer:
•Look for significant harmonic currents
•Elevated VTHD (greater than 5%) usually indicates resonance condition
•Check capacitor currents
•Correlation of VTHD with customer RMS and harmonic currents

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Evaluate Customer Loads
Correlation of voltage distortion with customer load

• VTHD interval graph - does VTHD vary with customer shift changes, breaks,
etc. – commercial/industrial customers

• Correlate VTHD patterns with customer load characteristics - equipment

types, use patterns - VTHD vs RMS and harmonic load currents

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Compare VTHD to customer load

with load

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Correlation - Compare VTHD to customer load

with load

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Finding Source of Harmonics
Resonance Clues
• Resonance induced problem typically has one dominant harmonic
• Where harmonic problems exist, measure current in capacitors –
single, large harmonic current nearly always indicates capacitor is in
resonance with system impedance
• High voltage THD – usually a combination of excessive harmonic
current injection and system response that magnifies harmonic
currents, VTHD

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Single Resonance

• 11th harmonic dominant on voltage – sign of a resonance near 660 Hz

• Most of the 3% voltage THD is from this single harmonic

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Single Resonance
Oscillatory period
measurement gives 1.41 ms,
or ~710 Hz resonance

“Harmonic” graph shows

mostly 11th, some 13th energy:
660 – 780 Hz range

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Multiple Resonances
Each combination of C’s and L’s forms a resonance

174 MVAR short circuit current at substation

Cap bank 1: 1200 KVAR
Cap bank 2 (1.5 miles away): 600 KVAR

Measured resonances ~10th, 13th, 18th harmonics (600, 780, 1080 Hz)

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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads and PQ

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Computer Business
Equipment Manufacturers
Association, ~1970s

Guideline for computer

manufacturers – a power
supply design guide, not a PQ

Continuous curve and lack of

detail created problems for
PQ monitor recordering

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ITIC Curve
ITIC Curve
• Replaces CBEMA curve
• Applies to common 120V
computer equipment
• Withstand capability – ride-
through of loads to voltage
• Percent voltage vs duration
of disturbance

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Incompatible Standard - ITIC
Reclosers cause brief, deep voltage
sags, outside ITIC cure

Cannot be met with normal utility


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Interpreting Interval Graphs
Plotting a Disturbance on the ITIC curve

ITIC Curve – Point Location for 1 sec. duration = 89%, 1 sec duration.
% = 107.3/120.5 = 89%; Duration was 1 cycle, = 16.67ms

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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern loads and PQ

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What is Flicker?
• Visible fluctuation in light intensity from changes in RMS voltage – more
common for incandescent vs. fluorescent

• Human susceptibility to varying light intensity varies with

– Magnitude of light intensity modulation

– Frequency of occurrence (number of dips, time period)

• Humans more tolerant of larger light variations if less frequent, less

tolerant of smaller variations if they occur more often

• Can cause headaches, complaints from all customers

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What Causes Light Flicker?
• Fast or periodic load changes produce a in voltage drop across system
impedance - causes variation in voltage applied to lighting equipment
• Only small voltage changes cause problems – under 5%
• Large industrial loads – arc furnaces, welders, starting of large induction
• Residential – heat pumps, hair dryers, fans, tankless water heaters,
ovens, small welders, air conditioners
• Loose connections – majority of flicker problems?

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How is Flicker Evaluated?
IEEE 141 Flicker Curve
• Frequency based on number of
voltage “dips”, not number of

• 1925 – “GE Flicker Curve”

developed from 1921 research into
human response

• Tests used square-wave step

changes in line voltage at a constant

• % V dip = ∆V/V
• Threshold of perceptibility
• Threshold of irritability

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Flickermeter Block Diagram
IEEE 1453-2004
Special amplitude modulation analyzer, based on human
light-eye-brain response

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Flicker Modulation – 60 Hz Waveform

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IFL & Pst

IFL - Instantaneous Flicker Level Signal: Based on the IEEE

1453 standard. IFL quantifies voltage fluctuation at a given
instant. Voltage sags will immediately cause a change in the
IFL data. IFL calculations include the eye-brain sensitivity
curve for different modulating frequencies, but not the
statistical aspect of how often such fluctuations occur.

Pst - Perceptibility Short Term: A parameter used to measure the severity

of flicker. It is calculated using the "time at level" values of the IFL over 10 minute
periods in the statistical classifier.

Pst of 1.0 = threshold of irritability

Pst of 0.35 = threshold of visibility

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Plt – Long Term Flicker Severity

• Useful for determining combined effect of several randomly operating

loads (welders, motors)

• Also considers effects of flicker sources with long/variable duty cycles (arc

• Typically evaluated over 12 Pst intervals – 12 x 10 min. = 2 hours

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Flicker Compatibility Levels

IEEE 1453 recommended flicker limits to avoid complaints

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Resolving Flicker Problems
1. Increase transformer size
2. Increase size of service drop conductors
3. Tighten/remake all connections and splices
4. Install soft starts on large motor loads
5. Check for open or loose neutral connections

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Advantages of 1453 Flicker Method

• IFL can be useful for locating source of flicker - shows fast time variations
in voltage magnitude

• Pst used for determining flicker severity – is there a problem?

• Plt - useful for determining combined effect of several randomly operating

loads, and effects of flicker sources with long/variable duty cycles

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Reasons to use older 141 Method

• Need to compare new readings with historical data recorded to IEEE Std.

• Utility had adopted “house flicker curve” – Std. 141 curve is adjustable,
1453 method is not

• Need to eliminate a single known flicker source – possible to customize

the curve around a known flicker generator pattern

• Easier to estimate expected Std. 141 flicker levels by hand for a single
large offender

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IFL vs. Load Current - Stripchart

Captured by a PMI Eagle® 440

IFL useful for locating source of flicker

Pst used for determining flicker severity

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Pst vs Voltage Fluctuations
Time Trend Plot

Captured by a PMI Revolution®

Vmin data points – single cycle worst case values – frequency of occurrence?
Duration? Pst indicates human perception of flicker severity

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Case Study 1: Tankless Electric Water Heater

Residential customer
25 kVA transformer

Customer installs 28 kW water heater:

EEMax EX280T2T

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Case Study 1: Tankless Electric Water Heater

Water heater cycles elements for intermediate flow rates

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Case Study 1: Tankless Electric Water Heater

Continuous 60-80A current swings!

25 kVA xfmr
replaced with 50
kVA to reduce
flicker – reduces
therefore reduces
voltage drop

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Case Study 2: Amish Heater

Appears to be simple space heater – ideal

resistive load

Uses power semiconductors to cycle

heating element at sub-second speeds

Produces huge amount of flicker

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Amish Heater
Residential recording with plugin PQ monitor

Flicker well beyond

threshold of irritability

Continuous12A load swings

6V voltage fluctuations

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Amish Heater

• 40ms on, 20ms off –

17Hz rep rate
• Pure resistive load
• Switching asynchronous
with 60 Hz

Cycle stripchart reveals

duty cycle changes based
on heat demand

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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern loads and PQ

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Loose Neutrals

Very common residential problem

Can be very dangerous!

Open or high impedance neutral

connection forms voltage divider
with secondary loads

L1, L2 voltage sum to 240V, but can PQ monitor must be downstream

swing wildly depending on loads of the neutral break to see
Fluctuating light levels, especially
increasing in brightness – can be
confused with flicker

LED lights can hide symptoms

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Loose Neutrals

Look for matching high/low swings with opposite legs

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Loose Neutrals
Look for matching high/low swings with opposite legs

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Loose Neutrals
Motor start currents on CH1 (Vsags), causes Vswells on CH2

Captured by a PMI Revolution®

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Loose Neutrals
Waveform pattern is a bit different, since it’s instantaneous, not RMS (no
negative RMS values)

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Loose Neutrals
Waveform pattern is a bit different, since it’s instantaneous, not RMS (no
negative RMS values)

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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads and PQ

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Impact Loading

Impact Loads: frequent very high current surges, usually greater than the
nameplate rating of the transformer

• Usually caused from high motor inrush currents with frequent motor starts
• Appears to transformer as repeated near-short circuit condition

• High currents cause large mechanical stress on internal windings and core
• Repeated stress causes early failure
• More commonly seen on “unit transformers” dedicated to a single load,
sized specifically for the steady state load current

Transformer may need to be de-rated with impact loads – loads with very high
peak to average RMS current, and frequent peaks

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Impact Loading
Transformer de-rating chart
• X-axis: per-unit “pulse swing”
• Y-axis: current pulses/hour

“pulse swing” K:

kVAP = inrush pulse

kVAT = transformer KVA rating

Problems of Impact Loading on Unit Transformers by Frank J. McCann and Robert J. Ristow
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Case Study: Poultry Plant
Poultry Processing Plant
1 MVA transformer failed after 6 months. Peak 15 minute load ~1.1 MVA
2 minute stripchart interval, many 1500A current spikes

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Poultry Plant

• Poultry plant used many directly

connected AC motors
• Motors synchronized in a conveyor
• Very frequent starts and stops V, I THD both low

• No soft start or VFD drives

Normal looking V, I
sine waves …
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Poultry Plant
Flicker is high during periods where max current is spiking continuously
(more than once per 2 minute interval)

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Poultry Plant
Repeated impact loads of 2.5 MVA (840 KVA / phase)
Pulse swing = 2.5 /1 = 2.5, rate of 30/hour
New 1.5 MVA transformer installed

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Giant Cranes at Shipyard
• 34.5 kV primary metered customer
• 12 cranes moving 50 ton containers, start approx. every 90 seconds
• 150-200A inrush every 7 seconds = ~7MVA inrush pulse

3.2% voltage swings every

few seconds

Customer needs to triple

the number of cranes!

Expansion needs to account for impact derating

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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads and PQ

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What is a Variable Frequency Drive?

Variable Frequency Drive

•Electronic equipment used to control motor speed,
voltage and torque
•Composed of diodes, transistors, thyristors,
MOSFETs, IGBTs,capacitors etc.

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Main Sections of an AC Drive
1 2 4

1. Rectifier: typically uses diodes to change AC to DC

2. DC Link: includes a choke and capacitor to filter out ripple; ensures the desired
voltage or current is supplied to the inverter; monitored for protection from surges
3. Controls: inputs are operator settings including start, stop, motor speed upper and
lower limits and system feedback; controls switching of input and output devices,
monitors and reports malfunctions, shuts down VFD if needed
4. Inverter: typically uses thyristors or transistors to change DC to a variable frequency
AC to control motor speed and torque

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PWM Drive Characteristics
• VFD DC Link voltage is constant
• Pulse amplitude is constant over
entire frequency range
• Lower resultant current is created
by more and narrower pulses
• Higher resultant current is created
by fewer and wider pulses
• Motor inductance smooths voltage
pulses into smooth current flow

Optional line reactors

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6 pulse VFD
6 current pulses per cycle,
2 in each phase-phase pair

Simplest configuration, but

highest harmonic content

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12 pulse VFD
1 primary transformer, 2
secondaries (wye and
2 6-pulse rectifiers

Transformer phase shift

results in 12 pulses

Lower harmonics than 6

pulse, but much larger Armstrong, whitepaper on 6 pulse vs. 12 and 18 pulse harmonics effect reduction

Can be extended to 18

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Benefits of Using a VFD
• Can transform single phase input to 3-phase motor drive
• Lowers Motor Starting Current
• Isolates the system from motor switching transients
• Reduces Thermal and Mechanical Stresses on Motors and Belts
During Starts
• Improves Power Factor
• Reduces KVA
• Lowers Cost Compared to a DC Motor
• Regeneration Possibilities
• Permits unlimited number of starts per hour
• Extends Equipment Life and Reduces Maintenance

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Problems Produced by VFDs
• VFDs are often a significant source of excessive harmonic distortion.
• Harmonic distortion can result in misoperation of utility and customer
relays and controls, capacitor failures and increased power system
• Harmonics originate from both the supply input and motor sides of the
• Notching and Transients resulting from switching and commutation in
power electronics can cause VFD component failures.

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Other Problems Related to Use of
• Nuisance tripping caused by sags, transients, and momentary
interruptions can cause protection circuits to shut down VFDs and
production lines.

• Audible noise caused by high frequencies used in inverters can

be annoying to employees.

• Overvoltages produced by long lead length between the VFD and

motor can cause excessive Peak Inverse Voltages causing damage to
semiconductor devices.

• Unbalance in 3 Phase Supply- can cause excessive current in

one or more phases damaging VFD components.

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PQ Problem Produced by VFDs: Harmonics

• Harmonics are created in both the converter and inverter sections of a


Distorted input current Output motor current waveform Output voltage applied to motor
waveform causes distorted
voltage drop across source

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PQ Problems Produced by VFDs:
A VFD is a very
nonlinear load. A 5th Harmonic
spectrum of the input
voltage and current is
shown in the figure
below. THD in the
current is 63%, in the
voltage is 1.7
5th Harmonic 63.4% THD-F
7th Harmonic

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VFD PQ Sensitivities
Voltage Unbalance
• Causes unequal currents through 3-phase rectifiers
• Increased heating can lead to “thermal runaway”, causing the rectifier
to fail

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Voltage Unbalance
Unbalance ratio – Current unbalance / Voltage unbalance
• Typical VFD ratio is 10-20
• Ratio is over 30 below (1.18% voltage, 35% current) – indicates
possibly failing VFD bridge input

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Voltage Unbalance
Unbalance ratio – Current unbalance / Voltage unbalance
• Waveform analysis – high and runt current pulses – failing VFD

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Solutions for Harmonic Problems
Resolving Harmonic Problems
Install Line Reactors

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Solutions for Other Problems
Resolving Harmonic Problems

Install Drive Isolation Transformer

Drive isolation transformers reduce harmonic distortion effect of VFDs

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Solutions for Other Problems
Resolving Transient/Notching Problems
• Solid state switching devices cannot switch instantaneously
• This causes commutation overlap where two diodes conduct briefly at
the same time.
• Commutation causes transients and can excite system resonances.
• Transients can result in latent (gradual) degradation of semiconductors
and conductor insulation

Voltage waveform Use of drive isolation transformers

displaying notching to mitigate source voltage notching

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Other VFD Characteristics:
Input Current Waveform and Harmonic Spectrum Comparisons
Voltage Source Inverter Current Source Inverter
has Capacitor in DC Link has Choke in DC Link

Formulas for characteristic harmonics where n =

1, 2, 3 …
Current Source Inverter has fewer and lower level of harmonics.
© Power Monitors, Inc. 2019 MIPSYCON 2019
Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads and PQ

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Incandescent Bulb - Design
Modern design stabilized in the 1950s

Very simple electrical design

Physics of operation simple and


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Incandescent Bulb –
Consumer Perspective
State of the art – colored bulbs in the 1950s

“Advanced” = 3 way bulb with multiple filaments

Dimming requires external hardware

Improvements focused on cost reductions,


$1.16 = $10.26 today

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Incandescent Bulb –
Utility Perspective
Pure resistive load – ideal for utilities

2002: incandescent = 98.1% of all residential

13% of total energy usage

Light Flicker from RMS voltage variations well

known, predictable, and repeatable -> well
developed IEEE standards for PQ


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Modern LED “Bulb” – Design
Complex electrical design w/ multiple subsystems
Multiple power supplies
Incoming AC voltage rectified and re-regulated – not
used directly
Nonlinear logic, microprocessor operation, complex
Advanced features such as WiFi, audio in/out
Connected to other equipment
Simple Dimmable LED driver

WiFi bulb – 802.11 b/g/n

32 bit ARM, 1MB Flash
14 dBm at 2.4 GHz
150 Mbit/sec – enough
throughput for a mid-sized
town in the 1950s
Adds ~$3 to production cost

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Modern LED “Bulb” – Design
• Immediate AC->DC
• DC hold-up time depends
on high quality capacitor
• Dimmer sensing relies on
analog waveform detection
of SCR dimmer pattern
• Component selection
determines sensitivity to AC
power quality, esp. over
time – could be good, or

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LED “Bulb” –
Consumer Perspective
• Advanced features – any color, any brightness, timers,
remote control
• Long life – will become obsolete before it fails
• Low power – so low, power can be ignored
• Part of a larger networked system – smart home, phone
• Complex state – different modes, timers, etc.
• Same equivalent cost as 1950’s colored bulb
So advanced, it’s assumed it will
outperform incandescent bulbs in every

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LED “Bulb” – Utility Perspective
• High current distortion
• Momentary “blinks” may reset complex light state
• Unpredictable relationship between RMS voltage
and LED light output
• LED controller sensitive to power line carrier AMI
systems, AC feeder events from upstream
Modern load characteristic – load behavior is only
indirectly related to AC voltage – difficult to
characterize or predict

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Modern Power Load Example –
Variable Frequency Drive
Conversion of AC to DC breaks direct link
between utility AC and load – motor never
sees utility voltage
VFD Controller is in charge, determining
motor operation and judging incoming PQ

VFD benefits:
• No motor-inrush current – eliminates
voltage sags
• High efficiency
• Very fine-grained control of motor

VFD problems:
• High current harmonic distortion
• Voltage notching, transients from
overlapped switching
• Complex VFD threshold programming –
can be overly sensitive to AC power
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Modern Load Characteristics
Disconnect between utility voltage and load performance
• Actual load doesn’t directly utility incoming AC voltage to do work
• Load driven by synthesized AC/DC from controller
• Relationship between utility voltage and load performance much blurrier

Increased/different sensitivity to upstream PQ events

• Smart load microcontroller the judge of PQ problems, not the load
• PQ sensitivity driven by load internal power supply design, not the actual
load itself
• Extra layer of PQ sensitivity – controller thresholds

Higher proportion of harmonic loads

• switching power supplies are inherently nonlinear, drawing harmonic
• plummeting cost of high power supplies turning even simple resistive
loads into switched loads

Increased load complexity vs

• Complex power supply
• Complex controller
• Complex load state


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Utility Challenges – PQ Standards
Traditional PQ standards out of date, not as useful for predicting equipment compatibility
Example: modern lights

• Light flicker well determined based on
physics of glowing filament
• IEEE 141 and 1453 provide voltage
variation limits based on perceptible
light flicker

• Light output based on internal power
supply output, not utility voltage Voltage sag
• operation in presence of voltage sags causes LED bulb
depends on power supply design – to reset from
internal energy storage, etc. purple to white – is
• No standardized LED driver response to that light flicker?
AC voltage changes
• LED bulb response often nonlinear
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Utility Challenges –
Increased Sensitivity
Example: UPS-based traffic signal controller

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Utility Challenges –
Increased Sensitivity
Nonlinear or “smart” operation can magnify PQ events
UPS-based traffic signal controller
Benign powerline carrier meter-read signal
causes traffic signal UPS to operate

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Utility Case Study –
Electric Coop in Missouri
LED light “flicker”
LED lights “flickering”
Still no resolution
Specific LED bulb may be obsolete before problem solved
A member on our system is having problems with flickering LED lights
on one circuit in their home though our monitor does not show any
issues. They have indicated that the problem is only on one leg in the
home. We switch our leads in the meter can and after switching the
leads and checking all upstream connections the problem still persists.
I've attached some of our monitor data and a video of one of the
flickering lights along with the PMI version below. Any input would be
When we first changed the leads in the meter can the owner told us
the same lights were still flickering, but we have not heard anything
since then. As far as we know it is still the same. The voltage readings
that have shown up in the event report were all able to be traced back
to an outage or temporary fault on the feeder. Most of the days look
fine and the voltage levels stay within the acceptable range of 114-126
V. Even within this range the LEDs will flicker.

There are a few dimmable LED fixtures that are flickering, but not all of
the fixtures having this problem are dimmable. They have all LEDs in
their home but not all of the LEDs are having this issue. We took over
some of our own LED bulbs and they did the same thing. We do not
have a PMI monitor on the location at this time, but Joe is sending us a
demo wall plugin recorder to see if we can identify the problem that

We've checked the neutral and connections, all upline devices

and connections as well as replaced the transformer.
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Power Quality 102
• Transients
• IEEE 519 Harmonics
• Flicker
• Loose Neutral
• Impact Loading
• Variable Frequency Drives
• Modern Loads and PQ
• Further Reading

© Power Monitors, Inc. 2019 MIPSYCON 2019

Power Quality Standards
Partial List
ANSI C84.1-1995: American Nations Standard for Electric Power
Systems and Equipment: Voltage Rating ( 60 Hertz): Nominal Voltages,
Ranges and % Unbalance in 3 Phase Systems

IEEE 519:2014 IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for

Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems

IEEE 1453D2 (1453.1): Recommended Practice for Measurement and

Limits Of Voltage Fluctuations and Associated Light Flicker on AC
Power Systems

IEEE 1159, 2009: Recommended Practice for Measuring Electric Power


IEEE C62.41: Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low

Voltage AC Power Circuits

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PQ Standards- PQ Monitoring

IEEE 1159 Recommended Practice for

Monitoring Electric Power Quality
• Provides guidelines for power quality monitoring
• Standard definitions for short term and long term
power quality disturbances, distortions
• Provides common language for identifying and
describing power quality events
• PQ monitoring objectives: effects on equipment
• Types of monitoring: predictive, diagnostic
• Disturbance effects on customer equipment
• Recommended practices, techniques
• Selecting monitoring location

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PQ Standards – Voltage Quality
IEEE 1250: Guide for Service to Equipment
Sensitive to Momentary Voltage Disturbances
• Describes momentary voltage disturbances,
distortions, and causes in AC power
distribution systems
• Effects on sensitive equipment
• Describes types of sensitive loads, ride-
through capability
• Tolerance of computers to voltage
magnitude, duration variations – CBEMA/ITIC
• Solutions to problems caused by voltage

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Further Reading
• IEEE 519:1992 – good background
• IEEE Std C57.110-1986 – IEEE Recommended Practice for Establishing
Transformer Capability When Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load Current
• IEEE Std. 1159-2009 – IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric
Power Quality
• IEC 61000-4-7 – General Guide on Harmonics and Interharmonics
• IEC 61000-4-30 – Power Quality Measurement Methods
• IEEE Std. 1453 – IEEE Flickermeter Specification

• PMI whitepapers: https://library.powermonitors.com/

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Thank you for attending!

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