Section A: CLASS X (2019-20) Social Science (Code 087) Sample Paper-5

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Social Science X Sample Paper 5 Solved


CLASS X (2019-20)
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions :
(i) The question paper has 35 questions in all.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries one mark. Answer them
as instructed.
(iv) Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80
words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120
words each.
(vi) Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts-35 a. from History (2 marks) and 35 b. from
Geography (4 marks).

In the above picture which thing is being offered to

Section A the people. [1]
(a) goddess is offering cloths to the people
1. Match the following items given in column A with
(b) goddess is offering food to the people
those in column B. [1]
(c) goddess is offering bless to the people
Column A Column B (d) goddess is offering bless and food to the people
(A) Gomasthas (1) Official who acted as Ans : (a) goddess is offering cloths to the people
company’s agent
4. What is Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) ? [1]
(B) Spinning Jenny (2) Richard Arkwright
Ans :
(C) Steam engine (3) James Hargreaves IMR indicates the number of children that die before
(D) Cotton mill (4) James Watt the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children
born in that particular year.
Ans : A − 1, B − 3, C − 4, D − 2
5. Which of the following is a kharif crop and accounts
2. Which of these statements is not a valid reason for the for about half of the major oilseeds produced in the
depletion of flora and fauna? [1] country? [1]
(a) Agricultural expansion
(a) Mustard (b) Coconut
(b) Large-scale developmental projects
(c) Groundnut (d) Soyabean
(c) Grazing and fuel wood collection
(d) Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation Ans : (c) Groundnut

Ans : (c) Grazing and fuel wood collection 6. Complete the following table by writing the values of
A and B in the table. [1]
Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector
Fisherman Matchmaker A-?
Bee-keeping B-? Worker of call
Ans :
A-Bank Clerk
7. Suggest any one measure to control industrial pollution
in India. [1]
Ans :
Minimizing the use of water for processing by reusing
and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
The economic strength of a country is measured by
the development of manufacturing industries. Support
the statement with one argument.
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Ans : produces another test.

Manufacturing Industries not only help in modernising 13. Which one of the following is the main feature of
agriculture, which forms the backbone of our economy, Bolivia’s struggle? [1]
they also reduce the heavy dependence of people (a) About one specific policy of democratic
on agricultural income by providing them jobs in government.
secondary and tertiary sectors. (b) It involved people’s claim on elected democratic
8. Correct the following statement and rewrite: government.
Hematite is the best quality of iron ore and contains (c) It was about the foundation of country’s politics
about 72% iron. [1] (d) None of these.
Ans : Ans : (b) It involved people’s claim on elected
Magnetite is the best quality of iron ore and contains democratic government.
about 72% iron.
or 14. .......... is a form of market intervention by the
Under vertical distribution of power, power is shared Government of India to insure agricultural against
among different organs of the government. any sharp fall in farm prices. [1]
Ans : Ans : Minimum Support price
Under horizontal distribution of power, power is 15. Which of the following public sector steel plants of
shared among different organs of the government. India is located near a port? [1]
9. Which one of the following option best signifies this (a) Durgapur (b) Vijaynagar
cartoon? [1] (c) Bhadravati (d) Vishakhapatnam
Ans : (d) Vishakhapatnam

16. .......... is the total percentage of the population of an

area at particular time aged seven year or above who
can read and write with understanding. [1]
Ans : Literacy rate
.......... may be defined as the process of widening
people’s choice as well as raising the level of well-
Ans : HDI (Human Development Index)
(a) Midday meal program
17. Between 1970 and 1993 Belgians amended their
(b) Relationship between centre and states
constitution [1]
(c) Relationship between people and state government (a) four times (b) three times
(d) Demand of reservation (c) six times (d) five times
Ans : (b) Relationship between centre and states Ans : (a) four times
10. .......... is a process by which business or other 18. Arrange the following mica deposits in the direction of
organisations develop international influence or start west to east [1]
operating on an international scale. [1] 1. Beawar
Ans : Globalisation 2. Ajmer
or 3. Chota Nagpur Plateau
The famous economist .......... thought that Indian 4. Koderma Gaya-hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand
gold exports promoted global economic recovery. (a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 4, 3, 2, 1
Ans : John Maynard Keynes (c) 1, 2, 4, 3 (d) 1, 4, 2, 3
Ans : (a) 1, 2, 3, 4
11. Where was the first jute mill in India set up ? [1]
Ans : 19. In the question given below, there are two statements
marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the
At Rishra near Kolkata.
statements and choose the correct option: [1]
Assertion : Sinhala was recognized as only official
What is lignite ?
language of Sri Lanka.
Ans : Reason : The government of Sri Lanka wanted to
Lignite also known as brown coal is an inferior quality establish the supremacy of Sinhala community.
of coal. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is
12. What is the most distinctive feature of democracy? [1] the correct explanation of assertion.
Ans : (b) Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is
not the correct explanation of assertion.
The most distinctive feature of democracy is that its
(c) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
examination never gets over. As it passes one test, it
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(d) Both assertion and reason are false. Dependence on fossil fuels ie, coal, oil and gas
Ans : (a) Both assertion and reason are true and and rising prices of oil and gas and their potential
reason is the correct explanation of assertion. shortages have raised uncertainties about security of
energy supply in future, which affect the growth of
The government of Sri Lanka passed an Act in 1956 national economy. Besides, the use of fossil fuels also
to recognize Sinhala as only official language of Sri causes serious environmental problems. Hence, there
Lanka. The government also formulated preferential is a need for use of renewable energy resources.
policies to favour Sinhala applicants for university
positions and government jobs. All this was done to or
establish supremacy of Sinhala community. Thus the
Describe the three cropping seasons in India. [3]
reason justifies the assertion.
Ans :
20. Assume there are four families in a country. The
average per capita income of these families is 5000. India has three cropping seasons — rabi, kharif and
If the income of these families is 4000, 7000 and 3000 zaid. Rabi crops are sown in winter from October to
respectively. The income of the fourth family is [1] December and harvested in summer from April to
(a) 7500 (b) 3000 June. Some major rabi crops are — wheat, barley,
peas, gram and mustard.
(c) 2000 (d) 6000
Kharif crops are grown with the onset of monsoons
Ans : (d) 6000 and harvested in September to October. Important
kharif crops are paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, cotton,
jute, groundnut, etc.
Section B In between rabi and kharif seasons, there is a
short season during summer, called zaid season. Some
21. What was the cause of disagreement between the major crops grown during zaid are — watermelon,
Congress-led Non-Cooperation Movement and the muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops.
Peasants’ and Workers’ Movements? [3]
23. Read the sources given below and answer the questions
Ans :
that follows
The Congress under Gandhiji believed in achieving
‘Swaraj’ by peaceful means and total non-violence. He
‘To what corner of the world do they not fly, these
believed in Satyagraha, truth and non-violence. He
swarms of new books? It may be that one here and there
believed in non-cooperation with British regime.
contributes something worth knowing, but the very
The peasants and workers, though believed in
multitude of them is hurtful to scholarship, because it
Gandhi’s Swaraj, khadi and boycott, did not always
creates a glut, and even in good things satiety is most
believe in non-violence. They sometimes turned
harmful... [Printers] fill the world with books, not just
violent to achieve their aims, which went against the
trifling things (such as I write, perhaps), but stupid,
Congress creed. The violence at Chauri-Chaura led to
ignorant, slanderous, scandalous, raving, irreligious
suspension of the Non-Cooperation movement. The
and seditious books, and the number of them is such
peasants in Awadh also indulged in violence against
that even the valuable publications lose their value.
landlords and taluqdars.
‘The task of the native newspapers and political
What was Rowlatt Act ? How did the Indians show associations is identical to the role of the Opposition
their disapproval towards this Act.? [3] in the House of Commons in Parliament in England.
Ans : That is of critically examining government policy to
During Indian struggle for Independence British suggest improvements, by removing those parts that
government passed a law named after Sidney Rowlatt will not be to the benefit of the people, and also by
who was a government official. This was the Rowlatt ensuring speedy implementation.
Act. Three officers in the commission were all British. These associations ought to carefuly study the
Indian freedom fighters called it “Black Law”. This particular issues, gather diverse relevant information
Act gave the government enormous powers to repress on the nation as well as on what are the possible and
political activities and allowed detention of political desirable improvements, and this will surely earn it
prisoners without trial for two years. considerable influence.’
The opposition against this law started with a call SOURCE-C
for strike by Gandhi. March and April 1919 witnessed ‘In 1926, Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein, a noted
a remarkable political awakening in India. Rallies were educationist and literary figure, strongly condemned
organised in many cities, workers stopped working, men for withholding education from women in the
went on strike. Shops and workshops were closed. name of religion as she addressed the Bengal Women’s
22. What are renewable resources ? Why has it become Education Conference:
necessary to use renewable energy resources ? [3] ‘The opponents of female education say that women
will become unruly ... Fie! They call themselves
Ans :
Muslims and yet go against the basic tenet of Islam
The resources which can be renewed or reproduced by which gives Women an equal right to education. If
physical, chemical or mechanical processes are known men are not led astray once educated, why should
as renewable resources. women?’
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SOURCE-A dictatorship. [3]

23 (1) What opinion does the writer hold about most Ans :
of the books? [1]
i. Democratic government is legitimate government.
Ans : The author is critical of swarm of now books It may be slow, less efficient, not always very
that were glutting the market because of the print responsive or clean but a democratic government
revolution. He terms most of these books as harmful, is people’s own government. This is not true in
slanderous, scandalous, raving, irriligious and case of dictatorship.
seditious. ii. In a democratic government citizens enjoy
SOURCE-B fundamental rights but in dictatorship it is not so.
23 (2) What is the role of the native newspapers and iii. In a democratic form of government, the decision
political associations in democracy? [1] making process is slow. But it follows the
procedures and its decisions are more acceptable
Ans : In a democracy, the task of native newspapers
to the people. This is not seen in the dictatorship
and political associations is identical to the role of the
type of government, where decisions might be
opposition in the House of Commons in Parliament in
forced on the people.
26. What do you know about MGNREGA ? [3]
23 (3) Why did Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein condemn
men? [1] The Union government made a law in 2005
implementing the right to work in 625 districts of
Ans : She condemned men for withholding education
India. It is called Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
from women in the name of religion.
Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (MGNREGA
24. ‘India has land under a variety of relief features’. 2005). Under this, all those who are able to, and
Support the statement with three arguments. [3] are in need of work in villages are guaranteed 100
days of employment per year. If the government
Ans :
fails in its duty to provide employment, it will give
The name of these relief features are mountains, unemployment allowances to the people.
plateaus, plains and islands.
27. Political parties are rightly called the government
i. About 43 percent of the land area is plain which
in disguise. Justify the statement in reference to
provides facilities for agricultural and industrial
democratic politics by giving three arguments. [3]
ii. Mountains account for 30 percent of the total Ans :
surface area of the country and ensure perennial i. Parties contest elections. In most democracies
flow of some rivers. They also provide facilities for elections are fought mainly among the candidates
tourism and ecological aspects. put up by political parties.
iii. About 27 percent of the area of the country is ii. A party reduces a vast multitude of opinions
the plateau region. It possesses rich reserves of into a few basic positions which it supports. A
minerals, fossil fuels and forests. government is expected to base its policies on the
or line taken by the ruling party.
Why is resource planning so important in a country iii. Parties play a decisive role in making laws for
like India? Give reasons. a country. Most of the members of a legislature
Ans : belong to a party and they go by the direction of
the party leadership.
i. India has enormous diversity in the availability
of resources. There are regions which are rich or
in certain types of resources but are deficient in
some other resources. Are political parties no longer popular ? Discuss with
ii. There are some regions which can be considered examples.
self-sufficient in terms of the availability of Ans :
resources and there are some regions which have It is believed that in most of the countries in the
acute shortage of some vital resources. world, political parties are no longer popular. People
iii. The states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and have lost their trust in them and become indifferent
Madhya Pradesh are rich in minerals and coal towards them. According to a recent survey in South
deposits. Arunachal Pradesh has no dearth Asia, majority says that they do not at all trust the
of water resources but lacks in infrastructural parties. A number of people belong to the “Not much”
development. The state of Rajasthan is gifted category. In India, there is growing indifference towards
with solar and wind energy but lacks in water parties. They have failed to reduce poverty, prices and
resources. Ladakh has rich cultural heritage but it this has led to indifference and unpopularity. In the
is deficient in water, infrastructure etc. This calls rest of the world, which contains many democracies,
for balanced resource planning at the national, political parties are one of the least trusted institutions.
state, regional and local levels. But there is another side of the story. Strangely
25. Bring out any three arguments in support of democracy enough, participation and membership of the parties
as a better form of government as compared to has increased in great numbers. In India, it is higher
than many advanced countries like Canada, Japan,
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Spain and South Korea. Party membership is higher employment, when we get there, with the kind
in South Asia than the rest of the world. assistance of my friend ... we had little money when we
28. Explain the role of women in the nationalist struggles started, not enough to pay for our food and lodgings
of Europe. [3] each night until we arrived in London. Some days we
walked as much as twenty miles, and other days less.
Ans :
Our money was gone at the end of the third day... For
The issue of extending political rights to women was two nights we slept out... once under a haystack, and
a controversial one within the liberal movement, once in an old farm shed... On arrival in London we
in which large number of women had participated tried to find ... my friend ... but ... were unsuccessful.
actively over the years. Women had formed their own Our money was gone, so there was nothing for us to
political associations, founded newspapers and taken do but to walk around until late at night, and then try
part in political meetings and demonstrations. Despite to find some place to sleep. We found an old building
this, they were denied suffrage during the elections to and slept in it that night. The next day, Sunday, late
the Assembly. When the Frankfurt Parliament was in the afternoon, we got to the Old Kent Gas Works,
convened in the Church of St. Paul, women were and applied for work. To my great surprise, the man
admitted only as observers to stand in the visitors’ we had been looking for was working, at the time. He
gallery. spoke to the foreman and I was given a job’.
(i) Give the source of the above passage.

Section C Ans :
This passage has been taken from the book ‘The
29. The workers in the unorganised sector need protection Victorian City Images and Realities–1973. It appeared
on the following issues: wages, safety and health. in Raphael Samual, ‘Comers and Goers’, in H.J. Dyos
Explain with examples. [5] and Micheael Wolff.
Ans : (ii) What prompted the narrator to go to London?
In unorganised sectors workers are exploited by the Ans :
private individuals because their aim is to earn more The narrator was prompted by a letter, from an old
profit. They are not concerned with the safety and workmate who was now working at the Old Kent
health of the employees. They also pay low wages to Road Gas Works, to go to London in search of a job.
increase their profits. In such a type of organisation (iii) How did he succeed in getting the job?
working conditions are not good. So the protection Ans :
of their rights is necessary. They can take the help
of labour laws and courts. Outdated and obsolete Per chance, he encountered the old workmate in the
machines installed in factories play havoc with health Old Kent Gas Works and got a job with his help.
of workers. These need up-gradation. Government 31. Mention some of the suggestions made to reform
should make laws and strictly implement them for political parties. [5]
benefit of workers. Ans :
or i. Laws could be made to regulate internal politics
of parties.
Why are transactions made in money ? Explain with ii. It should be compulsory to maintain a register
suitable examples ? of its members, hold independent inquiry in case
Ans : of a party dispute and hold open elections to top
Money is accepted as a medium of exchange because party posts.
the currency is authorised by the government of iii. It should be mandatory to give 1/3 party tickets
India. In money transactions, money can be paid to women candidates. There should be a quota for
for any goods or services one desires. For example : women in decision making bodies.
the producer of shoes may want wheat in exchange iv. The government or the state should help parties
for his shoes. But he may find it difficult to find a during elections by funding them. Expenses for
person who is also willing to exchange his wheat for petrol, paper, telephone etc. can be given. Cash
shoes. So simultaneous fulfilment of mutual wants can be given on the basis of votes secured by the
is the first and foremost condition to buy and sell party in the last elections.
the commodity. In money transaction one can buy a v. It should be mandatory to hold regular and
commodity whenever one wants it. One does not have periodic organisational elections.
to wait for another person to agree to an exchange of 32. Why is the tertiary sector becoming more important
goods. than other sectors in India ? Give four reasons. [5]
30. Read the following extract taken from the textbook Ans :
and answer the questions that follows: [5] Tertiary sector has become important in India due to
‘I had always wanted to go to London, and my desire i. Basic services like hospitals, education, post and
... was stimulated by letters from an old workmate telegraph, courts etc. are the responsibility of the
... who was now working at the Old Kent Road Gas government.
Works ... I finally decided to go... in November, 1981. ii. Demand for services such as transport, trade,
With two friends I started out to walk the journey, storage has increased with the development of
filled with the hope that we would be able to obtain
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primary and secondary sectors. the cultures of China, Central Asia and the West.
iii. Demand for tourism, shopping, private schools, It had many branches leading to different regions,
private hospitals etc. increased with the increase including ancient India. It played an important role
in the level of income. as a means of pre-modern trade and cultural exchange
iv. Rapid growth of service sector also benefited from between different regions.
external demand such as software industry and The Romans learned about the Silk Route from
call centre services. the Parthians around 53 B.C.E. They used the word
33. Explain major human activities that are mainly “Serer” or the silk people to refer to the Chinese. The
responsible for land degradation in India. [5] modern word “Silk Route” was coined by a German
scholar, Von Richthofen, in the nineteenth century.
Ans : Silk was considered the most precious by the Romans
Use of land over a prolonged period without taking even though it was only one of the many commodities
necessary steps to conserve and manage it has resulted that was traded between China and the world through
in land degradation. The major human activities this route.
responsible for land degradation in India are as follows:
i. In states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya
Pradesh and Odisha deforestation due to mining Section D
have caused severe land degradation. Mining sites MAP SKILL BASED QUESTION
are dug, drilled or quarried and abandoned leaving
35. (a) Two places (A) and (B) have been marked on
the land overburdened and in a highly degraded
the given outline map of India. Identify them and
write their correct names on the lines drawn near
ii. Mineral processing like grinding of limestone
for cement industry and calcite and soapstone
(A) The place where Jallianwala Bagh incident
for ceramic industry generate huge quality of
took place.
mineral dust in the atmosphere, which ultimately
(B) The place where the indigo planters movement
settles down on the land. It retards the process of
took place. [2]
infiltration of water into the soil, thus, degrading
(b) Identify and name any four the following oil fields
the land.
in the same outline map of India. [4]
iii. Discharge of industrial effluents and wastes cause
(i) Mumbai high
pollution and land degradation in industrial
(ii) Ankaleshwar
(iii) Kalol
iv. In states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya
(iv) Naharkata
Pradesh and Maharashtra overgrazing is one of
(v) Bassien
the main reasons for land degradation.
(vi) Digboi
v. In Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh
over irrigation is responsible for land degradation.
It leads to water logging which in turn increases
salinity and alkalinity in the soil and reduces its
What is the ideal location for sugar mills ? Why is
this industry ideally suited to the cooperative sector ?
Ans :
Sugarcane, the raw material used in sugar industry,
is bulky, and its sugar content reduces in haulage
and time lag between reaping and sugar production.
Therefore, the ideal location for sugar mills is in
close proximity of sugarcane producing areas. The
sugar industry is seasonal in nature and so is ideally
suited to the cooperative sector. For entire year the
farmers are engaged in producing sugarcane as it is
an annual crop. When the crop is reaped, the farmers
pool together their resources, set up mills within the
sugarcane producing areas and produce sugar. The
seasonal nature of the sugar industry is combated by
setting up cooperative societies where farmers share
the profits and losses.
Ans :
34. Trace the origin of Silk Route and describe its
significance. [5] (a) and (b)
Ans :
The Silk Route is one of the world’s oldest and
historically most important trade route which affected

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