Section-A: CLASS X (2020-21) Social Science (Code 087) Sample Paper-6
Section-A: CLASS X (2020-21) Social Science (Code 087) Sample Paper-6
Section-A: CLASS X (2020-21) Social Science (Code 087) Sample Paper-6
CLASS X (2020-21)
2. Name the technology which enabled the transportation 6. The fresh water is obtained from: [1]
of perishable foods over long distances. [1] (a) precipitation
(a) Railways (b) surface run off
(b) Refrigerated ships (c) ground water
(c) Trucks and tractors (d) All of these
(d) None of these Ans : (d) All of these
Ans : (b) Refrigerated ships 7. Name the crops which are sown in winter from October
3. Identify the appropriate reason for the formation of to December and harvested in summer from April to
the Swaraj Party from the options given below: [1] June. [1]
(a) Swarai Party wanted members of Congress to (a) Kharif crops
return to Council Politics. (b) Rabi crops
(b) It wanted members of Congress to ask for Poorna (c) Zaid crops
Swaraj for Indians. (d) None of these
(c) It wanted members of Congress to ask Dominion Ans : (b) Rabi crops
State for lndia.
(d) It wanted members of Congress to oppose Simon 8. Which one of the following is the main cause of land
Commission. degradation in Punjab? [1]
(a) Intensive cultivation
Ans : (a) Swarai Party wanted members of Congress
(b) Deforestation
to return to Council Politics.
(c) Over irrigation
4. Fill in the blank: [1] (d) Over grazing
.......... country is the largest producer of sugarcane in
Ans : (c) Over irrigation
the world.
Ans : Brazil. 9. Consider the following two statements on power
sharing and select the answer using the codes given
o below:
Petrochemicals is not an .......... . A. Power sharing is good for democracy.
Ans : Agro-based industry. B. It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict
between social groups.
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Social Science X Sample Paper 6 Solved
Which of these statements are true and false? [1] (d) are working less than what they are capable of
(a) Both A and B are true doing.
(b) A is true but B is false Ans : (d) are working less than what they are capable
(c) Both A and B are false of doing.
(d) A is false but B is true
Ans : (a) Both A and B are true.
Job of a teacher comes under the:
10. Who presides over the meeting of the Municipal (a) Primary sector (b) Secondary sector
Corporation? [1] (c) Tertiary sector (d) None of the above
Ans : The Mayor/Municipal Commissioner/Aldermen Ans : (c) Tertiary sector
o 14. In a SHG most of the decisions regarding savings and
The representation of women in Indian Parliament is loan activities are taken by: [1]
still low as compared to European countries because (a) Members
.......... . (b) Bank
Ans : Lack of legally imposed quotas or reservation (c) Non-government organisation
policy level. (d) None of these
11. What is the role of ruling party? [1] Ans : (a) Members
Ans : 15. In the question given below, there are two statements
The party which wins majority and runs the marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the
government. statements and choose the correct option.
o Assertion : Rakesh is an educated and skilled worker
who earns a high monthly salary as he is employed in
What is an ‘Alliance’ ? a private bank in a city.
Ans : Reason : All service sectors in India are growing
When several parties join hands to contest elections is extremely well and each individual engaged in any
called alliance. kind of tertiary activity earns a high income.
Options: [1]
12. Match the following: [1] (a) If both assertion and reason are true, and reason
is the correct explanation of assertion
(i) MNCs buy at cheap (A) Automobiles
rates from small (b) If both assertion and reason are true, but reason
producers is not the correct explanation of assertion
(c) If assertion is true, but reason is false.
(ii) Quotas and taxes on (B) Garments,
imports are used to footwear, sports (d) If both assertion and reason are false.
regulate trade items Ans : (d) If both assertion and reason are false.
(iii) Indian companies (C) Call centres 16. In estimating, the value of GDP, we include only: [1]
who have invested (a) industrial goods (b) agricultural goods
(c) commercial goods (d) final goods
(iv) It has helped (D) Tata Motors,
Ans : (d) final goods
in spreading of Infosys, Ranbaxy
production of
(v) Several MNCs have (E) Trade barriers
invested in setting up 17. Describe briefly any three economic effects of Non-
factories in India for cooperation Movement. [3]
production Ans :
The effects of the non-cooperation on the economic
(a) (i) - (C); (ii) - (B); (iii) - (E); (iv) - (A); (v) - (D)
front were more dramatic:
(b) (i) - (B); (ii) - (E); (iii) - (D); (iv) - (C); (v) - (A) 1. Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops
(c) (i) - (D); (ii) - (A); (iii) - (C); (iv) - (B); (v) - (E) picketed and foreign cloth burnt in huge bonfires.
(d) (i) - (A); (ii) - (E); (iii) - (C); (iv) - (D); (v) - (B) 2. The impact of foreign cloth halved between 1921
and 1922, its value dropping from < 102 crore to
Ans : (b) (i) - (B); (ii) - (E); (iii) - (D); (iv) - (C);
(v) - (A) < 57 crore.
3. In many places merchants and traders refused to
13. Underemployment occurs when people: [1] trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade.
(a) do not want to work. 4. As the boycott movement spread, and people
(b) are working in a lazy manner. began discarding imported clothes and wearing
only Indian ones, production of Indian textile
(c) are not paid for their work.
mills and handlooms went up.
18. Explain any three ways in which nationalist feelings 2. Democracy insists on participation of the people
were kept alive in Poland in the 18th and l9th in the decision-making process of the government.
centuries. [3] 3. Most of the population lives rural India and village
Ans : government (Panchayat Raj) makes the spirit of
The Vienna Congress which met after the French democracy meaningful.
Revolution of 1789-1815 partitioned the kingdom of 4. In 1992, the constitution was amended to make
Poland among Austria, Russia and Prussia. But the the third-tier democracy.
people of Poland kept the nationalist feelings alive in o
one way or the other
Differentiate between the federal system in India with
1. National feelings were kept alive through music,
that of federal system in the USA.
operas, folk dance, etc. Though this medium for
example, polish writer Karal Kurpinski, kindled Ans :
the national feelings. Both the USA and India have federal form of
2. Language also played an important role in governments. But the structure of both the federalism
developing nationalist feelings. Even when the is different.
Russian languages was imposed on the Polish
Federal system in the Federal system in India
people, the clergy continued to use the Polish
language as a weapon of national resistance.
3. Though Russia did all to crush the national Federal system in the Federal system in
feelings in Poland but the freedom-fighters time USA is called the ‘coming India is called ‘holding
and again revolted against the foreign rule in together’ federation. together’ federation.
1830, 1848 and in 1863. In this system many In this system a large
o independent states came country decides to divide
together and grouped its power between the
How were the Indian merchants and industrialists themselves into a bigger constituent states and
discriminated by the Britishers? nation. In it, individual the national government.
Ans : states retain their
1. The market within which Indian merchants could identity.
operate became increasingly limited.
In it, all the constituent In it the Central
2. Indian merchants and traders were barred from
states have equal power. Government tends to be
trading with Europe in manufactured goods
more powerful vis-a-vis
and had to export mostly raw materials and
foodgrains, raw cotton, opium and wheat, indigo-
required by the British. All the states are equally Different constituent
3. With the entry of modern ships Indian merchants strong vis-a-vis the states have unequal
were edged out of the shipping business. federal government. powers. Some units are
4. The European merchant industrial industrialists granted special powers.
had their excensive chambers of commerce and
Indians were not allowed to become its members. 21. Enumerate any three factors that contributes to the
human development. [3]
19. Distinguish between ‘Regur soils’ and ‘Laterite soils’.
Ans :
Ans :
Regur Soils: Regur soils are deposits of lava sheets Both the economic and non-economic factors
and are black in colour. They are also called cotton contribute to the human development. Some of them
soils because they are useful for growing cotton. are:
They are made of very fine material. They are rich 1. To have education, information and knowledge.
in calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, potash 2. Living a long, healthy and purposeful 1ife.
and lime but, they are poor in phosphorus. They can 3. To enjoy decent standard of living.
hold moisture, but they develop deep cracks in hot 4. To enjoy basic fundamental rights such as freedom,
weather. These soils are sticky and are sown soon after equality, security, education, peace.
the first pre-monsoon showers. 5. To have quality and enjoyment of human rights.
Laterite Soils: Laterite soil develops in areas of high 22. Describe any three advantages of the Self-Help Groups
temperature and heavy rainfall. This is the result of (SHGs) for the poor. [3]
intense leaching. Humus content of soil is very low. Ans :
These are found in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu,
The three advantages of the SHGs for the poor are
Madhya Pradesh and the hilly areas of Odisha and
as follows:
1. These groups help the rural poor, in particular
20. “Local Government is the best way to realise one women, to get organised to handle the money
important principle of democracy.” Explain the collected and sanction loans.
statement with an example. [3] 2. These groups help the women to become
Ans : financially self-re1iant.
1. An important principle of democracy is local 3. These groups create-self-employment
self-government. It is also the basic idea behind opportunities for the numbers and thus, save the
decentralisation. poor from being indebted.
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Social Science X Sample Paper 6 Solved
Section-C our money was gone at the end of the third day ....
for two nights we slept out .... once under a haystack,
23. Read the source given below and answer the questions and once in old farm shed .... On arrival in London we
that follows: [4] tried to find .... my friend .... but .... were unsuccessful.
‘Satyagraha is not physical force. A Satyagrahi does Our money was gone, so there was nothing for us do
not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his but to walk around until late at night and then try
destruction. In use of Stayagraha, there is no ill-will to find some place to sleep, we found an old building
whatever’. and slept in it that night. The next day, Sunday, late
‘Satyagraha is pure soul force. Truth is the very in the afternoon, we got to the Old Kent Gas Work
substance of the soul. That is why, this force is called and applied for work. To my great surprise, the man
Satyagraha. The soul is informed with knowledge. In we had been looking for was working at the time, he
it burns the flame of love. Non-violence is the supreme spoke to the foreman and I was given a job.’
dharma’. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the
‘It is certain that India cannot rival Britain or most appropriate alternatives:
Europe in force of arms. The British worship the war- 24.1 What stimulated the narrator to go to London?[1]
Cod and they can all of them become, as they are (a) in search of a job (b) in search of a food
becoming, bearers of arms. The hundreds of million
(c) in search of a shelter (d) None of these
in India can never carry arms. They have made the
religion of non-violence their own.’ Ans : (a) in search of a job
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the 24.2 What is the found in the given passage? [1]
most appropriate alternatives: (a) old shops (b) old faculty
23.1 Who spoke these words? [1] (c) new buildings (d) old buildings
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose Ans : (d) old buildings
(b) Bhagat Singh
24.3 When arrival in London, we tried to find my
(c) Gandhiji friend .... but .... were .......... . [1]
(d) None of these (a) successful (b) unsuccessful
Ans : (c) Gandhiji (c) unhappily (d) None of these
23.2 What do the British worship? [1] Ans : (b) unsuccessful
(a) The British worship the war god, as they are 24.4 How many days they walked? [1]
bearers of arms. (a) Eighteen miles (b) Nineteen miles
(b) Truth is the very substance of the soul. (c) Twenty miles (d) Forty miles
(c) They have made the religion of non-violence their
Ans : (c) Twenty miles
(d) None of these 25. Read the source given below and answer the questions
Ans : (a) The British worship the war god, as they are that follows: [4]
bearers of arms. The Constitution was amended to prevent elected
MLAs and MPs from changing parties. This was done
23.3 Satyagraha is pure .......... force. [1] because many elected representatives were indulging
(a) arm (b) soul in Defection in order to become ministers or for cash
(c) truth (d) flame rewards. Now the law says that if any MLA or MP
Ans : (b) soul changes parties, he or she will lose the seat in the
legislature. This new law has helped bring defection
23.4 Truth is very substance of the soul’ This force is down. The Supreme Court passed an order to reduce
called .......... . [1] the influence of money and criminals. Now, it is
(a) flame of love (b) bearers of arms mandatory for every candidate who contests elections
(c) PhYsical (d) Satyagraha to file an Affidavit giving details of his property and
Ans : (d) Satyagraha criminal cases pending against him. But there is
no system of check if the information given by the
24. Read the source given below and answer the questions candidates is true. The Election Commission passed
that follows: [4] an order making it necessary for political parties
I had always wanted to go to London, and my desire to hold their organisational elections and file their
..... was stimulated by letters from an old workmate income tax returns. The parties have started doing
..... who was then working at the old Kent Road Gas so but sometimes it is mere formality. A law should
Works ..... I finally decided to go .... in November, be made to regulate the internal affairs of political
1881, with two friends I started out to walk the parties. It should be made compulsory for political
journey, filled with the hope that we would be able to parties to maintain a register of its members, to
obtain employment, when we get there, with the kind follow its own constitution, to have an independent
assistance of friend .... we had little money when we authority, to act as a jud8e in case of party disputes,
started, not enough to pay for our food any lodgings to hold open elections to the highest posts. It should
each night until we arrived in London. Some days we be made mandatory for political parties to give a
walked as much as twenty miles, and other days less, minimum number of tickets, about one-third, to
List I List II
Accommodation of social diversity.
Dignity and freedom of the citizens.
3. Dignity of women. MAP SKILL BASED QUESTIO
4. Strengthening the claims of the disadvantaged 32. (a) Locate and label the following on the given
and discriminated castes. political outline map of India:
5. A public expression of dissatisfaction with (A) A place associated with the movement of
democracy is one of the most important outcome Indigo planters.
of democracy. (B) Jallianwala Bagh incident.
6. Ability to handle social differences, divisions and (b) On the given outline political map of India, locate
conflicts is thus a definite plus point of democratic and mark:
regimes. (i) Coffee (Darjeeling) Producing Region
31. How are the three sectors of economy interdependent? (ii) Indore (Cotton Textile Industries)
Explain. [5] (iii) Telcher (Thermal Power Station)
Ans : (iv) Kochchi (Seaport) [5]
Ans :
The three sectors of economy, primary, secondary and
tertiary sectors are interdependent in the following
1. Exploitation of the natural resources for the
production of consumer goods is possible only
through different activities like extraction
(primary), production (secondary) and retail
2. It is through primary activities that secondary
and tertiary activities came into existence.
3. Secondary sectors require raw materials from
the primary sector and services like frnance,
transportation and information from the tertiary
4. Secondary sector produces goods like machines
and generations that are used by the primary as
well as the tertiary sector,
5. Tertiary sector provides support activities to
primary and secondary sectors in the form of
expertise, advertisement, etc.
Define Bank. Also explain the functions of Commercial
Ans :
Bank: A financial institution whose main activities
are borrowing and lending money. Banks borrow by
accepting deposits from the general public or other
financial institutions. Bank loans are an important
source of finance for firms, consumers and government.
Commercial Bank: A bank dealing with the general
public, accepting deposits from and making loans to a
large number of households and small firms.
Functions of Commercial Bank:
1. It accepts deposits from its customers. It can be
in the form of saving account deposits, current
account deposits or fixed term deposits.
2. It gives loans and advances.
3. It discounts bills of exchange.
4. It provides overdraft facility.
5. It finances foreign trades.
6. It acts as trustee.
7. It creates credit through loans.
8. It performs functions such as transfer and
collection of funds, payment of various items,
purchase and sale of shares and securities.
9. It also performs utility services such as isue www.cbse.onlin
of traveller’s cheques and gift cheques, locker Download unsolved version of this paper from
facilities, etc.
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