Mi2 Hintbook PDF

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The protagonist stole a knife and cheese squigglies at the Swamp Rot Inn and explored Largo's room, finding clues about his plans. He then visited various locations in Woodtick to learn more about Largo.

The protagonist stole a kitchen knife and some cheese squigglies before exploring Largo's filthy bedroom and finding clues.

After leaving the Swamp Rot Inn, the protagonist visited various locations around Woodtick like Mad Marty's Laundry to learn more about Largo from the townspeople.

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Hint Book by Sara Reeder Lucasfilm Qames Qeneral Manager: Doug Cilen
Edited by Judith Lucero Lucasfilm Ciames Director of Development:
Maps by Peter Chan Kelly Rock
Additional Conhibutions by Tami Borowick, Lucasfilm Ciames Associate Director of
Shelley Day, Ron Qilbert, Dave (irossman, Development: Lucy Bradshaw
James Purple Hampton, Eli Mark, (jwen Public Relations by Sue Seserrnan
Musengwa, Tim Schafer, and Kris Sontag Product Support by Khris Brown, (jwen
Designed by Mark Shepard Musengwa, Livia Mackin and Erin Collier
Product Marketing Manager: Robin Parker International Coordinator: Lisa Star
Administrative Support by AnneMarie Barrett,
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge created Wendy Bertram, Meredith Cahill,
and designed by Ron Ciilbert Alexa Eurich, Claudia Hardin, Michele Harrell,
Programmed by Tim Schafer, Tami Borowick, Brenna Krupa Holden, Marcia Keasler,
Dave Cirossrnan, and Bret Barrett Debbie Ratio, Lisa Star, Kim Foulger,
Background Art by Peter Chan, Steve Purcell, James Wood, and Dawn Yamada
Sean Turner, andJames Dollar
Animation by Sean Tumer, Larry Ahem, Special thanks to Cieorge Luc:as
Mike Mclaughlin, Steve Purcell, Ken Macklin,
and Peter Chan
Original Music by Michael Z Land, Peter Additional copies of this hint book
McConnell, and Clint Bajakian may be ordered from:
Arrangements by Matt Berardo, Robin Cioldstein, Lucasfilm Ciames Company Store
Robert Marsanyi, andJ. Anthony White PO Box 10307
SCVMM Story System by Ron Ciilbert, San Rafael, CA 94912
Arie Wilmunder, Brad P. Taylor and Vince Lee VSA: 1-800-782-7927 (1-800-STAR-WARS)
iMVSE'" Music System by Michael Z. Land Canada: 1-800-82.8-792.7
and Peter McConnell
Lead testing by James Purple Hampton
Produced by Shelley Day

Monkey Island£: LeChucks Rf!Vl'nge, character names. all other elements of the game fantasy, iMVSE and Lucasfilm (iames are trademarks
of LucasArts Entertainment Company. TM & © 1991 LucasArts Entertainment Company. 1MVSE patents pending. All rights reserved.
Hint Book 3











4 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

,lfflM•• ...... ~ his hint book is divided into several sections, each one with
different kinds of infonnation to get you through Monkey Island
2: LeChuck's Revenge with a minimum of frustration and a
maximum of fun, Here's what you'll find, and how to use it:
The Hints section is the most helpful place to tum if you're bogged down on one
particular puule, It is divided into two sections-one for Easy Mode (Monkey 2. Lite)
and the other for Regular Mode, Skim the appropriate section until you come to the place
in the game where you got stuck, then use the red decoder strip to read the hints,
The first hint gives you minimal infonnation-just enough to get you pointed in the
right direction, The second one is more specific, the third even more so, and so on until
the final hint, which spells out the entire solution,
a. The Maps section helps you find your way around Quybrush's comer of the Olde
Caribbean, The island charts help you make sure that you haven't missed any important
locations, You can also find a map of the Dinky Island Vnderground here,
The Vseful Objects list is a list of all the Vseful Objects to be found throughout the
game, We also tell you where to find them, and how to use them, This list alone
contains solutions to most of the puzzles in the game, so don't spend too much time
reading through it if you really intend to solve some of the puzzles on your own,
A good part of this book is taken up by Volume II of the Memoirs of Quybrush
Threepwood, a ponderous tome that has questionable literary value, but may be helpful if
you want to move through the game quickly, or prop up the end of your coffee table,
Exhaustive as this walk-through appears, it won't show you everything in the entire
game, but you'll still get to see all of the nifty puzzles and graphics. The walk-through
corresponds to the Regular play level.
This book contains the collected knowledge of all the Lucasfilm testers, programmers,
and writers who worked on Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. Vse it carefully (like
many good things, it's best in small doses), and above all, have fun!
Hint Book 5

(ffionkey 2 Lire)

c hE- LA.P---c;o E-msA.P---c;o

Welcome to Woodtick
~ fow do I keep from gettmQ musmed by the HUY on the bndr.e!

Manby' fsl}I~; lt:Gbuc):'1~0nse Moilktjclslan~litCbuek Revenge Monkey Island

Whal do I SdY to the woodsm1th!

Mookty Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

What oo 1 uo dt the CdrtOWclpller si

Moobylsland&1 LeGhttck'sl"RlwengeMon~ ll;iand 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

.Msnketj <1Slantil2l teChuclii' S.Rive~ N1onlreyl!sland 2: ltChock's Revenge Monkey Island

Mtbnls~ 1 lstanti 2i- LeChubk:'s ~~~lfv\0hkcy lsltintl ~rb(i].iuuk'sJttW"mge Monkey Island

6 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

~ fow do I talk lo Mdd M<lrty, the ldunary ~uy

~ ~c docsn t scc'l1 lo undl rs!Jnd J word I say

Mnmtey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
~k~ JSlclmd '2:,lJtCl:ludkfJi:tnveJltl Mdnkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Whd! do I ~y lo the thrc Men of Low Mordl Ftberl

Monk«y ~ndl~ : Lt0wcl4' Rewng! !Modkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

l(i\o}lke)I lslat-'ld l!l:. lLe~llki11~'s R '-¥\ln:g~Md1\"key: f$lcr}ilif!t!.~1s Revenge Monkey Island

£-verybody w nts to gel nd of LdrP,o L.c1l/randc. Bui how!

~w~<tsfurll:iri1 C.lt<llbuCk'g Re:venge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M-Onll yJstbu '2t 1J€;U!Wc s Rtlw~~ lslat:t~2lflL'Wiruck' s Revenge Monkey Island

N1ol!lkey Sland $M.RZht1¢kil1RNeti~odkey:ifslhnddl11!.kChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Tl1at s d gredt close-up of Ldr!10 sp1ttmp, m the bar. Is this import.mt!

Monkey~lattdl!lrt>tt!Ihuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

krfuhkt1_9tlsl~t<ilLt.V@MiJCR' lft~venge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ fow do I gel the spit off the wall!

M0rt~1slllnd mth:etrb-c.1<lltsi ~~~ Monksy l~nd~ tK:H11t~ R\K-~(!'1./8.lfonkey Island

Mttl'tkl:lj lstdrtd~~ d1otR~Rt~l'tgt<Wthm< ~y~and 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

llt~tlf Relt'lltl~~Mbnk'lf)Al9t.mtl;2!'ct~f Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

How do I P,CI mto the bars kitchen!

Ml>nkey I~ nd:fi:l.bChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mlht1t('J'j' Jsllmd !ill Le@huck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
Hint Book 7

Whdt do I need from the kitchen!

rvfu'Nt<~y· l~f1~N~ 1 tlNJttlWk' ~~«nge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

n1c innkeeper di the ~warnp Rot Inn doesn •seem too fnendly
I fow do I dcdl Wllh h1ml

IC1'it>nby lsbmdliat1 1t~<tiht1dJl1AftWngt M~ Man' ® ~ ( Revenge Monkey Island

Manke91d M<i~1sta li 2. JieChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Montteylitin(i® d.1.limk~st R~ gd-Moo~ la1:1tl Ir!~ ~ud<f-s 114.~enge Monkey Island

There doesn t seem to be <lnythmg very mterestmg di the Inn.

Molt~~d ~ L~'.rnb k~ ~~h ttfVlunll ·)? l~lahd R t ~tkt!I venge Monkey Island

~bk~~§!~.; LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

The Voodoo Doll

I'm di the sw.imp. What do I do nowl

~J.l"f':blh ®ILeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Nitonkeitfsln ~ - liDCfai ~ !Aavehge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~)zjh~lallfir£, h.d@wd<lg~~e Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

r«miafy tshtnd !QI LdCilrooll!' ~ngeMiirhy fslmd 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
l.: CWt.lmk'g trvdbg&-Moni{ryj!;!alld !rlll.eCfittudifs.R~enge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Whdl do I SJY to the Voodoo Lddyl

Ni1onk\?r-19lsnd "2t kkt:LJhu~lRl\looge MGnkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Ni1&1'kcy laJicU~i L~ R en_e"Mlln~eyitstaoos: LaOI k'tfiibJVl:nge Monkey Island

fl<>\oo~ey 1md12r kChC!Ck' f.Q cligtf ®key Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
8 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

How do I Q t d 'idmple of Ldrgo hd1rl

Monk~ lslarld ~· hrehd&'s Rllv~ngei M onkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mon 11."J Jslarrd 21LeE:liuclc'.s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I nc <1 d pi ot Lcir o clothing. ~ fow do I et 111

Monkey Islam 2LLeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 21UeC:hucld's R!Mrngetiruihkey lsliind 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Th V 1odoo L y Wdnls some of LdT o s bod ly fluids Gro sl Whal do I dol

fy\onkeyJstand 2r LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Isl.an~ 2: L£0nJck'eRevehgeMMkeyh;land 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monk y lslahd ~! l:!.~cR'l! ~flge Mb111&y ISiand ~: b.eChtJckYg.-R!Sltnge Monkey Island 2:

OCh~k's Revmge tv1o ktl} IWirid ~~ [! Ol\jtK' s ~r<Munlte}' fllnlr\d 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Monkey f. llifl<I 2: ~ Ghucl<' ReVe'l'lge Mehkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:

In tJo'l fr m 1.. I.' o lJ P,o nces or Wh re wn I fmd orie

MonkeyJslarut .£t heGhad<'& Rev.m:IgeMortkl}J Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mottkny lslarid:Stl f.eGhod<1s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey 151and 2! hChtmk's Revenga MtmRfy Jsldnd ID l.1!ehuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monk2y Island 2.:luchuckls RCVMga t-J\Onkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsfand f• LeChud1s ~ahgeMonkey Island 21L'.eC:huck•s Revenge Monkey Island 2:

Leehuck'kReVe'l'lge MQnhey liiland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

IV1oilkey!sl<tnd 2:1 LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Munkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
Hint Book 9

Off to Sea with Captain Dread

(Or, ;;Money-That's what I want, mon.")
Now tllat Lu~o s out ot th picture how do I get ott this rock!

ey-klanci:i: LeChuck'.s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mdnkey Isl d 2:LtGhm:jl' & Revenge fv1ottkey: lslandi£U:.eGhuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
L.«ChlK~'rReV Monkey smd 2: Li.e.<Zhuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LcChuck's Revenge

Monkl:ty Js( .2: lle<Zhdcl:'s Re.vmge Monkey I

I tow do I el I e rnoney lo chart r Dread ~ hip

Monkey lsland2i L.&hock"s R~nge Monkey Island 2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

N\onkeyJslanrli2i_UzChuc s ~e.Moll"kttj Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mtmlrey la.mi~eGlt\X:k' R~nge Monkey I d2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I don t know how to cook V\lh I do I o 'ter I get the 1 ch n 1obl

Monkey; Island =f...d:huck'SlR~ngeMonkey, Is ndl2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey: Island 21 IR.Cbucks R.nv It Monkey land 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

V\lhcre do I 1 ne ti

tk' Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsland.2;LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
10 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

PAP-<:: L\,VO:
Che J=ouµ_ m~ p1eces
NOTE You c.an acquire the four map pieces in any order.

(jeneral Hints
Where drr the four mdp pieces loCdted!

Mnnktm ldimd 12:·hl{{/ihllilki 1™v.mgMAOO)<e)fllshmdr2 L~~enge Monkey Island

~mt~ hlandl 1&, ~Uclk' a 1R6.)<ellgeJN.46nM~-:hlarEl:A~1tJJilrJKk' s Revenge Monkey Island

Mvtiley l dandi2 1 htaiwl<''5' RMngep\l\ooJ<~ lsl~rLeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2:

~bk:s~vmge!Morp.key "laniH:ti&Ghud<'. s Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey.hlandl.2: leCbtro)<fs R:£Uoo~e-~ l 1>landt ~eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I get drrested when I tep off the dock di Phd!t ls1J'ld. Whdt Cdn I do about it!

~}!. Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ low do I r,et out of the Phatt lsldnd ja1ll

MnnJtay.:hlmd flt ll:mJhydc' ikt»-e~ ft.)1oolrir:y;JS!a.hd:.2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

lV\,ank~llsJabdtt; ~eCbouklStRe-rengE:M<lhh}Olrumd Rl 1-:eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~sy lslruld.la1 kt©hu11k'.B iR1Wc~MwtMtY1l&lb>di2rl~OO<' Ra~~lsland .2:

l"Kbwck't: ~vElo~~ tslafui 2.:d..ie~hu kisJ~b:'ebgisMcthkeyista.Rrll~ J:.eGhdtkis Revenge

I'm at !hr Bt~ f rrc on Booty Island Jnd I jJst hdd the wctrdrst dream
but I Cdn t rcMember the mportant details. Whd! should I dol
Hint Book 11

The (jovernor's Map

The gudrd won t let me m the Qovemor s Mdnston on Booty lsldnd. ~ fow do I get throuQhl

~Onki-)1 Murd i:.it:.e.Ghurlc' ~ ~ ~sl<lnd 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey lsl<lnd

Ml>okeyJilHm ~· l;:et1hbc~ lkvfllgeiNl\onkeyilslam!Jhd..ac.:huolo Revenge Monkey Island

\Nher do I get dn mVll<lhon lo the pd1yl

~ hltmd\£ Lrub k~s Revenge Monkey lsldnd 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey lsl<lnd

Monkey !Wod ~L.t1 -buck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey lslc1nd

IU\cnksyi limtr.d~1 fia.G:hookf RDvdfw' Murike1'1 lmidl.-!O L tilhucy:s Revenge Monkey Island 2.:
L tiihctl( RlrWBga.:ftir\cmkeyil1ild:ndJ2rf.wGhod<l's ~'°~Monkey lsl<lnd 2: LeChuck's Revenge

2-;., -hu - R:wcng iM<mktty. lsliliy.! ~ · LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

\Nhere do l '111d d co turn I

t\11qnkfyibil,ltx:UtJ.c(Q ud<:s R~cnR Mruikey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey lsldnd

/'Q\Qnk~'tlhda~i cuEIW'1k' !Wwn~ J\.5ldrlkeydsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

fhe ,uy m the costume shop won I give me the hrn ot d<ly
~le says all the costume c1re reserved.

fh1s costume 1s really dumb (.Jn l gel somethmq c1 bit more .. pm.1k hkcl

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey lsldnd

Mnnkeyttsl nd1!h lleChuck's Revenge Monkey lslund 2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Isl.ind
12 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

I m inside the mdnsion di ldst ~ low do I get the 10~1

Mdn~erf sla¢ 21 Le,thuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Wokey'islartd'2r LeGbuck'.s:.R«Ven-gtiMClJ).lteydsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monktl)c lsland 2J le.Ghucl9' ll.~ellge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

The Antique Dealer's Map

I m m the dnhque shop. Where s the mdp!

CY:1o'nkeyJsl.inci2 LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mc*i~lsWrd:.PJJ._e~lwck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I found the mdp ~ fow do I eet 111

MO keyds nd 5k let1lui:k'.s Rew /Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Rum Roger's Map

Where do I hnd Kum's house!

Morikeyfiland.. 21LeGbdck's Re.Veng Mdnkt!pdiftand!C h.lfGhwM!IB.Bvehge.lMonkey Island

I m di the bottom of the waterfall What do I do now!

tytoltkeyk\.n\d R11 !;.e6bl.Jdq(s Rl:Mngtlv\onkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Nobody s home Now wht1!l

M<mkey J.sla 2~ leChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M~ Island~· ~h1:1ck's Rtvpig~ Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mon~ 1.sland ~: l_&Cbi,iqk's R~v~MmlkEIY'blf!nd&.: lieOM:J.is RJw~eiM<ml<eiy Island

Hint Book 13

The Crypt Map

~ low oo t Know wntch cry-pl the rnJp p1 1 ml

Mollkey:fsJana2.:J...e<!:buck'-s Revcngf Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

/V\onkey ltland 2:.. e(!Jrucjq' s Re:vmge Monkey lsladd :2: L k's Revenge Monkey Island

t n won v me hm to sp d I t JI lJ1e d o •he k WI Id

Moilkfy.lslami.~ ~huek' Re'Venge Monkey lbrni 2:d:eehu k's R~ Monkey Island

Monkq.lsltJfl(i.2 x: L.eGhuck·~ Re ~Morlkey lsland-2.t L huck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsfand:i: LeC!rutk'sReveng.t Monkey Island 21LtGrnh:"s Revenge Monkey Island 2:

Lec;hucks~e Monkey lsla11d 2t LtChud<:'s RtV eMon~ lsianii ~ lirChuck' s Revenge
Monkey Jstcmrl .2.1 Leehudi'ls Revmgd M key Jsland 2: LcGhuck s ewnge Monkey Island 2:

l'rn ms1d the crypt. Wll ch cotf n 1

MonkeyiSlandJ!.J LeGlnt1ck's~lv1onkty Jsland f .h<i:hu(:k's. Revcnge Monkey Island 2:

LeOiJcks RIM?r\geMonkeyJS!and!i11£Chuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

I found R..ipp coff n WJ1 t il dI

Monk~ l sktridi .2::rlk-Ghuct'~ Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Putting the Pieces Together


ivtt>nkey Isl.end 21uChuck's Revmge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

huCkl Rewn M onkey lslJnd

W l y won I he p m uni s l do tu I vor D I ly h Jv do hr

Monkey IStand 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
14 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Addddd'?hl Wally dnd 'TIY m p dr<.' ~onel Where um ncy go!

/Oll!mkey lsland 121 L~&' ~~~Ngt! ~ onkey Island .2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Nmnlley.l!dam~t'l\l kts. ~onkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mo~fsfilnd 2J t~ I<' R~Mtlt'lk"ttyl l~land~ tetm.1~ ~venge Monkey Island

~lsfulJdl 2;i LalbUcli~ Reve~Qt1.Monkey Island .2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

PA.f1-c -C:n12ee:
LEChua(s J=op_cµ..ESs
This pld1..e rs RfAL LY creepy. Whc1t should I do first1

Wheres Wc1lly'

lvkinla!y tstahtt2'd!e-0:1"lu~s lR~011ge. MMkey11;! ~li IDtl!. ciru&:s Revenge Monkey Island

~~timd·121,t.e(!lhud<i~ ~e m-gt. Mdhlu~ytl~lc1ml ~

llN3hatk' Rlevenge Monkey Island .2:
be(!1ho~R0\.'~ ~d~mGht1ck1i;R~ Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge

~itk~~WJ.1d ff~ tiE?tiJhudd~ \JeJ1g ~~l~l.u1ti l.0s:liliGl1ool4'.s'-ruWbngtrNhmkdy Island

How do I fmd LeChuck s offi ...e1

MottklY~starut~. t-=e(!!htJ&~~ M~ey.lslattd-~n.:.~Chuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~e9-ma (f Pi L~ht:/dt's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ low do I get through that enormous door1

lilmhk~~slm1d sl~ ti00Jb'1tf4t~hv~g~~1t~aiut lhtc&hudkr'~ ~nge Monkey Island

Morfk~.Y l~ilt~' ltelnlud4"i5.1 RNm~ M onkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

MottU6}1 rls '1W2! 1 l~~"!le'lMbttl4fy1d~ftti 2h ttlrh~ck's Revenge Monkey Island

Hint Book 15

I m in the office. Now whafl

~ey· 1s1.mf;l 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I m hanP,ing around m the dungeon with Wally, and 11 looks hopelc

~ low do I gr! out of tins mess!

~\c'ey 1$1and . R:l ~eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I ecm't ce a Ihm~. Are we dedd, or 1ust lost m the dark! And what ran I do about 111

~key 1$1andi &.:! brirmcl<' RMrigIDtVtnnkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Mxmkeyislartdttsb<!Ull.112k ~~ Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

PAP-c Fouµ.:
X Marks the Spot
TlllS place is a lot better than LcChuck's fortrcs . But how do I find Big Whoop without the mapl

~~y lslirhd~io.: evenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

What does the parrot wantl And how do I get 11!

M y. l liiaT,Jd~ le:6lliujk'.s Remlge1 ~ Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mxm~ay larki2nbt<Pbo00$ R001ing~:N&rskey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

MnnR~mt~ l~~M~nkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

16 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

I followed the d1rect1ons dnd found the big • t 1ow do I get to the tmisurel

Mdnl>'ey: lSI~nd 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

\Nhere do I ,ct dyndm tel

l't.!\orruy iWJ;l t: lt6bud<I Rmenge f\l1orrikqc Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Mooby lsbnd 21 bl!Ghuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

MQT1Key ISi.and R1~hutlts RIMtnge: Mdh~ ISlantU L~t,oo<l 9.~evenge Monkey Island

Th trea u e 1· 1ust out o r ch ~ low Cdn I gel my hands on 1tl

Monl<ey lshmd.2! lit Gl ¢k' ~vimge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mnrtkey:lslaridii~ b?G:liuck'B RN~ Mo eyJsiam i2: hC!hu£k& Revenge Monkey Island 2:

LcC 'iR..~gn:Monlaly slrood 2:.L cia'RR~gd.M<mkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

The Big Whoop Underground

I m o m me ddrk J dIO. Ami I m ou of m itches .

Monk4Y1s -2: LrGhucW ~96rt!Jb Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mo11keytl;Llrii~' tidJlruddl.iR! \lcllgy, ~onkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ fow do I get Lcl hu I< to ceJ c and dcsrsfl

Monkey ~land 2.. lieCilHtrek{~ h~~ge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Moolley lkl 'rfd..if:< tLe<D1uQ ' :RMnge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
HmtBook 17

I need one from the h dd ..

Ni1on ey Uiahd r2rU6Hta:k' R«'Xttrlge.Morlkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

wellrge Mdnkey Island

The elevator wor work Wh never I o mto ii dnd try to dose th door 11 1ust ·hctk .

oo!Rbv: I MOnt~1sland Q~ LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Morlbfyis"1nd'~ 1 LxChut:k'1Rev0r.11g< Monkey lslami Limhuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~key LsUbd £fUCh ~·s tN"engc~ Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monl<ey blandfltl leGhuckl. R:e.vengc Mon&yt lslarrd 5!1 Lifi bJ;Jdc'.:s R~ Monkey Island

,,.....,,..,..,...,lslarin 21
'ts l?svenge l\.t10nbt Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
llutkl>Re~ge.~key l slan L~hutks Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

I n d one from hrs tluedds.

Ritonktyllsta,WJ2i l!.eGh~'' Riwenge Mtmklly Island 2f L:W:huclt' Revenge Monkey Island

Murl~lsland . l..J?Ci:Hutk's Revmge Mc.\Jlke}clslanit 21I.! Ghuck Revenge Monkey Island

Monkeykldnd2 K~huck'iS 1NengipMo~ Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

~ uck'sR.M Monkey I andl2ii:i.rubU(l · Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

On fro'TI the de d .

Mbokify lslmid~ 1lt.e,Cbutks wth9? ~onl«t}C'~rirl. SLL uc(q~ Revenge Monkey Island

N1~Jdand i t 1.J.rmiuck's Rrvm~ Mohke.y tiland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 5b ltE.huooriRO\lengc Monkey li;iand,21L:ruhuck's Revenge Monkey Island

18 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

... And one from the body

Mllabty !Wndl®~€hl!mk' d~hge 'Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mrm~sl4mdtl .~t~b~ Mimleyfs~dt2 :1~1;1Uck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

llf®raa~ ihv0aE0MOl!JbyJlslandfl ILttithutk's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

I ve got mgred ents trom the Four B<ls1c Voodoo Qroups. What nowl

~kd9 l!fantt1t u hM!h~ol4' RilWmge!Munkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

llJ1onb)l hb:.md 2k 6Whlhi's.f<R0-geng01Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I don't have the pms toe Voodoo Lady gave me. Will something else workl

M-onkeyihilamt.211.u!Chuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mun~·hl<thd ~lrt!€lmdtif ihJllMfgt.~ hllind>~1 . LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Hint Book 19

ReqllLA.µ_ mone
'Cne L~c;o E-ms~c;o

Welcome to Woodtick
~ fow do I keep from getting muiJged by 11-ic {,!UY on the bridge!

\Nh..it do I Sc. y lo lhc woodsm1thl

M~ Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

\Nhdl do I do Jt th wrtogr<lpher sl

Mo}1Uey4sland 21 lruhu~'s !Rt:!vtnS£ Monkey! land 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~!my llihml!l.rt.lJ.:,~dc tfohrtge MGnk~ slahil ~ :\hlKOOµck' s Revenge Monkey Island

tv'9rmey.Jdmd.it: fuehudc'~ RhVDllge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ low do I get the Cdrlogr pher s ri ocl I

Monkey lstand ~. L~l:l1Klo Rbiangc. M~nkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mm~ HUin'd ll llte lwrcl<'s Rtvmge;Mmlceyllslµ nd 2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

20 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

H w olt
~ l do n t

~ fsland 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monby lsland'211.'..eGhuCk'SiRtJ.V£ajeMbnkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkty shi 2. be<!ihuck's Rewengt Morlkey Island 2.: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monktyis~ 2.: LcChudc's RavertgbMmikey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

'1d L Crande But howl

Monkey I !ktiChook's Revenge Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChucW s R.livehge Monkey lstand 2r. LeG}luck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey l.diind 2.: uc::hudc's Revenge Monkeylsland21 Chuck's Revenge Monkey Island

or y If>

Monkey Island£: leChuck'sRevenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey island 2, le.Gbuck's Rev~ng Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mmkey Island 2.: leCbtick's Revenge-Monl<ey lslahd2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
OiChucks Ri:venge Monlfoybiand2: leGhuck' Revepge Mon)cey sland 2: LeChuck's Revenge

he I th mport nt

Mankey lsfund 2: L&h'uck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mohl<ey Island ~1 LeChud:1 Revenge.Monkey Mand 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 21 Lceeh k's RavertgE}Morikley Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsland'2i le<I:hu&' Revertg MOl'lk Maiul'2'i ~11d<'s R~ng0Monkey Island

Hint Book 21

~unltey k!M!Rd~1 ~6hwkes Re:venge""'1mkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2.:
L.eC!.htick's'R'6'1tlnge bnkey!Jstand>2t ~'s Revenge Monkey Island 2.; LeChuck' s Revenge

~tow do I get mto ti cu r kt!chc. 1

~key tsUmd l!~leOhlldrl'-druiveng Mbhk~ lsiattd ~ci'.~Ctludl's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lliand fil l'.eC!ihbit.k't ~~engeJVk>11Key lkfafrd i:21 LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
\:\/11dl do I need fro n t~e ~rt hen!

Monkey. slahd 21 lmGhu&'s Revenge Munli.e) tsendit! Leeliuck's Revenge Monkey Island

The mnke per dt 1h <.wdmp Rot Inn doe n t e m too n y ~ t w Id I wr h h m

Monker1stmli 2~ Ll:GhueU's. R-evMg~ Monkey l&!ariJ i : ~eChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

MOflkeyf~larnf ·~ tt~hlick' s l'l.evehg~Mbnkny 1s!anli 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mon~y4slaml 2t l'.em~uck~ s Revting1t Monkey IS!a ~ 2.; t 0huck"S"Re-venge Monkey Island

T 1ere cklesn t se 111 o be dnvthm verv 1ll

IV\ob~y Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

The Voodoo Doll

Im at the -w do I l nw

Monkey t.s&inli 21 LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

tvbiihkey stand£: ill?ChUC!k'!S R~ll'~ Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mdnkey tslanli 12.< b.~Cht.tck's Rev~e Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

f\.itorlbi.Yi1~nd llt
Lwhuci(s R.evtngeMbrt~ fsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
~ckSl-R vtng& Monl<ey Jslamd 2il!.a<5hack s R0Vengc Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

f\.1\onU~ fi land1l, !l.!eGhac!k:Sl.R.ewcnge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

tv1orlkcyil.sland ~: le6ht.n:k'.s Rmiehge-Monkey lslanct~ LiJOiuck's Rv(enge Monkey Island

~ey Island 21 OChuckig Re>.tehgi Mot•key Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

2: LeChuck's Ri!W11ge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monb:iy lsLipd 2lliiClruck'srRevenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

I th n ~~ w do I ~ t 11'

M11nkey tsland.2: l.!cGhucl<'I; Re.vettgti. Monkeyi'51.1md ILi ILile:huck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 5!. lieGhuck'S"Revetigt M onkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

MrinkeyJsiand '2: l.:.eOlU1;k's~nge Mo ey:lsl.arilit l.LeGhbck!;~emingeM nkey Island 2:

lleQhbolC sRevenge MonkeyJsland 2.: Le<llm.Jd:' sRmrerl'8B.Monkey; Island~. kkGhuck's Revenge
Mdnitfy lshind'21 LeGbmOO'~ &evengeN.1itnkey ls!amt5! . 'h~Ghuzk's Re.vmlg~Munkey Island 2:
LeClruck's ReVmge tv1cmkey h;l~d 2l LeCIJlucks RRv~ Monkey Island 2.: teGHuck' s Revenge
Monkey lslami,2: leCbuckls.Revr~ Moµkeylsfat 2i LeGhutk's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

M d M rly on I I M Ll 1c1undry. \.\11 t

Monkey lsland:-2: ~ttock' Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M<lokey lslandrlt ChtKkls.R~en~tvtonl<lty Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Isl nd 2: teehtJtk1s ~veil~ NM11key f.sland 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
11aHutio' R~geiMo erlsfund ll eChudi' Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

~Isl Md ~: t!eClhUck'~IRevenge Monkey Jsland 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:

l'..-eGHlid(' R~en~ Mor ktyl lirki12~ l.;.e01ud:'. s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

T V ot L r o bodily fluid l ro \t\ l

Monkey Island S!i l:eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
Hint Book

tVklh:k~!Uand~ l.letlhn:w~R~~M~kl3)Cllli.attd(R nl:e~s Revenge Monkey Island£:

~~~~ ~eytsLmli.~t:e<Dtirutk~ Jilew~IJ'~ Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge
Nhlnkey1sfand-flN.<;U(ii>hrokf" ~ ~kC'j1 lsl.md---f $J2.UChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island .2:
I 11eed <l bone froP1 one of L&gos dncesto s. Whc~c Cd'1 I find one1

~Jbkey:llslmt~:i.'belfibsola'li:Re.Venge~ lsllaainifi .£: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mb{ibfytslarltlrR: UeC.furoICk Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mcm:kaydsUmd S: lhetiJllu114S~ngthMrilikey Island£: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mon~t.Jt~od~ ls~d'is 1~~1*e~lst~ ~h~k'. Revenge Monkey Island .2:

LtiChllcki~&i.M~ ~qnkey1J~nnsi .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island£: LeChuck' s Revenge

I vc ~ot the doll. Whcr do I f nd Ldrgo!

lt!l~htt~.Mhl.ndJtr LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Liri;io got awdy with my souvenir 100< o~ Lc01uck's beard ~low do I get it back!

Mnnke}'l Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Off to Sea with Captain Dread

(Or, #Money-That's what I want, mon.")
Now thdt L.c1rP,o ~out of the picture, how do I get ot• this rock!

MnnRey:l.slmd:~i il.eGhUcips Revenge Monkey Island£: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mommy Hland·~: ~utl:d&~cvettgelMohkej!Maf}d1.2 l:b~Ciiht.kkis ~gB Monkey lmand .2:

L.eCh:u£kl!il&menge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island£: LeChuck's Revenge
24 Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge

[) e..id w n Ins ck

Monkey bland~ lfoGhuck's- Riivenge Monkey I lane 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 21biGhuck'.s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lslilrid 2 Lruhuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2.: !Ie<Zbui:k's Revi!rige Monkey Island '2. lieGbudc's Revenge Monkey ldand

Mnnkey I land 2: Lruttuck!-S Rewnge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsUind 2: le<fhi.KR's R~~nge M~key lsll=md I.?.. lleChucW Revenge Monkey Island

Monl<ey Island 2; kcChud<l's ~ Monke-j lsland-2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

liGhOck's ReVenge Monkey Island £:: llciGhud<I g Re~niJt M onkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

Moohy Jsland 2: LeGhuck' s Revmg~ Monkey Jsl nd ~i eGhQck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeOruck'.s Re.vertge Monk y Island 2: 11..oC!huck's Revenge Monkey Isl.and 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

• o nI

Mnnkey lslaoo 2.: LeGhuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey:lstarid 2~ llet:'huck~ Revenge /'V'\oi1ikey I lal!id 2: teOhtick's Re'o'Cllg€1Monkey lslHnd 2:

Lt-Chuck's~venge Mol\key lsldnd 2: ~eGMlck'cS Reven~ Wnkey lsldhd 1\: li.e(LJt)udii: ~nge
Monkty Island 2i lltcttuck'S' ~vengtt f'V:\onkey Island 2 WhtJd<'s REM!I Mohkfy Island 2:

MO'™;f l&lan<l 2: L~huck's Revenge Monk'ey Island£: llruhbck's Rf.'Wl1~ Monkey Island 2:
L:.eChucl4' Rcveiige N\ookey land 2~ J.!.d S:F11Jck'· Rewnile Monkey Island 2. LeChuck's Revenge
Monkey Island~: J.LeChutk's Revenge Monlky tsiiltl_d 2: LeOhuck Revenge Monkey Island 2:
l!K..11ud<'s Revenge Monkey Island 2. t:l!Ohud:'s%M?r1g Moft'kcy Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

M nkey Island 1Z1 LtGhuck'~ Revengt Monkey Island 2: lllihvck's Rcvdi~e Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeCJ1uck1s Revenge Mon~ Island 2: L~Ghuck's Revenge Monkey Island

tvtonkt!y lslandi£r teGhuck'"$ R •vtn~ Monkl"j $(end 2: t CI:huck Revenge Monkey Island
Hint Book 25

,./. ·,

Monkey Island 2:-te<?bud<'siRcvimge:Mon~ li;land 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey:fslami2. Lt<lluck.~ Ravengt MDakcyJsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Wmed I 1 x

Monk.eyt l ~ 2r.rU<l.Htickl-s RllW!ngil.MbnkeyJsland IC fu?Chul:k ' Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Jslarid .2.:. i.eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

PAJi-C- L\,VO:
chE J=ouµ._ ffiA.P p1eces
NOTE: You can acquire the four map pieces in any order.

General Hints
Where are th 'o m

MonJ.oey,1sland 2: te<Jhucl4 Revenge Monkey Island 2. llGhlicl<'s Revenge Monkey Island

M'onkey Island S l...eGhuli<'s RtVengd\/lonkey Island 2: l:.~huck's Revenge Monkey Island

~nl<eyl tsMnd 2: lleCh11ck'~ Revtn~ Monk rnla d £": LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeG::huck!s Revenge Monkey Island ll: Leehutk'.s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey lslpnd2: L&huckis Revlln~ Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

r tt

Monkey Jsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
l!6 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

. 1

~ low do I et out of the Phdtt Is Jn JdI 1

'MullcfYkldnd:~: b<IhY&' Rl'Mny Mool.-iey: ISl n1i .2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

huck's Revenge Monkey Island

tJ1 key lSlahd Q1 Le<llrutklii R~~ t\11&nb!Y.-'51 nd.2 L~<illnlch"s Rtm>ntJltlM nkey Jsland 2:
G?GhUtk'S<Rwi'IA~MopkdyiJ$1ahd Rt l:,ewhdck' Rhvdnge Mdi.kC:Y'bt<ind .st: ·~ la\sfRevenge

The Governor's Map

The gudrd wo • le rw m the Qovcmor s MJ11s1on on Booty l~ldnd ~ low do I ,et th ough

Where do I i:?e dn mv1L1hon to !tie pdrlyl

~b~ tsl ad~~t!~~k'.s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M~nkc w>a118 ~. h ~huck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island
Monkey kl#! ~ « kl R»"1ih~ Mo~ y ~Wnl:Hi?J:• t..Ctilhocl(s Revenge Monkey Island 2.
L~htkU Rtv~gdvtonl<e9fslartdi211.&hool(.s Riwmg!YMonkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

The guy dhe of me ..i• the Cdsmo J e know how to wm. W'idt h1 ~e etl

Monl4~tsll1Nd 21 llt<Jfuitk !lRewng Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mo& lda11d ~ L~Dftu~~s R~ ~J\!10llkd9 l ahd ti llfChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Mb11~<¥i~d'2lt hutk' R\w®_ • ~llk1<i,'l'ltslarl\i.:1!1:1 b.l J1u¢ki Rtvenge Monkey Island

I c..in t c.on n r Brun' the doorkeeper thc1t I f11 d me nber of the .. 'ub What s t'1c tn 1

~~ ~lattd 2Ylni«hlk !;..~ngditt~~my lsthf:llf¥. l't'®~k'.s Revenge Monkey Island 2:

l:J .([1-Jum R~~t!Ml!lnkeyils1al1\l.2: l~k'.s ~nge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey 1stuttd 12 L4:!~k' s vt-tig ~kfy lslul'ld ~lleahUi!k1 Rl'\lllnM M6 kfy Island
Hint Book 27

Wher do I fmd o um

Monlcty Hland2t Le<Zbuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

lM1onk£)"1 and 2 Ld:Z&utk'i Re e ~onkcyi Jsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mcnkcy Island ~l l!e6 k'sR~e~~land !2t le huck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey,lsla1 d 2.: eGlnlck's RkVllnge onkey. l~d 2i LeGnuak(sr Revcn Monkey Island

b m b1

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkc)l lslat1 ~ cChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Nlonkey ·land 2• Le®1u~ ~Monkey Isl.and 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

n 1d I ~ w o II

MOn y lsliuJ.d .2l l...l?Ghuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mohkey.lslarid ~oo~uck' Rewn~ Mool<ey fsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island fl: l::ruhudp' s R<tvenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

E ltk WI

Mankey lslmid 2: LcGhuck's !Wnge- Monkcyiisland.2i:r1LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

l\i1onkcy: land .2 LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

r pt
Monkey Jslan c..Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island £f LeChucks Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
28 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

IV\Qnkr slarnl fi: Ii. hllck' £venge y lslan 2: LAGfildcrk"s: ~enge Monkey Island

h pole t

Monkcy{Sfand 2: lfl:huc:-k.'s Rev~ Mo~ J and lb LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

i Wh t Id

Monkey lsl<rod 2; LeGhut:k's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey:l.sland 2· leChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Momkey fslafld 2 ~ Lc d\'s Rtvsdge Mohke.y Jsl od2. LrGbuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey ISiand ~ Lel!:hock' Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey-island 21 LeC:huck'.s- Revenge Manke fslanrl .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Ma key lsland2t C.e uc.k's nge: Monkey lsland..2: L:.e<Ebuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeGh d<"sR.:wenge.MonkeyisLmd2J uGliutk's Rtwenge Mohkey Island 2: l eChuck' s Revenge
Monkey:lslanil.2· Le€h d<'sRevmg~N\onkey:lsland!2' l.JeCmcl<'sREvenge Monkey Island 2:

Il r
M key land 2; LeEboc '.s.Revenge Monlf;i~ Island £lµGhu ck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island£: l.!.eG.h ck's Rt~ Moo.key Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Mon~y Island fil L"CGhuck' s Reveng¢ Mon ey ISiand £x:Ce€huuk's Rmnge tvkmbtf Jsland 2·
r.eG!iui:lc's evwmgeMOnkey:tsJa 2r Le<!huck'sRevengeM<Iikey lslari.'L~:UGhuck:SRtv.enge
Hint Book 29

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2. Le<!huck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2· leChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2. LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2 LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: L:.eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

The Antique Dealer's Map

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: teChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: l'..eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge
30 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

~low do I th Md Mn y

Monllay Jdand ~: L.a.Ghuck' Rlwl!rtge. Monkey! ktand 21 t..rutwck's Revenge Monkey Island

MookeylsWxl 2 b~Gb oo ~Bngc/VkmkEy Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

MIDnkey .kla .2: L.:eCillntck's Revenge. M011khy lslahd 21 u Chuck's Revenge Monkey Island

cha.-fcr le

venge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey 1$hnd 2: lu?Ghuck's ~Mort~ I andl21 ua:iliudt's Revenge Monkey Island

I m not havm 1 w

MOJ'.Jley Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

l'Vaankey Island 2: l~huc •s Rev¢0ge M onkey Island 2: leC:huck's Revenge Monkey Island

tvlorlke Island 2: LeGhuck1 R"1Ul~ Monl<Aty Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

tv1o:nkey:island!2:tL.e0htJck' RtYengdv\lklkeyJsland 21 Lt<Ihock' Rev.en~ Monkey Island

Monkeydsl.and 2: nkey Island .2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

~key,lsland ~i:.e ~)Q'15 R~ng~ Monl<ey:tsland 2t !J,Ern:.zk' R»vmge M onkey Island .2:
LU!huck's.~-ewngt;Mon lfilandfll LoGhuck'GRtwenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monlley hit.ii. l.:eEhuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Manloey lsfand& l:JrGburk' Revertgcd.Monkey lsJand 2. LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mor& tsland2: .L-e6h1kltJ's.Rbv1mgeMonlty lsUnd~ l:.<\!hud<'s.c~en~. Monkey Island

MoPl<ey tslamt 21 LeEhUck"s R'tWngd Monkey. lsumd ~ • Le£hucld's Revenge Tv\onkry Island .2:
l...2Cbud<'s Rz\tangei/V\orikty Island £fL nuk' engr Monkey Island ~t taGhuck's Revenge
ey lsland.2: e hock'$ReVl?n~c on ey.lsl.ancL2: Le£Zh\i.'k's RevtmgeMonkey Island .2:

Monkey lilartii* LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ktiy Island 21 LeGbud«s ~tngn Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
Hint Book 31

Monkey ldrind 2: ltChuck's Reven Monkey Island 2, [ eChuck's Revenge 'Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2.! LeGhuclefs evmge Mon~ liland 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
Le<Zhu&'.s.R.evenge Monkey~ 2: Lanmck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island!£: Ile.Chuck's Revvnge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

f\11ankey Island!. µc)JuCk's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

tvtonkey tsland 21 lieGhud<'sRevenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island


Monkey lsland:2: LeChud<1s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

MOnkey Isl !: lCChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mankey ISiand 2t LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2. J.: uck's ~gc:Monkey Island

Rum Roger's Map

W U I 1'1

MotikeyJsland 21 LeGhtn:lf.'• Revenge IV\onk£y Island 2. l..'..CGhutk's Revenge Monkey Island


t«onliiey lsld d t: L Hoof~ Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: l!.eEhuc Raimge Monkey lslanu 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

fi.1onkty Island lli !J.e huckls R.e'J-enge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey ISiand 2: teGhuc:k's ev Monkey Island 2 LeCfhuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M onkey Island 2: leC::huck"s Rev

Monkey island 2 l!.e<Zhuck's evenge Monkey Island 2~ l.!iGh'uck's Revenge Monkey Island
32 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2; LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island£: LeGhuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island.£: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
Le01ucl<'s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

Monkey Island 2.; LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2,: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeGhuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Jsland 2.: LeChu1:k's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Mand 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey~sland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

LeChuck'" Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Jsfand 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 21LeChutk's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
Le.Chuck's Revenge Monkey lsland 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Jsland2.; LeChuck' s Revenge
Hint Book 33

Monkey Island 21LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChock"s Revenge Monkey Island£; LeChud( s Revenge Monkey ls(qnd 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeGhuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2; LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: Le01uck' s Revenge Monke.y Island£: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island Z: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2:
LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

The Crypt Map

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
34 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

~tdn we t g1w rlC time to p dk I t , c y \Nhd! n I do

M~ stand~ hf{::lluhk's R.~nge> Monkey Island 2:1Le<Ihutk's Rwenge Morlkey Island

Monkeyisland 2 ~ ll:e0huck1s RevmgeMonkey Island 2J Le<!Jwck's Revenge Monkey Island •

Monkey lsland~d.:eCihuclt's Rewnge Monlcey Island 2: LeChudts Revenge Monkey Island 2:

l!e<i:nudds RtVenge Monkey Js .2: L~ual<'s RevengeMbnkty Island 2: Le.Chuck's Revenge
Mo~yisltlnd 21~eG:hud< s Revenge Mbnkey Is 21h.eGhl1ck's Rev~ge Monkey Island 2:

The wood m1th w I I t me lou h m l n n h1 h p ~ d I tw In d

Monke¥ l~anti 2: L.eGhod<i's Riwmge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Munkey h;land 2) eGh'uck.' s Rev~nge. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Jslaoo 2: LeCh1.11.'k1s R vertge Mon'kty Island 2: UCh ck's R~wnge Monkey Island

Mbrikey Island ~: L!K:hutkfs ~venge Motikey Island £: l£Chu K's Rivenge Monkey Island

I '11 1 side he crypt \Nh1 co f n 1 Rci

Monkey tsland 2 : Lecthuck's Rewtnge Mdnkey Island~: L€uh1.1Ck1s R~vange Monkey Mand

Mon~ey Hland £i LeQihuck's ~wtinge Mottkey Island f t LeO!lldc:'sRtwnge Mankey Island 2:

LeCh\.1£k~ R.e:vengt-Monkty ISiand 21 L'CC:hvck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Th book 1 e y b n ch k d u N w w

M0t1key lsland £: l.!tGhllt'k's Revehgt Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey<l land 12 LeChtK.kl!i Rewnge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~low do I Phctl .,,

MMkery Isl nd !£( ln~Chuok'a Rnvenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mohkty Hland 21LeChl.ld<' Revenge Monkey Island 2~ LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey l ~arid ~. u<thutk's ewngeMonkcy Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Hint Book 35

r s of m n Re

N"\onlrey:lslandf2:. L:.eOludCs Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

N1onJ<£y Island Ii!: LeGhuck' Rev M onkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ey Isl .£! le£h k's ReVenge Mon


hud<'s even~ Mon ·huck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monktiy siaiid 2• t:eGhu ~ Revenge Monkey Island 2. LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island


Monk Uck'· Re engc Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monl&y I nd 2.. L.e<ilhuck1s Revenge Monkey lilan 2 ~ ihuc s Revenge Monkey Island

~keylslandi2: LeChlick's evtn eMonkey ISiand .2 huclf ~vc ge Monkey Island 2:

l.'.eOrucl' Revenge Monkey J £: UChu&'s ng M ey Isla nil~ LeChuck's Revenge
onktylS!and 2! L!e<lh ks eng Monkey lsland.2: huck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

Putting the Pieces Together

Monkeytsland 21L~hu k :Rev lf?e Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey ts htJ&' R M onkey Island

36 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island£: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsland.2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lslahd 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: leChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

PAfl.C cnp_ee:
LeCnuCK's J=oµ._-cµ_.e-ss

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: leChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: leChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island
Hint Book 37

Monl<ey Island.£: LeGhucR's Reven. Monkey stand 2 l:.eChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M nkey Island 2.. LeChuck s Revmge onkey I d 2: Le6 huck's R£veng tv'tonkey Island

Monkey Isl 2: LcChuck s Revenge Monkey Island ~ L ~huck' R e Monkey ISiand

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck s Re eng Monkeylsland .2: LcGhiJck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
L.eCihuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: I..'. Ghixk' RCv Monkey lslarxi 2: L~uck' s Revenge
Monkey Is nd 2.: LeGhuck' s Revenge M ey bl.ind 2: L~uck' s R.Mnge Monkey Island .2:

Monkey J lani:l 2: LCChucJ<: eveng Monkey lslan<l 2. Le6hu k's Revtn e Monkey Island 2:
l..CeChuCk's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LCChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LcChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2. cChuck s Revenge Monkty I land 2. L. huck's Revenge Monkey Island .2:
LeGhod('s Revenge Monkey I 2. ~11uck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2. LeChuck' Reveng1: nkcy lslan 2. Leehuck' Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2. LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeC::huck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: lcC!huck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeGhuck's Revenge Monke lslan 2": l.:.t utk' Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: Lec:'.:huck's Revenge Monkey kind 2.- ttChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 21L uck's ewngc Monkey Island 2: t h k's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2 LeUhuc Revenge Monkey1sland 2: teGhuCl<'s Revenge Monkey l~and 2:

teChuCl<'s Revenge Monkey Island 2: rleGhuck's Revenge Monkey I land 2: ~eChuc 's Revenge
38 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

I Cdn I seed th ng. Are we dedd, or just lost m rl .., di" r.nd whd' Cdn I do dbout 1tl

M-0Mkfy 19ta"til2J IJe<t.ftu~R~~ ~key Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

/Utdnkey l ~lattd~. l.Jt4!1ruclf ~- Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

PAP-c Fouµ.:
X Marks the Spot
Tti1s pl<1ce rs J lot b ttcr thd L ( huck' s fortre s. But how do I 'in BiP, Whoop w1thoul the map I

Mon)&y slamh~ t:eeht.wl:t ~"evenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Whdt do ~ th p rrot wantl And how do I ,et 1tl

Memkty' l!i:indt21. tt!(iJlfock'-.s Rtmflgei MOrikiy Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mool<ey M rid ~1UC::hut1t~ R~t11g~ Mufikey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Mand t i LaGhiu~'s ·R~i'Jigt Ml>nkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island

One 1s not enough. • low do I hnd morel

Mbnkty ~ ¥l<L «huc:l41s Rtv~ ~l\iy.l lkfand 2":kt~Cl""k' s Revenge Monkey Island

/Okmkay Wand 2: litCrt.ru&r~ R~ ~ M<ktkttyil sta11Ul~: Ll&lhool41 RcvtingtiMonkey Island

Mdrlk'fyfSl.md ~: ie~Jt ReWn~Mohkfytslahd ~ tie,~tiuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

Lttlli c1trsRtWH~t ~1&~1a'1U~! tit(9ltul'. s~etigtiM ~y ·151cltid'~: LeChuck's Revenge
Mmtkiey Island ~. le6tiud<'~ Revtt\\:l M~ l!it nd 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mdrlk\fy-tshtit:d Pi ll~l'.i'Ot'Ws.%.~veti~~hk~ljlslilhd l!J lle<Jhl'Edels Revenge Monkey Island

Hint Book 39

olll<bY Mand 2fl«:!hUt-k' ~ M ey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:

t GhutW lllMiaj MoTikey d e~ M uck~ Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

I fol owed th directions dnd ound th b1 I ~ low do I P,cl o the trrdsurcl

Monk.e.y ldand 2. LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey l~c1lld ~t L£Ghuuk' ~engeMunkey I !ld rt M: hUckls Revenge Monkey Island

Wh d I i.1cl dyn rmt

MonkeyJsland 21 Lruhwk't Re enge MoJ).key Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M nltey Island !J ©Jock's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey ~laoo llr L IJdc' Revtnga MonkeyJslahd ~ leGihuck M onkey Island

k'sfttfvmge..Monkey !stand 21 l:.~<ilhud' Revenge Monkey Island

Th ur 1 J t out of r J ~ 1w h ndson I

Moo ey lskmd ~- teGh 'Rewtige Monkey Island 2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mo'rt~y lsl&ri<i £. t tIHutk' !fRev~n Mo k y land ~ l!:eC!hodf Revenge Monkey Island 2:

~ , huck's JJ.ev1mge ~imkfy fstahd ~' Le<:!hU& s Mn "'1ohkcy Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

The Big Whoop Underground

Im t m lh r1<

RtV6rtgt Monkey lslJnd 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M<mkcy I Ln*1 ! f hud<' l!vcl:tg~ IU-1onkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

~ fow do I ct L ( buck lo c J nd

Mon~y Isl.ind 2~ 11 'h cl<' Ri v(Jhgc Monkey Island 2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mon~~Ui d £r: L-e<lhutk !i R:•vcmge Monkey Island 2: LcChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
40 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

I need l: e from th ·

Monkey lsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsland ~: LeChuck's ~enge Monkey Jsland 2t LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeCbuck's Revenge Monkey Island .2: leChuck'.s Revenge Monkey Island

fhe el o w h d

Monkey Island .2.; LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2~ LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mmikey stand 21L.eGhuck's. Revmge Monkey Island 2: teChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2. L~huck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Mun Rey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 21LeChuck's Revenge-Monkey Island

Monkey Island 21LeChock' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2! LeChuck's R~enge Monkey tsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

M0nkey tsland,2: Leehuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2! LeChutk's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2. LeChutk's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2:
LeChucl{s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Ntonkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey lslat1d ~: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island .2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsland2: LeChuck's'Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Hint Book 41

from h v

Monkey Island£: LeChud<'s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2; LeCht1ck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge Monkey Island 2:
Let.lJucl<'s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChucl<'s Revenge

o 1'1 K t orr

Monkey Island 2: L£Ch\,Jl.!k'S' Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey lsland .2t LeCh\lck'-s Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

Monkey Island~: LeChud<'s Revenge Monkey Isl.and 2: Le.Chuck's Revenge Monkey Island

t eV o o l v J'< m n

Monk~tsland 2, LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island

MQnkey 1.iland £.; LeChuok'~ Revenge Monkey Island !£1LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island
42 Monkey Isand
1 2: LeCh uck,s Revenge
Hint Book 43
44 Monkey Island 2.: LeChuck's Revenge
Hint Book
46 ~--~Mo~nk~eyl~slan~d2~
: L~eCh~uck~'sR~
~ ~~
Hint Book 47
48 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's RNengr

Vast amounts of Cirog Machine

unobtainable wealth* and Coins
Helium Tank


ETicket &
Light Switch

*Found only in Hint Book!

Hint Book 49

Qeneric Voodoo Doll

Balloon Dad's Skull
2 boxes of Root Beer Surgical Qloves
1 Empty Box Hypodermic Syringe
50 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Location Vse

'>hovel S1~n at Woodt1ck bndgc Mollkey taltm,i l i :d~(!fhW!ii&.-Revenge

M6")1mw lslWld ~f~l~1sil?.owenge
Mqpke}ldShnid: B 1 ~l'kk'l1.Revenge
~~~&ndl.2: LeChuck's Revenge
Stick On the beach ~n~ Wan4 ~ «h();.huck's Revenge
Mnnkeyrltll 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Spit dnpping down wall Bloody Lip Bctr & C,ril, &ddrij<tl'jl Ltland to. LeChuck' s Revenge
MClllhy :Slahki !!1d..eChuck's Revenge
"Blue Whale" cocktail Bloody Lip Bar & Grill Mlitn eyi r~~nd~ 1:&6b!.lt.k ~enge
~!f'biaitd£: LeChuck's Revenge
"Yellowbeard's Baby'' Bloody Lip Bar & Grill Wlon~ t ad Utehuo\:i' .Revenge
cocktail ~y: and .2: LeChuck's Revenge
(jreen drink Bloody L1p B<lr & Cinll Mmk1tf biat)di2 b.e~ '. ~ ~nge
MQnlse~ &sfAJni~ l.JrfiU111~ ' :nge
~Isla.Mt l:tt6h uck's Revenge

Crazy straw Bloody Ltp Bar & Cinll M0n~ ljlaod 2:1 Lk~ ' s~ ge
Mnnktt' 6sGuui~. Lg(dJwd ~~e
~blll1td f l LtChuck' s Revenge
Metronome Bloody Lip Bar & Cirill MQf'fbyJlskm 121 L<t!E \q\s evenge
"""'~™.t:siJu)d .2: LeChuck's Revenge

JOJO Bloody Lip Bar & Cinll ~ lslan,l ~I !-e€h\td<Ol Revenge

~1n14ey.fsJB nd .2: LeChuck's Revenge
Money Bloody l ip Bar & (jnll ~onk'fl}1rftla-ndi 2; heGhutkls Revenge
M nJo~y ~d .2: LeChuck's Revenge
Kmfe Bloody l ip kitchen Mort~:l:Siand~ : I MGhtt.<ik; s Revenge
f)AQ~, h1Iand .2: LeChuck's Revenge
Vichyssoise Bloody Lip kitchen ~~::t Jsl eft L Cfill., k's Revenge
t\.1.on~ blattd .2: LeChuck's Revenge
Hint Book 51

111."ll loca• n Vse

Monocle Cd'iogr<lphe s sh p t:.?\ottktf)i l11hd £:nLl\Chuck's Revenge

Mb?k¢ ·i·~ih~l2!: LeChuck 's Revenge
PJper Cd ogrdphe s ~hop M:onk~l f.Utthdi~ L~~· 1 R_j:}(-6);>Wf

I- ldl'lMer & NJ Is Woodsm1th ~..;hop M:on.ke cb1"5lm42idlu.¢6l11.Jck's Revenge

~lqeyJsland 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Wood Po'1sh Woodsmith s shop ~rt&~ llslathi S ~blJ~k' s Revenge

on~~Jisl.aM~ l !Wi(h uck' s Revenge
M n o low Mord F.ber Mo~~d. ~()bt~ud<'s Revenge
Jt l.Jundry <-~ip Mo~lsla.tllil ~h leChuck ' s Revenge

Bucket Lrnndry ship MbRkfy.Wa ~.Li Gibtii(k\s enge

Monkt slwisf ~ twobm:u cvenge
"4urtktly.:Jsland 2 : LeChuck's Revenge
Box Lrnndry ship Mun eyi tmnd ~ ·&Ghut.1Kls?llqvenge
Monjqf}E'Jstan &i ·ldil 's Revenge
Rat L.aundry ship kdonkey::ls,l.arol; 2 :1~ ~i ~enge

Pedrly-wh1te br Ldundry ship Mooley lslahd-. ta y~iriWiiSIR-eli ttge

Pt'g kg Laundry Ship &tsn\:q IM:mdd!: k\~ nge
Mg~Wamf fl : t.ff.i:bu~e!Revenge
Mun)uy land 21060..uM &~nge
01' Pegb1ter Swamp Rot ln'l Mon~eyi lsiauxlJ211LcGhwt.'s Revenge
1lh tor MtJlil:kei<;!statid: .2 1lwm.tJ<'&1Rt'venge
Cheese Squ1gghes 01 Pegb1ter's bowl M-0~ h:IB:rd.tit r Chuck's Revenge
at Swdmp Rot Inn
Laundry claim ticket Lar o's room at Mook.a la .2:'*"ttQtudkiajQEst'enge
Swamp Rot Inn M~~tsl ~ LoU:huck's Revenge
fo ee L.d o oom Jt t0"0nkey tslarui121
')w mp Rot In
C run wlutc folded slurt Largos room .:1t
<.wamp Rot Inn
52 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

Locahon }..,.

Flodhng coffin fdgc of swdmp

(rate Ed of swamp

String lntemdtlonal
House of Moio
Voodoo shoppm II I lntcmd 1ondl
I lou co Mo
p,., &voodoo dol lntcmJ on I Mtmk1ty tmnxl ~. brGihtlak' s Revenge
~ fou o Mo10 M<>nkey I dandi :2:1.lutChucl<fs Revenge
B1 VJh op Vnd 1111 d lntemdh tv.\onkay ~ LeChuck's Revenge
Bondn d o Myt11 ~ fou c o Moio Monkey lslm -56: LeChuck's Revenge
k h 2 lif Int mdt1onal Monl.my I fund 9: t:.e€1 k's Revenge
I fouse of MOJO M9tlkty ~ ~C1ro s Revenge
Jui b Monl&y lsl.tnd 2t Lemh 's Revenge
Mbnke.y I la ~i Lcuhucl<.'s Revenge
~key lsl.llid fl l 1.L0Chuck's Revenge

Mt he In d )au b.J Monkt'r)'! lsMJid ~ J,:aClru ' .Rel<lmge


Ash s Rapp calhon s crypt

Key R.ipp 5Cdlhon s crypt

Repp m pp cc pp SCdlhon cryp Mo.ntt~ fstantl 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Hint Book 53

Locati n Ve

DrcJd's Mdp CJpl Dredd Mo y island:~ L«G ol!ld Re\lenge

M6 k'1y Isl d.@1 LeGnuck's Revenge
PdrrotChow Dredd's ship Ml1nkey ISlartd !i litrok' hge
Molikey I ~ L.mJhuck' e.venge
key Is d-.2t LeG.hi.tck' Revenge
figurehedd of Ocean floor Jllitankey Is 2: U:Chuck's Revenge
Mad Mo PV key 2: LeChuck' s Revenge

Phatt City
Ph It ("tty Jdll Morucey Island 21 U.Chuck'1' R~venge
Bone Ph tt Ct'Y dtl Monkfy.-tsland 2 1LaC!;huck's Revenge
Mon Island 1J. l.eChuck's Revenge
Cell keys Phdtt City Jdtl Mo key I sland~ Le0hutj<l'sRevenge
M-0~ lsiattd 2.i LeC:hutk's Revenge
1J'11lld envelope Phdtt ( tty 1atl Munl4t11 Island ~h LeGhud:'s RitVenge
"- ·on Ila envelope Phatt City Jatl nnke.y Island 2.; eCfluck'-s Revenge
Vanilkl envelope Phatt City Jatl Monkey Island;£ LeChuck's Revenge
Banana Phatt City jd1l Monktfy Island 2: heChuck's Rewnge
Moo.Joey ls 2-: eCbuck's Revenge
Near-grog Phatt City 1a1l • l!:e uck' s Revenge
-2: LeChuck's Revenge
remporary bbrary card Library fV'on '"f island~ = b£hulMs Revenge
Model lighthouse lens library Mkey sla b k'.s Jkvenge
Mon~ ~ sland H· LJG ck's Revenge
onke Is nd 2: l:.: (; k' R-evenge
'The Joy of I- lexn library Monk~ Island 21 l!:a£huck's R£venge
nkey, lslandl.21 LcGhu&'s evenge
Mon~ Jsland 21 uck'~ Revenge
M ey ls.land 2: LeChuck' s Revenge
54 Monkey Island 2: leChuck's Revenge

Item Location

u(jreat Shipwrecks Library ~~ bian~ eliihbf;io s. &,11~

of Our Century" MD~ lskl 1£; ~ms ~venge
M.mibJ bl ~; laalut~Revenge
Ma d .2.; LeChuck' s Revenge

Any book Library Monkey Jlilan~r L.m:Slru e Revenge

Mnnkey sla ·dlt.CJwckiJ lnnamg.e
Invitation Cas1'10 Alley Ni0m4e'fiklamt ~'~htmktsi ltev0)lge
M~ l5hmd.fi'l1J..aGlhudda~nge
Mm:ikey:J.dand 2.t 11.-etl:ttuckla Ri?venge
60 Pieces of Fight GismoAUey Monkily hslat:1dd! lbeGhuck' s Revenge
Monlgey kllm<L2:..Eeehuck's Revenge
(juybrush Outside the jail Rdof1Jaty ~!llartd·i!. ~eChuck' s Revenge
Wanted Poster M~ Lllood ~ LeChuck' s Revenge

Fishmg pole Fisherman on dock Mertlury !slaw iC loaii s Revenge

Mam~d nB~huck' s Revenge

The Island's Interior

hatt's bedroom Moh~'.11 lllrtd fhideChuck's Revenge
Quotations" RAonlbty lillmlil fir Chuck's Revenge
Water pump Summit of waterfall M-OrlQll)' I n ~· Latmuck's Revenge
M.on 1i1 LeChuck's Revenge
7rapDoor Rums house ~ l:slandi.2.1 t.pQlruck' s Revenge
Mug o'grog Rum's house Mollkerl ndtfl: Le<fibodt1st&rltaage
Mibi;l~ Jsltmd&r. ~wit!'"& R.e'Tange
MnRJ.ont:eland 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Shutter Rum's house Mnnkey lslantlll .; k nrehge
M Island la lbeO>Um' JiUtvenge
M11 y lsl 2t LitChuck's Revenge
Monkey Statue Outside Rum' Rdorlkey lsli!lnd~r ubehodds ~ ge
Mmiby . beCh ' Revenge
k~ end~ak rB~Ml e
Rum ~ map piece Rums cellar /Ykmkay' I latlm 1! ·.Uffllut:kls ~~venge
Mtml<ey IBllmtl ~ :ctre.UiliJ,i(k's Rtvenge
Mahk0f.Jmuoo .2.: LeChuck's Revenge
Hint Book SS

Ville de la Booty
LOU1tion Use

Kate's leaflet Kate o key>Jsla '.shll.:.eChllB:llcis Revenge

M<tt&!y l:Shmtl 2: LeChuck' s Revenge
Dress CostJJTie hop Monke}<:'l!ila .£ aEhQCkfv Revenge
Clean white hdnky <items Shop Monkey ls~ R: Ji.liCbudds-Revenge
tpt~l st.and- ~ l.RfibUDk.ls Revenge
Mm.!WyJsl..nd ~ LeChuck's Revenge
Crypt key <itan s .,hop M-0 ke.yJslralnd fl. Le.Wlwockls ~evenge
f\Yllmkay:J9U111i.d ll:1 t.ieO~k's Revenge
Ship's horn Antique shop Mortktl)t.hdand ~ LBGt:u~k '.'R ~
M key. tekn4~ ,hucl(s
Beware sign Antique shop :it LeOhuc>Cs ~enge
tGhwik's Revenge
Mirror Antique shop

Well-pohshed old saw Antique shop

M.ip piece Anhque shop

Bronze plaque Sp1tt111g contest i\;Ld~tk's Revenge

6000 pieces of eight Antique dealer Monk11]hklcrn 'i. ~quck's Revenge

(iovemor Marley's Mansion

!(. 1Q room Mb key lshnni 2.: lleChuck's Revenge
Oar E:.lamc's bedroom Mcnltt?.y l ~ ' i' nge
Moh~y d. · di Ifs Revenge
(juybrush the Dog Elamc's front lawn Monaey slaud..2t 1.oo6midc<s e
Mtlnkliy 1slprtd $: Le(l.huck' s Revenge
56 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Item local n v

Ciarbdge C ns Bdck of Mdn 1011 oh key lsla 2 hGhacld's Revenge

Fme fat fish E-lame's kitchen Monkay l'Sl.imb£:~4lo\s mttnge
M'onkey ·fslcm 2: qk' R~venge
Monke~Jkla 12/ !LeChuck's Revenge

The lsldnd's lntenor

Pkmk B1 free Monkey tst.md 2A cG ' R£wnge
MQ keyJsland 2: Huck's Revenge
Pap r with spit Big free Mor.rkey.:;151 Iii: LeGh rl<'s Raueage
Monkey lslan ~ JleGJrud' lhndmge
Monkey tshltld £: LeChuck's Revenge
Telescop Big rree Menkay lsta ~ b©buck' · ft-(l)llge
Manke~dslarid .21 LeC k's ew
Mon}i:ey lshmli .£1 LeQt k's Revenge


Mo'nkey lslandl.2iliGhuck's Revenge
MQflkey Js.lahd 2. lruh: ck's Revenge
Monkey I 2: LeChuck's Revenge
(rick r [) ky I I nd b ch Monke)'-lsland t£: LeChuck's Revenge
trow r Dr y I I nd b ith Monkpy Island 2:: heGhtldc' s Rdlenge
Martm1 gkl s Dmky Island beach Mo key i f 1 Le h.uck' Revenge
Monkey Umd £: LeChuck's Revenge
Grog 1111 Dm v Island beach Mo hy lattit~leGhuck's Revenge
fmpty bottl Dmky I land bedch Mankey tslarld bt!Clta~ki s-Relrenge
Monkeyhian ~tleG 'sRem!llge
M key blani 2: eChuck's Revenge
Cr cker mix ~ fanmng bdg m 1ungl M key Island 2'. e<rbcrolc's Revenge
Monkey::tsland 2"l LeG ock's Revenge
R ) Monkt'y Island~ L:eChlick' Revenge
Mcmkty lslandr2: ltGliuck's Revenge
[ yn Mon ey Island 2: U.eChu1M:> Revenge
Mllllkey Island£: LeChuck's Revenge
Hint Book 57

Item mn

C<1ll Box In tlie 1um1lc Mk)Q~y lslandJ2: lt<:ht.Jtk's Revenge

Tredrure Che Vndergrou d Mon'key lshmd .2: Le<Ilhuck'.s Revenge
Monk~ Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Lind r round Man~ lsland:2:1LltGhuck's- R~vmge

Mo:nkey 1skmct 2: laChud' s Rewnge
Monkey lsland 2! LeGhcmk'sRevenge
Monkey lsJalld 2.: LeChuck's Revenge
Lght switd1 Vnder r und Monkey lsla~d 2; Lclihuck's Revenge
Mll?lkcy lslaml Ri LeChuck's Revenge
Com (jro rr c.h ne Monkey lsl.md 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Vndeiwe<lr Lelhuck Monk~y tsiland 2: LeCtruck' s Revenge
(jrnent voodoo doll Mon:key;:lsf.and 2: L~hllck's Re enge
B 1l 1on Sto dQC 1Jom Mbnkey lsbnd 2: L!.eOlucl<fs Revenge
Monkey Island 2! LtCbuck's Revenge
Root Beer ~to J ro 'Tl Monkey lslanfi 2: LeGhuok's IM!nge
Monkey lsl~nd 2.: Ldilluck's Revenge
C'lSPY Bonrd B I EI ato Mimkay Island&.:: LkG.h.ili:k'iRevenge
Dad sSkml F1rst 00 Mcnktty Island~. L.ruhiick' ~~enge
<.ur111wl f,?loves FI oom Monkey Island 2 : 1!£Enuck's Ra~nge
Monkey; Jslaml 2~ LeGh\kk's Revenge
~ lypodcrmic <.ynn,,c h oom Monkey ls:l.and 21 te<l.buck's Revenge
M<inkey fslaruU b.eChuck's Revenge
58 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Cne memo1µ_s OJ=

Quysµ_usn C'hREEP~VOOb,
VoLume 11 ...
A. ffiONR.E-)J 1SLAND 2:
LeCnua..'s ReVENc.Je
n the time following the publication of my first volume of Memoirs, I
have found myself much in demand as an author of books, discoverer of
lost riches, and highly-regarded after-dinner speaker. Throughout my trav-
els, many have found themselves enlightened, entertained, and over-
awed by accounts of my adventures-both my epic battle to the death
with the Cihost Pirate LeChuck, and the many colorful exploits that
marked my career thereafter. Yet none of these tales compares with my greatest
adventure to date: my second encounter with the diabolical scoundrel LeChuck,
and my discovery of the legendary treasure of Big Whoop.
Therefore, at the overwhelming demand of my large and loyal following, I,
Ciuybrush Threepwood, do now take quill in hand once more and recount this
tale of daring, cunning, and surprising wit, in the hopes that it will find its way
into the hands and hearts of a larger readership. I have set down one version of
my latest endeavor: it is the Full and Vnexpurgated tale, complete in every detail
and most suitable for the bold of heart and stomach. I warrant that the recounting
is accurate in every degree.
Cientle reader, behold and mark well the tale that follows ...
Hint Book 59

Z::-1-,e UNEXPLJRCiA.CED Continuing down the lane, I

dropped down the hatch into the Bloody
AnVENUJRES Ot= A. Lip Bar & Cirill to see if I could get someone to
JOLJRNE'YffiA.N P11~.ALE buy me a drink in exchange for a good story. I
was talking with the barkeeper when Largo
CHAPTfR ONf LaQrande burst into the bar and shook down the
barkeeper for his day's earnings. (He also left a
I am robbed of my coin and disgusting glob of green spit on the wall.) Since it
learn more of my quest was dear that there was no such thing as a free
lunch-at least, not in Woodtick-1 left the bar
arrived on Scabb Island near sunset, rested from
l my long quiet days at sea and ready for what-
ever new challenges befell me in my search for
and continued my explorations.
Outside, I looked over the edge of the bar
ship, and noticed three small, well-lit windows
Big Whoop, the largest and most mysterious lost
just below the stem. I carefully lowered myself
treasure known to piratedom. I had brought with
over the edge of the ship and through the first
me ample coin and other rich baubles to help
window, into the ship's kitchen. The cook was
fund the expedition .. .wealth that I was not des-
an extremely rude fellow, so I didn't spend much
tined to enjoy for long. On the bridge al the
time talking with him, but I did purloin a kitchen
Woodtick city limits, I was accosted by one Largo
knife off the table in the center of the room before
LaQrande, an obnoxious little man (vermin, real-
leaving through the open window.
ly), who forcibly wrested all my belongings from
Back on Woodtick's main boardwalk, I
me. Because Scabb Island has no local constabu-
kept to the left and soon found myself at the
lary, it was futile to call for help. In that moment,
Swamp Rot Inn, the local hostelry. The innkeep-
I determined to have my revenge on this
er, who was only slightly more helpful than the
LaQrande, at whatever cost.
chef, was not inclined lo let me explore the inn,
Left on the bridge, broke but unbroken, I
so I distracted him by using my newly acquired
noticed a nearby sign bearing the international
knife lo cut the rope that restrained his pet alliga-
symbol for "No Digging." l attempted to pick up
tor. I helped myself to a handful of the Cheese
the sign, but only succeeded in breaking it. Still, I
Squigglies™ from ol' Pegbiter's dish, and climbed
was pleased lo have al least one new possession
the stairs. Opening the door, I found myself in a
with which to fill my empty pockets---even if it
filthy bedroom-which, I soon learned, belonged
was only a rusty old shovel.
to Largo LaQrande. Retreating (at least for the
I crossed the bridge and entered down-
nonce), I returned to the boardwalk and pressed
town Woodtick-a decrepit little hamlet of
junked ships and the wreckage of unsalvageable
The last place in Woodtick was Mad
human lives. The first shop on my right was that
Marty's Laundry ship at the far end of the board-
of the local woodsmith, who told me a what he
walk. Marty himself proved too deaf to hold any
knew of the bully LaQrande. Next door, the
kind of meaningful conversation, but the three
town 's cartographer, Wally, proved even more
Men of Low Moral Fiber hanging around on the
informative: he knew a great deal about Scabb
back of the ship looked oddly familiar. As soon as
Island and its neighbors-and shared my interest
I saw their rat, it all dicked into place. These were
in Big Whoop. I borrowed some writing paper
the same three men who had given me those use-
from a pile in his shop; and, as he rested his eyes,
less PTA notes in my last adventure. I stopped to
I also helped myself to his monocle. (From my
talk to them and they brought me up-to-date on
prior adventures, I had learned that a fine glass
their dramatic adventures, and even let me take
lens has many uses in the hands of a clever
their bucket, just for old limes' sake. Nothing like
60 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

old friends, I always say ... Largo's room at the Swamp Rot Inn.
Based on my conversations with the Once inside, I noticed a toupee on a wig
various citizens of Woodtick, there appeared to stand on the dresser, and pocketed it. One
be a strong consensus that something needed to from the head-that was easy. Next, I carefully
be done about this Largo person, and soon. Like a propped the bucket over the bedroom door, and
voodoo doll, maybe. Indeed ... a voodoo doll. Yes. hid behind the screen, awaiting Largo's return. I
And speaking of old friends, I knew just the per- didn't have to wait long. The bucket made a
son who could do it. splendid mess of Largo's clothing, and got stuck
Tired of sightseeing, I returned to the on his head besides. He struggled unsuccessfully
bridge and headed for the swamp on the east to remove it, and eventually stumbled out of the
edge of the island. Vsing the coffin awaiting me room in search of help. I quickly took my leave
at the edge of the swamp, I rowed out through ... though I ran into Largo again at Mad Marty's,
the trees until I came to a huge wooden skull where he was dropping off his swamp-begrimed
with jaws that closed ominously behind me. I left laundry.
the coffin and checked out the parlor of the Inter- Collecting a sample of Largo·s precious
national House of Mojo-for indeed, that is bodily fluids might have proved a difficult chal-
where I was. There was nothing of real interest, lenge for a lesser pirate. For (/uybrush Threep-
though I did take a bit of string from the table wood, however, this type of subtle task is all in a
with the skull on it. As I entered the back room, day's work. I merely wandered over to the
however, the Voodoo Lady recognized me Bloody Lip Bar & (/rill, and used a piece of the
instantly-even through my new beard. cartographer's paper to wipe up the gross green
As we talked, she revealed that Largo spit glob that was still dinging to the wall. Two
La(/rande was far more than a miserable little ter- down, two to go. Next, I went to Mad Marty's
rorist-he was, in fact, a toady and henchman of to check on the status of Largo's laundry. The old
my old nemesis, the dread (/host Pirate guy may have been half blind and totally deaf,
LeChuck! Not only that, he was extorting money but he wasn't about to give me the laundry with-
from the poor residents of Woodtick and refused out the ticket, so I returned to Largo's room. For-
to let anyone leave the island-he called it his tunately, he wasn't in; even more fortunately,
'"Largo Embargo'". The only good news was that he'd left his laundry ticket on the back of his hotel
the Voodoo Lady was delighted and eager to room door. I took it to Mad Marty, who prompt-
help me make a voodoo doll of Largo-once I ly presented me with Largo's threads. I didn't
rounded up ingredients from the four basic recall ever seeing Largo wear this particular item
voodoo groups. She even gave me a shopping list: before, but there are probably some questions bet-
one item from Largo's head, one from his threads, ter left unasked. Besides, I had my bits of head,
one from his body, and one from the dead. With thread, and body ... and it was now time to tum
renewed determination, I climbed back into the my attention to the quest for something dead.
coffin and rowed back to shore. Yuck.
The cemetery on the southeastern comer of
r OT the island seemed the logical place to begin my
search. My hunt for Largo's ancestors took me all
I exact my revenge the way up the distant hill, where I finally found
~ s I rowed, I devised a plan for collecting the one Marco La(/rande, buried under a large
~four ingredients. ll1e first order of business gravestone. I took up my shovel, and began dig-
was to get something from Largo's clothes. ging. By and by, I hit pay dirt-in this case, a
When I arrived on the shore of the swamp, I bone. Hoping it wasn't just a beef shank buried
filled the bucket with mud before heading back to by a neighborhood dog, I stashed it in my coat
Hint Book 61

and returned to the International House refused to take me to sea until I could
of Mojo. The Voodoo Lady was waiting come up with a new lucky sailing charm
and ready. Moments later, I had everything I and 20 pieces of eight. I easily convinced him
needed to make good my revenge on Largo that the cartographer's monocle would serve as a
La(irande. fine new sailing charm. Raising the money
As I expected, I found Largo in his hotel would require slightly more cunning. It looked as
room. Despite his repeated attempts to throw me though there was nothing for it but to abandon
out, I persisted until I got my chance. Quickly, l my principles and look for a steady job ... if only
started poking the pins in the doll, with remark- for a few days. On my way back to town, I
able results. Within minutes, Largo was gone devised a brilliant scheme by which I should be
from Woodtick for good. The only drawback was quickly employed. The trick, I realized, was to to
that he'd gotten away with one of my favorite build a better rat trap.
souvenirs: LeChuck's living beard, from which At Mad Marty's laundry ship, I opened
(he said) that villainous spirit could be reanimat- the small box on the ground, and used the stick to
ed. prop it open. Next, I tied the string to the stick,
and placed some Cheese SquiggliesTM inside the
CH;\ TEP T -f i:i:. box. I walked to the end of the string, waited
until the rat took the bait, and pulled. From there,
I learn a terrible truth, it was a simple matter to open the box ... pocket
and face Dread the trapped, cowering rat ... sneak once more into
Bernard's greasy kitchen ... neatly deposit my
~e Voodoo Lady confirmed that, for once, furry catch in the vichyssoise ... and retreat once
'-"Largo wasn't lying. The terrible truth of more out the window (Lest you, gentle reader,
the matter was that l would have to face think me heartless and cruel to have subjected a
LeChuck once again. Although she could not helpless animal to such a fate, I hasten to remind
offer me any protection, she hinted that my deliv- you that vichyssoise is a cold soup. The rat had a
erance might lie in the successful discovery of Big good meal and went his merry way.).
Whoop and handed me a book entitled "Big All that remained was to enter the bar
Whoop: Vnclaimed Bonanza or Myth?" Accord- through the front hatch, ask the barkeeper about
ing to the book, the only map ever made of the the soup, and wait for Bernard to be shown the
treasure's location had long ago been tom into door. Within moments, I was being offered a
four pieces. The key to the treasure-and my ulti- job-and a week's pay up front. Money in hand,
mate defeat of LeChuck-would be to find each I hustled into the kitchen, out the open window,
piece, and recreate the map. It would be a treach- and off once more to Captain Dread. It was high
erous and difficult quest-a job for only the most time for me to get off this miserable rock.
skilled and resourceful of adventurers. Embold-
ened by the Voodoo Lady's words, I set out in
search of a ship. EP V
I decided to ask Fink and Bart, the two I go in search of the first
pirates on the beach, for advice. (Along the way,
l found a sturdy stick on the ground, which I map piece, and find myself
added to my meager collection of belongings.) in Phatt City
The two pirates referred me to one Captain
~ fter chartering his ship, we cruised aimless-
Dread, a sailor who lived on the far peninsula at
~y for awhile. While we did this, I stepped
the southwest comer of the island. ·
outside for some fresh air. I noticed a bag of parrot
Eager to begin my expedition I headed
chow and picked it up, thinking (quite correctly, I
over, only to find out that the good Captain
62 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

might add) that it would come in handy Whoop. I decided to secure the party
later. l then headed back into the cabin, invitation for myself.
and told Dread that I wanted to go to Phatt The ruffian playing the game before me
Island. After a long and circuitous journey, Dread proved to be an unnaturally consistent winner,
and I reached the island, where I was surprised to when he left the game, I trailed him into a second
find that, for some inexplicable reason, I was a alley on the other side of the library, which was
wanted man. One of Qovemor Phatt's goons dominated by a formidable-looking green door.
arrested me the moment I stepped off the dock, Hiding among some nearby crates, I watched
stripped me of my belongings, and threw me into carefully, for my sharply-honed pirate instincts
the most miserable jail cell this side of Port-au- told me that the secret to his success lay on the
Prince. Along the way, I had an unpleasant audi- other side. The green door was home to the
ence with Qovemor Phatt, who explained glee- Qamblers' Club, which used an elaborate pass-
fully that the Voodoo Lady's awful premonition word to identify its members. After the ruffian
was true: LeChuck was indeed alive and well, got his number and left, I approached the door
and had put a bounty on my head-a bounty the and tried to open it. Vsing all the charm and
governor was determined to collect. savoir faire l could muster, I assured Bruno, the
As usual, my native wit and cunning doorkeeper, that I was a legitimate club member.
served me well. While cooling my heels in jail, He put out his hand and began to signal the pass-
waiting for LeChuck to come round and collect word numbers. By my keen powers of observa-
me, I found a stick under the bed's rock-hard mat- tion, l knew that the first number he showed in
tress, which I then used to retrieve a bone from each set of two would be the correct password, no
the skeleton of my unfortunate neighbor. The matter which number followed it. Convinced by
bone proved to be attractive bait for the jailhouse my brilliant ruse, Bruno gave me a winning
dog, who in his eagerness to collect ii, dropped roulette number to bet.
the cell door key within easy reach. Vsing the key Returning to the game, l quickly collected
in the cell door, I handily liberated myself-and my invitation to Elaine's party, and then ducked
the two large envelopes on the nearby bookshelf. into the library for a little peace and quiet. ..and
One contained all my earthly goods, which I re- maybe something to read at sea during Dread's
pocketed1the other contained a ... uh ... banana. endless meanderings. A model lighthouse by the
And a barrel organ. (All things considered, I door caught my eye. When I attempted to open it
would have preferred a sword and a bottle of up for a closer look, a small glass lens fell out,
near-grog.) which soon found itself a new home in my pock-
Stepping out into the street, I turned et. Next, l turned my attention to the card cata-
toward the library. In the first alley to my left, I log, looking for anything that might be useful to
discovered a fancy rogue engaging a local ruffian me as a pirate, or in my search for Big Whoop. l
in a game of roulette. Among the prizes offered made a note to remember "Qreat Shipwrecks of
were a large pot of cash (which I certainly could Our Century" (filed under D for Disaster), "The
use), a vacation (not at all attractive, given that I Joy of Hex" (see Recipes, Voodoo), and "Famous
had just passed a restful stay in the nearby jail), Pirate Quotations" (under Q, naturally). Finally,
and an invitation to the gala Mardi Qras party under "Humor," l found the classic "Dumb Pirate
given by the rich and beautiful Qovemor Elaine Jokes."
Marley, administrator of nearby Booty Island. The librarian al the rear of the library
My own fair Elaine! Though l had not seen her issued me a temporary library card, and found all
in quite awhile, l craved the luxury of basking in my books except "Famous Pirate Quotations,"
her bounteous presence once again. Besides, l which she said had recently been checked out by
thought, she might know something about Big Qovemor Phatt. After a brief conversation with
Hint Book 63

an arrogant fisherman on the nearby fellow partygoers were having much too
dock (which ended when I wagered my much fun to notice as I worked my way
fishing ability against his favorite rod), it was over to the wall, surreptitiously tucked the map
time to get to Elaine's party. Besides, I thought it inside my tutu, and quietly stole out the front door
best to leave the island before Phatt's goons real- again.
ized I was gone. I returned to Dread's ship, and Although I had escaped the party without
set sail for Booty Island. detection, I had the misfortune of encountering
Elaine's dog while crossing the front lawn. It
CHA TE VE· seems that the dog (whom, out of fondness, she
had named after me-what a woman!) caught
I find a Booty of two map the scent of the map. He alerted the nearby gar-
pieces-and lose them both dener, who hauled me upstairs for that most
eagerly anticipated of all human experiences-a

N ews of LeChuck's bounty had not yet

reached Booty Island, and I was free to
wander the charming Ville de la Booty. Accord-
chance to chat with an old girlfriend.
Even after all this time, Elaine still proved
quite responsive to my natural way with words.
ing to my invitation, costumes would be required Though she seemed a bit angry at first, I was
for entry to Elaine's party, so I began at the cos- quickly able to charm my way through her
tume shop. defenses, and very soon, she willingly offered me
Something grand and manly, I thought to the map and her wholehearted support. Unfortu-
myself. A cannibal's bones, or an Aztec warrior's nately, just as we were making up, a gust of wind
gleaming cape of feathers, or a rough but elegant from the open window caught the map piece and
suit of lndyWear™. Something to make Elaine blew it away ...
feel all those old urges ... I bolted out of the bedroom in pursuit of
The shopkeeper had other ideas. Every cos- the map (stopping only to collect a small token of
tume in his shop had been reserved for Mardi our mutual passion: the oar that Elaine kept
(iras revelers, and he would scarcely even talk to mounted over her bed). I chased the map outside,
me until I showed him my invitation. Fortunate- across the lawn, and into the trees-but all in
ly, a costume had been reserved for the winner of vain. For, as I watched in horror, a larger gust
the invitation. It wasn't exactly what I had in seized it and carried it away to a distant cliff on
mind, but I took the costume and left. the south edge of the island.
Outside the shop, I met one Captain Kate No way to retrieve it now: I would have
Capsize, who was passing out leaflets for her to come back for it later. But, as long as I was
charter boat tours-and shared my interest in here, I decided to help myself to a brief tour of
finding Big Whoop. Vpon leaving her, I proceed- Elaine's new mansion. I began by confiscating
ed out the west side of town onto the path to that pesky dog.
Elaine's mansion in the northwest corner of the Heading around to the back of the house, I
island. found some garbage cans by the kitchen door.
After presenting my invitation to the secu- Ever curious, I rattled the cans to see what might
rity guard at the mansion kiosk , I ducked behind shake loose. I found nothing, but the noise attract-
a bush, changed into my costume, and proceeded ed the attention of Elaine's
down the path to the mansion. As I made my nasty attitude suggested a strong family
grand entrance-an eye-catching vision in pink resemblance to the now unemployed Bernard.
tulle-I spotted the longed-for treasure of my Wildly brandishing his meat cleaver, the cook
heart: the first map piece. (iood old Elaine comes chased me around the mansion and back into the
through again, I thought. She had even framed it kitchen. I caught a fine fat fish out of the bowl in
and hung it over the mantle, in plain sight. My
64 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

the table before beating a hasty retreat the northeast part of the island, and dis-
into the woods. appeared into a big tree. I cursed to think
Back in Ville de la Booty, I ducked into that she was probably going to make a nest
Stan's Vsed Coffins to catch my breath. That out of my hard-won prize, and dashed after her as
obnoxious used ship salesman from my Melee fast as I could go.
Island days had evidently found himself another, A spiraling series of holes had been drilled
even more grisly, line of work. I took a quick look into the tree trunk, as though someone had once
around, accepted a souvenir hanky from him, and tried to build a stairway to the top. A sturdy
departed. plank jammed into the lowest hole confirmed my
My encounter with the antique dealer over hunch-and inspired my next brilliant plan. Like
by the wharf was more profitable. I quickly pro- most brilliant plans, this one was deceptively sim-
cured, at fair prices, a well-polished old saw and a ple. I put Elaine's oar in the second hole, and
large brass ship's horn. I was also interested in the climbed up to stand on it. Just as l was about to
mirror hanging by the parrot's perch-unfortu- reach back for the plank to continue my way up
nately, so was the parrot. To distract him, I pur- the tree, the oar suddenly broke, and I crumpled
chased a Beware sign farther down the wall, and to the ground, unconscious. I remained there for
hung Dread's parrot chow bag on the now-empty some time, tormented by wild dreams of dancing
hook. After the parrot turned toward the food skeletons with shifting bones. When I came to, I
sack, I was able to purchase the mirror. collected the pieces of my broken oar, and set out
As I was paying for my selections, I found for the woodsmith 's shop on Scabb Island.
on the counter one more item of interest-the sec- After getting my battered old oar fixed, I
ond piece to the coveted Big Whoop map! Vnfor- decided to try out my well-polished old saw.
tunately, the dealer's asking price was just a tad Finding the Men of Low Moral Fiber sound
steep, and I was forced to return to Dread's ship asleep, I decided that that fine hardwood peg leg
without it. But, until I got my hands on it, that would make a fine trial of my new blade. It
map piece was never far from my mind. might also distract the woodsmith from his shop,
giving me an opportunity to borrow his hammer
CH~ and nails ...
That, I felt, was enough mayhem and pil-
I commit assorted acts of laging for one day. It was time to drop into the
pillage and plunder, and secure Bloody Lip for a drink of strong grog. The bar-
tender was glad to accept my library card as ID,
the first map piece though he was perhaps less glad to see me again.
ack on Dread's ship, I cudgeled my brains to
B discover a way to get Elaine's"map piece off
that cliff. The solution proved to include a brief
Along with my drinks (a Yellowbeard's Baby
and a Blue Whale to go), the bartender (who was
proving to be very generous man) gave me a free
return visit to Phatt Island, where I showed that crazy straw. Wow. My mind reeled with the
braggart fisherman my fine fat fish . I then had to possibilities.
make a few threatening noises, but he eventually The entertainment in the bar that evening
made good on his wager. With my new fishing was Jojo, a rather stupid-looking monkey-so
pole in hand, I returned to Booty Island, and stupid, in fact, that when I stuck my banana on
made my way to the cliffs on the southern shore. his metronome, he was instantly mesmerized. I
The fishing pole worked as smoothly and tucked him into one of my larger coat pockets,
easily as one of the Voodoo Lady's potions-- and left the bar. (V\/ith Jojo and the organ, I fig-
right up to the moment that some stupid sea gull ured, I at least had a profitable street act to fall
snagged the map piece off the hook, soared off to back on if I retired from the pirate biz.)
Hint Book 65

It was high time to get back to It occurred to me that such an

Booty Island. That gull was probably lay- impressive-looking plaque might be of
ing her eggs on my map that very moment. some interest to the antique dealer. Vpon
Arriving at the Big Tree, I used my reinforced oar entering his fine establishment, l asked him once
and the plank in alternating holes, and climbed to again about the map piece, hoping that he might
the tree house at the top. Before ducking inside lower his price for the one-and-only conqueror of
the house itself to get the map, I ran up to the tip- the (jhost Pirate LeChuck. He mentioned that he
top of the tree and grabbed a telescope. Inside the might be willing to exchange it for the fabulously
tree house, the gull proudly protected a huge caNed figurehead of the Mad Monkey, a ship
paper junk pile-with my map somewhere that had been lost at sea some years before.
underneath. Fortunately, it didn't take long for When I told him who I was, he was so
(juybrush the Wonder Dog to sniff out my prize. awestruck that he also quickly agreed to buy my
The first map piece was mine! bronze plaque for 6000 pieces of eight.
Back outside on the town green, I perused
PT my copy of "(jreat Shipwrecks of Our Century,"
looking for any reference to the fate of the Mad
I spit into the wind, and recov- Monkey. The book was a veritable treasure chest
er the fabulous Mad Monkey of information-including the coordinates of the
n1"--testetuming to town, l joined the spitting con-
being held on the village green. It
spot where the ship was lost.
Dread, of course, was disinclined to take
his leaking sieve of a tub out on the high seas-
would add much to my reputation as a fearsome and I would have been just as reluctant to be his
and unruly pirate to hold such a championship, passenger. Captain Kate Capsize, however, was
and I applied myself to the challenge with my more than willing to take me to the site ... in
usual cunning and wit. exchange for all the money the antique dealer had
First, I amended the game to better suit my just given me. On Dread's map, I showed her the
abilities. Blowing the ship's horn to distract the coordinates I had found in the book. And, before
crowd, I quickly changed the field flags around to I knew it, we were there.
a more advantageous configuration. Second, Diving over the side of the ship, I descend-
based on my obseNation of Largo's spitting abili- ed to the darkest depths of the Caribbean, hoping
ty back on Scabb Island, I enhanced the quality of against hope that the book's information was
my projectile by mixing the blue and yellow cock- right. It was: I came to rest on the sea floor just a
tails into a vile, sticky, green concoction, which I few feet from the wreck of the Mad Monkey. It
sipped through my crazy straw. was a simple matter to pull off the figurehead
As I stepped to the line, I noticed that a (which, I thought, bore a stronger resemblance to
handsome young woman at the end of the bench Bonzo than it did priceless work of art), step onto
was dearly smitten with me. She kept trying to Kate's anchor, and return to the surface.
get my attention with her long red silk scarf, As promised, the antique dealer gratefully
which fluttered tantalizingly in the slightest exchanged the second map piece for the monkey
breeze. Realizing that she was sending me a head. Two down, two to go. And I had a good
secret signal about the wind direction, I watched idea about where I'd find piece number three.
that scarf and waited until the winds favored me.
On cue, I let fly my spitball with a loud "Ptooie!".
The crowd went wild, and I collected a heavy
bronze plaque in recognition of my unparalleled
prowess with phlegm.
66 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

which led up the hill to the Ciovemor's

I consign Stan to The mansion proved to be completely
unguarded, which surprised me: if I were as
a premature burial amoral a scoundrel as Ciovemor Phatt, I reck-
~e last bit of business to finish on Booty oned, I should have surrounded myself with
\......--Island concerned my old friend Stan. Dur- much more vigilant security. I proceeded through
ing my Monkey Island adventures, Stan, you the main gate, across the lawn, and into the
may recall, had bilked me out of a great deal of house completely unchallenged; only at the stairs
gold. Stan, it should be noted, sent me out on the did I finally encounter one lone guard, the same
high seas on a ship that barely floated. Stan, faith- ugly bruiser who had arrested me before-a man
ful readers will remember, was simply the most with fewer brains than your average head of let-
obnoxious man alive. If revenge is a dish best tuce. It was pathetically easy to convince him that
served cold, I was about to savor an iceberg-sized the (iovemor Himself had ordered my release,
portion for myself. and that he was urgently needed elsewhere in the
Vpon entering his used coffin shop, I set mansion.
my scheme in motion by faking an interest in a Stealing upstairs, 1found Ciovemor Phatt
good used coffin. Stan, ever eager to make a sale, sound asleep, with "Famous Pirate Quotations"
gave me a personal demo of his most expensive lying on his stomach. I used my 'Stupid Pirate
floor model. As he sat in the coffin, chattering on Jokes" book as a replacement (The joke book had
about its useless features, I dosed it, then used my not failed to live up to its name). Quickly and qui-
hammer and nails and to seal him in. Ifs a good etly, lest I awaken the sleeping blob, I left the
thing Stan was so enthusiastic about that particu- mansion and returned to town.
lar model, because he probably spent quite a long Meanwhile, back in town, my good friend
time in there. Kate had unexpectedly come ashore, and even
With Stan safely out of the way, l did a more unexpectedly gotten herself arrested. (Imag-
quick search of his store. Nothing much of inter- ine that.) Though quite indignant, she was glad
est ... except a grisly-looking crypt key on the back to see me, and even more glad to see my cell key.
wall. I had a hunch that the key opened one of As she stormed out of the jail, 1noticed that she'd
the crypts in the Scabb Island cemetery. I had a left behind her envelope-a vanilla envelope con-
chilling image of wandering the cemetery for taining a full bottle of near-grog. Of course I kept
hours, fumbling that key into the doors of endless it: I was heading for the island's interior, and
dead people. It was certainly something to look would probably welcome the refreshment.
forward to ... after l cleared up a bit of confusion Returning to the path, I eventually found
on Phatt Island. myself beside a waterfall in the northwest part of
the island. 1climbed to the top of the falls for a
CHAPTER NINE· better view, and came upon a shiny new water
faucet. .. an odd thing to find in such a remote
I get the better of Governor area. I found that the still mesmerized Jojo made a
Phatt, and am introduced perfect monkey wrench, so I used him to tum off
the faucet, and walked back down the hill. As I
to Rum Rogers suspected, turning off the faucet had stopped the
~e first thing I did upon our landing at waterfall's flow, exposing a gaping hole in the
\.......-- Phatt City was use Kate's leaflet to cover rocks underneath. Entering the hole, I wandered
the face on my wanted poster. That should con- through some decidedly non-primitive water-
fuse the Ciovemor's moronic goons, I figured. I works, which led to a sandy beach.
then took to the path on the left side of town, On the cliff above the beach I found a
Hint Book 67

small cottage, the residence of one Rum didn't take long: the key easily opened
Rogers, a retired pirate with a penchant for the second crypt in the cemetery, a small
privacy. I soon discovered that sweet-talking stone mausoleum remarkable only for the tiny
the old coot was useless, so I took a more aggres- cross atop its roof.
sive tone ... and goaded him right into the fatal Entering the tomb, I perused my hard-won
mistake of challenging me to a drinking contest. copy of "Famous Pirate Quotations," looking for
Rum may have been cranky, but he was a anything by Rapp Scallion, the one-time propri-
hospitable guy at heart. He brought me a full etor of the beachside Weenie Hut. Next, I com-
mug of strong grog, then returned to the liquor pared Rapp's words of eternal wisdom with the
cabinet to get one for himself. While he was epitaphs on the various coffins. All too soon, I
gone, I emptied the mug into the potted tree on found what I was seeking.
the back wall, and refilled it with Kate's near- My hands shaking with cold dread, my
grog. Rum had lost that drinking contest before eyes half-closed to steel me against the specter of
he even sat down at the table. death and decay that awaited me, I slowly
When my host passed out on the floor, I opened Rapp Scallion's coffin. When the lid was
took a look around. What was it about this house fully off, the chill moonlight illuminated the cof-
that attracted treasure-hunters, and made Rum so fin 's grotesque contents, and my eyes were filled
vicious about his privacy? First, to shed some light with the horrible sight of...
on the subject, I opened the shutters by the front Ashes. Just a pile of ashes. Rapp Scallion
door, and put my mirror in the mirror frame on had been cremated! In a blinding flash, I recalled
the back wall. Then I put the telescope in the a dusty jar I'd seen on the shelves of the Interna-
hands of the giant monkey statue out front. A tional House of Mojo, a jar labeled " Ash-2-
beam of light reflected from the telescope to the Life'."" Quickly, I snatched up a handfUl of Rapp's
mirror to the brick wall in Rum's house, burning ashes and dashed for the swamp.
a spot onto a single brick. Ciingerly, I pushed the Vnfortunately, the jar on the shelf was just
brick. When the dust settled, I found myself in a store sample; and, even more unfortunately, the
Rum's cellar, face to face with a grinning corpse. Voodoo Lady had forgotten the recipe. Fortunate-
He had a lot to smile about, for in his right hand ly for both of us, my well-traveled copy of 'The
was the third map piece. Joy of Hex" had the information she needed, and
The chute on the left wall of Rum 's cellar I was soon on my way back to the swamp to
returned me to the beach. I hurried back to have a nice friendly chat with a dead man about
Dread's ship, confident that I would find the a map.
fourth piece awaiting me back on that dismal This adventure was getting creepier and
rock, Scabb Island. more surreal by the moment, because the first
thing Rapp wanted to talk about when he came
CHAPTER TEN: to was his Steamin' Weenie shack. All these
years, he had been tossing and turning in his
I have dealings with the grave, worrying that he'd left the gas on in his
dead, and am rewarded with restaurant. Oust what I needed. A neurotic ghost.)
Just to shut him up, I agreed to go check it out for
the ultimate prize him. He handed over the key.
o matter what time of day it was any- I went up to the beach on the north side of
N where else, it always seemed to be a dark
and stormy night in the Scabb Island cemetery.
the island, used the key to enter the shack, turned
off the gas, hurried back to the cemetery, used the
Drawing my overloaded greatcoat around me, I Ash-2- Life~ to resurrect Rapp a second time, and
began to search for the crypt that fit Stan's key. It reassured him that he'd been right all along: the
68 Monkey Isl.Ind 2: LeChuck's Revenge

gas was on, but I turned it off. Eternally traveling companions and I saw the light
relieved, and ready to rest in peace at last, again. It was not daylight nor starlight
Rapp rewarded me with my ultimate prize: the that finally greeted my eyes, however-it was
fourth and final map piece. the red, eerie firelight deep inside LeChuck's own
impregnable fortress.
r c L
r T
Victory is won ... and lost.
~y final triumph was so near that I I am subjected to LeChuck's
( J .J swore I could hear its heart beating in unique brand of hospitality
the trees as I returned to Woodtick, the four map
t was an enormous old castle, full of maze-like
pieces clutched tightly in my pocket. Within
hours, I knew, I would enter history as the great- l hallways that were similar enough to be disori-
enting, but different enough to let you know that
est pirate of all time ... the first and only to discov-
you were completely lost. Of course, my long
er the lost treasure of Big Whoop.
years as an explorer enabled me to maintain my
After providing my old friend Wally with
bearings almost effortlessly. Off to the right of the
a suitable replacement for his missing monocle
crate, I discovered a staircase, which I followed up
(the lens from the Phatt Island library's model
through a small passageway. I continued to bear
lighthouse), I was able to persuade him to
right, and proceeded straight down a long hall-
reassemble my four map pieces into one master
way, finally emerging in a particularly dreary
map. To repay his kindness, I ran a small errand
dungeon. To my dismay, I found my old friend
for him while I waited. When I returned from
Wally hanging around in the lower cell. The
this brief mission I found, much to my horror,
dungeon keys, he said, were kept in LeChuck's
that Wally was gone-along with my map. The
office. The map, I learned, was probably gone for
hastily-scrawled message carved into his desk
good, but just in case, since Wally was my only
confirmed my worst fear: my old nemesis had
link to the map, I decided to spring him.
been following me much more closely than I had
Qetting to LeChuck's office required some
advanced trickery. Looking through my pockets, I
What should I do next! Clearly, there was
found a spit-encrusted piece of paper containing
nothing left for me on any of these miserable
the words to a bizarre song. I didn't quite remem-
islands. The only loose end that hadn't been tied
ber ever hearing this song before-it was almost
up concerned a huge crate that I'd notice on the
like something I'd heard in a dream once. The
bank of the swamp during my last visit to the
grisly lyrics sounded like something they might
Voodoo Lady. As long as I was caught in this
have sung at a truly demented surgeon's college:
dead end, I sighed, I might as well go check it
knee bones connecting to arm bones and and
head bones and so on. Some of the odder verses
I climbed into the crate carefully, deter-
described anatomical configurations that were
mined to make a thorough inspection of its con-
downright kinky to think about.
tents. Destiny, however, had other plans. It took
Speaking of kinky, though, the lyrics did
less than five seconds to decide that I wanted no
seem to describe the rather macabre artwork on
part of this crate and its writhing cargo; it took
LeChuck's walls. I looked at the first verse more
even less time for the efficient minions of Vnited
closely. Though I don 't recall anymore what the
Pirate Shipping to seal me into the crate and ship
exact words were, it was probably something like
me off to parts unknown. My adventure had just
"head bone to foot bone to hip bone." I wandered
taken a very different tum.
the long hallways until I found a wall panel with
It was five long days before my reptilian
a head bone at the top, a foot bone underneath,
Hint Book 69

and a hip bone at the bottom. As I of several surfaces before thoroughly

pushed the panel, it opened into another dousing the candle flame, putting my little
hallway. Aha! Maybe I was onto something buddy and me out of immediate danger.
here ... We wandered, in total darkness, until I
I looked at the song's second verse, and found some matches in the pink juju bag. I lit
again found a wall panel that matched the order one, .. and that was the last I saw of Wally,
of the bones. In fact, each of the song's verses had LeChuck's fortress, and the room full of dynamite
a matching wall. (I got lost once or twice, and we'd somehow discovered .. . Leaping major
found myself back at a central hallway that served island groups in a single blast, I was transported
as a sort of crossroads. From there, it was easy to to Dinky Island-the home of the legendary Big
begin again, with the first verse.) \'\,/hen I had Whoop.
gone through all the panels in the correct order, I
found myself in front of the largest, heaviest, most CH N.
imposing door I'd ever seen in my life.
LeChuck's office. It couldn't have been I find Big Whoop
anything else. The door was guarded with many ' ' 1 hen I came to, I was lying on the
more locks than I had keys, but it was very easy VV warm white sand of a beautiful wesl-
(in retrospect, probably too easy) to let myself facing beach, part of a scene so perfect I felt I'd
through the doggie door (Like everything else stepped into a travel ad-except for the rickety
about this door, it was the largest one I'd ever still nearby, which was tended by my old friend
seen-and I had no wish to meet the dog for Herman Toothrot and a rather chatty parrot who
whom it had been built.). Inside the office, the never stopped begging for crackers.
key was hanging just where Wally had said ii Talking to Herman turned out to be even
would be. I reached for it. .. more pointless and frustrating than usual, but the
... and the next thing I knew, I was hang- parrot had plenty of interesting things to say. It
ing by my thumbs in LeChuck's dungeon, twist- occurred to me that he might have belonged to
ing in the breeze, an acrid green acid bath froth- one of the original Big Whoop gang: he certainly
ing gently below my heels. One booby caught in was eager to tell me where to go. I found a crack-
a booby trap. Or make that two boobies-for er in the barrel by the still, gave it to him, and lis-
Wally was hanging beside me. tened closely. This bird and I were going to get
As I listened lo LeChuck, it became appar- along just fine.
ent that his plans for me were nothing less than Combing the beach, I also found a crow-
diabolical, so I kept him talking, stalling for time bar, an empty bottle, and a martini glass (which I
while I planned our daring escape. I soon learned filled with ocean water, and transformed into
that I couldn't reach anything in my fresh water using the still) . There didn't appear to
pockets ... except the green drink and the crazy be anything else of interest on the beach, so I
straw. It was all I needed. When LeChuck left headed into the jungle.
the room, I proved once again that they don 't call I wandered around for quite some time,
me The Phlegm Master for nothing. First, I fired bearing to the left, until I came to a tree with a
a wet glob of green al the skull shield hanging small bag hanging from one limb. After breaking
from the ceiling to my left, then a shot to the the empty bottle on the tree trunk, I used the
shield on the ground in front of me. This was all jagged edge to slice the bag open. A box of crack-
preparation for the final shot. Carefully swirling er mix fell out at my feet.
the spit in my mouth, I prepared for the moment Yeah. Cracker mix. Just add low-salt
of truth. Then I shot a big ball of it right at the water-like the water in my martini glass-and
skull shield. The well-aimed missile ricocheted off before you could say "Where's that parrot?" I had
70 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

two more crackers, just the thing to make when an unexpected visitor dropped in
a certain parrot very happy. Sure enough, for a chat.
back on the beach, the parrot cheerfully ate my Elaine. Dear, faithful, brave Elaine. Her
crackers and told me everything I needed to know only thought was of saving me, but her rescue
to get to Big v\/hoop. attempt ended in disaster. I fell, still clutching the
Following the parrot's directions, I walked chest, into the blackness of the pit with a resound-
east (that is, to my right), until I came to a small ing crash.
pond. I first removed the rope, then used my new I was out of matches by this time, and,
crowbar to open, the small box on the bank, quite frankly, after my last experience, a little hesi-
which contained a bundle of dynamite, which (of tant about using them, so I groped around in the
course) I pocketed. From the pond, I took the mid- darkness. I found a light switch and turned it on. I
dle path, continuing due east until I found the then found an E ticket - as if this hadn't already
dinosaur. At that junction, I turned left, passing a been the ride of my life.Turning around, I soon
topiary dolphin; then right (east) again at the learned that I was not alone. I was, in fact, stand-
rocks. And, suddenly, I was standing on the big ing nose-to-nose with LeChuck himself.
black X that marked the spot. It got worse. A lot worse. LeChuck, who
Big Whoop was, at last, below my very had obviously sat through way too many "Star
feet. Little did I know then that my troubles were Wars™" marathons, opened with the cheapest
just about to get a whole lot worse. shot in the history of psychologic.al warfare. He
told me that he was my brother. (As if this was a
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: good reason not to kill him.) He also had a
voodoo doll with my name on it, which he used
I kick butt. Again. remorselessly lo torture me. (Some brother.... ) It
got out my trusty old shovel, and began to dig. I was clear that I would have to fight fire with fire.
1 had gone several feet, thinking that I would
soon hit a box or chest of some sort, when my
I would build a doll of my own.
I explored the bunker, with LeChuck in
shovel hit a solid object .. .that is, a solid concrete constant pursuit. Passing the elevator, I found a
wall. couple of storage rooms. The first contained a
No problem: I just used the matches to helium tank and a broken grog machine. Out of
light the little bundle of dynamite, and threw it habit, I hit the coin return on the machine ... and a
into the hole. After the dust cleared, I was stand- coin rolled out. Hmm. If LeChuck was really my
ing on a pedestal inside what appeared to be a brother, he'd find that coin hard to resist. .
concrete bunker. There was a comfortably large As I expected, LeChuck soon materialized
hole in the ceiling over my head. And, on a sec- before me, wielding his ghastly little doll. Then
ond pedestal nearby, there was a wooden chest. he noticed the coin. As he bent to pick it up, I
THE chest. quickly grabbed his underwear and gave him a
Working quickly, I used the rope and wedgie that left him walking even funnier than
crowbar together, and threw them over the twist- usual. It didn 't make him any less angry, mind
ed metal rods above me. Holding onto the rope, I you, but at least I had a piece of his clothing for
swung over to the other pedestal to grab the trea- my voodoo doll.
sure. I'm not exactly sure what happened next-a In the second storage room were hundreds
wind came up!-yeah, that's it, a gust of wind of boxes-boxes of dolls, boxes of balloons, boxes
grabbed me ... anyway, a moment later I was of root beer. Since I knew from bitter experience
hanging by the rope, clutching the treasure chest. that the root beer was useless, I helped myself to a
I was too far up to fall, and too loaded down to doll and balloon. Then I moved down the hall to
climb. I was swinging there, plotting my esc.ape, the First Aid room, a creepy-looking place fur-
Hint Book 71

nished with all the usual instruments of The next time LeChuck appeared,
medical torture. In the trash can, I found a I greeted him with Stan's clean, white
two used surgical gloves. There was a syringe hanky in hand. It took a few tries to get him to
in the drawer (which, I thought, would do nicely notice it before he whipped out that agonizing
as a voodoo pin). Lastly, I took the skull of one of doll, but eventually he took the hint and wiped
the skeletons on the couch. If LeChuck and I real- his nose before getting down to business. That
ly were brothers, then Dad's dead head would was all I needed. I stuffed the hanky into the pink
come in quite handy. juju bag, and threw in the generic voodoo doll.
With LeChuck harassing me almost con- Seconds later, I was ready to end LeChuck's mis-
stantly, I returned to the first storage room, filled erable existence once and for all.
up the balloon and both surgical gloves with heli- With the doll in one hand and the syringe
um, and went to the elevator. There was a 900- in the other, I waited for LeChuck. The very
pound crate in the elevator, but with the helium instant he appeared before me, I used the syringe
balloons in my pocket, I was just light enough to with the doll. The effect was immensely gratify-
evade the elevator's overload mechanism. ing.
LeChuck, as usual, was right behind me. As he LeChuck was gone for good.
tried to board the elevator, I quickly flipped the My parents were very much alive.
lever, trapping his beard in the door. I put the lit- And life seemed as happy and carefree as a
tle fibers into the juju bag with the underwear child's Sunday visit to an amusement park .. .
and the skull. Just one more ingredient to go .. . . .. at least for the moment.
PLA.Y ffioNK.ey lsLA.Nb 2:
LEChuCK.'s Re-ve-Nc;e-
~ VQA 256-color art
~ Completely interactive
music system: iMuse™
~State-of-the-art graphic
adventure design
~ Point 'n click interface
~ Laugh so hard milk
comes out your nose

Illiteracy-based icon system

Hint Book includes:

~ Progressively detailed hints

~., Hint sections for

Regular and Easy Modes
~ Detailed maps for all
game locations
~Traditional Lucasfilm
walkthrough for Regular
771icker, richer puzzley goodness

'This is a hit in the making... and believe me, it's fun!" PC (iAMES
"/hope I never grow too old to enjoy a quality game like this!"

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