EC-8001 Unit 1 PDF

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Assistant Professor, ECE Department
 Introduction,
 Size and complexity of Integrated Circuits,
 The Microelectronics Field,
 IC Production Process,
 Processing Steps,
 Packaging and Testing,
 MOS Processes,
 NMOS Process,
 CMOS Process,
 Bipolar Technology,
 Hybrid Technology,
 Design Rules and Process Parameters.
2 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta
VLSI: Enabling Technology
 Automotive electronic systems
 –A typical Chevrolet has 80 ICs (stereo systems, display
panels, fuel injection systems, smart suspensions,
antilock brakes, airbags)
 SignalProcessing (DSP chips, data acquisition
 Transaction processing (bank ATMs)
 PCs, workstations
 Medical electronics (artificial eye, implants)
 Multimedia

3 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Design Complexity
 Transistor counts and IC densities continue
to grow!
 – Moore’s Law-The number of transistors on an IC doubles
 1.5 years
 –Intel x486: 1 million transistors (1989), PowerPC: 2-3
million transistors (1994), Pentium: 3.1 million transistors
(1994), DEC Alpha: 10 million transistors (1995)-9 million
in SRAM, Pentium IV (2001): 42 million transistors, Core
i7-8700K:~3 billion

4 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

A Brief History
 1958: First integrated circuit
 Flip-flop using two transistors
 Built by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments
 2003
 Intel Pentium 4 processor (55 million transistors)
 512 Mbit DRAM (> 0.5 billion transistors)
 53% compound annual growth rate over 45 years
 No other technology has grown so fast so long
 Driven by miniaturization of transistors
 Smaller is cheaper, faster, lower in power!
 Revolutionary effects on society

5 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

VLSI Technology
 CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon
 Based on voltage-controlled field-effect transistors (FETs)
 Other technologies: bipolar junction transistors
(BJTs), BiCMOS, gallium arsenide (GaAs)
 BJTs, BiCMOS, ECL circuits are faster but CMOS consumes
lower power and are easier to fabricate
 GaAs carriers have higher mobility but high integration levels are
difficult to achieve in GaAs technology

6 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Transistor Types
 Bipolar transistors
 npn or pnp silicon structure
 Small current into very thin base layer controls large currents
between emitter and collector
 Base currents limit integration density
 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors
 Voltage applied to insulated gate controls current between source and
 Low power allows very high integration

7 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

IC Manufacturing
 Some manufacturing processes are tightly coupled to the
product, e.g. Buick/Chevy assembly line
 IC manufacturing technology is more versatile
 CMOS manufacturing line can make circuits of any type by
changing some basic tools called masks
 – The same plant can manufacture both microprocessors and microwave
controllers by simply changing masks
 Silicon wafers: raw materials of IC manufacturing
 IC

structure Wafer

8 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Fabrication Steps

 Start with blank wafer

 Build inverter from the bottom up
 First step will be to form the n-well
 Cover wafer with protective layer of SiO2 (oxide)
 Remove layer where n-well should be built
 Implant or diffuse n dopants into exposed wafer
 Strip off SiO2

p substrate

9 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


 Grow SiO2 on top of Si wafer

 900 – 1200 C with H2O or O2 in oxidation furnace


p substrate

10 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


 Spin on photoresist
 Photoresist is a light-sensitive organic polymer
 Softens where exposed to light


p substrate

11 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


 Expose photoresist through n-well mask

 Strip off exposed photoresist


p substrate

12 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


 Etch oxide with hydrofluoric acid (HF)

 Seeps through skin and eats bone; nasty stuff!!!
 Only attacks oxide where resist has been exposed


p substrate

13 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Strip Photoresist

 Strip off remaining photoresist

 Use mixture of acids called piranah etch
 Necessary so resist doesn’t melt in next step


p substrate

14 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


 n-well is formed with diffusion or ion implantation

 Diffusion
 Place wafer in furnace with arsenic gas
 Heat until As atoms diffuse into exposed Si
 Ion Implanatation
 Blast wafer with beam of As ions
 Ions blocked by SiO2, only enter exposed Si


n well

15 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Strip Oxide

 Strip off the remaining oxide using HF

 Back to bare wafer with n-well
 Subsequent steps involve similar series of steps

n well
p substrate

16 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Deposit very thin layer of gate oxide
 < 20 Å (6-7 atomic layers)
 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of silicon layer
 Place wafer in furnace with Silane gas (SiH4)
 Forms many small crystals called polysilicon
 Heavily doped to be good conductor

Thin gate oxide

n well
p substrate

17 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Polysilicon Patterning
 Use same lithography process to pattern polysilicon


Thin gate oxide

n well
p substrate

18 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Self-Aligned Process
 Use oxide and masking to expose where n+ dopants
should be diffused or implanted
 N-diffusion forms nMOS source, drain, and n-well contact

n well
p substrate

19 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Pattern oxide and form n+ regions
 Self-aligned process where gate blocks diffusion
 Polysilicon is better than metal for self-aligned gates
because it doesn’t melt during later processing

n+ Diffusion

n well
p substrate

20 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

N-diffusion cont.
 Historically dopants were diffused
 Usually ion implantation today
 But regions are still called diffusion

n+ n+ n+

n well
p substrate

21 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

N-diffusion cont.
 Strip off oxide to complete patterning step

n+ n+ n+

n well
p substrate

22 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Similar set of steps form p+ diffusion regions for pMOS
source and drain and substrate contact

p+ Diffusion

p+ n+ n+ p+ p+ n+

n well
p substrate

23 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Now we need to wire together the devices
 Cover chip with thick field oxide
 Etch oxide where contact cuts are needed


Thick field oxide

p+ n+ n+ p+ p+ n+

n well
p substrate

24 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Sputter on aluminum over whole wafer
 Pattern to remove excess metal, leaving wires


Thick field oxide
p+ n+ n+ p+ p+ n+

n well
p substrate

25 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Chips are specified with set of masks
 Minimum dimensions of masks determine transistor size
(and hence speed, cost, and power)
 Feature size f = distance between source and drain
 Set by minimum width of polysilicon
 Feature size improves 30% every 3 years or so
 Normalize for feature size when describing design rules
 Express rules in terms of l = f/2
 E.g. l = 0.3 m in 0.6 m process

26 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Simplified Design Rules
 Conservative rules to get you started

27 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Inverter Layout
 Transistor dimensions specified as Width / Length
 Minimum size is 4l / 2l, sometimes called 1 unit
 In f = 0.6 m process, this is 1.2 m wide, 0.6 m long

28 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Gate Layout
 Layout can be very time consuming
 Design gates to fit together nicely
 Build a library of standard cells
 Standard cell design methodology
 VDD and GND should abut (standard height)
 Adjacent gates should satisfy design rules
 nMOS at bottom and pMOS at top
 All gates include well and substrate contacts

29 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Example: Inverter

30 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Example: NAND3
 Horizontal N-diffusion and p-diffusion strips
 Vertical polysilicon gates
 Metal1 VDD rail at top
 Metal1 GND rail at bottom
 32 l by 40 l

31 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Stick Diagrams
 Stick diagrams help plan layout quickly
 Need not be to scale
 Draw with color pencils or dry-erase markers

c poly
Y contact


32 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Wiring Tracks
 A wiring track is the space required for a wire
 4 l width, 4 l spacing from neighbor = 8 l pitch
 Transistors also consume one wiring track

33 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Well spacing
 Wells must surround transistors by 6 l
 Implies 12 l between opposite transistor flavors
 Leaves room for one wire track

34 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

The First Computer

The Babbage
Difference Engine
25,000 parts
cost: £17,470

35 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

ENIAC - The first electronic computer

36 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Invention of the Transistor
 Vacuum tubes ruled in first half of 20th century
Large, expensive, power-hungry, unreliable
 1947: first point contact transistor
 John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs
 Read Crystal Fire
 by Riordan, Hoddeson

37 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

MOS Integrated Circuits
 1970’s processes usually had only nMOS transistors
 Inexpensive, but consume power while idle
 1980s-present: CMOS processes for low idle power

Intel 1101 256-bit SRAM Intel 4004 4-bit Proc

38 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Moore’s Law

 Named after Gordon

Moore, the co-founder of
Fairchild Semiconductor
and Intel

39 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Design Abstraction Levels




n+ n+

40 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

41 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta
42 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta
 Block diagram of conventional IC
Design Process

43 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


44 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 MOS Process

45 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

NMOS Process

46 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

NMOS Process

47 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

A Basic n-well CMOS Process:
 The n-well fabrication has gained
wide acceptance.
 N-well CMOS circuits are superior
to p-well because of the lower
substrate bias effect on transistor
threshold voltage and inherently
lower parasitic capacitances
associated with source and drain
 The flow diagram of the fabrication
for nMOS process are illustrated in

48 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

49 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta
Bipolar Technology

50 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Bipolar Technology

51 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Bipolar Technology
 Although minimum feature sizes are comparable for the bipolar
and MOS processes, standard bipolar processes require more
area per device than do the NMOS processes.
 A major reason for this increased area is the deep and wide p
channel stops that are required for device isolation in standard
bipolar processes.
 An alternative bipolar process using trench isolation is
available which offers a significant improvement in component
density over the standard bipolar process.

52 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Hybrid Technology
 The hybrid approach to integrated circuit design involves
attaching two or more integrated circuit dies (typically of
different types), along with some discrete components in some
cases, in a single package to form what is called a hybrid
integrated circuit.
 It is often, and desirably, transparent to the consumer whether
the circuit is monolithic or hybrid; in some cases, however, the
hybrid packages are considerably larger.
 The hybrid integrated circuit is typically more costly than the
monolithic structures.
 The extra cost and size of hybrid integrated circuits is offset, in
some demanding applications, by improved performance

53 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Hybrid Technology
 Hybrid circuits containing discrete components occupy considerably
less area than the conventional PC board/discrete component
 They have played a major role in demanding analog signal
processing applications such as high-resolution A/D and D/A
converters and precision active filters.
 Tolerances, temperature dependence, and area-induced component
value limits for resistors and capacitors in standard MOS and bipolar
processes have limited the development of monolithic integrated
circuits for precision continuous-time signal processing.
 Thick film and thin film passive components have reasonable
tolerances, are easily trimmable, have acceptable temperature
coefficients that can be tailored for tracking, and offer reasonable
tradeoffs between area required and component values.
 These thick film and thin film networks are commonly used for the
passive components in hybrid integrated circuits.

54 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 The thick film technology is relatively old, requires considerable
area compared to monolithic circuits, can be used for relatively high-
power applications, and can be applied at relatively high frequencies
(up to 1 GHz) although it is typically limited to a few MHz.
 The increased area required by the thick film circuits is offset by the
reduced cost in equipment and processing materials required for the
thick film process, the latter being a small fraction of that required
for either bipolar or MOS processes.
 The components available in a thick film process are resistors and
capacitors along with conducting interconnects.
 Layers of different material are successively screened onto an
insulating substrate.
 These materials are used for resistors and conductors as well as for
the dielectrics of capacitors.
55 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta
 The components available in thin film processes are resistors
and capacitors, although often only resistors are included due
to both the specific applications which naturally benefit from
thin film technology and the practical limitations of thin film
capacitors. Thin film circuits are much smaller than thick film
 They are similar to thick film circuits in that successive layers
are applied to an insulating substrate as contrasted to the MOS
and bipolar processes, where some of the processing steps
involve diffusions that actually penetrate the substrate.
 For conductors, thin film thicknesses are typically from 100 to
500 A although thicknesses of several thousand angstroms are
occasionally used if a high conductivity is needed.

56 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Film thicknesses from 100 to 2000𝐴0 for resistors and film
thicknesses in the 3000𝐴0 region for dielectrics of capacitors
are common.
 Note that these film thicknesses are comparable to the
thicknesses of layers applied in the MOS and bipolar processes
but are orders of magnitude thinner than the 20µ (200,000 𝐴0 )
typical of thick films.
 The thin film layers are applied by uniformly coating the entire
wafer with the film.
 Then unwanted areas are selectively patterned and etched with
a photolithographic process similar to that used in the MOS
and bipolar cases.

57 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

 Design rules are generally well-documented specifications
listing minimum widths of features (conductor, moat, resistor,
etc.), minimum spacing's allowable between adjacent features,
overlap requirements, and other measurements that are
compatible with a given process.
 The design rules, the process parameters, and their relationship
with device characteristics serve as an interface between the
process engineers and the circuit designers.
 Both groups, along with representatives from marketing (since
yield is affected by the design rules), have input into the
evolution of these interfaces.

58 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

Layout Design Rules
Sr. Rule
No. number Description Dimensions
Microns Scalable
1 p-well Layer
1.1 Width 5 4l
1.2 Spacing to well at different potential 15 10l
1.3 Spacing to well at same potential 9 6l
2 Active (Diffusion ) Layer
2.1 Width 4 2l
2.2 Spacing to active 4 2l
2.3 P+ active in n-subs to p-well edge 8 6l
2.4 n+ active in n-subs to p-well edge 7 5l
2.5 n+ active in p-well to p-well edge 4 2l
2.6 p+ active in p-well to p-well edge 1 l
3 Poly
3.1 Width 3 2l
3.2 Spacing 3 2l
3.3 Field poly to active 2 l
3.3 Poly overlap of active 3 2l
3.4 Active overlap of poly 4 2l
4 P+ Select
4.1 Overlap of active 2 l
4.2 Space to n+ active 2 l
4.3 Overlap of channel 3.5 2l
4.4 Space to channel 3.5 2l
4.5 Space to P+ select 3 2l
4.6 width 3 2l
59 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta
Thank You !

60 Assistant Professor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

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