Schattenalfen - An Elvish Race

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From the Hollow World Set, Dungeon Master's Sourcebook, Atlas, pp.


Schattenalf Caverns
Technology: Iron Age (steel forged).
Life-Style: Cavern-dwelling empire-builders, very militaristic and revenge-
Population: 600,000, with one-tenth in the city of Issarthyl and the rest
scattered in innumerable caves and caverns.
Outer-World Origin: Centre of the crust of the world, ca. BC 1,400.

The land of the Schattenalf Caverns is not just caverns, of course. It comprises
cave-riddled mountains and foothills on the northern edge of the great equatorial
mountain range where it meets the western sea.
The mountains and hills are cool, both from their altitude and from the Immortal
magics which maintain the weather at the equator. The highest mountains are
snow-capped, and their lower slopes and the hills are heavily forested.
The cool weather and steep slopes discourage intrusion from predatory
dinosaurs, though other beasts, such as bears, great cats, and a local draconic
breed named flapsails, do sometimes prey on animal and elf alike.

The Schattenalfen
The Schattenalfen are indeed an elvish race, but few people who'd ever seen
other elves would think they belonged to the same species.
The Schattenalf males average about 5' tall and 110 lbs., with females an inch
or two shorter and some 20 lbs. lighter.
They are very, very pale-skinned: their skin is almost white. Their hair ranges
from pure white to a light steel-grey, and is usually worn long and unbound,
whether male or female.
Most eyes are ice-blue or grey; a few are light green or even yellow. But, though
they look like albinos (except for the lack of pink eyes), they are not.
Outside, in the open, Schattenalfen wear very concealing garments: heavy long-
sleeved tunics, trousers, high soft boots, gloves, and cloaks with hoods they can
pull well over their faces. They prefer dark colours to light, usually dressing in
blacks, browns, blues, purples and deep reds. All these garments are necessary to
their continued survival: when his skin is exposed to sunlight, a Schattenalf takes
1 hit point of damage for every hour of exposure.
Inside their cavernous homes, the Schattenalfen remove the cloak and gloves,
but otherwise maintain the same outfit; caverns tend to be chilly, and the
Schattenalfen are a cold-blooded race, needing all the protection from chill they
can get.
In wartime, these elves wear elvish chain mail and carry shields. They use a
wide variety of weapons, especially broad swords and polearms, long bows and
crossbows, lances (both land and air cavalry) and many others.
The Schattenalfen speak the elvish language. This is basically the same as the
tongue spoken in Alfheim on the outer world, and in Icevale and Blacklore lands in
the Hollow World, and is almost identical to the dialect spoken by the Shadow
Elves of the City of Stars. But the Schattenalfen dialect is more sibilant; many
hearing it consider it sinister and threatening. There is a written form of the
language, identical to the written form of other elvish dialects.
Schattenalfen also speak Neathar, Azcan, Traldar and Malpheggi lizard man
because of their proximity to those peoples.

The culture of the Schattenalfen is unlike the cultures of other elves.
Most elves worship above-ground nature: growing trees, green living things,
flowing rivers and the shining sun. Not so the Schattenalfen; after all their
centuries of living below-ground, they have become distanced from that world.
They are physiologically and psychologically adapted to life below-ground. The
sunlight burns them and can kill them; they feel nervous and exposed when there
are trees all around instead of stone walls, and when there is no cavern ceiling
above their heads - only open sky and the distant sun.
Even this would not be so bad except the Schattenalfen long to be part of the
green, growing world again. All their culture's legends and aspirations move them
to desire life among the trees. They resent their physical and mental limitations
which keep them living among the caves; even more so they resent races which
live casually, easily, comfortably in the world of nature. Consequently, they hate
most races.
The Schattenalfen build cities underground. They expand on and modify the
caves, tunnels and caverns that make up their homes: many of them are expert
diggers, miners and engineers, like the dwarves of the outer world.
Their architecture is almost identical to that of the Azcans (read the entry on
Azca toward the start of this chapter), featuring pyramids, plazas and heavy walls
built of dressed stone. Unlike the Azcans, they don't use dried mud-brick for any
of their building; they rely entirely on stone.
The Schattenalfen observe all rituals and ceremonies in utter darkness. Though
they light their caverns with torches, lamps and candles, their formal gatherings
(prayers to Atzanteotl, marriages, celebrations of birth, etc.) are all held in
complete darkness.
Among the Schattenalfen, males and females have roughly equal rights. Both
males and females learn magic and fight; the military is about 60% male, 40%
But inheritance is matrilineal: the family name and family property descends
from mother to daughter. When Schattenalfen marry, the male formally leaves his
own clan and becomes a member of his wife's clan. Among rulers, power settles
on the member of the marriage who is personally the most dominant; one family
may be ruled by its mother, another by its father, and another by a marriage of
The Schattenalfen, like their distant Icevale cousins, expose children who are
born hideously deformed. Unlike the Icevale elves, many Schattenalf children are
born deformed, perhaps one in five.
Elderly Schattenalfen, by ancient tradition, are exiled. If a Schattenalf reaches
800 years of age, he packs up a few belongings, makes his farewell to his family,
and departs the caverns forever. He is doomed to wander the surface of the
Hollow World for the rest of his life; also, by tradition, he is not allowed ever to
retrace his path or see the same place twice.
Most of these wanderers die in the dangerous wildernesses of the Hollow World.
Sometimes the Immortal Rafiel takes pity on them (on the kinder, wiser ones, at
least) and personally tells them they do not have to wander forever and may
settle where he guides them; he then guides them to places such as the
Lighthouse, to Oltec villages, or to the lands of the Icevale elves (see the separate
entries for those places in this chapter).
On the other hand, the Schattenalfen, by ancient custom, must adopt any elf
who expresses a wish to live among them. They might fall on and attack a foreign
elf they find sneaking through their territory; but if he knows to cry out that he
claims the right to live among them, they will break off their attack.
(This doesn't mean that it's easy for an elvish PC to infiltrate and spy on these
elves. Others have tried; the Schattenalfen are suspicious of any of their adoptees
for decades, even centuries. An adoptee must swear an oath of loyalty to the
Schattenalf king. He must marry a Schattenalf; if a married pair of elves seeks
adoption, the marriage is considered irrelevant and they are separated and
married to Schattenalfen. The adoptee will be watched for as many years as it
takes to convince the Schattenalfen of his loyalty. And if he does turn out to be a
traitor, he will be routinely executed. But he will be adopted if he wishes to be.)
These elves are ruled by an Elf-King and Elf-Queen, who live in the city of
Issarthyl. Each other community comprising two or more extended families is
ruled by a governor appointed by the crown. Many communities constitute only
one extended family, and the ruler is the family leader, who must answer to the
crown just like any governor ... but who may not be removed or demoted by the
crown. The King and Queen, all city governors, and all high-ranking advisors and
military advisors are followers of Atzanteotl; that Immortal has a strong lock on
the ruling caste of Schattenalfen.
Most Schattenalfen live on a substance called trania. It is a highly concentrated
foodstuff which they prepare themselves; its making does not require magic.
Trania comes in dark, egg-sized balls, one of which will sustain a Schattenalf for
an entire day. (It usually takes two meals of trania to sustain a larger person such
as an adult human. Also, trania does not satisfy the compulsive meat-eater's love
of meat and so many people do not consider it an adequate diet; it sustains them,
but leaves them craving flesh.)
The Schattenalfen make use of beasts of burden, mostly reptiles. Both the
crawler (a riding lizard identical to the Hutaakan foot-pad lizard) and the flapsail
(a small, unintelligent dragon-like creature native to these mountains) are
domesticated and ridden; both types of beasts also thrive in the wild and
sometimes attack Schattenalfen.
The official faith of the Schattenalfen is the worship of the Immortal Atzanteotl.
His philosophy is one of revenge and punishment: any slight against
Schattenalfen must be avenged. Since the humans blew up the world in the
ancient past, they must be conquered. Anyone who insults a Schattenalf must be
punished. This doesn't have to be by a sudden attack or formal duel: slow,
thoughtful, carefully-planned vengeance is even more palatable to the Schattenalf
followers of Atzanteotl.
Though Atzanteotl's faith is the official worship of the Schattenalfen, that
doesn't make it the universal faith of these people. Among the Schattenalfen, four
in ten consider themselves followers of Atzanteotl; one in ten is, secretly, a
follower of the original Shadow Elf patron, Rafiel. The other five in ten are rather
agnostic, following neither Immortal, simply living their lives.

Two Races of Shadow Elves

If you have the Shadow Elves gazetteer, you may be confused by the many
differences between those Shadow Elves and these Schattenalfen. There are two
breeds of Shadow Elves.
The ones described in the Shadow Elves gazetteer are the Shadow Elves, also
called the Shadow Elves of the City of Stars.
The elves described here are called Schattenalfen, and they have many
customs which are different from those of the ancestral Shadow Elves.
The Shadow Elves mostly follow the Immortal Rafiel. More of the Schattenalfen
follow Atzanteotl. However, unlike the Azcans, they do not practice sacrifice. The
Shadow Elves build stony homes and dwellings that are not too dissimilar from
stone dwellings built by surface-dwelling humans. The Schattenalfen, as noted,
build pyramids and other buildings similar to those of the Azcans.
The Shadow Elves have shamans among them - clerical followers of Rafiel. The
Schattenalfen have no shamans, and very few of them even know how to use
The Shadow Elves are very much concerned with mined crystals which are said
to hold the souls of their ancestors. The Schattenalfen have abandoned this belief
and attach no special significance to crystals.
Among the Shadow Elves, many children are born with purplish marks like
tattoos on their faces; this disfigurement, a mark of favour of the Immortal Rafiel,
does not appear among the Schattenalfen.
The Schattenalfen remember their origins among the Shadow Elves, but
centuries ago lost all communication with the Shadow Elves. As far as they know,
the original Shadow Elves could be dead and gone.
One last note: among the Schattenalfen, unlike the elves of Alfheim on the outer
world, a name is a name. They don't conceal their real names under cover of use-

The largest city of the Schattenalfen is Issarthyl.
Issarthyl is a city of 60,000 built in an enormous cavern lying a full mile beneath
the foot of Mount Issarthyl.
Within the cavern is a 200'-tall stepped pyramid devoted to the Immortal
Atzanteotl. Below it lies the great plaza of Issarthyl, surrounded by temples of
Atzanteotl, the royal residence, and other building just as are found in the city of
Chitlacan (see the entry for the Azcan Empire, above). There is one major
exception: the Schattenalfen don't play the game of tlachtli, and so there are no
courts here for that game.
Around the great plaza and its functionary buildings are the homes of the
common Schattenalfen.
As in the Azcan city of Chitlacan, there is a steady stream of foot-traffic in and
out of Issarthyl. Though the Schattenalfen could be completely self-sufficient
(living on foods such as the fungus which grows in abundance in their caverns and
the milk taken from a variety of giant slug), they prefer to trade their goods for
richer, healthier food grown on the outside. So they mine precious stones and
craft wonderful gems, jewellery and precious statuary, and trade them for food -
especially to the Traldar on the western coast. The streams of traffic bear those
trade goods out of the cavern and stockpiles of wheat, barley, wine. dried fish,
dried meat, dried fruits, and other goods from Traldar lands.

History on the Outer World

At the time of the Great Rain of Fire, in BC 3,000, the ancestors of the Shadow
Elves were four ordinary elf-clans: the Celebryl, the Porador, the Felistyr and the
Gelbalf. They lived not too far from Blackmoor, having colonized these new lands
with the permission of the Blackmoor humans.
Then those Blackmoor humans blew themselves up, scattered rotting,
corrupting energies to the four winds (poisoning many elves of the four clans),
and altered the very climate of the world. These colonist elves fled for shelter,
finding it in deep caverns beneath the area later called the Broken Lands.
Perhaps subtly guided by the Immortal Rafiel, their new, sympathetic patron,
they discovered a remarkable series of caverns and tunnels leading deep into the
earth - hundreds of miles deep into the earth, as a matter of fact. There, they
discovered a miles-high cavern where gravity was bizarre; the elves could stand
on the ceiling, on the floor, on certain sections of the wall.
This was, in fact, a cavern smack in the middle of the World-Shield, which was
described in the History chapter. The anti-magic effects of the World-Shield were
very weak here, having been weakened by the presence of this cavernous bubble,
so the Shadow Elves had no difficulty casting their magic.
The Shadow Elves built their City of Stars here, some of it on the ceiling and
some on the floor. They tamed animals living deep in the earth, including
domesticable giant slugs and a species of flying lizard they called skinwings. They
set about following the moral and ethical guidelines provided by the Immortal
Rafiel. Though they longed to return to the upper world, they were convinced that
it was destroyed, hostile to all life, and so lived sad, dark existences deep in the
More than a thousand years later, ca. BC 1,700, another disaster took place on
the surface: elves living in the land now called Glantri found and accidentally
detonated an old Blackmoor device. The resulting catastrophe wasn't as great as
the original Rain of Fire, but it did drive all these elvish clans underground, and
some of those survivors discovered the cavern of the City of Stars.
Adopted by the Shadow Elves, they astonished their new patrons with stories of
an upper world which had recovered from the Great Rain of Fire. But they also
frustrated the Shadow Elves with the knowledge that they couldn't immediately
ascend to the surface: the rotting sickness caused by the Blackmoor device's
explosion might not disappear for generations, or so said the shamans of the
Immortal Rafiel.
These adopted Shadow Elves took the clan-name schattenalfen, which just
means "shadow elves" in their own elvish dialect, and they were the ancestors of
the Hollow World Schattenalfen. At about the same time, an elf named Atziann,
another survivor of the Glantrian explosion of four hundred years before, was
attaining Immortality in the Sphere of Entropy. He chose the name Atzanteotl as
an Immortal and decided to meddle with both the Shadow Elves and the Azcans,
two races in which he saw a lot of evil potential. (See the entry for Atzanteotl in
the Immortals chapter.)
Atzanteotl corrupted many of the Shadow Elves, particularly members of the
new Schattenalfen clan, promising them that they could live on the beautiful
surface world and be masters of their world if only they would abandon the
worship of Rafiel and worship him instead. Many did. He taught them new ways to
build in order to honour him - using the building style of the Azcans, which had
fascinated him when he was a moral hiding among those humans. This is why the
Schattenalfen followers of Atzanteotl have a different form of architecture than
their ancestral Shadow Elves.
Atzanteotl divided his Schattenalf followers into two groups and sent them in
different directions.
One group was sent up to near the surface of the outer world, there to build a
magnificent city called Aengmor. Their fate is mentioned in the History chapter,
and is discussed in greater detail in GAZ 10, The Orcs of Thar.

History in the Hollow World

The other group was sent to follow the expedition which had reached the Hollow
World. This expedition also succeeded in reaching the Hollow World. Prepared for
the dangers of the sun by the deaths of their predecessors, they dressed to shield
themselves from the solar radiation and set about conquering their new lands.
Unfortunately for them, the Kogolor dwarves already living there didn't feel like
being conquered. Helped by the appearance of a golem-like dwarf-hero from the
outer world, the Kogolors fought the Schattenalfen over a period of a few years
and finally drove them out of their lands.
The Schattenalfen fled westward, finding similarly fierce defenders among the
Oltecs, and finally settled in mountains not yet occupied by sentient races. There,
they settled and built their cities.
Ironically, they found they couldn't actually return to the upper world to live as
their ancient elvish ancestors had; this was a cruel trick played on them by
Atzanteotl. Their race had been underground so long that they could not endure
prolonged exposure. The sun was dangerous to them; they were nervous when
not surrounded by stone walls. So they were trapped in their old lifestyles when
no other force kept them from enjoying the upper world.
Many Schattenalfen have managed to adapt - slightly - to the Hollow World's
surface. These brave pioneers build cities above ground and try to spend as much
time outside as they can bear. True, their cities are like artificial caverns; they
tend to be huge, impenetrable stone domes linked together by fully-enclosed
tunnels, with no windows and few exits to the outside. And the elves who live here
have learned to go outside for days, even weeks, though most of them are
nervous and irritable while on the surface. It is these elves who perform above-
ground raids on enemy territories; they have learned to ride horseback and on
flapsails, and hide among the trees, and some few even enjoy the experience of
the outdoors.
Over the centuries, the Schattenalfen (substantially helped by those elves
daring enough to live above-ground) have grown more resistant to sunlight.
Exposure to the sun for a day will still kill most of them, but in more ancient times,
exposure for a mere couple of hours would be enough to do the job. So slowly,
gradually, the Schattenalfen are learning to live above-ground.

Relations With Other Races

When they settled in their new mountains, the elves discovered that there were
sentient races all around. North were the Azcans; east were the Oltecs; beyond
them were the Kogolor dwarves who had treated them so unfairly; northeast,
beyond the swamps, were the Neathar; southwest were the Traldar.
They hated the Kogolors for chasing them out. They weren't too happy with the
Oltecs for the same reason, and for others: the Schattenalfen hated all humans,
because it was humans who had caused the Great Rain of Fire and the Glantrian
disaster. They hated the Neathar who found it so easy to live close to nature.
But, especially, they hated the Azcans. Not only were the Azcans humans, not
only did they live among the forests - they built cities that were cruel, mocking
imitations to the Schattenalfen. Their cities and pyramids were so like those of the
Schattenalfen that the Azcan cities seemed to be saying, "We have built your city,
which you cannot live in; here it is, and here we are enjoying it while you rot
underground." The Schattenalfen believed the Azcans to have taken this
architectural style long after the elves, and to mock and torture them;
consequently, they came to hate the Azcans more than any other race.
In the centuries since they settled in these mountains, the Schattenalfen have
waged innumerable wars against the Azcans. These are bloody, hateful wars, with
no quarter taken on either side.
The Azcans are far more numerous than the Schattenalfen, so the Schattenalfen
use their few natural advantages to compensate. They establish hidden base
camps as close to Azcan cities as they can, then spend literally years digging their
way into the centres of those cities. When the time is ripe - often, when a city
prince is conducting a sacrifice with crowds of thousands assembled below - the
Schattenalfen will emerge from below-ground slaughtering all in their way, often
killing the city's ruler before fleeing again.
The Schattenalfen also perform ordinary cavalry-based raids against Azcan
outposts, often luring the inevitable Azcan pursuit into ambushes and avalanches.
The flapsails give the Schattenalfen a certain aerial advantage. Squads of elves
mounted on flapsails fly over Azcan cities, dropping flaming brands onto the
poorer sections of town, where thatch roofs and the beams supporting mud-brick
houses burn nicely.
So the war, while bloody and constant, is a guerilla war, never fought with
divisions of infantry facing each other across a field.
The Schattenalfen know they cannot survive if they have enemies on all sides.
Thus, though it galls them even to be neutral to a human culture, they have
always traded peaceably with the Traldar. The Schattenalfen and Traldar do not
like or trust one another, but their trade has been peaceful and mutually
profitable for centuries, and neither desires to see it end. The Traldar, however,
do not send mercenaries to help the Schattenalfen.
The elves sometimes find mercenaries among the Malpheggi lizard men; though
those reptiles also accept jobs from the Azcans, they will turn on anyone if paid
enough. The elves also pay the Krugel Horde to perform raids into northeastern
Azcan lands, but the Krugels more often work for the Azcans themselves.
The Schattenalfen know that there is a race of elves living to the far north, but
don't know much about them. If they were to learn that those elves are
descendants of survivors of the Glantrian disaster who descended deep into the
earth, found the Hollow World, and adapted to it so happily and successfully, the
Schattenalfen would also hate the Icevale elves.
The Schattenalfen know that their ancestors, the Shadow Elves, probably still
live hundreds of miles down in the ground, but have long forgotten the path back
to the City of Stars; there has been no communication with the City of Stars in
over 2,000 years.

One Schattenalf whom the PCs might meet is Air-Captain Trylthyn.

Trylthyn, Air-Captain, Flapsail-Rider

History: Trylthyn, born 150 years ago, has for 40 years been a member of the
Schattenalf aerial corps. He's one of those "outside" Schattenalfen, the ones who
live in a surface-built city. He has long been famous among the Schattenalfen, a
hero among them: he is a great warrior, a great flyer, and one of the rare magic-
users to boot. However, he is not a follower of Atzanteotl, and consequently his
political future is limited; this is why he is a lowly captain rather than a general of
Schattenalf armies.
Personality: Trylthyn's mother was a follower of Rafiel, and his father was an
agnostic. So he grew up away from the doctrines of hate and revenge which
dominate so many of the Schattenalfen. However, when it became clear that he
had the intelligence necessary to be a magic-user, he was recruited early into the
Schattenalf military, which is dominated by followers of Atzanteotl. Consequently,
he has often found himself in conflict with revenge-minded superiors and fellows.
This has made him moody and distant to his fellow Schattenalfen, preferring
solitary patrols on his flapsail to drinking and carousing with the other officers. He
is suspicious of humans (he knows they blew up the world), and intensely dislikes
the Azcans, but wishes his people were not inimical to the other surrounding races
such as the Oltecs and Neathar.
Appearance: Trylthyn is big for a Schattenalf, nearly 5'4" and 130 lbs. His hair
is an iron-grey, his eyes a nearly identical hue. His features are plain, but the
intelligence evident in his eyes is very arresting. He prefers to wear all-black
clothes set off with golden jewellery, especially necklaces, broad bracelets and
buttons on his flying suit.
DMing Notes: Trylthyn can easily be an enemy of the PCs, but could just as
easily become their ally. Unless they are mostly Azcans, he won't immediately
attack intruders into Schattenalf territory; confident in his abilities, he will
descend near them on his flapsail and order them to leave; if convinced that they
have some business important to the King and Queen, or to the Schattenalf race
as a whole, he will guide them across the hills to the city of Issarthyl.
Combat Notes: 10th-level elf (attack rank D); AC 2 (chain mail and shield); hp
40; MV 90' (40'); #AT 2 broad sword or long bow; Dmg 1d8 + 1; Save E10; ML8;
AL L. S13 I18 W13 D10 Co9 Ch10. Languages: Elvish (Schattenalfen dialect),
Neathar, Azcan, Traldar, Malpheggi, Kogolor, orcish (Krugel dialect), one unspent
language slot. General Skills: Military Tactics (I), Profession (Weaponsmith, I),
Navigation (I), Signalling (Schattenalf Air-Cavalry hand-codes, I), Animal Trainer
(Flapsails, W), Caving (W), Alertness (D), Riding (Flapsails, D), Leadership (Ch).
Spells Carried: 1st - detect magic, protection from evil, read magic. 2nd -
levitate, web x 2. 3rd - dispel magic, fly, protection from normal missiles. 4th -
growth of plants, wall of fire, wizard eye. 5th - dissolve, pass-wall.
Magical Items in Possession: chain mail + 2.

The Schattenalf lands are occupied by most of the monsters indicated for
mountain and hill terrains in the Monsters chapter of The Adventure Book. Two
other monsters (from that chapter) which are very important to the Schattenalfen
are flapsails and foot-pad lizards.

From the Hollow World Set, Dungeon Master's Sourcebook, The Immortals, pp. 98-

Sphere and Alignment: Entropy; Neutral.
Manifestation Power: Greater.
Worshippers' Alignment: Neutral and Chaotic. His clerics all are Neutral.
History: Atzanteotl, born with the name Atziann, was an elf clan-lord living in
Glantri some 2,700 years ago. At that time, some of his fellow elves found and
accidentally triggered a dangerous Blackmoor device left in the Broken Lands. The
resulting cataclysm drove the surviving Glantrian elves underground. Atziann and
his clan travelled the labyrinth of caves under Glantri for dozens of years, years
during which all his clan-members perished. These experiences made him very
dark, fatalistic, and bitter.
After these years of wandering lost below the earth, Atziann emerged once
again into sunlight ... but it was the wrong sun. He found an exit into the Hollow
World, in the lands of the Azcan Empire. With his magical abilities, he was able to
conceal himself from their eyes and hide among the Azcans until he learned their
language and culture. He gained quite an appreciation for the lethal,
uncompromising Azcans, for their culture and architecture and sense of style,
before continuing on with his wanderings.
By now committed to doctrines of evil and pain, Atziann took the Path of
Immortality of the Sphere of Entropy and, within a couple of hundred years, his
unrelenting evil had earned him that reward (such as it is). Now, he decided, it
was time to return his attention to his original people (who were now called the
Shadow Elves) and see what he could do to shape them into a race more to his
Under the name Atzanteotl, a name in the Azcan style, he began to turn the
minds of shadow-elf clerics and Azcan clerics to his own twisted evils. He supplied
great power and wisdom to these clerics, and in both cultures they eventually
took charge. Certain Shadow Elves, especially the Schattenalfen clan, began
construction of a city, Aengmor, built along Azcan lines and dedicated to the glory
of Atzanteotl. The Azcans, both those in the Hollow World and those on the outer
world, increasingly turned away from the worship of Otzitiotl (Ixion) and Kalaktatla
(Ka the Preserver) and to that of Atzanteotl; they introduced sacrifices into their
way of life.
Since those days, Atzanteotl has driven his Schattenalfen further underground,
repopulated their city Aengmor with orcs (see GAZ 10, The Orcs of Thar, for
details), and has continued to make his followers more populous and powerful. He
has inspired all Shadow Elves with a hatred and envy of Alfheim, made them
covet Alfheim for their own homeland.
Personality: Atzanteotl is fascinated by the process of corruption; he enjoys
nothing so much as seeing good sentient beings turn to evil. Once they are turned
to evil, he loses most of his interest in them. He has built up three cultures
(humanoids of the Broken Lands, Schattenalfen and Azcans) dedicated to his evil
glory, and his only plan is to continue in the same vein until every sentient thing
is corrupt and evil and chanting his praises. His ultimate goal is the destruction of
all life on the outer world, especially the elves of Alfheim.
Allies: Atzanteotl has no allies.
Enemies: Atzanteotl's greatest enemies are Ilsundal (who detests his
corruption of elves), Ixion and Ka the Preserver (who oppose his effects on the
Azcans), Karaash (who resents his interference with the humanoid races), Rafiel
(from whom he "stole" the worship of many Shadow Elves) and Halav (an enemy
of the patrons of the humanoids). All the other Immortal patrons of the humanoid
races, such as Bartziluth, can be counted as his secondary enemies.
Appearance: In mortal form, Atzanteotl takes the appearance of either an
elven hero or a dark orc. His Immortal/demonic shape is that of a jet-black
feathered serpent with the beautiful, solemn face of an elf - a face which
occasionally twists with rage.
Symbol: The silhouette of a feathered serpent.
DMing Notes: Atzanteotl is one of the movers and shakers of the Hollow World.
He opposes the Spell of Preservation and the four Immortal sponsors of the Hollow
World at every turn. He works to expand the borders of Azcan and Schattenalf
territory, though he allows these two empires to fight one another to amuse him.
Though he knows the Spell of Preservation will not allow him to wipe cultures out
utterly, he makes sure that his Azcans and Schattenalfen enslave and dilute all
other cultures they encounter.

From the Hollow World Set, Player's Guide, Character Backgrounds, pp. 56-57

Schattenalfen are pale. subterranean elves. As a race, they have lived too long
below-ground; consequently, they have trouble dealing with sunlight and the
Appearance and Dress
The Schattenalfen are elves, but somewhat different from the ordinary forest
elves people are used to seeing. They average about 5' tall and weigh anywhere
from 90-110 lbs. They are very, very pale: white-skinned, white- or grey-haired,
blue- or grey-eyed. Most people looking at them think they are some sort of
subterranean life-form like an earthworm which has taken on humanoid form.
The Schattenalfen wear dark, heavy long-sleeved tunics, trousers, and knee-
high soft boots; outside their subterranean homes, they also wear broad-hooded
cloaks. They typically dress in blacks, browns, dark blues, purples and deep reds.
The garments are protective rather than decorative: see below, under.

Schattenalfen, unlike most other elves, do not worship nature or revere growing
things. Driven underground by natural disasters, they have adapted to life
underground. They feel safest when surrounded by living rock; they feel exposed
and endangered when in the open, especially in forests with open sky above.
However, ancient tradition makes them long for the old ways; they believe that
they should be able to live out in the open lands, among the trees. Most of them
just can't bring themselves to that great and uncomfortable a change, which
makes them angry and resentful. (Some Schattenalfen have learned to live
above-ground; they are still not fully comfortable with it, and they are a distinct
minority among their people, but they do exist.
The Schattenalfen choose large caves and caverns and build cities in them,
expanding existing networks of tunnels, turning raw cavern into homes which
nearly rival the subterranean architecture of the Rockhome dwarves of the outer
But their architecture is not like that of the Rockhome dwarves. In fact, it's
almost identical to that of the Azcans, their enemies. It features buildings and
stepped pyramids made of heavy dressed-stone blocks. The Schattenalfen are
convinced that the Azcans stole these motifs from them, and the Azcans claim
that it was the Schattenalfen who are the latecomers; the Azcans claim to be the
originators of these designs, while the Schattenalfen say these designs were
granted to them by the Immortal Atzanteotl, which gives them the better claim.
Regardless of which side is right, both Schattenalfen and Azcan hate one another.
The Schattenalfen are a monarchic power. The entire race is ruled by an Elf-King
and Elf-Queen who live in the city of Issarthyl. Their society is heavily militarized,
the lives of the elves being very heavily regimented.
Schattenalfen live by a doctrine of vengeance: any insult must be punished.
Player character Schattenalfen do not have to avenge every insult immediately,
but may not ever forget a slight or insult, and will always ultimately try to avenge
Schattenalfen tame and ride a type of flying reptile they call flapsails; indeed,
they have a large corps of flapsail-pilots, something which gives them a much-
needed edge in their ongoing wars with the more-numerous Azcans.
The state faith is the worship of the Immortal Atzanteotl, though not all
Schattenalfen worship that evil Immortal. A few Schattenalfen secretly worship
Rafiel, the patron of the original Shadow Elves from whom the Schattenalfen are

Schattenalfen names tend to be several syllables long, and contain many soft,
sibilant sounds: 'll,' 'ph,' 's,' 'sh' and 'th,' for instance.

Roles and Genders

Male and female Schattenalfen have equal rights, but property is handed down
on the female side of the family; the family name and homes are handed down
through the female line. Whenever a male Schattenalf weds, he officially leaves
his own family and joins his wife's.

Schattenalfen speak elvish (the same elvish spoken everywhere, but with a
sibilant and sinister-sounding dialect). They also speak Neathar, Azcan and
Traldar human, and Malpheggi lizard man.

Allies and Enemies

The Schattenalfen have no actual allies. They perform peaceful, if mutually
suspicious, trade with the Traldar to the south, and often hire Krugel orcs and
Malpheggi lizard men for campaigns against the Azcans. None of these
associations are friendships or alliances; they're purely business.
The Schattenalfen do have enemies, though. Their most hated enemies are the
Azcans to the north; close behind that is their hatred of the Kogolor dwarves to
the far east. They also wage less personal wars of conquest against the Oltecs to
the east and Neathar to the northeast.

Character Classes
Schattenalfen with Intelligence scores of 16, 17 or 18 can be created as normal
elves; all other Schattenalfen should be created as warrior-elves from the
Character Creation chapter.

Weapons and Armour

Schattenalfen use a wide variety of armour and weapons. They prefer chain
mail, shields, broad swords, polearms, long bows and lances, but have access to
more weapons than these.
Cultural Melee Weapons: Axe/hand, dagger, sword/short, sword/normal
(broad), sword/two-handed, sword/bastard, mace, club, staff, polearm (all
varieties), spear, javelin, lance, net, whip.
Cultural Missile Weapons: Crossbow/light, crossbow/heavy, bow/long,
bow/short, sling.
Cultural Armour: Leather, scale mail, chain mail, banded mail, plate mail, suit
armour, shield (horned shield, knife shield, sword shield, tusked shield not
allowed); no barding for flapsails.
Special Hindrances
Schattenalfen are harmed by direct sunlight and can be killed by it. A
Schattenalf takes 1 hit point of damage for every hour his skin is exposed to
sunlight. Wearing heavy, dark clothing over the entire body (as they routinely do)
prevents this damage.

General Skills
All Schattenalfen must take Caving skill and at least one professional or labour
skill (a result of their very regimented society).

From the Hollow World Set, Adventure Book, Adventures, pp. 8-12

The Gem of Neathar

(Expert Adventure: 3-6 Characters, Levels 4-9)
This adventure presumes that the characters have been in the Hollow World
long enough to gain some experience and get a good idea as to what's going on
in this setting, but still haven't found their way out (assuming that's even one of
their goals any more). They have had time to learn the Neathar language and
may have Hollow World followers or even PCs accompanying them.

Starting the Adventure

Wherever the heroes are, during one of their wilderness travels they stumble
across this scene.
They discover and encampment - they spot it before the encamped people spot
them and can conceal themselves if they wish to.
In the encampment is a party of Schattenalfen, the shadow elves of the Hollow
World. They're not an infantry group, however: they're flapsail riders, and
tethered nearby are their reptilian flapsail mounts. (See the entry in the Atlas
chapter of the Dungeon Master's Sourcebook for more on these elves and the
As the heroes watch, the Schattenalfen are performing standard encampment
duties: one is lazily on guard, one is cooking a potful of food, one is sharpening his
sword on a stone, and the last is scrubbing down one of the flapsails. There are
only four elves here, and there are nine flapsails. It looks as though a couple of
them bear only supplies, going by the two large saddles laden with gear.
All these shadow elves snap to attention when another of their kind, an officer
(if the PCs gauge by the number of arm-stripes on his outfit) enters the clearing.
The officer is dragging an unwilling prisoner.
The prisoner is quite remarkable to look at. It is a human woman - Zorena,
Princess of the Toralai Neathar tribe.

Zorena, the Gem of Neathar

History: Zorena is the firstborn child or Zorok, chief of the Toralai tribe of the
Neathar people. She was beautiful as a child and had her father wrapped around
her little finger; he indulged her in every possible way, and, at her request, taught
her to fight and to live a warrior's life. As a young woman, she grew even more
beautiful, so much so that she earned a widespread reputation among the
Neathar tribes: they called her the "Gem of Neathar," an epithet they bestow on
one they feel to be the most beautiful of the entire race. Now, at 19, Zorena is the
target of many warrior-kidnappers who wish to steal her away to be their mate;
she has become very adept at escaping captors.
Unfortunately for her, the last warrior to kidnap her knew many knots which
confounded her escape attempts. He was able to march her far, far away from her
native land ... and had almost reached his own tribal territory when an exploring
party of Schattenalfen discovered them.
These Schattenalfen, flying flapsails, had been charged with mapping distant
parts of the Hollow World. They spotted the two Neathar on the ground far below
and swooped down to investigate.
Their leader, General Caryldian, saw Zorena and became infatuated with her. He
ordered an attack on her captor and killed him. He then swept the bound Zorena
up and carried her away, he and his flight group returning toward Schattenalfen
However, he underestimated the clever Zorena. She persuaded him that she
was just as attracted to her as he was to her, and complained that her bonds were
numbing the arms that longed to hold him. When he cut those bonds, the fearless
girl dropped right off the flapsail and into the trees below, her acrobatic ability
allowing her to survive the fall unharmed. This was several hours ago.
In the time since, the Schattenalfen spread out to search for Zorena. Many have
now returned to camp. And one of them, Captain Geissyl, was able to find her and
capture her with a web spell. now she is once again in Schattenalfen hands,
though General Caryldian has not yet returned to camp.
Personality: Zorena is every inch the jungle princess. She is proud and noble,
aware of her status as a tribal princess and as a famous figure among all the
Neathar. She can be very haughty, particularly with captors and strangers, but
drops this mannerism among friends, with family, with animals or with children.
She is very independent - though not antisocial, she knows she can survive on
her own and so does not behave like a clinging, helpless victim. (She sometimes
pretends to be one, in order to effect an escape, but only when that tactic would
appear to have a good chance of success.) She does not escape from her captors
because she objects to the idea of finding a suitable mate; in fact, the reason she
has been so often captured is that she is willing to gauge the suitability of each
captor. But so far none have lived up to her expectations of the perfect mate; one
is too brutal, one too stupid, one too young, one too coarse.
Naturally, should one of the player characters be handsome, intelligent, brave
and unwed, Zorena feels a great attraction to him. If rescued by a party of outer-
worlders, she is very suspicious of them (they are quite alien, after all) but only
tries to escape them if they try to capture her. If they don't try to capture her, she
promises them a reward if they accompany her back to her own land; she doesn't
believe she needs such company, but she is now further away from home than
ever before, and she is very curious about these aliens. (The reward? She can
offer many stone-tipped weapons, great amounts of furs or salted bison meat; her
tribe does not lean much to treasures.)
Appearance: Zorena is 5'6" and 130 lbs. She is well-muscled (though not
muscle-bound) and in excellent condition. Her skin is tanned very dark (the
Toralai are a plains-dwelling people), but her hair and eyes are darker still, both
being midnight black. She wears a short skirt, a short, closed vest, a headband,
and knee-high soft boots of lionskin decorated with fringe. Normally, she also
wears a thin lionskin belt holding a knife-sheath, carries a hide backpack, and
holds a stone-tipped spear, but currently she is a captive and has been stripped of
these things. Instead, she is well-secured in chains. Her wrists are secured behind
her, and her wrist-shackles are attached by a chain to the links around her waist.
A third chain attaches to a shackle around her neck at one end and is held by her
captor at the other.
DMing Notes: Zorena is a classic jungle princess character - a beautiful native
heroine who can become romantically involved with one of the PCs if the
campaign is inclined in that direction.
Combat Notes: 6th-level thief; AC 4 (Dexterity bonus and Special
Compensation); hp 17; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 spear or dagger; Dmg 1d6 (spear) or
1d4 (dagger); Save T6; ML9; AL N. S12 I13 W10 D18 Co11 Ch18. Languages:
Neathar, Azcan. General Skills: Navigation (I), Survival (Forest, I), Tracking (I),
Acrobatics (D), Escape Artist (D), Endurance (Co).
Magical Items in Possession: None.

First View of Zorena

When Captain Geissyl drags Zorena into the clearing, he issues orders to the
men to hurry up, get packed, and prepare for departure; they'll all leave as soon
as the General arrives. If the PCs understand elvish, they understand his orders; if
they don't, they just hear what sound like orders and see the elves suddenly get
Then Zorena addresses him. If any of the PCs or their followers understands
Neathar, this is what she says:
"Listen to me, o worm of an elf. You've caught me with your despicable magic, but
you'll never hold me. I'll cut your throat and that of your pig of a leader. "I am
Zorena, whom they call the Gem of Neathar. My father is Zorok, chieftain of the
Toralai. He send his warriors to rescue me. Warriors of the Toralai can bring down
the mighty bison single-handed, even unarmed: what chance do you pallid weeds
have before such as them? "Let me go now, and you suffer no harm. Try to hold
me ... and death be your only reward."
At the end of this impassioned speech, Captain Geissyl coldly strikes her across
the face, knocking her to the ground. He then turns to his men and gestures for
them to hurry up.

Do the PCs Attack?

The PCs, if they're red-blooded heroic sorts, probably want to attack Geissyl and
the Schattenalfen for their infamy. Perhaps they're disinterested types and don't
want to. Here are some of their likely options to choose from:

The PCs Attack Now

The heroes could launch an attack on the Schattenalfen encampment. If they
do, they face Captain Geissyl and four 1st-level Schattenalfen warrior-elves. Only
Geissyl has magical knowledge.
The flapsails are alarmed by the fight; some tear free of their restraints and go
flying off, while the rest just snarl through their muzzles and stay where they are.
They do not join the fight unless fighters brawl amongst them; in that case, they
attack PC and Schattenalf indiscriminately.
If the heroes win, they can do whatever they want to with the camp; Geissyl has
the keys to Zorena's shackles.
General Caryldian shows up toward the end of the fight. He won't reveal himself
to the PCs; he stays outside the camp, watching them from secrecy. Unsure of the
intruders' abilities, he bides his time and attempts to steal Zorena away at some
other time. He is able to find and recapture one of the flapwings that escaped,
and follow the PC party from flapwing-back.

The PCs Attempt To Rescue Her Secretly

If the PCs are sneaky (or just think they are), they may wish to rescue Zorena
secretly. Captain Geissyl chains Zorena to a tree by her neck-chain and mostly
pays attention to his men and their preparations for departure.
A PC thief could rescue her by sneaking up to her tree (this would require two
successful move silently rolls; failure alerts the Schattenalf guard to their
presence), and picking the locks that chain her. Just unchaining her neck-chain
won't allow her to move silently; her wrist-chains clink, too. Also, she is suspicious
of anyone who attempts to steal her away from the Schattenalfen but not
"rescue" her. The PC has to unlock her neck-collar and her two wrist-shackles,
requiring three open locks rolls.
Failure of a roll doesn't alert the guard, but makes it impossible for Zorena to
move silently. At that point, the heroes have to run for it or attack the

The PCs Wait Until The General Appears, Then Attack

After about half an hour of waiting, General Caryldian and one more Schattenalf
soldier arrive. The general is furious at his failure, but brightens when he sees that
the captain has recaptured Zorena. Caryldian taunts her for a moment or two,
then orders the soldiers to load the remaining flapsails for departure.
If the heroes attack now, things go much as before. General Caryldian is a
canny, cunning elf; he doesn't stick around to fight. He uses his fly spell to move
off to a distance and watch what happens.
Once the heroes have won, Caryldian has a much better idea of their
capabilities. He doesn't counterattack right away (he has no interest in the fates
of his minions). He is able to take one of the flapwings which got away during the
fight, and follows the heroes from a distance until he can figure out a way to
recapture Zorena.

The PCs Just Watch

If the PCs just hang around and watch, Caryldian and his subordinate appear as
before; Caryldian taunts Zorena; the Schattenalfen load up their flapsails,
chaining Zorena to one of them, and then they fly off. That's the end of this
adventure; let them continue on to some other adventure geared to their own

Captain Geissyl
Combat Notes: 4th-level elf; AC 5 (chain mail); hp 20; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1
broad sword or spell; Dmg 1d8 or by spell; Save E4; ML8; AL N. S12 I17 W10 D11
Co13 Ch9. Languages: Elvish (Schattenalfen dialect), Neathar, Azcans, Traldar,
Malpheggi lizard man, Kogolor dwarvish. General Skills: Mapping (I), Profession (of
Military Aide, I), Caving (W), Alertness (D), Ledge Hopping (D), Persuasion (Ch).

Schattenalfen Fliers and Flapwings

See the entry in the Atlas chapter of the Dungeon Master's Sourcebook for
statistics for these NPCs and monsters.

Rescue and First Contact

Assuming that the heroes have rescued Zorena, this is the situation: the PCs are
in the company of Zorena, and General Caryldian, in possession of a flapwing, is
pursuing them at a distance.
The PCs now have to figure out how they're going to treat Zorena. Their options
Leave Her: The heroes can say, "Well, we've rescued you, nice to meet you,
and goodbye." If they do, the curious Zorena makes her thanks and watches them
go. Then, she follows them as they travel, watching them and learning about
them. While doing so, she makes herself some crude weapons to replace the ones
her previous captors took from her (unless the PCs were generous enough to offer
her weapons). Eventually, several sleeps later, if the PCs haven't spotted her and
invited her to rejoin them, she alerts them to an enemy ambush or impending
dinosaur attack and repays her debt to them. If they're still not interested in
having her accompany them, then she begins the long march home. However, if
they invite her to come along, treat the situation as it is described in the
paragraph below.
Offer for Her to Accompany Them: If they invite her to come along with
them on their travels, she hesitates a few moments, then agrees to do so. Her
desire to return home is somewhat blunted by her curiosity about these people,
and so she accompanies them. However, General Caryldian, using all his magical
arts and general skills, is following the group and soon makes attempts to retrieve
Offer to Accompany Her: The heroes, if they are particularly generous or
have no sense of direction, may offer to conduct Zorena back to her home
territory. To this, she instantly agrees; this gets her back home and keeps her in
the company of these strange, interesting outsiders. Of course, as described
above, General Caryldian is shadowing them and plotting to kidnap Zorena again.
Take Her Captive: The heroes may decide to take her captive. Naturally, she
tries to bolt to safety. If she's able to evade the PCs (you can either role-play the
escape attempt, or use the Evasion Table from the Expert rulebook), then she has
escaped. If she's unable to evade them, they probably are able to recapture her.
Now, she is no friend of the PCs (unless they later recant and decide to free her)
and makes every attempt to escape. But all the while she is in their hands,
General Caryldian follows them and tries to steal her back from them.

Caryldian's Attacks
General Caryldian suspects that he is overmatched in power by the player
characters, so he uses his wits, skills and magical abilities to achieve his ends -
hopefully without having to resort to direct confrontation.

His Tactics
Caryldian's tactic is to track his prey from the air, staying very high and
occasionally using magic spells such as wizard eye and clairvoyance to spy on his
prey on the ground, sometimes landing and using his Tracking general skill to
calculate their probable course.
Then, he moves ahead of them and sets up ambushes.

The Drop/Web/Dinosaur Ambush

One ambush works this way:
He sets up his trap at the edge of a cliff or ravine which the PCs are
approaching. He casts a web spell below the lip of the cliff or ravine so that it
catches anyone who drops into it. He then casts a hallucinatory terrain over the
cliff or ravine, making it look like continuous, level ground.
When the PCs move into view, he casts a fly spell so that he'll be able to fly,
casts a protection from normal missiles on himself, and then, just as the
characters are coming upon the lip of the ravine, casts a phantasmal force spell to
create the illusion of a mighty allosaurus (see the Monsters chapter) behind the
The PCs may run. They may just scatter in order to fight the allosaurus better.
Regardless, several of them step right off the concealed edge of the ravine and
into the web.
Caryldian then flies into the midst of this chaos, grabs up Zorena, and carries
her off. He's a pretty tough customer (by Expert-level play standards) and so is
able to suffer a few attacks from PCs as he's doing so. With the struggling
Zorena in hand, he flies off to his flapwing and takes to the air before trying to tie
Zorena. This leaves the PCs with their party scattered and some of the trapped,
and Zorena in Caryldian's hands.

General Caryldian
History: Caryldian is 200, an experienced Schattenalf military leader and
magic-user. He has led more expeditions than he can count against the Azcans.
He is very effective at motivating his elves, but is not himself a great planner or
tactician; he has to leave that task to his advisors. He has long had an unfriendly
rivalry with the younger (see the Schattenalfen writeup in the Atlas chapter of the
Dungeon Master's Sourcebook), whom he despises because Trylthyn is a heretic -
not a follower of the Immortal Atzanteotl.
Personality: Caryldian is a brute-force leader, terrorising his elves into obeying
his slightest whim. On the other hand, he prefers for his advisors to work up
complicated, sneaky plans involving as little direct confrontation as possible
because Caryldian is a bit of a coward. Oh, he'll challenge any elf who calls him
that, but that's only because he's very familiar with the abilities of anyone who
would make that claim. The fact is that he's afraid to fight any opponent he
doesn't know enough about.
Appearance: Caryldian is a little large for a Schattenalf, standing 5'4" and
weighing about 120 lbs. He has pale green eyes, is very handsome, and wears
green and gold clothing with a metallic finish.
Combat Notes: 10th-level elf; AC 4 (chain mail and shield); hp 35; MV 90' (30');
#AT 1 broad sword or spell; Dmg 1d8 + 3 or by spell; save E10; ML11; AL C. S16
I18 W10 D12 Co9 Ch13. Languages: Elvish (Schattenalfen dialect), Neathar,
Azcan, Traldar, Malpheggi lizard man, Kogolor dwarvish. General Skills: Intimidate
(S), Navigation (I), Signalling (Schattenalfen Flapsail-Riders Hand-Signals, I),
Tracking (I), Caving (W), Alertness (D), Find Traps (D), Hear Noise (D), Riding
(Flapsail, D).
Spells Carried: 1st - detect magic, protection from evil, read magic. 2nd -
locate object, phantasmal force, web. 3rd - clairvoyance, fly, protection from
normal missiles. 4th - growth of plants, hallucinatory terrain, wizard eye. 5th -
dissolve, wall of stone.
Magical Items in Possession: boots of levitation, broad sword + 1 (detects

On the Road
Caryldian continues to dog the adventurers' paths until he has captured Zorena
and flown away with her, or has been defeated or killed by the PCs.
If he's killed by the PCs, this adventure is effectively over. The heroes continue
on their route, suffer dinosaur attacks and encounters with fabled races, and
eventually reach their next destination.
If he does capture Zorena, the PCs have another choice. Zorena has told them
that Caryldian was going to take her back to the Schattenalf capital. Do they
follow and hope to rescue her (or find her again when she escapes), or do they
decide to go about their own business?
In the case of the former choice, you can turn the adventure into a cross-
country race. The PCs know that they are not fast enough to catch Caryldian on
his flapwing.
So, they may find flying mounts of their own: pegasi, griffons, giant
pteranodons, whatever they think they can capture and quickly tame. This would
result in them catching up to the lazily-flying Caryldian many days' flying away,
and end in an aerial dogfight against the Schattenalf general.
On the other hand, they might not be able to find flying beasts. In this case, let
them proceed overland in pursuit of the general, intending to break into the
Schattenalfen capital to rescue her.
But before they reach that territory, they come across the body of the downed
flapsail. It has been brought down by some flying predator. The tracks of
Caryldian and his lovely captive head away from this mishap, headed straight
toward the Schattenalf lands. They have a two-day head start on the PCs; but the
PCs are faster, because they're not dragging along an unwilling captive.
This makes the rest of the adventure a race against time, as the heroes gain on
their quarry, hoping to catch up to Caryldian before that villain reaches the
Schattenalf borders.
When they do catch up to him, they can have a final duel with the villain. He
may prefer to abandon his captive in order to stay alive, and fly off to safety. In
this case, he returns at some far-later date to exact his revenge on the player
Or, maddened by the pursuit and by Zorena's continual rejection of him, he
might turn on his pursuers like a rabid dog, attacking them in a fight to the death.
Either way, Zorena is reunited with the outer-world heroes, and this adventure
is concluded ... at least for the time being.

From the Hollow World Set, Adventure Book, Monsters, p. 23

Armour Class: 2
Hit Dice: 8*
Hit Points: 30
Move: 90' (30')
Flying: 240' (80')
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite or breath
Damage: 1-8/1-8/3-18 or 30 pts.
Number Appearing: 1-4
Terrain: Forest and Jungle, Hill, Mountain
Save As: F8
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
THAC0: 12
XP Value: 1,200

Flapsails are a Hollow World variety of small, unintelligent red dragon. They may
be an ancestor of the modern red dragon, or just an offshoot which some
Immortal placed inside the Hollow World when they began to go extinct.
Regardless, the flapsails were heavensent for the Schattenalfen. The elves had
trained a reptilian mount in their home caverns, and the flapsail, intelligent
enough to be trained and not too fierce to be domesticated, was an admirable
Flapsails grow to about 25' long. Adult flapsails can carry 4,000 cn of weight
aloft at full flying speed, or 6,000 cn at half speed.
Like red dragons, they have claws, teeth and fiery breath weapons. Unlike
dragons, they have no spells.
Though many are encountered as Schattenalfen riding beasts, there are many
more living wild in the hills and mountains.

From the Hollow World Set, Fold-out maps, 40 miles-per-hex scale Northern and
Southern Iciria
Capital City: Issarthyl.
Towns: Nomarys, Phoridiel, Qeradyth, Ranthryl, Tyradeal.
Forts: Fort Myridas, Fort Ploiec, Fort Unyis.
Nearby Battles: Battle of Ploiec (no data - probably Schattenalfen vs. Azcans),
Battle of Tuxmal (no data - probably Schattenalfen vs. Oltecs), Battle of Wondyviel
(Schattenalfen vs. Azcans; major Schattenalfen victory).
Nearby Ruins: Axateotl (Azcan city destroyed by Schattenalfen after countless
Notes: There are hundreds of smaller settlements not shown on the map, as
well as hundreds of other battle sites. It seems the Schattenalfen have no need to
defend their southern border as of yet, since they have no forts there. Finally, it
should be noted that the towns shown on the map are almost certainly
underground settlements, just as the capital city of Issarthyl is.

From the Poor Wizard's Almanac, Overview of Mystara, pp. 73-74

(Schattenalfen Caverns)
Location: Hollow World, continent of Iciria, northern parts of the World-Spine
mountain range in the far west of the continent. Area: 175, 976 sq.mi.
Population: 600,000, including 60,000 living in the city of Issarthyl. Languages:
Elvish (Schattenalf dialect, very similar to Shadow Elves' language). Coinage:
Mountain (gp), Pyramid (sp), Stone (cp).
Government Type: Monarchy; kings and queens must be clerics of Atzanteotl.
Industries: Mining (precious metals and stones).
Description: These are cavern-riddled mountains occupied by the
Schattenalfen culture.
See the description of the Shadow Elves in the "Aengmor" listing. The
Schattenalfen are physically identical to the Shadow Elves, but culturally different.
They build monuments like the Azca - just like the Azca; their architectural tastes
have been shaped by the Immortal Atzanteotl, who is an admirer of the Azcan
culture. As followers of Atzanteotl, they are adherents of a philosophy of hatred
and ruin rather than of the Immortal Rafiel's words of knowledge and growth.
They are sensitive to the rays of the sun (exposure to sunlight for a full day will
kill most Schattenalfen), and prefer to live underground, but hate and envy those
who live at the surface. They make continual war against the Azca (though they
have so much in common with that hateful civilization), as well as against the
Traldar, Oltecs, Neathar, and anyone else they meet.
Notable Sites: The capital of the Schattenalfen is Issarthyl; this city is built
within a huge cavern beneath one of the region's tallest mountains. It is much like
an Azcan city, full of stone dwellings, plazas and pyramids, except that it is
underground and occupied by pallid elves instead of burly humans.
History: See the history of the nation of Aengmor. The Schattenalfen are
descendants of explorers who left the far-underground City of the Stars to reach
the earth's surface, and succeeded - but found the wrong surface. Inspired by the
Immortal Atzanteotl, they have founded a nation based on war and hatred.
Important Figures: Catriata (Queen and Shaman).
Flora and Fauna: Monsters in this mountain region include: basilisks, bats,
bears, giant bees, giant beetles, beholders, undead beholders, black puddings,
blast spores, caecilias, carrion crawlers, mountain lions, sabre-tooth tigers, giant
centipedes, chimeras, dinosaurs, dragons, giant ferrets, gelatinous cubes, stone
giants, grey oozes, green slimes, giant lizards, ochre jellies, pterosaurs, purple
worms, rats, trolls, and yellow moulds.

From the Poor Wizard's Almanac, Armies of the World, pp. 122-123

Basis: Classical; males and females (3% standing, up to 30% wartime);
population 600,000; standing.
Division Names: Fists of the Immortal.
Type of Division: Regular Division.
Number of Such Units: 30 (I-XXX Fist of the Immortal).
BR: 140. Personnel: 500. Troop Class: Average.
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (E10). Deputy Commander: Captain (E5). Heroes:
Elf-Shaman (6th level equivalent).
Regiments 1-3: Each has 100 regular E1 elf light infantry, scale mail and shields,
spears and normal swords, four sergeants (E2), one captain (E5).
Regiment 4: 100 regular E1 elf light infantry, leather armour, longbows and
normal swords, four sergeants (E2), one captain (E5).
Regiment 5: 50 elite E3 flying cavalry, chain mail, shields, longbows and lances,
riding flapsails (flying reptiles), four sergeants (E4), one captain (E5).
From the Poor Wizard's Almanac, Who's Who in the World, p. 134
Catriata. Queen of Schattenalfheim, Matriarch of Atzanteotl, Flower of
Issarthyl. Born AC 772; apparent age elderly elf. Catriata is a female elf and
shaman of Atzanteotl. She is a pale, sickly thing, not at all a fighter, but
commands her people through cunning, manipulative skill, and the will of the
Immortal she serves. She is a schemer who loves to destroy courtiers who do not
please her, throws tantrums whenever the Azcans or Traldar displease her, and
she is easily influenced by flattery. Hair: White, worn long and unbound. Eyes: Ice-
grey. Height: 5'2". Reed-thin, usually looks as though she is terminally ill, wears
bright orange and purple gowns which make her look even worse. Combat Notes:
E10/8th level shaman; AC 9; hp 30; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 spell; Dmg by spell; Save
E10; ML4; AL C. S8 I13 W18 D11 Co7 Ch15.
Note from Poor Wizard's Almanac III: Catriata is given an AD&D; Alignment of
Chaotic Evil.
From the Poor Wizard's Almanac, The Year in Preview, p. 234
Kaldmont 13: The Shadow Elves Meet
Location: Schattenalfheim.
Description: Explorer shadow elves from the City of the Stars deep in the
world's crust finally make their way to the Hollow World's surface, and encounter
the Schattenalfen. The Schattenalfen grab the explorers and hustle them to their
capital city of Issarthyl.
What This Means: The two branches of the shadow elves' race have been
separated for quite some time - it will be interesting to see how they interact.
Kaldmont 16: Shadow Elves Talk
Location: Schattenalfheim.
Description: The queen of the Schattenalfen converses with these other
shadow elves and learns much history that her race has forgotten. She agrees to
open up diplomatic ties with the other shadow elves.
What This Means: The two branches of the shadow elf family do not like or
trust one another, but both recognise the ties that bind them - and that each can
learn from the other. The two races will not become military allies in the
foreseeable future, however, as their politics are too different.

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