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43 Bishwas Shrestha: Uses of Water Consumption in Litres/day/per Person

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43 Bishwas Shrestha

Describe how you would arrive at the total quantity of water to be supplied to your
town/municipality/metropolitan. Determine the quantity with the help of necessary data.
While designing the water supply scheme for Kathmandu valley it is important to determine the
total quantity of water required for various purpose by the city. During planning of water supply
scheme first to determine the various types of water demand of the city and to find out the
suitable water sources from where demand can be met
It is very difficult to ascertain the quantity of water required. It involves the assumptions of many
variable factors and the engineer play an important role in arriving at this quantity. The problem
of estimating the quantity of water may be tackled by studying in detail the following three

 Types of demand
 Factors affecting the water demand
 Population forecasting
1. Types of demands:
There are so many factors involved in demand of water; it is not possible to determine the actual
demand. Based on certain empirical formula and thumb rules are employed in determining water
demand which may be nearly to the actual demand. Following are the various types of water
demand of the city and best suitable for Kathmandu valley:
A. Domestic water demand:
The total domestic water consumption may amount to 55 to 60 % of the total water demand. This
includes the water required in the houses for cooking, washing, bathing, drinking, gardening and
sanitary purpose etc. The domestic demand depends upon the living conditions of consumer such
as habits, social status, climate condition etc. As per IS-1172-1993 water requirement for
domestic purposes for India is about 135 liters/day/capita under normal conditions. Table below
shows the details of water requirement for domestic purpose.

Uses of water Consumption in litres/day/per person

Bathing 55
Washing Clothes 20
Drinking 5
Cooking 5
Washing of utensils 10
Cleaning of houses 10
Flushing 30
Total 135

43 Bishwas Shrestha

B. Industrial and commercial water demand:

This consumption includes water used in factories, hotels, offices, hospital etc. The water
requirements of industrial needs of Kathmandu are generally taken as 50 liter/day/person. This
demand depends upon the nature of the city and types of industries. Generally, 20 to 25% of the
total water demand may be allowed for industrial water demand. The approximate quantity of
water required for industries other than residences as per IS-1172-1993 is given in table below

Type of Building Water requirements liters/day/person

Factories 30-45
Hospitals (including laundry) per bed 340-450
Hotel (per bed) 180
Hostel 135
Restaurants (per seat) 70
Offices 45
Cinema hall and theatres (per seat 15
Garden, Sport grounds 3.5 per sq. m

C. Fire demand
During outbreak of fire, the water is used for fire-fighting is called fire demand. This demand is
not fixed so it is difficult to calculate this demand. Fire hydrants of 15-20cm diameter is
provided on water mains 100-150 m apart to extract through water for fire-fighting. To calculate
this demand, different formulas are used but suitable for specific condition and location so it
cannot be directly used for Nepalese condition. In
practice fire demand is not considered in both rural as well as urban areas of Nepal. Kuilching's
Q = 3182√ P
Where, Q = Quantity of water in lit/min and P = Population in thousands
Indian water supply manual (1976) formula,
Q = 100√P

Where, Q = Quantity of water in m3/day and P = Population in thousands

D. Demand for public places or municipal demand

43 Bishwas Shrestha

It includes washing and sprinkling on road, cleaning sewers, watering public parks, gardens etc.
Generally, 20-25 % of the total demand is taken as this demand. For public park 1.4 lit/ m 2/day,
street washing 1-1.5 lit/m2/day, sewer cleaning 4.5lit/m2/day, garden and sports ground 3.5 lit/m2
/day is taken.

E. Compensate losses demand

It includes losses due to defective pipe joints, cracked and broken pipes, faulty valves and fitting,
unauthorized connection, allowance for keeping tap open etc. Generally, it is taken as 15-20 %
(commonly 15%) of the total demand for a city and zero for rural area. Losses and wastages are
about 50 % in Kathmandu Valley. Loss in metered supply is 30 % and in addition to un-metered
supply it rises up to 50 %.

2. Factors affecting water demand

Variations in the rate of demand of a community occur due to several factors which must be
carefully analyzed before fixing the water demand for that community. Some factors affecting
demand are as follows:
a) Size and type of community
b) Living standard of people
c) Climatic condition
d) Quality of water
e) Pressure in the supply
f) Sanitation system
g) Metering
h) System of supply
i) Water rates
j) Age of the community
k) Education and awareness of the people
l) Other socio-economic factors

3. Population forecast
The most used and appropriate method for Kathmandu metropolitan city is geometrical increase

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Geometrical increase method

It is analogous to compound interest. This method is based on assumption that percentage
increase in the population per time unit remains constant for each time unit. It is also known as
uniform growth method. Suitable when the city is young and rapidly increasing. This is
commonly used method in Nepal. In this method average percentage of growth 'r' of last few
time units is determined and forecast is done on the basis that percentage increase per unit time is
same. Then,
P1 = Po + r% of Po = Po (1+ r )
1 1 2
P2 = P1 + r% of P1 = Po (1+ r ) (1+ r ) = Po (1+ r )
100 100 100
Pn = Po (1+ r )

Total Population
The total population of Kathmandu Metropolitan city in the different census conducted is given

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Population 121,000 151,000 235,000 422,000 673,000 1,004,000
Source: https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/21928/kathmandu/population

Year Population Increment per decade % increment per

1961 121000
1971 151000 30000 24.79
1981 235000 84000 55.63
1991 422000 187000 79.57
2001 673000 215000 50.94
2011 1004000 331000 49.18
Total 847000 260.11
Average 847000 260.11
¿ =169400 = =52.02
5 5
In above table, percentage increase for the first decade (1961 to 1971)
= × 100=24.79 %

Using Geometrical increase method:

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Pn = Po (1+ r )

52.02 1
= 1004000(1+ )
= 1521720

Here, Let’s assume Total Demand = A+B+C+D+E

= 135+100+40+20+130
= 425 lpcd

Total Quantity of water = Total Demand * Total population

Hence, Total quantity of water supplied = 425 × 1521720
= 646731000 litres
Hence total water quantity of Kathmandu is found to be 646731 cum per day

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Design a bell mouth canal intake for a town having population 10000, drawing water from
a canal which runs only for 12 hours a day with a depth of 2 m. Also calculate the head loss
in the intake conduit if the treatment plant is 0.5 km away. Draw a neat sketch of the canal
intake. The average consumption of water per capita per day is 150 liters.

Discharge required for the city = 150 X 10000 l/d ¿ 1.5 ×106 l/d =1.5ML/d

Since canal runs only for 12 hours a day, this entire daily flow is required to be drawn in 12

1.5 ×10 6
Intake discharge ¿
12×3600 × 103

¿ 0.0347 m3 /s
Design of course screen
Discharge entering the chamber through screen
Area of coarse screen =
velovity of flow through screen

Assuming velocity of flow through the coarse screen = 0.14 m/s, we obtain
Area of coarse screen =

= 0.25 m2

Assuming the minimum water level in canal to be 0.5 m below the full supply level (FSL),
the top of the screen is kept (2.00 – 0.5) = 1.5 m above the bed of the canal.
If the bottom of the screen is kept 0.15 m above the bed of the canal, then
Height of the screen = 1.5 – 0.15 = 1.35 m
Total length of the openings (or clear waterway) to be provided for the screen
= 0.185m

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Assuming each opening between the bars to be 25 mm or 0.025 m, the number of openings
=7.4 ≈ 8

Number of bars = 8-1=7

Assuming bar diameter as 20 mm or 0.02m, total length occupied by the bars

= 7× 0.02 = 0.14 m

Length of the screen = 0.185 + 0.14 = 0.325 m ≈ 0.33 m

Thus, provide a coarse screen of size 0.33 m X 1.35 m, comprising vertical bars 20 mm
diameter with clear opening of 25 mm or centre to centre spacing of 45 mm.

Design of bell mouth inlet

Assuming a velocity of flow through the bell mouth inlet as 0.29 m/s, the area of the bell
mouth inlet =

= 0.12 m3

If D is the diameter of the bell mouth inlet, then

π D2
D = 0.39 m say 0.4 m
Thus, provide bell mouth inlet of diameter 0.4 m, covered with a hemispherical shaped fine
screen having openings of size 5 mm X 5 mm.

Design of intake conduit

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Assuming the velocity of flow in the intake conduit as 1.4 m/s, we have
Area of intake conduit =

= 0.025 m 2

π d2
If d is the diameter of the intake conduit, then =0.025
d = 0.178 m say 0.2 m
Thus, provide intake conduit of diameter 0.2 m.
The actual velocity of flow in the intake conduit will then be
=1.1 m/s
V = π 0.22
Head loss through the intake conduit up to treatment works is calculated by using Hazen-
Williams formula, according to which

V = 0.849 C H R 0.63 S0.54

For cast iron pipes CH may be taken as 130,

For pipe running full,
d 0.2
Hydraulic mean depth of pipe, R = = =0.05 m
4 4
On substitution,

1.1=0.849× 130× 0.050.63 × S 0.54

Slope of energy line, S = 6.48 ×10−3

Head Loss , H L
Also, S =
Length of pipe , L
H L = 6.48 ×10−3 × (0.5 × 103) = 3.24 m

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Figure: Bellmouth Intake canal

Source: AutoCAD drawing

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Explain what turbidity and colour in water indicates. Which water quality parameter
is/are necessary to be tested according to you for the water that has been supplied to your
town/municipality/metropolitan and why with necessary reasons?
Turbidity indicates a measure of water clarity. Turbidity describes the amount of light scattered
or blocked by suspended particles in a water sample-particularly sediment. Clear water has low
turbidity and cloudy or murky water has a higher turbidity level.
Turbidity is caused by particles of soil, organic matter, algae, metals, or similar matter suspended
in the water column. These particles scatter light and make the water appear cloudy or murky.
Turbidity affects the growth rate of algae (micro-aquatic plants) and other aquatic plants in
streams and lakes because increased turbidity causes a decrease in the amount of light for
photosynthesis. Turbidity can also increase water temperature because suspended particles
absorb more heat. These factors lead to a decrease in dissolved oxygen.
Turbidity can also affect how well aquatic life can see or function underwater. Excessive
turbidity is known to clog the gills of fish, interfere with their ability to find food, and bury
bottom dwelling creatures and eggs.
Watersheds may have diverse sources or physical features that can increase the amount of
suspended sediment in the water; thus, causing the water to become more cloudy or turbid.
Natural sources of sediment that contributes to turbidity include the weathering of rocks (e.g.,
glacial outwash), dead plant material, and phytoplankton. Human-caused sources include
stormwater from urbanization, industrial discharges, and land use disturbances. Turbidity may
vary on a temporal or geographic basis depending on differences in precipitation, gradient
(slope), geology, flow, and disturbances such as landslides.
Colour in water is due to organic matters in colloidal condition, mineral and dissolved impurities,
decayed vegetable matter, weeds, humus, plankton and industrial wastes. Mostly, even the
slightest colour in water is objectionable as it directly affects the palatability of water. Colour is
removed by sedimentation, filtration, aeration and use of chemicals. Some of the colours
indicating their properties:
Red or Brown Color - A red, brown or rusty color is generally indicative of iron or manganese in
your water.
Yellow Color - This coloration occurs in regions where the water has passed through marshlands
and then moved through peat soils. It is more commonly found in surface water supplies and
shallow wells.

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Blue or Green Color - A green or blue color is generally a result of copper in your water supply,
or copper pipes and corrosive water.
Cloudy White or Foamy - Cloudy water is usually due to turbidity. Turbidity is caused by finely
divided particles in the water. When light hits the water, it is scattered, giving a cloudy look to
the water.
The water quality parameters that are necessary to be tested for the water that has been supplied
to Kathmandu are:

Type Parameters
Physical Temperature
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Chemical pH
Biological Total Coliform (TC)
Fecal Coliform (FC)
E. coli

The necessary reasons for these parameters to be tested are explained below:
Turbidity is the cloudiness of water. It is a measure of the ability of light to pass through water.
Turbidity in drinking water is esthetically unacceptable, which makes the water look
unappetizing. Turbidity in water provides favorable environment for the growth of pathogens
which can lead to water borne diseases.
Palatability, viscosity, solubility, odors, and chemical reactions are influenced by temperature
Thereby, the sedimentation and chlorination processes and biological oxygen demand (BOD) are
temperature dependent. The general drinking water should be around 4-10° C. More temperature
means more amount of bacterial reproduction.
Taste and odor

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Taste and odor in water can be caused by foreign matter such as organic materials, inorganic
compounds, or dissolved gasses. These materials may come from natural, domestic, or
agricultural sources. This makes the water unsafe to drink.
pH is one of the most important parameters of water quality. pH of water is a measure of how
acidic/basic water is. Acidic water contains extra hydrogen ions (H+) and basic water contains
extra hydroxyl (OH−) ions. Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and chromium dissolve more
easily in highly acidic water (lower pH). This is important because many heavy metals become
much more toxic when dissolved in water.
Acidity is the measure of acids in a solution. Acidity in water is usually due to carbon dioxide,
mineral acids, and hydrolyzed salts such as ferric and aluminum sulfates. Acids can influence
many processes such as corrosion, chemical reactions and biological activities.
Chlorine residual

Chlorine (Cl 2) does not occur naturally in water but is added to water and wastewater for
disinfection. While chlorine itself is a toxic gas, in dilute aqueous solution, it is not harmful to
human health. In drinking water, a residual of about 0.2 mg/L is optimal. The residual
concentration which is maintained in the water distribution system ensures good sanitary quality
of water.
Iron and manganese
Although iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) do not cause health problems, they impart a noticeable
bitter taste to drinking water even at very low concentration. The groundwater in Kathmandu
have the problem of iron mostly. Long time consumption of drinking water with a high
concentration of iron can lead to liver diseases (hemosiderosis). Iron also promotes the growth of
iron-bacteria. This gives a rusty appearance to the waters. These metals usually occur in
groundwater in solution as ferrous ( Fe2+) and manganous ( Mn2 +) ions. When these ions are
exposed to air, they form the insoluble ferric ( Fe3+) and manganic ( Mn3 +) forms making the
water turbid and unacceptable to most people. These ions can also cause black or brown stains
on laundry and plumbing fixtures.
Copper and zinc
Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) are nontoxic if found in small concentrations. Actually, they are both
essential and beneficial for human health and growth of plants and animals. They can cause
undesirable tastes in drinking water. At high concentrations, zinc imparts a milky appearance to
the water. They are measured by the same methods used for iron and manganese measurements.
Total hardness

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Very hard waters have no known adverse health effects and may be more palatable than soft
waters. Hard water is primarily of concern because it requires more soap for effective cleaning;
forms scum and curd; causes yellowing of fabrics; toughens vegetables cooked in the water; and
forms scale in boilers, water heaters, pipes and cooking utensils. Water softer than 30 to 50 mg/l
may be corrosive to piping, depending on pH, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen.
A lot of dangerous waterborne diseases are caused by bacteria, namely, typhoid and paratyphoid
fever, leptospirosis, tularemia, shigellosis, and cholera. Sometimes, the absence of good sanitary
practices results in gastroenteritis outbreaks of one or more of those diseases
Viruses are parasites that need a host to live. They can pass through filters that do not permit the
passage of bacteria. Waterborne viral pathogens are known to cause infectious hepatitis and
poliomyelitis. Most of the waterborne viruses can be deactivated by the disinfection process
conducted in the water treatment plant.
Indicator organisms
A very important biological indicator of water and pollution is the group of bacteria called
coliforms. Pathogenic coliforms always exist in the intestinal system of humans, and millions are
excreted with body wastes. Consequently, water that has been recently contaminated with
sewage will always contain coliforms.
A particular species of coliforms found in domestic sewage is Escherichia coli or E. coli. Even if
the water is only slightly polluted, they are very likely to be found. There are roughly 3 million
of E. coli bacteria in 100 mL volume of untreated sewage. Coliform bacteria are aggressive
organisms and survive in the water longer than most pathogens. Although most strains of E.coli
bacteria are harmless, certain strains, such as E.coli 0157:H7, may cause illness.
Total coliform: Total coliforms are a group of bacteria commonly found in the environment, for
example in soil or vegetation, as well as the intestines of mammals, including humans. Total
coliform bacteria are not likely to cause illness, but their presence indicates that your water
supply may be vulnerable to contamination by more harmful microorganisms.

43 Bishwas Shrestha


Melamchi Water Supply Project

Date: 02/08/2020

43 Bishwas Shrestha


Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................................14

Brief Description of the project..............................................................................................................15
The Project (Technical and Technological Features)............................................................................16
1. Water Intake Structure (Headworks)........................................................................................16
2. Water Distribution Tunnel..........................................................................................................18
3. Construction of tunnel and headworks......................................................................................19
4. Water Treatment Plant, Sundarijal...........................................................................................20
Table 1. Water quality.......................................................................................................................21
5. Distribution..................................................................................................................................23

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank

BDS Bulk Distribution System
GoN Government of Nepal
JBIC Japan Bank for International Co-operation
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KUKL Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (Kathmandu Valley Drinking Water
MDS Melamchi Diversion Scheme
MWSDB Melamchi Water Supply Development Board
MWSP Melamchi Water Supply Project
NDF Nordic Development Fund
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
PID Project Implementation Directorate (PID)
PMU Project Management Unit
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SUP Social Uplift Programme
USD US Dollars
WHO World Health Organization

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Brief Description of the project

The Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP) is being implemented by the Government of
Nepal with objectives to
- alleviate the chronic shortage of water in Kathmandu Valley on a sustainable and long-term
- improve the health and well-being of the people in the Valley
The project consists of the headworks and a diversion tunnel mainly in the Melamchi valley,
except for the last 5km which is in the Kathmandu valley and water purification facilities in
Kathmandu Valley.
The project works includes from the intake at chainage 0.0 to the Sundarijal portal at chainage
25.986km. The tunnel is being excavated from adits at Ambathan, Gyalthum, Sindhu and
Sundarijal Out Fall. The planned capacity of the tunnel is 6m3/s.

The main diversion tunnel is 26 km long with a cross-sectional area of 12.7 m 2. The tunnel intake
is at an elevation of about 1416m and the outlet is about 1,408 m. Most of the tunnel length is
expected to be unlined generally with only shotcrete throughout, but with considerations for
selective tunnel lining in sections with weak rock formation.
The tunnel excavation is done by drill and blast techniques. The ground conditions are mainly
gneiss with mica schist and laminated quartzite of the Higher Himalayan sequence of the Nepal
Himalayas. The Gneiss is generally moderately weathered and laminated quartzites are present in
parallel to the foliation of the gneiss and the rock is in some places faulted with zones of gauge.
The headworks are located within the gorge below Ghwakan, just upstream of the confluence of
Melamchi River and Ribarma Khola.
The main structure at the headwork consists of the diversion weir, river-training structures,
intake structure, headworks diversion tunnel and sediment exclusion basin. A gravity concrete
weir dam 5 to 7 m high with an indicated crest at El. 1,425 m will be built across the Melamchi
River. The control system and the sediment exclusion basin have a design capacity of 6m3 /s.
The dual sediment exclusion basins have a total length of 80 m


The Kathmandu Valley comprises some of the most urbanized and populated cities of Nepal,
including Kathmandu and Lalitpur Metropolitan City. Population growth and urbanization have

43 Bishwas Shrestha

been rampant in the Valley over the past few decades, and that too in an unplanned, unchecked
manner. As a consequence, several fundamental infrastructures vital to sustainable livelihood
have been compromised with. One of such basic amenities that has thus been affected is the
adequate supply of potable water.
Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL) is the responsible authority to oversee the
operation and management of water supply and wastewater services in Kathmandu Valley.
KUKL has the capacity to supply 151, 000 m3/d of water, but the actual water supplies during
the wet and dry season are 131, 000 m3/d and 65, 000 m3/d respectively.
In 2016, the population of the Valley was estimated to be 3 million and it has been estimated to
increase to 4 million by 2021. Based on the assumption that an individual requires 0.135 m 3 /d of
water, the demand for water in the year 2016 was calculated to have been 361,600 m 3 /d ,
implying a deficit of 210, 000 m 3 /d . In 2021, the water demand will be 540,000 m 3 /d . This
further implies more stresses in the water supply balance. The current deficit is met through
intermittent supply from KUKL along with consumers’ self-arrangement through groundwater
extraction, private water vendors and collection from spring sources. However, neither of these
present a reliable solution to address water supply shortages. Worse still, heavy extraction of
groundwater has resulted in depletion of the water table as well as drying up of spring sources.
The Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP) is the long-awaited dream of the people of
Kathmandu to receive drinking water from the Melamchi River. The project has been divided
into two parts, the first part (Melamchi Sub Project-1) is the construction of the 26 km. of
diversion tunnel from Ribarma Melamchi Khola in Shindhupalchowk district to Sudarijal of
Kathmandu district. The second part (Melamchi Sub Project-2) is the establishment of
infrastructure and augmentation for the conveyance of the water, and the operation and
management for equitable distribution of the water to all citizens of the Kathmandu Valley.

The Project (Technical and Technological Features)

1. Water Intake Structure (Headworks)

Head works intake structures include open blasting earthworks, cuts, concrete and civil works
and hydraulic steel works. This also includes the construction of 540m long head works access
road. The main components of the head work of the MDS are the earthworks and rock cuts,
temporary cofferdams, diversion weir, the river training works, the intake, the settling basins and
the head works diversion tunnel.

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Figure 1: Intake structure

Source: https://myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com/news/melamchi-project-gets-new-mid-july-deadline/

The general location and basic layout of the MWSP has been set since the late 1980s due to the
relative elevations of the Melamchi and Kathmandu valleys and by local topographical features
within the Kathmandu Valley. The main diversion tunnel is 26 kilometers (km) long with a
cross-sectional area of 12.7 m 2.

The tunnel intake is at an elevation of about 1,416 m and the outlet is about 1,408 m. Access to
the tunnel is via adits at Ambathan, Gyalthum and Sindhu, and the outlet portal at Sundarijal. All
access roads into Ambathan (2 km), Gyalthum (5 km), Sindhu (15.3 km), and Sundarijal (1.8
km) were built prior to commencement of tunnelling.
The headworks and intake structure consists of the diversion weir 5 to 7 m high with an indicated
crest at El. 1,425 m built across the Melamchi River. This weir feeds the water into the control
system and the dual sediment exclusion basins which have a total length of 80 m. From the
sedimentation exclusion basins, the water is fed into the main tunnel located in the rock face-
running north south near the right bank of the Ribarma Khola near the confluence with the
Melamchi River.
In order to build the diversion weir a tunnel is required to divert the water around this section of
the river to enable construction to proceed. An upstream dam is required to divert the water into

43 Bishwas Shrestha

this diversion tunnel. To protect the civil structures from potential future flash floods during
monsoon, river training and diversion works are also required for the Raberma Khola. During
operation, the headworks will divert 2.8 m3 /s of water from the Melamchi River. During the dry
season from February to April, approximately 75 percent of the Melamchi River flow will be
diverted. During the rest of the year a much larger percentage of environmental flows are
retained in the Melamchi. This is particularly important for the May-June and October-
November periods when fish are migrating.
The impact of flow reduction in the Melamchi will be evident for only a short distance
downstream as there are many rivulets flowing into the river basin. For the succeeding phases
when diversion to the Kathmandu Valley reaches 6 m3 /sec, additional water will be abstracted
from the Yangri and Larke rivers. Upstream of Timbu, the Melamchi River elevation rises
abruptly by more than 300 m within 3 to 4 km. This provides an opportunity for a dual-purpose
water supply/hydropower project, and a 25-megawatt hydropower plant was incorporated in the
MWSP plans as proposed in December 1999. However, inclusion of this power source in the
national expansion plans would have deferred the next project by no more than six weeks, and
most energy would have been generated in the wet season when NEA has many alternative
sources of power. A serious review of this component was undertaken from February to April
2000, and resulted in elimination of the hydropower component.

2. Water Distribution Tunnel

The tunnel is designed for 510,000 m³/d capacity to bring 170,000 m³/d water from Melamchi
river in the first phase and additional 340,000 m³/d with implementation of separate project later.
The tunnel is being constructed using drill and blast method using the modern and efficient

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Source: https://myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com/news/melamchi-water-supply-project-set-to-miss-

Permanent support works including shotcrete are being employed throughout the construction
process. Tunneling being a hazardous task, adequate safety measures are adopted. Tunneling is
done only after ascertaining the geological conditions using a probe drill, geo-radar, and other
suitable equipment.

3. Construction of tunnel and headworks

The tunnel has been designed for 6 m3/s capacity to bring 510 million liter per day (MLD) water
from Melamchi Valley to Kathmandu Valley and present project is designed for transferring 170
MLD water from Melamchi River. Additional 340 MLD water will be transferred through the
tunnel with implementation of separate project later.

The Melamchi Water Diversion Scheme  includes construction of headworks and water diversion
tunnel of approximately 26.0 km from Riberma Intake (Sindhupalchowk) to Sundarijal outlet –
Kathmandu.The total lengh of tunnel to be constructed is 27.584 km including three adit
tunnels,headworks diversion tunnel of 235 m ,a 39 m flushing tunnel at Ambathan adit alongwith
a 46 m access tunnel on the way to Headworks.

Figure 3: Entrance of the tunnel

Source: http://www.melamchiwater.gov.np/projects-team/contractors/mds-constractors/

43 Bishwas Shrestha

The tunnel construction work sites are located at three adit sites and connected by the outlet
portal at Sundarijal in Kathmandu and Adits at Sindhu, Gyalthum and Ambathan in
Sindhupalchowk. The longest stretch of the tunnel construction section is of the length of 6.1
kilometer from Sundarijal portal site.

The construction work was started from January 2014 at Sundarijal upstream side. The total
Tunnel length excavated by the current contractor till the end of December 2017 is 20.64Km out
of 21.145 Km tunnel. The cumulative total length excavated to this date is 27.061Km. The final
finishing work of tunnel including tunnel invert concrete is also started after Sundarijal Sindhu
9.344 Km section Breakthrough took place on 28 December 2016. The total finishing work
completed by the end of 2017 is 700m from Sindhu upstream site.

4. Water Treatment Plant, Sundarijal

It is located near the village Mahankal, about 12 km northeast of Kathmandu city. It is located at
an elevation of 1400m which enables the distribution of water by gravity flow to new and
existing water reservoir tanks.
The water treatment plant will treat raw water coming through 26.5 Km tunnel from Melamchi
River for the Melamchi water supply project. The ultimate capacity of the water treatment plant
will be 510 MLD. The plant will be developed in three phases, each of 170 Ml/d.

The second stage will be accomplished by duplicating the major facilities of the initial phase, and
the third phase will comprise mainly performance enhancements and increased design loading on
the facilities constructed under phases 1 and 2.

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Figure 4: Aerial view of Melamchi Water Supply Campsite and Treatment Plant in Sundarijal

Source: Google maps

As the first phase of WTP project, the detailed design of the WTP capacity will be done for 170
MLD with provision of the future expansion. The design of phase 1 allows for the complete
development of the site over the three phases, and some facilities are, therefore, sized for the
ultimate capacity. The treated water will then be served to the 1.1 million population of
Kathmandu Valley.

Table 1. Water quality

Parameter Dry and winter Rainy season NDWQS*
Appearance Clear Hazy Clear
Temperature(C) 5.5-9 14 15-25
Ph 6.1-7.65 5.5-5.9 6.5-8.5
Turbidity <5 Up to 1000 5(10)
Color(Hazen) <5 Up to 70 5(15)
Suspended 2-50 31-35 -
Dissolved solid(mg/l) 25-60 34-44 1000
NDWQS* - Nepal Drinking Water Quality Standard

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Figure 5: Water Treatment Plant, Sundarijal

Source: http://www.hakahakionline.com/en/6772/water-treatment-plant-in-pictures/

Figure: Water treatment mechanism in Melamchi WTP

43 Bishwas Shrestha

The ideal treatment plant comprises of the following components or equivalent:

 Raw Water regulation basin;

 Pre-treatment work which consists mainly of aeration by cascade method;
 Chemical dosing facility. Main chemicals are alum and lime;
 Flocculation tank;
 Sedimentation tank;
 Rapid sand filter;
 Chlorination facility;
 Treated water storage tank;
 Backwash system;
 Sludge thickener;
 Sludge lagoons;
 Chemical building;
 Administrative building;
 Access around the WTP from a local access road.

5. Distribution

The distribution work has nine service reservoirs at various locations in the Kathmandu
(Mahankalchaur, Bansbari, Paani Pokhari, Balaju, Khumaltar, Arubari, Tigni, Katunje and
Kritipur). The water from Sundarijal to service reservoir is supplied by a Bulk Distribution
System (BDS).

43 Bishwas Shrestha

Figure 6: Pipe system of Melamchi Water Supply Project

Source: http://archive.nepalitimes.com/article/nation/Melamchi-water-not-enough-for-

43 Bishwas Shrestha


The Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP), which was conceived some three decades ago as a
solution to severe short supply of drinking water in Kathmandu Valley, still remains incomplete.
the project has completed construction of a water processing plant with a capacity of 1.7 billion
liters. However, the progress of headworks construction is limited to only 65%.  In the
headworks, the project is yet to complete construction of a bridge, approach road and installation
of hydro mechanical equipment and S4 structure, among others. Under the segment, the
concretization of the dam of 4 meters out of the total height of 10 meters is left to be completed,
while 65% of the intake has been accomplished so far. 
MWSP comes with a much-required solution to acute drinking water scarcity in the Kathmandu
valley. If MWSP is able to tap 510,000 m³/d of water, and all of the water can be distributed,
then water deficit can be meet till at least 2023. This will improve the quality of the water as
guided by WHO, which will improve the health condition of the people. The inhabitants will
have improved sanitation provisions as well as a respite from mental, social, and economical
problems due water shortage problems. Access roads, originally built to transport machineries
and components will be made available to the locals for their transportation needs.


Melamchi Water Supply Development Board. (2020, July 20). Melamchi.


The Melamchi Water Supply Project. (2015, April). David Lees.



Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited. (2065, March).



43 Bishwas Shrestha

Republica. (2020, June 24). Melamchi Water Supply Project set to miss deadline yet again,

reports 97% work progress so far. MyRepublica.



Mandal, C. K. M. (2020, April 6). Melamchi likely to face more delays as workers leave the site.

The Kathmandu Post. https://kathmandupost.com/valley/2020/04/06/melamchi-likely-to-


Udmale, P., Ishidaira, H., Thapa, B. R., & Shakya, N. M. (2016). The Status of Domestic Water

Demand: Supply Deficit in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Water, 8(5), 196.

Khanal, R. K. (2020, February 14). Melamchi project gets new mid-July deadline. MyRepublica.



Thapa, B. R. (2019, December 1). Implications of the Melamchi water supply project for the

Kathmandu Valley groundwater system | Water Policy | IWA Publishing. Water Policy.



43 Bishwas Shrestha


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