Nelson, M.K. Single Mothers and Social Support: The Commitment To, and Retreat From, Reciprocity. Qualitative Sociology 23, 291-317 (2000)

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Single mothers and social support: The commitment to, and retreat from reciprocity

Nelson, M.K. Single Mothers and Social Support: The Commitment to, and Retreat from,
Reciprocity. Qualitative Sociology 23, 291–317 (2000).

Objective of the Study

The study provided new knowledge about the practice of reciprocity among single mothers.
This involves the filling of gaps in literature about the relationship of sense of reciprocity and
social support among single mothers.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion (key results only)

It shows that single mothers tend to rely on others for assistance but also wants to believe in
their self-sufficiency. In terms of reciprocating different kinds of assistance that they have
accepted, nonmaterial gifts were also considered.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
It was stated that single mothers were having a hard time to balance being self-sufficient
and being dependent on the kindness of other people. In some communities, having
expectations to give back the kindness that you have received is a norm and if they do not
reciprocate, there would be harsh judgement.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

According to one of the interviews, having a common situation makes other single mothers
sympathetic to each other. This gives better understanding among them and strengthen
bonds compared to their own family. It was also stated that most single moms have learned
to overcome shame when it comes to asking for other’s help.

Single Mother Work and Poverty under Welfare Reform: Are Policy Impacts Different in
Rural Areas?

Objective of the Study

The study provided knowledge about the impact of policies on employment and poverty on
single mothers. It also focuses on the difference of the situations of single mothers in rural
and urban areas.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion (key results only)

It was seen that when it comes to employment, the policy changes lead to the increase of
employment percentage of single mother in rural and urban areas.
Apart from the increase in employment rate, decrease in poverty rate among single mothers
was also apparent.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Eligibility for welfare programs specifically income and family status can hinder single
mothers with poor family background from getting access to different welfare programs.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Single Mothers in Various Living Arrangements: Differences in Economic and Time

Objective of the Study

The journal article aims to assess the earnings or income, and time available for single
mothers living in various types of household.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

With the separated data from white and black single mothers, it was seen that black single
mothers and white single mothers who live in a shared arrangement have lower income
adequacy. When it comes to time resources, having to live with parents means reduced
housework hours for the single mothers.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Cohabiting with another household means more income to spare but also means decreased
public assistance especially to white single mothers.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

This can mean that single mothers have various options where to live and who to live with.
Living with parents can help in reducing the work time and cohabiting can help increase the
income adequacy in some cases.


Stress, social support and depression in single and married mothers

Objective of the Study
The study analyzed the effect of social support and stress to single parents that actually can
lead to a mental disability, depression. It also provided new knowledge regarding the
association of single parenthood and the mental disability.
Results and Highlights/Conclusion (key results only)
It was accounted that various levels of stress and having different social support group can
explain the relationship of being a single parent and having depression. It was also
discussed that the marital transition period can help understand the association of single
parenthood to depression.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
The study states that most lone parents experience social and economic disadvantages can
also experience high level of psychiatric illness such as depression. Apart from the marital
transition, the depression of single mothers can be traced if there are childhood abuse and
or traumatic life experiences.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Family and friends of a single mother can offer support that should have been provided by
the partner. This also strengthens the bond between family and friends.

Social Support, Stress, and Psychological Distress Among Single Mothers
Objective of the Study
The journal article presented the importance of social support and its influence to single
mothers. It also discussed how having a social support can lessen the psychological
distress experienced by most single mothers.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion (key results only)

The journal introduced three models that were supposed to help understand the stress, and
social group influence surrounding single mothers. The first model, protective model by
Cohen and Wills suggests that having social support decreases psychological distress
caused by financial and parental stress.
The preventive model according to [ CITATION Tra00 \l 1033 ] suggests that having good social
support group will prevent single mothers from having to experience high levels of financial
stress, parental stress, and psychological distress.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
According to [ CITATION Tra00 \l 1033 ] single mothers face psychological distress due to
financial and parental stress, and lack of social support. It was also mentioned that they are
vulnerable to depression, anxiety and psychological distress if they lack social support.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Gender and urban poverty: single mothers in Amsterdam

Objective of the Study

The study discussed the relationship of gender and urban poverty in Amsterdam and
focuses on single mothers. It also gave a new perspective on how single mothers cope with
being unemployed and their labor participation.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

With the comparison of unemployed men and single mothers, in terms of reciprocity, single
mothers are able to thrive and to build networks while unemployed men becomes socially
isolated. It was noted that having good social support networks, it can create opportunities
to fill the gap and weaknesses of being a single mother.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
It was discussed that single mothers are vulnerable as they are somehow socially excluded.
Their income compared to other household is generally lower and they depend on social
benefits. Work hours of single mothers were reportedly higher than those of mothers with

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

In an urbanized area, single mothers’ labor participation was increasing and they are not
highly dependent on the income of their late or ex-husband. This means that somehow they
are financially independent with or without a partner.


Economic vulnerability among rural single-mother families

Objective of the Study
The study aims to present a new perspective on single mothers’ economic vulnerability
living on rural areas.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

Single mothers who have fewer children are likely to have good opportunities. But entering
into marriage will also help single mothers to be economically successful this means
additional income to support household expenses.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Single mothers in rural areas appear to have less labor opportunities. Also, with the hours
that their work demands, their time with their children and the time allotted for household
work are compromised. Being an unemployed single mother also risks the household’s
economic resources.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

With education and enough training, it was stated that it can reduce economic vulnerability.
This means that they can also provide on their own and reduce the dependency.

Social support and education groups for single mothers: a randomized controlled trial of a
community-based program
Objective of the Study
The research tested and interpreted the effect of social support and education for single
mothers. It was supposed to provide new knowledge about how social support and
education opportunities help with single mothers’ psychological problems.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

With the researchers’ community-based program for single mothers, it was seen that social
support can help improve self-esteem and alleviate depressive mood

Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent

As mentioned, single mothers are in hig risk of mental health problems. They experience
high levels of depression and stress due to lack of social support and easy access to mental
health services. Their children also at risk in experiencing mental disabilities and other
difficulties such as academic problems.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Kiyatindugan (Rising Up) of Mother and Child… The Experiences of Young Muslim Adults
and their Single Mothers in Zamboanga City, Philippines

Objective of the Study

The study wants to present a new perspective on the experiences of young adults with their
single mothers in the Muslim community in Zamboanga City, Philippines.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

The divorce are mostly likely due to the wife’s lack of acceptance to a polygamous marriage
and due to the lack of commitment to his wife and his children. This then affects how
children perceive their family status and often compare and feel jealous of other families.
Children would often feel closer to their mothers than of their fathers and values the bond
between them.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
In a Muslim household, patriarchy is evident and most males have higher educational
attainment than those of their female counterpart. Studies showed that single mothers’
children have lower educational achievements than those children with married parents.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

In the study, it suggests that even without their late or ex-husband, they have various
options such as going abroad and remarriage to have better financial capabilities. Having
the sense of independence, it was mentioned that this has a great influence on their

Negotiating Relationships in Single-Mother Households: Perspectives of Children and

Objective of the Study

The study wants to identify the relationship of single mothers and their children and how
they interact in a single parent headed household.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

High involvement and interdependence of the children and mother was seen as exclusive
closeness and bond between them; but this also lead to overdependence to each other. The
children wanted to protect their mothers and displayed responsibility. Single parents then
had to make an effort in making the hierarchical boundaries clear.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
In the research it was mentioned that single parent families do not have hierarchical
boundaries. Unidentifiable hierarchical boundaries make way for new sets of problems such
as inability to impose discipline thus the children were likely to have disruptive behavior.
Being a single parent, they are the only ones who shoulder their children’s need and
Strengths of Being a Single Mother
Despite having hierarchical boundaries, it was also argued that the children and parent’s
bond are seen as peers. Single mothers have more involvement with their children.

Targeting, Universalism, and Single-Mother Poverty: A Multilevel Analysis Across 18
Affluent Democracies

Objective of the Study

The study aims to analyze the possible effects of social policies of democratic countries on
single mothers and their poverty-stricken situation.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

Single mothers were to receive more welfare benefits because they are unemployed. But
this also constitutes to a dilemma wherein single mothers must refrain from being too
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Single mothers are deemed to be vulnerable as most of them have lower wage than the
average, burdened by child rearing, and they lack support from their former husband.
Strengths of Being a Single Mother
Single mothers who live with more well educated employed adults are less likely to
experience poverty .

Mother-only Families: Problems, Prospects, and Politics

Objective of the Study

The study wanted to open up a new perspective on how economic and social well being
affects the children of single mother families.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

It was said that single mothers are insecure in terms of economic resources due to low
earnings to support household responsibilities and child rearing

Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent

As stated, many single mothers experience poverty after becoming a single mother, in other
words, marital dissolution or disruption. Male workers are also paid more than females thus
supporting the statement that single mothers earn less than those families headed by male
or those with two-parent families.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Single mothers are not limited to relying on their selves but can also connect to their
extended family and friends. They are also highly capable of building networks to cope with
their stress.

Single mothers, poverty and depression

Objective of the Study

The study focused on examining and identifying the relationship of being a single mom,
poverty status, and psychological problems. They also compared the risk of having
depression of single mothers to those with partners.
Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)
Those with moderate and marked financial hardship, are in risk of having mental disability or

Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent

Most single mothers face financial instability and are in risk of mental disability. It was
mentioned that they face humiliation thus lowering their self-esteem. Single mothers also
faced problems with their children as they tend to be delinquent as their mother are
occupied with their work.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Single mothers prefer to have full time jobs to prevent the whole family falling into deep
financial instability.

Marginal (M)Others: Lone Parents and Female Household Headship in the Philippines
Objective of the Study
The study aimed to give new knowledge and perspective on female headed household and
the usual stigma they are associated with.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

With the on-going debate for the divorce law in the Philippines, the researcher mentioned
that it would be interesting to see changes in female-headed household if the divorce law
was passed. They also reduced dependency on their male counterpart, cohabit, and made
sure their children have good education.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Due to social and legal barriers, formation of female headed household is limited. With the
stigma surrounding single parent family, no divorce law, and religious and societal pressure
are some of the problems of single parent.
Strengths of Being a Single Mother
Single mothers were perceived to be strong as they can get access to job opportunities on
their own They are also highly capable of managing household budgets and household

Low-Wage Single-Mother Families in This Jobless Recovery: Can Improved Social Policies
Objective of the Study
The study aimed to provide new knowledge about low-income single mother headed
families with its focus on how recession affect them.
Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)
If work policies were to focus on training, this could result to improved employment stability
and increasing in wage for laborers. In improving the education and skill training, this could
be a steppingstone for single mothers who are considered to be low-wage worker.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Single mothers, as mentioned in the study are having a hard time competing against skilled
unemployed workers for available occupations. Without job to generate income, they lack
savings to shell out during emergencies. Single mothers also experience unemployment,
low income and high rate poverty than the average due to the lack of education and skills.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

They are benefiting from law’s provisions thus increasing their labor participation as

Home management practices of Solo Parents in Samar, Philippines

Objective of the Study

The study wants to introduce new knowledge about how single parents in rural areas
manage their household without the help of a partner.
Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)
With the research’s respondents, it was concluded that single parents are capable of
managing household work, labor, and child rearing averagely. Working overtime would cost
the single parents and their child’s bonding time. It was said that remedial policies must be
implemented to prevent such vulnerability.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Single parents often experience depression, insecurity, and loneliness. They are burdened
by their responsibility as they are the only one to carry it such as decision making, and
providing for the family. Single parents are also forced to juggle work and child rearing with
such little time.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Single mothers are self-reliant and they are great at managing their time as can only rely on
their selves.

Female-headed households in the Philippines

Objective of the Study

The research’s aim was to address the issues surrounding the household headship of
females in the Philippines.
Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)
It was said that their high involvement and participation in household responsibilities, the
notion of the male as the sole bread winner of the family is eroding. With the thinking that
women can provide for their family, males are also somehow freed from the responsibility of
generating income for the family.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
They are considered in the vulnerable group in socioeconomic class. They have the leaset
eccess to development assistance and programs because in the Philippines, most parental
programs are guided that family must consist of a married couple and children.
Strengths of Being a Single Mother
Due to the increasing labor participation of female, their dependence on male to shoulder
financial responsibilities are lessened. With their own earning, they have better control over
the budget allocated to the household.

Employment, Work Conditions, and the Home Environment in Single-Mother Families
Objective of the Study
The research’s aim was to give new perspective on the connectivity of employment status
and work conditions to the home environment of single mothers and their young children.
They want to deliver

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

On the abstract it was indicated that the employment status is not significant in measuring
the quality of home environment of single mothers. Employed single mothers then are
capable of providing quality home environment. The number of children also affects the
quality of home environment wherein more children means poorer quality compared to
fewer children.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
It was seen that single mothers with low wage occupation and shifting work hours have
poorer quality of home environment. With the low wage employment, they are also forced to
work outside of home. As their time are mostly allotted for work, single mothers are also
having a hard time to look for a day care for their children.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Their employment status can assure better home environment provided by the single
mother with good sense of well-being and control.

Fragile Families and Welfare Reform: An Introduction

Objective of the Study

The research focused on providing right knowledge about how welfare policies affect the
well being of children in a disrupted family, headed by a single mother.
Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)
Forcing a father to support the family can risk the child’s well-being. Policies must increase
access to welfare benefits for single moms for them to support their children.

Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent

With the provided welfare reforms, single mothers are limited in relying on welfare laws as it
promotes marriage and family formation. There is a notion that fathers must be highly
involved in their children’s lives.
Strengths of Being a Single Mother
Working can save the single parent from low self-esteem, low wages, and mental disabilities
thus improving parenting skills and lessening the dependence from their former husband or

Avenues and Barriers to Residential Mobility Among Single Mothers

Objective of the Study

The study’s objective was to identify what hinders and facilitate the movement of single
mother families from poor neighbor to a wealthier neighborhood.

Results and Highlights/Conclusion(key results only)

The moves of single mother families are to neighborhood with the same community quality.
But with the data gathered, there is a slight upward motion that they move from poor
neighborhood to a slightly less poor than the former.
Problems/Challenges Faced by Single Mothers/Parent
Compared to two parent families, single mothers move frequently due to the number of
children and the children’s school ties, and friend. School quality and the safety level of a
community weights more for single mothers with more children.

Strengths of Being a Single Mother

Cohabiting is a factor that saves single mother families from moving to poorer

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