EI 8075 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments Industrial Application of Fiber Optical Sensor

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2.1 Introduction

Fiber optics for the commercial and industrial industries provide communication, data
links, imaging, data collection, and application specific connectivity solutions in a wide range
of capacities. The large majority of commercial & industrial applications in which fiber optic
technology is used require each product to have specific construction and/or performance
attributes to ensure adequate functionality.

While industry standard fiber optic products can be successfully implemented in some
commercial & industrial applications, most standard products do not have the necessary
durability and adverse condition performance capabilities necessary to support these

Timber con fiber optic products for the commercial and industrial industries are designed and
manufactured to provide the necessary performance, ruggedization, and durability to support
even the most demanding applications. From precision tuned ruggedized polarization
maintaining cable assemblies for sensors, to direct burial multi-fiber cables for oil field
communications, we have a product solution to fit your requirements.

2.2 Fiber optic sensor:

A fiber optic sensor is a sensor that uses optical fiber either as the sensing element or
as a means of relaying signals from a remote sensor to the electronics that process the signals.
Fibers have many uses in remote sensing. Depending on the application, fiber may be used
because of its small size, or because no electrical power is needed at the remote location, or
because many sensors can be multiplexed along the length of a fiber by using light
wavelength shift for each sensor, or by sensing the time delay as light passes along the fiber
through each sensor. Time delay can be determined using a device such as an optical time-
domain reflectometer and wavelength shift can be calculated using an instrument
implementing optical frequency domain reflectometry.

Fiber optic sensors are also immune to electromagnetic interference, and do not
conduct electricity so they can be used in places where there is high voltage electricity or
flammable material such as jet fuel. Fiber optic sensors can be designed to withstand high
temperatures as well

Fiber optic sensors are excellent candidates for monitoring environmental changes
and they offer many advantages over conventional electronic sensors as listed below:
• Easy integration into a wide variety of structures, including composite materials, with little
interference due to their small size and cylindrical geometry.
• Inability to conduct electric current.
• Immune to electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference.
• Lightweight.
• Robust, more resistant to harsh environments.
• High sensitivity.


• Multiplexing capability to form sensing networks.
• Remote sensing capability.
• Multifunctional sensing capabilities such as strain, pressure, corrosion, temperature and
acoustic signals.

2.2.1 Fiber optic sensor principles

The general structure of an optical fiber sensor system. It consists of an optical source
(Laser,LED, Laser diode etc), optical fiber, sensing or modulator element (which transduces
the measurand to an optical signal), an optical detector and processing electronics
(oscilloscope, optical spectrum analyzer etc).

Fiber optic sensors can be classified under three categories: The sensing location, the
operating principle, and the application. Based on the sensing location, a fiber optic sensor
can be
classified as extrinsic or intrinsic. In an extrinsic fiber optic sensor the fiber is simply used to
carry light to and from an external optical device where the sensing takes place. In this cases,
the fiber just acts as a means of getting the light to the sensing location.

2.2.2 Types of fiber optics sensor

1 Intrinsic sensor
2.Extrinsic sensor

Optical fibers can be used as sensors to measure

1. Strain,
2. Temperature
3. Pressure Intrinsicsensor -Temperature/ Pressuresensor

It is based on the principle of Interference between the beams emerging out from the
reference fiber and the fiber kept in the measuring environment.
A monochromatic source of light is emitted from the laser source.
It consists of a Laser source to emit light. A beam splitter, made of glass plate is
inclined at an angle of 45º used to split the single beam into two beams.
The main beam passes through the lens L1 and is focused onto the reference fiber
which is isolated from the
environment to be sensed.

The beam after passing through the

reference fiber then falls on the lens

The spitted beam passes through the

lens L3 and is focused onto the test
fiber kept in the environment to be

The splitted beam after passing

through the test fiber is made to fall on the lens L2.

The two beams after passing through the fibers, produces a path difference due to
the change in parameters such as pressure, temperature etc., in the environment.

Therefore a path difference is produced between the two beams, causing the
interference pattern.

Thus the change in pressure (or) temperature can be accurately measured with the
help of the interference pattern obtained.

And other quantities by modifying a fiber so that the quantity to be measured modulates
the intensity, phase, polarization, wavelength or transit time of light in the fiber. Sensors that
vary the intensity of light are the simplest, since only a simple source and detector are
required. A particularly useful feature of intrinsic fiber optic sensors is that they can, if
required, provide distributed sensing over very large distances.

Temperature can be measured by using a fiber that has evanescent loss that varies with
temperature, or by analyzing the Raman scattering of the optical fiber. Electrical voltage can
be sensed by nonlinear optical effects in specially-doped fiber, which alter the polarization of
light as a function of voltage or electric field. Angle measurement sensors can be based on
the Sagnac effect.

Special fibers like long-period fiber grating (LPG) optical fibers can be used for direction
recognition. Photonics Research Group of Aston University in UK has some publications on
vectorial bend sensor applications.

Optical fibers are used as hydrophones for seismic and sonar applications. Hydrophone
systems with more than one hundred sensors per fiber cable have been developed.
Hydrophone sensor systems are used by the oil industry as well as a few countries' navies.
Both bottom-mounted hydrophone arrays and towed streamer systems are in use. The
German company Sennheiser developed a laser microphone for use with optical fibers.

A fiber optic microphone and fiber-optic based headphone are useful in areas with strong
electrical or magnetic fields, such as communication amongst the team of people working on
a patient inside a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine during MRI-guided surgery.

Optical fiber sensors for temperature and pressure have been developed for down hole
measurement in oil wells. The fiber optic sensor is well suited for this environment as it
functions at temperatures too high for semiconductor sensors (distributed temperature

Optical fibers can be made into Interferometric sensors such as fiber optic gyroscopes,
which are used in the Boeing 767 and in some car models (for navigation purposes). They are
also used to make hydrogen sensors.

Fiber-optic sensors have been developed to measure co-located temperature and strain
simultaneously with very high accuracy using fiber Bragg gratings. This is particularly useful
when acquiring information from small complex structures. Brillouin scattering effects can be
used to detect strain and temperature over larger distances (20–30 kilometers).

Other examples

A fiber-optic AC/DC voltage sensor in the middle and high voltage range (100–
2000 V) can be created by inducing measurable amounts of Kerr nonlinearity in single mode
optical fiber by exposing a calculated length of fiber to the external electric field. The
measurement technique is based on polar metric detection and high accuracy is achieved in a
hostile industrial environment.

High frequency (5 MHz–1 GHz) electromagnetic fields can be detected by induced nonlinear
effects in fiber with a suitable structure. The fiber used is designed such that the Faraday and
Kerr effects cause considerable phase change in the presence of the external field. With
appropriate sensor design, this type of fiber can be used to measure different electrical and
magnetic quantities and different internal parameters of fiber material.

Electrical power can be measured in a fiber by using a structured bulk fiber ampere sensor
coupled with proper signal processing in a polar metric detection scheme. Experiments have
been carried out in support of the technique.

Fiber-optic sensors are used in electrical switchgear to transmit light from an electrical arc
flash to a digital protective relay to enable fast tripping of a breaker to reduce the energy in
the arc blast Extrinsic sensors

Extrinsic fiber optic sensors use an optical fiber cable, normally a multimode one, to
transmit modulated light from either a non-fiber optical sensor, or an electronic sensor
connected to an optical transmitter. A major benefit of extrinsic sensors is their ability to
reach places which are otherwise inaccessible. An example is the measurement of
temperature inside aircraftjet engines by using a fiber to transmit radiation into a radiation
pyrometer located outside the engine. Extrinsic sensors can also be used in the same way to
measure the internal temperature of electrical transformers, where the extreme
electromagnetic fields present make other measurement techniques impossible.

Extrinsic fiber optic sensors provide excellent protection of measurement signals

against noise corruption. Unfortunately, many conventional sensors produce electrical output
which must be converted into an optical signal for use with fiber. For example, in the case of
a platinum resistance thermometer, the temperature changes are translated into resistance
changes. The PRT must therefore have an electrical power supply. The modulated voltage
level at the output of the PRT can then be injected into the optical fiber via the usual type of
transmitter. This complicates the measurement process and means that low-voltage power
cables must be routed to the transducer.

Extrinsic sensors are used to measure vibration, rotation, displacement, velocity,

acceleration, torque, and twisting. Phase Modulated FiberOptic Sensors:

The most sensitive fiber optic sensing method is based on the optical phase
modulation. The total phase of the light along an optical fiber depends on the properties like
the physical length of the fiber, transverse geometrical dimension of the guide, refractive
index and the index profile of the waveguide. If we assume that index profile remains
constant with environmental variations, then the depth of phase modulation depends on the
other remaining parameters. The total physical length of an optical fiber may be modulated
by the perturbations like thermal expansion, application of longitudinal strain and application
of a hydrostatic pressure causing expansion via Poisson's ratio. The refractive index varies
with temperature, pressure and longitudinal strain via photo elastic effect. Waveguide
dimensions vary with radial strain in a pressure field, longitudinal strain in a pressure field
and by thermal expansion. The phase change occurring in an optical fiber is detected using
optical fiberInterferometric techniques that convert phase modulation into intensity
modulation’s:". Displacementsensor (Extrinsic Sensor)
Light is sent through a transmitting fiber and is made to fall on a moving target. The
reflected light from the target is sensed by a detector with respect to intensity of light
reflected and the displacement of the target is measured.

It consists of a bundle of transmitting fibers coupled to the laser source and a
bundle of receiving fibers coupled to the detector.

The axis of the transmitting fiber and the receiving fiber with respect to the
moving target can be adjusted to increase the sensitivity of the sensor.

Light from the source is transmitted through the transmitting fiber and is made to fall on
the moving target. The light reflected from the target is made to pass through the receiving
fiber and the same is detected by the detector.
Based on the intensity of light received, the displacement of the target can be measured, (i.e.)
If the received intensity is more, then we can say that the target is moving towards the sensor
and if the intensity is less, we can say that the target is moving away from the sensor.

Applications of Fiber Optic Sensors

Fiber optic sensors are used in several areas. Specifically:

• Measurement of physical properties such as strain, displacement, temperature, pressure,
velocity, and
acceleration in structures of any shape or size.
• Monitoring the physical health of structures in real time.
• Buildings and Bridges: Concrete monitoring during setting, crack (length, propagation
speed) monitoring, prestressing monitoring, spatial displacement measurement, neutral axis
evolution, long-term deformation (creep and shrinkage) monitoring, concrete-steel
interaction, and post-seismic damage evaluation.
• Tunnels: Multipoint optical extensometers, convergence monitoring, shotcrete /
prefabricated vaults evaluation, and joints monitoring damage detection.
• Dams: Foundation monitoring, joint expansion monitoring, spatial displacement
measurement, leakage monitoring, and distributed temperature monitoring.
• Heritage structures: Displacement monitoring, crack opening analysis, post-seismic damage
evaluation, restoration monitoring, and old-new interaction.

2.3 Fiber Optic Instrumentation System


The communication engineers need the fiber characteristics to design the optical fiber link
with an efficient waveguide without any loss or dispersion. Similarly, the fiber manufactures
ned the fiber characteristics for further development. Generally, the fiber attenuation
measurement are used to determine repeaters spacing and light source power dispersion
measurements are used to determine the maximum bit rate. Refractive index profile
measurement are to know the number of modes propagating the fiber and to determine its
numerical aperature.

2.3.2 Measurement of attenuation (by cut back method)

Light from a halogen lamp or white light source is couple into the experimental fiber
having length about 1 km. The lens placed in front of the source focuses the light on to the
interference filter or monochromatic prism or grating. The light with a given wavelength is
incident on the chopper which is used to convert d.c light into square pulses of light (a.c). It
also sends the reference signal to the lock in amplifier. Monitor is used to view the intensity
of the optical beams. The cladding mode strippers are connected at the input end and output
end of fiber. The cladding mode stripper is used to remove the cladding light or cladding
modes. Then the jacket fiber is placed in an index matching liquid whose refractive index is
slightly higher than that of cladding.
This arrangement is called cladding mode stripper which will attenuate the light
propagating through the cladding. After travelling through the fiber of 1Km length, the given
height reaches the index matched photodetector whose output is given to the lock amplifier.
The lock amplifier delivers a output to the recorder or nanovoltmeter. Then the fiber is cut
back, leaving typically 2m of the fiber and the experiment is repeated. In this case the output
power is noted Pr (λ) is noted. This procedure is repeated for other wavelength also. Thus the
fiber attenuation at a given wavelength ‘λ’ is given by,

Where L is the length of the fiber cut back in Km. In the case of multimode fibers, there are
mode scrambler used to get the uniform intensity distribution among all the modes and order
sorting filter acting as a mode selector to determine the fiber loss for each mode.


This method is very accurate and simple.


i) This method cannot be utilized to find the fiber attenuation in a working fiber
optic link.
ii) It is a destructive testing method.

2.3.3 Optical domain reflectometers:

The OTDR is the instrument which is used both in laboratory and field measurements
for determining fiber attenuation ,joint losses and detecting fault losses. When the fiber
attenuation varies with distance, then the OTDR is the only instrument which can measure
the fiber attenuation along the fiber optics link. The OTDR measurement is a non-
destructive measurement.




This method is often called the both scatter method. It is based on the measurement
and analysis of the fraction of light which is reflected back within the numerical aperture of
the fiber due to Rayleigh scattering.

Construction and working:

A light pulse from a pulsed laser is launched into the fiber through a directional
coupler. The back scattered light from the fiber is received by a photo detector like APD,
through the directional coupler. A box car integrator is mainly used to improve S/N ratio by
taking arithmetic average over a number of measurements taken at one point within the
fiber. The signal from the integrator is fed to the logarithmic amplifier and its output is given
to the recorder in DB. The recorder will display the averaged measurements for successive
points within the fiber .The intial

peak is caused by the reflection at the fiber end. The reflection from the input coupler is as
small increase in the reflected power. There is a long tail caused by Rayleigh scattering of
the input pulse as it travels through the fiber link in the forward direction. Due to presence of
a fault in the fiber link. There is a sudden decrease of reflected power. Next peak is caused
by splice or joint. Finally there is a peak due to Fresnel reflection of the fiber end where the
reflected power is more than that of splice.

2.3.4 Fiber scattering loss Measurement:

Usually a high power laser source like He-Ne laser or Nd-YAG laser is used to
provide sufficint input optical power to the fiber. The focusing lens focuses the light into the
input end of the fiber having short length. Before and after the scattering cell or integrating
sphere, the cladding mode strippers are used to avoid the light propagating in the cladding so
that the scattering measurement is taken only for the light guided by the fiber core. Further
the output end of the fiber is in index matched liquid to avoid reflections contributing to the
optical signal within the integrating sphere. The light scattered from the fiber core is
detected by the series solar cell in the integrating sphere. The integrating sphere also
contains the index matching liquid surrounding the fiber. The detected signal by the series of
solar cell gives the measurement of the scattered signal. The detected signal is given to lock
in amplifier an to then to the recorder or nano voltmeter.

Where l is the length of the fiber contained in the integrating sphere;Popt is the input optical
power: Psc is the scattered power.

2.3.5 Fiber Absorption Measurement:

Fiber absorption measurement will give the impurity level in the filter.

Fiber absorption loss(bB/km)= Fiber attenuation loss (dB/Km)- Fiber scattering loss(dB/km)

Thus the fiber absorption lass istrhe difference between fiber attenuation loss and
scattering loss.

Principle: Amount of light energy absorbed by the fiber= Heat energy developed in the

Construction:Here there are two fibers one is the fiber under measurement and other is the
dummy fiber. The dummy fiber is meant for compensation of any radiation loss of heat
energy developed. These two fibers are mounted separately in silica capillary tubes
surrounded by the low refractive index liquid like methanol in the calorimeter for good
electrical contact. The light from the laser source is well focused on the fiber under
measurement. The dummy fiber is not connected with light input. Then the fiber guided light
is inserted into the cladding mode stripper which removes the light propagated in the
cladding of the fiber. After passing through the capillary tube, The fiber with light is
immersed in the index matching liquid to avoid reflections contributing to the optical signal
within the capillary tube.


When the light enters the fiber under measurement there is a temperature rise in the
capillary tube containing the fiber with light. The temperature rise due to absorption tube
containing the fiber with light. The temperature rise due to absorption of energy by the fiber
is measured for every 10 seconds by a thermocouple which is spirally around the silics
tubes. The hot junction of the thermocouple and the cold junction of the thermocouple are
connected with a nanovoltmeter. Electrical calibration is done by placing a thin wire instead
of fiber such that and passing known amount of current such that

2.3.6 Fiber dispersion measurements:

Dispersion is measured in terms of pulse broadening. There are two types of fiber
dispersions. One is intermodal dispersion and the other is intra nodal (or) chromatic
dispersion. Both dispersion measurements can be performed using the the same exceptthe
light source. Internodal dispersion measurement is made by the monochromatic laser with
narrow spectral width. This intermodal dispersion is dominant in the multimode fibers. The
intra nodal dispersion measurement is made by the injection laser whose frequency or line
width increases with respect to time.

The laser with driver circuit gives short narrow pulses of light. The laser light is focused
onto the beam splitter. The beam splitter is used for triggering the oscilloscope and for input
pulse with measurement. One of the beams passing through the beam splitter is again
focused into the fiber under measurement. Normally its length is 1 km .The focused output
laser beam is incident on the avalanche photodiode and it gives the output pulses. The input
pulse and output pulse are displayed separately on the screen of sampling oscilloscope and
they are in Gaussian shape.

2.3.7 End reflection method:

The light from the lambertian source is focused onto the entrance end of the fiber having a
length 2 metre. The magnified image of the output end of the fiber is obtained by a lens
arrangement and is then passed through chopper. The near field of the output of the chopper
is scanned transversly by a p-i-n detector . The detector output is amplified by a
preamplifier. The chopper and the preamplifier are linked with the lock in amplifier. So the
phase sensitive detected signal is further amplified and plotted directly on a X-Y recorder.
For a graded index fiber, the display appears in the form of a Gaussian curve and for a step
index fiber it appears in the form of a rectangular shape curve
Limitation of this method

1. There should not be any contamination on the fiber surface

2. The fiber surface should be optically plane.
3. During scanning proper alignment of the fiber is necessary.

2.3.8 Near field scanning techniques:


When a lambertian source like tungsten filament lamp or LED is used to excite all the
guided modes then P® is the near field optical power at a distance’r’from the core axis and
p(0) is the optical power at the centre of the core.

Measurement of numerical aperture of the fiber:

The lambertianthe numerical aperture of the fiber from the far end pattern. The lambertian
source gives the angled visible light. It is then focused onto the test fiber of length 1m. The
far field patteren from the fiber is displaced on the screen which is at a distance ‘D’ from the
output end of the fiber. The test fiber is aligned so that there is maximum intensity of light on
the screen. The pattern size on the screen is measured as Ametre.

For a graded index fiber

2 2 1/2
N.A(r)=sinθa (r) = (n1 (r)-n2 )

2.4 Classification of optical modulators

According to the properties of the material that are used to modulate the light beam,
modulators are divided into two groups: absorptive modulators and refractive modulators. In
absorptive modulators absorption coefficient of the material is changed, in refractive
modulators refractive index of the material is changed.

The absorption coefficient of the material in the modulator can be manipulated by the Franz-
Keldysh effect, the Quantum-confined Stark effect, excitonic absorption, changes of Fermi
level, or changes of free carrier concentration. Usually, if several such effects appear
together, the modulator is called an electro-absorptive modulator.

Refractive modulators most often make use of an electro-optic effect. Some modulators
utilize an acousto-optic effect or magneto-optic effect or take advantage of polarization
changes in liquid crystals. The refractive modulators are named by the respective effect: i.e.
electrooptic modulators, acousto-optic modulators etc. The effect of a refractive modulator of
any of the types mentioned above is to change the phase of a light beam. The phase
modulation can be converted into amplitude modulation using an interferometer or
directional coupler.

Separate case of modulators are spatial light modulators (SLMs). The role of SLM is
modification two dimensional distribution of amplitude and/or phase of an optical wave.


Electro-optic modulator, exploiting the electro-optic effect

Acousto-optic modulator
Magneto-optic modulators

2.4.1 Electro-optic modulator (EOM) is an optical device in which a signal-controlled

element exhibiting the electro-optic effect is used to modulate a beam of light. The
modulation may be imposed on the phase, frequency, amplitude, or polarization of the
beam. Modulation bandwidths extending into the gigahertz range are possible with the use of
laser- controlled modulators.

The electro-optic effect is the change in the refractive index of a material resulting from the
application of a DC or low-frequency electric field. This is caused by forces that distort the
position, orientation, or shape of the molecules constituting the material. Generally, a
nonlinear optical material (organic polymers have the fastest response rates, and thus are best
for this application) with an incident static or low frequency optical field will see a
modulation of its refractive index.

The simplest kind of EOM consists of a crystal, such as lithium niobate, whose refractive
index is a function of the strength of the local electric field. That means that if lithium niobate
is exposed to an electric field, light will travel more slowly through it. But the phase of the
light leaving the crystal is directly proportional to the length of time it takes that light to pass
through it. Therefore, the phase of the laser light exiting an EOM can be controlled by
changing the electric field in the crystal.

Note that the electric field can be created by placing a parallel plate capacitor across the
crystal. Since the field inside a parallel plate capacitor depends linearly on the potential, the
index of refraction depends linearly on the field (for crystals where Pockels effect
dominates), and the phase depends linearly on the index of refraction, the phase modulation
must depend linearly on the potential applied to the EOM.

The voltage required for inducing a phase change of is called the half-wave voltage ( ).
For a Pockels cell, it is usually hundreds or even thousands of volts, so that a high-voltage
amplifier is required. Suitable electronic circuits can switch such large voltages within a few
nanoseconds, allowing the use of EOMs as fast optical switches.

Pockels effect

The Pockels effect electro-optic effect, produces birefringence in an optical medium induced
by a constant or varying electric field. It is distinguished from the Kerr effect by the fact that
the birefringence is proportional to the electric field, whereas in the Kerr effect it is quadratic
to the field. The Pockels effect occurs only in crystals that lack inversion symmetry, such as
lithium niobate or gallium arsenide and in other non-Centro symmetric media such as
electric-field poled polymers or glasses.

Pockels Cells

Pockels Cells are voltage-controlled wave plates. The Pockels effect is the basis of
Pockels Cells operation. Pockels Cells may be used to rotate the polarization of a passing
beam. See Applications below for uses.

A transverse Pockels Cell comprises two crystals in opposite orientation, which give a zero
order wave plate when voltage is turned off. This is often not perfect and drifts with
temperature. But the mechanical alignment of the crystal axis is not so critical and is often
done by hand without screws; while misalignment leads to some energy in the wrong ray ( for
example, horizontal or vertical), in contrast to the longitudinal case, the loss is not amplified
through the length of the crystal.

The electric field can be applied to the crystal medium either longitudinally or transversely to
the light beam. Longitudinal Pockels Cells need transparent or ring electrodes. Transverse
voltage requirements can be reduced by lengthening the crystal.

Alignment of the crystal axis with the ray axis is critical. Misalignment leads to birefringence
and to a large phase shift across the long crystal. This leads to polarizationrotation if the
alignment is not exactly parallel or perpendicular to the polarization.

Dynamics within the cell

Because of the high relative dielectric constant of εr ≈ 36 inside the crystal, changes in the
electric field propagate at a speed of only c/6. Fast non-fiber optic cells are thus embedded
into a matched transmission line. Putting it at the end of a transmission line leads to
reflections and doubled switching time. The signal from the driver is split into parallel lines
which lead to both ends of the crystal. When they meet in the crystal their voltages add up.
Pockels Cells for fibre optics may employ a traveling wave design to reduce current
requirements and increase speed.
Usable crystals also exhibit the piezoelectric effect to some degree (RTP has the lowest,
BBO and lithium niobate are high). After a voltage change sound waves start propagating
from the sides of the crystal to the middle. This is important not for pulse pickers, but for
boxcar windows. Guard space between the light and the faces of the crystals needs to be
larger for longer holding times. Behind the sound wave the crystal stays deformed in the
equilibrium position for the high electric field. This increases the polarization. Due to the
growing of the polarized volume the electric field in the crystal in front of the wave increases
linearly, or the driver has to provide a constant current leakage.

The driver electronics

The driver must withstand the doubled voltage returned to it. Pockels Cells behave like a
capacitor. When switching these to high voltage a high charge is needed; consequently, 3 ns
switching requires about 40 A for a 5 mm aperture. Shorter cables reduce the amount of
charge wasted in transporting current to the cell.

The driver may employ many transistors connected parallel and serial. The transistors are
floating, and need DC isolation for their gates. To do this, the gate signal is connected via
optical fiber, or the gates are driven by a large transformer. In this case, careful compensation
for feedback is needed to prevent oscillation.

The driver may employ a cascade of transistors and a triode. In a classic, commercial circuit
the last transistor is an IRF830 MOSFET and the triode is an Eimac Y690 triode. The setup
with a single triode has the lowest capacity; this even justifies turning off the cell by applying
the double voltage. A resistor ensures the leakage current needed by the crystal and later to
recharge the storage capacitor. The Y690 switches up to 10 kV and the cathode delivers 40 A
if the grid is on +400 V. In this case the grid current is 8 A and the input impedance is thus 50
ohms, which matches standard coaxial cables, and the MOSFET can thus be placed remotely.
Some of the 50 ohms are spent on an additional resistor which pulls the bias on -100 V. The
IRF can switch 500 volts. It can deliver 18 A pulsed. Its leads function as an inductance, a
storage capacitor is employed, the 50 ohm coax cable is connected, the MOSFET has an
internal resistance, and in the end this is a critically damped RLC circuit, which is fired by a
pulse to the gate of the MOSFET.

The gate needs 5 V pulses (range: +-20 V) while provided with 22 nC. Thus the current gain
of this transistor is one for 3 ns switching, but it still has voltage gain. Thus it could
theoretically also be used in common gate configuration and not in common source
configuration. Transistors, which switch 40 V are typically faster, so in the previous stage a
current gain is possible.

Applications of Pockels Cells

Pockels Cells are used in a variety of scientific and technical applications:

A Pockels Cell, combined with a polarizer, can be used for a variety of applications.
Switching between no optical rotation and 90° rotation creates a fast shutter capable
of "opening" and "closing" in nanoseconds. The same technique can be used to
impress information on the beam by modulating the rotation between 0° and 90°; the
exiting beam's intensity, when viewed through the polarizer, contains an amplitude-
modulated signal.
Preventing the feedback of a lasercavity by using a polarizing prism. This prevents
optical amplification by directing light of a certain polarization out of the cavity.
Because of this, the gain medium is pumped to a highly excited state. When the
medium has become saturated by energy, the Pockels Cell is switched, and the
intracavity light is allowed to exit. This creates a very fast, high intensity pulse. Q-
switching, chirped pulse amplification, and cavity dumping use this technique.
Pockels Cells can be used for quantum key distribution by polarizingphotons.
Pockels Cells in conjunction with other EO elements can be combined to form
electro-optic probes.
A Pockels Cell was used by MCA Disco-Vision (DiscoVision) engineers in the
optical videodisc mastering system. Light from an argon-ion laser was passed through
the Pockels Cell to create pulse modulations corresponding to the original FM video
and audio signals to be recorded on the master videodisc. MCA used the Pockels Cell
in videodisc mastering until the sale to Pioneer Electronics. To increase the quality of
the recordings, MCA patented a Pockels Cell stabilizer that reduced the second
harmonic distortion that could be created by the Pockels Cell during mastering. MCA
used either a DRAW (Direct Read After Write) mastering system or a photoresist
system. The DRAW system was originally preferred, since it didn't require clean
room conditions during disc recording, and allowed instant quality checking during
mastering. The original single-sided test pressings from 1976/77 were mastered with
the DRAW system as were the "educational", non-feature titles at the format's release
in December 1978.


Interferometry is a family of techniques in which waves, usually electromagnetic,

are superimposed in order to extract information about the waves. Interferometry is
an important investigative technique in the fields of astronomy, fiber optics,
engineering metrology, optical metrology, oceanography, seismology, spectroscopy
(and its applications to chemistry), quantum mechanics, nuclear and particle physics,
plasma physics, remote sensing, biomolecular interactions, surface profiling,
microfluidics, mechanical stress/strain measurement, and velocimetry.

Interferometers are widely used in science and industry for the measurement of small
displacements, refractive index changes and surface irregularities. In analytical
science, interferometers are used in continuous wave Fourier transform spectroscopy
to analyze light containing features of absorption or emission associated with a
substance or mixture. An astronomical interferometer consists of two or more separate
telescopes that combine their signals, offering a resolution equivalent to that of a
telescope of diameter equal to the largest separation between its individual elements.
The light path through a Michelson interferometer. The two light rays with a common
source combine at the half-silvered mirror to reach the detector. They may either
interfere constructively (strengthening in intensity) if their light waves arrive in phase,
or interfere destructively (weakening in intensity) if they arrive out of phase,
depending on the exact distances between the three mirrors.
Interferometry makes use of the principle of superposition to combine waves in a way
that will cause the result of their combination to have some meaningful property that
is diagnostic of the original state of the waves. This works because when two waves
with the same frequency combine, the resulting pattern is determined by the phase
difference between the two waves—waves that are in phase will undergo constructive
interference while waves that are out of phase will undergo destructive interference.
Most interferometers use light or some other form of electromagnetic wave

2.5 Measurement using fiber optics sensor:

2.5.1 Measurement of pressure:

All the displacement sensors can be used to measure pressure. Here the pressure is
first converted in to displacement and the change in intensity is reflected or
transmitted light is measured in terms of displacement. The pressure sensor based on
reflective concept. Depending upon the value of pressure, the radius of curvature of
the diaphragm is changed. Hence, the intensity of the reflected light is changed. The
response curve shows that as the pressure increases, output voltage decreases. With
increase of pressure, the intensity of reflected light is decreased and hence the output
voltage decreases.

2.5.2 Measurement of temperature:

The bimetallic strip acts as a sensing element. It consist of steel and brass which are
welded together to form a strip. The brass has higher linear expansively compared to
steel. The strip is attached to a bifurcated reflective fiber optic probe. The strip is
designed to move continuously and its movement is directionally proportional to
temperature. The amount of reflected light is converted in to voltage by a photodiode.
The amount of light reflected decreases with increase of temperature. So that output
of photodiode decreases with increase of temperature.

2.5.3 Phase modulated temperature sensor:

Here , the phase shift produced in the sensing relative to reference fiber is a function
of temperature. This is given by the equation,

L fiber length
n refractive index

The arrangement is called mach-zender.

The Semiconductor laser acts as a light source.
A 3 db splitter acts as the beam splitter which sense the light through the sensing and
reference fiber.
Another 3 dB coupler acts as a combiner of these two beams.
A series of light and dark fringes are formed when light form two fiber interface on
the display screen.
A phase changes of 2φ radians causes a displacement of 1 fringe.
By counting the fringe displacement, The magnitude of temperature is determined.
If is negligible. By placing a photodetector to measure the intensity of the fringes,
we can get sensitivity as

Where, i photo detector current,

Phase shift.
This is called Quadrature condition and sensitivity is zero when the phase shifts are
π,2π,3π,4π etc.
By taking the difference between the two output signals from the sensing fiber and
reference fiber, Sensitivity of the sensor is doubled.

2.5.6 Measurement of current:

The linearly polarized laser light from the negative laser is launched in to fiber.
Cladding mode stripper removes cladding modes. The direction of polarization of the
light in the fiber rotated by the longitudinal magnetic field around the current carrying
The returning light from the fiber loop is passed through the Wallaston prism which is
used to sense the resulting rotation and it resolves the emerging light in to two
orthogonal components I1 and I2 . these components are separately detected by
photodiode detectors and the difference and sum of these signals are found out

2.5.7 Measurement of voltage

The variation of refractive index with respect to electric field E is written as
= + rE +RE
no-refractiveindex before the application of electric field.
r – Linear electro optic coefficient
R – Quadratic electrooptic coefficient
In this crystal, when we apply electric field/ voltage along Z axis, the light
which is linearly polarized at an angle 45° with respect to X axis under goes a
phase shift or phase retardation.

This phase retardation θ is given by


If I0be the incident light intensity , then the intensity of the transmitted light through crystal is
I=I0sin2 . Thus , phase produced in the linearly polarized wave is directly proportional to
applied electric field/ voltage. The polarizer converts the incident ordinary light in to a
linearly polarized light. When there is applied voltage across the pocket cell, phase shift is
produced for the transmitted polarized beam. Quarter wave plate produces a phase shift of
θ/2. The transmitted light is then analysed through a analyzers. The transmitted light intensity
can be written as,


Measurement of strain:

Micro bending losses are produced in the fiber when the top block presses the
fiber by the applied external force. The micro bend losses are found to increase in
force applied to the top block. The intensity changes produced by the applied force
are measured with reference to a direct unmodulated signal from the light source. The
comparator compares these two values and gives the value of strain produced.

2.5.8 Measurement of liquid level

Liquid level sensor consists of two fibers which are connected at the base of a
glass micro prism. When the tip of the prism is immersed in the liquid, there is no
output at the detector. When the tip of the prism is just above the liquid level, due to
contact with air, there is total internal reflection and output is got in the detector.
Not useful for sensing multi liquid level since it operates in digital mode.

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