MoST-Motivational States Theory
MoST-Motivational States Theory
MoST-Motivational States Theory
(Soo Seug Wha Kang)
• Mindfulness
• What is time?
• Background of MoST
– Lack of communication between the two research
camps => Integration!
– Lack of clear definitions on stress and well-being
• Lazarus‟s Model: The three kinds of appraisal on the
interaction between the person and the environment
– A benign appraisal :
• the person regards an event as signifying a positive state of
– An irrelevant (or neutral) appraisal :
• the person does not consider an event as having any
implication whatsoever for well-being in its present form.
– Stressful appraisals
• are of three types, namely, harm, threat, and challenge,
• all three involving some negative evaluation of one's present
or future state of well-being,
• but challenge providing the least negative and the most
positive feeling tone
• Stressful appraisals
– Harm
• refers to psychological damage that had already
been done.
– Threat
• is the anticipation of harm that has not yet taken
place but may be imminent.
– Challenge
• results from difficult demands that we feel
confident about overcoming by effectively
mobilizing and deploying our coping resources.
• What Lazarus missed
– Challenge
• is the state of motivation fulfillment expectancy,
i.e., well-being,
• not the state of motivation frustration expectancy.
• Mystery:
– Why is challenge classified as a kind of psychological
– (cf) Eustress of Selye
• Eustress is an inappropriate concept.
• Eustress is not stress but well-being.
• Limitations of Lazarus‟s Model
– His model is limited to psychological stress
– Stress is defined in terms of well-being
• 'psychological' stress: "a particular relationship
between the person and the environment that is
appraised by the person
– as taxing or exceeding his or her resources and
– as endangering his or her well-being" (Lazarus
& Folkman, 1984, 19).
• Adjustment of Lazarus‟s Model into MoST
7 - Strongly agree
6 - Agree
5 - Slightly agree
4 - Neither agree nor disagree
3 - Slightly disagree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly disagree
7 - Strongly agree
6 - Agree
5 - Slightly agree
4 - Neither agree nor disagree
3 - Slightly disagree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly disagree
• Success?
• Serving something than the self?
• Tennis Experience
• Tennis Experience
– No regret in life --- Good life?
– “I wouldn‟t have any regrets if I died right now.”
• Is this real?
• Living in a dream (world)?
– „Inception‟
• Living in a dream of a dream of a dream?
– Changzu(莊子) – Butterfly
• How do you know this is real?
<special kind of attention>
• 知足常樂
– 足: foot
Thank You