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0.1 Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy. India’s basic strength lies in agriculture. But its vast potential has not been fully exploited.
While World Trade Organization (WTO) poses some challenges, it also offers tremendous worldwide market opportunities for Indian
agriculture produce. This market potential can be realized by reforming agriculture and making its produce internationally competitive in
quality and food safety.

0.2 To enable farm produce to be internationally competitive innovative farming practices incorporating the concept of globally accepted
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) within the framework of commercial agricultural production for long term improvement and sustainability is
essential. GAP in addition to improving the yield and quality of the products, also has environmental and social dimensions. Implementation
of GAP would promote optimum utilization of resources such as pesticides, fertilizers, and water and eco-friendly agriculture. Its social
dimension would be to protect the agricultural workers’ health from improper use of chemicals and pesticides. It is a particularly opportune
time to promote GAP when second generation of reforms in agriculture which would have a major impact on Indian agriculture, are planned
by the Indian Government.

0.3 There are different systems and standards available for control measures in value addition through processing of food meant for human
consumption. Although grade standards on size, shape, colour and local preferences are available for most of the fruits and vegetables
marketed and consumed in India, their quality in terms of maturity standards, residues of pesticides and other contaminants, microbial loads,
etc. have not been adequately addressed. The Indian Good Agricultural Practices (INDGAP) takes into account not only the quality and
quantity of the produce obtained from a unit area but also the care is taken in integrating pre-harvest practices like soil & water management,
nutrient management and pest management, harvesting, post harvest handling and other logistics. It is therefore necessary to have a
comprehensive view while defining control and compliance systems for different farm produce covering horticulture, floriculture, food grains,
etc. The areas where appropriate control measures need to be strengthened are farms producing raw material such as food grains, fresh
fruits and vegetables, floriculture, etc. to ensure sustained supply of produce of the desirable quality.

0.4 With the opening up of the world market, there is a flow of trade in these agricultural products. It is, therefore, necessary to define certain
minimum standards with a well-defined certification and accreditation mechanism for the implementation of INDGAP to facilitate national and
international trade in farm produce. Implementation of INDGAP is voluntary and non-discriminatory to the growers.

0.5 For the purposes of preparing this document, Global GAP standards and related ISO standards and guides have been taken into

This standard covers Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)- basic requirements for all farming practices in sustainable manner for maintaining quality and
food safety of agricultural produce.


For common understanding by the stakeholder in uniform manner, applicable terms have been defined and are given in Annex A


3.1 The requirement for good agricultural practices on different aspects from site selection to packaging storage and dispatch of produce for processing are
given in Table 01.


4.1The requirements stated in Table 01 shall be evaluated to establish that growers comply with those requirements. An appraisal and assessment system
has been developed. On evaluation of deficiencies that may appear in evaluation need to be resolved to establish compliance to the requirements. These
deficiencies have been classified as:


When evidence shows that the grower has not complied with requirements in its documentation and implementation and which raises doubts on the
operation and practice of GAP calling for an early correction and corrective actions within the time frame.


When evidence suggests major break down in the implementation in certain elements of the criteria calling for the early corrective actions within a time


When evidence shows an isolated non-compliance to the GAP criteria and has negligible impact on the operation of the system and its results.

Note: Multiple Minor NCs with related impact on the operation of the system in one particular area may result in major NC

4.2 To develop a self assessment method against the criteria, a checklist has been developed and is given in Table 02. This will bring uniformity in
evaluation of the system. This also indicates when a violation of a particular criteria leads to critical, major or minor nonconformities.


Clauses Item Level of Control criteria Compliance criteria

(One of the key features of sustainable farming is the continuous integration of site-specific knowledge and practical experiences into future management
planning and practices.)
1.1 Risk assessment Major
Is site free from toxic elements such as industrial The information on soil condition and site on
for new site wastes and effluents? water logging, industrial waste and effluents
1.2 Water availability
Major Is the site having access to reliable source of There should be sufficient source of irrigation
irrigation water (where applicable/relevant)? water.
1.3 Risk Management Major Has a management plan been developed setting out A management plan for mitigation of risk should
Plan strategies to minimize all identified risks? Are the be implemented to meet the objectives
results of this analysis recorded and used to justify
that the site in question is suitable?
1.4 Meteorological Minor Has the meteorological data collated for preceding Three years meteorological data should be
data collection three years taken into account while judging the available with the farm management
suitability of the site.
(Soil is the basis of all agricultural production, and the conservation and improvement of this valuable resource is essential. Good soil husbandry ensures long-
term fertility of soil, aids yield and profitability.)

2.1 Mapping of Soil Major Has the soil map prepared for the farm The type of soil is identified for each site, based
on a soil profile or soil analysis.
2.2 Soil Health Major Is the soil optimal to the selected crop with reference Data on physico-chemical properties of soil-
to its water holding capacity and fertility? texture and structure be available
2.3 Soil test and Major If soils with low fertility levels use soil amendments The soil analysis report from an independent lab
nutrition profile as per the specific site and requirement of species, should be available. Technical expertise for the
are the latest soil test report on physico-chemical quantity, quality and type of soil amendments to
parameters and nutrient profile to decide the nature be used
and quantity of soil amendments available?
2.4 Water suitability Major Has the quality of irrigation water been adequately The information on quality including salt
understood and classified in the context of both soil concentration of water for each target crop
type and the target crop in terms of total salt
concentration, Sodium absorption ratio, Bicarbonate
and Boron concentration etc.

2.5 Water quality Major Irrigation water is required to conform to standards Analytical report on irrigation water should be
of heavy metals andresidual pesticides.? available especially of heavy metals and pesticide
2.6 Shade availability Major
When shade-loving crop is planned for, availability Study of cropping pattern and inter-cultivation
of shade across the field should be ascertained. practices should be introduced
(The choice of propagation material plays an important role in the production process and by using the correct varieties can help reduce the number of
fertilizer and plant protection product applications. )

3.1 Critical Details of seed/ propagation material be available

Planting material Do seed/planting material accompanied with the
including varietal/botanical description
identification following information:-
a) Name, nomenclature and trade name)
b) Botanical name
c) Variety?
3.2 Sowing Record Major Does the producer keep records on sowing/planting Records of sowing/ planting method, rate and date
keeping methods, seed/planting rate, sowing/planting date? must be kept and be available.
3.3 Seed

3.3.1 Seed Purity Critical The seeds chosen for cultivation purposes must meet A record/certificate of the seed quality is kept and
the botanical and varietal purity. available and states variety purity, variety name,
batch number and seed vendor.
3.3.2 Seed quality Critical Are the seeds chosen for cultivation purposes Records should show that seeds chosen were free
physically free from pests, diseases, weeds, and from pest and diseases
foreign and inert matter?
3.3.3 Seed producing Major Does the producer keep records on sowing/ planting Records of sowing/ planting method, rate and date
record methods, seed/planting rate, sowing /planting date? must be kept and be available.

3.3.4 Seed treatment Major Are prescribed seed treatment protocols for the target Seed treatment records be available including type
protocol species, completed well in advance to match the of plant protection chemical used and diseases
planting season. identified, where applicable
3.3.5 Seedling Major When the process for seedling production under Information of type of seed used and agronomic
transplanting plan nursery conditions, is it initiated as per the practices applied should be available
recommended agronomic practices for the target
species and carried out reasonably well before the
actual schedule of field transplantation and only

healthy seedlings transplanted.
3.4 Stem cutting

Authentic cutting Critical Are sources of cuttings authenticated when root When the grower takes the responsibility of root
material induction in stem cuttings under nursery conditions induction in stem cuttings under nursery
for transplantation into the field for both botanical conditions for eventual transplantation into the
identity and quality of vegetative propagules? field, records on the source of cuttings
authentication for both botanical identity and
quality of vegetative propagules be available.

3.4.2 Healthy rooted Major Are only healthy stem cutting giving desired rooting The stem cuttings collected for root induction
material used? should be of uniform dimensions in terms of
length and diameter and should be in tune with the
requirements laid down for the target species

4.1 Field preparation

4.1.1 Soil tilth Major Is soil brought to the desired tilth to facilitate Soil preparation for planting requires proper tilth
favourable environment for growing seed and condition for favourable growth of plants
4.1.2 Soil preparation Major Do field operation performed provide better Field operations performed should have recorded
environment, soil structure and texture, and keep it information for weed control
free from weeds for initial 20-30 days?

4.2 Sowing and transplanting

4.2.1 Seed rate Minor Are recommended rate of seedlings per unit of land A chart of rate seedling per unit of land should be
area adhered to? prepared and available the farm
4.2.2 Seed sowing depth Major Is placement of seeds taking place at the appropriate A plan for depth of seed placement should be
depth in the moist zone of the soil? prepared for uniform use
4.2.3 Spacing Minor Are seedlings where used transplanted following the Authorized data on row to row and plant to plant
spacing norms in terms of row-to-row and plant-to- distance of saplings /seeds must be available.
plant distance governed by the needs of target crop as Agro-techniques available may be used

envisaged in the agronomic protocol for target
4.2.4 Seedling Major Are the seedling at optimum stage of transplanting An authentic data and information should be
transplanting stage uprooted and transplanted immediately thereafter? available on stage up rooting of seedlings for
different crops
4.2.5 Plant population Minor Replenishment of plant populations to compensate Guidelines as when to compensate for population
mortality losses should be carried out within a mortality
reasonable timeframe and in consideration of the
gestation period of the target crop.
4.2.6 Seed quality Minor Is there a document that guarantees seed quality A record/certificate of the seed quality is kept
document (free from injurious pests, diseases, virus, etc.)? and available and states variety purity, variety
name, batch number and seed vendor.
4.3 Manures and Fertilizers

4.3.1 Source of Major Source of information/material about manures and Where the fertilizer records show that the
Manures/ fertilizers used technically responsible person making the choice
fertilizers of the fertilizer (organic or inorganic) is an
Parameters used to accept or qualify the manure in external adviser, training and technical
case source is from outside. competence must be demonstrated.

4.3.2 Organic manure Minor Is use of organic manure preferred for growing plants Mineral supplements must be based on complete
preference supplemented by mineral nutrition through inorganic soil analysis in a competent laboratory for the
source in consideration of the nutritional needs of the target crops
target crop vis-à-vis the soil characteristics?
4.3.3 Manure use Minor Is use of compost, vermi-compost, green leafy These organic modes of supplementation of
manure and biofertilizers considered desirable? organic manure/fertilizer should be implemented
4.3.4 Nutritional care Major Are specialized nutritional care for distinct purposes These practices must be based on scientific
such as root production or enhancement of leafy bio- information and guided by specialists.
mass etc opted for in the light of recommended
agronomic practices for target species?

4.4 Irrigation

4.4.1 Water requirement Major How is the total water requirement of the crop There should be a water management plan to

Estimation estimated in the light of available agronomic optimize water usage and reduce wastage.
protocol? How the irrigation cycles is planned for Records should be maintained for
and implemented to ensure optimal plant growth. irrigation/fertigation and water usage.

4.4.2 Water Major Is there a water management plan to optimise water The idea is to avoid wasting water. The irrigation
optimization usage and reduce waste in terms of method of system used should be the most efficient available
irrigation? for the crop and accepted. A documented plan is
available which outlines the steps and actions to
be taken to implement the management plan.
4.4.3 Water harvesting Minor How water harvesting and water conservation Water conservation measures should be followed
and conservation methods are followed, wherever possible
4.4.4 Water testing Major Is the quality of water considered in the light of Test report of water and soil from an accredited
prevailing soil conditions and soil and water analysis lab should be available
taken into account for this purpose.
4.4.5 Water drainage Major How soils having the problem of drainage are dealt Written soil water management practice should be
with in specific manner so as to provide outlet for available. The impounding of water through
excess water? heavy rains should not be allowed.

4.5 Weeding and intercultural operations

4.5.1 Control of Initial Major How initial flush of weeds are controlled effectively A documented plan should be available for weed
flush of weeds to ensure a weed free environment to young plants?. control. The weeding and hoeing cycles should be
so arranged as to keep the field free from weeds
4.5.2 Inter culture Major Is the prescribed schedule of all inter-cultural Depending on the nature of crop, inter-cultivation
operations operations such as weeding, hoeing, topping, nipping practices should be used to reduce the incidence
optimization of buds, pruning, shading and earthing up etc. of weeds
adhered to in a manner to optimize overall
4.5.3 Rare use of Major Are use of herbicides avoided as far as possible? In Systemic weedicides should not be used.
herbicides case of their inevitable usage, are available evidence Biological control measures preferred
of safety to the target crop considered adequately?
4.6 Crop protection

4.6.1 Pest management Major Is there a comprehensive preventive and control A comprehensive pest control procedure should
Preventive and measures enumerated in the agronomic protocol used be in place
control measures for pest management to minimize loss of the final

crop and its quality.
4.6.2 Bio control agents Major Is crop protection plans limited to the use of bio- Biological route is preferred and plans for this
control agents and bio-pesticides? should be available
4.6.3 Pest Management Critical Integrated Pest Management protocols shall be in IPM practices are encouraged.
protocols place in absence of the protocols at 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.
4.6.4 Smallest Effective Major How under compulsive circumstances care is taken Specialist advice should be available for use of
dosage to use smallest effective dosage of pesticides on the pesticides their dosages, time of application and
basis of crop protection protocols prescribed for the mode of application
target species
4.6.5 Residue analysis Critical When chemical pesticides are used for crop A written procedure for pesticide use be available
protection, is residue analysis of final product carried defining the dose, time and mode of application to
out through appropriate testing agencies following reduce pesticide residue in plant body
standard procedures?

5.1 Harvesting
5.1.1 maturity Major How the harvesting season is determined and The grower must demonstrate the basis for
determination followed on the basis of qualitative parameters set for determining the maturity of crop for harvesting
the end product of the constituents rather than the
total vegetative yield?
5.1.2 Harvesting devises Major How are cutting devices employed for harvesting Clear instruction should be available for farm
and careful selected to minimize the contamination by soil worker to use proper cutting devices and avoid
harvesting particles? How while harvesting, care is taken to harvest of rogue plants
avoid incidental and concurrent harvest of weeds?
5.1.3 A documented procedure should exist for
Harvesting How are the containers used for harvested materials
cleaning containers and avoiding mixed up and
containers kept clean? How care is taken to ensure freedom
contamination of produce
from the risks of cross contamination by other
species, weeds and such other extraneous matter?
Primary processing

5.2.1 washing and Major Are the washing and cleaning methods for freshly The procedure for this purpose should be present
cleaning methods harvested materials laid down in consideration of the to ensure removal of soil particles adhering to the
target plant material? materials. Particularly for frits and vegetables

5.2.2 Produce Drying Major Is the freshly harvested produce not be stored as such Proper drying techniques and technology be
and handling and the drying process initiated in a continuum? How adopted for drying and storage of harvested crop
is the length of storage minimized and handled in a produce
manner to prevent degradation or rotting?
5.2.3 Processing Area Major How processing area or sites are kept clean, well Processing area must be clean preferable pucca
conditions ventilated, and have the facilities for protection platform with proper shade
against sunlight, dust, rain, rodents, insects and
5.2.4 Drying and Critical Are the drying procedure and the temperature It should be ensured that agronomic package
Temperature employed for this purpose in conformity with the prescribing specific procedures for this phase is
requirements quality needs of the farm produce? complied with. In high humidity conditions, it
may be necessary to dry the produce appropriately
5.2.5 Sorting procedure Major Whether sorting procedure is carried out after Proper instruction for sorting should be in place
completion of drying phase and before the material is and it should be done after drying and before
packed? packing

5.3 Packaging, storage and transportation

5.3.1 Packaging Major Is the selection of packaging material based on the Norms for packaging material should be fixed for
Material quality requirements and possible length of storage different types of crop produce
before consumption/processing and kept clean, dry
and undamaged?
5.3.2 Container filling Major While packaging, are mechanical damages and undue Proper norms be in place to define packaging
compacting of the dried plant material that may result practices to avoid damage or deterioration of the
in undesirable quality changes avoided? Is care packed material
taken to avoid overfilling of the containers?
5.3.3 Storage conditions Major Is the storage area kept dry and protected from Storage area must be kept clean and free from
insects and rodents and such other factors that may insect pests
be detrimental to the quality of the product?.
5.3.4 Separate storage Major Are different varieties stored separately to avoid Practices for separating varieties be clear to
varietal mixing? handlers
5.3.5 Multiple Minor When multiple commodities/varieties are handled in Proper segregation be exercised to keep different
commodities the same storage area, is care exercised to prevent products separate to avoid mix up
storage product mix up and cross contamination.

6.1 Identification

6.1.1 Product Labeling Major Are produce legibly labeled inscribing on every pack Each produce must be legibly marked with details
with the product name, month and year of harvest following trade practices/legal requirements
and the name of farmer/farming agency? If the
material was tested before, an appropriate label may
be used indicating quality approval
6.2 Traceability

6.2.1 Traceability Critical Is registered product traceable back to and trackable There is a documented identification and
Record from the registered farm (and other relevant traceability system that allows registered product
registered areas) where it has been grown? to be traced back to the registered farm and
tracked forward to the immediate customer.
Harvest information must link a batch to the
production records or the farms of specific

7.1 Trained Personnel Major Key resource persons engaged at the site (such as Personnel should be trained and training records
farm owner/ supervisor) must be conversant with all must be available
aspects related to the target crop such as, quality
requirements of the end product, crop husbandry etc.
7.2 safety and hygiene Major The personnel should have basic exposure to subject Special training on safety should be imparted to
awareness matters like safety and hygiene personnel
7.3 Major The machinery used in fertilizer and pesticide Calibration schedule should be available and
Calibrations application must be calibrated at prescribed calibration record in line with the schedule from
schedules and calibration certificates / records should the weights and measures or from an accredited
be maintained. calibration agency
7.4 Equipments Major Equipments must be clean and mounted where Equipment and machinery used should have
cleanliness and applicable, in an easily accessible manner. maintenance schedule
placement Scheduled servicing procedures must be adhered to
keep them in working order
7.5 Specific parts Major Additional care should be taken for cleaning those Special care should be taken for equipment that
cleaning machine parts that get into direct contact with the comes directly in contact with plant produce
harvested produce

7.6 Safe Material Critical The material used for the equipment, particularly that Quality of material for equipment should of such
equipments coming into direct contact, should be safe. that it does not contaminate plant material in
Equipments that pose a risk of hazardous metallic contact with it
contamination of the harvested crop should be


(People are key to the safe and efficient operation of any farm. Farm staff and contractors as well as producers themselves stand for the quality of the produce
and for environmental protection)
8.1 Risk Assessments

8.1.1 Risk assessment of Major Does the farm have a written risk assessment for safe The written risk assessment can be a generic one
working and healthy working conditions? but it must be appropriate for conditions on the
conditions farm. The risk assessment must be reviewed and
updated when changes in the organization.
8.1.2 safety and hygiene Major Does the farm have a written health, safety and The health, safety and hygiene policy must at least
policy hygiene policy and procedures? include the points identified in the risk
assessment. This could include accident and
emergency procedures, hygiene procedures,
dealing with any identified risks in the working
situation, etc.The policy must be reviewed and
updated when the risk assessment changes.
8.2 Training

8.2.1 Competence Major Do all workers handling and/or administering plant Records must identify workers who carry out such
Training chemicals, disinfectants, plant protection products, tasks, and show certificates of training or proof of
biocides or other hazardous substances and all competence.
workers operating dangerous or complex equipment
have certificates of competence, and/or details of
other such qualifications?
8.2.2 Health and safety Major Have all workers received adequate health and safety Workers can demonstrate competency in
training training and are they instructed according to the risk responsibilities and tasks through visual
assessment? observation. If at time of inspection there are no
activities, there must be evidence of instructions.
8.2.3 First aid training Major Is there always an appropriate number of persons (at There is always at least one person trained in First

and deployment of least one person) trained in first aid present on each Aid present on the farm whenever on-farm
trained person farm whenever on-farm activities are being carried activities are being carried out.
8.3 Hazards and First Aid

8.3.1 Emergency Major Do accident and emergency procedures exist; are Permanent accident procedures must be clearly
procedures, they visually displayed and communicated to all displayed in accessible and visible location(s).
display and persons associated with the farm activities? These instructions are available in the
communication predominant language(s) of the workforce and/or
pictograms. The procedures must identify, where
appropriate the following:
- farm's map reference or farm address
- contact person(s)
- location of the nearest means of communication
(telephone, radio)
- an up-to-date list of relevant phone numbers
(police, ambulance, hospital, fire-brigade, access
to emergency health care on site or by means of
transport, electricity and water supplier);
- how and where to contact the local medical
services, Hospital and other emergency services.
- location of fire extinguisher;
- emergency exits;
- emergency cut-offs for electricity, gas and
- how to report accidents or dangerous incidents.
8.3.2 Warning Signs Minor Are potential hazards clearly identified by warning Permanent and legible signs must indicate
signs and placed where appropriate? potential hazards, e.g.waste pits, fuel tanks,
workshops, access doors of the plant protection
product / fertiliser / any other chemical storage
facilities as well as the treated crop etc. Warning
signs must be present.
8.4 Protective Clothing/Equipment

Availability of Major Are workers (including subcontractors) equipped Complete sets of protective clothing, (e.g. rubber

protective clothing with suitable protective clothing in accordance with
boots, waterproof clothing, protective overalls,
legal requirements and/or label instructions or as
rubber gloves, face masks, etc.) which enable
authorized by a competent authority? label instructions and/or legal requirements and/or
requirements as authorized by a competent
authority to be complied with are available, used
and in a good state of repair.
(Important details of farming practices should be recorded and records retained.)

9.1 Duration of record Major Are all records requested during the external Producers keep up to date records for a minimum
keeping inspection accessible and kept for a minimum period of two years from the date of first inspection,
of time of two years, unless a longer requirement is unless legally required to do so for a longer
stated in specific control points? period.

9.2 Major There is documentary evidence that internal self-

Internal self Does the producer take responsibility to undertake a
assessment under responsibility of the producer
assessment minimum of one internal self-assessment per year
has been carried out and are recorded annually
against the requirements of this standard?

9.3 Corrective actions Major Are effective corrective actions taken as a result of Effective corrective actions are documented and
non-conformances detected during the internal self- have been implemented.
assessment ?
Waste minimisation should include: review of current practices, avoidance of waste, reduction of waste, re-use of waste, and recycling of

10.1 Identification of Major Have all possible waste products and sources of All possible waste products (such as paper,
Waste and pollution been identified in all areas? cardboard, plastic, oil, etc)and sources of
Pollutants pollution (e.g. fertiliser excess, exhaust smoke,
oil, fuel, noise, effluent, chemicals, feed waste,
etc) produced by the farm processes have been
10.2 Waste and Minor Is there a farm waste management plan to avoid or A comprehensive, documented plan that covers
Pollution Action reduce wastage and pollution by waste recycling? wastage reduction, pollution and waste recycling

Plan Are organic wastes composted on the farm and is available. Air, soil, water, noise and light
utilised as manure? contamination must be considered.

10.3 Clean premises Major Are the farm and premises clear of litter and waste to Visual assessment that there is no evidence of
avoid establishing a breeding ground for pests and breeding grounds in areas of waste/litter in the
diseases which could result in a food safety risk? immediate vicinity of the production or storage
buildings. Areas where produce is handled
indoors are cleaned at least once a day.

10.4 Designated place Minor Do the premises have adequate provisions for waste The farm has designated areas to store litter and
for waste storage disposal? waste. Different types of waste are identified and
stored separately.
Farming and environment are inseparably linked. Managing wildlife and landscape is of great importance; enhancement of species as well as
diversity of land and landscape features will benefit the abundance and diversity of flora and fauna
11.1 Impact of Farming on the Environment and Biodiversity
11.1.1 Wildlife Minor Does each farmer have a management of wildlife and There must be a written action plan which aims to
conservation plan conservation plan that acknowledges the impact of enhance habitats and increase biodiversity on the
farming activities on the environment? farm.

11.1.2 Benefit to local Minor Has the farmer considered how to enhance the There should be tangible actions and initiatives
community environment for the benefit of the local community that can be demonstrated by the farmer on the
and flora and fauna? farm site looking at habitat quality and habitat

11.1.3 Avoid damage Minor Does the plan include action to avoid damage and Within the conservation plan there is a clear list of
habitat deterioration of habitats on the farm? priorities and actions to rectify damaged or
deteriorated habitats on the farm.
11.1.4 Increase Minor Does the plan include activities to enhance habitats There is a clear list of priorities and actions to
biodiversity and increase biodiversity on the farm? enhance habitats for fauna and flora to increase
on the farm


12.1 Availability of Major Is there a complaint procedure available relating to There must be available on request, a clearly
complaint issues covered by the standard? identifiable document for complaints handling.
12.2 Records of Major Does the complaints procedure ensure that There are documents of the actions taken with
complaints complaints are adequately recorded, studied and respect to such complaints regarding GAP
followed up including a record of actions taken? standard deficiencies found in products or

TABLE 02 CHECKLISTS FOR SELF-ASSESSMENT Parameter/Control criteria Level of Compliance Remarks

compliance Yes No
1.1 Is site free from toxic elements such as industrial wastes and effluents? Major
1.2 Is the site having access to reliable source of irrigation water (where Major
1.3 Has a management plan been developed setting out strategies to Major
minimize all identified risks? Are the results of this analysis recorded
and used to justify that the site in question is suitable?
1.4 Has the meteorological data collated for preceding three years taken Minor
into account while judging the suitability of the site.
2.1 Has the soil map prepared for the farm Major
2.2 Is the soil optimal to the selected crop with reference to its water Major
holding capacity and fertility?
2.3 If soils with low fertility levels use soil amendments as per the specific Major
site and requirement of species, are the latest soil test report on
physico-chemical parameters and nutrient profile to decide the nature

and quantity of soil amendments available?
2.4 Has the quality of irrigation water been adequately understood and Major
classified in the context of both soil type and the target crop in terms
of total salt concentration, Sodium absorption ratio, Bicarbonate and
Boron concentration etc.
2.5 Irrigation water is required to conform to standards of heavy metals Major
andresidual pesticides.?
2.6 When shade-loving crop is planned for, availability of shade across the Major
field should be ascertained.
3.1 Critical
Do seed/planting material accompanied with the following
a) Name, nomenclature and trade name)
b) Botanical name
c) Variety?
3.2 Does the producer keep records on sowing/planting methods, Major
seed/planting rate, sowing/planting date?
3.3 Seed

3.3.1 The seeds chosen for cultivation purposes must meet the botanical and Critical
varietal purity.
3.3.2 Are the seeds chosen for cultivation purposes physically free from Critical
pests, diseases, weeds, and foreign and inert matter?
3.3.3 Does the producer keep records on sowing/ planting methods, Major
seed/planting rate, sowing /planting date?

3.3.4 Are prescribed seed treatment protocols for the target species, Major
completed well in advance to match the planting season.
3.3.5 When the process for seedling production under nursery conditions, is Major
it initiated as per the recommended agronomic practices for the target
species and carried out reasonably well before the actual schedule of
field transplantation and only healthy seedlings transplanted.
3.4 Stem cutting

Are sources of cuttings authenticated when root induction in stem Critical
cuttings under nursery conditions for transplantation into the field for
both botanical identity and quality of vegetative propagules?

3.4.2 Are only healthy stem cutting giving desired rooting used? Major

4.1 Field preparation

4.1.1 Is soil brought to the desired tilth to facilitate favourable environment Major
for growing seed and seedling?
4.1.2 Do field operation performed provide better environment, soil Major
structure and texture, and keep it free from weeds for initial 20-30

4.2 Sowing and transplanting

4.2.1 Are recommended rate of seedlings per unit of land area adhered to? Minor
4.2.2 Is placement of seeds taking place at the appropriate depth in the moist Major
zone of the soil?
4.2.3 Are seedlings where used transplanted following the spacing norms in Minor
terms of row-to-row and plant-to-plant distance governed by the needs
of target crop as envisaged in the agronomic protocol for target
4.2.4 Are the seedling at optimum stage of transplanting uprooted and Major
transplanted immediately thereafter?
4.2.5 Replenishment of plant populations to compensate mortality losses Minor
should be carried out within a reasonable timeframe and in
consideration of the gestation period of the target crop.
4.2.6 Is there a document that guarantees seed quality (free from Minor
injurious pests, diseases, virus, etc.)?
4.3 Manures and Fertilizers

4.3.1 Source of information/material about manures and fertilizers used Major

Parameters used to accept or qualify the manure in case source is from

4.3.2 Is use of organic manure preferred for growing plants supplemented by Minor
mineral nutrition through inorganic source in consideration of the
nutritional needs of the target crop vis-à-vis the soil characteristics?
4.3.3 Is use of compost, vermi-compost, green leafy manure and Minor
biofertilizers considered desirable?
4.3.4 Are specialized nutritional care for distinct purposes such as root Major
production or enhancement of leafy bio-mass etc opted for in the light
of recommended agronomic practices for target species?

4.4 Irrigation

4.4.1 How is the total water requirement of the crop estimated in the light of Major
available agronomic protocol? How the irrigation cycles is planned
for and implemented to ensure optimal plant growth.

4.4.2 Is there a water management plan to optimise water usage and reduce Major
waste in terms of method of irrigation?

4.4.3 How water harvesting and water conservation methods are followed, Minor
wherever possible
4.4.4 Is the quality of water considered in the light of prevailing soil Major
conditions and soil and water analysis taken into account for this
4.4.5 How soils having the problem of drainage are dealt with in specific Major
manner so as to provide outlet for excess water?

4.5 Weeding and intercultural operations

4.5.1 How initial flush of weeds are controlled effectively to ensure a weed Major
free environment to young plants?.
4.5.2 Is the prescribed schedule of all inter-cultural operations such as Major
weeding, hoeing, topping, nipping of buds, pruning, shading and

earthing up etc. adhered to in a manner to optimize overall
4.5.3 Are use of herbicides avoided as far as possible? In case of their Major
inevitable usage, are available evidence of safety to the target crop
considered adequately?
4.6 Crop protection

4.6.1 Is there a comprehensive preventive and control measures enumerated Major

in the agronomic protocol used for pest management to minimize loss
of the final crop and its quality.
4.6.2 Is crop protection plans limited to the use of bio-control agents and Major
4.6.3 Integrated Pest Management protocols shall be in place in absence of Critical
the protocols at 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.
4.6.4 How under compulsive circumstances care is taken to use smallest Major
effective dosage of pesticides on the basis of crop protection protocols
prescribed for the target species
4.6.5 When chemical pesticides are used for crop protection, is residue Critical
analysis of final product carried out through appropriate testing
agencies following standard procedures?
5.1 Harvesting
5.1.1 How the harvesting season is determined and followed on the basis of Major
qualitative parameters set for the end product of the constituents rather
than the total vegetative yield?
5.1.2 How are cutting devices employed for harvesting selected to minimize Major
the contamination by soil particles? How while harvesting, care is
taken to avoid incidental and concurrent harvest of weeds?
How are the containers used for harvested materials kept clean? How
care is taken to ensure freedom from the risks of cross contamination
by other species, weeds and such other extraneous matter?
Primary processing

5.2.1 Are the washing and cleaning methods for freshly harvested materials Major
laid down in consideration of the target plant material?
5.2.2 Is the freshly harvested produce not be stored as such and the drying Major
process initiated in a continuum? How is the length of storage
minimized and handled in a manner to prevent degradation or rotting?
5.2.3 How processing area or sites are kept clean, well ventilated, and have Major
the facilities for protection against sunlight, dust, rain, rodents, insects
and livestock?.
5.2.4 Are the drying procedure and the temperature employed for this Critical
purpose in conformity with the quality needs of the farm produce?
5.2.5 Whether sorting procedure is carried out after completion of drying Major
phase and before the material is packed?
5.3 Packaging, storage and transportation

5.3.1 Is the selection of packaging material based on the quality Major

requirements and possible length of storage before
consumption/processing and kept clean, dry and undamaged?
5.3.2 While packaging, are mechanical damages and undue compacting of Major
the dried plant material that may result in undesirable quality changes
avoided? Is care taken to avoid overfilling of the containers?
5.3.3 Is the storage area kept dry and protected from insects and rodents and Major
such other factors that may be detrimental to the quality of the
5.3.4 Are different varieties stored separately to avoid varietal mixing? Major
5.3.5 When multiple commodities/varieties are handled in the same storage Minor
area, is care exercised to prevent product mix up and cross

6.1 Identification

6.1.1 Are produce legibly labeled inscribing on every pack with the product Major
name, month and year of harvest and the name of farmer/farming
agency? If the material was tested before, an appropriate label may be

used indicating quality approval
6.2 Traceability

6.2.1 Is registered product traceable back to and trackable from the Critical
registered farm (and other relevant registered areas) where it has been

7.1 Key resource persons engaged at the site (such as farm owner/ Major
supervisor) must be conversant with all aspects related to the target
crop such as, quality requirements of the end product, crop husbandry
7.2 The personnel should have basic exposure to subject matters like Major
safety and hygiene
7.3 The machinery used in fertilizer and pesticide application must be Major
calibrated at prescribed schedules and calibration certificates / records
should be maintained.
7.4 Equipments must be clean and mounted where applicable, in an easily Major
accessible manner. Scheduled servicing procedures must be adhered
to keep them in working order
7.5 Additional care should be taken for cleaning those machine parts that Major
get into direct contact with the harvested produce
7.6 The material used for the equipment, particularly that coming into Critical
direct contact, should be safe. Equipments that pose a risk of
hazardous metallic contamination of the harvested crop should be

8.1 Risk Assessments

8.1.1 Does the farm have a written risk assessment for safe and healthy Major
working conditions?

8.1.2 Does the farm have a written health, safety and hygiene policy and Major

8.2 Training

8.2.1 Do all workers handling and/or administering plant chemicals, Major

disinfectants, plant protection products, biocides or other hazardous
substances and all workers operating dangerous or complex equipment
have certificates of competence, and/or details of other such
8.2.2 Have all workers received adequate health and safety training and are Major
they instructed according to the risk assessment?

8.2.3 Is there always an appropriate number of persons (at least one person) Major
trained in first aid present on each farm whenever on-farm activities
are being carried out?
8.3 Hazards and First Aid

8.3.1 Do accident and emergency procedures exist; are they visually Major
displayed and communicated to all persons associated with the farm

8.3.2 Are potential hazards clearly identified by warning signs and placed Minor
where appropriate?

8.4 Protective Clothing/Equipment

Are workers (including subcontractors) equipped with suitable Major

protective clothing in accordance with legal requirements and/or label
instructions or as authorized by a competent authority?



9.1 Are all records requested during the external inspection accessible and Major
kept for a minimum period of time of two years, unless a longer
requirement is stated in specific control points?

9.2 Major
Does the producer take responsibility to undertake a minimum of one
internal self-assessment per year against the requirements of this

9.3 Are effective corrective actions taken as a result of non-conformances Major

detected during the internal self-assessment ?

10.1 Have all possible waste products and sources of pollution been identified in all Major

10.2 Is there a farm waste management plan to avoid or reduce wastage and Minor
pollution by waste recycling? Are organic wastes composted on the farm and
utilised as manure?

10.3 Are the farm and premises clear of litter and waste to avoid establishing a Major
breeding ground for pests and diseases which could result in a food safety

10.4 Do the premises have adequate provisions for waste disposal? Minor

11.1 Does each farmer have a management of wildlife and conservation plan that Minor
acknowledges the impact of farming activities on the environment?

11.2 Has the farmer considered how to enhance the environment for the benefit of Minor
the local community and flora and fauna?

11.3 Does the plan include action to avoid damage and deterioration of habitats on Minor
the farm?

11.4 Does the plan include activities to enhance habitats and increase biodiversity Minor

on the farm?


12.1 Is there a complaint procedure available relating to issues covered by the Major

12.2 Does the complaints procedure ensure that complaints are adequately Major
recorded, studied and followed up including a record of actions taken?

Annex A

1. Annual crop : When the time period between end of propagation stage to first harvest date is less than 12 months.

2. Certification : All those actions leading to the issuing of an INDGAP certificate.

3. Crop : The plants, which produce the produce.

4. Crop rotation : The practice of growing different crops in recurring succession on the same land. It also includes crops on certain plot
are following other crops according to pre-defined plan.

5. Crop year : Generally, the 12 month period from the beginning of harvest of a particular crop rotation.

6. Certification Body : An organization that has been approved to grant INDGAP certificate under the Scheme

7. Customer : A customer is anyone who purchases products or services from a supplier.

8. Environment : Water, air, land, wild species of fauna & flora and any inter relationship between them, as well as relationship with
living organisms.

9. Farm : A farm is an agricultural production unit or group of agricultural production units; covered by same operational procedures,
farm management and INDGAP decision-making activities.

10. Food safety : An assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and consumed according to its intended

11. Harvesting containers : Containers used for transporting produce during harvest.

12. Hazard: A biological, chemical, physical or any other property that may cause a product to be unsafe for human consumption.

13. Irrigation: The application of water to soil to nassist in the production of crops especially during stress period.

14. Irrigation water: Water which is artificially applied in the process of irrigation. It does not include precipitation.\

15. Inter crop: The crops raised in an orchard or other widely spaced crops for increasing income from the same piece of land e.g short
duration vegetables, pulses, oilseeds etc.

16. Inter cropping: Refers to growing of two or more generally dissimilar crops simultaneously on the same piece of land, base crop
necessarily in distinct row arrangement. The recommended optimum plant population of the base crop is suitably combined with
appropriate additional plant density of the associated crop, and there is crop intensification in both time and space dimensions.

17. Integrated pest management: In agriculture, integrated pest management (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses a variety of
complementary strategies including mechanical devices, physical devices, genetic, biological, cultural management, and chemical
management. IPM is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, mechanical and chemical tools in a
way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks.

18. Individual grower : An organization or person legally responsible for on farm production, who retains ownership of all the produce
covered in this INDGAP certificate.

19. In-organic Fertilizer : Commercial chemical fertilizer.

20. Inspection : An examination of systems for control of food, raw materials, processing and distribution including in process and
finished product testing in order to verify compliance to requirements.

21. Pesticide : Plant protection product.

22. Ploughing: Operations carried out with the help of tractor drawn or bullock drawn implements known as plough, before the crops are

23. Pollution: Contamination of natural environment by the addition to air or water of substances potentially toxic or otherwise harmful to
man and animals for example, SO2, CO2, radio-active fall out insecticides etc.

24. Post – harvest chemicals : Includes post-harvest plant protection products, detergents, and lubricants.

25. Potable water : Water which needs the quality standards of drinking water such as those described in the WHO published guidelines
for the safe use of waste water and excreta in agriculture and aquaculture.

26. Primary produce : Produce at a stage before processing.

27. Processed product : When the structure of the product is altered in appearance or form.

28. Produce : The harvested product of the crop before it is sold.

29. Product : The produce sold to the customers.

30. Record : Document showing objective evidence of the tasks performed and results achieved.

31. Registered product crop : The crop that produces the product that has been registered by the grower with the certification body under

32. Registered product produce : the produce that is the result of the registered product crop.

33. Registration Number : The number given to grower or grower group when he has completed the registration.

34. Rouging : To remove weeds or off-type or diseased plants from a standing field crop.

35. Seeding : The juvenile stage of a plant grown from seed. Usually indicates plants which have up to and including about 4 true leaves.

36. Tillage : The use of implements for mechanical manipulation to prepare seed beds conducive for field crop production

37. Trace-back : The ability to trace the history, use or location of a product (i.e., the origin of materials and parts, processes applied to
the product, or its distribution and placement after delivery) by means of a record.

38. Worker : Any person on the farm that has been contracted to carry out a task. This includes farm owners and managers.


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