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JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016


First of all, we would like to thank the Almighty God for His everlasting
mercy and protection. Secondly, we would like to give our grateful
gratitude for the office of community based education (TCBTP) and
Department o Civil Engineering for given us this golden chance to study
and search out feasible technologies for our community.
At the last, but not the least, thanks to instructor Yibas Mamuye who
encouraged us to finish our project successfully, from the beginning to
the end.

Pa g e | 1 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

In CBTP phase I we tried to identify problems and in phase II, we had
seen the way to give the solution for the problem by using appropriate
technology. Now again in TCBTP phase III we propose that, main
target is giving the exact solution for the identified problem that occurs
in Eladale keble. The focused area of our problem is aimed at crossing
structure, septic tank and zebra cross that was not correctly provided. In
general TCBTP plays a vital role for the community. Appropriate
technology is the one which is both economical and safe. In this program
we have tried our best so that the project will give the expected service
with minimum construction operation cost.

Pa g e | 2 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................ 5
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................... 6
PROBLEM STATEMENT ........................................................................... 6
2.1 What are the problems we try to solve? ............................................. 6
2.2 Problem identified on this sites ........................................................... 7
2.3 Objective of the proposal ..................................................................... 9
2.3.1 General objective ............................................................................ 9
2.3.2 Specific objective ........................................................................... 9
CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................... 10
METHODOLOGY AND MATERIAL USED......................................... 10
3.1 Material used....................................................................................... 10
3.2 Equipment used .................................................................................. 10
3.3 Methodology ....................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................... 12
TIME FRAME AND COST ANALYSIS ................................................. 12
4.1 Quantity of material used .................................................................. 12
4.1.1 Unit cost analysis of materials .................................................... 12
4.1.2 Estimate the total cost of materials ............................................. 13
4.2 Labor cost ............................................................................................ 13

Pa g e | 3 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

4.3 Equipment cost ................................................................................... 14

4.3.1 Cost analysis for material use ..................................................... 14
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................... 16
TARGET USER........................................................................................... 16
5.1 Target users of culvert ...................................................................... 16
5.2 Targeted users of septic tank ............................................................. 17
5.3 Targeted users of zebra crosses........................................................ 17
Conclusion ................................................................................................. 18
RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................... 19
LIMITATION ........................................................................................... 20
Reference ................................................................................................... 21

Pa g e | 4 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016


In Africa, especially in sub-Saharan countries the problem of low infrastructure
coverage suffer peoples for past decades

Like all Africa countries, in Ethiopian, the problems of low infrastructure coverage
challenge our development and growth.

Jimma University try to solve this and other varies community problem by create its
own philosophy, community based trainiang program (CBTP). This program is
practice for last varies decades in all collages and institute this makes Jimma
university unique from all other university in Ethiopia

Our institutes, Jimma University institute of technology, practice this program for
many years and play its own role in improvising the problem of the community. By
using this chance we are trying to solve some infrastructural problem which are
found inside the university compounds, this proposal mainly focused on some
infrastructure which are main problems of Jimma zone in different woredas.

On this phase (phase IV) of TCBTP we will try to give our proposal and implement
on the future on phase IV TCBTP using appropriate technology.

We as a group try our best to play our role in solving the problem of the community
and to give our contribution for the community by using our knowledge of CIVIL

Pa g e | 5 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016


In jimma zone there are varies infrastructure problems which needs solution. We as
civil engineering students, try to solve some problems with in this zone which need
minor construction procedures and some amount of materials in order to solve the

2.1 What are the problems we try to solve?

We try to solve the problem which is found in jimma zone some kebeles, such as
Eladale. The problems are;

 Sewage disposal & bridge

 Zebra cross

Sewage disposal: - is the main problem of Ethiopia & developing society. This
problem is also common in these kebeles.

Since improper sewage disposal have an effect on the environment, it has an effect
on the, it is better to use the proper disposal such as septic tank.

Pa g e | 6 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

Transportation:- is a means of moving of people and goods from one place

to another. As we know transportation is the crucial infrastructure for the activity
of human being but the kebeles that we investigate lack of those facilities such as
bridge across the river of chore in Eladale.This bridge should be constructed to;

 facilitate easy access to their farm land

 Provide safe movement for mothers & children
 Reduce flood accident

2.2 Problem identified on this sites

1. Their road has potential danger(car accident)
2. Air born disease
3. Transportation problem across the river

By identifying the above problems we select our method to take some measures and
to make solutions for the problems.

We have some procedures which we follow strictly starting from the selection of
materials up to the end of the construction.

The procedures are:-

Pa g e | 7 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

1. We construct with possible minimum cost. Since, the way in which we solve
the problem of community must be economically sound; we try to complete
our work with the minimum possible cost.
2. We construct durables structure. As much as possible we use tour maximum
effort to make our work durables and be used by users for long period of time
without any damage.
3. We use environmentally friend materials and means of construction.

One of the Corner stone of appropriate technology is should be environmentally

friendly; since, we need to solve the problem of our community by using an
appropriate technology. We have to use environmental friendly means of
construction and materials.

Pa g e | 8 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

2.3 Objective of the proposal

2.3.1 General objective
 To enhance safe movement of people from place to place by
providing good and economically sound infrastructures.
 To provide the community appropriate sewerage.

2.3.2 Specific objective

 Providing zebra crosses & wooden bridge.
 Providing septic tanks.

Pa g e | 9 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

Throughout this project we use various materials and equipment’s by
considering the economical aspect.

3.1 Material used

 Cement & Sand
 Water
 Stone
 Timber
 Nail
 Plain steel bar and
 Aggregate

3.2 Equipment used

 Meter
 Hammer & Saw
 Digging material

3.3 Methodology
 We select the site to implement our work
Pa g e | 10 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross
Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

 We select the material needed from economical point of view and

structural durability
 Clear the site from various unwanted materials
 We take some measurements
 We take the ratio of materials we use (cement to sand, cement to
aggregate) using our previous knowledge of building construction
 We mix the material with appropriate proportion.

Pa g e | 11 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016



Quantity survey is the art of defining the works available in a given
project, estimating the quantities of those defined the works using
appropriate measurement and finally estimating the probable cost of
executing the work.

4.1 Quantity of material used

Cement – 3Qts

Sand –2 m3

Aggregate-3 m3

Water – we gate free supply of water from our university.

4.1.1 Unit cost analysis of materials

Assume the current market price of material as below

 Cement = 350 birr/Qt

 Sand =500birr/m3
 Aggregate = 450 birr/m3
 Steel bar = 34 birr/Kg

Pa g e | 12 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

4.1.2 Estimate the total cost of materials

 Cement = 3Qt * 350 birr/Qt
 Sand = 2 m3* 500 birr/m3
 Aggregate = 3 m3 * 450 birr/m3
 Kerosene=1L*20birr/L
 Nail=3Kg*34birr/Kg
 Paint=1Ga*196.40birr/Ga

The total cost of material will be:-

Total cost =3718.40 Birr

4.2 Labor cost

We use our own labor therefore we do not take in to account the labor

Pa g e | 13 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

Overhead cost
There are costs that are not directly related to the work, such as electricity, fuel, and
communication and other. We take all these overhead costs as 0% since we do not
need to use any electricity, fuel and other materials which cause overhead cost.

4.3 Equipment cost

This is the cost incurred in hiring the requiring machineries for the work. As stated
above the main aim of TCBTP is to solve the problem of the community with
possible minimum cost, so we do not use any higher construction like shovel, saw,
hammer and the like in which we got from the university without payment. Since
Jimma zone is very reach natural resource i.e. trees. So, the community can
contribute the timber that we need for construction of bridge without any payment.

4.3.1 Cost analysis for material use

Types of Unit Quantity Unit cost Total cost
material (birr)

Pa g e | 14 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

Cement Qt 3 350 1050

Sand M3 2 500 1000
Aggregate M3 3 450 1350
Water M3 - - -
Stone M3 - - -
Nail(8,10,12)cm Kg 3 34 102
Paint Gallon 1 196.40 196.40
Kerosene litter 1 20.00 20
Timber - - - -
Total cost 33718.40
Table 1 cost analysis for material use


Our project will be completed within five days

 1st day – clearing the area

 2nd day – collecting all materials and equipment’s
 3rd , 4th and 5th – erection of the structure (septic tank)
 6th day-Marking of zebra cross.

Pa g e | 15 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

5.1 Target users of culvert:-
As we try to express the site of the work is in Eladale kebele. The bridge is center
for many areas of activities that are done around that place

The main function of this bridge is;

 There are farm land for different farmers most of them need to cross that
river by using this bridge
 Some student also use this bridge from their home to school
 It joins the village to the main road that is used to exchange their product.
 During the summer time since it is difficult to cross domestic animals over
the river so the society use this bridge.

Therefore this culvert is center for many people to pass over.

Pa g e | 16 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

5.2 Targeted users of septic tank

As we mention the site of the construction is in Eiadale.The septic tank
is common for all the society of Eladale. The main function of this septic
 It uses to store waste water

5.3 Targeted users of zebra crosses

As we try to express the site of the work is in kebele.
Function of the zebra crosses:-
 Good interaction between the divers & pedestrian.
 To pass domestic animals across the road.
 To reduce car accident around their areas.

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Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

In general TCBTP plays a vital role for the community. Appropriate technology is
the one which is both economical and safe. In this program we have tried our best
so that the project will give the expected service with minimum construction
operation cost. In Higher education institutes like JIT, development process can be
achieved by practicing CBTP programs. As this project found in the campus, it
serves and gives adequate interaction between the community. Finally this
particular project helped us to know more about civil engineering and to gain
knowledge about field work.

From group discussion of this project we got different ideas:-

 We understand that group discussion is very important for civil engineering

student to increase self confidence in our future carrier

 The proposal work enable us to identify:-

 What basic steps and ideas are gained to be followed in this proposal

 It helps us to understand the problem of community and find the solution

Pa g e | 18 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

 Since the project is very crucial, the institute should play the
main role by letting us to make our work practical and real.
 the university shall provide materials and equipments that
can be easily accessible within the institute
 The university shall provide us adequate budget that concerns
future inflation.
 Finally, as the project is very useful for all community all
concerned body should take their contribution in order to
realize the program.

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Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

There are various limitation make our work difficult like:-

 the time limitation to complete this projects is to short

 It is also very difficult to get all material like reference and various local foreign
literatures .

Pa g e | 20 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering
JiT tcbtp phase iv report 2016

 Previous Sample proposal from Community Based Education office
 Building construction material module
 From internet From site engineer orally

Pa g e | 21 Project on septic tank, culvert & zebra cross

Jimma University Jimma Institute OF Technology Department OF Civil Engineering

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