Last Will and Testament

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I, Allen Nelson Boisjoli, presently of ________________________, Alberta, declare that this is my

Last Will and Testament.

Prior Wills and Codicils
1. I revoke all prior Wills and Codicils.

Marital Status
2. I am not married or in a common law relationship.

Current Children
3. I have the following living children:

- Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli; and

- Seth Milton Boisjoli.

4. The term 'child' or 'children' as used in this my Will includes the above listed children and any
children of mine that are subsequently born or legally adopted.

5. The expression 'my Executor' used throughout this Will includes either the singular or plural
number, or the masculine or feminine gender as appropriate wherever the fact or context so
requires. The term 'executor' in this Will is synonymous with and includes the terms 'personal
representative', 'executrix' and 'trustee'.

6. I appoint Secretary of the Treasury of Washington, D.C., and Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli of
__________________________, Alberta to be my Executors of this my Will. If either Secretary
of the Treasury or Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli should predecease me, or either should refuse or be
unable to act or continue to act as my Executor, then I appoint the survivor of Secretary of the
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Treasury and Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli to be the sole Executor of this my Will. If Secretary of the
Treasury and Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli should both predecease me, or if both should refuse or be
unable to act or continue to act as my Executor, then I appoint Seth Milton Boisjoli of
__________________________, Alberta, and Allen Nelson Boisjoli of
__________________________, Alberta to be my Executors of this my Will in the place of
Secretary of the Treasury and Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli. If either Seth Milton Boisjoli or Allen
Nelson Boisjoli should predecease me, or if either of them should refuse or be unable to act or
continue to act as my Executor, then I appoint the survivor of Seth Milton Boisjoli and Allen
Nelson Boisjoli to be the sole Executor of this my Will.

7. No bond or other security of any kind will be required of any Executors appointed in this my

Powers of My Executor
8. I give and appoint to my Executor the following duties and powers with respect to my estate:

a. To pay my legally enforceable debts, funeral expenses and all expenses in connection
with the administration of my estate and the trusts created by my Will as soon as
convenient after my death. If any of the real property devised in my Will remains subject
to a mortgage at the time of my death, then I direct that the devisee taking that mortgaged
property will take the property subject to that mortgage and that the devisee will not be
entitled to have the mortgage paid out or resolved from the remaining assets of the residue
of my estate;

b. To take all legal actions to have the probate of my Will completed as quickly and simply
as possible, and as free as possible from any court supervision, under the laws of the
Province of Alberta;

c. To retain, exchange, insure, repair, improve, sell or dispose of any and all personal
property belonging to my estate as my Executor deems advisable without liability for loss
or depreciation;

d. To invest, manage, lease, rent, exchange, mortgage, sell, dispose of or give options
without being limited as to term and to insure, repair, improve, or add to or otherwise deal
with any and all real property belonging to my estate as my Executor deems advisable
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without liability for loss or depreciation;

e. To purchase, maintain, convert and liquidate investments or securities, and to vote stock,
or exercise any option concerning any investments or securities without liability for loss;

f. To open or close bank accounts;

g. To maintain, continue, dissolve, change or sell any business which is part of my estate, or
to purchase any business if deemed necessary or beneficial to my estate by my Executor;

h. To maintain, settle, abandon, sue or defend, or otherwise deal with any lawsuits against
my estate;

i. To employ any lawyer, accountant or other professional; and

j. Except as otherwise provided in this my Will, to act as my Trustee by holding in trust the
share of any minor beneficiary, and to keep such share invested, pay the income or capital
or as much of either or both as my Executor considers advisable for the maintenance,
education, advancement or benefit of such minor beneficiary and to pay or transfer the
capital of such share or the amount remaining of that share to such beneficiary when he or
she reaches the age of 18 years or, prior to such beneficiary reaching the age of 18 years,
to pay or transfer such share to any parent or guardian of such beneficiary subject to like
conditions and the receipt of any such parent or guardian discharges my Executor.

9. The above authority and powers granted to my Executor are in addition to any powers and
elective rights conferred by provincial/territorial or federal law or by other provision of this Will
and may be exercised as often as required, and without application to or approval by any court.

Distribution of Residue
10. To receive any gift or property under this Will a beneficiary must survive me for thirty (30)
days. Beneficiaries of my estate residue will receive and share all of my property and assets not
specifically bequeathed or otherwise required for the payment of any debts owed, including but
not limited to, expenses associated with the probate of my Will, the payment of taxes, funeral
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expenses or any other expense resulting from the administration of my Will. The entire estate
residue is to be divided between my designated beneficiaries with the beneficiaries receiving a
share of the entire estate residue. All property given under this Will is subject to any
encumbrances or liens attached to the property.

11. I direct my Executor to divide the residue of my estate into one hundred (100) equal shares
which will be distributed as follows ("Share Allocations"):

a. Tiel Jasmine Boisjoli of __________________________, Alberta, will receive 50 shares

of the residue of my estate; and

b. Seth Milton Boisjoli of __________________________, Alberta, will receive 50 shares

of the residue of my estate.

12. Provided however, if any beneficiary and alternate beneficiary, if one was appointed, shall die
before becoming entitled in accordance with the terms of my Will, to receive the whole of his or
her share of the residue of my estate, such share or the amount remaining of that share will be
divided amongst the remaining beneficiaries in shares proportionate to the above Share

Wipeout Provision
13. Should I leave no children, child, grandchildren or grandchild surviving me, or should they all
die before becoming entitled to receive the whole of their share of my estate, then I direct my
Executor to divide any remaining residue of my estate into one hundred (100) equal shares and
to pay and transfer such shares as follows:

a. 100 shares to be divided equally between my parents and siblings, or the survivors
thereof, for their own use absolutely, if all or any of them is then alive. If any of these
beneficiaries shall die before becoming entitled, in accordance with the terms of this my
Will, to receive the whole of his or her share of my estate, but such beneficiary has a child
or children which survive me, that beneficiary shall be deemed to have survived me for
the purposes of this distribution.
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Guardian for Minor and Dependent Children
14. Should my minor or dependent children require a guardian to care for them, I appoint the
following individual to be their guardian (the 'Guardian'):

a. I appoint Tiel jasmine Boisjoli of __________________________, Alberta to be the sole

Guardian of all my minor and dependent children until they are at least 18 years of age.

Testamentary Trust For Minor Beneficiaries
15. It is my intent to create a testamentary trust (the "Testamentary Trust") for each minor
beneficiary named in this my Will. I name my Executor(s) as trustee (the "Trustee") of any and
all Testamentary Trusts required in this my Will. Any assets bequeathed, transferred, or gifted to
a minor beneficiary named in this my Will are to be held in a separate trust by the Trustee until
that minor beneficiary reaches the designated age. Any property left by me to any minor
beneficiary in this my Will shall be given to my Executor(s) to be managed until that minor
beneficiary reaches the age of 18.

Trust Administration
16. The Trustee shall manage the Testamentary Trust as follows:

a. The assets and property will be managed for the benefit of the minor until the minor
reaches the age set by me for final distribution;

b. Upon the minor reaching the age set by me for final distribution, all property and assets
remaining in the trust will be transferred to the minor beneficiary as quickly as possible;

c. Until the minor beneficiary reaches the age set by me for final distribution, my Trustee
will keep the assets of the trust invested and pay the whole or such part of the net income
derived therefrom and any amount or amounts out of the capital that my Trustee may
deem advisable to or for the support, health, maintenance, education, or benefit of that
minor beneficiary.
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17. The Trustee may, in the Trustee's discretion, invest and reinvest trust funds in any kind of real or
personal property and any kind of investment, provided that the Trustee acts with the care, skill,
prudence and diligence, considering all financial and economic considerations, that a prudent
person acting in a similar capacity and familiar with such matters would use.

18. No bond or other security of any kind will be required of any Trustee appointed in this my Will.

Trust Termination
19. The Testamentary Trust will end after any of the following:

a. The minor beneficiary reaching the age set by me for final distribution;

b. The minor beneficiary dies; or

c. The assets of the trust are exhausted through distributions.

General Trust Provisions

20. The expression 'my Trustee' used throughout this Will includes either the singular or plural
number, or the masculine or feminine gender as appropriate wherever the fact or context so

(1) Powers of Trustee

To carry out the terms of my Will, I give my Trustee the following powers to be used in his or
her discretion at any time in the management of a trust created hereunder, namely:

a. The power to make such expenditures as are necessary to carry out the purpose of the

b. Subject to my express direction to the contrary, the power to sell, call in and convert into
money any trust property, including real property, that my Trustee in his or her discretion
deems advisable;

c. Subject to my express direction to the contrary, the power to mortgage trust property
where my Trustee considers it advisable to do so;
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d. Subject to my express direction to the contrary, the power to borrow money where my
Trustee considers it advisable to do so;

e. Subject to my express direction to the contrary, the power to lend money to the trust
beneficiary if my Trustee considers it is in the best interest of the beneficiary to do so;

f. To make expenditures for the purpose of repairing, improving and rebuilding any

g. To exercise all rights and options of an owner of any securities held in trust;

h. To lease trust property, including real estate, without being limited as to term;

i. To make investments he or she considers advisable, without being limited to those

investments authorized by law for trustees;

j. To receive additional property from any source and in any form of ownership;

k. Instead of acting personally, to employ and pay any other person or persons, including a
body corporate, to transact any business or to do any act of any nature in relation to a trust
created under my Will including the receipt and payment of money, without being liable
for any loss incurred. And I authorize my Trustee to appoint from time to time upon such
terms as he or she may think fit any person or persons, including a body corporate, for the
purpose of exercising any powers herein expressly or impliedly given to my Trustee with
respect to any property belonging to the trust;

l. Without the consent of any persons interested in trusts established hereunder, to

compromise, settle or waive any claim or claims at any time due to or by the trust in such
manner and to such extent as my Trustee considers to be in the best interest of the trust
beneficiary, and to make an agreement with any other person, persons or corporation in
respect thereof, which shall be binding upon such beneficiary;

m. To make or not make any election, determination, designation or allocation required or

permitted to be made by my Trustee (either alone or jointly with others) under any of the
provisions of any municipal, provincial/territorial, federal, or other taxing statute, in such
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manner as my Trustee, in his or her absolute discretion, deems advisable, and each such
election, determination, designation or allocation when so made shall be final and binding
upon all persons concerned;

n. To pay himself or herself a reasonable compensation out of the trust assets; and

o. To employ and rely on the advice given by any attorney, accountant, investment advisor,
or other agent to assist the Trustee in the administration of this trust and to compensate
them from the trust assets.

The above authority and powers granted to my Trustee are in addition to any powers and elective
rights conferred by statute or federal law or by other provision of this Will and may be exercised
as often as required, and without application to or approval by any court.

(2) Other Provisions

a. Subject to the terms of this my Will, I direct that my Trustee will not be liable for any loss to
my estate or to any beneficiary resulting from the exercise by him or her in good faith of any
discretion given him or her in this my Will;

b. Any trust created in this Will shall be administered as independently of court supervision as
possible under the laws of the Province or Territory having jurisdiction over the trust; and

c. If any trust condition is held invalid, it will not affect other provisions that can be given
effect without the invalid provision.

Individuals Omitted From Bequests
21. If I have omitted to leave property in this Will to one or more of my heirs as named above or
have provided them with zero shares of a bequest, the failure to do so is intentional.

Insufficient Estate
22. If the value of my estate is insufficient to fulfill all of the bequests described in this Will then I
give my Executor full authority to decrease each bequest by a proportionate amount.
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Pet Caretaker
23. In all cases, where any pet of mine is suffering, in poor health, or beyond reasonable treatment,
or where my Executor is unable to place that pet with a suitable caretaker for any reason, then I
direct my Executor to have my pet humanely euthanized as soon as practicable. All costs relating
to the care, treatment and euthanasia of my pets during the period immediately following my
death and prior to any adoption by a permanent guardian will be paid out of the residue of my

24. Where my pet, Zella, (Charcole Grey Female housecat) is alive and healthy at the time of my
death, I direct my Executor to place Zella in a permanent, safe and loving environment as soon
as practicable after my death. I give my Executor the fullest possible discretion in the placement
of this pet in a permanent home. I direct my Executor to provide a maximum of $1,000.00
(CAD) out of the residue of my estate as a one time only sum to be used for the future care,
feeding and maintenance of this pet.

Additional Provisions
25. All claimed creditors in the fiat system will be paid by promissory note using my format and my
seal by and through the US secretary of the treasury. see Commercial Security Agreement
"ANB-09041971- SA Official 2", Pre_offset Notice "ABH-122009-PON101" and Chargeback
order "ABH-122009-CBO101" on file with the US Treasury and IRS and/or published on, and/or

No Contest Provision
26. If any beneficiary under this Will contests in any court any of the provisions of this Will, then
each and all such persons shall not be entitled to any devises, legacies, bequests, or benefits
under this Will or any codicil hereto, and such interest or share in my estate shall be disposed of
as if that contesting beneficiary had not survived me.

27. If any provisions of this Will are deemed unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in
full force and effect.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed my name on this the ________ day of ________________,
________, at __________________________, Alberta, declaring and publishing this instrument as my
Last Will, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who witnessed and subscribed this Last Will at
my request, and in my presence.

Allen Nelson Boisjoli (Testator) Signature

SIGNED AND DECLARED by Allen Nelson Boisjoli on the ________ day of ________________,
________ to be the Testator's Last Will, in our presence, at __________________________, Alberta,
who at the Testator's request and in the presence of the Testator and of each other, all being present at
the same time, have signed our names as witnesses.

________________________ ________________________
Witness #1 Signature Witness #2 Signature
________________________ ________________________
Witness #1 Name (Please Print) Witness #2 Name (Please Print)
________________________ ________________________
Witness #1 Street Address Witness #2 Street Address
________________________ ________________________
Witness #1 City/Province Witness #2 City/Province





I, ________________, of ____________, Alberta, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT:

1. I was personally present and did see Allen Nelson Boisjoli, who is known to me to be the person
named in the attached Last Will and Testament ("the Instrument"), duly sign the Instrument.

2. The Instrument was signed at __________________________, Alberta.

3. That I am the subscribing witness to the Instrument.

4. Allen Nelson Boisjoli was personally present and did see me duly sign the Instrument.

5. That I believe the person named in the instrument, whose signature I witnessed, Allen Nelson
Boisjoli, is at least the age of majority in Alberta.

SWORN BEFORE ME at _____________,

Alberta this ________ day of ________________________
________________, ________. Signature

A Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public in and
for the Province of Alberta
My Commission expires: ____________


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