Drugs Ed

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Seven Categories of Drugs

1. Herbal Drugs
2. Over-the-Counter Drugs
3. Prescription Drugs
4. Unrecognized Drugs
5. Illicit Drugs
6. Tobacco
7. Alcohol

Four Pharmacological Classifications of Drugs

1. Hallucinogens
2. Stimulants
3. Depressants
4. Narcotics

Routes of Drug Administration

1. Oral Ingestion
2. Inhalation
3. Injection

Motivating Factors of Drug Use

1. to attain some degree of euphoria;

2. for increased enjoyment of other activities,
3. as a social lubricant.

Levels of Drug Taking

1. Drug Use
2. Drug Misuse
3. Drug Abuse

General Patterns of Drug Taking

1. Circumstancial-Situational Use
2. Experimental Use
3. Social-Recreational Use
4. Intensified Use
5. Compulsive Use

Social Factors That Help Determine the Levels and Patterns of Drug Taking
1. Information
2. Example
3. Ideology
4. Opportunity
Reasons Why People Turns to Drugs

1. Poverty
2. Ignorance
3. Loss of Family Values & Solidarity
4. Various Factors

Contributory Factors to Drug Abuse

1. Family Aspect
2. School Aspect
3. Community Aspect
4. Influence Made by the Media
5. Biological Factors
6. Psychological Factors
7. Parental Neglect
8. Sociological Factors

Illegal drugs or narcotics in the Philippines

1. Cannabis or commonly known as “Marijuana” or “Indian Hemp”

2. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or commonly known as “Ecstasy”,
3.  Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or commonly known as “Shabu”,
4. Opium
5. Opium Poppy



INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer in each of the following questions.

1. It is any chemical substance that by virtue of its chemical nature alters the structure and
functioning of living organism.

A. drug B. alcohol
C. substance D. chemicals

2. This are plant substance that have drug effects and whose use is not generally regulated by

A. over-the-counter drug
B. prescription drug
C. unrecognized drug
D. herbal drug

3. Are commercially produced drugs that may be purchased legally without prescription?

A. over-the-counter drug
B. prescription drug
C. unrecognized drug
D. herbal drug

4. Are commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or dispensed only by physician’s

A. over-the-counter drug
B. prescription drug
C. unrecognized drug
D. herbal drug

5. Are commercial products that have a psychoactive drug effect but are not usually considered

A. over-the-counter drug
B. prescription drug
C. unrecognized drug
D. herbal drug

6. These are drugs whose sale, purchase or use is generally prohibited by the law.

A. prescription drug
B. illicit drug
C. alcohol
D. tobacco
7. It is not generally considered a drug, and thus be classed as an unrecognized drugs.

A. alcohol
B. drug
C. tobacco
D. chemicals

8. It also seems to meet its own category, although it too could be included in the unrecognized

A. tobacco
B. herbal
C. alcohol
D. drug

9. Are drugs capable of provoking sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion?

A. stimulants
B. hallucinogens
C. narcotics
D. depressants

10. Are drugs which increase or depress body functioning and nerves activity?

A. hallucinogens
B. stimulants
C. depressants
D. narcotics

11. Are drugs which increase alertness, reduce hunger and provide a feeling of well being?

A. stimulants
B. depressants
C. narcotics
D. hallucinogens

12. Are drugs that produces insensitivity stupor, melancholy or dullness of mind with delusions?

A. narcotics
B. hallucinogens
C. stimulants
D. depressants

13. The drug is taken by the mouth and must pass through the stomach before being absorbed
into the bloodstream, the one of the most common ways of taking a drug.

A. inhalation
B. injection
C. oral ingestion
D. snorting
14. Drug in gaseous form enter the lungs and are quickly adsorbed by the rich capillary system,
it is probably the second most common used route of drug administration.

A. snorting
B. inhalation
C. oral ingestion
D. suppositories

15. The drug can be administered into the body by the use of syringe and hypodermic needle in
the following ways, EXCEPT:

A. subcutaneous
B. intramuscular
C. intravenous
D. injection

16. Inhalation through the nose of drug not in gaseous form, it is sometimes inhaling a powder
or liquid drug into the nose coats of the mucous membrane.

A. snorting
B. buccal
C. inhalation
D. ingestion

17. The drug is administered by placing them just under the lips and the active ingredients of
the drug will be absorbed in to the bloodstream through the soft tissue of the mouth.

A. ingestion
B. buccal
C. inhalation
D. injection

18. The drug is administered through the vagina or rectum and the drug will also be absorbed
into the bloodstream.

A. injection
B. ingestion
C. inhalation
D. suppositories

19. Drug taking on a short term basis as a way of coping some immediate distress or pressure.

A. circumstantial use
B. drug abuse
C. drug misuse
D. none of these

20. It implies short term use at one or a variety of drugs, either singly or in combination,
curiosity, desire to experience something new or peer group pressure are the major motivations for
this level of drug use.

A. intensified
B. short term use
C. experimental
D. compulsive
21. Very similar to experimental, use of drugs occurs within social settings and is motivated by
desire to share pleasurable experience from among friends.

A. social use
B. recreational
C. all of these
D. none of these

22. Implies the regular and long term consumption of a drug or series of drugs by individuals to
relief from persistent problem or maintain a level of performance.

A. intensified use
B. compulsive use
C. all of these
D. none of these

23. It is characterized by diminished social integration and functioning, it has escalated to the
point where a reduction in the intensity or frequency will be accompanied by increasing discomfort
on the par of the individual.

A. compulsive use
B. intensified use
C. social-recreation use
D. experimental use

24. It is a condition resulting from the repeated consumption of a drug.

A. drug addiction
B. drug habituation
C. drug dependence
D. drug abuse

25. Originally, the term used popularly to describe drug dependence is what?

A. drug addiction
B. drug dependence
C. drug habituation
D. drug addiction

26. It is state of psychic or physical dependence or both on a drug arising in a person following
administration of drug on a periodic or continuous basis.

A. drug dependence
B. physical dependence
C. psychological dependence
D. drug addiction
27. It is a result when a drug has been used for a long period of time; it is only identified when a
characteristics withdrawal or abstinence syndrome occurs after its used is discontinued.

A. drug dependence
B. physical dependence
C. psychological dependence
D. drug addiction

28. It is state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a

drug, natural or synthetic.

A. drug habituation
B. drug dependence
C. drug addiction
D. drug abuse

29. This is the most prevalent factor that prompts pushers and abusers alike to indulge in
dangerous drugs.

A. various factors
B. poverty
C. ignorance
D. loss of family values

30. It includes interpersonal and environmental factors surrounding the drug experience.

A. place
B. environment
C. community
D. setting

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