Guide E-Invoice Submission Via PEPPOL Network PDF

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E-invoice Submission

to Singapore Government Agencies

via the PEPPOL Network
Learn how to submit e-invoices to Singapore government agencies
via the PEPPOL Network

 Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) launched the Nationwide E-invoicing Network in
Singapore in January 2019 to digitalise the economy and attain the benefits that e-invoicing brings to
enterprises, including efficiency improvement, cost reduction and faster payment cycles.

 The network is an extension of the International PEPPOL (Pan European Public Procurement On-Line) E-
Delivery Network. Enterprises connected to the network can transact internationally with other connected
enterprises, enabling business process interoperability where business documents can be exchanged
automatically without manual intervention.

 To find out more about the network or how to connect to the network, you may visit IMDA’s website at
o Note: This network is only applicable for enterprises registered with a Unique Entity Number (UEN).

 From 20 January 2020, the Singapore government will be on-board to receive e-invoices from vendors
via the network.

 This guide sets out the requirements for e-invoice submission to Singapore government agencies via the

 For queries regarding e-invoice submission to Singapore government agencies via the network, please
submit a ticket at AGD Helpdesk.


To submit e-invoices to Singapore government agencies via the network, vendors would have to comply with
the following requirements:

1) Have a CorpPass account at CorpPass portal (

• To find out how to register for a CorpPass account and set up the Vendors@Gov e-service at the
CorpPass portal, please refer to this guide.

2) Have an “Approved” vendor record at Vendors@Gov (

1. Before submitting e-invoices to Singapore government agencies via the network, vendors would
first need to create a vendor record at Vendors@Gov. Vendors can log into Vendors@Gov using
2. The vendor record has to be of “Approved” status before e-invoice submission.
3. Payment will be made based on the bank details provided in the vendor record
4. To find out how to login at Vendors@Gov, please refer to this guide.
5. To find out how to create a vendor record, please refer to this guide.

3) Ensure that PEPPOL e-invoices are submitted based on the e-invoice requirements of Singapore
government agencies, as stated in Pages 4 to 12.

1. Note: If you have submitted an e-invoice via the network, there is no need to submit the e-invoice
again via Vendors@Gov.

If there is non-compliance with the above requirements, the e-invoice will be rejected and you will be notified
via email based on the email address in your vendor record or provided in your PEPPOL invoice, if you have not
created a vendor record.
E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

PEPPOL Network Endpoint ID

When submitting e-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies via the network, please send the e-invoices to
the Endpoint ID of the Accountant-General’s Department.

The Endpoint ID of the Accountant-General’s Department is:

The Accountant-General’s Department is the central recipient for all e-invoices submitted to Singapore
Government Agencies. The Accountant-General’s Department will subsequently send the e-invoices to the
respective Singapore Government Agencies for processing.

The mapping of the PEPPOL Network Endpoint ID to the appropriate PEPPOL e-invoice field will be handled by
the Access Point provider that you or your solution provider engage. All Access Point providers have been
advised on this requirement.

E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies
This section details the corresponding PEPPOL e-invoice field for each Singapore government invoice field, as well as their
requirements. For an overview of a standard Singapore government tax invoice, please refer here.

PEPPOL is a common standard for general use. To meet specific needs of the Singapore government, additional requirements
are necessary to smoothen e-invoice and payment processing, as stated out in Pages 5 to 12.

Mapping of the fields captured in your system against the PEPPOL e-invoice fields will be handled by the Access Point
provider that you or your solution providers engage. All Access Point providers have been advised on the requirements.

Acceptable characters: American Standard Code for Information Interchange (“ASCII”) table, Codes 32 – 127, unless
otherwise stated.
 If otherwise stated, it would be the following limited set of acceptable characters: Codes 33, 36, 40 – 42, 44 – 59, 61,
and 64 – 126.

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Business cbc:BuyerReference The Business Unit must be based on this list. To
Unit know which Business Unit to indicate, please Y N
enquire with your client agency.
Attention To cac:AccountingCustome Maximum 20 characters. Limited set of
rParty\cac:Party\cac:Co acceptable characters. Y N
Invoice cbc:ID Maximum 30 characters. Cannot contain space.
Number Limited set of acceptable characters. 5
E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Invoice Date cbc:IssueDate Cannot be backdated by more than 7 calendar
days or forward-dated.
Vendor ID cac:AccountingSupplier Based on the vendor record created at
Party\cac:Party\cac:Par Vendors@Gov. Vendor status must be
tyLegalEntity\cbc:Comp “Approved”. If you have multiple Vendor IDs, Y N
anyID they must be tagged to your CorpPass Entity
Email cac:AccountingSupplier If you do not have a registered vendor record,
Address Party\cac:Party\cac:Co your e-invoice will be rejected and a
ntact\cbc:ElectronicMai notification will be sent to this email.
Invoicing cac:OrderReference\cb To find out whether you need to bill against an
Instruction c:ID Invoicing Instruction/Purchase Order, please
ID/Purchase enquire with your client agency.
Order ID
Payment cac:PaymentTerms\cbc: Based on the agreed payment terms with your
Terms Note client agency. Refer to this list of acceptable Y N
payment terms.
1Please submit a ticket at AGD Helpdesk for tagging to be done.
E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Currency cbc:DocumentCurrency Refer to this list of acceptable currencies.
Invoice cbc:Note Maximum 254 characters.
Related cac:BillingReference *Mandatory for credit notes – To indicate e-
Invoice ID \cac:InvoiceDocument invoice which credit note is meant to offset.
Reference\cbc:ID N* N
Maximum 30 characters. Cannot contain space.
Limited set of acceptable characters.
Remit To cac:PayeeParty Applicable only to vendors with multiple vendor
Vendor ID \cac:PartyIdentification IDs who wish to receive payment in the bank
\cbc:ID account registered with another Vendor ID. To
*Mutually indicate the Vendor ID for the receiving bank
exclusive account.
Factoring Your Remit To Vendor ID must also be tagged to
Company your Invoicing Vendor ID1.

1Please submit a ticket at AGD Helpdesk for tagging to be done. 7

E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Factoring cac:PayeeParty To indicate the Vendor ID of your Factoring
Company \cac:PartyIdentification\c Company. To find out the Vendor ID of your
bc:ID Factoring Company, please enquire with your
*Mutually Factoring Company. If you wish to add a
exclusive Factoring Company to the list, please submit a
with Remit ticket at AGD Helpdesk, before you submit
To Vendor ID the factored invoice.
Before submitting an e-invoice with a
factoring arrangement, please inform your
client agency.

If your e-invoice is factored, do indicate the

invoice code as “393” in
Sub Total cac:LegalMonetaryTotal\c Gross amount should be equal to the sum of
(Excluding bc:TaxExclusiveAmount the invoice line amounts. Prepaid amount and Y Y
GST) payable rounding amount are not acceptable.

E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Total GST cac:TaxTotal\cbc:TaxAmo If the e-invoice contains GST Amount, the
Amount unt GST registration of your vendor record Y Y
created at Vendors@Gov should be “Yes”.
Total Freight cac:AllowanceCharge\cbc The only allowable charge is Freight. If you
Amount :Amount need to bill for other charges/allowances,
please indicate them as individual e-invoice
line items instead of under the
charge/allowance segment of the PEPPOL e-

Freight can only be billed as a charge at the

invoice header level, and not the invoice line

E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Invoice Line For e-invoices not billed For e-invoices billed against Invoicing Y-
Number against Invoicing Instruction (II) / Purchase Order (PO), the cac:InvoiceL
Instruction/ Purchase Line Number of the II/PO should be ine\cbc:ID
Order: captured in the e-invoice and sent using OR
cac:InvoiceLine\cbc:ID the OrderLineReference field. cac:CreditN
OR oteLine\cbc
cac:CreditNoteLine\cbc:ID :ID
(for credit notes)
If e-invoices billed against cac:InvoiceL
Invoicing Instruction/ ine\cac:Ord
Purchase Order: erLineRefer
cac:OrderLineReference\ ence\
cbc:LineID cbc:LineID
Invoice Line cac:InvoiceLine\cac:Item\c For e-invoices billed against Invoicing
Description bc:Name Instruction (II) / Purchase Order (PO), the
Invoice Line Description should match the
line description of the II/PO.

Maximum 254 characters. 10

E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Unit Price for cac:InvoiceLine\cac:Price\cbc For e-invoices billed against Invoicing
Invoice Line :PriceAmount Instruction / Purchase Order and are
billing for services, the Unit Price and
Quantity for cac:InvoiceLine\cbc:Invoiced
Quantity should swop.
Invoice Line Quantity
This means Unit Price would be 1 and
Quantity would be the value of the Unit
Invoice Line cac:InvoiceLine\ Sum of Invoice Line Amounts must be
Amount cbc:LineExtensionAmount equal to Invoice Total Amount.
(Excludes Y Y
GST) All Invoice Line Amounts must be of the
same currency.

E-invoices to Singapore Government Agencies

Singapore Mandatory Mandatory

Govt PEPPOL E-Invoice Field Requirements for Govt? in PEPPOL?
Invoice Field (Y/N) (Y/N)
Invoice Line cac:InvoiceLine\cac:Item\c For customer accounting, all invoice lines
GST ac:ClassifiedTaxCategory\c must have the same treatment. Invoices for
Treatment bc:ID items subject to customer accounting
should be separately submitted from
invoices for standard-rated and zero-rated
items. Y Y

For details on customer accounting, you

may refer to the IRAS e-Tax Guide on “GST:
Customer Accounting for Prescribed
Attachment cac:AdditionalDocumentRe -
File Name ference\cac:Attachment\@ N N
Attachment cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBi Only 1 attachment is allowed per e-invoice.
Document naryObject Acceptable formats: JPEG, PDF, and PNG N N
Maximum file size: 1 MB

Managing E-invoices After Submission

E-invoices that are successfully received by the government’s systems can be viewed, edited or deleted at

View E-invoice

 E-invoices can be viewed at Vendors@Gov for 180 days from the date of the e-invoice.
 You may also monitor the e-invoice status at Vendors@Gov.

Edit/Delete E-invoice

 E-invoices can be edited/deleted at Vendors@Gov on the same day of submission before 7pm.
 Once the e-invoice status changes to “Processing”, “Certified”, “Approved”, “Paid” or “Rejected”, it cannot
be edited/deleted.

To find out how to view, edit or delete e-invoices at Vendors@Gov, please refer to this guide.

Receiving Payment for E-invoices

 Payment for e-invoices submitted to Singapore government agencies via the network will be made based
on the bank details that you have registered with your vendor record at Vendor@Gov.

 You may view details of the paid e-invoice and payment at Vendors@Gov. To find out how to do so, please
refer to this guide.

Rejected E-invoices

 If your e-invoice has been rejected, you will receive an email notification to the email address registered in
your vendor record. No payment will be made for rejected e-invoices.

 You may resubmit an amended invoice through the PEPPOL network. Please do not use the same Invoice
Number and Invoice Date for the resubmission as the invoice will be treated as a duplicate and be

 Alternatively, you may edit and resubmit the rejected e-invoice at Vendors@Gov. To find out how to do so,
please refer to this guide.

A Standard Singapore Government Invoice

Business Unit,
Used for routing of e- Name of the liaison officer at
invoices to your client your client agency

ID of your vendor Invoice credit term

record at Vendors@Gov

For credit notes,

Standard invoice
Reference number of the e-
invoice that the credit note is
offsetting against
Reference number of
the Invoicing
Instruction/Purchase Only for vendors with more
Order issued to you by than 1 registered bank
your client agency, if account/vendor record with
at Vendors@Gov,
To direct payments to other
bank accounts

*Not applicable if e-invoice is

assigned to a factoring

A Standard Singapore Government Invoice

For e-invoices assigned

to factoring companies,
Identity of the factoring

*The factoring company

must be registered at
*Not applicable for
invoices with “Remit

Description of the
goods or services

A Standard Singapore Government Invoice

Quantity invoiced (up

to 4 decimal points
Invoice line item
Unit price (up to 5
*For an invoice with decimal points
Invoicing accepted)
Order ID, *For an invoice with
This number should be Invoicing
the same as the serial Instruction/Purchase
number of the item in Order ID,
the Invoicing Unit price should be
Instruction/Purchase identical up to the 5th
Order decimal point

GST exclusive amount

Total GST payable

Freight charges Total invoice amount/

Total payable amount

Acceptable Payment Terms

Payment Terms Description

00 Due Immediately
7D 7 Days
8D 8 Days
10D 10 Days
14D 14 Days
15D 15 Days
16D 16 Days
21D 21 Days
28D 28 Days
30D 30 Days
40D 40 Days
45D 45 Days
50D 50 Days
60D 60 Days
90D 90 Days

Acceptable Currencies

Currency Description Currency Description

AED United Arab Emirates Dirham PHP Philippine Peso
AUD Australian Dollar PKR Pakistan Rupee
BND Brunei Dollar SAR Saudi Riyal
CAD Canadian Dollar SEK Swedish Krona
CHF Swiss Franc SGD Singapore Dollar
CNH Chinese Renminbi THB Thai Baht
DKK Danish Krone TWD Taiwan Dollar
EUR Euro USD US Dollar
GBP Sterling Pound ZAR South African Rand
HKD Hong Kong Dollar
IDR Indonesian Rupiah
ILS Israel Shekel
INR Indian Rupee
JPY Japanese Yen
KRW Korean Won
LKR Sri Lanka Rupee
MYR Malaysian Ringgit
NOK Norwegian Krone
NZD New Zealand Dollar

- END -

Updated on 2 January 2020


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