1.1 Wood Is One of The Earliest Materials Used By: Words

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1.1 Wood is one of the earliest materials used by
mankind for building purposes and has continued
to attract attention in one form or other inspite of
many competitive building materials and their use
under highly developed technological
considerations. Wood is a biological material
from renewable resources, and extensively used in
structural designs and other engineering fields.
However, timber engineering developments are
only of recent origin in India. It is only in the past
thirty years, new design and test methods have
been developed, a few types of properly designed
wood construction have come up, and wood has
been recognized as an important building material
(see National Building Code of India 1983).
1.2 The present use of wood and other cellulosic
materials, from forests, such as bamboo. thatch,
reeds for residential and commercial types of
buildings varies from about IO percent of the total
cost in cities and urban areas, to even 160 percent
in hills and remote villages where modern
architecture linked with economic improvements,
has not yet made much impact. In some of the
developed countries of the west, use of timber has
brought out several new types of architectural
designs also, and wooden structures are reported
to have stood the test of time for several years.
Even in this countrv examnles exist in villages.
consolidate and update the information available
in this field and which is not full!, cover-cd in NBC
and several Indian standards. It also provides a
handy document to engineers, architects and
builders, and other technologists dealing in wood
constructions. The material contained is generally
restricted to experiences in India and on Indian
species only. but attention has also been drawn
wherever necessary to some cases of design trends
in other countries which may prove useful for
future development in this country also. For
obvious reasons of insufficient data and
experience in this c<luntry, this Handbook cannot
he considered as exhaustive document to cover all
types of wood structures that have been and can
be further developed with wood and wood
products in this country. It is hoped that with the
rapid developments coming up the future
revisions of this Handbook will appropriately
take care of the variety of needs in this country
keeping in view the limitation of the many species
of wood available in this part of the world.
1.5 No separate section for terminology has
been introduced in this Handbook as IS : 707-
1970 contains exhaustive list and many technical
words used here are covered in the same. Some of
the special terms are either covered in the rclevent
standards quoted in different places or explained
in the text itself where they occurred.
old temples, some did pala’ces, etc. where w:od 1.6 A list of Indian Standards useful for timber
has stood the test of time under continued use for engineering is given in Appendix A.
even more than 200 years.
1.3 Several international and national seminars 2. TIMBER FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES
held between 1955 and 1975 recognized that one
of the prime factors in not using wood extensively 2.1 General
as an -engineering materials is- due to the scant
attention received in the present-day training
programmes of architects and engineers. These
seminars, coupled with several R & D activities in
India, have now scientifically and technically
brought out that wood can be used economically
in several ways, such as beams, rafters, purlins,
trusses, columns, doors, windows, frames and
shutters. It has also been used for flooring,
panelling, ceilings, roofings and partitions. It has
been considered as an excellent and attractive
material for interior decoration and furniture.
Laminated and improved woods have enhanced
utilization of low grade quality even for high class
architecture, both for stress-bearing as well as
non-stress-bearing components. Improved
processing techniques have increased durability
characteristics and effected greater economy. On
the basis of these experiences more than 30 Indian
standards have been brought out which are useful
in the field of timber engineering. Some of the
essential aspects of designs, etc, have already been
incorporated in the National Building Code.
1.4 In view of the above it has been considered
necessary to bring out the present Handbook to
2.1.1 When any material is used for
engineering purposes, it will be helpful for
rational utilization of the same, if the basic
concepts and properties of the material are well
understood. Wood is a material of biological
origin and is considered by a biologist as a
congregation of a number of biological cells
which have some definete assigned functions
during the growth of a tree. The construction of
these cells, their wall thicknesses, binding to each
other, distribution and alignment in a piece of
wood, all go to determine the behaviour of the
material in use. They also serve as a guidance for
idehtification of timber as to which species it
belongs. The chemist, considers wood as a bundle
of chains of cellulose molecules coupled with
hemicellulose, lignin and a few other extractive
chemicals, all of which render the necessary
properties to the same as a raw material for many
chemical industries. In the concepts developed by
a physicist, wood is an orthotropic material with
different and widely varying mechanical and
physical properties in the three principal
directions of a piece of wood, that is, one along
the direction of fibres, and the other two
SP : 33(S&T)-1986
perpendicular to the same known as longitudinal,
radial, and tangential directions respectively (see
Fig. I). Like some other materials, it is also
elasto-plastic even at room temperatures. that is,
it shows time-dependant strains under some
minimum stresses known as ‘limits-of-plastic
2.1.2 Thus. its properties exhibit variations not
only due to different species of wood, different
trees of same species, different localities and
conditions of growth, but also due to methods of
test and conditions of materials at test. Hence in
the use of such a material with the required
confidence for safety and wide acceptability, there
in an absolute need of a high degree of
standardization to obtain test data based on
statistical and technological considerations, and
there is a need for a strict code to ensure economy
and safety. In the following sections all these
aspects have been discussed mainly from the point
of view of a structural engineer using timber.
2.1;3 During the last fifty years, the Forest
Research Institute, Dehra Dun, had systematitally
est ablished identification characteristics
of different species of woods grown in India,
evaluated several of their important properties
and established suitability of various species for
different industrial and engineering purposes.
From considertion of their availability and other
important properties, like mechanical and
physical properties, durability, refractoriness to
drying, workability, glueability, etc, out of nearly
300 commercial species tested so far, only about
85 have been identified as useful for engineering
structures (see NBC 1983). However recent
analysis of strength data of more species have
indicated possibilities of utilizing many other
species for structural purposes under different
conditions. These aspects also have been discussed
in the following sections.
2.2 Growth and Development of Timber
Engineering in India
2.2.1 Timber has been used in India
structurally as well as non-structurally from times
immemorial for various types of house building
purposes. In the early days there was no scientific
data for proper designs, and consequently many
of the early attempts on timber structures have
been attributed only to hit and try methods,
craftsman techniques, using only durable species,
particularly teak. Sometimes protection to some
non-durable woods against decay and insects was
given only by surface coating of oils, paints, etc,
which were not fully effective under all types of
circumstances. Occassionally, instances can also
be observed when protection was given to wood
by simple smoking and charring methods.
However, by about 1920, mechanical tests on
different species under somewhat standardized
conditions began at the Forest Research Institute,
Dehra Dun. In due course of time, by about 1935,
these results yielded quite reliable data for
developing working stresses and designii:g of
simple beams, columns and small trusses. Tests
were also started on structural sizes of timber as
early as 1936 and about the same period a note
was also brought out by S. Kamesam on
protectional methods for structural timbers
against fire, termites. borers and fungi.
Subsequently conventional trusses of spans
ranging from 3 to 10 m have begun to be designed
and were erected in different parts of the country
by different constructional agencies using
ordinary bolts and metal bindings. In some of the
army specifications, some of the strong and
durable woods were recommended based on
standardized designs of earlier British defence
specifications. These were largely used for
temporary constructions during World War II.
However, with the creation of a new Timber
Engineering Branch in 1950 at the Forest
Research Institute, Dehra Dun, small
dimensioned stock came into use for structures,
using nails and bolts, etc. Dowel discs and other
connectors were developed which were
subsequently utilized in the various types of light
and heavy constructions. The Indian species by
this time have been classified according to their
strength, durability, refractiveness to drying, and
other characteristics. On the basis of these
classifications, and further studies on effects of
defects, developments have taken place in grading
structural timber not only according to their
strength and durability but also according to their
availability and possible end uses and whether for
temporary or for permanent constructions. Also
with the increasing costs, and shortage of
naturally durable timbers like teak, sal, deodar,
etc; and with developments in the processing
techniques, the secondary species which were
originally considered unsuitable, were used under
SP : 33(S&T)-1986
proper treated conditions with the same
confidence as conventional timbers. The design
aspects of timber structures had been codified and
incorporated in the National Building Code and
several Indian standards have come up for use of
timber in building industry. Indian standards for
special types of constructions also have come up.
Considerable amount of published literature is
now available on research and developments that
took place in the last three decades in India. More
important Indian specifications and technical
literature are given in Appendices A and B. With
more developments in wood technology,
particularly plywood and laminated materials, it
is hoped more timbers and new designs of timber
products will come into use for structures. The
wide publicity and extensive demonstration
structures are required in order to develop greater
confidence, and introduce timber designs in
several regional and institutional construction
2.3 Timber Resources of India for
Structural Purposes
2.3.1 Indian has about 75.3 million hectares
or about 24 percent of land area under forests,
which are unevenly distributed. All the forests are
not ftilly inventoried for the different species
though currently some efforts are going on for
systematic survey of forest resources in the
different regions. Much of the currently available
information in the National Building Code and in
many of the Indian Standards, as reported in the
Handbook is based on the data supplied by the
local forest departments on the basis of their
preliminary surveys only.
2.3.2 These forests contain a variety of plant
life. Of these, woody plants alone constitute more
than five hundred species distributed in different
parts of the country. Commercial wood is known
as timber. All commercially utilizable wood, for
example, timber, comes from two main types of
trees known as ‘gymnosperms’ and ‘angiosperms’.
Trees of the former type are also known
as ‘coniferous trees’ which have needle type leaves.
Among the trees of the latter type, there are two
further divisions: (a) dicotyledons and (b)
monocotyledons, the names suggesting that their
seeds contain two lobes or single lobe.
Dicotyledons are also refered to as ‘broad-leaved’
trees, and the monocotyledons produce meterial
which have bundled type of fibres. like palmyrah
and bamboos, etc, which are used generally in the
round or circular sections as such for obtaining
their full strength. Timber from coniferous trees is
sometimes referred to as ‘softwood’ and that from
the broad leaved trees is referred to as ‘hardwood’
though the nature of the wood from the respective
trees has nothing to do with softness or hardness
as the terms are commonly understood. There are
many hardwoods which are soft in nature like
cotton wood (semul) or balsa. Similarly there are
quite a number of softwoods which are fairly hard
like ‘fir’, ‘deodar’, etc. Hence the use of the terms
‘softwoods’ and ‘hardwoods’ are being
discouraged in Indian standards for identifying
the origin of the wood, and the words ‘coniferous’
and ‘non-coniferous’ or ‘broad-leaved’ for trees
and woods are being increasingly used in many
2.3.3 All the species are known by their
botanical names (as Tectona grandis) consisting
of two parts; the first is the generic name,
indicating the genera from which the woody
material has come, and is always written
beginning with a capital letter. The second part
indicates the name of the particular species, and is
written beginning with a small letter. It is always
possible that under the same genera there can be
two or more species with distinct botanical
identity (for example, Terminalia tomentosa,
Terminalia ujuna, etc). However commercially,
the woods are known by ‘trade’ names and it is
possible the same trade name is used for more
than one species but belonging to the same genera
(for example, Gurjan and several dipterocarpus
species). A list of botanical names and
corresponding trade names of all species along
with abbreviations used for the species are given
in IS : 1150-1976. In most of the Indian
standards, both the botanical and the trade names
are usually given. In the recent years, there have
been some changes in botanical names in the light
of fresh knoweledge about the botanical
characteristics of the trees from which wood is
obtained, and in accordance with international
rules for naming the species. For this purpose the
botanical names are sometimes followed by names
of the authors who so named the species, such as
Mang$era indica Linn and Albizzia procera
Benth but this is not a regular practice in all
technical literature. IS : 399-1963 gives botanical
names and trade names of commercial timbers.
Some of the botanical names have subsequently
been changed and are reflected in NBC 1983.
However, the trade names remain generally
permanent as they came to be used popularly and
widely both in commercial markets and technical
literature. These timbers are also known by their
‘local names’ in regional markets.
2.3.4 The total recorded production of wood
in the counfry is roughly estimated as 25 million
rn3 per annum of which approximately 10 million
rn” is currently demanded by various industries
including saw mills and construction industry. Of
this,. one can safely assume that approximately 2.5
million m3 is now utilized in rural and urban
houses and nearly 0.5 million rn3 for nonresidential
construction, and the balance of timber
is used for other industries, such as plywood,
railways, furniture, agriculture and pulp factories.
It is, however, estimated that about 30 percent of
the building materials is in the form of timber
required for construction industry. On this basis,
the current demand for timber for construction is
expected to be of the order of about 6 million m3
SP : 33(S&T)-1986
and this will increase more rapidly in the future.
Although there are trends of increasing forest
productivity to meet the demands of various
industries and building constructions, the gap
between availability and demand in future is still
expected to increase and hence there is a need of
greater economy and rational utilization of timber
by developing new techniques in structural
applications of timber. A number of other
suggestions such as developing improved products
of wood for structural purposes, utilizing more
species and the odd sizes of trees hitherto
considered not usable, raising fast growing species
in forests, obtaining quick rotations in felling the
trees, etc, are also under active consideration of
the concerned authorities.
2.3.5 As known by the data suplied by various
forest departments and the Forest Research
Institute, nearly about 85 species ha.ve been
indentified in the National Building Code as
useful for structural purposese; and their primary
characteristics, such as weight, availability,
durability, refractoriness and treatability are given
therein. Recent analysis of strength data of more
species indicate the possibility of using some more
species. These have been indicated in Appendix H
along with other properties.
2.3.6 According to IS : 3629-1966 all the
structural species are classified into three
groups-‘super’, ‘standard’ and ‘ordinary’-based
on their modulus of elasticity for green timber as
obtained under standard tests and also flexure
stress in bending as obtained under working
stresses (see 2.3). But NBC classifies these into
groups A, B and C based on ‘modulus of
elasticity’ and gives permissible stress in bending,
tension and flexural. However, as structural
engineering design considerations of use of timber
are based on permissible stresses obtained from
standard tests, for all reactions like bending,
compression and shear, these are also given in
Table I for the three recognized groups along
with standard specific gravity on which all
properties generally depend, and which generally
serves as a ready guidance for selection (see Sl
No. 26 of Appendix B). According to a system of
grouping several strength factors (see also 3.1.4)
and also expressing composite strength figures
compared to teak as 100 the limiting composite
strength figure as used inIS : 399-1963 is also
given in the same table for the three groups.
Earlier edition of IS : 833-1977 also suggests that
permissible stress in bending of standard grade
timber, under use in inside locations, as additional
limiting factor for structural grouping. These and
other corresponding permissible stresses are also
indicated in the same table for comparison.
Although, as mentioned in NBC, modulus of
elasticity alone may be generally sufficient for
classification of any species under different
groups, the other criteria mentioned above also
serve as a check and would be helpful to place any
species in the respective groups with greater
confidence. This has been necessary in some
species, such as Carallia lucida, Gluta
travoncorica, Pinus lon[folia, some dipterocarpus
and Terminalia species, Zanthoxl?lum rhetsa, etc. When the same species in different
localities fall in different groups, the group of
majority localities is taken, such as Shorea
robusta (Sal) of’ Assam, Bengal, Bihar and UP falls
under Group A but that of MP falls under Group
B. Similarly Tectona grandis (teak) of MP and
Orissa falls under Group C but of Kerala,
Maharashtra, UP and Bengal falls under Group
B. Hence the above two species are taken in
Group B. Similarly although Stereospermum
chelonoides tested from Madras falls under
Group B yet the same tested from West Bengal
falls under Group C. Also other Stereos ermum
species Ii ke Stereospermum scc*aveolens Pr om UP
and Stereospermum xylocarpum from Madras
fall under Group C. Hence all the stereospermum
species have been shown under Group C
only. As grouping of species for structural species
is associated with safety and economy, in the long
run, whenever there has been any doubt for
appropriate grouping with regard to different
strength characteristics and in relation to locality
of growth, the safer side, that is, lower grouping
has been adopted. It may be noted that different
species of same genera may fall into different
groups, such as Calophyllum tomemtosum in
Group B, and Callophyllum wightianum in Group
C. Similarly, Terminalia arjuna, T bellerica, T.
bialata, T. chehula, T. manii, T. paniculata, and
T. tomentosa all fall under Group B, but
Terminalia m!riocarpa, and T. procera fall under
Group C. In a seminar on timber and timber
products for building purposes held in Dehra Dun
in 1977, a suggestion was made that there should
be a fourth group, Group D also, for listing such
timbers which are ‘neither durable nor treatable’,
to be used for extremely temporary structures or
other semi-structural purposes in service work.
However, this has not been standardized as such,
nor does it seem to stand logical permanent
classification, as any timber can be used for such
purposes, and technological developments in
wood preservation are always directed towards
improving durability and treatability of all such
species. When in any structure all the pieces
of timber are from the same species, then it may
be useful to employ the working stresses of the
particular species as given in Appendix H.
However, when a number of species are required
to be used together, it is advantageous if all the
species are of the same group and the working
stresses of the particular group for a given
condition as given in Table 2 would be justified
for maximum efficiency and economy. The
methods of deriving the working stresses are
discussed in 3.3 in greater detail.

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