Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Nation Religion King Pursat High School Lesson Plan Cover Sheet

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Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Nation Religion King

Pursat High school


Date Time Number of students

Homeroom teacher name Class


EFC book number 5 Chapter 13 UNIT 1 A DATE AT THE SEASIDE Page number 74-75

Skill Focus : listening

1. Main aim of lesson

By the end of the lesson students will have practiced their skimming and scanning skills while listening a
text about at seaside or a date at the seaside.

2. Subsidiary aim(s) of lesson

Students will get practice with the productive skills of speaking and writing to develop their fluency.

3. Potential problems

a. Students may not know some of the important vocabulary words in the text.

b. The students may not be interested in the topic and difficult to listen.

4. Solutions to potential problems

a. pre-teach some of the vocabulary words from the text before students read.

b. Personalize the lesson by asking students to write ,talk and listen to the CD player about at the seaside
and a date at the seaside.

5. Teaching aids, materials, equipment

EFC Book 5, Chapter 13, Unit 1, pages 74 and 75, posters, picture and handout

6. Personal objectives

I want to work on my time management, specifically; I want to be sure that the students have enough
time to do the tasks. I will bring a watch to the lesson, and will try to reduce my teacher talk in the lesson.

7. Homework for next lesson activity D, page 75


Stage Materials Time Interaction Procedures Purpose

1-lead-in WB;SNB 5 -T-SSS -T asks, “Have you ever been To create
to the seaside”? --T asks for interest and
some ideas and writes on WB. activate
-Ss discuss the meaning of background
-Ss-ss Seaside and write down 3-5 develop
reasons. fluency
2-Pre-teach WB;SNB 7 Words To help
(vocabulary) Picture Below(prep)= Under, students
Above(Antonyms) : understand
lower down some new
Confidence=Brashness, words before
Distrust(Antonyms): reading the
trust, certainty. text.
 S-s Delay(v)=detain,
 T-SSS stopping, lingering.
Launch(v)=let go: put a
boat in the water.
Press(v)=Push: apply
 Ss tell the meanings and
part of speech.
 T let sts to pronounce, and
put some stress
3- Set the SNB p 75 1 T-SSS -T asks some question from To help Ss
scene picture A and answer prepare for the
questions. reading tasks
1. What can you see in the
2. Where is it?
3. What are the children
1- A tree, some peoples
2- On the beach
3- They walk around the
- Main EFC,SNB, 10 -Ss -Ss look at the poster on To give Ss
listening poster whiteboard. practice with
- Students skim the listening skimming for
1-Listening for text to have been included in main ideas
main ideas the text.

T/F main Poster

guessing True or False?
1- Chantha was digging for
shells in the sand.
2- Fishermen launched
boats into the sea.
3- Chantha put her hands
-T-SSS over Sophorn’s eyes.
4- Sophorn helped his
mother to carry
5- Sophorn wondered why
the young children didn’t
any confidence when they
swam in the sea.
EFC act.A 14 -S -Ss look at the statements in To give Ss
2-Listening for activity A. Then they listen the practice with
details(scan) text to find the answers. listening for
Task 1 A -S-S -Ss compare answers in pairs specific
-T- SSS -T play the CD information.
-T checks and explains the
1. F (Some children were
digging for shells in the
2. T
3. F (Sophorn put his hands
over Chantha eyes.)
4. T
5. F (He wondered why they
did have confidence when
they swam in the water.)

T-sss Teacher plays MP3 again

T lets students answer the
Task 2 B ss-ss question
Students answers
T check the answers
1. They were playing happily,
digging for shells in the
sand and swimming in the
2. She was standing quietly
under a big tree and
looking out to sea.
3. Because she knew that it
was Somphors.
4. Because he was about half
an hour late and she
thought someone had
made him late.
5. She has confidence and
feels happy.

T-sss T let the students fill the

Task3 C gape in the table A and
ss-ss match it with table B
Students fill and match
1. Chantha mush have stood
under the tree for about
half an hour, while she
waited for Sophron.
2. Someone must have
delayed Sophorn, because
he was half an hour late.
3. Sophorn’s mother must
have asked/told him to
carry vegetable for her, as
nobody else was at home
that afternoon.
4. Sophorn must have
come/walked up behind
Chantha very quietly since
she didn’t hear him.
5. The children must have
been digging up shells
since the morning,
because they had so many
of them.

Post – WB, 12 -T-sss -T writes this question on the To personalize

listening handouts WB and divided in group. the lesson and
-language B Question give Ss an
transfer 1. Where have you been to opportunity to
1- Writing seaside in your country? reflect on their
skill 2. How many seaside are own ideas, to
there in your country? give students
3. Why do you go to the practice writing
4. Who do you go to the
seaside with?
SS-SS -Ss write down1-5 answers.
-Ss discuss and share their
ideas with other students in
their groups.

2- Speaking S- SSS -T asks some students to

skill share their answers with the
rest of the class.

Optional extra EFC act.D 1 S - Ss begin working on their To give Ss

time activity HW practice with
the new
vocabulary and
to reinforce
of the reading
related to
Approved by Technical team
leader School director
…………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….

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