Informative Essay: "Birth Order
Informative Essay: "Birth Order
Informative Essay: "Birth Order
"Birth Order”
1 Draft…………………………………………………………………………..3
2 Draft……………………………………………………………………….….6
Final Draft……... ………………………………………………………………8
The way you determine the world, how you expect it from affecting you and how you treat others, can have a
clear explanation, due to the birth order. Since years have pass, more evidences show how birth order is getting
relevant for people, showing them the special treat they should receive looking the positive and negative sides of
each. Beside it, we need to know these are approaches to each person characteristics, we know experiences and
incoming facts may change people. Talking about changes, it may be personal, as we are unique and independent;
but the same with families, so this may impact on birth order´s influences, directly or not. Birth Order helps people
understand how you think and act focusing on three family positions, which show approaches of people´s
personalities and IQ, taking into account there might be events impacting on it, as family size.
Birth order is not a simple theme people can argue about, it´s complex by the fact that many studies trying to
explain the effects have fail. As in 2003, the scientist from Harvard University, Steven Rinker, used just two pages of
The Blank Slate of 439 pages, because the lack of evidence and studies made it difficult to extend the theme,
cataloging it as irrelevant. It was until 2007, were Peter Kristensen and Tor Bjerkedal, from Norway, demonstrated
older siblings have more IQ (intelligence quotient) than younger siblings. Therefore we must remark in 1800 there
was no defined evidence till we had accurate studies and controls on family size, but I need to say that Alfred Adler
got to his own conclusions, between 1870 and 1937, saying birth order was related somehow to personality, creating
Adlerian Theory. He explained psychological situations of each child varies, including, their opinion is affected
depending on their attitude. Competition between siblings is demonstrated according to the relation of years, and if
they have 3-years of more of separation there can be sub-groups of birth order. Continuing with more evidence,
Joshua K. Hartshorne, in 2009 and some colleagues; proved how birth order influenced ourselves to associate with
friends and spouses. In the case of friends, firstborns relate with firstborns, happening the same with middleborns,
last-borns, and only children. They showed the effect of family size and how being in the same positions help by
friends understand themselves. And sometimes they ask, why we can´t be from related parents? That´s because they
will compete between themselves and won´t tolerate, being an example, also, of what mostly occurs with step-sisters
or brothers. As I mentioned how birth order affected personality, spouses may be considered an example, detonating
the phrase “opposites attract”, as protons and neutrons, being from, different family positions.
As I was talking about birth orders and their influences, I can show you how it has been demonstrate. First
borns, are natural leaders, they mostly feel superior or like to defend their rights. For the fact they are demanding,
including their meticulous actions and how strict they are with order, many think they get to be counters, but really
they succeed in professional careers. The negative part, lays mostly to their relation, where they have total control
and sometimes get into angry or sensible moods. Middleborns tend to go the opposite direction, in contrast to the
first borns, as action and reaction. They are flexible with people and relax, but always trying to find two sides of a
problem. The negative thing, is they have difficulties to put limits, that´s why sometimes they are seen as negotiators,
being insistent. Last-borns like to call attention like hyenas, including they are often the clowns, spirits of places, but
the worst listeners, such as in class. They are outgoing and smiling, not afraid of taking risks. The negative side,
leans to the fact they bore easy, hate rejection and try to manipulate people, adding that sometimes get
temperamental. Finally, we get the only children, which they are the sunshine of parents, take qualities as sun´s rays
to extremes. They are like double first borns, at times they get conservative when they talk or the other way around.
The negative thing is they hate admitting errors. Because everyone has different ways of acting, we may also
conclude they get diverse chores in the house, some more than others, to help them form their personalities to the
best road.
People might think their little child will have the same characteristics or personalities- referring to actions as
they become adults; however that’s not correct for various reasons. There can be events during the life of the person
as parent´s death, divorce, and even remarry, creating a great impact. Happening the same, if parents have addictions
or problems even from the lesser things, as bad moods; to the worst, as consume of substances and trouble with
mental health. In other cases, it might be related to something more personal. As therapist Wallace has explain, it is
up to the person to take the choice of changing; he has set three essential steps. First, relate your behavior and family
position. Then, think of how you feel acting that way; how it affects yourself and others? Finally, change your
behavior being conscious it´s making a good to everyone. Is not bad to have a change, as it makes you feel better and
“In families children tend to take on stock roles, as if there were hats hung up in some secret place, visible
only to the children. Each succeeding child selects a hat and takes on that role: the good child, the black sheep, the
clown, and so forth.” – Ellen Galinsky (National Association for the Education of Young Children). Family
positions, isn´t such a bad thing as many can see it, it’s good that everyone is different because it makes more
interesting the fact you found out peoples achievements and defects, but each person, no matter what their birth order
is, are conscious of their behavior and actions. Personality, and IQ affect birth order, but another thing has been
family size. When we say family size affect people may seem trivial, but it really matters; because the bigger a
family is the lesser attention and time parents will dedicate to each; by the other hand, the smaller the family is, they
will receive more affection and value. We can infer people psychological thinks and actions will be influence mostly
depending on their personalities, intelligence, and family size according to birth order, and as feelings come related
we should first think before we hurt someone because we don’t know how people may react.
Adler, A. (1927). Understanding Human Nature. New York: Fawcett World Library .
Boo, J. (s.f.). American Baby Magazine. Obtenido de
Gross, D. G. (23 de 12 de 2013). Huff Post Parents. Obtenido de
Hartshorne, J. K. (8 de January de 2009). Scientific American. Obtenido de
Adlerian Theory
ONLY Birth is a miracle. Parents have no Likes being the center of adult attention.
previous experience. Retains 200% Often has difficulty sharing with
attention from both parents. May siblings and peers. Prefers adult
become rival of one parent. Can be company and uses adult language.
over-protected and spoiled.
OLDEST Dethroned by next child. Has to May become authoritarian or strict.
learn to share. Parent expectations Feels power is his right. Can become
are usually very high. Often given helpful if encouraged. May turn to father
responsibility and expected to set after birth of next child.
an example.
SECOND He has a pacemaker. There is Is more competitive, wants to overtake
always someone ahead. older child. May become a rebel or try to
outdo everyone. Competition can
deteriorate into rivalry.
MIDDLE Is "sandwiched" in. May feel May be even-tempered, "take it or leave
squeezed out of a position of it" attitude. May have trouble finding a
privilege and significance. place or become a fighter of injustice.
YOUNGEST Has many mothers and fathers. Wants to be bigger than the others. May
Older children try to educate him. have huge plans that never work out.
Never dethroned. Can stay the "baby." Frequently spoiled.
TWIN One is usually stronger or more Can have identity problems. Stronger
active. Parents may see one as the one may become the leader.
"GHOST CHILD" Child born after the death of the Child may exploit mother's over-concern
first child may have a "ghost" in for his well-being, or he may rebel, and
front of him. Mother may became protest the feeling of being compared to
over-protective. an idealized memory.
ADOPTED CHILD Parents may be so thankful to have Child may become very spoiled and
a child that they spoil him. They demanding. Eventually, he may resent or
may try to compensate for the loss idealize the biological parents.
of his biological parents.
ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS Usually with women all the time, if May try to prove he is the man in the
father is away. family, or become effeminate.
ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS Older brothers may act as her Can become very feminine, or a tomboy
protectors. and outdo the brothers. May try to
please the father.
ALL BOYS If mother wanted a girl, can be Child may capitalize on assigned role or
dressed as a girl. protest it vigorously.
ALL GIRLS May be dressed as a boy. Child may capitalize on assigned role or
protest it vigorously.
Contrast of Real life example of Birth Order
Percent’s of how the quantity of births (United States) has decreases through years.
A. Family Positions
B. Thesis Statement: Birth Order helps people understand how you think and act focusing on three family positions,
which show approaches of people´s personalities and IQ, taking into account there might be events impacting on it,
as family size.
II. Evidences
A. Causes of Lack of Evidence
1. Steven R, use 2 pages from 439, cataloging it as irrelevant
2. 1800, no defined evidence, until Alfred Adler
V. Conclusion
A. Family positions, isn´t such a bad thing as many can see it, it’s good that everyone is different because
it makes more interesting the fact you found out peoples achievements and defects, but each person, no
matter what their birth order is, are conscious of their behavior and actions.
B. We can infer people psychological thinks and actions will be influence mostly depending on their
personalities, intelligence, and family size according to birth order, and as feelings come related we
should first think before we hurt someone because we don’t know how people may react.