Compressed Air Systems

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1 Compressed Air Systems

1.1.1 Scope of Supply and General Technical Requirements.

Compressed air system shall supply for the plant instrument and service air
requirements. The compressor package shall be skid mounted and shall include but not
limited to the following equipment.

2 x 100% (1 working -1 standby) oil injected screw compressor units complete

with all auxiliaries.each with:
Inlet filter
Lubrication system complete with oil filter, oil separator and filter, oil cooler
After air cooler
Water knockout vessel
Air blast coolers for compressed air and lube oil
Interconnecting pipe work and valves
Relief valve
Electric motor for compressor and air cooler fan
Control and instrumentation including compressor controller

The above compressor air end shall be enclosed in an acoustic enclosure to ensure
noise within specified acceptable levels.

Air Dryer and Filters 2 x 100% (1 working -1 standby) each with to meet specified
compressed air quality:
Activated carbon filter
Membrane dryer
Interconnecting pipe and valves
Automatic drain valves

Air Receivers 1 x 100% for Instrument Air sized for 30 minutes capacity and 1 x 100% for
Service Air sized for 15 minutes capacity outside of the skidded package shall be

One common pre-wired PLC based local control panel on the skid for package operation,
control and protection. Interface shall be provided for DCS communication.

Instrument Air quality shall meet the following outlet air requirements:
Delivery air pressure: Minimum 7 barg
Dew point- 400C at 1.013 bar
Maximum residual particle content: 0.01 mg/m3
Maximum residual oil content: 0.01mg/m3
Maximum residual oil vapor content : 0.003 mg/m3
Maximum dust particle size: 0.01 micron

Free Air Delivery ( capacity calculation shall be based on all system losses, control and
dryer purge requirements, cooling requirements etc., being added to net requirement at
package outlet.

Package will be installed in non-hazardous area (safe) and under sunshade with partial
walls with hoist for maintenance.

The Contractor shall provide sizing calculations for the compressor, receiver and the
dryer along with the Contractor offer.

The Contractor shall also provide any other compressor that is required for their design
for example in workshops / laboratories / workshop etc.

1.1.2 Air Compressors

Each air compressor shall be rated for at-least the design air capacity requirements plus
the compressor package requirements for control and purge purposes. Each compressor
shall be fitted with two stage intake filter, differential pressure indicator and alarm. Air
intake shall be oriented downwards to avoid moisture ingress.

Compressor drive motor rating shall be selected to cater to the power corresponding to the
maximum possible capacity the compressor can deliver and considering the relief valve set

Air blast coolers shall be thermally rated for an inlet ambient temperature of 55~C and
also 10% additional area to account for fouling. The motor rating for the air blast cooler
shall be sized with 25% over capacity over the fan absorbed power at worst ambient
temperature and air flow rate.

1.1.3 Air Dryer and Filter

Each Air Dryer and Filter train shall be selected to maintain the specified compressed air
quality requirements. membrane type Air Dryer train shall include and meet the following
requirements:can be membrane type or desiccant type with regeneration following
vendors standard practise.
DryerMembrane units complete with purge air piping shall be provided. Dryer/Filter
housing and internals shall be in Stainless Steel.S / Aluminium Alloy.
If Membrane filter units are offered, it shall be guaranteed for continuous operation of
minimum 3 years.

Pre- filter for removal of lubricant / water droplets and particulates.

Microfilter to achieve 0.01 mg/m3 residual oil and 0.01 mg/m3 particulate.
Activated carbon filters for removal of oil vapours to 0.003 mg/m3.
Electronically Automatic level controlledlevel-controlled condensate drains shall be
incorporated in design..
Membrane units complete with purge air piping shall be provided. Filter housing shall be
in SS / Aluminium Alloy. Membrane filter units shall be guaranteed for continuous
operation of minimum 3 years.
The design shall include a sSystem for aAutomatic switch over for Air Dryer trains.

1.1.4 Air Receivers

The air receivers shall be sized to keep an ample amount of service/instrument air
available during short time air consumption peaks, reduce the frequency of compressor
cycling, reduce flow pulsation, allow for settling of any moisture droplets and allow for the
maintenance of air supplies during compressor switchovers, plant shutdowns and trips,
whilst maintaining air pressure supplies at or above an acceptable minimum level.

Air receivers shall be ‘U’ stamped, designed and manufactured to ASME Sec VIII Div 1
made from carbon steel with 3mm corrosion allowance and suitable internal coating to
resist corrosion. Nozzles on vessel shall be flanged ASME 16.5 generally. Outlet shall be
on vessel top arranged with demister pack. Vessel inspection holes shall be a minimum
of 24”.
The air receiver shall have all necessary accessories and fittings including automatic
traps (with bypass and isolation valves), pressure relief valve, pressure indicator, etc. Air
receiver shall have a bypass line which can be used during emergency.

1.1.5 Compressed Air Layout and Piping

Piping shall be so arranged that continuous supply of instrument and service air is
ensured, even under abnormal situations such as shutdown of plant sections, or when
changes to piping must be made. A ring main header concept can be considered as per
plant layout requirement. For main headers, a calculation shall be made according to the
air consumption requirements. The pressure drop between the air receivers and the most
remote consumer shall not exceed 1 bar. The maximum recommended velocity that shall
be used when considering the design of compressed air lines shall be 25 m/s.

Piping within the compressor air end shall be as per vendor practice however,
interconnection piping in the Air Dryer section up to the Air Receivers shall be SS 316L.
Further on, the Iinstrument air distribution piping shall be of SS 3I6L and service air
distribution piping shall be hot dip galvanised carbon steel. Underground air piping (if
applicable) shall be protected against corrosion.
Compressed air piping shall be designed and tested as per ASME B31.3. Piping on racks
or pipe bridges shall be minimum of DN 50, with branch connections of minimum DN25
taken at top right angle and provided with isolation valves. The branch connections on
process areas shall be a minimum of DN 15 with steel isolation ball valves. Sufficient
section isolating valves for maintenance purposes shall be provided to avoid the need for
complete system shutdown.

1.1.6 Drains

The compressed air systems shall have drains on all low points. Snap-action type traps
with inlet strainers shall be provided. The minimum size shall be 20 mm.

1.1.7 Instrumentation and Controls

Independent of safety devices, such as relief valves, instrumentation and controls shall
protect all items of the system against operator error and equipment failure. The control
system shall also give operators sufficient time to take corrective action when plant
operation is endangered due to air shortage, signified by low pressure in the supply

All alarm initiation devices shall be provided to ensure all the supplied plant can be
operated in the specified manner with maximum safety, reliability and efficiency. An alarm
initiation shall be derived from each plant parameter (quality, flow, level, pressure,
temperature, etc.) which would affect the supplied equipment, a divergence of which from
normal would, if sustained, result in reduced quality, safety or reliability of the plant

1.1.8 Air Compressors System Operation

Each compressor shall have a dual control system allowing for modulating and on-
line/off-line operation. Additionally, each compressor shall be arranged for automatic
start-up in the event the running compressor cannot meet the demand as indicated by
loss of system pressure. Once started automatically, the compressor shall run in the
modulating mode of operation maintaining the pressure in the air receivers until manually
stopped by the operator.

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